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The Multiverse

Astrius Academy Labs District

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a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

Although there are countless lab buildings and specialized experiment buildings across campus, this is the area where most are centered around. There are other buildings as well, but labs and especially the Main Laboratory Building are the majority.

LookingAtPerks holds sovereignty over Astrius Academy Labs District, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Although there are countless lab buildings and specialized experiment buildings across campus, this is the area where most are centered around. There are other buildings as well, but labs and especially the Main Laboratory Building are the majority.

And notably, this place often seems to attract the Eldritch Horrors that try to invade. So please be careful!
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Astrius Academy Labs District

Although there are countless lab buildings and specialized experiment buildings across campus, this is the area where most are centered around. There are other buildings as well, but labs and especially the Main Laboratory Building are the majority.


Astrius Academy Labs District is a part of Astrius Academy.

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Stormlock [2] cool and crazy
Zail [2] Has magic and is crazy.

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Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Acara Verrevia Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Jack Winters (Jack Frost)
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Jack loved the idea of getting food. He'd been so worried about getting the all the stones, that he couldn't remember the last time he ate. The mention of the grill made his stomach rumble loud enough for the others to hear it.

"Food sounds like a great idea, and yeah, not looking forward to the paperwork." Jack chuckled.

He followed the rest of the group, gazing on in amazement at the high tech things he saw as they walked to Lazlo's Grill. Even though he had lived through a few centuries on earth, Origin was far more advanced than anything he was used to.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Acara Verrevia Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Jack Winters (Jack Frost)
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"Well fine then. I mean, I don't like paperwork either, but I am told it would be bad if I don't enforce some stuff like this".

The way Acara worded it seemed oddly dangerous in a sense, but he was also hungry as he forgot to have his last meal so he also wanted food. He then took out a cell phone, and explained some things as they began walking towards their place of eating. Actually, in truth when they were done eating the paperwork was already going to be simplified since Acara would have his scribes handle most of the hasslesome stuff.

"I feel like I forgot something, oh well. It should be fine".

As Acara also said something dangerous like this, it was the leader of the security forces that remembered.

"Hey! Quickly! SOmeone go contact the Second Prince's Royal Guards! He is wandering off without them again!"

Actually, Acara had fighting ability himself that was exceptional, as he knew a lot of ancient magic. However, the Royal Guards were actually even tougher in some areas, and were considered the best warriors on the planet, if not some of the best in the entire universe.

And despite being a prince, Acara really had a tendency to...forget to act like one, but in a way that also made him popular with the people. Instead of being all worked up on formality, he was friendly, kind, casual, and easy to talk to and approachable. The Royal Family were oddballs this generation to be sure, but in a way that actually made them even more liked.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Acara Verrevia Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Jack Winters (Jack Frost)
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#, as written by Awinita
Spike was simply overjoyed to be with her boss, and best friend of all people, who seemed to know the boy, Jack Winters quite well, so when the suggestion of food was given Spike was all for it as her stomach growled, she felt like she could eat a horse, then again that was really all she ate in Skyrim, Horsemeat, wolf meat, and fox meat.

However it was the calling for the guards of Acara that got her undevided attention once again as Vitas ensured Spike was healthy and in one piece which she was, Spike, who before Vitas triggered her wings to grow in with magic, had a very slender build, ut with the addition of her wings, her body had to adapt in certain areas for balance, therefor, Spike was already well endowed before her wings, now greatly so

But that didnt matter at the moment. Spike then recalled that Acara had introduced himself as a Prince, but somehow she found it funny; the guy was a Prince of all things, yet.... he wasnt acting like one at the moment whatsoever. walking off without his guards for example. It made Spike snicker, about time she saw and spoke with a royal who actually didnt care to be such thing. Moast of the Jarls she met up with in Skyrim were stuck up stiff necked fucks that needed lessons taught to them. Like for example, Maven Black-briar.

Just thinking of that stuckup bitch made Spike inwardly growl and begin plotting, Vitas noticed the outward change in demanor however, though as Spike tried to remain polite she still ended up with a almost too good to be true look on her face. "What is it ?" Vitas asked her

"Its nothing just.... someone I remembered from Nirn, someone I.... want as a toy." Spike said in reply. Maven Black-briar.... as target practise. However her mind then refocused on food. and the fact that Vitas put something in her hand. Lifting the item she smirked, trust Vitas to always have the desired paperwork. Spike smirked again, her old Passport. she needed a new one apparently, the date was soon to end on it. "Im gonna need a new one of these" Spike murred softly in Arabic to her friend. Vitas just smirked.

Then she spoke up with a question "Is that BBQ place still on Eid Street ?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Acara Verrevia Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Jack Winters (Jack Frost)
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Jack's eyes lit up at the mention of BBQ.

"I haven't had BBQ since I was back on Earth. Lantern had made something similar, but he never got the sauce quite right. It always lacked the right smokey flavor." Jack recalled as he remembered trying to describe BBQ to Jack O. Lantern. But it seemed to Jack that, unless it involved candy or pumpkin, Lantern wasn't really into it and he didn't consider it to be a Halloween food.

"Then after that we can get going to get the passports and stuff."

Jack followed closely to the group trying not to get too carried away watching everything around him. There was so much he could learn here, so much that he had missed the last 500 years and he was looking forward to staying here for a while if for no other reason than to hone his magic skills.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Acara Verrevia Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Jack Winters (Jack Frost)
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As the royal guards were currently running from behind to catch up with them...

"Yeah, I think that place is still there. I think I got lunch from it last week..."

Actually, Acara was so busy with an experiment he lost track of time. In truth what he just mentioned was his dinner.

"Although there is also the noodle place on Destara Lane, and then of course there is a few places on Labyrinth Street...but that place is weird, people get lost there all the time. And I think a minotaur wanders around there on occasion".

With that conversation being had, as the group went forward...

"Wait, hold on" he said, looking at Vitas. "Where are your body guards anyways?"

Says the one who forgot about his own.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Acara Verrevia Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Jack Winters (Jack Frost)
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#, as written by Awinita
"Destra Lane,.... isnt that where that one tattoo shop is at ?... Err... was at ?" Vitas mused, the look Spike gave her made the woman in red and black smile something of a goofy 'I didnt do it' smile. "No matter there" She then snickered at the mere thought of accidently blowing up a tattoo parlor. Because it WAS indeed entirely accidental. Some rumors float still but one rumor was put down flat out that someone gave her an orgasm in the place. Which was not true in the slightest due to certain events proving something else happened there.

Spike snickered then at the memory, however the mention of one of her favorite places to wander still standing "Is that tea house still in the middle of that ?" She meant the Maze Tree Tea House, something of a bar, grill and all around mosh pit when certain sports games were happening. It was built directly in the dead center of the maze itself.

On the subject of her bodyguards Vitas smiled as she said simply "Oh you mean them ?" She inclined her head slightly towards four black garbed helmeted figures at the four way intersection, they stood at attentiion, their outfits had all black, edged in what appeared to be dark blood red light in strange patterns, each one carried a polearm as long as he was tall. Their helmets were smoth, no visible seams. Seemingly made of digital components the four sentinel guards stood at attention and only moved into formation around even Prince Acaras guards

"Would you rather I have more or ?" Screw it she simply blinked, a good six more also appeared, equal in number to Acaras own ten guards. "Nevermind, i think we'll need them all at some point, unless this is just a lunch date" Vitas said, She saw how Spike was avoiding a certain stack of books Acara had brought along, literally keeping the boy between her and the seven forboding tomes.... "Though something tells me this wont be a simple lunch date now will it ?"

She said some of that quietly in a strange langauge, a langauge that Jack was sure to understand thanks to his alternate earth adventure for five hundred years. Egyptian was a fun langauge to speak, Spike snickered and rolled her eyes "Do I want to know ?" Vitas asked her best friend quietly

"No, unless you want Chulthu to hunt you endlessly in your dreams...." Spike replied. Vitas smirked softly, but her eyes went wide as Spike withdrew a Elder Scroll from her hip pocket. How her friend could pack such items into the thing so easily only Vitas knew, she had after all, given her friend that bag of holding to begin with. Holding the Elder Scroll, the one with the blood prohecy on it, out to her friend she said "I think you might find a use for this other then reading, according to a Moth Priest the Elder Scrolls can be made into powerful armor, or even better weapons." A flick of the wrist and Vitas opened a portal only large enough to transport a item, in this case the Elder Scroll {Blood}, as well as the other two {Sun} and {Dragon}. Once the three scrolls were secured by her magic the winged woman turned to Acara "If the noodle place is still there, and the BBQ place is still there, along with the tea house still there. What about the Taco Place on Life Spire ?"

Life Spire was the beach area

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Acara Verrevia Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Jack Winters (Jack Frost)
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Jack was beginning to feel like a fifth wheel and all the talk of food was making him incredibly hungry. He remained quiet as they talked about body guards and Vitas pointed out the ones she had all around them watching from a distance.

He blushed a little when Vitas spoke in Egyptian. Though the dialect was a little different, he recognized the language from his time in the Sandman's domain. He had spent about three decades there trying to talk sense into a man who had gone insane with grief and engulfed an entire kingdom in sleeping sand. It wasn't a fun time for him. He chuckled a little under his breath when Vitas mentioned being haunted in Spike's dreams.

At this point he didn't really care where they went for lunch, as long as it was soon. His stomach made an audible gurgle and growling noise as they walked along.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Acara Verrevia Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Jack Winters (Jack Frost)
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As various things were said, and various people were mentioned....


A monstrocity could be heard. Or at least, that was what it might sound like...

"Ah, actually lets just go to the first place, I think it is closest. I think I forgot to eat breakfast this morning".

It was actually Acara's stomach. He rubbed his belly area now that he realized he was hungry, having already stored anything he might need to carry in an interdimensional pocket storage magic or just left back at his lab...with his Royal Guards who had now successfully caught up and taken covert positions around them. Enough that it wasn't even possible to know their exact number, but they covered both the direction they headed and the space behind them.

They were Royal Guards after all, the best of the best.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Acara Verrevia Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Jack Winters (Jack Frost)
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#, as written by Awinita
Spike had to smile. BBQ it was! With a look towards Vitas, Spike looked ready to take off for the place right then and there, but Vitas kept her anchored, literally. A gentle hand on the other womans shoulder calmed the winged woman just enough for her to get a bearing on where she was. Yes she was surrounded by technology she was used to. Yes Vitas was there. No she was not on Nirn anymore.

So she had to act like she always did, four years was a long time, but to Vitas Spike was only gone a week. So four years of being away, Spike had all but forgotten how to act like Vitas Second in Command.

The group then headed for the BBQ place, Eind Street was not too far away infact, literally it was the corner where Vitas kept her home, and a short half block walk from there to the BBQ place directly. Loe's BBQ Parlour made heavenly BBQ for sure, as they walked Vitas mused over the Elder Scroll Spike had given her. Yes, she could make armor with it. Maybe even use the knowledge contained in the scroll itself to reinforce Spikes only clothing too.

A moment or so later and Vitas was instep with Jack as Spike stayed instep with Acara. As they walked Vitas said to Jack, "Something troubles you, The creature you seek..... Have you found it ?" She meant the creature that killed his sister, the memories of the past they had viewed together when he had stabbed her seconds later. She meant it when she had said helping him find it to destroy it once and for all.

Now that they were moving, Acara could see clearly how well built Spike was. Without her wings, Spike already was quite beautiful, well stacked one would say. But since Vitas had triggered her wings to grow by use of magic, her body had modified itself just enough to accomondate the wings, balancing out so to speak. Offhand she asked simply "Now that you can read those Black Books and not get sucked into their makers realm when reading the thing. What will you do with them ?" No she didnt want them back, she hated the things.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Acara Verrevia Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Jack Winters (Jack Frost)
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Jack looked to Vitas in response to her question. He wasn't sure how to respond exactly.

"I found someone... In the place I've been. He was that universe's version of the boogy man, but he wasn't the creature that killed my sister. He was the personification of fear, but he just... not the same. The thing that killed my sister was pure evil and darkness." He spoke as his eyes teared up. "She was the whole reason I was able to get back to this universe. But, now that I'm on this world, I don't know if there's a way find that thing short of ripping a hole into the demon dimension where it comes from." He was unaware that the second thing he said was actually a reasonable option on this planet.

He walked along and noticed the way Vitas was looking at Spike with such love in her eyes. He smiled and it dawned on him that the one he had developed feelings for was left in the last universe without him. Jack didn't realize he wouldn't be able to return once he was transported. He wasn't even sure if the source diamond had even functioned properly. He thought it was going to give him mastery of all magic types. When he reforged the diamond and felt the power course through him, he was instantly transported to this world.

"I wonder if there are other bunny-people like Peter in this universe." Jack spoke to himself, not really expecting an answer.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Acara Verrevia Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Jack Winters (Jack Frost)
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"Eh? Bunny people?" Acara aksed as he zoned back in. He ended up thinking of all sorts of magic related stuff, but began to be observant again. "Do you mean talking bunnies? Or do you mean Bunny Beastment Type people? Because Origin has both. We have humans that have bunny ears and tails and incredible hopping power and agility. And we also have bunnies that can talk and operate like sentient creatures. We aslo have Robo Bunny Wizards, I actually met one. Really interesting guy".

As Acara went on about that, he did notice Spike's build expected of someone who studies magic...

"Ah, most likely study them for their magic, like the whole sucking people in thing and acting as doors for interdimensional travel. Plus, there is a lot of writing there that given the book's habit of sucking people in, no one has ever read before. Lost secrets and arcane mysteries could be studied. Maybe new forms of magic never conceptualized could be discovered....oh by the way, this might interest you but given your body type, you might be able to do wonders if you learned physical reinforcement magic".

Saying that in such a non-chalant way, they continued as they arrived at the BBQ place.

"So, which one of us should get the table then?"

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Zail looks around

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 “ ummm ”

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 “ hello ”

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Stormlock looks around

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