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The Multiverse


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a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

Terra is home to billions of diverse beings (indigenous, transient, and migrant) of infinitely varied species and backgrounds. An enigmatic world of adventurous (and often perilous) enterprise, Terra is as aberrant and peculiar as it is unique.

Ylanne holds sovereignty over Terra, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

20,366 readers have been here.

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Terra is home to billions of diverse beings (indigenous, transient, and migrant) of infinitely varied species and backgrounds. An enigmatic world of adventurous (and often perilous) enterprise, Terra is as aberrant and peculiar as it is unique.


Terra is a part of Sol.

12 Places in Terra:

224 Characters Here

Adoss [106]
Javid Alfarsi [87] Oversees Hataf's Directorate of Science and Technology and sits on Hataf's Senior Council.
Sundavr [83] "Space is a curious thing. It's dark but we can see little points of light strewn about it, but why isn't that light just suffusing everything? I'll tell you why, it's because of shadows"
Alasia [80] smart, quick, kind, trustworthy
Delamia [80] smart, quick, kind, trustworthy
Viv Sorin [77] Cynical, and Sarcastic Wanderer
Helena Cain [73] Fleet Admiral in the Aschen Confederation
Mossovet Something [67] It's hard to say what...
Ryan Riley [64] Self-proclaimed weapons expert, gunrunner and dope dealer, at your service! The business card costs sixty, by the way ...
Agent Dylan Ryder [59] Codename: Breaker. The mind is a complex maze, full of open and locked doors. Who needs a key, when you can break them down?

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The Silver Dawn


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Character Portrait: Zelle Zelle says,
 "No I need to be away from people." She growled. "Trust me."


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Character Portrait: Darth Oblivion
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 Darth said "Empty the bay in hanger bay 3" Darth replied to the Intercom to the lady "Alright feel free to come and search my ship, could you give me an idea to what your looking for" Darth then tried Mind Trick "You want to tell me what your looking for" Thinking that it wouldnt seem to odd, but oh well.


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Character Portrait: Blacklight
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Character Portrait: Blacklight Blacklight says,
 "I'm not going anywhere until I get cleaned up," the clone hissed in mild anger. Her anger was her way of covering up the physical pain she was in. From there she went towards where the trooper pointed her and eventually found the closest place for her to disrobe and do something about the bleeding under her armor.


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Darth Oblivion The Clone Commando replied "Mam, There are showers and a set of clothes, although they are jedi robes in room 321 just outside the room.


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 Darth said to Zelle "The Bay is clear, it was filled with vultures which were now just sitting on the top of the ship." Darth then gave a hand signal and all the storm troopers, pirates, rebels, clones all got in formation, in Hanger Bay 34 which was a huge hanger.


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 A droid medic went to Blacklight "I am Droid Medical assitant, You need Bacta" The droid was quite force full as it pushed bacta at her


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Darth Oblivion Darth said "Empty the bay in hanger bay 3" Darth replied to the Intercom to Helena Cain"Alright feel free to come and search my ship, could you give me an idea to what your looking for" Darth then tried Mind Trick "You want to tell me what your looking for" Thinking that it wouldnt seem to odd, but oh well.


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Character Portrait: Helena Cain
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Character Portrait: Helena Cain Helena Cain says,
 “ "We're looking for contraband and anything that can threaten the Confederation... you think your some kind of jedi waving your hand around like that? I'm an Aschen... mind tricks don't work on me." She said as she shook her head, allowing the Battlestar to close in quickly before turning to her Lieutenant. "Lieutenant, I want a Marine Strike force on some Raptors and onboard that ship in five minutes." She then turned to face the screen. "No funny business, we're familiar with your hyperspace, FTL jumps are a lot faster, we'll just be waiting for you with guns pointed when you exit." She said, noting the power signature in the hyperdrives of the ship. ”


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Character Portrait: Blacklight Blacklight says,
 Any being with a heightened sense of smell could smell the rich iron smells of the she-clone's blood. Anyone who neared her could also smell it. She was actually hit pretty badly but was the last person to admit it. The inside of her armor was soaked in the crimson liquid and the robes that were on the outside were even damp. "Blasted in the back, how'd I let that," she yelped rather loudly when the Droid jabbed her blast wound. "Watch what you're doing you bucket of bolts!" But, utterly, she had no choice and let the medic droid do what it had to.


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Character Portrait: Shado Reign
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Character Portrait: Shado Reign Shado Reign says,
 He stopped in front of the Hyper Drive conductor and began chanting old words from the force with outstretched hands he fired off Force Lightning trying to bring the Hyper Drive Flux back to life. With every bit of his power the lightning grew and became stronger, "Come on work". Shado's com link came on as he transferred it over to Jame's com, "We can't fight them there is too many but we might be able to out run them see if there is any more power running through the flux wave yet", he said through the com. "I forgot to tell you something I'm wanted in their galaxy for the Death of an important political figure".


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Character Portrait: Zelle
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Character Portrait: Zelle Zelle says,
 Zelle ran with the troops to the bay she look at them "Remember stay back no matter what you see and when i say drop the shield on the bay. she walked to the edge of the shield. She cliched her fist thinking only to save them save her Love. A cyclone of wind surrounded her slicing her flesh As it spun "Elemental Dragon summon" She called. Eight full size dragons appeared in the bay. Snapping and roaring at Zelle. "Dragon protection Cloak" She ordered them. They bulked for a moment the bowed there heads to her. "Open the shield. She said.


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Character Portrait: Darth Oblivion
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Darth Oblivion The Clones escorting Zelle looked confused, and they opened the shield. They pointed there guns in confusion at the dragons for a second, but the LT. Clone said "weapons down"

Darth replied to Rain "Have you heard what Darth vaders apprentice did to a star destroyer, that is plan C if needed, all 3 of us will us it, also there is a hiden room inside my room, only sensible by the force, I know you probably dont like hiding but I would prefer not to fight here." Darth replied to Helena "So, whats contraband?" Darth had smugglers moving quickly hiding there stashes of Spice. Darth wondered if these marines could be tricked, but oh well. Darth thought this might go over well


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Character Portrait: Shado Reign Shado Reign says,
 Shado released the turbine from his force lightning and fell to his knees, "Good news James if you need to make a getaway anytime soon your Hyper Drive is fixed and maxed out on power though I think an engineer should look at if we can ever get back to Coruscant", he said pushing himself back up. Once again he found himself running he had already rode the elevator back up with a sigh he slid into a the door way marked captain and with hand out in front of him he found his way to the hideaway. With a wave of his hand a panel opened up and slid down into it, only enough for two people. Listening out with the force he kept his hand on the ready at his sabers side.


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Blacklight appeared back sometime later, leaving her momentarily destroyed armor the droids so they could repair and clean the damaged material. In the mean time, Blacklight came out wearing a simple jedi looking robe of pure white. It looked a bit out of place with her dark expression. "So what exactly am I do around here?" the female clone asked as she approached Darth silently from behind.


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Character Portrait: Helena Cain
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Character Portrait: Helena Cain Helena Cain says,
 “ The small 8 man Raptors would head to the Star Destroyer, the Raptors would head to the hull attaching themselves to the hull Dath Oblivion was likely unfamiliar with Aschen Technology, they were very advanced, easily more advanced then even the Empire. Once Raptors achieved hard seal, the Marines would prepare to cut through, while the Search teams entered the Hangar Bay, the Raptors touching down on the black glossy floor, cabin doors opening up as Marines in black combat gear stepped from the crafts. Colonel Fisk stepping off with the Men, along with several Centurions which clunked and whirred as they stepped from the Raptor, followed by Engineers, as well as several Marines hefting large crates, and lastly, a figure clad in a gray, white trimmed overcoat, the force radiating from the individual. ”


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Character Portrait: Darth Oblivion
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Darth Oblivion Darth reminded Blacklight "well I need another commander for 1 of my clone battalions" Darth then yelled at the intercom at Helena "WE have frakin Hanger bays god dam it, can you stop cutting into my ship."


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Character Portrait: Zelle
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Character Portrait: Zelle Zelle says,
 the dragons took flight flying out of the bay and forming a circle around the ship. "Rain get ready for a large power surge." She warned the ship itself was being clocked not by technolgy but by magic. Zelle stood Quivering from loss of blood. "James get us out of here I can only hold the cloak for a few minuets on something this size." she said weakly.


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Character Portrait: Blacklight Blacklight says,
 "So I'm here doing what I was supposed to be doing in the first place eh?" she asked, crossing her arms. However, something wasn't sitting with her right with all this.


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Character Portrait: Darth Oblivion
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Darth Oblivion Darth realized Zelles efforts but he had troops already on the ship, of course they would easily be overun if need be. Darth replied "Dont use it yet, hold your power, I want to save it for when the time is right" Darth pointed a few fingers on the bridge, and the Star Destroyer started moving into a place where it might be able to get a good window open. He was bogged with to much stuff.


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Darth Oblivion Darth then said to Blacklight " I also care for you, I want you among our people if you can. You can leave when ever you want, Ill even give you a complementary Jedi Starfighter I picked up"


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Character Portrait: Helena Cain
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Character Portrait: Helena Cain Helena Cain says,
 “ "The men attaching to your hull are merely for backup." She claimed as a 3 mile long Reverence Class Carrier seemed to flicker in before the Star Destroyer. "This is the Pious Inquisitor, sitrep Admiral." Cain then replied. "Commander Magus, we got another Imperial here." She said as the Reverence prepared it's main plasma cannon, then enveloped the Star Destroyer, which the Reverence easily dwarfed into a powerful tractor beam. The Strange figure with the force would follow the Marines through the ship, stretching out with the Force to try and sense. "I sense something that I have not sensed since..." He muttered as he followed the Marines and Centurions through the hall as they began to run scans, another Engineer would find a terminal and hook up a sleek metallic looking device to it, while Colonel Fisk promptly made his way to the bridge, with the strange robed figure in tow. ”


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Character Portrait: Shado Reign
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Character Portrait: Shado Reign Shado Reign says,
 He sensed the force in the intruders and climbed out of the panel he then went into the room with the Jedi robes and changed out of his renegade uniform. He then slipped into the Jedi duds never did he ever see himself wearing this atrocity with an air of command he pulled the white hood up over his face, which he had just shaven. He looked like a completely different person now, but the eyes were still that of a Sith with the hood up it would be harder for anyone to notice. Silently he made his way back towards the bridge his hands folded together behind his back. Within seconds he was standing right next to James hoping that his sudden appearance did not frighten him, "Perfect disguise they'll never see it coming".


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Character Portrait: Blacklight
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Blacklight was cynical; naturally, after all, clones were really nothing but weapons that didn't easily break. "Last time I flew one of those things, Vulture droids nearly killed me," she reminisced lightly with a laugh.


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Character Portrait: Zelle Zelle says,
 Zelle held off the dragons they would react at a moments notice. As a stormtrooper walked toward her she through him back. "Don't come near I will cut you if you do." she said. "James we need to get out of here. Rain can to work out something to protect this ship from a Ion charge?" she asked.


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Character Portrait: Darth Oblivion
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 Darth ordered a pair of Droidikas escorts to follow the search force. Darth sat at the bridge, sensed some other presence, hmm. Darth replied in his com to Blacklight "Ironically, I have both Vultures and those" and then said to Zelle "get ready, soon, when they get to my bridge, I will give the signal" Troopers stormed the hallways, escorts tried to meet up with the marine platoons