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The Murder Therapy

The Murder Therapy


You feel like your the most complicated person in the world & nobody cares. And that's why your a murderer. But your just a teenager, and the law is sure they can fix you. So now your stuck in Murder therapy. {NEEDS WORKERS :D}

1,040 readers have visited The Murder Therapy since Rainbow Ripples created it.


“I talked to her saying I was sorry for what I had done. It was the first time I had apologized to someone I had killed”

“My first murder was thrilling because I had embarked on the career I had chosen for myself, the career of murder.”

“I didn't want to hurt them, I only wanted to kill them.”

“I'm a sick person. I know that. How could a normal guy do what I did? . . . It was like another guy was inside me.”

“It wasn't as dark and scary as it sounds. I had a lotta fun . . . Killing somebody's a funny experience”

“The sixth commandment - 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' - fascinated me . . . I always knew that some day I should defy it.”

Original by N_Harmonic_Music. I Emailed him, and asked him for all the BBcodes because I thought this looked fun :DD

[[This is Character Driven]]

You feel so alone. Its as if nobody cares, and if they did you feel like it wouldn't help. You, like everybody else, have problems that make it hard to live with. You started killing, and soon, the law caught you. But your only a teenager, and they are convinced they can help you. Now you, and 5 others, are the only ones sent to Murder Therapy Asylum, where they hope to cure you.

[[If it has a strike through it, than it is taken]]

Boy 1
He has always thought about killing. Ever since he was young, his father beat him. This child's mind is boggled with blood, gore, and the silence. He is an expression of 'Always the quiet ones'.

Boy 2
He always thought he was normal, until one night in a fit of rage he killed his mother. He always apologizes, because he doesn't know how to control himself. He is an expression of 'Not always as it seems'.

Boy 3
He was always thought to be a killer. A little mentally unstable, but never wanted to hurt anyone. Only he accidentally stabbed his sister. He is an expression of 'I never wanted to hurt anyone'.

Girl 1
She is a Femme Fatale. Always chasing men, and then in the heap of night she kills them. She is smart to never lay a hand on the man, at least without a glove on. She is an expression of 'Danger is fun'.

Girl 2
She was a normal girl. But was always in fear for her life, and once her boyfriend broke up with her, she was even more scared. She killed him on accident the next day. She is a expression of 'It was an accident'.

Girl 3
A girl who intakes drugs and alcohol alot. Once she was so high she began to hallucinate and thought about murder. Although she is to scared to do it, she can when she is drunk. She is an expression of 'It's only when I drink'.

Other Roles~

Police Detective
Desk Person

(Any any other job you think you could contribute to this)


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[color=#B22222][b]Body Structure[/b][/color]

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[size=200][color=#B22222][b]THEME SONG TITLE HERE[/b][/color][/size]

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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:a u r e l i a:

Arrival was standard, I suppose, from what I've seen on TV. There were a few forms for Gustav and I to fill out, handed to us by the sickeningly optomistic left-handed secretary, and I went on my way. The woman, she explained to me that because of my circumstances, I would be under lock down after a certain time, and that — following standard psychiatric treatment procedures — I'd be watched very carefully for behaviour for the next seventy-two hours. Three days. Three days I, and the other patients, would be under close watch. It wasn't like I didn't understand, or like I wasn't used to it. People watched me all the time. An Italian resident of Sweden isn't exactly the most common sight. On top of that, it wasn't my first time going through the seventy-two hour watch. Before I had come to the Murder Therapy Asylum, I had been in a hospital where I was kept until I could get a transfer to a more suitable facility. I suppose that's standard as well, too. Then again, nothing about my situation could really be called 'standard'. I killed my mother. I killed seven other people, mostly women, that they were aware of. I stopped counting after a while, but I was sure that they were missing at least two or three, but who was I to correct them. Part of me wondered how I could have just killed them so easily. The human life is such a fragile thing, and it's so easy to disrupt its flow. It was so easy to end it. That thought was so abstract that I'd found my mind wandering toward it whenever I was alone with my easel. There were so many paintings of mine based on that very subject, enough to fill the bottom of my closet back at home.

Luckily, my painting supplies weren't considered 'dangerous weapons', except for the knives, which it's true could be used to kill someone, but I'd never defile art with the blood of a tainted human being like that. Never. Art is meant to be the purest expressions of ones mind, hence the reason that there's no wrong way to create it. It has to come from the heart, and as long as it does, it's beautiful. At least, that's how I see it.

The way I see it, someone had created the Murder Therapy Asylum as an expression of their heart to help those that they believed had a second chance. It was like... a home for the criminally insane, though how insane could any of us be? Sick, yes, but insane is just another term for radically different. I suffered chronic depression and anxiety, two things that made me different from most people that I knew, and I was practically normal until you added the fact that I enjoyed watching peoples' faces as they died and imagining them as my mother, repenting in her bloody death for everything she'd ever done to me. Yeah, that was what made me insane. Radically different, if you will. It was why I stood there in the hall, several bags gathered at my feet, watching Gustav leave me there, his car speeding off down the driveway. He was my last connection to mia madre, and in the fact that she was the last connection to mio padre, Gustav was also indirectly the last connection to him as well. There was this lump forming in the pit of my stomach as I watched the bright red Sunfire speed off down the driveway without hesitation. Elise hadn't even bothered to come along to say goodbye to me. That, in and of itself, was heartbreaking, and though I'm prone to tears at the slightest twinge of sadness, I didn't cry for this.

It just wouldn't have felt right.

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#, as written by Timothy
(( OOC: I'm sorry. I had to write something. ))

"Mr. Benedict Carlton is the prime example of a sick, and deranged human being," a booming voice spoke, enhanced by the acoustics in the small room. "This is easily spotted - if not by his clear lack of guilt for the things he's done - then by the actions themselves. I believe the best course of action is to have him admitted to a psychatric ward, as it is still possible to save his mind due to his young age."

And that was his defense. Benedict sighed, looking over at the man taking a seat next to him. His attorney gave him a stern expression in return, as if daring him to contradict his statement. Please, his eyes seemed to say. Tell me this isn't the best defense you can get.

He supposed he was right. In the beginning, Benedict had been very careful. It was the subtle slip-ups that mattered, and unfortunately, once the police had noticed one of them, the others had become more easy to track.

"Mr. Carlton is not deranged by far," the prosecutor protested. "In fact we have seen through this trial that he is an highly intelligent young boy. I beg of the judges to take this into consideration. How can someone this composed, and serene, possibly be that of an insane mind? Mr. Carlton was not driven by compulsive behavior, nor have we seen any indication that he lives in a reality twisted by his own mind. If we put this man in psychological care, he will lie himself to his freedom and be out on the street again by the end of the year! My claim is to give him 21 years of prison for what he's done, out of hatred and personal gain. Let's make sure our streets are safe."

Benedict's attorney smiled. He could understand why - in his mind the case was as good as won. Meanwhile, Benedict was the one who would have to suffer through therapy. Out in a year indeed - if the doctors saw fit, they could keep him there for the rest of his life.

"This court will assemble again at eighteen-hundred-hours for the conviction," the main judge said importantly, and banged his hammer. Benedict lost himself in a daydream in which he battered the man to death with the very same item, until he was once again led out of the room by agents he had come to know on first-name basis of the last couple of days.

Benedict Carlton was deemed psychologically deranged, and shortly after, he was sent off to Murder Therapy.

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Avery sighed and tapped her foot against the white tiled floor. She let her blue eyes wander up the white walls, and across the room to the white plastic chair. The room was far too white for her liking, and had that 'too clean' smell of sedatives and disinfecting spray and bleach.

It had been a week in about 3 months that Avery's mind wasn't clouded with drugs and alcohol, and she could think clearly. Something that Avery didn't like to do often. She rejoiced in the familiar pinch of the needle sinking into her skin, and the burning of alcohol as it ran down her throat. These sensations had become her friends; her only friends. And whenever she was feeling down or upset, they were there for her. Unlike her parents.

She shook the thoughts out of her head, and sat up, so her feet couldn't touch the ground, and she could swing her legs. She looked to the door, which had been closed and locked, and then to the window next to the wall, where a group of people gathered, and watched her with intrigued expressions. Her dull eyes followed the movements of their hands scribbling down notes on their clipboards, and then watched them mumble to themselves and each other. They were observing her.

She hopped of the table the nurse had firmly placed her on earlier, and stumbled momentarily as her legs got used to the new weight. She walked up to the window pane, and watched them watch her. It was funny. The first time she wasn't under any influence but her own, and she felt absolutely nothing.
She pressed her forehead against the cool glass, before retreating, and slamming her head down onto it as hard as she could. It didn't shatter around her, only caused her head to throb unbelievably. She felt something warm and wet trickle down her forehead, before it began gushing violently down the bridge of her nose and over her eyes, down her cheeks. Her own blood never fascinated her, it had to be someone elses. She looked at the glass she had effectively cracked and studied the intricate, tiny webs of stress marks that the force of her blow had created. They were almost miniscule, and she had to squint to see the pretty pattern.

It was only safety glass. Something she deemed not worthy of destroying. She waited patiently as a group of nurses and workers came in, one holding a finely tipped needle. 'Sedatives!' Avery thought, morbidly excited. Finally, she felt gripping hands as they held her down, and the familiar prick of the needle.

Finally, something she was used to.

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Vivienne peers out the blacked-out windows of the police van; as she'd expected, newspaper photographers and journalists are waiting by the gates of Murder Therapy, clamouring to take her photograph. The van slows, and she can hear the driver yelling at the press to move out of the way so they can pass through.'Black Widow Trapped!', or 'Femme Fatale Faces Fate' will surely be headlines in tomorrow's newspapers. Moments later, once the van has come to a shuddering halt and the engine has stopped, a man in a bulletproof vest slides open the back doors and signals for her come out - backwards, and with her hands in plain view, of course. Out of the corner of her eye, she can see camera flashes; she'd wave to them, if her hands weren't bound.

She'd killed dozens of men; that's more than most eighteen year olds can boast. When she'd been caught - covered in still-warm blood which is not her own and wearing nothing but lingerie - she'd let them wrap her in tinfoil blankets to preserve whatever sembelence of dignity she had left and lead her into the waiting arms of the law without protest. Her lawyers had built their case around her gender - how could someone of the weaker, fairer sex, someone so young and fresh-faced and so very, very pretty possibly kill a full-grown man unprovoked? - and it had swayed the jury...they didn't sentence her to prison, anyway, but instead recommended intensive therapy.

Inside the clinic, she's handed over to a woman in scrubs and led through seemingly endless clinical white corridors with squeaky floors until they reach a waiting room.

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:v e r a:

Silly Vera, troughs are for horses.

My laptop sat open on the left side of my desk and I stared blankly at the screen. Where had that thought come from just now? Who's to say, really; my thoughts came and went like summer breezes and such, so I never really dwelled on them that much. I didn't really have time. I had too much work to do as the secretary, more than I thought I would... all this checking in and answering phone calls, signing and forwarding papers to their proper owners. Mailing things, faxing things, recieving mail and faxes and phone calls, then returning all these things. When it got hectic, it was hectic, and when it was boring.... I put my feet up on the clean right side of my desk, turning just so in my swivelling chair to keep my legs from actually being on my right side. My heart skipped to think of whatever could be on my right, and not in the good sort of way. I don't know why, but I've always been afraid of things on my right. I mean, not always because it had to start somewhere.... I'm scared enough that I can't even write with my right hand, even though most lefties have really bad hand writing. Mine is... okay, but it's not the best either. I started writing with my left hand in the fifth grade, and I was still trying to get used to it. Some things just take time. A lot of time. Like getting comfortable in a sleeping bag when you're camping out on a mountain and there's a rock right under your spine. Do you know that feeling? You don't want to. It sucks.

I helped the Italian boy sign in and explained to him the seventy-two hour watch system, which he claimed he understood, and went back to sit in my chair. I could see the look in his eyes... not just the repentance and perhaps regret, but also the fact that he wasn't exactly sure about me. I smiled to myself, squeezing a foam stress ball in my right hand so hard that it was oozing between my fingers, releasing it, then squeezing it again. It was a therputic activity that I was supposed to do in my spare time to excersize the thought of having something on my right. Walls and other inanimate objects of the sort were just fine, I wasn't afraid of having empty desk space or an office lamp that was screwed down next to me — however, potentially threatening (and also harmless, but I suppose I didn't have to point that out) objects like paper, staplers, forks, pencils, pens, people, computers, food, plates, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, couldn't even come near me on the right, or else I'd have a panic attack and that's never fun. Still, I didn't have to stress myself about watching the little foreign kid as his step father left him, not even looking back. He had so many bags with him, like he was prepared to stay awhile.... I felt bad for him. I really did. My parents were a little more than upset with me about being the failure of the family, but I'd never wanted to kill one of them, and neither of them had ever turned their back on me like that before. As far as I knew, I was still their son, even if I dressed like their daughter, and they still loved me. Even if they were disappointed, I still had that.

I looked up when one of the nurses brought in a young woman sporting bright orange hair, which techincally one would consider, but that was just too orange to really be red, anyway. I watched her from behind the safety of my plexiglass and then reached for my clipboard. I had already properly filed the paperwork on Sebastiano Aurelia Marcelina Valius-Oxenstierna because I'm a neat freak like that, and had loaded up the necessary required forms for my documents. Still squeezing the stress ball, I made my way out to her as quietly as possible, so as not to disturb the Italian, and held the board out to her. "Excuse me, Miss, I'm going to need you to fill out these forms for your admission." After being rid of the board, I used my one hand to clear my dress — which was powder pink for today with mauve trim, fell just below my knees and worked perfectly with the flats I'd picked out because I wasn't used to heels just yet — and smiled brightly like I wasn't afraid of her jumping up and stabbing me in the face with the pencil. Seriously, the same thoughts were running through my mind while signing in the Italian — I'd been squeezing onto my stress ball just as furiously then as I was now, and I wasn't letting up. "Do you need me to explain the seventy-two hour watch, or are you already familiar with this?"

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Character Portrait: Avery Lynn Johnson
0 sightings Avery Lynn Johnson played by breathebabyx
"It's only when I drink..."

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Samantha Holt
Character Portrait: Vivienne Noir
Character Portrait: Layla Marx
Character Portrait: Aurelia Marcelina Valius
Character Portrait: Vera Therese Ahlgren


Character Portrait: Vera Therese Ahlgren
Vera Therese Ahlgren

"That is a legitimate fear, and it's not freakin' funny."

Character Portrait: Aurelia Marcelina Valius
Aurelia Marcelina Valius

"I'm so sorry, Mama, I am. I wish I didn't have to, but you just made it so hard."

Character Portrait: Layla Marx
Layla Marx

"I didn't want to hurt them, I only wanted to kill them."

Character Portrait: Vivienne Noir
Vivienne Noir

Femme Fatale Extrordinaire

Character Portrait: Samantha Holt
Samantha Holt

"I'm a sick person. I know that. How could a normal guy do what I did? . . . It was like another guy was inside me."


Character Portrait: Layla Marx
Layla Marx

"I didn't want to hurt them, I only wanted to kill them."

Character Portrait: Vivienne Noir
Vivienne Noir

Femme Fatale Extrordinaire

Character Portrait: Aurelia Marcelina Valius
Aurelia Marcelina Valius

"I'm so sorry, Mama, I am. I wish I didn't have to, but you just made it so hard."

Character Portrait: Vera Therese Ahlgren
Vera Therese Ahlgren

"That is a legitimate fear, and it's not freakin' funny."

Character Portrait: Samantha Holt
Samantha Holt

"I'm a sick person. I know that. How could a normal guy do what I did? . . . It was like another guy was inside me."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Vivienne Noir
Vivienne Noir

Femme Fatale Extrordinaire

Character Portrait: Vera Therese Ahlgren
Vera Therese Ahlgren

"That is a legitimate fear, and it's not freakin' funny."

Character Portrait: Aurelia Marcelina Valius
Aurelia Marcelina Valius

"I'm so sorry, Mama, I am. I wish I didn't have to, but you just made it so hard."

Character Portrait: Samantha Holt
Samantha Holt

"I'm a sick person. I know that. How could a normal guy do what I did? . . . It was like another guy was inside me."

Character Portrait: Layla Marx
Layla Marx

"I didn't want to hurt them, I only wanted to kill them."

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Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

No worries from this side, dear. I've been away for a few days on an unscheduled trip to Trondheim, which turned out to be internet-less. Will make a proper post soon, but I'll wait for people to introduce their characters first (:

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

Sorry for disappearing, i Just been SUPER! busy on DeviantART :D

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

It's not really ranting, I don't think, as much as educating. I enjoy learning about foreign countries so... rant about it all you want. At least know I'm listening with the utmost interest.

o.o I'm moving to Sealand when I'm older and have the money, so it's not like I need to learn anything.... I just... want to....

Oh my God, though. Vera's post is just... I'm working on two at once, while also being on the phone and watching Hetalia. I am the best multi-tasker ever.

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

Couldn't help myself, I made the trial post. Just thought I ought to tell :P

I used the Norwegian court of law system in my post, because I think the Swedish is pretty much the same. I couldn't find anything about it on the internet, unfortunately. The main difference is, basically, instead of a jury there are some additional judges (the number depending on the seriousness of the case). They're pretty much the same as the American jury, but they get to hang out with the main judge instead of sitting by themselves.

In "Høyesterett", I think there's around six additional judges, and one main big guy. Of course, you'd have to go through both "lagmansrett" and "tingrett" before you're allowed to present your case in the highest of the courts, but I'm not going to go through all of them.

...I ranted, didn't I. I'm sorry.

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

There we are. Aurelia's post is up now, and I'll start working on Vera's tomorrow. Right now though, I have to get to bed. x.x

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

Because of my own obsession with law, I'm very tempted to make a tiny little post about how my character was captured and/or how the trial went. I'm assuming we've been declared insane and sentenced to rehabilitation in a psychatric ward, instead of just sent there directly.

Would I be killed if I did that?

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

Gahh, I know. He's so silly. x3

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

@Tim: Haha, I hear you. Actually, I haven't learned any curse words except in Japanese. Yeah, I'm a huge anime fan, my current fixation is Hetalia. If it weren't for Hetalia (and mein liebe, who got me watching it) I'd have no interest in the rest of the world. I used to be so fixated on only Japan that I hardly knew what was going on in Canada anymore, as sad as it it. Anime and role-playing... it was all I had time for in my life.... Now I at least notice some of the things that go on around me. v.v I'm a fail Canadian.

And I rambled.

I'm having a hard time writing my post. I'm only a paragraph in, and I'm used to doing three or four pages on Microsoft Word, so I'm kind of dying. Usually I'd rather that the GM makes the first post, just to situate the whole thing, set a general post length, et cetera. Normally I don't even start writing until then, but....

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

@MagicalNeko: I feel your pain. I took French at ungdomskolen, but already by the first year of upper secondary school, I'd forgotten most of it. Only way I have of refreshing the language is by a language system my parents bought me for Christmas. And I've always found that short phrases and cursing is the best way of learning new languages. Japanese, though, that's interesting :D

Err, I'm finding it a bit difficult to write a post without any information about the place we'll be starting in - if it's a usual psychiatric ward, a harsher one for the criminally insane, what we're expected on the first day, and such. I don't mean to be bothersome, I would just hate to write complete bull on the top of my head :S

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

@Timothy: Yay~ Norwegian! -huggles- I'm Canadian, but my family is German, so I'm supposed to speak French, but I forgot everything after the nineth grade. Everything I'm learning and want to learn I'm teaching myself, though. Right now, outside of Japanese, I'm only learning short phrases, greetings, and such.... But I can say 'I love you' in four or five different languages now... which is talent.

@MeinLiebeKake: Il mio amore~ I'm scared of Belarus! Save me~! -huggleglomps- Meeeewwww....

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

I'll be posting later but not too late. And I has question for GM of RP.

Where should I situate Rika so I know how his post is to go.

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

@ MagicalNeko: I am Norwegian, and I speak Swedish. I can also read, write and understand Danish, but I can't speak it to save my life. Too difficult to pronounce, at least that's what I think :P I also speak a bit of French, not that it has anything to do with anything, but since we're talking of multilingual bonuses :P

Always wanted to learn German, but I was given the choice between that and French... And… Well.

@Rainbow: Duly noted! I'll start working on my post.

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

We are starting just as they are arriving there.

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

@Timothy: No, I asked her through PM, so no one would've known that I'd asked, anyway. It's okay. -patpat- So, you must speak one or more of them, right? I want to learn Norwegian, and I'm working on it on the side of Japanese and German. So far the only thing I know (and can pronounce somewhat properly v.v) is min kjærlighet, which is kind of a fail, considering.

Ahhhh! Mein Gott! I was watching the forty-second episode of Hetalia and... Belarus is terrifying. I think I'm going to have nightmares. T.T

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

@MagicalNeko: Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. But, I suppose, it's already apparent that I'm quite slow :P - But that's really cool!

And apologies in advance, I can be a bit of a grammar freak when it comes to the Scandinavian languages. I'll try not to be.

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

@Tim: Vera's also Swedish. I asked Rainbow back before I'd finished Aurelia and she said that the RPG was set in Sweden. I just thought I'd pass that along. ^_^

@Rainbow: I'm writing Aurelia's post now. Whether it's the first or not is entirely up to whoever may or may not get there first, but I'd like to know how and where we're starting out. Are we just coming in, or are we all already there? On top of this, I'd like to add that I'm very experienced with psychiatric wards and such, so I know a lot about how something like this would be run, just if you ever need any pointers about it.

@Gentle: O.O I just noticed... the guy in your signature is pointing to the right instead of the left. xD

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

I really wanna get this started. D;

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

A Swede? How interesting!

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

Alright, anyone can make the opening post. :P

Re: [OOC] The Murder Therapy

Awww. Min kjærlighet.... I just want to sit on him and gnaw his leg off. But I don't think he'd appreciate that too much. o.o