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The lord of soil, sand, stone, dust, and metal.

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a character in “The Pantheon: Post Cataclysm”, as played by Wake


ImageGod Name: Rodrauge

Creed: My flesh is the soil beneath your feet, my bone is the rock which surround you. I allow you to partake from my body that which you need to sustain yourself. Merely I ask that you treat this privilege with respect, for though I am slow to anger, I bend the very mountains with my fury.

Title: The slumbering father, The living continent

Gender: Is referred to as male.

Alignment: True neutral

God Appearance: His followers depict him as a cross between a snake and a wingless dragon. Though this isn't particularly accurate as Rodrauge is considered to be the living embodiment of the terrain itself.

Personality: Rodrauge is a very calm and patient being, though he can be very stubborn at times. He talks and acts like an old man. Always sounding tired, yet constantly speaking like he were talking to a child or someone younger then him, even with beings that could be argued to be older then he. Still he has a level head, and is willing to give someone the time they need to speak and will listen to what they have to say. Still though, even for one as patient as he there is a breaking point. If someone were to manage to anger him they would find that the lord of stone can display and unrelenting furry that could cause the very world to shake.

Opinion of mortals: Mortals are a trivial curiosity to Rodrauge. He neither likes nor dislikes the small flesh creatures, and tolerates the presence well so long as they do not grow too greedy for the materials they mine from his flesh. He does not complain that they take such from his body, and to those that manage to earn his favor he will even grant greater privileges in their harvest. Those that earn his ire though, shall find out the hard way what happens when the land no longer is as providing as before. "Respect the land, and it shall respect you."

God’s Domain:

God's territory: This is hard to explain as Rodrauge technically is his territory. The smallest pebble under your shoe too the tallest rock face. A small patch of dirt to a vast plain. All of it, every ore, rock and grain of dirt is a part of Rodrauge's body.

Portfolios Governed: He is the Lord of rock, soil, sand, dust and metal ore.

Symbol(s): The mountains



Physical Description/Biology: The average giant is a humanoid that stands roughly fifteen feet in height. Generally they are very hairy and muscular in appearance as much of their body mass goes into their limbs. With thick hides, several inches of muscle and fat between their skin and bone, one can easily imaging that giants are both resilient and strong. Indeed, some have been observed to uproot whole trees with their bare hands alone.

The way they walk is sometimes described as lumbering, do to the illusion of such from their hunched over posture and the fact that their arms are actually longer then their legs, making it seem like they drag their arms as they walk. The average Giant's lifespan is roughly two centuries, with them not starting puberty until their late twenties. Even in their more advanced ages, a giant is still very fit and capable of much physical activity, and will only cease any sort of labor if they are sick.

Terrain preference: Giant's generally prefer to live in the mountains and hills, where their bodies seem more suited to handle rough terrain. They will also take up residence in forest and jungle and are known to make much use out of the natural vegetation. Their homeland, Ramatung, sits in the south east most corner of the know world, and compasses mountains, jungle, plains and dessert.

Culture: The giants are largely nomadic, with their livelihoods dedicated mostly to herding animals and gathering materials. The most of their animals are preferred to be large creatures, like the giants themselves, and as such things like water buffalo, giraffes and elephants are they're favorite herd beast, and they domesticate lions to act as 'sheep dogs' for the herd. They get much of their clothing, fabric materials and food from their animals, with cheese made from giraffe and elephant milk being considered a delicacy.

Giants do have some permanent settlements though. Small towns and villages that act as 'trade centers' where different herder tribes will pass through to exchange goods, get supplies, hear news about the other tribes, then move on. Building in giant lands are mostly made out of stone, carved and placed by hand, with hide curtains being a substitute for doors. These places help to ensure that there is a general unity between the giant tribes, and that they are able to communicate on a regular basis. The largest of these settlements is Torodram the unofficial capital of the giant's home land.

There is little much in the way of giant artistry or fashion since, as you can imagine, they have little time or supplies to use for paint or sewing. They do however have preference for carving in their society, and some giants proudly display stone or wooden statuettes as a part of ritual and religious significance.

While the giants aren't normally a very violent species, they do take great pride in their physical strength, and much of their games involve test and displays of their own might.

Language: Giant language is best described as 'rumbling'. It's words are pronounced with a lot of grunts, humming, and growls that make the speaker sound deep voiced.

Religion: Like many races, the Giants choose their creator god as their chief deity who would be Rodrauge in this case. It is part of their belief that Rodrauge gives apart of himself to support all life on this world, and all things that die turn to dust and become one with his soil. Thus they treat the lands around them with great care, as they believe that all they take from it is on loan to them from the earth god.

Giants will, however, acknowledge other gods. Riomu, Mérida and Adarani would all would likely be favored by herdsmen for the belief that they might watch over their animals and migratory tribes. Almaran, would also be ensured to gain favor from many giants considering their values on strength.

In the Lands of Ramatung, shaman are considered the true priest of Rodrauge. Elder members of the giant race, giant shaman have learn how to communicate with elementals, and are the only among the giants that can use magic of some description. (More on that in the magic section). They live as hermits for the most part, only communicating with the rest of the lands when sought out by other worshipers of the stone god for services relating to ceremony or when they themselves feel a disturbance that would require their attention. Generally shaman go on a pilgrimage into the deserts that border Ramatung in order to seek out the sand colossus Burmas at least once in their life times.

Level of technology: Giants aren't a particularly advanced raced, to most they would even appear down right primitive. The mobile header tribes live in tents, and what buildings they do construct are made almost exclusively out of stone, with wood being reserved for tools and containers. Much of their crafted items are made from animal hides and bone or leather and wood, however they are on the verge of discovering smiting, which allows some bronze to find it's into the mix. Forges are rare in Ramatung though, as it is difficult to manage smelters and such when the majority of the race are nomads. That said, the giants do take pride in their ability to take what they have build something from it. Their architecture, though unrefined, has a beauty all it's own from the size and sturdiness of it.

Social structure: Herder tribes and towns are usually headed by an elder giant, a patriarch or matriarch or sometimes both. There is little in the way of gender distinction, though females usually spend more time with the young. Shaman, priest of the stone god, generally have high status in Ramatung though they tend to be more recluse, choosing to living as hermits.

Important figure: Ramatung itself is headed by the elder council which consist of four of the lands oldest shaman and the Duraka, or high chieftain. The Duraka acts as a mediator between the four shaman who regulates votes on decisions from the council, and in times of war is commander in chief of the military. The current Duraka is a giant by the name of Hogrum

Important locations: Torodram, the mountain home. The city is likely the largest in size in all of the known world. Out of the body of a ancient mountain peak, generations were spent carving and digging literally by hand or raised up with the help of earth elementals summoned by shaman to create this humongous city. It is massive, with walls the cast vast shadows over the landscape, and each of its buildings is a monolithic structure that towers over the streets. The rare visitors that are allowed entrance into this great city will be struck dumb by its size and stature.

Durtuma, a massive dam constructed ages ago at the mouth of the north fang river. The giants built the dam to store rain water in the event of drought and it can serve as a point of shelter and defense for their people if the need were ever to arise.

Military: The giants are not normally a very war like race, and are content to simply tend to their herds. However when they do feel the need to march to battle you can feel them coming, as the earth will quake beneath their warrior's marching feet. There is very little that could repel a single charging giant and a whole pack of them is next to unstoppable. A horde of giants will most often meet their foes head on, believing it best to simply trample the enemy under foot, causing as much damage as possible and sending the smaller combatants into a panic so they will rout.

Giant's will bring massive and easily made clubs and spears or the occasional axe to bare against their foes. For armor they wear thick hides and leather to ward against arrows, spears and swords. In lieu of bows, which would be impossible to craft for a creature of their size, giants use large slings to hurdle rocks at their foes. Giant 'stone throwers' will carry a bag of huge rocks, between the size of a fist to larger then an adults head, and toss these stone over a large distance where upon impact they will break bone, cave in armor and leave massive welts and bruises. And in compensation for their lack of carvery the giants will bring in animals from their herds to act as war beast.

Temperament: The giants of Ramatung are a content and peaceful race for the most part. They a fine with simply spending their time tending the herds. They are slightly territorial, however and will regard outsiders with suspicion. They will only grow aggressive, though, if someone gets to close to their animals, of which they are very protective.

Magic: Shaman of the earth god spend decades of their lives in isolation and meditation as they try to become one with the earth. This is not metaphorical term, as priest of Rodrauge mean to literally turn parts of their bodies into solid stone, crystal, metal or some other form of material born from the the sleeping stone gods body. In exchange for becoming a part of him, giant shaman will be able to channel a small fragment of his power to shape and move the earth around them. The oldest and most powerful of giant shaman will convert their bodies entirely, and become earth elementals.



Born from shards that broke free from Rodrauge's colossi children during their birth, fragments of their power grew into a race of spirits that inhabited mineral and sediment. Extremely resilient, these 'earth elementals' can endure for thousands of years within their bodies of soil and rock. The make up of their bodies varies between individual entities, both in the material they are made up of and the shape of their form, such as some having one complete body while others will 'levitate' different parts of different sizes in an orbit around their main body. The power and age of an elemental can usually be determined by it's size, as those with a larger body have more power with which to move that body. Being a creatures born of energy with no flesh and blood, most elementals can only be truly harmed by magic or a very potent disruption to their bodies.

Usually elementals live a very solitary and secluded life, away from other creatures or simply in a dormant state for long periods of time. They are, however, very territorial, and are known to attack people and creatures that get to close to them. Due to their very simple and disconnected life styles, most assume elementals are more like automation's with no real sentient thought, though many giant shaman and some magi claim to be able to learn how to 'speak' with them. Among those that make this claim, they state that elemental's communicate by making vibrations in the ground and with their bodies.

The four colossi.

The eldest of Rodrauge's children and his most powerful. They are demi-gods, all of them. Each inheriting a portion of his strength and an aspect of his personal nature. They are the guardians he assigned to stand post at the four corners of the world and watch over his sleeping form, and they also act as his envoys to the other gods.

Talmas of Iron: A metallic titan and the most humanoid appearing of the four colossi. Talmas inherited his fathers generosity, and is considered the most diplomatic of the four. He is noted for taking a greater liking to the inhabitants of the middle realm. He is the guardian of the East.

Armas of crystal: A being composed entirely of diamonds and gemstone, Armas is almost opposite of Talmas in personality. Inheriting his fathers foul temper, Armas is a very harsh creature, full of pride. He takes his position as guardian seriously and has little tolerance for those he considers the ungrateful and greedy. He is the Guardian of the North.

Domas of stone: Made of rock, and the one considered the closest in appearance to what many assume his father's true form would look like. Domas is even often mistaken for his father by younger mortals, mostly due to the similarities of their titles, and is considered the base for the cult of the stone gods idea of Rodrauge's form. Dormas inherited both his fathers patience and stubbornness, making him a rather gruff being at times but capable of showing a more grudging respect to those willing to speak with him. He is guardian of the West.

Burmas of sand: A malleable creature without permanent shape, the vast many grains of sand that make up Brumas shift and change constantly, but may merge into the shape of a giant worm if force to. Brumas was the inheritor of his fathers sleepy nature, and could be called the most slothful of the four. However when roused to due his duties he takes his task with a great seriousness, and a surprisingly quick divisiveness to complete. He is the guardian of the south.

So begins...

Rodrauge's Story


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Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Rodrauge
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#, as written by Wake
As the fire bolts from the god of justice rain down into the tunnels, they caused many great blast and explosions from their impact, causing the earth below to shudder and quake. In the trauma of this bombardment, something deep below which had slept for countless ages stirred in aggravation. The ground shook and rumbled. As it quacked a deep irritated echo escaped from the tunnels, blasting smoke and ash back out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Splendy
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Mathias stopped once he saw Adarani fall unconscious, he knew not what he did and the golden flame left him. His rage now quelled he felt only shame and grief. "Adarani!" He yelled. He didn't want to hurt her, he was, he was not himself. Mathias didn't know what to do until the blue crane arrived and was able to present healing magic to the goddess. Mathias spoke to Ahuv. "I...I apologize greatly...this...this is all my fault." Mathias did kneel before the two. "What ever punishment you wish to give Adarani...I shall accept full responsibility for the harm I caused." Mathias solemnly spoke. He was so ashamed of was just the pain of loss and caused him to go berserk.

In that moment a great rumbling could be felt. Mathias hadn't an inkling of what he just caused. He heard sounds come forth from the tunnels. Did Mathias hit the creature? Or did he hit something else? Mathias was unsure...this moment has all but left him exhausted and empty. Mathias had not another thought in his mind but await Adarani's judgement. "I know nothing I can say can change this but...I'm am truly sorry." Mathias spoke once again. He just felt so very cold. Even with the sudden was hard to detract from what Mathias is going through now at this moment. All he knew was that he had to make it up to Adarani and possibly whatever is making that echo. If it was the creature then no, but if it wasn't...then he would apologize to whatever force is making that sound as well.


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Character Portrait: Rodrauge
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#, as written by Wake
He had been sleeping for a long time. How long, none could say. Perhaps it was a year, perhaps a century. Perhaps he had slumbered since before even the cataclysm itself. He did not know, and did not care. What only concerned him now was that his slumber had been disturbed.

For the briefest moment, an event of great destruction jolted him awake and his great body trembled with shock and pain. But the event subsided and the beast slowly lulled back into slumber, though his sleep would not last. Again he felt things stirring. Fire blasting into his body and tearing apart his flesh. Another great beast burrowing and tearing it's way through his muscle and bone. Hundreds, nay thousands of tiny creatures scampering across his skin, multiplying into even greater numbers, squabbling and bickering.

It irritated him. It irritated him greatly. So much was the noise and aggravations that he could not gain a restful sleep. And so he stirred.

For a moment, the whole of the middle realm shook. Deep below the world, something old and tired groggily aroused from its ageless slumber. And a happy awakening, this was not.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Adarani Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Acanthus Character Portrait: Splendy Character Portrait: Sairis
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Mathias was breathing hard, a consequence of recklessly using the power of righteousness non-conservatively. That is something Justice himself, would be upset over. Funny, he hasn't made an appearance to him in quite sometime...Mathias figured he would be displeased of him using his power for what he might consider, selfish reasons. Or perhaps Mathias' exhaustion is blocking communication with the Ancient Spirit...whatever the reason Mathias is glad not to hear the habitual scolding. Mathias felt the earth itself shake once more, apparently that wasn't going to be the only episode. Something is stirring, what he can not tell, but it feels godly whatever stirs. Mathias noticed the shadowy figure asking about what he might have awoken.

Mathias slowly stood up, urn in hand. Mathias looked over his shoulder to Sairis. "I know not of what might be awoken." Mathias spoke. "I really have no patience to deal with it...but I will consult with it, if it be passive enough." Mathias said as he turned and looked at the holes the beast made. Mathias did know how to appease the land itself, that was something Cragin would be an expert upon. Without his guidance...Mathias felt lost on how to handle that situation. The best Mathias could do was apologize and accept responsibility from the person in question. Still....Mathias couldn't help but hope it would dismiss this fiasco. Mathias saw that Adarani must have left before dealing with Splendy. He wished he could help heal it but he hasn't the ability to do so. Then Mathias looked towards Ahuv who surprisingly did not leave with Adarani. He then asked him seeing as he was able to heal Adarani.

"Graceful Ahuv." Mathias spoke to the crane. "Would you mind healing this tentacled being?" "I saw you heal Adarani so could you perhaps heal the wounds of this god as well?" Mathias asked the blue crane. If he could not, then he could not and then Mathias hoped Splendy would come through alright. If not...then perhaps he has ruined the life of one of his kin. That would be difficult to bear.


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Character Portrait: Rodrauge
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#, as written by Wake
He stirred again, and the ground shook once more. Though he was waking, it was a slow process, one hampered by the fact that he did not enjoy forcing himself back to wakefulness. With another tired groan, the slumbering one roused himself fully, and this time the whole world felt it.

It started as a small rumbling first, a minor trembling in the ground. Then it grew in force. The vibrations became violent, trees snapped, tidal waves formed, and deep cracks formed in the soil. The slumbering one in the deep yawned, and groaned, its voice now heard across the middle realm in the thundering booms that echoed from the deep caverns below. It struggled and winced, it's movements causing earthquakes across the world as it pushed. To the south, in the edge of the known world the creature pushed. It pushed and pushed and pushed, and with a mighty bellow it broke through.

The ground split, magma, molten iron, boiling mud and ash spewed from the open wound. From this they formed. One of sand. One of stone. One of crystal. And one of Iron. Each as tall as the mountains, and wide as the valleys. Demi-gods, half immortal. They took shape, creaking and groaning before standing tall and waiting. And for their patience they were awarded, for the beast of the deep earth spoke them in a voice as deep as the caverns of the world.

"You are my children. To you I give the name colossus. Burmas of sand. Domas of stone. Armas of crystal. Talmas of Iron. You shall be my envoys those that claim dominion as masters of this world and it's cosmos. Speak to them, as diplomats, or as warriors. Bring word of peace, or of challenge. Which ever that you bring, ensure that they know who I am. For I am Rodrauge, lord of this earth and all the soils of which they walk upon."

The colossi nodded in compliance and then departed. They scattered to the four corners of the world, to find those called gods and speak with them on behalf of the lord of stone.

The stone god grunted, and with a sigh and then a groan, he pushed again. He gather left over pieces from the birth of his four children, and merged them into one. From the iron he made bone. From the mud he made flesh. From the magma he made blood. And from the ash he made skin. And with a final heave he gave them the strength to breath. They were smaller the the colossi, but they were many. With hair and flesh, massive swinging limbs and bewildered eyes they took their first tentative steps and blinked dazed into the suns rays. And to them again the stone god spoke.

"You are the second of my children. To you I give the name giant. You shall be the ones to speak with those who are the servants of those that claim dominion as masters of this world. Speak with their children and carve out a place in this land to call yours. You shall be that which protects my flesh from the greedy and upholds the sanctity of this land. For this task I grant you strength within you bodes and sturdiness to your flesh. Do as I command and I shall reward you with bountiful harvest. No go. Claim a place upon this world and ensure the privilege of gift is respected by all."

Exhausted breath, the stone god closed the wound and left his children to make of this world what he had declared. Tired, so tired. With his strength spent the stone god drifted back to slumber. With hope, he need not be wakened again.


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Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Kalimdor Menethil
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Across Middle Realm the awakeneing of the Stone God was felt but in Kalimdor some took careful note of the potential of this new power more than others. The cities of the Valkyrie trembled yet, much to their relief, soon went still. The creator God himself turned to gaze in the direction of his brothers awakening and stoically said not a word as his mind reached out and inspected the impassive power of his brother god. It was down in the plains of Kalimdor where the Orcish raiding party was returing to it's battle camp that Grom Hellscream felt the shaking of the earth but instead of fear, or terror he felt a bruning desire to find the source of this power, and ally himself with it. The orcs stumbled and some fell but once the ground stopped its shaking Grom looked about to his warriors, curiosity evident on his harsh features.

"What power is this?...."

Grom asked aloud as his war hungry mind considered the possibilities of such an alliance.


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Character Portrait: Nylia Character Portrait: Jute Character Portrait: Rodrauge
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This god speaks of evil memories. He knows not the tortures that I had to endure in the Inferno. Kreios had stolen me from my hiding place in one of Acanthus' magic holdings. He tried to corrupt me and it gave me a consciousness. Then I was tortured. I try to keep my past hidden so that none might feel the pain I felt. I want to help you in every way I can. I do not know this Jute. I only felt you searching near me so I thought you might rescue me from my confinement. It is because of you saving me from the endless torture that I felt that I should give every bit of my power to you. I will help you with whatever purpose you desire.

Nylia held the crystal in her hand...Kreios couldn't have had enough time to do as she said. How easy would it be to simply break the crystal right now? Her sharp fingernails tingled with the hope of being allowed to do so. But what if whatever evil energy stored inside the crystal was unleashed when she broke it? What if Jute just made another artifact and manipulated someone else?

Nylia's thoughts were disrupted by the rumbling of the Middle Realm. The ground trembled with the sheer destruction erupting from the ground. This was the work of a mighty God, Nylia knew that much. Instantly, worries of her people came to mind. Nylia took to the skies and looked around for her Amares. When she finally got to the island they were residing in she was quite shocked. On one side, the South side, her people were quite primitive, all roaming around nude and enacting in sexual intercourse with whatever person they crossed. Nylia was quite revolted by their acts, however she was still somewhat pleased that they were still worshiping the Gods. On the other side, the North side she saw marvelous architecture, art, and brilliant minds; however she noticed that barely any of them were worshiping her , or any God for that matter. Nylia was about to address her creations, but she hesitated, with the crystal heart in her hands...what if the evil power from it effected them? Nylia shook her head, this crystal heart was proving to be less helpful than she thought...but if she were to ever revive Cragin, she'd have to get it's power, and the ashes from Mathias...but first, something more important was Jute. "You said you would help me find Jute," Nylia said to the Crystal Heart, "If you wish to live for another day take me to her now," she finished. If the crystal didn't comply, it would be destroyed.


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Character Portrait: Rodrauge
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#, as written by Wake
With grand strides it marched to the northeast. Talmas of iron, its name. It walked in the name of his father, to meet those that the dwellers of this world called gods. And one in particular. While Domas of stone went to the lands of the east and Burmas of sand settled in the south, Talmas traveled West to where the once called Mathias, and speak with the deity on the behalf of his sleeping father.

Armas had been insistent that he also join, so that he might enact vengeance upon the lord of justice for attacking their father in his sleep. But Talmas denied him this. He felt it would be better if he were to go alone and try reasoning instead. For surly the one called Mathias had his reasons for acting the way he did. And the colossus of iron thought it wiser to not let their first acts in meeting with their fathers kin be that of violence and challenge.

He continued onward, his feet leaving massive puncture's in the soil. In his wake he left crushed trees, frightened animals, and awestruck mortals as he made his journey West.


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Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Keindra
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#, as written by Wake

The animals of the forest, at first enjoying the day and its activities as usual, went quiet as a small tremor was felt.


Moments later they scattered as a massive shadow was cast over them.


Talmas marched on regardless of the trees and bushes crushed under his feet. Having finally crossed the desert and mountains. He could feel the presence of the one that lit fire to belly of the sleeping father near him. And he searched carefully to find that god. His lifeless iron eyes skimmed the tree lines until he found what he was looking for. A grove in the distance, where the lingering feel of a divine presence emanated from.

Thud. Thud. Thud

With a few more great strides he was there. Standing tall and casting a shadow over the grove, he knelled down to get a better look and saw three beings of a divine origin. Observing them for a moment, the Iron colossus spoke, his voice deep and rumbling. "Pardon that of my interruption. I am Talmas of Iron. Son of the sleeping father and lord of soil and stone. I look for the one who blasted fire into my fathers belly and woke him from his slumber." He looked to each one of the present gods in turn. "Would any among you three be the one I search for?"


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Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Keindra
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As Keindra sees Mathias, and the Goddess, he gave a very mischievious grin. As he watched, one of his wings began to itch. Keindra brought his wing forward and turned it to metal. Then he he took out his sword, Vlademier, and began stroking the itched wing. As he did, the contact of his sword produce a very meloncholy sound. He started stroking his wings some more, until he found the perfect combinations of sound.

After this, he starts playing a song that could be heard for miles, which reflects the aura of the forest. It wasn't a happy song, nor was it a sad song. It was majestic, like a continuing era, or a force still looking out for the world.....*sigh*....."This forest is beautiful, and so is the arua it produces." But then he stopped, and looked around knowing something is comming.


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Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Keindra
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She had felt the other god drape something around her and she felt that it seemed to have eased the situation though she had not noticed any issue herself "I thank you Keindra for your kind gesture though I know not of its significance" she whispers softly, bowing her head to the other god before focusing her attention back on Mathias, and hearing response to her words as his cheeks reddened "Uh might have liked him." she noticed that as she continued to speak his body grew tense and his eyes had closed once more, causing her to frown slightly in response.

"Mathias? I am deeply sorry if my words have caused you any ill or distress, for that was not my intent." she lets go of his hand, letting it fall before speaking again "Have I hurt your hand at all? I heard you whimper just after you closed your eyes, does something bother you?" her brow is furrowed in concern and confusion, for she knows not what ails the elder god and it worries her.

Her hand absently reaches to caress the drape that Keindra had given her, and carefully pulls it closer around her, not sure if this would aid matters but its appearance calmed Mathias for a moment and she hopes that this would do so as well. She noticed out of the corner of her eye Keindra had begun to play a quiet Aria that fit the tone of the grove and brought a sweet smile to her lips.

Before Mathias could respond to her however a rumbling that had been echoing through the forest for some time reached a crescendo as a towering figure burst from the foliage, a being of iron and earth stood looking down at each of them in turn, speaking and a deep rumbling voice.

"Pardon that of my interruption. I am Talmas of Iron. Son of the sleeping father and lord of soil and stone. I look for the one who blasted fire into my fathers belly and woke him from his slumber. Would any among you three be the one I search for?"

The nature goddess look up at the creature with interest but did not know who it was he sought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Keindra
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Keindra looked up at the colossus entity. "Ah, your the one that I sensed comming." Keindra stood up, and bowed before the creature "I'm very sorry, Talmas son of the Sleeping Lord, but I'm a new God. I'm Keindra God of Servants, Masters, Services, and Contracts. I have no found power, to be able to cause a disturbance like waking up a God like that." Keindra realises Talmas was just asking a question, and as of respect he put his sword back in it's sheath. But he still had his hand on the hilt just in case there was trouble.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Keindra
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Mathias was tense and the whole time it didn't get better for him. He definitely has had too much excitement for one day. The quaking even went by underneath his noticed as he was so absorbed in the moment. Mathias some what eased as she let go of him. She had no idea what she was doing. Mathias would be happy to explain, but he's having a hard time opening up. Then he heard what he believed was music and then the rumbling voice of being, so large...he had never seen such a thing. While Mathias would be in amazement he only felt awkward. Mathias noticed the Goddess trying to cover herself more and that wasn't the problem.

"'m not hurt....," Mathias paused, "...I'm...just fine...," Mathias then gave a nervous laugh, "...It's not your fault." Mathias tried to sound reassuring but he just sounded timid. Mathias sort of waddled and he struggled to turn to Talmas. His eyes were barley open as he stiffly raised his hand in a greeting.

"Hello my name is Mathias," Mathias spoke in a bland, yet whiny tone. "Yes it was I that did what you said." Mathias continued to speak in a pained yet bland tone. "I am sorry and accept your punishment." Mathias spoke as he stiffly placed his hand down and continued with his deadpan expression.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Keindra
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#, as written by Wake
Talmas nodded briefly to Keindra's introduction before focusing upon Mathias. The colossus's face softened at the lord of justice's apology. "Do not be so hasty, elder lord. I do not seek to merit out vengeance. My kin and I were only worried that you meant to challenge our father. As that is not the case then I simply ask of you, what was there reason for your actions?"

Out of the four colossi, Talmas was likely the most reasonable and forgiving. For he embodied his fathers patience and generosity. It may have been fortunate for both he and the elder god that the iron colossus had insisted that he be the one to handle this issue, for his brothers might not have been as trusting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Keindra
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Mathias did snap out of his daze of awkwardness and felt it best to explain himself to the gigantic being. "No, I have no desire to challenge your father." Mathias spoke in his more respectful yet authoritative voice. "You see the reason for my actions was over the contents in this." Mathias spoke as he held up the urn to Talmas. "You see what is within this...Urn, is my brother's ashes." "He was The God of the Wilds and my personal friend." Mathias then paused as he gave Talmas a serious look. "I can't begin to describe how much sentimental value they meant to me." Mathias paused, "And when they were stolen I grew enraged." Mathias spoke.

"You see another God burrowed from underneath us and stole a mouthful of my brother's ashes." Mathias went on to describe Nightling. "When he stole what was left of my was...something that I couldn't allow to pass." "In my rage I tossed the Righteous Fire down the hole the creature burrowed and I did this continuously." Mathias then paused as he felt ashamed of himself. "I apologize but I was not myself, I meant no disrespect to you or your father." "I only wanted returned what was not rightfully his." "I don't expect you to understand how much these ashes mean to me, just understand it was something....something I felt...I had to do." "I admit it wasn't the wisest thing to do but in my rage I was not thinking clearly." Mathias spoke as he finished his piece. Whatever Talmas thought of it was up to him, but it was the truth and Mathias will stick by it. He waited for Talmas' response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Keindra
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Knowing the creature is not a threat, Keindra took his sword out to practice some more songs on his wings. As he plays Keindra mutters to himself,
"I wonder if there's a God, or Goddess of music. I wonder what he'll/she'll say about this."

Looking at the Elder God with such interest, Keindra wonders why would he give himself up so easily. He's the God of Justice for crying out loud! But it wasn't Keindra's place to judge such a God. So during the whole conversation he's listening intently while playing on his wing.

As Keindra listened, he starts to ponder on the idea that Justice itself can be blind. This idea gave Keindra a wide mischevious grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Keindra
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#, as written by Wake
Talmas rubbed his chin in contemplation. "Father did feel one tearing through his flesh around the same time, didn't he..." Then the colossus nodded calmly. "Yes, I can understand the situation some what. While I don't know how it would feel to lose a companion, I do know the irritations of dealing with a thief, and my father could relate to the nuisances of such a creature." The Iron colossus bowed his head slightly. "I thank you for taking the time to explain this to me, Lord Mathias. I am glad that our first meeting could be without incident."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Keindra
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After hearing what Talmas had to say about Mathias' actions, Keindra stood up and looked at both of them. With the philosophy in mind, Keindra spoke.

"If I maybe so bold, my Lord Mathias, and Talmas son of the Earth God. Do the both you think that justice itself is blind when something drastic happens? I don't know if I came up with that, or someone else. But the way Mathias has described the events and the fact he's God of Justice, made me wonder about the entity of Justice being tainted. That rage caused Mathias to be blind of his actions. Which then created an event that was, what's the word, regretable."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Keindra
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Mathias gave Talmas a warm smile as he spoke. "I too am glad our first meeting went without incident as well." "Also thank you for your understand and please, tell your Father I mean no disrespect." Mathias warmly spoke. He was glad Mathias didn't get himself in major trouble with another deity. He truly wasn't in the mood to feud with his kin. Mathias hoped Talmas' father will be as understanding. It makes Mathias wonder who is Talmas' father anyway? He understands he is a God of the Soil they walk upon but not much else. From what he can surmise that he might be a very proud individual. With such words a challenge it makes Mathias feel that what he did offended and could have suffered repercussions. It would be wise to not be in disfavor with this god. Still Mathias cares about all of his kin and would work things out with him anyway.

Mathias then heard the music come from behind him again and turned to see it was Keindra. "I didn't know you played music." Mathias cheerfully spoke. He was some what pleasantly surprise to hear it. His eyes drifted to the Goddess and she seemed curious of the giant being before them. Mathias turned to Talmas. "Give your father my regards." Mathias spoke as he waved to him goodbye.

"If I maybe so bold, my Lord Mathias, and Talmas son of the Earth God. Do you think that justice itself is blind? I don't know if I came up with that, or someone else. But the way Mathias has described the events and the fact he's God of Justice, made me wonder about the entity of Justice being tainted. That rage caused Mathias to be blind of his actions. Which then created an event that was, what's the word, regretable."

Mathias was a bit shocked of Keindra's words. He didn't believe Justice to be blind, it is a constant force for good. Still it seemed he was curious as to what had occur. Mathias decided to explain. "Well although what I have done was in a fit of rage, it shouldn't dissuade one of the righteousness of justice." "You see justice is all about responsibility...I did something regrettable and as repentance I offered myself for just punishment." "No one is above reproach, I do well to remember that." Mathias calmly spoke to Keindra.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mathias Character Portrait: Mérida Character Portrait: Rodrauge Character Portrait: Keindra
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#, as written by Wake
Talmas nodded slowly. "I know not how best to describe to the concepts of what is just and moral. However if Lord Mathias is willing to admit to his mistake and is prepared to make amends, then I believe that neither I or my kin nor even my father have grounds to hold a grudge." Rising back to full height, Talmas regarded the deities before him. "I shall bring news of your apology back to my father and my siblings. The offense was only a minor one, and unintended. Father may be stubborn at times, but he is also patient. And I am sure he will let go of the issue without further comment."

The Iron colossus waved once as he turned to leave. "Thank you for your time, lords and lady. May we all meet again under merrier pretenses."