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Makorai Saika

If I can find some alcohol it's a vacation.

0 · 806 views · located in The Rend

a character in “The Rend”, as played by MisterMagicMuffin


Full Name: Makorai Saika

Nicknames/Aliases: Adonis (self given) Best Sniper in Erubesco (self proclaimed Dead-Eyes

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Gifted

Original Canon: Gifted

Description: Makoraiā€™s height is relatively unimpressive, peaking at 5ā€™9, a looker (in his opinion) With dark eyes and eyes, with Anglo-Asian features one can only assume comes from mixed parentage.

Personality: Makoraiā€™s loyalty is ultimately to the people he chooses to invest it in, and is willing to go to great lengths to aid his friends and the people he fellows. This more redeemable quality is often eclipsed by his aloof, womanizing nature, and equally drowned in the liquor heā€™s fond of.

Skills/Powers:Glamour (the ability to make himself appealing not only on a physical level, but able to invoke concepts like romanticism and nostalgia) Makorai is an Erubesco sniper. In an age where gifts often dictate the work one does, his destiny was driven by natural talent. Makoraiā€™s dead eye marksmanship is aided by a unique ability of his. He can use both of his eyes as master eyes, meaning he can shoot, and look for new targets without the aid of a spotter, as well as assess threats while shooting. He considers himself the best in Erubesco, though this opinion has never been tested.

Weaknesses: Women, Drink, and ultimately his loyalty to people.

Brief History: Makorai was orphaned at a young age, his parents dying under circumstances unknown to this day. He spent his youth in an orphanage, finding friendship in the other orphans he spent his formative years with. Initially drawn to the fast nature of Erubescian city society, he was urged by a close friend to join the military with a small group of his fellow Orphans.

Other: A recent loss to the Wanderers has left him bitter towards his vocation, and himself [/center]

So begins...

Makorai Saika's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezenvare Queem Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Rasteva Character Portrait: Drake Coleman Character Portrait: Makorai Saika
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#, as written by Hyro
"You are not helping," the winged boy remarked to the armored man... thing. He had opted to completely ignore Stride for the time being, as the whole terrorist question wasn't important in his book. His attention was back on Kora again, taking a breath to have another go at reasoning with her.

ā€œLook, Iā€™m sorry. I didnā€™t have anything to do with that. What they did to youā€¦ā€ Drake trailed off, looking for the right words, ā€œWeā€™re a group of renegades fighting for freedom from the factions. Thatā€™s all we are, just stuck in the middle of one big war. And some of our members areā€¦ Well, unable to cope? We have also suffered casualties. Weā€™re outnumbered andā€¦ And scared, so we fight to survive. Some hate Erubesco more than others. And Iā€™m sorry if they hurt you. But I donā€™t want to hurt you, so please donā€™t give me a reason to.ā€

He was a bit more hesitant to mention the next part. ā€œYour daughterā€¦ Hel, right? Sheā€™s a wonderful girl, very smart. And very afraid of her faction. She doesnā€™t want to go back, soā€¦ Weā€™re protecting her. Sheā€™s alright though. Weā€™ve kept her safe and happy. Weā€™ve taken good care of her. I would never let anyone lay a finger on her.ā€

He wasnā€™t sure how well that would go over with Kora. Drake guessed not well, but he figured it was worth a shot.

At that point another had joined them, someone unfamiliar. They seemed to know Kora though, and apparently, they recognized him, too, which admittedly confused the hell out of the boy. From the point where Drake was taken from his timeline, the devastating battle between Erubesco and the Wanderers had not yet happened. Last the winged boy could remember, he was fully alive. And he certainly couldnā€™t recall getting shot in the face.

ā€œWhat do you mean you shot me?ā€ he asked, confusion lacing his voice, ā€œWho are you?ā€


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Rasteva Character Portrait: Drake Coleman Character Portrait: Makorai Saika Character Portrait: Ocean Stormgull
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Ocean, still without looking, began to weigh down the sword of the armoured figure with ice, hoping to force it to the ground so she could lock it down as well. She also began to freeze the feet of the figure. "Do you know what we do with demons in my world?" she asked, almost like this was a casual conversation. "We destroy them and force them back to the world that they came from. Call yourself a 'day-mon' all you like but killing someone because of pure irritation? That's something classified as demonic evil at home, not sure about the rest of you. So how about we stop with the death threats, alright? I'm sure you aren't one of them."

Blue eyes looked around again, before she nodded agreement to Kora. "Okay, you are being attacked, probably because you're terrifying them into fight or flight. And he's-" she waved a hand towards Drake, hovering in the air beside her- "your enemy? I'd offer for you to punch him but I don't think he'd agree. Would a replica suit?" She offered, knowing a spell for creating customized golems.

She fluttered away from Drake further, though, upon hearing Kora's accusations. Having a daughter of her own made her sympathize with the red head, and once again, she focused on Drake. "The accusations she makes are serious." she told him gravely. "I don't understand what it is like in your world, so I really can't pin a blame but... You do have her daughter?" one eyebrow raised, giving her a quizzical expression. "Why and how?"

What really stunned her though, was the newest appearence in the arena. A man with a sniper rifle, confessing to having shot Drake in the face. "Could you clarify?" she asked. "You shot the face? So you both have reasons to hate the other. Glad that that's clear. Eliza Storen, by the way." Using her true name here would do nothing but raise eyebrows at elemental naming customs.

She was starting to regret getting involved, and wondered how hard it would be to get home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezenvare Queem Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Rasteva Character Portrait: Madison Lovette Character Portrait: John gray
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It didnā€™t take long for Stride to notice that she had been completely and utterly ignored. Her scowl deepened beneath her mask as the others went on in their business, with several of them introducing themselves at Madisonā€™s prompt. Others, still, however, had simply gone on without doing that either; two of the girls went off to have a fuck party- or whatever the hell they were up to- , and Kora-ganger continued to shout at the emo kid- with said emo kid participating in dismissing her. At the redheadā€™s words, Stride rose a brow, glancing once again at the others once again.

ā€œAā€™ight, so none of you guys heard the whole ā€˜cannibal, psychopath, kidnapping terroristā€™ spile she just went on? Just me?ā€ If they didnā€™t hear her this time, the hybrid mused, then they were either idiots, or completely supportive of some random kid being accused of a...well, a variety of things by this point, really.

Without warning, another rather familiar face had bounded into her line of vision, shouting about having shot Emo-Kid in the face, how they were in hell, and etcetera and etcetera. Given the fact that she had already been introduced to the idea of ā€œalternate selvesā€ at this point, it didnā€™t take long for Stride to figure out that this wasnā€™t ā€œtheir Makoraiā€. Amused by the flow of dialogue escaping the man, Stride lightly jabbed Madison in the ribs, mood lightened.

ā€œHey,ā€ she mumbled, taking care that her words were hidden by the chaos surrounding them. ā€œYa think this Makoā€™s as much of a lilā€™ bitch as our one?ā€

Upon hearing Armoryā€™s shout regarding a certain scaled sir, Stride allowed her voice to rise once again, drawling heavily on each syllable. ā€œThe Godzilla kind, Bolts. Ya know how they are; goinā€™ ā€˜round shootinā€™ lazers at the Tokyo Tower.ā€ The next comment from the man regarding his...state brought a snort from the fighter, and an accompanying ā€œNo shit, Sherlock.ā€

Finally, to the giant sentient armor, Stride gave yet another snort. This entire arena was just filled to the brim with movie tropes, wasnā€™t it? The large, villainous ham, the obligatory lizard creature thing, the spunky girl with an equally spunky petā€¦

ā€œShouldnā€™t worry ā€˜bout things catchinā€™ on fire,ā€ she said. ā€œWeā€™re surrounded by stone, nā€™ stone doesnā€™t really catch on fire or anythinā€™.ā€ She paused for another moment, remembering something.

ā€œOh, nā€™ you guys can call me Stride, if weā€™re still doinā€™ the whole introducinā€™ thing.ā€

It seemed that the general aggression wouldnā€™t be so quick to temper down, much to Madisonā€™s dismay.

Within a very short span, things had only seemed to escalate further. While Eze seemed to have calmed at this point, and while at least a few people had decided to go along with the introduction session, there was still the matter of the ones who hadnā€™t been soothed whatsoever. The alternate version of Kora was still- quite literally- fuming, with the winged boy and Rateva continuing to add fuel to the fire. At this rate, a fight was inevitable, and the main offenders seemed very much unwilling to let things go so easily.

Madison hardly batted an eye upon seeing another copy of a SCION member run up. He didnā€™t even need to focus on the manā€™s scent to see the differences between this Makorai, and their own; the fact that he recognized the dark haired youth was a large amount of evidence in itself, as well as the fact that he was neither baffled nor shocked by the fact that Kora was aflame. At Strideā€™s sudden jab and subsequent whisper, Madison only gave a disapproving shake of his head before continuing to listen.

Frowning as the little gathering continued to toss insults and obvious frustrations about, the vampire took a few steps forth, adjusting his hat to better sit upon his head with the movement. ā€œWhile I donā€™t speak for everyone,ā€ he spoke, voice just as calm as before, ā€œand while I donā€™t claim to be in any sort of authority here, I think it would be best if you all calmed down for the time being, and stopped threatening each other like this.

If Iā€™m correct, weā€™re all currently captives of some sort of powerful being, and in a world completely different from our own. Now,ā€ a slight gesture, as to emphasize his point. ā€œagain, while I have no authority, trying to kill each other at the moment doesnā€™t seem like the best idea. I can assume that,ā€ a hand wave towards Drake, Kora, and Makorai, ā€œyou all are from the same world, yes? While...he,ā€ another wave, this time to Rasteva, ā€œis currently thinking that attacking would solve the problem of fights starting. Iā€™m sure you have are very much enemies where youā€™re from, what with...well, everything youā€™ve said, by now. Here, though, weā€™re currently on the same playing field.

I donā€™t mean to offend, but those who suddenly thought violence was the answer to solving violence shouldnā€™tā€¦really shouldnā€™t do that, especially when the person on the receiving end didnā€™t do anything but curse a bit. The being said nothing about trying to kill each other- just to introduce ourselves. On that note,ā€ Madison gave a small clap of his hands, ā€œmy name is Madison Lovette, and I am a behaviorist working for my organization. Itā€™s a pleasure to meet you all.ā€

There. Hopefully, that would at least do something to calm things.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adira Hasidare Character Portrait: Ezenvare Queem Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Rasteva Character Portrait: Madison Lovette
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0.00 INK

Ezenvare Queem

Now there was another problem starter. Great. This one carried what Eze could only describe as a large club, but he could tell that is had some other use. It was just how the human holding it was spouting about himself being such a good shot. Then the kid did something with his eyes, but it looked kinda like he was preparing to shoot with a lazy eye.

All the while, the massive suit of armor was explaining itself and asking what kind of arena isn't meant for fighting. Eze knew this answer from... prior experience. Bouncing down from his staff, Eze caught it before it started to tilt. He then walked over to the suit of armor now known as Rasteva. Tapping a claw on the armor, Eze spoke up with "One that is meant to be a holding pen. Something only to be walls and a floor. Or an arena made by one who does not like to use things for their purposes."

Then Eze finally got what the metal man, who now had two shiny devices in his hands, said. "Bronze dragons don't breath fire! Only red, gold, and brass dragons do that."

Not moments after his statement, Eze heard something soothing. A gentle flute playing a gentle song. It would have been the type of thing to take the edge off, but Eze was still weary of those around him. He understood the armor, don't threaten it and it won't threaten you. Madison just wanted peace. Stride was more interest in making comments that Eze just didn't get than actually causing trouble. Oliver was just confused, as was the dragon-winged man. However, there was still the fire woman and the supposed archer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adira Hasidare Character Portrait: Ezenvare Queem Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Xinder Ouquid Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Rasteva
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0.00 INK

Xinder Ouquid

Xin wasn't gonna shoot first. No, he wasn't going to shoot first. Let them all just kill each other before cleaning up the mess. It was no use, the hostility in the air was like a bad glass of milk to Xin. Disgusting because it was left to hang for too long.

While he would have gladly watched and enjoyed the fighting that was about to ensue, this failure for either the fighting sides to start fighting or the peacekeeping side trying to stop the fighters from fighting. Which side would eventually win was anybodies' guess, but it was still wearing down on Xin's limited patience.

Anger. Kill. Maim. Destroy. Strangle. All these things went together in Xin's head, a problem and its solutions. Looking around, he knew that it was coming to take him over. If he didn't find a living outlet to release his rage upon, Xin would soon be putting himself in danger while likely taking a few others down with him.

Another quick look around the arena and finally something useful seemed to show itself. There was a shark swimming in the lava near the gate to the outside world. That would do.

Pulling out his pistol while walking towards the gate, Xin focused on the shark. There was more then one. It swam to do as the other was doing, biting at the bars of the cage without any signs of stopping. When he finally reached the bars Xin shot one of the sharks with his rifle-sounding pistol. Its body exploded from the force of a hollow round from the little rail pistol, but there was no visible blood. This wasn't satisfying enough.

Xin shoved his hand into the mouth of the second shark mid-bite. Grabbing hold of it from the inside, Xin pulled back with all his might and force the creature through the bars. Surprisingly, only the fins got separated from the lava beast that was now flopping about on the ground. Using the plasma knife Xin cut off two feet of the sharks back end before picking it up and beating the bleeding shark to death with it. Xin could feel the pleasure with every strike as the 'fighting' soothed him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adira Hasidare Character Portrait: Ezenvare Queem Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Sarah Ender Character Portrait: Xinder Ouquid Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride
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One moment Kichi was casually venturing through the forests of his world, on the hunt for a certain person corrupted by a demon. He was going to be paid for this job too. He'd do it anyway even if he wasn't paid. The money was simply a bonus this time and he kind of needed it considering nothing was for free. The next, he finds himself surrounded by darkness. It was such a strange place to be in. It did not feel as though the lights had gone out but more like he was in a strange realm dedicated to the colour black. He wasn't sure how to explain it but he couldn't say it was a very comforting place. The Rend, this Rend guy, he sounded like an idiot. Like some employee hired out of pity. He sounded so unsure of his own words, and all that rambling was pretty annoying.

Although the idea was quite intriguing that this strange being came up with, it would have been nice to be notified in advance. Kichiro suddenly felt his stomach drop, as if he was falling before his mind went blank and there was silence. Kichi lay there on the hot, colourful mosaic tiles. He was conscious and felt like he was waking up after a long nap. Didn't feel like moving, just wanted to really go back to sleep. But it was a bit hard with lightning bolts, ice, fire and yelling happening around you. Kichi simply stirred, groaning out of irritation. He wasn't too far from the gathering of troglodytes, that's how he'd see them for now anyway. A bunch of uncivilised cave people fighting over who gets to light the fire first.

The bickering didn't seem to end and just went on and on. Kichiro rolled over onto his side, eyes lazily open now as he studied the gathering of strange looking people. They were certainly an odd bunch. Kichi couldn't help but get excited over the possible fun things headed his way. Considering how emotional some of them were it would be too easy to toy with them. The soothing sounds of a flute playing nearby only made him want to sleep even more. How annoying that he would be forced to wake up. "Oh my god no one cares." Kichi said out loud to no one in particular; at was almost aimed at everyone really. A shame the peaceful ones couldn't keep the brats under control. "No one cares if you think you're stronger than they are. And no one cares that you lost your damn daughter, go have a cry somewhere else. Is this really going to be some kind of stupid fight over 'my guns are bigger than yours'. Or hey I'm angry because you did bad things in my world?" Kichiro himself was in fact, one of those brats. He liked to stir shit and most of his statements were probably not even relevant but simply there to make someone annoyed or to see who would get annoyed first.

"Why don't you all take a fine look at green eye metal man over there. Use him as a role model for how to take your anger out on other things." With that said he pointed casually with his thumb at Xinder who was casually and amusingly tearing a lava shark apart. Kichiro grinned at the sight. He hoped to see the man do that to a person some day. All of the white hair male's words were spoke in a calm and lazy tone. As if he were forced to read something out in front of the class by the teacher. Madison was doing quite well with trying to keep things calm, hopefully her words would work and everyone would calm their tits. Otherwise. "Fighting would be such a waste of time right now. Especially considering we only just got here. Surely there are more fun things to do." Kichiro didn't care if his earlier statements struck a nerve or anything, and a simple insult headed his way would only encourage him to be a pest even more. To think that the creatures in his world were fun to toy with, imagine the surprises this lot had in stall for him.

"Oh and I'm Kichiro. Destroyer of imbeciles or something like that. Yeah."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Adira Hasidare Character Portrait: Ezenvare Queem Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Sarah Ender Character Portrait: Xinder Ouquid
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...Whereā€™s Ocean?

What happened- I- where did she go? What just happened? What...wait.

Howā€¦? Characters...characters
donā€™t do this. Characters canā€™t do this! They canā€™t just- just get up and walk away from the Rend like this! Thatā€™s ridiculous! They- they canā€™t- but what if she did...



N-no, itā€™s too early for everything to be
that bad, Rend! Sure, the gates just- just magically opened themselves, and sure, one of the characters just- just somehow left, but...but itā€™s fine! I can still do this! After all, every GM starts off rockily, right? They always have that one that ends up going this, right? In fact, Iā€™d say Iā€™m doing decent, given the...uhm, the characters I picked up. And yeah, itā€™s my first one! Nothing to feel bad about! I just need to, uh, start things now. Intervene.

ā€Okay, everyone! I- well, one of your fellow...people just ended up leaving, but...but donā€™t worry, alright? Iā€™m pretty sure that no one else can do that, but- but I probably have to make sure, uh...Heh. Sorry! B-before I do anything like that, though, I just want to go ahead and clear up a few things. Actually, uh, yā€™know. Do my job and all.

ā€œWell, I just want to go ahead and clarify that
nobody is supposed to kill anyone here. Yep! Haha, yeah, no, uh, trying to cut people in half, shoot someone in the head, noooope. In fact, youā€™re actually doing the exact opposite of what I wanted, if you can believe that! Weird, right? Heh. Basically, uh, Iā€™m going to send you all out to do these amazing missions! Fun, right? Youā€™ll be explorers of a new world, and you can fight evil monsters and things like that! Everything you could want, Iā€™m sure- but, uh, still, no killing the other people here? Youā€™re supposed to form a nice little group down there, and, uh, not supposed to attack everyone else? In fact, you guys will actually, ehm...get...punished if you do anything like this again! Scary, right? Nobody wants that. And youā€™re also supposed to protect each other, too, so if you donā€™t do that, youā€™ll...Also get punished!

ā€œNow, now, I know what you all must be thinking- ā€˜But Rend, you sound like some evil god trying to watch us all suffer!ā€™ I would also like to clarify that I am neither a god, demon, daemon, daedra, angel, death, Gifted, or anything like that. You guys are
not, in fact, in hell. But I do have to be a bit strict in things, however, since you all are so...uh, violent? And because one of you just suddenly up and left, but, anyway. Let me just, uh, clear my throat hereā€¦ā€

Suddenly, several of the characters found themselves feeling...well, not as absurdly strong. Got to even the playing field and all that, but, eh-hehm. Donā€™t want to end up causing more trouble, but, uh, the ones with the most skills and powers and magical stuff ended up with less. Like Rasteva, and Eze- mainly because Iā€™m just kind of worried about how far this will, uh, escalate, if theyā€™re so strong...Uhm, and, uh, the other ones who triggered the problems, um, got less strong somewhat, too, and, uh, yeah. Less power. Of course, not planning on, uh, taking away from those who need the power, but yes. Weakened somewhat. This is both punishment and to make sure nobody else escapes.

ā€œNow, Iā€™m going to remove the lava and, uh, other things right now. And open the gate properly. I expect for all of you to get along at this point, or else, you know. Punishment. Have fun!ā€

With that, all obstacles that had been placed outside the arena vanished, and the gates began to open once moreā€¦


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Adira Hasidare Character Portrait: Ezenvare Queem Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Sarah Ender Character Portrait: Xinder Ouquid
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  1. contains rule violation, needs review

    by Miss Echo
  2. contains rule violation, needs review

    by Miss Echo

0.00 INK

Adira Hasidare

As Adira stood and moved to walk towards the others, Rend's omnipresent voice rang out, sounding rather flustered (which was odd if this being was trying to play god). However he managed to bumble his say through explaining that not only were they not supposed to kill each other (which was a relief) but that they would be "punished" if they tried. This coming from the being that summoned lava sharks and giant spiders because Adira opened a gate, she was not eager to find out what his concept of "punishment" was.

More than that though, they were all supposed to work together to go on this heroic quests he'd supposedly be assigning them. Looking at the others Adira couldn't help but to wonder exactly how thoroughly Rend had thought this through. If he'd intended for everyone to get along and work together, he probably shouldn't have chosen a group of people from opposite sides of an active war. She also noted that, while everyone else was exceptionally powerful, she was somewhat on the weaker side which would make it rather difficult for her to keep up with them on their missions.

This thought was addressed a moment later when Rend said:

Suddenly, several of the characters found themselves feeling...well, not as absurdly strong. Got to even the playing field and all that, but, eh-hehm. Donā€™t want to end up causing more trouble, but, uh, the ones with the most skills and powers and magical stuff ended up with less. Like Rasteva, and Eze- mainly because Iā€™m just kind of worried about how far this will, uh, escalate, if theyā€™re so strong...Uhm, and, uh, the other ones who triggered the problems, um, got less strong somewhat, too, and, uh, yeah. Less power. Of course, not planning on, uh, taking away from those who need the power, but yes. Weakened somewhat. This is both punishment and to make sure nobody else escapes.

As he said this a strong gust of wing blew through the arena and past- no, through- the bodies of the characters. She saw many of the more powerful beings sway as the wind blew through them, appearing to have been significantly weakened (especially that fairy who seemed to have just caused a hurricane on a whim). However when the wind reached Adira she felt... well, the same actually. Nothing seemed to have happened to her. Too bad.

However as she glanced over at Fell she could see that he was equally confused, the scales on his back rippling oddly as if his muscles were sore. There were strange lumps under the skin that hadn't been there before. They bore a resemblance to young adult Fanghur who were in the first stages of wing development, however Fell had not reached that age so Adira quickly scratched that off her mental list of explanations. Before she could ponder any further, Rend spoke again.

ā€œNow, Iā€™m going to remove the lava and, uh, other things right now. And open the gate properly. I expect for all of you to get along at this point, or else, you know. Punishment. Have fun!ā€

At these words the gate did open, the monsters and lava having disappeared. Adira looked at Fell but he stared back at her in equal confusion. "Well, I guess we know why we're here..." she said slowly, still trying to process all of this, "If we're all supposed to work together like some big, happy family then the first step would be to go meet everyone. And not pick a fight this time." Fell bobbed his head in agreement and Adira hesitantly started walking towards the group of now significantly weakened heroes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Drake Coleman Character Portrait: Makorai Saika Character Portrait: Ocean Stormgull
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#, as written by Hyro
Drake couldnā€™t even get a word in, everyone was talking so much. And once again a lot was going on. ā€œHey, can we stop pointing fingers? None of you know either of our situations, or the situation of anyone here to properly judge. Not even she knows the full extent of my situation,ā€ he replied, pointing to Kora. The boy wished he had known the fire-womanā€™s name. Someone had called her Kora, but he didnā€™t want to make any assumptions yet. He opted to simply address her with eye contact for the time being. ā€œYour daughter was the one who came to us if I recall, we didnā€™t take or kidnap her. She said that the people at Erubesco had hurt her. Were hurting her. Surely you know about the experiments in your faction? Maybe you donā€™t, since they sure as hell cover it up pretty well. This was never about taking her away from you, this was always about protecting your daughter. She was scared to go back, how could we possibly take her back knowing they were hurting her? Especially if they were experimenting on her, she was too young for that. Does it really bother you that much that we tried to protect her? Weā€™re not heartless. You could come see her, but youā€™re too busy calling us terrorists. Heck, itā€™s a WAR. Everyone is a terrorist! Erubesco is a terrorist to Liberty. Liberty is a terrorist to us. Weā€™re terrorists to both factions, the factions are terrorists to each other. Maybe I am a terrorist to you from your angle, but when it comes down to it, from OUR angle, weā€™re just a family of wanderers trying to survive a war. I donā€™t know how I can make that any more clear to you without you just assuming Iā€™m full of shit.ā€

Drake was getting pretty frustrated. He didnā€™t exactly have anyone here to back him up, so of course he felt singled out. Every accusation thrown at him he could try to counter, but unless the people around him chose to believe him over the others, he was screwed. ā€œI donā€™t want to fight you. I donā€™t want to fight the factions. I simply donā€™t have a choice. I have to protect the ones I care about. We make it a point take in those oppressed by the factions and looking for shelterā€¦ In this case, that was your daughter. It was her choice to make, and she has the choice to leave. So Iā€™m sorry she hasnā€™t chose to return yet.ā€

Makoraiā€™s comment and gaze caused the boy to stiffen a little. A chill ran down the boyā€™s spine, followed by a feeling he couldnā€™t quite place. A feeling of displacement. ā€œI seriously donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about. Iā€™ve never even seen you before,ā€ Drake commented to Makorai, still rather confused about the manā€™s claim of execution. As far as he knew, things had been rather calm when heā€™d gotten snatched up and thrown here. There hadnā€™t been any battles or bloodshed, though perhaps that was what was so chilling about it all. Was Makorai from a different timeline, perhaps? Even Kora was talking about how he couldnā€™t die, even if he was ripped apart, the idea of that causing the boy to cringe and feel sick.

They were right, though, to a point. He could dieā€¦ He could feel pain and the agony that came from deathā€™s touchā€¦ But he would always come back, to live and die again.

Oceanā€™s comment towards Drake caused him to only get more frustrated. He landed on the ground, closing his eyes and running his hand through his hair. ā€œThatā€™s not what I meant at all, stop putting words in my mouth. Of course it matters, she wouldnā€™t be the only one who had a kid taken from her. But my baby brotherā€™s dead and her kid is alive and safe, so maybe she should count her blessings first. How about we stop verbally attacking the guy who just wants to get the hell out of this cage and back to the only family he has left to protect? Is that so much to ask for?ā€ Perhaps the stress was getting to him. He didnā€™t exactly handle this stuff well on his own. Drake could feel a headache coming on, too.

And then a storm. Some rain. Wind, snow. All of it putting the boy on edge. He couldnā€™t survive this stuff, not for long anyway...
And then she was gone.

She had gotten away?? How? He wanted out, too. The winged boy didnā€™t want to be here anymore. And then there was a voice. The dumb voice from the beginning which Drake was starting to hate. Or maybe it was his temper starting to seep in after all this frustration. He was fighting it now, trying to calm himself down.

Itā€™s fine, Drake. Youā€™re gonna be fine. Youā€™re gonna get out of here.

Except he felt pretty unmatched at this point. Even when the wind blew through to weaken the stronger foes around him, he was unmoved. The boy, admittedly, was never that strong to begin with. Which is why he typically had to rely on his silver tongue, which wasnā€™t working so well for him thus far.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adira Hasidare Character Portrait: Ezenvare Queem Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Xinder Ouquid Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Rasteva
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Ezenvare Queem

After Eze's few words to Rasteva, all that any of the others did was shout at each other. Figuring that his intervention would be, once again, pointless the half-dragon began walking back to his bag. Almost halfway through his little walk a storm picked up. The rain Eze liked, but as it escalated he simply dug his claws into the ground to prevent himself from moving with its wind.

Even with the storm, Eze managed to make progress to the bag. However, as soon as the storm stopped the being that brought them here spoke up. Something about things not turning out how it wanted to. Perhaps the 'god' should have made a place a little better for introductions, or given everyone some time before sending them all to the same place. Eze didn't care at this point. The only thing he cared about from this being was the fact that it mentioned that the exit was now open.

Then it happened. Just an arm's reach from his bag and Eze dropped to the floor. The air was becoming dryer, his mind foggier, his muscles more tired, and his scales dulled of their bronze-like shine. Then his shoulders began feeling pain beyond anything he had ever experienced. From his crawling position, the half-dragon let out a long, loud, high-pitched screech like a dragon mounted on a pike. All the while his wings were being forced from his back, slowly growing out to 6 and a quarter feet each. After 5 or so minutes of the excruciating pain, the death screech ended as Eze shakily stood up. Finishing his march to the bag, Eze quickly opened it up only to devour the once again full bucket of water and fish.

Placing his bag's straps around his neck and rolling his wings on his back, Eze shakily marched towards the gate. Useless. I am weak. How am I supposed to fight evil like this? No, I useless. Just another reminder as to how useless I am. I couldn't even stop a fight, how am I supposed to protect everyone else?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adira Hasidare Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Sarah Ender Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Rasteva Character Portrait: Khojin Malqir
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Well, that... solved that? Khojin sighed and pulled herself to her feet, adjusting the bag on her shoulder. This was one hell of a way to get her to do what she already got paid to do.

She studied the wall of the arena; if Rend wanted them to go off on 'heroic quests' to fight 'evil monsters' then there was bound to be some kind of board where they could find their marks, right? Or was there supposed to be some kind of town outside the gate, with this 'arena' just being a gathering point for new arrivals? She didn't see any kind of board from where she stood, so she opted to rejoin the others for the time being.

"So, how we gonna do this?" she called out as she approached. "I figure there's enough here we could form teams, if we wanted." She came to rest next to the white-haired Sha... girl, scratching the back of her head and looking at those around her.

Suit of armor, Magitek Armor Shark Mutilation (now gone, she noticed), a guy who looked to be 80% metal now that she was close enough to see it wasn't armor, wing boy, hot lady, gun dude, umbrella mask, shock lizard, girl who's black clothing wasn't as nice as her's, white-hair boy, white-hair girl, Adira, and others. Haha, yeah. Heroes.

Oh gods, this wasn't gonna end well.

Khojin really wasn't particularly eager to start team-building; getting Adira to accept her as an ally was hard enough, and she wasn't really sure who she could group with, anyway. She was pretty certain the guy in magitek armor wouldn't be up for it, and the red-haired warrior queen likely wouldn't want anything to do with her since she was allied with one of the ones who had sided with the winged boy. He might be a possibility, of course. The suit of armor who had apparently traded his polearm for a sword at some point was questionable; Khojin had no objections to it, but Adira might have other thoughts on the matter, assuming the big guy was even interested. The rest were... strangers. She didn't know enough to say either way. She glanced at white-haired girl out the corner of her eye, looking her up and down. She might be able to handle herself.

Khojin nonchalantly tapped her hand, looking in a different direction to pretend it was an accident. She turned her head to look at the girl, as if only just noticing she were there, and pulled her hand back. "Oops, sorry. My bad." Good. Ice: broken. "I'm Khojin, by the way. Don't think we've met yet."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Drake Coleman Character Portrait: Makorai Saika Character Portrait: Dawn Memoli
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Cold. That was the first thing Dawn felt upon awakening. The second was the feeling of being completely soaked to the bone by...something. Shivering reflexively, the mind-manipulator pushed herself out of a puddle, wincing as the back of her head throbbed and moving to rub the tender spot once her hand was freed.

What happened? The last thing she could remember was them dealing with...well, whoever that speedster was. Some of them had been taking her to a building for the time being, Dawn knew, but other than that...her mind was hazy. She bit the inside of her cheek, attempting to stir something, only to have her focus broken by a gentle breeze hitting her damp clothing. Wrapping her arms about her torso, she rose into a standing position, squinting in the sunlight until her vision focused enough to let her see where, exactly, she was.

It was only until she laid eyes on the surrounding arena, on the various blurred figures surrounding her, that memory hit her like a brick- she had been in some sort of...darkness. There had been a voice, and according to it, she wasnā€™t in her world anymore. As the fog in her mind cleared, so did her use of her abilities, and soon enough she could hear faint voices within her skull like radio static. Not the best thing to have when her head was still pounding, but Dawn put it to use nonetheless, giving a brief scan of the area as soon as she felt that she could handle it. Some sort of godlike figure named ā€œRendā€- that was the voice, apparently-...a fight, with a woman leaving somehow in the middle of it after...causing a storm? Some sort of mission to go on ā€œadventuresā€, and so on, and so forth.

From the sounds of it, these people were, indeed...well, not from where she was from, at least. Even with her Gift, the concept of others coming from another world was still quite foreign to her, difficult to fully wrap her mind about. Deciding not to focus on that for the time being, Dawn began to search for her own duffel bag, quickly finding it (somehow, the slip of paper reading her name had remained intact through the storm) some few feet away from where she had been lying. After checking the contents to see if they had been affected by the apparent storm- which they hadnā€™t, miracle of miracles- Dawn slung the bag over her shoulder, deciding to look through it in detail once she had a more in-depth understanding of what had happened, instead of a brief summary plucked from the heads of others.

Hopefully, she would get a moment to change into dry clothes soon- while the sun was doing well to warm some parts of her, it couldnā€™t remove all the water at once. Clenching her teeth to keep them from chattering, Dawn hesitate where she was for a moment before starting her own walk towards the gate. While it would probably be in her best interests to try and get to know the people she was trapped with soon, she thought it better to leave the arena first before attempting to start any conversation with the others. If things went well, there wouldnā€™t be any death traps lying right outside the boundaries of the arena, and she would have a decent chance to speak with the others while looking for the ā€œgoalā€, so to speak. With that idea planted in her head, she pressed forth, maneuvering around the occasional puddle and attempting to keep a low profile for the moment. After all, with how things stood, conflict wasnā€™t exactly the best thing to encounter.

Needless to say, Dawn had not yet noticed the variety of Erubescians littered about, nor a certain winged Gifted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Drake Coleman Character Portrait: Makorai Saika
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Kor"Fuck him, he's not worth it." Makorai's shade toward Drake came from a place of fresh wounds, each emotional cut symbolized a friend he lost on the battlefield during the assault. While he blamed Erubesco for underpreparing them, this didn't lessen his dislike for the boy, or his desire to put a round in his kneecap.

"Hey hold up." Makorai grabbed a duffel bag from on the ground, the bottom covered with mud thanks to the flashy distraction by the magical princess of 'I'm not going to get anyone else out forget yall, peace'. He hooked the strap onto his shoulder, and swung the duffel bag around so it lay on his opposite hip, directly under the same shoulder his sniper was resting on.

He grabbed another and did the same, this one resting on his back, hefted into the air slightly by his battle pack.

"Hey, take one, maybe it's medicine and we can cure ourselves while waiting for the assorted assholes to die of unnatural causes." The light tone of his voices suggested it was a joke, as Makorai wasn't the kind of person to let someone die over something as simple as an argument.

Once he was beside her again, he intertwined their arms synchronizing their paces perfectly, and giving him someone to lean on during their journey.

Despite everything he felt...excited. His life had been a mixed bag of ups and downs with the most exciting things he'd ever done consisting of shooting people while they launched their powers and bullets at him. Something about this was appealing to him, but he couldn't quite figure what it was.

"You think you could turn that heat thi-

Makorai's head snapped over to the sound of bullets flying, part of him thinking that one of their crazier companions had decided to ignore Rend's warning, and off someone.

In actuality, it looked like grey on brown had free'd armour man's weapon in a very un-Arthurian way.

"Yeah your heat thing on a bit, our cloths are soaking wet."

'and form fitting' he thought, allowing his chocolate brown eyes to wander down Kora's form for a second.

'Focus Makorai."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adira Hasidare Character Portrait: Ezenvare Queem Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Xinder Ouquid Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Rasteva
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0.00 INK

Adira Hasidare

Adira took a small step forwards. For the most part it seemed that everyone had managed to reach an uncomfortable truce - this would have to be enough. "I hate to interrupt," she said evenly, addressing all those around her, "But it looks like the only way we are all going to get back to our own worlds-" her eyes flicked towards the noticeably small Rasteva who had just dropped her polearm, "-and back to our normal strength, is to go along with Rend's game."

"He said something about going on an adventure or whatever but, though he hasn't specified what this mission will actually pertain to, the first step would still probably be exiting the arena." Adira's eyes turned upwards. The light had been slowly but steadily moving across the sky whilst they'd been standing in the arena. "If we remain here too much longer, it'll begin to get dark. And, seeing as everything that makes up this world seems to be based on Rend's whims, there's no telling what creatures may travel under the cover of night."

"If we can get out of here before night falls, I can find a place for us to set up camp and see if I can trap anything to eat. If we're fortunate, Rend will tell us what exactly we have to do before he'll allow us to return." She pushed a hand through her hair, meeting the eyes of everyone in the little social-circle. "I also... apologize... for my rudeness earlier," there was a small strain in her voice, making it obvious that she rarely was one to apologize, though she didn't look away from their eyes. "I have no excuses as we are all on edge about this whole situation. However, I am as keen to return to my world as I'm sure you all are. So it may be in all of our best interests to hold a truce, at least until escape is a possibility." Fell nudged her hand and Adira blinked. "Oh, yes, and I am Adira. This is my Fanghur companion, Fell."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adira Hasidare Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Drake Coleman Character Portrait: Makorai Saika Character Portrait: Skip III
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0.00 INK

"There is literally no point in talking to you. You're either lying through your teeth or you're enough of a naive little lemming to believe the bullshit you're spouting. Or a bit of both. Either way I got nothing else to say." Kora responded dismissively to Drake.

She might have been tempted to spell this out further, but Makorai's urgings to move on drove her to drop it. He was right, the little punk wasn't worth it. Plus it wasn't just herself she had to concern herself with at this point. She'd seen more Knights die lately than she wanted to ever again, so if nothing else she felt some responsibility to avoid that, even if she didn't have much interest in getting back to the front asap.

She started walking once again, and on request she flared up her hands, instantly evaporating the water up to her elbows in a burst of steam.
"You make me feel so useful, Saika. Soldier to storage heater." she muttered.
The knight was considering whether the kit stuff needed drying out more urgently, and, powering down one hand for a moment, had taken one of the packs from her companion to look through the contents. That was when she heard a familiar voice.
"Skip? Skip!" a pretty unconflicted smile broke across the woman's face at the sight of the little talking glowstick. She doubted anyone had ever been quite so pleased to see something that emitted harmful radiation.
"No-one's dead Skip. Some powerful thing's messing with us. It's like Balthazar stuff all over again." Considering that point and his history, she corrected herself.
"Well, so far, marginally less frightening, but y'know. We should get a move on."

She snapped off the other hand so Skip could approach without the immediate danger of his core blowing them all to kingdom come, and started collecting her things. It was at that point that the girl whom she'd nicknamed 'Pipsqueak' started speaking up.
And Kora, despite her better judgement considering these people, felt compelled to speak up as she slung the bag over one shoulder.

"For a place that's had storms, lava, spiders and sharks in quick succession, you're sure applying a lot of conventional logic.

If this place is controlled by some weird omnipotent thing, then the day ends when it wants it to. Who's to say it lasts twenty-four hours?
Same with the game. How we gonna know what's edible and what's poisonous?

She reached into the bag, pulling out a few packs to illustrate.
"There's food in these, and I'd assume this thing isn't going to try and kill us of with our own rations. Wouldn't really be worth all the effort of setting this up. Far as I'm concerned this isn't so much about conventional knowledge as understanding what the rules are."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adira Hasidare Character Portrait: Ezenvare Queem Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Xinder Ouquid Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Rasteva
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0.00 INK

Adira Hasidare

"Fell did not receive a bag as everyone else did, and the food that is in mine is not suitable for him to eat long term. So even if you all have food that is fit enough for you I still need to go hunting." Adira answered simply, then made a general gesture towards all of them. "Take a good look around you. As far as I can tell, Rend didn't just make up all of this stuff on his own - he borrowed it from somewhere. Similarly to how he 'borrowed' us from our own worlds - and a considerable number of us your world world in particular, if I'm not mistaken." Her eyes wandered between Kora, Drake and the others that Fell had detected similar scents on (though Adira herself did not yet know their names).

"As for the design of this 'game', it's like a bunch of pieces from different puzzles that a child might've connected together. As far as I can tell regarding the rules and reasoning behind it all..." she offered a lame shrug, "I honestly have no idea. But so far he's make it clear we're to work together and complete a series of tasks which he will assign us. He has even opened the gate and removed it's guardians - which strikes me as a pretty clear indicator that it's his desire is for us to leave the arena."

Adira then looked up towards the sky, shielding her eyes against the slowly descending orb of light. "I don't know how long the day or night last in this place, nor do I know exactly how long we've been here thus far, but time seems to be moving along nonetheless." Adira looked back to the group, making sure to meet Kora's eyes, though her voice was level and lacking hostility as she continued on, "Which brings me to reiterate my previous point: it is unwise to be running around aimlessly in the dark, especially when you're in an unknown and potentially hostile environment. Therefore I am inclined to find somewhere to set up camp before the last of the light disappears."

Fell Vrangr

Meanwhile, Fell had taken an interest in this new kid who'd just jumped onto Drake's back and began talking fast enough to stun one of the faire folk. Where are we? Who are all of you people? Can I pet your dragon? Or like, ride it? Iā€™m Skip the Third. Are we dead? Which afterlife is this? I kinda wanted to meet Cerberus ā€˜cause Iā€™ve always wanted a dog that didnā€™t die and thatā€™d be like having three dogs." Now Fell was a touch indignation that this new figure had just referred to him as a dragon, as he was most certainly not, but Fell was also much more understanding than Adira usually was about the misunderstanding. What truly perplexed him was not the hyperactivity this one displayed, but instead the strange scent that emanated from him. Though Fell had encountered many unfamiliar scents in his lifetime, this one was completely foreign to him. Like if dragonfire had engulfed an alchemist hovel. When Drake flew off (rather quickly, he noticed) Fell slowly moved closer to the yellow-eyed being, sniffing his leg in puzzlement.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adira Hasidare Character Portrait: Ezenvare Queem Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Xinder Ouquid Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Rasteva
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Maā€™am. While others might have chosen to correct what was, really, a completely honest mistake, Madison chose not to- at least, not for the moment. He hardly bothered these days until it was completely necessary for him to do so, and the young man had already flounced off before he could have the chance to do so. As such, the vampire merely blinked once, twice, thrice, then trailed after. It was rude not to answer a question, after all- especially when said question pertained to someone who had escaped captivity as easily as waving her wrist.

As soon as he was in proper earshot once again, Madison slowed to a stop, taking care not to plant himself in a puddle or anything of the sort (these heels had been expensive, after all!) before speaking. ā€œIā€™m afraid that she didnā€™t tell me anything about getting out,ā€ he admitted. ā€œShe was in a bit of a...rush to get out, you could say. All she gave me was a warning before- well, considering you saw her before she left, Iā€™m sure you know what she did just now, too.ā€

The lie came naturally, the researcher not missing a beat throughout his words. While he was sure that this one wasnā€™t as...volatile as the others, he was still determined to keep the existence of the fairyā€™s presents hidden for the time being. With how the gathering had been acting, and how powerful the woman had shown herself to be, there was enough evidence to make Madison reasonably wary- or so he felt. Even if they decided to properly ally, there was still the chance they would attempt to use the capsules for more malicious purposes. So he simply decided to keep his lips sealed, absentmindedly adjusting his packs as he stood.

Soon enough, Madison seemed to realize something, and smiled brightly even if the otherā€™s eyes were not on him. ā€œIā€™m Madison, by the way; itā€™s nice to meet you.ā€ Curious as to what had drawn the manā€™s attention, he peered over his shoulder, looking at the contents of the bag from where he was. A question had begun to form itself on his lips, although it was soon and suddenly replaced upon catching sight of a dog trotting up.

The question itself was delayed again as the vampire cooed at the canine, bending a little in order to pet its head.

Once he had remembered what he had been about to say, Madison raised his head, although he kept his eyes locked on the little beast for the time being. ā€œIs she yours? Sheā€™s beautiful!ā€ Although he typically disliked assumptions, the other had been rifling through a bag stuffed to the brim with dog treats and other miscellaneous objects, so there was at least some evidence to do so.

By the point that both Adira and Rasteva had spoken, he had lowered himself to the ground already, tucking his duffel bag beneath him so as to avoid getting himself wet. He appeared completely and utterly distracted by this point, so his sudden raising of voice seemed to only spring from nowhere at first.

ā€œI have to agree with Kora on this, actually. After all, you two- such a cute little puppy- you two seem to be assuming that our host didnā€™t add in other challenges for us to deal with. This...being has been acting extremely erratically which leads me to believe that there may be some things that we canā€™t expect outside- Iā€™m sure you all remember the sudden lava, after all. We have enough rations to feed all of us, Iā€™m sure, and the gate can be barricadedā€¦ā€ He paused once again, moving to actually look back at the others.

ā€œI would say that we should cast a vote. From what weā€™ve heard, weā€™re all a team, and if one of us ends up wounded, weā€™ll all end up punished one way or another. Shall we?ā€

After all, he was no leader. Calling a vote and conducting himself as if he was was only stir more tension, or so Madison believed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adira Hasidare Character Portrait: Ezenvare Queem Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Xinder Ouquid Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Rasteva
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0.00 INK

It was with a sort of morbid fascination that the hybrid watched Khojinā€™s...tongue? loll from the massacred flesh, waving about in the open air for a long, uncomfortable moments. It was like watching a car crash- it wasnā€™t really the most pleasant thing to watch, but you just couldnā€™t tear your eyes away. It was only until the muscle was pulled back into the ā€œZa Riā€™sā€ mouth that Stride blinked, continuing to squint at the opening as if expecting it to suddenly start expelling beetles.

ā€œThatā€™s fucked up,ā€ she muttered decisively, giving a short shake of her head. ā€œYa know, where I come from, ya donā€™t usually tear open someoneā€™s face when youā€™re screwinā€™ ā€˜em. Least, we have a rule ā€˜bout that; ā€˜donā€™t stick your dick in crazyā€™.ā€ Stride paused, giving Khojin another once-over. ā€œOr, ya know. ā€˜Donā€™t let batshit insane stick its dick in ya.ā€™.ā€ The true rule of thumb, really, no matter the race or origin.

Adiraā€™s words caused her attention to be drawn away from the weird horror-story shit she had just witnessed, and it was with a sense of disbelief that Stride listened to the dragon-rider boss everyone around. Her disbelief was only increased as the weird suit of armor chimed in, and, eventually, Stride began to chuckle just a bit louder than before.

ā€œLook,ā€ she said dryly. ā€œI donā€™t care if youā€™re the princess where youā€™re from or whatever, but I canā€™t say I really wanna go jump off a cliff cause some magical armor and some kid told me there was a buncha pillows at the bottom of it. Hell, I could just be trippinā€™ by this point cause some asshole decided itā€™d be fun to slip some drugs in my drink, but Iā€™m still not gonna just fuck off into the wilds like this.ā€ Idly, Stride brought her gaze about in a circle, taking in the surrounding party.

ā€œJust cause ya think the voice cut pieces from our worlds doesnā€™t mean everythinā€™s baby-proofed. For all we know, someone came from Monty Python, and thereā€™s a buncha killer rabbits everywhere. There were fuckinā€™ lava spiders out there, ya know- and whose to say the voice might end up lettinā€™ one of us die off to make things interestinā€™?ā€ Popping a stiffened joint in her neck, Stride let out a small sigh before continuing on.

ā€œIā€™m votinā€™ that we just donā€™t follow the lead of the underdressed fifteen year old and Iron Man. Not sayinā€™ we hide in here forever, but we should at least find a place where we know thereā€™s no poison dolphins or anythinā€™ like that.ā€

Absentmindedly, Stride took notice of the weird little glowing guy who had joined DoppleKora, but her attention did not focus for long on them. There were more important issues at hand, after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Adira Hasidare Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Sarah Ender Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Rasteva
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Khojin gave a very exaggerated look around the arena. "No poison dolphin's here," she commented, letting her duffle bag fall to the ground.

There was a point to what she said, of course; thus far none of the dangers claimed to be present in this world had appeared in the arena. Even the lava sharks had stopped at the gate, with one only passing the iron barrier when it was yanked in by a homicidal man encased in magic metal. This also seemed to be the only known location people had arrived at; wouldn't it make sense for the area to be warded against outside dangers? She said as much to the others.

"I mean, yeah, I could be wrong, but judging by our current track record this is our best bet," she waved up at the iron wires strung over the arena's mouth. "That's a good defense against anything from the air, an' the only t'restrial entrance is the gate, which we could probably close if needed. Or, failing that, drop Big Man Metal in the center of it. He seems reasonably impervious. Did you get smaller?"

She didn't notice before, but the suit of armor seemed to have shrunk several feet. Unfortunate. Still, her point remained. Oh, she almost forgot.

"Hey, jus' by the by, if we're s'pose to be a team wouldn't it be better to separate into groups?" she asked, lacing her fingers behind her head. "I mean, we'd be slower and attract more attention if we all jus' followed each other. Like, I dunno bout you guys but in my world travel in the Wastelands mandated groups no larger than four or five, unless you were lookin' to raid one of the Gaian settlements."

"Oh. And, uh, I'm Khojin. Not sure if we did introductions."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adira Hasidare Character Portrait: Ezenvare Queem Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Sarah Ender Character Portrait: Xinder Ouquid Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride
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Azai had been enjoying a night's rest in his web just moments before and now he was falling... and falling... and falling. He wasn't a fly! He didn't have wings! How the hell did that ominous voice think that it was a great idea to have him spiraling down in the darkness like this? He had tried to use his webs to cling to something but this inky blackness had no ledge, branch, or ceiling. It was just emptiness. He did have a strange bag that appeared beside him but that wasn't helping him right now. He almost wished he was back in the mansion he despised. At least things there made sense! Why was it that he was the one that always got snatched away from his home and brought somewhere else? This was the second time, damn it! And this time, he hadn't even done anything to warrant his capture!

Suddenly, the shadow seemed to break open and spit the spider out and he continued to drop. The ground and people were fast approaching. "Ah!" he cried out a bit undignified as he landed on one of the creatures below. Both he and the stranger hit the ground hard though Azai had to admit, he was lucky this guy cushioned his fall. He winced and started to try and get to his feet but the damn bag dropped on his back then and he winced as he hit the man beneath him again. He groaned and shook his head, his dark strands falling against his pale skin. He looked up, his deep amethyst gaze catching a glimpse of the dog in front of him. He had never seen a creature like him before. His eyes widened as he got on his hands and knees, careful to actually use the ground as leverage instead of the man. He pulled himself off the stranger and dusted himself off, his gaze never leaving the strange four-legged beasty. He wondered how the creature's innards tasted like.

The black widow then realized there were others in the strange place he found himself. He tensed and crouched low. He gave a hiss and bared his fangs. He really didn't like meeting strangers as of late. The voice said he was in a different world, but was it really a different world or was the master of the house toying with him? Punishing him for biting that patron? He wasn't supposed to bite or harm the others after all but it really wasn't his fault the man kept poking his face. The guy was asking to be bitten. He didn't recognize anyone or anything here. And being out in the open like this put him at a disadvantage. His only true weapons in this situation were his fangs and claws but he couldn't take on all of these strangers. Some of them looked like their skin wouldn't be easily penetrated.