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The Return of Gossip Girl: A New Era.

New York


a part of The Return of Gossip Girl: A New Era., by insouciance.

New York - Host to some of the richest and most exclusive places to live, as well as a home for all those wealthy enough to afford it. It truly lives up to the saying 'New York, New York so good they named it twice.'

insouciance holds sovereignty over New York, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

3,848 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

i got this idea from one of my favourite television programmes, gossip girl:


New York City

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New York

New York - Host to some of the richest and most exclusive places to live, as well as a home for all those wealthy enough to afford it. It truly lives up to the saying 'New York, New York so good they named it twice.'


New York is a part of The Return of Gossip Girl: A New Era..

2 Places in New York:

19 Characters Here

Sydney Vale [83] "She's going to regret saying that about me."
Sienna Alvarez [81] "I am so not here for any of this crap..."
Jane Lynch [79] "Just charge it to my credit card."
Vincent Mast [52] "She says she doesn't want me but I know she's just playing hard to get."
Persephone Soung [52] "I'm sick of being a nobody, I want to live."
Brody Wade [50]
Vivienne Hudson [42] So I went to this party last night...
Daphne Peterson [39] "It's not that I don't care. It's just that this book is very interesting, and you are less so."
Sebastian Arendale [36] "All I ask is that you not be an ass, and we'll get along just fine."
Jake Desai [35] "You're not no one until you've been talked about."

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6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Kaitlin Kingsley Character Portrait: Kelley Hadley
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Bastion looks up as a few familiar faces approach the group that he has made himself part of. He gives Colin a sort of nod in acknowledgement, though they aren't particularly close outside of similar habits, and his eyes focus on John as the fellow asks him a question. "Sorry man, I would have, but I didn't realize you were there. Next time, yeah?" he responds lightly, then going on to smile and nod at the new face John presents to him. She looks like she wouldn't be out of place at Constance, blonde hair blue eyes, pretty, etc. He supposes she's from some wealthy family, perhaps an upstart, but doesn't know for sure and doesn't really care. His range of friends should make it clear he is less concerned about class and wealth than some other people who attend the two elite schools. "Nice to meet you. I'm Bastion. Like the game, I guess," he adds, though uncertain as to whether she would know the game he references. A pretty equal amount do and don't, usually.

The group is not left still for much longer, as yet another round of people come up to the corner. This one includes Sephy, Jake, Daphne, and Kelly. He's vaguely confused at the presence of Daphne, to be honest, perhaps having forgotten the response she sent requesting a ride from Jake. Uncertain of her motivations for coming, he dismisses the confusion as he takes another turn at a joint. As the group grows, the time between each pass lengthens. That's fine, he intends to stop before becoming too affected anyway.

Daphne spends the entire exchange relatively quiet, her eyes sliding constantly around the crowd. There is the slightest hint of a smile on her face, perhaps because she is amused. This is the sort of party she would think only existed in overdramatic young adult fiction and flashy TV series. Of course, given the school she attends, the girl oughtn't be surprised when life plays out like the script of an episode of some teen show or another. She is merely thankful to not allow herself to become caught up in it, one of those characters who seem to exist exclusively for misfortune and messy situations. The thought would be worth grimacing at, if she weren't still bordering on a smile.

She did at least have the courtesy to smile slightly more obviously, although what is a clear smile to her might be more of a slight quirk of the lips to others, at the new girl, Kaitlin. She doesn't strike Daphne as overly interesting immediately, but she's willing to accept a person being more than meets the eye. Her fingers are figuratively crossed that this person will be one such girl. This area hardly needs more superficial types, after all.

Bastion is unfazed by Kelly's question about Jane. He considers it briefly, no longer as irritated with her due to the passing of time. "Nah, I don't think so. Haven't spoken with her over the Summer much, but I don't think she has anyone from California. Still, I don't know about clinging onto the idea of being with her. She's not big on scholarship students."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sebastian Jardine Jr.
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Jane's focus strayed from Sebastian as she approached the bar. She only had to wait a moment for the bartender to serve another guest before he approached her. His expression appeared to be somewhat concerned but he probably knew better than to reject an order from one of the guests at a party like this. Everyone in New York had connections and even a great employee could lose a job after one complaint from someone important enough. She tapped her fingers against the counter as she contemplated what to order. She was unsure if she could stomach another straight shot but was not drunk enough to want to take in any extra calories from a fruity mixed drink.

"Can I get a rum and diet Coke?" she eventually decided on. She cocked her head towards Seb for only a moment to see if he wanted a drink, but when she saw the glass in his hands, she figured that he was taken care of. Thanks to the alcohol, she wasn't as nervous about being around him as she had been earlier that day. There was still no part of her that wanted to tell him that she didn't need the pills because she knew that he wouldn't react well to that, but she was hopeful that she could avoid the conversation for as long as possible. "Where's your girlfriend?" she asked curiously as she watched the bartender pour her drink. Jane wasn't great friends with Hazel but had definitely felt guilty after sleeping with Seb the previous year, all while knowing that he was seeing Hazel. Part of her felt like it wasn't her fault since he came on to her and she tried to reassure herself that she didn't really want to sleep with Seb, but she knew how painful it had been when Vincent cheated on Sienna and couldn't help but to feel bad about being "the other woman" for Hazel.

When the man slid the drink towards her, she smiled slightly and stirred the drink with the thin straw it came with, before taking a sip. Her eyes wandered around the lively party as she sought to find her friends and enjoy the rest of the night. Sienna had disappeared moments before and Jane hadn't seen Sydney since they came in, until she surprisingly saw the two walking together towards her. "My girls!" she squealed as they stood next to her. She gave Sienna an overly emotional hug when she placed her arm over her shoulder. Sydney had acknowledged Seb with a comment that Jane hadn't paid attention enough to catch, but there was a small part of her that did worry that he might say something with her two friends present. It was enough to make her want to move away from him and now with a fresh drink in hand and her friends located, she had no reason to stay by the bar. "Where's Brody?" she asked Sydney, taking a few steps away from the bar, and then turning to Sienna. "Wait! What was that about with you and Vincent?! Don't tell me you're getting back involved in that mess, Sia!" Jane exclaimed. Even if she wasn't intoxicated, it wouldn't have been out of character for Jane to loudly talk about something that Sienna might have wanted to keep private. However, in the moment, she had nearly forgotten about Sienna and Sydney's earlier tension revolving around Vincent.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sebastian Jardine Jr.
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A fond smile appeared on Sienna's face at Jane's exuberance. While she knew her friend would have a killer headache tomorrow and probably fall asleep in class at some point, Sienna couldn't help but find Jane's antics endearing, even as she realized that Jane was definitely far too intoxicated for the festivities to have just begun at least an hour ago. Then again, Sienna wasn't normally as sober as she currently was, so maybe that had something to do with the fact that all she could do for a moment was giggle at Jane. On the other side of it, she was just anxious to get away from Sebastian.

She didn't care if the guy in dark clothing didn't acknowledge her presence. In fact, she preferred it that way. She was only being civil because she didn't want the girls to question her behavior and some part of her felt a little resentment towards Vivienne for now being present for the night. It would have been a great time to have her best friend by her side, especially considering that she and Sydney had only just agreed on a truce of sorts a few moments prior. The last thing Sienna needed was Sebastian to 'happen' to spill something and both of the girls knowing about their little tryst two summers ago. Lost in her worrying thoughts, Sienna was taken aback when Jane randomly blurted out an inquiry to her happenings with Vincent.

"Oh...that...that was..." At this point, Sienna was used to Jane's outbursts. They happened so often she had somehow learned to cover her tracks and laugh it off. It never failed that Vivienne caught her slipping or that Sydney would eventually give her a knowing glance. But at that moment, when she had been so captivated, partly with the fact that Jane could be very adorable when she wasn't opening her big mouth, and partly because she really didn't want to be near Sebastian any longer, Sienna's expression spoke volumes. As soon as she tried to come up with an excuse, her mind flashed back to her lips against Vincent's, the cool breeze against her scorched skin as she fought down a blush at what she was doing, and the thudding of her heart against her ribcage that she was afraid he would hear. Her were widened just a fraction and to stop from saying anything embarrassing, she simply bit her lip.

As if the gods were on her side, Sienna's phone buzzed and she snatched it out of her clutch. If it had been Esmee, she would have made some excuse to leave. Hell, Sienna would have preferred a text from her mother at this point than to actually deal with Jane's inability to keep certain things to herself. But it was neither. And without realizing it, a small smile broke through the exasperation and a sort of calm took over her countenance. It was Vincent. She shouldn't be this happy, really she shouldn't. But she was, not because she was going to leave the party this early when she knew how Sydney felt about people leaving her party or being in charge of a drunk Jane, but because he asked. Because she had been on his mind. Granted, Sienna obviously did something to occupy some kind of space in his thoughts, but still. The thought counted.

Still smiling, her eyes rose and flickered to Sydney for just a moment before returning to Jane. She didn't care if Sydney had something to say or if she ended up being upset about it. She could care less about Sebastian's presence. All Sienna could do was smile, her smile was wide enough that the smallest indentation of her cheeks reminded everyone that she did in fact have dimples. Her gaze returned to Jane as she spoke, calmer, "It was nothing. I just...needed to figure something out, nothing serious." Grinning, she leaned against the bar and nodded to the bartender, who came after serving another guest. "But you could worry about my next drink for the night. Your pick, no complaints." She even winked at her friend, pausing only to send one quick text before stashing her phone back in her clutch.

To: Vincent
Can't. Some ppl r drunk. Another time? :D
