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Kaitlin Kingsley

0 · 1,076 views · located in New York

a character in “The Return of Gossip Girl: A New Era.”, as played by Sophiex





"How beautiful is it to stay silent
When someone expects you to be enraged from them.
And how beautiful it is to laugh
When someone thinks you are going to shed tears."



{ Name }
Kaitlin Rose Kingsley

{ Nicknames/Alias }

{ Age }

{ Gender }

{ Sexuality }

{ Date/Place of Birth }
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
July 4th, 1997

{ Nationality }

{ Label }
The Wannabe



{ Childhood/Family Life }
Kaitlin grew up in a pretty average family. Her parents were (seemingly) happily married, and although they fought like every other sibling pair, Kaitlin got along well enough with her younger brother Jayden. As a child, her parents emphasized that if she worked hard enough, she would be able to do whatever she wanted when she got older. They insisted that dedication and enthusiasm trumped money and privilege, and that she had just as much of a chance of going to Harvard as Bill Gate's kids would have.

Really, Katie would have been happy living in this sheltered bubble but her parents separated during her junior year and that summer, she moved to New York City with her father and younger brother. Her mother had been caught having an affair with her school's principal and once word got around, not only were her parents outcast-ed by the tight-knit community, but Katie was by her friends and peers as well. She went from having an abundance of friends whom she had known since she was a child to being the laughing stock of the town. Her father was able to find a job opening as an engineer at a company in New York but when their mother refused to move with them, they left without her. If it wasn't for her intelligence, there was no way that she would have been able to score a scholarship spot at Constance Billard but she did and now her father only has to pay a fraction of the normally outrageous tuition price.

{ High School Career }
This is Kaitlin's first year at Constance Billard. She spent the last three years at a public school in her hometown of Lancaster, PA. At her old school, she played on the field hockey and soccer teams and is considering trying out for a sport's team at this school.



{ Good personality traits }
Friendly, eager, helpful, kind, personable

{ Bad personality traits }
Impressionable, sensitive, self conscious, passive, somewhat naive

{ Personality }
Kaitlin is a fun, happy-go-lucky and friendly girl. She's approachable and personable, something that made her appealing to friends in her hometown. She tended to be the peacemaker among her group of friends and was very rarely the cause of drama. However kind she was, she still stood by what she thought was right and rarely went against her moral values to appease anyone. Her parents (mainly her father) raised her to be assertive yet grounded and always taught her that she had to be true to herself before anyone else would respect her. His words of wisdom were enough to get her through most of her childhood and teenage years and probably would have been enough to get her through high school, had her mom not been caught sleeping with her school's principal.

As a result of the affair, Kaitlin's parents separated and to avoid even more humiliation, Kaitlin's father, her and her brother relocated to New York to start fresh. With the change of place, Kaitlin's personality will begin to change too, though. The Upper East Side is a lot different than the rural town she grew up in and the just like the setting, the people are different as well. Even before attending Constance, Kaitlin has heard from neighbors in her apartment building that the girls there aren't exactly nice and because she doesn't come from money, she will probably have a hard time fitting in. After the social nightmare she endured at the hands of her mother, Kaitlin is determined to be accepted by her new schoolmates and won't let anything get in the way of that. She's willing to change herself to fit in, whether it's for the better or worse.

{ Greatest joys in life }
Having friends, being accepted and valued, her brother, her father

{ Greatest fears }
Not getting into her dream school- Harvard, being an outcast, disappointing her father, rodents

{ Life philosophy }
Kaitlin has always tried to be receptive of other people's needs and desires and balance those with her own. She makes an effort to be nice to people and do the right thing, but now that she's being thrust out of her comfort zone, like most other people, Kaitlin is willing to step outside of her moral comfort zone if it means that she'll fit in.

"Live in such a way that if someone spoke badly of you, no one would believe it."
- Unknown


❤Doing well in school
❤Field hockey and soccer
❤Playing racquetball with her dad or brother
❤Central Park
❤Her hometown
❤Reality TV
✘Being disliked or unaccepted by anyone
✘Phone calls
✘Her pale skin
✘Feeling out of place



{ Parents }
Tom Kingsley | Age 40 | Father
Tom is Kaitlin's preferred parent. They have a very strong relationship and Kaitlin appreciates how much her father has sacrificed for her and her brother. He's more of a mentor or friend to her than a father, but that's probably because she's never really done anything so wrong to a point where he would need to discipline or lecture her about it.

Janet Kingsley | Age 44 | Mother
After she cheated on Tom, Kaitlin hasn't been able to look at her the same. She feels betrayed by her mother, like she cared more about herself than the rest of her family and when she decided to stay in Lancaster, it just confirmed that she favored her own selfish wants over her family's best interests. Kaitlin rarely speaks to Janet and hasn't seen her since they left home in July.

{ Siblings }
Jayden Kingsley | Age 12 | Brother
Jayden is five years younger than Kaitlin, but he's her only sibling so they have a strong enough relationship. Although he can annoy her to no end with his immature preteen jokes and pranks, she does find him to be amusing and is good company when she wants someone to watch a movie or grab food with.


{ Build }
120 lbs

{ Hair Colour }
Strawberry blonde

{ Eye Colour }

{ Distinguishable Markings }
Her fair skin is covered in light freckles.

{ Personal Style }
Kaitlin has no specific style that would classify her as anything specific simply based off her look. She likes to dress well but has to do so on a budget, so she usually shops at Forever 21 and H&M.

So begins...

Kaitlin Kingsley's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sophiex

Even during his responsibility-free summer, John had made a habit of waking up early every day. Today was no different so after showering and getting dressed in a red v-neck shirt, black pants, and black Vans, John left his family's apartment. His mother's talk show aired live at nine o'clock every morning, so she was usually gone by six, and his father's crazy schedule meant that there were days where he wouldn't get home until one in the morning and would be gone again for work by five that same morning. Josie had left a few weeks earlier to return to Illinois where she attended Northwestern University, so John was used to waking up to an empty apartment.

The biggest different between a summer morning and a school year morning for John was that in the summer, he would smoke before beginning his day. Even though today wasn't a day filled with classes, he didn't want to risk going to school high so he instead strolled through Central Park, entering on the Upper East Side and exiting on the Upper West Side. A few blocks away from there was his favorite deli which John would swear by when it came to the perfect New York bagels. After paying for his usual order of an everything bagel with butter and a bottle of Gatorade, John followed his path through the park and back to the Upper East Side. Instead of returning to his apartment which was located only a few steps away from the park on Park Avenue, he continued walking through the park, lengthwise now, until he reached The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Many of the Constance girls used it as a place to eat lunch but since Saint Jude's was located in Brooklyn, John took advantage of eating breakfast there most mornings.

He took a seat on one of the many steps and began to eat his food. He was sure that most of his peers would be jumping at the opportunity to see their friends again after a long summer apart and while he too was eager to see a few people, he wanted to indulge in his last few minutes of solitude before returning to the social world. Once he finished his bagel, he knew he didn't have much time to spare so he made his way to Constance which conveniently, was only a few blocks away. He was somewhat relieved to see that by the time he got there, the students of both genders were filing into the girls' school. It meant that he didn't have to deal with too much small talk but even though he knew the purpose of today was to greet his new professors, John was sure that he would stumble across friends inside the school as well.

He headed for the back of the crowd that was slowly entering the school but before he could make it up the first few steps, he felt a light tap on his back. Turning his head back, he expected to see Lyric or Persephone, or one of the others who he was familiar with, but instead he was greeted by an unfamiliar face. She was a fairly average, yet pretty looking girl but her pale, freckled skin and ginger colored hair was something that would have made her memorable had he seen her before.

"Excuse me," were her first words, which were quickly followed up with, "Is this where the back to school mixer is being held?". Although John thought that it was pretty obvious, considering the crowd of students entering the building, he nodded reassuringly. His suspicions were confirmed that the girl was new and John wanted to be as helpful as possible.

"Yup, in the gymnasium," he confirmed with a smile. "I'm John Toranzo and I'm guessing you're new here?" he said, offering her his hand. Although a simple wave and exchange of names was usually a sufficient introduction for teenagers, John's father had drilled the habit of the handshake into his mind years ago.

"Is it that obvious?" she joked after his comment about about her being new. John watched as she ran her hand through her curly hair before returning his handshake. "Kaitlin Kingsley," she introduced herself as. After they entered the building and approached the gymnasium doors, she turned to him and said, "Well, thanks for the help," before disappearing past him.

"See you around," he responded. Instead of following her towards the waiting teachers, John turned and made his way towards Lyric, who he had spotted a moment earlier talking to a group of younger girls. He was now alone though and focused on his phone, so he probably hadn't seen John either until then.

"Lyric," John said, catching his attention as he approached. He grinned at his friend, happy to see the guy who was probably his closest male friend, after not seeing him for most of the summer. John had spent a majority of August and early September at his father's family's homes in Spain. Between that and whatever had been keeping Lyric busy all summer, the two had barely seen each other and kept up through the occasional text message. "How've you been, man?" he asked, although his eyes had managed to drift away from Lyric as he scanned the cliques that had already formed in the room. He spotted Persephone, another person he was eager to see, standing a good distance away with an unlikely crowd Sydney, Sienna and Jane, and Brody who was less surprising. Knowing that Lyric probably wanted to see his good friend Sienna, he pointed them out and said, "Want to go see what they're doing?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Kaitlin Kingsley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sophiex

"Katie! Would you hurry up?! I don't want to be late for my first day of school!" Jayden yelled after his fist banged against the bathroom door a few times. It was the third time he had done so in the last ten minutes and even though she knew that he was right, that she was cutting it close, she was beginning to get annoyed with him. He was eager to get to school because seventh grade was still one of those worry free grades where as long as you looked enough like them, kids would accept you. Jayden would fit in fine, especially since he was only going to be attending a public school, but Kaitlin was starting her first day at Constance Billard today.

God, it sounds so weird to even think that. I'm going to The Constance Billard School for Girls, the most elite school in all of Manhattan. Hell, maybe in all of the country. And I'm going to be a student there. If only my so-called friends could see me now, they'd realize who the real cool one is.

Kaitlin had been absorbed in her own thoughts, some positive and others more nerve-wracking, when she realized that her brother's pleads for her to get out of the shower were probably accurate. When she did manage to get out of the steaming water and put on her outfit for the day, she realized that Jayden had been more than honest when he said they were running late. She was supposed to be at school in less than half an hour and the bus ride there would take nearly that long, plus she had to drop her brother at his school first.

"I'm hurrying, Jayden! Did you pack the lunch dad left for you in the fridge? Are you sure you have all of your supplies?" Kaitlin asked through the closed door as she applied a light layer of makeup to her face. She had planned on blow drying and straightening her naturally curly hair but now that she was running so late, she knew that was out of the question. Beyond her fair, freckled skin, her hair was her next least favorite feature. Back at home, she was always getting compliments on it but she didn't think that having Taylor Swift type curls were going to help her fit in at her new school, especially when Swift herself abandoned the look years back.

She managed to get a few minutes of blow drying in, guessing that by the time she did get to school, her hair would at least be dry. Her brother was already waiting by open apartment door when she appeared out of the bathroom, so Kaitlin hurried to grab her cell phone and purse before ushering him out the door. After arriving in New York two months ago, Kaitlin had tasked herself with learning how to get around, or at least to her school and her brother's, and a few other spots she guessed she would be frequented. Luckily, Jayden's public junior high school was only a few blocks from their apartment so after parting ways with him at his school front, Kaitlin hurried to the nearest bus stop that would take her from midtown to the upper east side.

Twenty-five grueling minutes later, she arrived at Constance Billard. Had she not been in such a rush, she would have spent a good few minutes admiring the school. She had practiced her commute multiple times over the summer before the school year even started, but today was supposed to be memorable. It was the first day that she would be going inside the school and actually being a student there. It was the start of something, but she was in too much of a hurry to appreciate the moment.

She did breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that there were still students entering the building, signaling that she couldn't be that late, and as she approached the main entrance, she worked up the courage to ask a boy if she was in fact in the right place. He wasn't with anyone else either so Kaitlin felt like he was probably her best shot at confirming she wasn't in the wrong building without making too much of a fool of herself. He introduced himself as John Toranzo but had obviously caught on to the fact that she was a new student. Still, he was nice enough and Kaitlin was glad to at least know that she was in the right place at the right time.

However, her confidence subsided again when she entered the over sized gymnasium and was once again overwhelmed with confusion. Everyone seemed to be in standing with their friends and Kaitlin instantly felt like she had made a mistake coming to the school when she saw groups of kids laughing and talking as if they had known each other forever. Attending a new school for senior year probably wasn't ideal socially, since most friend groups were already formed by then, and this school appeared to be no different, or even worse in terms of having cliques than her old school was. At her old school though, Kaitlin had been a part of a clique and here she was starting over as a nobody again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Kaitlin Kingsley
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0.00 INK


It was surprising when Sydney agreed to allowing Persephone to come to the party tonight but Brody didn't want to question it. Even though he doubted that she was being sincere in wanting Sephy to be there, he was going to take the invite without going deeper into the subject. He was glad that Sephy would be coming, or at least have the opportunity to come, and as Sydney pressed herself closer to him, he was even happier that he was going to be able to spend the night with her too. It was a win-win situation.

"Yeah, that sounds good. I'll see you then," Brody replied after Sydney shared their plans to pick him up on the way to the party. He leaned back against the wall and followed her with his eyes as she walked back over to Jane and Sienna.

The gymnasium was well populated now and Brody felt like it was his duty to mingle, so he made his way throughout the room and had small chats with as many people as possible. He'd ask about their summer or if the knew where they would be applying to college this fall, just small talk to keep the friendly relationships going. Before long, he stumbled upon Kaitlin Kingsley. She was a new student who he had messaged on Facebook a few weeks back when he found out that she would be attending Constance Billard. Although he was only class president at Saint Jude's, he still felt like it would be a polite gesture to reach out to her before she got to the school. She had been friendly online and as he watched her wander around the teacher stalls alone, he thought it would be nice to greet her in person.

Brody waited until she finished speaking to a teacher before stepping towards her. "Hey, you're Kaitlin Kingsley, right? I'm Brody Wade, the guy who messaged you on Facebook a few weeks ago. How's everything going?" He imagined that the first day at a new school had to be intimidating for her, and her new classmates definitely wouldn't make that any easier for her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Jake Desai Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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0.00 INK


Lyric smirked. "No, surprisingly I had time to actually relax this summer. I played at a few clubs, but that's it. I did go to Cali to see my parents....we didn't spend a lot of time but I did see them......once. Either way, I wrote down a few lyr....." he said as he saw him hugs Persephone.

His dark blue eyes darted around the room before looking at Jake Desai....again. What was with Lyric today? He NEVER stared at Desai...that much. He looked at Sienna then back towards John. "Uh, sorry bud. But Vincent, kinda hurt Sienna, so unluckily I would beat his face in with my guitar." he spoke with a serious tone.

He waved to Sienna as he quickly gave her a hug and walked away. He headed towards a corner in the gym and decided to sit down in it just to quietly think to himself.

To: Sia
I'm having a major secret problem, if you know what I mean. As in my secret.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Kaitlin Kingsley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sophiex

Kaitlin managed to greet all of her teachers fairly quickly. She didn't know any of them so there wasn't much conversation to be had. She could hear other students talking to old teachers about their summers and to new teachers about how their older siblings had once had them. Unlike them, she had no connections and besides introducing herself and offering her excitement for the upcoming year, there was little for her to say.

However, as she strayed away from her last teacher's stall, a boy approached her. He was tall with dark hair and a friendly face, and although he looked familiar, she couldn't remember his name. She had done so much Facebook-stalking over the past few weeks of students that she found out attended Saint Jude's and Constance Billard that she should have known who he was, but now that he was there standing in front of her, her nerves were causing her to draw a blank. Thankfully, he introduced himself as the boy who had messaged her on Facebook. That turned her memory back on and she instantly linked him to be the class president. She couldn't help but to think that he looked even more attractive in person than he had in his photos online.

He is so... "Hot." What started as a thought of admiration ended up in an audible comment. She had zoned out in her attempt to check out the boy in front of him and quickly realized that there was little that she could do to cover up that response to his simple question of "how's everything going". "Uh- I mean good! Just a little hot. I didn't think it was going to be this warm out today," she said awkwardly in an attempt to correct herself. It was already fall outside and the weather reflected that, but as she now blushed, it wasn't such a lie. She was beginning to heat up with embarrassment. Real smooth... she thought sarcastically, mentally kicking herself for managing to screw up her first conversation with someone who was actually making an attempt to talk to her.

"This is a really nice school. You're lucky you've been going here since freshman year. Well, not here since this is obviously an all-girl's school... but the boy's school associated with it... I am guessing it's similar." After the painful sentence, Kaitlin was really mortified with herself. She had doubted that she could be any awkwarder after her first comment and now when she tried to keep the conversation going, she had managed to make herself look like an even bigger moron.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Kaitlin Kingsley
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0.00 INK


Brody could tell that Kaitlin was nervous, if not by her general body language than by how she was stumbling over every word she said. He offer a genuine smile though, hoping to put her at ease. He did really want his fellow classmates to feel comfortable around him, whether they attended Constance Billard or Saint Jude's. Sometimes he felt like he needed to make an extra effort with the new girls, mostly because the Constance girls tended to be... well, outright mean sometimes. There were a few girls who fit the bill more than others but at least when it came to the girls who paid full tuition, most of them grew up in environments where exclusivity was encouraged. They didn't just let anyone into their friend groups. The male students could also easily separate the rich kids from the poor but there were exceptions that could be made if a kid was athletic like Colin Clay or good looking like Vincent Mast.

"Yeah, Saint Jude's is down in Brooklyn but they're pretty similar," he said, glancing over her shoulder towards Bastion, Daphne and Jake. The mixer was moving along and he hadn't spoken to some of his good friends yet so after a few more casual exchanges with Kaitlin, he said, "If you need any help with anything, you know how to reach me. Or Persephone Soung. She's the class president for Constance so I'm sure she'll seek you out soon enough if she hasn't already." He began to walk off but turned back only a few seconds later. "You know, there's this party tonight. Sydney Vale is hosting it and I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you came by. I'll message you the time and address on Facebook," he finished, finally walking off for good. He felt like he was doing a good thing by inviting her. The mixer clearly wasn't a huge help in assisting her with making friends so he hoped that she could mingle later on. Maybe it was pushing it by inviting Sephy and then this girl, especially without even letting Sydney know about the latter, but Brody hoped that it would be crowded enough that she wouldn't even notice Kaitlin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Jake Desai
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0.00 INK


It was nearing seven when Brody stepped out of the shower to find a group text message from Sephy waiting for him. Jake, Bastion and Daphne had replied to it, with Bastion saying he had his own ride and Jake offering to give a ride to the rest of them. If Brody hadn't already agreed to go with Sydney, he would have happily taken up their offer. He hadn't been able to get in more than a few quick words with all of them that morning and once he got to the party, he doubted that he would be able to socialize with them much anyways. It would have been nice to ride there with him but he wasn't going to cancel his plans with Sydney, especially after getting her to invite Sephy and then inviting Kaitlin and Lacey without even telling her.

To: Sephy Soung, Bastion Arendale, Daphne Peterson, Jake Desai
Sydney and her friends are picking me up on the way so I'm good. If anyone needs a ride, I'm sure she won't mind if you come.

Brody knew that Sydney definitely would mind if he brought some of them along, but he wanted to be polite and thought that especially if Jake had already offered to drive, they would prefer his ride anyway. After texting them back, he figured he would share their plans with Lacey in case she needed a ride. He wasn't going to push his luck anymore by offering her a ride with Sydney, since he knew with the bad blood between the two girls, that would be going too far.

To: Lacey Porter
You still coming tonight? Jake's driving some of the others if you need a ride. I'm going with Sydney and her friends or else I'd offer to pick you up ;).

As he got dressed, heremembered that although he had mentioned the party to Kaitlin at school that day, he had never actually sent her the details on it like he had said. He instantly felt bad, thinking that she would feel like he purposely blew her off, so he sent her a quick Facebook message, not having gotten her number.

To: Kaitlin Kingsley
Hey, sorry for not messaging you sooner. If you still want to come tonight, here's the info. Just tell them that I invited you if anyone asks :).

Brody knew to expect Sydney soon, so after he got dressed, he poured himself a glass of water and sat at the kitchen table. He was surprised with himself for actually being nervous about the night. It was going to be one of the biggest parties of the year and he was sure it would be fun, but he wasn't in the mood to deal with any drama and after inviting three girls against Sydney's will, even if she had allowed Sephy, he felt like something was going to go wrong. It always did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Kaitlin Kingsley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bandit

After leaving school and then hanging out with Vincent, Colin returned home. His parents were both at work so he spent the majority of the afternoon playing video games before walking to the public elementary school that his siblings attended. He ended up carrying three backpacks and a sniffling younger sister, who had managed to scrape her knee coming out of the school, on the way home. By the time they returned back at the apartment, his mother had returned home from her yoga studio and had an array of healthy snacks covering the kitchen table for the younger children.

Colin helped himself to a handful of freshly baked oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and attempted to escape to his bedroom amid the chaos of his siblings practically shouting about how their first day went, but his mother caught him before he got to his bed. "On my way up here I ran into that adorable girl, Kaitlin, who moved in downstairs a few months ago. Remember? She's the one who babysat the kids a few weeks ago when you were at that tournament with dad and I was working." Colin nodded, hoping that that would be all his mother had to say about the subject but she continued to talk. "Well, I was talking to her and the subject of that little party you're going to tonight came up and I suggested that maybe she could go with you and your friends."

There was no use in correcting his mother that this was no "little party" and that it was one of the most biggest that would be held all year, especially with Sydney hosting. However, her last remark about "suggesting" that Colin bring Kaitlin along wasn't something he could skip over. He knew his mother and was sure that she had done it with good intentions but there was no way that she could really expect him to bring an uninvited new girl to Sydney Vale's party, right? Wrong. His mother must have noticed his perplexed expression because she spoke up again.

"Colin, she's such a sweet girl and she's new here. You know how mean kids can be and bringing her to the party is the least that you can do." He opened his mouth to object, to tell her that she didn't understand that it was him who was going to be the one targeted for bringing her, but she continued to speak again. "I told her you would pick her up with your friends on the way to the party. I'll text you her phone number now, so you can let her know when you're on your way later." She gave him one warning look and shut his door before leaving the room.

Between then and seven o'clock, Colin continued where he had left off on his Xbox, ate dinner with his family and eventually got ready for the party. He received two texts from Vincent, telling him to come over and then reminding him to dress well enough to impress Jane, which was probably a necessary message since he had been planning on wearing something casual. He managed to put together an outfit that he thought was decent and soon after dressing, got a cab to Vincent's. Since they had to make an extra stop after pregaming at John's, Colin thought it would be easier to just have Vincent come down rather than go up to get him, so he sent him a quick text.

To: Vincent Mast
Waiting in a cab outside hurry. Btw we have to pick up a girl after we go to Toranzo's


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Kaitlin Kingsley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bandit

Colin smirked at Vincent's remark about Chelsea, a girl who was more than persistent about maintaining a relationship with Vincent after they slept together one night last year. He remembered the girl well, mostly because she really was as crazy as Vincent painted her to be. Colin remembered getting several texts from her asking for him to talk to Vincent for her, after Vincent told her he didn't want a real relationship with her. As psycho as she was, Colin almost wished that it was her who he was being forced to bring tonight. At least then, Sydney would understand that it wasn't his fault that she showed up uninvited, but with a totally new and probably sane girl, there were few excuses he could come up with.

"Nah, she's some new girl in my building. Supposedly she goes to Constance or something, but I didn't see her there today. My mom pretty much invited her so I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to say to her," he said. When they did pick the girl up, Colin knew that he would be kinder to her than he was acting, but he genuinely didn't want to have to be her escort to the party tonight. He was going to try to follow Vincent's advice and actually try to have a real conversation with Jane tonight and the last thing that he needed was some stranger standing over his shoulder while he did so. Not to mention the fact that he doubted Sydney would have invited her, and because Colin wasn't even great friends with Sydney, he didn't think that she would take kindly to him bringing an uninvited guest.

They were only inside John's apartment for a few minutes. There was some casual chatter about the party and what to expect, but the topic of hookups came up again and before Colin could stop him, John was texting Sienna to see if Jane was bringing a date to the party. At first he didn't think it was a good idea. He didn't want Sienna telling Jane that he was trying to stalk her or something, but he did agree that it was probably better to know now than when they got to the party. Besides, he liked Sienna and doubted that she would be anything but a help in his quest to woo Jane.

Before revealing what Sienna had said in response, John suggested that they leave for the party. Colin nodded in agreement and followed the pair outside. When they got into the car, he glanced over at John anxiously. "Did she answer you?" he asked, before John and Vincent started talking about John's relationship, or lack of one, with Sephy. As the two spoke, Colin realized that he hadn't told John about the detour they needed to pick up Kaitlin, so he took it upon himself to lower the partition between them and the driver and give him the address. When they were a minute or so away, he found the cell phone number that his mother had forwarded to him and texted her.

To: Kaitlin Kingsley
Hi this is Colin Clay from ur building. If u want a ride to the party, we'll be outside in a minute


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Lyric Overland Character Portrait: Kaitlin Kingsley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sophiex

The limousine was waiting in front of the building as scheduled, and John gave a small wave to the driver before stepping in with Colin and Vincent. Even though it had only been a couple of minutes since he had texted Sienna, he had forgotten to check for her response until Colin brought it up. As he took out his phone, he did find a response from her. It was longer than he expected and more confusing as well. He understood her answer regarding Jane and Colin but was unsure of what she was talking about in the second half of the message. Regardless of his confusion about what she mean, he assumed that the 'friend' she was referencing was Vincent. "Uh, yeah. She said you're good to go, man. Jane's not bringing anyone," he replied as he texted Sienna back.

To: Sienna Alvarez
Drama already lol? But sounds good I'll let them both know

Vincent started speaking before John could show him Sienna's text, so he waited until he finished to toss him his phone. "I think the second part's for you," he said, referencing the message that was on his screen, before processing what Vincent had said. He was surprised that he would have noticed his relationship with Persephone. She didn't seem like the type of girl who would go for Vincent, or at least John hoped not - he already had Brody standing in his way, but then again, Vincent tended to be every girl's type. Still, he didn't think their relationship seemed like anything out of the ordinary but he would admit that Sephy was one of the few people who he actually felt comfortable being himself around. Maybe his interest in her was more obvious than he thought, or maybe she was the only girl Vincent knew he was friends with.

If the marijuana hadn't chilled him out, he probably would have reacted more nervously, but now he just casually shook his head. "Sephy? No, she's just a friend... we're just friends," he said, taking his phone back from Vincent once he had read the message. "She's into Brody Wade anyway, so it's not like it would even matter," he added, instantly regretting the comment after he said it. It was obvious to him and probably most of her close friends that she had feelings for Brody but he doubted that she wanted anyone else to know, especially when Brody was supposed to be dating Sydney, or whatever was going on between the two. In an attempt to get his mind off of Sephy, he texted Lyric, who had declined on coming to his house before the party because he knew Vincent would be there.

To: Lyric Overland
Hey we're gonna be at the club in 10. You there already?

The car stopped in front of Colin's apartment building where they were scheduled to pick up some girl who Colin had offered a ride to the party or something. He hadn't heard Colin mention a name but as he gazed out the window, he spotted the girl he had briefly spoken to at school that morning. What was her name? Kasey? Kaylee? Katie? Having smoked a short time earlier wasn't helping John's memory but he decided that Katie sounded the most familiar. He turned to Colin and wanted to ask if he even knew her, but he couldn't get a word in before the door opened and she entered. John assumed that Colin would greet her and was sure that Vincent would have something to say too, so he offered her a wave and shifted over to make room for her.


Although Brody had mentioned the Kiss On The Lips party that day at school, he had never followed up with specifics when and where it was being held, so Kaitlin wasn't planning on attending it. That was only until she ran into one of her neighbors on her way back from picking her brother up from school, though. It was Monica Clay, the woman who lived in the apartment above them and as she introduced herself, she explained that she had a son, Colin, who was in the same year as Kaitlin was. The woman was very friendly and warm, but Kaitlin wasn't expecting it when she insisted that she catch a ride to the party with her son and his friends. She tried to politely reject the offer, claiming that she really appreciated it but was already tired from her first day and such, but Monica wouldn't accept no for an answer. Although she acted like she wasn't very interested in the party, it was just that; an act. Of course the idea of attending some exclusive party being head by the most popular girl in school with intriguing to Kaitlin, and now that she had people to show up with, the idea didn't seem that bad. It seemed even better when she saw that Brody Wade had messaged her the details to the party and although it wasn't a physical invitation, she hoped that it would be enough of one to get her in.

Four hours had passed but even that large time block was barely enough for Kaitlin to get ready before she was supposed to leave with Colin. She quickly realized that none of her clothes would amount to anything compared to the expensive dresses that the other girls would be wearing, so she had no other choice than to slip into a dress she had bought at the mall that summer for less than thirty dollars, and a pair of silver heels. She fixed her makeup and did manage to straighten her hair, something that she hadn't had time to do that morning before school, before finally deeming her appearance to be acceptable enough for the night.

"Now where's this party you're going to?" Her father asked. His voice was barely audible over the loud noises coming from the video game that he and her brother were focused on.

"The address is on the fridge! I should be back by midnight, latest. I'll text you if I need anything!" she shouted, already halfway out the door by the end of her comments. She didn't want to stick around to deal with any of her father's questions. Although he was understanding of their situation and how difficult it was for Kaitlin to be a new girl in such a big and exclusive city, he, like any other father, was protective and would have asked her for every single detail had she not left the apartment so quickly.

When she stepped outside of the building and didn't see a car or any boys her age waiting, she began to worry that maybe they had left without her or even worse, that the whole invite had been a joke to begin with. However, she soon received a text message from an unfamiliar number and after reading it, realized that it was Colin and that the boys would be there shortly. No more than two minutes passed before a limousine pulled in front of the building and after a moment's hesitation, Kaitlin finally approached. The windows were tinted so darkly that she was unsure if the car was for her or not, but when the driver stepped out and came around to open the door for her, she soon saw that the occupants matched who she was supposed to be meeting.

She had seen Colin around the building, although she had never spoken to him, had stalked Vincent on his social media pages and had seen John earlier that day, so she recognized them well enough. As she slid into the car, she soon realized how awkward the situation was though. She was the only girl in a car with three boys who she knew little more of than their names. She was beginning to wonder what had possessed her into thinking this would be a good idea, but tried to make the best of it.

"Thanks for picking me up, guys. So is this like a back-to-school party, or something? No one at my old school celebrated school starting, really," she said with an awkward and somewhat uncomfortable laugh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Kaitlin Kingsley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bandit

It was reassuring when John confirmed that Sienna said he had a chance with Jane tonight, but it also put more pressure on him. If she had been with someone, he would have had at least a few more days to get his act together but after three years, Colin doubted that a couple more days would be significant enough to alter how nervous he always got in the girl's company.

He didn't have much time to worry about it because within a few minutes, they had picked up Kaitlin and were at the club. The ride with her was fairly awkward, mostly because none of them knew her at all, but Vincent flirted with her and it was enough to minimize the awkward silence to a bearable amount. "Yeah, no problem. Don't worry about it," Colin assured her when she thanked them for giving her a ride.

When Vincent turned his attention away from Kaitlin and to his phone, Colin felt obligated to talk to her. John's glassy and bloodshot eyes were a giveaway to Colin, who was also a smoker, that he was high, so he wasn't counting on him for any worthwhile conversation. "So, how do you know Sydney? It took me a good six months for her to ever invite me to any of her parties and even now she still acts like she doesn't know who I am, so you've obviously got something going for you if you got an invite on your first day of knowing her," he said with a laugh. He really was surprised that Kaitlin got a coveted invitation to this party but part of him still felt like maybe she didn't have an invitation and his mother was putting him into a tight spot.

As soon as the limousine stopped, Vincent separated from their group and disappeared into the club. Colin allowed John and Kaitlin to get out before him and followed them to the door, nearly praying that Kaitlin would be able to get in. If she wasn't on the guest list, what was he supposed to do? Leave her there and have his mother kill him when he got home, and also feel immensely guilty every time he saw Kaitlin again? Go home with Kaitlin and ruin his night, or beg Sydney to let her in? None of the options seemed ideal.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Colin Clay
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sophiex

Vincent was as much of a ladies man as Kaitlin expected from her thorough search of his social media profiles over the summer, but she couldn't help but to feel a bit awestruck to be in his presence. He was supposed to be one of the hottest guys at Saint Jude's and now, sitting here in front of him, she could see that he had earned that reputation. He was a picturesque Prince Charming, someone who Kaitlin was sure most girls would drool over. She would have too, had she not been making a strong effort to act cool and collected tonight. She needed to fit in and her awkward, stumbling over her words, self wasn't going to help her do so. She shook his hand and prayed that her skin hadn't turned a shade of bright red when he referenced her as being gorgeous. "I'm Kaitlin,", she said with a quiet laugh before pulling away.

As Vincent began to text someone, another one of the boys, Colin, began to speak. He joked about how Sydney Vale, the party hostess, hadn't invited him to a party until after six months of knowing him and questioned how she had gotten an invitation so quickly. "Oh, I've actually never spoken to her before. Brody Wade sent me a message on Facebook saying that I could come." She was surprised at how everything seemed so formal and thought out here. At home, there were no gold plated invitations or guest lists for parties, and there sure as hell weren't limousines and rented-out night clubs. Parties where she came from took place in someone's basement if their parents were out of town for the night and the invitation was simply a text message or a post on Facebook claiming that there was an open house at whatever address.

Colin's reminder of how exclusive this party was supposed to be worried her, but Brody had insisted that if anyone asked, she could just tell them that Brody said she was invited and there would be no problem. Still, she couldn't help but to be a tad bit nervous as she stepped out of the limousine and saw where they had stopped. It was one of the nicer night clubs in the city and Kaitlin had expected that much, but she didn't expect everything to seem so vibrant. There was a small line formed outside with people giving their names to an over sized man who would either nod his head and allow them in, or shoo them away after he found that their name apparently was not on the list. The few times that the door opened as Kaitlin waited in the line, she caught glimpses of bright flashing lights and good music. There was a lot of energy in the air but she wasn't sure if it was good or bad. However, there wasn't much time to think because within two minutes, John was speaking to the bouncer and she was next in line.

"Name? the bouncer asked when it was her turn. He was large and scary looking and didn't appear to be the type of guy she could charm her way into allowing her in, not like she would have been particularly good at that anyway. Kaitlin stuttered, unsure of what to say. She was now positive that claiming she had received a silly Facebook message from Brody would suffice as an invitation, but suddenly, John stepped back and spoke to the bouncer again.


"This is Vivienne, Vivienne Hudson," he claimed, giving Kaitlin a slight grin when the bouncer turned his attention to the list. John had seen a few minutes earlier that Vivienne had made a post on social media about how she was no longer coming to the party, and since she was such good friends with Sydney, he was sure that her name would be on the list. He did know that Vivienne was a big party-goer herself though, and hoped that this wasn't one of the many bouncers who knew the real Vivenne. Luckily, the line of guests seemed to grow behind them in those few minutes so after checking Vivienne's name off of the list, he waved them both in.

Although it would have been more of Colin's problem if Kaitlin wasn't allowed in, John would have felt bad as well. It was in his character to be a good guy and it would have been hard for him to go into the party if he knew she would have to return home. He didn't have much to say to her though, having never been the best at making small talk so he waited for Colin to be allowed in before walking inside with the two of them.

It took a few minutes of drifting through the different groups of people before he spotted a small group of people in one of the back corners. Had it not been for Bastion's notable appearance, he probably wouldn't have realized who they were, but once he made out Bastion, he knew that was where the weed would be at. "You guys up for smoking?" he asked. He knew that Colin smoked and although he had smoked only a little over an hour ago, he was ready for another hit or two. Besides, if Colin was going to go off to find Jane, John preferred the idea of being in a group of people than alone with Kaitlin.

Kaitlin nodded in agreement to smoking, although she had no plans on actually smoking herself. She was one of the few people in her old town who didn't drink or smoke and although she did want to fit in here, she wasn't ready to change her values in the snap of a finger. She wouldn't mind standing with the group though, at least until she spotted Brody Wade, who was really her only acquaintance besides the three boys she had came with.

After Kaitlin confirmed that she would smoke, John made his way over to the group of people smoking. He greeted them with a smile and offered to throw a five in for his share, but the person who was supplying rejected his offer of money. John shrugged it off and happily helped himself to a few hits of one of the joints. "I heard you were in Spain this summer, man. I was there all summer, you should've hit me up," John said to Bastion, only realizing after a minute that he had forgotten to introduce Kaitlin. "Oh, uh. This is Kaitlin. She's Colin's friend and is going to Constance this year." John then heard his phone beeping and pulled it out to see a text from Sephy.
To: Sephy Soung
I'm here. Smoking in the bck with Bastion and Kaitlin and ppl. Where r u?

Kaitlin offered a small wave to the group and although she considered pulling out her phone and pretending to text someone, she decided to deal with the awkwardness. It would be too easy to just avoid the situation. She needed to be friendly and put herself out there if she wanted to be anyone this year.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Colin Clay
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bandit

A wave of relief swept over Colin when John managed to get Kaitlin into the party. It was one less worry to deal with and although he felt bad doing it, as soon as they got inside, he separated himself from the pair. Vincent had done the same and John didn't seem to mind, and although it was Colin who had invited Kaitlin (or his mother, at least), he didn't feel like he needed to babysit her. John was too nice to ditch her even if he wanted to, so Colin didn't feel wrong leaving her with him, and he planned on smoking later in the night anyway, so he was sure he would meet up with them again at some point. "I'm going to go see if I can talk to Jane. Wish me luck, man," he said before departing.

There were many familiar faces in the club, but also a surplus of people he didn't recognize. Colin's parents didn't have any major connections with important people so his network of friends consisted mainly of Saint Jude's guys and then the girls that he met through them. He didn't have wealthy family-friends or people he would recognize from country clubs or summer homes, so his selection of people to talk to was fairly small. He had seen Sydney and Brody talking to Vincent at the bar, but he wasn't close enough to either of them where he would feel comfortable striking up a conversation. As he walked past the VIP booth section, he saw Kelley Hadley, his first hookup, talking to some guy. Had she not been busy with the other male, he probably would have greeted her, having not seen her earlier that day or for most of the summer, but he wasn't going to intrude and kept walking. The back of the club was less crowded than the front but he recognized more people there than he had before. Bastion and John were smoking with a group of Saint Jude's guys, with Kaitlin standing besides them. The strong smell of the marijuana was tempting but Colin didn't want to be high when he spoke to Jane tonight, even if that would have helped his nerves.

He was surprised when he hadn't seen her with Sydney earlier and after it had been confirmed that Vivienne wasn't at the party yet, the only other person he could imagine her being with was Sienna. It took a few minutes for him to find them on the dance floor but when he did, he froze up. He doubted that she would want to talk to him, nonetheless hookup with him, and as his confidence drained, he quickly headed to the bathroom. It was across from the girls' room, which already appeared to be crowded with drunken females, but luckily for him, the men's room was empty. He headed to the sinks and splashed some cold water onto his face, hoping to wake himself up and shake the nerves inside of him. Being so nervous was a sharp contrast for him, considering that in class and around most people, he was unapologetically loud and bold. This was different though, since he knew that his jokes wouldn't be good enough to win over a girl like Jane Lynch. Especially not when her trust fund was probably worth more than Colin's parents would make for the rest of their lives.

As he dried his face off with a paper towel and stared at his reflection in the mirror, he tried to talk himself out of the anxiety. Sienna wouldn't have told John that I had a chance if I didn't. I've been waiting for a moment like this for three years, there's no way I'm going to fuck it up tonight. Besides, she never said she wasn't interested in me... so what's the worst that could happen? Stop being such a bitch and go for it.

The bathroom door swung open and a guy that Colin didn't recognize walked in. They exchanged a friendly nod and even if he hadn't felt entirely ready to go yet, he didn't want t purposely stand in the public restroom with another guy, so he walked back out to the party.

Just say, "hey, wanna get a drink?". What if she already has one? Okay, just start dancing near her. You can accidentally bump into her and start up a conversation that way. Except I don't know how to fucking dance and if anything's going to scare her off, that'll be it. What the fuck am I supposed to say? How does Vincent do this so easily? Alright, what about, "hey, this is an awesome party!"? That seems simple enough, and then if she continues the conversation, I'll know I have a chance, but if not, I won't completely embarrass myself. Yeah, that's good. That should work.

With his starting line chosen, Colin headed to the dance floor with a confident smile on his face. It only lasted a few seconds though because he soon found that Jane was no longer dancing with Sienna and was now standing by the bar with Sebastian Jardine. He couldn't imagine that the dealer was her type but he did have money, which was something that Colin was lacking, so it didn't seem impossible. He mentally cursed himself for not just approaching her when he had first seen her earlier, but what was he supposed to do now? His chances were clearly shot, at least for the night, so Colin decided that there was no point in putting off smoking any longer.

As he turned to go back towards the guys he had seen earlier, he passed by Sienna and Sydney walking together. Had Sienna been alone, he probably would have approached her to personally enlist her help, but even after knowing Sydney for years, he was still somewhat intimidated by her. Having brought an uninvited guest to her party earlier didn't made him feel like she would acknowledge him any more pleasantly than usual either, so he just smiled at the girls and continued walking. When he saw Vincent coming down a flight of stairs, he stopped and waited for him to reach the ground level. Too caught up in his own self-pity, Colin didn't attempt to read Vincent's facial expression and didn't question why he had been upstairs alone. He didn't want to tell Vincent about Jane yet, knowing that he would probably have to hear about how weak he was for the rest of the night, so instead he said, "I think I'm going to smoke. You in?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Kaitlin Kingsley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sophiex

When John offered a joint to Kaitlin, she hesitated. She didn't want to smoke and had passed up many opportunities to do so at home. The smell of the marijuana always made her nauseous and what she was even more concerned with right now was that she had no idea how to smoke. She not only had no experience with weed, but with cigarettes either, so she had no idea how long she was supposed to breath in and then exhale and figured that it would be more embarrassing to end up coughing her lungs out than to pass on the offer. "Oh, no thanks," she said, shaking her head. Luckily, no one seemed to take much notice to her and before she had even finished speaking John had passed the joint on to the next person.

As clingy as she felt, Kaitlin had no where else to go but than to stay with John. She couldn't see Brody, or even Vincent or Colin, and even if she did, she didn't think she would have anything more to say to them than she did to John. While she sat idly, listening to the people around her chat about what they did over the summer and in the past together, she felt even more out of place. So much, that she considered getting up and leaving. She had seen how magnificent this Sydney Vale party was and that was a good enough start, she supposed. It had taken a lot of courage to come knowing no-one and it wouldn't be horrible of her to leave now, right? Despite this, there was a voice inside of her head telling her the opposite- that she had come all this way and couldn't leave now as just as much of a nobody as she came as. Just as Colin said, new people didn't get invited to these parties everyday and she needed to embrace her opportunity because it could be the only one she would ever get.

When a girl approached, Kaitlin smiled. A new person, especially another girl, gave her a chance to put herself out there and maybe make a real friend. A new song had just come on and although they were a good distance away from the DJ, the music was muffling what the girl had said. She had caught a bit of it, mostly the "S" and "ey" sounds, and having no other knowledge of other people, assumed that it must have been Sydney. Kaitlin had been sure that Sydney was actually a blonde but she had only seen pictures of her on social media so she wouldn't have been surprised if she had the wrong girl all together, and in the moment, it seemed to make sense that this was Sydney. She was dressed to a T and was coming over to greet them in a way that Kaitlin would imagine a hostess to do, and seemed to know a few of the others she was with.

"Hi!" Kaitlin said, more enthusiastically than she intended. "I'm Kaitlin Kingsley. This is such a cool party, thanks for inviting me!" She knew that it was Brody who had really invited her, not Sydney, and she wasn't even sure if Brody had really invited her since she had to pretend to be Vivienne Hudson to get in, but it seemed like the polite thing to say to the host of the party, or who she thought was the host.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Kaitlin Kingsley
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0.00 INK


It wasn't at all surprising when Vincent invaded his conversation with Sydney and ordered her drink for her. He wanted to tell him to get lost but didn't want to start a problem, and it would have been unnecessary since Vincent soon walked away. Sydney's attitude seemed to shift a moment after Vincent left, and she demanded that the bartender repeat what he had ordered before something seemed to click in her head. He could tell that something was off but nodded when she asked if he would greet his friends for her. "Yeah, no problem. I'll find you in a little while." He had wanted to hang out with anyway, and definitely preferred that he was the one to greet them so another she didn't lash out at Sephy again.

He set his glass of soda on the counter. He wasn't thirsty and had only ordered something so he wasn't standing empty-handed with Sydney, but he knew his friends wouldn't have a problem with him not drinking. In fact, he was unsure if any of them would be either. Before he could leave the bar to go find them, his class' vice president, Charlie Burns, approached. They engaged in a trivial conversation for a few minutes, talking about plans for this year's events and what they would discuss at their first meeting, before Charlie excused himself to go find his girlfriend. It was a good opportunity for Brody to also go find his friends and within a few minutes he had spotted a few of them in the back corner. As he neared them, he knew that they were smoking, not only by the aroma, but by the people who were standing around. Bastion alone would have been a big enough signal but paired with John and some of the other people they were with, it wouldn't have been hard to figure out that they were smoking. He was definitely surprised to see Sephy in the group but couldn't imagine that she would be smoking. "I've been sent here by our wonderful host to thank you guys for coming," he said with a grin.

He then noticed that Sephy had been talking to Kaitlin, who he had invited last minute without Sydney's permission. "Hey, Kaitlin. I'm glad to see you here." It was a relief to see that she had managed to get in without her name being on the guest list and he hoped with all of the craziness going on, that she wouldn't run into Sydney tonight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bandit

Colin understood Vincent's reasoning for wanting to leave. Duke University definitely had one of the most elite lacrosse teams in the nation and getting the chance to meet with one of their recruiters was a big deal for any player. Vincent was definitely the best player on Saint Jude's team and probably one of the best in the state, so it wasn't surprising that he was being sought out by a top school. Although Colin envied Vincent for the opportunity, he was still happy for him and nodded at his explanation for leaving. It probably worked to his benefit that Vincent was going, anyway. He wasn't in the mood to hear about how if he had just worn a different outfit or acted less awkward, that Jane would be talking to him instead of Seb.

Kelley joined them before Vincent excused himself and while some people might have found conversing with someone they lost their virginity to to be uncomfortable, it wasn't like that between he and Kelley. She wasn't the type of girl to focus on any negativity or drama and although he knew that she was smarter than most, he sometimes felt like she didn't pick up on the vibes around her. Her comments were usually bold and sometimes offensive, but she never seemed to care. She was definitely different than a lot of her Constance Billard classmates and even more so than the ones who were also as wealthy as she. Colin found her to be easy to talk to, and was now glad that she had the same desire as he to smoke. "I was just heading there now," he said as they neared the circle of people in the back of the club. "I hope you're getting a ride home tonight. I don't know if you'll be lucky enough to look good in two mugshots in a row," he said elbowing her playfully.

There were a few people he expected to see smoking, John and Bastion being among them, and then some who he wouldn't have pictured as being the smoking type, with Persephone Soung and Brody Wade being the most prominent of the them. Kaitlin was standing beside John and because he still felt somewhat guilty for abandoning the two earlier in the evening, he smiled at both of them before finding an empty space on the opposite side of the group. As a joint came their way, he offered it to Kelley first. "You know Jane Lynch and Sebastian Jardine, right?" he asked her casually. "Are they... hooking up or something?" He didn't want to seem overly interested or concerned because at least for now, he wasn't going to resort to asking Kelley to meddle in his attempt to get closer to Jane. She was fairly crazy and didn't trust that she would talk to Jane without making him either seem like an unsocial loser, or an obsessed stalker.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Kaitlin Kingsley Character Portrait: Kelley Hadley
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0.00 INK


Bastion looks up as a few familiar faces approach the group that he has made himself part of. He gives Colin a sort of nod in acknowledgement, though they aren't particularly close outside of similar habits, and his eyes focus on John as the fellow asks him a question. "Sorry man, I would have, but I didn't realize you were there. Next time, yeah?" he responds lightly, then going on to smile and nod at the new face John presents to him. She looks like she wouldn't be out of place at Constance, blonde hair blue eyes, pretty, etc. He supposes she's from some wealthy family, perhaps an upstart, but doesn't know for sure and doesn't really care. His range of friends should make it clear he is less concerned about class and wealth than some other people who attend the two elite schools. "Nice to meet you. I'm Bastion. Like the game, I guess," he adds, though uncertain as to whether she would know the game he references. A pretty equal amount do and don't, usually.

The group is not left still for much longer, as yet another round of people come up to the corner. This one includes Sephy, Jake, Daphne, and Kelly. He's vaguely confused at the presence of Daphne, to be honest, perhaps having forgotten the response she sent requesting a ride from Jake. Uncertain of her motivations for coming, he dismisses the confusion as he takes another turn at a joint. As the group grows, the time between each pass lengthens. That's fine, he intends to stop before becoming too affected anyway.

Daphne spends the entire exchange relatively quiet, her eyes sliding constantly around the crowd. There is the slightest hint of a smile on her face, perhaps because she is amused. This is the sort of party she would think only existed in overdramatic young adult fiction and flashy TV series. Of course, given the school she attends, the girl oughtn't be surprised when life plays out like the script of an episode of some teen show or another. She is merely thankful to not allow herself to become caught up in it, one of those characters who seem to exist exclusively for misfortune and messy situations. The thought would be worth grimacing at, if she weren't still bordering on a smile.

She did at least have the courtesy to smile slightly more obviously, although what is a clear smile to her might be more of a slight quirk of the lips to others, at the new girl, Kaitlin. She doesn't strike Daphne as overly interesting immediately, but she's willing to accept a person being more than meets the eye. Her fingers are figuratively crossed that this person will be one such girl. This area hardly needs more superficial types, after all.

Bastion is unfazed by Kelly's question about Jane. He considers it briefly, no longer as irritated with her due to the passing of time. "Nah, I don't think so. Haven't spoken with her over the Summer much, but I don't think she has anyone from California. Still, I don't know about clinging onto the idea of being with her. She's not big on scholarship students."
