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Vincent Mast

"She says she doesn't want me but I know she's just playing hard to get."

0 · 2,163 views · located in New York

a character in “The Return of Gossip Girl: A New Era.”, as played by StarStruck



"It’s all too much and not enough at the same time."
β€” Jack Kerouac



{ Name }
Vincent Thomas Mast

{ Nicknames/Alias }
Vinny, Mast

{ Age }

{ Gender }

{ Sexuality }

{ Date/Place of Birth }
03/12/1997 | Long Island, NY

{ Nationality }

{ Label }
The Womanizer



{ Childhood/Family Life }
Vincent grew up on Long Island in Garden City with his parents, Phillip and Colette, and his two younger siblings, Connor and Mia. His father worked at a law firm but was laid off in 2006, which prompted him to open up his own arbitration and mediation company. It took a few years for the company to get off of the ground but when it did, the family returned to a comfortable lifestyle. They were never extremely wealthy but lived an average middle-upper class life.
Vincent was enrolled in a Catholic school from kindergarten to eighth grade and while his parents could afford the annual $7,000 tuition for that school, there was no way that they could spend over forty grand a year on The Saint Jude's School, the high school that his father wanted him to attend. After contacting the head lacrosse coach for the school, they agreed to come to one of Vincent's games and after watching him play, he was offered a full ride to the school. Both of Vincent's parents were extremely supportive of him attending the school and ended up renting a studio apartment in The Upper East side for him to live in rather than having to commute every day.

{ High School Career }
During the first few months of freshman year, Vincent was a lot less cocky than he is now. He didn't come from money and hadn't grown up in NYC like most of the guys at Saint Jude's had, so he felt like a fish out of water. Lacrosse did help him make friends but his real break came when he started getting with a lot of the popular girls at Constance Billard. He gained respect from the other guys and earned the role of being a player; the type of guy who would charm his way into a girl's pants and then move onto a new girl the next weekend.
While this did help him socially, it cost him big with Sienna Alvarez, a childhood friend who he had been dating for a little bit over a year. She was out of town one night when Vincent ended up at a big party. He ended up sneaking off with Sydney Vale and having sex with her, and although Vincent had originally decided not to tell Sienna and acting like everything was still normal, he ended up telling one of his friends that he had gotten with a girl that night. He never said who it was but when Sienna found out, he did confess that it was Sydney. She broke up with him after that and even though the two haven't gotten back together since then and it sparked Vincent's image of a womanizer, he still cares about Sienna.



{ Good personality traits }
Confident, charming, hardworking, sociable, poised, responsible

{ Bad personality traits }
Arrogant, indecisive, lustful, aggressive, proud, troublemaker

{ Personality }
Vincent has earned the title of a womanizer. He's good with words and knows how to charm a girl into thinking that "she's the only girl in the world for him" and that "he's never felt this way about anyone else". When he promises that he'll text the girl again after having sex with her, he's not always lying. He will definitely keep her number in his contacts for the next time he's feeling horny. Vincent knows that in order to capture the hearts of the girls he wants to sleep with, he has to be confident. However, his confidence tends to cross over into being egotistical and he's known to boast about how many girls want him and how good looking he is.

He may not be a girl, but Vincent tends to enjoy drama just as much as some of them seem to. He's known to stir in hopes of getting to witness an entertaining, and possibly hot, cat fight. Although he is a troublemaker in that sense, most of what he says is true. There are a lot of scandalous things that go on in Manhattan and an abundance of rumors circulating all of the time, so he's usually just passing on something that someone else told him. He isn't the type to make up vicious rumors about people but won't hesitate to add fuel to the fire if he does hear something about someone. However, when someone says something about him or threatens him, Vincent's pride tends to get the best of him. Especially with a few drinks in his system, Vincent can be extremely aggressive and will try to start a fight with any guy that dismisses him, or bothers one of his friends. While he doesn't hesitate to hit on and use girls, he takes it personally when other guys to it to his close girl friends.

Despite his flaws, Vincent isn't always a bad guy to be around. He's sociable and is always looking to hang out with his friends or go to parties, and he knows when to be respectful. Especially in front of parents or authoritative figures, Vincent can be well-mannered, poised and professional. He knows that the business world is all about making connections with the right people and if he wants to take over his father's company and turn it into something big, he needs to start making relationships with the big wigs now. He's hard working and responsible, especially when it comes to school. Since he's attending Saint Jude's on a scholarship, Vincent knows that he must keep his grades high in order to stay on the team, and essentially stay in the school, so he does put a lot of work into his assignments.

{ Greatest joys in life }
Hooking up with hot girls, lacrosse, pizza

{ Greatest fears }
Being rejected, having a gay kid, allergic reactions (he's allergic to shrimp), sharks

{ Life philosophy }
"A long time ago I learned not to explain things to people. It misleads them into thinking they’re entitled to know everything I do." - Lisa Kleypas


❀Action movies
❀Video games
❀His home on Long Island
✘Guys who try to be heroes
✘Gay guys
✘Chick flicks unless he's going to get laid after it
✘Driving in NY
✘Dentist visits



{ Parents }
Father | Age 46 | Phil Mast
Phil owns an arbitration and mediation business based on Long Island and is the sole breadwinner of the family. He has always had high expectations for Vincent, whether it be with sports, academics, or scoring girls. Phil was the one who encouraged Vincent to get into lacrosse and has been his biggest supporter. He has always wanted Vincent to have a better life than he did and hopes that his son will take over his business down the road.

Mother | Age 42 | Colette Mast
Vincent and his mother are extremely close. She has always been more of a friend to him than a mother and his friends compare her to Regina George's mom. She's the "cool mom" who always wants to know the latest gossip, doesn't mind hosting underage drinkers and is lenient with rules.

{ Siblings }
Brother | Age 13 | Connor Mast
Vincent was never close with Connor, but when his brother came out as being gay a year ago, their relationship became nonexistent. They haven't spoken in almost six months and Vincent is honestly embarrassed to have him as a brother.

Sister | Age 9 | Mia Mast
Because of their age gap and the fact that Vincent is rarely home, he doesn't have much of a relationship with his sister. When he is at home, she always wants to hang out with him and show him off to her friends, but Vincent has never been a fan of little kids and even though Mia is getting older, he still sees her as an annoying four-year-old sister.


{ Build }
6'0 | Athletic build

{ Hair Colour }

{ Eye Colour }

{ Distinguishable Markings }
Vincent has light freckles scattered across his face which are more noticeable in the summer when he's tan. He has a scar on his right upper arm from stitches he had to get a few years ago after a lacrosse accident.

{ Personal Style }
Vincent likes dressing well. You would never see him in basketball shorts or Jordans and isn't the type of guy who has an aversion to wearing designer clothes or suits. He prefers plain shirts, collared shirts or sweaters with slacks, jeans or khaki shorts. When he's dressing casually, you will frequently see him wearing a backwards baseball cap.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5

So begins...

Vincent Mast's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast
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| Good morning Upper East Siders, it's Gossip Goddess, logging on |
It's the first day back after Summer break, and we all know what that means, start sharpening those pencils - Or should I say, start sharpening those claws and get ready for some major cat fights. School is rife with drama here at Saint Judes boy's and Constance Billard girl's school. Only the wealthiest and most beautiful people will survive, nobody cares if you've got an IQ higher than Einstein if you're not filthy rich, you're irrelevant.

The back-to-school mixer should prove interesting, let's see which of you is lucky enough to get on my radar,
Let's have some fun this year, shall we?

See you soon,
Gossip Goddess xo


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Colin Clay
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Vincent's apartment was considerably nice for a New York apartment, but nothing compared to the other Upper East Side apartments that his friends resided in. When he first started attending Saint Jude's, the idea of not being as wealthy as his peers bothered him, but Vincent had grown to like his small apartment, especially considering that he lived there alone. His father paid the rent but lived on Long Island with the rest of the family, and while Vincent's personality had probably most noticeably changed for the worst since coming to New York, living alone also brought on a strong sense of independence in him.

Having spent an entire summer sleeping as late as he desired, Vincent was pleasantly surprised with himself when he managed to wake up to the sound of his alarm. He actually preferred waking up early over sleeping in, but that usually wasn't an option after his typical summer nights of heavy drinking and overnight visits from girls. Today Vincent gave himself a little bit over an hour to get ready, which was the perfect amount of time for him to take a quick shower and put on clothes, and make a BLT.

Cooking was always something that Vincent had taken an interest in, although he rejected the hobby as a preteen after his father told him that only women and gay guys cooked. His mother encouraged it though, and Vincent actually found that the skill lured girls in rather than turn them off. His ability to cook a nice dinner or bake a cake apparently made him even more charming and attractive or quality "husband material". The amount of girls who would sleep with him after a homemade meal negated any shame that Colin's remarks about him being a housewife might have brought on.

After scarfing down the sandwich in only a few bites, Vincent brushed his teeth and headed out of his apartment, down a few flight of stairs and onto the street. His apartment was in one of the less luxurious buildings in The Upper East Side, which was convenient today because the school mixer was held at Constance, but made for a longer commute to Saint Jude's which was located in Brooklyn. It was only a ten minute walk from his apartment to the girl's school and as he approached the building, he spotted Sydney Vale and Jane Lynch walking towards the school from the opposite direction.

"Well, well, well," he said, a smug grin appearing on his face as he stopped in front of them. "If it isn't the queen of the social scene and the gorgeous heiress who seemed to fall off the radar this summer," he said, stepping between them and placing an arm around each of their shoulders as he walked with them back towards the school. "The summer treated you two well," he added, obnoxiously eyeing their bodies. "By the way, have you ladies seen the new Gossip Goddess blog? We'll have to keep our future hookup on the down low, Jane. Don't want those details leaking out to all of Manhattan."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vincent Mast
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Jane returned Sydney's hug but just as quickly as she entered Sydney's apartment, she was led out. While Jane didn't mind being late, and frequently was, she knew that Sydney didn't like to miss out on anything, and arriving somewhere late could lead to that happening. So, she didn't protest her friend not welcoming her in and in fact, it was probably for the best. Jane loved Sydney's grandfather but whenever she came over in the morning, he always insisted that she have a plate of whatever it was that he was making Sydney for breakfast. She always politely declined and it never ended up being a big deal, but the whole situation still made her anxious. She wasn't even sure if the patriarch of Sydney's family was home, but avoiding the potential of it happening was easier than risking it.

It probably should have been suspicious when Sydney said that she accidentally "forgot to invite the girls", meaning Sia and Viv, but Jane didn't think too much into it. She was glad that Sienna didn't question her about her summer, although she expected it to come later on, and only hoped that when she was Sia and Viv, that they would do the same too. While she had the lie planned out, she didn't want to have to go into detail about it. Things might get fuzzy and she didn't want anyone to be suspicious of her.

When Sydney commented on her height, Jane was at first quiet, knowing that she had planned on wearing heels later on, but Sydney's little people comment got a laugh out of her. Syd was a good six inches or so shorter than her but it wasn't so much that she was irregularly short that Jane was tall. "If that's the rule, then I need to stop by Barney's after school to buy flats or something," Jane replied. Although Sydney's demand probably would have been taken as her being controlling, Jane was used to it and it was just another excuse for her to go shopping. "So who's coming tonight? I feel so out of the loop. You better not have made a new best friend while I was gone!" Besides the regular people who they hung out with, Jane was curious to know who else would have been invited to the Kiss On The Lips party that Syd was hosting. It was hard to tell who Sydney genuinely liked and who she was just being fake to in order to see if they were worth her time, so it was always interesting to see who ended up getting invites to her parties.

Just as Constance came into vision, so did a few familiar faces, including Vincent. Jane rolled her eyes but couldn't help but to smile as he approached them and turned on his charm. Jane was so used to his sexual and arrogant nature that she didn't even bat an eye when he slipped his arms around her and Sydney and called her out on being gone all summer. Luckily, he switched the topic to the new Gossip Goddess blog that had popped up. Sydney had mentioned it at one point during their texting conversation the previous night, but Jane had never viewed it. Although she really was trying to remain drama free, she was intrigued by the idea of it and couldn't help but to want to know what was written on there.

"I don't get with people who hurt my friends," Jane replied, rolling her eyes again at his comment about them possibly hooking up in the future. It wasn't like Jane hadn't thought about hooking up with Vincent before, but as long as she was sober she made her best effort to reject all of Vincent's advances. Not only did she think it would be disrespectful to Sienna, one of her close friends, but she knew that Vincent used all of his cute little pickup lines on any other girl he laid his eyes on too.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast
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Vivienne Hudson breathed heavily as she ran rigorously. Her ponytail bobbed back in forth it's movement matching her breath. She sighed as she slammed her hand on the button that slowed it to a stop. " Four and a half miles" She said aloud. She pulled off the sweatband that protected her recent blow out.

The blonde took a swig from her victoria's secret from the bottle before pulling out her headphones and trudging back to her room. Immediately she went into her bathroom and turned the shower water on. As she stripped she gazed in the mirror. She earned a killer tan in Ibiza that summer which made her already piercing pale blue eyes stand out even more. Her hair had lightened in the sun and contrasted well with her golden almost bronze skin. But the biggest change from over the summer were her breast. She was prescribed a hormone pill that took her from a B-cup to a C-cup. She started taking the pills after she spent a week in Monaco with Sienna. She spent the summer traveling and doing some modeling. She hung out with Carters family in France. She topped the summer off with a major shopping spree with her birth mom. She did her signature cheeky grin before stepping into her shower and let the water run over her body.

Twenty minutes later she emerged out of her shower, her skin dewy with water and her breath minty. She walked back into her room and slipped on a pair of lace panties and a Saint Jude's hoodie. She walked downstairs into the kitchen where her sister Jenny sat at the kitchen table and her dad's new boyfriend Sven leaned against the countertop. " Hey" She said as she pulled a blender out of one of the cabinets. "Hello beautiful" Sven said in his thick accent. Her sister said nothing. She rolled her eyes as she pulled her fruit out of the fridge. She placed some fruit in the blender before turning to Sven and saying "Can you see if Daddy's awake? " When Sven left she took out the grinder and placed one hormone pill and one diet pill inside. Once they were thoroughly crushed she put the mush in the juicer, then the juice in the blender. "Wooow didn't you tell Daddy Warbucks that you were done with those?" Jenny sneered.

" If I was you Annie I'd mind my own business. You can be sent back to the orphanage." She said turning around. She walked back to her room with a triumphant grin on her face.

Back in her room she started to get dressed. Vivienne pulled on a pair of high waisted jeans that fit snug and emphasized her toned bottom or as Vincent liked to call it, her bubble butt. She pulled on a snug corset top without bothering with a bra then pulled a jacket on top of it. She let down her hair letting it fall down to the deep dimples that dotted her back. She pushed her long bangs behind one of her ears so she could put on her makeup. She lined the bottom of her eyes and coated her eyelashes in mascara then completed the look with her favorite Chanel lip gloss. But where were her red pumps?

" Daddy!" She yelled from her bedroom all the way to the living room of their penthouse apartment.
"Yes my love?" He called from the living room.
"I can't find my red pumps that you bought me last week "She said in frustration.
"Jenny has them" He said in confusion "You let her borrow them"
" Jenny!" Vivienne screeched as she entered Jenny's room. She saw the shoes dangling from Jenny's feet as the girl lay on her stomach and snatched them from her.
"Don't touch my stuff "She gritted out before slipping them on her feet. Her phone buzzed and Viv grinned. She dropped the grin when she glanced at Jenny however.
" I don't have time for you or this" She said turning away from her sister.

"Obvi I love you I'm here walking in pumps aren't I? "She said flipping her long pale blonde hair over her shoulder. She looped arms with her friend as they walked toward the school.

A few minutes later the girls arrived at the school. Viv grimaced when she saw Vincent. "You want to talk to the girls? "She asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast
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Sienna offered her best friend the widest of smiles. With a flip of her honey hued hair after their arms linked, she handed Vivienne her travel mug and the two beauties made their way to school. They didnt really need to speak too much about each other's summers. They had spent the last few days together and talked the night before. Content to simply walk with her best friend, Sienna sipped the cool and refreshing liquid, smiling a little while the sweetness caressed her tongue languidly.

"So, let me tell you how - "

Vivienne cut her off before the words could fully leave her mouth, directing Sienna's attention to the campus grounds. A few feet away, Vincent stood with Jane and Sydney, his arms around them both. Sienna's grip on her mug tightened, a rather impassive expression overwhelming her countenance. A twinge of something akin to jealousy swelled up within her but she shook her head, smiling rather forcedly at Vivienne. Sure, she hated the easy way Vincent seemed to be able to interact with Sydney, but she was over it and over him. Or, at least, she wanted to be.

"Please, this is our senior year and I'll be damned if he ruins it," she told her most trusted companion before leading Vivienne over to the two girls and the boy who broke her heart. Not giving a damn and knowing eyes would be on them, Sienna practically squealed when she was close enough to the trio. "JANE!!!" Sienna practically lunged at the brunette, pulling her into a fierce embrace. She really had missed Jane. They usually had fun together during breaks and she left Sienna alone and there needed to be some kind of explanation.

"I missed you and FYI, you have a lot of explaining to do," Sienna chided playfully and winked at Jane. She then turned to Sydney and Vince, her smile directed more to the blonde. "Hey, lovely! Hello, Vince. How were you guys' summers?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast
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Sydney didn't even acknowledge Jane's comment about going shopping after school for a new pair of shoes. She knew that Jane's walk-in closet sized shoe collection was worth tens of thousands of dollars, so needless to say, the girl could find shoes that would suffice without buying new ones. Even if she truly didn't have a pair that would work, there was no way that Sydney was going to tag along with her. Jane's shopping trips weren't in and out things where she could just focus on purchasing one item and then leaving. No, when you went shopping with Jane, you had to have a large block of time reserved for the affair. With her party only hours away, there was no way that Sydney was going to fall victim to Jane's "I'll only be ten minutes!" ploy.

When Jane brought up the guest list, Sydney shrugged. "No one noteworthy." She had made the guest list about a month ago, a few weeks before her brother left for graduate school, with him and Nicole Peer. He had been very good friends with Nicole during their high school years, and coincidentally, she now happened to be Jane's stepmother. Although Sydney knew how much Jane disliked her, Nicole actually seemed really nice and Syd wasn't sure why there were issues between the two of them. Maybe it was because Sydney grew up without a maternal figure in her life, but the idea of having a girl only a few years older than her as family seemed nice. Sydney had inquired with Nicole about Jane's whereabouts during that hangout, but she brushed past the subject, only stating that she was "spending time on the west coast".

Although Sydney was in control of who was and wasn't invited, she didn't object to some of the suggestions that Nicole had. When they passed Daphne Peterson's name, Sydney explained that Jane didn't get along with her so she didn't plan on sending her an invite. However, Nicole insisted that Sydney invite her, reasoning that Jane needed to stop being involved in trivial drama with people. While Sydney knew that Jane wouldn't be happy with the decision, she had sent an invite to Daphne, but even with the extended offer, she was unsure if the girl would even come. Daphne and Jane's ongoing feud was well known to most people, especially Sydney who constantly had to hear about it from Jane, and although Sydney would side with Jane, she didn't personally have a problem with the other girl. Since the brunette hadn't brought it up, Sydney figured that she didn't know about Nicole's interference in the invites, but she wasn't going to mention it either.

The thought of the unnecessary drama seemed to fit the scene because just after Sydney spoke, Vincent approached and greeted the girls in an overly warm manner. She offered him a wary smile which quickly disappeared when Jane replied to his advance with a comment about how she would never hookup with him because of what he did to Sienna. Jane didn't know about Sydney and Vincent, but her comment still felt like a personal attack on Sydney's actions. Her hookup with Vincent while Sienna was dating him happened years ago and no one but the two knew, but the mention of Vincent cheating still made her tense up. She tried to keep the past in the past, but it was so hard when everyone kept digging it back up. Vincent's additional note about the Gossip Goddess blog didn't make her feel any better. She had heard about what the original Gossip Girl blog was about- who hadn't?- and after checking out the page for herself, it seemed to give off the same gossip and drama-y vibe. Sydney didn't mind people talking about her in a lot of ways because she knew that when so many people know who she was, there were bound to be some who didn't like everything she did. However, the idea of secrets being revealed didn't sit well with her and the one involving her and Vincent probably topped the list.

To make things even worse, before Sydney could even respond to him, Sienna and Vivienne appeared. In Sienna's motion of grabbing Jane into a tight hug, Sydney managed to slink out from under Vincent's arm, and stood on her own. She returned Sienna's smile and greeting, trying to make her voice sound authentically cheerful. "Hey! Mine was pretty laid back. Mostly just hanging out in the Hamptons and stuff," she offered, playing with her hair as she glanced around, trying to see who else had arrived. Normally she would have wanted to indulge in conversation with her three closest girlfriends but with Vincent and Sienna being there, she felt uncomfortable, and not in the same way that other people did, just knowing that they had broken up. When no one caught her interest, she returned her attention to the group, hoping that Vincent wouldn't make things more awkward for them, or if he did, that she could casually find another group of people to talk to.


Vincent's smile only grew when Jane brushed off his advance as being against her morals since she was friends with his ex, Sienna. He knew he would break her at some point as long as he continued to hit on her. In his mind, he was irresistible to every girl that knew him. It was just how long it took them to realize that which differed from girl to girl. Although he could have bragged to Jane about how she was really the only one of Sienna's friends who he hadn't gotten with, he knew not to do that. Jane didn't know that he had slept with Sydney and Sydney didn't know that Sienna knew that they slept together, so allowing one more person to know would complicate things ten times more. However, he did glance over at Sydney to see what her reaction would be to Jane's comment.

What probably made the whole situation worse was that the one time that they hooked up years ago wasn't the last time. After it ruined his relationship with Sienna, they stopped for a while, but last year things started heating up again. Even though he was no longer dating Sia, he didn't want her to know about the more reason occurrences of him getting with Sydney. While they acted like enemies in public, Vincent didn't want to hurt Sia any more than he already had and it seemed like one of those situations where "what you don't know can't hurt you" was relevant.

There most recent hookup was about a month ago. Sydney asked him to be her plus-one to attend an exclusive Emmy's after party in California. Her grandfather was the creator of SNL, which had won a couple of Emmy's that night, so the family was invited to one of the bigger parties and Sydney didn't want to go alone. Although Vincent tended to be a jerk around his peers, he was surprisingly poised and well mannered in front of people he felt were important and Sydney knew that between his good looks and personality, he would make a good impression. However, after a few drinks, they ended up in a bathroom together and one thing led to another. It was something that neither of them intended for anyone to know, but the encounter made Vincent feel even more guilty than he had before.

He tried to act like he was over Sienna and by flirting with numerous girls in front of her, he had succeeded in doing so for the most part. Still though, it was her who he would drunk text. It was her who he thought of at night before he fell asleep and really, it was her who he imagined marrying. She was different than other girls, even Sydney, but Vincent felt like he had dug himself in too deep and that there was no turning back now.

When Sienna and Vivienne came over and greeted them, Vincent offered a smile and wave. "I'll let you kids catch up," he said, excusing himself from the group once Sienna began to embrace Jane and talk to Sydney. Although they were all part of the same friend group, he felt unnecessary being there, assuming that they would probably blab on and on about irrelevant girl things.

He walked away from them and towards the school building as he pulled out his iPhone and texted Colin.

To: Colin Clay
"Dude, where the fuck are you? Jane's got this hot smart-girl look going. You better seal the deal on that one before I do."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale
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Jane's phone had went off, signaling that she had a text, so she didn't see Sienna and Vivienne coming until Sienna's arms were already wrapped around her. It was a pleasant surprise though, and with her phone still in one hand, she returned the tight squeeze. "I missed you too! I told Syd to invite you and Viv over this morning but she forgot. We didn't even have time to talk much though, but she said you would catch me up on everything," Jane said happily. Her comment about having "a lot of explaining to do" for going missing got a nervous giggle out of Jane but luckily, Vivienne also approached with her. While she also called Jane out on going "MIA", she quickly related it to what had happened to her own summer where she spent a week off the social radar in France with Carter Preston's family.

Jane always found it to be peculiar how Carter blantantly cheated on Viv and got another girl pregnant in the process, but they still managed to be very close friends. In fact, Viv was the godmother to the girl who was a product of the affair! It was so strange, especially when comparing it to the similar, but less intense, cheating situation between Sienna and Vincent. That didn't even result in a pregnancy but they were still at each other's throats most of the time. She guessed that the relationships were just different. Sienna and Vincent had known each other since they were kids. They grew up together, their families were very close and everyone around them expected them to stay together for longer than a year or two, if not forever. Viv and Carter had dated for a similar length of time but had only known each other since high school started, since Carter had lived somewhere else for most of his childhood.

"Bieber?" Jane asked, after Viv spoke about some Justin guy. After she said added Selena Gomez's name in there, she was sure it was the singer. "Ew Viv, he looks like a lesbian. You could do so much better!". For most people, the talk of one of their friends looking up with a mega-celebrity like Justin Bieber would have been huge news. It was definitely interesting and not exactly something that most girls at Constance could brag about, but most of them had connections in some way or another so talk like this was just the daily gossip.

Vivienne's father was a fashion photographer and worked with some of the biggest names in the industry, so it wasn't surprising that Vivienne ended up associating herself with many of them. She was frequently invited to exclusive parties and did know quite a few famous faces. Although her mother was a Broadway star and her father some big shot in the government, Sienna's music career had really allowed her to make her own name. Sydney's grandfather had created Saturday Night Live which meant that she had access to many celebrities as well. Jane's father had a net worth that probably exceeded that of all of their parents combined, and his hotels hosted tons of events for the rich and famous, but Jane usually just associated with her New York friends. She couldn't stand the way she looked in most pictures that she took of herself, so dealing with a hoard of paparazzi chasing her and taking unflattering photos to be seen by millions was a horrifying thought. So, she didn't mind being fairly unknown to the media world compared to her friends, and her father preferred it to be that way too, especially based on Jane's past behavior.

She turned back to Sienna. "Harry Styles, on the other hand, is one musician that I wouldn't mind hooking up with, and I know you have connections there," she said playfully. She remembered Sienna had opened for one of One Direction's concerts and had been bugging her every since to get him to show up to one of her parties.

Just as soon as Vincent excused himself from the group, Carter appeared and just as Vince had placed his hands over her and Sydney, Carter did it to Viv and Sydney. He offered her a wave which she reciprocated and gave Sienna a quick smirk after Carter kissed her. It was just a forehead peck, but Jane knew that Sienna had been crushing on him and while she was doing well at the moment to restrain herself from bringing it up in front of him, she couldn't help but to acknowledge it to Sia with a glance.

She then remembered that her phone went off a few minutes earlier, and saw that it was just Nicole, reading: "Make sure you eat a well balanced lunch today :)! xoxo". Jane rolled her eyes and quickly deleted the message. She knew that Nicole meant well and was trying to mend their relationship but Jane didn't need her advice and she quickly strayed away from that conversation and texted Bastion.

To: Bastion Arrendale

It was the first message she had sent him since before leaving for the treatment center and by the texts that he had sent her while she was gone, she knew that he would be curious as to where she was. Her father insisted that he had went along with the lie that she was just spending time in California with some family, but she was unsure if Bastion of all people would believe that. They had grown up together and it was unlike Jane to disappear without a good explanation, at least to him. Despite worrying about having to explain herself, she was excited to see him. He was like a brother to her and she had really missed him after being gone for so long.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Carter Preston
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0.00 INK


Sienna grinned, the faintest hint of dimples appearing in her cheeks as Jane returned her affection. She released the brunette and glanced at Sydney, who had actually responded. Sienna, of course, caught on to the fact that Sydney happened to "forget" to contact herself and Vivienne, not that Sia was actually complaining. To be completely honest, she was perfectly fine with being "forgotten." Not like it hurt anyone, anyway. But she did offer a genuine smile to Sydney's response.

"We all make mistakes, no biggie," she told the blonde in regards to not being called this morning. Even her voice seemed authentic enough to not arouse suspicions. As Jane and Vivienne seemed to talk a little about their summer, which seemed to be more of a two-and-two conversation, Sienna decided to be nice and remain focused on Sydney. "Besides, you were here with Gossip Goddess wreaking havoc and such, did you here about Madeline? She was one of the drama kids. Got pregnant by Mr. Whitlock. Guess who's not teaching here this year."

Yes, despite the fact that she had spent her summer away from New York, Sienna had heard all about Gossip Goddess. The tweets from classmates and well, the fact that everyone in New York visited this brand new blog lured her to the scene. And well, you would be an idiot not to have known about the original Gossip Girl blog and all the drama that entailed. Sienna was rather fascinated with the prospects of it. Her entire life was pretty much in the public eye in the first place. One more social networking site where drama was randomly stirred up would not hurt her. Well, unless...something else happened...

Brown eyes subtly followed Vincent as he walked away, a small tick in her jaw as she watched him leave. For once, neither of them were at one another's throats. Instead, they were...civil, even., she didn't want to concentrate on that, not now. Not when she was with her favorite three people in the world. She tuned back into the group convo when Jane made a comment about Justin Bieber looking like a lesbian. Sienna wrinkled her nose in distaste, wrapping an arm around Jane.

"Please, he looks like a child," Sienna corrected and eyed Vivienne distastefully. The fact that Vivienne would even consider giving Justin Bieber the time of day just...didn't sit right. "Besides, Selena's hardly thinking about that boy. We only go for men." Sienna even winked at Jane when she commented about Harry Styles. "Again, that's a boy, but I'll see what I can do." Sienna reached into her purse to retrieve her and Vivienne's muffins, her stomach grumbling slightly at only having some yogurt and strawberries this morning. Just as she handed the treat to her best friend, a pair of lips pressed themselves against Sienna's forehead and she was struck dumb for two seconds, looking up to see Carter's gorgeous blue eyes.

Yep, Sienna was definitely trying to restrain herself from squealing. Her cheeks were aflame and the wide smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth could hardly be contained. She spied Jane giving her a very knowing grin and she had to lower her own gaze for a moment, handing Vivienne her muffin quickly. Despite her growing affection for Carter, Sienna couldn't help but still be wary about pursuing him, especially when Vivienne was around. At the end of the day, Carter fucked up. At one point, even Sienna had commented that he was no better than Vincent in that regard and it felt highly hypocritical for her to develop a crush on a guy who did the same thing her ex did to her to her best friend. But the biggest difference was that at least Carter acknowledged that he fucked up and took responsibilities for his actions. One tearful night later, Vincent was calling Sienna a bitch for being mad and screwing one of the girls from her math class twenty four hours later. At least Carter understood that he made a mistake and currently had to care for his child.

"Hey, handsome. Seems like the summer treated you nicely. And how is that precious little angel," she replied to him with a now demure smile, picking at the crystallized sugar shards atop her own muffin. "And summer was great. Despite the fact that some people abandoned everyone for France." Sienna smirked pointedly at Carter and bit into the soft treat in her hands.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Colin Clay
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bandit

"Boys, it's time to get up!" Colin's mother's cheerful voice rang out, causing him to stir only slightly. He was exhausted and wasn't ready to get back on the early wake up schedule that the school year required. It took him around ten minutes for him to manage to pull himself out of his bed and in that time, his two younger brothers had already hopped out of the bunk beds they shared on the opposite side of the room.

"School, school, school!" his youngest brother, Max, shouted as he pulled on a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans. He was probably the wildest of the bunch and never seemed to have a shortage of energy, whether it was seven in the morning or eleven at night. Mikey, the oldest of the three adopted siblings had already gotten dressed and left the room by the time that Colin got to the closet. He shuffled through some button down shirts that were hanging before going to his dresser and pulling out a simple blue t-shirt and black pants. He knew that today was the first day back with all of his classmates, as well as the first time he would be seeing his longtime crush, Jane Lynch, since before summer break, but he didn't want to look too overdone. He figured that it was better to look clean cut and simple than to overdress and make a fool out of himself. His family wasn't broke, but they didn't have extra room in their budget for the frivalous and unnecessarily expensive clothes that his friends could indulge in. Luckily most guys didn't care about that type of stuff, but he still felt like it was better to just accept where he stood than to try to be something he wasn't.

After showering, he put his clothes on and made his way out to the kitchen. His father was already gone to work but his mother stood over the oven, placing pancakes onto his sister Calista's plate. She smiled when she saw him coming in and made a plate for him as well.

"My homemade, organic blueberry pancakes," she explained, handing it to him. "You know, they're Mikey's favorite," she said, motioning to her second son who sat at the table. She leaned closer to him and whispered with a wink, "and they're sugar-free for Max".

Colin laughed and quickly grabbed a seat at the table with his siblings. The pancakes smelled delicious and just like with all of his mother's other meals, Colin was quick to gobble the pancakes down. "Dude, second grade is gonna be awesome," Colin said to Max, ruffling his hair. "And Mikey, you've got Mrs. Becker for fourth grade, right? I had her back in the day. She used to be pretty nice but I don't know now man, she's probably getting old and cranky," he added with a grin. His mother lightly slapped the dish towel she was holding against the back of his head. "He's joking, Michael. Mrs. Becker is going to love you,". Colin nodded in agreement but as soon as Monica turned her back to them, Colin dramatically shook his head and mouthed "no way", getting a snicker out of Mikey.

After finishing his glass of water, Colin said goodbye to his siblings and headed to the bus stop. He lived in midtown which meant that he usually spent thirty to forty minutes commuting each way to Saint Jude's in Brooklyn during the school year. Today's school event was being held at Constance Billard, Saint Jude's sister school, which was located in the Upper East Side. It was around three miles from his apartment and although Colin didn't mind walking there, as he frequently did when he went to hang out with Vincent or other friends who resided in the area, he knew that it would take too long and opted for the bus. Because of all of the stops and the typical New York traffic, it still took around twenty-five minutes for him to get there. The bus stop that he got off at was about a block from the school and by the time that Colin got off, he had a text from Vincent, telling him to hurry up because Jane was there.

The mention of Jane brought butterflies to his stomach. She had disappeared without good reason this summer and even though Colin didn't have her number to inquire about it himself (not like he ever would, even if he did), he had heard through Vincent that she spent all summer in California. Colin had convinced himself that she probably had some wealthy boyfriend there and that even if when she did get back for school, his chances of her liking him would have decreased even more than before she left.

When he saw her standing with her friends, he new that Vincent was right. She was gorgeous and as much as she turned him on, he still felt like he had no chance with her. Rather than approach her and deal with his sudden awkwardness that always seemed to make a grand appearance whenever he was in Jane's vicinity, he headed over to Vincent who was standing by the school's door.

"Hey man," he said with a half-wave as he approached Vince. He nodded his head back towards Sienna, Sydney, Carter, Vivienne, Jane, and now Sebasitan Jardine. "I don't know if it's just because I haven't seen her in a while or if it's those glasses, but dude, she's hotter than I remembered. You think you can talk to her for me tonight?" he asked, not wanting to seem too desperate, although he knew that Vincent already knew just how badly he wanted her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale
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0.00 INK


Although there was always a bit of tension present between Sydney and Sienna, even if it was only Sydney who felt it, she was glad to be back with all of her girls again. They always had so much fun together and being with them reminded her of how excited she was for the party tonight. It was going to be the perfect start to a perfect senior year, or at least Sydney hoped it would be.

Sydney maintained a friendly smile when Jane brought up her "forgetting" to invite Sydney and Sienna over and she was glad that Sienna didn't make a big deal out of it. "I was working out the final details for tonight and it totally slipped my mind," she commented, glad that the conversation quickly switched gears after that. "Hey! I think Justin is kinda cute," Sydney objected when Jane ignorantly compared his look to that of a lesbian and Sienna, less offensively corrected her and said he just had a childish look. "I would have went for it too when I met him last summer, but he was still with Selena then too," she said to Vivienne with half a smile.

She met the singer at the end of the summer last year when he hosted SNL. Her grandfather and most of the cast wasn't too fond of him but Sydney had a short conversation with him and he didn't seem like the arrogant punk that the media made him out to be. Vivienne and Sienna obviously knew his personality better than she did though, but she at least found his appearance to be attractive.

Sydney maintained her smile as Carter appeared and wrapped his arms around her and Vivienne. Carter was one of the nicest guys that she knew. Not only was he respectful, intelligent and responsible, but he was also attractive. They had been friends since he started dating Vivienne and had continued to be that after they broke up, but once Sydney heard from Jane that Sienna was interested in him, she also developed a sort of affection for him too. She knew that it was probably more of a desire to compete with, or steal from Sienna, than a genuine romantic crush, but she wouldn't admit that to anyone. "Mine was good too," she responded to his question. "But I definitely missed you and Leah. That baby is probably so much bigger than she was last time I saw her!" Sydney had always admired Carter's dedication to his daughter. It was brave of him to take on such a role when caring for a child probably wasn't exactly the biggest dream of most teenage boys.

Before their conversation could go any further, another familiar face appeared. It was Sebastian Jardine, someone who Sydney didn't know particularly well personally, but knew much about reputation-wise. Jane had always warned her against getting too close to him, claiming that she had "friends who said he was bad news" but his bad boy persona was intriguing. He wasn't her usual "type" of guy, but she considered the idea that maybe a new school year would mean new experiences too.

Sydney raised an eyebrow when his first comment was to Sienna about past "fun" that they had. She had never heard of the encounter and didn't believe that whatever Sebastian was talking about was as innocent as the club opening that Sienna tried to explain it to be. She didn't call Sienna out on it but added it to the list of things that she would scope out later on. After he complimented Jane on her glasses, Sydney gave her a gentle elbow to the side and a confused look. Jane insisted that he was basically a villain but she really only saw the charming side of him.

She caught sight of Jane's iPhone screen and saw that she was texting Sebastian Arrendale. Sydney rolled her eyes and didn't hesitate to announce it to their group. "She's texting the other Sebastian. Sorry Seb, but it looks like she's more interested in your name twin than you," she said, her tone a bit spiteful towards the boy but typical for her. She liked to see how people would react to her bitchiness. Some were intimidated and backed down instantly but others, the ones who she would either click well with or clash immensely with, liked to play the game too. Seb was one of the ones who know how to counter her comments, but in an intriguing way. There were others, like Lacey Cartier-Porter, who did it in a way that just pissed her off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Colin Clay
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Vincent didn't have to wait long before Colin came into view. He watched intently as his pal admired his crush from afar and then came over. Although Vincent had spent most of the summer at his family's home on Long Island, he did come in frequently to go out to the many clubs in Manhattan with his friends. Even if he hadn't seen Colin in a while, he wouldn't have made some big "OMG I haven't seen you in forever!!!" deal about it like he imagined the Constance girls to do. He simply nodded in acknowledgement as Colin approached and then began to comment on seeing Jane for the first time since spring.

"I'll talk to her, but dude, you need to step it up," he said, his eyes glancing back towards the girls. Carter Preston and Sebastian Jardine had joined the circle but judging by Vivienne's stance, she didn't seem to be taking well to whatever Sebastian was saying. "Both of us were born into families that don't make a shit load of money, so that puts us at a disadvantage compared to some of these other guys. To a lot of these girls, money is a big deal but what makes it irrelevant when it comes to me is how fucking irresistible I am, man. You know, you just gotta turn on the charm. Look, Jane is the only- well, one of the only, girls that I haven't slept with in that group, so I don't have any specific tips there..." he said, quickly correcting himself when he remembered that no one was supposed to know about him and Sydney. "All I'm saying is that you've got to stop being such an awkward dick and turn on the charm. Be confident. Don't ask her if she wants to hookup, just make the move. You've been chasing her for what? Three years? Four? And she doesn't even know you exist. I was serious with what I said- if you don't hit that tonight, she's fair game.

Someone who didn't know Vincent's behavior as well as Colin might have taken what he said offensively, but Vincent's arrogance was well known by most, especially Colin. He leaned against the wall of the school and glanced back towards the front of the campus where the girls stood. Seb Jardine was walking away but the others remained. Vincent couldn't help but to focus on Sienna, watching as she smiled and spoke to Carter. He was over her, or at least he insisted to himself that he was, but her beaming smile reminded him of their good days and he couldn't help but to get annoyed with Carter for even speaking to her. It was stupid and petty, especially because he talked to and even hooked up with Carter's ex, Viv, but it still bothered him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Colin Clay
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bandit

Vincent's response wasn't the most supportive but Colin expected it. He was probably right that Colin had missed many chances with Jane and if he truly wanted to woo her, he was going to need to just go for it. It was easier said than done though, because even just looking over at her from afar made him tense up. He couldn't help but to tell himself that he had no chance and trying to "make the move", as Vincent put it, would probably just end in an embarrassing rejection.

"Yeah... yeah... I know," Colin said throughout Vincent's lecture, only raising an eyebrow when his friend repeated what his text message had said. "Who says that she'd even want you?" he asked with a small laugh. Even though Vincent probably could get nearly any girl at Constance, Sydney's group of friends were more exclusive than most girls, especially since Vincent had screwed over Sienna. He was surprised when Vivienne hooked up with him and doubted that Sydney or Jane would be ballsy enough to make a similar move. Besides Sienna being a deterrent, those girls didn't need the reputation of hooking up with Vincent to make them seem cool. They already were without him.

When Vincent didn't respond, Colin glanced over at him and followed his gaze back to the group of girls and Carter Preston. Just by the look on his face, Colin could tell that Vincent was watching Sienna interact with Carter. They were clearly too far away to hear what was being said but the endearing smile on her face as she looked at the blond was probably enough to bother Vincent, who constantly insisted that he was moved on from Sienna the minute he cheated on her. Colin knew Vincent well enough to know that was just talk, and he had given up on trying to find out who it was that had been "so good" that Vincent forgot about his girlfriend that easily.

"I've got to make a good impression today. You know Mr. Edwards? He taught that astronomy class I took last year and nearly failed me after I said that thing about his hair cut. Well, now I've got him for physics and there's no way I'm getting another D in his class." Colin figured that it would be easier to change the subject to what they would be doing in a few minutes than to continue on the topic of Jane or Sienna.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: Hazel Crown
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0.00 INK


Vincent didn't even hear Colin question why he was so sure that Jane would want him. Normally he would have had an egotistical response about how there wasn't a girl on the planet who could resist him, but he was preoccupied with watching Sienna. They had both hooked up with other people since their breakup a few years ago and Vincent knew that he couldn't commit to a real relationship, but he still hated seeing her flirt with other guys. He wanted her to be happy and knew that he couldn't give that to her if he wanted to keep his reputation intact, but he didn't want her to be happy with some other guy either.

The speak of this year's teachers brought him back to reality and he ran a hand through his hair, trying to hide the fact that he had just been drooling of his ex. After making fun of Colin for obsessing over Jane for three years, Vincent didn't have much of an excuse to be doing the same thing with Sienna, but their situation was different. There was history there and it was complicated- too complicated for anyone besides him and Sienna to really understand.

"Yeah, I have him for physics too. That guy's a dick," Vincent agreed as he stepped away from the wall he had been leaning on. "We might as well just go in now. The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can get out of here," he said, not waiting for Colin to respond as he headed into the school. Although he didn't attend Constance, he had been there before for co-ed school events and knew his way to the gym where the back to school mixer was being held.

As the entered the school, Vincent greeted a few girls. He didn't know most of their names but that didn't matter. He would get their attention with a, "hey beautiful," or "I missed you this summer", and almost always, the girls would turn back to their group of friends and whisper excitedly to each other. It usually worked better with the underclassmen but there were still girls his age or a year younger who still had hopes that if they hooked up with him, they would magically be accepted into the "cool crowd". It was false hope though, because if that was true, nearly half of the girls in his grade would be popular.

While he didn't care enough about most of the people he passed by in the hallways, he did make out the faces of a few acquaintances. Hazel Crown, who he only knew as Sebastian Jardine's girlfriend, was standing alone by a locker, and as he and Colin entered the gym, they passed by Brody Wade. Vincent wasn't a fan of the class president. He was the biggest teacher's pet, perfectionist and goody two-shoes around. He did well in school, socially, and with girls and Vincent saw him as being one of the only guys who would actually be competition for him. However, they had a fairly civil relationship, even if it did border being sarcastic and fake.

"Glad to see ya, Wade," Vincent said as he walked by. When he was a few feet past him, he turned back and said, "I hope you kept Sydney occupied for the summer, but now that I'm back in Manhattan full time, you can back off". With a smirk, he continued walking towards the section of Saint Jude's professor stalls.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Brody Wade
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0.00 INK


Brody let out a small, almost genuine, laugh in response to Vincent's comment. Because he was focused on texting Sephy, he hadn't noticed his classmate approaching so although his presence was surprising, his words were not. Vincent Mast was undoubtedly the biggest narcissist that Brody had ever met, which said a lot, considering that Vincent wasn't someone who one would expect to be so conceited compared to everyone else. His family wasn't excessively wealthy and unlike most of his friends and the girls he got with, Vincent was actually attending Saint Jude's on a scholarship. This was something that would normally put any student at the bottom of the social totem pole but Vincent's womanizing ways seemed to bring him respect from his fellow male classmates. While this wasn't shocking to Brody, he didn't understand why a countless number of girls allowed Vincent's appearance and reputation to overshadow his terribly flawed personality.

"It's nice to see you too, Vincent," was all that Brody responded with. He wanted to ask Vince why he was so sure that Sydney would want to hookup with him this year when she hadn't for the past three years, but he wasn't going to feed into Vincent's negativity. It was unnecessary, childish and a waste of energy, and after his response, Vincent continued into the gym. Brody assumed that he would probably spend the next few minutes boasting to Colin about how clever his stupid remark was. Like most people, Brody found Colin to be amusing, but he didn't always appreciate the disturbances that he liked to cause in class. Similarly to Vincent, Colin was also a scholarship student and although Brody would never say it out loud, he sometimes felt like it was easier for Colin to joke around and waste time during class because he wasn't actually paying to attend the school. Although Brody wasn't extremely close to either of them, he sometimes actually preferred Vincent to Colin. At least Vincent had the audacity to speak his mind, despite how arrogant his thoughts may be, while Brody felt like Colin was sometimes passive to what others wanted him to do.

When his phone buzzed again, he expected it to be Sephy but was equally pleased to see that this text was from Vivienne. Although she and Sydney were good friends, he hadn't seen her at all over the summer when he hung out with Sydney. He had heard about her numerous vacations over social media and text, and it wasn't surprising. Vivienne was a jetsetter. She was well connected and especially on school breaks, it wasn't unusual for her to travel around the world to attend exclusive parties and events. Brody really enjoyed her. She was fun but not too crazy, worldly and confident, and probably one of the hottest girls at Constance. Even though he and Sydney weren't dating or really even exclusive, he still felt like it wasn't right being anything more than friends with Vivienne while he was hooking up with her though.

To: Vivienne Hudson
I got here early so I'm already in the gym lol. Come find me ;).

Just as soon as he sent the text, Sephy appeared. She didn't waste a moment before embracing him in a hug, which Brody reciprocated. "Yeah, it really has been. I haven't seen you since what... July?" he asked, surprised that it really had been that long. The few other times that he had flown into New York from California, where he spent most of the summer, Sephy either already had plans involving her internship or a family affair, or Brody was scheduled to go something with Sydney. He texted Persephone often but it was still unusual for him to realize that it had been a while since he had actually seen and spoken to her in person. "How did your internship go? I'm pretty sure that we have twenty copies of your article floating around our apartment," he added with a laugh. His mother had always taken a liking to Sephy, partly because she was one of her close friends' children and Brody's close friend, but also because she thought she was a good influence for his younger sister, Ella.

After she responded, Brody looked past her, surprised that Bastion, Daphne and Jake hadn't shown up with her. Although Brody was friends with many people from various social groups, he was closest with those four. "Where's everyone else? Don't tell me that Daphne's already in the library," he said with a grin, focusing back on Persephone. He was glad that the school year was starting. It would bring regularity and routine, and although he was sure that senior year was destined to be more drama-filled than the last three, it seemed to be beginning without a flaw.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast
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0.00 INK


Jane felt relieved yet guilty when Bastion agreed that they could finish their conversation later that night. She wasn't sure that she would even get a chance to speak to him later on but if she did happen to come across him, she hoped that with a few drinks in her system she wouldn't be so uptight. Whether the alcohol would loosen her up enough where she would say too much was yet to be determined but at this point, Jane was ready to drink herself to a point where whatever she did say wasn't more than slurred, incomprehensible words.

Offering only a half way, she was quick to turn back in the direction she came from, only to find that her friends were already on their way inside of the building. She increased her pace, managing to catch up with them before they stepped into the gymnasium. She caught Sydney's question on whether any of them would be bringing a date tonight. "I'm single and so ready to mingle tonight," she added with a small smile. Jane was more of a drunken-mistake hookup kind of girl than one who could maintain a serious relationship with someone. When sober, she was very picky with the guys she associated with, so even if she had hooked up with a semi-decent guy the night before, he rarely met her standards the next morning. Besides that, the past few years had been chaotic enough with her own problems for her to want to add a romantic relationship into the mix.

Now that she was more emotionally stable, getting a boyfriend was definitely on her senior to-do list, but even among the hoards of wealthy and attractive boys at Saint Jude's, none of them really captured her attention. The most "qualified" guys like Carter Preston and Brody Wade had their flaws. Carter already had a kid and was Viv's ex, not to mention that he was on Sienna and Sydney's radar. Brody didn't like Jane and she didn't like him in return. He was a bore and although he was attractive, Jane was sure that if anyone was going to bring 'bad vibes' to the party tonight, it would be him. However, she kept quiet for now. There was no benefits in complaining about Sydney, in front of her anyway. Besides the obvious guys, there was Vincent who was a possibility for a hookup, although Jane would never admit it in front of her friends. He wasn't boyfriend material though, as perfectly portrayed through his betrayal towards Sienna.

When Sienna brought up possibly bringing Lyric, Jane couldn't help but to giggle. She really didn't know Lyric outside of his connection with Sienna, but his name always reminded her of the comments that Sydney would make about his mouth. He was definitely attractive, Jane would give him that much, but his lips reminded her of those that women in New York would die for. Despite the unnecessary comments that Syd would make about them, Jane guessed that they probably made him a pretty decent make out partner. "His lips look better than Kelley Yearly's, and I'm pretty sure she gets lip injections like, every other day," Jane exaggerated, referencing a fellow classmate. "Is he a good kisser?" she then said to Sienna, convinced that even though she had never admitted to hooking up with him, that she must have.

Although most of the students had now entered the gymnasium, it was large enough that it didn't appear to be packed. Friend groups could easily be picked out as they were scattered throughout the room and Jane was able to spot Bastion back with Jake and Daphne. Even if Daphne wasn't enough of a deterrent, Jane quickly moved her gaze away from them, not wanting to make eye contact with Bastion after her less than friendly encounter with him moments before. She also spotted Brody, who had just embraced Persephone Soung. With a raised eyebrow and small smile, she couldn't help but to glance over at Sydney to see what her reaction would be. From what Sydney had told her, she and Brody weren't exclusive or even dating, but she doubted that her friend would appreciate him hugging Sephy before even greeting her. As petty as it was, that was Sydney. The smallest things could set her off and getting on her bad side wasn't wise. That was evident with the next girl who entered her sight: Lacey Porter. Jane didn't like her, but Sydney's hatred towards her far exceeded Jane's. "That girl is such a loser," Jane said, eyeing Lacey with disgust as she strutted past them. It was bizarre for Jane to expect her to acknowledge them in the slightest, especially because of how many viscous rumors Sydney had started about her with no real motive, but she still disliked the idea of anyone just ignoring them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Vincent Mast
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Lyric pulled into the girls school with a smile. He pulled up to the parking lot and parked. His blond hair fell into his eyes as he walked out of the car.

To: Sia
Srry!!! I'm here now, I was picking out and outfit XD. Anyway are you in the gym?

The boy walked into the school as he headed towards the gymnasium. He spotted a few cute guys, but ignored the feeling he got. His dark blue eyes looked towards the door as he entered. He walked into it seeing a large crowd. His face lit up in a smirk when he felt the crowd's energy around him.

His dark blue eyes turned as he noticed a few people. They swarmed to him, mostly girls. "OMG We love you, can we take a picture? I mean you're really cute!!!" a girl spoke from the group in front of him. Lyric's face turned into an awkward face. "Uh, I don't do autographs...or photos." he spoke before walking away.

To: Sia
So I'm here.....where are you exactly?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bandit

When he and Vincent crossed paths with Brody Wade in the gym, Colin pretended to be occupied with his phone. He was right in expecting Vince to have something to say to their class president because as soon as he spotted him, Vincent made a snide remark about how Brody could lay off Sydney now that he was back. Colin didn't care for Brody much either but he didn't want to be dragged into another one of Vincent's fights, especially not when the school year had only been in session for a matter of ten minutes.

"I still don't get why the son of a dude who owns an entire brand of wine is the last one to wanna drink at a party. He's probably got an endless supply of alcohol at his house and yet he doesn't even drink a beer when we're at a party," Colin said to Vincent once they were out of ear shot of Brody. "Speaking of beer, are you going to get Toranzo to buy us shit for tonight?" Although he knew that Sydney would probably have an open bar at the club she had rented out for the party, like most people, Colin was planning on drinking ahead of time. Especially if he wanted to make a move on Jane tonight, he was going to need some liquid confidence to help him get there. He and Vincent both possessed fake I.D.'s so they technically could buy alcohol on their own, but John Toranzo was made of money and had always been willing to supply them with alcohol for free in the past, so Colin didn't see why it would be any different this year. Besides, his apartment was a lot nicer than Colin's child-infested one and Vincent's small bachelor pad, so they normally went to his place before any parties. Even though they were kind of using him for his money, Colin actually liked John. It wasn't a strong friendship but they got along well enough and Colin could always count on him being up to smoke some weed when he was in the mood.

"I'm gonna try to talk to Mr. Edwards," he said after Vincent responded to his question about alcohol. Although he and Vincent probably had a lot of the same teachers this year, Colin knew that it was better for him to talk to his professors without Vince there. He tended to be less serious when around other people and that was usually when the inappropriate jokes would come into play. Not wanting to ruin his chance at a successful senior year before it even started, Colin made his way to the teacher stalls alone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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Colin's comment about getting alcohol from John Toranzo reminded him that he did in fact need to ask John to get them drinks and let them come over before Sydney's party. "Good call," he said with a nod as he pulled out his iPhone. He found John's name listed under "El Torro", an ironic nickname he had given him years back, and sent him a message.

To: El Torro
We good to come to your place tonight before the party? You should grab some Bacardi.

"Alright, I'll see you around," Vincent responded as he and Colin parted ways. He also wanted to speak to some of his new professors but didn't need to put as much of an effort in as Colin would. Since he was attending Saint Jude's on a scholarship, Vincent always put a lot of effort into maintaining high grades. He didn't want to risk being kicked out of the school and he actually took pride in doing well, so he rarely made a bad impression on teachers as Colin tended to do.

Rather than go to one of his new teachers, Vincent headed to his eleventh grade history teacher, Mr. Wilton's stall. He was also the head lacrosse coach and although the the game season wouldn't start until the spring, the Saint Jude's team usually started practicing in mid-fall. They were one of the best teams in their division and Vincent needed to play in a few out-of-school tournaments this semester to reassure college scouts that he was a worthwhile player.

His coach and former teacher was glad to see him and offered him a firm handshake as Vincent approached.

"Vincent, it's nice to see you. I heard you played in the Maryland tournament this summer with Team Long Island?" he asked, referencing the tournament team that Vincent had been a part of since before attending Saint Jude's.

"Yeah, it was a good time. You should've seen Clay in goal, I think he let in like three goals or something over all ten games. We're going to run the conference this year," Vincent said with a grin. Saint Jude's was a good school not only in terms of academics, but also athletically. They had won the conference and country championship titles in lacrosse for the past seven consecutive and as captain this year, Vincent wasn't going to let that fall apart in his hands.

"I hope so," Mr. Wilton replied. "I heard Fordham Prep got some freshman kid to play goalie for them this year so Colin better keep on his game. On the field and off." Vincent knew that he was referring to the frequent detentions that his friend received from his funny, but wrongly placed jokes in class. He nodded reassuringly and as an eleventh grade student approached to speak to Mr. Wilton, he politely excused himself and headed away from the stall.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Jake Desai Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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Lyric startled upon hearing John's voice. "Hey man!" he said hugging him with a grin. He scanned the room spotting Sienna but waiting a few minutes. His dark blue eyes gazed at his phone. "So uh what did you do this summer?' he asked with an interest. His blonde hair as usual in his face.

He spotted a few familiar faces, Jake Desai being one of them. He couldn't stand the guy, only because he made him feel odd and weird towards him. So he tried to keep distance from him. "Wanna go say hey to Sienna?" he asked with a smile. His trademark smile seemed to be on his face a lot lately.

He felt his stomach rise at the sight of Vincent's name on John's phone. "Please tell me you aren't friends with that ass hole?" he asked with a sigh. He decided to give John a hug and walk towards Sienna. Before he reached her he was stopped by a few random girls asking for pictures. This time he relented into it. "SIENNA!!" he yelled as he was being over swarmed by girls. He snuck under them and walked to his friend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Lyric Overland
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sophiex

John was glad to see Lyric and returned his hug. There were a few girls that seemed to want to talk to Lyric too, but he brushed them off enough that they would hopefully get the message. His friend wasn't a huge music star yet but he was a great musician and it was obvious that John wasn't the only one who saw that. Well, judging by the fact that most of these groupies were girls, he guessed that it probably wasn't just his musical talent that attracted them. However, most of these girls had known Lyric since freshman year so John knew that after a few minutes, their excitement would die down and Lyric would be able to be just another student.

"I sent the past for weeks was visiting family in Spain. My dad's parents and siblings live over there, so summer is usually the only time I see them," John said, answering Lyric's inquiry about what he had done over the summer. "Besides that, uh, not much. My dad spoke at some conference in Toronto so we spent some up there, and then I really just hung out with my sister until she left for Northwestern," he said with a shrug. He had enjoyed his time in Spain but it was something he did every summer so it wasn't too exciting. "What about you? Working on a new a album or something?" he then asked.

As Lyric replied, John heard his cellphone go off. He pulled it out of his pocket, only to find a message from Vincent Mast, asking if they could come to his place before Sydney's party, and if he would provide the pregame alcohol. While Lyric wasn't Vincent's biggest fan, as expressed by his comment about the text message, John didn't mind him that much. He frequently hung out with him and Colin and enjoyed their company most of the time. That wasn't to say that he didn't sense that they sometimes used him for his money, since both of them weren't very wealthy, but he didn't care. At least not enough to do something about it.

To: Vincent Mast
Yea sounds good

After replying to Vincent, he turned to Lyric. "Uh, yeah. He and Colin are coming over tonight before we go to Sydney's party. You wanna come?" There wasn't much time for John to hear Lyric's response because as they approached the group centered around Brody Wade, Sephy came darting towards him. She pulled him into a tight hug, something that would have made his face turn tomato red had he not gotten a decent tan this summer.

Her excitement died down when she glanced back in the direction she came from and claimed that the situation was "intense". "Why, what happened?" he asked with concern as he slipped his phone back into his pocket to focus on Sephy. Although no one knew it, Vincent had had a crush on Sephy for probably as long as he knew her. However, she never hesitated to tell him about her own crush on Brody, so John knew it was useless to try to develop anything more with Sephy. The awkward rejection would end up ruining their friendship and John didn't want to lose her altogether, so he kept his feelings hidden and hoped that maybe one day, she would get over Brody and take interest in him.