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John Toranzo

0 · 1,316 views · located in New York

a character in “The Return of Gossip Girl: A New Era.”, as played by Sophiex



"I’d rather be partly great than entirely useless."
— Neal Shusterman, Unwind



{ Name }
John Joseph Toranzo

{ Nicknames/Alias }

{ Age }

{ Gender }

{ Sexuality }

{ Date/Place of Birth }
New York, NY
February 23rd, 1997

{ Nationality }

{ Label }
The People Pleaser



{ Childhood/Family Life }
John is the second and youngest child of Marcus and Hope Toranzo. He has one older sister, Josie, who he has a stable relationship with but is currently away at college. Because of his parents' wealth, John had a lot of opportunities as a child that other children didn't. He went on lavish vacations, met important people and always had the latest toys on his shelf.

Both of his parents love him and Josie but even now, twenty two years after they married, John is still unsure if they truly love each other. He knows that every couple is destined to fight but his parents seem to fight a lot more than seems healthy and he's even seen his father hit his mother after a few drinks. It's something that all four of the Toranzo's are aware of but would never bring up. There was one occasion when John brought it up to his sister but she quickly shut him up, telling him that it was none of their business and that their parents loved each other.

The most traumatic part of his childhood was when he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at age four. It was caught early on and two months after starting treatment, he was in remission and when it didn't return for ten years, he was officially labeled as being cured.

{ High School Career }
John is probably one of the worst students at Saint Jude's. It's not that he isn't intelligent because compared to the national average, he probably has the grades of a typical student or maybe a bit higher, but compared to his peers who are striving to get into the Ivy's, John is definitely lacking. He's so used to putting others before himself that he never put much work into his own success. Besides that, John isn't sure if he wants to attend Yale University, the school that his father insists he goes to because he is an alumni.



{ Good personality traits }
Generous, relaxed, flexible, personable

{ Bad personality traits }
Passive, indifferent, allows himself to be taken advantage of, seen as lacking moxie and a backbone

{ Personality }
John has the reputation for being a people pleaser because he tends to go out of his way to do things for people even if he doesn't want to. It's a behavior that was probably developed during his childhood. His parents constantly used him as a pawn to advance themselves. Whether it was his mother exploiting his plight against childhood cancer or his father forcing him to befriend other children because their parents were "important people", John learned early on that it was easier to just do what people wanted than to decline and upset them.

Although essentially being a human doormat sounds like a useless life to live, John has grown used to it. He developed a passive and relaxed demeanor where he rarely takes a strong stance against anything. He's flexible and even if he wanted to do one thing over another, he'll agree to do what the people around him want to do simply because it's easier than resisting. Sure, he has his own desires and opinions but he rarely voices them around most people. Unless it's something extremely important to him, John usually allows people to say and do whatever they want in his presence. Not only does he feel like it's not his business to correct or stand up to people doing wrong, but most of the time, he simply doesn't care. While he would never admit it to his parents, the whole luxurious, materialistic and reputation-obsessed lifestyle that he has grown up to him is so unappealing that he finds most of the people in it to be pathetic and almost comical. The life that he and his friends were blessed to live is so disconnected from the real world that if him lending money to people he knows will never pay him back, or allowing people to throw parties in his family's apartment will get them to stop bitching about their fake problems, he'll do it.

Those who know John well will see that he is down to earth and easy to talk to. He prefers to live a simple life but indulges in luxuries simply to appease his parents and peers. He's relaxed, flexible and tends to be indifferent about most things, but when he's around people he feels comfortable with, he grows a bolder personality and will engage in conversation and even make jokes.

{ Greatest joys in life }
Helping others, being high, being in the wilderness

{ Greatest fears }
Disappointing his father, rejection, living an unfulfilled life

{ Life philosophy }
"I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm.”
It's not something that John has done a good job living by yet, but it's something that he tries to remeber. Even though it's easier to let people take advantage of him, he knows that at some point he's going to need to do what he wants and what will benefit him, regardless of whether it clashes with what others want of him.


❤Road trips
❤Pleasing and impressing his parents
❤Being alone
❤Italian Food
❤Strangers - they expect nothing of him
✘High expectations
✘The Upper East Side lifestyle
✘Kettle corn
✘Summer heat
✘Dinner parties
✘Lifetime movies



{ Parents }
Marc Toranzo | Age 46 | Father
Marc owns a large accounting firm based in Manhattan. He claims to be John's biggest fan but he has unknowingly put an overwhelming amount of pressure on him to be the perfect son. He had John's life planned out for him before he was even a year old and since then, he has expected John to follow "the game plan" to a T, and John has done a pretty good job at doing so so far. However, he is conflicted with whether pleasing his dad is worth sacrificing his own life plans for.

Hope Toranzo | Age 44 | Mother
Hope is a morning talk show host and former sitcom actress. She is obsessed with living a posh life and wouldn't expect anything less of her husband and two children either. She's different from John in that aspect but is similar to him in the sense that she is also very passive when it comes to what Marc wants.

{ Siblings }
Josephine "Josie" Toranzo | Age 21 | Sister
Josie is John's only sibling. She is one of the few people who he feels completely comfortable around but is currently at Northwestern University in Illinois.


{ Build }
145 lbs

{ Hair Colour }

{ Eye Colour }

{ Distinguishable Markings }

{ Personal Style }
If John had a say in his life, which he rarely does, he would wear casual clothes every day. He likes beanies in the winter and simple sweatshirts, jeans and sneakers or boots. However, in order to appease his parents, he does make an effort to dress in nicer clothes.

So begins...

John Toranzo's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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#, as written by Sophiex

Even during his responsibility-free summer, John had made a habit of waking up early every day. Today was no different so after showering and getting dressed in a red v-neck shirt, black pants, and black Vans, John left his family's apartment. His mother's talk show aired live at nine o'clock every morning, so she was usually gone by six, and his father's crazy schedule meant that there were days where he wouldn't get home until one in the morning and would be gone again for work by five that same morning. Josie had left a few weeks earlier to return to Illinois where she attended Northwestern University, so John was used to waking up to an empty apartment.

The biggest different between a summer morning and a school year morning for John was that in the summer, he would smoke before beginning his day. Even though today wasn't a day filled with classes, he didn't want to risk going to school high so he instead strolled through Central Park, entering on the Upper East Side and exiting on the Upper West Side. A few blocks away from there was his favorite deli which John would swear by when it came to the perfect New York bagels. After paying for his usual order of an everything bagel with butter and a bottle of Gatorade, John followed his path through the park and back to the Upper East Side. Instead of returning to his apartment which was located only a few steps away from the park on Park Avenue, he continued walking through the park, lengthwise now, until he reached The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Many of the Constance girls used it as a place to eat lunch but since Saint Jude's was located in Brooklyn, John took advantage of eating breakfast there most mornings.

He took a seat on one of the many steps and began to eat his food. He was sure that most of his peers would be jumping at the opportunity to see their friends again after a long summer apart and while he too was eager to see a few people, he wanted to indulge in his last few minutes of solitude before returning to the social world. Once he finished his bagel, he knew he didn't have much time to spare so he made his way to Constance which conveniently, was only a few blocks away. He was somewhat relieved to see that by the time he got there, the students of both genders were filing into the girls' school. It meant that he didn't have to deal with too much small talk but even though he knew the purpose of today was to greet his new professors, John was sure that he would stumble across friends inside the school as well.

He headed for the back of the crowd that was slowly entering the school but before he could make it up the first few steps, he felt a light tap on his back. Turning his head back, he expected to see Lyric or Persephone, or one of the others who he was familiar with, but instead he was greeted by an unfamiliar face. She was a fairly average, yet pretty looking girl but her pale, freckled skin and ginger colored hair was something that would have made her memorable had he seen her before.

"Excuse me," were her first words, which were quickly followed up with, "Is this where the back to school mixer is being held?". Although John thought that it was pretty obvious, considering the crowd of students entering the building, he nodded reassuringly. His suspicions were confirmed that the girl was new and John wanted to be as helpful as possible.

"Yup, in the gymnasium," he confirmed with a smile. "I'm John Toranzo and I'm guessing you're new here?" he said, offering her his hand. Although a simple wave and exchange of names was usually a sufficient introduction for teenagers, John's father had drilled the habit of the handshake into his mind years ago.

"Is it that obvious?" she joked after his comment about about her being new. John watched as she ran her hand through her curly hair before returning his handshake. "Kaitlin Kingsley," she introduced herself as. After they entered the building and approached the gymnasium doors, she turned to him and said, "Well, thanks for the help," before disappearing past him.

"See you around," he responded. Instead of following her towards the waiting teachers, John turned and made his way towards Lyric, who he had spotted a moment earlier talking to a group of younger girls. He was now alone though and focused on his phone, so he probably hadn't seen John either until then.

"Lyric," John said, catching his attention as he approached. He grinned at his friend, happy to see the guy who was probably his closest male friend, after not seeing him for most of the summer. John had spent a majority of August and early September at his father's family's homes in Spain. Between that and whatever had been keeping Lyric busy all summer, the two had barely seen each other and kept up through the occasional text message. "How've you been, man?" he asked, although his eyes had managed to drift away from Lyric as he scanned the cliques that had already formed in the room. He spotted Persephone, another person he was eager to see, standing a good distance away with an unlikely crowd Sydney, Sienna and Jane, and Brody who was less surprising. Knowing that Lyric probably wanted to see his good friend Sienna, he pointed them out and said, "Want to go see what they're doing?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Kaitlin Kingsley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sophiex

"Katie! Would you hurry up?! I don't want to be late for my first day of school!" Jayden yelled after his fist banged against the bathroom door a few times. It was the third time he had done so in the last ten minutes and even though she knew that he was right, that she was cutting it close, she was beginning to get annoyed with him. He was eager to get to school because seventh grade was still one of those worry free grades where as long as you looked enough like them, kids would accept you. Jayden would fit in fine, especially since he was only going to be attending a public school, but Kaitlin was starting her first day at Constance Billard today.

God, it sounds so weird to even think that. I'm going to The Constance Billard School for Girls, the most elite school in all of Manhattan. Hell, maybe in all of the country. And I'm going to be a student there. If only my so-called friends could see me now, they'd realize who the real cool one is.

Kaitlin had been absorbed in her own thoughts, some positive and others more nerve-wracking, when she realized that her brother's pleads for her to get out of the shower were probably accurate. When she did manage to get out of the steaming water and put on her outfit for the day, she realized that Jayden had been more than honest when he said they were running late. She was supposed to be at school in less than half an hour and the bus ride there would take nearly that long, plus she had to drop her brother at his school first.

"I'm hurrying, Jayden! Did you pack the lunch dad left for you in the fridge? Are you sure you have all of your supplies?" Kaitlin asked through the closed door as she applied a light layer of makeup to her face. She had planned on blow drying and straightening her naturally curly hair but now that she was running so late, she knew that was out of the question. Beyond her fair, freckled skin, her hair was her next least favorite feature. Back at home, she was always getting compliments on it but she didn't think that having Taylor Swift type curls were going to help her fit in at her new school, especially when Swift herself abandoned the look years back.

She managed to get a few minutes of blow drying in, guessing that by the time she did get to school, her hair would at least be dry. Her brother was already waiting by open apartment door when she appeared out of the bathroom, so Kaitlin hurried to grab her cell phone and purse before ushering him out the door. After arriving in New York two months ago, Kaitlin had tasked herself with learning how to get around, or at least to her school and her brother's, and a few other spots she guessed she would be frequented. Luckily, Jayden's public junior high school was only a few blocks from their apartment so after parting ways with him at his school front, Kaitlin hurried to the nearest bus stop that would take her from midtown to the upper east side.

Twenty-five grueling minutes later, she arrived at Constance Billard. Had she not been in such a rush, she would have spent a good few minutes admiring the school. She had practiced her commute multiple times over the summer before the school year even started, but today was supposed to be memorable. It was the first day that she would be going inside the school and actually being a student there. It was the start of something, but she was in too much of a hurry to appreciate the moment.

She did breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that there were still students entering the building, signaling that she couldn't be that late, and as she approached the main entrance, she worked up the courage to ask a boy if she was in fact in the right place. He wasn't with anyone else either so Kaitlin felt like he was probably her best shot at confirming she wasn't in the wrong building without making too much of a fool of herself. He introduced himself as John Toranzo but had obviously caught on to the fact that she was a new student. Still, he was nice enough and Kaitlin was glad to at least know that she was in the right place at the right time.

However, her confidence subsided again when she entered the over sized gymnasium and was once again overwhelmed with confusion. Everyone seemed to be in standing with their friends and Kaitlin instantly felt like she had made a mistake coming to the school when she saw groups of kids laughing and talking as if they had known each other forever. Attending a new school for senior year probably wasn't ideal socially, since most friend groups were already formed by then, and this school appeared to be no different, or even worse in terms of having cliques than her old school was. At her old school though, Kaitlin had been a part of a clique and here she was starting over as a nobody again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bandit

When he and Vincent crossed paths with Brody Wade in the gym, Colin pretended to be occupied with his phone. He was right in expecting Vince to have something to say to their class president because as soon as he spotted him, Vincent made a snide remark about how Brody could lay off Sydney now that he was back. Colin didn't care for Brody much either but he didn't want to be dragged into another one of Vincent's fights, especially not when the school year had only been in session for a matter of ten minutes.

"I still don't get why the son of a dude who owns an entire brand of wine is the last one to wanna drink at a party. He's probably got an endless supply of alcohol at his house and yet he doesn't even drink a beer when we're at a party," Colin said to Vincent once they were out of ear shot of Brody. "Speaking of beer, are you going to get Toranzo to buy us shit for tonight?" Although he knew that Sydney would probably have an open bar at the club she had rented out for the party, like most people, Colin was planning on drinking ahead of time. Especially if he wanted to make a move on Jane tonight, he was going to need some liquid confidence to help him get there. He and Vincent both possessed fake I.D.'s so they technically could buy alcohol on their own, but John Toranzo was made of money and had always been willing to supply them with alcohol for free in the past, so Colin didn't see why it would be any different this year. Besides, his apartment was a lot nicer than Colin's child-infested one and Vincent's small bachelor pad, so they normally went to his place before any parties. Even though they were kind of using him for his money, Colin actually liked John. It wasn't a strong friendship but they got along well enough and Colin could always count on him being up to smoke some weed when he was in the mood.

"I'm gonna try to talk to Mr. Edwards," he said after Vincent responded to his question about alcohol. Although he and Vincent probably had a lot of the same teachers this year, Colin knew that it was better for him to talk to his professors without Vince there. He tended to be less serious when around other people and that was usually when the inappropriate jokes would come into play. Not wanting to ruin his chance at a successful senior year before it even started, Colin made his way to the teacher stalls alone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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Colin's comment about getting alcohol from John Toranzo reminded him that he did in fact need to ask John to get them drinks and let them come over before Sydney's party. "Good call," he said with a nod as he pulled out his iPhone. He found John's name listed under "El Torro", an ironic nickname he had given him years back, and sent him a message.

To: El Torro
We good to come to your place tonight before the party? You should grab some Bacardi.

"Alright, I'll see you around," Vincent responded as he and Colin parted ways. He also wanted to speak to some of his new professors but didn't need to put as much of an effort in as Colin would. Since he was attending Saint Jude's on a scholarship, Vincent always put a lot of effort into maintaining high grades. He didn't want to risk being kicked out of the school and he actually took pride in doing well, so he rarely made a bad impression on teachers as Colin tended to do.

Rather than go to one of his new teachers, Vincent headed to his eleventh grade history teacher, Mr. Wilton's stall. He was also the head lacrosse coach and although the the game season wouldn't start until the spring, the Saint Jude's team usually started practicing in mid-fall. They were one of the best teams in their division and Vincent needed to play in a few out-of-school tournaments this semester to reassure college scouts that he was a worthwhile player.

His coach and former teacher was glad to see him and offered him a firm handshake as Vincent approached.

"Vincent, it's nice to see you. I heard you played in the Maryland tournament this summer with Team Long Island?" he asked, referencing the tournament team that Vincent had been a part of since before attending Saint Jude's.

"Yeah, it was a good time. You should've seen Clay in goal, I think he let in like three goals or something over all ten games. We're going to run the conference this year," Vincent said with a grin. Saint Jude's was a good school not only in terms of academics, but also athletically. They had won the conference and country championship titles in lacrosse for the past seven consecutive and as captain this year, Vincent wasn't going to let that fall apart in his hands.

"I hope so," Mr. Wilton replied. "I heard Fordham Prep got some freshman kid to play goalie for them this year so Colin better keep on his game. On the field and off." Vincent knew that he was referring to the frequent detentions that his friend received from his funny, but wrongly placed jokes in class. He nodded reassuringly and as an eleventh grade student approached to speak to Mr. Wilton, he politely excused himself and headed away from the stall.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Lyric Overland
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Upon releasing Brody from the embrace, "And those were probably the only copies sold," Sephy giggles and is about to reply to his comment on Daphne before she's cut off by none other than Sydney Vale, swooping in while she's mid-sentence and kissing Brody.
Persephone frowns, she had no idea that Brody and Sydney were, what, dating? He definitely didn't seem like the mean girls type and Sephy was utterly bewildered. Why didn't he tell her about Sydney. She'd heard a few people talking about Brody hooking-up with someone over the Summer but she didn't buy into the gossip and besides, Sydney Vale, was the bitchiest, most conceited girl Sephy knew, and she went against almost all of Brody's morals. What on Earth could he possibly see in her?

"Sephy, right?" Sydney asks, sending her a smile with an icy undertone, to which Persephone nods, a pang of jealousy coursing through her as Sydney presses herself against Brody, "I didn't know you two were friends. Brody's never mentioned you before," Now that stung. Her and Brody were old friends, and yet he'd never bothered to mention that to Sydney, maybe Persephone thought they were better friends than they were.

"Oh, really?" Persephone sends Brody a cold glance, "Well we've known each other for years, much longer than you two have, I suppose." She says, faking nonchalance and returning Sydney's false smile.

After a while, Persephone has to avert her jealous gaze from Sydney and Brody, which is when Sienna spoke up, "Persephone, right? We took a math class together last year, I think. How was your summer?" Completely taken aback by this suddenly friendly outburst, especially after her friend was clearly being very cold with Persephone, she can't help but blurt out a confused "What?" Luckily, Sienna's attention was already on someone else as she waved to Lyric, a guy Persephone vaguely knew of for his fame, but had barely spoken to.

All Persephone wanted right now was to get away from the group that had surrounded her all of a sudden. Glancing over at Lyric, Persephone spots John and sees her escape. "John!" She calls over to him with a wave; walking a few paces towards him before turning back to the group, "Sorry I have to go, see you around, Brody." Persephone smiles, ignoring Sydney completely.

Once she got to where John stood and Sephy smiles and pulls him into a tight hug.
Releasing him from her grip, Persephone sighs, puffing out her cheeks, "Well that was intense," She frowns, sending another look over to where Brody and Sydney stood; feeling an immense amount of jealousy for the girl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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Standing behind Sephy, Brody could see Lacey silently making fun of his relationship with Persephone. He had seen her just a few hours earlier when they went for their usual morning run, so he had no need to greet her enthusiastically. Before responded to Sephy, he did manage a grin and a playful shake of his head to Lacey, signaling that he thought she was crazy.

Brody managed to get a laugh out and was ready to reassure Brody that her article was great when Sydney approached from behind him. Before he could react, she had wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. He couldn't help but to smile as she greeted him. There was something so attractive about Sydney and even though Brody didn't feel real love towards her, there was definitely some lust there. What guy wouldn't want to be hooking up with the most popular and powerful girl at Constance Billard?

Although he was happy to see her, he didn't appreciate the way that he treated Persephone, who clearly felt the tension as well because after confirming that she was in fact friends with Brody, she quickly escaped to John Toranzo. Brody knew that he had definitely brought Sephy up before to Sydney and had even given her a copy of her Elle article, but he wasn't surprised by her act. It was typical of Sydney to make a point that she paid little to no attention to those who were below her, and it made Brody glad that Lacey hadn't actually approached him earlier, since he knew good and well that she was the last person to be a fan of Sydney.

He wasn't great friends with Sienna and Jane, but he offered them a polite wave before turning back to Sydney. It wasn't that he hated them or had any real, personal problem with them, but they just weren't his type of people. They spent much of their time partying and drinking and after hearing a few stories from Sydney, he simply didn't think that he had much in common with them.

"Come on, I've definitely mentioned Sephy to you before. She's the one who wrote that magazine article? She runs the fashion blog?" he said quietly to Sydney once Sephy left. He was sure that she would continue to play dumb, having mastered the "I'm secretly a total bitch but I know how to make myself look so innocent" thing long ago, so he knew his efforts were futile. Besides, as much as he hated Sydney's superior attitude being directed at his friends, he did like how strong and confident she was. She had mastered the leadership qualities that he also had, but in different ways.

As he glanced back in the direction that Sephy had left in, he wished that he had said something in the moment to reassure her that he did speak fondly of her to Sydney. It had all gone too quickly though, and he hoped she wasn't upset with him over it. "You don't mind if I invite her tonight, right? She's friends with Sebastian Arendale and Daphne Peterson and I do remember seeing their names on your invite list, so it's not like she'll be interrupting anything between us anyway," he said, offering her a suggestive smile. Sephy hadn't brought up being invited to the party and after Sydney and her recent interactions, he was even more sure that there was no way that she would have been invited originally. However, he did want to make it up to Sephy after what had just happened and he was sure she would enjoy coming to one of Sydney's infamous parties.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Jake Desai Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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Lyric startled upon hearing John's voice. "Hey man!" he said hugging him with a grin. He scanned the room spotting Sienna but waiting a few minutes. His dark blue eyes gazed at his phone. "So uh what did you do this summer?' he asked with an interest. His blonde hair as usual in his face.

He spotted a few familiar faces, Jake Desai being one of them. He couldn't stand the guy, only because he made him feel odd and weird towards him. So he tried to keep distance from him. "Wanna go say hey to Sienna?" he asked with a smile. His trademark smile seemed to be on his face a lot lately.

He felt his stomach rise at the sight of Vincent's name on John's phone. "Please tell me you aren't friends with that ass hole?" he asked with a sigh. He decided to give John a hug and walk towards Sienna. Before he reached her he was stopped by a few random girls asking for pictures. This time he relented into it. "SIENNA!!" he yelled as he was being over swarmed by girls. He snuck under them and walked to his friend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Jake Desai Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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Daphne raises an eyebrow skeptically at Jake's claim that he wouldn't dream of it, though a smile once more pulls at the corners of her mouth slightly. If school were comprised only of people like Jake, Persephone, and Bastion, she'd be much more happy to start the year back up again. It occurs to some part of her that she should go and greet the librarian some time today, as she has done for the past three years. Even as a freshman, she made a point to immediately get into the good graces of the keeper of the school's books. In fact, she considers it rather daft of people not to think about getting to know the librarian. She's much like the students who become friendly with cafeteria workers in the hopes of getting extra portions of food in this way, although her originally calculating intentions have given way to genuine interest in Ms. Jensen, the librarian. After all, she has read a good deal of books, and being well-read is one thing that Daphne very much likes in a person. People who do not read for pleasure are rarely worth knowing, in the bookish young woman's opinion. Exceptions exist, of course. Bastion, for example, lacks her passion for books, but skates by on his personality. "Well, that certainly is a relief. I was beginning to worry I was kept on hand to be the necessary dull character," she responds lightly.

As Jake pulls out his phone and checks it, Daphne sincerely doubts very slightly his claim. Based on his expression, it is probably a girl he likes. Having never been much for romance, the girl cannot sympathize with crushes and the like [she has had intellectual attraction before more than anything]. However, she's seen enough to wonder if Jake will now be spirited away by this text, leaving her to stand where she is. If so, she can always go to find the librarian --it would hardly be the worst thing in the world. In fact, she begins to doubt that she wants him to stay, with this train of thought.

Even if he were to leave, however, it appears that Daphne would still have company. Bastion is walking up to them, after all, with a less than pleasant mood apparent on his features. In the time she has known Bastion, Daphne has learned that he is an awful liar, and can be read as easily as a book, even by the standards of those with elementary reading levels. She wonders if it was something to do with his conversation with Jane. A spiteful part of her hopes so, simply because she dislikes Jane and, in an incredibly petty streak, likes the idea of Bastion being irritated with her.

Jake clearly notices as well, asking after Bastion. But Bastion, despite being an infamous ranter, declines to explain his foul expression. He doesn't want to discuss irritation with Jane in front of Daphne, because that might suggest taking sides. He certainly isn't going to mention that he's a bit jealous of Brody at the moment.

So he merely shrugs. "Huh? I'm fine --just a bit tired. I was up really late last night," It isn't a lie, at least. He had stayed up watching movies with Delphine and Willow, because it had been their last non-school night, and he's never been very good at saying no to the twins. One set of puppy dog eyes from them is bad enough, but they double the power, forces to be reckoned with.

He looks over at Daphne, who in fact has just been looking at Sephy as the girl bounces over to John. Daphne has sometimes felt she and Persephone are similar in many ways, but she is reminded that their differences are perhaps just as numerous. The girl bounces cheerfully from friend to friend, impressive in her apparent energy. Daphne finds it interesting to watch, though she can hardly relate to it. "Surprised you haven't already made a beeline to the library, princess," Bastion comments, before looking back at Jake.

"Forgot to ask, how was your summer?"

Daphne considers Bastion's comment. Maybe she could just slip away now; the hallways are probably empty.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Lyric Overland
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sophiex

John was glad to see Lyric and returned his hug. There were a few girls that seemed to want to talk to Lyric too, but he brushed them off enough that they would hopefully get the message. His friend wasn't a huge music star yet but he was a great musician and it was obvious that John wasn't the only one who saw that. Well, judging by the fact that most of these groupies were girls, he guessed that it probably wasn't just his musical talent that attracted them. However, most of these girls had known Lyric since freshman year so John knew that after a few minutes, their excitement would die down and Lyric would be able to be just another student.

"I sent the past for weeks was visiting family in Spain. My dad's parents and siblings live over there, so summer is usually the only time I see them," John said, answering Lyric's inquiry about what he had done over the summer. "Besides that, uh, not much. My dad spoke at some conference in Toronto so we spent some up there, and then I really just hung out with my sister until she left for Northwestern," he said with a shrug. He had enjoyed his time in Spain but it was something he did every summer so it wasn't too exciting. "What about you? Working on a new a album or something?" he then asked.

As Lyric replied, John heard his cellphone go off. He pulled it out of his pocket, only to find a message from Vincent Mast, asking if they could come to his place before Sydney's party, and if he would provide the pregame alcohol. While Lyric wasn't Vincent's biggest fan, as expressed by his comment about the text message, John didn't mind him that much. He frequently hung out with him and Colin and enjoyed their company most of the time. That wasn't to say that he didn't sense that they sometimes used him for his money, since both of them weren't very wealthy, but he didn't care. At least not enough to do something about it.

To: Vincent Mast
Yea sounds good

After replying to Vincent, he turned to Lyric. "Uh, yeah. He and Colin are coming over tonight before we go to Sydney's party. You wanna come?" There wasn't much time for John to hear Lyric's response because as they approached the group centered around Brody Wade, Sephy came darting towards him. She pulled him into a tight hug, something that would have made his face turn tomato red had he not gotten a decent tan this summer.

Her excitement died down when she glanced back in the direction she came from and claimed that the situation was "intense". "Why, what happened?" he asked with concern as he slipped his phone back into his pocket to focus on Sephy. Although no one knew it, Vincent had had a crush on Sephy for probably as long as he knew her. However, she never hesitated to tell him about her own crush on Brody, so John knew it was useless to try to develop anything more with Sephy. The awkward rejection would end up ruining their friendship and John didn't want to lose her altogether, so he kept his feelings hidden and hoped that maybe one day, she would get over Brody and take interest in him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Jake Desai Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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Lyric smirked. "No, surprisingly I had time to actually relax this summer. I played at a few clubs, but that's it. I did go to Cali to see my parents....we didn't spend a lot of time but I did see them......once. Either way, I wrote down a few lyr....." he said as he saw him hugs Persephone.

His dark blue eyes darted around the room before looking at Jake Desai....again. What was with Lyric today? He NEVER stared at Desai...that much. He looked at Sienna then back towards John. "Uh, sorry bud. But Vincent, kinda hurt Sienna, so unluckily I would beat his face in with my guitar." he spoke with a serious tone.

He waved to Sienna as he quickly gave her a hug and walked away. He headed towards a corner in the gym and decided to sit down in it just to quietly think to himself.

To: Sia
I'm having a major secret problem, if you know what I mean. As in my secret.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale
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Sienna didn't even blink when Jane pulled her off to the side. She was aware that Jane had some big issue with the very smart girl in their class. Jane's face had her following without question, her phone buzzing at another text from Lyric. When Jane began to express her turmoil at Daphne's invitation, Sienna could only shrug.

"Honey, I wonder why Sydney does half of the crap she does," she griped with arms folded over her chest as she observed the mean girl's interaction with Brody.

Sienna still couldn't grasp the concept of those two together. Like, what attracted Brody to Sydney - of all the girls in the school? Sydney was gorgeous, don't get wrong, Sienna knew that much. However, not every aspect of her was great and Brody was apparently close with two other females at least, so what the hell was going on? On a deeper level, some part of her kept that information to herself; if Sydney ever came for her, she had something for the blonde. But then she blinked back into reality when Jane's face did not calm down. She rubbed Jane's arms comfortingly, putting a big smile.

"Sweetie, it's not like any of us really talk to her, right? So, as far as I'm concerned, she's not important tonight," she told her friend, maintaining eye contact so that, hopefully, Jane wouldn't glare daggers in whatever direction Daphne was in. The last thing she needed was happy-go-lucky Jane ready to destroy someone on the first day back. "Tonight, we're going to have fun, we're going to look hella fine, and Daphne Peterson will be the last thing on your mind." Just as she was about to say more or attempt to get Vivienne to come over and offer some words, she heard a very familiar name shout out her name. She beamed over Jane's shoulder. "LYRIC!!" She squealed, grinning at his fangirls. Back to Jane, she smiled again, "I promise I will get Gus to bring us a bottle of champagne while we're getting ready for the party tonight to get you in the mood, m'kay? Be right back." She hugged Jane tightly and hurried over to Lyric and John.

"Hey, loves!" She exclaimed and would have probably jumped on Lyric had he not given her this very half-hearted hug before jetting off. Sienna's eyes followed her fellow musician in confusion and glanced back at John inquisitively. Her phone buzzed again and she lowered her gaze to read the last text. Frowning slightly, she offered John a small hug and a small smile. "Sorry, love, but...umm...gotta see what this is, apparently." Lips quirked to the left, Sienna made her way over to Lyric, wiggling her fingers sweetly at a few sophomores and juniors. When she got to her friend, she sat beside him and draped her long hair over her shoulder, raising an eyebrow at him. "So, who is he?"


Jake grinned wryly at Daphne's response, shoving his phone away. He could talk to Vivienne at some other time, maybe later at the party. He meant it when he said he would not abandon his friend so easily. Sure, he had the tiniest bit of a crush on Vivienne back in the day and yes, they were friends, but her people were not his people. His relationship with Sydney was neutrally gratifying at best, Jane and Sienna probably didn't know he existed, and well, their world was just so different than his. He was comfortable here, in this existence that didn't require him to talk a certain way. Instead, he existed and lived the way he wanted. And yes, some part of him wanted to reach over in their little dimension, but he wasn't at the point where he could dream of abandoning the ones who had been there all along.

"I'd hardly say you were a dull character, Daphne," he told her honestly. "Amidst the very singular-minded rich kids, your complexity is a breath of fresh air." He smiled at her warmly and then cut his eyes at Bastion when he finally made his way back to the others. After inquiring about Sebastian's reasoning behind the very displeased expression, Jake glanced about the room, wondering which of the teachers were new and which weren't. They were offering a new film class and he has been excited about who would be the professor for that.

Thinking so deeply about the matter, Jake almost missed Sebastian's question about his summer. Just as he turned to look his friend in the eyes, his gaze caught the tail end of Lyric Overland's entrance and his eyes probably lingered longer than they needed to. Jake didn't exactly keep it a secret that he was bisexual; he saw no need. If he were to lie about one small factor of his identity, then he might as well lie about everything else. Besides, Lyric was a refreshing sight - all light skin, blonde hair, and eyes deep and blue. For a second, Jake thought their eyes met, but then Lyric went into the opposite direction. Shaking his head subtly, Jake returned his gaze back to his friend and shrugged.

"I didn't do anything exceptionally great," he admitted. "Got a few of the drama kids to help me with a short film I'm working on and started filming a few weeks ago. Visited some art galleries and took a few more film classes." Jake didn't find that an exceptional summer. After all, the highlight was hanging out with a few friends in the mean time. Then again, when had his life ever been even remotely exceptional?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jake Desai Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Lyric Overland
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0.00 INK


Lyric looked towards his friend. Noticing her worry he laughed. He has appreciated her worry, she was like his own flesh and blood minus his blonde hair and her Hispanic looks. He looked at her, his blue eyes dull and almost grayish. "Jacob....Jacob Desai." he spoke before looking at the girl with a saddened face.

Hi mind then looked back at the memory on how they not exactly, but exactly met his hair in his face he sighed.

He thinks it was freshman, him and Jake had a few classes together. Nothing major, he wasn't going to interact with the boy very much due to his back-then shyness, and fear of Vincent Mast. He remembered the day because it was pretty off. He hadn't really come to terms with who he was back then he was sure it was a possibility but not as in for life.

He and Jake were assigned to work on a project together. That was when Lyric really noticed the boy's appearance. He had dark brown eyes that made the blonde want to melt, he had the most perfect brownish-black hair that Lyric had laid eyes on. So he felt something for him. He was just sure it was a small puppy crush. Nothing to be worried about right?

Well that changed on the final day they worked together. Jake and Lyric were at Lyric's house finishing the project and they had gotten off track and told each other random stories. They had an awkward silence when Lyric mentioned the other had pretty eyes. It got odd but what was really odd for Lyric, he had almost kissed him. Their lips almost touching, Lyric afraid of his feelings kicked Jake out of his house never to talk to him again.

He continually ignored the fact the other tried to repeatedly talk to him, or flirt because he thought they had something. Lyric ignored it but knew it was true......he just wasn't ready.

Lyric shivered at the thought. His diamond blue eyes turning a bit lighter as he thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Jake Desai
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0.00 INK


"Why, what happened?" John asks.
Persephone rolls her eyes, "Oh you know - Just Sydney Vale being, well, Sydney Vale." She responds with a shrug before shaking her head, "But whatever, I should probably go and introduce myself to some of my teachers now." Persephone says, pulling John into one last hug before she walks off to where her Biology teacher, Ms. Thomas, stood. Throwing a smile over to Bastion who had just entered the hall after leaving her, Daphne and Jake to speak to Jane.

The day progressed at an average pace, everyone reuniting with old friends and greeting their new teachers. Whilst nothing of particular interest occurred, it was an enjoyable day. No cat fights, scandals or drama of any kind for once - Well, except for Persephone's little run-in with the Queen Bee, but you could hardly call that proper drama.

As the day drew to an end and everyone began filtering out of Constance Billard girl's school, there was only one thing on every student's mind - The Kiss On The Lips party. There were plans for pre-parties, last minute shopping trips and fake ID's that needed printing to buy copious amounts of alcohol for Sydney Vale's 'party of the year' or whatever they were calling it now.

Persephone couldn't help but look on with dismay as everyone, except her, seemed to be excited for the party. Too bad Persephone Soung was far too invisible and uncool to be invited. That is, of course, until one of Sydney's little cronies waltz's up to her, a letter in hand which Sephy instantly recognises as an invite, due to seeing them being shown off once too many times on instagram, snapchat and just about every other social media site you can think off.

"Here," The Sophomore girl says - Sydney, of course, had to have followers in every grade and wouldn't be seen dead giving Sephy an invite in person - Handing her the letter, frowning, Sephy doesn't quite understand. They weren't exactly on friendly terms earlier and now she was receiving an invite? Sydney's world sure was confusing.

Taking the invitation, Sephy opens the letter and skims it, the party was at 7:30 pm. That gave Sephy the best part of four hours to put together the perfect outfit. And it had to be perfect. Girls at Constance didn't take style lightly - They dressed to impress and Sephy didn't want to be the only one seen in last months wardrobe.

Calling her driver, Persephone practically screamed down the phone "I need to get to Madison Avenue now, please hurry." Host to all kinds of famous designers, Madison Avenue would be the perfect place for Persephone to get a dress.

[ 7:00 pm | Night of the party ]

After hours of shopping, Persephone was pleased yet exhausted. She wanted nothing more than to curl up and sleep but there was a party that she needed to not only attend, Persephone needed to impress. When else was she going to be able to mingle with the hottest and most exclusive people, not only in her school, but from other schools too. Sydney had invited all the other Queen Bee's from the most prestigious neighbouring schools.

Rifling through her latest purchases - which were admittedly, not all for the party - Persephone picked out her outfit. The outfit.
Walking towards her bathroom, a happy spring in her step, Sephy turns on her shower and steps under the warm water. She had to rush a little, seeing as she had only an hour to go until the party but Persephone had to smell good too, and so she decides to use her favourite lavender shower gel and matching shampoo.

Stepping out of the shower, Persephone grabs a towel and wraps it around herself, looking at her reflection in the mirror.
Why can't I look like Sienna or Jane? Sephy thinks sadly, while she was undoubtably a pretty girl, she couldn't help comparing herself to people she thought of as prettier than her. Sighing Persephone ignores her thoughts, swiftly drying and dressing herself, she then blow-drys her hair before using a pretty red lipstick. She didn't usually wear an awful lot of make-up but Persephone was really trying to look her best tonight.

Suddenly wondering about how she's going to get to the party, Sephy grabs her phone from the side of her sink; sending a text to her friends:

To: Bastion, Brody, Daphne, Jake, John
From: Sephy
Can I come with someone to Sydney's party?
I don't want to arrive on my own (got a weird last minute invite & not sure whether it's a joke) x

Smiling contently, Persephone enters her bedroom and takes a seat at her desk, waiting for a response from someone. While she waited, Sephy pondered her strange invitation. Maybe it was all a joke? Maybe Sydney just sent her the invite so she could mess with her at the party. Sephy wouldn't put it past her. Sydney's done worse. Persephone's smile falls as she wonders whether going tonight is a mistake.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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0.00 INK


Vincent spoke with all of his teachers before the mixer ended, and left with Colin soon after. He managed to get two phone numbers from younger girls who had been invited to Sydney's party, and then another girl who had nearly begged him to get her an invite. Of course there would be something he would get in return, but Vincent didn't find her to be attractive enough to go through the troubles of asking Sydney. Besides, he knew there were going to be enough attractive girls there who would be looking for a back-to-school hookup and if that failed, he had the girls he was familiar with already.

He and Colin grabbed food at a local pizzeria before parting ways, and a few hours later, Vincent took a subway down to the financial district to meet his father at his office. He wanted to introduce him to some client who ran an after school internship program that he wanted Vincent to get a spot in. The meeting went well and it seemed likely that he would get a place in the program, although he wouldn't find out for a few weeks, but it had taken longer than expected. By the time Vincent got back to his apartment, he only had about an hour before he was supposed to be at the Kiss On The Lips party.

To: El Torro
I'll be over with Colin in twenty. You got the alcohol for us?

To: Colin Clay
Come to my place asap

He got turned on the stove and began to cook a grilled cheese while also getting dressed. After his clothes were on, he ate his sandwich and waited for Colin. While eating, he decided to text Colin again.

To: Colin Clay
Btw if you're trying to score with Jane tonight you better dress the part. Girls like her don't go for jeans and a t-shirt at a party like this.

Even though part of him wanted to hookup with Jane himself, he knew that he would have other options and Colin wouldn't, or at least not as many. Colin wasn't a bad looking guy and he was personable but he always got awkward around girls he liked, even with Vincent acting as a wing man. It was even worse when it came to Jane since she was the crush he never seemed to move on from and even after drooling over her for years, Vincent was positive that she knew more about Colin's mom than him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sophiex

Hours had passed since Sephy told John that she had had a run in with Sydney, so when he received a text message from her stating that she had been invited to her party tonight, he was definitely surprised. Without even considering whatever altercation Sephy had gotten into earlier, he wouldn't have expected Sydney to invite her. They were very different people and John considered that her comment about the invite possibly being a joke could be true. However, he sometimes wondered how he managed to get invited to some of these parties. In terms of his social class, he fit in just as well as everyone else, but he wasn't truly great friends with Sydney or any of her friends. He frequently hung out with Vincent Mast and he assumed that was how he got his invites, although that confused him too. John knew that Vincent had cheated on Sienna with some mystery girl, and since Sienna was one of Sydney's closest friends, if not the closest, it didn't make sense to him how she would allow Vincent to be a part of their social group anymore.

Before he could answer Sephy's text, he received one from Vincent, stating that he and Colin would be coming over shortly. He knew that they were more interested in the free alcohol and unoccupied home that he offered than his company, but John was just glad that he didn't face Sephy's dilemma of not having anyone to go with. However, he noticed that she had sent the text message in a group chat with a few other people, so he was sure someone would offer a ride. Probably Brody... He was annoyed with the idea of him giving Sephy any more of a reason to like Brody. He was sure that whatever options the others would offer her would be better than being the only girl in the car with Vincent, but he responded anyway.

To: Sephy Soung
Glad ur coming. Ur welcome to come with me but I'm going with Vincent and Colin... so I'll probably just see you there lol

To: Vincent Mast
Yea it's all good

He set his phone down on the kitchen counter and headed to his bedroom where he quickly got dressed before returning to the kitchen. His house was empty, something that he was experiencing frequently now that his sister was back at school and the next season of his mother's talk show had begun. His mother's work schedule combined with his father's, plus the seemingly endless number of dinner parties and benefits they attended, meant that he was alone quite frequently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vivienne Hudson Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Persephone Soung
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0.00 INK


After hours of helping out at his mother's office, doing some last minute script revisions, and finally convincing his mother to allow him to use her car, Jacob was finally getting ready for the party. It still surprised him that Sydney even gave him an invititation. Sure, they helped one another in a way; he helped her with work and sometimes did the assignment for her, and she would randomly help him in his quest for popularity. But still, this was a party typically someone like him would never get invited to. So, it was no surprise that there was a swarm of butterflies throwing a bitch fit in his stomach and a sort of giddiness that had him smiling.

Jake took a quick shower and washed his hair. Letting it air-dry, he maneuvered inside their apartment to the kitchen and grabbed his dish from the brown bag. His mom was in her little art studio and had not felt like cooking, so she ordered take-out. Which was pretty much cool with Jake since he had randomly developed a strong appreciation for shrimp lo mein. Digging in with a pair of chopsticks, Jake checked his phone occasionally to make sure that he was still on schedule when he got a text from Persephone. It was in a group message. As he read, he stopped chewing and stared at his phone, puzzled. He was with Sephy on this one; something was fishy. Not that he knew a thing of Persephone's interaction with Sydney earlier, but he also knew how Sydney could be occasionally, at least from what others have told him. But was the girl who was helping him out be the same girl that would try to hurt one of his friends?

No, he didn't want to believe that.

To: Sephy, Sebastian, Daphne, John
Sure thing, Seph. I'm driving tonight. Anyone need a ride?

Even still, as he finished eating and hurried to get dressed, he didn't want to chance anything. If anything happened, he didn't want to feel like he simply abandoned Persephone at any point.


Sienna tapped her foot impatiently. She was perhaps a tad bit excited - no, she was really excited. As far as she was concerned, they were all seniors and this was their last Kiss On The Lips party. It had to be great - it needed to be. As she sat waiting for Vivienne to come downstairs, she browsed through her phone, smirking at pictures that fans re-tweeted of her, messages from a few celebrity friends, and Gossip Goddess and - wait, what?

Sienna paused, licking her lower lip anxiously as she read the latest post from the Gossip Goddess column. She heard her own breath hitch slightly and her lips become suddenly dry. Secrets? Seriously? Who the hell did this bitch think she was? Intimidating people and insinuating that she knew anything about any of them. It was preposterous! In the back of her mind, she noted that this must have been how Blair Waldorf - oops, correction, Blair Bass - and Serena Humphrey must have felt all those years ago when they were being haunted by an elusive gossiper who knew all of their dirty little secrets. But still...

She was more anxious now and half tempted to empty one of the bottles of champagne on her own. She glanced at Vivienne's building before making a quick decision. She needed a drink. She needed to be around people, not by herself. She hated being by herself. She was left to her own thoughts and her thoughts weren't always the best. They were debilitating and at times, depressing. That was the last thing she needed on a fun night. So, she demanded that Gus hurry to Sydney's apartment and made him promise to return and pick up Vivienne.

To: Viv
Lovely, going ahead 2 Syd's b4 these bottles get warm. Gus is coming 4 u. Srry

It took a good five minutes, but Sienna was soon seeing Gus off with two champagne bottles in her hand and her clutch tucked underneath one of her arms. She walked to the building and smiled at the doorman. Pressing the buzzer for access to Sydney's apartment, Sienna painted on a big smile, practically buzzing with energy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Jake Desai Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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0.00 INK


Anyone who takes a peek into Daphne's room will quickly have two things made apparent to them. One, she is a girl who loves books, for shelves, both purchased and makeshift, line her walls. They are filled with books she has purchased or been given, that she has already read or plans to read. The young woman tends to develop stacks of books to be read, only to get distracted by finding yet another book that intrigues her, or rereading an old favorite. Thus, her books range from beaten up and faded to crisp, never opened. Most of the crisp ones are actually gifts, as she rarely purchases books new. The other thing made apparent is her decision to not go out tonight. The girl is lying on her bed wearing soft pajama pants, decorated with Nightwing's symbol, and a baggy T-shirt from some Orchestra event or another. Hardly the outfit for an evening among some of New York's most influential youth, after all.

Having decided that the party was probably a trap of some sorts, and a waste of her time even if innocent, the girl made the easy decision to stay home. Thus, she is on her stomach atop her bed, reading. That is, until her phone goes off, alerting her to a message. It is the text that Persephone had sent out. Daphne realizes that it is a group message, though her phone is old and receives them as separate messages from each member of the group. A pain, but one easily adjusted to. It isn't surprising that Persephone would want to go to the party, but the young woman hadn't realized her friend had been invited. Well, it made sense of course; no one would invite the likes of Daphne without also thinking of Persephone, who was probably higher up on the ladder than Daphne thanks to a much more likable disposition.

Before she can respond that she isn't going, a thought gives Daphne pause. Sydney has been hanging around with Brody for quite a while now, and given that she is known to be petty about these things, is it not likely that she will be hard on Persephone for the simple crime of being friends with Brody? Daphne is confident in her own ability to ignore such things, but she worries that Persephone, though very strong-willed, might be slightly more vulnerable thanks to her desire to branch out. Open arms leave one vulnerable, after all. Jake will be going, she sees, and Bastion will likely also be, but Daphne is cynical even towards her friends, and while she knows they would protect Persephone, fears they might go off somewhere and not realize the danger.

The chances of Persephone facing trickery are perhaps lower than Daphne thinks, but the girl has always been a bit negative regarding these things. Thus, she resolves to go to this party, in order to keep an eye on Persephone. Daphne responds to the text, then drops her phone and gives her closet a skeptical look.

To: Persephone, Jake, Bastion, John
A ride would be very much appreciated.

Of course, Bastion is going to the party. He usually does, despite knowing Sydney invites him only at Jane's request. After all, he actually quite likes parties, enjoying the music, as well as the fact that there always seems to be weed available. Anyway, this particular party is being held at a club, meaning the music might be very good. Well, hopefully. His reason for attending this party specifically, however, is an intent to follow up on his conversation with Jane. He's still a bit irritated about the whole exchange, but curiosity and concern for a friend always wins over that when it comes to Bastion. If the occasional argument kept him from friendships, he would never get along with Brody, now would he?

Bastion checks his phone to see the messages from John, Jake, Daphne, and Persephone. By the time he does this, however, he's already decided how to arrive to the party, and thus doesn't need a ride. The young man has a strange fondness for subways, despite disliking buses, and plans to take one to the area of the party. In fact, he is already leaving, if only because he estimates it will take him a while to walk to the nearest station.

To: Persephone, Daphne, Jake, John
I'll see you guys at the party, yeah? Got my own way there

Dressed less than to the T's, with a dark cardigan/sweater thing and a colorful scarf overlaying his dark vest, Bastion leaves the house. Of course, he says goodbye to Willow and Delphine first, and has to deal with them latching on to his legs, like they've done since they were toddlers, while he makes his way to the door. He does eventually successfully depart, though.

Meanwhile, Daphne waits for pick up on the front steps of her apartment building. She'd found a dress that used to belong to her elder sister, and seemed appropriate enough for the party. Knowing Persephone is a lover of fashion, she had bypassed her initial thought to just go in her pajamas. Lacking curves, the dress which might be considered sexy on other girls comes across as more elegant, certainly less sexual, on her. Daphne has zero qualms with this, having picked it also because she thought it looked nice with her heels. Daphne does love heels, which often have her towering over other girls.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: John Toranzo Character Portrait: Kaitlin Kingsley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bandit

After leaving school and then hanging out with Vincent, Colin returned home. His parents were both at work so he spent the majority of the afternoon playing video games before walking to the public elementary school that his siblings attended. He ended up carrying three backpacks and a sniffling younger sister, who had managed to scrape her knee coming out of the school, on the way home. By the time they returned back at the apartment, his mother had returned home from her yoga studio and had an array of healthy snacks covering the kitchen table for the younger children.

Colin helped himself to a handful of freshly baked oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and attempted to escape to his bedroom amid the chaos of his siblings practically shouting about how their first day went, but his mother caught him before he got to his bed. "On my way up here I ran into that adorable girl, Kaitlin, who moved in downstairs a few months ago. Remember? She's the one who babysat the kids a few weeks ago when you were at that tournament with dad and I was working." Colin nodded, hoping that that would be all his mother had to say about the subject but she continued to talk. "Well, I was talking to her and the subject of that little party you're going to tonight came up and I suggested that maybe she could go with you and your friends."

There was no use in correcting his mother that this was no "little party" and that it was one of the most biggest that would be held all year, especially with Sydney hosting. However, her last remark about "suggesting" that Colin bring Kaitlin along wasn't something he could skip over. He knew his mother and was sure that she had done it with good intentions but there was no way that she could really expect him to bring an uninvited new girl to Sydney Vale's party, right? Wrong. His mother must have noticed his perplexed expression because she spoke up again.

"Colin, she's such a sweet girl and she's new here. You know how mean kids can be and bringing her to the party is the least that you can do." He opened his mouth to object, to tell her that she didn't understand that it was him who was going to be the one targeted for bringing her, but she continued to speak again. "I told her you would pick her up with your friends on the way to the party. I'll text you her phone number now, so you can let her know when you're on your way later." She gave him one warning look and shut his door before leaving the room.

Between then and seven o'clock, Colin continued where he had left off on his Xbox, ate dinner with his family and eventually got ready for the party. He received two texts from Vincent, telling him to come over and then reminding him to dress well enough to impress Jane, which was probably a necessary message since he had been planning on wearing something casual. He managed to put together an outfit that he thought was decent and soon after dressing, got a cab to Vincent's. Since they had to make an extra stop after pregaming at John's, Colin thought it would be easier to just have Vincent come down rather than go up to get him, so he sent him a quick text.

To: Vincent Mast
Waiting in a cab outside hurry. Btw we have to pick up a girl after we go to Toranzo's


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daphne Peterson Character Portrait: Persephone Soung Character Portrait: Sebastian Arendale Character Portrait: Brody Wade Character Portrait: Jake Desai Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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Outfit [I changed it because I disliked the other one].


Persephone's phone went off with multiple incoming texts. Skimming them Sephy can't help but smirk at Brody's text.
I wonder how Sydney would feel about that, She thinks, but quickly dismisses the thought, sure it'd be funny but the girl would probably be torn to pieces by Sydney.

Figuring she'd just catch a lift with Jake, she responds with:

To: Jake, Bastion, Daphne, John, Brody
From: Sephy
Ok thanks Jake, I'll wait outside for you x

Before sliding her phone into her little clutch bag and heading for the door, grabbing an apple on her way out - Sephy hadn't eaten anything since lunch and the last thing she wanted was a growling stomach at the party. Cautiously walking in heels down the two flights of stairs to the lobby, Sephy steps out into the cool night and smiles, she loves the night. She loved looking up at the stars. Not that you could see much of the night sky past all the skyscrapers in Manhattan.

However Sephy could definitely feel cold cold on her legs, perhaps she should have warn tights? Her lace dress, while flattering, was quite short exposing a fair amount of leg and Sephy had opted for little shorts under the dress to tights but now she was regretting it.
I'll be in Jake's car soon anyway, Persephone thought, laying the cardigan she had brought with her on the steps outside her apartment building before taking a seat, there was no way she was going to risk getting her white dress dirty by sitting on the actual steps.

Whilst she waited for Jake and Daphne, who had also asked for a lift to the party and whom Persephone had assumed would most likely not be going, despite being invited as she wasn't exactly close with Sydney nor her friends. It still perplexed Sephy as to why Daphne was actually invited, she knew that Daphne was an amazing person, but Sydney had barely spoken to Daphne so Sephy was definitely surprised to see that she was invited to one of the hottest parties, and admittedly, even a little jealous. Persephone scrolled through her phone, noticing Gossip Goddess had posted again.

Frowning, Sephy didn't quite understand the last post, who was keeping secrets? She wondered, hoping that the anonymous blogger wasn't referring to her crushes on both Brody Wade and Sebastian Arendale. No, Sephy thought, I'm sure some other people at the party have much bigger secrets she rationalised. Persephone's crushes weren't exactly going to be the hottest topic. Besides, only John knew about how she felt and just thinking about John being Gossip Goddess made Persephone laugh. He was far too much of a sweetheart to be so vicious to people. Then again, it was Dan Humphrey that was Gossip Girl and he was, supposedly, a 'nice guy'.

Whatever it is, I'm sure GG's latest post has nothing to do about me, probably some Sienna or Jane drama or something, There was no doubt that both Sienna and Jane were party girls, so Persephone reckoned they were probably keeping a lot of secrets. Looking up from her phone, hoping that Jake would arrive soon; her legs were starting to go numb.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Colin Clay Character Portrait: John Toranzo
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Vincent was ready to go when Colin texted him, so it only took him a minute or two to meet him outside in the cab. He was curious and definitely surprised about Colin's reference to some girl they had to pick up on the way to the party, and he didn't hesitate to ask about it. "What the hell was that text about? Don't tell me that Chelsea girl texted you too asking if she could 'be your date'. Man, the rack looks good but trust me, she's not worth it. I slept with her last year and after two weeks of nonstop calls from her, I was seriously considering getting a restraining order." He shook his head at the thought of the girl. Vincent was rarely picky when it came to girls but he preferred one night stands to deep relationships. He had only had one girlfriend, Sienna, and that obviously didn't end well.

Just as the thought of their breakup crossed his mind, he received a text from Sydney telling him that they needed to talk at the party. A smirk appeared on his face, thinking that she was obviously ready for round two with him, but he wasn't sure if he would actually take her up on it. At least not at a party that Sienna would definitely be at too. Sydney was still unaware that he had told Sienna that it was her who he had slept with while they were dating and Vincent didn't want Sydney to ever find out. It was one cat fight that he wasn't interested in witnessing.

To: Sydney Vale
I knew you'd get bored with Brody ;). We'll be there in 20.

It took only a few minutes to arrive in front of John's lavish apartment building. Vincent paid for the cab and a couple of minutes later, they were entering John's apartment. It was apparent that his family wasn't home, much to Vincent's dismay. Anyone with eyes would agree that John's mom was a MILF and his sister wasn't half bad looking herself.

"John, thanks for having us as always," Vincent said with a grin as they entered his kitchen. He spotted the bottles of liquor that he had requested he buy for them and helped himself to a shot of whiskey served neat. "Colin's going to try to snag Jane tonight, so who are you going after. Give me her name and I'll let you know what kind of shit she's into," he said, downing the first drink and moving on to his second. He didn't intend on getting wasted tonight but a comfortable buzz would be good enough.
