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The Right to Rule

The Right to Rule


For generations Purple has been chosen to designate those with the divine right to rule. In its wake, all others would lay down arms or pledge their allegiance to anyone bearing the royal colors, and there was peace. Until now.

1,999 readers have visited The Right to Rule since Centi85 created it.


NEW (6/24): A new topic has been posted in the OOC forum part of this RP. Included in that topic, I will be posted - as it becomes necessary - the history of the RP, and other important things such as the political/military system and power, important characters, and whatever else happens to need elaboration. Do make sure you all check here often, as well as in the OOC tab.
Also, not that it's necessary, but try to become active in the OOC as much as possible. It helps others when they can get positive input from everyone in a public place, rather than the seclusion of an IM. Feel free to share your thoughts on current events IC, and any ideas you have in mind. You could just help someone with a mental block, or even cause a discussion that could potentially lead the RP into an entirely new direction! Don't be afraid to be social. The RPing is that much more fun when you can collaborate with your fellow RPers and discuss what you're all doing. You could have a question someone else is afraid to ask, as well as get an answer from someone else who may know it if I'm not around. If EVERYONE could please post in the OOC ONCE to acknowledge that they've read and understood this message, as well as to say hi, because not many of our RPers have, that would be lovely! -- The writing gets easier when you all work together and get to know each other.
Thank you for your time, and as always, enjoy the story! :)

NEW (6/19): As of now the RP is scheduled to begin Friday (6/21) at around 5PM EST. There's still plenty of time to join in on the adventure even after it has begun, so feel free to create a character at any time and for any purpose (be it one to simply advance the plot and then get rid of, or another main character you think would benefit the story)!
If for whatever reason life gets in the way - and Centi knows it does -, do not worry. If it is for a short time we can all take a break, which is sometimes much needed, or we simply send your character on a 'top secret mission' that won't require them to be present. Other accommodations can be made too, of course. Please don't feel bad about it at all, we understand that what you have happening is more important than what could be going on here (feel free to talk to Centi about anything bothering you as well, because things like that often cause a writers block)! If someone is absent for whatever reason, Centi will be sure to post a brief synopsis in the OOC of what had occurred over the time said person has missed. This isn't only because sometimes they may have missed a lot and it would take a while to read, but also because sometimes the main points are overlooked when one is rushing to try to regather their bearings. That said, Centi thanks you for your patience, and hopes you are all eagerly awaiting the first post that will officially begin the RP! Again, thank you, and enjoy!

NEW (6/18): Please look over the rules which contain a new disclaimer, and check in with the OOC. - Yes that means post so we all know what's up and who has joined. - Thank you.

Also, any and all new information pertaining to this RP will be posted here, along with OOC. Check in often, and enjoy!


Purple (noun): A color with the power to bestow upon those lucky enough to be born beneath it the divine right to rule, and a place amongst the gods, above all others.

Supported upon their lavishly expensive, embroidered pedestals, kings and queens alike have utilized this perception of lights rays to signify a pedigree that only a rare few can obtain. Beneath this banner, many a mortal man has claimed immortality and complete control over their lands, governing undoubtedly while being worshiped by his or her subjects. Allowed to only be worn by those within the monarchy or otherwise affiliated to it through official status, the world of Purplexia could very well be deemed color prejudice. With all other colors denoting a person of lower standards, such as green being that of the grass over which the wealthy tread upon to forge prosperous kingdoms, the people have inadvertently allowed themselves to be segregated from the self-proclaimed superior class. Of course, this isn't any new happening, as rulers will often ensure some manner of label be employed that would maintain a heavily fortified barrier between royalty and common rabble. The reasoning behind this action can vary between rulers, but generally involves ensuring an untainted bloodline, a growing tyranny through the slow dissipation of rights, or simple vanity. Whatever the reason in this world, the problem exists, and it wasn't until just recently that a young girl decides to act against it.


Born as one of two, Queen Violet Flame has ruled over Omega, the capitol of Purplexia, for the past five years, commanding the newest generation with the same grace and dignity as those before her. Faithful, clever and stunning in her beauty, her citizens adore her, these attributes easily outweighing the occasional demanding or sadistic demeanor she may take on. With her radiance and loyal supporters, she has easily maintained the integrity of her kingdom, preserving through thick and thin against any enemy that would present itself. Lord Alterez stands by her side as her equal in every respect, however he still allows her to act independently as the main figurehead of the monarchy, simply supporting her when necessary. While the pair are well liked throughout their kingdom, there are still those who would see them toppled from their overly inflated positions. Though they may not wish to acknowledge it, the threats and attacks, which have become more prevalent in the past few years, are a lot more deep-seeded than an isolated band of marauders in search of treasure.

On the opposite end of the spectrum stands the rebellion. Spearheading this audacious group of treacherous corsairs is none other than the Queen's sister, Lady Rosa Dream. Having left after the throne was denied to her, Dream has dedicated herself to usurping her sister and taking what she believes is her rightful place as ruler. Unfortunately for her, though, every attempt so far has been in vain, for she and her rag-tag team of crusaders must overcome one stubborn and formidable obstacle: the Queen's forces. Designated the Royal Purple Army, these warriors are world-class, specifically assigned to the castle which houses the Queen and her supporters. On top of overcoming the Queen's Army, the task of gaining followers is not one easily accomplished. Multiple times Lady Dream has coordinated an assault on this mighty fortification, only to end with nothing but disastrous results. Costing her greatly in humiliation compared to her sister, and the lives of those who would see her hopes fulfilled, she is quickly running out of options and cohorts to act in her name. In one last ditch attempt, she catches wind of a pirate Captain by the name of "Rubber." The scourge of the sea, unrivaled by any seafarer and supposedly a capable warrior and leader, Lady Dream enlists his help.

Lord Alterez, however, remains certain that because the Queen's sister abandoned her birthright, it is now rendered void, and so they have nothing to worry about. Nevertheless, the Lord and Queen remain vigilant, for even though they are unaware of the schemes taking place against them, they have plenty of reason to suspect something brooding just over the horizon. Massing their forces, both sides prepare for the final strike that will make or break their cause. Morale is high with the Queen, and her troops are well organized and trained, but will the benevolent, savage forces of a wily pirate crew manage an ace? The only way to find out is to pick a side and see for yourself...

Now that you have a description of everything happening, I believe it is time we get down to how one would go about applying for a position in this RP; the rules of engagement, so to speak.

First off - This RP was created to satisfy the need of a select few orphaned RPers found in the Lobby Chat. This RP isn't decorated with fancy fonts or sizes, but Centi is lazy. Deal with it, it isn't necessary, nor will you die from reading plain old text.
-- In other notes, I take no claim to all the ideas here, but am glad to be a part of it anyway. Yes, it is the normal cliche Kingdom with a band of rebels planning a coup, but the results will depend entirely on the choices of the RPers themselves. If everyone is dedicated in their posts and characters, plays fair and chooses respectable, plausible actions and responses, they have as much a chance of gaining victory for their side as anyone on the opposite side would. What do I mean? I mean this isn't based off the typical "good guys get what they want," system, because truthfully, both sides are good. The information supplied at the very beginning gave just one out of many possible reasons to join the rebellion, being that one disliked the prejudice of leaders over subjects. Dig into your history books if you need examples of this occurrence; it happens. At the same time, however, the leaders aren't bad enough to merit an entire kingdom turning on them.

Overall, this means that you have to decide personally for your characters the reason you chose the side you do, and then it simply comes down to the side that employs the best tactics to come out the victor. I'm doing this because I do enjoy both of the RPers who have unfortunately chosen opposite sides, and at the same time, I want to present as much an opportunity for the Queen to remain on her throne, as well as for the Sister to claim it. I hope that we can RP in good nature, and be mature about the results, as like stated before, the outcomes depend entirely on the RPers for that side. This gives great chance too for people to give it their best go in besieging a castle, of they like that, or in defending it, with a heroic victory as the outcome for whichever winner. If you really can't decide and want to win either way, create a character to fulfill the role of both Loyalist or Independent. The only thing I ask is that no one be part of the Royal Family.

Now, onto choosing a character...

Obviously we already have the leaders for both sides: The Lord and Queen, and the Rebel and aligned Pirate Leader. Once you pick a side, feel free to do with your character what you want! Being a fantasy type RP, we encourage people to be as original and spontaneous as possible, using their better judgment of course to keep it within reasonable boundaries. Need some ideas? No problem.
Both sides can carry the same character choices, from mercenaries, to newly enlisted warriors/bodyguards, defects from the opposite side with information, an aspiring hero seeking glory, or simply a loyal commoner who thinks they have something to offer.

Character Sheet--
Race: (This is fantasy. If you make a new race, describe it in as good as detail as possible, and include as much information as you can.)
Affiliation: (Loyalist or Independent?)
Appearance: (Picture & Description preferable.)
Weapons: (If any)
Abilities: (If any - Make sure you be fair. No OP characters will be accepted. Include weaknesses with any abilities - usually only applies to races)
Bio: (History, and any other information you think is necessary!)

This RP is tailored to all levels of RPers. Advanced or beginners, so long as you are willing to put in the time and effort into a post, and make an attempt at more than two or three badly punctuated or misspelled sentences, you can learn. Centi is more than willing to look over a post before it is sent in, all you have to do is contact him either IM if he's online, or PM. If you need help with ideas, don't be afraid to ask. Centi will collaborate, and he's sure that others will too. If you have any problems, please come to Centi first. Thank you!

Toggle Rules

Centi trusts that everyone who applies for this RP are all matured or experienced enough to the point where it isn't necessary for him to have a written set of rules. Judge yourself before you even consider advancing any further, because due to the nature of this RP, good sportsmanship and fairness is expected. If you require an explanation as to what exactly that means, you may as well not bother proceeding.

ALSO - PLEASE NOTE:The writing in this RP may include a certain amount of violence, profanities, and even some romance (Heaven forbid, right?). While the romance and profanities will not be allowed to progress to the point where it must be taken to PMs, the violence is prone to be adequately detailed. Centi writes descriptively so as to ensure a clear picture and to avoid confusion. Especially in combat, when things can become extremely messy with people missing a certain action, or with specific occurrences being left out for whatever reason, Centi does not censor nor omit many things. On top of that, a lot of the combat scenes will be determined not only by the personal judgment of the RPers in deciding their character's abilities, but also in the supporting detail. Again, if you don't understand, you may not be ready for this RP. You have been warned.

Also, in account of this happening already, please ensure that your character fits the setting of the story. This is a Medieval Fantasy story. That entails knights, swords, peasants, castles, magic etc. No Special forces Marine, SEAL, SAS, Jedi, etc. While Centi does support having an open character base, people should still be able to use their better judgment to determine whether or not their character fits. If you can't, then unfortunately goodbye. To make sure that you've read and understood everything written about this RP, please inbox me the phrase listed as my 'signature.' This can be found on my profile (Centi85), or by visiting the OOC thread and reading any of my posts. Thank you, and enjoy!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Starlight Character Portrait: Captain Rubber Fruit Character Portrait: Lady Dream
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Star flashed a smile at her Captain and picked up the money and put it into a hidden pocket. She was about to answer her Captain’s question, when her nose twitched. She could sense the guards outside the building, waiting to be called in. When the man sitting next to her Captain called his men in, Star did all she could to keep calm.

“Everyone present that doesn’t align themselves rightfully at this very moment is under arrest, your renounced majesty.” The man spat. Star’s muscled tensed she was ready to fight.

“Get ‘em."
Star smirked.

“It seems you have under-estimated my Captain and his crew, good sir.” Star grabbed the back of her dress and unzipped it, and it fell off to reveal her black pants and white shirt. Star wasn’t about to fight in a damn dress. Her tail lashed as her eyes seemed to scan the men, searching their suits for chinks in their armor. Her stance was challenging, waiting for on the charge.

And one did. He ran forward, sword at the ready, and never saw what was coming. Quick as lightening, Star reached into her pocket and pulled out a throwing knife. It whistled through the air and pierced the chain mail on his chest, and imbedded itself deep in his flesh. A gurgling sound could be heard, as he collapsed, trying to pull the blade out. He was dead in moment. In those moments, Star ran forwards, grabbed a chair, and smashing it into two guards, sending them toppling over. They recovered quickly and stood up, but Star had already taken a defensive position in front of Queen Dream.

“Perhaps we should be going, malady?” Star called back, through gritted teeth, as she stopped a man’s sword by grabbing it with her hand. Blood dribbled down her arm, and with a roar of rage, she round house kicked him in the helmet, sending him reeling.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Starlight Character Portrait: Wolfe Shaeffer Character Portrait: Captain Rubber Fruit Character Portrait: Lady Dream
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“Get ‘em."

At that moment, the man behind the bar pinned down Rubber by one of his shoulders. He brought a knife down next to his neck, narrowly missing. The Captain swung his hook back, piercing his attackers clothes and skin. He then brought back his other hand, and flipped the man over him. He then leapt over the side of the bar, placing a safe barrier between the oncoming soldiers and himself. He looked over to see a man brandish a crossbow and fire it into a crowd, killing a chainmail soldier. A rebel.

Rubber fluently grabbed a small red container out of his pocket. He unshealthed out his scimitar and placed the liquid from the vile on his fingers. He quickly ran the substance on the blade of his sword, as he had done many times before. He stood up to see Star slamming a chair onto the heads of two soldiers. He laughed, she was ready for this, obviously in expectation.

He slid over the top of the bar, feet first into a guard standing backwards, knocking him off of his feet. He fell onto the ground and Rubber kicked him hard in the ear, leaving him unconscious. He quickly ran up to Star and the Queen, slicing a soldier making his way up to her in the legs, leaving him on the ground.

"So then, I think now would be a good time to leave. Through the window, perhaps?" The Captain winked, looking at Star.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sierra Shaeffer Character Portrait: Synclair Prunson
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Synclair, Poliferus, and Sierra

Synclair's morning had been a rough one. He had decided months ago that this day would be the one where he would shed his mourning attire. Three days before, it had been exactly a year since his young wife died. Today marked the anniversary of the death of their child. It was not good for morale for Synclair to wallow in past sorrows. That was why he had decided he would only mourn for a year, and no more. But then he had awoken to the news that many of the men posted as guards during the night had met tragic ends. Synclair was tempted to continue in his mourning attire, having been provided an excuse to do so. But if he delayed his return to normalcy every time a man under his command died, he would never wear purple again. Such was the nature of their lives during these times, when usurpers were after the throne.

Swathed in purple, Synclair went about his duties for the day. He ignored the startled looks or odd comments on his attire. If it was too soon, or too sudden for him to be coming out of mourning, Synclair didn't want to talk about it. He had made this decision like he made all decisions whenever possible; with a clear mind that took into account all foreseeable outcomes. Though he may have to tolerate uncomfortable situations, coming out of mourning at this time was what was best for his men. Luckily, toleration was a strength of his, and Synclair was only mildly frustrated by those few who questioned how strongly he had felt about his wife and child.

What honestly frustrated Synclair was the situation surrounding the deaths of the men posted on guard the night before. The General had made alterations to the schedule of the night guards himself. Synclair had disagreed with these actions. His men were not pawns, setting up those few men to die was not something Synclair was comfortable with. The only reason he had not fought harder to protect these men was because Synclair knew that the assassin Phoenix would be there to add strength to their defense without the obvious giveaway of larger numbers. But reports suggested that Phoenix had not lifted a finger to help the guards as they died. Synclair would be including a complaint with his report on this subject.

As it was, Synclair had to report a few minor formalities, among other topics. The problem was locating the General at this hour. Synclair had first gone to the throne room, only to be informed by the guards posted that the General had gone off in the direction of the courtyard. Synclair changed his course, walking quickly in hopes of catching the General before he managed to wander off again. Synclair wanted to get this report off of his chest before he burst from the unusual amounts of frustration contained within.

Finally spotting the flowing cape at the General's back on one of the north-facing balconies, Synclair slowed his footsteps. The Lady Sierra was in the General's company, which made Synclair hesitate. Were he a selfish man, bursting into their conversation would give him little pause. However, Synclair was entirely too selfless to easily interrupt. He knew that the General and Lady were close, and that their conversation was likely personal. And yet, what Synclair had to say was weighing on him heavily. Synclair stood weighing his options until he noticed the General turn away from the view that the balcony provided. No doubt the General would soon notice Synclair standing in silent observation, with no obvious purpose. In an attempt to avoid the embarrassing alternative, Synclair strode forward, bowing deeply to the General and then again to Lady Sierra.

"My apologies to you General, Lady Sierra. I have little choice but to interrupt your conversation. I will try to make myself as brief an inconvenience as possible." Synclair adjusted his purple shirt once he was upright, his blue eyes shifting from Lady Sierra to the General. Synclair had cut himself off from society for the past year, only functioning when it came to his work. He had not seen a lady in quite some time, and the lady before him was one to inspire curiosity. His most burning question about her at present was whether she could be trusted within earshot of a report or not. He would have guessed that the General trusted her, much like he would trust a daughter. Some things were best kept between the individuals who most needed the information. Synclair kept his eyes trained on the General. "Permission to report, sir." He then glanced at the lady again, silently asking if it was appropriate to report in her presence.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Starlight Character Portrait: Sierra Shaeffer Character Portrait: Wolfe Shaeffer Character Portrait: Synclair Prunson Character Portrait: Captain Rubber Fruit Character Portrait: Lady Dream
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#, as written by Eskay

The prospect of taking a walk with 'Uncle Polly,' as she used to affectionately call him in her youth, was a most welcome one, especially given the bizarre nature of the castle this morning. He began the conversation on a light note, asking about the quality of her sleep. She let out a sigh, nodding at his question.

"Though I'm remiss to admit it considering the events of last night, yes, I slept like a rock!"

Upon finishing his small talk, he moved into the crux of Sierra's concern, to which she listened intently. She smiled at his gentle concern when mentioning Lord Alterez, honoring the fact that Poliferous was probably not near as tender-hearted with the rest of the castle residents.

"Well, I'm sure as long as you're here, I won't have to worry about getting taken advantage of. Father always had such a black and white view on these sorts of things, but you were always better at helping discern the shades of grey!"

He would go on to discuss the nature of the mercenaries and to speculate upon the benefactor of the Rebel Queen. She merely nodded at his rationale, having nothing further to add.

The mention of Baron Vreakalks, however, was what almost shattered Sierra's impeccable composure. She had only encountered him once before, and it was a visit that she would rather have forgotten.

"Ah, yes, the Baron..." she grimaced, recalling that look of unsatisfiable lust in the Barons eyes, "I'm sure that our forces will be much better served by the presence of his troops..."

Admittedly, the mention of the Baron proceeded to infect her mind, negatively impacting her ability to process the crux of the rest of the conversation. It was when he posed a question directly to Sierra that she managed to snap out of her unintentional stupor.

"Ah yes, the mission. Truth be told, these investigations the queen has been sending me on have become successively more bloody with each mission. What was supposed to be a simple black market bust turned out to be an assassination of one of the top dealers in the trade..."

She needed to choose her next words carefully. Though it wasn't Poliferous's judgement she feared, Lord Alterez had plenty of eyes and ears hidden about the castle- especially that enigmatic mercenary Phoenix, who seemingly appeared out of thin air!

"It's not that I distrust the Queen's judgement," she began, using her eyes rather than her words to convey her concern to her old friend, "but I can't help but shake the feeling that I'm resorting to killing far more than I should. Perhaps there is an error in the manner in which I'm conducting my investigations? I hope that the Queen will be able to provide me with more counsel..."

The distress in her face would speak volumes more than that in her tone, and just as quickly as it had manifested, she had withdrawn it, adopting yet again her poised posture. Her smile also returned, as though it had simply vacated the premises for a brief moment.

"But, enough about that! How is Vincent faring with his lessons in swordplay? Him and Father can't be bothered to write, so you're the only connection I have to my family!" She paused, remembering another concern that had been bothering her, "...speaking of family, you haven't heard from Wolfe perchance, have you? I haven't spoken with my elder brother since his abrupt departure from his employment..."

Before she could get an answer, however, the elusive Synclair made himself present, looking rather harried. She knew very little about the man, save that the tragic loss of his wife had kept him in mourning for the better part of a year. At the mention of a report, Sierra became unnerved, yet compliant.

"You needn't be afraid to speak your mind around me, Sir Prunson," Sierra started, noticing his hesitance to present his report, "I can take leave should you wish to confer your report in private."


As this 'Gregora' appeared, Wolfe felt several negative sensations- deflation from the departure of his newfound wenches (both physically and emotionally,) uneasiness at the man's lack of understanding of the finer points of 'personal space,' and utter disgust at both the toothless visage and the gag-inducing stench which protruded from his unkempt person.

The man began by making small talk. No man approaches another man in a tavern to make small talk, unless of course he fancied the company of other men. Wolfe's worst fears were potentially realized when something large and firm pressed itself against his leg.

"Dear God," Wolfe thought, dread gripping his very soul,"PLEASE be a dagger..."

A quick glance would prove that Gregora indeed had drawn a dagger to Wolfe's exposed leg. Crisis averted.

"Well friend, that's quite an impressive blade you've brandished!" Wolfe responded, choosing not to pay his accusations any mind, "However, they say that the size of ones sidearm is inversely proportional to the size of his other 'prized weapon.' Judging by the impressive girth of your dagger, I'd imagine that you have several 'small issues' to work out, along with whatever animal droppings you've opted to bathe in..."

Wolfe could have spent the entirety of the day indulging in his new witless acquaintance, but the appearance of an older 'friend' of his shattered his charming first impression. It was none other than Sergeant Antorak, perhaps the sketchiest higher-up in all of the Purplexian Army. His appearance was enough to get Gregora off of Wolfe's back- a favor that he would not soon forget!

He simply smiled coaxingly as Antorak put on a wonderful facade of toughness. Wolfe knew better than to take him seriously, especially when he went on a self-righteous tirade as farcical as this. He often wondered just how strenuous it was to make Sergeant in the Purplexian Military, given all that Antorak was good for was hiding behind his soldiers.

Upon the conclusion of his speech, however, Wolfe's smirk transformed into a focused frown. His vision obscured by the ensuing chaos, he kicked his table onto its side, shielding him from thrown glass and blades. His aegis would only last so long, however, as one of the thugs he had spotted earlier lunged his way with a short blade drawn.

"Why must we resort to being so uncivilized!?" Wolfe chided, rolling out of the way of a lethal strike. He then followed up by nimbly withdrawing his right hand dagger, Fortune, deftly slaying his pursuer.

Almost as quick as it had started, he noticed the Lady Dream, the pirate girl, and a new face (presumably her Captain,) gathered at the hind end of the bar. He knew that it was going to be tough for the three of them to get away without some form of distraction...

"STOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!" Wolfe bellowed, his voice carrying over the commotion, "Antorak, surely even you are capable of a more civilized endeavor than this? Skirmishes like this are beneath even the likes of you! Cease this dreadful commotion and speak to me like a man!"

He wasn't sure how Antorak would react to his odd outburst, but his reaction was not integral to his plan. Unbeknownst to the Sergeant, the words 'dreadful commotion' were part of a series of key words developed by himself and the Lady Dream. 'Dreadful Commotion' was used when a situation dictated that one party should exit while the other party acts as bait. In this scenario, it was fairly obvious who was doing the baiting and who should be escaping...


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Starlight Character Portrait: Sierra Shaeffer Character Portrait: Wolfe Shaeffer Character Portrait: Synclair Prunson Character Portrait: Kota Pierce Character Portrait: Captain Rubber Fruit Character Portrait: Lucie Mauvais Character Portrait: Lady Dream
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#, as written by Centi85
Poliferus, Sierra & Synclair

Poliferus chuckled happily at Sierra's words when it came to himself and her father. The man was brilliant, and Poliferus was honored to know him, as well as his children whom he could almost call his own. The girl especially reminded him so much of a life he had rejected. Of course if he chose to he could've juggled General with father, but having first gained his title at a young age, the hassle was too much. Looking back now, he almost wished he'd accepted it before, his age and experience having finally served to open his eyes to reality. Nevertheless, he was grateful for what he did have.

Only the look of concern and doubt on Sierra's young face at the mention of the Baron was enough to erase the man's smile. Her less than pleased tone at the thought of the esteemed man's troops was even more upsetting. Poliferus would be sure to address that matter separately. Until then, Poliferus silenced himself in order to listen to the recent missions that had been assigned to the girl.

Poliferus frowned deeply at the girl's words, understanding the conflicting emotions she felt. In a fatherly and defensive way, he was very much displeased with the girl being placed into positions where she'd had to succumb to killing someone. The thought of Sierra, the young, innocent girl he had watched grow up having to take another's life because of orders received by Alterez or Violet, or because she was forced into a scenario where it was the only option... The man heaved a sigh. As a realist he knew he couldn't shelter her, that she wasn't his and she had chosen this path of her own accord, but he also felt like she was experiencing some things that she shouldn't. To kill someone was more than simply putting a blade through them. No, you had to look them in the eye, see a person who had dreams and goals, friends or family, and fully understand that after you do what need be done, they'd be gone forever. Their life force would be expelled from the world, never to return.

Poliferus was well acquainted with the shadows of guilt after so many commissions to the battlefield; the constant regret and self-doubt over whether or not there could have been another way, and the nightmares that constantly replayed the horrors of the screams of men impaled over red-stained steel. The man knew how she felt, and sincerely wished that he could have been there in those troubling times to help her decide the right course of action. Many times, looking back, even a war-hardened veteran saw something they could've done different... It was stressful, cynical and hideous, something which his sweet Sierra shouldn't be tasked with doing. Simply the look in her face as she spoke hurt the man too. Poliferus was all to aware that she was choosing her words carefully and deliberately, and sincerely wished that she didn't have to. It wasn't good to not be able to talk to someone so close and still have to knit-pick your own words, but the man allowed her to continue uninterrupted so that she could hopefully get most of what was bothering her off her chest.

"But, enough about that! How is Vincent faring with his lessons in swordplay? Him and Father can't be bothered to write, so you're the only connection I have to my family!" Poliferus noted the abrupt change in her voice and posture, smiling almost sadly with how easily she could alter herself. Although he knew it was only to accommodate a happier subject, it was also something politicians tended to like to do, as well as killers. She definitely wasn't the same young girl that needed protection, she'd grown substantially.

"...speaking of family," she continued as if as an afterthought, seeming to pick up the same concerned tone, "you haven't heard from Wolfe perchance, have you? I haven't spoken with my elder brother since his abrupt departure from his employment..."

Poliferus raised an eyebrow. He deeply considered telling Sierra about his contacts with Wolfe, but he didn't want to trouble her any more than she was. Life shouldn't be this troubling for her. As it was, Poliferus still had to send the latest reports to Wolfe, and had been on his way to do that when he'd been intercepted by Sierra. Not that he minded it, of course, but Wolfe needed to be aware of what was happening. The General went to answer, but instead found that another matter insisted on making itself known first.

Snyclair. Poliferus looked the man up and down, noting his lack of mourning clothes in-Lou of the usual colors adorned by those of any power. With a nod of satisfaction, the man welcomed his Captain back, but held up a hand for the man to wait.

"Sierra, darling," Poliferus spoke, turning to the girl, "Your brother is doing just fine. His swordsmanship has progressed extensively in the past few weeks. He truly is gifted, but what else should I expect from the esteemed Shaeffer house?" Poliferus offered an encouraging smile with that, winking playfully. "As far as Wolfe..." The man stopped, thinking a moment. He sincerely hated lying to the girl, but the times and situations, as well as the circumstances surrounding nearly everything, were far too delicate. Not to mention he had to be careful for the same reason she did of what he said. General or not, he would be monitored as well. "Latest reports reveal nothing new. Although he's still with Lady Dream and her rebels, I do believe there's a chance with him. He isn't stupid... I believe he has his own reasons which are entirely justified for leaving... Don't worry at all."

Patting Sierra on the shoulder he smiled again. "Why don't you run along and see if Alterez or Violet need anything of you? I'm sure that these missions as of late are entirely in the best interests of the kingdom. Trust your instincts, and don't second guess yourself. Alright?"

With that, Poliferus turned to Snyclair. "Proceed."

Kota & Lucie

Watching the girl, the head officer noted several more charges to be put on Lucie's record. Disorderly conduct for one, and for two, wearing purple when not affiliated to the monarchy or without holding any position of authority. Even though the officer was well acquainted with her, having always seen her around town and being kind enough to overlook previous excursions, if not for Lady Kota, he'd have had no other choice but to arrest her then and there. It wasn't always fun having to do these sorts of things, especially to friends or people he'd known for some time, but the man had learned to overlook his own feelings in order to perform his duty.

Blocking out Lucie's behavior and looking to Lady Kota, the main officer nodded respectively at her, both in agreement of her words, and at hear admirable loyalty to her friend.

"Yes, Lady Kota," the man said, keeping to his professional demeanor in the situation. "Your pardon has been acknowledged, and will be documented in the report. No fines will be administered, but all stolen items will have to be either returned, or paid for. All other complaints, however, will have to be addressed by yourself or the Queen. The people will not take kindly to a thief being granted protection under the law with the right to steal without being held responsible through proper courses of action. We will return to see that the terms have been adhered to."

The man waited a moment for his words to sink in, his eyes moving sternly between the two before him, ensuring that they understood. After a brief moment, he finally nodded, satisfied. "Excuse our interruption, and thank you for your time. Enjoy your day," he said finally, bowing one last time to Kota before exiting the small house, his men falling into step behind him.

Lady Dream, Captain Rubber, Star & Wolfe

Antorak smiled greedily as the entire bar seemed to stop with Wolfe's sudden outburst. The Sergeant tilted his head to one side, a single eyebrow raised in mock amusement as he considered the man's next words. With the same grin, he chuckled, beginning to shake his head, all eyes in the bar on either himself or Wolfe.

"My dear friend Wolfe, it's been too long!" he began, spreading his arms wide as if inviting him as an old acquaintance, "How are you? I'd assumed that someone so esteemed would have better things to do than seek allegiance amongst the midst of traitors... As for this unnecessary ruckus, it was in fact you rebels who decided you didn't want to come quietly." The man's gaze drifted over the room, noting several people stopped in the middle of a punch or other attack and one of his own men currently lying dead on the ground, a crossbow bolt having penetrated the steel over his chest. Antorak huffed a poorly feigned sigh of regret, clicking his tongue as if displeased...

"Tsk tsk," he said, looking at everyone present. "For those of you who took up arms against the rebels, you will be adequately rewarded. For those of you who chose to stand and fight against the law, against the authority of a Purplexian soldier, you will be punished in the same manner! If you indeed wished to go about this in a more civilized manner, I would have been more than happy! You all chose to throw the first punch and resist being arrested!"

Antorak looked to Wolfe now, brandishing his blade and leveling the tip with the man's chest. "I'll be sure to get a handsome promotion for this. Lady Dream, a notorious Pirate Captain... And a once exalted member of the Courts?" as he spoke, Antorak took the time to identify and point out each of his three targets. "This is quite a haul."

Swinging the weapon around in his grip and settling into a better stance, with his blade positioned directly in front of him in a dual grip, at waist level, Antorak smiled. "Forgive me, but you've missed all chance of civility. You'll come quietly, or I'll take you by force!" With that, the sergeant charged, moving in fast for an overhead diagonal chop from the left, followed by a reverse motion in the opposite direction. Using that as the signal, the bar attendees continued on with their combat, the noise quickly rising once again with the sounds of men bellowing their battle cries, the maids screaming, weapons clashing and bottles smashing. Most people were far too busy to notice anything beyond the immediate threat in front of them. Gregora used this chaos to escape out a rear entrance, planning to return near the end and, should Antorak succeed, claim his winnings.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sierra Shaeffer Character Portrait: Synclair Prunson
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Synclair, Poliferus, and Sierra

Synclair nodded in the direction of the Lady Sierra, acknowledging her words to him. "Many thanks, my lady. While I do not distrust you, and indeed have every reason to believe in your integrity, I do prefer to keep my reports private and uncomplicated. The choice ultimately belongs in the hands of our General, but your willingness to accept my interruption has not gone unnoticed by myself." Synclair bowed again to the lady.

At the raised hand of the General, Synclair took his cue to take a step back, sufficiently cutting himself out of the conversation for the time being. He kept his gaze trained out over the balcony to further detach himself from the General's parting remarks to the Lady Sierra. While he could not help but overhear, he refused to dwell upon anything that was mentioned. Everything that he heard was out of context, and entirely unrelated to any business of his. With the Lady Sierra dismissed, Synclair stepped back into the General's confidence.

The General's permission to proceed unwound Synclair's tongue. "Sir, to begin I have several superficial formalities to report. Those killed during the course of the night will be replaced within the week, I have been assured. As to the information released to their families..." Synclair hated this part. "They were reported killed during a robbery outside the walls, as instructed. No connection with the upstart queen or any other rebellion will be affiliated with their deaths." Synclair had received these instructions directly from those diplomats closest to the throne. While Synclair did not answer directly to these diplomats, he and the other captains were encouraged to avoid openly disobeying the suggestions made by the officials above their heads. Synclair gritted his teeth a moment, fighting against his building frustration once again.

Synclair took a breath and continued. "Reports regarding the events of the previous night indicate that the man known as Phoenix dispatched the enemy targets only after our guards were killed. I intend to make a formal complaint against this man and his reckless disregard for the lives of those who serve the Queen." He was not entirely sure that the General would not try to stop him from doing this. Regardless, Synclair included it in his report on the off chance that the General might even support his complaint. It would be hard to touch a man who was the pet of Lord Alterez, but with the General's word behind him, Synclair might just reach his goal.

"Lastly, I must report an object of discomfort." Synclair revealed a piece of paper and offered it to the General. "This map was found on the bodies of the dead assassins. It is a detailed map of the inside of the castle, marked with the altered schedule of the guards. While other maps and schedules were recovered from the bodies, it is assumed those were taken from our guards as they were killed. This map, however, is a compilation of all the maps issued to our guards on a single sheet. No lone guard would be privy to this information, General." Synclair was sure his point had been made, but was obligated to further explain the situation at hand, however he disliked to. "Someone who knew the schedules of every guard that night leaked this to the assassins. Which means at the very least, it is likely one of our sergeants has betrayed the Queen. Or worse still, it could have been a captain." Synclair shifted on his feet. He did not take pleasure in delivering such reports. If the matter were less pressing, Synclair would prefer to investigate for himself and be sure there was no misunderstanding. As it was, the decision was out of his hands. He provided the General with the information observed, and all he could do was hope there was something that he had overlooked.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kota Pierce Character Portrait: Lucie Mauvais
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As Kota heard what the officer had said, She looked at them and said, '' Thank you. I will talk to the queen personally about this. And I will be the one to accept whatever the people think of my choice of this matter. It is my decision, and mine alone. '' She then nodded as the men left the small, cobble stone and wooden cottage. Kota sighed deeply and looked back at Lucie, she sat down on one of the, little brown, oak chairs that was near the little oak table.

Kota looked at Lucie and said, '' Lucie, you need to stop with the stealing. I can't keep covering for you, I'll lose the respect from the people, as well as the police.'' She picked up the dagger that was on the table and said, '' Lucie, where did you get this dagger? Even I don't have something this nice. If you steal something like this, people will realize that they are missing their items, You need to stop. ''
Kota took another deep sigh, and took a money pouch that she had on her belt. She looked at Lucie and said, '' Here, this is an early birthday present. '' She said that as she, put ten silver coins, five gold coins, and eight copper coins down on the table in front of Lucie.

Kota smiled at Lucie and said, '' I know what you will say, and don't say it. This is your birthday present, so spend this wisely and sparingly. I don't want you to keep stealing things because you're low on money. So, for however long this pile of money lasts you, please stay out of trouble. Or until I figure out a way, for you to-'' She quickly stopped herself in mid sentence and looked at Lucie,she stood up and said, '' I really must go now, the offer still stands for you to come. And since the police were just here, I would suggest you to come. Just to stay out of trouble. Then, we can go to the castle, is that alright with you, Lucie? '' Kota said that with a light laugh and a smile.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Alterez Character Portrait: Queen Violet
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Queen Violet

(sorry i haven't posted in awhile! I'm more busy than i thought. And i have been watching manga XP)

Violet frowned as Alterez explained the meeting to her in his point of view. He seemed highly annoyed and tired of the situation Violet has brought him in. She wanted to ask more questions but by the look in his eyes, she didn't want to push the subject any further to irritate him. “Our dads would know what to do… Hell, I may just let them enact these new laws. Only option that’s actually presented itself! If she weren’t royalty it would just be dismissed like everything else. We’ve had rebellions, but they were all just common rabble, not worth our time. Give the problem to the nearest Baron and his forces, and boom, done…” He stated and Violet sighed. If only that was so easy. This is another Kingdom they were talking about. Yes, it's not quite as big as Purplexia but it was still causing major problems.

“Whatever happened between you two anyway? I don’t remember that much fighting amongst you guys, and we all practically grew up together. When did all this happen?” This is the time it was the Queen rubbing hr temple. Such a long story. She decided to cut it short. "It was more health and personality based than who was the oldest to run the kingdom." Violet said. It was a secret only Violet knew. And now her dear friend Alterez. "My sister's emotions were crazy and out of control. Only when she was calm and happy is when we let her out in public.Violet remembered walking down the streets of the kingdom with her sister. Dream and Violet had to know the kingdom inside out. When they got back to the castle brought them news. They were choosing a Queen early. It was the day they choose Violet over her. Chaos is only one word to put it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Alterez Character Portrait: Queen Violet
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Queen Violet

(sorry i haven't posted in awhile! I'm more busy than i thought. And i have been watching manga XP)

Violet frowned as Alterez explained the meeting to her in his point of view. He seemed highly annoyed and tired of the situation Violet has brought him in. She wanted to ask more questions but by the look in his eyes, she didn't want to push the subject any further to irritate him. “Our dads would know what to do… Hell, I may just let them enact these new laws. Only option that’s actually presented itself! If she weren’t royalty it would just be dismissed like everything else. We’ve had rebellions, but they were all just common rabble, not worth our time. Give the problem to the nearest Baron and his forces, and boom, done…” He stated and Violet sighed. If only that was so easy. This is another Kingdom they were talking about. Yes, it's not quite as big as Purplexia but it was still causing major problems.

“Whatever happened between you two anyway? I don’t remember that much fighting amongst you guys, and we all practically grew up together. When did all this happen?” This is the time it was the Queen rubbing hr temple. Such a long story. She decided to cut it short. "It was more health and personality based than who was the oldest to run the kingdom." Violet said. It was a secret only Violet knew. And now her dear friend Alterez. "My sister's emotions were crazy and out of control. Only when she was calm and happy is when we let her out in public.Violet remembered walking down the streets of the kingdom with her sister. Dream and Violet had to know the kingdom inside out. When they got back to the castle brought them news. They were choosing a Queen early. It was the day they choose Violet over her. Chaos is only one word to put it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kota Pierce Character Portrait: Lucie Mauvais
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sparkle
All the tension bleeds out of me and I smile softly as she places the coins on my table "Thank you so much, I can't thank you enough" I say softly taking the small bag and tucking it away safely under my mattress. I return from my room "I don't have plans right now, I can come with you if that's okay" I think about what the officer said, I don't care what the public thinks honestly. Someday I'll be the boss of them and their opinion will be of little meaning to me. However, there's no way I'm paying for what I stole. It's rightfully mine now and that would add to more money than even in that little bag of coins. I smooth out my dress and fix my hair "yes, let's go"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kota Pierce Character Portrait: Lucie Mauvais
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0.00 INK

Kota looked at Lucie and said, '' Alright, lets go.'' She walked out of the door, with Lucie in front of her. Kota then said to Lucie after they locked up the door and everything, '' Lucie, you must now why I asked you to come. And I do hope you know what you just agreed to. If not, I do hope you are not scared of blood, yelps, and.....'' She then whispered the next part in Lucie's ear, '' The wolf.'' She then looked at Lucie again and said, '' Now, off to the forest.'' She walked with Lucie right behind her.

Kota walked swiftly across the small, busy, and lively town. She looked at some of the people, as they were getting their food, clothing, weapons, ect.'' She then looked away and looked back at Lucei, and then she looked at the dirt road of the town as she walked. She and Lucie, then quickly came to the entrance of the woods. Kota looked back at Lucie and said, '' No matter what you see or hear, make sure you stay still and hidden. I can not afford to take very long. '' She then walked deeper into the woods and into the creepy darkness of the woods.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Alterez Character Portrait: Synclair Prunson Character Portrait: Queen Violet
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#, as written by Centi85
Phoenix, Lord Alterez & Queen Violet

Alterez listened intently to his Queen talk. It wasn't the most full picture she could have painted, but he assumed that any elaboration would come in time. He wouldn't press her over such delicate matters, especially concerning family, but he still wouldn't say he was entirely pleased. The less than satisfactory answer helped in some ways, but it was still rather ambiguous. Albeit it made sense in that that he'd never seen any of what Violet was claiming only considering Lady Dream acted out only when not in public, but even so, Alterez was still curious as to the why and how. Seeing as he wasn't King until after one of the sisters had been proclaimed Queen, he didn't have the authority at the time to be amongst the Court when they made their decision. Obviously they knew whatever he didn't, but then it wasn't until now that such thoughts had ever occurred to him.

Considering this, Alterez thought that perhaps he should simply let the topic slide. The latent ideas birthed by such notions merely aided in his worry over his leadership abilities. He wondered how what else his Court knew of, or anyone within his ranks for that matter. It was no secret to him that many high-powered people were tainted in one way or another, but only now did he realize too how difficult it was to spot, especially with so many other duties weighing him down. It was nearly impossible to fully grasp a situation such as this war and contain it while pleasing everyone, and with the stress one had to deal with, it did a good job of obscuring the silver-tongued politicians that thrived in his midst, those who wished to only please themselves.

"Well," sigh Alterez finally, "hopefully we can use that to our advantage then... If she was not fit for leadership of a nation, she definitely won't last long with even a small band of misfits. She's merely demoted herself even more..." Nodding to himself, as if using that answer to validate some reasoning of his own that he refused to share, Alterez continued. "That in mind, perhaps we can wait it out for your sister to merely crash and burn on her own? It's far too much trouble, the time and effort we've put into this, when in reality it's such a small matter. If your sister is as you say, then she will not make it. She has no chance. That said, she isn't even a real threat..."

Looking to Phoenix now, Alterez stood fully to face the mercenary. "Go fetch General Poliferus. Have him report to me. I must converse with him over the military affairs surrounding the recent attacks and the tracking of Lady Dream."

With a nod, Phoenix turned and moved silently from the room. That task complete, and with his mind seemingly made up, Alterez turned now to his Queen, already looking less stressed than he had a mere moments before. "Come," he said, holding out a hand to her, "let us get ready for the Royal Address."

General Poliferus & Synclair

Poliferus stood silently, arms folded behind his back, still as a rock, as he listened to his Captain’s reports concerning the recent deaths of his men. It was unfair to the man that he had to commit such a heinous deed as lying about the honorable sacrifices of such valiant troops, but the General knew it was necessary as well. The politicians needed to make sure they didn’t look bad with their guards having been eradicated by a mere five renegade assassins, and although Poliferus disliked them and would love to see a new chapter installed into order, he wouldn’t isolate himself as a traitor to their whim. To Synclair, however, a man who had not but a few hours ago come out of mourning, this was probably unbearable. Poliferus understood entirely, but he could do nothing about it as of now.

"Reports regarding the events of the previous night indicate that the man known as Phoenix dispatched the enemy targets only after our guards were killed. I intend to make a formal complaint against this man and his reckless disregard for the lives of those who serve the Queen."

It was to this statement that Poliferus allowed himself to break his otherwise flawless poker-face. Raising a curious eyebrow, the General considered this, nodding in acknowledgement and agreement.

"Lastly, I must report an object of discomfort."

Poliferus looked down now to Synclair’s extended hand, taking the paper and scanning it, replacing now his stoic demeanor.

"This map was found on the bodies of the dead assassins. It is a detailed map of the inside of the castle, marked with the altered schedule of the guards. While other maps and schedules were recovered from the bodies, it is assumed those were taken from our guards as they were killed. This map, however, is a compilation of all the maps issued to our guards on a single sheet. No lone guard would be privy to this information, General. Someone who knew the schedules of every guard that night leaked this to the assassins. Which means at the very least, it is likely one of our sergeants has betrayed the Queen. Or worse still, it could have been a captain."

Poliferus frowned deeply, thinking on this. Of all the things that could have gone wrong, and all the scenarios that could have played out, the most inconvenient one was chosen. It was actually somewhat ironic the way Phoenix worked. If Poliferus had hired the man before Alterez, then the mission would have been successful without even a single casualty; that is if his record was true. As it was, however, these five assassins who had guaranteed their stealth and discretion could not infiltrate a castle and palace without leaving a line of bloodied corpses in their wake.

The General had specifically tried to avoid this dilemma by giving most of his men a well deserved night off, as well as altering the guard routes so that if need be, the assassins could move in and out without ever being detected. There were plenty of openings in their patterns, and yet they still had to be dispatched. Moreover was the fact that after all that unnecessary action, they were toppled by a single man. Phoenix was indeed a problem, and as much as Poliferus wished he could blame him, he couldn’t. He himself was to blame for attempting this course of action in the first place, but he knew better than to dwell too much on one mistake, lest he make several others while distracted.

With a sigh, Poliferus finally spoke, though his words echoed his thoughtfulness and worry, despite how much he tried to hide it. “Thank you, Captain,” he said simply. “I too am greatly disappointed in Phoenix’s methods of engagement pertaining to the infiltrators last night, but considering the circumstances, it may have been easiest to encounter them all in one area rather than trying to stalk them through the entire city. While I share your sentiments, we must also look at both sides of the situation… It may have been the right choice, it may not have, we’ll never know for sure, but that’s just how life is.”

Turning now and beginning to pace, Poliferus’ gaze drifting far into the sky as he contemplated how to best put what he wanted to say next. “As far as the map, I will have an investigation begin as soon as possible. I don’t want you to worry too much on it, however. You’ve got enough to deal with. As of now, I just want you to focus on ensuring we keep things in order around the city. We’ll—“

Stopping short, Poliferus was now looking over Synclair’s shoulder to the figure which had just seemed to appear out of nowhere. Clad in a heavy set of fabrics decorated extensively in fire patterns, Phoenix’s appearance had nearly caused Poliferus to draw his sword, half expecting a blade or some sort of attack to have been launched by now. The man was terribly unsettling, and though his loyalty was legend as much as his skill, Poliferus still expected a knife in the back the moment he, or anyone, wasn’t looking.

Regaining his composure quickly, the General cleared his throat, stepping past Synclair now. “Can I help you, assassin?”

Phoenix remained unmoving for a moment, giving Poliferus pause. He was terrifying in the way he stood; his easy, relaxed and yet perfectly situated stance allowing for fast movements, speaking greatly of his abilities. The man seemed to exude confidence, power and authority, and that in itself demanded a great deal of respect and caution when in his presence. Poliferus especially couldn’t stand that the shadows of his hood kept the man’s eyes from view, but yet still allowed him to see and assess everything around him. Perhaps it was fear of the unknown, or perhaps Poliferus was trained to combat these assassins with the expectation of being betrayed, but whatever it was, the man could never feel right when in his presence.

“Alterez requests your presence,” Phoenix said simply, his voice devoid of any emotion. Even the in the man’s speech, the author in his voice was palpable, but yet it wasn’t as if he were speaking on a level any higher than the General. Poliferus nodded to the man who responded in kind, and then watched as the assassin turned on his heels and disappeared from the archway to the balcony. His footsteps never even made a sound on the hard marble floor.

“Well...” Poliferus said finally, turning back to Synclair. “It appears as if we must cut this conversation short. I do sincerely apologize, but I’m sure you understand. Please, don’t do anything rash just yet, and don’t burden yourself with any of this. When I return I will give whatever counsel you need, but until then, do try and tend to whatever may need it. Yes? Check on dear Sierra, perhaps. Just make sure you’re ready during the Royal Address”

With that, Poliferus offered a smile, nod, and then strode from the balcony, the echo of his steel-clad boots slowly disappearing down the hall.

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Purplexia by Centi85



Omega by Centi85

The Castle of the Royal Purple Monarchy, Capitol of Purplexia.

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Character Portrait: Lucie Mauvais
11 sightings Lucie Mauvais played by Sparkle
She hopes to one day be royal

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lord Alterez
Character Portrait: "Phoenix"
Character Portrait: Starlight
Character Portrait: Catori Lilum
Character Portrait: Sierra Shaeffer
Character Portrait: Wolfe Shaeffer
Character Portrait: Synclair Prunson
Character Portrait: Captain Rubber Fruit


Character Portrait: Captain Rubber Fruit
Captain Rubber Fruit

"I'm not here for the crown, just for the pay. And if any kind of drink is included, that would be great."

Character Portrait: Synclair Prunson
Synclair Prunson

"Honor is all that a man has when he leaves this world. I must stay loyal to my Queen. No other option exists."

Character Portrait: Wolfe Shaeffer
Wolfe Shaeffer

"Vulgarity is a poor substitute for wit...but it is still so damned funny!"

Character Portrait: Sierra Shaeffer
Sierra Shaeffer

"My family's served the King and Queen for years...this IS the right way...right...?"

Character Portrait: Catori Lilum
Catori Lilum

"Keep a watchful eye, and you will always find the light in a situation."

Character Portrait: Starlight

"Take away my tail, claws and ears, and I'll still kick your butt."

Character Portrait: "Phoenix"

"While I stand, no harm shall come to the monarchy."

Character Portrait: Lord Alterez
Lord Alterez

"Worry not. It's unbecoming for royalty to mingle with the trivial affairs of the common rabble."


Character Portrait: Starlight

"Take away my tail, claws and ears, and I'll still kick your butt."

Character Portrait: Synclair Prunson
Synclair Prunson

"Honor is all that a man has when he leaves this world. I must stay loyal to my Queen. No other option exists."

Character Portrait: Sierra Shaeffer
Sierra Shaeffer

"My family's served the King and Queen for years...this IS the right way...right...?"

Character Portrait: Wolfe Shaeffer
Wolfe Shaeffer

"Vulgarity is a poor substitute for wit...but it is still so damned funny!"

Character Portrait: "Phoenix"

"While I stand, no harm shall come to the monarchy."

Character Portrait: Captain Rubber Fruit
Captain Rubber Fruit

"I'm not here for the crown, just for the pay. And if any kind of drink is included, that would be great."

Character Portrait: Catori Lilum
Catori Lilum

"Keep a watchful eye, and you will always find the light in a situation."

Character Portrait: Lord Alterez
Lord Alterez

"Worry not. It's unbecoming for royalty to mingle with the trivial affairs of the common rabble."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Wolfe Shaeffer
Wolfe Shaeffer

"Vulgarity is a poor substitute for wit...but it is still so damned funny!"

Character Portrait: "Phoenix"

"While I stand, no harm shall come to the monarchy."

Character Portrait: Catori Lilum
Catori Lilum

"Keep a watchful eye, and you will always find the light in a situation."

Character Portrait: Captain Rubber Fruit
Captain Rubber Fruit

"I'm not here for the crown, just for the pay. And if any kind of drink is included, that would be great."

Character Portrait: Sierra Shaeffer
Sierra Shaeffer

"My family's served the King and Queen for years...this IS the right way...right...?"

Character Portrait: Lord Alterez
Lord Alterez

"Worry not. It's unbecoming for royalty to mingle with the trivial affairs of the common rabble."

Character Portrait: Starlight

"Take away my tail, claws and ears, and I'll still kick your butt."

Character Portrait: Synclair Prunson
Synclair Prunson

"Honor is all that a man has when he leaves this world. I must stay loyal to my Queen. No other option exists."

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Purplexia by Centi85



Omega by Centi85

The Castle of the Royal Purple Monarchy, Capitol of Purplexia.

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