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Katrina Hyde

"I prefer the great outdoors."

0 · 1,264 views · located in The Silhouette Institution

a character in “The Silhouette Institute”, as played by CyanSponge


General Information


Kathrine Hyde







Romantic Interest

None at the Moment





Kat is the product of an interracial couple, her mother being African and father German, leaving her with a tanned complexion. Her dark eyes display her emotions before she can, lighting up when she's happy and darkening when angry. She really can't stand her curly, frizzy hair, unable to tame her wild mane at times, and she really has tried everything, really it's all up to the day and her hair's mood apparently. Kat often wears make up and feminine clothing, with hardly ever wearing sweatpants or the like, actually feeling more comfortable in dresses and skirt.

[center]Inner Self



Almost anyone who knows Kat could tell you that she's always happy, that joy isn't just a feeling for her but her being. She has a constant smile on her face, but what most don't know is that half the time it's fake. And really it's only natural that she's not as happy as she always wants to seem, but she just can't help but want people to see her as always happy. Kat hates for anyone to have a bad opinion about her, she's a people pleaser in that way. She really isn't good with dealing with grief, neither her own nor anyone else's. When someone else is sad, she just doesn't know what else to say to them besides 'it'll be alright' and giving them a hug. As for herself, when she grieves she usually just keeps everything bottled up inside, she's always been taught it's rude to place your worries onto others. She doesn't exactly lie about herself, but she hates just putting her burdens on people, it's likely you'd have to pester her before you'd get her to talk about her secrets but if you're her friend it's likely she'll crack. Kat is always in dresses or girly clothing, feeling the need to act girlish and feminine in every way. Really the worst insult you could give her would be to call her unfeminine or less of a woman. Because of her need to be feminine, she'll often flirt. Or she'll try to. Really Kat doesn't have much skill in flirting at all.

Plant Manipulation

Katrina thinks of her power as the power of life, though really the only think she can bring to life are plants. She can easily turn a brown, dying plant back into a healthy, vibrant flower. With a little more effort she can raise a sprout from the ground. Really the highest she's ever gotten a tree to grow in one sitting was only a foot or so higher than her, and she passed out afterwards from the effort it took. Her power doesn't have much range, only able to grow anything if she's near proper earth. When dealing with growing food, her mood matters greatly. A negative emotion makes for horrible tasting fruits. She's able to not only grow plants but control them, able to make them move or change chemically. Her limit when making plants move is really only one plant at a time, and the movement is usually slow moving.


+ Happy thoughts
+ Ice Cream
+ Nature
+ Heat
+ Shopping
+ Yoga
+ Reading
+ Making others happy

- Running (in heels)
- Training
- Nightmares
- Being indoors
- Cities
- Class
- Pollution
- Awkward situations

A Little More Facts



As a child, Kat didn't care what other people said about her. She didn't care if people thought she was weird, she just stuck with her friends. She had a wide range of friends, from girls to boys, so her favorite activities ranged from playing dolls and house to wrestling in the mud. Her parents were good in letting her be who she wanted to be, so long as she was a good person. And Kat was good at heart, caring more for her friends than herself, defending them at all costs. Her power began to show when she was still in elementary school. All she could do back then was make a little flower sprout from the ground. All her friends were mystified by it and from far off the teachers only saw it as a little magic trick. Katrina knew it wasn't a trick, she would at least be in on it if it was. She began to connect more with nature, being more comfortable outside than in. When she was outside she felt invigorated, refreshed when surrounded by nature. And she could almost always feel the way plants almost responded to her touch, if only a little. She didn't even realize that her power was slowly advancing as she went about her normal life. It wasn't until one day when she was sitting under a tree exposed to the hot sun that she realized the improvement her power had made. Simply by willing it to, the bare branches above her head slowly sprouted leaves to conceal her from the sun. It felt natural that she had this ability, she didn't even think to tell anyone.

Her parent's got divorced when she was young, they just fell out of love, her mother moving away from Germany and back to South Africa. It was a clean divorce, and the two remained friends, much to Katrina's relief, she couldn't be able to deal with choosing a favorite parent. During the summer and breaks she visited her father in Germany, and during the school year she lived with her mom down in South Africa. It was a little difficult, but she learned to deal with it and found a home in both Germany and Africa. Growing up she really hated school, mostly because it was always indoors. Her grades were always average and she learned a little bit of German and French, but English was her main language.

When she was around 13, she realized that she wasn't going through all the same... changes as all the other girls her age. When she addressed her concern to her mom, she was reassured that everyone in the family was a late bloomer. Kat dismissed it after that, until a night when she began to feel horrible cramping. From what she had learned in health class, she just assumed that her period had finally come. When she went downstairs to tell her mom, she fainted. Apparently, her mom took her to the hospital in a panic, the doctors running a few tests with her mom's permission. When Kat woke up she was in the hospital, her mom beside her bed looking like she'd been crying. It was explained to Kat that due to complications with her development, it wouldn't be possible for her to have children. She felt broken, defective, unable to do the very thing that women were built to do. Since then there'd been a slight change in Kat, before it was impossible to insult her, she wouldn't care what you said, she was invincible. Now there was a flaw that prevented her from doing something she hadn't even thought about before. She quit being part tomboy and began to dress only as a girl would dress, being ever so conscious about how she looked. She felt there was a part missing in her so she began stuffing dresses and makeup and false smiles in it so no one else would notice it was there.

Her more negative emotions began to effect her ability, when she felt she would just break down her power would act weirdly. Kat thought she had control over her power but apparently she was wrong and that made her all the more upset. It was only a few months ago that The Silhouette Institute had invited her to the school. She thought it might be a good idea to learn more about her ability rather than wait for it to fall out of hand.


-Her room is practically covered with potted plants. If she has to stay indoors she's at least going to have some green around her.
-She carries around a book at all times, you never know when you can fit in some reading

[center]Face Claim

Jessica Sula

So begins...

Katrina Hyde's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Cesar Mason Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Atheya Vera Character Portrait: Scott Kearny Character Portrait: Jon Dunaway Character Portrait: Theodore "Todd" Bronte
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Atheya found herself at one of the few back doors of the Institute that lead outside. This one was generally left unguarded at the night, when darkness fell over the sky. She had providentially found out about this particular exit as a New Blood when she liked to sneak out to the back woods and walk around, in which she still does to this day, and was about to go do. She actually was only a New Blood a short year ago; coming here after one of the teachers found her stirring up trouble in New Orleans. Well, not exactly stirring up trouble, more or less just being careless with her powers and scaring the living day lights out of people. She had changed now of course until coming to this place; she grew to be not as much as a hard ass. Now she was actually rather kind and caring, and could control and know when to hold back her powers. But that’s what the Silhouette Institute does; it helps people with these anomalous powers to let them control it. She had been thankful to them, and not only because of the fact her constant migraines had now become only small headaches. She did, however, still suffer from insomnia. All of this was due to the fact Atheya had the ability to connect her mind with others, she found her mind always was ticking like a clock, and because of herself constantly having to hold back such mind links, which now was a fairly easy thing to do, it rendered her useless when she tried to calm her head down. You could imagine how all her shields would be down in sleep, leading her to literally walk through others dreams. You know, when she did sleep.

But yes, mind linking is her knack. She can create a link between herself and with the minds of others. The metaphor she often uses to paint an image of it is like a signal from one phone, to another. Like an invisible wire connecting the two. With this link, she can do many things, but it hadn’t always been that way. She grew up in Hereford, England up until the age of ten. Both her parents were loving and didn’t give a damn their daughter could hear their thoughts or walk through dreams, no matter how surreal or impossible it seemed. It was simply put that the family was fairly healthy, but that was until the death of the two. They had gone on a trip to New York City for the young girls tenth birthday. She had always begged them to go, she thought it would seem as wonderful as in all the movies. Yeah, she didn’t think that now after what she witnessed. They were walking back to the hotel from dinner, when some guy jumped out at her mother. Her father pushed Atheya back, so she was not seen. She witnessed both her mother and father get mugged, and stabbed. After the man in the black clothing whit the bloody drenched knife left, the young small girl ran crying only to have people rush over and call ambulances. After that, it was all rushed, she was sent back to England, to social services, unknowing of what was to happen to her. Unfortunately, both sides of the family had no close relatives, only holding distant cousins and such. The family didn’t even have any close friends that could take her in, so she was shipped off to London by Child Services and placed into a lonesome and low budget orphanage, being shipped from foster home to foster home only having one family she loved. She didn’t like to think about them any more. It hurt.

But regardless of all that, New York and her birthday was pretty much ruined for her. It sucked that the date of all this was coming up shortly as well.

Pushing open the wooden oak door, she took in the crisp cool air of the night into her lungs, breathing out a long sigh. It was a little cold out to be wearing the outfit she was without a jacket but to be frank, she preferred it like that. The cold didn't bother her. She actually laughed a bit at her own outfit, as it consisted of a white shirt in which she never wore. She found herself to prefer darker clothing, but she guessed tonight was an exception. Maybe she unintentionally balanced herself out from her dark surroundings. Putting on her head phones, she walked on further away from the tall, old historical building in which the institute lied, and made her way into the back woods and down the trail that was made after years and years of people walking along it.

She walked for awhile, in silence listening to her soft music, glad her cellphone hadn't buzzed or anything. It was nice to be by herself at times, and the night time before everyone was asleep was a good time. She often came back when everyone made their way to the dorms, but barley ever slept. A good night, she would get maybe four hours of senseless dreams, sometimes hers, sometimes not.

Brushing away a looming trees ragged branches, it came back to smack her on her arm, creating a small line of red along her pale smooth skin. It had cut her, slightly. Touching it, it felt a bit sore, but a few scrapes was not uncommon when she walked in the wood. Ignoring the small stain of scarlet red that touched her white sleeve, it gave her another reminder of why she wore dark clothes. Finding the small clearing she found herself stopping at most of the times, she sat down on the soft grass, and lied down slightly, the back curve of her neck almost perfectly moulded for the fallen log covered in moss behind her, giving her a small head rest so she still sat up in the slightest. The song Werewolves by Cat Power shuffled on, and the melancholy sound just made the whole scene she was in feel surreal... strange. Dream like. It's one f those moments she wished she had brought her sketch book. But sitting here, in the night, the cool wind brushing her arm like tender strokes, was enough.

"He don't even break the branches where he's gone, once I saw him in the moonlight, when the bats were a flying, I saw the werewolf, and the werewolf was crying..." She sang quietly under her breath, glancing up at the night sky, stars easily shown as if she where far far away from the institute and all that came with it.

It was a Sunday and classes would start back up tomorrow.

She would need to leave soon.

But not yet.

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Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde
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Katrina was sitting in her usual place outside. It was rare to find her anywhere else. She'd sit out by a large tree, either reading a book or just enjoying the greenery around her. Her dress was slightly rumpled from tucking her feet under herself so she could collect all her focus to making a specific flower grow, the 'Big Book of Plants' right beside her.

Kat knows that students aren't allowed to use their power unless they're supervised, but Kat believes her power is really too useless to use inside and it seems most teachers disliked going outside just so she could practice. Kat recalled the sour look one teacher gave her and made her go use the potted plants in the room. She normally used potted plants when practicing inside, but her power doesn't exactly work when it's just full of dirt. Kat spent the whole day trying to make something grow from the pot, and just ended up looking through the soil with her bare hands for a seed, which of course she couldn't find. Now that she looks back on it, it must have seen odd, a nicely dressed girl digging through soil, looking for a nonexistent seed like a madwoman.

The others in the class must have thought it looked strange as well, considering she could hear the snickers and whispers. They called her everything from dirt girl to tomboy. She managed to take everything up to tomboy. When she heard that particular insult, she ran out of the room crying.

Kat clutched the ground at the memory, willing her eyes not to water from the memory. She hated being seen as anything other than a girl. She hated loosing her femininity so easily. It took her a second to calm down and she looked over to the plant in the book again. It was a common strawberry plant, it shouldn't be too hard to make. She willed the little flower out of the ground, and sure enough it bloomed and the little flower turned into a strawberry in a matter of seconds. Kat gave a bright smile to the little plant, plucking the strawberry and giving it a taste. No sooner than she put it in her mouth she was spitting it out, it tasted horrible! "How did I mess up a strawberry?" She muttered, going back to the book.

After many failed attempts and several horrible strawberries later, Kat felt even worse than earlier, she couldn't even do this one simple thing anymore. By the time she finally gave up and gathered her things, it was dark. She huffed slightly, recalling she missed the new student's power demonstration. Kat started walking towards the girls dorm, thinking about how she already didn't want to go to class after she'd made no progress on her power.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Atheya Vera Character Portrait: Scott Kearny Character Portrait: Flynn Calder
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#, as written by Saerith

Spencer threw herself in bad, shutting her eyes tightly. Her head was spinning, a bitter taste in her mouth. It seemed for her like she would never fit in anywhere. For some reason, people seem to have a hard time not being assholes around her. She reached out to her desk beside the bed, groping around, trying to find her pack of cigarettes and her iPod. They where both right under a lamp which was still on, and she quickly retracted her hand when it got burned. "Shit" she grumbled under her breath and looked at the lamp like it had just bit her. She was certainly not having the best of days.

Once her cigar was lit, hanging from the corner of her mouth, and she had both her year plugs on, she sighted deeply. Her first day in The Institute would begin in just a few hours and she was already not quite loving her new home. Of course it couldn't be worse than the previews one, but apparently, refusing to demonstrate her powers was not exactly a good idea. Well, but it's also not exactly like all students and teachers were eager to help her with the demonstration. She granted everyone it would only last a few minutes, but none really seemed to believe her. No wonder, she thought, and giggled. She realized she probably was not suppose to be smoking in the room an put out her cigar in the ash tray she had carefully adjusted on the night stand.

One of her favorite songs came up, Pins and Needles, and it brought a slight amused smile to her lips. At least she was not the only outcast there. A few other students could also not demonstrate their abilities or had some useless ones, really. Although Spencer wasn't very fond of her own power, being as destructive and hard to control as it was, she had to admit it was rather useful.

The sound of the metallic guitar in her ears and the memories of her first afternoon in that odd place made her inspired for the first time in a few months, so she got up and searched her bag for her drawing pad and pencil case. Once she had both in hand, she sat close to the wooden desk, her eyes traveled to the night sky outside her window, dark and filled with stars. The mechanical pencil she held begin to create form in the paper, some vines in a strange format. Then, flowers, and, between them, a girl. Her hair was constituted of the plants she drew before. She remember her delicate face from the presentation earlier, when that particular girl had ran away from the class after being called some awful names. She proceeded to draw a large tear making her way down her cheek.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Atheya Vera Character Portrait: Scott Kearny Character Portrait: Lysander Marcelle Character Portrait: Spencer Stone
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In an instant, the clouds outside the window became like waves in a calm ocean and the plane’s wings like a boat’s ores dipping gently into the night’s sky. As the world bent around him, he leaned his head against the window, which was covered in a cold frost, and looked at France as it unfolded beneath him. While the normal things—like buildings, streets, and real people—were shrouded in darkness, he could see the faint glow of the abnormal things playing outside his window. There was a young girl running. She playfully chased a deformed rabbit against the current of the liquid clouds. There was a woman crying right beside him. It seemed she had just lost her son. While in reality, Lysander was surrounded by silence and the faint hum of the plane’s engines; through his eyes he could see a whole other world boom with life around him.

But these sights were abnormal only to those who hadn’t experienced them before. The girl chasing the rabbit had been running outside the plane the whole flight and the crying woman seemed to have been crying forever and probably had no intention to stop. As he grew bored of pacing up and down the airplane, listening to the distressed woman wailing in the background, and making faces at the dumb Institute scouts who sat in the cockpit, Lysander decided it was time to leave. He grabbed his lantern, sank through the floor of the airplane, and floated down to the streets of France.

When he landed, he landed in the exact location he had aimed for: a street in the remote outskirts of France. He listened intently to the silence that consumed the buildings, and waited for something—anything—to make a sound. His steps, pattering against the old, stone streets, led towards an old church resting behind the safety of a large iron gate. It was locked, but Lysander passed through it easily.
“This is it,” he whispered as he looked with awe at the door of the Institute. It was a wooden door, covered by the marks and decay of age. Above it were stone carvings from what looked to be of a distant era. Admiring the door he ignored the angry nun that passed by him. She seemed to be replaying the events of her sisters’ death. But Lysander saw the likes of this before, and was more interested in the architecture of the church than the ectoplasmic violence that occurred behind him.

With a weakness for the aesthetic, he was stuck reveling in the beauty of the church until the plane his body rid on zoomed overhead. It, for a moment, broke the dead silence that deafened the streets, but then disappeared into the dark clouds as it made its way towards the airport in Paris. He would dread having to make the trek back up here again when the plane finally touched down, but for now he was curious to see what kind of people the Institute would house inside.

Slipping through the locked doors of the Institute, Lysander listened closely. A group of students played poker in the library, another group told stories near the warmth of a fireplace, while another listened to the instructors of a New Blood orientation, which he should have been attending. A girl wandered off into the woods, another girl drew sketches flowing from the reservoir of her pain, while another girl walked back to her dorm room in frustration. He could hear it all, though they were faint echoes and hardly distinguishable to his ear, with enough training he would one day be able to understand them. But what called out to him most of all was anything but subtle. Even from far away he could see spurts of its darkness dance off of it like the movements of solar flares whipping against the sun. Lysander stepped back, almost scared to go near it, but his curiosity got the better of him and seduced him to continue forward. With his lantern trembling in his hand, he made his way toward the room. From what he could tell, it was some sort of gym, but weapons and blades lined its walls. Before he could go any further a voice shouted out to him from the darkness, “It’s time to wake up,” it said. It was Edward’s, but Lysander knew better than to believe his dear brother was back.

Long ago, when Edward was training Lysander to traverse the spirit world, he would say those words so that Lysander’s spirit would know to come back before it could travel too far away from his body. Though it was weird that his travels had been cut so short, he justified it with the distance that his body must’ve had made away from him while riding on board the airplane.

“It’s a mere memory,” Lysander growled to himself as he began ascending into the night’s sky again in order to reclaim his physical body. A few seconds later, he woke up, gazing out at the night sky, this time at nothing more than what was mundanely there. The plane landed gently into the Paris airport and the Institute scouts led him back towards the location he had already been at. For now, the presence he encountered in the church would elude his mind as his focus would turn away from such matters and turn towards how he would go about finding his brother. But even more immediate than that, his mind raced to find answers to how he would face his first day of school.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Atheya Vera Character Portrait: Scott Kearny Character Portrait: Lysander Marcelle Character Portrait: Spencer Stone Character Portrait: Flynn Calder
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Jessie laid there on the institutes roof top, her earphones in staring up at the inky black sky that was littered with glittering stars. She always came up here when she wanted to think or relax, just to get away from all the other noises and drama down below and just drown everything out with her music. Her ipod had randomly picked a song, It started to play and a small smile crossed the girl's face, It was Drive By by Train, a song that Jessie couldn't help but to smile at whenever it played because she thought it was cute. The brunette played the song low to set the relaxing mood just right as a warm summer breeze rolled by. There was school tomorrow, yes that much was true but Jessie wasn't tired not yet anyway, that's the whole reason she came up here in the first place. When she was a new blood she had trouble falling asleep so she found a way to get up to the roof with ease and stare at the sky until her eyes got heavy but it was also a problem because she would usually fall asleep outside then had to rush in the morning to shower and all before class started.

Her eyes scanned the night sky slowly her eyes landing on all the stars before the huge milky orb that stood high in the sky as if it was watching her instead of the other way around. The warm summer breeze made Jessie remember the summer time when she was young, she would play outside in hot summer nights with her sister playing street basketball. She would stay up late with her little sister and play until their arms and legs hurt but then that day happened. The day when her mother died, her sister and her was put into the system because they had no close family members that they knew of to take them in. After that she became only trusting of her sister and no one else but then her sister too was taken away from her, it may sound mean but Jessie sometimes can't even remember her sisters face but is lucky enough to have a picture of them together even though if she found her now she would probably look nothing like she does in the picture. The expression on her face changed to a slight frown quickly shaking this thought from her head.

Shifting a bit Jessie placed her arms behind her head and slowly closed her eyes breathing in the summer air that seemed to smell of trees and... something sweet that she couldn't quite put her finger on. Jessie's nose was always more sensitive than her other senses which made her smell things from a far and track pretty good. She never told anybody about this of course like she had someone to actually talk to in the first place. Her Ipod now played Under Control by Ellie Goulding. Jessie could feel her eyes getting heavy as in her head she cursed to herself. Damn Jessie stay awake! You can't fall asleep outside again, you're going to give yourself a cold now get up! Her eyes got heavier and heavier until she couldn't hold it anymore the low beats of the song relaxing her to the point that she was fast asleep. Crap, I'm not going to make i-.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Scott Kearny
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Katrina had woken up earlier than she usually did, feeling thankful she didn't have to rush just to get to class on time. She smiled fondly to her plants, pushing them a little bit more towards the sunlight coming in through an open window. It didn't take long for her to get ready, well, compared to how long it used to take her to get ready, before she actually got used to putting on make up and styling her hair. Kat just slipped on a green dress, putting on some light make up and pulling on her favorite silver strappy sandals. As she looked to the clock she decided against using her spare time to see what she could make grow, not really feeling the need to be disappointed.

It wasn't until she was already walking down the halls that Kat realized that she could very well meet the new student's she had missed at the orientation the day before. She may not know all to much about their power but that wouldn't mean she couldn't just get to know them, right? The people in the hall were whispering, apparently about some Scott, Katrina wondered what they meant by 'arm', who beat what with what arm?

Kat glanced around the halls for a face she didn't recognize, waving at the few people she actually made eye contact with as she passes by. One boy she didn't recognize caught her eyes, and she all but skipped up to him, her smile wide on her face, "Hi! I'm Katrina Hyde, but most call me Kat. Are you new to the school?" She asked politely and with enthusiasm. "You'll love it here, even though being a New Blood isn't the absolute best." She was cheerful as always, smiling and intertwining her fingers behind her back, looking to Scott eagerly.

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Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Scott Kearny
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Katrina barely got a good look at this 'Valor' as Scott held it up for a brief moment. "Pretty impressive." She commented more to herself than to Scott, it was incredibly impressive especially compared to her considerably weaker power. Kat wouldn't be able to last a second in a match with him. It only took her a moment to regain her talkative nature as she followed Scott into the class, taking a seat right beside him, "Class doesn't start until all the Superlatatives finish their meeting, so around eight." She informed as she placed her backpack down, turning in the desk to fully face Scott, crossing her legs and smoothing out her dress casually.

Her smile was consistent on her face, hardly ever wavering, "Hey, did you fell that tremor last night? I thought it was just like, a little mini earthquake, but apparently it was coming from a fight down in the, um," Kat's face scrunched up for a moment as she tried to relay what her friend told her. "I think it was the East wing. Yeah, my friend was telling me about how some guys were fighting and one of the guys just completely destroyed the other." She said laughing a little, "I was told that it was between a new student and Nick, 'Shell-Shock', I honestly don't know why he goes by that silly name, but he's a bit of a bully so I never really had the nerve to out right question it. And my friend was telling me how he saw Nick go back to his dorm just absolutely shocked!" She couldn't help but let out a little laugh, "I only wish I could have seen it." Kat had a wide smile on her face, "Your power seems pretty powerful as well, I'm afraid I'm one of the weaker New Bloods. I can, well, kinda just grow plants, but I can't make a strawberry grow for the life of me." She shook her head with a small smile. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm talking non stop, I always do that unless someone just like duct tapes my mouth shut." Kat smiled a little, looking only a little embarrassed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Scott Kearny
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Kat's eyes widened a bit in surprised and her cheeks flushed with color as she realized she'd been talking about Scott with Scott. "Oh, well I guess I was right when I said your power is pretty impressive." She recovered from her shock with a bright smile, especially happy that Scott didn't seem to mind too much that she'd talked non stop, instead showing intersest in her power. "Well, I'm still perfecting the growing of the plants, but yeah, I actually only ever use my own medicine, I don't have anything against the company's or anything like that. I just think that natural medicine works better for me." She absentmindedly played with her earrings, "I can make you some if you'd like, though most people who try it don't particuarly like my all-natural solutions." Kat shrugged, "Also my plants usually taste horrible, so I've switched to making mainly topical medicines."

The girl's attention easily switched back to Valor, "So is it just always on your arm or does it come and go?" She questioned, forgetting to wait for an answer before continuing, "Your power presentation must have been impressive, oh I wish I'd been there. Mine wasn't I know that much, I didn't realize I had to provide my own props, I didn't have a potted plant, I had to practically beg them to come outside just to show them." Kat shook her head at the memory, laughing a little. "So where in the great wide world are you from?" She asked, trying to step away from the power conversation, though she did want to know more about Scott's power, she already knew her's would be horribly useless in comparison. "I mainly lived in Southern Africa, but I also visited my dad in Germany for Summer break and such." She finally took a pause in talking, listening for Scott's answer.

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Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Scott Kearny
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Scott smiled just a bit.
"It has its uses."
She offered to make him some medicine.
"I would like that. If you have any all-natural energy boosters, that would be perfect. I'm pretty active."

What do you know, Valor? The girl's actually really nice.
I told you that I sensed good vibes. We Voltari have a sense for this sort of thing.
The topic changed to her asking about Valor.
"It's not always on my arm."
She then talked about the power presentation, and he shrugged.

"It could have gone better. My power is also best used outside, for now."
She kept talking a mile a minute, taking a breath to ask where he was from.
"Nowhere as exotic as Africa or as European as Germany. I'm from Detroit, Michigan."
Scott had not planned on being this talkative, but there was just something about this girl that helped him loosen up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Scott Kearny Character Portrait: Jon Dunaway
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Jon wished he could ignore the alarm and just go back to sleep. He'd been up nearly the entire night performing rounds to determine the school's security and then had to make his report. His spine still went cold at the thought of the voice that greets him on the other end. To make things worse, he'd had THAT dream again.An involuntary gag at the realization is what forced the young man to sit up and finally come to life. A quick spark of electricity from his hair was enough to shut off the alarm, but his brain was still too fuzzy for something that required a lot of finesse. In other words, he wouldn't be walking for a while and needed to resort to his other method of transportation or call in sick. Despite wanting to call in sick the young man opted for the more productive option.

Jon focused on a collection of metal pellets, roughly a gram in size each like those used in bb guns. He didn't play with them, but he still purchased the pellets in large numbers since they worked well with his ability. With a twitching type motion from his hand a mass of them gathered into a disk. Oddly enough despite the mass containing hundreds or a thousand little balls his ability ignored the issue so long as the total mass didn't exceed his limit. Jon hefted himself on the disk of pellets and while far from comfortable it was a method of transport that required little effort and focus. He dressed himself while riding the construct and even used the disk to exit his room and dorms. The man wished he possessed the presence of mind to own a coffee machine for mornings such as these but could only shrug the matter off at this time.

"Tired...I could totally sleep through Power Control at this rate," the statement came out as a yawn. The teenager continued his lift to the classroom despite being fairly certain that he was violating school rules at this wouldn't be the first time he'd gotten in trouble. Jon's face still gave the appearance of one still asleep by the time he arrived to the proper classroom. In fact, it would not be a lie to state that he nearly fell asleep while opening the door.

"I'm here, Dunaway's present...tardiness might be optional," the words more slurred out of his mouth and his disk wobbled a bit as he started to doze. A brief shot of panic brought Jon back to temporary wakefulness and the discovery of class having not yet started...and he was in the wrong class. Well this is a bit embarrassing Jon felt his face slightly redden at the realization. From the looks of it, only two students were in the current classroom so his blunder might go unnoticed. Almost in hopes of that, he began to slowly back up to exit the room.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Scott Kearny Character Portrait: Jon Dunaway
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Kat practically radiated excitement when Scott told her he was from Michigan, "You're from America? I've always wanted to visit America!" She leaned in, looking right at Scott, a huge smile plastered on her face, "Have you been to any of those national parks? I hear they're amazingly beautiful." She looked off dreamily for a moment, thinking about those lush park's she'd always wanted to visit one day. Katrina looked back to the boy before her, "Oh and I could easily make some energy booster's, but just a warning, they taste absolutely dreadful." Kat gave a small laugh, pushing back her curls, "So have you made any other friend's since you've come to this school or is it too soon to say?"

The energetic girl didn't really even have time to wait for his answer as a voice came from someone entering the room. Her back was facing the door so she had to twist to see who'd entered, lo and behold it was Jon Dunaway. "Jon! What're you doing in this class? Wait, don't go! There's still time until class starts, you can come sit with us and meet Scott!" She turned to Scott, "That's Jon, he's a Medial but he's still nice enough, so we're friends." She'd talked to Jon several times since she arrived, maybe it wasn't enough time for Katrina to call him her friend, but that was just how she was. She turned back to Jon, "Come on, please Jon?" She smiled, intertwining her fingers and holding them under her chin, basically begging.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Scott Kearny Character Portrait: Jon Dunaway
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"Kat your ability to be so cheerfuuuul in the morning should be illegal-I'm practically dead here," Jon couldn't suppress the yawn that occurred mid sentence. In truth he liked talking to the girl, but ever sense he'd lost trust in the Academy he found himself somewhat hesitant to interact with her. She was just too...nice for him to truly want to believe the Academy was a bad place. However in spite of his feelings he moved himself over to Kat and her companion.

"Sup Scott m'name's Jon spelled J-O-N, and yeah I know it's weird,"Jon stayed cross-legged on his perch while waving his right hand towards the other man. Since Kat had already said their names he found the classic exchange of names rather silly but did it anyways. "Nice arm by the way, personally I'm just a talking magnet. Still haven't figured out if I work on girls though." He threw a wink at Kat to play on his feeble attempt of a morning joke.

"Though I do unfortunately damage electronics and magnetic strip type stuff so you might wanna keep about this distance to avoid that." Jon's face pulled into an apologetic expression while indicating his two foot 'bubble' of space. "All that aside, I hope you're enjoying the place so far."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Scott Kearny Character Portrait: Jon Dunaway
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"I just can't help it, I was born smiling!" She grinned over to Jon, looking back to Scott, "The all-natural energy boosters help too." It was just something Kat had to be, cheerful, she feels the need to show and share joy pretty much all the time. She regarded Jon again, "Scott actually wants some of my energy boosters." Kat had offered some of her homemade remedies to many of her friends, Jon included, but most draw the line at drinking or eating anything, great tasting plants wasn't exactly Katrina's forte quite yet.

Kat laughed at Jon's little joke, her cheeks turning a rosy color, it made her feel like a normal girl when people flirted with her. She greatly appreciated it, though she could barely ever reciprocate it properly, "Well you're lucky you don't attract plants otherwise I'd be all over you." She patted Jon's forearm briefly, getting a light shock that surprised her more than actually hurt her, instinctively pulling her hand back, "Ow, I keep on forgetting about the bubble." She whined as she shook her hand, pouting for a moment, soon going back to being all smiles. "Scott's American, just like you Jon, though he did actually live in America." Kat commented, pointing out what they had in common, soon switching topics again. "Jon, did you feel the little tremor last night? And hear about Nick? Well as it turns out that was all due to none other than my brand new classmate Scott." Kat paused for a second, turning to her classmate, "Wait, that won't due, Scott isn't grandiose enough a name, if Nick has a nickname, albeit a ridiculous one, so should you." She looked off, staring into the distance as she attempted to come up with some kind of nickname off the top of her head, "Um, Captain America, wait that's already been taken, um, Mr. Hammer, no that's even worst than Shell-Shock." She glanced over to Jon, "Oh, help me think of a nick name, Jon." She looked over to Scott, actually maintaining silence as she struggled to think up some kind of amazing nickname on the spot.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Scott Kearny
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Katrina considered the name Scott had brought up, "It's not bad, actually seems very fitting, and it's so much better than Shell-Shock." She smiled, "And tons better than just Scott, no offence." Kat leaned over to pat his shoulder, still grinning, she turned her attention to Valor, cocking her head to the side, "Whoa, it even looks heroic when you hold it up." Kat had to resist the urge to just reach out and touch it, knowing that technically she'd be invading personal space, even though she didn't see it that way. Instead she settled with just asking questions to satisfy her own curiosity, "Isn't it really very heavy, or are you just so strong that is doesn't weigh you down at all? Oh and how does it work even, I mean does it just show up when you want it to?" She questioned, gesturing to Scott's arm.

Just then the bell rang and she looked over to Jon, "Ooh, it looks like you'd better hurry, unless you want to be late. Sorry for keeping you!" She said apologetically, feeling a little guilty for keeping Jon longer than he had to be. As classmates began filing in, Katrina turned right back to Scott, "You don't talk all that much, do you? Oh well, actually I guess I just talk too much... But I meant with Jon, maybe just cause you didn't really know him you didn't feel like talking to him, but I'm sure you'll like him after talking to him some more." Kat really hoped that they would get along, she really disliked when one of her friends disliked another, she was never good at picking sides after all. "Oh and I'm really sorry that you're first day wasn't the best, but that just means that it can only get better right?" She gave a reassuring smile, ever the optimist when it came to others. As the teacher began to speak, she finally turned to fully face the front, looking over to Scott with a weak smile as she whispered, "This is the hardest part of school, actually shutting my mouth and paying attention."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Spencer Stone Character Portrait: James Garritsen
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#, as written by Saerith
ImageFor a moment or two, Spencer stared blankly at the boy in front of her while trying to figure out whether he was joking or seriously over analyzing her question so deeply. As it turned out, as she stated by observing his concentrated expression, he was serious, and that caused a surprise expression to take form in her face. That was not the answer she was expecting, even more from someone who looked like him. "Well aren't you a smart puppy" she giggled a bit, partially because she meant it in partially in a attempt to lighten the mood. "But it does tell me something about you. And me. Whether or not I'll be seeing you in class." She replied quickly before shoving another big portion of eggs in her mouth. She was not one to talk a lot during meals, since she basically fed like the food was about to jump out of her plate and run away at any moment.

As she chewed on her eggs, she discretly glanced at him while processing his short speech. Meeting people, he said, and she laughed in her mind. Well, the demonstration had definetly not helped her getting any friends. At most it had helped her figure out who to not approach, and that was basically every single New Blood who could give a decent power demonstration, since they had all made fun of that lovely girl who could grow plants. Honestly - not that Spencer could speak in any other way - she had quite liked her power. It wasn't meant for destroying, but for creating. Now, that boy, she would want to know what exactly his power was. He definetly looked destructive, but sounded rather... Meh.

"Well, you are getting to know me. I'm Spencer by the way, some call me Spence, some call me Finny, but you can call me whatever you like, I guess. And if it makes you feel better, I didn't get to show anything or know anyone in there, so..." Spencer shrugged and adjusted her beanie. She couldn't say it wasn't uncomfortable to not know anyone around, but oh we'll. most of them didn't quite please her anyway. But then, thinking about cliques and friends, she realized something and, abandoning her eggs, her eyes turning to his face, she frowned and stared. "You really don't look like a Medial, though. Aren't you suppose to be sitting with friends?"

She continued glancing at him, awaiting the answer. It was, of course, a indiscreet question, but she didn't seem to realize it, she never did. Just kept looking and eating her eggs like before. Although Spencer couldn't tell, this was what usually scared people off. Not only the way she would always assume things about them and constantly insist for answers about their personal life but her unawareness of how inappropriate her comments could be. Nevertheless, she found it very hard to understand that, after all, she was being honest. Isn't that what everyone wanted? Isn't that what everybody was always writing in their online profiles ans stuff? "I appreciate honesty", she had lost count of how many times she had heard this sentence. As she remember the people who said that so many times, she stared at him wondering if he would be another one of those.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Atheya Vera Character Portrait: Lysander Marcelle Character Portrait: Spencer Stone
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#, as written by Saerith
ImageSpencer watched in complete silence as his expression transformed from fear to a smile and then as he attempted to greet her, or at least that's what it looked like. She did not try to shake his hand or aid him in his confusion; it was rather fun to watch him struggle. Clearly she had caught him a bit off guard, but now there was nothing she could do but admit she had, yes, overheard his private talk with himself and have a laugh with it. Also, she didn't feel threatened by him in anyway, he didn't seem to get mad at her for sneaking in nor did he seem dangerous. He was certainly also a New Blood, just like her, since they were standing just a few steps away from the class she believed was hosting Power Control 101, and therefor could not be much more experienced or older than her. Plus, his awkwardness and embarrassment made him all the more fragile.

As he spoke a few words that broke the silence but made absolutely no sense in the current situation, Spencer stared at him whole, finding that the cellphone that he had been holding to his ear just a moment ago was now absentmindedly hanging between his fingers, resting as if it was off. Only now did she have time to think what a coincidence it was that both their cellphones had rang at the same exact time, and a even bigger coincidence that none of them apparently cared about the person on the other side of the line. It kind of felt as if she was interrupting a conversation, even if she had said nothing, so she smiled, adjusted her bag on her shoulder, approaching the boy and pointing at the device on his hand, asked: "Does your friends also like to talk to himself? Is that a thing you guys do or...? Cause I could totally dig that."

She waited patiently for an answer, since he seemed a bit lost for words from the moment he had noticed her, but discretely checked the clock on
her cellphone. According to it, class would start in exactly one minute, and since she hadn't even had coffee, she figured it wasn't the best idea to arrive late and take a small nap in the first class of her first day ever in the new school, if the Institute could be called that at all. She turned off her phone as to prevent it would ring again during class and took one more step in his direction, also approaching the room's door. Indeed, there was a general noise coming from behind the door, and she could only assume that was the right class. "We should really rush now. I think class has already started. If you want, we can talk together to ourselves inside." she pointed out and then turned the door knob, peeking inside the room to see how many people were in there already.

" is Mister Elliot." she heard a deep masculine voice state. It should be the teacher, and she was a bit embarrassed to slowly walk in. She made no comments, only gave him a look as to ask for permission to enter. At least she was not alone. There weren't many seats left, so she took one on the side further away from the door, trying to move as silently as possible so to not disturb whatever instructions were being given. After she was seated, she glanced first at the door she had entered a moment ago, watching as that strange boy approached the seats as well. The only available ones were one right behind her and another close to some students she recognized from the day before. They had also been made fun of by other students. One of them was the girl she could not seem to take out of her mind, the one that had power regarding plants. Then, her gaze turned to the front of the class, were stood Mr. Elliot, a rather young, black haired professor. But he was not the one who called her attention, it was the girl who stood close to him. The girl from her dream. Spencer was not surprised, but also not completely at ease. Of course she had considered the possibility of her - what was her name again? - being an actual student at the Institute, but there had been no way to be sure. That is until now. Also it concerned her a bit that this person could actually get inside her head. She had stated than she wouldn't do so without permission, but was she trustworthy? And even so, what if there were other students with similar powers but very diverse intentions?

"Atheya." she mumbled lowly to herself, suddenly remembering the girl's name.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Atheya Vera Character Portrait: Lysander Marcelle Character Portrait: Spencer Stone Character Portrait: Flynn Calder
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“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle"

Sometimes he wonders if there's more to life than this.

Gazes look past him , and with paranoia, they force him to take a discreet look over his shoulder. Ever since that doomed trip into the world of dark magic it's been louder, more insistent, and its whispers echo in his head in a way that has him shaking them away. You aren't the first one - you don't listen to its confused murmurings, stuck in that place with the killing and the screaming where a monster lurked and waited with bated breath. Back in your old life all you want to do is forget (they say he has trauma and doesn't remember, but you do), and with your fingers circling the page, it's what you intend to do.

They say that most personalities drown out Flynn. Reserved, quiet and even somewhat stubborn it is not like he comes across well to most. Flynn, you will always be that guy that people know but they don't really know. Some may be a little unhinged around you, others find the whole 'act' pretty intriguing. But you like it that way, don't you? Flynn isn't the most sentimental or even extroverted of people, but what do you have to do.

He hoped no one noticed as he read the book from his lap, the words still spinning in his mind like a cartoon. A whirlwind of nouns and syllables and watery black ink danced around his mind, desperately trying to distract him. The ink took the form of a skull, and then dissipated from his mind once more.

Before you know, you hear a shrill noise that could only mean one thing- real classes.

“I’m strolling over to the new kids class. I’ll see you,”

"I think I'm in 101. I'll be there soon"

Fumbling with meaningless things he gave Todd a wave and was off again, slipping in to the crowd that gathered. The boy- being fairly tall- could almost see over the tops of most of the student's heads. It was a feature that made him stand out, but a useful one at that. There was a distinct divide in the New Bloods and the Superlatives that poured out of the superlative class. Distinctively unsure, even the New Bloods that seemed as if they knew what they were doing just didn't look that sure.

Through a window came strings of sunlight, and seemingly from thin air a manifestation of his shadow sprung from the floor. Clad in all black and bearing a strikingly similar appearance to the grim reaper, Chandler's solid form was basically guaranteed to freak some people out.

"Why now, Chandler" He whispered to the thing, floating a foot above the ground (And although Flynn was six foot, standing about a foot taller than him) with his nonexistent face staring, almost condescendingly, at the student body. A few comments from the new kids here and there, and Flynn begrudgingly made his way to the first class, Chandler trailing a hand's width behind him.

He didn't bother to knock as he came in, giving a quick nod to the teacher, and awkwardly standing at the side next to Atheya, Chandler right there. Hopefully it would not be long until he got bored and decided to evaporate, but it didn't seem like any time soon, and the seven foot demon-looking shadow floated behind him.

"Oh and sorry I'm late... again" He shrugged, at least comforting himself with the fact most didn't bother to show up at all.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Atheya Vera Character Portrait: Scott Kearny
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Katrina was really bad at paying attention, especially with all her classmates coming in, she had to resist going off and chatting while her teacher was starting class. She did allow herself to smile and wave to some new students, giving a big wave to Atheya when she saw the superlative girl up front before finally putting her hands down. When Mr. Elliot encouraged them to talk and work on their powers Kat was reminded as to why she liked this class. Though she really wasn't too great at the whole setting goals part. She pulled out her Big Book of Plants, turning to a random page in the thick book, taking out a pen and taking down notes on various plants.

Scott pulled her attention away from the book when he handed her a slip of paper. Kat looked to the paper, seeing a room number written on it, her smile gradually widening as she listened to Scott praise her power. "Oh I swear, you're my best friend just for saying that! Ahh, I might cry!" Kat wiped at the tips of her eyes, trying not to smudge her make up. She figured her power had at least potential to grow but she hardly ever really believed it, especially after frustrating days like the day before where she couldn't even grow a fruit. Kat wasn't the best at taking compliments either, always so flustered and overly happy. "I'll make as much as I can as soon as possible." She turned to her book for a moment, still smiling, thinking for a whole minute about what her goals would be before figuring she could use a break.

"So what are you're goals so far?" She questioned, turning to Scott as she closed the book in front of her, "I mean if we're gonna help each other out I should at least know what you're striving for."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Scott Kearny
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Katrina caught Scott's smile, albeit a small one, she couldn't help but feel content over it. She loved helping people be happy, she found it helped if she was happy, and look! Proven right once again.

She listened carefully to Scott's goal, "Well I'll do my best to help you but I'm afraid the most you'll get out of me is protein supplements seeing as I'm about as defined as a twig." She held up her skinny arm as if to further prove her point. "But I could probably work out now and again, not that I think it would affect my power." She commented, looking to the arm she held up, letting it fall to her side. Kat looked back to Scott with a small smile, "I still need to improve on taste of some edible plants, not to mention the size, oh and the mutations... alright let's just say I have a lot to work on." She tapped a polished finger on the big book in front of her as she mentally made a list of what she hoped to improve on.

Most of the skills she hoped to attain were probably far off into the future, but she could still hope. Kat stood abruptly, going to a small supply closet in the classroom, and quickly picking up a mini pot with soil and a small packet of various seeds. It was something she made sure the classroom had after the first few days of doing nothing but sitting in her chair and twiddling her thumbs. She sat back in her seat next to Scott, smiling slightly over to him, "I have to fit practice in whenever I can." She explained, looking back over to the packet of seeds. An advantage of her power was that she could tell which seed grew what, it was like a sixth sense. She picked through all the seeds of the plastic baggy, finally selecting one and carefully burying it underneath the soil. Katrina always did feel a little awkward just practicing in public but she focused on the pot in front of her, her smile dropping as her face grew a determined look. Her hand hovered over the pot and soon a green sprout came up from the soil. The sprout continued to grow, a small white flower blooming, followed by a green strawberry that ripened into a plump red strawberry. A smile grew over her face but she already knew that appearance as only half of it. The strawberry had always been tricky for her and she didn't even consider offering it to Scott, the boy might be crazy enough to trust her and eat it. Kat picked it off the stem, letting out a breath and smiling weakly, glancing over to Scott, "Here goes nothing." She muttered, taking a small bite. Sure enough it was sour and tasted horribly off, her face scrunching up at the bad taste. She let the plant wither into the soil, absentmindedly stirring it in with her pencil to fertilize the soil, putting on a smile as she looked back over to Scott, "Now that you've seen my power you'll have to show me how yours works eventually."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Hyde Character Portrait: Scott Kearny
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Katrina listened carefully to Scott's explanation, processing the information carefully. She couldn't help but laugh a little at the thought of Scott fully covered in Valor, fighting crime like some kind of superhero. Kat blushed a little as she realized Scott might think she was laughing at him, quickly trying to explain, "Sorry, I was just kind of imagining you, like, fighting crime in a full suit made of Valor. The more I think about it, the more I think Man of Valor would be and amazing superhero name." She grinned, staring at Valor, unable to help herself as she reached out to touch it, feeling the smooth metal beneath her fingers before regaining her self-control and pulling back with a sheepish smile, "Sorry, sometimes I forget that some people like their space."

"But I'd love to see the strike in person, I'd imagine if I could feel it all the way in the girl's dorm last night that it must be a grand performance." She added in. Kat found herself staring at Valor more than she looked at Scott, admiring the beautiful display of colors on Scott's arm. Forcing herself to look away from Valor and up to Scott. Her eyes met with his and she couldn't help but blush, looking back to Valor, "It really is amazing to look at." Kat praised, putting on a bright smile, trying to hide her blush. "I can't wait to see Valor in action. It's gonna be like a scene from a real life action movie!" She was back to her energetic self as she imagined how it must look, "I only wish I'd seen your fight with Nick last night."