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The Survivors of the San Clair

The Survivors of the San Clair


A storm sunk thier liner. How will they, survive? What will they find? More importantly will they ever get home?

1,112 readers have visited The Survivors of the San Clair since IceFoxJess created it.



*~ ... ~*

It had been a warm day on the deck of the San Clair. The wind was soft and gentle, the scent of the sea heavy in the air of the cruise ship. Many of the passengers had indulged in many things upon this luxury cruise liner, be it it’s spas, pools, activities, or just something as simple as sunning on the deck. Though this peaceful, time had come to an unexpected end as darkness fell over the sea, the sun disappearing beyond the horizon...

The stair filled sky began to darken, the bright twinkles of light vanishing behind a dark veil of clouds, a soft rumbling being it’s only warning to the mortals upon the ship, but non heard it’s warning. Be it because the sweet, deaf, bless of sleep had took them to a different place or the night life upon the ship had deafen natures warning. It was hardly a few hours latter did the storm take the ships crew and passengers by surprise, tossing the ship about like a young child with a toy. The thunder a wind was deafening as the crashing waves rang through the air, the sound of the ship hitting stone, it ripping clean through the painted metal.....

Many of the passengers and crew had drowned that fateful night as the faithful San Clair sunk, taking the mortals aboard to the depths with it, but, it seemed God had smiled down his graces on some abroad the vessel, spearing there lives of a watery grave. Each had washed ashore on this uncharted island, be it in one of the life boats, clinging to there puny life preserves, or by some miracle, washing ashore with the breath of life still in there lungs....How will they survive? How will they keep their sanity? What awaits them on this island? What will they find here and more importantly....Will they ever find their way home?.....

*~ ... ~*


1, Romance is strongly encouraged! As are friendships, rivalries, enemies, you know how people are.

2, With the romance thing in mind this must be noted as well. NO CYBER! Look lets not get ourselves in trouble people, and honestly if anyone really wanted to read that, they would have gone to a porn site or something. So here’s what I say, do a trail off thing before things start getting above PG 13. I say doing so before any under cloths or pants go flying? That all good there? Good, now lets go on to the next rule.

3, Cursing, violence and some blood is allowed. It’s a part of life, though please lets not cures every three words, there is a point to where cursing makes no sense anymore. If you believe the scene you write is too gory or bloody, and you think some might not be able to take it please put a blood warning at the top of your post, just for the sake of being fair and sensitive to those with a weak stomach.

4, No God-moding please, that is unless the other person controlling this character gives you permission to do so. Otherwise...Well lets admit, it can get very annoying after long enough.

5, Please, be CREATIVE!! Don’t make every character allot a like. Things get so boring when they are.

6, No Mary-Sues or Gary-Joes{Sorry not sure what the male versions of a Mary-sue is called. ^.^;}I’m sure I can trust everyone of this one. Just remember everyone has flaws, limits, and not everyone loves them. Again it bores as well as annoys.

7, Have a question? Please feel free to ask me through PM or the OOC. Any question at all I promise to answer it the best I can. I might sound a little stuck up right now or cold, but I swear, I’m nicer then that, as well as goofier, well usually I am. So don’t be worried I’m going to be horrible or really mean. I promise I hardly ever bite when people don’t want me to. X3

8,No text talk, 12468, or one lining in IC! Please write at lest a paragraph, even a cheat paragraph, of four sentences instead of the original six. Not too hard, I promise.

9, Have Fun! That's the whole point right? We all have a sense of humor so lets feel free to use it at appropriate times in IC, and when ever in OOC. ^_^

Will There Be Any Action?

Yes. Please click the link to see some ideas I have for some action to add, when they’ll show up you’ll never know, but I’d love to hear your opinions.

Saved Spots/Players.
I want an even number of female and male characters, ideally. Right now I’m alowing eight cheracter, I might expand to ten, but, the limit at the moment is eight.

Female/ Salem Cresten (Age: Twenty four)/ Passenger/ Played by IceFoxJess
Female/Aislinn Moore {Age: twenty}/Passenger/ Played by Snowfall
Female/Pepper Potts {Age: twenty three}/Crew/ Played by Writing Nitrate
Female/Rosa Maria Guzman(Twenty three)/Passenger/ Played by Christian Kid
Male/Craig Eclyptide {Age: twenty six}/Passenger/ Played by milkshakes
Male/--------/Played by xxLily

Roles currently open
Male: Two

Profile Sheet

Code: Select all
[img]Real Person picture please![/img]

[b]Age:[/b] {Youngest age is sixteen. Only for the sake of the argument that a teenager could be on a cruise with there family, just to avoid some starting a pointless argument with me that they want to play a sixteen year old or seventeen year old, but please I don’t want to see a lot of characters under eighteen, eve more then two is too much.}
[b]Gender:[/b] {Self-explanatory. Hey who knows we might have a cross dresser on bored or something. *shrugs* }
[b]Orientation:[/b]{Again self-explanatory}
[b]Ethnicity:[/b]{Another self-explanatory part. What are they African American/Black, Caucasian/White, Asian/Asian American, Latino/Latina? Heck, are they even from another country then America? Please say so!}

[b]Hair color:[/b]
[b]Eye color:[/b]

[b]Passenger or Crew?[/b]
[b]Biography:[/b] You don’t have to write a book. If you want or have the inspiration to then please feel free. I just ask for a paragraph minimal, no less then that, Feel free to say at end more will be revealed in story.}

[b]Personality:[/b] {Again, a paragraph minimal, feel free to write more then that if you feel you can go into details. Please include flaws as well. Remember no one is perfect. Please write in complete sentences.}

[b]Fear(s):[b] {Everyone has them, even if you refuse to acknowledge or admit it!}

[b]Soft spots for?[/b] {Just a few things they like.}

[b]Pet peeve's?[/b] {A few things they dislike/annoys them.}


[b]What washed ashore with them and Wearing:[/b]
{Don’t have allot of stuff, you know don’t be all that prepared! They are shipwrecked, and hey things might wash up a little latter so don’t be like superman with a fanny pack or Batman(What? The man is like always prepared with his utility belt! It’s like a moms purse almost.) You get my point...I think.}

[b]Extra?:[/b] Anything else to add?

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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The soft sound of crashing waves reached a woman's ears, the sound at first so far away, so soft, but as her senses returned to her, the crisp scents of the sea reached her nose, the sound seeming sp much nearer as she felt something lukewarm lap at the back of her knees. β€œMhh, uh...” her soft voice groaned out, before a few gasping coughs fallow, riding her lungs of what sea water that still resided with in, her hand slowly planting itself firmly in the small grain below it, as her fore arm fallowed. She carefully raising her head up as her arms raised the upper half of her body a bit off the san, she using the back of one of her white clad arms to wipe away the sand that had stuck to her face. The material had taken a slight brown tinge from the sand. Finally she carefully opened her those bright blue eyes the fogginess of sleep slowly fading as the sun caught them, making her quickly shut them in protest of the suns glare, finally noticing that about every muscle in her body was almost throbbing in pain. β€œWhat the hell?...” She muttered softly, coughing once more as she forced her self to sit on her knees, placing a hand behind her to help her keep her balance as the other ran through her blond and brown locks, still slightly damp with the water of the sea, giving her hair a slight wave to it. β€œWhat did I do last night?” She grumbled opening her eyes once more, her eyes widening despite there protest to the bright glare of the sun as she saw palm tree’s before it reached into grass, before it was cut ff by the face of a brown stone cliff, gray stones high stones on either side of her. She gave a slight squeak, lurching herself forward as she finally noticed the water that ran over her legs and had lapped at the back of her jacket just then. she slowly turned her head looking behind her to see the vast, never ending ocean behind her, the sea such a deep blue, so clear, at any other moment she would consider this a beautiful sight, but her mind had snapped back into focus, last nights events quickly flooding her mind.

Salem had just returned to her room after having stopped by the ships night club of sorts, having a few drinks, chatting with a few people non, really sparking too much interest in her, one guy being way too foreword, and probably a little too buzzed ended up getting a slap across the face in return from her, it wasn’t long after that did she leave to go to her room. When some random creep decides it’s a good idea to grab your ass after speaking to them for only seven minutes, is probably a good idea to go before you get a little madder. As she returned to her room she had stopped to look out one of the portholes to look out at the sea, the water so dark, almost as the darkness of the sky had tainted those once shining waters. She sighing before running their fingers through her once almost perfect hair, messing up her neat locks before she had continued on her path to her room. Once she had got in her room, her first course of action was to get out of her heels, her feet gratefully welcoming the plush white carpet beneath them as she slipped off her heels before making her way to the little closet in her room, sliding open the sliding door before she carefully pushed a few of her dresses and jackets aside, on of the few things that wrinkled. She unlatching her suitcase before opening it, pulling out her sleep shorts, a fresh pair of panties and a tank top before she walked over the red wood door of her bathroom, sliding it open as she carefully pulled her hair pin s out of her hair before starting up her shower, striping down before jumping in, gratefully washing out the gel and hair spray with her orchid scented shampoo and conditioner, before washing off her make-up with her almond and cherry blossom scented body wash, grateful for this few minutes of total piece, ignoring the sound of the light drizzle of rain as it hit the large porthole that lied opposite of her bed, the quite rumbles of thunder drowned out by the patter of the shower. It was probably a half an hour before she had finally turned off the water, grabbing a plush, blue towel off her towel rack, wrapping it tightly around herself before stepping out, going to the mirror where her tooth brush and toothpaste that laid on the sink, wiping clear the mirror before brushing her teeth, noticing that those dark rings under her eyes had finally faded away after the last week she’s been on this cruise. β€˜I guess I really was working too much..’ she had thought, using make up remover to get rid of her water proof mascara and eyeliner, her thick, long eye lashes grateful for the relief of this. She quickly throwing on her sleep cloths soon after.

She quickly leaving the still steaming bathroom, the air-conditioning chilly to her warm skin as she quickly dived under the covers, smiling at the teddy bear she had perched on the bedside table. β€œNight Ni-Ni, you’ll be home with Terra soon.” She said, to her baby sisters teddy bear shaking her head at her childish statement. Her little sister had really rubbed off on her. She closing her eyes before she rolled on her side, drifting of to was probably barely half an hour latter when a loud high pitch sciren screaming in her ears . It was then she fell out of bed with a loud thud, her side throbing in response as the anoncement of life-preservers or something hit her ears, she being unable to process what was going on as the fogginess of sleep and now fear clouded it slightly, her only though being β€˜what the hell is going on?!’ She quickly running to her closet, hoping puling on her UGG boots. before snatching her white double zip hoddie, yanking it off a hanger before slamming open her door pulling it on, zipping it on as she ran, up the hall almost being knocked over by a few panicking people who had woken from there sleep in a similar manner, though once she finally made it on deck, all went blank, the remembrance of pain, and a suffocating feeling being the only thing there. Something must have hit her, making her fall off the ship....

β€œI feel like I’ve been hit by a car...” She muttered forcing herself to her feet, her legs shaking slightly, as the skin scratched gently at her soft skin. looking up at the shorter of the three stone surfaces. First things first...I need to get out of this spot... She thought, walking up to the rock, finding a foot hold, before pushing herself up, grabbing hold of what she could before she began to climb, her muscles shaking in protest. When she finally felt her hands meet the flat surface of the top. She using the last bit of her strength she had at the second to pull herself up, laying rolling on her back. β€œOw....” She grunted, hissing as her leg scraped against something. Drawing a little blood. Her only though being, other then a few curses...Am I the only one here? Making that feeling of panic and dread boil in her stomach, as realization of her situation had finally sunk in.


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"Yeah, you're order comes up to seven dollars and fifty cents, drive up to the next window." Seth muttered to himself in the darkness, not knowing of his unconsciousness. All of a sudden, the black on the inside of his eye-lids flashed red. His stomach and lungs were on fire. His eyes shot open and blinding light pierced his pupils. The pain stopped and he immediately he wretched onto the shore. Salt water, it’s not even a remotely good taste that someone loves to have in their mouth, especially not mixed in with fresh barf.

The pain had stopped. This so wasn’t the Burger King on South King’s Street. In fact, there were too many freaking seagulls yapping to even think straight. Wait… seagulls? Now Seth remembered. That cruise liner… but, how’d he end up on the beach…? He pushed himself up with his arms. They instantly started wobbling. It was too much for him to handle. Back down he fell, smacking face first into the muddy sand.

Once his eyes focused correctly, he could examine everything better. Wooden planks were scattered around in a few places. There were a dozens of palm trees all over the place. Then there were those freaking seagulls again. It was getting a bit hard to think with all those things. Maybe if they’d just, shut up! He looked down with his eyes; all he could see was the sand and the waves. Yup, it was the beach alright. How though? Last thing he’d remembered was going to bed after watching a little MTV on his portable, which is now lost and gone. Jeez, this sucks!

He laid there in the sand and exhaled deeply. A big blow like this, leaving him defeated. It was as he was being tortured with the last few moment of his life. Wait, he could feel something in his pocket. He slowly reached in and started dragging it out. He remembered before it was even out. His cell phone! Yes, freedom, all he had to do was call help! This encouragement gave him the strength to draw it faster than a western outlaw as he flipped it open and pressed one of the buttons. Of course, it took him a minute to realize he was soaked, and the phone was filled with sand. It was ruined… that, and there was a crack in the screen! It’s not like he could get reception out here, he realized. That and those jerk-offs at AT&T weren’t helpful anyway.

His hand slapped back into the sand. For a moment, his inner organs went cold, and the muscles on his face relaxed themselves automatically. The only reaction afterward, was a loud scream coming from his mouth.


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There was a sound somewhere, repeating endlessly, slightly different every time, something her mind knew, all around her where she couldn’t see, even over her head. Aislinn blinked awake, and then lurched up from the sand that had instantly invaded her eyes to hack up a mouthful of salty water. Wincing in pain, she wiped the back of her hand across her mouth and rubbed grains roughly from her stinging eyes, making them swell a little. Blinking moisture back, she slowly came to remember herself, and realised her glasses were hanging off an ear at a ridiculous angle. She automatically straightened them, and unthinkingly reached out to flip off the harsh desk lamp that was so bright it was painful…
She flinched. Sand. Her situation threw itself upon her and she stared around, distantly aware of her mouth hanging open. This could not be happening. Where was she? Where was her room? The ship? Hadn’t she been in her room? At her desk, writing? What had happened?
Pulling her knees to her chest, she tried to gather her thoughts, tracking slowly through the previous evening. It had been stormy and dark, wet and thundery, so she’d taken advantage of the atmosphere and started scribbling the fourth scene of her latest attempt at high fantasy. It hadn’t gone too well, but she’d really been enjoying herself, until something she guessed was an alarm went up. The sound of running outside, her leaping up from her chair, throwing aside a door, racing to a lifeboat, huddling in the rain, lightning cracking the sky… Then what? They must have capsized or something. Or had they smashed on rocks around here? Either way she’d unwillingly taken a dip in the ocean. Her hair was sticky with the salt of dried seawater, her lungs were sore, and she had no idea where she was. She stared out over the horizon as the piercing sunlight warmed her sodden form. There was nothing there, no cruiser, no lifeboat, no rescue ship. Not even a plane. A headache began to throb at the bottom of her temple. She pressed a hand to it, newly aware that she was swaying. She coughed again, her chest feeling as if someone had taken a cheese grater to it. Maybe it had been that chef, the one that got annoyed when she’d requested a meat-free special, but it wasn’t her fault, there was nothing vegetarian on the menu… Her mind wandered, ambling backwards, remembering splinters of the cruise. Did they have to be so loud at night? It wasn’t even a real club, and the music was noisy, the bass echoing through the walls, she should’ve chosen a cabin further from the dance floor…
After another immeasurable amount of time unconscious, and a while more awake, she recovered enough to try and move. There had to be someone else on the island, after all. She would be terrified alone, as she had no survival knowledge whatsoever, and would probably just break down. As long as she could find somebody, things would be alright. Or at least, that was what she was telling herself as she tentatively placed her feet flat on the beach. She tentatively moved her weight onto them, concentrating on herself and blocking out the rest of the island. She slowly stood, and for a heartbeat she was fine, until her right ankle slid sideways and her leg gave way with a sharp, stabbing pain that lanced across her leg. She bit back a cry, falling to her knees, her hands hitting the sand as she steadied herself. Her leg couldn’t support her, and unless she was going to hop, there was no way she could run around searching for fellow survivors. She leaned on her left, as the sprain throbbed. She didn’t know what had happened, but it had been foolish to think she could get through a shipwreck without some kind of injury. She sat on the expanse of fine white grains, eyes helplessly scanning the surroundings for any sign of fellow life. It was too frightening for her to consider being on her own.


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Pepper was a little exhausted as she made her way back to her room, it had been a long day in the kitchen. Chef Jones had decided to stay in the winery all night and Pepper had to run the entire kitchen by herself once again. Pepper wouldn't mind so much if she didn't have extremely picky eaters on the cruise. Pepper hated it when people ordered one of her specials and then decided to take out all kinds of things and add in others, It was ridiculious. Coming to her room Pepper unlocked the door and stepped inside tossing her chef's jacket to the side she pulled off her pants. Pulling on her sleepware Pepper threw herself down on her bed happy to let it cuddle with her all night.

Just as she closed her eyes they snapped back open and Pepper glared at her phone while it rang. She knew who it was and Pepper was not inclined to answer her phone at the moment though. Pressing the green call button, as well as speaker phone Pepper listened to a very drunk Chef Jones explain to her that he needed her to come back to the kitchens immediately. He needed her to do some sort of prep cooking for the morning's breakfast. Pepper really wanted to tell him to fuck off instead she sighed, agreed, and hung up her phone. Pulling on her converse over her socks Pepper stood up. Grabbing her chef's jacket she slid her arms into it over her tank top. Stumbling off of her bed Pepper fell, hitting her head on the door knob as she did. She was blacked out before the ship even crashed.

"Damn lobsters always got to scream when you boil them alive." Pepper mumbled to herself in her sleep as she turned over. Pressing her face into the sand she instantly jumped up feeling the gritting material agianst her cheek instead of the plush feather pillows that were in her room. Her head was still sore from where she had hit it on the door knob. Pressing cool fingers to the side of her eye and temple lightly she winced feeling the bruise. No doubt it was probably an violent purple color around her green eye.

Pepper realized then why she had sat up so quickly, she was in sand. That wasn't right not one bit. Her room had thick plush carpet that Pepper didn't mind sleeping on when she was having a back ache. Her eyes were wide with terror as she looked around. Her pupils dialated quickly adjusting to the light around her and taking in her surroundings. Having worked on the ship for a long time Pepper automaticcaly came to the conclusion of what had happened. The possiblity of this had crossed her mind many times before it was a silent fear of Peppers actually.

Blinking rapidly Pepper turned and saw the guy beside her. It hit her then that he was the one who had screamed, which would explain why she had suddenly went from a dream about Johnny Depp to one about cooking lobsters and having them 'scream' as they were steamed. Picking up a small piece of dry wood beside her Pepper tossed it at the guy not caring as it made contact with him lightly. The wood wasn't much of anything and probably wouldn't hurt. "Stop that, it's not going to help our situation any." Pepper told him sternly as she scrambled to her feet. Her little shorts were soaked sticking to her pale skin and she clucked her tongue at this. Pulling her chef's jacket tighter around her body Pepper blinked seeing her hat and a bottle of oil she cooked with near by. So a few things have washed up on shore huh? Interesting.

Walking over to her chef's hat and the bottle of oil Pepper picked them both up. Stashing the little bottle in her chef's jacket pocket easily she placed the hat in beside it. Heading back over to the guy she had thrown a piece of wood to Pepper crouched down in front of her. Looking him over with her one sore eye and the one good one she deemed him sane. "Well come on, pick your balls off the ground collect yourself and let's find out if anyone else survived." Pepper said as she turned back around to the guy who had screamed. ",and don't worry it is going to be okay." Pepper added as she finally gave him a warm smile.


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Bill woke up slowly, his mind barely registering he was on a beach while he sat up and gazed around him. He slowly dragged himself onto drier sand and tried to remember what had happened while the realization of the ship's sinking reached the conscious part of his brain.

Bill had been in the middle of the dance floor as it had gotten late and dark on the San Claire. Although the bar wouldn't serve him alcoholic drinks as he wasn't yet 21 and they were strict about their policies, Bill had made some friends with some drunk older passengers and been able to get alcohol from them. Thinking back over it now Bill supposed he'd gone over board on the drinks, especially since it was his first time drinking. It had seemed so natural and it was good though and he'd kept at it until he got taken to his room by his twin brother, Tom, after some 30-year-old guy had made some pass at him.

Bill vaguely recalled passing out on his bed but after that all he could remember was waking up here. And now it fully hit him; the ship had sunk and he was on an island. Where're the others? was Bill's first question. Of course by 'others' he meant the rest of the band. His second thought was Where're the others who are on the island? He knew if he made it there had to be other who'd survived too. Slowly Bill got up and looked around him before deciding to head for a rock pile he saw a little ways into the distance, figuring he'd be able to see some people from the added height.


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Craig's dreams were focused around water, the fear of it, and the sickening feeling of a rocking boat. He moaned in pain, and tried to roll over. Suddenly, he felt cold water splashing over him. Craig gasped, swallowing some water, and opened his eyes quickly. He realized that he was on the sand, on a beach. "Where am I?" he mumbled, looking around. He felt like he was still swimming. "What happened?" he tried to remember, but everything was black. He couldn't remember much of anything past getting on the boat. What boat? He couldn't remember. He stood slowly, shivering. His waterlogged clothes seemed to weigh hundreds of pounds.

"What happened?" he asked out loud, taking off his jacket slowly. I need to start a fire and dry my clothes... He thought, blinking slowly. He took in the bit of the island he could see from where he stood. The sand under his feet felt soft and wet with the coming tide. He began ringing out his jacket, stepping closer to the dry sand. He looked over, and saw few people. His vision was too blurred to see any of them clearly, but he knew that there were at least two.

He began to move towards the group of people, but stumbled and fell into the sand. His legs were shaking, and his stomach growled in hunger. What had happened? he asked again, but still had no answer. He coughed, feeling his head swimming even worse. He tried to stand back up, but his legs didn't seem to want to listen to his brain. He sighed, lying there in the sand, and closed his eyes. He didn't know what he was doing, or trying to do. He balled one hand into a fist on the sand, moaning in pain.


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Seth shook his head and rolled over to the other side he was laying on. His sights laid on the woman walking away, named Pepper. He became confused. Let’s see if he could figure this out. He was in his room watching a special on AC/DC last night. He fell asleep. Next thing he knew, he was out on the beach in the shattered remains of the cruise liner. His cell phone wasn’t even going to work, period. Now some psycho crazy lady is ordering him around. This seriously, has to be a bad dream.

He fought his muscles and eventually caught himself, almost falling over off balance. He looked at Pepper and let out a rant, letting out a few stutters here and there. β€œOkay, look lady, I don’t know who the Hell you are, and what your deal is, but how can you possibly tell me to stop screaming? Okay! I mean, just last night I was enjoying my nice, and expensive graduation gift from my folks, and well you can see how that turned out. Now looking back, it was a pretty stupid idea in the first place. Now though, I wake up on some deserted beach, my cell phone is broken, I mean, completely useless, and I think I may have swallowed too much salt water. Oh, and uh, yeah, I don’t even know who you are, so how am I supposed to even expect that I can trust you? How do I know you’re not some… native cannibal islander who’s leading me off to be cooked for dinner?!”

He looked at the ground and ran a hand through his hair. It was wet, sloppy, and gritty. Ugh, nobody wanted to deal with hair like that. It was completely disgusting! He shook his head; some of the water still in his hair flew everywhere and dove towards the sand. Calming down right now was a really, hard task to accomplish. I mean, it’s not even about the fact that there’s another human form of life on this barren, lifeless, dirt hole. It’s just that, well, everything that could moderately go wrong, unfortunately did. Sure it’s not the worst of it all, but it is pretty bad to kick a man when he’s down, then just tease him and dangle a little piece of hope high above his head.


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Pepper bit down on her lip to keep from laughing at Seth as he complained about his cellphone. He sounded a little like a girl when he went off about it. Pepper herself never really cared about her cell phone so she really couldn't have any sympathy for him. Pepper shook her head grinning a little bit as Seth rambled at her. "Alright if you don't want to move that's fine with me." Pepper said as she sat down next to him in the sand. Wiping all of the excess sand off of her calves and thighs from where she had been washed up on the beach Pepper sighed a little. She hated the feeling of sand on her.

"My name is Pepper by the way, even though I am a chef that doesn't mean I'm going to lead you off and cook you for dinner. Besides who the hell am I supposed to over power you? I mean look at us!" Pepper pointed out as she pulled the rubbed band off of her wrist. There was an imprint of it left from where it had been left on her wrist to long. Pulling her hair up into a pony tail Pepper ignored her urge to groan. Pepper love her long black locks that were usually like silk. Now they were all nasty from the sea and sand. Getting her hair off of her neck Pepper felt a little better, the sun was beginning to rise higher in the sky and it was getting hotter outside. Pepper was a pale person and didn't exactly agree with the sun.

"So did you want to sit here all day? Or do you think that you'll want to get up and search for others, possibly food, in a little bit?" Pepper asked Seth as she pulled off her shoes one at a time, wrung out her socks and put them back on. No one wanted to walk around with wet socks. After she was finished Pepper placed her hand in front of her eyes shielding them from the sun and looked over at Seth.


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A young woman lay on the wet sand, her big brown eyes closed in an unconcious state. Her brown curls were spread out beneath her head in every which way giving her the appearance of a Mexican Medusa. Had one been looking on from a distance they might had missed the woman completly as she was of a small lean build other than her obviously impregnated stomach which stood high of the sand. Her large stomach was just barely covered with a white frilly was tank top that had been soaken from the sea water and was stained in various places by the sea weed and other debris she had encountered. Had the woman's driver's license, something she always kept near as proof of her American citizanship, been found it would have read Rosa Maria Guzman sadly it too had been washed away like most of her other material possesions.

With a sudden gasp for air Rosa lurched forward and her eyes opened large in fright. She breathed heavily as she stared up at the cloudless sky, her eyes blinking several times as they adjusted to the light. Unable to obtain her breath the woman rolled over on her side and coughed up the remaining sea water left in her lungs. She lay on her side for a couple of minuets trying to catch her breath before taking in the situation. Finnaly able to catch her breath Rosa placed a firm hand on her stomach and sat up, she peered around and observed her surroundings. She shuttered at the sight of the water, she had never cared for the beach all that water meant so much potential for drowning not to mention all that sand, she despised sand.

After the realization of where she was finally settled in a thought popped into her head, she was alone. She hadn't seen a single soul for all she had seen, not that she had seen much; to her left had been a large rock that jutted up a good mile above her head, behind her was a dense jungle and to her right was more of the despicable sand and water. There was no one there, no elderly couple, no captain, no military family, none of the people she had seen on the ship no Jayce. Jayce! She scrambled up off the sand her body screaming in protest to the quick movement, well as quick as her pregnangt self could manage without wobbling over again. Where was her husband? "Jayce" she screamed out his name her eyes frantically combing the place over for him. She found a small group of people she had missed in her disoriented observance earlier, perhaps he was with them.

"Jayce, Jayce!" she yelled his name at the top of her lungs as she began to walk as best she could towards the people. There wasn't many of them only 2 and a man laying in the sand not to far off, but Jayce was with them, he had to be, he must be there. She walked to fast for a woman in her condition and fell many times as she made her desperate plight for her husbannd. She finally made it to the group, her body encrusted in sand from her many falls, she surveyed the group quickly and her face fell, he wasn't there. "Have you seen my husband?" she asked the group desperatly searching there faces for some spark of hope, something to cling to "He's about 5'7 with red hair and blue eyes? Please you must have seen him."


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Salem was just silently laying on that rock, a few deep breaths as to try and calm her nerves, trying to keep herself from panicking. I should have just stayed home, worked until I gave myself an ulcer and just get put in the hospital, or a clinic again. She thought putting her hands over her face. Groaning as she sat up, resting her elbows on her knees as to steady herself. Once Salem panicked it was hard to calm her. She knew it was better to steady her nerves before she became an absolute mess. Okay, lets think rationally, just like Reberta taught yah. Yes, your possibly on a deserted island, but it’s probably a one of a thousand shot that your the only one to- Though her thoughts were interrupted as a guys scream reached her ears, making her body jerk in surprise of the sudden break of the serene sounds of the island. She almost screaming herself, but luckily it caught in her throat before hand.

β€œWell that's a sort of good, yet possibly bad sign right there...” She muttered to herself, as she bothered to peer, around, making out a few figures farther down the beach, her perch on top of the rock giving her a good view of what was around her, she glance in the little blocked off area she had been in before she took a deep breath peering in the direction she spotted the figures, her nerves settling somewhat. Me being rational was right for once. I guess first thing first is getting to those people...After that I can try to figure out what to do from there...Thank God for Nanny Rebertas boot camp. She thought before sliding to the opposite side of which she had climbed to get up here, she carefully feeling with her foot to find a foothold before she turned around fully to start on her climb down, one of her hands slipping for a moment before she clung to the rock, gritting her teeth as her hands was scraped on the rocks. She glared at the rock before continuing to make her way down, pushing gratefully before examining her hands, seeing the left with a tiny cut on it.

β€œOh, that's just sad.” She muttered, sticking her right hand in her jacket pocket. β€œI probably would be better off if I didn’t ditch her lessons as often as I did...” She continued, before an exasperated expression replaced her annoyed one. β€œAnd I’m already talking to myself....First sign of loosening my mind.” She muttered, walking in there general direction. Then again I always talk to myself...I probably just need to worry when I answer myself like dear old uncle Albert. Her hands wrapped around something hard, yet wet. β€œWhat the-No, not my cell!” She shouted, almost tearing up as she pulled the object out of her pocket and saw that it was her I-Phone, dripping with water, with a single offending piece of seaweed wrapped across the screen. β€œ had the pictures of my latest designs on it...” She muttered, hoping that text she sent her assistant got all those pictures to her before the water attacked her defenseless phone, she delicately pealing it off her phone before she stuffed it back in her pocket. Though this made her wonder what else was in her pockets. She sticking her left in her left pocket, she cursing silently when she almost tripped over a piece of wood that had washed ashore. She flinching slightly as the sea water that had soaked a cloth, got in the cut, making her hiss in pain as she jerked her hand quickly out. β€œOn second thought I’ll check latter...” She muttered, putting the cut to her lips in reflex


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#, as written by Rawrr
Wade Foster was raising the roof before the sirens began wailing. Intoxicated with alcohol and a few sniffs of his cocaine pouch, the man was mainstreaming on the dance floor of San Claire's hot nightclub on the ship. He wasn't necessarily picking up girls, but he was having an extremely engaging conversation with an older man about the World Cup; turns out the man was a professional soccer player for Spain before he moved to the US. That was certainly exciting to hear, especially being as high as Wade was at that moment. But he couldn't sit still, or stand still, he often left and returned to strike up that same conversation in sections. Though when the sirens began to wail this late at night, Wade wasn't able to go to his room or even have a chance to reach it. He was stuck in the flow of panicking people, trying to get into the smaller boats. Fortunately, Wade was one of the first to be boarded safely, but unfortunately, all of his stash, the coke and weed were left in the room. Let's just say, he wasn't at all pleased.

The last he remembers was the turbulence in the small boat filled with people, the ship was sinking, breaking, there were people dying. Wade's head was spinning and he was clearly panicking. Then it went black, a wave, a suffocating feeling. He remembers grabbing hold of a wooden plank, metal pieces clearly ripped on the sides. It's where he passed out. It went black. And then orange as he gained consciousness. He opened his eyes, the image of a blond woman almost tripping over something filled his sight. Wade lifted his head slightly, then his torso. It felt as if his brain was trying to get out, banging from side to side, pounding for freedom.

"Ughh..." Wade groaned, lifting up to his legs. There was no sand on him just on his wet jeans, he had been on that plant all this time. He turned slightly to call out to the woman, but his shoulder was dislocated, with a pain-filled cry, the man relocated his should with a crack, falling to his knees. Because of the pain, his vision went white and the sound of crashing waves muffled, then returned to pound in his head. While he held his shoulder, he called out, this time successfully.

"Hey!" he began, "You alright?" First and most logical question to ask, even in a hungover state as Wade's.


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Salem, stopped as she thought she heard a groan,. Her bright blue eyes wide in surprise of the sudden sound, her reactions were a little slower then normal as she stopped, pulling her stinging hand from her lips, wiping a few drops of blood off her lips, it wasn’t much, though what annoyed her was the little bit of sand that had stuck as well. Though what made her not dismiss the sound as nothing more then her frayed nerves and logic was the pain-filled cry and crack. She quickly whipped her head in the direction of the sound to find a blond hair man on his knees. Congratulations at not noticing things or people Salem. She sarcastically commented to herself before jogging over to the guy as he asked if she was okay.

β€œI’m fine, a scratch or two but I’m okay.” She said, a bit of concern in her usually somewhat cheerful tone as she got closer to him. β€œThough I think I should be asking you if your okay.” She somewhat asked, yet stated at the same time as bent down, crossing her arms on her thighs as to make it a bit more comfortable. She ignoring as a few strands of her brown and blond side bangs fell into her blue eyes a bit. Though as she looked at him a bit more she started to recognize him, his face at lest. He was at that night club on the ship last night. He tried to strike up a conversation with her but that was right after that creep before got a little too β€˜touchy feely β€˜ and she left him with a simple introduction and apology of a slightly pissed off designer, though she had caught his name. β€œHey, your Wade, right?” She suddenly asked, smiling slightly. β€œDo you think you can get up on your own, or do you need some help?” She asked, examining him to see if there were any noticeable injuries.


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#, as written by Rawrr
Wade fell back on his arse to sit more comfortably with his legs bent in front of him, his shoulder ached but nothing a little sniff couldn't fix. He began rummaging through his pockets as the woman approached him. She looked alright, familiar, and just a few scratched on her as she mentioned.

β€œThough I think I should be asking you if your okay.”

Wade watched her crouch down in front of him after he'd sat down in the sand, delaying her question. "Yeah... I'm fine," Her murmured, that flirtatious attitude was lost after he'd washed up here. There were certain times when he was his charming self, like last night at the club, but here and right now, he might seem a little detached, weary of others, even a woman as pretty as her. Wade stopped rummaging through his pockets when the girl spoke his name, "Yeah, Wade. I'm sorry, who are you?" How'd she know his name? He must have been gone last night, not necessarily there consciously.

β€œDo you think you can get up on your own, or do you need some help?”

"Nah, I can get up," Wade held on to his pride, but with one arm, and sore limbs, he was having a little bit of trouble, his features twisting and revealing a pained expression. Even if she had decided to help him or not, eventually he'd be on his feet. His hands deep in his jeans back pockets, then front; and as he proceeded to unzip his jacket pockets, his expression softened into that of relief. He produced a double-bagged thumb sized baggie with white powder within it. With eager vigor he flicked it, and then opened it, immediately lifting the opening to his nose, taking in a quick sniff through one nostril and then the other. He breathed in a couple of time, wiped his nose and re-closed the baggie, grinning over to the girl, all the while tucking his baggie in his zipped up pocket. It was shocking that it wasn't ruined in the water, but apparently, while high last night, and on the small boat, in a fit of panic, he managed to close it tighter. "I'm good, just need some sort of support for my shoulder," He ambled off towards the palms and the greenery.


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Bill finally reached the top of the rockpile he'd seen. The walk had been farther than it had looked and he was more tired then usual because of the tugging sand. He was also quite winded when he reached the top the sizeable rockpile, not used to climbing things like that. After resting for a few seconds to rest, Bill looked around him, notcing a few black figures that had to be people on the other side of the rocks. He couldn't tell how many people there were but it looked to be around five others. After a few seconds of surveying the rest of the jungle island Bill started to climb down the other rock face to head toward the blurry people in the distance. Now he was acutely aware of all the islands sounds, the hot sun and the sand pulling at his shoes. Soon he approached a man and woman near the water. "Do either of you need any help?" he asked, walking over.


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Salem, raised a brow, before smirking somewhat as he asked who she was. Either she didn’t make a very solid impression, or he had been more then a little drunk last night and if the lights hadn’t been playing tricks on her last night. His pupils had been the size of saucers, hell she could hardly tell what color his eyes were. β€œI’m Salem. We meet at the club last night, I guess you were a little more buzzed then I thought. She said, seeing no need to give her last name. He did that outside a business meeting? Also she got a little annoyed when people asked her , if they knew fashion, if she was related to her father Anthony Cresten, in the fashion world he was closely one or even two notches below Calvin Cline; it really depended on who you asked. At times those big socialite classical types would ask if she was any relations to her Cellist mother Larra Cresten. Though she really doubted he was the last.

He seemed a quite the bit different from the guy she briefly meet last, sure he was still the handsome blond, but he wasn’t acting like the charming, flirtatious guy. He seemed a little standoffish almost. Though when he said he could get up on his own, though he soon proved that wrong as his face clearly showed pain as he tried to get up. Yeah that really look’s like you don’t need help. she thought, for once keeping her sarcasm to herself, as she bit her tongue, not waiting for him to say rather he wanted her help or not she quickly straightened herself before helping him up, being careful to not jerk on his arms, just helping to push him up by putting her arm around his torso, letting go when she was sure he was balanced. Salem wasn’t a very strong girl, but under constant phone calls from her dear nanny, despite constant arguments about she had to work on her design and running her boutique, she worked out at a local gym at lest once a week, she had for about two years now, so Salem had some muscle on her, but no where as much as her Ex Marin of a Nanny or her little brother, the boy was a nerd, he needed to have muscle to last at his school .

Though she couldn’t help but blink dumbly at what he did next as he took a little pouch out of his pocket, filled with something white, quickly taking a few sniffs of it before putting it up. She couldn’t say that was the first time someone did that in front of her, a few models did it when she was at a show, once was when she was helping out her father by modeling on of his designs for a summer collection, another was the last show one of her designs were in, she kept her mouth shut, though she couldn’t help, but laugh when she tripped over her own feet and fell off the runway, hey it was her fault for wear that tall of heels while high. She didn’t judge, she just didn’t use, especially after seeing one girl detox in the clinic, that did not look fun. The most she did was smoke a joint and that was just because her Ex had talked her into it. What it was rare you didn’t meet a guy in a club in Chicago that didn’t do something.

"I'm good, just need some sort of support for my shoulder,"

β€œI’d say so...What exactly would you need. If you don’t mind me asking?” She asked walking behind him, unzipping her jacket before she slipped it off, one thing about her design, it wasn’t a summer jacket really, especially with it’s velvet lining. She slipping it off before tying it around her waist. At the moment wishing she had enough time to do more then grab jacket and shoes before the ship went down. At lest enough time to get dress, or at lest throw on more under cloths. She glancing in the direction she had saw others, before glancing at the greenery. She hearing an odd bird call, it’s pitch making her jump. Though what made her really jump was another mans voice asking if either one of them needed some help. β€œHoly Saint Francis!” She squeaked quickly turning to look aver at a long haired guy. β€œOh, um hi.” She said smiling sheepishly at her jumpiness. Damn Salem, grow a spine.. This really wasn’t like Salem. This is the girl who went cliff diving in Australia, a well know adrenilan junky. β€œIβ€˜m fine.”


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"Sorry for startling you." Bill said to Salem, his accent pretty obvious though he was still understandable. He looked the two over, clearly other passengers, thinking he remembered seeing them last night at the club. "I'm Bill." he added, knowing they wouldn't know him.


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Seth looked around. By this time, he noticed the new person approaching. Pepper had been around near him. She wasn’t as he expected. Wasn’t forcing him, didn’t seem like a psycho maniac. That was good. Unless it was a trap…

Seth didn’t need to collect himself. He was already lost physically, and he was blank mentally. The new woman came by and asked some questions. With her, it was a bit safer around, but she looked pregnant, so she might end up slowing someone down. Anyway, once Seth heard these questions, as his own response, he shook his head no without a word.


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#, as written by Rawrr
Wade had ignored the fact that she helped him, instead mentioning he needed some support for his shoulder to cradle his arm in. Before he continued reaching the greeneries of the island, he bent down to take off his shoes and socks, tucking the things in the shoes and just hooking his fingers on the shoes to carry them. When he stood back up, Salem spoke up.

β€œI’d say so...What exactly would you need. If you don’t mind me asking?”

"Some big leaf or something, and something to tie it with. I'll figure it out..." The last as if he murmured it to himself. He dropped his shoes on the grass when he reached it, reached up with the good arm and plucked two palm leaves off the lowest tree, eventually he found that he could use his belt to fix the support on his shoulder and torso, allowing his arm to be bent against his chest, while his shoulder healed. While he was doing this, it didn't seem his shoulder ached any bit, but he knew it was the coke, if her moved his shoulder any more, he would feel it when he sobered up.

"Do either of you need any help?"

Wade's head snapped up, at the same time that Salem yelled out. The girly-boy had startled Salem, but Wade was too out of it to have a startled response. Though he was hearing other people somewhere. It's as if the wind carried their voices. "Yeah, we're good," Wade answered, though his gaze was settled on the other stretch of beach. "I hear others," He mentioned, taking a few steps towards the voices, then stopping. He turned back to Salem and the girly-boy and waved his good arm. "C'mon let's go, they might have saved supplies," that was the only thing on his head, some regular supplies to make this island living a tiny bit easier.


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Salem just shook her head slightly, a small smile on her face she said β€œIt’s fine, my nerves are still a little shot is all. Waking up face down on a deserted island tends to do that.” She nodded when he introduced himself. β€œNice meeting you, I’m Salem, and he’s Wade.” She said, absently clasping her hands behind her back, once she realized her sleep shorts had no pockets in them, then again considering the length of the material there wasn’t much room for pockets any how, or at lest for pockets of any depth. She felt fidgety, which was a semi good sign when it came to Salem, it meant she was mellowing, when she was mellow was when she did her best work as was when she just had a rush.

Salem directed her attention back to Wade as he mentioned he heard others. This made her stop to listen for a moment, he was right you could her a low mummer from here. She felt the impulse to mention that she had seen others farther away from her previous perch on the rocks but, she really saw no need to at the moment. Though she just nodded as he motioned for her and Bill to come on. β€œAlright. It’s better then just standin’ around.” She said absently before walking up to him, fallowing his lead. Salem had never been much of a follower, being use to taking charge, but it was probably better to let someone else to take charge untill she was able to thing something useful.


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Aislinn was constantly, repeatedly searching the stretch of sand for survivors. She sat patiently for what felt like a long time, squinting against the sun until her eyes had adjusted, blinking the after-images from her sight. There was nothing else she could do, and as her gaze skimmed the beach, she allowed her mind to wander. Memories of the cruise skipped lightly through her mind: losing her favourite notebook, ordering fruit salad for breakfast, pushing past drunk and wasted partygoers to reach her room. On reflection, it hadn't been that great of a trip. She should probably have saved the money and put it towards something useful, like paying off her loans. She groaned. Debt. The bane of every student's life. She had to get a job. These mundane thoughts remained in her head until her situation returned to her mind. Stranded. Alone. Injured. Probably doomed. Why was she worrying about her finances when her survival was thrown into question? A sigh escaped her lips, and her eyes made the sweep of the horizon again -- and hit gold.

More specifically, they found the approaching figures of two, maybe three people. She couldn't tell for the heat haze; maybe they were her wistful imagination. Maybe she'd passed out. Had she gone insane? She was beyond caring. There were people! She struggled to her knees, managing to ignore the throbbing in her leg, frantically waving her arms and shouting out at the top of her hoarse lungs: "Hey! Over here!" She instantly regretted raising her voice, as the mere three words clawed their way up through her throat like taloned beasts, reminding her of the litre of the ocean she had recently choked up. She continued waving her arms regardless, narrowing her eyes to try and improve her vision, to pick out features. They didn't look like mirages, but that was the point of them, after all. She thought, from this distance, one of them was pretty tall and the other was skinny, and was there a third? Another tall one…She shook her head, rubbing a hand across her aching eyes. It was too bright here. Her vision was blurring -- she was getting a migraine. She could feel it, announcing its arrival to make her life just that little bit worse. Habitually, she took her fountain pen from her pocket and spun it between her fingers to take her mind off the pain. She shook it, finding a dribble of water but no ink. Typical. What could she write on anyway? She was being petty again. She turned her attention back to the approaching people.

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aislinn Moore
Character Portrait: Pepper Devareaux
Character Portrait: Craig Eclyptide
Character Portrait: Rosa Maria Guzman
Character Portrait: Seth Jamerson
Character Portrait: Bill Kaulitz
Character Portrait: Wade Foster


Character Portrait: Wade Foster
Wade Foster

A 25-year old son of a congressman, who's found interest in illegal drugs.

Character Portrait: Bill Kaulitz
Bill Kaulitz

Young singer.

Character Portrait: Seth Jamerson
Seth Jamerson

Seth Jamerson Highschool Graduate

Character Portrait: Rosa Maria Guzman
Rosa Maria Guzman

A pregnant survivor with a happy outlook on life.

Character Portrait: Craig Eclyptide
Craig Eclyptide

Curious and often underestimated, with decent knowledge; A great asset, and a horrible enemy

Character Portrait: Pepper Devareaux
Pepper Devareaux

Pepper is a spontaneous chef who loves to make people laugh. She is also an independent and head strong girl who doesn't believe that she needs a man.

Character Portrait: Aislinn Moore
Aislinn Moore

A reserved British student that loves to write


Character Portrait: Bill Kaulitz
Bill Kaulitz

Young singer.

Character Portrait: Pepper Devareaux
Pepper Devareaux

Pepper is a spontaneous chef who loves to make people laugh. She is also an independent and head strong girl who doesn't believe that she needs a man.

Character Portrait: Aislinn Moore
Aislinn Moore

A reserved British student that loves to write

Character Portrait: Seth Jamerson
Seth Jamerson

Seth Jamerson Highschool Graduate

Character Portrait: Craig Eclyptide
Craig Eclyptide

Curious and often underestimated, with decent knowledge; A great asset, and a horrible enemy

Character Portrait: Rosa Maria Guzman
Rosa Maria Guzman

A pregnant survivor with a happy outlook on life.

Character Portrait: Wade Foster
Wade Foster

A 25-year old son of a congressman, who's found interest in illegal drugs.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Wade Foster
Wade Foster

A 25-year old son of a congressman, who's found interest in illegal drugs.

Character Portrait: Pepper Devareaux
Pepper Devareaux

Pepper is a spontaneous chef who loves to make people laugh. She is also an independent and head strong girl who doesn't believe that she needs a man.

Character Portrait: Craig Eclyptide
Craig Eclyptide

Curious and often underestimated, with decent knowledge; A great asset, and a horrible enemy

Character Portrait: Aislinn Moore
Aislinn Moore

A reserved British student that loves to write

Character Portrait: Rosa Maria Guzman
Rosa Maria Guzman

A pregnant survivor with a happy outlook on life.

Character Portrait: Seth Jamerson
Seth Jamerson

Seth Jamerson Highschool Graduate

Character Portrait: Bill Kaulitz
Bill Kaulitz

Young singer.

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Re: The Survivors of the San Clair...

I would like to submit a character, and I was wondering if I needed to copy and paste the info you have on the page.

Re: [OOC] The Survivors of the San Clair...

hey I just stumbled across you RP and was wondering if you guys were sill accepting if you are can you send a PM?

Re: [OOC] The Survivors of the San Clair...

True, alright thanks for telling me snow. ^_^

Re: [OOC] The Survivors of the San Clair...

Ah, sorry Jess, things are busy in reality right now :l I should have a post up by the end of the week, though, not that there's much Aislinn can do with one leg :P

Re: [OOC] The Survivors of the San Clair...

I know, sorry I haven't goten too it yet, I got destracted by an oddly adicting browser game {WarpForce} If nothings up tonight I'll have something up after I get back on tomarrow. My bad for being esaily destracted. {Seriously I'm the girl who stops mid scentince when I see somthing intresting. -_-; }

Re: [OOC] The Survivors of the San Clair...

Lost in the blue three, I bought it last year, and I just finally beat it, and now I'm replaying it to see the other endings. XD, they could have developed the story a bit better, but asides from that pretty addicting. The only factors I took from it was the sinking cruise liner, the rest seemed too blotchy for me so I went my own way in the possibilities. :)

Re: [OOC] The Survivors of the San Clair...

Aw, thanks. I've been compulsively been playing a survival game after the characters where shipwrecked for the last month and that just made me want to do an RP about somthing like it. ^_^

Re: [OOC] The Survivors of the San Clair...

Lol, I love the enthusiasm Rawrr XD, very refreshing.

Re: [OOC] The Survivors of the San Clair...

Posted. C'mon people, post post post! :D

Re: [OOC] The Survivors of the San Clair...

Thanks, I'll post in a few. :D

Re: [OOC] The Survivors of the San Clair...

lol Yup, I got him and accepted a good one to add to the already divers mix. :D

Re: [OOC] The Survivors of the San Clair...

I signed up in the RPPPP, you needed a guy, you got a guy. :D

Re: [OOC] The Survivors of the San Clair...

-_- Well dig hasn't posted or told me why so I'm kicking dig out. I'll find somone else to fill the spit, and I'll try to give this thing CPR by coming up with a post of my own.

Re: [OOC] The Survivors of the San Clair...

Wow, it's pretty dead in the RP...

Re: [OOC] The Survivors of the San Clair...

o_O can't believe I just posted in the topic even after reading this...moving it now...

Re: [OOC] The Survivors of the San Clair...

Knew, I screwed up somewhere. -_- Thanks for telling me, I've been known to have typo issues, as well miss use of To. When people tell me I take it as constructive criticism.

Ah, I really am sorry! >.< I'll admit it I'm pretty spineless at times.

Re: [OOC] The Survivors of the San Clair...

Hate to tell you, there were bunches of typos too, anyway, FINE, I'll move it...