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Bailey Johnson

'' My brother was killed because of me. And I don't think I can ever care about some one else like that again.''

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a character in “The Timeless”, originally authored by Wolf's Bane109, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Bailey Johnson

Nickname: Bailey, or whatever else you can think of. She couldn't care less, of what she is called.

Age: 16

Appearance: She is a very beautiful young girl. Her light, dirty blond hair flows right below her shoulder blades. She always has her beautiful hair covering part her face. She has beautiful light green eyes. She has very pretty full lips. Her skin is fair, and flawless. Without a scar or blemish on it. Her height is 5 foot, 6 inches. She is kind of tall for her age. Her weight is 125 lbs.
She can usually be found wearing, her old, dark gray hoodie, a tee-shirt, dark blue jeans, and her old, ruffed up, Converse. And some times her gray Vans hat.

Personality: Bailey is more of the, shy, likes to be alone,never around other people, type of girl. But when you really get to know her, you see a completely different side of her. She becomes, a fun loving, talkative, sarcastic, forgiving person. But she does have a trust problem, so it will be hard to see the kind and loving girl she really is. But she is not afraid to talk back, and reject people who are older than her. She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, and trust me, if she has to she will.

Good traits: Bailey loves to play the guitar, the piano and violin. She also likes to sing, but mainly by her self. She will be a very loyal, caring, and forgivable person if you truly get to know her.

Bad Traits: Bailey comes off at first glance to be a loner. She just prefers to be alone. She does have a very bad temper, and can be set off very easily. And when she gets overly angry, she becomes violent, and will almost kill you, if she ever gets the chance.

Fears: Death, pain, her friends getting hurt because of her. Blood, and being rejected.

Dreams: Bailey wants to be part of a family again, but doesn't want to get her hopes up, and then dashed as they have been before. Finding someone she can connect with. Go to college, get a masters degree in Science, get married, and have a family.

Background: She was born in a very good home in New York City. She was the older child out of her and her little brother Michael. The two of them got along very well. They did a lot together and Bailey always took care of Michael whenever their parents were not home. She then got her drivers license when she turned sixteen. She got her brother, who was nine at the time, from school. They were driving back home when out of no where a driver came speeding down the road and hit the back of the car extremely hard. Bailey hit her head on the steering wheel so hard that she blacked out.

She then woke up about two hours later in a hospital. She had a broken arm, and a concushion. She asked her parents how was Michael? They looked at her and started to cry, the doctor came in and told her that her brother died on impact. She felt so guilty about killing her brother, that about after a week of being at home, that she ran away. And never went back home.

How she became an orphan: After she ran away from home, her parents were so heart broken about the lose of their son, that they didn't really notice or seem to care about loosing their daughter. She ran away and found the terrible orphanage that everyone was talking about. She didn't care if the orphanage was terrible or not. It was a place to stay, and that's all she really cared about. She is the newest person to come to the orphanage. It is her very first day there, and she has no idea of what she got herself into.

Theme Song:

So begins...

Bailey Johnson's Story


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Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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It was just a week ago when her little brother was killed in a car accident and died on impact.
It was about noon, the sun was shining, but even that didn't make Bailey feel, good or even happy. She walked up to the front door of the orphanage and opened it up. She walked in while listening to her i-pod. She looked at all of the different kids, she didn't even realize how many kids were left to fend for themselves or whatever their stories were, and Bailey could care less. She walked over to the main office and registered.

She looked at the owner and said in almost a whisper, '' I'll be fine as long as I get my own room.'' She walked up the stairs and into one of the crappiest kind of rooms she ever saw. She just sighed and threw her bag onto the bed. She took her guitar that was in it's case, and took it out. She walked over to one of the windows and opened it up. She then sat on the ledge and began to play the guitar. She was trying to tune out the noise from the other kids.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson Character Portrait: Charlotte Inoue Character Portrait: Jaime Dillinger
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Jaime walked across the "living area", where children ran around and under his feet. Carefully side-stepping a small Lego castle that was beginning to form, as well as the full scale game of tag, he reached the person that he was looking for. Charlotte.

The girl had arrived around the same time he had, and they had struck up an unlikely friendship over a short period of time. The girl positively radiated happiness, and Jaime found that, in her company, his mind let go of the worrying and the fear and focused on the more beautiful side of life.

Tapping her lightly on the shoulder, so as not to startle her, Jaime cleared his throat, "Hi Charlie. I think there's a new girl here; she was playing music near your dorm. I was thinking... it's just, she's alone and... you're you and I'm not," he ended off awkwardly. I'm not exactly the best first impression she should have of this place, he meant to say. You're a lot better at introductions than I am.

With a small smile, he in her eyes expectantly, awaiting an answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson Character Portrait: Charlotte Inoue Character Portrait: Jaime Dillinger
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Jaime walked across the "living area", where children ran around and under his feet. Carefully side-stepping a small Lego castle that was beginning to form, as well as the full scale game of tag, he reached the person that he was looking for. Charlotte.

The girl had arrived around the same time he had, and they had struck up an unlikely friendship over a short period of time. The girl positively radiated happiness, and Jaime found that, in her company, his mind let go of the worrying and the fear and focused on the more beautiful side of life.

Tapping her lightly on the shoulder, so as not to startle her, Jaime cleared his throat, "Hi Charlie. I think there's a new girl here; she was playing music near your dorm. I was thinking... it's just, she's alone and... you're you and I'm not," he ended off awkwardly. I'm not exactly the best first impression she should have of this place, he meant to say. You're a lot better at introductions than I am.

With a small smile, he in her eyes expectantly, awaiting an answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson Character Portrait: Charlotte Inoue Character Portrait: Jaime Dillinger
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Charlotte was so into her book that it took her a few seconds to realize someone had tapped on her shoulder. She gently put her book down in her lap, her thumb on the page she was on, and closed the book on her thumb. She than looked over her shoulder only to be in eye contact with Jaime.

Charlotte remembers the first time she met Jaime. They were both new to the orphanage and they were both around the same age and she had no one to play with and neither did he, so the two played a couple games together and now Jaime is really the only friend she's known for a long period of time at this place.

She also remembers the first time she heard his name. Such an odd name, she had thought. She thought the first time he intorduced herself to her, that his name was spelt J'aime, meaning "I love" in French. She'd always tease him about his name since that day, not to be rude at all. In fact she liked his name. Since then, whenever she wrote his name down on a piece of paper or something, she'd always spell it like J'aime.

Charlotte listed to what Jaime said about a new girl, and she immediatly smiled. She stood up, her book still in her hands with her thumb stuck in the middle. "A new girl? Well, if she's lonely, we're gonna have to do something about that." She smiled, excitement in her eyes. "And..she must know how to play the guitar." She said as she turned around and looked at the giant maze of kids they were going to have to walk through in order to get to the dorms. She sighed, and began walking towards the dorms with Excuse me's and Pardon me's as she made her way around the kids. She looked back at Jaime over her shoulder. "Come on." She said, almost like she was encouraging him. She continued making her way through the crowd.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson Character Portrait: Charlotte Inoue Character Portrait: Jaime Dillinger
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Bailey looked out of the widow and stopped playing her guitar. She sighed again, and stood up. She walked over to the bed and put her guitar down on it. She took the hood of her hoodie up over her head, and she covered part of her face with her hair. She sat on her bed and started to think of how she was going to survive in a place like this.

She saw so many kids that reminded her of Michael. She then started to cry, when she thought about her lil' bro that she killed in the car accident. She honestly just wanted to kill herself. But she knew that was a terrible thought. She put her back against the wall, since her bed was directly against the wall. She just sat there and cried quietly to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Caramia slowly walked through the dreary place that she had learned to call... was it really her home? No, she thought as she shook her head, this wasn't home, this was her prison.
As she continued to shamble through the place she began to feel more and more dreary herself, like the place was sucking the happiness from her, some sort of virus. She went up the creaking stairs and began walking down the hallway, hearing the moaning of the wood beneath her feet. This place was a dump.
She also had heard random whispers from the other orphans, there was a new girl who played Guitar or someth- ...
Hmm... Despite the sound of her own thoughts, she could make out a faint noise coming from one of the rooms, very faint. She figured she knew what it was, she had made the um... well sort of the same noise when she had arrived in this hell- ... H-E Double Hockeysticks place...
She could barely pinpoint the near-silent sobbing, it was between two doors. So she knocked softly on one of them and hoped for the best.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Bailey stopped the crying and whipped her face. She then said in a low, but able to be heard voice, '' Uh, come in. '' She then sat up and tried not to sound or act like she had been crying. She didn't like it, when people could see or hear her crying. She didn't like to be thought of as weak, or whatever people may think of her crying.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lennon Alder Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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#, as written by **Ava**
There was this new girl, she'd moved in just today and Lennon had watch her bring her crap. The girl had tried to run away, ha sucker. She didn't make it very far though and was dragged back into the orphanage. Now only a few hours later Lennon had given her space and was preparing to go give the girl a little visit and see if she had any possession Len might want. It wasn't up for discussion, if Len saw something she wanted she would take it.

She padded down the hallways past tons of kids all in the way. "Hey watch it!"She snapped moving them aside. Lennon adjusted her sweatshirt and counted off the room numbers. But as she reached the room another girl had beat her there. This one looked new to. Hmm she must of slipped in when Lennon had been busy. The girl had already made it in the room before she could and Lennon walked in behind her revealing a young girl, Lennon's age sitting on her bed playing a guitar softly. She leaned against the door frame waiting a second. Wondering how that girl got here and what her story was. Len knew everyone had a story. She naturally choose to ignore them though. Too much sadness she thought. Lennon wasn't planning on taking the guitar, she didn't know how to play and didn't want to either.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lennon Alder Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Caramia frowned a bit at the girl who had pushed past her and walked over to the girl on the bed, giving her a kind smile and taking out a notebook, flipping it to a certain page and taking a pencil out of her satchel bag.
'Hello, my name is Caramia Addio, I'm 16 years old, I can't speak, who are you?' she wrote and smiled again, handing the notebook to the girl to read.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lennon Alder Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Bailey got a little confused at first about the note pad. But then she lightly grabbed the note book that the mute girl gave to her. She looked at her and said, '' Thanks. '' That time she said it a little louder than she was previously talking. She read the note and then looked back up at Caramia, Bailey handed the note pad back to her and said, '' Uh, it's nice to meet you Caramia. '' Bailey then took notice to the other girl sitting next to her. Bailey just looked at her and gave her the stink eye. She then looked back at Caramia and said, '' My name is Bailey Johnson. You can call me either B.j. for short, or you can just call me Bailey. I really don't care.''

She then got off of the bed and looked at her two guests. She stood up to her full five foot, six inch height and said, '' Do one of you know where and if I can get something to drink around here? I haven't had something to drink since 5:00 this morning. And it's 10:00 now. If you don't it's fine, I can always do it myself.'' She said that as she grabbed her guitar and put it on her back. She then just stood there waiting for an answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lennon Alder Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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#, as written by **Ava**
"Do one of you know where and if I can get something to drink around here?" Len sighed "There's a drinking fountain down the hall." She gave a careless wave to the left. The girl had stood up about two inches taller then Lennon is. But she was all skin and bones so nothing to fear here. "You gotta bag Bailey?" She asked Bailey before she could leave the room. There was nothing more fun than getting a new gift every time a new child came into the orphanage. It was Lennon's little way of forgiving the people who left her there her whole life. She was usually able to collect 2-3 gifts a year, sometimes more.
The other new girl moved closer to Bailey and had wrote something down on a pad of paper. Nothing interesting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lennon Alder Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Bailey looked at Lennon, and just lightly laughed to herself. She then said, '' Thanks, I guess.'' And before she left the room she said,'' If I find anything of mine missing, I know who to blame. And also Lennon was it, if you don't want to get on my bad side. Then stay away from me.'' Bailey looked at Caramia and said, '' You can come if you want. Ya don't have to, I was just offering.'' She gave her a light smile then walked out of the room, with her guitar strapped on her back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Violet nodded, she agreed with what Charlie had said. "We should probably give the new chick some space Marm," She told the little girl. Marmalade simply shrugged and ran off downstairs. Violet gave one of her rare smile's to the girl and continued to walk through the hall until she ran into two people, one she knew, Caramia and the other, she figured must be the new girl. She was tall, real tall especially to Violet's '5'3 and she hesitated. This one looked like bad news, and so did everyone in a way, but Violet wasn't really looking for a fight, she didn't fight.

"Excuse me." She said coldly brushing past the two and turning down another hall and up a few stairs. While making sure no one was around she moved the chain she wore around her neck from her neck reveling a small bronze key. She put it through the key hole and clicked it open. Then she stepped inside and closed the door.

Meanwhile Marmalade trotted back downstairs and found yet another new person. This one smoked. Marmalade excitedly ran throws him happy as could be. On his arm he had a strange tattoo which interested her.

“Hi my names Marmalade, I’m six years old. Welcome to here, you’re the second new person I’ve seened today. What’s your name? Mine’s Marmalade!” She exclaimed hugged him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson Character Portrait: Charlotte Inoue
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Bailey was going to say something, but before she could, Violet left the room. Bailey just sighed and said to herself, '' Right, I'm the new one. So people are going to dislike me, great.'' She said that in her usual, soft and depressed tone of voice. She then walked over to the water fountain and had a drink. The cold water felt good, but it tasted kind of weird. Even though she didn't like the taste of it, she took one more drink. She looked around and just sighed, she has only been here for ten minutes, and some people are starting to dislike her already.

She just shrugged and moved on. She didn't really care if anyone left her alone, as long as they showed her respect, she was fine. She didn't like people around that much. Plus she was still feeling crappy about the accident. She walked down the stairs, and into the 'living area' she shrugged and said,'' Great, to make matters worse, I have to deal with messes.'' She walked over to where the pile of lego bricks were. She then saw a girl around her age starting to clean the stuff up.

She walked over to her and said, '' Um, could you use some help? I can help ya if you want. I got nothing better to do anyway.''
She said that and then she knelt down beside Charlie and started to help clean up the mess, before Charlie even gave her an answer.
Bailey put her hood down, and put her hair behind her, so she could she what she was picking up. She didn't say another word, in case this girl couldn't speak either.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson Character Portrait: Charlotte Inoue
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"Whoa 17, that's really really really old!" The little girl said drawing out all her really's. Mamalade smile turned into a gasp when he swore though. Seeing as most of the older kids didn't swear around her, she didn't really understand it. It made you sound grown up though, or at least that's what she figured. She shook her head.

"Sam, I think I'll call you Sammy, that's what I named my doggie back home. You remind me of him. I don't know where your room is, but you could always stay with Sally and me, Sally's my roomate, but she wouldn't mind you. What does fuck and shit mean anyways?" Marmalade asked looking up at this strange new guy.

She spun around and noticed Charlie and the new girl picking up lego's from the floor.

"Hey it's the other new girl! The one who play's a violin music thingy. I saw you earlier! I'm Marmalade, and this is my new friend Sam, you can call him Sammy though. He likes saying strange words. He's new too and were going to be best friends, like me and Charlie already are. You can be my best friend too." The little girl smiled throwing a arm around Sam and guiding him throws the two girls.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson Character Portrait: Charlotte Inoue
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Bailey looked up when she heard someone talking and coming towards them. She looked over her shoulder and saw a little girl dragging a tall, emo looking kid, towards them. She just shook her head and ignored them, she finished picking up the pieces and stood up.
She looked at Marmalade and smiled, she walked by her without saying a single word. She walked towards the stairway and started to walk up the stairs.

Every time she took a step, she heard a creek, and cringed. The creeking sound brought back memories of the car accident. All she remembers from that accident was, something getting smashed, and hearing a little scream. Then her head flying forwards and hitting the steering wheel, and passing out. She hated to think about that day, how she couldn't protect her brother at all.

If she could some how could change that one minute in the car, she would have traded places with her brother in a heart beat. But she knew as everyone else thought, that changing fate was impossible. Or was it?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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((Sorry... D: I still have school until friday))

Caramia followed Bailey to the drinking fountain, taking with her the pen and notebook, she wrote down something else "The people here are sorta nice... you have to get used to it and make your own fun though"
She then wondered why she was giving comfort to this girl when she literally had no friends in this place herself. Too shy to make them, preferring to be alone with herself. She noticed that Bailey wasn't looking too happy as well, feeling a little upset for her, she jotted down something else. "I promise, if you want" she paused and then scribbled out what she wrote, closing the notebook quickly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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As Bailey was walking up the stairs, she thought to herself, '' If I'm going to make friends here, then I have to stop being such a jerk. And stop giving people the cold shoulder. '' She then walked over to Caramia and said, '' you want and talk- well not really talk I mean-.'' She then quickly sopped as she realized how stupid and mean that must have sounded to the poor girl. She just looked away and rubbed he back of her head, feeling really awkward and mean.

She looked up at Carmia and said, '' I didn't mean for it to sound like that. I just meant, do you want to come in and hang out for a little. You don't have to, it's just an offer. '' She said that, while she looked at Caramia and smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Caramia stared at her for a few moments before realizing what was being asked, and upon realization, a smile lit up on her face as she nodded, writing in her notebook. "Thank you, I'd love to" Then thought for a second before writing below it "Sorry I can't respond quickly, but I'm working on quickening my handwriting" She smiled apologetically.


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Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Bailey smiled and said, '' It's alright. I don't mind. It's not your fault you'r-'' She quickly stopped herself, she turned and said, '' Come on.'' She walked to her room, and opened the door. She walked in, turned the dim, light on and walked over to her bed and sat down. She took her guitar off, and laid back. She looked at Caramia, and said, '' Come and sit. I don't bite. '' She said that with a small smile, and a light laugh.