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Violet Flinn

"I didn't ask to be here, but then again no does do they? So why should I complian? Why should I care?"

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a character in “The Timeless”, as played by PansylovestheBeatles


Name: Violet Flinn
Nickname: Don't have one
Age: 16
Personality: Cold, aloft, serious and sad. Violet is very laid back and doesn't show her anger or much emotion at all, she's so worn down that she figure's no one wants or cares about how she feels or what she thinks so she keeps it inside. This leads to random burst of emotion at random times so she's considered rather fragile. She's often seen around the little kids because they calm her down. She is especially close with a little girl named Marmalade.
Good traits: She is a good person to talk to because while she feels no one listen to her, she is sure to listen to others, she's quiet and more shy and inverted with keeps her out of trouble in school.
Bad Traits: She keeps to much inside, has very low self esteem, doesn't trust people, keeps to her self way too much.
Fears: Of something happening any of the other orphans at the orphanage, of dying alone and forgotten, heights and falling
Dreams: Of someday living on her own in a nice normal home with a cat or two and possibly a partner.
Background: Violet was born to two nice responsible people, Darra Flinn and Anthony Flinn. They really did love there child and would do just about anything for the small girl. She lived in a fancy apartment up town were her mother worked as an artist in her home studio and her father worked in a office job.
How they became a orphan(there parents don't have to be dead): One of Darra's paintings got noticeable popularity and she was offered to take it to a action being held in a gallery in another country. She was thrilled and couldn't wait to take her family on a vacation like trip, she saw it as the beginning of them finally living the real high life and with another baby on the way things couldn't be better. But there was one problem, there where only two tickets. She decided of course, to take her husband, seeing as they had little alone time and were about to get even less and they left little Violet at a neighbor's promising to be back. But they never came back. A horrible storm occurred that night they were flying, as if form nowhere and with it, flight 965 and Violet's parents went down. Little Violet didn't understand much about what happened, and since the wreck was never found she used to make up stories or day dream about what had become of her parents. She was never really told they were dead, just that they were gone so she used to doodle pictures of them entertain the other children with stories promising when her parents returned they could all live with her. The end to this came when a older brut of a boy told her that her parents was dead and to stop with her stupid stories, he showed her a newspaper and everything. And that was the end of the happy little girl Violet had once been and in her place came a depressed, scared girl lost in the world.

So begins...

Violet Flinn's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Charlotte Inoue Character Portrait: Jaime  Dillinger
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Violet sighed as she stretched out on her bed. She had been taking a much needed nap, as she hadn't been able to sleep the night before, and was exhausted. But of course then the children had decided to bring there game of tag indoors and now sleep would been impossible. She sighed again when a little knock came upon her door. She smiled, she knew who it was.

"Come in." She answered and the door swung open reveling a little girl with short brown hair and big blue eyes. Little Marmalade, who had somehow taken a liking to the Violet, and Violet had to admit, the kid grew on you with her cheerful little nature.

"Guess what! Guess what!" She squealed.

"What?" Wondered Violet with a raised brow and a knowing smile.

"Guess!" Grinned the girl.

"Marmalade why aren't you playing tag with the other kids?" Violet asked instead.

"I was board, no one was after me anyway. But guess what I found? I found a new girl, she plays a Violin I think." The little girl said as if it were the best secret in the entire world.

"What?!" Violet had to admit she was shocked. "How do you know she plays violin? How do you even know what that is?"

"I saw it, that's what it looked like, to me anyway. So will you go down with me to meet her?"

"Sorry kid, but I'm not good with people, you know this." replied Violet.

"Please, please, please!" Begged Marmalade putting on her cutest face.

"Oh alright, if it makes you that happy, but leave me alone after this k?" Violet sighed.

"K" Answered the girl. "Come on let's go!" She dragged the older girl out the door and down the hall pass some kids running and into the living area. There they bumped into Charlie and Jaime.

"Hello Charlie, hi Jaime." Marmalade said hugging them both. "Did you know there's a new girl who plays violin?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Charlotte Inoue Character Portrait: Jaime Dillinger
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Charlotte had hugged Violet back, smiling. "Yes, we know there's a new girl. We were coming to say--" Charlotte stopped mid-sentence when she heard other people had entered the room. She could hear the soft mumbles through the door. She than put her index finger on her chin, thinking. "I think I'll come back later. I don't want this girl to feel like a bunch of people are coming into her room, eat her." She said, not knowing how to finish her sentence. But she knows her friends will understand what she means. Charlotte than smiled again, "You guys can still go in, of course. I'll come back a little later. I'll be...downstairs." She said. She gave a small wave to the little girl, Marmalade, than squeezed through her friends to start her way downstairs.

When she arrived downstairs, It was more quieter than it was before. Maybe someone finally told those kids to go bring their tag game outside. Some kids were still playing in the mini toy kitchen, quietly, and some were still playing with their hot wheels cars. Charlotte looked in front of her only to find a huge mess that the kids left behind. Lego bricks scattered all over the place. The Lego castle she spotted before must of been destroyed from all the chaos. Charlotte than got down on her knees and started to pick up the small Lego bricks one-by-one. It would be hard for the people that ran the orphanage to clean up this mess all by theirselves. So why start now?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Violet nodded, she agreed with what Charlie had said. "We should probably give the new chick some space Marm," She told the little girl. Marmalade simply shrugged and ran off downstairs. Violet gave one of her rare smile's to the girl and continued to walk through the hall until she ran into two people, one she knew, Caramia and the other, she figured must be the new girl. She was tall, real tall especially to Violet's '5'3 and she hesitated. This one looked like bad news, and so did everyone in a way, but Violet wasn't really looking for a fight, she didn't fight.

"Excuse me." She said coldly brushing past the two and turning down another hall and up a few stairs. While making sure no one was around she moved the chain she wore around her neck from her neck reveling a small bronze key. She put it through the key hole and clicked it open. Then she stepped inside and closed the door.

Meanwhile Marmalade trotted back downstairs and found yet another new person. This one smoked. Marmalade excitedly ran throws him happy as could be. On his arm he had a strange tattoo which interested her.

“Hi my names Marmalade, I’m six years old. Welcome to here, you’re the second new person I’ve seened today. What’s your name? Mine’s Marmalade!” She exclaimed hugged him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson Character Portrait: Charlotte Inoue
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Bailey was going to say something, but before she could, Violet left the room. Bailey just sighed and said to herself, '' Right, I'm the new one. So people are going to dislike me, great.'' She said that in her usual, soft and depressed tone of voice. She then walked over to the water fountain and had a drink. The cold water felt good, but it tasted kind of weird. Even though she didn't like the taste of it, she took one more drink. She looked around and just sighed, she has only been here for ten minutes, and some people are starting to dislike her already.

She just shrugged and moved on. She didn't really care if anyone left her alone, as long as they showed her respect, she was fine. She didn't like people around that much. Plus she was still feeling crappy about the accident. She walked down the stairs, and into the 'living area' she shrugged and said,'' Great, to make matters worse, I have to deal with messes.'' She walked over to where the pile of lego bricks were. She then saw a girl around her age starting to clean the stuff up.

She walked over to her and said, '' Um, could you use some help? I can help ya if you want. I got nothing better to do anyway.''
She said that and then she knelt down beside Charlie and started to help clean up the mess, before Charlie even gave her an answer.
Bailey put her hood down, and put her hair behind her, so she could she what she was picking up. She didn't say another word, in case this girl couldn't speak either.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Lennon Alder Character Portrait: Violet Flinn
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"That's Lennon." Marmalade said with a slight hint of fear in her voice. She slowly stepped aside. "This is Sammy, he's knew and he's already my best friend." She added trying to be braver than how she felt around Lennon. "He's new." She added.

Violet had left the old timey room as she always did, putting the chain back around her neck and hiding the key. The last thing she needed was for someone to find out about her private room. She was thinking she should probably properly introduce herself to the new girl but if she was anything like Violet thought she could start trouble. Plus the girl looked emotionally drained about something, and usually Violet was the only one like that. She figured she'd give the new girl her space for a while. So that left finding out whatever trouble Marmalade managed to get herself into. Hope she's not still hunting down that poor new girl.

Violet found herself in the living room, where she found Marmalade and Lennon talking to someone she didn't know. Jeez another new person? She walked up to him. "Hey, um I'm Violet, I see you've meant Marmalade."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Lennon Alder Character Portrait: Violet Flinn
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He didn’t like this girl; he didn’t like her at all. He took a drag as he thought it over, taking his goddamn time. He blew the smoke in Lennon’s face before answering, “Sure, why not.” He said. He gave her a coy grin before grabbing his duffel bag, throwing it over his shoulder with his hoodie and backpack. He looked down at Marmalade and smirked, she seemed to repeat herself on multiple occasions.

Before they could go off to find his room, another girl made her way over to them. She introduced herself as Violet. So far he hadn’t seen one guy; everyone here was a fucking girl. Not that he was complaining, he just found it odd.

“Hey, I’m Sam.” He said, “Yeah, I’ve met her.” He said, tossing Marmalade a glance, “But if she starts cussing don’t blame me.” He shifted impatiently, looking at Lennon. She reminded him of a bitch at his school, major bitch at that. Violet seemed okay, but he didn't know her and he was still pretty pissed off at being abandoned in this hell hole.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Charlotte Inoue
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((Whoa! xD A lot of people have replied since I've been on! Sorry if I miss anyone who has talked to my character. Gonna try to include everyone.))

Charlotte didn't even glance at Marmalade, Violet and the other boy that were talking, she didn't even know they were there.

Charlotte didn't even get to say "thank you" to the new girl that had started to help her pick up the Lego bricks. She hasn't even gotten to talk to the new girl yet. Once Charlotte was done cleaning up, she picked up the Lego box and brought it over to the shelf. She had to rest her arms a couple times because of how heavy the box was...and how small she was. Charlotte is only 5 feet tall...and a little underweight for her height. She wishes she was tall...she's always admired tall people.

She than looked up when she was done putting the Lego box away. She saw a few new people, including another boy that had gave her a smile. Strange...So many new people are showing up today. She thought. I better go introduce myself...I still haven't introduced myself to the new girl yet, either. Charlotte took a few steps forward until she smelt the stench of smoke. Is somebody...smoking here? She began walking towards the smell. Just a few seconds later, she spotted Marmalade and that boy that had gave her a smile before. She didn't know his name. She still didn't even know the other new girls name yet. Charlotte also saw Violet around the people.

Charlotte than walked over to the group and smiled, "Hi. Did you get to say hello to the new girl yet, Violet and Marmalade?" She said, rather swiftly. She than looked over at the new guy that stood taller than her...making her feel short. Oh, wait, she was short. She gave him a soft smile, "Hello. You must be new here. I'm Charlotte..Everyone here calls me Charlie though. And you must be--?" She said, wondering what his name was. She than mumbled "Oh" as she stuck out her hand for him to shake, almost forgetting to do so.

((Sorry if I made a mistake. I was trying to remember all what happened in the other posts. Feel free to tell me if I made a mistake! ^^;))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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"I haven't meant her yet, but I was thinking I should Charlie. Thanks for picking up." Violet said turning from the room. The new girl was still on her mind and so she decided to go pay her a visit. She decided to go along and take Marmalade along too, since she begged so hard. Marmalade was always begging Violet for something, and without meaning to, Violet grew close with the girl. You almost had to lover Marmalade.

"Come on Marmalade, we'll rescue Sam later, lets go see the new girl." Violet told her after the girl asked about her 'new best friend'.

Violet picked the girl up, even though she was getting heavy and walked up the stairs. She walked into what was rumored to be the new girl's room after knocking, a bad habit of her's, just knocking once and walking straight on in.

"Hello I'm Violet, sorry for earlier, what's you're-"

"And my name's Marmalade! Even though real Marmalade is icky. I have a best friend named Sammy, he has pictures on his skin!" Marmalade said jumping on the bed.

"Marmalade! Stop that! I'm sorry she's a bit hyper." Violet blushed, giving Marmalade a stern look.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson Character Portrait: Charlotte Inoue
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Caramia's brow furrowed with sympathy, no, empathy. She bowed her head slightly, setting down her writing utensil and notebook. She wrapped her arms around Bailey in a hug. At this point she didn't care if they had known each other for scarcely a few hours, but nonetheless, she hugged her, just a quick one, but nonetheless a hug. Picking up her pen and paper once again she wrote. "Lean on me, when you're not strong, I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on, for it won't be long, 'till I'm gonna need somebody to lean on"
A little corny perhaps, but nonetheless the only thing she could think of at that very moment. Writing was never one of her specialties, she couldn't just write some sort of speech on the wonders of life in less than a minute. So cliche song lyrics would have to do for now. She wrote below them, "Sometimes thing happen that we-" She decided that was too cliche a message and scribbled it out, starting instead with "Life is-" Then scribbled that out too.
At the end of it she simply doodled a smiley face and wrote "Stay Strong". She contemplated scratching that corny message out as well, but then decided against it. If she kept going on like this the page would eventually be entirely black from scribbles.
Caramia barely noticed the people who had barged into the room until the little girl hopped on the bed. She jumped forwards a bit, almost falling off the bed. She resisted giving the little girl a stern look and instead gave a smile, and a little wave.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Bailey looked at Caramia when she hugged her and said, '' Thank you. '' Which was almost a whisper.
She looked at the not book and smiled, Bailey then looked at Caramia again and said, '' Thank you. You don't know how much I needed to hear or in this case, read that.'' She said that with a laugh and said, '' Really, thank you.''

After she said that, two girls barged in the room. The little one started to jump on the bed and yell. The other started to introduce herself, but then stopped when she saw Bailey and Caramia talking. Bailey smiled and said, '' It's nice to meet you.''
She walked over to Violet and said, '' My name is Bailey Johnson. You can either call me B.j. for short, or just Bailey, either one is fine.''

Bailey looked at Caramia and smiled, she then looked at Violet and said, '' It's fine. I don't care what she does. As long as she doesn't break anything of mine, she'll be okay.'' She walked over to the bed and grabbed her guitar, and started to softly play it. She looked back at Violet and said, '' Sorry about earlier. I know I was being a complete jerk then, I shouldn't have been like that. I'm sorry, you can think whatever you want of me, I don't care. I'm just used to being judged.''
She then continued to play '' A Thousand Years'' by Christina Perri, on her guitar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Caramia smiled at Violet and flipped to the page in her old notebook, "im Caramia Addio, im mute, i can't speak, I'm 16 :)"
She timidly held up the notebook for Violet to read.
((I'm just assuming that everyone else would be taller than Cara, who is 5'2"))
She smiled shyly, her head sort of sunk a little into her baby blue hoodie. As her hands then wandered into the pockets. Oh she was not used at all to social interaction.
She turned her attention back to Bailey, who looked a lot happier than she had about a minute ago, which Caramia was grateful for, she liked it when she could cheer people up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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"Oh I didn't mean to judge anyone" Piped up Violet with guilt in her voice. "It's just a bad dark habit of mine. Nice to meet you Bailey." She added. Violet had seen Caramia around a few times before but never did talk or I guess you'd say write to her. She waved.

"So what you guys up to? Just hanging around?" She asked. She wasn't trying to be nosy, she had know clue what they'd been talking about before she came in, Violet only wanted to avoid awkward silence.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Caramia paled just a bit, she doubted Bailey would want people to know what they had been talking about, she raced to pick up her other, pink notebook and wrote hastily "We were talking about music, Bailey's a good guitarist" She smiled and turned the notebook around so Violet could see. She turned to Bailey and gestured to Violet as if saying "Can she join us?", not really wanting to make a decision that would go against her new friend's will. She shuffled her feet slightly, making the horrendously old hardwood floorboards creak.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Bailey stopped playing her guitar and said, '' It's okay to judge. I judged others, and I'm sorry about that.'' She then looked at Carmia and said, '' Yeah, we were just talking about some songs that I can do on my guitar.'' She looked at the others and smiled. She then said,'' I can do songs like this on my guitar. '' She sat on the floor, and motioned for the others to sit on the bed. She then cleared her throat, and started to sing and play '' A Thousand Years'' on her guitar. She looked at the others and made a small smile crease her lips. She then looked back down at her guitar and continued to sing, and play.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson Character Portrait: Charlotte Inoue
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( sorry for a wicked short post. But I want some others to respond as well).

Bailey heard the knocks and stopped playing and singing. She looked at the others on the bed and then said, '' Looks like more guests. More the marrier, right?'' She then said in a loud enough voice , '' Come in, and enjoy the party ! '' She said with a light laugh and then she continued to play and sing, a little softer than before. She didn't realize that she was performing for others.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Lennon Alder Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson Character Portrait: Charlotte Inoue
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Caramia smiled and bobbed her head a bit to the music, also lip syncing to the Lyrics that Bailey was singing. She glanced outside and noticed that one girl... Lennon. She shuddered a bit, that girl scared her. However she decided to shove those thoughts out of her mind and enjoy the music, more people joining in the room made her feel a little uncomfortable. She moved a bit so she was more in the background of this little party thing going on.

((Gtg for the night, sorry for short post. I'll be here tomorrow at around... 8:30 PM, you guys are great roleplayers :) ))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Lennon Alder Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Violet was a bit uncomfortable with being around so many people who she feared wanted nothing but for her to disappear. She decided to stay, only because she missed music. It reminded her of home. Real home, the one up town, in the fancy apartment with the spiral staircase and art studio and music, her mother always listened to music while painting. Violet almost faded in memories and a tear fell down her eyes. That place must've changed a lot in ten years. She remembered being six years old and looking at this place for the first time. The girl she now knew to be Lennon had told her to bolt, and she tried, realizing she'd be stuck there forever if she didn't, but it was a stupid attempt, didn't amount to anything.

And then came the day's of acting cute to try to get adopted. But she just wasn't cute enough. She was strange and scared and talked of things that were so deep and out there they scared everyone away. Were all screwed here, aren't we? she thought. And so now Violet was still here, wallowing in sadness and boredom, the only interesting thing in her life the occasional new person and a little girl named after a fruit preserve. Speaking of which where was Marmalade, Violet had been so deep in her thought's she'd forgetting the young girl.

Marmalade had left the room, growing board as she was hyper. Now she was going in room's hunting down 'Sammy'. She really hoped that Lennon hadn't made him turn me too. She had enough of the other kids her age to bully her around which is why she hung around the older kids. Why just a few weeks ago a kid named Joey had given her a black eye for breaking his roller skates on accident and the only one who'd really help her without saying she should have been careful were the older kids. Finally she found a long since abandoned room and knocked on the door and entered it, a habit she picked up from Violet.

"Sammy!" She exclaimed looking around. His room looked very tiny. "Gee you sure you don't want to stay with me and Sally?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lennon Alder Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson Character Portrait: Charlotte Inoue
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Bailey looked at them while she was playing, she smiled then looked at Violet. She noticed the look on Violet's face, Bailey herself had that look many times. She stood up and stopped playing her guitar. Bailey walked over to the bed, and she looked at Violet and put her hand on Violet's shoulder. Bailey then said, '' Violet, you okay? You look like you have something on your mind.'' She then crouched down in front of Violet, she was about two inches above the creaking floor boards.
She tried not to make the boards creak, but it was almost impossible not to. She then thought to herself, '' I need to do something about these floors, and the walls, and some of the doors. I'm pretty sure that others could agree with me, that they hate the creaking, and the old and depressing looks of this place, could drive anyone insane, if they haven't lost their sanity yet.'' She looked at Violet, who was on the bed, and she made a small smile at her, just trying to show her, that Bailey wasn't all bad.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Caramia silently sat in the corner with her fountain pen and notebook, doodling. She was an adequate artist, not exactly the best, but not bad either. She closed her eyes and let her pen simply glide along the page, she never quite knew what would be the outcome, but doodles were always fun, weren't they?
She honestly wished she could hum to herself to pass the time, it seemed much more fun than doodling... It came to mind that perhaps she should talk to Bailey and Violet... She was about to turn the page of her notebook to write something... but decided against it. They were having their own conversation, she didn't need to butt into it. Talking, or um... writing with one person was easy, they say something, she wrote something. Three people would be more difficult, it would take her too long to write her opinion before a new topic was chosen, so she chose to stay silent, inwardly humming to herself a tune she had heard on an old radio in the Cafeteria.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Lennon Alder Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Marmalade looked angrily at Lennon and Max as they handed her the pack of cigarettes. She didn't understand why they wanted her to tell Violet she took up smoking but it gave her an idea to make her two best friends meet each other, since Violet had little interest in anyone but herself and Sammy probably wouldn't like her at first. So after waiting until the pair left she ran back down the hall throws the new girls room to find Violet.

Meanwhile Violet looked blankly at Bailey. "It's nothing it's just...I was just thinking...about home." Violet said in a quiet voice. She had been Marmalade's age when she last saw her home, and ten years was after all a long time to be trapped somewhere. "Did anyone see where Marmalade slipped off to? She was the little girl." Violet asked standing up.

As if to answer her question Marmalade burst through the door. "Here I am." The girl replied. She quickly slipped the pack of cigarettes into Violet's back pocket without the older girl noticing.

Violet let out a sigh and turned. "We should get going, if you two need anything, just ask." With that Violet walked out with Marmalade.

"Alright what did you get yourself into this time!?"

"Nothing, nothing at all." Marmalade smiled.