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Maxwell Burling

"What was I supose to say?"

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a character in “The Timeless”, as played by Rage&Pride



Maxwell Burling
Most people call him Maxy or Max.
Some people taller than him call him Shorty.

Max is around 4'9" in height. He's rather skinning and doesn't have too much muscle. He has short dark brown hair that's cut to messily to a little bit below his ear lobes. He has dark brown, almost black, eyes that he trained to show no emotion, though you can see the sorrow in them. His wardrobe is rather plain compared to other 13 year olds.


Maxwell isn't like other 13 year olds. He has a dark and cold feeling to his words as he speaks. He almost has a psychopathic (unable to feel emotions) sense about him. He doesn't seem to understand the fact that he tends to hurt people as he talks to them. He can sit there and think of every possible possibility that could happen in a given situation in just a few moments, though he'll only speak the worst dark ones instead of the good ones. Though Max is like this, people can still find a way past it, but it would take a long time. Once they get past it though, they realize he's a normal kid who's just really sad.

Good traits:
Musical (Can play the piano)
Kind (when you get to know him)
Caring (when you get to know him)

Bad Traits:
Curses Too Much For His Age

People Hurting Him
Hurting Someone He Never Meant To Hurt

To Leave The Orphanage
To Become A Cop Or A Lawyer


Maxwell Burling was first born son to Scott and Mary Burling. It would be an understatement to say they were disappointed to have a boy. They were expecting a girl, and when it was Maxwell, they were both shocked. They began neglecting him once they returned home from the hospital. They would only talk to him to tell him to, and I quote, "Shut the fuck up!" As a small child, Maxwell would throw temper tantrums and act out just to get his parents attention. At the age of 9, his parents had an other child. Emily. They then began to completely ignore Max. A few years later, after Max decided to give up and just be a depressed emotionless little boy, he did something that made his parents put him up for adoption. He was at school and drew a picture of himself killing his parents. He then waited until his teacher was with another student to get up and go to the teachers desk. The teacher, Ms. Boswell, had two giant pins on the desk that the students would place their passes on. Max went up and slammed his hands right onto the pins, going straight through the palm of each of his hands. His mother and father had had enough and went to court where Maxwell was placed into the system. Maxwell just says to himself that "They just didn't want me. I didn't want them either."

How they became a orphan:
Parents put him up for adoption at 11 year old.

So begins...

Maxwell Burling's Story


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Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Lennon Alder
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In the world, there's many different possibilities of how a given situation can end. Take a teenager who's tipsy and driving. They could lose control of the stirring wheel and crash into a tree and get themselves and everyone else in the car killed. They could lose control of the stirring wheel and crash into a tree and live but end up getting one of the other people in the car killed. They could lose control of the stirring wheel and crash into a tree and be the only one to get killed. They can lose control and crash into an incoming car, getting someone killed. The possibilities are endless. This is how Maxwell Burling's mind worked. He was always coming up with different possibilities for different situations. When people ask him what he's thinking about though, he doesn't speak known of the good outcomes.

The noise of people talking in the room across from his brought him out of his thoughts. He stood and trudged to his door. He swung the door open to see Lennon showing so emo looking kid to a room. Max listened to Lennon as he leaned against the frame of the door and crossed his arms. He raised an eye at the girl as she talked. It was slightly amusing to Max, but he dared not say a word as he watched the to, a dark and blank expression on his face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Lennon Alder
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Sam’s mood took a turn for the worst when he saw the room, his scowl twisted into a snarl and he glared at Lennon.
“Just lay off a little.” She said to him, causing him to bark out in harsh laughter. He tossed his belongings onto the cot and crossed his arms, leering down at the girl. She was certainly someone he was going to mess with, just because he had the fucking right.

“Not at all,” He growled in response to the ‘Sammy’ thing. He could imagine how he was coming off, a dark cliché that seemed to be in all fantasy romance novels girls at his school read. He shook his head, narrowing his blue eyes at her.
He looked over to see a boy watching them and flicked his cigarette at the boy. He honestly didn’t care if the orphanage burned to the ground, save for little Marmalade. He had taken a liking to the little girl, which says a lot since he hates most people.

He returned his attention to Lennon, ignoring the boy, “Listen,” He said, “I don’t give a fuck about you or your little group of friends. I certainly won’t lay off because you’re a bitch and I can do whatever the hell I want, just because my parents are dead doesn’t mean another has control over me, they didn’t and neither will someone else.”

He then flashed her a grin, “Oh, and if your just as judgmental as everyone else and think I am ‘emo’ you can fuck off.”
He then shoved her out of the room, slamming the door in the girls face before walking over to the cot. He sighed, sitting down and putting his head in his hands.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Lennon Alder
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#, as written by **Ava**
Lennon glanced back at Max who was in his door way listening. Lennon smirked "You think I have friend? You think people want to be around me?" With that she was pushed out the door and he slammed it shut. "You can't be mad at the world forever!" She yelled at the door and kicked it. She might have taken a swing at him, maybe. But it was his first day so decided against it.

Then she turned back to face Max, a boy she actually liked. He was strange and Lennon took to him nicely. "Hey Maxwell" she walked up to him and ruffled his hair. "Don't talk to him okay?" She pursed her lips looking back at the door. This guy is going to be harder to break then other new kids with problems.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Lennon Alder
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0.00 INK amusing. Max thought as he watched the scene in front of him. He thought that was going to happen, and he thought about what's going to happen because of it. This is going to be interesting. He thought again. He looked up at Lennon as she came over to him after yelling at the door. He didn't even give a hello before saying "Yelling and kicking a door is suppose to do what exactly?" He asked in a monotone voice, his face as emotionless as ever. He never really understood why people would yell, though it made since to some situations. But defiantly not a situation like this. Plus there was no reason for the guy to blow up like that any way.

He looked at the door as Lennon told him not to talk to the guy. He narrowed his eyes slightly. "He seems angry." Max said bluntly stating the obvious. It was always an odd time when something made Mac curious. He remembers a time when he was slightly normal, like other children, and was curious. But now, it was strange. All that was going through his head was the possibilities of what's to come. "Huhmm, why would I talk to him? He seems like an ass." Max said looking up at Lennon with the faintest smile on his face. He then went blank and started down the hall. "I need a pencil." He said blankly as he walked to go find one.

He found one that one of the younger kids were using just down the hall. He bent over the kid and the picture the kid was drawing, his hands behind his back and his head tilted slightly. "Huhmm...that is a horrible drawing." Max said coldly and gave the kid a cold look. The kid looked up at him with a sad face and got up to walk away. As he walked away, Max picked up the pencil and headed back down the hall to his room. "Got one. Thanks for the help." Max said in a monotone voice as he walked past Lennon again and into his room leaving the door open to allow Lennon to enter if she wished. He sat down at a small desk and continued to draw what he had began earlier.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Lennon Alder
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#, as written by **Ava**
Max was quite the kid. He always knew the right thing to say...kind of. Like asking her what the point of yelling at the door was. "There is no point Maxwell." She sighed "Just to have the last word I guess...and yes he is angry, at the world. Not just the kids at this place like I am." Lennon watched him walk down the hallway and pluck a pencil out of another kids hand and comment on his drawing. Sure Max gave a cold shoulder to nearly everyone here but it was just his personality the brat kids needed to accept that. "Got one. Thanks for the help. He walked past her in with his usual emotionless face and she smirked was he being sarcastic? She could never tell. Lennon followed him and sat down on his bed watching him at his desk draw. There was something wonderfully peaceful about watching Max draw, he was always very into it. It was sweet in a way (and Maxwell Burling was not a sweet boy). "Maxwell have you bothered to investigate the new kids today, there is many." Lennon was almost talking to herself, she didn't want to ruin his concentration but the daily conversation with him was necessary.

Across the hall Marmalade had found Sam's room and she let herself in saying "Sammy!" Gosh, how could anyone stand that girl especially Sam. She would've yelled at Marmalade to shut up but decided against it for now and stayed seated on Max's bed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Lennon Alder
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As Max continued to draw, he glanced up slightly at Lennon as she enter his room. He immediately turned his attention back to his work. Today, he was working on something he tends to draw a lot. It's a well know and well redone picture all the time it's draw. And it's also probably the most ironic picture to be seen. It's a black and white picture of a lone tree out in a field somewhere. The tree has to occupants. A tall man and a small child. In Max's drawings, the child is always depicted being a girl in a grey dress while the man is always in a black suite. The girl is swinging on a swing on one side of the tree while the man is hung by his neck on the opposite side of the tree. Rather dark, wont you say?

And the darkness continues. Max has a whole pile of notebooks filled to the brim of many different drawings that are known to send shivers down the viewers back. Hence forth the reason why not so many people like poor Max's work. He heard what Lennon said and ignored her for a second as he gently and gracefully drew the rope around the mans neck and up to the tree. "No. Why would I do a thing like that? I don't care about people." Max said to Lennon, his voice ever so monotone as he spoke, his eyes not moving from his paper. He was calm and careful as he carefully started to add leaves to the branches of what looks like a dead tree. But then a loud scream from the 'Cute Little Marmalade' made Max scratch the pencil across his picture. He glared out his door as he crumbled the paper into a ball and trough it across the room. "Why must the people here be so damn loud." He said, his voice taking a slight tone of anger. He reached down and pulled another paper out of his notebook and began a whole new picture of what he has named 'The Hanging Tree'. It's a drawing he does when he becomes angry and he puts everyone he has a problem with at that moment on the tree. For now, that has two occupants. Marmalade and the new guy, though it's for no specific reason.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Lennon Alder
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#, as written by **Ava**
Lennon usually chose to not look at Max's art. It was truly some of the most dark drawing she had ever seen. She was rather impressed though by his precision and accuracy. Lennon wasn't sure what he was drawing at the moment so she layed back on his bed and looked at the ceiling. She could here Marmalades every word and so Lennon played with the sheet on the bed and stared up in silence.

Her thoughts lead her to wonder what it would be like if she didn't live at the orphanage. What if she had parents and lived the everyday lives people in movies did. Her hair would be perfectly put in a ponytail not knotted and a mess in a low bun. Her clothes would be cute and comfortable instead a white button down and thin white cloth sweatpants. Maybe she would have a phone and have dozens of contacts. Maybe she wouldn't be so mean to little kids... There was so many different ways Lennon's life could have turned out. This one was probably the worst. In an Orphanage, talking to a emotionless 11 year old and living in the small building as 30-50 other kids. What a life.

Lennon didn't really have anything left to say to Max. She was actually wondering when the next meal would be served as her stomach growled quietly. Naturally she was use to not eating a lot everyday but right now she was hungry, and wondered what she would have to do to get food.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Lennon Alder
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Sam looked over to see little Marmalade bounding into his room. He gave her a tight lipped smile and sighed, “I’ll be okay, I just need a better bed.” He said looking at the cot he was sitting on. “And some goddamn alcohol.” He said, rubbing his eye.

He looked over at her before giving her a smile, “Hey, I need to go out and get some things, okay?” He honestly wanted to get away from the orphanage; he wouldn’t be here long and he didn’t want to deal with people. He grabbed a few things like his phone and his car keys. While he was an orphan his dad had been smart enough to make a will and give him the truck.

He looked over a Lennon and gave her a grin and nodded to her, “Later, bitch. You touch anything of mine and your fucking dead.” He had his wallet, which hung on a chain on his jeans and most of everything valuable. He decided he would keep his laptop under the pile of clothes in his backpack.

He looked over at Marmalade, “Sorry sweetie, you can’t come. But maybe I’ll bring you back something, just don’t go near Lennon or that freak.” He said, tossing his head in the direction of the other boy. He patted her head before heading down the stairs and on his way out of the orphanage.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Lennon Alder
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Max sighed as he finished his drawing, two people hung from it by their necks. It was obvious who they were. One was a small child with hair as short as his wearing a dress and one had swishy hair. He nodded once, proud of his new drawing, and looked up. He looked up as the guy called Lennon a bitch. He just stared at the guy, no emotion appearing on his face. The only movement that shown was the movement of his left eye twitching once as he heard the guy tell little Marmalade to not come near Lennon or the freak. He had called Max a freak and Max knew it. Max knew he was different than most kids his age, but he did not like being called things nonetheless. His impulse decision was to go and talk to that guy, but Max decided against it and stared at the empty wall across the room like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"We should go see that new girl." Max said blankly. He was just curious about weather or not the girl was as much of an ass as the guy. It wouldn't make much more of a difference to him weather or not he went to see her, but he was curious. He wanted to at least get her name and a feel for her personality so he can find something to call her about.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Lennon Alder
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#, as written by **Ava**
Lennon looked up to Sam "It's funny how you think I will listen to you." She laughed. Not only was she offended by his foul language but he had called Max a freak and well maybe he was. But not a normal freak. There should be a special word just to describe Max but no word in the english dictionary had it. Lennon watched Max and could see the wheels in his brain turning and pondering whether or not to follow Sam out. But Sam had already left and Max stayed put.

"We should go see that new girl." Max said blankly. "Sure Maxwell if you want too" Lennon stood up slowly. She walked to the doorway and watched Sam leave. Then she wandered over to Sam's room and stepped inside. Boring. Nothing interesting. She walked over to his bag laying out on his bed and reached into the first pocket casually. Earbuds, change, gum. She did find a cigarette pack and though she didn't smoke, Lennon figured she'd take it just to agitate him. She then turned to Marmalade and whispered almost threateningly. "Go tell Violet you've taken up smoking." Lennon placed the pack in the little girls hand and walked out the room. "C'mon Maxwell let us go find the new girl"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Lennon Alder
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Max stood from his desk as Lennon stood from the bed and walk out. Seeing as she would probably go into the guys room, Max turned back to his drawing. By the two people he wrote 'Fruit Preserve' by one and 'Emo' by the other. I think that's pretty self explanatory.

He went to the door of his room and looked over into the guys room. He had one of the smaller rooms and a room that wasn't used for a long time. Max didn't dare step into the guys room, he just didn't see the point of it. He watched as Lennon looked through the guys bag and give Marmalade a pack of cigaretes. That moves going to come back to her. He going to come back and see them missing then he's going to go after Lennon. Or he could come back and see them missing then go after Marmalade. That would be amusing. Or he could come back and come after me. That would be the wrong move to take. Max thought, the possibilities going through his mind as he narrowed his eyes at the room, picturing the guy sitting on his bed.

Huhmm. Max mumbled, a small amused smirk cracking his emotionless appearance as Lennon told Marmalade to go tell Violet she took up smoking. Max would want to be there to see that and see if it puts a smile on his face. His face went emotionless again as Lennon said for them to go find the new girl. He simply nodded. "Lead the way." He added, motioning with his hand slightly to go down the hallway.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Lennon Alder
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#, as written by **Ava**
"Lead the way." And with that Lennon walked down the hallway. The walls were white and prison like, but wood instead of brick. The floors were cold which felt nice on Lennon's bare feet and as they entered the 'main room' Many kids were running around playing tag and legos. Lennon wasn't sure where that girl was. "Maybe she is in her room..." She turned out of the main room's doorway and down the hall again. Lennon looked for the girls room but wasn't sure where it was located. After feeling like giving up she turned to Max. "I dunno you find it..."

(Wolf won't be back till sunday sooo hah)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Lennon Alder
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((Oh fire-truck! Me forgot :P my bad...awh well))

After wandering around the orphanage, Lennon had told Max to find it. Max looked around, circling on his heel. He had the same emotionless look on his face. He then turned back around and looked up at Lennon. "Nah, I rather go find something to eat." Max said in a monotone voice. He walked to the dinning room. He wasn't too sure what time it was, but he was hoping dinner would be served soon. He sat down at the table and folded his hand on the table. He didn't like the table at all. It was old and had dents, scratches, and marks on it from when the younger kids decided to 'color' on it.

He looked around as he sat there, letting out a long breath through his nose. He could her the giggling and screeching of the other children as they ran around. Oh how Max disliked children. Frankly, he disliked adults the most, but he still disliked children and their happiness. He didn't understand how they could seem so happy when they were in an orphanage like this. He often questioned himself if they had any memory of before the orphanage. Surely they did, but if they did, how are they so damn happy? It made hardly any since at all to Max. And he didn't understand why so many new people were showing up either. He'd just have to think it's one of two possibilities. One, everyone's parents are having another child and just can't be bother by their first anymore. Or two, some insane sociopath is going around murdering everyone's parents.

Smirking slightly at his last thought, Max looked at the palms of his hands. There was still faint scars from what he had done at school one day. The memory coming back to him, Max went emotionless yet again. He then went to stare blankly into space as he listened to the sounds around him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Lennon Alder
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#, as written by **Ava**
Max had give. Up in tryin to find the girl. Frankly Lennon didn't mind not seeing her as she had already encountered her once today. So max decided he was hungry. Lennon as well craved food and thinking it was dinner time she followed Max into the dining hall. He sat down at the long table and Lennon watched as he examined the cracks on it. Lennon looked around waitin for the food. She had sat down right next to Max. No plates where laid out. The cook would probably bring them in when he felt it was time. So Lennon tapped her fingers on the table. "So Maxwell how has school been lately? Any jerks I need to deal with?" She half laughed but was also half serious. She rarely saw Max during the school day and wondered how much Max saw the 8th graders everyday. He seemed fine but obviously it was impossible to tell what Mac was thinking or feeling. She only wished he was more loose, but his emotionless face always left her guessing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Lennon Alder Character Portrait: Caramia Addio
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Caramia sighed a bit and smiled at Bailey, giving a wave, signalling that she was leaving. She gave one more smile to Violet before hastily leaving the room with her two notebooks and fountain pen, she was getting sort of hungry. She hadn't bothered with lunch, as everyone had been screaming and everything. So she had decided that she could afford to skip a meal. But now her grumbling stomach signalled that she should be getting some food.
As she walked into the dining room she noticed there were, as usual, a bunch of screaming little kids playing Tag. Of course it wasn't as bad as earlier, but nonetheless. Loud.
The next thing was the girl Lennon and the boy Maxwell... She swallowed hard and shakily took a seat on the other side of the room, then opened her older notebook to look at the older things she had written in it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Lennon Alder Character Portrait: Caramia Addio
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Max let out a huff at Lennon's question. Of course there were jerks at school. But why would anyone care it Max was getting picked on at school. Not possible. Max thought as he stared across the room blankly. What an emotionless young boy he was, always with his blank expression. The only expression Max had ever shown at the orphanage was anger. Especially the time he threatened to blow it up. That hasn't happened yet, obviously, but Max can hope for it, can't he.

"School sucks. I hate it." He said with little emotion, the words just coming out. "And everyone is a jerk. They just don't understand when to just fuck off." Max added through his teeth, anger slightly showing its self before vanishing once he noticed Caramia, the mute. A twisted thought popped into his head about talking to the girl. She obviously was sitting further away to get away from him and Lennon. It wasn't like they had anything, she just didn't want to be bothered by them. "Hello, Mute." Max said, loudly enough for her to hear and almost in a mocking way. "Can you speak yet?" He added. It was a hint of a real question with a cold feeling. He just didn't understand how someone could not be able to speak. So, in his mind, she must be playing and just choosing not to speak.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Lennon Alder Character Portrait: Caramia Addio
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#, as written by **Ava**
"School sucks. I hate it and everyone is a jerk." Max said through gritted teeth. Lennon was sure of course he would answer that way and she almost regretted asking as he was becoming angry. She figured Max got angier faster than other people because he never told anyone how he felt. All his thought bottled up anger came faster. Lucky for them his face returned to emotionless as Caramia walked threw the door. Unknowingly interrupting into Lennon and Max's conversation. "Hello, Mute." Max mocked her and Lennon let out a tiny laugh. She actually liked the idea of calling Caramia 'Mute'. "Can you speak yet?" Max added. Lennon glanced down to see Mute holding a 2 notebooks. "Do you draw Mute?" She asked, her voice drew out every last word. "Maxwell draws" She looked at Max who seemed interested with the girl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Lennon Alder Character Portrait: Caramia Addio
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Caramia looked up at the two and seemed to shrink in her seat, biting her lip, she quickly brought the two notebooks close to her chest and brought her feet up onto her chair, so her knees were also close to her body. She shook her head when Lennon asked her is she drew, she doodled, not drew. She also didn't like being called "Mute", but she didn't see any way of telling them that, as she didn't want to take the time to write it down. So she stayed still, her hands shaking just a bit. The last thing she wanted right now was to have to be mocked by the two. She took a few breaths and then set her pink notebook down, returning to her doodling.
Drawing, drawing seemed fun though, sketching something. So she got to work on sketching an old treehouse she used to have, though it was difficult, as she couldn't erase her mistakes, and because she had to go from memory, there were a lot of those.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Marmalade Captone Character Portrait: Lennon Alder Character Portrait: Caramia Addio Character Portrait: Violet Flinn Character Portrait: Bailey Johnson
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Marmalade looked angrily at Lennon and Max as they handed her the pack of cigarettes. She didn't understand why they wanted her to tell Violet she took up smoking but it gave her an idea to make her two best friends meet each other, since Violet had little interest in anyone but herself and Sammy probably wouldn't like her at first. So after waiting until the pair left she ran back down the hall throws the new girls room to find Violet.

Meanwhile Violet looked blankly at Bailey. "It's nothing it's just...I was just thinking...about home." Violet said in a quiet voice. She had been Marmalade's age when she last saw her home, and ten years was after all a long time to be trapped somewhere. "Did anyone see where Marmalade slipped off to? She was the little girl." Violet asked standing up.

As if to answer her question Marmalade burst through the door. "Here I am." The girl replied. She quickly slipped the pack of cigarettes into Violet's back pocket without the older girl noticing.

Violet let out a sigh and turned. "We should get going, if you two need anything, just ask." With that Violet walked out with Marmalade.

"Alright what did you get yourself into this time!?"

"Nothing, nothing at all." Marmalade smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maxwell Burling Character Portrait: Sam Way Character Portrait: Lennon Alder
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#, as written by **Ava**
Lennon had been a seat at the dinner table waiting impatiently for her food to arrive when into the room burst an angry Sam. She turned to face him but he had all ready grabbed her arm causing her to stand up. “Give them back.” He growled at her with a sly smile. Not planning on playing the give what back? game Lennon whispered "I don't even smoke" to him wearing a magnificent half smile on her face. He could do anything he wanted she wasn't afraid of some troubled new kids. With that she pulled her arm away and sat back down calmly. "Join us for dinner if you like" Lennon added not looking at him but straight ahead at the chair across from her.