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The Toy Shop

The Toy Shop


1,042 readers have visited The Toy Shop since BloodyMummy created it.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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Vladimir Damien Lucid

"Vlad. Vlad. Vlady, Vlad~" Whispered his voice. it was as sleek as silk, undented and unpeeling. Vladimir smiled as he was finishing up. It was 'that' night, the night when he and his accomplices would run. They were each taking turns mutilating their master, the shopkeeper. Vladimir went first, he started by raping the poor man helplessly and then clawing his arms.

Vladimir was a proud sadist, nothing made him happier than the twisted look of pain on another's face. "Damien. Damien. Dami, Damien~" He whispered, repeating his name over and over making sure the man never forgot who aided in his death. "So," Vlad said turning toward the other who were like him. "who wants to go next?" he whispered, ripping a large amount of flesh off the poor mans torso.


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Miki R. Flood

Miki's black eyes watched as Vladimir raped and scratched at the shopkeeper, their master. He shivered as he continued to watch, he was dreaded the moment for when it gets to his turn. Mutilating wasn't something the doll did, he was the most innocent of them all, but everytime he remembered the things that the guy did to them, made him want to do these things back at him.

"Who wants to go next?"

He tilted his head to the side as he heard Vlad. He raised his hand, it shaking slightly in nervousness. He didn't know what he was going to do, but the memories came as he decided he needed to do this. He brought it back down as he walk up the man in pain, he also made a face. A face he would most likely never make again. A wicked smile was graced upon his face as thought of what to do first. He brought his hand to the shopkeeper's face as he lunged his fingers into his eyes, some blood spattering his shirt.


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Vladimir Damien Lucid

"Haha, That's the spirit Miki" Vlad stood back, his fingers in his mouth as he sucked on them unrelentlessly drooling. This was something Vladimir normally never did, he usually couldn't get this excited. He was having way to much fun, perhaps he may even be getting excited in more ways than one. "Hehe, wooo~ cool down Vlad." He whispered and began slapping his own head.

"C'mon Miki, make him bleed more!" he started shaking his head in a twisting jerking motion, like he was having a heart attack. "Ahaha~" Vladimir started biting his fingers on his right hand. He started pulling on his fedora, and flopping his hair out of his face. "Hehehe...~" Vlad smiled then settled down. He sat next to Lenard.


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Lenard Foxworth

Lenard watched Miki have his turn, sticking his tongue out a bit, and making a sort of snake noise that was supposed to be him laughing. "Hey Miiikiii, don't take all the fuuun outta himm." he said dragging out a few words. Lenard rocked back and forth, letting Miki have his fun,then Mizuki would go, if he wanted to. Lenard liked to be last at things, if he couldn't be last, he didn't really care, last was just made it more fun.

"Heey, Miz do you wanna go next?"

He said stretching out his arm and point toward the toy shop owner, "You know you waaaannnaaa" He said slowly and leaning forward. Lenard was very childish at times, like this, it was fun to be a kid, even more fun to, well, have fun! Like what they were doing now. He put one hand on his hood and brought it up on his head. He turned back to watching Miki, and then to Vladimir, "So after this, whatta we gonna do?"


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Mizuki Tsubame

"Heey, Miz do you wanna go next?" Lenard said stretching out his arm and point toward the toy shop owner. "You know you waaaannnaaa" He had said slowly and leaning forward. Mizuki walked over to the shop owner his tail flicking happily. Mizuki smiled as he grabbed one of the shop owners fingers and bent it back wards, making a sickening crack fill the room.

Mizuki had done this to every single finger then turned back to Lenard.'' Would you like to do anything to him Lenard?'' he asked his voice laced thickly with happiness, and a edge of adrenilen(?). He walked back over to Vlad and Lenard and pulled his red pirate hat on, the one with the large feathers.


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Lenard Foxworth

Lenard lifted his finger up to his chin and tapped it. "Hmmmmm..." He looked up for a minute, then back down, and stood up like he had gotten an idea. He walked (more like jump walked) over towards the toy shop owner, he had a look in his eyes that was fear,sad, and anger. Sadly, Lenard wasn't that good at seeing feelings. He bent down, and his knees made a cracking sound as he did. He reach out and grabbed the owner's wrist. He started pulling and a another cracking sound was made. Then Len had pulled his whole hand off, "I'd love to give you a hand, but its mine now!" He said mockingly.

Lenard took the shop keeper's hand and dangled it around him, getting some blood on his jacket, the floor, and about everywhere else. He made a sing-song noise while doing so, this was one of the ways Lenard could just be plain out insane. Lenard stopped dancing and went over to the guy's foot, and did the same thing "Pop! plop plop~" He said as blood fell to the floor.


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Miki R. Flood

Miki kept on his assault on the shopkeeper, continuing to stab his fingers at his eyes. The wicked smile faltered slightly as the others began to start their own advance on the guy. He blinked at Lenard as he snapped off his hand and foot. At that moment, he wished he was more insane and bizarre like the others. He will and always be the more innocent one, and he knew.

As he completely made a hole out of the guy's right eye, he started to lunged deeper into his left eyes, wanting to finish as soon as possible. More blood was drenched onto his shirt and pants, bleeding through the material and getting on his pale skin. He moved his head, he felt like he should say something like the others did, but with his stutter it wouldn't sound evil at all. Finishing another hole into the shopkeeper's left eye, the blood squirted upward, splattering on his cheeks.


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Vladimir Damien Lucid

Vlad Grabbed Miki's hand. Footsteps were approaching, Vlad turned to his friends. "We have to go!" He dragged Miki out the back door, hopping the others were following him. The shop keepers car was in the driveway, but none of them knew how to drive. He continued dragging Miki until they were a few blocks away from the shop.

"We need to find somewhere to stay. Keep low for a while." Vlad looked up to the flickering streetlight. "Best not to stay with the same person." He let go of Miki's hand. Vlad sat on a nearby rock and looked into the bushes. "I hope you all will be fine on your own. Lets meet back here, every night." He whispered and started walking down the sidewalk.

He walked a fair amount of blocks away from everybody else and was crossing through a parking lot, when he heard something. It was the beautiful voice of a girl singing. It wasn't a song he knew, but one he had heard. Vladimir looked over to her car, and looked at the girl. She had her hair in a tight messy bun, with some kind of weird outfit on.He started walking close to her, she didn't notice him even when he was leaning against her car. Vlad waited till she got to the chorus of the song and started singing along.

"So raise your glass if you are wrong
In all the right ways, all my underdogs
We will never be, never be anything but loud
And nitty gritty, dirty little freaks
Won't you come on and come on and
Raise your glass!
Just come on and come on and
Raise your glass!"


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#, as written by phooka
Zira McClure
The music in Zira's shiny blue Bronco, she called Bruce was blaring so loud that she barely even heard it when another voice joined the song. She had come here to escape life at her boring adoption center. Not paying attention to time or anything, she had driven as far away from it as possible, because today was her day off. She didn't have any meetings with so called "possible parents" today, and she was going to take advantage of that. Zira had rolled down all of Bruce's windows and turned up the volume as high as she could get it without blowing the speakers.
But when she did hear the voice, she almost jumped out of her skirt with shock. Almost. She did, though, manage to slam her hand into the horn so hard that the noise almost made her scream as it penetrated the air. She slammed on the volume button and turned off the music her heart thudded in her chest. Then, Zira reached under the seat and grabbed the pistol she wasn't supposed to have, but kept in case of emergencies and pointed it out the window she heard the singing from. This all happened in about five seconds. "WHO IS IT!!??" She yelled, her voice shrill and quavering.


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Vladimir Damien Lucid

"Ah~" Vladimir quickly shut up and raised his hands. He knew that if he got shot it may just damage his human form and possibly make him not be able to use it, but he'd be fine afterwards. "Woah, Don't shoot. I'm just a by passer who heard the voice of an angel." He said trying to charm her. His fedora was nearly falling off his head, and it did it flew into her car. "Ah~ my fedora..." He whispered.

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#, as written by phooka
Zira McClure
"Voice of an angel, humpf, like I haven't heard that a thousand times." Zira muttered, rolling her eyes, "here." She passed the guy his hat, and put down her gun, "so, what do you really want?" Her eyes were glued on him, she could see right through him, Zira had lots of experience with boys, and knew not to trust them. "A ride? Money? What is it?"


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Mizuki Tsubame

Mizuki followed Vlad and Miki silently his tail casually flicking back andd fourth."We need to find somewhere to stay. Keep low for a while." Vlad had said looked up to the flickering streetlight. "Best not to stay with the same person." He said letting go of Miki's hand and sitting on a nearby rock and looked into the bushes. "I hope you all will be fine on your own. Lets meet back here, every night." He whispered and started walking down the sidewalk. Mizuki gave a small wave after Vlad dissappered.'' Bye guys!'' He shouted before taking off in the oppisite direction Vlad went.

After a few blocks Mizu stopped running and began to walk at a slow pace. He stopped when he walked in side of a supermarket. He walked thoughout the aisles with a small strut, looking for someone intresting enough to talk to. He kept getting odd stares, but who wouldn't stare at him. He was wearing zebra stripped boots, rainbow stockings, black shorts, a bright pink shirt with a kitten and a ball of yarn on it, and his red pirate hat with the large duff of feathers, And you couldn't help but stare at the black tail that waved back and fourth happily. He didn't mind he just smiled and kept walking. he walked over to this one man with longish brown hair and golden looking eyes. perfect.'' Excuse me Sir, Do you have enough room to house a poor soul as myself in your home?'' He asked giving the guy puppy dog eyes.


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#, as written by X64
Feng Rin Li
Feng sat at the table in his home, sipping the last of his tea. He looked into the now-empty cup a bit sadly. Feng stood and walked into the kitchen and put his cup in the sink. As he washed it, his stomach growled loudly. He set his cup to dry and went to look for some food. He opened the cabinets. Nothing. He opened the fridge. Nothing. He looked in the pantry. Nothing. He even looked under the sink. Still, nothing. It has only been a couple of weeks since Father passed away....and yet.....I seem to have run out of food and tea. This is most definately not the most favorable situation. It seems that I will have to go to....oh, what did father call it? Ah, yes. The supermarket. Hm. As Feng thought this, he walked over to a drawer and opened it, taking out a slim black book. He flipped through it, looking for something. Ah, here it is. Alright, according to Father, the proper etiquette for a supermarket is to grab what you want and pay at the counter for it. How strange.... He flipped to the back of the book and grabbed an envelope that had been stuck between the pages. He put the envelope in his pocket and put the book back. He left his home, locking the door behind him. He walked to his gate, stopping in front of it. I do not want to leave. I feel as if my life will change on this frivolous journey.... Feng sighed as he opened the gate to the outside world. Well, for better or for worse, here goes. Father, guide me.

Feng found the supermarket without any problems, except that he seemed to be getting a lot of strange looks. He was wearing what he usually wore; traditional Chinese clothing. He wasn't comfortable with all the stares, but he supposed it couldn't be helped. He looked around the supermarket, marveling at how many people there were. Actually, even though it was just a supermarket, the amount of people there made him feel claustrophobic. Trying not to feel too flustered, Feng grabbed a basket and took a look around the store. All the items on the shelves, the people, the variety of foods and goods, it was all a little much. Feng had never shopped before, as he had always been sheltered by his father. I need to get a hold of myself. Okay, what did I come here for? Oh yes, tea. Feng looked in all of the aisles until he found the tea section.

Feng was looking at all of the different teas, wondering which one would be best. There were so many different ones, it was hard to tell.
''Excuse me sir, do you have enough room to house a poor soul as myself in your home?''
Sensing someone's presence, Feng looked over to see a strange-looking young man beside him. Feng bowed to him, replying, "A pleasure to meet you." Feng straightened up, looking from the strange boy to the tea, and then back again. "Do you know how this "shopping" thing works? If you show me, I will give you a room for the night." He was surprised when he saw the boy's tail, but decided not to say anything about it. If he were to cause trouble, Feng knew that he would be able to protect himself from the Kung Fu his father had taught him.


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Vladimir Damien Lucid
"A place to stay, My good woman." He said bowing forward like a gentleman. Vlad smiled and bent into the window so he could see the girl. She was very pretty, but definitely not his type of girl. "I know its unusual for a teenage girl , to take in a man of my caliber. But would you?" Vlad smiled his most precious smile at her, trying another attempt to charm the young latter.


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#, as written by phooka
Zira McClure
"A man? How old are you?" She asked, looking at him, he didn't look much older than her. She sighed, "get in the car, but I'm not going home right now, is there anywhere you'd like to go?" She asked him, biting her lip, nervously, how am I going to explain this to Mrs. P.? I'm bringing some stranger that I found on a parking lot to my little room in her little adoption care apartment building.
"I was planning on going to the beach and taking a walk, do you want to come?" She tried her best to smile, but given the situation, it pained her to do so.


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Miki R. Flood
Miki was glad that Vladimir got him out of there for him. His eye widened as they came to an opening, away from the shop. Go find somewhere to live at? Was Vlad crazy? Small tears gathered in his eyes, he knew no one would take him. even if he had a clean shirt and no blood on him, no one would want him, but he ran away himself. He went in a different direction from Mizuki and Vlad, wandering down the streets and wondering where he would sleep.

Looking blankly in front of him, he found himself walking into a dark alley way. As he shook himself back to reality, the noises of the night scared him a bit. He ran out of the alleyway, he wasn't liking the darkness in there. He continued to run, for what reason? He did not know, he just wanted to find a nice place where he can sleep, eat, and find peace, but the tears running down his face told him he would never find one.

Because of his crying and running, he accidentally ran into person and fell to the ground. His crying stopped suddenly as he looked up at the other, not wanting them to get mad. He his face with his hands and cried once again.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry for r-running into y-y-you..."


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As the night drew a nice breeze, the redhead shiver slightly pulling the collar of his coat up to his ear. Demetri should be back home doing his chores and school work, but here he was wasting precious time by having a walk. He did give himself credit for trying to finish it up, but his mind was filled with so much thoughts that he just needed some air. He considered taking a few drinks so he'd be able to relax, but he wouldn't want to end up making stupid mistakes while tipsy or drunk.

He stumbled slightly feeling a body crashing into him. He growled slightly at the fool before taking a good look at him. He normally would have yelled at the male to watch where he was going- but would not throw a punch unless he started it. But how could he harm him? He was so small, so scared, so delicate and so lost. His face was so pale that he could compare it to porcelain.He couldn't believe that the object before him was a human being. Then he noticed the red stains on his shirt, the scent was familiar but he didn't want to believe it; he was too pure to be stained with blood.

His eyes softened and he stretched a hand out to help the male up. "It's okay," He said trying to be as gentle as possible, he wouldn't want to frighten the male. "But you should be more careful. Do you need any help?"


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Miki R. Flood

"I-I need a h-h-home...!"

Miki couldn't stop the tears from flowing out of his eyes and falling down his stained cheeks. After a few more sobs, he lifted his hands away from his face and his big, black eyes looked at the hand in front of him. They trailed up the hand and seeing the face that was offering his hand to him. He was in awe with the obvious male with red hair. He never really seen someone with that colored hair before, or has he seen someone with glasses before. He lifted one of his shaky hands onto the other's and attempted to try and stand up. As he stood up, his knees were still weak and he fell on the other male.

The poor, scared doll started to cry again, staining the other's shirt with blood and tears. "I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry...I-I-I j-just need a h-h-home..."


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[center] Lenard Foxworth

To fast for Lenard. Everything just went to fast, Vlad told them they had to leave, all four ran off in different directions, and Lenard had no idea where he was. "Woooaah..." He said staring at multiple houses and cars. He brushed off most of the blood on him, so it just looked like his was in a fight. He started walking on a sidewalk untill he could find someone. Maybe they'd let him stay somewhere and he didn't have to nap on the streets and meet back up with everyone and pretend he had a place to sleep. Hopefully.


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"A home?" Demetri repeated to himself curiously. It was odd to find someone so homeless, yet so perfect. It was so odd it started to scare him a little. He still lived in his family's old house; his parents decided to move back to his birthplace a long time ago, but Demetri refused to leave his home. The house felt so big being the only one living in it. He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he tried to make a choice. Pros of taking the male in: he'd finally have someone to talk to, he could finally tell his mother--not that they really cared-- that he made a new friend, he would never be bored with that flawless face. Cons of having him in: he'd have double the expenses, he'd have to get new things for the guy, another mouth to worry about, another addition to his stress.

The red head caught him and balanced himself so they both wouldn't fall. He was so weak, how could he even think about leaving him? His large doll like eyes made it even harder for him to say no. When he heard the stuttered cries, his heart broke. Demetri might be cold, but he wasn't heartless.

His hand hesitantly patted the male's back, "You're more than welcome to come live with me." He said hoping he didn't make the right choice. He tried to hush the boy before he spoke again. "First of all, I need to know your name. Mine's Demetri Hawthorne, but you can call me Demetri." Be nice, be gentle, don't be an asshole. he kept reminding himself.


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Miki R. Flood

Miki looked up at Demetri, his quivering lips turning into a nervous smile. He overwhelmed with the happiness that the other male was going to let him stay at his home. His hands clenched at his shirt and he hid his face in the guy's chest. He was glad that he'd have a place to stay. "T-t-thank you...T-thank y-you s-so much....!" His thank you's were muffled and his shaky hands were losing their grip. His consciousness was going in and out, he was about to pass out.

"T-thank you, Demetri..." He hummed to himself, liking the rubbing on his back and trying to keep awake. He continued to hide his face, attempting to rub the blood off his cheeks and hands. He tried to find enough air in his lungs to say his name to him, but it was only little. "M-Miki...Miki Flood...,"he whispered out before he passed out, leaning on Demetri.


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Demetri finally had a good look of the male's face. It was imposable that some one with so much beauty could be a boy or human. He felt slightly embarassed as he buried his face into his chest. He glanced around relieved to see no one else, he brought his hand up to pat the top of his head to comfort him, his hair was surprisingly softer than he thought.

Demitri still couldn't decide if taking the male in would be a curse or a blessing. He thought about coming home to another face wouldn't be such a bad thing. But what would others think? The heartless redhead bringing home and taking care of a boy he found in the street. They'd call him soft and find away to kicks his butt about it later. But what the hell, he was going to help someone, something that he hasn't done in a long time. Things might change for the better.

Miki was getting weak and Demitri could feel it. He held onto both of his arms to give the male more support. "That's a nice name," he sighed out as he was forced to hold onto him so he wouldn't fall. There was no choice but to carry the male back to his home. Carefully he brought the male to his back, laced his arms around his own neck and carefully lifted him. The walk home was silent and a bit awkward. He felt like an old man carrying a lost boy back to his home. It was a miracle that not a lot of people were out in the street.

Once they reached home, he carried Miki into his bedroom and laid him on the mattress. He couldn't help but stare at the red stains all over him. He tried not to wonder too much about it as he retrieved a rag from his bathroom. He wiped the stains off the male and relieved his doll like face. Before he left, he placed a clean shirt on his desk for him Miki to wear whenever he decides to wake up. Now, all he had to do was kill some time while waiting for him.

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Character Portrait: Miki R. Flood
0 sightings Miki R. Flood played by RolePlayGateway
"C-can I h-help you?"

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lenard Foxworth
Character Portrait: Mizuki Tsubame
Character Portrait: Feng Rin Li
Character Portrait: Astarti Steven
Character Portrait: Demetri Hawthorne


Character Portrait: Demetri Hawthorne
Demetri Hawthorne

"My fist is bigger than yours, So your argument is invalid. "

Character Portrait: Astarti Steven
Astarti Steven

"Take me as I am or not at all."

Character Portrait: Feng Rin Li
Feng Rin Li

"Ah, hello. Welcome."

Character Portrait: Mizuki Tsubame
Mizuki Tsubame

'' Hello, Im Mizuki. Who are you?''

Character Portrait: Lenard Foxworth
Lenard Foxworth

"Click,clock,click,clock,pop, plop"


Character Portrait: Astarti Steven
Astarti Steven

"Take me as I am or not at all."

Character Portrait: Demetri Hawthorne
Demetri Hawthorne

"My fist is bigger than yours, So your argument is invalid. "

Character Portrait: Mizuki Tsubame
Mizuki Tsubame

'' Hello, Im Mizuki. Who are you?''

Character Portrait: Feng Rin Li
Feng Rin Li

"Ah, hello. Welcome."

Character Portrait: Lenard Foxworth
Lenard Foxworth

"Click,clock,click,clock,pop, plop"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Demetri Hawthorne
Demetri Hawthorne

"My fist is bigger than yours, So your argument is invalid. "

Character Portrait: Feng Rin Li
Feng Rin Li

"Ah, hello. Welcome."

Character Portrait: Mizuki Tsubame
Mizuki Tsubame

'' Hello, Im Mizuki. Who are you?''

Character Portrait: Lenard Foxworth
Lenard Foxworth

"Click,clock,click,clock,pop, plop"

Character Portrait: Astarti Steven
Astarti Steven

"Take me as I am or not at all."

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Most recent OOC posts in The Toy Shop

Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

Eh, sorry I haven't been on. I was having some family issues. I want to reply, but is the RP gonna continue?

Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

Sorry, i just forgot >.<


Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

Has everybody just lost interest in this roleplay or something?

Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

Yeah, i think I will. :)

*Runs to go make it*

Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

ooh, that actually sounds pretty cool :) it's up to you, but I think it might attract a lot, because lately, I've noticed there's a big thing with demons and stuff.

Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

Interesting picture Mirror, but I'm already busy with a new story I'm going to write. It is about 7 kids who represent the 7 Heavenly Virtues but they don't know it, and they are haunted by the 7 Deadly Sins. The Sins are demons.

I may make it into a RP, but I'm not sure. Should I?

((I'm scared I won't attract enough people...))

Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

I have an announcement to make!
I have made my second ever RP. If you want to join, here's the link!
Music Academy for the Different

Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

hey bloody, I found this epic pic, and I thought it might give you an idea for a cool roleplay :) ... s/77-1.jpg

The girl is like an android type thing, if you look at her arm, you can see that it's broken

(PS if it does, can you reserve me an awesome/important girl spot on it, haha)
:D :D :D :D

Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

I hope it's okay, I totally made Zira spazz out :) haha

Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

I shall make it go faster!


Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

Me too. :3

Happy birthday!

Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

hey, I don't want to seem impatient or anything, but when is the mutilating gonna be over cause I'm like really anxious to post. haha, sorry. :)

Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

ooh! Happy birthday! and YAY!! my favorite one is the second one (on the beach) and the third one (with the umbrella) :D I think they're cuuuute :D

Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

Haha, Yeah Tomarrow (Friday the 29th) Is my 14th Birthday :)

And Mirror, I loved those. :)


Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

I live in Florida, so nothings been happening here. As far as I know, anyway.

I used to live in Oklahoma so....yeah....tornados suck.

Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

You guys too? I live in Georgia also, me and my mom stayed up until 2 am. We had funnels where we were, but none of the forming tornado touch the ground. D:

Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

Yeah, we had tornadoes, too here in Pennsylvania, and my school got cancelled because of weather damage

Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

Sorry to hear about the weather, but its not looking to hot here in Northern Ohio. We literally had a tornado while I was at school, luckily it moved away.


Re: [OOC] The Toy Shop

yikes D: that doesn't sound fun. Well, good luck, with the weather.