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Atticus Hawkins

i once kneeled in shaking thrill, I chase the memory of it still.

0 · 1,646 views · located in Barden, VA

a character in “the wicked game”, as played by partially-stars



"i once kneeled in shaking thrill, I chase the memory of it still."
monster - walking on cars
villains pt. 2 - emma blackery
better love - hozier


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Atticus Arthur Hawkins.

N I C K N A M E (S)
Att, Tic, Icarus

May 14




25% Mexican, 25% Italian, 25% American, 25% Scottish

New York City



Atticus looks nothing like the bad boy name he earned for himself. He's always extremely well dressed, usually a little overdressed for the situation. He's seldom seen in a t-shirt and almost never seen in jeans. In his family, appearance was everything. He lives in blazers and slim legged trousers, keeping his wardrobe to a simple palette of colours. Mostly, he lives in dark colours, keeping his wardrobe conservative. He'd love to be a little more brave, but doesn't have it in him. He doesn't end up on the streets all that much, but when he does, he wears a black hoodie, black workout leggings, and a simple black face mask.

H E I G H T & W E I G H T
6'1", 153lb

Atticus is built to look like a bad boy. He's tall and thin, his impeccable posture emphasising both of those traits. His face is all sharp lines, a strong jaw and a strong nose. His eyes are perhaps the most distinctive part about his face though. They're big and dark, more than often holding the same harshness and cold that the rest of his family is so known for. But when he smiles, they light up. He has a splattering of freckles across his his nose and his forehead that are only noticeable during the summer or when you look really closely. His nose is pierced and he also has wing tattoos on his shoulder blade and arms, as well as a phases of the moon tattoo on the right side of his ribs.


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He adores movies of pretty much all kinds, and he'll give anything a try. He's pretty much addicted to Diet Coke and is seldom found without one within arms' reach. He loves the peace and quiet of having the apartment to himself. He loves homecooked food. His guilty pleasure is Taco Bell, even though his mother could cook amazing authentic Mexican food. He loves the smell of lavender and freshly washed laundry.

He hates most fast-food pizzas as he finds them greasy and sickening. He hates wearing ties, as he feels like they’re too tight. People who talk idly for no reason or just to fill the silence bore him. He hates being lectured or being preached to. His visions always make him incredibly anxious and distressed, and he really dislikes it when people try to lecture him on how to manage them.


Who Atticus was, who he is, and who he wants to be are three different people. He was raised to be a weapon. But not the brutal kind. He was raised to be an elegant, beautiful, deadly weapon. He was taught to be charismatic, to fool and charm people with a smile and a few well placed words. The type of person that could sit across from the chief of police and give nothing away and raise no suspicion. By the age of fourteen, he could command the attention of a room of people simply by standing up and clearing his throat. He was the teenage boy that adults always took seriously and listened to. And he was deadly. He was told to show no mercy. Nobody was innocent, they told him. Everyone is guilty of something. Or, well, they will be before long. Torture is effective, but it wasn’t his role. If he had to kill, it was quick and quiet and as clean as possible. Don’t give them time to scream, don’t give them time for help to come, don’t let them talk and try to break down your walls.

And Atticus fitted all of those traits perfectly. He still does. But something changed, somewhere along the way. He never found the glory in power. He’s seen far too much death and destruction in his visions for him to revel in it. He longs for a world away from it all, away from everything he knows. Letting his uncle get killed was the first step in that. All Atticus wants is to experience something close to normality, something where he doesn’t have to carry a gun and a knife with him at all times. Where he wouldn’t be stared at and judged harshly for spending a day in sweats and a faded t-shirt, eating junk food and watching movies. But all he knows is being a weapon. His first instinct is always to be cold and aloof, to hold everyone at arm’s length. He was told that the only people that mattered were family. Friends were accessories, something to make you look normal.

And Atticus is so, so tired of that. He moved out of his family home after his uncle was killed and bought a small apartment for himself. He keeps potted plants and has framed movie posters on the wall. He’s started directing freelance and indie movies, working in a bookshop to help pay the bills. He sees a world where he can be “normal.”

But if he’s honest, he doesn’t know if normal is ever an option for him. He’s been haunted by images of death for as long as he can remember. He has visions about other things, of course, but most of the time, they’re still hugely distressing. There’s next to nothing he can do about them either. He lives in constant fear that he won’t wake up from one, that he’ll have a bad one while crossing the road and a driver won’t see him. He was taught for so long to be heartless, to be fearless, to not let death get the better of him. And he’s not afraid of much, but he’s seen so much death, seen exactly how messy it all is that it’s the one thing he fears the most.

Despite that all, he keeps going. There are days where he doesn’t know how he does it. But he finds the courage in the pretty girl’s laugh, in the splatter of freckles across the boy’s nose, in that feeling of unreality after watching a movie in a movie theatre, in the beauty of a sunset. He’s still a weapon, of course. That’s something you never lose. He’s stopped carrying a gun but still carries a knife. Sharp, beautiful, quiet, deadly. The villains heard his name and flocked to him, begging him for their fortunes. And in return, they whispered the name of the modern oracle between each other, the man who would tell you if he has seen your death for the price of a coffee, a drink, or a movie ticket. Icarus.



Atticus' parents met in New York in the early nineties, and fell in love almost instantly. They were both ambitious, driven people, the very definition of a power couple. His mother, Rosa, didn't care that James was tied up in the mob, and he discovered that she was a valuable strategist. James' brother had taken power of a powerful crime family a year after they were married, and James was his right hand man. So when Atticus was born, it was presumed that he would have an important role once he came of age.

Atticus was trained to be a certain type of person. He was trained to be cold and heartless. His family were never obviously antisuper, but Atticus misconstrued their hatred for the heroes as hatred for everyone who was different. So he hid his visions for years. He spent a lot of time alone, never really having friends, isolating himself even from his family, because he couldn't risk them knowing. He was terrified they'd find out. But, still, his family trained him anyway. Taught him how to shoot a gun, taught him how to kill, taught him how to lead. He was never meant to be the muscle, but the brains, the knife.

Atticus gained a reputation as a bad boy in high school due to his mysterious, loner nature. But all Atticus wanted was to be normal. He didn't want the popularity, the way people's eyes followed him with equal interest and weariness. He hated the way girls would awkwardly giggle and ask him out, because as much as he wanted to say yes, it just wasn't an option. He wouldn't bring anybody into that world.

For most of his life, his visions of death had been strangers. People that his family killed, the grunts getting tasered by the cops, brutal car accidents. They were never any less horrific, but at least then he didn't have to witness the immediate fallout. It made it easier to desensitize himself from it all, made it easier to just carry on as if nothing happened. But then he had a vision. His uncle, being taken out by a police sniper. It was one of the most vivid visions he had, vivid enough for him to know where and when it was going to happen. But instead of wanting to protect his family, Atticus took his chance to get out.

After his uncle was killed, in exactly the same way Atticus had seen, he went to his father. Said he was scared, that he wanted to lie low for a while. And his father agreed, giving Atticus enough money to buy a small two bedroom apartment in Barden. Atticus had always had an interest in film directing, and he'd done an online degree in film and screen media. So he managed to convince somebody to give him a shot at directing. To pay the bills, he got a job working in a small, independent bookshop and rented out his spare room.

After a villain attempted to mug and kill him, Atticus distracted him by talking about how he'd seen his death. Atticus wanted to scare him, but instead he found other villains flocking to him, begging to know if he had seen their death. Atticus knew he could use this to his advantage, but he wasn't interested in their money. So he asked them for stories instead, asked them to bring him to a show, asked them to give him something nobody else could give him. And he became infamous among the villains, the young man who could tell them about their death and wanted very little in return.


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Precognition: Precognition is the ability to glimpse the future. It varies widely between users. For Atticus, his visions can come in the form of unusually vivid dreams or while he is awake. To an outsider, it simply appears as though he’s zoned out or having an absence seizure when he’s having a vision. He’s completely helpless and will stop moving if he’s walking somewhere or doing something. He can trigger a vision if he really wants to, but finds it exhausting and usually needs to lie down immediately after as it causes his blood pressure to plummet and makes him extremely dizzy and woozy. As a result, he tends to tell people that he can’t trigger them. His visions always seem to be related to death or violence and are usually traumatic. He can get a vague idea of when they’re going to happen. He can change the outcome of a vision with warning, but finds that he seems to be the only person capable of this, even if he tells someone else. He has to make the intervention himself for it to work.

Atticus has incredible aim, especially with a gun. He's also pretty efficient with a knife if he has to be. He's an excellent public speaker and is highly charismatic, able to control the attention of the room with ease. He's making a name for himself as an indie director.

He's physically in good shape, with decent stamina for running. He's charming, the type of person who has flown below the radar for this long and who will continue to do so. He knows how to play his talent to his benefit, using it to get what he wants. He knows how to analyse a situation and whether or not he should run and whether or not he should fight.

Fear of getting a vision at the wrong time holds him back from doing things at times. His whole life, he's been taught to keep people at arm's length, and he tends to revert to that when he's scared or stressed. Seeing so much death and destruction distresses him and leaves him incapable of a conversation for a few minutes after his vision.


So begins...

Atticus Hawkins's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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P i p e r Young
xxxfor us the bourgeoisie, so carefree
xxxremember when we?
xxxi don't know what you need to get by
xxxsomething for your mind

Piper smirked at Red Witch’s comment about the heroes, though her mask hid it well enough that no one could see. She had to fight the urge to roll her eyes as Lucy went on about not wanting to work with the heroes, and how much she detested them all. Piper wasn’t the biggest fan of the heroes, herself, but she apparently held her own self-preservation in higher regard. Whoever was hunting down the heroes and villains in this town was good at it, and already knew more about her than she was comfortable with.

She paid Red Witch no mind as she left the building, not even acknowledging when she asked for Piper and Icarus to keep her filled in with the details of whatever they had left to discuss. She knew that The Red Witch could take care of herself, and was sure she would get all the information she needed soon enough. Piper shot a look to Icarus; she wouldn’t call him a friend, but he was also her only real ally here now. She stayed where she was, there was no need to show weakness by moving in closer, but she knew he was better in a fight than she was. Though she would ditch him in a heartbeat if it came to it, for now they needed to be a united front… Or, at least, as united as they could be.

Their little meeting wrapped up soon enough, and Piper was out of there as soon as they decided they were done. She spared a passing glance to Icarus, if only to make sure he couldn’t accuse her of abandoning him, and started on her way home. After double and triple checking that she wasn’t being followed, she removed her mask. It was easier to get around the town that way, and the only thing she wanted was to go home.

D h a n i Batra
xxxi see you up again wandering so diligent
xxxcrossing your t's as though it weren't irrelevant
xxxthey say formality, this is what they really meant:
xxxthey can be the walk and we can be the pavement

Dhani rolled his eyes at Kieran, and while he was glad Aaron was able to get her to shut up, Dhani also knew that Aaron had caused this whole thing to escalate for the second time. He was sure Aaron would be fine, but he wasn’t entirely sure he trusted Kieran to work with the villains without doing something stupid and impulsive and ruining it for everyone. He wasn’t about to voice that concern, but it was very real. It wasn’t very long before one of the villains was calling them childish, and Red Witch was continuing mocking them all. He tuned it out, mostly, not really interested in being insulted. He closed his eyes and clenched his jaw, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of a response. He didn’t know what he’d ever done to her, but her hatred of him seemed so personal, at this point.

After their little meeting, Dhani put his mask back on. It would be easier to get back through the city in full superhero garb than only in most of it. He glanced over to the others, and after making sure they were going to be fine, he headed for the door, but not before giving Gemini a gentle pat on the shoulder, “Great job.” Gemini had really helped gain some trust from the villains, even if it was minimal, and their efforts really helped everyone become more civil.

Soon after Dhani left the warehouse, he was pulled off to the side, and quickly felt a bit of panic set in. What now? He thought, but quickly enough he realized it was just Atticus. He felt like they were standing too close to one another, even though he was sure they were a total normal distance from one another. Atticus was apologising for… Something. Dhani wasn’t sure. He wasn’t sure Atticus knew what he was apologising for, either. He shook his head, “It’s,” It wasn’t fine, though. Not really. “I mean… Don’t apologize, it wasn’t,” He sighed, this was awkward and terrible, and how the hell did Atticus have good hair even after the fight? “Thank you. And I’m sorry that one of my friends held you hostage.” He didn’t know what else to say, he didn’t want to make things weird, or worse. A part of him wanted to ask Atticus to pretend like nothing had ever happened between them, and yet another part of him didn’t think that was fair to either of them. It wasn’t as if they had some long history together, anyway. “You’re not hurt or anything, are you?” He started to take off a glove, “Because if you are, I mean, I have healing powers,” He quickly looked Atticus over, and grabbed for his hand without waiting for a reply. He let a warm energy flow from his own hand and into Atticus’, and healed up his hand at least a little. “There,” He- almost reluctantly- let go of Atticus’ hand. God, why had this gotten under his skin so badly. It was just the shock of knowing someone he’d slept with was a villain. That’s what he told himself, anyway.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison Character Portrait: Aaron Langdan
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0000Kieran0Vallenetti 00000000000000000|00000000000000000000|Aaron0 Langdan

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Kieran leaned loosely against Aaron as he helped heep her propped up against him as he held her by the waist with one arm as her left arm was slung over his shoulder. They both shot Aboleth a glare on her comment about some acting childish. "Excuse me? Us? Childish?" Kieran called out loudly, "Well...That may be true sometimes but that's a bit rude." she said as she tried to keep herself from falling over. Aaron sighed as be struggled to keep her up, "Not the time for this. Just shut up, got it?" he groaned, as his attention was brought to Red Witch who seemed to be in agreement on them being childish, but it was more so aimed towards Artemis. Which resulted in them both shooting her a harsh glare.

Turning to look as the group spoke up once more about working together, even if they didn't like it. Kieran giving Aaron a look that he would know all too well, even with the assistance of the led mask helping somewhat in displaying her emotions. They both silently watched as Red Witch and eventually Aboleth left, not really paying much attention to what they were saying. They’d run into them again at some point. Kieran shot Dhani a look as he walked out after Atticus left as well, something she thought was odd, but didn’t care as much as she would have if he didn’t even bother to come over and make sure she was okay. She’d make sure he heard enough of it later.

Blud, do we really have to work with them? You know how I am, I don’t do well with others….Especially people like...Well…that.” she said with a tone of annoyance. Aaron simply sighed as he nodded, “It’s up to you if you want to work with them, but in the end, we don’t really have a choice, Malfyre. It’s what we got to deal with, so so be it.” he said softly. Looking back up a small smile creased his lips as he saw Artemis shoulder her bow and make her way over to the two of them. “Oh hey, Artemis.” he said with a tone that showed he managed to cheer up slightly, but not much. He gave her a small nod, “I was actually thinking of that myself. So, it sounds like a plan-” “Hello? I am still here with you. Are you really gonna just leave me alone?” Malfyre quipped back at Aaron. Bludwynd gave a small chuckle at her comment, “Think you can walk?” he asked. “I dunno, let’s see-” she started, as she tried to push herself up and take a step forwards, seeing her balance completely tip as she lost her footing. “You may wanna catch me.” she said as she struggled to fully hold a grasp on his arm.

Aaron chuckled, propping her back up on her feet as he held her arm over his shoulder, doing his best to keep her steady. “You really are hopeless.” he chuckled. Looking at Cerys for a moment, “Do you mind having her as a third wheel? I’ll bring her home after, promise. I just think we could all use a few drinks.” Aaron said with a smile. “Besides, my nose is still fucked up due to that douchebag and his bitch ass punch. I’m gonna need you to tell me how bad it really is anyway, BloodWynd. Besides, drinks sound nice but, I don’t want to...Ya know, come between anything if you had plans for you two. I can sit out on this one, I don’t mind.” Kieran said with a small smile, which was blocked entirely by her mask. “I’m fine with anything, depends what Arty here wants to do. Ditch your punk ass, or deal with your bullshit for a bit longer. What ya say?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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cerys day
hex: #c7bbb4xxxxxoutfit: here
xxxthis could be the last of all the rides we take
xxxso hold on tight and don't look back
xxxwe don't care about the message
xxxor the rules they make
xxxI'll find you when the sun goes black

Cerys had almost forgotten about Malfyre until she loudly reminded her and Aaron of her presence. They were still clearly feeling the after-effects of Red Witch’s attack, but Cerys took the fact they were complaining so much about it as a good sign. They tried to take a step or two under their own power and nearly hit the floor, and Cerys felt bad for almost laughing. Aaron wanted to bring her along, but Malfyre also seemed to not want to intrude. Cerys shrugged and pulled Malfyre’s other arm around her shoulder to help relieve some of the weight on Aaron. “Nah, we don’t mind. Beside, a chance to get to know about and drink with the infamous Malfyre? Who would want to pass up that opportunity?” She joked as they made their way out of the warehouse and towards the nearest bar.

The next meeting went considerably better than the first. Fewer injuries, less bickering, and they actually managed to hatch something close to a plan. And the meeting after that was almost amicable, with next to no arguments and them actually forming a concrete plan. They needed to do some recon on a number of sites throughout the city, and it seemed to make sense to divide and conquer. Only eight of them showed up to any subsequent missions, so they divided themselves into pairs. Well, not as much divided as made logical decisions. A hero and a villain as far as possible so they could make sure that neither side was up to anything suspicious. Those who were less suited to fighting had to be put with somebody that could protect them, which Cerys had taken as “unless you have obvious superpowers, you need to be babysat.”

Cerys hadn’t been terribly happy about that decision, but she got the impression she’d been put with Aaron just to stop her complaining. And she was okay with that. It was better than being stuck with any of the villains. She could actually work with Aaron.

They were assigned the task of tailing a potential target to see if there was anything suspicious about them, or if they could potentially give them any more clues about what they were doing. It was about 5 in the evening, giving them plenty of time to follow him for the rest of the evening. It did, however, mean that it was significantly harder to find a good hiding spot.

Cerys was hiding just outside one of the office buildings, hiding in the shadows of a fire escape to give her a slightly elevated angle of view if she needed it. She knew Aaron was somewhere nearby, watching from ground level. “Our guy’s on the move,” she said quietly, before dropping down from the fire escape and shouldering her bow.

atticus hawkins
hex: #88c878xxxxxoutfit: here
xxxi'm blinded by the lights
xxxno, I can't sleep until I feel your touch
xxxI'm drowning in the night,
xxxwhen I'm like this, you're the one I trust.

Atticus didn’t know whether to feel better or worse when Dhani seemed to feel just as awkward and uncomfortable about the whole thing. But goddammit, he was still gracious, apologising for one of his friends attacking him. They were on opposite sites, that was what they were supposed to do, why the hell was he even apologising? They were supposed to hate each other based on who they were and yet… Atticus couldn’t do that. Was it because Dhani didn’t seem to just see him as another villain? Everyone else had seen him walk in with Lucy and had made up their minds about him, but Dhani was still here, still being civil.

And then Dhani started asking about whether or not he was hurt. Atticus began to say no, he wasn’t hurt, not really. But Dhani took his hand and Atticus had to resist the temptation to pull away. But it wasn’t for the reason he should have pulled away, it wasn’t just because here was a hero, making sure he was okay, even though he knew. It was because he was afraid he’d see something that, for some ungodly reason, he didn’t want to see. And it was stupid, if he hadn’t seen it before, why would he see it now?

But a rush of warmth ran up Atticus’ hand, stitching the skin back together on his knuckles and mending the damage he’d done by punching Malfyre. And then Dhani let go of his hand, and Atticus almost felt sorry about that. “Thank you,” he said. There was a moment when he thought about doing something crazy, but instead, he just smiled awkwardly. “We… I should go. Before someone comes out and… yells at me for fraternising with a hero. Or at you for fixing up a villain,” he said. “Thanks again for… well everything.” He had no idea why turning around and walking away was so damn hard. Dhani was supposed to be just another guy he’d slept with who’d turned out to be a hero.

And then, of course, someone had decided to pair the two of them up for the mission. He had no idea who decided on that, other than apparently he needed to be paired up with a hero who could “protect him” given that he apparently couldn’t protect himself. As if he didn’t have more experience with knives and guns than any of them. But he’d bitten his tongue to stop anyone questioning why he was so upset over Dhani specifically. They had been told to try and get into the basement of a particular building, because they’d gotten intel that there could be information on them in there. If they found anything, they were to destroy it. Because they needed to look low key, Atticus was dressed a little more “normally” according to Lucy, and he felt deeply out of his comfort zone. The weight of the gun concealed at his hip wasn’t doing much to ease that. He was waiting for Dhani at their prearranged meeting spot and was wondering what exactly would happen if he just left and didn’t come back. But something made him stay.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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Red Witch | Mask | Outfit | #571616
xxx Yeah someone pour it in
xxx Make it a dirt dance floor again
xxx Say your prayers and stomp it out
xxx When they bring that in
xxx Bleed it out digging deeper just to throw it away


Luciana was already at the apartment with a bottle of wine lounging on the couch when Atticus finally showed up, still half way in her villain garb. She said a small remark about him taking so long and turned her focus to him when she asked about if she missed anything else after she left. He went into some detail about what some of the others said but rolled her eyes as she went back to flipping through the channels for something to watch. Lucy was thinking of talking to Att right then about him and his little boy toy, but so much had happened today and didn’t have the energy to yell at him at the moment and wanted to relax.

There had been talk about another meeting and after a lot of discussing people’s conflicts and dates they finally figured one out, and it was a neutral location that both parties had scoped out so they would both feel comfortable. Luciana could care less as she wasn’t worried about the heroes, even publicly saying it, though she knew Att and Piper wanted something more comforting than blindly walking into a warehouse again.

The meeting went as smoothly as Red Witch expected, she mostly played with her cuts and messed with blood around her fingers as the others talked, her feet kicked onto the table. One of the few times she spoke was when the pairing of groups came up and someone suggested Paladin and Icarus being together. She didn’t trust Atticus working with this hero, and she definitely didn't trust Paladin, but if he didn’t get paired with Icarus, he’d get paired with her, and Icarus didn’t want that to happen, probably knowing there would be some accident to happen to Paladin. She sat back as she also noted she “didn’t want to babysit the little human” referencing Artemis, which caused another heated argument, but over time the pairs were finally made and she would be working with Malfyre, the hero she held temporarily hostage over during the warehouse situation.

When Luciana and Attitcus got back to their apartment after the recent meeting she quickly had a talk with him, talking about he shouldn’t be working with that hero and not to be an idiot. “They're tools, Atticus. A means to an end. Do you really think we're all going to be the best of friends after this? Like they won't try and turn us in the moment after we're all safe and sound? They're still heroes, Att. Don't lose your head." Luciana didn’t really give him a chance to talk back as she said some other things, she promised if he didn’t get his shit together, that he would do it for him. Lucy wouldn’t admit it outloud to Att, but she cared about him and was worried about what the heroes would do.

Before the meeting came, Luciana visited the record and book store again, seeing the same girl again, Kieran. She mostly ignored her as she flipped through some records, though looking up a few times and listening to her conversation with Aaron. Something with how she spoke seemed familiar, specifically her vocabulary. When Lucy went up to pay her sleeve slipped up on accident and tried covering it, but knew Aaron and Kieran had to have seen it. Luciana put on a fake smile and said some excuse about her cat scratching her, though she didn't own one but they wouldn't know that.

Red Witch took her time getting to her meeting spot with Malfyre, actually showing up a bit late, though not caring if the hero had to wait on her. Their mission was a fairly easy one, though she could have asked for something a little bit more fun. “Hey!” She called out, seeing the hero on their phone and distracted, letting out a small chuckle seeing that she startled her. “Stealing a laptop. Sounds easy enough.” Red Witch looked over to the building they would be going into, information said their target was on the second floor, and she quickly spotted a fire escape leading up to it.

“So, we could go through the front, have some fun, and fight our way to the target, or we could go the boring route of the fire escape once it gets a bit darker. What you think little miss hero?” Luciana knew what the hero would say, probably picking the fire escape as the way to go, but was curious how they would pick one scenario over the other.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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P i p e r Young
xxxdelicate in every way but one (the swordplay)
xxxgod knows we like archaic kinds of fun (the old way)
xxxchance is the only game I play with, baby
xxxwe let our battles choose us

With every new meeting, Piper was reminded why working with the heroes would likely be a catastrophe. Too many people in both groups were argumentative, childish, and seemed to value their sense of pride above self-preservation. It was stupid, the way they couldn’t see the bigger picture. Still, she supposed that the heroes who seemed to be calling the shots (or were at least respected enough to sway opinions) were willing to work with them, and it didn’t take much convincing to get Icarus and herself on board, which meant that Red Witch was following, if only because the two of them could convince her of the merits of working with the heroes to address a more-present threat. Still, it went steadily better. Didn’t give her much faith in everyone’s ability to work together, though.

Initially, Piper didn’t know what to think about being paired up with Gemini. Clearly, the heroes didn’t trust her (not that she blamed them), and they wanted everyone without strong offensive powers to be paired with someone who was more of a fighter (again, a good idea), but she honestly would have rather been paired with someone less… showy. Piper liked to keep her work deep undercover, and she was a little worried that the fire and water would make it hard to stick to the shadows. After all, Gemini wasn’t known to be particularly stealthy. Really, most of the tougher heroes weren’t, and Piper supposed she understood it. Heroics weren’t about getting in and out quickly, they were about saving the day and inspiring hope or whatever. It was probably a rush, and the praise was probably even more of a rush. In another life, with different circumstances, she may have enjoyed that kind of life, too. Too bad the city was turning on them, too. How fickle the affections of the public were.

Piper was at the meeting place early; she liked to have any advantage possible, even against an ally, so she stood just out of sight, mask pulled up over her mouth and nose. She understood why she was chosen for this particular mission: they needed to infiltrate a building, find their target, get some information out of him. This was likely going to go much smoother with her there, assuming everything went as planned. She was a little worried that a vital command may not stick, but that was what Gemini was there for. Backup. She wasn’t nearly as experienced as… Well, anyone else in this new alliance. Some of them had been hitting the streets and doling out their own version of justice longer than Piper had even been able to control her powers, and it was- rightfully- intimidating. You have more than enough ability to hold your own here, she reminded herself, they need you today as much as you need them. The thought was only vaguely comforting. Piper wasn’t accustomed to putting herself in potential danger, so she was more than a little nervous. She tried not to let it show, and she hoped the fact that only her eyes were visible in the mask. She hoped her nerves weren’t too obvious; she tried to play at being unwavering and consistently tough (as a woman, you have to either have nerves of steel or be insane to make it as a villain), but times like this reminded her how much experience she truly lacked. Three years working mostly behind-the-scenes hadn’t prepared her for this sort of thing, but she supposed there wasn’t a better time to learn than the present.

She tried not to get lost in her thoughts; she didn’t want to be caught by surprise. Still, she found herself drifting back to the loose plan that had been formulated. You just have to remember the plan, she reminded herself, you’ll be fine. You’re not in this alone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins
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D h a n i Batra
Paladinx|xoutfit & jacketx|x#b85c9e
xxxi think you know that you won't be away too long
xxxyou know that i'm not that strong
xxxjust one look and i can hear a bell ring
xxxone more look and i forget everything

Honestly, Dhani had expected the subsequent meetings to go worse than they had. Not that he didn’t have any faith in people, but he thought he understood the kinds of people he was dealing with. Apparently, he was wrong, and they had been right to give the villains the benefit of a doubt. For the time being, anyway.

There was some arguing when it came down to pairing up for the missions, and Dhani had tried to suggest some other options, but in the end he wound up being paired with Atticus. It wasn’t as if Dhani didn’t like Atticus, but he wasn’t too thrilled by the idea of having to spend extended amounts of time with him. He needed to create a distance between them, and that was hard to do if they were working together. He was an adult, though, and being a hero was all he had. He wasn’t going to let this get in his way. Not when there was so much on the line. But he couldn’t stop thinking about Atticus pulling him aside to apologize for how weird things were, or the injuries on his hand (that he’s sustained by punching a friend in the face), or how he’d thanked him, twice. Dhani couldn’t forget the look in his eyes, or the way neither of them seemed to be able to look at each other. Maybe it was because they were afraid they’d give it all away. Dhani wasn’t exactly accustomed to seeing the guys he hooked up with at work, and it felt very strange.

Beyond that, he didn’t like the idea of Kieran being paired with Red Witch. He tried not to be too vocal about it, but it didn’t seem like a good idea to him. He knew that she could hold her own, but when he considered what had happened in the warehouse, it made him a little uncomfortable. He couldn’t dwell on it, though, because he had his own job to do.

Breaking into a basement meant he had to stay low key, and not get caught. Dhani hated this sort of thing; he was much more suited for running into fires and punching people, so this was going to be a little out of his element, and he was sure everyone knew that. If he could keep his wits about him, though, he would be fine.

Atticus was already at their meeting place when he’d arrived. Suddenly, Dhani worried that he had been running late, but he quickly shook it off. It was fine. “Hey,” The greeting was really more of an announcement that he had arrived than a friendly hello. Dhani smiled, more amused than anything, and leaned in so only Atticus would hear him, “Why did you dress exactly like you’re planning on breaking into a basement?” He stood back up and took a step back, jerking his head to the side, “You ready?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins
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0.00 INK

000D H A N I 0 B A T R A 00000000000000000000000000| A T T I C U S 0 H A W K I N S

ImageImage ImageImage

#b85c9e 0 | 0 #88c878

dhani 0 | 0 atticus

Att was grateful for the soft warning of the hero’s approach as it pulled him out of his thoughts. He gave Dhani an awkward smile, then mentally chastised himself for doing so. Lucy had warned him about Dhani, told him to just cut the hero off. Atticus hadn’t been able to do that. He told himself it was just because they were working together at the minute, they needed to be able to do that much. But there was a tiny part of him that just didn’t want to.

When Dhani leaned in, there was a moment when Att swore his heart skipped a beat, but then Dhani’s comment made him roll his eyes. Anyone else might have received a scowl. Dhani just received a raised eyebrow. “Red Witch told me I needed to ‘dress normally.’ She figured a guy in a suit would be more memorable and draw more attention. And apparently, ‘teenage hoodlum’ was a better and more inconspicuous look,” he said quietly in reply. God, he really hated it. “And ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.”

Picking the lock was easy, almost too easy, and it put Atticus on edge as he stepped inside, expecting a security alarm to start blaring the minute he stepped through the door. But it was silent, and it did nothing to comfort him. He wasn’t sure if the feeling in his gut was just anxiety or his precognition kicking in in the background, warning him of some vague danger. “Looks clear.”

Dhani did his best to hide the laughter threatening to bubble from his mouth. Really, Atticus looked just fine. A little out of his element, but fine. Dhani wasn’t about to say that, though. Instead, he just shook his head. He needed to remind himself that this was a mission, and he needed to stay on his guard. Atticus didn’t seem too confident, though, and that was a little worrying. He had to remind himself that everything was going to be fine. He could handle this. They would be fine.

Atticus got the door open quickly enough, and he’d stepped inside before Dhani could offer to go in first. Dhani was inside as soon as Atticus confirmed it was clear. He glanced around quickly, there was a little bit of ground to cover. Something in his gut wanted Atticus to stay close, and he wasn’t sure if that was because something about this felt off, or because… No, this seemed too easy. Dhani glanced at Atticus out of the corner of his eye, as if trying to determine how he was feeling.

Dhani didn’t want Atticus to feel like he was being babysat, but he also didn’t want to assume that Atticus was comfortable with the situation. But there were multiple rooms to search through, and Dhani didn’t want to spend more time on this than they had to. He sighed, “Let’s get started.”

Att was a little glad when they got inside and Dhani didn’t immediately suggest splitting up. He’d never done anything like this. His family had always had people lower down the food chain to do the dirty work. Whenever he had to… deal with somebody, he was always in a position where he had the upper hand, where he was entirely in control of the situation. Here, he had no control, and there wasn’t a goddamn thing he could do to change that.

He found himself glancing towards Dhani to try and read him, to see his read of the situation. Dhani seemed… prepared. On edge but not in the same way Att was. He seemed confident. And that reassured Atticus a little.

“We should stick together,” he said as Dhani said they should get started. “I mean. We have no idea what we’re walking in to, and we’re more vulnerable alone.” He tried the first door and found it locked, and threw a grin back at Dhani. “And I have the lockpicks.” He said with a smirk as he unlocked the door again. Inside were stacks and stacks of nondescript cardboard boxes. Nothing that immediately flagged up anything suspicious. Att drew his knife and cut the tape sealing one.

“Nothing here. Boxes of office supplies, by the looks of it. Should we try door number two?” Att asked.

When Atticus suggested they stick together, Dhani nodded. He would be lying if he said that didn’t somehow feel relieving. Atticus tried a door and, well, of course it was locked. But the smile Attcus shot at Dhani pulled all the air out of Dhani’s lungs. For a moment all Dhani could think about was how his sister couldn’t be convinced that the reason Dhani couldn’t go to dinner with her was that he had a date. Wait. No. What the hell is the matter with me? Well, he had a few ideas, but nothing he could linger on. This was neither the time or place for that.

The room before them just held stacks of boxes. It would be impossible to look through them all, and most of them looked factory sealed, anyway. Still, he looked into the box Atticus had opened. Nothing interesting, “Yeah, searching in here any more would probably be a waste of time.”

The next few rooms were equally useless. Chemical closet, a bathroom, more holiday decorations than belonged in one room, outdated office furniture. It seemed like a lot of this basement was used as storage, which made sense, but the longer they spent looking, the more on edge Dhani felt. The longer they were here, the more likely it felt that something was going to go terribly wrong.

When they came upon a room with some old filing cabinets, Dhani couldn’t help but feel they were either going to be empty, or filled with nearly ancient documents that would be of no use to anyone, but he knew they needed to check anyway. “Okay,” He practically whispered, before raising the volume of his voice just a bit as he continued to speak, “How about we each pick a side,” He vaguely pointed to the row of cabinets, not really caring where either of them started, “And we can work towards the middle?”

Room after room just seemed to be completely unremarkable, and Att wasn’t sure if he was relieved by that or not. If there was nothing here, if the information they’d gotten was wrong, then it would explain the lack of security. It was entirely possible this was a wild goose chase. But a room filled with filing cabinets presented slightly more of an opportunity. Att nodded at Dhani’s plan. “Sounds good. I’ll take this side,” he said, keeping his voice little more than a whisper. The first filing cabinet was, as expected, worthless. Nothing of use. Nothing that even gave them important information on who they were dealing with. The second and third cabinets were the same. Old resumes, notes from meetings, company circulars. Nothing useful. Or at least, that was what he thought until the last drawer of the bottom cabinet was locked. The lock was new, recently used, and slightly harder for Att to crack. But he managed, and got it open. At first, it was just financial statements.

Then as he sorted through them, one folder caught his attention. Nondescript, easy to miss or just flick past. But a name on it caught his attention. Vulcan. One of the heroes that had recently been found dead. Sure enough, inside the folder was information on the hero. His civilian identity, his powers, his weaknesses… his secrets. “Dhani, I’ve got some-” He stopped as he looked over at the hero. Or, rather, at the huge, humanoid shadow lurking behind him, a glint of something metallic and dangerous in it’s hand. Everything seemed to go into slow motion. The glint became a knife.

Att didn’t think. He didn’t have to think, and that was the terrifying thing. He had the trigger pulled almost before it had even processed that he’d drawn the gun. A neat headshot, a wound somebody would have no chance of surviving, just the way he’d been taught. The man fell, the knife clattering against the ground, the sound a contrast to the soft thump of a body hitting the floor.

He knew he needed to say something, wanted to say something. But what the hell did he say? He wasn’t sure he could vocalise anything. His head was spinning a little as he just shoved the gun back into its holster, flicking through the drawer at speed to try and find files. “We need to get out of here, I’m guessing his friends will be along at any minute,” he managed to force out. The shaking in his hands only seemed to worsen as he found familiar names. Red Witch. Aboleth. Paladin. Icarus. “Just check for locked drawers, and just… fucking break them open or something,” he said, his voice cracking a little.

These filing cabinets seemed to be another bust; full of old notes, records of long-terminated employees, and other details that threatened to bore Dhani half to death. He thought about calling it, moving on, but then Atticus said his name. He turned to look in that direction, and confusion filled his face as Atticus drew a gun. Dhani was looking over his shoulder as Atticus shot, and the would-be assailant hit the floor. All before Dhani even fully realized what was happening. He turned to look back at Atticus. What was the appropriate thing to say in this situation? Thank you?

“Are you-” Atticus started speaking, and Dhani knew he was right. They would very likely be swarmed in a matter of minutes. “Okay.” Atticus said to check for locked drawers, and that’s exactly what Dhani did. He suddenly wasn’t very worried about making noise, and when he found a locked drawer, he just pulled the one above it out and tossed it aside so he could get to the files inside. He recognized every name he came across. Side effect of being at this for so long. He couldn’t dwell on it. He could let the sadness, fear and anger fester in his stomach later, he didn’t have time for that now.

Dhani heard footsteps down the corridor, they weren’t worried about being quiet anymore, either. They still had a few drawers to check, and Dhani wanted to be sure they found all the files. “Finish searching the drawers,” He didn’t look at Atticus while he spoke, instead he focused on stacking what he’d found in the space between them, “I can maybe buy you a few minutes, but you need to move fast.” He had no idea how many people there were, or what sort of weaponry they might have, but it wouldn’t be the first fight he’d run into blind. With any luck, it wouldn’t be the last.

He shut the door behind him when he left the room; every second mattered in these situations, and he would do every little thing he could do to help Atticus.

Normally, he would have wanted to try to get a head count so he could get a grasp on what was going on, but the first guy he saw was reaching for something. A weapon. Gun? Knife? It didn’t matter, Dhani’s best shot was getting to him before he had the chance to use it. He broke out into a sprint, dropping his shoulder and colliding with the man. He heard a gunshot go off behind him as they both hit the floor, and was faintly aware of the gun clattering out of the man’s hand. There was a quick struggle, but ultimately Dhani knew he couldn’t waste too much time on one guy. That was a surefire way to get your ass kicked.

When Dhani had become a hero, he never thought he’d be the kind of guy that actually liked the fighting. But he did. It made him feel alive. Like he was real. A well-placed punch and Dhani’s would-be assailant was out cold. As he started to stand, what would have been a blow right to the back of his head hit his upper back instead. He spun around, connecting his elbow to the man’s jaw and watched him hit the ground.

They both became much more careless, throwing the useless files to the floor and throwing the files they were after into the space between them. There were just too many of them and that was making Atticus feel almost nauseous about how many people were subject to this. But they didn’t have time to focus on that. He didn’t stop as Dhani told him to finish searching, but he did shoot a look at the hero. “Dhani, don’t-” he started, but he was gone, the door shut between them. Att swallowed and stayed searching. He was torn between wanting to help and that haunting image of the body on the ground only feet away from him, the pool of blood surrounding him. He knew that he couldn’t afford to hesitate if it came down to it, and he didn’t want to do that to Dhani if he froze up. So he gathered as many files as he could, double checking drawers he’d already checked to make sure there was nothing there. A battered but intact bag was abandoned on the floor, and Atticus shoved as many of them as he could into it, slinging the bag onto his shoulder. And then he took a deep breath and pulled open the door, just in time to see Dhani drive an elbow into a man’s face.

“Let’s go,” he yelled, grabbing Dhani’s arm and pulling him down the corridor. But at the sight of more men coming towards them, Atticus knew he wasn’t getting out of there without firing a few more rounds. He shoved down the sickening feeling in his stomach and drew the gun again. The men facing them down already had their guns drawn. They clearly weren’t normal security guards. These were the most dangerous kind of people, the shoot first, ask later type, and Att knew there was no way in hell they were going to be talked down. There was only one way they were going down.

Att aimed and fired. Two shots, a shot to the thigh each. One of them dropped his gun in pain and shock, the other shot at them but apparently decided at the last moment that Att was the bigger target now he had the files. The delayed decision didn’t give Att time to react and the bullet hit him square in the shoulder. Not his shooting arm. It was fine. Keep shooting, don’t think too much, don’t think about it. Shot to the stomach, enough to take him down. The pattern seemed to keep recurring until they finally made it out. Att only stopped to wipe down the gun and throw it in the first trash can they passed. It was disposal of evidence and the fact that he couldn’t bear the feeling of it in his hand any more.

One moment, Dhani and Atticus were running through the halls, the next moment Atticus was shooting. Was shot. Dhani didn’t have the luxury of reacting in the moment, he’d have to save it for later. Staying calm was sometimes the only thing that stopped a whole operation from falling apart. They didn’t slow down much, even once they’d gotten out of the building. They needed to get as far from there as they could. When they briefly paused so Atticus could get rid of his gun, Dhani couldn’t keep a bit of concern off his face. It was a little while before he could believe they weren’t being followed, and a short while longer before he spoke up, “I don’t think we’re being followed.” Not like it mattered, they knew everything about them anyway.

He pulled Atticus away, out of view from prying eyes, “Let me see your shoulder.” That was maybe a little too forceful, so he added, “Please,” though he didn’t intend on letting Atticus say no. Atticus had gotten hurt, and as a hero who’d built his entire career on protecting people, Dhani felt like he’d failed. At least he could heal him up, it was the least he could do, really.

It wasn’t long before Dhani was staring straight at Att’s shoulder, brows knit together in concentration. He placed a gentle hand on the wound, softly saying “Sorry,” before Atticus even had a chance to complain. He could feel the gentle warmth of his powers extending past his hand to Atticus, and he knew that this would take a touch longer than healing some scraped up knuckles. “I’m not much of a careful planner,” He said, almost as if to cut the silence, like he could bear to heal Atticus without some sort of noise to comfort him, “If not for you, I’m sure that would have ended much worse than it did.” He cleared his throat, “So, thank you.”

Att wasn’t even sure where they were going, only that they needed to stay moving. He barely even heard Dhani say they weren’t being followed, the words only registering as Dhani pulled him out of sight. It was only then that everything seemed to come crashing back down as the adrenaline started to fade. He dropped the bag almost unconsciously, the pain in his shoulder starting to kick back in. The force behind Dhani’s request surprised Att, but even before the hero said please, Att knew it was out of care. Goddammit, of course he’d ended up with one of the good ones. So many heroes were cocky and overconfident and easy to dislike. But no matter what Lucy told him, Att couldn’t hate Dhani. He trusted him. And there was a tiny part of his brain that told him that was dangerous. But as Att managed to pull back his jacket to give Dhani better access to the wound, he realised he didn’t care.

Warmth flowed into the wound from Dhani’s hand, already taking an edge of the pain. Att sighed a little, almost unconsciously. The warmth was soothing, the physical contact oddly grounding. Dhani’s words surprised him a little. Att smiled a little and shook his head. “I’m sure you would have managed just fine,” he said. “All I did was fire a few shots.” The echoes of every shot fired, of the too still bodies, of the blood, they seemed to be haunting him more than the fading pain in his shoulder. He knew he probably wouldn’t have done anything else to stop them. If he hadn’t taken them down, they could have done much worse damage to Att or Dhani. But he’d wanted to leave all this behind. He’d wanted to walk away from it, and instead he’d walked into all of this.

“Thank you,” he said quietly to Dhani. “You didn’t have to do this, I don’t think anyone would have blamed you. But you did so… thank you. And I’m sorry I hesitated. I probably could have taken them down quicker but… yeah. Thank you.”

Atticus thanking him for the healing was almost too much for Dhani, he wasn’t doing it out of some sort of altruism (at least, not in his mind), he just genuinely wouldn’t be able to live with himself if Atticus walked away from this with a gunshot wound. Of course he had to do this; it would haunt him if he didn’t. Every death, hero or villain, felt so intensely personal. It didn’t matter how you felt about a person when they were being hunted down on the merits of having powers and daring to use them. This was different, and Dhani knew that, but it was all blurring together in his mind. He’d never once questioned his choice to be a hero, even if it had never been much more than a teenage impulse.

But here he was, healing a wound in Atticus’ shoulder, wondering for the first time if this was really worth it. If someone asked Dhani who Atticus was to him, he wouldn’t know what to tell them. But he knew that he didn’t like hearing Att apologize for hesitating to shoot someone. He couldn’t help but wonder what kind of life Atticus had lived that he felt the need to apologize for that. “I try not to nitpick the people who save my life.” Dhani looked Att in the eyes as if he were searching for some deep secret, “You did fine. Don’t ever apologize for being human. Whatever mistakes you think you made, we’re both alive.” He knew the words were just words, and they probably wouldn’t help. They never helped him, anyway.

Really, he was just glad neither of them were more seriously hurt.

The healing was finished, but Dhani couldn’t bring himself to move his hand; the physical contact was soothing. He may have been healing Atticus’ body, but he felt like he was healing his own soul in the process, too. It was perhaps a touch dramatic, but it was always easier to forgive his mistakes when he could so tangibly make amends for them. “Are you gonna be okay?”

Dhani’s words were words that Att wasn’t sure he’d ever heard from anyone before. Everyone seemed to expect perfection from him, expected him to be the perfect villain, the perfect assassin. So to hear someone saying he didn’t have to apologise for being human… he had to look away from Dhani for a moment to gather himself. Att could feel the heat fading in his shoulder, the pain all but gone, but Dhani’s hand stayed there as the hero asked if Att was going to be okay. There was a moment, a thought that persisted a little too long, where Att was tempted to do something that was probably reckless and stupid. But instead, he just forced a smile and nodded.

“Yeah. I’ll be fine. I, uh… Text me when you get home?” He asked, almost without thinking. “I’ll bring the files, have a look through them later, see what I can get from them,” he said in recovery, picking the bag back up. He didn’t want to walk away. His feet seemed rooted to the spot. “I’ll see you soon, I guess,” he said. “And… seriously, thank you.” His body finally seemed to comply as he turned away from Dhani and walked away.

Dhani smiled softly when Atticus tried to assure him that he would be fine. He wasn’t so sure he bought it, but he wasn’t about to pry. Att asked him to text him when he got home, and Dhani nodded in response to that. He would, for sure. He would be texting his sister, anyway. Maybe he’d tell her his date well. When Atticus said he’d take the files, Dhani nodded, “Okay, let me know what you find.” Neither of them seemed to want to leave, and Dhani thought about asking Atticus to come with him, but instead he said, “Yeah,” The next meeting would be coming up, and who knows where they would go from there. Dhani wasn’t sure he cared so much about the content of any meeting as much as the people that were there.

When Atticus thanked him again, Dhani shook his head, “It’s no problem.” He wanted to tell Atticus that he would never leave him in pain, and that seeing him hurt was the worst part of his evening, but instead he watched Atticus walk away. He checked his phone, Kieran’s mission had gone well, and she was okay. At least someone’s night had gone as planned. He realized then that he was tired. With a sigh, Dhani turned around and started towards home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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0.00 INK

Red Witch | Mask | Outfit | #571616
xxx Yeah someone pour it in
xxx Make it a dirt dance floor again
xxx Say your prayers and stomp it out
xxx When they bring that in
xxx Bleed it out digging deeper just to throw it away

Luciana strolled through alleyways and stuck to the shadows as headed to the other side of town. She kept a cold stare on her face as she kept going, not caring about what was in her away and shoulder checking the occasional bum that was in her way. Lucy thought she already took care of this problem after talking with Atticus about the consequences about what would happen, the things that could go wrong if you trusted a hero. Heroes don’t care about if you're a nice villain or a mean villain, just not being a hero meant they wanted to lock you up. Red Witch knew this from even before she became a villain, the heroes pushed her to become who she was.

It took awhile for Lucy to get to the heroes apartment, it was much harder tracking down where he lived. A couple days ago she dug around online tracking him down, barely remembering his name from when he stayed over at their apartment. Dhani. But luckily he did have a unique look so that helped her track him down. All she got was an apartment complex, no floor or door number. As Luciana arrived she snuck into the main building with a lobby and one small light on, scanning mailboxes for any mention of the name Dhani. There was another name that looked familiar but she skipped over it, quickly finding the mailbox she was looking for. Dhani Batra. Had to be him. Apartment number 3-D.

Red Witch found the apartment, there weren't too many buildings so tracking down 3-D didn’t take long. She assumed the door would be locked, so she snuck around the back and climbed up a few AC units and found the window that corresponded with his apartment, quickly smashing it and climbing inside, brushing the glass out of her way and walked through the apartment, confirming it was 3-D by some mail left out, and sat and waited for Dhani to get home. Luciana took her phone out and sent Atticus a message.

Could you pick up some pizza on your way back, gonna be back a little later.

Red Witch probably waited for about 30 minutes to an hour before she heard the deadbolt on the door be unlocked and sat up waiting for her prey to enter, sitting in the dark on the kitchen counter. Dhani walked in and closed the door behind him before he turned a lamp on, and seeing the Red Witch staring him down, knife in one hand and blood flowing around her the fingers of her other hand, an open cut on her palm. Luciana let out a chuckle as the man stumbled and knocked over the lamp, but quickly going over and turning the main lights on.

“Can’t be so clumsy Dhani boy, or do you only want me to call you Paladin?” Red Witch asked as her eyes watched the knife she twirled around her fingers. She looked up as Paladin asked her what she was doing here. “What? I thought we were all partners now? Heroes and Villains, working together for our own well-being. I can’t come by for a cup of coffee?” Luciana trailed on, as she stood up and walked through her kitchen accidentally knocking his coffee pot onto the floor. “Oops.” A smirk came across her face, but Dhani couldn’t see it under his mask but she knew he knew it wasn’t on accident.

Dhani tried to say something but Luciana quickly cut him off. “No. You listen here. I know about you and Icarus. A hero and villain being so close, honestly makes me sick.” She started talking, circling back around to the counter, scraping the knife in her hand across the counter. “I don’t want to hurt you Dhani boy. I just want to warn you. Stay away from the villain. Do your job and forget about him. All that will come from this is more problems and…” Lucy paused for a second, as the blood from her palm started to flow around her hand, before disappearing as she closed her fist. “There will be bloodshed if you don’t.”

Before Luciana could say anything, the door to the apartment opened up and a girl walked in, someone who she was somewhat familiar with. Kieran. The girl from the record store. Red Witch turned quickly, knife in hand ready to strike if either of the people made any sort of move. Barely listening as Kieran spoke. Lucy didn’t care about hurting Dhani, but she didn’t want to hurt Kieran. “You know who I am… I can tell by the look on your face darling. Which means you know what I’m capable of. One wrong move, and I’ll bleed you both dry, and nothing this hero can do to save you.” Her eyes darted between the two.

Luciana knew she had to act quickly, she wasn’t here to fight as much as she wouldn’t mind giving Paladin a few cuts, but Kieran was here too. They didn’t know each other well besides saying hi a few times at the store, didn’t mean she wanted to hurt her though. “How about this, you let me walk out of here Paladin, and I don’t hurt the girl. And you both forget I was here, say anything to anyone, I’ll reveal your secret to everyone. Just remember what I said.” She watched as the two glanced at each other and knew this was her chance. Lucy threw the knife up at the light, shattering the bulb and causing it to go dark in the apartment and pushed a stool towards Paladin in case he tried to stop her. She moved quickly through the apartment and went out the window she came in through, quickly disappearing and heading back to her apartment. Hopefully this dumbass would listen to her words since Atticus didn’t.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

cerys day
hex: #c7bbb4xxxxoutfit: herexxmask
xxxoh don't you wonder when the light begins to fade?
xxxand the clock just makes the colors turn to grey
xxxforever younger growing older just the same
xxxall the memories that we make will never change

Cerys and Aaron’s mission, unsurprisingly, turned out to be a total bust. The guy stopped only to buy flowers, before heading home to his very normal house. But Cerys did, at least, get twenty bucks, a round of drinks, and a few stories about Malfyre out of Aaron for her troubles. She told Aaron the truth, that she was curious about this mysterious figure who was neither hero nor villain, but still seemed to side with the heroes from time to time. She respected that he couldn’t say that much. He needed to protect their identity, and honestly, she would have hoped that he’d do the same if Malfyre started asking about her.

News eventually filtered through that a number of suspects were going to be attending a masquerade ball in the city in a few week’s time. It was a private affair, but Malfyre had managed to get them all on the list. Under pseudonyms, of course. Cerys honestly thought that Persephone Rothschild was far from the worst, especially because it was believable. Some of the others, Malfyre had clearly had fun with their names and had toed the line of believability. But the ball presented one major issue for her. She couldn’t use her bow. She couldn’t conceivably smuggle in any weapons, which meant she’d have to improvise if she came down to it. But her siblings had trained her plenty in hand-to-hand, and she’d been paired up with Gemini. She knew it was probably only a matter of time before she ended up getting stuck with Red Witch, but she just prayed that day never came.

She’d agreed to meet Gemini in there, but couldn’t see them when she arrived. Apparently, they were coming as their male form, but she couldn’t see either of them. So she stuck to the crowds, searching for a semi-familiar face as she took a glass of the free champagne. It was more for appearance than anything else, she didn’t want to cloud her senses. She fished her phone out of her clutch and texted Aaron.

To: Aaron
you here yet? come quick before all the free champagne is gone :P

She felt someone barrel into her, almost knocking off her feet. Her balance was off in the heels, so it took her a millisecond longer than usual to recover. But there was strong hands grasping her as she recovered. She didn’t recognize this man. He was too short and the wrong build to be anyone she was working with, and so she flashed them a charming smile.

“Are you alright there, miss?” He asked as he released her.
“Yes, thank you. Just was distracted there for a moment,” she said with a light laugh.
“Easy to do. These receptions are always so busy, these things happen. Are you enjoying yourself?” He asked.
“Oh, yes, it’s been lovely so far.”
“Did you come all by yourself?” The question seemed out of the blue, and Cerys examined the man for a moment, trying to figure out his intentions.
“Oh no, my friends are coming too. I just live the nearest so I got here first, they’re going to be here any minute now,” she said, her light tone not giving away the suspicion bubbling in her stomach.
“Maybe I should keep an eye on you until they arrive. Just to make sure you don’t have any more mishaps,” he said, taking a step closer.
“I’m a grown woman, I can handle myself just fine.” Her polite facade was starting to drop. She wasn’t sure if this guy suspected something or if he was just being a creep, but she was starting to think he wouldn’t back down. This wasn’t what she wanted, and she knew it could potentially complicate things later. But punching him would definitely garner unwanted attention, and that would be worse.

atticus hawkins
hex: #88c878xxxxxoutfit: herexxxmask
xxxthere is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
xxxin the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene
xxxonly then am I human,
xxxonly then am I clean.

When Dhani didn’t text him the night after their mission, Atticus wasn’t quite sure how to process it. He was more worried than he was willing to admit, but didn’t want to dwell on it. But then he got a text the following morning, and it was off his mind. Even though he knew there was nothing normal about their relationship, texting Dhani felt like an oasis of normal in everything else. When his day to day life was too boring, it was something to keep him occupied. When things felt a tad overwhelming, it was something normal, just texting a guy he liked. But with Lucy determined to have everything ironed out for this ball, it was next to impossible to figure out a way to see him in person. Him and Lucy had been entrusted with trying to distract and occupy a number of people while some of the others went snooping around, and it required a significant amount of planning and… well, rehearsal.

Getting ready for the masquerade ball or whatever it was took more effort than Att really wanted to put into it. It needed a new suit and a mask that wasn’t just the same one he wore as Icarus. He wasn’t going as Atticus Hawkins, though. He was going as William Alexander Goldberg-Jameson III, and that required a slightly different look. He didn’t think for a second anyone would recognize him anyway, but he wasn’t taking a chance. So his suit was perhaps a little more out there than usual, and his mask was elaborate. But as he got dressed that evening, making sure to look as polished as possible, he felt like he wasn’t totally looking at himself when he looked in the mirror. He looked like a different version of himself, and that was what he wanted. Into his inside pocket went his knives. He hadn’t gotten another gun yet. He kept putting it off, coming up with different reasons why knives were a better solution all round.

He’d tried to force visions about the ball on a number of different occasions, but every single time, he saw something entirely unrelated. Eventually he gave up, the emotional and physical toll just too much. He didn’t know if knowing or not knowing was better. If he had seen something, would he have even been able to change it?

Atticus and Lucy made their way to the hotel by limo, Lucy insisting that there was no way in hell they were just getting a taxi. They had an image to portray and they were going to stick to it. Att was on edge the whole time, but did enjoy the luxury of the limo and the attention they got as they stepped out was oddly wonderful. Delighted gasps and eyes that scanned them from head to toe and liked what they saw. Whispers about her dress, his suit, their masks. With their masks on, nobody could or would ever recognize them, and there was something thrilling about that. Att had slipped in his earpiece in the taxi, the mic already concealed in his mask.

“Icarus and Red Witch are on site,” he said, moments before they entered the main room together. He could feel eyes turn towards them as they entered, and he smiled. There was a power and a thrill in pretending to be someone else


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison Character Portrait: Aaron Langdan
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0.00 INK

Red Witch || Villain || Dress || Mask || Gloves || Hex: #571616

To escape the world, I've got to enjoy that simple dance
And it seemed that everything was on my side
Blood on my side
She seemed sincere like it was love and true romance
And now she's out to get me

Luciana quickly got back to the apartment, shortly after Atticus and glad to see he did pick up food, even though it wasn’t pizza. The two briefed each other on how their missions went, Lucy obviously leaving out the part about going through Malfyre’s phone and stopping by Paladin's place to give him a warning. Att wouldn’t exactly be happy if he found out what she did, so she just had to hope Paladin would keep his mouth shut.

The heroes and villains got together again, discussing all they found as a group. Red Witch rolled her eyes at Artemis coming up with nothing, nudging Aboleth and saying out loud she wasn’t surprised that the dead weight of the group came up with nothing, loud enough for the hero to hear. She just smirked under her mask as the hero shot her a glare. After everyone revealed what they got, the plan came together about infiltrating a sort of gala fundraiser going on, Malfyre coming up with names for everyone.

Luciana gave Atticus a fist bump as they would be on the distraction team. It was better than sneaking around and she could have some fun since it would be a party. Her only job was to have a good time and then get eyes on her and Atticus, which she a few things in mind. Luciana quickly dismissed herself from the meeting as the main points got talked about, since it was a Monday and Bachelor would be on tonight so she had better things to get to.

Lucy quickly brought her plan of distraction to Atticus the next day and the two got to work on making sure it would go well, something she was actually excited for. It didn’t take long for the two of them to decide on a color palette and then each of them going off to find their outfits. Emerald and chocolate would be their colors and after a day of shopping Luciana was excited that their outfits and mask went well together. Though she was having trouble thinking of a way to cover up her scars until Atticus suggested she wear gloves, which she loved the idea of and quickly found some green lace opera gloves.

The day of the gala Lucy spent the majority of the day getting ready. It didn’t take her long to get her dress ready, but she did spend more time on her hair and make-up. She did think about letting her hair flow and possibly curl it, but after swiping through pinterest she decided to go with an up-do as it would keep her hair out of the way and would go well with the occasion, and still allowed for a few strands of bangs that would look good over her mask. Also she rarely wore her hair up when not as a villain so the likeliness of anyone putting together that Luciana Morrison is Red Witch would still be low.

As for her make-up, Luciana went with her usual raccoon eye look, but keeping the shade to blend with her mask and a bit of green eyeliner to pop, and sticking with the classic 999 red lipstick as it popped with the green and brown.

It was of course Luciana’s idea to get a limo, as the beautiful Amethyst Marie Luworen and handsome William Alexander Goldberg-Jameson III wouldn’t show up in any less of a fashion. Those were the names Malfyre had given to the villain team, and Lucy going a bit further with their back story, wanting to have a little bit of fun with what Malfyre gave them. Atticus rolled his eyes as they went downstairs and saw the limo. “Honey, what else do you expect from us?” She said with a smile.

It didn’t take them long to get to the venue and Luciana basked in the attention as their driver opened the door for Atticus and her to step out, holding onto his arm as the two walked inside. It was beautiful inside, everything and more that she had expected.

As the two of them started to enjoy themselves with a few glasses of champagne and hors d'oeuvres, Atticus whispered to her that the others had arrived. Lucy wasn’t wearing any communication device as it would be too noticeable with her look, so her partner would need to convey any information to her. She glanced around and saw some of the others, doing a little wave to Aboleth as she saw them with BludWynd. Lucy turned her head in and whispered into Atticus’ ear. “You lead whenever ready for our distraction… just don’t step on my toes.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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0.00 INK

L U C I A N A 0 M O R R I S O N 00000000000000000000|0| A T T I C U S 0 H A W K I N S

ImageImage ImageImage

#571616 0 | 0 #88c878

lucy 0 | 0 atticus

lucy 0 | 0 atticus

As soon as everyone agreed they were good to go, Atticus took a deep breath. The band began to play a song, and Atticus nodded at Lucy, taking her hand and leading her to the dance floor. People’s eyes were drawn to them as they stepped out, and out of the corner of his eye, he could see someone slipping away down a corridor. But he couldn’t afford to be watching for the others now. He needed to concentrate on this because if he messed it up for them, Lucy would almost definitely kill him.

Luciana was taking a sip of champagne when she felt Atticus pull on her hand, quickly setting her drink down and walking behind him, heels clicking loudly on the floor as they headed towards the center of the room. As they parted through the crowd, Att held his hand out and Lucy came close to him. “Don’t think about it, just let it flow.” She said in a whisper to him. She didn;t doubt Atticus’ ability to lead this, probably one of the few people she actually trusted in the city, and she knew if he did mess this up, he wouldn’t exactly be sleeping easy.

He took a deep breath as they got into hold, nodding ever so slightly at Lucy’s instruction. They’d practiced enough, he had to trust himself and Lucy. And besides, he told himself, she had to do most of the work.

He’d never been much of a dancer, but this dance was one hell of a way to start. He had no idea how or where Lucy had found it, but it was striking enough to work. As he lifted Lucy into a spin, he could see that almost all eyes were on them, exactly what they’d wanted. Malfyre and Dhani would have big shoes to fill. It also made them stand out enough that Att and Lucy’s targets would surely want to talk to them at some point.

The final move was perhaps the most worrying, as he’d dropped her more than once in the apartment. But he held her strong, and applause burst out through the room. He pulled her back upright with a relieved smile.

Luciana smiled as Atticus took the first step and they began. This is what she was looking forward to for the whole night, could care less about their mission. But the attention of everyone and their eyes on her, giving her the rush of adrenaline she had been craving lately. There could be some worry about her or her partner messing up or skipping a step, but she knew that they wouldn’t, just had a feeling, regardless the number of times Atticus dropped her on her back

As they went through the steps, Luciana was scanning the crowd, keeping an eye out for their targets as well as seeing if any of the heroes were around, and her eyes quickly finding and setting on Paladin, he had a unique look so it wasn’t hard to find him. And the woman next to him in a long and revealing black dress had to be his partner, Malfyre.

When the final step came up, Luciana looked into Att’s eyes and smiled, knowing he wouldn’t drop her this time. And when he leaned her down she just continued smiling as he didn’t drop her on the ground. As Atticus pulled her back up, she locked eyes with Dhani, smirking with the round of applause that came from the crowd.

Lucy heard a question come from a woman in the crowd. As she walked back to her partner. “Oh, he's my fiancé.” She said loudly, running her hand across Atticus’ face and pulling him in for a kiss, knowing the hero was watching.

The comment about him being Lucy’s fiancé was nothing new. They’d agreed that was their cover story from the moment they’d started plotting for this event. But when she pulled him in for a kiss, he had to stop his immediate impulse to pull away. That could give them away. So instead he broke away after the shortest acceptable amount of time, giving her a look. They both knew what it meant, but it wouldn’t be overly harsh to any onlookers. “We’re going to talk about that later,” he said quietly. But now, they needed to target their respective individuals. It was as he turned to scan the crowd in search of his mark that he spotted Dhani. Dhani had to have seen that. But… he had to know it was a distraction tactic, right? He made a mental note to try and talk to Dhani about it later. But they had a job to do first.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison Character Portrait: Aaron Langdan
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0.00 INK

if they think you care,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzthey'll walk all over you.
After their mission (which, while it was deemed a success, Piper wished it had gone better), there was just the matter of waiting for the next meeting. The information led them all to a masquerade ball; honestly, attending a ball of any kind felt a bit like a childhood dream come true, but this would be a job, and there would be no prince charming to sweep Piper off her feet. Instead, she would be there with BludWynd, and she didn’t know much about him.

They were really just meant to be backup; hold back, look out for trouble, neutralize it (peacefully, if possible) if you see any. It made sense to put Piper in this group, and she didn’t mind taking a more passive role at all. Running for her life and fighting enemies were not her ideas of a nice evening. But Piper had decided that if she was going to a ball, she was going to look stunning. She spent plenty of time “shopping” around for her dress and mask, until she was happy with her choice.

Getting ready for the ball was massively simplified by the fact that she didn’t need to wear much makeup, just a little around her eyes. She’d hidden a communicator in her mask, made sure her ear piece wasn’t too obvious, and she was ready to go.

She gave them her fake name at the door: Clementine Antoinnette Abernathy. It was a bit of a mouthful, but at least she didn’t have to contend with anything particularly ridiculous or obnoxious. She could thank Malfyre for that, at least.

The venue was beautiful, elegantly decorated, the music was lovely. Piper felt a bit of envy bubble up within her. The fact that people lived like this, threw these parties and plotted to kill people like her, all while she’d grown up with barely enough to survive, it made her a little angry. They couldn’t see that they were likely contributing to the conditions that made people with powers turn to crime, or at the very least, they weren’t doing anything to lessen the spread. Perhaps she was just trying to legitimize the things that she’d done, but she really felt like the people in that room (at least, the ones whose names weren’t added to the list by a particularly skilled hacker) were really blind to the real issues of their city. Piper may not have grown up in Barden, but she had grown up close enough.

Piper met up with BludWynd by the edge of the room. It had taken a little work to find a spot where they could keep an eye on most of the area, but when they did, they locked it down. Piper didn’t have a whole lot to say, and most of his attempts at conversation were met with one or two word responses. She wasn’t here to make friends, least of all with a hero, no matter how well he cleaned up. She managed to spot Red Witch through the crowd, there with Icarus. If she didn’t know better, even she could have been fooled by them. They made quite the couple. Piper returned Red Witch’s wave with one of her own, lifting her hand and wiggling her fingers. She would have smiled, but no one could see it, anyway, so she didn’t see the point. Then she crossed her arms and looked around, trying to remember the gist of who and where everyone was. Piper was fairly sure the different groups would be fine on their own, but she couldn’t reasonably relax until she knew everyone had accomplished their goals. Then Red Witch and Icarus started dancing, and Piper couldn’t help but wonder how long they’d practiced that.

She joined in with the applause when they’d finished. That was some distraction. She knew there was another one due any time, and she leaned over to BludWynd, “Malfyre and Paladin are your friends, right?” She kept her voice low, only he would hear her over the music and the chatter. She rested a hand on his arm, fairly sure it would look like flirting to a casual observer, “Do you know what they’re planning? I’d like to keep an eye out for it in case something goes wrong.” It was, perhaps, not the vote of confidence they would want; but between how easy he had been to command, and his track record, Piper wasn’t sure Paladin could reasonably pull any sort of mission without there being horrible consequences.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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0.00 INK

Red Witch || Villain || Dress || Mask || Gloves || Hex: #571616

To escape the world, I've got to enjoy that simple dance
And it seemed that everything was on my side
Blood on my side
She seemed sincere like it was love and true romance
And now she's out to get me

Luciana just smiled as Atticus said they would talk about the kiss later, not really caring. She had done their job of being a distraction for Artemis and Gemini to sneak off, and she got a little extra with the kiss. As the crowd began to disperse and Att walked away, the two of them now had to focus on smaller targets, to make sure they didn’t go patrolling around and give the heroes some time. Lucy found her target quickly as he was starting his patrols around the room and possibly heading towards one of the hallways soon possibly. She flipped her hair out of her face as she slightly increased her step to go talk to him.

Before Red Witch could get to her target, she accidently bumped into a large man, almost spilling his drink. “Oh I’m so sorr-.” She stopped dead in her sentence when she looked up and saw who she bumped into, someone that she immediately recognized. Colton Underwood. He was the most recent Bachelor from the show she would watch on a weekly basis and keep up on all social media platforms. Lucy was brought out of her initial shock when he spoke to her. “Oh, no no, it’s my fault. Wait, weren’t you the one that just danced out there? That was truly amazing.” He said with a smile.

Lucy just giggled a bit to herself, trying to stay cool. “I, uh. Yeah It was, thank you. You’re Colton right? From the Bachelor?” She asked. Colton quickly confirmed what she already knew. An actual bachelor, in person. Oh my god… She thought to herself before he spoke again. “You were amazing out there, may I have the name of the beautiful woman I just saw dancing.” Lucy started to blush as she complimented her. “I’m Luciana-” She quickly stopped herself, but it was too late, she had already said her name and couldn’t backtrack to the names they were supposed to be given.

“That’s a beautiful name. May I get you a drink?” Colton spoke up, holding out his hand to Luciana. She had to take a few deep breaths from freaking out, and nodded and took her hand. Luciana lowered her head, in an act to seem as well as not to freak out. As the two of them walked, she saw Piper across the room and pointed to the man leading her, mouthing out a single word. "Bachelor." And just smiled before disappearing behind the crowd.

Lucy was about to ask if he had a date tonight, but quickly remembered that the other week him and Cassie had a falling out after she caught him cheating on her with one of her friends, who was also married, so it made sense why he wasn’t asking about her fiancé that she just danced with. “So Mr. Underwood, wh-” She began to talk before he interrupted her. “Please, just call me Colton.” Lucy just nodded. “Okay Colton. What are you doing at an event like this?” She was genuinely curious, as well as wanting to make some small talk.

Colton let out a bit of a chuckle. “ABC network producers want me here to show some face and get some connections for next season, I’m getting a pretty good pay day out of it so I say it's worth it.” He said as he handed her a glass of champagne. “Plus I got to meet a pretty little lady named Luciana.” Lucy giggled. “Please, call me Lucy.” She said with a smile, giggle, and a wink. The two continued to talk, laugh, and drink. Colton exchanging some untold stories from the show and Luciana playing the pretty girl and loving every second of the bachelor's attention.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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0.00 INK

atticus hawkins
hex: #88c878xxxxxoutfit: herexxxmask
xxxthere is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
xxxin the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene
xxxonly then am I human,
xxxonly then am I clean.

It didn't take long to identify the woman he was supposed to be distracting. She was trying and failing to give off a certain image. She was just a little too old for a dress that was a little too tight, the curls already starting to fall out of her hair, and her lipstick already a little smudged from the champagne glass in her hand. But she gave off an aura of power, and Atticus knew that judging her based on her appearance would be a very foolish thing to do. This woman was dangerous, and she was influential in this whole scenario. He was only supposed to distract her, but he knew that she would be a vital source of information.

He was right in thinking that she would stop to talk to him. It would be an easier way to initiate a conversation rather than having to come up with an excuse to talk to her. She smiled as she saw him walking past, stopping him with a gentle touch on her arm. Her perfume was not unpleasant but it was overwhelming.

"Aren't you the young man that danced so wonderfully a few minutes ago?" She asked.
"Yes ma'am. William Goldberg-Jameson, a pleasure to meet you," he said, taking her hand and gently kissing it. Her smile was one of a woman who was used to being treated with such respect. Flattery would get him nowhere with this woman, she was far too used to receiving it. He'd need to be someone she was interested in.
"You really put on a show for us, it was refreshing to experience such a thing. So tell me, what brings such an... interesting man as yourself to this wonderful event?" She asked. She evidently could read him as well as he could read her, which would be an issue. Lying would be much harder.
"Well, my fiancée simply insisted on coming. She loves any opportunity to dance and show me off, and see if she couldn't find some worthy causes to interest her," he said. "And of course, I was only too delighted to attend." It was a veiled version of the truth, and one she seemed to swallow easily.
"How lovely for you. What business are you in?" She asked.
"Oh, she dabbles in whatever interests her and always seems to turn a profit," he said with a small laugh. "And I... well, my family has more... specialised interests. One of our ventures is... private security," he said, hoping she would take the bait. And she did.
"Indeed. You know, William, I've been interested in hiring some more... security agents for one of my own enterprises. I'd love to discuss this more at a later date. I don't talk business at these events- after all, that's not why either of us are here, is it?" She asked with a laugh. Bingo.
"Absolutely. Allow me to give you my number and you can call me at any point. I'm sure we can come to some... agreement. I think you'll find our staff are very suitable for your interests. They're highly... specialised. Excuse me, do you have a pen?" He asked a passing server, who produced one from her apron and handed it to him. "Thank you." He took a napkin and scribbled down a number belonging to a burner phone he'd acquired a few years ago and handed it to her. Tracking it would lead to nothing about him. She took the napkin and smiled.
"I look forward to talking business," she said. The conversation was clearly over, and Atticus just prayed it had been long enough to distract her. He turned around and instinctively scanned the room... where he spotted Lucy batting her eyelashes at some guy that was definitely not her mark.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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0.00 INK

L U C I A N A 0 M O R R I S O N 000000000000000000|0| A T T I C U S 0 H A W K I N S

ImageImage ImageImage

#571616 0 | 0 #88c878

lucy 0 | 0 atticus

lucy 0 | 0 atticus

Att had to resist the temptation to storm across the room, knowing that would draw attention to them. That was, until the very guy Lucy was supposed to be distracting almost walked into Atticus, his phone pressed to his ear. It was too late to intervene. He made his way across the room, his eyes fixed on Lucy. She’d jeopardised the entire mission just to talk to some guy that looked like he had a sum total of about three brain cells, and two of them were taken up with worrying about his hair. They’d probably only avoided disaster thanks to sheet dumb luck. He didn’t even try to fake pleasantness as he reached them. “We need to talk. Now,” he ordered, not even acknowledging the other guy. He tried to say something, but Att just shot him a glare. “Don’t you have some mirror to fix your hair in?” He snapped. The guy apparently got the message and sauntered off, shooting a wink at Lucy. Att stormed off in the other direction to a quiet hallway where they wouldn’t be overheard. “What the fuck do you think you’re playing at?” He snapped.

Luciana was batting her eyes through the masquerade mask and giggling when she noticed Atticus walk up, but before she could say anything he quickly demanded to talk to her. Colton quickly spoke up. “Is there an issue here?” But Lucy noticed the glare from Atticus and sighed as he said a rude remark. “Hey!” Lucy tried to speak up but Att was already pulling her away, she gave Colton a last little smile and wave before he was out of sight and the two villains were down the hallway. He quickly spoke to her, with a little bit of hostility in his voice. “I’m not playing at anything. Do you know who that was? Colton Underwood.” Lucy said as she crossed her arms and stared at Att.

Att just rolled his eyes as Lucy said who it was. He knew the name, of course he did. He’d spent enough time talking shit about the show just out of her reach to not know who it was. “I don’t give a shit, Lucy. If he’s here, that means he could very well want people like us dead. And what I do give a shit about is that you were too busy fluttering your eyelashes at him instead of doing what you were supposed to do. I just ran into the guy you were supposed to distract, and he had very obviously not been distracted. Care to explain yourself? he asked.

As she listened, Luciana did remember she was supposed to distract a certain individual and she did start to feel bad for getting side tracked herself, but she didn’t need Att to come at her so aggressively, which she didn’t appreciate. “Okay Att. First off, he’s here because the producers from last season wanted him here, to get some funding for the show.” She said, taking a step closer to Att. “I’m sorry for getting side tracked and trying to take some time to relax, but atleast I’m not out here fucking heroes in my spare time.” Lucy said with venom behind her words, poking her finger into his chest. “Now if you’re done being a little bitch about things…” She said turning back, but Atticus stopped her, grabbing her wrist.

Att just raised his eyebrows as Lucy managed to drag Dhani into it, rolling his eyes a little. She tried storming away, but he grabbed her wrist. “We’re not done here, Lucy. You talk so much shit about me and Dhani but we haven’t once compromised the mission. First you kissed me, which was something we hadn’t discussed, and which was totally unnecessary. And before you say it was just trying to sell our story, we both know that’s bullshit. A kiss on the cheek would have worked just as well. I know you did that to try and spite Dhani. And you need to grow the hell up and get over that,” he snapped.

Luciana jerked her hand free of Atticus. “Never once compromised a mission? I recall you freezing up when you saw his face at the warehouse. And yeah I kissed you to spite him. I’m looking out for you Att. And what does it matter to you about him?” She asked. “He’s been ignoring you, time to just forget about him. Get your head back on what matters and out of dumb wild fantasies.” Lucy rolled her eyes. Since she threatened Dhani they should have been talking less.

Att just rolled his eyes as Lucy brought up how he had frozen on seeing Dhani in the warehouse. “That’s not the same and you know it. I’ve stayed professional this whole damn time.” He had a response on his lips as Lucy asked him why it mattered, when she said something about Dhani ignoring him. He frowned. “No… no, he hasn’t. Why would you think he’s been ignoring me? It’s not like I’ve said or done anything to give that impression,” He asked. If anything, he’d been afraid that Lucy had somehow known that they’d been in contact, that she’d picked up on it from his demeanour. “And don’t you dare try and bullshit me, we both know I’ll see right through it and I’ll find out one way or the other.”

Luciana turned away a bit from Atticus when he asked about why she would think that Dhani would be ignoring him. She was about to come up with a lie or change the subject, but Att insisted she would know. “Fine. I paid him a little visit after my mission with Malfyre, also had a bit of a girl over with two rats.” Lucy said as she turned back to him. “But it’s good to know he’s such as big of a fucking dumbass as you are Atticus.” She shoved him back a bit. “Maybe I should go back and pay your boy toy another visit. Rough him up this time so he gets the message.” She said with a smirk across her face.

Att honestly hadn’t been sure what he’d been expecting from Lucy, but somehow he was at once angry, yet not surprised. The comment about him being a dumbass passed him by as she threatened to go back and rough him up. “I swear to god, Lucy, if you as much as touch a hair on his head you’ll be finding somewhere else to live,” he swore. “Enough of your petty, over dramatic, stupid bullshit about the heroes. Stop dragging me into it. I never asked to be a villain. Everyone just saw me work with them once or twice and decided that’s what I was. I got dragged into this mess. So I’ll sleep with whoever the hell I want, I’ll text whoever the hell I want, and nothing gives you the right to tell me what I should do. So mind your own goddamn business and stop dragging me into your petty little grudges, because I don’t want to be involved.”

What you gonna do? Luciana thought as Atticus said an empty threat to her, though what he said next just made her laugh a little bit before regaining her composure. “You think we have a choice to be villains Att? I didn’t choose to be a villain. You know this, you know I went to the heroes when I was younger and they made the choice for me to be a villain. I had to become a villain or die a weakling.” Luciana said, anger starting to build up in her. If it was any other person besides Atticus arguing with her, she would’ve acted by now, plus she couldn’t really walk around the gala with blood on her and not be suspicious.

Att just scowled in frustration as Lucy recounted how she didn’t have a choice on becoming a villain. “This isn’t about you, Lucy. I know you didn’t have a choice. But you didn’t leave me with much of one either. And this is my life. And instead of being happy for me, or acknowledge that it’s my goddamn choice who I sleep with, you’ve been a selfish bitch about it and have tried to ruin my life just because you have a grudge against him because of what some people did years and years ago.” Somewhere, out in the main ballroom, he could hear what sounded like people yelling, presumably Dhani and Malfyre’s distraction. At least something was going to plan.

While Atticus talked, Luciana was getting more and more frustrated, she was about to interrupt and say that talking about this now wasn’t worth it and they needed to head back to the ballroom, but a word out of his mouth ticked her off. Bitch. Everything Att said after calling her a bitch she didn’t hear, she just stared into his eyes, as she was now at her peak. Lucy saw his mouth stop moving and blinked a couple times, and then slapped him across the face, not caring about hitting her hand on his mask. “Bitch? I’ll showing you a fucking bitch. Fuck you Atticus. Seriously. Fuck. You. I’ve looked out for you, protected you, while other villains wanted to either toss you aside or torture you. But I’m the bitch? Fine. I’ll leave you alone, invite your little hero lover to the apartment anytime you want.” She shouted towards him and quickly walked away.

Lucy didn’t stop as she came into the main room, but just continued out the door, bumping into a few patrons on the way out. She was furious but also trying to hold back tears as she got outside. Luciana quickly found the limo driver parked off to the side and climbed in, but only to change into spare clothes she brought in case. The driver asked her if she was ready to leave, but she just ignored him as she changed and handed him his payment for the night, not expecting to come back. After she got changed she exited the limo and just started walking down the street, unsure of where she was going. As she got far enough away she ripped off her mask and tossed it into an alley way as she kept walking.

It seemed that Lucy had only heard one word of what he’d said, and that single word resulted in a slap that left his face stinging and nearly knocked his mask off. She screamed at him, talking about how she’d protected him, as if this whole thing hadn’t been entirely all her suggestion. He hadn’t asked for any of this. She stormed off and Att sighed, pulling his mask off and running his hands down his face. He could have stormed out himself then, but he needed to keep his calm. Anger was dangerous, and anger could put them in danger. One person storming out was acceptable. Multiple people could raise questions. He took a deep breath and fixed his mask, regaining his composure. He’d just stepped back out into the ballroom when Dhani’s voice appeared in his earpiece. The curt briefing made Att tense up, afraid something had gone horribly wrong. He instinctively found himself scanning the room, searching for him. His eyes found him and the overwhelming emotion was just relief that he was okay. He had to force himself to look away, remembering that he still had a job to do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison Character Portrait: Aaron Langdan
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0.00 INK

if they think you care,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzthey'll walk all over you.
BludWynd spoke, first explaining his relationship with Paladin and Malfyre-which was more information than she wanted to know, honestly-and then he elaborated that the two were unpredictable. Be on the lookout for anything. Wonderful. From what she knew, Piper could understand calling Malfyre predictable. Maybe Paladin seemed unpredictable, but everyone who was more than a half-rate criminal knew exactly what to do to rile him up or throw him off their trail. It was like he was some sort of computer: push the right buttons, and you’d get your desired outcome. Something told her that the other heroes (or, at least, BludWynd) didn’t see it that way. Or maybe no one else in their little group viewed each other in such a pragmatic way. Piper wasn’t a fighter, so she had to learn people’s weaknesses, use them against them.

Speaking of weaknesses, Piper was Luciana from across the room. She was talking to some man, maybe her mark. Piper was busy trying to keep track of everything; a mistake meant that someone could get hurt. Could die. She didn’t really care about most of the people she was working with, but she did not want to get caught up in anything dangerous. She was in no mood to die, and she’d just gotten her hair done. As she glanced back over, Piper noticed Luciana pointing to the man she was with. At first, Piper’s instinct was that Lucy was in trouble, but after she processed the word Luciana had mouthed, ‘bachelor’ she understood what was going on. That could be a disaster.

For a moment, Piper felt helpless. She knew this wasn’t the intended order of events, and that this could potentially end very badly. She quickly found herself scanning the room for Atticus. Truth be told, she didn’t know him well, but he was meant to be Lucy’s partner for the night, and he might be able to keep her on task. Maybe. Atticus looked busy, which was good. He was doing his job. A voice went out over her earpiece. Artemis. They were successful, good. The chain of events that occurred after that were a mixed bag. Atticus was practically storming across the room, and shortly afterwards it seemed as though Paladin and Malfyre were starting their distraction. Maybe things would turn around. After a few moments, though, Piper found herself glancing over at BludWynd, almost as if to gauge his thoughts on current events. It was hard to read someone with a mask on, much less one as theatrical as they were both wearing. “Do you ever wish you’d done something different with your life? I’d be at home right now if I were an accountant.” She wasn’t entirely sure why she’d said it, other than that this life was hard in the best of times, and now it was only harder. The thought occurred to her that she had the option to stop all of this and move on to a normal life. It was tempting.

Then she spotted Luciana storming out of the ballroom, and presumably out of the building. “Excuse me,” Lucy was the only friend Piper really had, she hadn’t made a habit of making friends since she’d left her hometown. Becoming friends with The Red Witch was, in earnest, an investment in Piper’s future, but it had also become a relationship filled with some real comradery. Maybe it wasn’t the deepest or most meaningful friendship, but it was what Piper had. A part of her wanted to chase after Luciana, but she had a job to do. Paladin’s voice was in her ear next. What was happening? Everything seemed to be crashing down around her. She’d gone from never going on any missions, to being right in the middle of one that felt like it was crashing down on top of her.

She needed to talk to Icarus, and it didn’t take long for her to reach him. She rested a gentle hand on his arm, “Hey, what happened?” Of course, this was partly utilitarian; she needed to know if she had to step in anywhere. But she also cared. Sure, she probably could have asked over the communication system they had in place, but that didn't seem right to her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles Character Portrait: Aaron Langdan
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0.00 INK

cerys day
hex: #c7bbb4xxxxoutfit: herexxmask
xxxoh don't you wonder when the light begins to fade?
xxxand the clock just makes the colors turn to grey
xxxforever younger growing older just the same
xxxall the memories that we make will never change

Cerys scanned the room as she stepped back into the main ballroom, searching for a familiar face to go talk to. Dhani was perhaps the easiest to spot. She only knew a handful of people who could wear a suit like that and pull it off, so when combined with his height, he was easy to pick out. He seemed to be arguing with somebody, however, so she figured it was probably best to just stay away from that. She stayed moving around the crowd, eager not to appear suspicious, watching the whole time to see if she was needed anywhere.

She jumped a little as Dhani’s voice spoke in her earpiece, saying that they hadn’t been successful. She frowned, and scanned the room to see if anything had happened. There seemed to be a lot more security about, but no obvious disturbance. When she heard somebody calling her by her alias, she feared the worst. When she turned around to look, she wasn’t sure if she was relieved or not to see another partygoer. But she didn’t recognise the woman, even as she closed in. But the heat behind the slap, more heat than there should have been, was the first clue, and her threat was the second. Cerys just stared as the woman walked away, trying to gather herself. People were staring. So she shrugged and laughed lightly. “Wait until she finds out about her boyfriend’s other mistresses,” she said, sipping lightly on her champagne as she walked away. People thrived on gossip, and it might be enough to distract some of them.

Intending on leaving, she slipped out into the hall as Aaron came on the mic to say Malfyre had left. Clearly something had happened with her and Dhani’s distraction then. She’d have to get the details from someone later. She jumped a little as she noticed someone else in the hall, but she recognised the figure. “Aaron? Jesus Christ, you would not believe the night I’ve had-” she started, but stopped herself as she spotted the blood on his hands. “Shit, by the looks of it, you’ve had a worse one. Are you okay?” She asked.

atticus hawkins
hex: #88c878xxxxxoutfit: herexxxmask
xxxthere is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
xxxin the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene
xxxonly then am I human,
xxxonly then am I clean.

He’d always been good at faking comfort in a party, and this was nothing new. This was just another one of his parents’ mixers, an excuse for them to talk business and entertain and show off their power. If anything, this was easier, because here, he just had to blend in, not be the weapon he was supposed to be. He just needed to wait until it was appropriate to leave, and then do so without being noticed.

He almost jumped out of his skin when he felt a hand on his arm, but sighed when it was just Aboleth. He sighed as she asked what was wrong, just shaking his head. “One of the guys from The Bachelor is here, and… Lucy got talking to him when she was supposed to be distracting her mark, and her mark was free to roam around. I yelled at her about that and… we had a bit of an argument, I might have called her a bitch, and she stormed out. It’s fine, she probably just needs a couple of hours to calm down.” He said, with a shrug, never quite meeting Piper’s eyes. Part of it was guilt, part of it was just a habit from knowing what her ability entailed. While glancing away, he could see more and more security starting to appear around the room, clearly trying and failing to blend in. Security never could blend in right, no matter how much they tried. They were like cops, they stood out if you knew how to look for them.

“Listen, I think we need to get out of here,” he said. “Security seems to have doubled, and I’m guessing they know something is up. We should leave before they start asking questions.” He eyed up the nearest guard as he spoke. He knew that they’d be looking for anyone who stood out, and he unfortunately fit that brief. “Can… can you check in with Lucy? She’s not going to talk to me and I need to know if I need to avoid the apartment or not,” he joked, but it sounded as forced as it felt. “Thanks.”

He turned and headed for the exit. He fully intended on just leaving, but BludWynd’s voice in his earpiece made him slow. Malfyre had left. Exactly how badly had things gone? He didn’t want to linger any longer, but he found his gaze drawn towards Dhani again. He pulled out his phone and sent a text.

To: Dhani
Are you okay?

And then, after a moment;

I’m outside. Can we talk?

Once he got outside, he pulled off his mask and his jacket, knowing the colour of his suit and the mask were too identifying if anyone started asking questions. Their limo was still there, the driver just playing a game on his phone. Lucy hadn’t taken the limo home then, and Att almost instinctively raised an eyebrow. He was surprised that she hadn’t taken it if only to force him to walk or get a taxi home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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0.00 INK


We'll never get free
Lamb to the slaughter
What you gon' do
When there's blood in the water?


Red Witch ║ Villain
Outfit ║ Hex: #571616

Image Image Image

Luciana ran her hands through her hair and let out a sigh, wanting to scream, but knew it would draw too much attention to herself at the moment. “I’ve always been there for him. I told him this whole sleeping with a hero thing is a bad idea, but I talk to someone from a TV show and I’m the bitch? Asshole…” Lucy spoke out loud, talking to herself as she strolled down the street. She thought about going back to the apartment, but didn’t want to deal with Att at the moment, she would probably just spend the night in the hotel or sleeping under the bridge by 7th street. Luciana could do with some time out of the apartment and away from Atticus until she cooled off.

Lucy pulled her phone out of her pocket when she felt it vibrating and looked at who was calling her at this hour. Pipey :3 Piper was calling her, probably because Atticus went and cried to her about what she did. She hit the call decline button after a few seconds, but quickly sent a text message to her.

To: Pipey :3
If you’re calling for the asshole. I’m fine. Tell him to just confine in his boytoy. I need some time to myself.

Lucy hit send, but then followed up with another message before shoving her phone in her pocket and continuing to walk through the city.

To: Pipey :3
And away from him

The cold air rushing off of cars driving by blew through Luciana’s hair as she began to walk. She didn’t mind the cold much, actually preferred it to the hot summer air. She wasn’t sure exactly where she was going or where she would stop, just walking until she felt like stopping. “Don’t you know it's dangerous out here so late?” A masculine voice said from behind her, though she swore no one was behind her a couple minutes ago. Lucy peaked over her shoulder and saw two men walking, the two seeming to stick out, but assumed just two drunks out late. “I’m fine, fuck off.” She quickly retorted as she began to cross the street.

“There could be some people out here with ill intentions, especially for someone like you. Red Witch.” The men stopped and said, causing Luciana to stop for a second in the road. These men knew who she was, and she wasn’t in her villain attire. She was getting ready to attack when she heard a vehicle’s engine and turned, seeing a van coming at her, but too late to move out of the way. The van clipped her and caused her to get knocked a good ten feet or so away, knocking the air out of her and roughing her up a bit with road rash and feeling a pain in her hip, from where the van mostly hit her.

Luciana quickly got up to try to fight, but it was too late. A bag was over her face and who she assumed were the two men from behind had her hands strained behind her. Red Witch was able to fight a bit, kicking one of the men in the shin, causing her to be dropped. She felt the blood running down her arm from skidding across the asphalt, but couldn’t use her powers without visually seeing the blood since her head was still covered with the bad. Luciana stood up and tried to run, but must have just ran into the other man as she was held again and quickly thrown onto some cold metal, assuming it was the back of the van that hit her. “Who the fuck are you? Let me go right now or else!” Red Witch quickly yelled as she tried to fight back from the men restraining her legs, ankle getting tied together with what felt like some sort of carbon fiber material.

“We got the girl. Boss won’t be happy about you hitting her with a vehicle.” One of the men began to talk, ignoring Luciana. “Well, I saw an opportunity for us, easier than trying to fight her. And can you just shut her up, don’t want her yelling and drawing attention to us.” Another voice talked, feminine, from the front of the vehicle. Luciana began to scream more obscenities at the people in the vehicle, but was quickly stuck with something in her face and her head slammed against the floor of the van, quickly knocking her out cold.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins
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0.00 INK

000D H A N I 0 B A T R A 00000000000000000000000000| A T T I C U S 0 H A W K I N S

ImageImage ImageImage

#b85c9e 0 | 0 #88c878

dhani 0 | 0 atticus

dhani 0 | 0 atticus

Dhani never minded parties, but this wasn’t the sort of party he was accustomed to. Add the guilt of having yelled at Kieran and ruined their entire purpose of being there, the general awkwardness of being all by yourself in the middle of a big fancy party, and the embarrassment of… Whatever was going on with Atticus; he honestly just wanted to go home. Aaron’s voice in his ear, saying Kieran had left, only made it worse. He felt responsible for the way things had happened. Maybe he could have worked harder on staying with Kieran, or found her sooner, or been gentler.

Then he got the text. Initially, he decided on just ignoring the text. He felt justified in that, after what he’d seen and been through. He noticed security popping up around the room, too. Dhani wondered if a day would come when an influx of security guards didn’t make him feel nervous. Probably not. Another text, also from Atticus. A part of him really didn’t want to talk to Att. He needed to leave, that much was true, but he needed to walk out the door and head straight home. There was no explanation that would make all of this okay, so Dhani didn’t see much of a point in letting Att try.

And yet, there was another part of Dhani that started looking for Att the moment he stepped outside. He wanted Atticus to explain that it was nothing, just a big misunderstanding. He was feeling guilty, upset, angry. He just wanted something about the night to be okay. So he found Att, walked over; he wasn’t sure what to say, but he was pretty sure he should say something. In the end, all he said was, “Hey.”

Att spotted Dhani the minute he stepped outside the building, but he hung back, wanting to talk somewhat out of sight. There was a moment when he thought Dhani was just going to keep walking, just ignore him, a moment that troubled Atticus more than he wanted to admit. He didn’t know why Dhani had gotten under his skin in the way he had.

But then Dhani turned and made his way over to Att, and he could breathe a sigh of relief. “Hey,” he said. “You look great.” The compliment slipped out easily, even though he hadn’t really intended on saying it. “So… Red Witch told me about her little visit to your apartment. I’m so sorry about that, I… genuinely have no idea how she found out and she had absolutely no right to do it,” he said. “She… she didn’t hurt you or anything, did she?”

Dhani smiled at the compliment, and nodded in lieu of thanks. Normally, it would have been great to hear, but he wasn’t so sure he really wanted to hear it. Then Atticus brought up Red Witch breaking into his apartment. Dhani shook his head, “No. Nobody was hurt. She just broke my coffee pot, threatened my neighbor. Standard stuff.” Dhani crossed his arms over his chest, closing himself off. “Red Witch doesn’t scare me, I’m pretty used to being threatened. Besides, I think I understand it now.”

Att wasn’t even surprised to hear that Lucy had caused a little destruction in the course of her visit, but was at least relieved to hear nobody had been hurt. Att just raised an eyebrow as Dhani said he wasn’t scared of her. He was one of the very few people who weren’t, and Att wouldn’t have blamed him. But then again, Dhani was a hero. People like Lucy were probably nothing new, and besides, increased healing didn’t exactly play well with blood manipulation.

There was a moment when Att wasn’t sure why Dhani said he understood it. But of course, they’d appeared the perfect couple all evening, and she’d even kissed him. Why wouldn’t anyone believe them? He just sighed, shaking his head.

“Dhani, that was an act. I swear. She went too far, it was supposed to just be the dance and if anyone asked, we were engaged. That was all, that was all I agreed to. There’s nothing going on. We’re just friends.”

He wanted to just completely believe Atticus; it would have been really easy. Truth or not, it didn’t matter, because it was what he wanted to hear. And, obviously, it made perfect sense. But Dhani had had enough negative life experiences to be a little wary. Still, he nodded. “Okay,” He didn’t sound the most convinced, but Dhani knew that Atticus hadn’t owed him any explanations or anything in the first place.

Dhani sighed, relaxing his shoulders as he did. He didn’t realize how tense he’d been until then. “The dance really was impressive.” They had clearly put a lot of work into it. It had at least gone better than Dhani’s distraction. But Att had said that Red Witch took it too far. Dhani looked over Atticus for a moment, carefully considering that. “You okay?” He paused, then quickly added, “These things are a lot, even without someone springing something new and changing up your plans.”

The awkwardness of the moment hung between them, even as Dhani nodded. God, why couldn’t things just be straightforward for once? But Dhani’s compliment about the dance managed to earn a smile from Att, even despite that. “Thanks. You probably don’t want to know about the amount of times I dropped her,” he said, laughing a little.

He just shrugged as Dhani asked if he was okay. “I… just been one of those nights, I guess. The kiss was… weird,” he said, managing a half smile. “God, the mission was the easy part. I can handle stuff like that in my sleep, I’ve been doing it all my life. But... things didn’t exactly go to plan, and the only reason things didn’t end up worse is because we got lucky. And having what should be two entirely separate parts of your life come smashing into each other, it’s just… messy.” He shook his head a little. “Sorry, I just… Yeah, I’m fine.” It felt like a lie, even though it was mostly true. He felt like he was still “on duty” and that meant showing as few weaknesses as possible. And if you showed weakness, you covered it up as soon as you could.

Dhani would be lying if he said the mental image of Atticus dropping Red Witch didn’t make him smile. She’d broken his window, and generally made his life more difficult than it had to be, so there was a part of him that did want to hear about Att dropping her.

He listened intently as Atticus spoke, briefly recapping the night and how it affected him. Dhani understood it, or, some of it. He felt his heart break a little when Att said he’d been doing things like this all his life. Dhani had to wonder what kind of life he’d lived for that to be his experience. He wasn’t about to ask, but it was certainly going to be on his mind. He shook his head when Atticus apologised, “No, I understand.” He didn’t think the night had gone as planned for anyone. A part of Dhani wanted to reassure Atticus that it was okay; it was okay to make mistakes, or be vulnerable. Whatever he needed to hear. But Dhani didn’t know what Atticus needed, and it didn’t seem like the right time, anyway.

He glanced over his shoulder, almost as if he were expecting someone. He felt so awkward, he almost wished that someone had been there. “I’m pretty conspicuous,” As far as excuses went, it wasn’t the best one, but it was true, “Probably shouldn’t hang around too long.”

The awkwardness was still lingering, practically tangible in the air between them. It felt so wrong, but Att didn’t know what he could do about it. Maybe things were just going to be like this now. It was probably never going to work anyway. They’d just been naive.

He nodded as Dhani said he was a bit conspicuous. “Yeah, we should… probably get going,” he said. “Do you need a ride home?” He asked. “Red Witch left me with the limo so may as well get my money’s worth out of it.”

Dhani hadn’t even checked to see if Kieran had left him stranded (and even if she had, it wasn’t as if he was without options), but something about Atticus offering him a ride home had Dhani feeling… something. Excited, maybe. He should say no, though. He could get home on his own, and Att was probably just offering to be nice. “I, uh,”

But as he looked at Atticus, Dhani realized that he really would like nothing more, which just made things that much more complicated. “Thank you,” He offered a soft smile, “But you don’t have to go out of your way or anything. Very gentlemanly of you, though.” The last thing Dhani wanted was to be in the way, or be inconvenient. He’d made enough of a mess that evening with his fight with Kieran.

God, that night in the bar, Att was pretty sure neither of them had envisaged them ending up like this, the silence feeling weighted with… what? The history between them? Everything that had just happened? What they (or, at least, Att) wanted, but knew was a bad decision? Part of him almost regretted offering now, maybe things would have been more straightforward then.

Dhani’s remark about the offer being gentlemanly made Att smile, and he shrugged a little. “Well, you know me, the perfect image of a gentleman,” he joked. “And I’m pretty sure your place is en route anyway. But there’s no pressure, if you’d rather get a taxi, that’s totally fine, I won’t be offended,” he said with a slight laugh. “Just doing the gentlemanly thing.”

As Att spoke, Dhani couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing. He liked Att, a lot more than he ever expected to. He was so used to ending things before they really started, but here he was with a guy that knew everything that he was, could understand how demanding his life really was. “You know,” He paused mid-sentence; Att really had him rethinking everything he thought he knew. Of course, he’d always logically known that villains were people, but it was so easy to file them away, count them off, forget that they, too, had a different life under the mask. Maybe it was a little hypocritical, but it wasn’t anything he’d spent any length of time thinking about until he saw Atticus in that warehouse.

But what was he supposed to say? He’d always told himself that when he found someone that could understand what he did, that he wouldn’t let him slip through his fingers. Maybe he said that because he’d thought it would never happen. Or that the guy would be a hero, or a reporter… or something.

“It’s been a shitty night. I’d love for something to just feel normal,” Dhani shrugged, “Ish.” He smiled at Att, “I’d like a ride, yes.” There were a lot of things he’d like from Att.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

atticus hawkins
outfit | #88c878

Somebody had once asked him how he could tell the difference between a vision and a dream. Usually, it was the sheer clarity. It felt like he was there. Sometimes it was like he was the one dying. Sometimes he was the one responsible. He never knew which was better. Sometimes, he could feel the pain if he was the one dying. But the ones where he was responsible were a haunting echo of his old life, and left him questioning if he was actually going to be the one responsible. But this time round, he knew exactly which position he would have preferred to be in. Because as bad as it was to experience the pain and trauma of being killed… it couldn’t be worse than seeing his hand pulling the trigger of the gun that was against Lucy’s head.

He bolted upright, the dream still lingering in his head, far, far too vivid to be anything other than a vision. Nausea rose in him as he tried to catch his breath, still feeling like there was someone sitting on his chest. His head was spinning from the sudden movement, but he fought back against his body’s protests to reach over and grab his phone, struggling to read the texts at first. There was a moment of relief when he saw the texts from Piper, but as he read the texts and the screenshots within, the nausea and panic became almost overwhelming. But when he went to actually get to his feet, his head spun so much that he felt like his legs wouldn’t support him. He didn’t have time for this, he needed to do something now. He just sank back onto the bed and squinted at his phone, looking for the number. It rang, which settled his anxiety a little, but she didn’t answer. Of course she didn’t, why would she? She was mad at him, that was all.

“Lucy, if you get this, call me, it’s urgent.” He doubted she’d check her voicemail if she thought it was from him though, so he sent a text as well.

To: Lucy
Call me, it’s urgent.

Was he too late? The rational part of him told him that no, he was pretty sure it wasn’t supposed to happen for another few days at least, but he also knew that it was always a vague timeframe anyway. He didn’t have time to hesitate, didn’t have time to wait around. He needed to tell someone, he needed to do something before it was too late.

He didn’t know what made him pick that number first of all. Maybe he thought that Dhani could help the most, maybe he knew that Dhani could probably contact the rest of the heroes, or maybe it was the same goddamn reason he’d offered him a ride home the night before.

He hesitated for a minute, wanting to call him. He wanted to hear a friendly voice, wanted to hear someone tell him he would be okay. But another wave of nausea hit him and he was pretty sure that he wasn’t capable of holding a coherent conversation. Texting was just about as much as he could manage.

To: Dhani
I need your help- rw in trouble and only gonna get worse if I don’t do something

He wanted to deal with this like they always had, as few people as possible, but if they were as short on time as he thought, they couldn’t afford that. Lucy couldn’t afford that.

To: Dhani
can you contact the others? things are real bad and we need to meet asap

He didn’t know what to say, didn’t know what he should do, and hated how scared and useless he felt. He hadn’t felt like this in years, it hadn’t been this personal in years. It wasn’t like he wasn’t freaked out by every vision he had, but this was just… a whole other level. He had to do something and had to do it soon, and that was just making it worse. And sitting here feeling sorry for himself wasn’t good enough. He managed to get to his feet and get dressed, making his way out to the kitchen to make coffee, watching his phone the whole time. He knew he needed to text Piper as well, get her help on it, but something in him told him to wait until he’d heard from Dhani.