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Dhani Batra

I know, better than anyone else, that there are no heroes coming to save us.

0 · 1,924 views · located in Barden, VA

a character in “the wicked game”, as played by phosphene



divisionary (do the right thing) | bite hard | safe and sound
"As you get older it is harder to have heroes, but it is sort of necessary."
As you get older it is harder to have heroes, but it is sort of necessary.-Ernest Hemingway


i d e n t i t y
xxxxx|| Name || Dhani Batra
xxxxx|| Nicknames || Don, Donny, Paladin
xxxxx|| Gender || Cismale
xxxxx|| Age || 27
xxxxx|| Birthday || October 12
xxxxx|| Sexuality || Homosexual
xxxxx|| Hometown || Barden, VA
xxxxx|| Ethnicity || Indian


a p p e a r a n c e

xxxxx|| Height || 6'3"
xxxxx|| Weight || 190 lbs
xxxxx|| Hair Color || Black
xxxxx|| Eye Color || Brown
xxxxx|| Identifying Features || n/a
xxxxx|| Description || As a child, Dhani was a mess of gangly limbs, and while he’s certainly grown into himself, he still tends to carry himself the same way he did as an awkward child. He’s tall, perhaps taller than he would like to be, and stronger than people typically expect him to be. He built himself for function over intimidation, and honestly doesn’t care about being underestimated. Years of too much work and not enough sleep has begun to visibly wear on him: he looks as exhausted as he feels, though would deny it. He’s often somewhat disheveled, always looking as if he dressed himself in a rush and didn’t have much time for personal grooming. Still, he tries to look nice, and for that reason he typically keeps his style simple, so that at least he doesn’t look like a fashion disaster. His hero gear is mostly practical, with a form-fitting royal blue suit, padded with light armor, but that mostly serves to keep him from completely destroying it, matching combat boots, and a half-mask that keeps his hair and a good portion of his face covered: he tried to full mask, but he felt like he couldn’t breath. He wears gloves, but often sheds them to use his powers, so it’s been said that no one knows why he even bothers with them.


p e r s o n a l i t y

Dhani has always been the type to act quickly, and often without thinking things through completely. This has carried into his life as a hero: he’s the sort that will rush into a burning building, or run right into a room knowing it’s a trap. He’d rather put himself in danger than someone else, and if he thinks he can help, he will. His powers make him feel almost invincible, and he certainly acts like it. Rushing into danger, helping teammates and friends with little to no regard for his own health, safety, or energy levels. While he no longer purposely does things that endanger his life, he also doesn’t seem to possess a healthy amount of self-preservation. He often recklessly stands up, and speaks out, for what he thinks needs to be done; consequences be damned.

In his personal life, though, he can be pretty reserved. One may wonder if his outspoken opinions are some sort of character, or if-perhaps-the costume makes him feel braver than he really is. He tends to be quiet, and only speaks up when necessary (either when he’s addressed, or something absolutely must be said). He comes off as completely genuine in all that he does or says, however, and there is no mistaking that he is genuinely kind. He’s a very good listener, and seems to be able to be completely invested and interested in anything a person says, no matter the subject. Some things may fly over his head, and sometimes he may not grasp anything, but he feels that if it’s important enough to talk about, it’s important enough to listen to. He’s not the best at small talk, or casual conversation, but he tries.

He’s always been the sort to put himself last, and will push himself past his limits to help those around him. Whether it’s in combat, or just helping a friend through a rough time, he tends to be the first to show up and the last to leave. He tends to be protective of his friends, and will help most anyone-no questions asked. He just cares about people, and always tries to do right by them. He’s always quick to offer a reassuring smile, or an affirming word, or even a hug.

He’s never been one for waiting: he wants problems solved, and he wants to be the one solving them. That’s what led him to hero work in the first place, seeing problems he knew he could help to solve. He tends to get himself into trouble by refusing to wait to see if a situation will resolve itself, but he never seems to learn. Dhani is a man of action,and in general just doesn’t like to wait: lines, cooking, commercial breaks. Waiting around, and having to sit or stand still in general, makes him a little jumpy. He likes to keep things moving, keep life flowing smoothly, and quickly. He can be a little paranoid, looking over his shoulder as if he assumes he’s being followed, but he tries not to let it run his life: he wants to live as normally as he can, all things considered.



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f l a v o r

xxxxx|| Likes || Dhani has always loved music and dancing, and much of his childhood and adolescence was spent dancing; both in his room and at family events. He loves the snow, and has never minded the cold if he gets to see some snow as well. He’s a big animal lover, and has been a vegetarian for much of his life. He loves savory foods, and loves them even more over the holidays. He used to love going camping, though he hasn’t gone in years. He wouldn’t be able to function without coffee, and he loves how comforting a bowl of good soup can be.
xxxxx|| Dislikes || Dhani hates the heat, it’s uncomfortable, it causes extra chafing, and just is all around unpleasant. He hates traffic; sitting still in any vehicle is just a recipe for disaster, in his mind. While he used to love movies, he just can’t sit still in a loud, dark room long enough anymore. His financial situation is less than secure, and every new bill he gets just fills his heart with dread. He also can’t stand unfamiliar places, doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, and never really got a taste for alcohol.
xxxxx|| Fears || his identity being compromised, failing to protect his family and friends.
xxxxx|| Secrets || His biggest secret, of course, is his identity. Beyond that, he’s mostly an open book.


a b i l i t i e s

xxxxx|| Superhuman Durability || While Dhani isn’t bulletproof or anything like that, he is much, much more durable than an average person. He’s harder to hurt, harder to knock down, and much harder to keep down than some others. Paired with his healing abilities (which often subconsciously work on himself, though he can choose to use them on others), he can be a fairly unstoppable force. While he can still be hurt, he’s just less likely to take serious damage from the sort of work heroes typically do.
xxxxx|| Healing || Dhani’s healing powers are most often used on himself, healing up minor scrapes and bruises fairly quickly, and any more serious injuries much faster than an average human. He can also use his abilities on other’s: sacrificing his own energy to speed up another’s healing, and often much more quickly than his powers work on himself. While he can’t bring someone back from the dead, he can potentially stabilize someone, stop bleeding, heal wounds. This power is absolutely draining, and can have some serious side-effects for him if he isn’t careful. Still, he often uses his powers to heal others until well beyond when he should’ve stopped to rest, and he’ll very likely do it again.
xxxxx|| Talents || Dhani is skilled in hand-to-hand combat, as well as just generally being in excellent physical shape. He doesn’t have many skills that don’t revolve around hero work, though he is a decent dancer, even if he doesn’t do much dancing anymore.
xxxxx|| Strengths || Kind, compassionate, able to think quickly, good instincts.
xxxxx|| Weaknesses || Doesn’t stop to rest, too quick to act, tends to be easily manipulated.


h i s t o r y

Dhani had a pretty normal childhood, his parents and his two older sisters were constantly fluttering around, and they lived the best life they could. Dhani never had any heroic ambitions of his own, but he always looked up to the heroes growing up. He never dreamed he’d be like any of them (in fact, he used to dream of being a teacher), but he loved the idea. He was a shy child, always hiding behind his mother and oldest sister, and he didn’t come out of his shell until his teenage years.

Dhani was already fifteen when his powers started to manifest, and at first he had no idea what to do with them. For a while, he did things like let his friends hit him with baseball bats, jump out of trees, all sorts of stupid stunts. Being a hero didn’t even occur to him, at first. He was too shy to talk to anyone who hadn’t been his friend since kindergarten, how was he supposed to stand up against crime and injustice? But it turned out he couldn’t ignore things happening around him when he had the power to stop it. It started simply enough; stop a mugging in progress, save a kitten from a house fire, and before he knew it, he was feeling equipped to do the hero thing.

He was in pretty deep before he realized he wasn’t ready, and he spent a lot of his teenage years running around, fighting crime. He mostly shadowed other heroes until he turned twenty, then he started setting out by himself, though he still prefers to work with others. He feels almost like he grew up fighting crime, having spent the end of his childhood learning to be a hero. His parents never understood why he seemed to be throwing his whole life away: sleeping in class, suddenly failing assignments. He never told them, but he knows they’ve caught on; still, they just carry on their lives as if no one knows.

He put his entire life into being a hero. He gave up opportunities so they wouldn’t get in the way, a social life, potential relationships. He’s struggled holding down a job that fits with the hours he puts into hero work. He never found a good balance, instead he threw himself fully into heroics, never looking back. He doesn’t know what he’ll do if he has to stop, what he could do. Being a hero has been his entire life for over a decade, and it’s all he has.


writer: nonconformingrole - fc: Rahul Kohli - hex code: #b85c9e


So begins...

Dhani Batra's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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1.25 INK

cerys day
xxxwhen i burst into flames
xxxi'll leave you the dust, my love
xxxhope a bit of it will be enough
xxxto help remember the days

It was a cold, crisp, and clear night. The type of night that people could enjoy. Couples were walking the street, using the cold air as an excuse to steal each other’s body heat and warm clothes. Kids played tag, their air forming small clouds in the air as they laughed. Noise spilled on to the streets from balconies above as friends sat and drank a wine or a beer and put the world to right, staring at the stars. It was an entirely unremarkable evening for most, it seemed.

But not for all. Cerys could feel it in the air. Maybe it was just her own anxiety, her own apprehension about the evening. But it felt like something was going to happen- something big, something that would disrupt the peace everyone else seemed to be feeling. But they needed to do something. They couldn’t just sit idly by. They couldn’t just fade into the shadows and disappear like that.

She made her way across town to the location she’d received. She’d been suspicious at first, but when she’d heard that a number of other heroes had gotten a similar message, with the same location, it began to seem more legit. She was still apprehensive, but at least she knew she wasn’t going alone.

The location was a large, apparently abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. It did at least appear to be structurally sound, but was unlikely to have any ideal vantage points for her to shoot from. She could still shoot from ground level, but she always had an advantage with a little bit of height.

She wasn’t enough of a fool to just waltz in, though. So instead, she waited just out of sight, waiting for somebody she at least vaguely recognised to arrive, and pulling on her mask.

atticus hawkins
xxxstaring in the blackness
xxxat some distant star
xxxthe thrill of knowing how alone we are,
xxxunknown we are.

Atticus didn’t particularly want to go to this meeting or whatever it was. He’d planned on spending the evening watching some movies or maybe getting some work done on his showreel. Or hell, going out for a few drinks. But Lucy was dragging him along, and he apparently wasn’t getting much of a say so in the matter.

Even if he didn’t particularly want to be there, that didn’t mean he wasn’t going prepared. He’d retrieved his gun from the hidden panel in his wardrobe. It’s weight felt strange, alien, but he wasn’t optimistic that things would end peacefully, and he didn’t want to be dependent on his knife. And if he was leaving the house, he would be damned if he wasn’t leaving well dressed. So he wore his usual suit, the holster for his gun concealed beneath the jacket, his mask tucked into one pocket and a knife in the other.

He’d been getting the messages too, of course. Somebody knew that he could have chosen to save his uncle, but instead chose his chance of freedom. Somebody who lorded that over him and threatened him to stick to the shadows, the shadows he only occasionally stepped out from. He would have been perfectly happy to just lay low, to disappear and shed Icarus. But not everyone could do that. The few people he could call “friends” in the villain community couldn’t do that, and they shouldn’t have had to. So that was why he hadn’t put up too much of a fight when Lucy told him he had to come.

“Abandoned warehouse. Seriously, could they get any more cliche?” He remarked quietly as they approached, pulling on his mask. “They should have just put up a sign, ‘this is definitely a trap’!” He added, frowning beneath the mask and instinctively putting his hands into his pockets to wrap around the knife.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison Character Portrait: Aaron Langdan
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0.00 INK

Kieran Vallanetti
Malfyre | Uniform & Mask x|xhex: #575772
xxxEvery day is another long walk back to your old place
xxxAnd now I stay out late at night waiting for the sun
xxxNothing's wrong but it doesn't feel right
xxxDoes anyone ever really change?
The day had gone by all too slowly, just as many others have before. From waking up reluctantly to the blare of her phone as she received spam calls from both Aaron and Dhani, explaining that they'd have a little meet up to go to later that night. It was already far past afternoon at this point as she finally groveled and rolled out of bed, assembling an outfit of a leather jacket over a plain t-shirt, jeans, combat boots and a knit dark grey beanie as the weather had begun growing colder and colder the past few weeks in Barden. One thing she had learned since first arriving in Barden five years ago was to always dress warm, otherwise, you'd regret it. She still had plenty of time to do some of her every day things before she had to meet up at the location, which she knew would be all too close for her later that night. She gathered her things, and after making sure she had everything she swiftly left her apartment.

Everything went by quickly in the next following hours, after grabbing some food at the local cafe and dropping by the small old music store that Aaron worked at and owned. It was a rather small place, with the main room being where the vinyl records were kept in small cubical stands all around the room, with posters spread across the walls, with records framed along as well. The lighting was a bit softer and not as harsh, giving the place a relaxing feel among the chaos that stood outside those doors. Soft music was always on repeat over the speakers to help keep the place from growing eerily silent, and the bookstore was across from the main room, with a dozen or so shelves lining the wall. With a few chairs and tables for those that chose to read if they so desired. Kieran waltzed through the store, taking a small check if anything new was brought it, with nothing standing out to her she walked behind the counter and sat down on the stool, waiting for Aaron to come out from the back soon as she knew he was busy.

After fifteen slow minutes passed, the small and soft chime on the main door opening alerted her to someone entering the store. Looking up from her phone she initially didn't see anyone and went back to surfing multiple different social media platforms. That was until the sound of someone walking up to the desk caught her attention, looking up. It was a blonde-haired woman, mid-twenties. She looked familiar to say the very least, Kieran knew her all too well, at least by face as something didn't sit entirely right about her. Something just felt, off. Kieran gave her a small smile as a greeting as she asked if Aaron was around, "Yo, Aaron! Get your bitch ass out here! You got a customer!" she called, craning her neck to the side as she looked to the backroom. Kieran turned her head back to the girl once more, giving her a small wink before she spoke again, "Thanks, I like your's as well. Your style I mean." she said awkwardly, feeling her face flush red with several counts of embarrassment, What the fuck was that, Kie?, she thought to herself before shaking her head.

After a moment she spoke up again when the girl asked what her name was, as she had seen her around the store a few times and figured Kieran was another regular customer. Which, she was, of sorts. "I guess you could say I'm a regular, of sorts. And I'm Kieran by the way. One of Aaron's good friends." she said with a small smile, awkwardly extending her hand for a handshake that the two exchanged. The small, short burst of energy she got off of the woman's hand was odd, and slightly concerning that caused her heart to skip a beat for a moment. Simply passing it off as anxiety she was relieved when Aaron emerged from the backroom. She gave him an exaggerated wave, "Sup, fucko. Way to keep your customers waiting." she teased. She gave Aaron an overdramatic sigh as he corrected her on watching what she says in front of customers, "Righty-o, bossman." she said giving him a wink, much to his dismay and clear annoyance. She watched as Aaron discussed the woman's order, who's name she already knew as Luciana. But Aaron referred to her as Lucy, keeping that in mind as she remembered Aaron talking about her a few times. Kieran gave Lucy a small wave as she finished her purchase and left soon after. Turning her attention to Aaron they discussed a few things after they knew they were alone again. Making sure they were on the same page of going to the warehouse that night. And left soon after to do her own things for the day.

She made a direct bee-line for where she would set up for the next few hours. Tucked away out of sight, and to herself, she set up her things along one of the highest buildings in Barden. While she had eyes all over the city and had complete access to them from the safety and comfort of her own home, it was something else when she went out and observed things for herself. There were always things she could capture in the moment herself than a simple camera system, all thanks to the line that Aaron's father had created. While she had made her own modifications and security measures to them, just making sure no one could highjack them or manipulate footage. Everything was always in real-time and she was constantly being alerted of updates via her phone which she had integrated into the system. While most called Malfyre a crazed, paranoid radical who couldn't go a day without watching the city like a hawk, some had felt safer since the cameras were set up, while others despised it and felt like their privacy had been violated. While that possibly could have been the truth, no one could deny that it wasn't the worst thing to happen in Barden. Far,far worse things had taken place, and Kieran had full access to it all, disturbingly enough.

From being an anonymous face among Barden, with very few people who knew who or what Malfyre was, Kieran was just as mysterious and unknown. She preferred to keep to herself and only work with others if she really had to. Even most of the other heroes had no idea who the person behind the mask of Malfyre was, only a few did such as Paladin and BludWynd, which hadn't been intended. Just like Malfyre, Kieran was a loner, and as loners do they blend in with their surroundings and don't stand out from a crowd of faces. Something that helped in her line of work, however unethical and morally greyed it may have been. Kieran simply sat on rooftop after rooftop, observing everything below the skyline and city streets. Being able to have a bird's eye view on everything was her preferred method of action, and after snapping several pictures from several advantage points which ended up taking more time than she had initially wanted, it was ready for her to pack everything up and get ready for the big meet up, whatever it was she wasn't sure. Initially, she wasn't going to go to it, but after receiving an anonymous email from someone unknown, with personal information on who she was, she had no choice but to go. Whoever had enough information on her to know not only her email which wouldn't be that hard to find, but to know everything that they did was concerning to say the very least.

When she finally arrived back to her apartment, putting all of her paraphernalia away and changing into her uniform and tying her hair into a simple, fishtail braid, she tucked her knives away in her kevlar reinforced, leather jacket, which she left open for now. Grabbing her mask which she too tucked away in one of her multitude of pockets, she huffed as she realized she was running late, as always. One way to make an impression for sure, what's a better way to make a first impression than being fashionably late? Slipping her simple black cannon camera in her left, inner breast pocket of her jacket she grabbed her keys and left her apartment. The brisk, cold night air was welcomed ask it enveloped her as she stepped out of the apartment complex. Something about the night air, especially as the colder months came in, was always a guilty pleasure to her and gave her an excuse to wear more layers than she should. Quickly grabbing her helmet from its hiding spot she hopped onto her motorbike which was gifted from Aaron as she had no real way of transportation. Walking and public transportation wasn't really her style. As well as it being on the top of the market in quality, durability, speed and its sleek, jet black monochrome design, it was hard to turn down. Besides, with its next to silent motor, it helped to make going on missions a breeze. Making her way through Barden at this time of night, as well as using back roads and alleyways. She knew every twist and turn of Barden, what streets led to dead ends, what ones made the faster route, and what ones to avoid altogether. It only took thirty minutes, but she was about fifteen minutes late for when she was supposed to arrive at the warehouse, seeing a few of the others there already. Whether some were hiding or were in somewhat of plain view, she killed the motor of the motorcycle and removed her helmet, quickly placing her mask on before she made her presence known to the others. It was a bit over the top compared to the more basic and simple masks that the others had, but unlike the others, she had more of a reason to hide more of her identity and distinguishable features. After a moment of making sure the voice modulator was active and working properly, her voice coming out with more of a robotic tone, but not entirely inhuman in nature she made her way towards the warehouse which she could see in the distance. Tucking her hair behind as she pulled over her jacket's hood, covering more of her discernable features. The fewer key factors she gave people to help identify who Malfyre was, the better.

Kieran looked around for any recognizable forms or faces, or more so recognizable features and uniforms, she spotted Dhani. Creeping up behind him ever so carefully, with a large grin on her face, which was hidden entirely by the mouthpiece of her mask, she gave him a little hip bump as she walked up beside him. "Hola, Amigo." her voice crackling to life from behind the audio modified mask. Placing her elbow on his shoulder at an odd angle due to the small height difference between the two she leaned against him slightly as she continued talking, "Aside from me being fashionably late, what else did I miss? Anything good, or is this just a dud of a party and I got ready for nothing?" she said with a small chuckle as she waited alongside her friend and ally for whatever the cause for them being there to begin. She didn't know what to think of any of this, everything seemed so off and uncomfortable. Almost cold in a sense, as if something sinister was about to begin. Slowly digging her hand in her pocket she clutched one oh her blades, just in case she'd need to use it before having to resort to her powers, if anything happened that was.

Aaron Langdan
BludWynd | Uniform & Mask x|xhex: #545352
xxxI just wanna go back
xxxBut I know time don't work like that
xxxI'd give up all that I have, searching for
xxxThe way we were before
Aaron's day had been nothing but busy. He awoke early to the sound of his phone going off countless times, mixed with alarms and notifications. He'd be going to a warehouse later that night as someone had gotten into contact with him and many others. Someone knew who he was, which wasn't that big of a deal as he was one of the heroes that was rather open with his identity, at least among the heroes. After making sure he alerted the others, more so making sure that Kieran was awake later that day and was aware what was going on. He'd have to hold her to go out that night, otherwise, she'd get wrapped up in her own work and forget. Which was something she tended to do far too often. After making sure everything was squared away and dressed in a simple t-shirt, grey hoodie and jeans he made his way out of his apartment. The walk to the store wasn't a terribly long one, even if it was dreadfully cold. The hours passed as he opened the store and prepared for the day before he'd have to close up shop and head to the warehouse.

Time passed, and it was a little after three-thirty that he heard some familiar voices coming from the main part of the store. He chuckled as he knew who it was, and after finishing checking on some things he made his way from the back part of the store and to the front where Kieran and Luciana were chatting. "Hey girls. Kieran, Lucy." he said with his bright and cheerful smile that spread across his entire face. Turning his head to look at Kieran for a moment, his smile all but faded, "Hey, watch your mouth infront of the customers, Kie." he said, his smile soon returning back to his face as the two chuckled. He nodded as Lucy had asked about her order for her MouseRat Vinyl. He gave her a nod and smile, rifling through one of the cabinets behind the counter. "Here it is! It actually just came in this morning and I was hoping you'd stop by today. Great choice as always." he flashed her a small grin and wink. The two finished up the purchase and he watched as she left. Aaron turned to Kieran, his hand folded neatly, "Now, would you stop embarrassing me in front of the customers?" the two gave a small chuckle as he leaned against the glass countertop. A sly grin formed on his face as he spoke,"Ya know...If you stopped by more often and came out of your damn apartment, I think you and Lucy would get along. You seem to have a lot in common." he said, giving her a wink. She simply dismissed his comment, saying how she didn't need a relationship or even really any friends. As well as them having more important things to discuss. After their short discussion about their plans of going to the warehouse, they said their goodbyes and his shift went as uneventful as one could imagine.

He went back to his apartment, changing out from his common clothing and into his suit, which was still considered common clothing. But was reinforced with bulletproof padding, shock absorption and kevlar. He slicked back his hair with enough jell, and after digging around his messy apartment for his mask he easily put it on and gave his look over once more in the mirror. As long as he didn't have to use his powers, his appearance would stay intact, and he wouldn't look like...such a monster. It was the largest downfall of his powers, it came with a price, and sadly it was the way he looked. He shook his head and headed out of the complex. Staying to the shadows and out of sight. He made it to the warehouse much earlier than expected, and he simply waited for others to arrive. Finally, he saw some familiar figures walk into view and enter the warehouse. One was staying out of main sight as well, obvious for who it was a small appeared on his face, even if it wasn't seen due to his mask. Looking around he placed his hand against the ground, closing his eyes and concentrating. When he finally opened his eyes once more, he was across the lot and standing next to an all too familiar face, even if she was wearing a mask. The hair, the uniform, as well as the fact she was the only one who wielded a bow. He gave her a smile, knowing full well it wouldn't be seen, he gave a small chuckle. "Hey there, Arty. Fancy seeing you here." his voice came out with a bit of a gruffer and deeper voice than normal. He needed to keep his voice from being too recognizable and went with simply deepening his voice. "So, what do you think of this? Too sketchy and we're being set up or, do you think this is a legit meeting that will end peacefully?" he questioned his fellow hero. He had his own ideas about what was going on, but the vibe he was feeling about this whole situation didn't sit right with him, and he wasn't sure exactly why.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

P i p e r Young
hex: #3e7a4e
xxxfor us the bourgeoisie, so carefree
xxxremember when we?
xxxi don't know what you need to get by
xxxsomething for your mind
Piper had to go to the meeting. Anyone who could figure her out was a threat, and she couldn’t let threats go unchecked. She wasn’t the most skilled in combat, and kept her identity pretty tightly sealed. Revealing oneself was dangerous, and it was a danger she wasn’t willing to face, so she was more than willing to take this seriously from the moment she’d received the message. She wasn’t sure who would be there, and that made her nervous. Sure, she could use mind control to throw any attackers off the moment they came at her, but that was only so useful in a group setting.

The day of the meeting, she tried to go about her routine as close to normally as possible, but it was looming over her the entire day, shaping her every move. She felt paranoid, more than ever. Nothing good could come of this. She thought about sending a message to Luciana, she wasn’t going to be there, after all. It was definitely a trap. But she didn’t. Normally, she backed out of things with too much of a risk of physical harm: she was a one-on-one type, and didn’t like the thought of not knowing the odds, or not being fully prepared. She planned every job she did down to the tiniest detail, and this meeting was giving her major anxiety.

Still, she got dressed (simply: black pants, black top) and made her way to the address. The fact that it was an abandoned warehouse wasn’t amusing, it just solidified the fact that something about this wasn’t right. Piper hated wearing masks, they typically got in the way of her powers, as even the simplest masks tended to draw the gaze away from her eyes. Still, she pulled her mask up and over her mouth and nose long before she approached the warehouse, not wanting to take any risks. She hesitated for a moment, but ultimately decided to go ahead and enter the building. After all, if this were a trap, they already had her.

D h a n i Batra
hex: #b85c9e
xxxi see you up again wandering so diligent
xxxcrossing your t's as though it weren't irrelevant
xxxthey say formality, this is what they really meant:
xxxthey can be the walk and we can be the pavement
The overall climate and opinions towards heroes had made life difficult for Dhani. Some of his fellow heroes had dropped the gig and moved on to other things, and he couldn’t say he blamed them, but he just couldn’t do the same. He didn’t have anything else to fall back on, and he didn’t think he could turn his back on being a hero if he tried.

So when he’d started receiving messages, and they knew a little too much about him, well, he was concerned. And when he’d heard about the meeting, he knew he had to go. He didn’t have much of a choice, really. Some might be able to ignore it and carry on with their lives, but Dhani couldn’t. He needed to investigate. It wasn’t safe to be a hero or a villain in this town, and he worried that, over time, just having powers would be enough to get someone put under scrutiny, or worse.

The actual day of the meeting was normal enough: he called Kieran until she answered. Reminded her that she had something important to attend that night, and not to be late. If she was late, he would be very upset with her (as if she cared), because she needed to be there. He was fairly sure that she just didn’t care, but he thought it was important, and if things went wrong, if it was a trap, she would be helpful. He knew that he could count on her if things went south, even if he couldn’t count on her ability to show up on time. He had to work that day, too. Waiting tables really had nothing on hero work, but it paid the bills. Mostly. You couldn’t make a living saving the world anymore, and it was fine. It was. Dhani didn’t mind it, he loved being a hero, he loved helping people. It was his entire life.

He already had his mask in place as he approached the building, and he took a brief moment to survey it from the outside. He wasn’t sure if it was a trap, it just screamed that it was, but it also seemed too obvious,but he decided that waiting around wasn’t going to help anyone, so he went ahead and made his way inside. Honestly, if a trap was going to be sprung, he’d rather it be on him. He could take a bit of a beating, though he would prefer not to. He also hadn’t fully thought it through before he’d done it, as per usual. Still, he settled himself near a wall where he could see what was happening.

Then came a bit of waiting, which was something Dhani had become excellent at over the years. He stood, arms crossed, obviously somewhat apprehensive about the whole thing. None of it sat well with him, and he wouldn’t feel better until it was done.

Then Kieran snuck up on him; his shoulders tensed up as she spoke, and had he not had his arms crossed over his chest, he might have punched her. He shot her a stern look, “I told you not to be late.” He didn’t change his voice too much as a hero, he mostly just spoke a little lower. Even then, he occasionally forgot to do that much. He shook his head when she asked if she missed anything, “Nothing’s happened yet. We were waiting on you.” Of course, he had no way of knowing what they were waiting on, but that didn’t stop him from blaming it on Kieran.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles Character Portrait: Aaron Langdan
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0.00 INK

00J E N A 0 W A I N W R I G H T 000000000000000000|000000000000000 A D R I A N 0 R O B L E S
Image000000000000000000|0000000000|000000 Image
xxx 'Cause I'm a fighter, a tiger, see me walk through fire
xxx Try chain me up but I'll burst through, I'll defy ya
xxx Set me on fire
xxx Watch them conspire
xxx I will defy ya
xxx I'll set them on fire

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBRN - AViVA

xxx Are we just drowning?
xxx Can you please save us
xxx Black walls surrounding
xxx Can you please save my soul?
xxx Causing our own demise
xxx Causing our own

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDROWN - AViVA



#D6130B 0 | 0 #0018BE

Jena 0 | 0 Adrian

Jena 0 | 0 Adrian

Becoming a hero was one of two options of Jena and Adrian, they knew with their powers that they could either be heroes, represent good or become villains and show terror and evil to cities and their citizens. But with how they became two souls in one body, they both agreed they didn’t want anyone else to suffer like they did and swore to protect others who can’t protect themselves as well as show hope to all, the exact essense of being a hero.

Starting out it was hard for them to get a grab on being a hero. For them it was the part of keeping it a secret, not only did they have to keep the secret of being two people in one body, but the secret identities. Luckily Jena was always able to come up with excuses for whatever bruises they may have or excuses for not showing up somewhere on the same nights the famous Gemini is seen saving people. Another thing that bothered them, well mostly Jena, was all the anti-hero propaganda and views. She only wanted to help and some people had beliefs if someone had powers, they have to be evil. Luckily for her, Adrian was always able to comfort her and make her see what they were doing was right even if some people disagreed.

Come the messages and the request from an unknown number about meeting at a mysterious location. The sender knew about Gemini, Jena, and Adrian, as well as other dirt. This scared Jena and she wanted to leave town, but Adrian knew they couldn’t let this stand and was able to convince Jena that they should go, and he would be control and do most of the talking so she could relax. Jena and Adrian spent most of the day prepping for the meet up and discussing plans, as well as contacting some other heroes to get their opinions on what was going on and what they were doing and if they were or weren’t going. The two agreed Adrian would take point and Jena would only reveal herself if needed.

“It’ll be fine Jen... Trust me. And if it goes south we will have back up. BludWynd and Paladin will be there at the minimum, they promised you.” Adrian said outloud as he suited up and put his mask on. Yeah, but, it’s a trap. You- Jena started talking telepathically to Adrian and half way through speaking they switched and she took control so she could get ready. “-have to be an idiot not to understand that.” She finished as she sat down in front of a mirror and started doing her make-up that would be seen around her mask. Like I said, we will be fine. Now wake me up when you’re done and we will head out. Adrian responded, Jena just rolling her eyes before continuing getting ready,

Gemini traveled mostly by rooftop towards the warehouse, another skill that Adrian has enhanced over the years. I still don’t like this Ade
 Jena talked to Adrian, but he mostly focused on his leaps and grabs before finally getting to a fire escape and climbing down. Coincidentally they ended up pretty close to where Artemis was scouting and Bludwynd talking to her. “Hey guys. Anything I need to know?” Adrian asked. Where are the others? You said Paladin and others would be here Jena asked, wanting him to inquire. “And my other half wants to know if it’s just y’all or if some of the others are here. I’m ready to head inside though.” Adrian said as he looked over to the warehouse, wondering what could be expecting them inside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

cerys day
xxxwhen i burst into flames
xxxi'll leave you the dust, my love
xxxhope a bit of it will be enough
xxxto help remember the days

The chuckle acted as a warning to draw her out of her own thoughts before Aaron approached her. Even after all this time, she still found his mask vaguely unsettling, but just smirked back at him, rolling his eyes at the nickname. "I... don't think it's a set up. Every time a hero or villain's been found dead over the past year, it's been just one at a time. One body, one murder. To ramp up from that to multiple heroes all at once doesn't seem likely. I could be wrong. But... something definitely seems... odd," She said. "Keep our guards up and hope for the best, I guess," She said with a shrug. She watched as Dhani arrived on the scene, but he didn't spot her hiding place. Not that he took too long to look. Unlike everyone else, who seemed to hang back with apprehension, he walked right in.

Cerys had had the sensation that they were being watched for a while before Gemini arrived, but a slight whirring sound passing overhead draw her attention upwards, behind Aaron. As Adrian joined them on the fire escape, she slowly drew her bow, holding up a finger as if to warn the others to be quiet for a moment. Watching the moment of the drone, she drew an arrow, then quick as she could, fired the arrow at the drone. She hit it with enough force to destroy the camera, and another custom arrow with a small charge built into it destroyed it's propellers. She reached out and caught it as it fell.

"Well. Doesn't look like this is going to be a friendly meeting after all," she remarked. "It's only a matter of time before they retaliate after that, so how about we go in and see what's facing us?" She said, shouldering her bow again and climbing down, throwing the door to the warehouse open. One of the first faces- or rather, masks, that greeted her was that of Red Witch. Spying certainly wasn't the Witch's style, but it meant she wasn't working alone. She strode right past Dhani and Kieran and dropped the drone in front of the villains, crossing her arms. "Typical villains. Afraid to come out and play in the light? Too afraid to fight fair?" She called. If they wanted a fight, they were going to get a fight.

atticus hawkins
xxxstaring in the blackness
xxxat some distant star
xxxthe thrill of knowing how alone we are,
xxxunknown we are.

Atticus just rolled his eyes at Lucy's theatrics and decided to stick to the shadows, but watched her the whole time. He loved Lucy, but she could sometimes be prone to being... dramatic. And sometimes, she needed to someone to stop her before she did something dangerous. He spotted a familiar face in the form of Lilian, and glanced in Lucy's direction before heading over to Lilian. "Something's going to happen tonight," he said by way of a greeting. "Don't ask me what but... I don't think it's good," he muttered to her. That was the worst thing, the feeling of vague foreboding. It wasn't as clear cut as his visions, but it was definite enough that he knew it wasn't just anxiety or apprehension. "Be careful, okay?" He warned her, raising an eyebrow.

There were a handful of figures he didn't recognise. But he was used to seeing them without their masks on, so it was entirely possible he had crossed paths with some of them at some point before. Two in particular caught his attention, one waltzing in a few minutes after everyone else had and going straight to the other. The taller of the two seemed more on edge, more to attention than the latecomer. Wait, were they... Were they heroes? After examining them for a moment or two, his suspicion was confirmed, and he grimaced.

"I need to go," he warned Lilian and made his way back across the room to Lucy. Lucy's hatred for heroes was significant, and he could only imagine how she was going to react once she realised. But before he could get there, the door burst open and in walked another group. One of them held a damaged drone and had a bow and quiver of arrows across her back. Artemis. They were heroes. Was this a set up? Why would the heroes corner them like this? It didn't match up with most of the things they did. And then Artemis tossed the drone to the ground and made some comment about being watched, taunting them. Atticus hadn't known of any active attempts to monitor the heroes. Lucy certainly hadn't mentioned anything. The realisation then, that they could be being watched by an outsider, hit him. He reached out a hand to stop Lucy from saying or doing anything drastic- but it was too late. As heroes and villains did, things didn't take long to turn into a full blown brawl. He'd never liked fighting like this. It was too close, too messy, too... personal. This wasn't how he'd been taught to fight, and the nagging suspicion that this was being set up by somebody else was still getting to him.

He had fully intended on just trying to get out of the middle of the fighting. But people had seen him with the villains, and apparently thought that meant he needed to die as well. He found himself drawing his knife as self defense, slashing to try and get people away from him. Then out of nowhere, something - no, someone- hit him from above. As they fell, the knife went flying from Atticus' hand and the person knocked his mask off and out of reach. Almost instinctively, he threw a punch towards their mask. Something crunched, but he wasn't sure if it was his fist or their nose. Their reaction gave him a chance to scramble to his feet and retrieve his knife. His mask, however, was gone, kicked away by the fighting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

Red Witch | Mask | Outfit | #571616
xxx Yeah someone pour it in
xxx Make it a dirt dance floor again
xxx Say your prayers and stomp it out
xxx When they bring that in
xxx Bleed it out digging deeper just to throw it away


Luciana was pacing around the open warehouse, tossing a glass bottle she found on the ground in the air and catching it, starting to get a little bored of what was going on. Right when she was gonna yell at Atticus, wherever he was, about possibly leaving due to no one showing up and nothing going on a familiar figure walked in. “Aboleth! Honestly surprised you made it, little Icarus is around here, hiding in the shadows, you know how he is.” Luciana said tossing the glass bottle over her shoulder and it shattering on the ground.

The two talked a little before the sound of footsteps caught Luciana’s attention, turning to see two people. Heroes. Malfyre and Bludwynd. Lucy scowled under her mask at the sight of two good two shoes. A few scenarios went through her head about what she would run into in this warehouse, but these heroes were not what she was expecting at all. Before she could say anything or even ready her powers, a door flew open and another group of heroes walked in. “Hmm, so this was a set up by the heroes. Surprising, but at least fun.” She whispered to Aboleth. This time there were three heroes, two of which she probably despised the most. Paladin - a good two shoes, Artemis - a powerless human, and Gemini - an annoying mystery.

Artemis through a hunk of metal down and rambled on, something about fighting fair. In a matter of seconds Red Witch made cuts on her hands and blood started flowing down her finger tips. These heroes just asked for a fight, it would be Luciana’s pleasure to give what they asked for. There were five of them and she only knew of two of her allies being here, though Paladin wasn’t much a fighter and Artemis was just a prick in her side. Red Witch made three daggers like projectiles and quickly threw them in the direction of the group of three, not aiming for anyone in particular but using it more of a distraction. “Let’s fight then.” Lucy said as she went on the move, dodging an arrow from Artemis as she went behind an old generator and kept moving behind structures.

Red Witch probably should’ve focused on the more powerful heroes, but she had a little grudge to settle with a hero in particular, Artemis. “Hey little miss powerless. How about you leave this to the adults and you can watch with some popcorn as your friends bleed?” She called out with a laugh. Luciana peaked around the corner just as Atticus got attacked and his mask knocked off, but retaliated with a pretty hard hit on Malfyre. “Fucking idiot lost his mask
” She mumbled to herself before hearing an arrow skipping off the hood of the car she was behind, the arrow actually grazing and scratching her mask.

Lucy finally sprung up from behind a burnt out car creating a bleed staff in one hand spinning it around in the palm her blood was coming out of. The powerless girl shot a couple more arrows at her, but she created a shield with her other hand, causing the arrows slowing down as if going through water and falling to the ground. Luciana rushed forward, sliding under a kick from Artemis and slamming her staff into the gut of Gemini, knocking him back a little bit and giving more space to just Artemis and Red Witch. “You try to set a trap for me, but don’t bring anything more than a bow and a few of your friends? I’m insulted.” Lucy said to the female hero as her blood retracted from the weapon she made and into her hands, and using one of her hands to signal for Artemis to attack her

The two combated for a few seconds, Red Witch being mostly on the defense from Artemis, using her powers to block her attacks, but getting caught by one and getting knocked back and rolling backwards. When she stood up she noticed the ground around her getting darker and she knew, Bludwynd. She turned around to see him attempting to slash at her with two daggers. She sidestepped to try to dodge him, but got slashed by one of her daggers, wincing a little in pain. “Oh, thanks for this.” She said as the blood dripped onto the ground, and then using it to form a sword taking a stance ready for Bludwynd. He charged and she was able to block most of his swings, the cut from his dagger helped keep her sword’s shape since the wound wasn’t so small.

During their little fight with blades, Red Witch noticed some of the infamous Legion Primes about. She hadn’t noticed them before since she was caught up with Artemis. “Oh, and you try to bring him to stop us?” Luciana said as she broke away from the fight with Bludwynd and giving some more space. She quickly pulled a replicant and threw him into the hero and ran behind a corner and up some stairs.

As Red Witch went onto the catwalk she spotted Artemis taking shots at whoever below. “Hey! Bitch!” She called out as she started to walk towards Artemis, forming a bow of her own and taking aim with a blood arrow at the hero. But before either of them could fire the sprinkler system of the warehouse went off and a wall of water formed between Artemis and Red Witch. Luciana scanned the room quickly and noticed others were separated by water as well. “What the hell?!”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

Kieran Vallanetti
Malfyre | Uniform & Mask x|xhex: #575772
xxx Bring me out
xxxCome and find me in the dark now
xxxEveryday by myself I'm breaking down
xxxI don't wanna fight alone anymore
Kieran couldn't help but chuckle slightly as Dhani reprimanded her for being late, her voice crackling to life under the mask. "Well I'm sorry, Mr. 'Be on time for everything'. Haven't you ever heard of being fashionably late?" she questioned all too enthusiastically, throwing her hands up in the air as she did so. She wasn't one for stealth in general, but she was keeping her voice down enough as the two stood in the doorway of the warehouse. Turning her face back to look at him she spoke again, "And see! You weren't missing much without me, whoever called us here probably whoosed out and now we're here for nothing. Knew I should have tracked where it came from, but nooo, someone told me I was being paranoid!!" she exclaimed and put emphasis on the last word, as she knew Dhani would understand exactly what she meant. He had told her to not put too much stress or worry into this and just relax. Rubbing her index fingers along her temples over her jacket's hood, she sighed. "Just, watch this whole thing be a dud, and I get to say I told you s-" she was cut off as the sound of others entering the warehouse had caught her off guard. Peering over the side of Dhani she could see a few familiar figures slowly emerging from the darkness. "Oh fuck me." she muttered, the eyes of her mask flickering from their normal state of simple X's, to a somewhat displeased look before flickering back to the normal state of emotion the mask displayed. She recognized those forms all too easily, as a bit of dread but not utter surprise hit her. Icarus, Red Witch, and Aboleth. Three villains she had a few encounters with, and all were unpleasant, for different reasons.

Icarus due to his reputation and use of knives, close combat if he felt like fighting. Need to keep an eye on him. Red Witch, not much needed to be said there. They had plenty of scuffles in the past, knowing each other's abilities and fighting patterns. She was a deadly foe, and an even deadly ability user. She'd have to keep on edge with that one. And lastly, Aboleth, Kieran didn't know much about her, other than that she was capable of using mind control, and wasn't a fan of what Malfyre was doing in the city. While she wasn't an outright threat, seeing her left Kieran feeling a bit odd as they'd have to watch for potential brainwashing and manipulation. Kieran unsheathed her knives from her pockets as she got into a defensive stand beside Paladin, getting ready for three that stood opposed to them. "Well, I can eat my words. This was a setup all along. So...don't even say it." she said in reference to Dhani, giving him an unnoticeable side-eye due to her mask covering her entire face. Bringing her eyes back to the three villains, her eyes squinted hard, this would be a tough fight, but she had a hunch that there had to be more heroes here. Somewhere. But she just wasn't sure. She was about to speak when another door was flung open, and three more figures stepped into the warehouse. "Oh come on! Who the fuck is this now?!" she exclaimed, finally looking over to see who stepped in. At first it took her a moment to realize the three new figures were in fact, friendly. For them anyway. Watching as Artemis tossed what looked to be a drone into the middle of the warehouse, saying how the villains had to remain in the darkness and not able to fight fair. "Oh hi, Arty, Wyndy, and Gemi." she said with an awkward and overly exaggerated wave of her hand.

Turning her head back to the villains in front of them, it seemed to happen all too fast. In simply a blink of an eye, they all engaged in combat. Kieran was caught off guard for a moment as she stumbled back, "So, we're actually doing this, huh? Alright then. Let's get shwifty." she said with a grin. As expected, the Red Witch and Artemis took into immediate combat with the other, understandably so Kieran left Artemis to fight on her own until she'd need some help. Turning her head to the other villain, she fired off a quick concussive blast with her hand which would blow Aboleth back a few feet. But not doing much damage. disorientating her opponents is what she strived for most than absolute brute force. That was for the heavy hitters like Paladin. Turning her attention further into the warehouse, she saw Icarus making a run for it where Artemis and Red Witch were currently firing off shots of arrows and blood projectiles. As she made her rush after Icarus, just barely missing a few stray arrows and blood projectiles, she jumped along one of the walls after giving herself a small burst of telekinetic energy. Pulling herself up into the catwalk above, she continued to chase after Icarus, making sure to never let him out of her eyesight, she watched as he simply used his knives as a means of slashing away any sort of close proximity of a fight. Seeing a small opening under the guardrail of the catwalk, Kieran quickly shot herself under it, and dropped down. As she came down from above, she felt her foot slam into something hard, as well as her armored hand came crashing down onto something, hearing a metal sound clatter along the concrete floor below.

Looking up, Kieran was greeted by a freshly unmasked Icarus. A small smile creased her lips as she finally got a glimpse of the man behind the mask, "Oh hi, you're kinda cut-" she was cut off midsentence as she felt a sharp and sudden blunt force smash into her face. A sickening crunch sounded as Icarus landed a good and heavy punch into her face, just barely managed to avoid the major spikes along her mask. Grabbing her nose she quickly turned away as she could feel it was clearly broken as blood began trickling down her lip. "You broke my fucking nose, you douche bag!" she exclaimed, still clenching her nose from over the mask. She didn't know if Icarus had ended up hurting himself from the initial impact with the spikes on her mask or not, but she knew that there was just a little bit too much blood on her mask to be just her own. Kieran looked back up as the familiar, metallic taste of blood filled her mouth, he had gotten more than just her nose as well. "Get your ass back here, you can't just run off after punching someone, dickbag!" she exclaimed as she gave chase to Icarus who nervously searched for his mask and knife. Slowly Kieran made her way up behind Atticus, grabbing him by the back of the shirt and tossed him to the side as he tried to reach for his knife, "Not so fast, pretty boy. But, I will give you a chance." she said as she kicked his own knife back to him, the metal sound scraping against the concrete floor.

Kieran looked at him as she took her own twin knives out from the pockets of her jacket. Twirling them around her for a moment, "Your move, play boy." she said with a grin. After a moment Icarus had finally gone in for a few quick jabs and slashes of his own, Kieran simply sidestepped and dodged the initial few. Bringing her elbow into his stomach as they grew closer in proximity, "You know, we could have gone about this differently. But you villains always have to ruin the party, huh?" she questioned with a rather annoyed tone, her voice crackling from the mask. But now it sounded as if the audio output had been damaged, flickering between her normal and modified voice. She'd have to make some adjustments to the mask later when she could fix the damaged circuits. Looking back up at Atticus as she felt a sharp and sudden pain slash against her left arm, and then her right thigh. He had managed to get a few good slashes in while she had been distracted. The two continued to exchange blows and dodges as the others around them continued to fight on. Dodging a stray arrow and projectile from the other two from above, "Hey! Be careful up there! Someone could have lost an eye!" she called out, knowing full well no one would pay attention to her ramblings. Kieran gave her attention back to Icarus, and as she went for a quick few jabs aimed towards his abdomen, the overhead sprinkler system was triggered, casting water in all directions. She went to continue on with her flurry of blows, but a wall of water separated the two of them, "What the hell?" she exclaimed, looking around as the others had too been walled off by more walls of water that had been formed from the water system. After a moment she understood all too well. Gemini was here, so of course, the one who could control water would use this as an advantage. "What the hell, Gemini? They were the ones who started this shit. So you better have a good explanation for this, or so fucking help me." she called out, her voice modifier was slowly beginning to die, flickering between the modification and her normal voice at a faster rate than before. She'd need to think of something soon. But all she could do was sit in silence, behind the fountain of water as they were all surrounded by it, being kept from fighting or being able to move much.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
lilian anderbilt
xxxxxxyou heat me like a filament
xxxxxxeverytime you're in the room
xxxxxxbut you burned me
xxxxxxand now I’m smoking

It was easy enough to dodge the drones flying overhead, or at the very least to scrub the part of the feed that included her. Lilian shook her head dismissively, Why would you draw extra attention to us like that
 With a perfunctory sigh, Lilian made her way into the building.

She noticed a few people had beat her here, in particular, her view gravitated towards the face of Atticus... that is, the mask of Icarus. He approached with a warning, something to never be taken lightly when coming from him. She gave him a warm smile, before realizing he wouldn’t be able to see her smile; she was unused to wearing this stupid helmet. As Icarus started to walk away, presumably to rejoin the rest of the villains, she gave him a curt nod. Her hand went to the electrolaser in her pocket, setting it to deliver a nonlethal shock, but still able to create a sonic boom through the rapid heating of the laser.

Before he was able to rejoin the others on the side of the room, the doors burst in and a new group strolled into the room. One of them threw a hunk of metal to the ground as she strode in, one of the drones that had been surveying outside. Lilian recognized Artemis; she was angry at being spied on, which was part of the reason Lilian hadn’t bothered fielding drones of her own.

It wasn’t long before the groups did what came naturally to heroes and villains in close quarters. Lilian let out a tired sigh and got ready for the ensuing fight. However, no one seemed terribly concerned with attacking her, or perhaps they were afraid to do so, which was all Lilian strived for in life. With a triumphant exhale, she dove towards the ruined scrap metal that used to be a drone, scooping it up in her arms and darting behind a box. With her laser, she cut out the camera from the drone and crafted a stick from the rest of the drone to attach it to; a moment of thought connected the camera to the optics inside her helmet, instead of its original owner.

Lilian had already developed countermeasures for most of the superhumans here, but this was a unique opportunity to gather data on the others and test her existing theories on the rest. Carefully she poked her camera up just high enough to survey the chaos. Dark cloying shadows began to propagate throughout the room, but they dissipated easily enough when the amplified light from Lilian’s laser hit them.

A curtain of water suddenly imposed itself between the combatants, interrupting her research. For a few seconds she considered sending the shock from her electrolaser through the water, but once again the concern of hitting her friends stopped her from acting. Instead, Lilian contented herself with putting a gloved hand into the stream of water and watching it ripple and writhe against her hand. Hydrokinesis... Cute.

Taking advantage of the momentary ceasefire, Lilian tapped into the feed of the remaining drones overhead. It wouldn’t take her long to backtrace their signal to its owner. Someone was watching their feed, and it would only take her a few moments to find out who, assuming they hadn’t disconnected already.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

00J E N A 0 W A I N W R I G H T 000000000000000000|000000000000000 A D R I A N 0 R O B L E S
Image000000000000000000|0000000000|000000 Image
xxx 'Cause I'm a fighter, a tiger, see me walk through fire
xxx Try chain me up but I'll burst through, I'll defy ya
xxx Set me on fire
xxx Watch them conspire
xxx I will defy ya
xxx I'll set them on fire

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBRN - AViVA

xxx Are we just drowning?
xxx Can you please save us
xxx Black walls surrounding
xxx Can you please save my soul?
xxx Causing our own demise
xxx Causing our own

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDROWN - AViVA



#D6130B 0 | 0 #0018BE

Jena 0 | 0 Adrian

Jena 0 | 0 Adrian

Shortly after Gemini dropped down he watched Artemis fire an arrow and quickly disable a drone and flawlessly catching it. She quickly made a remark about the meeting not being, and he just nodded in agreement as the three heroes headed towards the warehouse and entered, not exactly being quiet or stealthy about the entrance. Looks like the others made it. Jena commented to Adrian as he scanned the area, his gaze ending on something that wasn’t as hopeful as their fellow heroes. Villains. And the infamous Red Witch of them all, along with a few others. And villians
 Adrian said to Jena before Artemis tossed the drone on the ground, mocking them for spying and not trying to be fair.

“Artemis, we d-” Adrian had tried to calm down Artemis before things got out of hand, but Red Witch quickly threw dagger like projectiles that barely missed Gemini and the fight began. SEE! BAD! IDEA! Jena exclaimed, but Adrian tried to ignore her as he tried to figure out how to get a hold on the situation. Luckily the heroes seemed to have the villains outnumbered, but that might not be enough as they tend to be scrappy. When a dog is cornered, they tend to bite.

Adrian didn’t want to fight, he wanted answers for why they were brought here. The messages seemed more than calling out a brawl and more for talking and negotiating. He watched as Icarus started to charge and he started forming water in his hands, but Icarus was stopped when Malfyre attacked from above and knocked his mask off. Adrian stopped and stared, taking in the villains face and identity. It wasn’t often a villains identity was known, and if they get through this, that would be good information. Gemini wanted to announce to everyone, but watched and tensed up watching their fellow hero get punched in the face and recoil.

Before Adrian could react he heard a familiar yelling and turned to see Red Witch rushing Artemis, but quickly sliding past and hitting him in the stomach and knocking him back a bit, ending up on one knee. Though what she said next caught Gemini’s attention. Wait
 did she just accuse us of setting a trap? Yeah
 that doesn’t make sense. If they think we brought them here, it means they didn’t send the message. Jena and Adrian were discussing what was going on when he was brought to the ground from his kneeling position.

When Gemini looked up to see what villain had tackled him, he was shocked to see it was Paladin. “Hey! What’s gotten into you?!” Gemini shouted Paladin continued to attack him, Adrian quickly formed water and blasted Paladin in the face and pushed him off of him. [color=#0018BE]“What do you think you’re doing Padalin?” But the hero didnt respond, and just charged again swinging at Adrian. Gemini knew Paladin was a fighter, so he wasn’t surprised when most of his swings connected to his gut and was knocked back. It’s the mind controller. She’s controlling him Ade. Adrian looked and saw Aboleth, off to the side.

Adrian quickly went from defensive to offensive against Paladin, he knew he had to knock some sense into him, literally. “Sorry for this bro” He said as he quickly used water to distract and work him down. His fellow threw a couple more hits before Gemini was able to use a blast of water to slam Paladin into the ground. He didn’t get up right away so Adrian assumed he must either be recuperating or atleast trying to fight back against the villains control. He looked around and now saw some of Legion’s Replicants running about, being attacked and attacking both sides. This sealed the deal in his mind that they were all brought here for a reason, not to fight.

Gemini quickly noticed a sprinkler release in the corner and quickly thought of a plan, and sprinted over and triggered the sprinklers, and then using the existing water to form barriers between all who was fighting, the supply of water made it less taxing on him to hold up so much water. “Hey! Stop it!” He shouted, then a little surprised when people actually stopped and looked in his direction, both sides asking what he was doing. “Shut up everyone. Now listen. We didn’t set you up for this meeting, and I’m assuming you villains didn’t set us up. Now how about we take a minute or two to discuss whatever the fuck is going on. Then maybe we can fight.” Adrian commanded out to everyone. Nice speech babe, hopefully it works, if not, let me have a little fun and create some steam. If they would all agree he would dispersed the water, if they didn’t, atleast now he had the advantage again against the villains.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

cerys day
xxxwhen i burst into flames
xxxi'll leave you the dust, my love
xxxhope a bit of it will be enough
xxxto help remember the days

As was always Cerys' first instinct, she tried to find somewhere elevated to take aim, somewhere that would give her a better vantage point. But before she could do so, a voice called out, taunting her about letting the adults fight. She'd heard a similar taunt before, and notched an arrow, waiting for her to show her face again. She saw Red Witch glancing towards one of the other villains and released. She didn't hit her target, but the arrow still scratched the villain's mask, and Cerys smiled. But when Red Witch started fighting back, Cerys realised she was overpowered in these close quarters. She stashed her bow back behind her back and instead went in with her fists. Drawing blood was only going to give Red Witch more of an advantage anyway. She didn't think for a minute she'd be able to take the villain down by herself, not unless she got a really lucky punch in, but she just needed to buy time.

Backup came in the form of Aaron, who actually managed to draw blood. The villain was temporarily distracted, and turned her back to Cerys. Cerys took the opportunity to run, scouting for a better vantage point. She spotted a walkway and scaled her way up to it, sticking to the shadows to give herself some cover. But one thing that Red Witch had said stuck with her. Something about them planting the ambush. She seemed as angry about it as Cerys was. But she didn't have time to dwell on it, because Red Witch had spotted her and had joined her on the walkway.

Cerys laughed as Luciana made a bow from blood. "You really think it's that easy?" She taunted. "I bet you don't even know one end of that thing from another. Come on, the least you could do is be origi- what the fuck?" Cerys swore as the sprinklers suddenly came on, the water shifting almost immediately to form a barrier between her and Red Witch. "Gemini, what the hell?" She called, leaning down over the balcony to spot him. But he'd come to the same conclusion she'd been working towards. Neither of them had set this up as an ambush. Somebody else had called them here.

"The blackmail..." she breathed. "How many other people here have received these... messages, the ones that tell us to stay quiet, that know who we are and know the secrets we're trying to keep?" She called.

atticus hawkins
xxxstaring in the blackness
xxxat some distant star
xxxthe thrill of knowing how alone we are,
xxxunknown we are.

Atticus' first instinct was to get the hell out of there, before he got dragged into something he really didn't want to be involved in, especially not without the protection of anonymity. He'd already broken a hero's nose, and he really didn't want to get any deeper into it. They, however, did not feel the same. As he ducked to retrieve his knife, they grabbed the back of his shirt and tossed him away from the weapon. He rolled and leaped back to his feet. This wasn't a fight he was going to be able to run away from. They did, at least, give him the courtesy of giving back his knife, but just drew two knives of their own and spun them, clearly waiting for him to make the first move. He was so far out of his comfort zone. He just needed a break- a chance to run.

When he finally reached out towards the hero, they easily dodged, bringing an elbow into his stomach when they got close enough, and taunting him. But their mask was damaged, and the audio was crackling, distorted. The hero noticed that as well, and was momentarily distracted by it. Atticus took his chance then, landing a few blows on to her arm and thigh, before darting away from a projectile from above. The hero recovered quickly and went for his stomach, Atticus darting away from it. But before he could make an assault of his own, the sprinklers came on, forming walls of water to separate them almost instantly. And, of course, blocking off his route to the nearest door that didn't involve running past even more heroes that would probably also try to kill him.

And then one of the heroes spoke. Something about the heroes not organising this, and that the villains hadn't earlier. He exhaled heavily, still a little winded from Malfyre's elbow landing in his stomach, and looked around as somebody- Artemis, he was presuming by the bow in her hand- asked if anyone else had gotten the messages. The ones threatening to expose them and their secrets. And slowly, one by one, people started to confirm that was the case. He ran a hand through his hair. This was... this was worse than they'd imagined. Atticus hadn't asked to get involved in any of this. He wasn't prepared to deal with any of this. Here he was, in a room full of superhumans, with nothing more than a knife and a gun and an ability that made him more of a liability than anything else. He scanned the room- and his eyes landed on one face, the only other unmasked face in the room.

Well. As if things couldn't have gotten any worse, they suddenly had just gotten a little more awkward and uncomfortable. Because, still dressed like a hero but just missing his mask, was Dhani. Of all the people in the entire goddamn city...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

P i p e r Young
xxxfor us the bourgeoisie, so carefree
xxxremember when we?
xxxi don't know what you need to get by
xxxsomething for your mind

Piper shot a wary glance at Red Witch as she walked over to stand near her friend, arms crossed loosely over her chest, “Of course I came. Didn’t really have an option.” Before much else could be said, however, a small group of heroes entered the room. Piper didn’t share Red Witch’s opinion about a fight being fun. In fact, Piper didn’t see anything fun about the potential of having her ass kicked.

She tried to put together the remark of them not fighting fair with the drone that Artemis had thrown to the ground, but Piper wasn’t familiar with it; and before she knew it, fighting had broken out, and she found herself pushed back several feet, landing on her side hard enough to knock the breath out of her. She immediately knew that they were woefully unequipped to be dealing with so many heroes, and as much as her fellow villains wouldn’t want to admit it, they could very likely be easily overpowered if the heroes worked together, which they had proven an ability to do so in the past. Arrows and blood projectiles were already flying through the warehouse, and as soon as she stood up, Piper went to run and hide behind some crates that were left behind, and then, almost by accident, she found herself looking right into some hero’s eyes.

It was the tall one. Paladin? Yeah. He’d started off in a direction-presumably to help someone-and something in the chaos had him stopping in his tracks, not far from where Piper had started her mad dash for cover. He hadn’t noticed her, at first, and she surprised him, and the split second was all she needed. She looked him dead in the eyes and said, “Hey,” To get his attention; she wanted to make sure he was listening. She kept her voice low, though it was more of a purr than a whisper; smooth and seductive. “Stay close to me, I might-” Suddenly, while looking right into Paladin’s eyes (his face was blank, he was just waiting for a concrete command), she got an idea. A small smile spread across her face, not that anyone could see it. “Go fight Gemini. Make sure he stays out of the way.” The hero turned to do as he was told, and Piper had to fight the urge to let out a sigh of relief. That was two heroes out of the way.

She stuck around long enough to make sure that the command stuck, and then went to take cover behind some crates and boxes. Arrows, blood projectiles, and bursts of water seemed to all be raining from above, and Piper couldn’t wait for things to die down enough that she could make an escape. Already, she was scanning the walls of the warehouse, trying to see if there were any holes or gaps in the siding big enough for her to squeeze through.

The fighting seemed to stop all at once, and Piper heard plenty of voices speaking their disappointment, and then a neat little speech from Gemini. It was after Gemini had spoken his piece that Piper dared to stand up and glance around. Water was separating the combatants. Clever and impressive. She noticed then, looking around the room, that a few of the occupants of the room seemed to have lost their masks for one reason or another, though she wasn’t eager to join them. Artemis spoke up, asking how many of the others had also been blackmailed, and Piper understood. They probably were all being blackmailed, even the heroes. She waited a moment, hopefully enough time for a few others to speak up, before stepping out half a step (not too far, not too far), and calling out, “I’ve been
 Receiving the messages, too.” She looked around, warily, still not fully trusting whatever was happening.

D h a n i Batra
xxxi see you up again wandering so diligent
xxxcrossing your t's as though it weren't irrelevant
xxxthey say formality, this is what they really meant:
xxxthey can be the walk and we can be the pavement

Dhani rolled his eyes at Kieran’s teasing-obviously, and pointedly. He didn’t have the patience to argue it out with her, and it didn’t seem like an appropriate time to do so, anyway. It wasn’t long before some villains appeared, and Dhani wasn’t sure, at first, what to make of that. “Okay, listen,” He was directing his words to Kieran, though he was speaking fairly generally, “Let’s not jump to any conclusions, you know how-” But Artemis came waltzing in with a drone before he could finish his thought. Her accusation set everyone even more on edge, and fighting broke out faster than it could be stopped.

Dhani quickly scanned the room to see what he could do to help. It was pure chaos, but a good chance to maybe apprehend a villain or two if they had the chance. He was pretty content to sit and watch, wait for a chance to run interference or backup if needed. A part of him was sure there had to be more villains running around, but seeing members of Legion muddied up the whole thing. Maybe he should look around and see who else might be there. It wasn’t long, though, before he heard Kieran, and it sounded like she might be in pain. He wanted to go check on her, help her out. He knew she could technically handle herself, but he didn’t want her dying trying to do everything herself, either.

The villain she was fighting had lost his mask and he looked
 Familiar. Wait, was that who he thought it was? Dhani heard a soft “Hey” From beside him, and in that moment, when he was more than a little surprised, and was trying to put a few pieces together in his mind, he turned to look at whoever had spoken to him, and everything that happened next only came to him after the fact, like half-forgotten memories of a distant dream.

He never would’ve attacked Gemini on his own accord, but that was exactly what Aboleth had told him to do, and he came out swinging; first tackling Adrian to the ground, and then he just kept fighting from there. Eventually, Adrian succeeded in knocking Dhani off his feet, and Dhani hit his head hard on the ground. Anyone else probably would have been concussed, but in Dhani’s case, it mostly just helped him shake off the mind control. As he came to, and was trying to breathe, he noticed, mostly, that his mask was soaking wet. He was still slightly in a daze (both from the mind control, and also the blow to the head), and he quickly tore off his mask and tossed it aside, seeming to find it easier to breathe without it on.

It was a moment later, as he sat up and he remembered where he was and what was happening, that it hit him what a horrible idea that had been. But by then, it was too late to change a thing. He only half heard what Gemini said, and slowly stood after Artemis spoke up, asking if anyone else had gotten the messages. He nodded to himself and spoke out, “I have.”

He looked around the room, partly to see how many of the others had been getting the messages, and partly to try to gauge the condition of any of his friends and companions present. Of course, his eyes landed on one particular figure: standing there in a suit, missing his mask. It had been Atticus. Shit, Thought Dhani, though he tried not to show how flustered (and frankly, displeased) he was. This just made things awkward, as if this entire situation wasn’t complicated and uncomfortable enough.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison Character Portrait: Michael Bennett
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0.00 INK

Red Witch | Mask | Outfit | #571616
xxx Yeah someone pour it in
xxx Make it a dirt dance floor again
xxx Say your prayers and stomp it out
xxx When they bring that in
xxx Bleed it out digging deeper just to throw it away


Luciana still kept her eye on Artemis as Gemini spoke, and even though he was a hero, what he was saying did make sense. The heroes strutted into the warehouse accusing them of spying on them, makes sense with them saying they didn’t set up this appointment. Plus it was a little chaotic, the heroes like to showboat and flaunt more and abandoned warehouse wasn’t exactly their style. She rolled her eyes as Artemis shouted to the others, asking if they received any messages with blackmail or their identities, a few of the others saying they received messages.

The blood forming the bow and arrow pointing at Artemis pulled back into Red Witch’s cuts as she hopped over the rail of the catwalk and landed on the main floor below, dusting herself off. “Yeah, message about coming here to talk, but this was more fun” She shouted out looking around and eyeing the heroes, eventually her gaze settling on Paladin. She knew him. This was the guy Atticus had hooked up with a while back. Luciana had saw them saying buy to each other in the hallway when she returned after acquiring some groceries for the apartment. She told Att that she had a bad feeling about this guy, and now she knows she was right.

Lucy walked over to Atticus, picking up his mask and placing it on his face, she was facing away from the heroes. “We are going to have a serious talk about your little boy toy hero after this. I’m a little annoyed you had a hero in our apartment.” She said under a light whisper so only he could hear. Red Witch turned back, brushing water off her face. Giving a little bit of attention to the Legion clones, wondering if any of the ones present were the real one. But she turned her attention back to Gemini.

“Now, we have a common enemy. And I’m assuming this was probably from the same human” Giving a mean look to Artemis. “Assholes going on about blackmailing some of the other powered folk around town. What are we supposed to do?” Luciana asked, “And can you fuck off with this water?” She demanded.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
lilian anderbilt
xxxxxxyou heat me like a filament
xxxxxxeverytime you're in the room
xxxxxxbut you burned me
xxxxxxand now I’m smoking

Slowly but certainly everyone came to the conclusion that Lilian had already held for sometime; that this was no ambush and whoever had been sending them the threatening letters was not "Hero" or "Villain." No, the one that had sent them out was someone looking to destroy superhumans, regardless of their declared morality. The obvious suspect would have been Legion, but here was here too... Or was he..? It certainly would not have been past his fanaticism to send in a suicide squad to make sure this went his way....

Hacking into the remaining drones proved uneventful. They had been launched nearby but other than the fact they all had the same serial number, there was nothing of value to glean from them. She kept them patrolling lazily in their patterns before sighing Nothing for it but to hope everyone here is willing to momentarily put their differences aside, I suppose

Perhaps if I had the device everyone received their message from, I could use the delivery times to triangulate a position they're going out from... Or maybe a lie detector test, if one of us really is feigning innocence that would weed them out... “And can you fuck off with this water?” The stray comment snapped Lilian out of her thoughts and she turned to look in the direction of the voice, but several sheets of interposing water blocked her view.

Lilian suppressed a wry smile and calmed herself so that it didn't creep into her tone, "I must say, I agree with the foul-mouthed Villain. So why don't we do what the fire hose says and talk this over like civilized adults?" Turning back to Gemini she chided, "The sooner you drop the hydroworks, the sooner we can get to the bottom of this. Even if none of us here are the culprit, someone gathered us all here for a reason. Squabbling amongst ourselves is hardly befitting the next step in evolution that we are, and frankly is just not conducive to our time." It was Gemini's move from there, if the water didn't come down in a reasonable time, she'd simply have to send a million or so volts of electricity through the curtains and hope for the best.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

cerys day
xxxwhen i burst into flames
xxxi'll leave you the dust, my love
xxxhope a bit of it will be enough
xxxto help remember the days

One by one, people began to answer her question about blackmail. It seemed that every single person in the room had all been receiving the texts. She raised her eyebrow as she glanced over at Dhani, who had somehow lost his mask. He, however, seemed to be focused on something across the room. Before Cerys could figure out what it was, however, she was surprised to hear Red Witch speaking up, in her typical eloquent way. Cerys didn't miss the glare at her when Red Witch spoke about the humans either, and Cerys returned the glare. She knew now wasn't the right time, but she'd be aiming an arrow straight for Red Witch and the next suitable opportunity.

Omnitech spoke up next, commenting on the villain's choice of language and making Cerys smirk. She didn't exactly agree with dropping the water separating them all, because she didn't trust the villains not to start immediately attacking them again. But Red Witch had at least gotten down from the catwalk, so Cerys decided to stay where she was, the advantage point giving her an immediate advantage. She kept an arrow notched, the bow firmly in her hands. Her spot also gave her the advantage of being able to watch everyone else to see their reactions. She studied them all carefully, trying to see if anyone was out of place or acting a little bit uncomfortable. But they all seemed to be equally on edge, equally unsure of their scenarios. One or two of them even looked almost afraid. She caught Aaron's eye and shook her head slightly. No obvious targets on my end. They'd worked together enough times that she was pretty sure he'd know what she meant.

atticus hawkins
xxxstaring in the blackness
xxxat some distant star
xxxthe thrill of knowing how alone we are,
xxxunknown we are.

Dhani was staring right back at him, a mix of emotions on his face. Almost reflexively, Atticus smirked at him, a defence mechanism more than anything. But Luciana jumping down from the catwalk and walking back over to him distracted him, especially as she shoved the mask back onto his face. He pulled away from her with a scowl as she said they'd need to have a talk later about his "boy toy." She seemed to be under the impression that he had somehow known that Dhani was a hero. As if his opening line in the bar had been "Hi, I'm Atticus, you're not a hero by any chance are you?" And hell, even if it had been, did she really think he still would have brought them back to his apartment? He glanced at Dhani again and tried to ignore that tiny part of his brain that went "well, probably"

Luciana spoke up then, Atticus folding his arms as she did so. But Lucy had a point. Everyone had admitted to having a secret that this mysterious person seemed to know about, and nobody seemed to know why they were here or who had called them here. And he also felt that the water was unnecessary at this point. Lilian also seemed to agree with the sentiment.

"We need to work together," Atticus said suddenly, surprising even himself. "They're targeting all of us. I don't think any of us could defeat them by ourselves. But if we work together, we stand a much better chance. If," he said, briefly glancing at Lucy before turning back to the hero beside him as to not make it obvious, "you're all willing to get over your egos. I'm also equally happy to just disappear if you guys want to keep squabbling among yourselves."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

00J E N A 0 W A I N W R I G H T 000000000000000000|000000000000000 A D R I A N 0 R O B L E S
Image000000000000000000|0000000000|000000 Image
xxx 'Cause I'm a fighter, a tiger, see me walk through fire
xxx Try chain me up but I'll burst through, I'll defy ya
xxx Set me on fire
xxx Watch them conspire
xxx I will defy ya
xxx I'll set them on fire

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBRN - AViVA

xxx Are we just drowning?
xxx Can you please save us
xxx Black walls surrounding
xxx Can you please save my soul?
xxx Causing our own demise
xxx Causing our own

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDROWN - AViVA



#D6130B 0 | 0 #0018BE

Jena 0 | 0 Adrian

Jena 0 | 0 Adrian

Gemini was relieved when his gut feeling was correct and the villains didn’t set up this ambush, that both sides were sent messages. They listened as people confirmed receiving messages about possible blackmail, revealing identities, meeting at this location and much more. Hun, there’s an unmasked villain, and you sort of made Dhani take off his Jena spoke to Adrian, him quickly looking to the side as saw Dhani catching his breath. I mean
 I had to break him out of the mind control somehow. Then Adrian caught the villain's face before the Red Witch covered it and whispered something to him.

The Red Witch spoke about having a common enemy, but questioning what they were supposed to do about it. Gemini didn’t really think about what was next because he didn’t expect any of this to happen. The ‘asking’ in a not so polite way to drop the water. He shrugged off her request as he had to make sure everyone was calmed down, but after a few more people also commented on his safe-guards he put in place he decided it was best to do so. “Fine.” Adrian said as he moved his arms and rotated the hands to make the water dissipate.

Gemini turned and picked up Dhani’s mask, quickly pulling the water off of it with his powers and making it dry before handing it to him, giving a light nod and mouthing the words sorry. Icarus, the villain who had his mask knocked off, spoke up, saying they needed to work together. A villain, suggesting working together? Never thought I would see the day either Ade. Gemini spoke to themselves. But then some shadow-like shackles formed around the villain’s ankles, quickly glancing at BludWynd. But before he could say anything Red Witch spoke up, saying something about holding people hostage and held her arm out towards Malfyre and twirling her fingers.

She’s bleeding
 Red Witch can- Yeah I know
 Adrian interrupted Jena, also hearing her huff as she didn’t like being interrupted. “BludWynd, get rid of the restraints. We are being peaceful here.” Gemini said with a serious tone. He was relieved as his fellow hero obliged and the villain laid her arm down. Then Aboleth spoke up, asking how the villains are supposed to trust the heroes. She has a point babe, we need to show them to trust us. We need to show them they can
 Okay? They already know Dhani’s face, isn’t that enough? Possibly, but I know something that would hopefully earn their trust. A secret, about me, you. Us. Gemini's thoughts went back and forth, then finally came to an agreement.

“I don’t know if you can trust us, just as we can’t trust you. But we can show some acts of faith instead of violence. For example
” Gemini spoke as they stepped forward with their arms out, their body glow’d a white color, but not bright enough to blind anyone. It only lasted a few seconds before it faded and Adrian no longer stood before the heroes and villains, but Jena did, masked and all in her attire. “I, we are revealing to be the same person, as a way to show we are willing to work together and hopefully offer some trust.” Jena spoke, small flames dancing around her fingers to show who she was.

Jena let a moment pass before speaking again. “Gemini is one person, just two souls. One of us control water, and one of us control fire. You’ve faced both of us on our own, and probably wondered why never together. Well, now you know.” Some of the villains with one or even maybe both of them, but none of them knew they were the same person. Until now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

Red Witch | Mask | Outfit | #571616
xxx Yeah someone pour it in
xxx Make it a dirt dance floor again
xxx Say your prayers and stomp it out
xxx When they bring that in
xxx Bleed it out digging deeper just to throw it away


Luciana smirked as the water finally fell. Some of the other people in the warehouse spoke up, mostly all saying the same thing. ‘Yeah I got a message, blah blah this. Oh we should work together, blah blah that.’ She mostly kept her attention on the heroes. Gemini giving Paladin, someone she now hated almost as much as Artemis, their mask back. Artemis was still up on the catwalk with a weapon in hand, and a few others moving about and interacting a bit. Lucy glanced to the side and rolled her eyes under her mask as she heard Arritucus pause in what he was saying, knowing it was mostly directed at her.

Though the next thing that caught the Red Witch’s attention was as her fellow villain went to move, his feet were held in place, by shadows. Her head snapped to one the only one in the room who could do that. BludWynd. Lucy didn’t like the heroes trying to be sneaky when they were also talking about peace, being very hypocritical in her eyes. She was about to speak up when she noticed something particularly interesting about a hero to the side. Malfyre. The hero had some blood coming from their mask and down their neck, and a thought came to Luciana’s mind.

“Really? You think you’re the only one able to hold a hostage? I’ve been in many hostage scenarios
” Red Witch lifted her arm and pointed her hand towards Malfyre, twirling her fingers. It took a second before she had control, and the blood that was running down the hero's neck now stopped for a second before flowing lightly through the air. Luciana wanted the others to know that she now was able to manipulate her blood. What to do with it? She wasn’t sure. Slow down her blood flow to the rest of her body, use it to attack the others. There were many other ideas in her head. “Let Icarus go. Now.” Red Witch said. No snarky remark, no sarcasm, straight to the point.

Lucy would be lying if she wasn’t relieved when the shadow hero listened to Gemini and the shadow shackles disappeared, controlling someone else’s blood flow was tiring. If she had done something to Malfyre, she wasn’t sure if she would be able to fight off all the other heroes. She looked back at Atticus to make sure he was okay before hearing one of her fellow villains speak up about trust. “Exactly. Just then, we were actually being peaceful, and this shitbag does that!” Luciana shouted pointing at BludWynd.

Gemini spoke up again. Seeming to be one of the few taking charge. He spoke truth about the truth between the heroes and the villains. Red Witch was curious about where he was going with this and what point he was going to make, but what happened next she never would’ve guessed. One second Gemini was the male hero that controlled water and put out fires around the city and stopped riots, the next, Gemini was the fire wielding fire hero, one who had a bit more spark and burn than a few of the other heroes. She spoke about who, what, Gemini was. Lucy had to admit, it was a pretty good show of trust, revealing that is pretty close to revealing an identity. Like Atticus and Paladin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

D h a n i Batra
xxxi see you up again wandering so diligent
xxxcrossing your t's as though it weren't irrelevant
xxxthey say formality, this is what they really meant:
xxxthey can be the walk and we can be the pavement

Dhani caught sight of that smirk, and quickly looked away from Atticus. He had more important things to be worrying about. Besides, they had no real relationship to speak of; it had been a fling, a one time thing. Never anything more, and now it would certainly never be anything more. Several people spoke up about the water being unnecessary at this point. Dhani wasn’t sure he agreed; he didn’t exactly trust everyone in the room not to start something all over again. Sure, most of them wouldn’t, but Dhani could think of a few heads that could use some cooling. Then Atticus-Icarus-started speaking about working together, but Dhani didn’t look his way. Instead, Dhani was glancing around the room, trying to look as casual as he could.

Dhani turned to look at Gemini as the water went down, and offered a genuine smile of thanks when Adrian dried off his mask. He nodded, his way of assuring the fellow hero that there were no hard feelings on his part. He had to admit that he was feeling pretty awkward, standing there in his suit but no mask. He didn’t know whether to be Dhani or Paladin, and he was sure it showed. He missed whatever had happened, but before long he heard Red Witch talk about hostages and he whipped his head around, eyes darting over the scene, trying to piece together just what was happening. Luckily Gemini had a better handle on what was going on, and was able to get that situation under control. There were talks of trust, and how any of the villains could be expected to give it. Dhani wanted to ask the same thing. How were they supposed to trust the very group of people who had attacked and mind controlled them just moments ago. But he didn’t say a thing. Instead, he watched as Gemini revealed themselves to be two people, and turned to look around the room again.

A part of him wanted to go check on Kieran, but he knew she would be fine, so he stayed put. “I, uh,” Dhani wasn’t feeling the same confidence that being in costume usually gave him. You’re just Dhani without the mask. He tried to push the thoughts out of his head, cleared his throat, and continued, “I understand the hesitation, and I understand if anyone here isn’t willing to work together, but,” He glanced around, trying to find a familiar face to anchor himself, but as he didn’t find masks particularly comforting, he ultimately found himself glancing off at a support beam in lieu of a friendly face, “Heroes and villains alike are going missing. Turning up dead, or not at all. I’ve been a hero since I was sixteen years old, I don’t know how to do anything else.” He shook his head, turning to look at Blood Witch, “I’m not asking you to be my friend,” He gestured towards Atticus, “But you’re right,” He knew he would catch shit for not agreeing with Kieran, but he pushed on, “We don’t stand much of a chance unless we work together.” He shrugged, as if an indication that he was done speaking, and crossed his arms in front of him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

cerys day
xxxwhen i burst into flames
xxxi'll leave you the dust, my love
xxxhope a bit of it will be enough
xxxto help remember the days

Cerys was surprised when one of the villains spoke up, suggesting that they all work together. It was a surprise, coming from a villain, but he had a point. Malfyre and Aaron, spoke up agreeing with her. She smirked a little as Aaron yelled at Gemini to shut off the water. But she grimaced a little as shadows locked around Icarus' feet, knowing that wasn't going to end well. And... it didn't. Red Witch noticed Icarus, and reacted about as well as expected. She drew blood from Malfyre's bleeding wound, holding it in the air. Cerys had an arrow notched and pointed at the villain almost before she even realised it. Something made her hesitate, and she was glad she did. Gemini ordered Aaron to drop the restraints, and he obliged. A brief distraction came in the form of Gemini, who shifted and revealed they were one and the same person. Or, well, two people in one body. Cerys honestly had never really suspected that, but the longer she thought about it, the more she realised that it made sense.

Bickering quickly broke out. Malfyre was understandably upset, but suddenly didn't seem so keen on working together. Red Witch also seemed to be against them working together. Cerys rolled her eyes, and sat down, swinging her legs over the edge of the catwalk to minimise the drop. She dropped down and shouldered her bow.

"Okay listen. Paladin's right. If we want to stand a chance of beating this, of being able to keep being heroes and villains, we need to stop fighting for one goddamn second. We don't need to be friends. We just need to be able to be in the same room without killing each other. But this isn't just about them knowing our secrets. If you think they're going to stop there, then you're a fool. This is going to come down to life or death. We don't have to hold hands and sing songs and braid each other's hair. We just need to occasionally work together without killing each other, or putting people in cuffs, or making them nearly bleed out. Do you think you assholes can manage that to save your own damn life?" She asked.

atticus hawkins
xxxstaring in the blackness
xxxat some distant star
xxxthe thrill of knowing how alone we are,
xxxunknown we are.

With the dropping of the water, Atticus had been tempted to make a run for it, to just leave this behind. But then he felt something locking around his ankles and presenting his feet from moving. "The hell?" He swore, looking up and straight at BluWynd. He was about to stay something, but Lucy bet him to it, drawing blood out of Malfyre and using it to hold them in place. This was why he hadn't wanted to come. With the heroes (and even the villains), things got too dramatic too fast, and it also became overwhelming. He wasn't meant for this. If things turned nasty again, he wasn't so sure he'd escape unscathed again.

A distraction thankfully came in the form of Gemini revealing themselves to be two people in one body, and then a number of heroes making dramatic speeches. He just folded his arms and waited for them to finish speaking. They did have a point. They didn't have a hope of trying to beat this themselves, and this wasn't just going to go away. He knew Lucy wouldn't agree, especially not when the point was coming from Artemis of all people. But he couldn't see another way out of this. He found himself glimpsing at Dhani again, almost unconsciously. Maybe working with the heroes wouldn't even be that bad. But tempers were raised, and he wasn't sure they'd be able to settle this peacefully.

"Can I suggest something? Can we... maybe leave the big important discussion for when we're all a little calmer? Because I'm pretty sure everyone's just too pissed at each other and we're just going to keep arguing and attacking each other until nobody's left standing. And this feels like something we shouldn't rush into or mess up."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

P i p e r Young
xxxfor us the bourgeoisie, so carefree
xxxremember when we?
xxxi don't know what you need to get by
xxxsomething for your mind

Piper listened as people started throwing out questions, demanding for the water to be shut off, and suggesting they all work together. She slowly came out from behind her hiding place to get a better look around: the group seemed to be done fighting, anyway, and if anyone dared try anything she would be in their head before they had the time to think twice.

She quickly noticed two things: Paladin’s missing mask (he was more handsome than expected), and Icarus suddenly being detained by one of the heroes. Suddenly, a bit of chaos broke out. Red Witch had Malfyre as a hostage, some of the heroes were scrambling for a plan, and Piper sighed. Things could never be simple. “Clearly, you don’t trust us. What makes you think that we can trust you?” With one word from Gemini, Icarus was set free (Piper made a mental note of who was calling the shots), and Red Witch quickly set her captive free, as well.

Piper watched Gemini’s display with her usual indifference, and then listened to a few truly inspirational little speeches from the heroes. Their views ranged from “I can't put aside my prejudices for even a moment to consider that working with someone with different life experiences might be a good idea!” to “boo hoo, woe is me, I’m a sad excuse of an adult and being a superhero is the only thing that gives my life meaning,” rounded out with, “We’re right and you should listen to us or you’re going to die.” Piper wasn’t particularly impressed, but she knew that working together was her best chance of coming out of this situation alive.

When Icarus suggested they break up their little meeting and try to conviene again another time, Piper nodded in agreement, “Icarus has a point. We’ve already been fighting, had a hostage situation, and accused one another of setting a trap. The next point of escalation is that someone is going to die, and at that point all of your speeches and displays of trust and goodwill will be pointless.” She shrugged, “Frankly, some of you could use a nap and a juice box.” She shot a pointed look towards BludWynd and Malfyre, hoping they got the point: their antics were childish.

Piper found herself looking back at Paladin. Most people with powers weren’t that easy to overcome. There had been hardly any resistance, which could mean a few things. She did catch him off guard, which had helped, but she had to wonder if he had been that preoccupied, or if he was stupid. If they were to work together, she would have the chance to figure it out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

Red Witch | Mask | Outfit | #571616
xxx Yeah someone pour it in
xxx Make it a dirt dance floor again
xxx Say your prayers and stomp it out
xxx When they bring that in
xxx Bleed it out digging deeper just to throw it away


Luciana rolled her eyes as the heroes began giving speeches. Speeches. One of the things she hated about heroes, always wanted to give some sort of prep talk, or say something positive. Blah blah blah. They all said basically the same thing, stuff about working together, and this being their only choice if they want to survive. Though the little conversation Lucy overheard between Malfyre and Bludwynd did amuse her a bit. This girl does have some spark in her, not exactly the sterotypical hero
 She thought to herself.

Red Witch listened as Icarus finally spoke up, giving his two cents. He made some good points, most of them right now had just finished fighting each other, and Red Witch would be lying if she said she wasn’t annoyed by the fighting stop as she felt she wasn’t done with the heroes yet and wanted to clean up some more unfinished business. But he was right, making a decision now and rushing towards one thing wasn’t the smart thing to do right now, and with that amount of risk there wasn’t much reward for Luciana to claim.

Lucy turned as she heard Piper start to speak and let out some not so hidden laughs as Piper insulted the heroes, basically calling them kids. “Hey hey, Aboleth, be a little nice to the kids. I feel like the only person needing a nap is Artemis, might be a little tiring for a human to keep up with people with actual powers.” She said with a chuckle as she walked in front of Aboleth.

“Listen, I don’t give a fuck about your speeches, I could careless what most of you look like under your mask
” Pausing for a second as her gaze stopped on Paladin. “I don’t want to work with any of you, but it seems like for whatever reason my allies think it’s a good idea, and somehow you all think this is our only way to 'survive.'" Lucy continue, throwing up air quotes. She was able to survive this long without heroes help, she definitely didn't need it now. "But they are right. I definitely am not making a decision tonight to work with y'all as I much rather fight. It was just getting a little bit fun."

Luciana stopped talking for a second, and Gemini started to talk, but she quickly interrupted them. "Whoa, hold up a second. I'm done here. If we aren't fighting, and we aren't making a decision, there's no point of me wasting my time." Luciana started to walk towards the heroes, as they were blocking the exit. "Excuse you." Lucy said sarcastically as she purposely bumped into Paladin's shoulder, not caring. Red Witch wasn't scared to turn her back to the heroes, she wasn't afraid of them nor did she respect them. As she got to the door she turned back. "Icarus, Aboleth. Talk to me later if there's anything actually important discussed here." Red Witch said to her fellow villains before walking out. At this point she was sure there wouldn't be any more fighting so she knew they could take care of themselves. Probably.