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Dhani Batra

I know, better than anyone else, that there are no heroes coming to save us.

0 · 1,941 views · located in Barden, VA

a character in “the wicked game”, as played by phosphene



divisionary (do the right thing) | bite hard | safe and sound
"As you get older it is harder to have heroes, but it is sort of necessary."
As you get older it is harder to have heroes, but it is sort of necessary.-Ernest Hemingway


i d e n t i t y
xxxxx|| Name || Dhani Batra
xxxxx|| Nicknames || Don, Donny, Paladin
xxxxx|| Gender || Cismale
xxxxx|| Age || 27
xxxxx|| Birthday || October 12
xxxxx|| Sexuality || Homosexual
xxxxx|| Hometown || Barden, VA
xxxxx|| Ethnicity || Indian


a p p e a r a n c e

xxxxx|| Height || 6'3"
xxxxx|| Weight || 190 lbs
xxxxx|| Hair Color || Black
xxxxx|| Eye Color || Brown
xxxxx|| Identifying Features || n/a
xxxxx|| Description || As a child, Dhani was a mess of gangly limbs, and while he’s certainly grown into himself, he still tends to carry himself the same way he did as an awkward child. He’s tall, perhaps taller than he would like to be, and stronger than people typically expect him to be. He built himself for function over intimidation, and honestly doesn’t care about being underestimated. Years of too much work and not enough sleep has begun to visibly wear on him: he looks as exhausted as he feels, though would deny it. He’s often somewhat disheveled, always looking as if he dressed himself in a rush and didn’t have much time for personal grooming. Still, he tries to look nice, and for that reason he typically keeps his style simple, so that at least he doesn’t look like a fashion disaster. His hero gear is mostly practical, with a form-fitting royal blue suit, padded with light armor, but that mostly serves to keep him from completely destroying it, matching combat boots, and a half-mask that keeps his hair and a good portion of his face covered: he tried to full mask, but he felt like he couldn’t breath. He wears gloves, but often sheds them to use his powers, so it’s been said that no one knows why he even bothers with them.


p e r s o n a l i t y

Dhani has always been the type to act quickly, and often without thinking things through completely. This has carried into his life as a hero: he’s the sort that will rush into a burning building, or run right into a room knowing it’s a trap. He’d rather put himself in danger than someone else, and if he thinks he can help, he will. His powers make him feel almost invincible, and he certainly acts like it. Rushing into danger, helping teammates and friends with little to no regard for his own health, safety, or energy levels. While he no longer purposely does things that endanger his life, he also doesn’t seem to possess a healthy amount of self-preservation. He often recklessly stands up, and speaks out, for what he thinks needs to be done; consequences be damned.

In his personal life, though, he can be pretty reserved. One may wonder if his outspoken opinions are some sort of character, or if-perhaps-the costume makes him feel braver than he really is. He tends to be quiet, and only speaks up when necessary (either when he’s addressed, or something absolutely must be said). He comes off as completely genuine in all that he does or says, however, and there is no mistaking that he is genuinely kind. He’s a very good listener, and seems to be able to be completely invested and interested in anything a person says, no matter the subject. Some things may fly over his head, and sometimes he may not grasp anything, but he feels that if it’s important enough to talk about, it’s important enough to listen to. He’s not the best at small talk, or casual conversation, but he tries.

He’s always been the sort to put himself last, and will push himself past his limits to help those around him. Whether it’s in combat, or just helping a friend through a rough time, he tends to be the first to show up and the last to leave. He tends to be protective of his friends, and will help most anyone-no questions asked. He just cares about people, and always tries to do right by them. He’s always quick to offer a reassuring smile, or an affirming word, or even a hug.

He’s never been one for waiting: he wants problems solved, and he wants to be the one solving them. That’s what led him to hero work in the first place, seeing problems he knew he could help to solve. He tends to get himself into trouble by refusing to wait to see if a situation will resolve itself, but he never seems to learn. Dhani is a man of action,and in general just doesn’t like to wait: lines, cooking, commercial breaks. Waiting around, and having to sit or stand still in general, makes him a little jumpy. He likes to keep things moving, keep life flowing smoothly, and quickly. He can be a little paranoid, looking over his shoulder as if he assumes he’s being followed, but he tries not to let it run his life: he wants to live as normally as he can, all things considered.



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f l a v o r

xxxxx|| Likes || Dhani has always loved music and dancing, and much of his childhood and adolescence was spent dancing; both in his room and at family events. He loves the snow, and has never minded the cold if he gets to see some snow as well. He’s a big animal lover, and has been a vegetarian for much of his life. He loves savory foods, and loves them even more over the holidays. He used to love going camping, though he hasn’t gone in years. He wouldn’t be able to function without coffee, and he loves how comforting a bowl of good soup can be.
xxxxx|| Dislikes || Dhani hates the heat, it’s uncomfortable, it causes extra chafing, and just is all around unpleasant. He hates traffic; sitting still in any vehicle is just a recipe for disaster, in his mind. While he used to love movies, he just can’t sit still in a loud, dark room long enough anymore. His financial situation is less than secure, and every new bill he gets just fills his heart with dread. He also can’t stand unfamiliar places, doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, and never really got a taste for alcohol.
xxxxx|| Fears || his identity being compromised, failing to protect his family and friends.
xxxxx|| Secrets || His biggest secret, of course, is his identity. Beyond that, he’s mostly an open book.


a b i l i t i e s

xxxxx|| Superhuman Durability || While Dhani isn’t bulletproof or anything like that, he is much, much more durable than an average person. He’s harder to hurt, harder to knock down, and much harder to keep down than some others. Paired with his healing abilities (which often subconsciously work on himself, though he can choose to use them on others), he can be a fairly unstoppable force. While he can still be hurt, he’s just less likely to take serious damage from the sort of work heroes typically do.
xxxxx|| Healing || Dhani’s healing powers are most often used on himself, healing up minor scrapes and bruises fairly quickly, and any more serious injuries much faster than an average human. He can also use his abilities on other’s: sacrificing his own energy to speed up another’s healing, and often much more quickly than his powers work on himself. While he can’t bring someone back from the dead, he can potentially stabilize someone, stop bleeding, heal wounds. This power is absolutely draining, and can have some serious side-effects for him if he isn’t careful. Still, he often uses his powers to heal others until well beyond when he should’ve stopped to rest, and he’ll very likely do it again.
xxxxx|| Talents || Dhani is skilled in hand-to-hand combat, as well as just generally being in excellent physical shape. He doesn’t have many skills that don’t revolve around hero work, though he is a decent dancer, even if he doesn’t do much dancing anymore.
xxxxx|| Strengths || Kind, compassionate, able to think quickly, good instincts.
xxxxx|| Weaknesses || Doesn’t stop to rest, too quick to act, tends to be easily manipulated.


h i s t o r y

Dhani had a pretty normal childhood, his parents and his two older sisters were constantly fluttering around, and they lived the best life they could. Dhani never had any heroic ambitions of his own, but he always looked up to the heroes growing up. He never dreamed he’d be like any of them (in fact, he used to dream of being a teacher), but he loved the idea. He was a shy child, always hiding behind his mother and oldest sister, and he didn’t come out of his shell until his teenage years.

Dhani was already fifteen when his powers started to manifest, and at first he had no idea what to do with them. For a while, he did things like let his friends hit him with baseball bats, jump out of trees, all sorts of stupid stunts. Being a hero didn’t even occur to him, at first. He was too shy to talk to anyone who hadn’t been his friend since kindergarten, how was he supposed to stand up against crime and injustice? But it turned out he couldn’t ignore things happening around him when he had the power to stop it. It started simply enough; stop a mugging in progress, save a kitten from a house fire, and before he knew it, he was feeling equipped to do the hero thing.

He was in pretty deep before he realized he wasn’t ready, and he spent a lot of his teenage years running around, fighting crime. He mostly shadowed other heroes until he turned twenty, then he started setting out by himself, though he still prefers to work with others. He feels almost like he grew up fighting crime, having spent the end of his childhood learning to be a hero. His parents never understood why he seemed to be throwing his whole life away: sleeping in class, suddenly failing assignments. He never told them, but he knows they’ve caught on; still, they just carry on their lives as if no one knows.

He put his entire life into being a hero. He gave up opportunities so they wouldn’t get in the way, a social life, potential relationships. He’s struggled holding down a job that fits with the hours he puts into hero work. He never found a good balance, instead he threw himself fully into heroics, never looking back. He doesn’t know what he’ll do if he has to stop, what he could do. Being a hero has been his entire life for over a decade, and it’s all he has.


writer: nonconformingrole - fc: Rahul Kohli - hex code: #b85c9e


So begins...

Dhani Batra's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins
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0.00 INK

atticus hawkins
hex: #88c878xxxxxoutfit: here
xxxwe are deaf
xxxwe are numb
xxxfree and young
xxxand we can feel none of it

Malfyre was late. They weren't that late, Atticus knew that much, but on a day like today, even only being a few minutes late was enough to set him on edge. But then he heard the approach of footsteps and turned to see someone in a familiar mask, albeit in a slightly different suit. He raised an eyebrow in surprise as she handed him the food, and grinned despite himself as he unwrapped it. "Chicken is great. Thank you," he said. He hadn't realised how hungry he was until the smell of food hit him. He continued eating as they started speaking, apologising for their behaviour and their attitude. He knew that he'd overreacted, but it was still nice to hear them take it seriously. He didn't need more flippant behaviour today; he probably would have reacted worse than he had the day before, and that could have seriously jeopardized their mission. So the sincerity was nice, if a little surprising.

"Thank you," he said as they finished. "And... I'm sorry for overreacting. But... the visions always stress me out, even if it's a total stranger. So seeing something like that happen to your best friend..." he trailed off, crumpling his wrapper into a ball. "And then to add to it, we already feel outnumbered. There's three villains, and five heroes. Six if we count Gemini as two people. So if anything happens to one of us, it puts us on our guard. At the end of the day, we've been fighting each other for so long, it's hard to completely forget that and forgive you guys. It's not an excuse, it's... an explanation."

He nodded as they asked if he was ready, cracking a grin as they warned him not to break their nose again. "Don't go jumping on me from any heights, and we should be just fine," he said. "Let's go kick some ass." He put a hand to his earpiece to activate it. "This is Icarus and Malfyre, we're in position and ready to move, entering from the north entrance. Is everyone else ready?"

cerys day
hex: #c7bbb4xxxxoutfit: here
xxxthey lose their minds for us
xxxand how it plays out
xxxbut now we’re in the ring
xxxand we’re coming for blood

Cerys returned Dhani's smile. It felt good to be working together. It had really been far too long. Considering that she'd seen so much of him growing up, she basically considered him another brother, and the least annoying of the bunch to boot. On a mission as dangerous and as risky as this, Cerys knew it was important to have someone you knew would always have your back, and she knew that they both knew that about the other. His compliment just widened her smile momentarily.

"Likewise. And... yeah. I know this is a dangerous one but... I think we can handle it." They moved to get in position, Cerys drawing her bow to have it ready at a moment's notice. She smirked as he asked if she thought Malfyre would be late. "Without a doubt. Have they ever been early to anything in their life?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "And leave your earpiece alone, Granddad, you're going to break it. They're the same as the ones we used the other night, they're going to work," she teased. Sure enough, Icarus' voice came through only a moment or two later confirming that he and Malfyre were in position and ready to go. "Unusually punctual for Malfyre," Cerys muttered, before speaking into her own mic. "This is Artemis and Paladin, we're also in position and ready to move, approaching from east entrance," she said.

She hadn't seen anybody entering or leaving the warehouse yet, which struck her as a little unusual. Then again, activity out of what appeared to be a fairly disused warehouse from the inside could have drawn other unwanted attention, so maybe it make sense. At the confirmation that the last team was ready, she looked over at Dhani. "Ready to get moving?" She asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles Character Portrait: Aaron Langdan
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0.00 INK


0000Kieran0Vallenetti 00000000000000000|00000000000000000|Aaron0 Langdan

Malfyre | Attire & Mask x|xhex: #575772 0000000000000000000000000BludWynd | Attire & Mask | xhex:#545352

Image000000000000000000000 Image


Malfyre gave Icarus a small nod when he thanked her for the food. "Don't mention it." she said calmly. She listened to him as he spoke, nodding as he explained he was sorry for over-reacting and that the visions never left him feeling not scared, but whenever it involved someone close to him, she couldn't blame him. As much as she wanted to speak up, she let him continue on. It was his turn to speak, and she wasn't about to interrupt him.

Kieran left out a soft sigh as he continued to explain everything in further detail. Explaining how they felt outnumbered and felt wary of them. It made sense, even if Kieran didn't exactly fall under the hero title, she understood his point. She happened to side with them more than anyone else, so it only added to that fear. Malfyre nodded again as she looked at him, "I get it...I really do. Life is already a shitstorm, add on the fact we've been at each other's throats for no reason...Well...I'm sorry." her voice crackled from beneath the mask. She licked her lips for a moment before she heard Icarus' voice suddenly appear in her earpiece, as well as the others. "Well hello, assholes." her voice crackled as she let out a small laugh. "Paladin...Artemis..." she started as a grin formed on her lips, "Hiya. Also, Paladin. I don't think your negative attitude about me being late all the time is a good vibe to have, sir."

Malfyre looked at Icarus, "Let's get this shit done, eh? And I'll try my best to not drop from a height up place again but...No promises. Just keep your head low and I'm sure you'll be fine."

Over the next few hours that had passed, Aaron didn't know what to expect from Kieran. Seeing as her mood at the last meeting had well, been all over the place, he just didn't want to bet on one thing, while it was something entirely different. But with the way the meeting ended, and her attitude towards the end, one even he knew was genuine, he was surprised to say the least. He even sent a few texts her way later that evening to make sure she was okay and not pissed off, but after about the fifth or sixth text, he knew it was a lost cause to try and get an answer from her. She was busy with work, locked in her tunnel vision she'd get whenever she sat down in front of a computer for hours on end. He honestly wondered how she did it.

But as his phone eventually buzzed to life with messages and directions of where to go, he set out with the others. Until they came to the conclusion of one final place to check. They all agreed to go in teams for this. And he was pleasantly surprised when he was assigned to work with Aboleth and Gemini, but not dissapointed. He had worked with both sides of Gemini a few times in the past, and they were easy people to work with. As for Aboleth well, he didn't really have an opinion on her, aside from being able to tell she wasn't one for much conversation. Which, he didn't mind. The following morning he geared up, stowing away his knives in the inner pockets of his jacket, and took his mask with him as he left for the place he'd be meeting the others at.

Aaron stuck to using the shadows to travel around the city, it made travel time easier and kept him from dealing with people as walking would have provided him. He silently stepped out from the shadows he formed together and gave the others a small nod as he folded his arms across his chest after he put the earpiece in its proper place, hearing the others confirm they were in place and ready to go. "Ready to go when you are." Aaron finally spoke up, breaking the silence from his end. There was a short pause before another voice sounded in his ear, "Oh look who actually showed up!" Aaron rolled his eyes at the voice, "[color=]Like you're one to talk. Lemme guess, ran a bit late today?" Aaron teased back. There was another short pause, "I hate you." the voice crackled before going silent again. Aaron chuckled and shook his head before looking at his temporary companions, "Want me to go first or...?" he asked with a raised eyebrow before giving a small nod, "I'll go first...Yeah..." he stammered out as Aaron looked around once more, before using his abilities and disapearing from sight, before reappearing close by the buildings' edge where a darker patch was due to the siding of the building. Giving just enough for him to work with. Aaron placed his hand against the cold ground below, shadows slowly spreading out from under his fingertips as they stretched along the pavement.

This allowed for him to feel for any vibrations or movement that they couldn't see with their own eyes, acting as almost a form of echolocation. He could sense a few vibrations within the building, but they were a lot farther away, which gave them more than enough time to get inside. Aaron finally looked back up to the others as he gave them a nod to signal for them to make their way over and find a proper way inside.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day
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0.00 INK

and sometimes i get nervous
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzwhen i see an open door
Cerys’ crack about the communication devices had Dhani rolling his eyes. “What ever happened to respecting your elders, huh?” He shot Cerys a wink, “I always break these damn things. It’s a wonder anyone trusts me with them.” He wasn’t too worried about the communication devices, really, it was just something he felt like he could control. At Cerys’ observation that Malfyre was surprisingly punctual, Dhani cracked a genuine smile. “Icarus must be a good influence,” A pause- as much as he wanted everyone to be able to work together, he wasn’t sure he was ready to give off the impression of liking any of the villains overly much. But before he could add anything else, Malfyre’s voice was crackling in his ear, making some quip about his negativity. “If you’d show up on time every once in a while,” He spoke into his mic, “I might have a better vibe.”

Nothing was happening in that building, as far as he could tell, and that made Dhani uncomfortable. It felt an awful lot like going in blind, and he didn’t like the idea of that. He tried to tell himself that it would be fine, and he’d feel better once they got underway. This was how he felt about anything that wasn’t terribly straightforward. He had Cerys and he knew she would have his back. When she asked if he was ready to go, Dhani just nodded.

It had been a long time since he and Cerys had worked together, but it quickly became apparent that they hadn’t forgotten how. Maybe it was because he was often there while Cerys was still learning the ropes, but Dhani found he still felt he knew what she would do. Something about it almost felt like coming home: Dhani had trained a lot with Helen when he was first starting out as a hero, and her influences were obvious in Cerys. Getting into the building was easy enough; there were no real barriers to prevent their entry, and no immediate guards either. Dhani didn’t like that one bit. He shot a look at Cerys- if Red Witch wasn’t at stake, he would have suggested they pull back, regroup, and rethink this plan right then. It wasn’t even as if he cared that much about Red Witch, but Atticus’ desperation to find her (which was another thing that bothered him just a bit. Probably more than it should have.) had Dhani jumping in to help.

Dhani took the lead through the building. It was a habit, really; he’d always had a tendency to put himself between the people he cared for and any potential danger. He felt a little extra protective over Cerys, though- a testament to the blurred lines of friend, family, and “coworker” that come with beginning your hero career in your teens.

It wasn’t long, though, before they rounded a corner and came face-to-face with a couple of guards. They needed to take care of that before they sounded the alarm. Dhani backed up a few steps and said, “Artemis,” Before breaking out into a run towards one of the guards. This was, of course, his way of saying “I’ve got this one,” Momentum could be a great weapon. Dhani dropped his shoulder and body checked the guy, took a brief moment to regain balance, and a quick struggle later, he threw in a quick jab to the jaw. As quickly as it started, it was done. “You good?” He called back to Cerys. He didn’t doubt that she was fine, she knew what she was doing, but no matter how sure he was, he always liked to hear it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles Character Portrait: Aaron Langdan
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0.00 INK

atticus hawkins
hex: #88c878xxxxxoutfit: here
xxxwe are deaf
xxxwe are numb
xxxfree and young
xxxand we can feel none of it

The banter and snark between Malfyre and Dhani just made him roll his eyes and smile a little, shaking his head. But as she suggested they got started, he just nodded, drawing his gun. He took a deep breath and moved towards the entrance, watching the whole time. He glanced back at Malfyre, holding up three fingers. On the count of three. Silently, he counted, before pulling open the door and stepping inside, already bracing himself for a fight. The hall was empty, but before he could comment on that, somebody appeared at an entrance down the hall. Att had his gun out and two shots fired before the guy had even drawn his gun.

"That's bound to have drawn some attention. We better get moving, as quickly as possible. On your guard," he said, turning to look at Malfyre for a moment. He kept his gun drawn as they moved down the hall, constantly on watch. But nobody came running at the sound of gunshots, and he didn't like that. "This is too easy," he muttered, half to himself, half to Malfyre. "This is wrong." He put his hand to his earpiece. "Guys, be careful. Be on your guard for ambushes or traps. This is too easy."

They kept moving down the corridor, waiting for someone to come out, for someone to pull an alarm, for someone to appear from nowhere and start firing. But it didn't come, and that was putting Att on edge. He was almost relieved when someone did appear, putting up more of a fight than the first one, but they still took him down with some amount of ease. "I don't like this. I don't like this at all," he said. "This is all wrong."

cerys day
hex: #c7bbb4xxxxoutfit: here
xxxthey lose their minds for us
xxxand how it plays out
xxxbut now we’re in the ring
xxxand we’re coming for blood

She just smirked as Dhani shot her a wink, chastising her for not respecting her elders. Even when they'd been younger and training together, he'd always said the exact same thing when she'd teased him after outpacing him or beating him at some dumb competition. Cerys didn't take any notice of his comment about Icarus, but there was something in the second after he mentioned him that made Cerys wonder. But then his joke about Kieran made her smirk and she figured that this wasn't the place to talk about it one way or another.

Dhani took the lead, and Artemis fell in step, neither of them having to say anything about it. The fact that it was far, far too easy for them to get in immediately had her on edge. instinctively, she drew her bow, returning Dhani's look of concern. She wouldn't have blamed him for suggesting they leave there and then, and for a moment, she considered making the suggestion herself. But when he stayed going, she trusted his instincts and followed him.

They turned a corner and saw a few of them, both of them already preparing themselves for a fight. Dhani called her and made a run at one of them, and she nodded, slamming the bow across the face of the one nearest her. He fell heavy and didn't get back up. She nodded as Dhani asked if she was okay. "Yep. You?" She asked. She stared at the two unconscious guards as Icarus' voice came on over the headset. "Could be shift change or something?" She suggested, glancing at Dhani and shrugging a little. "Let's keep going and get out of here as quickly as possible," she said, bracing herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles Character Portrait: Aaron Langdan
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0.00 INK

i am afraid
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbecause i know i can't fight forever
Piper figured she was starting to get used to working out “in the field.” It was still a little weird, randomly hearing the phantom voices in her ear; typically it was just when she forgot she was even wearing an earpiece that someone from another team spoke up. She wasn’t sure how she felt about hearing the others bickering in her ear. It really made them feel
 Human. Did all of this humanize her to the heroes, she wondered. She was trying very hard not to be too human, not to appear weak in any way. But then it was time to go inside, and BludWynd was offering to go first. It made sense, given his abilities, and Piper just nodded in agreement.

Gemini’s reply to her joke made Piper smile, and though she knew the other woman couldn’t see she smile, somehow she knew that Gemini would know.

She stayed relatively close to Gemini. Piper had proven- both to herself and others- that she could handle a fight, but she still wasn’t so sure how well she’d fair if she were surprised. This was pretty calm though, and none of them found anything. It was weird- this wasn’t the kind of place you’d have anyone at for any length of time, it just wasn’t set up for it. Maybe there was more to be found in the rest of the building. But then some guards rounded the corner, and they had to deal with that before Piper could go worrying too much about about what the others may or may not be finding.

Gemini tripped up a guard, sending him stumbling right to Piper. Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm, she repeated, like a mantra in her head. But when it came down to it, she had no idea what to do. The guard regained his footing with enough time to swipe at her with his baton, but he’d overestimated something, and she ducked underneath it easily enough. They went back and forth for a few moments before Piper decided to go with a dirty move and kick the guy between the legs, and then bring a knee up to his face, hoping he’d stay down.

It wasn’t long before they’d taken care of the guards, and Gemini was changing. The male half of Gemini thought something wasn’t right, and she had to admit he was probably right. “What are you thinking?” Something in her didn't want to be the one to voice that it could be a trap. She didn't want it to be true. If this was a trap, they had all of them here in one location. Pretty efficient, really.

and sometimes i get nervous
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzwhen i see an open door
Dhani smiled when Cerys confirmed she was alright, and nodded when she inquired about him, “I’m good.” Really, there was nothing like a little fight to clear the mind. He really didn’t feel better about the whole thing, and Atticus’ warning over the com system didn’t help. Dhani shrugged at Cerys’ suggestion that it might be a shift change, and said, “I just don’t want anyone to get hurt.” Dhani nodded in agreement when Cerys suggested getting this over with quickly, glancing down at the guards on the ground. It really had been way too easy, hadn’t it? “Yeah, I don’t want to be here any longer than I have to.”

As they kept searching, Dhani couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right. He was sure everyone was feeling about the same way, by now. Every time they turned a corner, or opened a door, Dhani half expected to see another group of guards. Anyone they did encounter went down way too easily.

They didn’t find much of anything, either. Stacks of boxes, tables set up with weird amounts of chairs, computers that probably didn’t even work anymore. They went through their section as quickly as they could, but every second that passed felt like a second too long. Dhani had wanted to call it from the moment he stepped foot in the building. He didn’t like it; he didn’t like the others being here and potentially being in danger, he didn’t like the risk that he was doing all of this for nothing, he wasn’t sure he liked Red Witch enough to be doing this for her at all. “Do you think,” He started at suggest that they call off the search even as they opened a door, “Oh my god.”

Dhani had just about convinced himself that there was nothing to find, but once they’d opened the door they found a woman tied up to a chair, blonde hair peeking out of the bottom of a dark hood. For a second, Dhani didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know which one of them moved first, but he and Cerys were both rushing into the room. Was that her? It had to be. They found her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK


0000Kieran0Vallenetti 000000000000000|0000000000000000|Aaron0 Langdan

Malfyre | Attire & maskx|xhex: #575772 000000000000000000000000000000 Bludwynd | Attire & Mask | xhex: #545352

Image0000000000000000000000000000 Image

Malfyre looked at Atticus when he began to move forward, nodding silently as she crept up to the building shortly behind the villain. Giving the both of them enough space to stay spread out, as well as not being able to be overtaken so easily if they had stayed so close to one another. Kieran stayed along the side of the building, keeping her back tightly pressed against it as she kept her eyes and ears open, making sure to watch their surroundings as Icarus began to open the entrance, following his mark, she quickly stepped inside as well. No one. Not a single soul, which she immediately took of note, as well as alarm. This wasn't right. Why was it so silent? Her initial question was soon quickly answered, as someone rounded the corner, attempting to get to his gun but two bullets had already pierced through the enemy's armor as Atticus was a quicker shot. Kieran smirked, and gave him a small nod of approval.

The two silently and carefully began to make their way down the hallway. Malfyre was thankful she didn't need to resort to using a weapon to do anything, but seeing as not everyone could rely on offensive powers, she had to admit they helped more often than not. Malfyre nodded as Icarus commented to be on their guard, which caused a small chuckle to come from her, "When am I not?" Malfyre joked, but immediately shifted on their feet, "Uh, ya know what? Don't answer that. Let's just...Get on with it." Malfyre rolled her eyes under her mask as Icarus kept mentioning how none of this felt right, and how it felt all wrong. Well obviously none of this was right, they wouldn't be allowed to just meander on in with no problem if things were going their way. But she knew it was best to keep those thoughts to herself, last thing she needed to do was piss him off again. Keeping her mouth shut was proving to be more difficault than she thought, but she could keep it up for a little bit longer. She was capable of that much at least, even she could admit it.

Malfyre and Icarus continued down the corridor, and as they turned, another figure appeared. Who quickly went for his gun, but Kieran flicked her wrist and the man was sent flying into the wall with a small burst of telekenesis, and was put down from a single shot from Icarus. Malfyre looked back at the villain and smiled, knowing full well her mouth was covered, the led display for her eyes on the mask flickered through a few different 'emoticons', which would have been enough of a give-away for her giving Icarus a small bout of praise. Before turning her head back to the hallway, she raised her hand up, signalling for Icarus to stop walking forward. Something felt off to her. More so than before. Malfyre reached out with one of her partially gloved hands, and touched the concrete floor beneath their feet, trying to sense anything as she sent out a few pulses. Kieran waited for a few moments before shaking her head, slowly standing up to her full height, "I don't think-" it was then that one of the side-doors in the corridor that was next to them flew open and another figure jumped out. Getting a single good swing in at Kieran, which caused her to groan as he got a good right hook to her abdomen. Kieran rolled her neck and shoulder, unholstering the reinforced weapon on her back and in a few swift motions, hitting the man on the back and then going for a low sweep of his legs that let out an unsettling cracking sound, he fell to the floor with a groan. With one more quick motion of her arm, Malfyre took the blunt, metal end of the weapon in her hand and slammed it down into the man's back, pressing a small button on the handle, and a short burst of electricity shot down through the strange weapon and into the man, rendering him unconcious. After a moment or two of silence, Malfyre looked back up at Icarus for a moment, catching her breath before she spoke up again, "Okay...Looks..Looks like my senses are a bit off today but...We really should get the fuck out of here. There's...There's nothing in this side of the building. Not that I can sense anyway." she said flatly, reholstering the strange weapon onto her back. "Shall we go?" she questioned, looking back at Icarus for a moment, before something in the room that the enemy had sprung out of caught her attention.

Malfyre walked passed Icarus and into the small room, which was aglow due to a strange light. At first, she didn't know what to think as she stepped into the room, but seeing a few monitors lined along the wall, she understood. Looking to Icarus for a moment, "This...This is a...They've been watching us this entire time...Fuck-" she suddenly turned, putting her fingers up to the position of where her earpiece would be intergrated into the mask, "Guys! Guys?? This whole thing has been a setup. They've been watching us this entire time-Guys?? Guys??" Malfyre repeated into the mic, to only receive nothing but static and radio silence from the other end. Turning to look back at Icarus, "We need to go, now." she urged, quickly turned on her heels and making her way out of the room. They had to find and locate the others. Something wasn't right. There was no reason their communications would be cut off like this.

Aaron watched from across the street as the other two made their way over, and after a few more moments had found a way inside of the safehouse, quickly following the other two inside. Their collective footsteps were surprisingly soft as the three inspected the building, looking in most of the rooms which seemed to be currently unnocupied, which caused an immediate wave of unease to fill Aaron from head to toe. He kept to the wall the best he could, keeping a short pace behind the others, would easily allow him to react to anything that may happen within a moment's notice. His attention was taken aback when a group of what appeared to be guards rounding the corner and met them halfway down the corridor. Gemini seemed to be the first to react, and caused a small burst of flames to appear on one of the guards as he was busy smoking a cigarette. A small smirk appeared on his face, smart thinking on her part, he had to admit. Aaron rushed ahead, forming two shadow blades, one in each hand and went for a rush, slashing two of the guards' legs, which caused them to fall to the ground quickly, and formed what only could be described as shadow caccoons to envelop the two guards he was busy with.

He managed to look up just in time, to see Gemini being grappled into a nearby wall, and with a flick of his wrist, what can only be assumed to be a hand made of shadows appeared behind the guard's shoulder. Which, tapped the guard on the shoulder, which was enough for him to be distracted long enough for Gemini to get the upper hand and subdue her enemy quick enough. Bludwynd shot Gemini a small nod of his head. Slowly rising to his feet he dusted his hands off as the two women had easily taken care of the remaining guards. Aaron gave Gemini a small nod of his head as she thanked him for the help, keeping his guard up now more than ever as he began to eye the place over. Keeping his hands down by his side for a moments notice of action as he walked around. Keeping his eyes and ears open for anything. It was only when Gemini swapped forms that Aaron began to fully catch onto what the other two were talking about. He thought for a moment before turning to look down an empty hallway. Placing his hand down on the ground in hopes of feeling any more vibrations. After a few moments, he sighed and shook his head before looking back at the other two. "There...There's nothing. I don't feel anything." he shook his head once more as he paced around for a few moments, "You don't think this is a-" it was at that moment that his ear-piece crackled to life, with barely intelligable words coming through. Something about 'Getting out' and 'It being a trap'. Bludwynd looked at the other two, before looking back at the others, "We need to get out of here, now." he motioned, and began to make his way back.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

00J E N A 0 W A I N W R I G H T 000000000000000000|000000000000000 A D R I A N 0 R O B L E S
Image000000000000000000|0000000000|000000 Image
xxx 'Cause I'm a fighter, a tiger, see me walk through fire
xxx Try chain me up but I'll burst through, I'll defy ya
xxx Set me on fire
xxx Watch them conspire
xxx I will defy ya
xxx I'll set them on fire

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBRN - AViVA

xxx Are we just drowning?
xxx Can you please save us
xxx Black walls surrounding
xxx Can you please save my soul?
xxx Causing our own demise
xxx Causing our own

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDROWN - AViVA



#D6130B 0 | 0 #0018BE

Jena 0 | 0 Adrian

Jena 0 | 0 Adrian

Gemini stood quietly for a moment as Aboleth asked what he was thinking. He wanted to just say the first thought that came to mind, but knew now wouldn’t be the time to do it; either they had to find Red Witch and get out of here, or call off the mission and re-evaluate what was going on. Adrian was about to ask Bludwynd thought, trusting him a but more than Aboleth at the moment, but he quickly spoke, saying he couldn’t feel anything with his powers and was interrupted when some distorted words came through their ear piece. Artemis yelled, telling them it was a trap. “Wait, Art, what’s going on?” Adrian tried to reply but only heard static white noise now, something was now blocking their communications. Bludwynd spoke up saying they should leave and started in the direction they came, but Aboleth had other plans.

Adrian quickly picked up one of the guards weapons and broke the water fountain next to them, causing water to spill out and used the water to make Aboleth slip, but catching her and shoving her back towards their exit. “No! We have to get out of here, if Artemis says it's a trap, she means it. We leave and re-group when we get communications back, if it’s a trap like she says, Red Witch isn’t here anyways.” He stared at her. If this was a trap, they didn’t need any others being caught alongside Red Witch, plus he still had his suspicions. He was relieved when the villain decided to listen and turned back, following after Aaron, but Adrian took a moment. What are you thinking babe? Jena asked, but not getting a response from him.

He knelt back down to the guard and dug through his pockets in case there was anything else picked up a phone-like device. Adrian wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but the initial message on it made him worried as well as frustrated. He heard the others yell towards him about getting to go and quickly pocketed the device as he stood up. Adrian
 you don’t think that
 I do
 He responded to Jena as he followed the other two down the hall. As they turned the corner they just about ran into Malfyre and Icarus, a bit relieved to see them. They exchanged a few words and all agreed on continuing to leave. “Any word on Artemis or Paladin?” Gemini quickly asked as they all ran down the hallway.

When they got outside and a good distance away, the static in their communications seemed to be gone. “Hello? Artemis? Paladin? Guys!” Adrian just about shouted as they entered an alleyway. But there was a response. “Fuck!” Gemini kicked a trashcan as he cursed. Calm down, let me take over. Fine. Gemini discussed with themself and Jena quickly took over, looking back to the others. “They
 they might just have a communications problem. Let’s just meet back up tomorrow, I’ll continue trying to reach Artemis. Malfyre, I know you’re a bit closer to Paladin.” Jena spoke, trying to take control and take over the role Adrian usually had, but he was a bit preoccupied with himself at the moment.

Throughout the night and into the next day, Gemini kept trying to get in contact with Artemis and talking to Malfyre about Paladin, both of them not having any luck, as more time when on it began to look more and more like they didn’t make it out, and like Red Witch, was captured. Adrian and Jena also discussed their thoughts and what was on the phone. Adrian furious about what they had found and Jena wanting to take it slow and ask more questions and try to get enough information. Jena also didn’t want Adrian to be the one to walk into the meeting, but he quickly shut down that request and that he needed to be there, needed to be the one talking to the others.

Whether it was on accident or on purpose, Gemini was the last one to get to the meeting, but made themselves known as the door flew open, Adrian not looking happy beneath his mask and with his body language. Babe, wait
 calm dow- Adrian interrupted Jena and spoke towards Icarus and Aboleth. “You two want to explain this?” He tossed the phone across the table. The phone screen showed what Gemini had found, messages about not hurting the villains in the group, talking about targeting specific heroes and multiple mentions of her. “Seems a lot like the second Red Witch is ‘captured,’ they only care about us heroes.” Adrian asked, putting air quotations with his fingers around the word captured.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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0.00 INK


We'll never get free
Lamb to the slaughter
What you gon' do
When there's blood in the water?


Red Witch ║ Villain ║ Hex: #571616

Image Image Image

When Luciana opened her eyes, all she could see was black. For a second she just thought the room was dark, but she quickly felt something wrapped around her head, and that it wasn’t dark in the room, but some sort of mask was covering her face. She reached her hands up and felt around the mask, feeling the cold metal of it and seeing if there was a way to take it off, but it had some sort of latch in the around the back of her head that she wasn’t able to open. Once again removing her eyesight to remove the threat of her powers. Lucy slowly stood up, trying to get a sense of her surroundings. She ran her hands over her body, feeling she had some sort of jumpsuit outfit, and felt the cold floor on her bare feet. There were also some sort of metal bands on her wrist but not connected. She was laying on a bed that had some sort of wood frame and felt around a bit and bumping into what she assumed was a table and almost falling over, cursing aloud to herself.

She finally felt along the wall to what seemed like a door, banging a few times on it. “Hey!” She shouted, and waited for an answer for a few seconds. “Hello? I know someone can hear me.” Luciana shouted again, bang a few more times until she heard a beep and some static. “Hello Miss Morrison. The door is unlocked. A guard will escort you.” A voice came through what Lucy assumed was an intercom, a little annoyed she didn’t just try opening the door. She felt around and found the door handle, turning it and pushing the door open, quickly feeling the change in the floor. “This way.” A voice said to her, she reacted and swung towards them, missing, and being told to calm down. Luciana obviously didn’t and swung out again, but this time afterwards she felt a shock from both of her wrists causing her to kneel over shortly after, the pain dwindling away after a moment. “Hey! Not too much.”[/color] Another voice spoke around her, speaking to the first guard, she recognized the voice, the suited man from the warehouse before. “Let’s go Miss Morrison.” He said, almost caringly as he helped Luciana up and guided her forward.

“Sorry about the pain, but a lot of people are scared of yo-” “And they should be.” Lucy interrupted him. “As I was saying, yes people are scared of you, and for good reason. But, now is a time where being feared is more beneficial than working together. Now, into here.” He grazed Luciana’s arm towards the door she heard open, and then guided her hand to a chair in front of a table to sit at. “Now, as you already know my name. I am here to present a proposition and show you some trust, in exchange for the same for you. On the table in front of you, are some items. A key to unlock the facial covering you are wearing, a set of clothes to match your villainous name, and a temporary mask.” Lucy sat and listened, the key being the main thing she wanted, but a bit intrigued why she would need a temporary mask. “And if I agree, what’s the catch?” She asked, hearing the man scoot back in his chair and stand up. “We show you a grace of good will, and you will consider working with us.” The man continued to speak, professionally and concise. “Fine. But I don’t make promises.” Lucy said quickly, holding out her hand for the key.

It didn’t take Luciana long to change, but being told she will keep the metal bands on her wrists as a fallback if she tries to fight back. Being warned not to try to draw any blood to use her powers or she will be punished. She felt comfortable having her eyesight back and took a look around, going over and speaking towards the outside of the door. “I’m ready. Now what is this so called good grace you have for me.” Red Witch asked, watching the door open and finally seeing the man again and confirming it was the man she saw from the warehouse. “I was told to show you rather than tell you.” The man spoke to her, leading her down another corridor. “By who?” She asked quickly, following him and noticing that two guards joined behind them. “Now, that’s for a later time.” He said shortly, just leading her through the maze of hallways until they came to a room that had a red light above it. “Into here, Red Witch.” He spoke, knocking on the door, asking if the guests were ready. She was confused for why he all of the sudden called her Red Witch instead of his usual Miss Morrison, but as she walked into the room, she saw why. Paladin and Artemis.

The two heroes still had their masks and outfits on so they seemed like the actual heroes, but she couldn’t be hundred percent sure. They were sitting in two chairs back to back restrained to the chairs. “Here they are. Paladin and Artemis. Left their masks on for you.” The man said, walking around and picking up a clipboard and writing something on. Red Witch shocked to see two of the heroes captured here. Before she could say anything, she heard muffled words obviously directed towards her from a woman tied up. She ignored them as walked over to Paladin, quickly pulling off his mask over his head. “Dhani
” She mumbled as she tossed the mask to the side, seeing it was him. “How did you get them?” She asked, walking over and standing in front of Artemis now, and making eye contact. “We set a trap for them, easy with the video we took.” There were a bit more muffled words from the two, particularly angry or annoyed ones from Artemis. Red Witch ignored them as she pulled Artemis’ mask off as well, revealing the hero's true face to her.

Red Witch was a bit surprised at who Artemis was. It wasn’t someone she knew, but she didn’t expect one of the people she despised to be attractive, though the dark haired woman was able to pull off the slitted eyebrow. She let the mask slip back down onto Artemis’ face, not really caring about placing it back correctly or comfortably. Lucy turned back and went towards the man. “What about the others? Icarus and Aboleth?” She voiced her concern. “The other heroes got away. And while Icarus and Aboleth put up a fight as I’ve been told, they were not harmed. Now, we have one more place to go as per our agreement. If you are done with your prey.” The man set down the clipboard and opened the door out, waiting for Luciana. “Once we leave, move them to the other room so they can relax a bit. And take the gags out of their mouths, we aren’t barbarians.” He said to the guard and led Luciana down the hallway. Red Witch taking a glance back at the two heroes for a second before following.

“That’s your good grace for me? Two people I strongly dislike?” Luciana spoke quickly as the hallways seemed to change. Going from rows of rooms, to a more administrative look; more offices and conference rooms and less barred doors. “Yes, exactly. To show good faith your enemies are our enemies, and we didn’t touch your friends. Now, onto the person who wants to meet you and set all of this in motion.” The two walked in silence as the man pulled out his phone and called someone, letting them know he was on his way with ‘her.’ They stopped at a room with a glass wall, but the blinds were closed. He knocked once before a female voice called them in, and what Luciana saw inside shocked her more than seeing Artemis and Paladin. “Hello Lucy.” A tall blonde woman said, leaning against a desk. “Mom?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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0.00 INK

zzAboleth - #3E7A4E
zzzzzzzzzoutfit - mask

open your eyes.

there is fear. there is great sorrow. there is a catalogue of sins and a host of great terrors eating at your soul.


It seemed as if the moment they started to sense something was off, everyone decided it was time to go. Piper’s earpiece crackled to life, with broken warnings of a trap, urges to get out now. That was probably the best decision. Panic gripped Piper to her very core: if they gave up now, what would happen to Lucy? Piper knew there was always the chance that they wouldn’t find Lucy, or that they’d find her dead, but she wasn’t willing to just give up. So when Bludwynd said it was time to go, Piper shook her head, and started to keep walking down the hall, “No, I-” But before she could go far, or say much, Gemini had broken a pipe somewhere and caused her to slip and fall. At least he had the decency to catch her so she didn’t hit the floor.

She frowned at his words, and thought about fighting him on it. Luciana was her friend- maybe her only friend. Leaving didn’t feel right, but Gemini was right. “Okay,” She said, not offering any indication of whether she thought he was right or wrong, and turned to follow Bludwynd- presumably out of the building. Guilt began to settle in her chest. This felt wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. It felt less like surviving and more like giving up, and Piper felt like a child again. Powerless, out of control; she could almost imagine she was still walking around with faded clothes and shoes one puddle away from falling apart.

They eventually met up with Icarus and Malfyre. Piper didn’t know if the worried look she shot at Atticus would translate with only half of her face showing, but she didn’t think any of the heroes here cared even half enough about Lucy to understand how worried they were.

But everyone agreed it was best to leave. Gemini asked if there was any word on Artemis and Paladin, and something about that made Piper deeply uncomfortable.

But Gemini’s little outburst in the alleyway was even more uncomfortable. Piper knew that tensions were going to be high after something like that, but this was different than the role he usually seemed to fill. As Gemini’s other half took over, Piper found herself just nodding in agreement to whatever she said. Everything was fine. It had to be fine.

But it wasn’t fine. This was a disaster, and Piper couldn’t help but think this meant that they were all slated to die. But she had to go home, get some rest. They were going to be meeting again the next day, after all. Hopefully someone would be able to contact the missing heroes, and they could hash out a new plan together.

Sleep didn’t come easily. That gnawing feeling on the back of her neck like she was being hunted wouldn’t subside, and Piper spent much of the night laying stiffly in her bed, staring at the ceiling. Maybe I should move back home, She thought to herself, At least no one ever captured my friends or tried to kill me there. A part of her remembered that her life in West Virginia wasn’t so great, either. It seemed she was doomed to suffer.

When it came time for the meeting, Piper found herself waiting uneasily, looking around at who was present. She tried to tell herself it was a coincidence. Nobody else could be missing. She wasn’t sure she believed herself.

Piper flinched when Gemini slammed open the door. The way he stalked into the room confirmed what Piper knew in her heart: something was very, very wrong. But then he immediately jumped to accusing her and Atticus. Piper was taken aback. “Excuse me?” She said, letting Att have a chance to look at the phone in question first, “So the moment something goes wrong, you’re going to throw us under the bus.” It was an accusation, not a question, and it wasn’t a surprise. She took the phone from Atticus when he’d finished reading the message on the screen and shook her head. She didn’t know anything about this, though she had to admit it did look rather damning.


zzzzPaladin - #B85C9E

i have never understood where the line is drawn, between sacrifice and self-slaughter.


Cerys asked Dhani to cover her and, of course, he always would. Everything about all of this was too easy. Not enough guards. The door wasn’t locked, nothing seemed to be rigged or trapped in any way. But they had to see it through, and they both knew it. If this did go wrong, Dhani just hoped that Cerys would listen to him if he told her to go ahead without him.

It was tense. They were both waiting for an alarm, or a swarm of guards, maybe an explosion or a bullet to the head. The silence in the room was palpable, you could almost taste it. Dhani heard Cerys gasp and time seemed to move in slow motion for a moment as the pieces clicked together in both of their minds. Dhani wished they’d called it sooner. He knew he’d feel responsible if anything happened to Cerys. Hell, he already felt like he’d failed her.

Things went really quickly, then. Cerys called the whole thing off, and before he knew it, she and Dhani were running back out the door. Cerys had grabbed onto Dhani’s sleeve, he let her. It was more important than ever that they stayed together.

They didn’t get far. There were so many guards. This wasn’t going to end well. If he had the chance, there were a lot of things he might have said, sorry for a lot of things he logically knew Cerys didn’t- or wouldn’t- blame him for. He was sorry this was ending this way, that Cerys couldn’t have been with another group that might stand a chance of making it out. He was sorry he couldn’t keep her from this fight. He was sorry he wasn’t there with her and Helen that night, he still wondered if he might have been able to make a difference. Instead he steadied himself for a fight and avoided looking in Cerys’ direction so he wouldn’t lose his nerve.

There were too many of them, and Dhani knew this fight wouldn’t last long. Still, he bulldozed his way through several of the guards before he felt a sharp pinch, and down he went.

At first, Dhani was halfway convinced he’d dreamed the whole thing, but he tried to move and found himself restrained, and realized very quickly that there was someone tied up behind him. He assumed it was Cerys. There was something in his mouth. Bound and gagged? He thought he might have rather they killed him than whatever it was they were planning here. He had no clue where he was; the only familiar thing he could see was his boots. There was a knock at the door, the announcement that they were ready. Ready for what? Then Red Witch walked in.

Dhani wasn’t entirely sure what he was feeling, if he were being honest. He just stared at her, though he closed his eyes as she took off his mask. He shot her a pleading look when she said his name, and started to try to call out to her even as she walked away; he didn’t know why he thought he could appeal to her, she hated him, and she couldn’t understand a thing he was saying anyway. But he thought if he could get the idea across, Please, we’re on the same side in this!

It did occur to him that she may have had a part in all of this, but he didn’t have the energy to worry about that, too. If she had any power in this situation, he wanted to focus on trying to see if she would consider letting them go free. There was, at least, the comfort of knowing the others were safe. That Kieran was safe. Atticus was safe. They’d made it out.

It wasn’t long before Red Witch was gone, and he and Cerys were being led away to some other room.

Once they were secured in the room, Dhani gave Cerys a moment to rant, or search the room, or do whatever it was she planned on doing. Personally, Dhani sat down on the nearest surface. He still felt a little dizzy and nauseated, and wondered what exactly they’d done to him.

He was scared, really. If he were alone, he might have cried. As it was, he felt the need to stay strong for Cerys. She’d come a long way, but he still felt somewhat responsible for her, like an older brother who promised his mother he’d look out for his sister on her first day of school. So instead he asked her, “How are you- Are you hurt?” He was fairly sure he knew how she was doing, and there wasn’t much he could do about that. There wasn’t much he could do about anything, and he was desperately grasping for something he could do.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

atticus hawkins
hex: #88c878xxxxxoutfit: here
xxxwe are deaf
xxxwe are numb
xxxfree and young
xxxand we can feel none of it

The minute Atticus saw the screens, he knew that his gut had been right all along. Artemis’ panicked cries of it being a trap only confirmed that, before their comms abruptly shut off. His grip tightened on his gun as Malfyre turned to him and said they needed to go, already following her down the hall. Even if there hadn’t been much communication between them before, the silence in his earpiece suddenly seemed deafening. He’d known something was up, and they’d still walked into a trap.

They had gotten out of the building and a short way away from the building when everything suddenly came crashing down on top of Atticus. Lucy didn’t have long left. It might already be too late. Maybe they’d already signed her death warrant by attempting to rescue her. His vision was still clear as day in his head, the sensation of a hand that wasn’t his holding the gun against her head. And then Artemis’ panicked warning echoed in his head. Dhani had been with her. How many death warrants had they signed?

He had to stop suddenly, his stomach lurching and the nausea threatening to overwhelm him. He instinctively braced himself against the alley wall as he tried to catch his breath and just breathe through it. It was only then he remembered Malfyre’s presence, and he looked up at her, recovering his composure somewhat as Piper, Gemini, and Bludwynd showed up. Att caught Piper’s worried look. He shook his head ever so slightly, because what else could he do or say? They hadn’t saved Lucy. They were probably too late.

He made it home before his body finally gave out on him. He made it to the bathroom just in time to throw up, his whole body shaking. Still sitting on the cool bathroom tiles, he managed to pull his phone out of his pocket and send a text.

To: Dhani
“Please tell me you’re okay.”

It was the first of several texts he’d send that evening, begging Dhani to just reply if he was seeing the messages at all, just to let Att know that he was okay. Every single one of them went unanswered. As time went on, Att just became more and more sure that Lucy was dead and that it was their fault. Maybe if they hadn’t made any moves, they would have approached them, they would have been able to save her. Maybe if they’d moved quicker in the first place, they could have saved her.

He didn’t sleep much. Every time he closed his eyes, all he saw was violence. His hand on the trigger, someone else’s hand on the trigger, people he cared about, people he’d never met, what was the difference? He got a text at some point with the details for the meet up. He managed to get into clean clothes and drink some coffee before the meeting, but he didn’t eat anything. He couldn’t stomach anything. His hands were shaking as he made his way into the warehouse, and he didn’t know, couldn’t tell if it was the caffeine on an empty stomach, the tiredness, or the adrenaline that had been coursing through his veins ever since he’d had that vision. Dhani and Artemis weren’t there, and judging by the tension in everyone’s frames, they weren’t going to come.

Atticus would have struggled to deal with Gemini’s words and attitude on a good morning as the hero stormed in, throwing a phone at them and blaming them. He said nothing as Piper responded, glancing at the messages for only the slightest second before handing it to Piper. His reaction was delayed, possibly by exhaustion, or just as he attempted to process the consequences. And then his elbow snapped back and he sank his fist straight into the unmasked half of Gemini’s face without even saying a word. He swore he heard bone crack as his knuckles collided with Gemini’s cheekbone, probably his hand, but he didn’t care, barely even felt the pain. His other fist went into Gemini’s stomach, and as the hero’s balance was thrown off, Att tackled him to the ground, pinning Gemini to the ground with a knee on his chest.

He wasn’t entirely sure that he had meant to attack Gemini like this. It felt like he almost blacked out, resorting to the violence like he’d always been taught. And he wasn’t sure that he was sorry about it either. Maybe now, people would take him seriously, a voice in his head said. Maybe now, they would listen. It was only when Piper’s order rang through his hand that he even could process what had happened and what he had done. Obediently, he stepped away from Gemini and instinctively stepped back towards Piper. “Sorry,” he mumbled, the apology directed mostly towards Piper, the exhaustion suddenly coming crashing back in. His hand was beginning to ache, and he’d managed to tear the skin on his knuckles. Examining his hand, he suddenly remembered the first meeting and how Dhani had fixed up his hand then. He swallowed around the lump in his throat.

cerys day
hex: #c7bbb4xxxxoutfit: here
xxxthey lose their minds for us
xxxand how it plays out
xxxbut now we’re in the ring
xxxand we’re coming for blood

One thing that Cerys had learned over the years was that her body tended to break down medication and drugs quicker than other people. Their attackers didn’t seem to have realised that, and as a result, she was beginning to come around even as they dumped her onto the chair, tied her to the chair, and gagged her. She was vaguely aware of it happening, but nowhere near conscious enough to even consider fighting back. But it meant that she was around and conscious for what felt like a while before she felt someone stirring behind her, presumably Dhani. She attempted to look around as she heard somebody come in, but couldn’t see the person who came in. The voice, however, was concerningly familiar, and she furrowed her brow as the woman mumbled Dhani’s name to herself.

And then, as the woman moved around to look at Cerys, Cerys realised why she was so familiar. Red Witch. For a moment, Cerys forgot the gag in her mouth and went to tell Red Witch exactly what she thought of her. Her words came out muffled, and she swore again as Red Witch just left her mask sitting awkwardly on her face. There was the brief reassurance that the others were all safe, which was something. They’d gotten out in time.

Dhani and Cerys were led to a different room, and Cerys expected for a second to be tied to another chair. They were ungagged and left to their own devices. For a moment, Cerys considered going for the guard’s eyes, but reconsidered given how heavily armed they all were. The minute that the door closed, Cerys took the opportunity to let out a string of curses, pulling off her mask and tossing it on the floor. And then she scanned the room. No windows, no furniture other than two mattresses on the floor. The door seemed to be reinforced. She sat on the mattress across from Dhani to think. She looked up as Dhani spoke, raising an eyebrow at his question. She shook his head as he asked if she was hurt.

“I’m fine.” She fell silent, trying to figure what else she was supposed to say. Nothing came to mind, and she studied Dhani’s face for a few moments. She wouldn’t have said this to anyone else, but if she’d had to pick anyone to be stuck here with, it was Dhani. He was basically family to her, and he was one of the few people Cerys felt really understood her. She got up off of her own mattress, and instead moved to sit beside Dhani, bumping his shoulder against his for a moment. “I can’t believe Red Witch stabbed us in the back like this, though. I honestly thought she was actually on our side,” she said. “More fool us, I guess. Do
 do you think Icarus and Aboleth are in on it too?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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The ties that bind us together
I'm just like my father
Just like my mother
Our graves lie next to each other


Image Image Image ImageImage

“Yes my dear Luciana?” Lucy’s mom spoke, “Give is some time alone dear.” She said waving her hand towards Mr. Anderson. “But wh-“ she put hip her hand to hush him and he just nodded. “Yes Mrs. Morrison” He said before stepping out and closing the door, leaving the two women alone in the room. Lucy was speechless to see her mother after all these years, let alone working with the people her and the heroes were trying to take down. “Close your mouth darling, starting to look like a fish.” Cheryl spoke, walking around her desk and pouring another glass of some dark liquid, presumably a sort of alcohol like whiskey or scotch. Lucy didn’t even notice her mouth was open a bit in shock, but quickly regained her composure.

“Why are you here? Why do you have me here?” Luciana quickly asked, taking a step forward, but stopping when her mother raised a remote teasingly. “Calm down little one. Take a seat so we can talk please.” More oig demand than a request. Lucy squinted in aggregation but listened, knowing the remote was connected to her restraints. “And take off that mask.” Luciana slowly took off the mask they had her wear when she was shown the heroes. Lucy’s mom reached across from the desk and gently held her daughters face. “Still the beautiful daughter I always had, smart to keep the scars off of your face.” She said, letting go after her finger traced her chin.

“Again, why am I here. I left my *life* behind.” Luciana spoke, venom still behind her words. “Family is forever Little Lucy. Families have fights, but always make up. And that’s why I have you here. Your father survived, barely, but from that night on I knew we shouldn’t be mad at you for what you control, but work with you to cure your disease. We-“ “Disease? I have no disease. Running away was the best thing to happen to me. N-“ Lucy interrupted her mom but was quickly shocked and interrupted. “Best thing huh? What about what happened with those heroes you tried to join? They betrayed you. How soon until Gemini does the same? Or the human you hate the most, Artemis? Especially now after your visit to see her.” She set the remote down, and took another sip.

Lucy ran her hand through her hair before speaking. “So you want to make amends and me join you?” Luciana asked, leaning back and trying to not be tense. “I always knew you were the smart one with the group you’re running with. Exactly. I know better than to continue fighting you my dear. I miss having my daughter with me. And once all this fighting is over, they have the resources to work on getting your affliction cured.” Cheryl spoke, sitting down in the chair and setting her glass down next to the remote. “Then let me free, get these restraints off of me.” Lucy spoke, but only met with a chuckle from her mother. “You don’t get your smarts from your father. First off, I can sense what you’re feeling, and know better to let you free right away. Secondly, we have things planned and shouldn’t rush into things.” She paused to look out the window that looked over part of the city. “Unlike your friends who thought rushing into a warehouse to rescue was smart.” She said with a smirk.

“They aren’t my friends. Icarus and Aboleth are the only ones I care about, I don’t care about the others.” A wider smile came across her mother’s face, but a scowl stayed in Luciana’s. “You mean Atticus and Piper? I know who they are, but I’ve kept Piper’s identity away from the others. I know you and her down want her being in the limelight as much as you do.” Her mom laid out some folders on the desk, each with the heroes and villains alias, including her own. “Take your time, read up.” Luciana was skeptical at first, but slowly reached towards her folder, and saw a lot of information about her, old alias, powers, possible weakness with eyesight being highlighted. Though she noticed there were no pictures of heroes or villains, her mother smiled and ignored her when Lucy asked about this.

Luciana shoved the folders back after taking her time to flip through the folders until she felt she had seen enough. “Whatever. You gave me an offer, and how am I supposed you trust you if you won’t trust me without these cuffs, mother?” Luciana stood up quickly, but her mother was not caring. “In due time. Plus, this right here is proof we can cure you my daughter.” Cheryl said, pulling out a small needle with a blue liquid inside of it. Lucy’s eyes watched the injection needle in her mothers hand, placing it down in front of her. “A little serum we have created, to cure the world, only temporarily for now, give too much, and well, there’s a reason Legion isn’t on the streets anymore.”

She then pressed a button on her desk, and shortly after the door into the room opened and two guards entered carrying the outfit she had on before seeing Artemis and Paladin, and the mask. “You will see how this works soon, until then, time to get you back to your room.” Luciana wanted to refuse, but knew as long as she had the cuffs on, she knew she couldn’t do anything. Cheryl walked from behind her desk and over to Luciana. “It’s good to see you again Luciana. Good to have you back.” She said with a smile, Lucy not sure if genuine, and hugged Lucy. “Remember, blood is thicker than water.” She whispered into her ear before taking a step back and going behind the desk, cleaning up the folders while Luciana put on the mask.

With two different guards on either side of her after being passed on at a security checkpoint, Luciana sighed to herself before stopping. “When can I shower?” She asked. The guards stopped for a moment and spoke into their headset, then a few seconds later they nodded to each other. “Now. Let’s go.” The said, moving Luciana into another direction. Lucy was surprised they agreed so quickly, but knew now she probably had a bit more benefits and leeway than other prisoners she had heard in her passing.

“In here.” One guard said, Lucy hearing the door open and the sound of running water already going. “Hmm. Should we wait until these prisoners are done?” One guard said to another, as they noticed two other captives were showering. “No, Boss lady said to have her shower now. But to be safe we can use this. She wanted to show it off anyways.” Luciana felt a prick in her neck, letting out a small squeak more so out of surprise. They took off her mask and she saw the needle with little remains of the blue liquid left. Lucy could feel something different inside of her. Before she could do anything, one of the guards shoved her, causing her to fall to the ground and scrape her knees. The tile was made out of tile so it ripped some of her surface skin off, Luciana tried using her powers and noticed she couldn’t control the flow of blood anymore, which means her mother wasn’t lying about the blue serum she spoke of earlier.

“Fifteen minutes, hurry up freak.” The guard said before walking out and closing the door behind them, followed by a loud clunk of the lock. Lucy was a bit confused on why Anderson and her mother treated her one one, and the guards treated her another, but just assumed the guards weren’t paid enough to truly know who she was. As Luciana turned around, she was shocked and frozen in place from the two faces she saw showering behind walls and curtains. Artemis and Paladin. It wasn’t until one of them, Dhani, said something that she realized she was staring. “I-I’m fine.” She stuttered and mumbled out, before she walked over to a stall and took off the outfit they had her in, revealing more of her scars and a little bit of a burn and redness on her wrists from the cuffs before getting behind a curtain.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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When Cerys sat down next to Dhani, bumping a shoulder against his, he leaned down to gently tap his head against hers. Kind of a hug-without-hugging kind of maneuver. He shook his head when she asked if he thought Icarus and Aboleth were in on it too. “No, I don’t think Att would-” He stopped suddenly, almost like a deer in headlights, but continued on before Cerys had a chance to call him out on that slip, “I don’t know Aboleth well, but Icarus was genuinely worried when he asked for help finding Red Witch. I don’t think they knew.” He sighed, “Hey, uh, I’m sorry for all of this, Care bear.” This was part genuine apology, part distraction, “I should have seen the signs that it was a trap and gotten you out of there.” He’d always felt responsible for protecting Cerys, in a way. That protective nature was probably why Helen asked him to help while she was training Cerys in the first place.

There was a rough knock on the door before it opened with a command, “No funny business.” Dhani shot Cerys a sideways glance, but the guards were quick to cuff them. Not that they could realistically escape anyway, if security was as tight as it seemed. As the guards prepped them to go out the door, one of them said, “Shower time,” And after a pause, added, “You could use one.” Dhani wasn’t sure if he should agree or feel offended.

Cerys raised an eyebrow as Dhani seemed to call one of the villains by their first name, before recovering and continuing. By the sounds of it, Icarus was the one he’d called “Att.” He didn’t give her a chance to remark on it, but she stashed it at the back of her head to bring up at some other point. She smiled a little at the use of her nickname, knowing he was trying to change the subject but letting him. She sighed and shook her head a little. “Dhani, it wasn’t your fault. Neither of us spotted it was a trap, I don’t think anyone did.” She wanted to say more, wanted to remind him that he didn’t need to worry about her as much any more. She knew that he’d worry regardless, but it was still nice to remind him. But she was interrupted as the door opened. Instinctively, she was assessing the situation, meeting Dhani’s look. But they were outnumbered and outpowered, and they were quickly cuffed. The guards were probably a tad rougher than they needed to be, but Cerys figured it was probably better to keep her mouth shut. She shot Dhani a confused look as they said they were being brought for a shower, but truth be told, the idea of a shower was more welcome than she was prepared to admit.

The shower stalls were nicer than she was expecting, if she was honest, with partitions between each of them so their modesty was somewhat protected. As she stepped into her stall, she heard voices from the door again and whirled around, prepared for this to be some sort of sick joke. Instead, another girl was shoved into the room. Cerys shot Dhani another look, unsure of what to do or say in this case. Part of her was concerned that it was some sort of trap, and she instinctively braced herself for a fight.

Dhani was initially a little concerned about the fact that they’d be showering in the same room, but was happy enough that they had stalls set up, even if he was going to have to duck to be able to get his head under the water. They had fifteen minutes, roughly, but Dhani wasn’t entirely sure he trusted the guards not to rush them out quicker, so he wasn’t about to waste any time. The door opened again shortly after he’d gotten started and he felt a bit of panic rising in him, even as a woman was pushed into the room. Cerys looked about ready for a fight, but the woman was just
 Staring at them. She looked a little rough- shaken up, maybe even a little scared.

And of course she was, she was here, she looked injured, so he presumed she was some sort of prisoner, and there was a tall muscular man in the room while she was supposed to be showering. “Are
 Are you okay?” He asked, hoping to try to settle the apprehensive air in the room. She quickly stated she was fine, and went to a shower of her own. Dhani didn’t want to stare, but he did want to make sure this wasn’t some elaborate ruse or something. He quickly turned to mind his own business, however, when he saw the amount of scars covering the woman’s body. His mind started turning; were these people doing that to her? Was she okay? Could he get her to open up if he tried? “Hey,” He could try to establish a rapport of some kind with her, at least, “I don’t know how it usually is, but the water temperature’s a little finicky today.” A part of him was worried that guards would burst in and yell at them to stop talking

Luciana turned the valve and water quickly came out of the shower, causing her to flinch as she wasn’t expecting it to be as cold. A second too late Dhani remarked about the temperature being a bit finicky. “You think?” She said instinctively and sarcastically, and then sighing to herself as she realized she doesn’t want them knowing who she is and should probably play along. Then an idea came to her, she could possibly pretend to be on their side as they don’t know who she is and get any other information from me.

She quickly rubbed some shampoo into her hair before turning back and looking at the two, a small laugh escaping as she realized Dhani had to duck. “Guess they don’t have a tall shower section?” Lucy teased, flashing a fake smile. Then turning her gaze over to the woman for a second. “So
 you two captured super-powered people as well?” She asked, already knowing the answers, though curious how they would respond. “What type of restraints are you kept in?”

Cerys stayed watching the woman somewhat wearily. She’d spotted the cuts and scars covering the woman’s body as well, but a lot of supers had their fair share of scars. Honestly, the only reason Cerys herself didn’t have more was because if Dhani noticed (and he always did), he’d insist on healing her. The sarcasm got half a smile out of her, at least, as she undid her braids and stood fully under the water.

The woman made a joke about the showers not being tall enough for Dhani, and Cerys chuckled despite herself. “Even a tall shower section probably wouldn’t be tall enough for him,” she remarked, shooting a grin at Dhani. But the fact that the woman asked about their restraints didn’t sit quite right with her. “Same as you, I’d imagine. Why?” She asked lightly. She still wasn’t sure that this wasn’t some sort of test or something. She turned slightly to shoot Dhani a look, telling him to play along and not give too much away.

“I don’t see much of others here, due to the mask they keep me in. The metal one over there.” Lucy said with softness behind her voice, referencing the mask the guards left in the room along with the wrist restraints.

Dhani ignored the comments about being too tall for the showers, it was a common enough thing to hear. But when she asked them about having powers, and what kind of restraints they were using on them, Dhani wasn’t sure how to deal with those questions. He caught Cerys’ look, and then turned his head to glance at the restraints the other woman had mentioned. He had to wonder what kind of powers she must have, to be kept in a mask where she couldn’t see.

“Do they keep doing your restraints too tight, too?” He asked, wondering if he could parse out how long she’d been there, or if this was some kind of trap. He knew they had to be careful about how much information they gave out. On the chance they got out of here, he didn’t want to be giving anyone more information than they already have. “It’s nice to talk to people who aren’t here to push me around.” He paused, thinking carefully, then added, “For ten to fifteen minutes, anyway.”

Luciana was just about done with her hair and spread the soap over her body, not getting too distracted with talking with the heroes. “Actually, not too much. I believe they think they have me under their control with the mask and wrist restraints... And the injections
” Luciana trailed off, mumbling the last part and rubbing her skin where the needle went into her neck. “If I act up they tend to give me a little zap. Some guards are nicer than others.” Which was true. The guards treated her like a normal prisoner, while Mr. Anderson and her mother seemed to treat her with a more friendly demeanor.

“Not much time is given for conversations around here. You two look smart enough to realize they don’t want us freaks to interact with each other too much. I heard the nervousness in the one guard's voice about me showering here with you two around.” Luciana paused for a second, looking between the two of them. “You two know each other outside of here?” She asked with a tilt of her head.

Cerys hadn’t noticed the metal mask they’d had on the woman until she pointed it out, and for a few moments, she felt guilty about her suspicions towards her. Dhani remarked about them having the restraints too tight, and Cerys was glad that he also seemed to not want to give too much away. She forced a smile at the comment, combing through her hair with her fingers.

When the woman went to explain about everything they were using to control her, she frowned a little bit as she stepped under the water again and her expression was hidden. She wondered what type of power the woman had that required that level of control.

She forced another smile as the woman asked if she and Dhani knew each other. Something about these questions had her a little on edge, unsure if the woman was just making small talk or if there was something more to her questioning. She glanced at Dhani and back at the woman. “Uh, yeah, we’re friends. What about you?” Cerys asked, deciding to turn the interrogation back on the woman. “You know anyone around these parts?” She asked.

As she started rinsing the water off of her, Artemis spoke, saying they were friends, but then asking her about herself. Luciana stopped for a second, the water dripping over her body. Friends. Of course the heroes considered themselves friends, but Luciana hadn’t really had many of those besides Atticus and Piper. And where were they now?

It wasn’t until Lucy heard herself drop the bottle of soap that she brought herself back to reality. “Oh, uh. Sorry. No, not really.” She finally answered the heroes question, quickly picking up the bottle and finish rinsing herself off. She wrapped a towel around herself and started drying herself off before stepping out of the shower.

While it was obvious that they were friends, Dhani didn’t like the probing questions about whatever their relationship might be. He caught Cerys’ glance at him out of the corner of his eye. He let her deal with it, ducking down to rinse out his hair, and give himself a little time to think. The moment of silence after Cerys asked the other woman if she had any friends in
 Wherever they were, it was a little worrying. Dhani had to quickly decide if he thought she was taking the time to make up a lie, or if she was, like Cerys and himself, trying to decide if they were going to use whatever they found out to hurt her.

As he finished up in the shower, he found himself wondering what- if anything- he should do. He dried up as much as he could before stepping out of the shower so he could start getting dressed, at least enough to be considered decent. “Don’t worry,” he said, “I’m not going to stare at you or anything weird, I’m not,” He paused, “I mean, you’re
 It’s just-” He shook his head at himself. His attempts at being reassuring were more awkward than anything.

There was a silence before the woman answered the question, lasting a second or two longer than she would have liked. But at the end of the day, they were two strangers, and she probably didn’t want to give too much away. She just nodded as the woman said she didn’t know anyone. She decided against braiding her hair again and simply pulled a towel around her as she shut the water off, drying off. Dhani began trying to reassure the woman he wouldn’t stare, and Cerys properly laughed for the first time.

“He’s as gay as they come, is what he’s trying to say,” she said, looking back towards the woman. “So, as pretty as you are, you’re not his type.” Had it been any other circumstance, she might have been tempted to crack a joke about her being more Cerys’ type, but decided that it wasn’t the place. She pulled on the clothes they had left for them. While they weren’t her style, they were at least clean, dry, and comfortable, so it could have been worse.

Luciana was going to start getting dressed when she heard the water shut off, pausing for a moment again as the heroes got out and Dhani spoke. Well, more so mumbling, stuttering, and bambling about not staring at her. Idiot
 She thought to herself, and then heard Artemis spoke, about him being gay. Lucy wanted to say she knew, but stopped herself, as that would reveal that she knew of the heroes. “It’s fine, he’s not my type either. Far from it.” Though she unconsciously added the last portion of her sentence.

She quickly got dressed in the clothes they had sitting next to her restraints and mask. Staring at the wrist restraints and feeling her wrists, Lucy felt the tenderness from the small burns the guards had given her. She signed to herself as she sat on the bench taking a moment to herself.

Dhani chuckled when Cerys commented that he was “gay as they come,” and nodded when the blonde woman said he wasn’t her type anyway. In a better situation, he may have made a joke, but it wasn’t quite the time or place for that. Instead, he got dressed. The clothes weren’t what he would typically choose, but they fit okay, were comfortable enough, and best of all clean.

He turned and looked at the blonde woman, debating with himself for a short moment. He didn’t know if it was the right move to make, but in the end he decided that if he decided if he helped someone and they used it against him, that said more about them than him. So he sat down next to her and cleared his throat, “I’m,” He paused, wondering if this was a good idea to introduce himself. If she worked for these people, though, she likely already knew everything about him. “I’m Dhani.” He gestured towards her wrists, “That looks like it hurts.” He shot her a soft smile, “I, uh
 I have healing powers, and if you don't mind, I’d like to help you.” He shrugged, “The freaks have to stick together, right?”

Luciana was taking a breather from everything going on when she noticed Dhani sit down and introduce himself. I know
 She thought to herself, not needing his introduction. She was shocked though when he mentioned his weisst and offered to heal them. Lucy wanted to immediately shut him down, she didn’t need his charity, but that might raise some questions that she didn’t want to answer. “I
” She stuttered for a bit, looking over at Artemis for a second and then back at him. “Okay. It better not sting.” She said, holding out her wrists to him.

What came next felt strange to Luciana, but also warm and comforting. Within moments her wrists were healed, clean in a sense, they didn’t feel tender and the redness was completely gone. She was speechless for a moment, never having felt Paladin’s power, but was quickly brought back into the moment and pulled her wrists back quickly.

Before Lucy could speak again the door to the showers opened up and some guards walked in. “Hey! Back off!” One of them shouted realizing the prisoners were intermingling, another coming up and tossing Lucy’s confinements to her again.

She let out a sigh as she slid the wrist restraints over the freshly healed area, but still felt warm and not so uncomfortable for the moment. Luciana stood still as one of the guards secured the mask over her face again, blocking her eyesight. As she was ushered towards the door she stopped for a second and turned back towards where she could hear Paladin and Artemis. “Thanks Paladin
” She spoke softly, flashing a soft smile before she was shoved again and told to be quiet.


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Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day
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artemis | hex: #857c78
paladin | hex:#b85c9e

Cerys frowned as the woman called Dhani “Paladin”, trying to remember if either of them had mentioned their aliases. She was pretty sure they hadn’t. “Dhani,” she said, her voice low, “Something doesn’t feel right.” The guards came into the room before she could elaborate. “Come on, move it you two.” One of them said, but they didn’t move to immediately cuff them. They didn’t even seem to be paying too much attention. An idea came into Cerys’ head, something dumb, and something she might just regret, but something that also might just work. She’d need to be quick. She glanced at Dhani, shooting him a quick look that she’d hope he understood. Quick as lightning, she fished one of their phones out of their pocket. It was locked, but she tapped into the emergency call mode, and dialled out one of the few numbers she knew by heart. Aaron.

Hoping the call would stay active, she slipped the phone back into the pocket, and turned back to Dhani. “Come on then, grandad, let’s not keep the nice gentlemen waiting,” she said, a little louder than normal in the hope the phone would be able to pick up her voice, with the slightest nod to Dhani.

Dhani nodded when Cerys said something didn’t feel right. He agreed, there was definitely something fishy going on. They didn’t get a chance to discuss it, however, before some guards came into the room. They didn’t seem to be taking the two of them very seriously, which Dhani knew they could use to their advantage. Cerys shot him a look, and Dhani knew he only had a split second to think of a plan, and it had better do the trick of distracting the guards long enough.

“It seems like the floors would get slick in here, doesn’t it?” Dhani played it up like he was talking to Cerys, but really he was trying to discern which of the guards she was targeting. He wasn’t entirely sure what her plan was, but he knew what he was going to do would help her either way. With a shrill shriek, he dramatically “slipped” on the damp floor, reaching out to grab the guard Cerys wasn’t actively pickpocketing to “catch himself.” Dhani was pretty sure he was big enough and had enough momentum to take both of them to the ground, and he was right. “Oh my god!” He yelled, as he “struggled” to untangle himself from the guard so he could get up, “I’m so sorry.”

It didn’t take long for the guards to right the situation, but it was long enough. Dhani smiled at Cerys when she nodded- brief and subtle, but it gave her the message that he understood. “Man, you guys should do something about that flooring. Maybe change the tiles?” He was speaking a bit louder than normal too, but hopefully not so much that he’d raise suspicion, “Or get your prisoners slip resistant shoes or something.”

Thankfully, Cerys knew the elaborate and dramatic form that Dhani’s distractions tended to take, otherwise the distraction could have thrown her too. It worked, with both guards seemingly oblivious that one of them had been pickpocketed. “Or maybe you just need to learn to distribute your weight better, Paladin,” she said. “Sorry about him.”

The guards seemed to remember then why they were there, cuffing them both and leading them back to the cells. Cerys kept waiting for the guard leading her to put his hand in his pocket for his phone and knock the call off, either inadvertently or deliberately. But he kept one hand on Cerys’ shoulder and the other on her cuffs, making sure she couldn’t run
 and that he couldn’t knock off the call. She managed to keep a straight face as they led her and Dhani back into their cell, taking off the cuffs. But the minute that the guards left the cell, a triumphant grin took over her expression.

“You okay, Dhani? You hit the floor kinda hard back there,” she said, just in case the guards happened to still be listening outside the door. “I need you to know, though, that I fully intend on telling Aaron all about your clumsy ass in intricate detail.”

The moment Cerys used his hero name, Dhani was pretty sure he knew what was happening. “We’re not all compact and close to the ground, Artemis.”

The guard in charge of Dhani kept an extra firm grip as they walked back to their cell, almost as if bracing for another fall the entire time. There was a natural nervousness there, as if he was sure they would get caught any moment. Dhani trusted Cerys to his core, but there would likely be big problems for them if they were caught, or if this call was cut short. This was, very likely, their only real hope.

“I didn’t hit my head too hard,” He said with a smile, “I’ll be good as new in no time thanks to my powers. I’d worry about the guard.” He rolled his eyes when she said she was going to tell Aaron about his fall. “If that makes you happy, Care bear.” He reached out to playfully muss up her hair before settling into one of the beds in the cell, a little sore from his fall. He’d be all healed up in no time, he knew, but he had taken that fall a little harder than he’d intended. The things he did for Cerys. He was tired, but very proud of her. He shot her a grin, she deserved that much, at least.

Cerys rolled her eyes as he called her “Care Bear” again, the childhood nickname making her smile despite herself. She playfully scowled at him as he messed up her hair, but followed him over to sit on the other bunk. She shot him a grin back, but something he’d said, or almost said, earlier, was once again lingering in her mind.

 what’s up with you and Icarus?” She asked, making sure she was out of arm’s reach as she said so. “Before you ask, I wouldn’t say it’s that obvious. But you two sure have been sharing a lot of glances across the room. And also you called him “Att” earlier. So, come on, spill.” Her tone was deliberately light and playful; both because that was their dynamic, and because she wanted Dhani to know this wasn’t coming from a place of judgement. The lines between hero and villain were becoming more and more blurred; and besides, Icarus wasn’t even the worst of the villains. He wasn’t even the worst of who they were working with.

When Cerys asked about what was up between himself and Icarus, Dhani’s shoulders stiffened. This was it, he’d have to explain himself and look like a terrible hero. But she didn’t sound judgemental, and it was Cerys, she knew him, she knew what kind of a person he was. He didn’t need to be defensive. So he shrugged, “Honestly, I’m not even sure.” That was true, “We met before,” He gestured around the confines of their cell, “All this. It wasn’t much, but I guess it was enough.” He sighed, looking Cerys in the eye, “I really like him, though.”

“It’s probably clouding my judgement a little, but he’s a good guy, Cerys. And he gets it, and you know how hard that is to find, especially when,” He paused, a little abruptly. The dating pool for a gay superhero was very shallow, and the last person Dhani had considered he might have a chance with was far too related to Cerys for him to attempt to pursue anything. “I just feel like it might be stupid if I keep acting like nothing’s going on there, especially after all of this.”

Cerys knew Dhani as well as, if not even better than, either of her brothers. So she could tell that he was telling the truth. The villain meant something to him, she could tell that much. And it couldn’t be easy for Dhani. Cerys’ dating field was technically wider, but it was hard dating as a hero. In some ways, maybe it was easier to date another super, even if it was a villain. At least then they didn’t think they should be destroyed just for being different.

At the comment about not wanting to act like there was nothing going on after all of this, Cerys glanced down towards her hands, raising an eyebrow for the first time. She wasn’t going to judge anyone for that. She kept telling herself that she was going to tell Aaron, that she would finally do it; and every single time, she bottled it, afraid of destroying something good. They were a good team. He was one of her best friends. Risking that seemed crazy.

“You should go for it, Dhani. I think
 this,” she said, mimicking his gesture around the cell, “is going to kinda smash the whole villain hero divide. I mean, I’m assuming that the whole thing isn’t going to actually make things worse and that they’re not like
 I dunno, beating the shit out of each other right now. We don’t know what’s going to happen next, so you should go for it.” She raised an eyebrow. “And if you start any bullshit about me needing to follow my own advice, I swear to god,” she warned, laughing a little.

“Just know I’m thinking it, then.” He smirked and laid back on his bed, “Really though, Cerys, life is too short not to take risks and find love if you can find it,” He paused, pointing vaguely in her direction without looking to make sure he was pointing at her, “Obviously we’re both strong and independent and don’t need anyone in our lives, but it is nice to be loved and wanted.”

Cerys was like the little sister he’d always wanted, so he tried to be good and kind and fair with her, “All of this will just be history one of these days, but you know you deserve to live your life now, too.” He crossed his fingers behind his head, staring intently at the ceiling- as if he were trying to make sense of whatever patterns he could see there. If they got out of this place, if he survived this, he knew he needed to go for it with Att. He’d denied himself a chance to really love someone romantically for so long, and this could very well be his last chance.

“Hey, Cerys,” He said, after a moment of silently contemplating his life choices, “I love you.” He wanted to make sure she knew that, and had a deep and burning need in his chest that he’d just had to say it. “I don’t think I tell you enough, but I do.” She was really the only person on the planet that knew him as deeply as she did- she knew about almost every facet of his life, and he appreciated her more than he knew how to express. He had hope that the others would find them and get them out of there, but he also knew that every moment in that cell could be his last.

She laughed as he joked about them not needing anyone, but it being nice to have someone. He did have a point on that front. And with Dhani, it wasn’t just nonsense platitudes either. He’d known exactly what she’d gone through and why the idea of love and relationships frightened her. It had gone so wrong the last time, but he knew that. She trusted him and trusted his take on it more than probably anyone else in the world.

“God, have you been reading YA books again?” She teased as he made the comment about it all eventually being history. She knew he was right, but actually working up the guts to make a move or say something would be a different matter altogether. But she also knew that Dhani would be there to either support her and help her out, or give her a kick up the ass and find some way of orchestrating things so she literally had no choice. They had their separate lives, now, so sometimes she almost forgot how willing they were to drop everything and help the other out.

She smiled as he told her he loved her. It was something they’d always said when they were a little bit younger and a little bit dumber, when they needed reminding that no matter what, they had family, and that family wasn’t just about blood. “Love you too, Dhani. I don’t know where I’d be without you, honestly.”

“You’d be dead, for sure.” Dhani quipped, remembering one too many times where he’d had to heal her up when Cerys was still learning the ropes. He turned his head to look at her, “I’m really proud of you, you know. Helen would be, too.” He knew that would be a little touchy, but he didn’t know if anyone told her recently, or ever. “You’ve been saving my ass recently. You’ve really grown into a great hero.”

“And YA books are great, by the way.” He added.

Cerys laughed as Dhani reminded her she’d probably be dead. He wasn’t wrong, she’d gotten herself into a few major scraps that he’d gotten her out of and then had fixed her up afterwards, while also giving her advice on how to not get into such trouble next time. She looked back down at her hands as he reminded her that she was proud of her, her smile slipping a little as he mentioned Helen. Everything she did, she did with her sister in mind to try and make her proud. She wasn’t sure she would ever live up to her sister’s memory, but she could try. She tried every single day.

His comment about YA books pulled her from her thoughts, and she laughed. “I’ll have to get some book recommendations from you when we get out of all this.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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Kieran Vallenetti
Malfyre | Antihero | #575772
Seems like the whole damn world
went and lost its mind
And all my childhood heroes
have fallen off or died
Fake tears, we are living fake tears
But the alcohol never lies, never lies

Kieran remained silent as she watched the shit show transpire in front of her. Of course the two boys would start a fight, it happened just about every god damn time. And she was borderline sick of their petty and childish actions. They were adults and could act as such, not squabble like children. But she actually going to stay out of it this time. Just wait as the others settled things between them, seeing as she did her part already. She watched as the female counterpart of Gemini appeared, taking over the situation as hand. Surprisingly she had a cooler head and better grasp on things than the other half seemed to possess.

She continued to sit back and listen more as the rest continued to debate on what to do. It seemed that everyone was stuck with how to progress with things, and she wasn't too shocked. They had so little to work with, and they were slowly running out of time. It was only when Icarus was done talking, that she stepped forward again. "It's not a solid plan, but it is a plan regardless." Malfyre finally spoke up, eyeing the others. "I don't know if you picked up on it or not, but there is a pattern." she continued.

"So far, it has always been warehouses or large buildings, right?" she asked, glancing out at the others. Kieran retrieved her phone and placed it down on the table. A large holographic map opened up and expanded in the air above the device. "We have already checked out these locations, yeah?" Malfyre said as she pointed to a few outlines of buildings. "Each time, it has been bigger than the last. And if you look at the map of the Barden- Malfyre gestured once back to the map they were looking at.

"What is the largest building, in all of Barden? Especially one we haven't checked yet, not would we even begin to assume or suspect?" Maflyre eyed the others, before finally pointing to the one in question. The map zoomed in on the building. "It's not a sure fire or even promised location, but it is an idea. We get we're running out of ideas and more importantly time. But would you rather give this one a go, and possibly be right, or would you rather we continue to check building by god damn building and run out of time before we even reach half of the places?"

Malfyre backed up from the table, arms crossed, "It's a random guess sure, but it's all we got at this point. My vote, we at least attempt it, and if we're wrong....I don't even know. But what I do know, we're running out of time, and if we don't come together now, we're all fucked."

It was just then that someone's phone went off. Malfyre looked off in Aaron's direction, giving him an annoyed look, even through the mask he'd be able to sense it. She watched as he answered it, and the look on his face was enough for her to grow worried. "What is it?" she questioned. Bludywnd made his way over to the others, handing Malfyre his phone, "I just got a call and...I think you should see it..." Malfyre took his phone, retrieving something from her pocket as she attached it to his phone. A series of numbers and coding scrambled across his phone's screen for a moment, and she paused after the process was done.

"What? What is it?" Bludwynd questioned. Malfyre looked at the others, still in shock. "I don't know what kinds of Gods exist...But they just confirmed my random, bullshit guess." Malfyre placed Bludwynd's phone beside her's on the table. "Those god damn coordinates from where that phone call came the same as that building's address...I think we just found them, guys..." Malfyre looked at the others to gauge their reactions. She knew it was seemingly all too coincidental, but at this point, what else did they have to lose?