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Kieran Valanetti

"I can hurt you from inside."

0 · 2,287 views · located in Barden, VA

a character in “the wicked game”, as played by Wolf's Bane109



"I made myself a promise."


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Kieran Liles Charlotte Valanetti

N I C K N A M E (S)
Kie | Most often used
Liles | Less used
Charlie | Childhood nickname
Valanetti | Used by authority figures
Malfyre | Only used by those that know her identity

February 21st, Pisces



Pansexual | No preference

Caucasian | English

Trenton, NJ



Kieran is one for layers, while also keeping it as minumum and as needed as necessary. She tends to keep to form-fitted clothing, such as skinny jeans and leather jackets, while pertaining to prefer boots and converse, with a variety of skinny jeans, t-shirts, and sweaters. While she isn't one for going with overly bright colors, she chooses to go with darker, muted colors, such as dark blues and grays, dark reds and purples. While she isn't the person to go to parties or formal events, she knows when she needs to dress up and act the part, choosing to go with dark shades such as greens and reds and even dark blues for the dresses and heels she wears. She isn't the most outstanding person in her normal everyday wear and prefers to keep it that way. If she's out of the public eye and isn't bringing attention to herself, then that is where she wants to be. In plain sight, but not too out of the ordinary.

While as Malfyre her style changes rather drastically. When it came time for her official combat suit and uniform, Kieran chose to go with something practical. Her uniform is completely black, form-fitting, and covered in protective padding, specifically made to defend against minor slices, stabs, blunt force, and explosions. The suit also has plates of kevlar on the front and back of the torso, thighs, and along her upper arms and forearms. The heroes offered her a simple black mask, but she opted for a more complex and unique mask that suited her. She created an electronic mask that would serve as her means of expressing her emotions when shadowing as Malfyre. It had taken a long time of creating the perfect mask, while making it be something unique and original, it also helps keep her identity entirely intact as not only does it cover her entire face. The mask and mechanical goggles appear to "blink" emotes and various eye expressions, and the mask features a voice modulator that gives her voice a more robotic tone. The goggles can also project multiple pixelated symbols and appear to be made of many small, square-shaped bulbs. Built with some of the highest and top quality tech on the market, it is both fully functional as it was made to serve the purpose, as well as being able to withstand most hard punches and impacts, as well as explosions. She has made more than one just in case of her original mask were to ever break or be destroyed in a battle. While she doesn't prefer to have to fight, she will if she ultimately has to. So she's rarely ever seen in her real uniform, and often fight in common clothing, such as reinforced jeans with protective plating, leather jackets, and steel-toed combat boots.

H E I G H T & W E I G H T
5' 9" | 135lbs

In her own words, she's not the most attractive person out there, nor is she the most recognizable face. She doesn't find much to look at in terms of looks in herself, and as such is usually seen in the background of most places, off in the shadows or background as the ever-present watchful eye that she prefers to be. But that isn't to say she isn't confident when it comes to speaking her mind or making her presence known, she makes it a point to go above and beyond in most cases. Just as red as her hair is at times, lies a fiery personality that isn't exactly what you would expect from someone of her stature. Being oddly tall and feminine in appearance, others never expect to see the woman that lies beneath the doll-looking face. Contrary to her otherwise tall and dainty looking frame, she is rather spry and very easy to compact herself to appear smaller than she is. She tends to keep an air of mystery and uncertainty about her, and she likes to make it known that she isn't one for much talking and when she is, it's usually never a good scene. From her fiery red hair, pale skin, dark green eyes, and overtly doll-like face lies something much darker and fiercer than anyone can imagine. All it needs is a little poke and prod, and the more on edge and darker version of Kieran can make itself known if she's feeling up to it. Best note to keep in mind, just because someone has a pretty face, doesn't mean they have a pretty soul. And that couldn't be farthest from the truth in Kieran's case.

Aside for any oddities or scarring, she has plenty of both. Scars and tattoos ranging in different sizes and shapes cover at least 60% of her body, either made by her own hands or done to herself or mostly from accidents of past misfired explosions and experimentations with her powers. She's lost count of how many scars she has, all she knows is that she has plenty to show off, some looking far worse than others. Her most prominent one being a long and jagged scar that wraps around from the small of her back and around to the lower part of the front of her pelvis. The actual cause is unknown, but she proclaims it was a car accident. Multiple burn scars cover her hands and forearms, the best guess is from misfired explosions or concussive blasts, hence why she usually wears gloves or long sleeves as a means of hiding the scars from plain view. For tattoos, she has too many to count, but her most noticeable ones are the one on the center of her back, the trunk of the tree goes along her spine ending at her tailbone. The branches going out along the back of her shoulders and coming up just short of the nape of her neck. Kieran has another tattoo, on her left forearm, another on the inner part of her right forearm, that also wraps around the outer part of her arm as well. And lastly, one along her right side of her abdomen.


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Technology, and all that it entails. Ever since she was a child, everything that involved technology in one way or another had her attention and as such when she graduated high school, she chose to go to SIUE and go into computer science and engineering which she has a degree in | Silence, she prefers to be by herself in her apartment with her computer as she looks over the city through the cameras that little the surrounding locations | Alcohol, there isn't much that she won't drink and as such it's rather easy for her to get drunk much faster than those around her | Sci-Fi/Superhero movies, she loves to see how Hollywood and the media interpret metahumans and often finds their interpretation of them entertaining | Colder weather, it gives her an actual excuse to wear more layers than she reasonably should | Cooking, whether for herself or someone else, she loves being in the kitchen | Music, she loves anything but country and can often be seen with earbuds in, and not paying much attention to the outside world around her | Flirting, it's much to the surprise that someone like her that is so opposed to social interactions that would be a flirt. But get enough alcohol into her system, and she will flirt with just about anyone, not exactly the most shameful person when it comes to sleeping around or simply flirting | Photography, Kieran loves being able to capture the world through the lens of a camera and as such always has a camera with her somewhere in one of her jacket's pockets. As you'll never know what one can capture in the moment and snap of a camera |

Loud or sudden noises, as not only do they cause immense anxiety and panic, but they also cause disorientation and confusion which can easily distrupt her focus | People viewing her as a child or as if she's any less smarter than others due to her disorder | Horror movies, as she finds them to be cheap ways of getting people to be paranoid, and if anything she actually finds them entertaining for all the wrong reasons | Overly hot and spicy food, while she does love hot food there is a point to where it gets to be too much and she isn't a fan | Anything artificially orange, green apple, and lime flavored | Most carbonated drinks that aren't energy drinks | Cheap beer and alcohol as a whole, while she isn't a picky person, one of the few things she can't stand is a cheap drink | Overly loud and obnoxious people, you know the ones, the ones who cause a scene for no reason which often relates to drama | Deep, dark water, she never learned how to swim and as such she is deadly afraid of large bodies of water | Cheaters, while she isn't the most commited person, she at least has never cheated on someone and despises those that openly cheat and are proud of it, often calling them out on their bullshit | Small and tight spaces, she cannot stand being forced into confined spaces, which often results into panic attacks and fully breaking and shutting down |


From an early age, she was taught to be the epitome of a lady, as well as when her powers began to show, how to keep them hidden from the outside world. Not only was she raised on how to be everything she wasn't, but how she was raised to keep how she really was to herself only helped further the self-hatred and anger she harbored from an early age. From what she was told, her parents were some of the greatest minds, and some of the best heroes the world had to offer, and as such much was expected of her if she chose to choose the path that her parents supposedly laid out for her. Whether it was from being constantly moved around as a child, or being put in foster home after foster home she wasn't sure, but all she knew is that she started to harbor some feelings towards being what was expected from her. Not only in the line of hero work, but to how she was expected to be. She learned quickly how to defy authority and rules, and be her own person, even if it only made things harder for her from an all too young age.

Just as fiery red as her hair, her personality is even more so. While she knows how to put on a front and facade of everything being fine as well as appearing to be a well-mannered woman, she is anything but that. She can be loud, crash, brash, and a bit off-putting when she does speak, as she prefers to not talk much and is more of a listener. Continuing her act of being more of a watcher from the background than the speaker on the frontlines. But that isn't to say she doesn't stand her ground. Kieran is anything but a spineless, submissive individual, and will very easily get in someone else's face and will push far harder when push comes to shove. She isn't afraid to through some off-handed comments or makes below the belt comments towards someone's ego, especially if they are on her bad side. To say she is a quick-witted and smart-mouthed woman is putting it lightly, as she will very easily put someone in their place, especially if they even think about hurting the ones she cares about.

Kieran has spent many years staying quiet and tried to hold up the facade as the perfect woman and the perfect hero, but she is anything but that. She prefers to do things her way, and her way only. If she doesn't like a plan someone else lays out for her, she'll more than likely find a way of doing things herself, which has often led her into more than enough problems and scenarios where she even agreed she messed up. She isn't one to shy away from blame, but she also isn't one to take the fall for something she didn't do. Kieran will easily cut someone down or shut their bullshit down with a snap of a finger if she even senses someone lying. She had spent enough time learning how the world works on her own, and with the world being in as shitty of a state as it currently is, with both heroes and villains going missing, she's chosen to go with the less savory ways of handling situations, especially if it requires her to get the information she needs.

Outside of her harder exterior, if someone can ever break through her walls and trust issues can see a very surprisingly caring and vulnerable soul. While Kieran has learned to put up walls as a way of protecting herself from trusting the wrong kinds of people again, she can sense when others are being genuine and are truly looking out for her, or truly need help which is when she'll let some of her walls down. But don't expect it to be an easy task, while she is sharp-tongued and has a tendency of making somewhat snarky remarks she has a softer side that is rare to see. But when someone does get to see it, consider themselves lucky as not many people have been able to see her softer side in recent years. For those that she does hold close, she holds them a bit too closely and tends to be overly aggressive with her affection. Meaning, when she cares for someone whether platonically or romantically, she makes it far too obvious and is rather overbearing as she is constantly making sure that they are okay and will go to the end of the earth to make sure her loved ones are okay. She is the type of friend that will call you out on your bullshit after a night of drinking after a bad breakup but will also make sure you have a safe place for the night. In short, she can be your greatest and fiercest friend or your most dreaded enemy. Be careful what route you choose for this one..



Kieran grew up having a normal childhood, or as normal as one would be able to consider that she was more or less raised by her sister comparatively to her parents in her younger years. Despite the lack of her parents really being there, life was good for her and her older sister, they lived as much of a privileged life as their parents could let them as they were both hard-working people and made a name for themselves as their mother was a Housing Agent and their father was a well-known photographer and musician who would often be away on unknown business trips. Or so it's what they were told their parents were. They lived their lives day to day and as close as they could until Kieran had turned five, the day her life would turn things on their head. Her parents were always overbearing and paranoid over the simplest things. She never understood why. Why were they always so angry or upset when things went wrong in the city? Or why would they disappear all the time and leave Kieran with her sister? She never understood the reasoning behind it, at least not until she was older.

Life went as well as it could until tragedy struck. She didn't understand at the time why she was being taken away from her sister and why her parents weren't coming back. All she knew was that she was being passed from foster home to foster home, from one state to another until she had enough. From the abusive households and families, she was put into, as well as when her powers began to manifest is when things took a turn. She was considered a freak by some, and too high of a danger by most. With uncontrolled powers, especially with her being telekinetic, it only made things worse. When she'd cry or get angry, things would explode at random. Things would be flown across the room or chairs and tables would be thrown about whenever she would be upset or argue with her foster parents. They had enough, and so did she. By the time she was seventeen, she left the system and left the current home she was in. She left and never looked back. She made her way back to her childhood home of Trenton, New Jersey and lived there for two years before she eventually made her way to Barden. Which is where she resides today. After graduating high-school with a GED due to pure luck and some..slight cheating, she had gone to SIEU for computer science and engineering. Her skill with computers and the internet as a whole was impeccable, she helped set up security systems around the city and as such she has garnered control of the system she herself created from the safety and sanctity of her own home.

Kieran is more of a blur and mysterious presence in Barden, few even knowing of her existence or the fact that she is indeed Malfyre, the hero with an odd way of doing things. When she doesn't have to go outside to do recon, she relies on the eyes she has set up and uses them to her advantage. But with the recent activity in Branden, she isn't sure of what to do. Working alone may prove to be troublesome, but working with others may even be more so. If anyone would want her help in finding out what's going on with the missing heroes and villains, they better have a good bargain, as she doesn't agree to things that aren't her own. But just maybe, something can help change her mind...


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Single | Hooks up with strangers often


Throughout the history of metahumans, mutants and superhumans, several creative offensive and defensive ways have been discovered to utilize this incredibly strong physic/psionic ability, and as such Kieran is no exception to this. Being the offspring of two very powerful superhumans, she has a high connection to her powers and has a vast way of using her telekinetic abilities.

Biophysical Control: The ability to control living organic tissue, causing muscles to cramp, skin to break, or blood vessels to burst or contract. This ability is an easy one to use, but takes up enough energy and focus to cause a headache afterward. She tends to use this one the least.

Concussive Blasts: The ability to project psychokinetic energies as powerful blasts directed from the brain that could apparently affect matter with concussive force. She can project this energy from the hands and others parts of the body as long as she focuses enough beforehand. This often leads to headaches and nosebleeds if used for large amounts of time and overuse of consecutive blasts.

Ensnare Opponent: The ability to constrict a foe using their own clothing and hair, or even control their gross movements, providing their clothes are durable enough. This one is easy enough for her to use as long as she remains focused and isn't bothered by any outside forces.

Flight/Larg Gapped Jumps: An extremely skilled telekinetic is able to fly through the air via telekinesis, and even maintain the objects he or she has telekinetic control over simultaneously while in midair. Kieran is able to project herself throughout the air over short distances and high enough into the air with ease. But can be easily thrown off by any airborne projectiles.

Force Fields: The ability to create protective force shields that could deflect even the most powerful of attacks (even filter bacteria from the air). There does not appear to be any correlation between field strength and the thickness of the psychokinetic fields.

Healing: The ability to heal one's self and others of malignancies or bodily damage at an accelerated rate. While she is able to heal herself and others, it takes much concentration and focus to use. But this is only for minor injuries such as a simple cut or abrasion. Any other injury will need to be fixed by a stronger and more practiced healer.

Telekinetically Enhanced Condition: A variation of TK where one focuses primarily on physically augmenting all their biological functions (i.e. strength, speed, durability, etc.) to superhuman levels into order to better complement physical fighting styles. This also works in conjunction with TK Force barriers applied to a skin layer enabling a protective force armor used to manipulate objects that are on the same surface as the user (such as the ground) or to fly by pushing their own body through the air (this usually requires effort though).

Limited Telekinetic Strength: This is the reason why certain characters with telekinesis cannot immobilize opponents with vastly superior physical strength. While she can easily immobilize any normal human with ease, others with immortal powers and abilities are harder for her to control or contain. If the other has a stronger physical threshold than Kieran, she is as useless as any human. Her powers come with many side affects whether physical or mental, she has to contain her mind and think outside of the box in the face of combat.

Technology, she is what others would call a nerd and has a love for all forms of technology and can usually be seen with a computer bag with her at all times. Due to her love for computers and involvement with them, she knows her way into most computer and security systems and is somewhat of a distinguished hacker | Photography, from a young age she found photography to be one of the greatest art forms and as such she is always seen with a camera and taking pictures of almost anything and anyone | Cooking, Kieran had to learn to cook for herself and others from a young age and as such has learned to cook multiple different dishes for herself and others and has an immaculate love and skill for the art | Combat, whether physical or long-ranged combat, she is rather proficient and is often seen in the gym practicing her skills |

Telekinesis, while she does battle with full control over her abilities, Kieran is a strong and powerful telekinetic user that knows her limits and uses it to her advantage in everyday life when she can, or especially in combat when she has to fight | Verbal persuasion, she knows what to say and when to say it when she has to be persuasive, often using it to help her get out of situations | Physical fitness, while her powers do grant her some enhanced skills and durability, her natural and physical strength and endurance are above the average person for her age | She isn't afraid to have to get her hands dirty and fight with her hands or even weapons, such as knives, daggers and is even somewhat of a good shot with a gun and as such always carries a pistol on her person just in case |

Telekinesis, while it is one of her strengths, it is also one of her major weaknesses. If she doesn't focus enough or even focuses too hard there can be deadly consequences, as well as fatal backlash from her control or lack thereof pertaining to her abilities | Other telekinetic users, while she is well versed in her powers, any other telekinetic user could overpower her or outdo her in her skills, making her wary of combat with unknown individuals | Abandonment issues, due to her past she isn't entirely comfortable being around others or being vulnerable with them, and as such she has put up several walls to help guard herself. She's too scared of being committed to any form of relationship for any long periods of time, as she's afraid they'd walk away and out of her life when she finally feels comfortable around them | Dyslexia, she suffers from acute Dyslexia and as such she pressures herself to work harder and longer than she should, but can't help it when it gets in the way of her work. Which also causes a major form of anxiety in her as she finds it awkward and embarrassing to explain her disorder to people as often as she has to | She often goes days without sleeping, and as such she suffers with great bouts of insomnia and will spend days on end without sleep and when she does sleep it usually results in nightmares and night-terrors in the form of sleep talking and full-body twitches |


So begins...

Kieran Valanetti's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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P i p e r Young
xxxfor us the bourgeoisie, so carefree
xxxremember when we?
xxxi don't know what you need to get by
xxxsomething for your mind

Piper smirked at Red Witch’s comment about the heroes, though her mask hid it well enough that no one could see. She had to fight the urge to roll her eyes as Lucy went on about not wanting to work with the heroes, and how much she detested them all. Piper wasn’t the biggest fan of the heroes, herself, but she apparently held her own self-preservation in higher regard. Whoever was hunting down the heroes and villains in this town was good at it, and already knew more about her than she was comfortable with.

She paid Red Witch no mind as she left the building, not even acknowledging when she asked for Piper and Icarus to keep her filled in with the details of whatever they had left to discuss. She knew that The Red Witch could take care of herself, and was sure she would get all the information she needed soon enough. Piper shot a look to Icarus; she wouldn’t call him a friend, but he was also her only real ally here now. She stayed where she was, there was no need to show weakness by moving in closer, but she knew he was better in a fight than she was. Though she would ditch him in a heartbeat if it came to it, for now they needed to be a united front… Or, at least, as united as they could be.

Their little meeting wrapped up soon enough, and Piper was out of there as soon as they decided they were done. She spared a passing glance to Icarus, if only to make sure he couldn’t accuse her of abandoning him, and started on her way home. After double and triple checking that she wasn’t being followed, she removed her mask. It was easier to get around the town that way, and the only thing she wanted was to go home.

D h a n i Batra
xxxi see you up again wandering so diligent
xxxcrossing your t's as though it weren't irrelevant
xxxthey say formality, this is what they really meant:
xxxthey can be the walk and we can be the pavement

Dhani rolled his eyes at Kieran, and while he was glad Aaron was able to get her to shut up, Dhani also knew that Aaron had caused this whole thing to escalate for the second time. He was sure Aaron would be fine, but he wasn’t entirely sure he trusted Kieran to work with the villains without doing something stupid and impulsive and ruining it for everyone. He wasn’t about to voice that concern, but it was very real. It wasn’t very long before one of the villains was calling them childish, and Red Witch was continuing mocking them all. He tuned it out, mostly, not really interested in being insulted. He closed his eyes and clenched his jaw, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of a response. He didn’t know what he’d ever done to her, but her hatred of him seemed so personal, at this point.

After their little meeting, Dhani put his mask back on. It would be easier to get back through the city in full superhero garb than only in most of it. He glanced over to the others, and after making sure they were going to be fine, he headed for the door, but not before giving Gemini a gentle pat on the shoulder, “Great job.” Gemini had really helped gain some trust from the villains, even if it was minimal, and their efforts really helped everyone become more civil.

Soon after Dhani left the warehouse, he was pulled off to the side, and quickly felt a bit of panic set in. What now? He thought, but quickly enough he realized it was just Atticus. He felt like they were standing too close to one another, even though he was sure they were a total normal distance from one another. Atticus was apologising for… Something. Dhani wasn’t sure. He wasn’t sure Atticus knew what he was apologising for, either. He shook his head, “It’s,” It wasn’t fine, though. Not really. “I mean… Don’t apologize, it wasn’t,” He sighed, this was awkward and terrible, and how the hell did Atticus have good hair even after the fight? “Thank you. And I’m sorry that one of my friends held you hostage.” He didn’t know what else to say, he didn’t want to make things weird, or worse. A part of him wanted to ask Atticus to pretend like nothing had ever happened between them, and yet another part of him didn’t think that was fair to either of them. It wasn’t as if they had some long history together, anyway. “You’re not hurt or anything, are you?” He started to take off a glove, “Because if you are, I mean, I have healing powers,” He quickly looked Atticus over, and grabbed for his hand without waiting for a reply. He let a warm energy flow from his own hand and into Atticus’, and healed up his hand at least a little. “There,” He- almost reluctantly- let go of Atticus’ hand. God, why had this gotten under his skin so badly. It was just the shock of knowing someone he’d slept with was a villain. That’s what he told himself, anyway.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison Character Portrait: Aaron Langdan
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0000Kieran0Vallenetti 00000000000000000|00000000000000000000|Aaron0 Langdan

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Kieran leaned loosely against Aaron as he helped heep her propped up against him as he held her by the waist with one arm as her left arm was slung over his shoulder. They both shot Aboleth a glare on her comment about some acting childish. "Excuse me? Us? Childish?" Kieran called out loudly, "Well...That may be true sometimes but that's a bit rude." she said as she tried to keep herself from falling over. Aaron sighed as be struggled to keep her up, "Not the time for this. Just shut up, got it?" he groaned, as his attention was brought to Red Witch who seemed to be in agreement on them being childish, but it was more so aimed towards Artemis. Which resulted in them both shooting her a harsh glare.

Turning to look as the group spoke up once more about working together, even if they didn't like it. Kieran giving Aaron a look that he would know all too well, even with the assistance of the led mask helping somewhat in displaying her emotions. They both silently watched as Red Witch and eventually Aboleth left, not really paying much attention to what they were saying. They’d run into them again at some point. Kieran shot Dhani a look as he walked out after Atticus left as well, something she thought was odd, but didn’t care as much as she would have if he didn’t even bother to come over and make sure she was okay. She’d make sure he heard enough of it later.

Blud, do we really have to work with them? You know how I am, I don’t do well with others….Especially people like...Well…that.” she said with a tone of annoyance. Aaron simply sighed as he nodded, “It’s up to you if you want to work with them, but in the end, we don’t really have a choice, Malfyre. It’s what we got to deal with, so so be it.” he said softly. Looking back up a small smile creased his lips as he saw Artemis shoulder her bow and make her way over to the two of them. “Oh hey, Artemis.” he said with a tone that showed he managed to cheer up slightly, but not much. He gave her a small nod, “I was actually thinking of that myself. So, it sounds like a plan-” “Hello? I am still here with you. Are you really gonna just leave me alone?” Malfyre quipped back at Aaron. Bludwynd gave a small chuckle at her comment, “Think you can walk?” he asked. “I dunno, let’s see-” she started, as she tried to push herself up and take a step forwards, seeing her balance completely tip as she lost her footing. “You may wanna catch me.” she said as she struggled to fully hold a grasp on his arm.

Aaron chuckled, propping her back up on her feet as he held her arm over his shoulder, doing his best to keep her steady. “You really are hopeless.” he chuckled. Looking at Cerys for a moment, “Do you mind having her as a third wheel? I’ll bring her home after, promise. I just think we could all use a few drinks.” Aaron said with a smile. “Besides, my nose is still fucked up due to that douchebag and his bitch ass punch. I’m gonna need you to tell me how bad it really is anyway, BloodWynd. Besides, drinks sound nice but, I don’t want to...Ya know, come between anything if you had plans for you two. I can sit out on this one, I don’t mind.” Kieran said with a small smile, which was blocked entirely by her mask. “I’m fine with anything, depends what Arty here wants to do. Ditch your punk ass, or deal with your bullshit for a bit longer. What ya say?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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cerys day
hex: #c7bbb4xxxxxoutfit: here
xxxthis could be the last of all the rides we take
xxxso hold on tight and don't look back
xxxwe don't care about the message
xxxor the rules they make
xxxI'll find you when the sun goes black

Cerys had almost forgotten about Malfyre until she loudly reminded her and Aaron of her presence. They were still clearly feeling the after-effects of Red Witch’s attack, but Cerys took the fact they were complaining so much about it as a good sign. They tried to take a step or two under their own power and nearly hit the floor, and Cerys felt bad for almost laughing. Aaron wanted to bring her along, but Malfyre also seemed to not want to intrude. Cerys shrugged and pulled Malfyre’s other arm around her shoulder to help relieve some of the weight on Aaron. “Nah, we don’t mind. Beside, a chance to get to know about and drink with the infamous Malfyre? Who would want to pass up that opportunity?” She joked as they made their way out of the warehouse and towards the nearest bar.

The next meeting went considerably better than the first. Fewer injuries, less bickering, and they actually managed to hatch something close to a plan. And the meeting after that was almost amicable, with next to no arguments and them actually forming a concrete plan. They needed to do some recon on a number of sites throughout the city, and it seemed to make sense to divide and conquer. Only eight of them showed up to any subsequent missions, so they divided themselves into pairs. Well, not as much divided as made logical decisions. A hero and a villain as far as possible so they could make sure that neither side was up to anything suspicious. Those who were less suited to fighting had to be put with somebody that could protect them, which Cerys had taken as “unless you have obvious superpowers, you need to be babysat.”

Cerys hadn’t been terribly happy about that decision, but she got the impression she’d been put with Aaron just to stop her complaining. And she was okay with that. It was better than being stuck with any of the villains. She could actually work with Aaron.

They were assigned the task of tailing a potential target to see if there was anything suspicious about them, or if they could potentially give them any more clues about what they were doing. It was about 5 in the evening, giving them plenty of time to follow him for the rest of the evening. It did, however, mean that it was significantly harder to find a good hiding spot.

Cerys was hiding just outside one of the office buildings, hiding in the shadows of a fire escape to give her a slightly elevated angle of view if she needed it. She knew Aaron was somewhere nearby, watching from ground level. “Our guy’s on the move,” she said quietly, before dropping down from the fire escape and shouldering her bow.

atticus hawkins
hex: #88c878xxxxxoutfit: here
xxxi'm blinded by the lights
xxxno, I can't sleep until I feel your touch
xxxI'm drowning in the night,
xxxwhen I'm like this, you're the one I trust.

Atticus didn’t know whether to feel better or worse when Dhani seemed to feel just as awkward and uncomfortable about the whole thing. But goddammit, he was still gracious, apologising for one of his friends attacking him. They were on opposite sites, that was what they were supposed to do, why the hell was he even apologising? They were supposed to hate each other based on who they were and yet… Atticus couldn’t do that. Was it because Dhani didn’t seem to just see him as another villain? Everyone else had seen him walk in with Lucy and had made up their minds about him, but Dhani was still here, still being civil.

And then Dhani started asking about whether or not he was hurt. Atticus began to say no, he wasn’t hurt, not really. But Dhani took his hand and Atticus had to resist the temptation to pull away. But it wasn’t for the reason he should have pulled away, it wasn’t just because here was a hero, making sure he was okay, even though he knew. It was because he was afraid he’d see something that, for some ungodly reason, he didn’t want to see. And it was stupid, if he hadn’t seen it before, why would he see it now?

But a rush of warmth ran up Atticus’ hand, stitching the skin back together on his knuckles and mending the damage he’d done by punching Malfyre. And then Dhani let go of his hand, and Atticus almost felt sorry about that. “Thank you,” he said. There was a moment when he thought about doing something crazy, but instead, he just smiled awkwardly. “We… I should go. Before someone comes out and… yells at me for fraternising with a hero. Or at you for fixing up a villain,” he said. “Thanks again for… well everything.” He had no idea why turning around and walking away was so damn hard. Dhani was supposed to be just another guy he’d slept with who’d turned out to be a hero.

And then, of course, someone had decided to pair the two of them up for the mission. He had no idea who decided on that, other than apparently he needed to be paired up with a hero who could “protect him” given that he apparently couldn’t protect himself. As if he didn’t have more experience with knives and guns than any of them. But he’d bitten his tongue to stop anyone questioning why he was so upset over Dhani specifically. They had been told to try and get into the basement of a particular building, because they’d gotten intel that there could be information on them in there. If they found anything, they were to destroy it. Because they needed to look low key, Atticus was dressed a little more “normally” according to Lucy, and he felt deeply out of his comfort zone. The weight of the gun concealed at his hip wasn’t doing much to ease that. He was waiting for Dhani at their prearranged meeting spot and was wondering what exactly would happen if he just left and didn’t come back. But something made him stay.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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0.00 INK

Red Witch | Mask | Outfit | #571616
xxx Yeah someone pour it in
xxx Make it a dirt dance floor again
xxx Say your prayers and stomp it out
xxx When they bring that in
xxx Bleed it out digging deeper just to throw it away


Luciana was already at the apartment with a bottle of wine lounging on the couch when Atticus finally showed up, still half way in her villain garb. She said a small remark about him taking so long and turned her focus to him when she asked about if she missed anything else after she left. He went into some detail about what some of the others said but rolled her eyes as she went back to flipping through the channels for something to watch. Lucy was thinking of talking to Att right then about him and his little boy toy, but so much had happened today and didn’t have the energy to yell at him at the moment and wanted to relax.

There had been talk about another meeting and after a lot of discussing people’s conflicts and dates they finally figured one out, and it was a neutral location that both parties had scoped out so they would both feel comfortable. Luciana could care less as she wasn’t worried about the heroes, even publicly saying it, though she knew Att and Piper wanted something more comforting than blindly walking into a warehouse again.

The meeting went as smoothly as Red Witch expected, she mostly played with her cuts and messed with blood around her fingers as the others talked, her feet kicked onto the table. One of the few times she spoke was when the pairing of groups came up and someone suggested Paladin and Icarus being together. She didn’t trust Atticus working with this hero, and she definitely didn't trust Paladin, but if he didn’t get paired with Icarus, he’d get paired with her, and Icarus didn’t want that to happen, probably knowing there would be some accident to happen to Paladin. She sat back as she also noted she “didn’t want to babysit the little human” referencing Artemis, which caused another heated argument, but over time the pairs were finally made and she would be working with Malfyre, the hero she held temporarily hostage over during the warehouse situation.

When Luciana and Attitcus got back to their apartment after the recent meeting she quickly had a talk with him, talking about he shouldn’t be working with that hero and not to be an idiot. “They're tools, Atticus. A means to an end. Do you really think we're all going to be the best of friends after this? Like they won't try and turn us in the moment after we're all safe and sound? They're still heroes, Att. Don't lose your head." Luciana didn’t really give him a chance to talk back as she said some other things, she promised if he didn’t get his shit together, that he would do it for him. Lucy wouldn’t admit it outloud to Att, but she cared about him and was worried about what the heroes would do.

Before the meeting came, Luciana visited the record and book store again, seeing the same girl again, Kieran. She mostly ignored her as she flipped through some records, though looking up a few times and listening to her conversation with Aaron. Something with how she spoke seemed familiar, specifically her vocabulary. When Lucy went up to pay her sleeve slipped up on accident and tried covering it, but knew Aaron and Kieran had to have seen it. Luciana put on a fake smile and said some excuse about her cat scratching her, though she didn't own one but they wouldn't know that.

Red Witch took her time getting to her meeting spot with Malfyre, actually showing up a bit late, though not caring if the hero had to wait on her. Their mission was a fairly easy one, though she could have asked for something a little bit more fun. “Hey!” She called out, seeing the hero on their phone and distracted, letting out a small chuckle seeing that she startled her. “Stealing a laptop. Sounds easy enough.” Red Witch looked over to the building they would be going into, information said their target was on the second floor, and she quickly spotted a fire escape leading up to it.

“So, we could go through the front, have some fun, and fight our way to the target, or we could go the boring route of the fire escape once it gets a bit darker. What you think little miss hero?” Luciana knew what the hero would say, probably picking the fire escape as the way to go, but was curious how they would pick one scenario over the other.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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0.00 INK

Red Witch | Mask | Outfit | #571616
xxx Yeah someone pour it in
xxx Make it a dirt dance floor again
xxx Say your prayers and stomp it out
xxx When they bring that in
xxx Bleed it out digging deeper just to throw it away

Luciana strolled through alleyways and stuck to the shadows as headed to the other side of town. She kept a cold stare on her face as she kept going, not caring about what was in her away and shoulder checking the occasional bum that was in her way. Lucy thought she already took care of this problem after talking with Atticus about the consequences about what would happen, the things that could go wrong if you trusted a hero. Heroes don’t care about if you're a nice villain or a mean villain, just not being a hero meant they wanted to lock you up. Red Witch knew this from even before she became a villain, the heroes pushed her to become who she was.

It took awhile for Lucy to get to the heroes apartment, it was much harder tracking down where he lived. A couple days ago she dug around online tracking him down, barely remembering his name from when he stayed over at their apartment. Dhani. But luckily he did have a unique look so that helped her track him down. All she got was an apartment complex, no floor or door number. As Luciana arrived she snuck into the main building with a lobby and one small light on, scanning mailboxes for any mention of the name Dhani. There was another name that looked familiar but she skipped over it, quickly finding the mailbox she was looking for. Dhani Batra. Had to be him. Apartment number 3-D.

Red Witch found the apartment, there weren't too many buildings so tracking down 3-D didn’t take long. She assumed the door would be locked, so she snuck around the back and climbed up a few AC units and found the window that corresponded with his apartment, quickly smashing it and climbing inside, brushing the glass out of her way and walked through the apartment, confirming it was 3-D by some mail left out, and sat and waited for Dhani to get home. Luciana took her phone out and sent Atticus a message.

Could you pick up some pizza on your way back, gonna be back a little later.

Red Witch probably waited for about 30 minutes to an hour before she heard the deadbolt on the door be unlocked and sat up waiting for her prey to enter, sitting in the dark on the kitchen counter. Dhani walked in and closed the door behind him before he turned a lamp on, and seeing the Red Witch staring him down, knife in one hand and blood flowing around her the fingers of her other hand, an open cut on her palm. Luciana let out a chuckle as the man stumbled and knocked over the lamp, but quickly going over and turning the main lights on.

“Can’t be so clumsy Dhani boy, or do you only want me to call you Paladin?” Red Witch asked as her eyes watched the knife she twirled around her fingers. She looked up as Paladin asked her what she was doing here. “What? I thought we were all partners now? Heroes and Villains, working together for our own well-being. I can’t come by for a cup of coffee?” Luciana trailed on, as she stood up and walked through her kitchen accidentally knocking his coffee pot onto the floor. “Oops.” A smirk came across her face, but Dhani couldn’t see it under his mask but she knew he knew it wasn’t on accident.

Dhani tried to say something but Luciana quickly cut him off. “No. You listen here. I know about you and Icarus. A hero and villain being so close, honestly makes me sick.” She started talking, circling back around to the counter, scraping the knife in her hand across the counter. “I don’t want to hurt you Dhani boy. I just want to warn you. Stay away from the villain. Do your job and forget about him. All that will come from this is more problems and…” Lucy paused for a second, as the blood from her palm started to flow around her hand, before disappearing as she closed her fist. “There will be bloodshed if you don’t.”

Before Luciana could say anything, the door to the apartment opened up and a girl walked in, someone who she was somewhat familiar with. Kieran. The girl from the record store. Red Witch turned quickly, knife in hand ready to strike if either of the people made any sort of move. Barely listening as Kieran spoke. Lucy didn’t care about hurting Dhani, but she didn’t want to hurt Kieran. “You know who I am… I can tell by the look on your face darling. Which means you know what I’m capable of. One wrong move, and I’ll bleed you both dry, and nothing this hero can do to save you.” Her eyes darted between the two.

Luciana knew she had to act quickly, she wasn’t here to fight as much as she wouldn’t mind giving Paladin a few cuts, but Kieran was here too. They didn’t know each other well besides saying hi a few times at the store, didn’t mean she wanted to hurt her though. “How about this, you let me walk out of here Paladin, and I don’t hurt the girl. And you both forget I was here, say anything to anyone, I’ll reveal your secret to everyone. Just remember what I said.” She watched as the two glanced at each other and knew this was her chance. Lucy threw the knife up at the light, shattering the bulb and causing it to go dark in the apartment and pushed a stool towards Paladin in case he tried to stop her. She moved quickly through the apartment and went out the window she came in through, quickly disappearing and heading back to her apartment. Hopefully this dumbass would listen to her words since Atticus didn’t.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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0.00 INK

Kieran Vallanetti
Anti-Hero | Outfitx|xhex: #575772
xxxOops I, did it again, I
xxxForgot what I was losing my mind about
xxxI only wrote this down to make you press rewind
xxxAnd send a message, "I was young and a menace"
Kieran was tired and felt physically exhausted. All she wanted to do was go home, change into something comfortable and more than likely drink herself into a coma off of the case of beers that she kept in her apartment. All she wanted to do was relax and unwind, and forget about the bullshit of the day until she had to start working on finishing the encryption on the files. Something she wans't exactly looking forward to do, seeing how it would roughly take at least a few hours. After a few short minutes she made her way back to the old and rather shabby apartments, and ducked down the hallway and easily into her apartment number, 3-A. Her apartment was on the third floor, and the first apartment on the floor. It wasn't exactly large by any means, but it wasn't entirely small either. A total of four rooms, which were bedroom, living room, kitchen, and extra room, excluding the bathroom which was considered just an extra room according to the landlord.

She unlocked the door and quickly bolt locked it behind her, ripping off her mask and tossing it to the side and onto the couch as she exhaled sharply. "Mo, Lily? Where are ya lazy fucks?" she called out. Not long after, the sound of soft skittering across the hardwood floors were heard as two small furballs ran to her, immediately clawing at her legs. She smiled and crouched down as she quickly pet both of the ferrets and made her way to her room, the rodents quickly following suit behind her. She tossed her uniform into the corner after getting changed into something much more comfortable. Exiting her room she sent Dhani one more message and tossed her phone onto the couch before she made her way into her kitchen, looking for anything to eat before she got ready for the night. Kieran grabbed one of the bottles in the fridge and popped it open with her powers, shooting the bottle cap into the trash as she made her way back to the living room. Kieran yawned softly as she sat down on the couch, Lily quickly clambered onto the couch and made herself comfortable on Kieran's lap, as Mo, the much younger ferret was having trouble getting up onto the couch. She chuckled and scooped up the small furball in her hand and placed him next to her, seeing how he easily nuzzled up next to her. Normally, anyone would else would find the life she had rather lonely and boring, living alone with her two ferrets. But Kieran was rather content with the life she had, even if at times it did get a little, lonesome.

Kieran mindlessly found herself looking through what on the tv, but nothing of real interest showed up. It was only when she was about to finally find something of interest that she heard a faint sound come from down the hallway. Which was where Dhani's apartment was. She shook her head after a moment of looking at the direction of where the main door was, he probably just walked into the door again or something. Shrugging it off she went to pay attention back to Netflix, when she heard something crash onto the floor. Coming from the same place as before. Normally it wouldn't have been much of a bother, but something wasn't sitting right with her about this. Kieran moved Lily off of her lap as she stood up, and began to make her way to the front door of her apartment, slipping in one of her knives into her sweatpants pockets, just in case. What the fuck is this idiot up to?, Kieran thought to herself as she scooped up both of the ferrets, placing Lucy along her neck where she rested happily, and easily stuffing Mo in her pant's pocket, his head just sticking out as he liked to watch as they went on walks in the past.

Kieran slowly exited her apartment, being as quiet as she could. If there was something going wrong in his apartment, she would want to maintain the element of surprise at least. As Kieran closed in on Dhani's apartment, voices could be heard coming from inside. She couldn't tell what was being said, or who was talking, but all she knew was that it was Dhani, and someone else. After a minute, she quickly pushed the door open, and what awaited her was something she wasn't expecting. Red Witch was holding Dhani at fucking knifepoint, of course she was. Kieran shot him a look, one he knew all too well. One which practically said, they'd be talking about this later. "Okay, look. Whatever this idiot did, I can probably guarantee you he deserves it, but c'mon...Be calm, and be reasonable about this. Alright?" Kieran said with a shaky voice, trying her best to act as if she didn't entirely know who this individual was. But apparently she wasn't doing such a good job with it, as the next thing Red Witch said, was confirming that Kieran did, in fact, know who she was. Kieran was going to speak up, but before she could, Red Witch continued, saying how if either one of them made the wrong move, they'd both be killed on the spot. While it was a rather good threat, Kieran knew that Red Witch wouldn't want to purposefully kill someone, nevermind hurt them. If she did in fact not care, why did she save Kieran earlier while they were trying to get the information files? Some things weren't exactly adding up. Shaking her head, Kieran remained silent as she thought about what to do, or say.

Kieran slowly nodded as Red Witch said that if Paladin simply just acted like they didn't see anything, that they'd be let go and without any bloodshed. Playing the part of an unarmed and innocent bystander was something Kieran knew how to do all too well. "I think she has a rather valid point...I don't really wanna die right now, would be a rather disappointing way to end the night, ya know? Especially cuz of your bitch ass." she said with a small smirk, glancing at Dhani. But what she didn't expect, was what happened next. The sound of glass shattering, and the room going dark. "Oh fucking great, did she just-" she exclaimed, not caring if anyone saw, she quickly used her abilities to help stop the glass from making any contact with her or Dhani, as Red Witch escaped through the window and was clearly gone.

With ease, Kieran stopped using her powers which kept the glass suspended in the air, it clattered to the floor the moment she stopped using her powers. Kieran shot him a glare, placing both Lily and Mo on the ground, away from the glass as she told them to return to their apartment, as the door was still open. Slowly, Kieran looked back at Dhani, with a glare he knew all too well. "Are you fucking kidding me, Dhani? What the fuck did you do in those few hours to piss her off, huh? We were just on a mission and-" reality finally hit Kieran. Back on her mission with Red Witch, she handed her the phone, which still had the messages she had been spying on. Fuck, she thought to herself. Quickly regaining composure, if Dhani didn't know, that was fine. All that mattered was that she had a little talk with him. "Dhani, I am going to say this once, and once only. Okay?" She said with a small smirk as she slowly enclosed the space between them, using a flick of her wrist, Dhani was on his feet and held in place. "Do not, and I repeat, do not piss off the woman that could bleed you like a damn animal, okay? Especially if I have to come save your ass? It may be hot sometimes what she can do, but that is beside the point. Next time you decide to piss off a woman, make sure it isn't anywhere even close to my proximity." She said with a smirk, and released Dhani with another flick of her wrist that sent him up to the ceiling and back down on the floor with a thud as she left his apartment and back to her's. "I got what we were looking for, and more. Just let me get to my work and I'll let you know what I find soon enough. Until then, don't bother me again." with that, Kieran shut the door behind her, leaving Dhani alone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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0.00 INK

D h a n i Batra
xxxi think you know that you won't be away too long
xxxyou know that i'm not that strong
xxxjust one look and i can hear a bell ring
xxxone more look and i forget everything

It was a slow walk back to his apartment; Dhani wasn’t in much of a hurry to get home, he didn’t have anything to do for the rest of the evening besides eat some dinner and sort through his mail. Real exciting stuff, especially after the mission he’d just run. He decided to text his sister on the way home: his date had been fine. Yes, he was cute. No, you can’t have more details. Just because she’d married a boring guy didn’t mean she got to know every detail about his life… Especially when it was a lie. He knew she was just excited, because Dhani couldn’t remember if he’d ever gone on an actual date. He’d used it as an excuse to go fight crime sometimes in high school.

Dhani felt at home before he even made it to the stairwell, and he was glad. He wanted to take a shower, rest, get some sleep. There was going to be a lot of work in the coming weeks, and he wanted to try to be ready for whatever that meant for him.

He considered stopping by Kieran’s to make sure she had something to eat, but he figured she would have already raided his fridge if she didn’t, so it was probably best to just leave her alone. She could get weird about people in her space, so he opted to head to his own apartment and leave her alone. She complained about Dhani being too protective and told him to stay out of her business, and then she complained when he gave her space because she could handle things herself, and he generally didn’t know what she wanted from him. Sometimes it was just better to avoid her.

He didn’t get the vibe that something was wrong until he turned on the lamp by the door. Red Witch was sitting on his kitchen counter, staring right at him.

She scared the shit out of him.

Dhani jumped backwards, knocking over the lamp, which came unplugged and rolled- almost comically- across the floor. Dhani may have been able to find some humor in the situation if he hadn’t been confused and scared. The lightswitch was across the room, which was why Dhani had the lamp by the door, but it still only took a few full strides to reach. Red Witch started talking right away, immediately being condescending. He ignored her question about what to call him, instead he asked, “What are you doing here?” She made a quip about stopping by for coffee, and Dhani rolled his eyes. “I prefer for my guests to use the door.” Then she broke his coffee pot. He sighed, deeply. This was ridiculous, he’d done nothing to deserve this treatment. “Just tell-”

Red Witch interrupted him, and told him why she’d come. It was because of Atticus. Dhani wanted to say there was nothing there, nothing to even be upset about. Then he remembered the promise to text Att that he’d made it home safely, and he knew that wasn’t something you asked a professional acquaintance to do. She threatened him, then, and that didn’t sit well with Dhani. He’d never enjoyed being threatened, and threats really never did much to deter him from something if he was determined to do it. Dhani wanted to ask her exactly what she meant, try to get her to tell him what she knew, and how, because he really wasn’t about to take this lying down.

Then Kieran walked in. She had the worst timing imaginable. Dhani frowned at her when she said he probably deserved whatever was coming. A part of him knew that Kieran was just trying to placate Red Witch, but that didn’t make it any less upsetting to have your friend say you deserved to have your home broken into and your life threatened after you just spent your time being shot at. Real great way to end his evening. When Red Witch threatened Kieran, he internally cursed her. Honestly, he could handle getting a little roughed up, he’d probably be fine. But Kieran? Even if she would be fine, Dhani wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he felt it was his fault she’d gotten hurt. Thanks to Kieran’s intrusion, he felt compelled to comply with Red Witch’s deal, and she’d known he would. Didn’t stop her from breaking his light and practically throwing a chair at him, though, which was both rude and unnecessary.

Kieran kept the glass from shattering on the two of them, which Dhani appreciated, even if it wasn’t fully necessary; he would have been fine. Then Kieran turned and started to berate him. Excuse me? He felt defensive right off the bat, “I didn’t do anything! She broke in here unprovoked and-” He stopped when Kieran said his name, being held in place with her powers wasn’t needed to get his attention, but she did it anyway. He listened to her words, and he felt heat rising across his face. Really? She was so focused on how this was his fault? Red Witch had broken into his apartment, threatened him, and Kieran was upset that she’d had to come “save” him? He would have been fine on his own.

When Kieran used her powers to fling him up to the ceiling, and then back to the floor, it just seemed to rub some salt into the wound. Dhani got the point: he was in this on his own. He stood up slowly as Kieran talked about her mission, all the amazing information she’d uncovered. My mission went terribly, he thought to himself, we found your file, though.Thanks for asking, you’re such a great friend. When Kieran left, he set his lamp back up, and plugged it in, mumbling, “I didn’t ask for your help.” When the light turned on, he looked around the apartment. He had some cleaning to do.

He just wanted to go to sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

cerys day
hex: #c7bbb4xxxxoutfit: herexxmask
xxxoh don't you wonder when the light begins to fade?
xxxand the clock just makes the colors turn to grey
xxxforever younger growing older just the same
xxxall the memories that we make will never change

Cerys and Aaron’s mission, unsurprisingly, turned out to be a total bust. The guy stopped only to buy flowers, before heading home to his very normal house. But Cerys did, at least, get twenty bucks, a round of drinks, and a few stories about Malfyre out of Aaron for her troubles. She told Aaron the truth, that she was curious about this mysterious figure who was neither hero nor villain, but still seemed to side with the heroes from time to time. She respected that he couldn’t say that much. He needed to protect their identity, and honestly, she would have hoped that he’d do the same if Malfyre started asking about her.

News eventually filtered through that a number of suspects were going to be attending a masquerade ball in the city in a few week’s time. It was a private affair, but Malfyre had managed to get them all on the list. Under pseudonyms, of course. Cerys honestly thought that Persephone Rothschild was far from the worst, especially because it was believable. Some of the others, Malfyre had clearly had fun with their names and had toed the line of believability. But the ball presented one major issue for her. She couldn’t use her bow. She couldn’t conceivably smuggle in any weapons, which meant she’d have to improvise if she came down to it. But her siblings had trained her plenty in hand-to-hand, and she’d been paired up with Gemini. She knew it was probably only a matter of time before she ended up getting stuck with Red Witch, but she just prayed that day never came.

She’d agreed to meet Gemini in there, but couldn’t see them when she arrived. Apparently, they were coming as their male form, but she couldn’t see either of them. So she stuck to the crowds, searching for a semi-familiar face as she took a glass of the free champagne. It was more for appearance than anything else, she didn’t want to cloud her senses. She fished her phone out of her clutch and texted Aaron.

To: Aaron
you here yet? come quick before all the free champagne is gone :P

She felt someone barrel into her, almost knocking off her feet. Her balance was off in the heels, so it took her a millisecond longer than usual to recover. But there was strong hands grasping her as she recovered. She didn’t recognize this man. He was too short and the wrong build to be anyone she was working with, and so she flashed them a charming smile.

“Are you alright there, miss?” He asked as he released her.
“Yes, thank you. Just was distracted there for a moment,” she said with a light laugh.
“Easy to do. These receptions are always so busy, these things happen. Are you enjoying yourself?” He asked.
“Oh, yes, it’s been lovely so far.”
“Did you come all by yourself?” The question seemed out of the blue, and Cerys examined the man for a moment, trying to figure out his intentions.
“Oh no, my friends are coming too. I just live the nearest so I got here first, they’re going to be here any minute now,” she said, her light tone not giving away the suspicion bubbling in her stomach.
“Maybe I should keep an eye on you until they arrive. Just to make sure you don’t have any more mishaps,” he said, taking a step closer.
“I’m a grown woman, I can handle myself just fine.” Her polite facade was starting to drop. She wasn’t sure if this guy suspected something or if he was just being a creep, but she was starting to think he wouldn’t back down. This wasn’t what she wanted, and she knew it could potentially complicate things later. But punching him would definitely garner unwanted attention, and that would be worse.

atticus hawkins
hex: #88c878xxxxxoutfit: herexxxmask
xxxthere is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
xxxin the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene
xxxonly then am I human,
xxxonly then am I clean.

When Dhani didn’t text him the night after their mission, Atticus wasn’t quite sure how to process it. He was more worried than he was willing to admit, but didn’t want to dwell on it. But then he got a text the following morning, and it was off his mind. Even though he knew there was nothing normal about their relationship, texting Dhani felt like an oasis of normal in everything else. When his day to day life was too boring, it was something to keep him occupied. When things felt a tad overwhelming, it was something normal, just texting a guy he liked. But with Lucy determined to have everything ironed out for this ball, it was next to impossible to figure out a way to see him in person. Him and Lucy had been entrusted with trying to distract and occupy a number of people while some of the others went snooping around, and it required a significant amount of planning and… well, rehearsal.

Getting ready for the masquerade ball or whatever it was took more effort than Att really wanted to put into it. It needed a new suit and a mask that wasn’t just the same one he wore as Icarus. He wasn’t going as Atticus Hawkins, though. He was going as William Alexander Goldberg-Jameson III, and that required a slightly different look. He didn’t think for a second anyone would recognize him anyway, but he wasn’t taking a chance. So his suit was perhaps a little more out there than usual, and his mask was elaborate. But as he got dressed that evening, making sure to look as polished as possible, he felt like he wasn’t totally looking at himself when he looked in the mirror. He looked like a different version of himself, and that was what he wanted. Into his inside pocket went his knives. He hadn’t gotten another gun yet. He kept putting it off, coming up with different reasons why knives were a better solution all round.

He’d tried to force visions about the ball on a number of different occasions, but every single time, he saw something entirely unrelated. Eventually he gave up, the emotional and physical toll just too much. He didn’t know if knowing or not knowing was better. If he had seen something, would he have even been able to change it?

Atticus and Lucy made their way to the hotel by limo, Lucy insisting that there was no way in hell they were just getting a taxi. They had an image to portray and they were going to stick to it. Att was on edge the whole time, but did enjoy the luxury of the limo and the attention they got as they stepped out was oddly wonderful. Delighted gasps and eyes that scanned them from head to toe and liked what they saw. Whispers about her dress, his suit, their masks. With their masks on, nobody could or would ever recognize them, and there was something thrilling about that. Att had slipped in his earpiece in the taxi, the mic already concealed in his mask.

“Icarus and Red Witch are on site,” he said, moments before they entered the main room together. He could feel eyes turn towards them as they entered, and he smiled. There was a power and a thrill in pretending to be someone else


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day
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Malfyre // Anti-Hero // Attire & Mask // Hex: #575772

This is a black black ski mask song
So put all of your anger on
In the truly gruesome do we trust
I will always land on you like a sucker punch
Singing I am the worst, I am the worst nightmare


The following days came and went, Kieran busily trying to figure out what else was encrypted in those harder to get into files. But more importantly, she was assigned getting their names on the list, or at least put names on it that would be assigned to them. At first, she figured she would mess around and put some nonsensical names their for them, but she knew it wouldn't be believable and would show that somehow had hacked into their list somehow. So, she decided to get everyone relatively believable names, making sure that both the heroes and villains got them and knew ahead of time so they could prepare. Sienna Delta May Hopkins, was the name she gave to herself, knowing full well that the others would be rather upset that she gave herself a more believable name than them, but it's what they were given and if they didn't like it, oh well. They could manage to deal with this for a few hours.

Kieran was uncertain what she wanted to do for the event. She wasn't much one for dresses but knew she had to at least play the part for a few hours. And after deciding on a corresponding dress and mask, and tried to help Dhani find a matching outfit. But he was hopeless as ever, and clearly decided to go with his own thing, and who was she to stop him? They'd manage to make it work, they always did. It was one of the things about them that always worked, no matter how much they may have caused shit towards each other, they always managed to pull things of in the end. This would be no different.

Kieran made last-minute preparations as she put on more make-up than she would have liked, and after making sure that she secured some on the spot weapons hidden on her person, she arrived at Dhani's, and the two shortly left after he was ready as well. As they exited their rather shabby apartment, a long, black stretch limo awaited them as their driver greeted them with smiles. "Shall we be making our way there, ma'am?" asked the rather young driver. Kieran gave him a curt smile and nod as the two of them got into the limo and the door shut behind them. Kieran knew full well what was on Dhani's mind, even if he didn't dare question it. Where did she get the money to afford this, and Should I be scared, were two all too common questions she received from him in the past always getting the same answer in reply. "Oh come on, Dhani. Don't act so surprised. If we're going to appear to be rich snobs, may as well play the part, right? Besides, you know better than to ask where I always get the money for this. Just don't, and you'll be fine." she said with a chuckle, looking back at him. "Don't worry, I only get the best that money can buy. This bad boy is soundproof, bulletproof, as well as fully tinted windows. You need to stop being so...uptight about everything and just relax." she said with a shrug as she pulled out a bottle of champagne and two glasses, "Want one?" she offered him a glass, but knew he would reject, but she figured she might as well be nice, so she simply shrugged and quickly downed the first one. Pouring a second one and downed it quickly as well. She always worked better if she had a little alcohol in her system, kept her from being entirely stressed. She made sure to pop in her earpiece, covering it up with her hair, as for the mic, the way her mask was made didn't allow for one to be integrated. She'd be able to hear the others, just not be able to communicate with them. At least not vocally anyway.

Soon enough the limo ride had come to a stop and the door was opened, letting some all too bright and artificial light as they were welcomed to the hotel. Kieran gave some fake smiles as the two of them walked and made their way into the hotel. "I'm gonna scout ahead, see what I can find and anything out of the ordinary. I'll meet up with you later." Kieran gave him a small smile and nod, and separated from him soon after. There were already a dozens of people, all dressed up to the nines, with masks. Making it hard to tell who was here and who wasn't. As well as who was who. Something that may make things a bit harder in retrospect. She knew the others would be here, but had no idea what they were wearing.

Kieran made her way into the main lobby of the hotel, where most of the guests were, making sure she blended in well enough with the others. Something she was never good at. Maybe breaking off from Dhani was a bad idea-Something from the corner of her eye garnered her attention. Some guy seemed to be talking up a woman in a long, grey dress with golden details, and a rather unique mask. She seemed clearly irritated by his presence. Kieran sighed and made her way over to the two. Giving a small curt smile, "Well there you are! I've been looking all over for you!" she said other enthusiastically. Wrapping an arm around Cerys. Looking back at the man for a moment she gave a fake laugh, "Sorry for being late, thanks for keeping my friend company in the meantime. Bye-Bye." she waved the man off, who seemed to give her a small glare and walked off.

Turning back to the girl she gave a smile, "Figured he was bothering you, thought I'd help. Hope your friends get here soon. If anyone else bothers you, feel free to just track me down." Kieran gave another smile and wink, and then turned away and walked off before the girl could properly thank her. She needed to focus on her mission, but as a waiter passed by, she scooped up one of the champagne glasses as she walked around to find something to occupy herself some time for now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison
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0.00 INK

L U C I A N A 0 M O R R I S O N 00000000000000000000|0| A T T I C U S 0 H A W K I N S

ImageImage ImageImage

#571616 0 | 0 #88c878

lucy 0 | 0 atticus

lucy 0 | 0 atticus

As soon as everyone agreed they were good to go, Atticus took a deep breath. The band began to play a song, and Atticus nodded at Lucy, taking her hand and leading her to the dance floor. People’s eyes were drawn to them as they stepped out, and out of the corner of his eye, he could see someone slipping away down a corridor. But he couldn’t afford to be watching for the others now. He needed to concentrate on this because if he messed it up for them, Lucy would almost definitely kill him.

Luciana was taking a sip of champagne when she felt Atticus pull on her hand, quickly setting her drink down and walking behind him, heels clicking loudly on the floor as they headed towards the center of the room. As they parted through the crowd, Att held his hand out and Lucy came close to him. “Don’t think about it, just let it flow.” She said in a whisper to him. She didn;t doubt Atticus’ ability to lead this, probably one of the few people she actually trusted in the city, and she knew if he did mess this up, he wouldn’t exactly be sleeping easy.

He took a deep breath as they got into hold, nodding ever so slightly at Lucy’s instruction. They’d practiced enough, he had to trust himself and Lucy. And besides, he told himself, she had to do most of the work.

He’d never been much of a dancer, but this dance was one hell of a way to start. He had no idea how or where Lucy had found it, but it was striking enough to work. As he lifted Lucy into a spin, he could see that almost all eyes were on them, exactly what they’d wanted. Malfyre and Dhani would have big shoes to fill. It also made them stand out enough that Att and Lucy’s targets would surely want to talk to them at some point.

The final move was perhaps the most worrying, as he’d dropped her more than once in the apartment. But he held her strong, and applause burst out through the room. He pulled her back upright with a relieved smile.

Luciana smiled as Atticus took the first step and they began. This is what she was looking forward to for the whole night, could care less about their mission. But the attention of everyone and their eyes on her, giving her the rush of adrenaline she had been craving lately. There could be some worry about her or her partner messing up or skipping a step, but she knew that they wouldn’t, just had a feeling, regardless the number of times Atticus dropped her on her back

As they went through the steps, Luciana was scanning the crowd, keeping an eye out for their targets as well as seeing if any of the heroes were around, and her eyes quickly finding and setting on Paladin, he had a unique look so it wasn’t hard to find him. And the woman next to him in a long and revealing black dress had to be his partner, Malfyre.

When the final step came up, Luciana looked into Att’s eyes and smiled, knowing he wouldn’t drop her this time. And when he leaned her down she just continued smiling as he didn’t drop her on the ground. As Atticus pulled her back up, she locked eyes with Dhani, smirking with the round of applause that came from the crowd.

Lucy heard a question come from a woman in the crowd. As she walked back to her partner. “Oh, he's my fiancé.” She said loudly, running her hand across Atticus’ face and pulling him in for a kiss, knowing the hero was watching.

The comment about him being Lucy’s fiancé was nothing new. They’d agreed that was their cover story from the moment they’d started plotting for this event. But when she pulled him in for a kiss, he had to stop his immediate impulse to pull away. That could give them away. So instead he broke away after the shortest acceptable amount of time, giving her a look. They both knew what it meant, but it wouldn’t be overly harsh to any onlookers. “We’re going to talk about that later,” he said quietly. But now, they needed to target their respective individuals. It was as he turned to scan the crowd in search of his mark that he spotted Dhani. Dhani had to have seen that. But… he had to know it was a distraction tactic, right? He made a mental note to try and talk to Dhani about it later. But they had a job to do first.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra
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0.00 INK

outfit | outfit
mask | mask
x#575772 | #B85C9E


Time went by rather slowly as Kieran made her way around the main lobby of the hotel, keeping her eyes constantly scanning over the room as she did so. Trying her best to not seem out of place or a figure of suspicion. She laid low and kept to one of the walls as she sipped the glass of champagne she had taken earlier. Kieran was lost in her thoughts until a figure crept up beside her, giving her a small smile. “Well hello. What’s a beautiful lady like you doing over here by yourself?” the man asked with a smirk, before taking a sip of his own drink. Kieran gave him a small smirk in return at his question, trying to not act like she had been zoning out until then. “Oh, I’m just uh, taking a small breather from the crowds for a moment. Sienna Hopkins, nice to meet you.” she extended her hand out, the man gave another coy smile as they exchanged pleasantries. “Aiden Charles Leon, pleasure to meet you, Ms. Hopkins.” the man introduced himself.

The two talked for what seemed like hours, exchanging simple talk and going into interests and what they both do for work, Kieran managed to bullshit her way through most of the conversation just fine, even with the egregious amount of alcohol he kept ordering for her, rarely taking any sips of his own. Which she thought was rather odd, but didn’t pay it much mind. The two continued to talk for a few more minutes until Kieran began to feel a little unwell, she gave Aiden a small smile as she excused herself, and began making her way through the crowd towards the bathroom. But stopped as she accidentally walked into someone, finally realizing just how much alcohol she had in such a short amount of time. “Oh shit, I am so so-” she started to apologize, until she realized who it was. “Oh hey, Dhani-Boy. What’re you doing over here?” Kieran said with a small smile and chuckle as she wrapped an arm around Dhani.

Dhani’s mind was buzzing in a million different directions, but he knew that he needed to find Kieran. For two reasons; leaving Kieran alone at a party with alcohol was very dangerous, and it was very likely past time he found her, and they had a distraction to run, and they needed to get to it. So typical, he complained to himself, she would leave me here alone. If something went wrong, I would be on my own. Hell, she is on her own if something goes wrong. Dhani wasn’t much for plans, but when there was a plan, not sticking to it felt like some sort of horrible offense. Kieran really should have known better than to go off on her own like this. And you should have known better than to get so emotionally involved with some guy you don’t even know.

Dhani was pretty certain he’d checked the whole room, and was sure he’d have to double back and check again when he spotted her. Had to be. That tall? The red hair? Kieran. Heading towards the bathroom. He didn’t really want to interrupt her business, but his desire to not lose track of her overcame that, and he hurried over, though he hadn’t planned on her running right into him. A few things stood out to him: she was drunk, she just used his real name, she was drunk, and she seemed to have completely forgotten why they were there. Or, her behavior would have him believe that, anyway. He sighed, but he didn’t move her arm from around him, she might need help with her balance, “What are you doing?” He was trying to keep his voice low, didn’t want to draw any attention to them, “How much have you been drinking? You know we’re not here for fun.”

Kieran chuckled as Dhani helped keep her up, if she didn’t know any better she would have toppled over. Looking at him as he asked what she was doing, and how much she had been drinking, as well as noting they weren’t there for fun. She raised a hand up and quickly put it down as if she was going to say something, but quickly lost track. “Well first off, Hi, second...I was just talking to what’s his face over there. Really nice guy, lots of alcohol.” Kieran said with a sigh before having to catch her breath, “Thirdly, I didn’t have that much, but I did have a few. Besides, I was helping to distract someone. What’s the harm in that?” Kieran questioned Dhani as she looked at him, not being able to fully contain herself as she chuckled slightly.

Dhani sighed. She was long gone, and the thought of carrying out their mission at all seemed pointless. “Did you forget why we’re here?” He whispered, harshly. He felt a bit like he was Kieran’s mother, having to swoop in to scold her because she was playing too rough. “I mean, what were you thinking? Were you even thinking? We have a job to do, and I’m not sure you’re in any state to do it.” Dhani was, frankly, embarrassed. He was going to have to admit that he’d lost track of his partner and gotten distracted long enough that she’d managed to get drunk. This was a disaster. All of Kieran’s recent behavior was weighing heavy on his mind, and he probably shouldn’t have, but he was taking this personally. “The things you do affect other people, you know.”

Kierna scoffed as he asked if she even remembered why they were there in the first place, "Of course I do, I-" she was cut off as Dhani continued to speak, a bit too rudely for her liking if she was being honest. She was going to let the first comment slide, but it was when he asked if she was even thinking, and he wasn't sure if she could still proceed with it, due to how drunk she appeared to be. Which, she had to admit, she was beginning to feel the effects, but in no way was she going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that. "Oh come off it, Dhani. I've done far more while far more drunk, you know this. I'm not entirely useless. Do I have to remind you as to how you were even allowed to get here anyway?" Kieran questioned, not exactly being the best of whispering. Especially now with the alcohol kicking in more.

Kieran looked back at him when he questioned if she was aware that her actions have consequences and affect others. "Well no shit, sherlock." Kieran quipped back. "What's your problem anyway? Better I stay out of trouble anyway, right? Isn't that what you always used to say? If I wasn't involved, you'd be actually able to get shit done without me slowing you down. So what do you really want from me, huh Dhani?"

He wished Kieran would just stop saying his name. It made him nervous, and he had no desire to get into any real trouble. Kieran questioned if he remembered why they’d been able to get into the party in the first place, and he rolled his eyes. Of course he remembered, but that didn’t mean she was suddenly faultless. She carried on talking, asking what his problem was. “What I want from you,” He said, slowly, almost as if talking to a child, “Is for you to take something seriously for once in your life.” He leaned in close to her, “The only thing I was ever concerned about was you getting hurt. You know that.” He shook his head, “You let your damn overinflated ego get in the way of everything. You can pull anything off, right? So you go out and get distracted by your phone, you take unnecessary risks, you get drunk and don’t even think about what kind of spot that puts the rest of us in.”

He’d been trying to stay calm, but he was having a bad day, and Kieran’s recent behavior was getting on his nerves, “You think that your abilities make you more valuable than everyone else. More capable. I get it, it’s easy to feel special, but you just manage to piss off everyone around you.” He took a step back from Kieran, crossing his arms as he did so, “So it’s time to stop. I’ll take you home.”

Kieran listened as he began to speak, deciding to be nice enough to at least hear him out for a moment. But the moment he started to tell her she needed to start taking things more seriously, is when she realized where things were going. He didn’t think she was taking this seriously, did he? Kieran simply blinked, trying to keep herself calm as he continued on, dear god did he like to lecture her. Treat her like a child, and here he was, doing just that.

Kieran felt her eyebrow begin to twitch when Dhani said she had an overinflated ego, and that she could pull everything off. That she must not have had to have a care in the world about anything but herself. That she always seemed so careless and seemed to not give a shit about anything. That Dhani claimed to only care about making sure she was never hurt or injured, and that he was tired of her always taking unnecessary risks that would affect everyone else. She scoffed softly at him as he took a step back, and said that he was taking her home. Kieran shook her head, looking down, and eventually back up as she bit her lip. Slowly feeling herself become sober, the angrier she got over time.

“You wanna know something? If anything, I’ve always felt insecure, and felt like I had to push myself to make you proud, Dhani. That I had to do more than I was capable, just to make you happy.” Kieran said with a chuckle, raising her hands over dramatically. Looking back up at Dhani she gave him a look he’d know all too well, even with the mask covering most of her face. “If you’re really tired of me and the way I do things, then how about I just leave? You won’t have to be bothered by someone like me anymore. All you have to do, is tell me to fuck off, and I won’t bother you anymore. Since that’s what you clearly want.” Kieran could feel the slow burn behind her eyes as she looked away from him finally, taking a step back, “I’ll just go. I’ll let you finish things up here since you know how to do things, won’t have someone messing things up for you.” Kieran said as she began to turn and walk away from Dhani.

Dhani almost had to fight the urge to roll his eyes; this was so much more dramatic than necessary. Kieran didn’t need to fight to make him proud of her; she was one of his best friends, he was always happy for her. He wasn’t tired of her, he just wanted her to stop treating this like some kind of game. All of this mattered, and the way she was handling it just didn’t sit well with him. As she turned to walk away, he reached out to grab her arm, “Stop it. You’re being ridiculous.” He knew that wasn’t going to help, but he didn’t want her going off on her own. Not in this state. Not with these people. “You know I love you, don’t make this into something it isn’t.” He sighed, “I’m just tired of being treated like garbage.” He was, of course, talking about the way she spied on him, blamed him for his apartment being broken into, throwing him up into the ceiling. In comparison, Kieran breaking into his apartment and eating all his food felt like a minor annoyance.

Kieran didn’t stop when Dhani first began to talk. But when he called it ridiculous is when she stopped and turned around, looking him dead in the eyes. Kieran quickly ripped her hand away before Dhani could get a proper hold of her, she wasn’t going back with him. Not after this. She knew where this was going, and knew what he was thinking: she was drunk and being her usual emotionally unstable self, and in the morning she’d be fine. And this whole thing would blow over. But it wasn’t like the other hundred times like this happened. She simply shook her head when he said that he loved her and that she didn’t need to make this into something it wasn’t. She felt it for the longest time, like something was slowly starting to tear them apart, and it slowly began to make sense.

“You’re tired of being treated like garbage?” Kieran scoffed. “You think the way that I’ve been treating you is like garbage?” Kieran asked, shaking her head once more. “I can show you what that’s like...But for now, I’m leaving, and don’t bother trying to follow me home.” Kieran demanded, holding Dhani in place with her powers for a moment as she gave him one more look over, breaking the hold right before she started looking around the room as she gave the small number of onlookers a small awkward chuckle, “My apologies…” she said softly, before finally starting to make her way through the crowd to leave. This really was a mistake coming here-no, trying to team up with them all, was one large mistake. She should have known that trying to make things work like this with other people was a big mistake, and tonight was proof enough. Working with others only ever proved to be a hassle, and Kieran was going to make sure she didn’t have it happen again.

Of course this was how it would fall apart. Dhani never asked Kieran to do anything but be careful, stay safe, check in every once and a while so he knows she hasn’t died. The one time he asks something of her, and she can’t handle it. He knew he’d said things he probably shouldn’t have- this wasn’t exactly the time or place to bring up Kieran’s recent behavior- but he meant it all. “Sure,” He called out after her, “Just run away when I need you!” Ultimately, he let her go. There was no point in arguing or trying to change her mind at this point, she’d decided what mattered, and apparently that was her pride. He was vaguely aware of the small group of people watching, and now that Kieran had left he was very aware of their presence. He smiled awkwardly before turning away, himself. She’d said his name so many times, she may as well have put a sign on his back that said “I’m a superhero, come kick my ass,” Though he was sure the others would call him dramatic, he wasn’t entirely sure it was misplaced.

The million ways this could make things go wrong were suddenly flooding through Dhani’s head; this could turn out very badly, very quickly. As he walked away, he tried to keep an eye out for anywhere less congested with people. He pulled out his phone and looked down, tilting his head slightly so his microphone could pick up his voice, ”Can’t complete the distraction as planned. Sorry.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Aaron Langdan
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0.00 INK


0000Kieran0Vallenetti 00000000000000000|000000000000000000000000|Aaron0 Langdan

Anti-Hero | Malfyrex|xhex: #575772 00000000000000000000000000000000Hero | BludWynd | xhex:#545352

Image0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Image

Aaron stayed along the wall as he exchanged small talk with Piper, which was more or less him just bringing up random things or an awkward silence filled the gap between the two. Regardless, they had to keep their eye on things, and if anything seemed out of the ordinary they'd go into action. Everything was already starting to bore him, but his eyebrow raised when a commotion started in the middle of the room. It was subtle but, it garnered more than a few eyes from the onlookers. That was clearly Paladin and Malfyre, it had to be. No one was that tall with as bright red hair as Kieran, and no man would wear such an out there suit. So that had to be Dhani, Aaron gauged. But the more as he watched, his stomach began to drop. This wasn't a distraction, at least not what they had planned. From what he could tell, Kieran was drunk, he knew her all too well to know and Dhani was trying to defuse the situation. poor guy. Aaron cocked his head to the side as he caught the last bit of what Piper asked him. Just nodding his head, "Yeah, yeah. Sure. Sounds great." he mumbled, watching as she watched off soon after, he didn't know what to do. He wanted to go after Dhani and talk to him, gauge the situation from a sober mind before he did anything, but the other half of him wanted to go after Kieran and stop her from leaving and possibly walking into danger.

Before he realized it, Aaron found himself automatically going after Kieran. She needed someone, even if she denied any and all help. She'd be needing someone to be there for her. Aaron came up from behind her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder, "Hey hey now, where are you going?" he playfully called after her. It didn't take much to feel the energy coming off of Kieran as she turned to look at him, he didn't even have to see the expression on her way to know that she wasn't happy to see him. "What do you want? Can't you assholes just leave me alone?" Kieran whined. Aaron shook his head as he placed his hands on both of her arms, "Hey now, I don't know what that was and I am not getting in the middle of that shit, but c'mon. You know me. Just talk to me, okay?" he tried reassuring her. Kieran simply shook her head, "There's nothing to talk about, okay? I just want to go home, coming here was a mistake." Kieran said as she tried to push Aaron off of her in an attempt to leave.

"I've known you longer than anyone else, remember? I know when you're upset and when someone upsets you, you've always come and talked to me. But not recently. Why? You know I'm not going to judge you, remember that?" Aaron pleaded, grabbing out for her hand again. "I really just want to be left the fuck alone tonight, okay? Is that so much to ask? I fucked up, as always. I just need to go and clear my head. Okay?" she demanded. Aaron shook his head, "I'm never leaving you alone, so can you just talk to me, please? That's all I'm asking. Jut talk to me, like when we were kids. Please I-" Aaron was cut off as he could feel a small pain forming in his stomach, looking up at Kieran as he could see the look in her eye. It was a look whenever she concentrated on a certain part of someone. "What the fuck, are you really doing this?" Aaron coughed as a small drop of blood dripped from his nose. "Just leave me alone, or I will make it much worse. Bye, Aaron..." Kieran said softly before she turned and left, making her way for the door. Aaron watched as she disappeared into the crowd of people, cursing under his breath. "She's gone, Malfyre left. Just let me know what I can do to help." he spoke softly into the mic and made his way to the bathroom, he'd need to clean the blood off of his hands. This really was a mess after all.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

atticus hawkins
outfit | #88c878

Somebody had once asked him how he could tell the difference between a vision and a dream. Usually, it was the sheer clarity. It felt like he was there. Sometimes it was like he was the one dying. Sometimes he was the one responsible. He never knew which was better. Sometimes, he could feel the pain if he was the one dying. But the ones where he was responsible were a haunting echo of his old life, and left him questioning if he was actually going to be the one responsible. But this time round, he knew exactly which position he would have preferred to be in. Because as bad as it was to experience the pain and trauma of being killed… it couldn’t be worse than seeing his hand pulling the trigger of the gun that was against Lucy’s head.

He bolted upright, the dream still lingering in his head, far, far too vivid to be anything other than a vision. Nausea rose in him as he tried to catch his breath, still feeling like there was someone sitting on his chest. His head was spinning from the sudden movement, but he fought back against his body’s protests to reach over and grab his phone, struggling to read the texts at first. There was a moment of relief when he saw the texts from Piper, but as he read the texts and the screenshots within, the nausea and panic became almost overwhelming. But when he went to actually get to his feet, his head spun so much that he felt like his legs wouldn’t support him. He didn’t have time for this, he needed to do something now. He just sank back onto the bed and squinted at his phone, looking for the number. It rang, which settled his anxiety a little, but she didn’t answer. Of course she didn’t, why would she? She was mad at him, that was all.

“Lucy, if you get this, call me, it’s urgent.” He doubted she’d check her voicemail if she thought it was from him though, so he sent a text as well.

To: Lucy
Call me, it’s urgent.

Was he too late? The rational part of him told him that no, he was pretty sure it wasn’t supposed to happen for another few days at least, but he also knew that it was always a vague timeframe anyway. He didn’t have time to hesitate, didn’t have time to wait around. He needed to tell someone, he needed to do something before it was too late.

He didn’t know what made him pick that number first of all. Maybe he thought that Dhani could help the most, maybe he knew that Dhani could probably contact the rest of the heroes, or maybe it was the same goddamn reason he’d offered him a ride home the night before.

He hesitated for a minute, wanting to call him. He wanted to hear a friendly voice, wanted to hear someone tell him he would be okay. But another wave of nausea hit him and he was pretty sure that he wasn’t capable of holding a coherent conversation. Texting was just about as much as he could manage.

To: Dhani
I need your help- rw in trouble and only gonna get worse if I don’t do something

He wanted to deal with this like they always had, as few people as possible, but if they were as short on time as he thought, they couldn’t afford that. Lucy couldn’t afford that.

To: Dhani
can you contact the others? things are real bad and we need to meet asap

He didn’t know what to say, didn’t know what he should do, and hated how scared and useless he felt. He hadn’t felt like this in years, it hadn’t been this personal in years. It wasn’t like he wasn’t freaked out by every vision he had, but this was just… a whole other level. He had to do something and had to do it soon, and that was just making it worse. And sitting here feeling sorry for himself wasn’t good enough. He managed to get to his feet and get dressed, making his way out to the kitchen to make coffee, watching his phone the whole time. He knew he needed to text Piper as well, get her help on it, but something in him told him to wait until he’d heard from Dhani.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Luciana Morrison Character Portrait: Aaron Langdan
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0.00 INK

you know as well as i do that it has to be done,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzand somebody's got to do it.
There was just something about the morning after a big mission (Dhani considered anything that involved any sort of undercover identity to be a “big deal.”) that felt unnaturally normal. Dhani was always half expecting someone to jump out at any moment, like some cartoon villain (he should know better about how villains operate, really) to say they’d found him out, it was over, he was done for. This fear used to be constant, but like anything when you do it for a decade, over time it had settled. Only flared up on occasion, when life threw a big wrench in his plans. But with people actually out to kill him, he didn’t feel so paranoid anymore. He also knew that at least some of those feelings came directly from fighting with Kieran the night before.

He felt bad about it. He’d meant the things he said at the time, but it had been less than fair to bring it up at the time. Growing up with two sisters, he’d learned pretty quickly that peace offerings in the form of something edible tended to make it easier to bridge the gap between hurt feelings and awkward apologies. Breakfast would probably be a good place to start.

He felt his phone go off in his pocket, but it took him a minute to get to it. Initially, when he pulled out his phone and saw the texts from Att, he was thrilled. The night before had been undeniably awkward, and he figured that things were ruined between them. It made sense, things probably couldn’t work out between them, anyway. As he read the messages, though, a sort of quiet worry set in. If Red Witch was in trouble, what did that mean for Att? Dhani wasn’t sure how close they were, but he knew they were friends.

Of course. Are you okay?

Dhani didn’t waste any time. His immediate reaction was calling Gemini. Really, Adrian was who Dhani wanted to talk to. He was pretty level-headed, and he could help Dhani get his head wrapped around the whole thing. Dhani wasn’t much of a planner, so he needed all the help he could get. Adrian picked up the phone, and immediately started going on about the night before. “Yeah, that’s great. Listen; Icarus contacted me, and apparently Red Witch is in trouble. I don’t know any details, but he needs our help.” They quickly made plans for a meeting in a few hours. Adrian asked if he needed any help contacting the others, but Dhani told him he had it under control.

But then there was the matter of actually letting everyone know. He messaged the details to Att first, quickly followed by another text.

I don’t have Aboleth’s contact information. Pass the message along?

He sent the meeting details to Kieran and Aaron in a group text; he was hoping that Aaron could help get Kieran on board. She tended to be slightly difficult even when she wasn’t upset with Dhani, so he wasn’t taking any chances.

He finally got around to Cerys’ message then, and he replayed her recording several times before messaging her back.

This might be important. Red Witch is in trouble, don’t know much more than that. Having a meeting.

He followed up with the details: time, location of the shady abandoned warehouse of the week, a curt “thank you,” for agreeing to attend the meeting was included, though he’d sent it before she had the chance to agree.

Now Dhani had to get ready for this meeting. None of the news he'd received had been anything he'd wanted to hear, and to make matters worse, he’d burned his breakfast.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Aaron Langdan
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0.00 INK


0000Kieran0Vallenetti 000000000000|000000000000000000000000|Aaron0 Langdan

Malfyre | Outfit & Maskx|xhex: #575772 00000000000000000000000000000000BludWynd | Outfit | xhex:#545352

Image0000000000000000000000000 Image

Yeah, I guess I'm a disappointment
Doing everything I can, I don't wanna make you disappointed
It's annoying
I just wanna make you feel like everything I ever did wasn't ever tryna make an issue for you
But, I guess the more you
Thought about everything, you were never even wrong in the first place, right?
Yeah, I'ma just ignore you
Walking towards you, with my head down, lookin' at the ground, I'm embarrassed for you
Paranoia, what did I do wrong this time? That's parents for you
Very loyal?
Shoulda had my back, but you put a knife in it, my hands are full


Everything that happened after the event was a total blur. The next morning, Kieran slowly groaned as the sun entered through the crack in the courtain of her bedroom window. She didn't want to get out of her bed, not now. Not with the pounding in her head, maybe she did have one too many drinks. Or five. Or maybe even ten, as she did come back to her appartment and drink herself into a blacked-out fever dream after she got out of her stupid disguise and into something more comfortable. Slowly lifting her head from her pillow, she immediately felt nausious and needed to lay back down. She really did fuck up, and everything slowly started to come back to her as she laid there. She got into a fight with Dhani, an actual fight. Not just some little disagreement like they had on occasion. No, this one was different, which may have added more drinks to the previous night, as evidence as she swung her feet over the side of the bed, and heard the sound of a glass bottle tipping over and rolling across the floor. "Jesus Christ, Kie..." she muttered to herself. Maybe she should just lay back down and forget about the rest of the day. Which, she had to admit was starting to sound rather nice to her at that moment.

The small vibration of her phone that was beside her pillow caused her to jump a little, grabbing her head. "The fuck?" she cursed, grabbing for her phone. "Ack!" she grumbled as the brightness of her phone hit her eyes, blinking away at the light to help her refocus, she looked at the screen. Countless texts and missed calls from Aaron, saying that they needed her for something. "Like fuck you bastards do..." Kieran muttered, tossing her phone to the side as she brushed her fingers through her hair. She knew full well that they probably just wanted to talk about her antics about the night prior, and was probably going to talked to like a child again. She didn't need this, and wasn't going to put up with their bullshit. Not now. She already felt bad enough about the whole thing, she didn't need this. Not now.

The sound of her phone ringing this time caused her to look at the direction from where her phone was, already knowing who it was due to the tone. Aaron was calling yet again. Sighing, she used her powers to hit the pickup button, as well as speaker. There was silence for a moment before the crackle of a voice sounded from the phone, "Kie...?" the voice sounded playfully. Kieran sighed to herself as she rubbed her face with her hands, looking down at the floor, "Yeah?" her voice was low, and Aaron knew immediately what it meant, "Look, I can't tell you what it is right now, as I don't even know all the details yet. But all I know is that it's important and they need your help. Plea-" "Aaron, I'm not going." Kieran snapped back, cutting him off. Which, she partially felt bad for, but she wasn't playing their games. Not this time.

A soft sigh came from the phone, and then silence filled the room once more for what seemed like forever. But it couldn't have been more than two minutes when she heard his voice again. "I heard there will be snacks this time..." Aaron said. There was silence for a few more minutes between the both of them before Kieran spoke up once more, "Give me the coordinates, I'll be there soon enough. Just don't count me to be on time...I had too much to drink I think." she said softly. A small chuckle came from the phone, "Alright, I'll text you the address. See ya later." the phone beeped as the call ended, and her phone vibrated again as a text came from Aaron, delivering the directions. She really didn't want to do this, but what choice did she have? If it was really important, and they needed her, what harm could it do? She got dressed, grabbing a backpack and put her mask and a few other things inside and got herself ready, and waited for enough time to pass before it was ready for her to leave and head in the direction of the warehouse. She really should have said no, her hangover only seemed to worsen as she made her way to the meeting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

cerys day
hex: #c7bbb4xxxxoutfit: here
xxxthey lose their minds for us
xxxand how it plays out
xxxbut now we’re in the ring
xxxand we’re coming for blood

Cerys had just about managed to start to focus on her work when her phone buzzed with a text from Dhani. She swore silently at the news about Red Witch. There was no love lost between them, but after what she’d learned that morning, it probably wasn’t the best news for any of them. If Dhani had just texted her out of the blue to say something had happened to Red Witch, she wasn’t sure that she would have shown up. But she had important knowledge she needed to share, and so she felt almost obliged to at least share that information.

She at least managed to get some work done for a few hours before leaving to go to the meeting. She’d also spent a few minutes cleaning up the recording a little so the voices were clearer and easier to identify, and spent half an hour backing up everything important to a remote hard drive, made sure she had nothing incriminating easily accessible, and double checked to make sure she was still ahead of schedule with her work. When you were liable to have to take a day or two off due to getting your ass kicked while on patrol, you learned to never leave articles or blog posts until the very last minute.

She knew she wasn’t going to be able to go to the meeting in full Artemis gear. It was too early in the day and too easy to be spotted. She knew that that didn’t mean the meeting was going to necessarily be safe, though. It was about striking a balance between blending in and still being practical, which meant leaving her outfit as it was, but wrapping her knuckles and pulling on a pair of gloves, braiding her hair out of her face, and shoving her mask into her pocket. She didn’t trust everyone enough to show up to a meeting without her mask.

She stopped only briefly outside the warehouse to pull on her mask, arriving a few minutes early. She stepped inside, scanning the room and keeping her arms folded. Everyone looked as on edge as she felt, which was oddly comforting. She almost jumped out of her skin when somebody coughed behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. She whirled around to see the female part of Gemini standing behind her, and let out a sigh of relief.

She smiled and shook her head a little as she apologized for how she’d reacted. “It’s fine, really. I don’t think I blame you. And by the ways, those forums are total bullshit, some of their theories are batshit insane. Like, shipping Paladin with a villain level of insane,” she joked. “So we’re good. You have nothing to worry about.”

She turned to look as Icarus cleared his throat, stepping out of the shadows where he’d been lurking.

atticus hawkins
hex: #88c878xxxxxoutfit: here
xxxwe are deaf
xxxwe are numb
xxxfree and young
xxxand we can feel none of it

He’d managed to drink most of the coffee he’d made, but eating something still seemed a little far beyond him. Atticus knew he should do something productive, but he couldn’t bring himself to do any more than pace around the apartment. What could he do? What could he do that would help the situation?

The buzzing of his phone almost made him jump, and even seeing it was Dhani didn’t help. But he had at least agreed to help, and it meant no matter what else, Att wasn’t alone in this. And that was a start. The question of if he was okay went unanswered. He didn’t want to lie but he also didn’t want to worry Dhani by being overly honest about it. So he just… didn’t reply until Dhani sent a text with meeting details.

To: Dhani
yeah, I can pass that on. thanks, I really appreciate it.

To: Piper
Lucy missing, in real danger. Meeting the heroes in a few hours to figure it out. Here’s the details.

The meeting was still a few hours away, and Att tried to put his mind to something productive. But it wasn’t like he had any skills that would be particularly useful, not when he had zero leads and nothing more than a vision to go on. He had a vague sense of time frame and next to no sense of where it would happen, which was completely useless. Lucy’s room was completely untouched, exactly as it had been when they left the apartment the night before. Useless.

He was tempted to see if he could trigger another vision, but he’d never tried to do it for someone he’d already had a vision for, and didn’t even know if it would work. It worked much better with physical contact anyway, and knowing his luck, it would drain him far too much for him to be of any use at the meeting. He also knew that there was a big, big risk that this could be a trap. Take one of them, cause them all to flock together, then pick them off. But they had to meet, they had to figure it out, they had to do something, he had to do something.

He didn’t even check how he looked before he left, just pulled on a warm coat, shoved his mask in his pocket, and made sure he was carrying enough weapons for a worst case scenario. He’d gotten his hands on another gun in return for a favour, a necessary evil. (They were going to die in a police shootout, in a blaze of glory, and they seemed pleased with that.)

It seemed that most of the others were there by the time he arrived. He stuck to the edges, as always, the exits in clear view. He stared straight at the ground, only glancing up to see if anyone else had arrived.

Once it seemed that everyone else that was coming was there, he shot a glance at Dhani. Dhani had, strictly speaking, called the meeting, but Att was the reason they were all there, so it seemed he should be the one to talk, as much as he didn’t want to. He cleared his throat to gather their attention.

“Thanks for coming at such late notice. I’ll get straight to the point.” He scanned the room, as he spoke, but couldn’t meet anyone’s eyes. “Red Witch is going to be killed in the next few days unless I- we- do something. And she didn’t come home last night, so I can only presume that we don’t have a lot of time. I’m not going to force anyone to stay or to help, but… she will die if we don’t do anything, and we can only presume one of us will be next.”

His phone started buzzing in his pocket, and he dug it out, intending to silence it. But he froze as he saw the name on it. Almost instinctively, he turned to glance at Dhani. “It’s her.”

There was a moment of relief at her finally contacting him, enough that he didn’t think the fact it was a video call was odd, he just answered it. “Lu- Red Witch, where are you?” He said, until he realised what he was looking at. “Oh my god.”He whirled around to set eyes on Malfyre. “Come on, you’re a hacker, trace the call or something! Get the phone connected to your laptop, do something!” He yelled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK


We'll never get free
Lamb to the slaughter
What you gon' do
When there's blood in the water?


Red Witch ║ Villain
Outfit ║ Hex: #571616

Image Image Image

Luciana slowly came to consciousness, but as she opened her eyes, her vision was mostly obstructed, some sort of cloth bag covering her face. As she went to pull it off, she felt her hands strapped down onto the chair she was sitting. She was confused about what was going on before remembering what happened last night, with the men and woman and the van. The noise of her struggling caught the attention of the people in the room, Lucy heard footsteps come closer to her and pulled the sack off her head. She took time to look around the room to get her surroundings, but it just looked like any abandoned warehouse, which Barden was flowing with. But seeing the guards around here isn’t what caught her attention, but the bright lights, camera, and large screen monitor facing her and wire’s going towards a phone, her phone.

“Look who's finally awake.” The man said that pulled off her hood, dressed in a type of suit and less armor than the guards, probably the one in charge, or atleast incharge of the guards here. “Who are you, and why am I here?” Luciana said, venom behind her words, still struggling her hands a bit. “I am Mark Anderson. I work for someone who wants to make a deal with you.” He said, turning his back to her and going to the camera set up, making sure it was good and grabbing a headset. “This doesn’t seem like a good way to make a deal with someone Mr. Mark Ander-fuck.” She replied as she struggled against him trying to put the headset on her, and quickly slapping her to make her keep still. “Stop struggling. And first we gotta send a little message to someone, and then we will be off to my boss. You’ll appreciate seeing them again.”

“And why do I care about this message or deal? You’re just gonna kill me anyways.” The man laughed and put the sack back on her head, covering her face. “Because if you don’t, we won’t kill you, we will kill Mister Hawkins. And maybe try to track down some information on Miss Aboleth, she’s a bit more slippery to find information about. Plus, you’re gonna appreciate what my employer has planned. Now onto business.” He paused for a second and walked away, before talking again, this time into the headset he put on her. “I will tell you what to say, and you will repeat it. And don’t try any tricks. You saw that you're outnumbered and we really don’t want to hurt you anymore. Okay Miss Morrison?” He finished. Luciana could still see the bright lights and rough figures through the mesh of the sack on her head, saw him wave her arms as two guards stood next to her and another one next to the camera. “Fine.” Lucy said reluctantly. She wouldn’t be able to escape now, but she would just have to wait for her moment. “Good. Now you two, make sure the truck is ready and the decoy is ready for when they come after her. They think we’re gonna kill her, let’s use that to our advantage.”

About 30 more minutes passed as more things were set up and instructions were given to the guards and the men around her. Luciana was just about falling asleep when she felt a someone nudge her shoulder. “Show time.” The voice said, Lucy looking forward and seeing a man hold up his hand, showing five fingers. Then four. Three. Two. One. And her phone began ringing. One ring, nothing. Two ring, nothing. But on the third ring, she saw the black screen on the monitor go away and a figure coming onto screen, unable to make out who it was, just that it was a person. But a voice quickly answered, saying her alias, Atticus.

Luciana stayed quiet for a moment, not answering, but a man behind the camera waved his arm, she was met with a hard hit to the side of her face, assuming it was from the butt of a gun. “Speak. Say who you are and tell them I muted their side of the call.” Instructions from the man flowed into her head dry Lucy coughed a bit as she was pulled back into a sitting up position. “I’m the Red Witch.” She began to talk, waiting for instructions to follow into her headset. The video on the screen flickered as now it looked like multiple people in a room. Lucy assumed Atticus was with the heroes. More instructions quickly came into her head.

“By the way, your side of the call is muted so you can’t interrupt our message to you. We are holding Miss Red Witch under our captivity. We want you and your friends to stop looking into us. Breaking into our offices, trailing our employees, crashing our gala. Gemini. Artemis.” Luciana spoke, pausing for a moment as she was told to give the heroes and villains time to react, a train horn blare in the background.. “If you don’t. We will kill the Red Witch, and that will be just the beginning, much worse will follow if you do not accept our deal. We just want what’s best for our city, and that doesn’t have to involve blood shed. And all it-” Luciana paused for a second, thinking over in her head. She was told to continue with the messages to the others or else.

“Don’t! Don’t listen to them! Icarus. Aboleth! It’s a trap. Ju-” Luciana shouted, before more yelling came from the guards, and Lucy was hit in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her and telling her to shut up. “Fuck you! Take this shit off my head and let me fight yo-” Luciana was interrupted again as she was hit again and a hand covered her mouth and her yelling turned to muffles. Two guards held down Luciana as the man in the suit came over and pulled the bag off of her head. “I’m not that surprised you decided to act up. Though it might make it easier to bring them into our trap. But we need you to behave now, so this might sting a bit.” The man said as he injected some sort of drug into the Red Witch’s neck, causing her to slowly fade into unconsciousness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

00J E N A 0 W A I N W R I G H T 000000000000000000|000000000000000 A D R I A N 0 R O B L E S
Image000000000000000000|0000000000|000000 Image
xxx 'Cause I'm a fighter, a tiger, see me walk through fire
xxx Try chain me up but I'll burst through, I'll defy ya
xxx Set me on fire
xxx Watch them conspire
xxx I will defy ya
xxx I'll set them on fire

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBRN - AViVA

xxx Are we just drowning?
xxx Can you please save us
xxx Black walls surrounding
xxx Can you please save my soul?
xxx Causing our own demise
xxx Causing our own

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxDROWN - AViVA



#D6130B 0 | 0 #0018BE

Jena 0 | 0 Adrian

Jena 0 | 0 Adrian

Jena let out a bit of a giggle when Cerys brought up some of the wild crack ships some of the citizens think of and the edits they somehow make. “You’re so right, still I hate it that they think me and my other half are brother and sister.” Jena said, making a fake throw up noise and face. She smiled and was glad Cerys didn’t take offense to how she acted at the gala. See, wasn’t all that bad Jen, maybe now they will make ships about you two. Adrian spoke and chuckled a bit to Jena, Jena just shaking her head in response as her and Artemis entered the main room, standing next to each other as others started to arrive and wait for the meeting to start.

Adrian only said the meeting was something about the heroes and more would be explained at the meeting, so Jena wasn’t entirely sure what was going on and tapped her foot waiting for someone to start and say something, starting to get a bit impatient. She was about to speak up and say something, but Icarus cleared his throat and began to speak. The first few words surprised Jena and Adrian. That Red Witch was going to die in a few days. He must have seen something with his powers. Jena said to Adrian, Mhmm… He replied as they continued to listen to the villain.

Gemini knew they would help and weren’t just going to leave the villain to die. First off, it wouldn’t be the hero way to just let someone die without trying to save, but also they needed the Red Witch as much as they needed the rest of the group. Adrian was about to ask Jena to let him take over so he could talk and try to come up with a plan of trying to find the Red Witch and what to do, when Icarus picked up his ringing phone and said it was her, though it was more directed at Paladin.

Jena tensed up a bit when she caught sight of the screen, seeing a woman with what seemed like blonde hair restrained to a chair with a bag over her head. Icarus started to freak out a bit, yelling at Malfyre to trace the call and get it hooked up to her laptop, which she had already pulled out before the meeting started. Malfyre worked fast and got the phone connected to the laptop so everyone in the room could see what's going on, as well as another screen with a ton of stuff quickly flowing down, probably just Malfyre things.

Gemini let out a small gasp as the villain was hit, and began speaking, but in a weird manner which Jena noted. “She must be being fed what to say…” Gemini whispered out loud to the others as the villain continued to speak. Though what happened next scared Jena. Red Witch shouted towards them, specifically at Aboleth and Icarus. Jena let out a bit more audible gasp and instinctively grabbed onto Artemis as the villain was struck and interrupted, the video feed quickly cutting off as there was more yelling coming from the video.

As they stared at a blank screen, Jena noticed she was still grabbing onto Artemis and let go quickly, followed by a quiet sorry. Jena, let me take over… Take some time to relax. Adrian said, Jena just nodded and Adrian took over, taking a step forward. “Hey!” He said loudly to get their attention. “Alot just happened, and we don’t want to act rashly. Malfyre is, what I’m assuming, trying to track location of the phone. Icarus said a few days, that gives us some time to think of something. Anyone got any ideas?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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0.00 INK

do not show weakness. as far as anyone knows,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.zzzzzzzzzzzyou are emotionless.
Piper had tried to call Lucy, like Atticus had asked, but she didn’t pick up. She didn’t think much of it when Lucy texted her shortly after, and just screenshot the messages to send to Att. After that, she was done with the situation. They could work out their roommate drama themselves.

The next morning, she went about her usual routine: yoga, light breakfast, shower, get ready for the day, look over her schedule. It was important for her to stay on top of the jobs she took; sometimes people requested her talents very last-minute, and she didn’t want to double-book herself again. That had been messy.

All together, though, she was looking forward to a normal day. She didn’t have much to do, which she didn’t mind at all. She was just starting to mentally plan out her day when she got a text from Atticus, and her blood ran cold. Of course she would be there, and she shot back a quick text, saying as much. Lucy was her friend, and she would do what she could to get her back. Though, Piper wasn’t sure that she could do much, really.

There wasn’t much to do to get ready for the meeting. Strictly speaking, Piper didn’t even have any sort of “uniform” to change into; she hardly even had a consistent mask. Though, she did wish she hadn’t gone through the trouble of applying lipstick. That would just get ruined. All she was really worried about was showing up on time. As per usual, she wore her mask around her neck, like some sort of a scarf, until she’d nearly arrived at the meeting place.

Just once, she would like to have a meeting in a place that didn’t look like it might collapse on top of them at any moment. She didn’t think that was too much to ask for.

It wasn’t very long before everyone had arrived. Most of the group was always on time, and Piper commended them for that. Especially now. She knew that many of the heroes weren’t the fondest of Lucy, so the fact that they would come out to help her meant a lot. Unless they hadn’t been told why they were here, which Piper figured was also a possibility.

She found herself staring at Atticus; she wondered if he was going to speak, how he was handling all of this. He and Lucy had fought the night before, so Piper wondered if he felt guilty. She wouldn’t have. Piper caught Atticus’ glance to Paladin; had he been the one that helped set this up? She crossed her arms as Att spoke; the danger they were all in felt very real in that moment, and the worry she felt for Lucy even more real. It was like an all-consuming pit in her stomach. They had to save Lucy. She would die if they didn’t, and then more of them would die. Piper wasn’t overly fond of anyone in the room, but they were still her best chance of survival, and they stood the best chance of finding Lucy before it was too late.

Then Lucy called.

There was a moment when Piper found herself hoping that Lucy was fine, she’d be back home soon, and everything would be fine. But Att’s reaction told her that was unlikely. She rushed to Atticus’ side, wanting to get a look at what was happening; though Malfyre quickly had the video feed hooked up to her computer. She felt the presence of another person behind her, but honestly didn’t think much of it. She was entirely focused on the video; watching wide-eyed, as if blinking would make it disappear. She wanted to flinch when Lucy was hit the first time, but she forced herself to stay calm, keep watching. Luciana needed them to stay calm.

Piper listened as carefully as she could, studied what little she could see and hear. She figured they were very likely only going to get to see this once, and she wasn’t going to risk assuming someone else was putting any of the information to memory. But when Lucy broke the script they were feeding her, Piper couldn’t stay as calm. Something was very wrong, and Piper wondered if she and Atticus had been specifically threatened, or if Luciana had just assumed it was them on the other end of the call. It was more violent when the guards hit Lucy the second time, and when combined with the warning, it was a surprising moment. Piper let out a quick yelp and recoiled, taking a step backwards, and right into someone. A pair of hands grabbed onto her shoulders, likely to steady her, but Piper immediately reached and grabbed onto the hand on her right shoulder with both her her own, taking a bit of comfort from the gesture.

It was only a short moment when, embarrassed by her reaction, she let go. She almost didn’t want to know who’s hand she’d just held onto like a scared child, but she figured she should apologize, so she turned her head. Of course it was Paladin. Why couldn’t it have been a hero she was even marginally familiar with? “Sorry,” The apology was hardly more than a whisper, but he shrugged it off.

“Don’t worry about it.”

Piper didn’t have much of a chance to consider if she would worry about it before Gemini (Hadn’t the other one been here earlier? It was so hard to keep them straight.) was speaking, trying to regain some control of the situation. Piper looked down at the floor as he spoke. She didn’t know much about any of this. She didn’t know how to help, or do anything besides tell people to give her a free cup of coffee. They had a little bit of time, but not much. Hopefully enough time to put a real plan together. She felt her eyes stinging, tears threatening to start pouring down her cheeks. She started blinking them back; this wasn’t the time. Later, she could be scared and cry. But not now, not in front of the heroes. Now, she needed to channel these emotions into something more useful. Anger, perhaps. "There was a train," She said, and cleared her throat, so her voice sounded a little stronger, "In the video. I don't know if it's helpful, but I heard a train."

you know as well as i do that it has to be done,
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzand somebody's got to do it.
Dhani had always felt like his mask looked silly when paired with regular clothing, but it was too early in the day to go out in a super suit, and frankly he didn’t want to deal with getting into it for a meeting. It wasn’t worth wearing the thing if he wasn’t going to be in it for at least a few hours. So he didn’t spend much time getting ready. As he left, he almost stopped by Kieran’s to make sure she was coming, but he didn’t want to bother her. Besides, he wanted to make sure he wasn’t late, and he was nearly almost lost when he started trying to drag Kieran along with him. He’d called the meeting, he couldn’t be late this time.

Instead, he tried to be early, wanting to show up ahead of everyone else. This felt tense, important, but before he knew it everyone had arrived. When Atticus glanced his way Dhani gave a small smile, as if to say “you can do this.” When Atticus started talking, Dhani glanced around the room at the others. He didn’t like speaking up at these meetings, but he was ready to if anyone decided to be difficult. Not that he thought they would, but Red Witch was not beloved amongst the heroes. Hell, he wasn’t fond of her, himself. But here Att was, asking all of them for help. Dhani knew that even if no one else agreed to help, he would. For Red Witch, and the cause they all shared… And for Atticus’ sake, too.

Atticus fished his phone out of his pocket just as he’d finished explaining what was going on, and then turned to look right at Dhani. It was Red Witch. It wasn’t long before Atticus was yelling at Kieran to do something. Dhani glanced at Kieran, hoping she’d keep it together for this. She was looking a little rough, but this was important. It wasn’t long before they had the video pulled up on a bigger screen, though everything else going on was a little distracting. Dhani moved in to watch, right over Aboleth’s shoulder. She was short enough that she wasn’t in his way, and he counted on her not minding him standing behind her.

The video itself wasn’t fun to watch. Dhani didn’t particularly like Red Witch, but he didn’t like seeing anyone be abused like that. It only solidified that they needed to work to get her out of wherever she was, and quickly. At the end of the video, Aboleth backed right into Dhani. She was surprised, and it was only a natural reaction. He grabbed onto her shoulders to stop her, so she wouldn’t end up taking them both to the floor. He didn’t know what to do when she grabbed his hand, so he didn’t do anything. It wasn’t a big deal, anyway. They were all on the same side right now, and Dhani had never hesitated to help out or comfort any of the heroes if he could.

Thankfully, Gemini stepped up to take control of the room. Dhani wasn’t much of a planner, but he’d go along with whatever plan was made. He looked at Att, trying to see if he could piece out how he was doing. Dhani didn’t know. The fucked up situation they’d been in had only gotten worse by the minute, and Dhani wouldn’t be surprised if it managed to get even worse before they finished the meeting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kieran Valanetti Character Portrait: Piper Young Character Portrait: Dhani Batra Character Portrait: Cerys Day Character Portrait: Atticus Hawkins Character Portrait: Jena Wainwright//Adrian Robles
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Malfyre | Anti-Hero | Outfit & Mask | #575772

I lost a bet to a guy in a Chiffon skirt
But I make these high heels work
I've told you time and time again
I'm not as think as you drunk I am
And we all fell down when the sun came up
I think we've had enough


The walk from her apartment complex to the warehouse wasn’t so bad, except for the bright sunlight since it was still rather early in the day, which was only making her hangover worse. But thank god she grabbed a pair of sunglasses on her way out, which helped lessen the light sensitivity, but her head still ached, and having to walk and move around was only making her feel even more sick. She really should have just stayed home and stayed in bed and slept the hangover away, but here she was. Making her way to a warehouse for who knows what bullshit, probably an intervention, which if it was she would walk out the door the moment they started speaking to her. Malfyre knows she fucked up and probably jeopardized the mission, but Kieran’s pride wasn’t going to let that get to her, or even really dwell on it. That was the thing that not many people realized, that sure enough Malfyre was her alter-ego for the mutant side of her, who could just roll with the punches and act like things didn’t bother them, but Kieran, the actual person under the mask took things all too personally. Maybe she was a bit too sensitive sometimes, but she wasn’t going to let it go with what happened. And it was a weight she was going to bare for who knows how long. Not that she wanted it to show, she’d do her job, that’s all that mattered.

Finally, after what was about thirty or so minutes, Kieran saw the warehouse she’d need to go to in the distance, and put on her mask as she ducked into an alleyway, and made her way slowly to the warehouse. Scouting it out first as she wanted to make sure that it wasn’t a setup, seeing Gemini and Artemis walking in both together, talking, she snuck in behind them and hung close to one of the walls as she followed them in silently. Her attention was focused on Icarus as he greeted them all in, preparing herself for what was to come. But what came next, she hadn’t anticipated at all. Red Witch was missing. Somehow, on god’s green earth, Red Witch was missing, and Icarus was in need of help. Normally she would have brushed it off, but with the history of mutants, both heroes and villains disappearing, this wasn’t a chance they could afford to risk.

Malfyre stood motionless as Icarus looked at his phone and said how it was her, clearly Red Witch. If her hunch was right, it was going to be a bait, small piece of a bread trail they could use, or even a way for whoever was doing this to get the jump on them. Kieran quickly took out her laptop and was already getting things set up by the time Icarus started yelling at her to do something cuz she was a known hacker. “Already working on it, Pretty Boy! Just...Stop yelling at me, alright?” she yelled back as she scrambled to get his phone connected to her laptop, after setting up a few things to keep her laptop from being corrupted by anything on his phone, or if they were being tracked as well, she made sure to put up plenty of blockers and anti-tracking walls up to keep her laptop from being fucked with. If they couldn’t track them, they’d be fine. Kieran’s laptop was already searching over for any possible coordinates it could scan from the call, and even a simple location like what part of the city it was in could help tremendously.

Kieran’s eyes didn’t even bother looking at the screen with the video feed, that’s not where her priorities lied currently. Her eyes scanned over all of the coding and numbers that flew across the screen as multiple applications and scanners and the like scanned for even a simple trace. Anything at this point would help them. Kieran’s eyes glanced over to the other screen when there was a sound of what she thought was a slap, which she knew was confirmed by everyone’s reactions of gasps and shock. Kieran remained unfazed by what took place as Red Witch was sedated and the camera feed was cut shortly after. Kieran remained motionless as everyone else reacted differently, but also the same. Shock, confusion, worry. It was all normal reactions, but Kieran knew what the end result of the call was going to be. Torture and violence were common place for this type of situation, and Kieran would be lying to herself if she didn’t act like she had to have done some similiar things in the past to get information out of people. Hell, she had done far worse for less, which turned her stomach just a bit.

Slowly, Malfyre turned to get up, keeping the laptop on a stack of boxes that helped keep it propped up as the group gathered around her to watch the video call playout. Kieran walked over to one of the ends of the warehouse, lifting up the bottom of her mask just enough as she emptied the contents of her stomach as she dry heaved and gagged, her hangover really was getting worse as time went on. Besides, what she had seen, as much as she didn’t want to acknowledge it was disturbing in a sense. Kieran slowly made her way back over to the other in time to hear Gemini speak, who she noticed had changed forms since she walked away. Their power really was interesting. Something that was slowly peeking her interest into how it happened, or if it was naturally brought on. Shaking her head of those thoughts as she walked back over, pulling the rest of her mask back down as she crossed her arms.

The group were all asking what they’d do, with multiple people asking Malfyre what to do and what they would learn if they figured out where she was. “Okay first, one at a time please. I am one person and can only answer so much at a time, especially right now…” she muttered, the voice modifier on her voice crackled as she spoke. Walking back over to her computer, she unplugged Icarus’ phone and tossed it back to him as she felt her custom laptop in one hand, “Alright, so from that call and what we managed to garner from it. I picked up on a few things actually, much to your delight I’m sure.” she said with a tint of sarcasm. First, pointing at Aboleth, “Blondie is right, we did hear the sound of a train, which is important to note. So, good insight on that one, Aboleth.” Malfyre held up a finger, indicating their first point, “Second, she was in some building with a bunch of monitors in the background, most likely used as a distraction to keep us from figuring out what kind of building it was. Smart of them, but not that smart.” Malfyre held up a second figure, looking over at Icarus she spoke again, “And lastly, we do have a few days, at most. If they keep to their word, which is important to note. I’ll work on the coordinates and all the possible places she could be in, if they’ll still be there. Cuz who’s to say they aren’t on the move right now? I’ll be sure to keep you updated as I figure out more, no need for numbers, I have my ways of contacting you all.” her mask lit up indicating a small wink of the led light eyes.

And actually, proper last important note, the train. There are a few different train stations throughout Barden. At least two that are still in function, so if I were to venture a guess. Including possible other warehouses or abandoned buildings she could be in, Red Witch could be anywhere in the North end which is where the busier tracks are, or, which is my higher guess, she could be in the West end. Less traveled and more of a spot I’d think of to take someone hostage.” Kieran mumbled the last part to herself, before quickly shaking her head as she closed her laptop and held it to her chest as she nervously rocked on her feet, “But, I’ll have proper concrete evidence in the next few days, so...Until then just, sit tight and don’t do anything stupid. You try going after her alone, you could fuck it up and actually end up having her be killed, which, wouldn’t put it past them to make her an example. So just, be smart and patient. I’d do my best on this, I’ll get your friend back.