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Jason Michaels

WIP "Because teachers, no matter how kind, no matter how friendly, are sadistic and evil to the core."

0 · 505 views · located in Mercy Falls, Minnesota

a character in “The Winter Wolves”, as played by SugarPlum22


Jason Michaels

β€œIt never gets easier, missing you. And sometimes I wonder if it ever will.”


| Nickname |

Jace "I'd prefer it if you just call me this."

| Age |


| Occupation |

Helps his dad with the clock tower

| Appearance |

Jace is a slim, young boy with straight dark drown to black hair. The bangs of his hair are particularly prominent, covering part of his forehead, with some smaller strands jutting outwards from the side of his head.

He has large turquoise eyes, which really stand out because of his dark hair color.

| Personality |


| Likes |

+ Pranks "They're just so funny!"
+ Sweets "I'm a kid, how can I not like them?"
+ Music "Any kind really, just not rap. I hate that junk!"

| Dislikes |

X Vegetables "They're just gross!"
X Bugs "Come on, some are creepy!"
X Fish "It taste bad."
X Being ignored "I have no words..."

| Hobbies |

+ Reading/Manga "I love mystery books. They always keep you on edge!"
+ Playing video games "Dude, I can beat your butt any day!"
+ Skateboarding "I'm not that good, but whatever."
+ Watching anime "So I like this stuff, what of it?"

| Fears |

X Acrophobia "Heights, I just can't..."
X Claustrophobia "Small spaces, not my thing…"
X Hylophobia "It's all the stories I've heard…"

| Talents |

+ Clock fixing "Dad taught me everything he knows!"
+ Robotic engineering "What do you expect? I fix clocks."
+ Movie making "Give me a camera and you'll have an amazing movie made!"

| Flaws |

X Being Told What to Do "I'm an independent 12-year-old, what can I say?"
X Low-self esteem "Only sometimes!"
X Skipping school "I hate school..."

| Bio |


| Other |

Jace has a pet kitten and puppy, who get along very well. His kitten is a female Bengal named Nala. She's a very active, but lazy cat. As long as it's warm, she's active during the day, running around the clock tower and jumping up on things she's not suppose to. Once it gets cold, especially during the night to morning, all she wants to do is either curl up by the fireplace or in Jace's bed. His puppy is a male Finnish Spitz named Fritz. When Fritz gets bigger, Jace wants to have him pull sleds and the likes during the winter.

| Theme song |

Clock Strikes || One Ok Rock
What’s waits for you
What’s breaking through
Nothing for good
You’re sure it’s true

If you say there is no forever
You would be lonely and in pain
Everyone actually wants to believe,
But betrayal may leave a deep wound
You keep on believing that
A world with forever is not a utopia
If we could realize that
This is the true world we wish for,
What will we end?

Believe the time is always forever
And I always be here
Believe it till the end
I won’t go away
And won’t say never
It doesn’t have to be even
You can keep it till the end

If we keep saying that there is no forever
Then how many hopes and dreams would die?
Thinking about the despair if forever doesn’t exist
And how its existence is inhumane
Makes you stop the hand again at the turning page
How will we end?

Believe the time is always forever
And I always be here
Believe it till the end
I won’t go away
And won’t say never
It doesn’t have to be even
You can keep it till the end

Whaoooooo (X4)

Believe the time is always forever
And I always be here
Believe it till the end
I won’t go away
And won’t say never
It doesn’t have to be even
You can keep it till the end

Keep it till the end
You can keep it till the end
(And time will stay)
You can keep it till the end
(Time goes by)

You can keep it till the end


So begins...

Jason Michaels's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Samuel Cyral Dalton
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Location: Mercy Falls' Eastice Park || Time Spent Bitten: Seven Years || Fate: 7.4


Sweat beaded and rolled off of the Librarian of the Mercy Falls' Community Library's forehead. He wiped it away with the back of his hand absentmindedly. He hated the heat. In weather this hot, it was one of the few times he couldn't shift at will. Morgan sighed, shielding his eyes from the bright overhead sun. He couldn't seen them, but he certianly could smell them. By them, he meant the other two werewolves of his pack. Sam, and Ellie. He hadn't been their alpha for more than a month, but it was worth it. He finally had closure for his family, and the two were good packmates. He also was no longer on his own.

Another scent crossed his nose, making Morgan smile. He could smell Jace, the clocktower boy, running around, with Fritz in tow. The boy made regular trips to the library, always inquiring after mysteries and thrillers, which Morgan was always happy to help him find. The boy had a gift for reading, something Morgan could appreciate.

A couple of teenage girls walked by where Morgan was standing, and began giggling after they passed him. He could tell by their scent alone they weren't locals, and from what he heard from their frantic whispers, they were laughing at the fact he was barefoot. Well, that and practically swooning over the fact that his bare chest could be seen. He had a shirt on, but it was a button-up top that he just let hang open. The girls made him roll his eyes. Girls never did anything for him, they were a bunch of giggles and make-up and just not worth his time. He hadn't met a girl yet who could change his opinon.

Ignoring them, Morgan gave out a low whistle. Sure enough, the little Finnish Spitz came running, and Morgan knew Jason would soon follow, to find out where the puppy went. "Hey there, little guy. How's my little man doing, huh?" Morgan knelt down to give the small dog a good rub.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Michaels Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair
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Jason "Jace" Michaels
Location: Clock Tower || β€œIt was tough attempting to be social with people who'd rather pretend you didn't exist.”


Jace had to get up extra early this morning, his father being out of town for two more days. He took a quick shower then put on a red plaid flannel shirts, dark blue jeans, and his usual black vans. There were a few things needed to do before going to the carnival. One: give Fritz and Nala fresh food and water, also himself a fix of breakfast. Two: make sure the clocks were in check. And three: buy more groceries. The first two were done in two hours, all he needed now was to go to the local grocery store.

Fritz was already waiting by the door when Jace got there. "You wanna come with me boy?" He asked the pup, who barked happily. "Okay, but you got to wear your collar. I know you don't like it. But you have to if you wanna go outside." Fritz whimpered at first, but when Jace placed the turquoise collar on him, his tail wagged. Opening the door, he called out to the kitten, "Nala, you better not wreck the house when I'm gone." With that, he and the puppy left the clock tower, locking the door behind them.

It took Jace and Fritz about half an hour to gather all the groceries they needed. "That looks like about it." The puppy barked cheerfully, as the two raced out of the grocery store after paying for everything. "Come on Fritz. The faster we get these groceries back home, the faster we can go to the carnival." Fritz had stopped moments after leaving the grocery store and ran the opposite way. "Hey Fritz! Where ya goin?" He called after his pup, running after him.

Soon enough, Jace found Fritz being petted by Mr. Alistair, the Librarian. It was strange, Fritz seemed to be super friendly with three people, besides Jace and his dad. It was always Morgan, Sam, and Elenore that the puppy seemed to run up to whenever he caught wind of their sent or heard their voice. "Good mor-afternoon Mr." Whenever the boy entered the Library, he'd referred to Morgan as Mr. Alistair, which he kept telling Jace to call him Morgan. "Sorry if Fritz is bothering you. He just seems to really like you. Anyways, we have to get back to the clock tower and put the groceries away. Isn't that right Fritz." The puppy let out a small whimper before barking in agreement. "Right. Well, we'll be on our way. Hope to see you at the carnival later today Morgan." With that, the boy and his pup ran off towards the clock tower.

Back home, Jace put all the groceries away then checked to make sure Nala didn't destroy anything in the house. She was, in fact, asleep on his bed. Lazy kitten... Jace thought, shaking his head lightly. "Alright, everything seems to be in order. So let's get going to the carnival. Shall we." Leaving the clock tower once again with Fritz, the two raced to the carnival, exited to play the games and, for Jace, riding the rides.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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0.00 INK

Jason "Jace" Michaels
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival || β€œIt was tough attempting to be social with people who'd rather pretend you didn't exist.”


Jace wondered around the carnival for a bit, Fritz following after him. "Let's see. Where to go first." He said to himself trying to find a game that the puppy could play with him. After searching for five minutes, they came across two games. One was the Fish Bowl, where you try and toss a golf ball into a fish bowl to win that fish. The other was the Duck Pond, where you grab a rubber duck out of the flowing water and depending on it's color you win a certain prize, it was a game of luck.

Jace looked at the two games, then down at Fritz. "Which one do you want to go to first?" The puppy barked and headed towards the Duck Pond. "Game of luck it is." He smiled, following his dog.

Reaching the booth, Jace handed the man four dollars. "Two ducks." He told the man, patting the edge of the table. Fritz understood this and jumped up onto it.

"Alright kid. Whenever you're ready, grab a duck. If the bottom's black, sorry no prize for you. If it's blue, you get to choose a small prize. Yellow a medium prize. And if you get lucky and grab a red, then you get one of the big prizes." The man informed him.

Jace nodded, then looked to Fritz. "You got that boy?" The puppy barked, meaning he understood. Let's see. The ducks with an outfit are probably the black and blue ones. Since kids are going to be more attracted to them and there is more. So the plainer ones must be yellow or red as there is only a few of them. The boy thought, trying to analyze the trick to the game.

Fritz barked again, sticking his head into the water and withdrawing a rubber duck. The bottom of it was blue. "Good boy. You got yourself a new toy." He praised the pup and picked out a small purple bear. "Here you go. And now it's my turn." He placed the bear in front of Fritz, who grabbed it in his mouth right away. Jace finally grabbed on of the plain ducks and, to the carnie's surprise, was yellow. "Let's see, I'll take the duck." It was just a regular looking duck, but he liked it for some reason.

The two then headed over to the Fish Bowl booth. Jace paid six dollars this time for two balls. He tossed the first one, but sadly it missed. Then he lightly tossed the second to Fritz, who hit it towards the bowls with is muzzle. To everyone's surprise, the golf ball made it into one of the fish bowls."Well kid, that's some lucky pup you got there. Here you go."The man handed Jace the fish bowl and the two left.

"I didn't intend on getting a fish...Nala with eat it if I bring it home." Jace sighed, looking around. Might as well just give it to someone. He thought, spotting Morgan and a girl around his age. Fritz ran off towards the two before the boy was able to say anything. Not again! He ran after the puppy, stopping in front of the two. "Fritz! Do I need to put you on a leash?" He scold the pup, then glanced up. "Ah. Sorry about that.." Apologizing, he looked to the girl. "Um..I can't take care of this fish because I have a cat who'll probably eat it. Do you want it?" He asked the girl, thinking that she looked somewhat familiar.

ღ Chloe Williams ღ
Location: _ ||"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."


Getting off Vortex, Chloe was laughing. Her friends were fairly dizzy, but spinning rides didn't bother her. "Alright! Next ride should be...That one!" It was Zipper another ride that spins. The girl was strangely fond of spinning rides, as she never got dizzy or a headache. Her friends, on the other hand, sometimes didn't appreciate this aspect.

Nevertheless, the three girls headed to Zipper. Though, Chloe stopped for a moment, feeling like someone was staring at her. She looked around, but there were too many people to tell who it was. Shrugging, the girl ran to catch up with her friends.

In line, Stella retrieved her phone from her back short's pocket. "Chloe, my mom wants me home in an hour to watch my little brother. So I'll be leaving after this ride. Kay?" This made the girl pout. It was only three in the afternoon.

"Alright. Guess me and Beca will hang out and have fun without you." Chloe stuck her tongue out at Stella, causing the three girls to laugh. "I have to leave at 7 anyways. Tony is making me do another shift. Man, he's so annoying."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair
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Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg
Location: The Carnival, Mercy Falls || Time Spent Bitten: 4 years || Fate: 9


Suddenly, there was a pup running towards her and Morgan. A boy about a year older than her ran after it.
"Fritz! Do I need to put you on a leash? Ah. Sorry about that.. Um..I can't take care of this fish because I have a cat who'll probably eat it. Do you want it?"
Ellie watched as he offered her the fish bowl. She shook her head a bit,
"Oh, I'm sorry. If it lived with me, it'd probably die of starvation..."
She trailed off. It was true though, if the fish didn't die even before winter came, she wouldn't go near it, unless she wanted to eat it.
She repeated.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair
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0.00 INK

Jason "Jace" Michaels
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival || β€œIt was tough attempting to be social with people who'd rather pretend you didn't exist.”


Jace sighed, as the girl declined the fish. "Ah, well that can't be helped I guess." He looked around some more. Then he spotted a girl, about five years old, coming their way and crying.

"Mommy! I wanted the fishy!" The little girl girl cried.

Perfect. As the little girl came close enough, Jace stopped her and her mother. "Hey. I have this fish, you see. But sadly I can't take care of him. Do you want it?" He asked the girl, crouching down on his knees.

"Really! I can have him!" The girl seemed to cheer up quickly, as Jace nodded. She gave him a hug, then took the fish bowl and left.

"Well that takes care of that." He said, mainly to himself. "Oh! I'm Jace by the way." He introduced himself, thinking it was rude of him not to.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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0.00 INK

Location: Mercy Falls' Eastice Park || Time Spent Bitten: Seven Years || Fate: 7.4


Morgan shrugged with a small laugh. "I suppose I didn't think that through, did I?" He crossed his arms and spotted Chloe in the crowd, the girl he had been staring at before. Why did she make him feel so strange? He watched as they were headed to the Zipper. Morgan made a face. That ride was particularly nasty. His thoughts were interupted by the arrival of Fritz and Jason. Morgan gave them his attention, bending down to pet the puppy. Jace seemed to be offering Ells a fish.

"Nah, Fritzie don't need no leash. You're not bothering anybody, are you, little man?"

He stood up again. "Well, I'll leave you two alone for a bit."

He walked over to the Zipper, standing near the exit gate. He wondered once more why he seemed to be so drawn to the blonde waitress.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels
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Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg
Location: The Carnival, Mercy Falls || Time Spent Bitten: 4 years || Fate: 9


"Oh! I'm Jace by the way."
Elenore looked at the boy, Jace. He seemed the tiniest bit familiar...Eh, It was probably her mind playing tricks. She stuck out her hand,
"I'm Ellie,"
She smiled.
"Nice to meet ya."
With her other hand, she held the bag of cotton candy up to her face, taking a bite.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels
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0.00 INK

Jason "Jace" Michaels
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival || β€œIt was tough attempting to be social with people who'd rather pretend you didn't exist.”


"I'm Ellie. Nice too meet ya." The girl, Ellie, introduced herself, holding out her hand for him ti shake it.

Shaking her hand, Jace smiled lightly. "Um yeah. Nice too meet you too." He was quite shy when it came to girls. As he never knew what to talk about with them. "Being at a carnival alone isn't as fun as being with someone else. So would you, um, care to join me? As it seems like, has left." Yup, he definitely wasn't good with talking to girls.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels
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Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg
Location: Eastice Park, The Carnival || Time Spent Bitten: 4 years || Fate: 9


Elenore nodded,
She smiled, she could notice he was a bit nervous. It amused her a little... Yet for some reason... She was a little nervous too. It was weird, for her, at least.
"So...What do you want to go on? Or should we play some games?"
She asked, sticking her hand in the cotton candy bag, to take the last piece and eat it. Ellie stopped, and looked at Jace.
"...Do you want it?"
She asked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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0.00 INK

ღ Chloe Williams ღ
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival ||"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."


Chloe stopped playing after her third try. "I know the game is most likely rigged. But I really want that wolf!" She was pouting again. Stupid game. Suddenly there was a bill on the table. She looked over to see that Morgan was standing next to them. Which he nodded to them.

"You're throwing it wrong. You have to aim at the bottom three, just between the middle one and one of the ones on the end. They're weighted, so you have to have enough force to knock them down. The ones on top will fall because they don't have any support left." He told them, taking the ball into his hand and throwing it. The pyramid instantly knocked over. As he received the white wolf she wanted.

"Well I'm not good at sports. And I'm not coordinated. That's why I kept missing." Chloe said, glancing at the stuffed animal every now and then. She was jealous that he had the wolf and not her.

It seemed like Morgan noticed her staring, as he offered the wolf to her. "Here. You wanted him, right?"

"Yeah. Thanks.." She took the wolf from him, holding it close to her so it hid her blushing cheeks. When guys did this cheesy stuff, it always made her blush.

Beca, on the other hand, took advantage of this. "Ah. Well I see you're all better now. And Oh! Look at the time. I got to go. See ya girly." With that, she waved and ran off.

"Beca! Wait!" Chloe called after her friend, but it was too late, she had disappeared into the crowd of people.

Jason "Jace" Michaels
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival || β€œIt was tough attempting to be social with people who'd rather pretend you didn't exist.”


Jace was thinking of what to do, when Ellie offered her last piece of cotton candy to him. "...Do you want it?"

He felt that he couldn't decline the girl's offer so he accepted it. "Um..Sure. Thanks." He took the last piece and ate it as he looked around. "Well, what kind of rides do you like? I'm down for anything really."He told her, then remembered Fritz was sitting patiently next to him.

He picked up the Finnish Spitz, holding him with one are while the stuffed duck was in his other hand. "By the way, this is Fritz." The puppy muffled a bark as his stuff bear was still in him mouth.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels
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Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg
Location: Eastice Park, The Carnival || Time Spent Bitten: 4 years || Fate: 9


Elenore smiled,
"He's cute,"
She ruffled the Finnish Spitz's head. She flinched a bit, realizing she hadn't answered Jace's question.
"I love rides that spin, but, uh, I can see if you don't like them.."
Ellie awkwardly stood still for a second or two, before quickly adding on,
"I like roller coasters, too."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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ღ Chloe Williams ღ
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival ||"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."


"Does she usually run away like that?" Morgan asked, he was smiling and had his hand out to her.

Chloe scanned the crowd again. "Only when she wants to be a nuisance..." She sighed, taking his hand and shaking it.

"I'm Morgan, by the way. Morgan Alistair. I'm the librarian in town. I think I've seen you in there a few times, but I don't believe I've ever caught your name?".

"Yeah, I know who your are...That sounded much more creepier than I intended." She placed her hand over her face and looked down after she said that. "What I meant was that I know you're the librarian here. As you mentioned, I got to the library a few time, so I've see you around and behind the counter." She smiled, mentally slapping herself for sounding like a weirdo.

"Anyways, my name's Chloe Williams. It's nice to officially meet you." Chloe said, then followed to where he was pointing.

"So, any other rigged games I need to teach you how to beat?" He inquired, having a slight smirk on his face.

She looked at the rows of games booths, thinking to herself for a moment. "I don't know. Is there any game you had in mind?" She asked, really only wanting to play the one game for the wolf and go on more rides.

Jason "Jace" Michaels
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival || β€œIt was tough attempting to be social with people who'd rather pretend you didn't exist.”


"He's cute." Ellie said, smiling, as she patted Fritz head.

Placing Fritz down, Jace bent down and whispered. "Hey, why don't you go home, kay? Watch Nala for me and make sure she doesn't ruin the house." He told the pup, who whimpered, but ran off towards the clock tower.

He looked at Ellie as she told him that she loved spinning rides and roller coasters. "I love rides that spin, but, uh, I can see if you don't like them..I like roller coasters, too."

"Ah. I'm fine with anything. So, I'll let you choose the ride." He sheepishly smiled.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels
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Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg
Location: Eastice Park, The Carnival || Time Spent Bitten: 4 years || Fate: 9


Elenore watched as Jace whispered for Fritz to go home.
"Ah. I'm fine with anything. So, I'll let you choose the ride."
Elenore looked around,
"...I don't know...Do you like the Zipper?"
She smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elenore "Ellie" Cosburg Character Portrait: Jason Michaels Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Chloe Williams
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0.00 INK

Jason "Jace" Michaels
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival || β€œIt was tough attempting to be social with people who'd rather pretend you didn't exist.”


Jace looked to the Zipper, it was three rides down from where they were. A smirk appeared on the boys face. "Race ya there!" With that, he ran off towards the ride. He was quite fast, being small and light weight, plus he's on a junior track team. Lot's of running practice.

It was quite unusual for Jace to be so social. He would typically bury himself in a good book rather than talk to people. Maybe it was because it was soon to be the start of a new school year. He probably decided to try and stand out a bit more as it's his last year in Middle School.

ღ Chloe Williams ღ
Location: Eastice Park, Carnival ||"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."


Chloe blinked a few times. "Ehhh?! What do you mean 'someone doesn't hide their tracks very well'??" She was slightly confused. Did he mean when she blushed? Did he see that?! She shook her head, then looked down. Wow. He really isn't wearing any shoes. Does he do that often?

Morgan was staring at her again, then he crossed his arms with a smile.Β "And here's my turn to be creepy. You look like a girl fixin' to go on a few more of them steel death traps. So, what's your poison? There, now we're even in the creepiness factor."

She looked around for a bit, trying to spot a ride. Steel death traps, huh? Someone's not a fan of roller coasters. She cracked her knuckles, something out of habbit. "Let's see..How about..That one!" She suggested, pointing to Evolution.

Walking to the ride, Chloe thought for a moment. Not sociable. Huh? Like that little clock tower boy. She gave it another minute or two before she spoke. "Well, why don't you try and be sociable?" She asked him, with a questionable look. "I mean, I've only seen you work at the Library mostly during Summer and Spring. And you're there from opening til closing, right? So what do you do when you're not working at the Library?" She paused, her eyes widened a bit. "Ah, that might be a bit too personal. We've only just meant. You don't have to answer that." She quickly added.

After thinking for a bit, girl couldn't help but let out a small giggle. "I'm sorry, but you're like the wolves that live behind my house. But the opposite. They're only around during the Fall and Winter. You're only around during Summer and Spring..." She went quiet and looked down. "Ah! I'm sorry for saying something weird. Most people around here don't like it when someone talks about the wolves..." Her smile slightly faded. Was he one of those people? I'm saying sorry too much... She sighed.