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Morgana Wynterfell

"This isn't how I imagined spending my day."

0 · 701 views · located in The Whimsical Residence for Wayward Children

a character in “The WRFWC II”, originally authored by AlexusRaevynn, as played by RolePlayGateway





"And so it begins..."



β™« Clair Voyant | Two Steps From Hell β™«

Fᴀᴄᴇ α΄„ΚŸα΄€Ιͺᴍ ✦ Kirito / Kirigaya Kazuto {Sword Art Online, GGO Arc}
DΙͺα΄€ΚŸα΄Ι’α΄œα΄‡ Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✧ #624C78
TΚœα΄α΄œΙ’Κœα΄› Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✦ #9581A9



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"I suppose it is what we choose to call ourselves that shows who we are."
Morgana Wynterfell (Formerly Sebastian Wilde).

"I would much prefer it if you didn’t."
Morgan, Anna.

"Young enough to still be here."
17 / Seventeen

"I’m not overly fond of this day, but if you insist."
March 13th, 1999

"Take a guess."
Physically male, identifies as genderless: they, them.

"Do we have to talk about this here?"
Aromantic-flux / grey-panromantic asexual.

"I have no pointed ears nor a tail if that’s what you’re asking."


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"Supposedly eyes are the windows to the soul. I don’t buy it."

"I’m pretty sure you can look at me and see."
Dark brown, almost black.

"This is what I see when I look in the mirror."
Standing at 5'5" in height, Morgana is slightly below average height for their age, they are also bordering on being underweight. They have pale skin from staying inside most of the time, along with a thin feminine figure. Morgana’s hair reaches their waist at its longest though shorter locks frame their face and fall into their eyes at times.
Morgana doesn’t have a preference for clothing, wearing male and female clothes equally often, something which usually prompts confusion over their gender when combined with their feminine appearance. One thing that is always present no matter what, is a small, dark grey satchel. Morgana never goes anywhere without it.

{Introverted, Jaded, Gentle, Insecure}
Morgana sometimes appears to be a somewhat bitter person. They have seen a little of the darkness of the world and do not wish to see it again, though they don’t believe that they can avoid it forever. They are a quiet soul, much preferring solitude to being surrounded by others. Such feelings often lead to them being awkward around other people, occasionally stumbling over words, and sometimes blushing from any attention given to them.
At heart Morgana is a gentle person, if a little insecure. They enjoy helping to look after and care for others, though only really show this side of them to animals or the few that manage to sneak into their heart. Violence is something that they dislike, to the point that they will rarely stand up for themselves. Morgana experiences a lot of self-doubt. They avoid showing off, being unsure of their skills.




"I’m not sure if this counts..."
"A Fateweaver's Fable" - Wayward: Morgana’s ability is simply that they can read Tarot and Oracle cards very accurately, although most of the time the futures that they read change as the person makes different choices. This isn’t an ability they use around other people often, if at all.

"The things I like, huh?"
~Reading - Morgana enjoys curling up somewhere quiet with a good book~
~The quiet - If it is quiet then there aren't usually many people around~
~Small animals - They're easy to take care of and are less likely to hurt someone~
~Sweets - Chocolate and cake and, well, anything sugary really~
~Stars - They enjoy being outside at night and watching the stars~

"Just, don't tell anyone else, ok?"
~Loud people - They disrupt the quiet~
~Bitter and sour food - It doesn't taste very nice to Morgana~
~Crowds - That's just way too many people~
~Knives - A fear from their past~
~Blood - Given that whenever you see it someone is usually hurt...~

"If it's all the same to you, I would rather not go into details."
Morgana doesn’t remember much of their parents, with only their old name tying them to a life with someone other than the elderly lady who raised them. The lady – Caitlyn – ran a small, out of the way shop full of lots of different and curious objects, from old clocks to shiny gems to wind chimes that seemed to make sound even without wind. It was in this shop that Morgana could often be found, dusting various parts of it and helping the few customers that visited find what they were after.
At the age of eight, the child came across a small box they had never seen before while they were dusting. And curious as most children are at that age, Morgana opened it. Inside, wrapped inside black silk was a set of cards, each depicting different things. They asked Caitlyn if they could keep it, and with the child having never asked for anything before, the lady was happy to allow them to have it. In the evenings Morgana started to learn how to read these Tarot cards and from then on could be sometimes be found on a small table in the corner of the shop reading them for the odd customer here and there who was willing to humour them. Of course, Morgana’s accuracy with those readings often left them feeling a little perturbed.
Three years later, Morgana woke up on their eleventh birthday with something not feeling quite right. Still, they got ready for the day as normal and drew a card for the day as they did soon after waking every morning previously. Upon turning the two cards over that they ended up taking, they were worried at the sight of the World and Death cards. Nervously, they placed the deck back into their bag and ran through to Caitlyn’s room, only to find the elderly woman dead in her bed, blood staining the sheets as a knife stuck out from her chest. Terrified and panicking as they were, the child ran from the house crying, tears streaming down their face. The eleven year old soon found them self lost in the forest and a short while later stumbled across an old-fashioned house. They were soon welcomed inside, and while they haven’t spoken to many people since their arrival, Morgana has lived somewhat contently there for six years now.

Character Sheet created by °ẞ0llisīic°
Character Played by AlexusRaevynn

So begins...

Morgana Wynterfell's Story


Feeling Mischievous || Outfit
β™« γ€ι«˜ιŸ³θ³ͺ】My Soul, Your Beats | LiSA β™«

Fᴀᴄᴇ α΄„ΚŸα΄€Ιͺᴍ ✦ Menma {Anohana: The Flowers We Saw That Day}
DΙͺα΄€ΚŸα΄Ι’α΄œα΄‡ Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✧ #58ACFA
TΚœα΄α΄œΙ’Κœα΄› Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✦ #0489B1


It was another wonderful day at the Residence, birds were singing, flowers were blooming. Oh who am I kidding- it was as boring as always. At least in Azura's point of view. She currently was humming as she sat at the window, admiring the flowers outside. She watched as their petals swayed in rhythmic unison, performing a gentle dance in the wind. She honestly just wanted something interesting to happen. Was the only way she could make that happen was by inflicting the event (whatever it was) herself? Perhaps. What could she possibly do to get things going? She had to make sure it went to a point where at least a little chaos was started, without anybody asking "Who dun it?". Surely if that happened, Cecil would call her out in record time flat. She hated the looks she'd get from the children whenever she did start something, soon after being caught by the aspiring detective. What to do, what to do?... She'd ask herself repeatedly. "-Aha!" Startled by her outburst, a nearby child jumped and stared at her questioningly, soon walking out of the living room. She stood, and ran out the room excitedly, ready for the upcoming chaos.

The set-up was easy. A classic water bucket prank would start the chain. The one who walked in first would get soaked, causing the other person at the other doorway across the living room to have (real, living) spiders dumped on their head. Afterwards, she'd anonymously cast small spells to mess with the others. Nobody would know who did it (unless somebody asked Cecil). Well, at least she hopes so. All she needed to do right now was to call a (fake) meeting in the living room. She sent a small magic message into everyone's head, altering Cosmo's so he knew not to come in first or second. "I'd like to call everyone to come to the living room! I have a story to tell!" Azura made sure it was clear as possible what the reason was, so Cecil wouldn't wonder and end up figuring out the real reason she called everyone to this little "gathering". Let the games begin~



Feeling Happy || Outfit

Fᴀᴄᴇ α΄„ΚŸα΄€Ιͺᴍ ✦ Shiro {No Game No Life}
DΙͺα΄€ΚŸα΄Ι’α΄œα΄‡ Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✧ #F5A9D0
TΚœα΄α΄œΙ’Κœα΄› Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✦ #F6CED8


Louise had been sleeping soundly for awhile now, and didn't plan to get up anytime soon. That, was until a message rang in her mind. Awaking from her nap, she rubbed her eyes and stood. Patting down her dress, she walked out of her room and headed to the living room. What does Miss Odette want? A story...? She thought for a moment. What oh so important "story" was good enough to wake her up? There's only one way to find out; which would soon bring her so called demise. Who knew all the chaos that would unfold? Not Lou, that's for sure.

Had she not gotten into the room first, maybe she wouldn't have gotten one of her favorite dresses soaked with water. As she stepped through the doorway, everything went downhill. Louise screamed once she felt the ice cold water pierce her entire body. Her cry rang throughout the whole residence, and was definitely going to cause a rucus. "WHO DID THIS TO ME!!?"

#624C78 || #9581A9

Morgana was holed up in their room, it was somewhat quiet in the residence for once and they were perfectly content to take advantage of that while they could. They were sat on their bed, legs tucked underneath them. Eyes closed, they slowly breathed in and out, no sign of movement other than the gentle movements of their chest with each breath. Had someone looked in right then it would seem as if the feminine figure had fallen asleep even though it was clearly daylight outside.

Meditation was relaxing, and something that Morgana liked to do whenever it was quiet enough to do so undisturbed. "Thinking of disturbances..." They could hear Azura calling everyone to living room, something about wanting to tell a story. While Morgana would have preferred to stay in their room, the quiet was well and truly broken now and they did quite enjoy listening to the stories she liked to tell.

Opening their eyes, Morgana blinked a few times to get used to the light again before stretching as they stood. Making their way over to their door, they grabbed their bag before peeking their head out of their room, just in time to hear Louise scream something.

Tilting their head to the side, the brown-haired teen frowned ever so slightly. "I wonder if everything is alright..." Deciding to see for themself, they closed their door behind them and quietly made their way downstairs, arriving behind Chocco just in time to see the girl get covered in spiders. "Uhh..."

Kneeling next to the girl, Morgana hesitantly reached out as if to brush the spiders away from Chocco only to pause, silently asking permission.


#01AAE8 || #9ED1FF

That Cerulean was in the library would hardly come as a surprise to anyone who knew him. It was, after all, where he spent pretty much all of his time. Oh it wasn't that he didn't like other parts of the residence as well, but on days where it was nice out there tended to be far less people crowding the shelves than there otherwise might be.

Taking a moment to relish the near silence, the blonde teen didn't get to enjoy it for long as Azura called everyone to the living room for a story. Cerulean paused, having half taken a book from its shelf before rolling his eyes. As if he wanted to be crowded with the others. No, he would much prefer to stay here thank you very much!

Carrying on with what he was doing, he finished taking the book he was interested in before heading over to one of the more out of the way chairs. The area was still fairly lit of course, would make for poor reading otherwise, but it was a lone chair that he had pretty much claimed as his since his arrival. Sitting down, left leg crossing over the right, he opened the book and began to read.

Only to be interrupted once more by a high pitched scream followed a moment or two later by another. Sighing, Cerulean ran his fingers through his hair and waited for a few minutes. With nothing else seeming to happen he turned back to his book. Whatever it was, surely the others weren't so incompetent that they would require his help.


#FF00FF dialogue||#FFBBFF thought

Sara was was napping in the sun as its warm rays pierced the sky, interrupted by sparse cloud cover. It was a beautiful day out for her. Birds were out singing their songs for her. There were few bugs out to bother her, and even fewer came close enough to do so. While napping, she started to wonder how she ended up at this place. It was very odd how it happened. It was purely by chance, she believed, but she somehow stumbled upon this residence amid a cold, stormy night. She was desperate to find help from someone, even considering going back home. But even if she chose she did want to, she was lost and knew not how to return. But when she was about to curl into a ball next to a tree and give up, the lightning in the sky lit up a side of the residence. Everything after that was blurry to her, but she remember the kind people who had greeted and welcomed her in.

This was about a week ago. Since then, she has slowly tried to acclimate to living in this new house. It was difficult being around all these new people all of a sudden. But, she did want to try. It helped her to know that she was not the only new Comer. A boy had came on the same night as her, in fact. They were almost completely unrelated in every way, besides both showing up at this place at around the same time. But, she thought maybe they might be able to get along and help each other get used to the place faster.

Her train of thought was broken when she heard a voice asking her to come to listen to a story. Sara had always been fond of stories, they were like an entire other world that one could escape into, and be whatever they wished to be. It was a place where imagination ruled all, and the only limit was the mind itself. She quickly tried to remember which room it was that she was asked to come to and teleport ed that way. With luck, she had found the right room on the first try, although she was a bit high and landed on her bottom with a loud thud. She was looking down and trying to stand back up when she heard a loud scream, which startled her, making her scream in unison with the second one, which startled her even more.

"W-w-what is it!? What happened?" she asked concerned. She happened to see two people who had buckets dropped on them. One with spiders, and the other with cold water. She couldn't imagine how it felt to be in either of their situations, as she hated both scenarios. She couldn't even tell which would be worse in her opinion. But, she did know which one she could help; she ran to chocco's side and apologized quickly. "I'm sorry, this might not be pleasant..." she grabbed her hand in hers and teleported from one side of the room to the other, bringing the other girl with her. When they disappeared, nothing was left but the spiders, which fell to the floor harmlessly and quickly scurried away. When they reappeared again, Sara had messed it up once again and they both fell to the floor with a thud this time.

Cecil Rothgar

Cecil Rothgar is not one to come to the calls of others if it doesn't benefit him. He figures Azura's message was optional, and since it does not benefit him, he remains in his bed, shrouded in blankets. By no means is he sleepingβ€”rather, he appears to be reading a mystery novel written by Edogawa Ranpo. As smart as he is (the guy taught himself two other languages and seems to be able to converse excellently in them), he still has trouble reading Japanese characters. As much as he dreads asking for help, he absolutely might have to.

For the time being, though, the currently lazy brunet tosses the book aside and rolls over onto his back. It's then he hears a blood-curdling scream, and he sits up abruptly. The voice is so distinctly familiar, and a feeling of dread flows throughout his entire body. He's out of bed in a second, throwing on an outfit that looks vaguely dressy twenties in nature, and bolts out of his room. His long legs take the stairs two steps at a time, and he's at the bottom in no time, skidding into the main room with a look of horror on his face. ❝My Sleeping Beautyβ€”where is she?❞

By 'Sleeping Beauty,' he no doubt means the small girl who follows him around most places. Ever since he's met her, he's been awfully fond of her, like a little sister. Thus, of course he would worry about her as a good big brother should. Upon scanning the room, he meets the sight of Louise with concerned, emerald hues. He steps over to her, a deep frown on his face. ❝Louise! You're all wet.❞ He remembers the words she shrieked that roused himβ€”'who did this to me'β€”and his eyes scan around the room. ❝Would you like me to find out who did it, Louise? It'll only take a second.❞

He raises his head up to look once more at the others in the roomβ€”it couldn't have been Satoru, despite looking as though he's been here the whole time (he has the look of a person who was previously much too immersed in something to have been messing around). It couldn't have been Mackenzie (such a frightened look gracing those pretty little doll features that Cecil likes so much). Morgana seems too concerned about Chocco (whom he notes has been doused in spiders) so it couldn't be either of them. He couldn't place the blame on anyone else in the room, either, until his eyes settle on the form of Azura (whose guilty give-away is not in her expression, but in her eyesβ€”in such a way only Cecil would be able to tell). He figures this out all within seven seconds, and he uses the eighth to speak up.

❝I found you! β™ͺ❞


Cosmo Amadeus Balthazar

Cosmo is never uninformed when it comes to the happenstances of his mansion. Some children accuse him of speaking to the mansion, and that the place speaks back, but it's no such magic that he's donned upon the Residence. His intuition reflects that of something vastly parentalβ€”that he cares for each and every one of the children who take residence with him, and that is what keeps him aware at all times.

That being said, pranks were never cause for alarm unless someone were to get hurt.

So as the screams around him resound through the halls, Cosmo remains in the dining room, with floating tables and chairs surrounding him. He takes a sip of his tea. Is isn't that the warlock doesn't careβ€”he absolutely cares a great dealβ€”but if someone were to be hurt, he would be notified, and consequences would definitely be had.

Upon seeing Cecil bolt past himβ€”almost comically fast, Cosmo muses, and that if he were going any faster, he would leave a gust of wind in his wakeβ€”he decides he should take a look at the damage. It should be nothing he can't fix if it's anything physical to the mansion, though there will definitely be ill feelings. The table and chairs drop to the ground with a loud thud, and the warlock raises himself from his chair as if it were nothing. He saunters into the room where all the commotion is with a graceful gait, almost as though he were timing his steps to a song nobody could hear but him. His presence would be announced by the sound of bells jingling every step he takes.

Feeling Horrified || Outfit

♫【放θͺ²εΎŒγ‚Ήγƒˆγƒ©γ‚€γƒ‰γ€‘After-School Stride | Gumi β™«

Fᴀᴄᴇ α΄„ΚŸα΄€Ιͺᴍ ✦ Eruna Ichinomiya {Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku}
DΙͺα΄€ΚŸα΄Ι’α΄œα΄‡ Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✧ #ED9191
TΚœα΄α΄œΙ’Κœα΄› Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✦ #EB2828


Langley was currently draped across her bed, starting intently at the PSP that she held at arm's length above her head. As the intro song began to play, she hummed along as she waited to see Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom's familiar title screen. This would be her third time playing through the game, yet definitely not the last. Having only gone through two of the twelve endings, Langley still had a long way to go. The thing that had been troubling the girl for a while now however was the question of who she should pursue next. Having already played through Saito's story (Obtaining the best ending.), and Harada's story (Obtaining the only ending.), she wanted to play through a new character's story before replying Saito's and getting the other endings.

There were plenty of guys to choose from, but she wanted to play a route with a longer story this time around since Harada's was somewhat short. She also wanted somebody with a warmer personality then say Saito (Why must he be so cold?), sooo... "How about Okita?" He was cocky and liked to tease the MC a lot, it would definitely be an interesting romance. "Sure, why not?" Lane said with a grin.

Suddenly realizing that she had been debating this issue for way too long, Langley readied herself to press the 'Begin' button. Yet, right before said button could be hit, a voice rushed into her head. Startled by the sudden noise, the PSP that she had been holding up managed to slip from her fingers and hit her square in the face. Letting out a loud yelp, Langley gently pulled the handheld device off of her face and rubbed her nose. 'Odette wants to tell a story?' She could use a story, she guessed. Especially with the new stinging sensation that had settled over her nose. Setting her game on the desk near her bed, Langley made her way downstairs.

What met her downstairs was definitely surprising. Watching as Chocco was teleported away by one of the new residents- 'Sara, right?'- Langley wondered what was going on. However, as the girl's eyes traveled over the surrounding area and landed on Louise, her confusion soon turned to delight. Letting out a bright laugh, Lane skipped over to the soaked younger girl. "Whoever did this got you pretty good, didn't they?" Chucking a bit more, she set one of her hands on Louise's shoulder, undaunted by the fact that her hand was getting wet. "Don't worry though, a little bit of water never hurt anybo-" The sensation of something crawling up her leg made the words instantly die in her throat.

Cautiously peering down at her leg, Langley observed a tiny spider making it's way up her body. Letting out a blood-curdling scream, the girl then began to flail her arms about and run around in an attempt to shake the arachnid off. After the poor creature was sent flying, a horrified feeling sunk into the pit of Langley's stomach as she observed the dozens of others milling around the door next to the living room. Practically frozen in place, she watched as Cecil walked onto the scene, silently wishing that she had never left her room.

Once Cecil had figured out that it was Azura who had set the traps, Langley immediately rushed over to the older woman. "Why would you do this to us?! Water I can understand! But spiders? Isn't that a bit mean?" It was easy to notice the way that Langley's eyes kept darting over to the group of creepy-crawlies. This was one of the few instances that Lane was actually unhappy, and she was not enjoying it.

συтƒιт | X
βˆ‚ΞΉΞ±β„“ΟƒgΟ…Ρ” ’σℓσυя ✧ #b452cd
тнσυgΠ½Ρ‚ ’σℓσυя ✦ #e066ff

Ζ’Ξ±Β’Ρ” Β’β„“Ξ±ΞΉΠΌ ✦ Ξ·Ξ±ΠΊΞ±Ξ·Οƒ Ξ±zΟ…Ρ•Ξ± {ΠΊ-ση!}

β™« 【REASON】Reason | γ‚†γš β™«

Kathy floated in the water after swimming her daily 50 laps, staring into space as she contemplated what had become of her family. Now that she'd had some time to think about it, her decision to run away had been pretty rash and silly. Strangely, she didn't regret it. She did, however, wish she knew what had become of her siblings. Her parents she couldn't care less about, but she couldn't help being fond of the children she'd grown up with -- especially her oldest brother and sister, who had been helpful almost adults to vent to during the process of the divorce. She kind of wished she'd taken her siblings with her to this place, she knew they would have liked it here. It was certainly nicer than her home. Thinking about it, Kathy'd recently realised that her old place of residence wasn't the nicest place to live. The people here had been so much more welcoming, they didn't judge her or criticise her for her faults. It was practically home already, after only a week and a half.

Then she was pulled out of her thoughts by an invitation from Odette for everyone to gather for stories. She jumped a bit, startled, as she hadn't quite gotten used to the weird brain messages yet. 'That sounds fun!' Kathy thought to herself, getting out of the water and into the showers. She let out a sigh of relief as the hot water hit her, the tension releasing from her body. After five minutes, she got out of the shower and stood drying her hair. She pulled on a flowery top, as well as a floral skirt and runners with even more flowers. 'I look kind of like a hippie, don't I? Ah well, doesn't matter!'. As she was tying her hair into her signature twintails, she heard a shrill piercing shriek coming from the area she was supposed to go to. 'Wow, what was that?' She thought, setting off at a jog to see. Then another cry emitted from the area, and Kathy sped up a little. She wasn't sure if she was excited or nervous as to what she would find there.

When she arrived, Kathy didn't really know what to think of the scene. There was Louise, doused in water and very upset, Chocco, Sara and Morgana, who were standing away looking scared, Langley, who seemed angry at Odette, Mackenzie, who looked confused, Cecil, who seemed upset and hyper at the same time, and Satoru, who just looked amused. And then, of course she looked down, at the spiders crawling at her feet. She squealed and ran over to the nearest person, Cecil, hiding behind him and accidentally squashing a spider with her shoe as she went. "Ew, ew, ew, ew, no, no, no. Is that spider blood?!" She freaked out, practically in tears. Spiders, frankly, were terrifying, disgusting creatures she never wanted to go near, ever.


feeling: satisifed
song: β™«

The soft and springy grass beneath Isuel's boots shifted and blew in the wind, creating a green felt carpet. Well, in Isuel's mind at least. Isuel herself knelt at the edge of a flowerbed, tending carefully to the flowers there. Isuel's knees dug into the soft earth while she lifted the heavy watering can and showered the roses with water. Isuel leant as far as she could, furrowing her brow in concentration. The light sprinkle of water caught the light of the morning, creating a gentle rainbow, the light kissing the flowers and caressing them like a long lost lover. Okay. A bit cheesy. Isuel set the watering can down again and rubbed at her forehead with the back of her hand, not wanting to get any dirt on her face. (Little did she know it was too late, she already had several small smears on her cheeks and the tips of her ears. Isuel sighed, satisfied with her work. She had weeded the whole bed, watered all the flowers, and planted some tulip bulbs for the new season to come. Isuel sat back on her heels and surveyed her work on the roses, and noticed a stem that could use pruning. She huffed lightly and channeled her love for the garden into forming a pair of secateurs. The pink toned secateurs popped into Isuel's hands and she snipped the stem neatly, picking up the thorny twig that lay on the ground, placing it in her bucket of clippings. She wiped her hands together, erasing the secateurs back into energy, the small dots of light clouding and sparkling around her hands before dissipating.

Isuel heard Azura's call for attention and scratched her head. Huh. This must happen often. Isuel had only been a resident for two months, but she loved being in the Residence. Everyone here was kind to her for the most part, and Azura's care for them all was admirable. (If at times unconventional.) Isuel got to her feet and took her bucket of clippings and watering can back to the small shed at the end of the garden, and set it down just outside the door before she heard a scream cry out from the house through the living room window. Isuel whipped around, her expression worried. She briskly walked back to the house, deciding not to get too worked up about anything until she was sure what was going on. Isuel arrived to see a rather soaked Louise and a distressed Chocco heaped on the floor, along with several other worried onlookers. "Oh dear." She stated rather plainly. She spotted Langley and walked over to her friend, giving the writhing pile of spiders a wide berth. "Langley, what's going on?" Isuel asked, puzzled. She spotted a small spider on her shoulder and brushed it off gently before Langley noticed it and got panicked. That was another great thing about the Residence, Langley was a wonderful friend, and one of the highlights of the strange place. She's a lot like.... Hmm... Someone.... Who was it again?


Feeling Cautious || Outfit
β™« γ€ι«˜ιŸ³θ³ͺ】My Soul, Your Beats | LiSA β™«

Fᴀᴄᴇ α΄„ΚŸα΄€Ιͺᴍ ✦ Menma {Anohana: The Flowers We Saw That Day}
DΙͺα΄€ΚŸα΄Ι’α΄œα΄‡ Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✧ #58ACFA
TΚœα΄α΄œΙ’Κœα΄› Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✦ #0489B1


Odette looked towards Sotaru after she waved back at Mackenzie and smirked. "Why of course, Sotaru. What else would you expect of moi~?" She turned her attention back to both doorways. The first unfortunate victim was Louise. Odette covered her ears in mock pain. "Oh please- would you keep it down!? You'll blow my cover, deary!" Soon after, Chocco waltzed in; her second victim. Odette simply giggled at her reaction. She watched, smiling as Morgana entered and knelt down in front of her. Sara followed, and teleported her away from the spiders. All this ruckus sure was enjoyable. She flinched slightly as both girls fell to the ground. Then came the one person she dreaded being part of the situation. Odette pouted playfully. "Aww phooey! The fun was just starting!" She ignored the slowly approaching jingle of bells, already knowing who it was. Than came little Miss Langley, who consoled Louise, then screamed as a spider crawled up her leg. What's with all the screaming? She smirked as the young lady ran over to her. "Mean? Why no, no, no. I'm just having a little fun. It'd never kill to cause some chaos once in awhile. What? Are you scared of a harmless arachnid? Hm?" Another spider crawled up Odette's shoulder, and stared directly into Langley's eyes. She didn't move an inch, a mischevious smile plastered on her face.

Odette turned towards Cosmo as she stood. "Now why don't we clean this up?
. . .

Dinner was a time where everyone would talk about anything and everything, while enjoying the delicious food offered to them. Odette sat next to Cosmo, and she didn't feel quite well. She had a feeling something was wrong, and she couldn't shake off the feeling. She leaned towards the warlock and whispered, "Do you feel that? It's magical energy. I'm getting a bad feeling, Sparrow." She sat quiet for a second before suggesting something. "Should we send a group of the older kids to see what it is? Somebody would have to go see, but we have to stay here and watch the other children." She knew deep down that something would happen. Whatever it was..



Feeling Distressed || Outfit

Fᴀᴄᴇ α΄„ΚŸα΄€Ιͺᴍ ✦ Shiro {No Game No Life}
DΙͺα΄€ΚŸα΄Ι’α΄œα΄‡ Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✧ #F5A9D0
TΚœα΄α΄œΙ’Κœα΄› Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✦ #F6CED8


Tears threatened to spill out of Lou's eyes as Cecil rushed towards her. She nodded at Cecil's request. Oh how mad she was with Miss Odette right now. But, she brushed it off for now. She tugged on CeCe's sleeve and looked up at him with teary eyes. "My dress is ruined! What am I gonna do!?" Louise didn't like how her favorite dress was covered in water. She hated that she had to be part of this situation. She'd just have to leave it alone.
. . .

Louise didn't have much of an appetite. She hadn't touched anything on her plate, and she just sat there listening to the many conversations going on. She sat next to Cecil, and she was bored out of her mind. From all the commotion this morning, she was really tired. Maybe a nap wouldn't hurt.. She rested her head on Cecil's shoulder beside her and drifted to sleep.

Cosmo Amadeus Balthazar

Cosmo did, indeed, feel the magic energy, but he did not want to draw attention to it. Wavering magical energy is not uncommon here; sometimes, magic users (typically fellow warlocks who Cosmo is acquainted well with) pass through the forest, but this energy feels more malevolent. He glances over to Odette, stabbing his fork into the pasta on his plate and bringing it up to his lips. This conversation will remain discreet, as the two do not wish to startle the members of this household. He nods and slips the fork into his mouth. The aura Odette would feel from him is a grave one, but his face remains jovial and lively as ever. ❝I agree with you, Bluebird. We should, indeed. Who do you have in mind?❞

Immediately switching topic to remain casual, the warlock's gaze snaps over to Cecil, who seems to be staring at his plate of food as if it would eat him. ❝Cecil! You haven't eaten any of your dinner! You haven't at all. If you don't eat, you may die.❞ He points a fork at him, narrowing his eyes, though his smile is still ever present. ❝If you eat, I'll let you have cake. Well, after you run an errand for the two of us, of course.❞ He would suggest Cecil to investigate, as his ability would be useful, though without eating properly, the boy would hardly be of much use if there were any danger.


Cecil Rothgar

Cecil is still sour about earlier, having to see his darling 'little sister' with tears in her eyes, soaked from head to toe with water from a bucket the witch had set up as a prank. That has little impact on his eating habits, though, despite what he might say. He glances over to his companion, Louise, who is sleeping soundly against his arm. He gives a little smile before he is startled by Cosmo shouting his nameβ€”he gasps audibly, looking over to the firey-haired man with wide, emerald eyes. ❝D-Die...? With all due respect, Mr. Cosmo, it would take around 90 days for me to die from starving myself. It's only been two days since I last ate dinner. I'm responsibleβ€”I eat when I must to survive, but when I'm not feeling hungry, I just... don't.❞

He doesn't even want to look around at the looks the others must be giving him. He looks down at his plate, but once he hears Cosmo mention the word 'cake,' he perks up. ❝Cake? What kind of cake? Is it Red Velvet? Chiffon? Strawberry Shortcake? And what kind of 'errand' is it? If it's going outside, you know I don't like doing that. But... maybe it's worth it. For cake.❞ He glances back down at Louise and pats her head.


#624C78 || #9581A9#01AAE8 || #9ED1FF

Dinner wasn't Cerulean's favourite time. Oh sure he knew he had to eat, but he disliked being forced to be around others while he did so. As such he was sat as far away from everyone else as he could be while still sitting at the table. Being sat where he was allowed him to easily observe the other residents, something he often did in case they tried to get closer and catch him unawares.

Morgana was picking at their food, eating but not really enough to be healthy. After the prank earlier, they had hidden themself back in their room and sometime between then and dinner they had changed into a dress. It had drawn a couple of stares, something which made the child flush a little, and they were pretty sure they had heard someone quietly ask someone else if Morgana was a boy or a girl, but that happened enough that they weren't particularly bothered by that now.

Currently the dark-haired teen was sat next to Cecil who had perked up as Cosmo mentioned cake and some kind of errand. They glanced at the other teen who seemed almost a little excited and noticed Louise dozing off, using Cecil's shoulder as a pillow. Turning their attention back to their dinner, Morgana tilted their head down, hiding a small smile.

Cerulean, from the other end of the table perked up slightly at the mention of an errand. Perhaps he could request to be sent instead? If so he may be able to get away from the others for a while which would be nice. He was starting to grow a little tired of their antics.

First though, he had to make it clear he was interested and since he only usually spoke to insult someone or if he was interested in something... "What kind of errand do you intend for him to do?" His voice was a little loud, perhaps, but it needed to be to cut across the noise some of the others were making. Still, his interest was now put out there, hopefully something would come of it.

Feeling Excited || Outfit

♫【放θͺ²εΎŒγ‚Ήγƒˆγƒ©γ‚€γƒ‰γ€‘After-School Stride | Gumi β™«

Fᴀᴄᴇ α΄„ΚŸα΄€Ιͺᴍ ✦ Eruna Ichinomiya {Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku}
DΙͺα΄€ΚŸα΄Ι’α΄œα΄‡ Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✧ #ED9191
TΚœα΄α΄œΙ’Κœα΄› Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✦ #EB2828


Lane's fingers knitted together as she continued to stare down the wriggling pile of nightmares. The only thing that managed to tear her eyes away from the mess was the voice of one of her newest friends. Spinning around, Langley let out a loud sigh of relief as she saw Isuel standing next to her (She also had thought that she felt something brush her shoulder, but after checking that nothing was there, she decided not to question it.). "Thank goodness you're alright! I don't what I would have done if those beasts had gotten you!" She said as she pointed dramatically at the small eight-legged creatures. Isuel had only been at the residence for about two months, but she and Langley had become fast friends. Her level-headedness was definitely a good match for Lane's energetic attitude. They complimented each other quite nicely.

After giving a quick rundown of what had happened, Langley once again turned her attention to Odette. She listened intently to the witch's explanation, until something quite startling happened. She watched in horror as a spider suddenly appeared on Azura's shoulder. Its beady little eyes seemed to be practically staring into the very depths her soul.

Her jaw practically scrapping the floor, Langley tried her best to swallow the scream that was crawling up her throat. Slowly backing away, she suddenly broke into an almost full sprint as she hide herself behind Isuel. Hands clamped over the smaller girl's shoulders, she hesitantly peeked over one before looking over at Azura again with wide amber eyes. "She's gone crazy!" Langley nervously whisper-shouted next to her friend's ear. Taking the time to once again sink her head below Isuel's back and gather her thoughts. Once this was completed and Langley had managed to calm herself a little bit, she quickly grabbed her friend's hand and rushed into the dining room. She was not sticking around to clean up those spiders.

- - -

Once dinner had been served (And Langley had chosen a seat a good distance away from Azura. She didn't want any more spiders today, thank you very much!), she finally managed to relax quite a bit. There was nothing like a good meal in order to get you feeling excitable and energized again! After happily munching on her food for a while, her feet swinging underneath the table as she did, Langley began to look around the room a bit. A sudden exclamation by Cerulean managed to catch her attention.

"Ohhh~! An errand?" She squealed out excitedly. She hadn't really been paying attention to what had been going on before, but the word errand was all that she needed to hear. The thought of being sent out on a super-secret mission was just so exciting! Suddenly elated, Langley raised her hand into the air before practically shouting, "I want to go!".

Now turning her attention to Isuel, who she had been sitting next to, Lane excitedly asked, "Do you want to go on an errand as well, Flower?". A sudden thought made her falter a bit, however. 'Wait, don't they say that bad witches live out there?' Eyebrows pulled together in thought, Langley turned towards her friend once again. "Hm. Well, actually, maybe it would be better if you stayed here. It would keep you safer." While Lane may be one to jump head-first into situations without really thinking them through, she definitely wasn't one to put her friends through the same risky situations. She didn't want to see anybody ending up hurt because she pushed them into something without think of the consequences.

Image Image
Fᴀᴄᴇ α΄„ΚŸα΄€Ιͺᴍ ✦ Kaori Fujimiya {Isshuukan Friends}
DΙͺα΄€ΚŸα΄Ι’α΄œα΄‡ Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✧ #752c05
TΚœα΄α΄œΙ’Κœα΄› Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✦ #ab653f
| Outfit |

When Chocco and Sara landed on the floor, Chocco's saltiness had been momentarily overlapped with her laughing. It had taken her a while to get off the floor, brushing off the the feeling of the little legs still crawling on her. She hadn't been overly surprised, and truly angry, that Odette was the one who had pulled the prank on her. After all, after living there for two years she had learned this side of Odette many times. However when she had pulled herself together again, helping Sara stand up, her laughter subsided enough that the saltiness returned. For the rest of the day, before dinner, Chocco was proving to be rather obstinate towards Odette, giving her a cold shoulder, sticking her tongue out at the shorter, older witch. However, it was apparent to anyone paying attention that she wasn't intending it to be hurtful because after each encounter her coy smile played on her lips. Her day was mostly spent lounging, after the hard work of cooking the day before she just needed to relax and rejuvenate today.

Then dinner rolled around.

Chocco was feeling more severely better than that morning, though she could still remember the tiny legs of the spiders crawling all over, meaning that she was rubbing her arm or legs every now and then. She also ended up snarfing down her dinner. She knew that it was dinner time and that good manners were expected, but she had a deadline. She needed to meet up with one of her costumers at the stand almost immediately after dinner was supposed to end. This led to Chocco trying to leave as early as she could to get there on time. She wasn't sure if Cosmo or Odette knew of her walks off the residence property or the fact that she had had a business. She never told them, however it wasn't as if she was a master at hiding it. And if they didn't know from figuring it out themselves, she was certain Cecil had figured it out and she wouldn't put it passed him to tell them.

She vaguely overheard the conversation, something about an errand. Something she would normally show at least a little interest in, using it as a way to travel off the grounds some more, however she was in a rush for an already planned meeting. With those talking and the focus off her. Chocco looked around the table to make sure no one was staring at her before she, in a very un-stealthy manner, zoomed from the table; dropping her dirty plate off in the kitchen sink and then changing into her "work-attire" as she rushed down the hall, out the door, and into the woods. She didn't wear any shoes, having been in such a rush she forgot to put them on, but thankfully she remembered the chocolate, having put them into a small satchel at her side. As she walked along the forest she put the finishing touches on pinning her hair up in a decently, flouncy hairstyle.

There was a rumble.

Chocco slowed for a minute and looked at the sky. She was in such a rush she hadn't made sure about the weather. Though who could blame her, it had been sunny and warm all day.

"Merde," Chocco whispered as she picked up her pace. She was still hoping to possibly catch her costumers, though she strongly doubted that they would even show up if they checked the weather before leaving the house like she should have.

When she was almost to her stand she heard a rustle and paused. She had never met anyone who wasn't a costumer in the forest and Cosmo and Odette had warned her many times of the evil witches that would be after her. She tip-toed her way behind a tree and breathed deeply, trying to calm her heart as best she can. When she calmed down enough she peeked around the tree. She didn't see anything which made her feel a little braver, but then she spotted a pair of feet leading behind a bush.

"You better be sleeping," Chocco said in a deadpan voiced walking towards the person. When she approached the person close enough she saw the person was indeed sleeping. "Why would fall asleep here, wouldn't your bed be better?" she quietly asked the person.

She kicked the boy's foot, "Hey, you should get up before you get doused; it looks like it's going to rain soon buddy."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Rothgar Character Portrait: Satoru Toshiaki Character Portrait: Cerulean Rose Character Portrait: Azura Milkovea Character Portrait: Leon Moreau Character Portrait: Langley McAllister
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  1. author's note: i think cecil is simultaneously taunting & flirting with satoru. my apologies for the guy.

    by cybernekokaito

0.00 INK

Cosmo Amadeus Balthazar

❝An errand that is... well, you see, the two of us sense something. It probably isn't any cause for alarm, of course, but it wouldn't hurt to check! That being said, we cannot send everyone out all at once! That wouldn't do, not at all! So I elect Cecil, Langley, Cerulean, Leon, and Kathy for the errand! The rest of you are free to do as you please for the errand, of courseβ€”though I would not suggest you venture outside at all.❞ He looks over to Satoru, who had spoken up, and nods his head, firey locks bouncing gently. The sound of bells is faint, but present, until he stops moving his head. ❝You may go if you wish, but I reckon you will be just as useful here. Do tell, dear Satoru, how far does that ability of yours reach? You are telepathic, are you not?❞ The warlock points at his tea with his fork, and it floats into the air, saucer and all. It floats over to him and into his hand, where he brings it to his lips and takes a dainty sip.

He looks to Cecil then, who seems to be saying something vaguely taunting to Satoru, and sighs. These things would go a lot easier if the young detective weren't so brazenly self-centered and taunting. Such is the fate of teenage boys with abnormal powers, I suppose. They will learn in due time. He takes another sip of his tea. ❝You may all go once you've all finished dinner. And do hurry, my dear children, for there is a storm in our midst, and I'd hate to see any of you get sick! It's no good to get sick, no good at all. β™ͺ❞

He looks to Sara, then, and frowns slightly. ❝The bigger the crowd, the more suspicious it'd be, I'm afraid. If you really wish to help out, dear, then you can help me clean up when everyone is finished. How does that sound?❞


Cecil Rothgar

When Langley mentions her desire to tag along, Cecil turns his gaze toward her. He sizes her up and down a moment before he shrugs his shoulders, looking back down at his plate and poking at his pasta with his fork. ❝I suppose it doesn't really make much of a difference to me if you come or not, but you'd better stick close to me if you plan on it. Got it?❞ He points his fork at her, narrowing his eyes slightly. ❝Not that I'm worried about you, or anything, but I think your ability's pretty useful, and I'm pretty useless during combat. Especially if this is the first time I've eaten in two days.❞ He swirls the pasta onto his fork and scoops it into his mouth, clearly relenting to eating (Cosmo surely had been giving him a sour enough look to do so, anyways). Truth be told, his words don't hold much truth. During Langley's stay at the Residence, he's found himself reluctantly growing fond of the girl. Her barrage of innocently curious questions (like what the name of something not many know the name of is, for example) do wonders for his egoβ€”he usually knows all the answers to her questions. Though the brunet would rather jump into a sea of ice-cold water before admitting that. Well, perhaps he wouldn't go that far.

Then, Satoru's voice hits his ears, and he grins. He casts his emerald gaze towards the white-haired boy. He'd be awfully pretty if he took care of himself, he muses to himself, eyelids lowered and smile wide. Ah, but who am I to judge? I must look as sickly as he does. Still, what a shame he'd waste those dollish features. I bet he'd be more fun to kiss than he'd be to tease. ❀ He shakes his head, then, a laugh bubbling up from his throat. Nah, there can't be anything more entertaining than bothering this kid.

Cecil lays his fork against his plate and clasps his hands together, batting his eyelashes at Satoru. ❝Oh, good. So you can talk! I thought someone ripped your tongue outβ€”which would be a shame, by the way, since I never got to find out what it could do.❞ He rests his elbows against the table, directing false intrigue at Satoru. ❝You didn't have to ask about the errand, did you? You could've just used that nifty ability of yours. Wait, wait, let me guessβ€”you don't wanna be intrusive, right? 'Cause being intrusive's rude, right? Geez, that's boring. To think I wasted dreams on you!❞

His words, more or less, are mostly just a ploy to get him to speak up. Satoru intrigues him, and though he can find out 80% of the guy just by looking at him, he'd like at least a little bit of a conversation. He looks over to Louise and nudges her gently with his arm, face turning soft almost immediately.

❝Your food's gonna get cold, Sleeping Beauty.❞

#01AAE8 || #9ED1FF

At Cosmo's announcement of who he would be sending on the assignment, Cerulean merely sighed in irritation. Yes, he did want to go and get away from the others, but he hardly wanted so many to tag along with him, even if it was only four, maybe five more if Satoru decided to come along as well.

Still, he finished his dinner rather swiftly after that, nodding to Cosmo and Azura before glancing quickly at Kathy as he left the room with his plate. After placing it next to the sink he grabbed a bottle from one of the cupboards and filled it with water. If something forced him to fight before the storm hit he would rather have something to defend himself with.

Bottle in hand, Cerulean then made his way over to the door, opting to wait next to it for the others who were being sent on this errand. Leaning against the wall, the teen tapped his foot impatiently as he waited.


#624C78 || #9581A9

Morgana watched everything silently, from the others asking about the errand, to people being assigned to the task and everyone beginning to finish dinner. The teen finished their meal slower than the others, though managed to get their plate into the kitchen before Sara had finished the washing up. A quiet thank you was muttered before they walked swiftly back to where Cosmo was. They might not have been sent out, but they still wanted to help.

Going up to him, they tugged on Cosmo's sleeve to get his attention. "Uhh... It may not be much help, but I could see if I can find something... If you want that is..." They quickly looked down, cheeks holding a faint flush to them as they held their bag tightly. Maybe they shouldn't have asked? But they really wanted to help if they could.

Morgana took a deep breath before looking up at Cosmo, a shy smile tugging at their lips.


"Run quick little bunny, for the wolves hunt tonight."

Dialogue Color ❈ #8e7b9f
Thought Color ❈ #39727a

Faceclaim ❈ Karneval|Nai Muhinyi

Played by ❈ Reliquary
Everyone sure was excitable today. Mackenzie observed everyone's reactions to Miss Milkovea's little game. When he noticed her wave back he felt a slight blush and he then stood up, keeping his hands up by his face.His large eyes looked over the room. He had an odd feeling in his stomach, something unpleasant was coming. He supposed that was a perk of his feral powers. He could tell when something big was coming.

Then once everyone had shuffled away for dinner the boy followed at the rear and sat in an available seat by Miss Duchamps. Mister Cosmo made a big deal of that thing he felt earlier, or that's what Mackenzie figured. He listened to everyone's ruckus and sighed quietly as he slowly ate his dinner, truth be told he wasn't that hungry but he wasn't going to be wasteful. Besides being new here he didn't want to be a bother and he'd do whatever it took to keep himself out of trouble around here. The conversations got more and more complicated and it left Mackenzie confused, he didn't really understand what all was going on but he looked up and swallowed hard, his eyes shifting between Mister Cosmo's eyes and the table. He was about to work up the courage to say he could go to, his power would definitely be helpful in getting rid of that bad feeling. Unfortunately he was unable to get it out in time.

Sadly, Mackenzie gathered up arm fulls worth of dishes and headed to the kitchen as a group of people went out. He began washing them with a pure smile, humming a soft lullaby he remembered as he did. He glanced around to see a few others helping tidy up and when he thought they weren't looking, he'd juggle a plate or two and let them roll off his shoulders harmlessly into the water or into a cabinet right into it's rightful place.

Once he had completed cleaning up, he stumbled outside and his eyes seemed to glow as he climbed up the side of the building with no trouble at all, easily maneuvering up onto the roof. His footfalls were muffled as he scampered around a top the manor. He leaned against a dip in the roof and closed his eyes. He felt more himself when he was alone. He would be able to think clearer out here among the stars, with the moon to keep him company.

His mind flashed back to his childhood. A large man with a frantic voice had spoken to him. He had been a child at the time, but the man's words rung true in his mind now. He wondered if the man had been his father, or simply just someone he had met in his travels.

"Run quick little bunny, for the wolves hunt tonight." As a boy Mackenzie never really understood that. But now he realized maybe he wasn't the bunny at all. Mackenzie leaned his head into his hands as he was assured inside himself that he was the wolf.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Rothgar Character Portrait: Satoru Toshiaki Character Portrait: Cerulean Rose Character Portrait: Azura Milkovea Character Portrait: Leon Moreau Character Portrait: Langley McAllister
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  1. new layout because of the old one i used was ugly. i like this one a lot better. :')

    by cybernekokaito

0.00 INK


speech: #e9967a || thoughts: #b9770e
❝Yes, I know exactly where we're going. I know exactly where this 'energy' is coming from.❞ Cecil smirks, glancing over at Satoru. His smile is haughty and particularly high-and-mighty, and he glances over to Kathy to don his smile onto her. ❝Why? Do you doubt me, the super smart and charmingly attractive Cecil Rothgar? And what of the rest of you? Ah, how tragic! How could I ever gain the trust of the lot of you, since I've always been so wrong thus far?❞ His sarcasm is pointed at everyone in the group, and he directs his attention back to Satoru.

He points a long finger up ahead, to where (presumably) Chevalier and Celestia are, though it's quite unbeknownst to the group. ❝There.❞ He says, pushing up his glasses with the other hand. How does he know this? When Cosmo and Azura had been talking about sending a group out (ah, he had been listening! quite unsurprising that Cecil should want to know all that's going on) they had been looking this wayβ€”rather, towards the respective wall of the dining room. Given that, and the way the forest is laid out, it's obvious where the energy would be coming from; it would be coming from where people would either enter the forest or enter from the front. It wouldn't make much sense for the energy to come from deeper in the forest. There's nothing to the left of the manor aside from a large lake.

❝If he walk deeper into the forest there, we'll find our source. I'm guessing. But you know, my guesses are never wrong.❞ He gives Satoru a slight wink before he looks over to Langley, watching her eat the macaron he had oh so generously given her. ❝Ah, right. I'm not too good at combat, you know. I'm really bad at it.❞ He puts a hand over his chest, smiling sheepishly. ❝You could probably snap both of my arms, even if you put them side by side. You, Langley, have a super useful Whimsical ability. So even if we get crossed by something horrible, we'll make a great team. I'll tell you where the best place to aim would be. Sound like a good plan?❞

As they venture farther, he stops in his tracks when he sees (through raindrop-stained glasses, he notes a bit too late, that it has started to rain) two people up ahead. He feels his cheeks heat slightly. What's this? Whoever that is up there looks like... such an elegant ball-jointed doll come to life.
With a mischievous smirk and a flourish of his coat, he raises a hand into the air and points forward, his other hand on his hip. ❝That-a-way, everyone! I think that's where our magic energy's coming from, and man are they gorgeous. ❀❞


speech: #feae52 || thoughts: #fee16f

Cosmo sips his tea, right leg crossed over his left. At Morgana's voice, he looks over to them, an eyebrow raised. Surely, Morgana wouldn't do well to wander out there with the group, especially since they've already left and Morgana would be straggling behind. It isn't that Cosmo doesn't believe in Morgana, but rather, he worries for them. He sets his tea cup down and looks around to everyone, watching them file out of the dining room. He looks back to Morgana and gives them a smile. ❝All very well, Morgana! Why don't you bring your cards down here, and we shall see what it is they say! While we're at it, I'll tell you my birth cardsβ€”and you can give me a fortune, yes?❞ He claps his hands together before standing on his chair and, when he separates his hands, a megaphone that resembles a gramophone appears in his hands, amongst some falling confetti that disappears before it hits the ground.

❝Attention, attention! Due to certain circumstances, I urge you all to stay close as possible to the mansion.❞ Cosmo speaks into the megaphone, and the sound sounds as though it's coming from right next to anyone inside (or even on the roof) the Residence. ❝I assure you, it's for all of your safety! If you must leave for any reason, find either Azura or myself, and we will assist you!❞

He covers the mouthpiece of his megaphone and looks over to Morgana, smiling gently at them. ❝Do hurry, Morgana dear. I'd like to know sooner rather than later if the group of my own children I sent out may be in danger. And by the way, my birth cards are The Star and Strength. I believe my little Bluebird's cards are Justice and The Hight Priestess. Is that right, Azura?"❞

He seems to be rambling. Now would be a good time for Morgana to slip away to get those cards.

#624C78 || #9581A9

Morgana's eyes lit up as Cosmo agreed to their suggestion to see if they could find something with their cards. A smile stretched across their face and they nodded in agreement to giving Cosmo a fortune later on. As Cosmo made his announcement about staying close to the residence, Morgana scanned the room to try and find somewhere a little quieter to read their cards. If it was too noisy they might read something wrong and that wouldn't be good at all.

"Do hurry, Morgana dear. I'd like to know sooner rather than later if the group of my own children I sent out may be in danger. And by the way, my birth cards are The Star and Strength. I believe my little Bluebird's cards are Justice and The Hight Priestess. Is that right, Azura?"

At Cosmo's words, Morgana blinked a couple of times, it seemed like he was rambling a bit and it caused the teen to giggle a little. "I don't need to go and get my cards, I always carry them with me, it feels safer that way... I'm just trying to find somewhere to read them without getting in the way of everyone." They gestured at the other kids in the room before making their way over to a small table in the corner. There were more people around than Morgana would prefer, but Cosmo was right, would be better to know now whether the others were in danger.

Reaching the table, Morgana sat themself on a chair next to it, reaching into their bag before pausing as they pondered which set of cards they should use. While thinking this over, they spoke up again. "My birth cards are The Star and Strength as well. If I'm remembering correctly then The Star represents hope, inspiration, self-esteem and generosity. Strength represents patience, control and self-belief." At this they turned to smile at Cosmo. "They seem to suit you well, I think."

Their hand brushed over one of the boxes in their bag and their fingers curled over it as they pulled it out. Their shoulders slumped a little as they turned back to see which deck they had pulled out. They hadn't used this one since... Since the day Caitlyn died. Their eyes narrowed slightly and they bit their lip in order to hold back tears. "This is fine, I can do this. Just need to not think about it."

That done, the teen sighed a little and opened the box up, carefully taking out the cards and shuffling them, turning the question they wanted to ask over and over in their mind. "Are they in danger?" As they shuffled, one card fell from the deck. Morgana paused, placing that card to the side for the moment though not looking at it as they carried on shuffling, turning the question over and over in their mind.

Once they felt they were ready, Morgana cut the deck into three piles before stacking them again and taking the top card and turning it over. The card featured a baby raven in the middle of some water and Morgana gave a soft sigh of relief upon seeing it.

"The Ace of Cups, it represents new relationships, usually friendships, though the aces in general only show the promise of such. Still it's not usually a bad card." They then turned their attention to the card which had fallen from the deck earlier and turned it over to see what it was, frowning a little in confusion. "The Tower but... One of the things it can represent is betrayal, though I'm not sure how it would relate to the Ace of Cups. It can also mean a big change, like big enough to need to completely burn what had been done in the past to start over. Not as big of a change as the Death card usually means but still, change. I suppose that could be what it's showing here."

At this they turned to face Cosmo, blinking a couple of times as they tried to discern the man's reaction. "What do you think?"