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Clay McCoy


0 · 768 views · located in Ashwald

a character in “There is Magic Here”, as played by Mataulvr







July 16th

While Clay's power might not seem overly important it has given him the most loyal friend a man can have. He has the ability to commune with most of the dog species and because of this befriended a big happy Newfie named Bo. While the dog is almost the size of a small bear he's a kind soul and is often seen walking around with Clay. When Clay speaks with Bo the dog sounds likes he is moaning and groaning to other folks who don't understand.

Clay is a taller man, who has a few muscles from the line of work but he seems more scrawny than a sheriff should be. He's often wearing thin circle glasses low on his nose as he reads the morning paper. He's given up on the idea of being clean shaven and is currently trying out the mountain man look with a thick beard. He enjoys the lack of hassle in the morning and often finds himself twiddling his moustache while he thinks. Clay has an arm full of tattoo's back from his younger more rebellious days, they are filled with symbols from books and from the stories his mother used to tell him. Clay is a kinder looking man, with soft hazel eyes and calloused hands. He's usually wearing a smile.

Sexual Orientation

Clay is a soul thats more so focused on serving others than he is himself. Often he will neglect his own personal needs just to make sure those he loves are safe. Because of this Clay often has a terrible cold and can be found sneezing in the sheriff's office. He loves his job and wouldn't miss a day for the world. His best friend is is loyal canine companion Bo; whom he is rarely seen without. Clay loves long walks and frequently takes long strolls around the town to see everyone. He's a social personal and likes to remember names and birthdays. He's a friendly fellow, but his good will once lost is lost for ever. He's not afraid to tell folks whats what and will never back down from a fight. Despite his good nature Clay often yearns for a fight. He does sometimes tend to provoke them with people he's not overly fond of. Clay is also a bit of a flirt and he has no problems bringing multiple women flowers.

Likes/ Dislikes
    ~ Reading
    ~Apple Cider
    ~His Job

    ~Being sick
    ~Not knowing what to say
    ~Being left out of the loop
Clay dabbles in piano but he finds he doesn't have much time for hobbies.

Clay always knew he was destined to help others. He loved it even at a little boy. Though he wasn't always entirely good at it Clay enjoyed seeing people smile. It seemed the natural choice to take over for the sheriff after all the time he spent with the man. Clay was like a son to the previous sheriff and they spent a great deal of time together. While the sheriff before him was a mortal he loved and accepted Clay even when the boy would stop to talk to the dogs. While he did not believe in magic he believed in Clay. Clay met Bo through a pound rescue even when he was a young pup. The two were inseparable since and even when Bo grew to be ten times his size he would be seen walking Clay around.

Theme Song

So begins...

Clay McCoy's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett
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Spring was back in the air. Winter had been long and harsh for the small town of Ashweld, but now the grass was slowly turning back to its lush green and the cherry blossoms has sprouted in the trees that lined the old roads of the town. The air was fresh with the scent of pine and baking from the small cafe down main street. It was early in the morning and already the town was waking up.

Clay, the towns sheriff sat in his office, legs up on the table relaxing with his morning coffee. Bo, the giant Newfie lay under his feet snoring softly, the giant dog sadly wasn't a morning fellow. He sighed happily and drank his first hot sip and grimaced; Clay wasn't the best coffee maker. He groaned and set the coffee down on his desk and stood up. He managed to avoid Bo with a giant step and stretched his arms.
"We best be getting to our rounds there Bo." He said softly. Bo groaned at him and Clay grinned. "Aw walking is fun! Com'on pal." He bent and rubbed his dogs nose for a few moments and then straightened to watch his giant friend stand and shake himself awake. He then placed his hands in his pockets and whistled a soft tune as the two friends left the office and headed onto the street. Clay and Bo often walked around the town in the morning, they loved walking around and greeting the towns folks.

Matthew could feel the sweat running down his back and forehead and he loved it. There was such a rush from pushing ones body to the limits and even past that. His legs were burning but he kept moving them as he ran towards his home. He had decided to go for a longer run today to sort out some of his thoughts on a dream he'd had. He could see it clear as day, a maiden fair and true left by her knight in shining armour, and so in her tower she stayed until she was nothing more than bones. It was a sad tale but he had written down his dream nonetheless in his diary and then gone out for a run.

Matt finished up his run at home and quickly showered before heading out to work. Being a cafe owner had its perks as well as downfalls. One of the perks however was going in early and setting up the baking for the day. He was toying with the idea of a new turnover to add to the menu and wanted to try a few samples out. When he reached his shop he opened up and went to the back, not bothering to lock the door. He trust the towns folks and if any wanted to come in while he was working he would welcome the company.

Setting on the coffee before he he got down to baking Matt went and turned on the radio and humming along to the oldies he put his apron on and dug out his ingredients. Already he could feel it would be a good day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Damien Greyson
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It was almost the perfect day. It was warm outside, the birds were singing, he didn't get a weird phone call from his sister, and he was motivated to go to work. The only thing that would have made this better is a fresh garden salad with french dressing. But alas he needed to go to work. His job was rather nice. And being the owner was very nice. He could go in whenever he wanted and pretty much do what he wanted. Damien was better than that, but the thought is nice. Getting off of his sofa, he folded the corner of his book and grabbed the keys. It was time to go and upon up the library.

The book store was down the street from his apartment so a walk was good. Locking the door behind him, he headed towards the book store. He was the first one here. He let himself in and switched the sign from closed to open. He flipped on the lights and went behind the counter. Damien clocked in and waited for people to walk into the store. His thoughts wandered to Matthew as they always do when he is bored. He pulled his phone out and he sent a quick text message.
[To: Matty]
[From: Damien]
[msg: When you get the chance. Stop by the bookstore.]

After that message sent, he went to fix the shelves and tidy up a little bit.

Diana didn't want to go to work. But when did Diana ever want to work. She doesn't even the reason why she got and antique store. Her brother said it could be a good investment and it would get her out of the house. But most days she says the store is closed and walks around outside. Or watches movies. Her eyes gazed over to the clock. She was supposed to open up soon. But she was just getting to the good part of The Wizard Of Oz. The brunette has watched this movie many times, but she likes the adventure behind it. Every time she watches the movie, she tries to see it from a different perspective.

Turning off the tv, she left her apartment. Which was literally next door to Damien's. He wanted to room together, but Diana needed space. And she was a grown woman. Why did she need to be watched by her brother. He hadn't called her this morning, so hopefully everything was okay. He was the only person she care about, but she wouldn't tell anyone that.

Her antique store was in sight and across the street she saw Clay. He was walking with his dog, who was absolutely adorable. She didn't go over to him though. Or wave. Or even utter a hello. She walked into her shop. If Clay wants to talk, he will come over to see her. Flipping the sign from closed to open, she walked up and down the aisles, making sure everything was in order and that nothing had broken over night.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Damien Greyson Character Portrait: Nikita Vraisi
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Damien took the first few bites of the turn over and Matt could tell immediate that something was off with the treat. He straightened a little when he was told it wasn't sweet enough. Scratching his bear he nodded a little and then made himself at home and went behind the desk to find a pen so he could make note of it on his hand. He wrote it down underneath his cookie line and set the pen down. He looked up just as a tiara was placed on his head and he lifted his eyes to the ceiling in an attempt to see what was on his head to no avail.
""I thought it suited you. I personally think you look sweeter than the turnovers." Matt felt a small flush on his cheeks and lifted up the tiara and when he saw what it was he snorted a little. Chuckling he put the crown back on his head and gave Damian a playful shove.
"Hey now. I don't suppose you have one for yourself? We could match." Laughing he took the last bite of the turn over out of Damien's hand and ate it for himself. Munching thoughtfully he found himself agreeing that it could use a little sweetening. He lifted his hand and snapped his fingers, he conjured the illusion of a crown on top of Damien's head and laughed again. He gave a small bow and said "Perhaps his Majesty would like to look in the mirror." He knew Damien would not be able to feel the crown on top of his head but once he saw his extra accessory it would make him laugh. Matt enjoyed joking around with Damien, it was usually the best part of his day.


Outside where the air was still crisp from the morning, Clay found himself listening to the grumbling of of his giant companion and he couldn't help but laugh. Bo was whining about the length of their daily morning walk. He was about to tell him that it wasn't so bad when Bo let out an excited bark at a figure in the distance. The giant animal reared up and then was off like a rocket. His black fur bounced with every one of his giant leaps. Clay was forced to run after him, shouting for him to slow down, when he realized who it was Bo was running towards.


Grinning Clay increased his pace and tried his best to keep up with Bo. Bo of course was far too fast for his human legs and he reached her first. The giant dog barked happily at her and then stood on his hind legs and placed both paws on her shoulders and gave her a giant lick of hello. Clay called for him to get down and panting he finally managed to reach them. He let out a long breath and grinned at his friend.
"Hey there stranger." He winked at her and dug out a handkerchief from his pocket for her slobber covered cheek. "Sorry about that, Bo likes you." He chuckled a little and moved his hands to his pockets. "Are you off to work Nikita? Bo and I can walk you there." He offered hopefully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Nikita Vraisi
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Most would find a day like today perfect. The sun shining warmly, a slight breeze blowing through the pine-scented air, flowers blossoming. Not Nikita. She found the sun and most everything about spring bothersome. So, as a result she was awfully gloomy today, and basically every other day.

Feeling a buzz in her back pocket, Nikita pulled out her phone and saw that Damien's reply was a "no." She let out a quiet, "dammit," then pulled out her earbuds and decided to listen to Nirvana's "Negative Creep." Continuing on her way, Nikita mumbled along to the lyrics until she saw a familiar black dog bounding towards her, who she immediately recognized as Bo. Her face instantly brightened. If Bo was here, then Clay couldn't be far behind.

Sure enough, not long after, Clay came running up as the giant newfie gave Nikita a lick on the cheek.
"Hey there stranger." Clay said with a wink.
"Howdy there, Sheriff." Nikita replied, punctuating her sentence with a purposely poorly executed wink as a way to sort of tease him. He then offered her a handkerchief and she thanked him and wiped the dog's slobber off of her cheek.
"Are you off to work Nikita? Bo and I can walk you there." He suggested.
Nikita cleared her throat. "'Scuse me?" She rebuked, "What? Just 'cause I'm a lady out all alone, that means I need protecting? I can take care of myself, thank you very much!" After her little rant, a grin crept on her face. "Nah, I'm just fucking with ya. I'd love for you to walk me there." She chuckled, with a dismissive wave of her hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher Character Portrait: Damien Greyson Character Portrait: Nikita Vraisi
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Matt was looking at a few dusty old tomes when Damien sighed and said " "My twin and some guy are in your empty cafe. If it wasn't for my twin I would keep you in the bookstore, but she doesn't do well with human interaction. So alas. I'm sending you back to work." Matt nodded and he tilted his Tiara in a farewell and agreed when Damien told him he wanted to see him again later that day.
"You betcha, Stop by my work later for lunch or something." Keeping up with the facade the tiara gave him Matt bowed and then left the store chucking. He kept the crown on as he whistled his way back to work and then entered through the glass door to his store. He noticed to folks waiting for him and offered them a charming smile. "Apologies folks, I didn't think anyone would want anything this early." He had forgotten about his head piece and stepped behind the counter and slipped on an apron. He had his hands on his hips and looked towards the red head he didn't know and Diana whom he only knew through pictures that Damien had shown him.
"What can I get you guys? Hey I'll also throw in a cupcake for making you wait." He felt bad for wasting their time and making them wait and so he hoped he could perhaps get a smile or two out of the man.


Clay raised an eyebrow at the sass of his friend and he resisted the urge to throw and arm around her shoulders and laugh. Instead he smiled and said "Big strong girl like yourself, I think its you that would protect me rather than reversed." For some reason when ever she was around he always wanted to touch her, but he resisted the action. Instead he fell into step beside her and let Bo walk around them as they headed to the book store. He noticed the small smell of booze and sighed a little. It was a little too early to dip into the drink but he knew that if he mentioned it, it would cause more drama than he wanted for that morning.

They walked companionably down towards the bookstore and after a few minutes silence Clay cleared his throat and said " So what are you doing after work today?" If you don't have plans we could always swing by the cafe for a drink or something." He tried to sound casual and he hoped it didn't come of too weird. They stopped in front of the book store and he gave her a small sweet smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Vane Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher Character Portrait: Damien Greyson Character Portrait: Nikita Vraisi
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Tessa Vane


Tessa lay sleeping softly against her pillow, fairies and pretty things dancing around her mind with a soft constant ringing of music....Wait, that wasn't music? That was...

Tessa's eyes sprang open. Her alarm was going off, "Sugar, sugar sugar sugar!" She exclaimed. Tessa never cursed but she found alternatives. She stumbled out of bed, her blanket helpfully tangled itself around her ankle, causing her to hit the floor with a sour thud. "Ow.." She said as clamored to her
She took a quick shower and changed into a pink and white under top, a layered hoodie with a pink trim, some dark skinny jeans and placed a matching pink knit cap over her curly mane. She wasn't always so matchy-matchy but Mattie always liked things nice and neat at his shoppe and she was happy to oblige, most cafe owners would have her in something black, white and tight.
But then again, most cafe owners weren't her best friend either. She slipped on her converses, grabbed her backpack purse, slung it over her shoulder and ran out the door.

Thankfully, Ashwald was a small town. So small, that the shoppes were no more then a few blocks away and she could walk -or in this case- run to work.

She slowed her pace as she saw Mattie through the window as well as a few costumers. She opened the door and that cute little bell rang alerting them of her entry.

"What can I get you guys? Hey I'll also throw in a cupcake for making you wait." Matt said and Tessa arched an eyebrow. So she wasn't the only one having one of those days, she thought as she made her way toward the back. She smiled at him.
"Morning." She beamed, as she ducked under the counter. She was odd that way, the thing opened up but she liked to duck. Why, she had no idea. She kissed her bestie's temple as she removed her hoodie, and her backpack and grabbed an apron. "Free cupcakes? What did you do?" She chided playfully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Springfield Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Nikita Vraisi
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0.00 INK

Nikita sighed as her and Clay arrived at the bookstore. She wasn't particularly in the mood to be at work, or even outside for that matter. Mornings made her awfully weary.
"So what are you doing after work today?" If you don't have plans we could always swing by the cafe for a drink or something." Clay offered.
"Oh, yeah, that'd be great," she replied, "See you then, I guess?"
Nikita gave him a small wave and a smile, then entered the bookstore. She didn't wish to linger outside, as she just wanted the day to be over already. The familiar aroma of antiquated pages yellowing and growing old, mixed with the scent of new paper and ink hit her like a tidal wave as she stepped foot into the establishment. The store was somewhat small but carried a multitude of books, ranging from ancient ones lost in history, to ones that haven't even been written yet, thanks to the ginger co-owner.

The short brunette covered her mouth as she let out a small yawn. She shambled over to the counter to greet the two owners, snickering when she noticed Aurora's dated outfit.
"Y'know, I think the 70's called the other day and mentioned something about wanting their outfit back."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Springfield Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Damien Greyson Character Portrait: Nikita Vraisi
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With Damien's approval, the redhead scurried over to the radio, pressed the power button, and turned the dial to a station that played a smooth variety of lighthearted jazz. Songs that included tender, gentle melodies were the perfect choice for an establishment such as a quiet bookstore in the middle of Asweld. After all, blaring pop music was a distraction when it came to many customers' habits of lightly reading lengthy books before purchasing them. And if Aurora wanted all sorts of books to be purchased, she knew that light reading would have to be increased, produced, and encouraged.

Jazz music was just one of many ways to get those three jobs done.

Running her fingers through her long silky hair, Aurora traipsed over to a cardboard box full of untouched novels, swiftly stacking and shelving them according to title and genre. She watched Damien slowly waltz over to her Star Wars poster, the coffee he chose gripped tightly in a hardened fist. The more he stared, the more Aurora furiously bit at her bottom lip. She knew what he was going to say. Although his face remained blank, his eyes gave it all away - he was trying his best to hide a grimace. Yes, she knew exactly what he was going to say...

"Poster has to go."

"Aw...what?!" Aurora crowed in agony as the twelve-inch print of Darth Vader's face slowly fell to the ground. "Do you know how many doors and screaming old men I had to go through just to get that thing? Let me tell you something Mr. Greyson," she babbled, "if you had to go through the same amount of torture I just endured, your pretty little face would be melting off right now!"

Suddenly, Aurora stopped rambling as she watched two figures appear past the glass window. It was Nikita and Clay McCoy. The twenty three-year-old raised a brow in their direction as she secretly observed her employee talking to the sheriff openly, actually looking happy. Nikita, although generally mocking in nature, was never known to look happy.

Clay disappeared, and the bookstore's bell rang. Nikita stared.

"Y'know," she bluntly remarked, "I think the 70's called the other day and mentioned something about wanting their outfit back."

Aurora smirked and mirthlessly rolled her eyes. Nikita had gotten her decades wrong and Aurora was just about to tell her that, but Damien beat her to the retort. "You can make fun of her outfit after you unpack boxes" he plainly quipped.

To Aurora, Nikita was simply a splinter in her side; she got annoying every once in a while, but her venemous words weren't so devastating that they could kill a man. In fact, most of the time her remarks were humorous and brilliantly timed. Nikita was just a girl who's soul had been trialed in some way. It was evident in her eyes and her slightly alcoholic tendencies. Perhaps Aurora didn't understand how Nikita had been tested by life, but she knew that those details didn't matter. Pain was something that everyone in Ashweld had experienced at least once in their lives. Aurora being no exception.

Damien then walked up to the young woman, her rejected movie poster clasped inbetween his fingers "And this needs to be buried in the back." he said, giving it to her. "You're no fun," she petulantly sulked, shooting her tongue out at him. But in her dismay, she took the time to give him a reassuring smile, and humbly did as Damien had commanded.

Sighing, she walked over to the counter, grabbed her cup of tea and a glossy fantasy novel, and crossed her legs over a stool near Nikita. After a long swig of chamomile flavor mixed with hot water, she licked her lips and glanced at her assistant.

"Just out of harmless curiosity, what were you and Clay talking about before you came in?" she asked while opening up the cover of the hardcover book nestled upon her knee. "Were you trying to get on his good side so that he wouldn't arrest you or something?" she joked with a giggle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Vane Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher Character Portrait: Nikita Vraisi
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As Matt was filling out orders for his two customers he lifted his eyes to the man at the counter and saw a smile move over his features. Success he thought to himself and he put the drinks on the counter and went to bring out his Choco-Peanut Butter cupcakes. He placed it in a small to go box and slid it towards him. "There you go." Just as he spoke Tessa with all her bouncing curls ran into the store and he chuckled as she ducked under the counter as per her norm. He had tried it once and had ended up bumping his head on the hard wood and fallen to the floor. While Tessa had seen she had been gracious enough to keep that small embarrassment a secret. He turned and bent his head a little as she kissed his temple and asked him what he had done to cause free cupcakes.
"Well..." Matt began. " I went and left the store for a bit and these poor folks were left waiting a bit. He turned back to the red head and offered his hand to shake. "Again so sorry about that. I'm Matthew but feel free to call me Matt or Mattie. I've seen you around but not really had the chance to say hello I'm afraid." He spoke as Tessa got about and got ready and lifted his hands to adjust the Tiara on his head as it had slipped a little down his forehead.


Clay felt a small rush of excitement as Nikita agreed to meet with him after supper and he wished her well. After she had disappeared into her work he sauntered on off feeling like a million bucks. There was still plenty of time for his rounds and he supposed he would stop in on a few stores just to wish everyone a good morning. Bo was walking along side him just as happily and they headed on further into town. He noticed a small crowd gathered in the Cafe and wondered if he should stop in but he decided against it and continued on. While crowds were great he didn't want to create too much traffic for the small place and so he continued on and noticed a billboard further on and went to check it out. The towns folk would often post upcoming events and such on the board. It was also a great place to ask for help and set up groups.

The billboard had a few sheets of paper upon it, one advertising for piano lessons and a few others for around the home help. The one that stood out was an upcoming event. Ashweld's annual Holiday BBQ. Ashweld would yearly host a large town BBQ in the town park to celebrate the return of spring. Usually it was catered by the Cafe and the Entertainment would be all sorts of different types. The music was always loud and generally it was a pretty good time. The event was scheduled for a week from then and Clay found himself grinning at the thought. He would most likely ask most of the ladies in town for a dance, and hopefully get a few yes's. Chuckling he rested his hand on Bo's head and looked down at his buddy. "Maybe something amazing will happen this year..." He mused.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Vane Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher Character Portrait: Nikita Varaisi
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Do you know that feeling when you wake up in the morning? The one where your head feels like someone took a pickaxe to it and viciously cracked it open for all the world to see how empty it is? That is called a hangover and Thomas Kirk greeted it appropiately when he woke up.

"Fuck the motherfucker!" he exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head as he sat up in his bed. He sighed as he manipulated his own mind to not mind the pain as much. He wished that he could get rid of it, but sadly, his powers only affected certain parts of the brain, namely the subconscious and higher intellectual functions. He could not stop himself from feeling pain. His apartment was a little cluttered, but surprisingly, it was not a mess. To his friends' surprise, Tom was a rather neat person.

Pulling on a random outfit from his closet, Tom stalked his way to his kitchen. His shift did not begin until the afternoon and would last until midnight so he planned on curing his hangover with a bunch of aspirin and a pot of coffee. The aspirin, he found easily enough but he cursed when he saw he was out of coffee.

"Great. I need to deal with the conformist fuckers today. Wonderful."

He did not need to drive to the cafe. The town was small enough to walk anywhere and, if he was being honest with himself, Tom would probably have sped through a red light in this state. He slammed open the door and gave his assembled peers a huge, sarcastic grin. He knew most of them from the local school system. He might have even stayted with one or two of them once his parents died. He couldn't quite remember at the moment. He went through so many homes in town, it was all a blur. He turned to Matthew. Did he punch the fucker in the face yesterday? No, it was some other fucker. Good.

"Good morning, Matty. Give me a cup of coffee. And Irish it the fuck up. And don't give me the "we don't have alcohol here" screw you, I have my own," he told him, handing him a flask along with some money.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Vane Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher Character Portrait: Thomas Kirk
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Tessa Vane


Tessa groaned heavily as soon as he entered the door.
Not again....She thought as she watched Tom flail around his flask.
"Good morning, Matty. Give me a cup of coffee. And Irish it the fuck up. And don't give me the "we don't have alcohol here" screw you, I have my own," Tessa shook her head.
"I got this one, Matt." She told him as she grabbed the coffee pot, poured him a glass and walked up to Tom.
" Not today, Tommy." She said and held out her hand, with a look that read 'give it' referring to the flask, with an underlining look that read flask for the coffee.
"This is a cafe, not a pub, you wanna pull this, then go to work." She said and looked around, luckily there weren't any children here. "And Stop cursing, this is a family place." She told him and huffed. He would have been attractive if he weren't such a dick most of the time. She's known of him for a while, and since working here, she got to know him a little better...not in a good way.
"You wanna cure your hangover, here's the coffee, but we aren't gonna 'Irish it up' It doesn't work that way here." She told him and beckoned with her hand for him to cough up to flask.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Vane Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher Character Portrait: Thomas Kirk
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"Not today, Tommy." A firm voice challenged him. Thomas met the waitress' challenge with a glare at the word "Tommy". He hated that nickname and she knew it.

"This is a cafe, not a pub, you wanna pull this, then go to work." She said and looked around, presumably for children. Tom rolled his eyes. As though they hadn't heard it all before. Still, he looked from the coffee to his flask and gave it up. He respected her standing up to him at least.

"You wanna cure your hangover, here's the coffee, but we aren't gonna 'Irish it up' It doesn't work that way here." She told him and beckoned with her hand for him to cough up to flask.

He laughed, a rather mirthful sound that either signaled he was about to get angry or calm down. Luckily, it was the latter. He grinned at her as he traded the flask for the coffee.

"You have guts, Tessie, I'll give you that," he told her. He waved a hand over the coffee. He raised a hand defensively, "Don't worry, I didn't add alcohol with a magic word. I just need an extra shot of caffeine."

He took a sip before raising an eyebrow at her, "Now, tell me. What is objectively wrong with cursing in front of children or drinking in this place? Why push that particular bit of morality on me?"

He regarded her with a look as though he were a normal college student looking for a debate and not a semi-alcoholic with anger management problems.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Springfield Character Portrait: Jannay Arden Polanco Character Portrait: Daniel Kim Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Damien Greyson Character Portrait: Nikita Vraisi
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"No," Nikita scoffed in reply, "we were talking about how a particular ginger should mind her own business."

There were a million different replies that popped up in Aurora's head. They ranged from defensive words to sarcasm to bitchy complaints that would spark a much more active argument. But in the end, as Aurora usually responded whenever she was near Nikita's nettlesome presence, the ginger just sighed. That's all she could do; just sigh. It made her sad that no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't spark any sort of connection with her coworker. (Except for a negative connection, of course.) Silver linings could never be found in the copious clouds of steam Nikita produced when infuriated. But no matter how hard the brunette's scornful words made a dent in her head, Aurora Springfield just had to keep reminding herself that not everyone in her life could be pleased. After all, that was the sheer reason why she was living in Ashweld in the first place...

Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, she kept recycling in her mind until she realized that the positive in this dull situation was Damien. She flung herself off of the stool as though she were a child slingshotting herself off of a playground swing, leaving Nikita to her sketchpad. Her half-full cup of tea still gripped in her tiny hands, she waltzed over next to him, at the same time positioning herself near the cash register, getting ready for a customer that was bound to come eventually...

"So I've been thinking," she muttered, "well, I've been thinking about a lot of things, but I've been particularly thinking that perhaps we should start a band. Maybe not you and me of course...I don't know if you have any interest in musical talent or whatever..." she nervously chuckled, "But like, I want to find some friends who can play instruments for the barbecue coming up. I don't know...picking a wonderful a song, getting the town all excited...I think it would be fun. And it would make for some good memories, right?" she asked. But before she gave Damien a chance to reply, Aurora gasped.

"SHOOT!" she cried, her lips almost about to utter another more explicit exclamation, "I forgot about the thing...for the guy...for today...urhm..." She paced back and forth, her fingers squirming in anxiety. And then frantically, her eyes shot glances back and forth between Nikita and Damien.

"It's not busy right now, right? It's totally not busy right now. You don't need me right this second, I'm sure..." She placed her tea on the counter, as well as the nervous energy that had been plaguing her wriggling fingertips. Grabbing a pen and a notepad from the cubby nearby, she speedily marched towards the other side of the store. "You don't mind if I head out for a bit do you? Really really quick..." but as she said this, she was already gravitating towards the front door. "I won't be long!" she exclaimed, "I won't be long, Damien!" and with a loud bang, Aurora had already shot out the front door onto the streets.

Her stomach began to twist in knots as she thought about how Damien and Nikita would react to her sudden disappearance. But whatever - she had to do this, or else she never would. She clicked the pen in her left hand, steadily held the notepad in her right, and began to walk and scribble down the note she wanted to send her friend. Although to her, he wasn't just a friend - he was a hero.

But as her full attention was put into writing the letter, her peripheral vision was limited, consequently forcing her to knock into something below her as she scurried down the sidewalk.

"Oh!" she yelped, her pen and paper falling down to the ground. Quicker than a hummingbird, she picked up her materials from off of the cement, noticing the giant black dog that stared back at her in what appeared to be rapture. (Despite the fact that she had just bumped right into the poor thing.)

She looked up. It was Clay McCoy. And it was his dog. It was Clay McCoy's dog. That he was walking. He was walking his dog through the neighborhood.

"Sorry!" she apologized to him, "I'm so sorry!" she then apologized to his dog, her voice raising an octave higher. While she petted the cute little canine that really wasn't all that little, she didn't notice the gold band clasped around her ring finger slip right onto the pavement below. She cheerfully chuckled up at Clay, communicating another apology through the look in her bright green eyes, and then bolted right into the flower shop.

A bell rang above her, and she smiled at the two young adults standing happily in front of her.

"Morning!" she chirped, "Is it possible I can get a bouquet or a basket of daisies delivered to someone?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Springfield Character Portrait: Tessa Vane Character Portrait: Jannay Arden Polanco Character Portrait: Daniel Kim Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett
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Clay was just about done reading the board when all of a sudden he heard Bo make a small noise as a woman all but tumbled over him. Reflexes caused him to reach out and steady the woman, his hand grasped her arm but she moved out of his grasp and went to reterive her items. It took Clay a moment but he finally understood who the woman was, recognizing her by her red hair. Aurora. He gave her a small smile as she explained her sorry's and then turned to apologize to Bo as well. Clay chuckled as he heard Bo grumble, speaking to Aurora softly. Though she would not understand Clay heard his friend say I don't mind pretty lady. He folded his arms as she pet him, there was a soft clink of something hitting the concrete and before Clay could open his mouth to ask her if she had dropped something she was off like a rocket into the Flower Shop.

Shaking his head at her antics he bent down and received a lick from Bo as he moved his hands over the ground trying to see if she had indeed dropped something or if it had been his imagination. "Do you see anything buddy?" He asked as he watched Bo move his head closer to the ground and sniff. He grumbled after a moment telling Clay he had found something. Moving his giant furry head Clay caught sight of a gold ring on the ground and he picked it up examining it closely. It wasn't overly out of the ordinary, something he assumed Aurora would carry. Standing Clay motioned for Bo to follow him, it was only right to return it right away. He entered the small flower shop and immediately his nose was filled with the scent of fresh flowers. Grinning at the owners inside he went to tap on Aurora's shoulder.
"Excuse me ma'am? I think you may have dropped this..." He held the ring out for her to see.


Matt caught Tessa as she finished ogling Striker and obligingly caught her as she fell into his arms. He laughed and helped her back to her feet. "A girl like you could have that man wrapped around her finger I'm sure." He grinned and leaned against the counter and sighed wistfully "Though he does really have a cute butt." Matt agreed. He looked over to Reed who had spoken and was about to speak again when Tessa took over for him and went to take his hand. He felt a small flush enter his cheeks when his hair was compliemnted and he inclined his head "Thanks I grew it myself." He joked gently."Red does certainly suit you Reed. Matt agreed when Tessa spoke about Reed's hair.

He grabbed a small cloth and began to wipe down a few of the counters. Matt's pride and joy was his store and when he got the chance he would clean it as often as he could. It was a small quirk and he was pleased the Tessa was able to handle his OCD when it came to sweeping mopping and then sweeping once more, so on and so forth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Springfield Character Portrait: Jannay Arden Polanco Character Portrait: Daniel Kim Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Damien Greyson Character Portrait: Thomas Kirk
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Suddenly, the bell chimed a second time.

"Excuse me ma'am? I think you may have dropped this..." said Clay politely, holding out that familiar speck of gold and turquoise sea glass "gem" on top. Time stopped. Aurora, who had forgotten a long time ago that she owned the darned ring in the first place, felt her beating heart fall straight into her churning stomach.

"Keep it."

That wasn't Aurora talking, but sudden instinct. She looked back at forth between Clay and the ring, her hands slightly shaking. The way she looked at that ring was as though she were staring at a deadly black widow spider. But eventually, something inside her snapped, and she nervously chuckled, snatching the ring from Clay's hand.

"No, sorry...thank you!" she praised him, "Thank you so much, Mr. Sheriff sir. Sorry for all the trouble I've caused you...and your dog too!" she giggled.

"I really do owe you one!"

With that, she jauntily smiled at him, showing off her tiny white teeth. She then slipped the gold band back on her ring finger, trying hard not to do so with reluctance.


Strike silently and soundlessly glided down the soundwalk, chuckling to himself as he listened to Tom utter an endless river of curse words underneath his breath. Tom was volatile. Tom was just like a grenade, always about to blow. But Tom wasn't dull, that was for fucking sure.

Suddenly, his friend stopped in his tracks, causing Strike to come to an abrupt halt as well.

"I'm going to make a couple deliveries. Or free samples. It depends if they pay or not," Tom speedily told his boss. Gerald was curious as to who on earth his lunatic employee was about to annoy next, but he shrugged in acceptance.

"Alright. Pub opens in an hour. Still got plenty of time to kill."

As they entered inside the bookstore, Aurora swiftly ran out. Just like Tom, Strike raised a brow.

"Rory!" he called, but she was blatantly buried in her pen and paper, indifferent to the world around her. As per usual.

He sighed and watched her run away. There was a part of him that was intrigued by her brisk journey throughout the neighborhood, but he decided not to pursue her. She was a woman now, not the child that he used to know.

Eventually, Strike waltzed into the bookstore, another place where he didn't come in often. Tom was standing over by the counter, his infamous flask gripped in his hands.

"Hello fuckers. he roared. He was stupidly presenting himself to the owner, Damien Greyson, and his assistant, Nikita Vraisi. With the look already plastered on the girl's face, Strike knew it wouldn't take long until she was the second girl Tom had quarreled with that day. "Nicky, I got a delivery for you. I could tell from a distance you haven't had your booze today, what'll it be?" he asked, holding a flask in hand, "I'll take cash. Or I'll pay Strike for you..."

In response, Gerald just rolled his eyes behind him, silently leaning against the wall and crossing his arms over his chest in the background.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Springfield Character Portrait: Tessa Vane Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Mimi Jones Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher
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Matt retreated behind the counter and he wished Reed farewell, the adorable man asked the both of them to give him a call and he grinned. "You have a great day Reed. We will all hang out some time." He promised. Reed left just as Mimi spat all over the front window creating a nice brown stain over the clear glass. While it was a mess, it was satisfying in all its glory.
"Dick!" She shouted and Matt burst out into laughter. She praised him for his fine joke and Matt went to help her clean the window as she asked him if he was busy that night. Matt thought about it and while he wondered what Mimi could possibly have in mind. Maybe she was going to get back at him somehow?

Still a drink sounded yummy and he didn't have any plans so he nodded "I will come but I'm bringing a few friends sweetheart. Being alone with you scares me." He teased. When they were finished with the window he straightened and put his hands on his hips. "Say nine?"


Clay blinked confused at the antics of the woman before him. Keep it? Don't keep it. The ring was a confusing one and he found himself lifting a hand to his neck and looking at her rather awkwardly. "I don't think that ring would suit me much to be honest." He told her honestly. She apologized for the troubles she thought she may have caused and he lifted his hands to say it was nothing. "No worries Rory. Say you can pay be back by dancing with me at the Town BBQ next week." He gave her a cocky grin and took a step back. "Have a great day, I'll see you around." He wished her well and then motioned for Bo to leave and they headed on out into the open.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Springfield Character Portrait: Jannay Arden Polanco Character Portrait: Daniel Kim Character Portrait: Clay McCoy
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#, as written by chrian.


Daniel took the scissors and pruned some of the plants. It's not good for them not having enough space to breath. "Think I will go for a walk then garden some. What about you? Got yourself a date?" Jannay asked. Daniel just shrugged with a smile, "Nah, I think I'm going to hang around town a bit. Guess I'm all by myself like everyday though. But I'm hopin' that I could find some new companies."

He unveiled some of the curtains around the shop to let the sunlight came in. It was really refreshing though. After that, he heard the door bell chimed and a girl with red hair came in. Just by looking, he can already guessed that she was kinda in a hurry though. So he smiled whole-heartedly to their customer, "Welcome to our flower's shop. How can we help you?"

"Morning!" she chirped, "Is it possible I can get a bouquet or a basket of daisies delivered to someone?"

"Sure, no problems." Daniel smiled again as he turned around to find the daisies, "Let's see..." When he saw them, he chosen some of the freshest ones. Usually it was his job to choose the flowers and Jannay will wrapped them into a bouquet or arranged them into a basket. Just as he was going to give the daisies for his boss, the bell rang again and Clay, the town's Sheriff came in. Daniel raised an eyebrow, he was wondering why he was here. Maybe he also wanted to buy some flowers or because of something else?

As the Sheriff grinned to them, he returned the red-hair girl something that she dropped. She seemed to be somewhat reluctant to take it back, making Daniel somewhat curious. But he quickly shook his head. He was definitely not someone who like to poke into other people's private lives. He giggled a bit after the Sheriff left and handed the flowers to Jannay. All of those flowers in this shop were taken care by Jannay and they always look so fresh and beautiful. "Here."

As they waited for Jannay to finish the bouquet, Daniel turned to the girl with a smile, "Today was a really nice day, huh? Are you going to visit someone? Oh, and by the way, I'm Daniel."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Springfield Character Portrait: Jannay Arden Polanco Character Portrait: Daniel Kim Character Portrait: Clay McCoy
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#, as written by toajojo
Image"Mm hmm. . ." Jannay humed as she listened to her cute employee. Lightly misting the the flowers with a quick squirt each, she touched a petal of one of the myriad of flowers. A Sasanqua Camellia she recognized. With butterfly like strokes, she examined the supple petals. Beautiful baby pink in color, the water droplets glistened in the sunlight coming from the large bay window that Daniel just opened the curtains to. Those Camellia's were about to go out of season. The fact that they were still blooming in early spring testified that this specific batch consisted of fighters. The splashes of pink littering the floor, brought to her attention that she needed to sweep the floor soon. Would not want anybody to slip on a fallen petal. It was not exactly a fun experience. She would know. Jannay had fallen onto the unforgiving tile due to a petal on many different occasions.

She hooked her small spray bottle to the pocket of her apron and was about to head for the broom, when the bell chimed. Immediately, her head swiveled to greet the newcomers. A kindly smile gracing her plump lips. Jannay's eyes shimmered with mirth as she recognized her friend Aurora. It was fairly easy to do as no one else in their small town had the same head of fiery locks. "Of course!" She chirped and dove behind the long counter to scrounge up a basket. A basket of Daises was what she wanted.

She popped back up and placed a small, cute woven basket on the counter top. It looked sort of like an upside down top hat to Jannay. About the size of half of her forearm. As the door bell chimed again, she was quite surprised to see the sheriff walk in. Clay did not come to her shop too often. Matching his polite smile, with her own courteous one, she watched the interaction between him and Aurora with interest. Jannay raised a perfectly arched eyebrow and craned her neck to see the ring he was offering. She wondered why her friend seemed anxious. Or maybe it was just her.

Clay left with his giant dog in tow, and Jannay reached out to receive the flowers Daniel was handing her. "Ooh~!" She squealed like a schoolgirl. Aurora and Clay. Clay and Aurora. How precious.

With skilled fingers she began to arrange the daises in a way that would best showcase their beauty. Pale yellow combined with pure white and pastel pink Daises because the colors were light and inviting, as was spring. Gently she tucked them in and twisted them around one another until she was satisfied. Holding out the basket in her hands, she grinned.

"Aurora, who do you want to make this delivery out to?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Damien Greyson
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Matt said his farewells to Mimi and went back to his counter and wet a rag to clean up around the counter. He sighed a little wistfully and appreciated how busy the store had been so far. Business was booming. He looked up as the door jangled again and Damien came in, he grinned and leaned on the counter.
"Hey there stranger. He found himself flushing a soft red as Damien winked at him. "Can..." He coughed to clear his throat. He always got a little flustered when ever he was complimented. "Can I get you anything to drink Damien?" He considered asking him to come to the Black Bottle and decided it was a good call, he wanted his friend to be there. "Hey so Mimi invited me to the Black Bottle tonight, want to join in as well?"


Clay was back to his rounds when he noticed Diana sitting outside on the roof of her store. Looking up and sheilding his eyes from the sun he called out to her, "Hey there Diana! As the Sheriff I must warn you that's dangerous. As a man I must ask you to let me up there because I want to sit on tall things too." He grinned at her and Bo made a small ruff sound and stood on his hind legs and barked. Clay brushed a hand down his friends back and said "Bo wants to come up too!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Charlotte Weaver
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#, as written by Mackamp

Sweat beaded up across Charlotte's forehead, making her damp hair bounce with a little more curl. Charlotte took the steps to her loft, two at a time and gently eased the key into the keyhole, unlocking it with crafty precision. She flung her backpack on the chair, wrestled her ponytail holder; which claimed clumps of hair, ran her fingers down the side of her legs jerking off her boots; all while making her way to the shower."Awww, nothing like a tepid shower, to cool me down.What a great way to end a perfect morning!" While Lathering up, super suds slide down her body; softly Char began to hum. Soon that humming became audible and then loud enough it could be heard on the street below. She pounded on the side of the shower like it was a drum and danced around, rocking out in the shower was one of her guilty pleasures. Drying off; she dressed in a soft cream gauze blouse, suspenders,checker shorts, grabbed her purse and headed for the cafe.

Quietly humming "Blink", while strolling down the main street of Ashwald, Charlotte glimpse a girl on the edge of the roof above the antique shop. Without stopping, she shaded her eyes with her phone for a better look, when suddenly she was surprised by the shout from the Sheriff "Hey there Diana! As the Sheriff I must warn you that's dangerous. As a man I must ask you to let me up there because I want to sit on tall things too."
. Startled and now blinded by the sun; she stepped to the side to avoid the Sheriff and literally stepped on his foot, let out a little yelp and dropped her purse spilling the contains all over the sidewalk. Before she could bend over, his big hairy dog was there, licking her and nosing all the items. " OH I AM SO SORRY SHERIFF! Waving her hand at the dog" Shoo dog!! Shoo! A little embarrass she quickly picked up the condom and slide it in her pocket, while gathering her stuff as quickly as she could. With everything in tack; she stood up, looked directly into the Sheriff's eyes, melted a bit, and made an effort to conceal a blush.I hope those aren't your Fred Astaire shoes, and you still have a little dance left in you....again I am really sorry. With a flirtatious wink; Charlotte headed again towards the cafe.