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Diana Greyson

"I'm the youngest twin by three seconds."

0 · 813 views · located in Ashwald

a character in “There is Magic Here”, originally authored by Simple_Imperfections, as played by RolePlayGateway




"I don't want to talk to you"


Diana Rose Greyson

April 3rd; 22 years

Antique Owner

Pain Inducement : Can cause pain by thinking about the pain and the amount of damage.
Cannot cause pain that can implement death. Any pain she causes shows up on her own body.


Silence: "Hard to think with all this noise"
Movies: "Time passes by quicker with a movie."
Her Twin: "I'm younger by three seconds."
Puppies: "There cute."
Outdoors: "Fresh air is good for me."

Social Events:: "I'm bad at interacting with people."
Loud People: "Insides voices are important."
Cats: "Stupid evil cats"
Caffeine: "I just don't need it."
Her ability: "It's a curse. I hurt Damien."

Quiet/Anti Social: Diana has a hard time making friends because of her nature to stay quiet. Interacting with people isn't her first though. When she sees people, she usually tries to avoid them while her brother communicates with them. It isn't that she is shy. Shy is unable to talk to someone. Diana can have a conversation if she needed too, but she doesn't want to so she doesn't.
Sarcastic:Next to English, this is Diana's second language. It is her defense mechanism for when she is talking to people. She uses it on everyone and everyone takes it differently. Not that Diana cares about how other people feel. Unless its her brother. She actually likes him.
Cold Hearted: Diana doesn't care about other people. When she meets new people, she puts up a cold front. Her sarcasm increases by a 100% and she has no compassion in her voice. Damien tries to get Diana out of her ways, but she is pretty hopeless. But she is less cold when she is around her brother and friends. But the sarcasm doesn't stop.


Diana doesn't have much of a history. She does not have many friends and that doesn't bother her. She has been fine with her brother and that is all she ever needed. She her powers at 10 like her brother. He hurt another person and she hurt him. It was accident of course. He bumped into so she shoved him. Or did something that resembled a shove. It hurt him a lot. Diana felt it because of the twin connection. But when she hurts other people, she gets to scars or bruises the next day.

So begins...

Diana Greyson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Damien Greyson
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It was almost the perfect day. It was warm outside, the birds were singing, he didn't get a weird phone call from his sister, and he was motivated to go to work. The only thing that would have made this better is a fresh garden salad with french dressing. But alas he needed to go to work. His job was rather nice. And being the owner was very nice. He could go in whenever he wanted and pretty much do what he wanted. Damien was better than that, but the thought is nice. Getting off of his sofa, he folded the corner of his book and grabbed the keys. It was time to go and upon up the library.

The book store was down the street from his apartment so a walk was good. Locking the door behind him, he headed towards the book store. He was the first one here. He let himself in and switched the sign from closed to open. He flipped on the lights and went behind the counter. Damien clocked in and waited for people to walk into the store. His thoughts wandered to Matthew as they always do when he is bored. He pulled his phone out and he sent a quick text message.
[To: Matty]
[From: Damien]
[msg: When you get the chance. Stop by the bookstore.]

After that message sent, he went to fix the shelves and tidy up a little bit.

Diana didn't want to go to work. But when did Diana ever want to work. She doesn't even the reason why she got and antique store. Her brother said it could be a good investment and it would get her out of the house. But most days she says the store is closed and walks around outside. Or watches movies. Her eyes gazed over to the clock. She was supposed to open up soon. But she was just getting to the good part of The Wizard Of Oz. The brunette has watched this movie many times, but she likes the adventure behind it. Every time she watches the movie, she tries to see it from a different perspective.

Turning off the tv, she left her apartment. Which was literally next door to Damien's. He wanted to room together, but Diana needed space. And she was a grown woman. Why did she need to be watched by her brother. He hadn't called her this morning, so hopefully everything was okay. He was the only person she care about, but she wouldn't tell anyone that.

Her antique store was in sight and across the street she saw Clay. He was walking with his dog, who was absolutely adorable. She didn't go over to him though. Or wave. Or even utter a hello. She walked into her shop. If Clay wants to talk, he will come over to see her. Flipping the sign from closed to open, she walked up and down the aisles, making sure everything was in order and that nothing had broken over night.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher Character Portrait: Damien Greyson
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0.00 INK

A few things on the shelves had shattered over night and then a few needed to be cleaned. She tossed the broken things in the trash and rearranged the items to accommodate for the gap. Then she placed the ones that needed to be cleaned in a brown box and walked behind the counter. She gazed over towards the door. No one was coming in. Good. No time for human interaction. Diana opened up one of the drawers on her desk and grabbed the remote. She turned on her mini tv and flipped to a movie. The only thing on worth watching was Finding Nemo. Placing the remote back down, she grabbed some basic cleaner and a rag. As Nemo back talked to his dad, she started with the china tea cup.

Half way into the movie. No customers. No phone calls. No one even walked by. Diana was getting cramped up behind the desk. Putting down the clock she was cleaning she grabbed her store keys and headed towards the exit. She put up the sign that said that she was on break, and headed down to the cafe. When she got there it looked bare. Except for a guy with bright red hair. Why is he just standing there? Without a second thought, Diana walked into the cafe. She moved around the redhead and headed straight for the counter. "Where are the workers?" she muttered to herself. A sigh escaped her and she looked over to the redhead.

Without even meaning too, Diana's icy blue eye roamed him and she unintentionally put up a cold front. "Redhead. Have you seen anyone here?" That was a lot ruder than she had planned, but she wasn't taking it back. That was like apologizing. She didn't do that either. Not really waiting for an answer she grabbed her phone to text Damien

[To: Twin 1]
[From: Twin 2]
[msg: i need coffee. No one is in the cafe. Human interaction.]

She sends those messages when she is talking to another human being. It's for their safety. Just in case things go sour, Damien can come and save the day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher
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0.00 INK

Reed was standing at the counter of the cafe, head kind of racing. Is this a prank? oh god, is someone going to pop out and tell me I look like an idiot? Did the guy who runs this place just leave it open and leave? Do I look like an idiot? He nervously flipped through his iPod, wanting to look like he was actually doing something, and settled on Tune Yard's "Real Thing", one headphone in. Now without the iPod to distract him, and only an ancient flip phone, he continued to just stand there.

At this point Reed had almost forgotten that he was even there for a latte or something, and was off into space. Thinking about his job, thinking about that new P T Anderson film in theaters, imagining some kind of alternate world where he could do anything, he was anywhere but at that cafe counter, and didn't even notice a girl walk in.

"Where are the workers?", Reed jumped a foot in the air, she'd only muttered it, but he'd been so off in his own world that the words almost gave him a heart attack. "Uh, I ah, uh" he mumbled, then felt a little embarrassed, realizing she probably wasn't even talking to him. A moment past with Reed's big eyes just staring at her, while she stared at him. He felt self conscious, her eyes went all over him, and he felt his back straighten, from both nervous energy and his general hope to not look like a wimpy slob in front of a girl who was actually pretty cute. His big eyes found hers, they were bright icy blue. He wondered if his face was as red as his hair. "Redhead. Have you seen anyone here?" she said, his head cocked.

"n-no" he said, while the girl went on her phone. He didn't know what to do, is this a prank? he again thought to himself. he quickly turned back to the counter, looking straight ahead. "I think uh, I don't think anyone's here" he said quietly. good going Reed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher Character Portrait: Damien Greyson
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0.00 INK

Damien was happy that Matt liked his tiara. Hopefully his friend wouldn't lose it and he would see it when they went on dates hung out. As Damien was enjoying his turnover he was planning on locking Matthew away just to bake him goodies. His sister wouldn't mind the company. Unless he spoke to her. Then something bad would happen. Damien thought against kidnapping his best friend. He was about to eat the last of his turnover, but Matty took it. He gasped dramatically. "I was eating that. he said with a pout. Knowing Matthew he would make him more tomorrow.

"Perhaps his Majesty would like to look in the mirror." Damien raised an eyebrow, confused. Matthew was laughing his arse off so whatever just happened was worth looking at. The brunette pulled out his phone and put on the front facing camera. There was a crown on his head. He couldn't feel it, so he knew it had to do with Matt's powers. Damien chuckled. "His majesty likes the crown" Damien said still chuckling a little. He was about to put his phone away, but then it vibrated. The message was from his twin. Reading it quickly he shook his head and sighed. Quickly he responded.
[To: Twin 2]
[From: Twin 1]
[msg: Hold. I'm sending the owner over. And don't hurt the human.]

Damien sent the message and looked at his friend. "My twin and some guy are in your empty cafe. If it wasn't for my twin I would keep you in the bookstore, but she doesn't do well with human interaction. So alas. I'm sending you back to work." Damien frowned a little. He was going to miss Matt. "But we are going to hang later."

Diana moved to sit in one of the chairs. She wasn't going to stand around for no reason. Especially around some red head she didn't know. "I think uh, I don't think anyone's here" The brunette barely heard his voice. "No shit.." she muttered sarcastically. It wasn't meant to be heard, but she wouldn't apologize if he heard it. Her twin finally replied to her message. And she wasn't pleased with the answer. He was sending another human being she didn't know her way. Why on earth would he do that. Quickly she responded to the message.
[To: Twin 1]
[From: Twin 2]
[msg: No promises]

She officially pocketed her phone and looked over the redhead once more. She knows him. From somewhere. Somehow. He clearly lives in the area. Maybe he works in one of the shops. Diana didn't really care to know where he worked, she was just wondering why she recognized his face. After looking over him, her icy blue eyes found his big ones. "Owner is coming." That was all Diana needed to say. Now she was down talking to other human beings. This was already too much.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher
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0.00 INK

"No shit.." the girl said, he hardly heard it, but heard it well enough. He didn't say anything back, but cleared his throat, and sat down at a table, with one table between him and the girl. He could feel his face, red down to his neck. He didn't say anything more, but again flipped through his iPod. Tune Yards' album Nikki Nack was still playing, it was one of his favorite albums, probably his favorite out of 2014, even past Swans. He calmed himself down enough so that his face no longer glowed, and rationalized the past few minutes. She's just a stranger ya don't know Reed, it's not the end of the world, stop fidgeting so much, it's all good, it's fine, it's fine. Reed had at that point been in the shop for about 20 minutes, just to order a latte.

He didn't worry about being late to work, he hardly ever saw the owner, and could probably even count on a hand how many times he saw them in the past year and a half he had worked there. He practically ran the shop, though he wouldn't say that in out loud, he called himself a lowly shelf stocker, even though he knew the shop inside and out, mainly from snooping around trying to look for things for his charms. The apothecary was his safe space, if someone needed something, he could probably get it for them.

He'd again been off in his own world, already removed from his embarrassing situation, when he again heard the girl, this time not so shocked to hear her voice, "Owner is coming". He nodded, but didn't say anything. While she was looking away he looked at her. She seemed tense, kind of uptight. He kept his eyes on her for probably a second too long after she said the owner was coming, and quickly swiveled his head forward, staring at the counter. "Who even leaves their shop alone?" he said with a chuckle, "We could steal all the sugar in here. Or even better, we can just start baking" he said, continuing to laugh to himself. He hoped the good luck charm in his pocket would work, of course it wouldn't lead to something big, he could never win the lottery with his level of power, but it did tend to make things a bit easier for him. Usually things just worked out, even if it took a while. He rubbed the paper in his pocket, more out of superstition than actual magic. His eyes darted to the girl, then went back to the counter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher Character Portrait: Damien Greyson Character Portrait: Nikita Vraisi
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0.00 INK

Matt was looking at a few dusty old tomes when Damien sighed and said " "My twin and some guy are in your empty cafe. If it wasn't for my twin I would keep you in the bookstore, but she doesn't do well with human interaction. So alas. I'm sending you back to work." Matt nodded and he tilted his Tiara in a farewell and agreed when Damien told him he wanted to see him again later that day.
"You betcha, Stop by my work later for lunch or something." Keeping up with the facade the tiara gave him Matt bowed and then left the store chucking. He kept the crown on as he whistled his way back to work and then entered through the glass door to his store. He noticed to folks waiting for him and offered them a charming smile. "Apologies folks, I didn't think anyone would want anything this early." He had forgotten about his head piece and stepped behind the counter and slipped on an apron. He had his hands on his hips and looked towards the red head he didn't know and Diana whom he only knew through pictures that Damien had shown him.
"What can I get you guys? Hey I'll also throw in a cupcake for making you wait." He felt bad for wasting their time and making them wait and so he hoped he could perhaps get a smile or two out of the man.


Clay raised an eyebrow at the sass of his friend and he resisted the urge to throw and arm around her shoulders and laugh. Instead he smiled and said "Big strong girl like yourself, I think its you that would protect me rather than reversed." For some reason when ever she was around he always wanted to touch her, but he resisted the action. Instead he fell into step beside her and let Bo walk around them as they headed to the book store. He noticed the small smell of booze and sighed a little. It was a little too early to dip into the drink but he knew that if he mentioned it, it would cause more drama than he wanted for that morning.

They walked companionably down towards the bookstore and after a few minutes silence Clay cleared his throat and said " So what are you doing after work today?" If you don't have plans we could always swing by the cafe for a drink or something." He tried to sound casual and he hoped it didn't come of too weird. They stopped in front of the book store and he gave her a small sweet smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson
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0.00 INK

Diana didn't get another text from her brother. The owner better be here soon or she was giving up on her chai tea. Then the red head tried to crack a joke. Or whatever he thought was supposed to be a joke. She didn't really find it amusing. She glanced up at him and then back down at her phone. No more human interaction. Or really. No sad attempts to make small talk. Diana doesn't do small talk. "Apologies folks, I didn't think anyone would want anything this early." Finally the owner. Diana stood up and walked up to the counter. Even if the red head was here first, she needed her tea and then she needed to get out.

"What can I get you guys? Hey I'll also throw in a cupcake for making you wait." "No cupcake. Just a caffeine chai tea." No please or thank you. Didn't deserve it for keeping her waiting. She was here way longer than she wanted to be. Once she put her order in she moved to the side to allow the other guy to order while she was waiting for her stuff to be made. Quickly she sent another text to her brother.
[To: Twin 1]
[From: Twin 2]
[msg: human is safe.]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher
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0.00 INK

Reed's jokes had fallen flat, so he and the girl sat in an awkward silence for a few minutes. He laid his head down in his arms on the table, feeling tired as ever, wanting to leave, but essentially trapped there because the owner was going to be coming. He'd been waiting there, and he didn't want to just leave empty handed. Reed was wrestling in his head about the girl. He felt mainly embarrassed about the whole situation, and wanted to get indignant, but knew that was ridiculous. Some people don't want to talk to every stranger they meet on the street. That's fine, she didn't owe him her time. He was just trying to be friendly, but it's not like she owed him a conversation because he'd tried to be nice. Everything was fine. Everything was fine. He repeated it in his head over and over. He wasn't mad. He was fine. He just wanted a drink.

A guy walked into the cafe, curly hair bouncing under a tiara. Reed felt himself blush a little bit again, which he'd been doing far too much of that morning. The guy, who Reed assumed was the owner, was cute. The universe was unfairly balanced to have a high concentration of good looking people in Ashwald. Sometimes he felt self-conscious in the town, pale skin and bright red hair, other times he felt like it was far too much for his poor queer heart. Fleeting, quick crushes were a common thing for Reed, constantly developing these crushes that never go anywhere, in fact most of the time he didn't even talk to them. "What can I get you guys? Hey I'll also throw in a cupcake for making you wait." He said. The girl jumped up and ordered hers quickly, a Chai Tea. Reed got up a little slower, and walked up to the counter after the girl moved aside. "Yeah I actually uh, a Chai Latte please" He said with a little smile. "What kind of cupcakes do you have? Anything with peanut butter is fine" He said, looking behind the counter. Sweets sounded good.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Vane Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher Character Portrait: Nikita Vraisi
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0.00 INK



As Matt was filling out orders for his two customers he lifted his eyes to the man at the counter and saw a smile move over his features. Success he thought to himself and he put the drinks on the counter and went to bring out his Choco-Peanut Butter cupcakes. He placed it in a small to go box and slid it towards him. "There you go." Just as he spoke Tessa with all her bouncing curls ran into the store and he chuckled as she ducked under the counter as per her norm. He had tried it once and had ended up bumping his head on the hard wood and fallen to the floor. While Tessa had seen she had been gracious enough to keep that small embarrassment a secret. He turned and bent his head a little as she kissed his temple and asked him what he had done to cause free cupcakes.
"Well..." Matt began. " I went and left the store for a bit and these poor folks were left waiting a bit. He turned back to the red head and offered his hand to shake. "Again so sorry about that. I'm Matthew but feel free to call me Matt or Mattie. I've seen you around but not really had the chance to say hello I'm afraid." He spoke as Tessa got about and got ready and lifted his hands to adjust the Tiara on his head as it had slipped a little down his forehead.


Clay felt a small rush of excitement as Nikita agreed to meet with him after supper and he wished her well. After she had disappeared into her work he sauntered on off feeling like a million bucks. There was still plenty of time for his rounds and he supposed he would stop in on a few stores just to wish everyone a good morning. Bo was walking along side him just as happily and they headed on further into town. He noticed a small crowd gathered in the Cafe and wondered if he should stop in but he decided against it and continued on. While crowds were great he didn't want to create too much traffic for the small place and so he continued on and noticed a billboard further on and went to check it out. The towns folk would often post upcoming events and such on the board. It was also a great place to ask for help and set up groups.

The billboard had a few sheets of paper upon it, one advertising for piano lessons and a few others for around the home help. The one that stood out was an upcoming event. Ashweld's annual Holiday BBQ. Ashweld would yearly host a large town BBQ in the town park to celebrate the return of spring. Usually it was catered by the Cafe and the Entertainment would be all sorts of different types. The music was always loud and generally it was a pretty good time. The event was scheduled for a week from then and Clay found himself grinning at the thought. He would most likely ask most of the ladies in town for a dance, and hopefully get a few yes's. Chuckling he rested his hand on Bo's head and looked down at his buddy. "Maybe something amazing will happen this year..." He mused.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Vane Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher Character Portrait: Nikita Varaisi
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0.00 INK



Do you know that feeling when you wake up in the morning? The one where your head feels like someone took a pickaxe to it and viciously cracked it open for all the world to see how empty it is? That is called a hangover and Thomas Kirk greeted it appropiately when he woke up.

"Fuck the motherfucker!" he exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head as he sat up in his bed. He sighed as he manipulated his own mind to not mind the pain as much. He wished that he could get rid of it, but sadly, his powers only affected certain parts of the brain, namely the subconscious and higher intellectual functions. He could not stop himself from feeling pain. His apartment was a little cluttered, but surprisingly, it was not a mess. To his friends' surprise, Tom was a rather neat person.

Pulling on a random outfit from his closet, Tom stalked his way to his kitchen. His shift did not begin until the afternoon and would last until midnight so he planned on curing his hangover with a bunch of aspirin and a pot of coffee. The aspirin, he found easily enough but he cursed when he saw he was out of coffee.

"Great. I need to deal with the conformist fuckers today. Wonderful."

He did not need to drive to the cafe. The town was small enough to walk anywhere and, if he was being honest with himself, Tom would probably have sped through a red light in this state. He slammed open the door and gave his assembled peers a huge, sarcastic grin. He knew most of them from the local school system. He might have even stayted with one or two of them once his parents died. He couldn't quite remember at the moment. He went through so many homes in town, it was all a blur. He turned to Matthew. Did he punch the fucker in the face yesterday? No, it was some other fucker. Good.

"Good morning, Matty. Give me a cup of coffee. And Irish it the fuck up. And don't give me the "we don't have alcohol here" screw you, I have my own," he told him, handing him a flask along with some money.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Vane Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher Character Portrait: Thomas Kirk
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0.00 INK

Tessa Vane


Tessa groaned heavily as soon as he entered the door.
Not again....She thought as she watched Tom flail around his flask.
"Good morning, Matty. Give me a cup of coffee. And Irish it the fuck up. And don't give me the "we don't have alcohol here" screw you, I have my own," Tessa shook her head.
"I got this one, Matt." She told him as she grabbed the coffee pot, poured him a glass and walked up to Tom.
" Not today, Tommy." She said and held out her hand, with a look that read 'give it' referring to the flask, with an underlining look that read flask for the coffee.
"This is a cafe, not a pub, you wanna pull this, then go to work." She said and looked around, luckily there weren't any children here. "And Stop cursing, this is a family place." She told him and huffed. He would have been attractive if he weren't such a dick most of the time. She's known of him for a while, and since working here, she got to know him a little better...not in a good way.
"You wanna cure your hangover, here's the coffee, but we aren't gonna 'Irish it up' It doesn't work that way here." She told him and beckoned with her hand for him to cough up to flask.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Vane Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher Character Portrait: Thomas Kirk
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0.00 INK

"Not today, Tommy." A firm voice challenged him. Thomas met the waitress' challenge with a glare at the word "Tommy". He hated that nickname and she knew it.

"This is a cafe, not a pub, you wanna pull this, then go to work." She said and looked around, presumably for children. Tom rolled his eyes. As though they hadn't heard it all before. Still, he looked from the coffee to his flask and gave it up. He respected her standing up to him at least.

"You wanna cure your hangover, here's the coffee, but we aren't gonna 'Irish it up' It doesn't work that way here." She told him and beckoned with her hand for him to cough up to flask.

He laughed, a rather mirthful sound that either signaled he was about to get angry or calm down. Luckily, it was the latter. He grinned at her as he traded the flask for the coffee.

"You have guts, Tessie, I'll give you that," he told her. He waved a hand over the coffee. He raised a hand defensively, "Don't worry, I didn't add alcohol with a magic word. I just need an extra shot of caffeine."

He took a sip before raising an eyebrow at her, "Now, tell me. What is objectively wrong with cursing in front of children or drinking in this place? Why push that particular bit of morality on me?"

He regarded her with a look as though he were a normal college student looking for a debate and not a semi-alcoholic with anger management problems.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Damien Greyson Character Portrait: Gerald Strike Character Portrait: Nikita Vraisi
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0.00 INK

Everyone in the book store was working. Nikita wasn't drinking and Aurora buried the ugly Stars Wars poster. He took another sip of his coffee and went back to rearranging the shelves. It was what he liked to do. He would get new books to read and the shelves looked neat. He wasn't really listening to his coworkers talking until Aurora shouted out that she was leaving and that she would be right back. He didn't really know what to say since she was already out the door. "No it's fine. Go ahead." he said dismissively waving the front door. She didn't need to be here since he was here. Only one boss needed to be present. Nikita was about as confused as he was. "I don't question what she does since she owns half the store." Damien grabbed a book off the shelf and let it float in midair as he kept looking for more stuff.

"Hey Nikita. Can you check the back for some books I have yet to put on the shelf? I keep meaning to get them, but then I find a new book to read." He said. Just saying that sentence alone allowed him to find three more books to read.

Once she got her tea, Diana paid and left. There were too many people to deal with. She almost lost her mind. As she got outside she started to feel better. She drank her tea and looked around. So many people were out and it felt as though the streets were crowded. She took her time getting back to the antique store. She saw Clay near the flower shop with a red head. Strike and some guy were probably headed to work. It was a typical day. Of course Diana didn't approach her friends. She never did. Or wanted too. There was already way too much human interaction going on.

The brunette made it to her shop and unlocked the door. Flipping the sign to open, she got comfortable behind her desk and took a deep breath. Turning the tv back on, Nemo was off and she flipped through the channels. She landed on Baggage Claim and sat silently. Sipping her tea ever so often as she watched the opening.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Springfield Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Damien Greyson Character Portrait: Gerald Strike Character Portrait: Nikita Varaisi
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0.00 INK

As Thomas exited the café, he grinned and murmured a string of curses to himself that he was holding in. He was starting to think he had Tourette's, but then, he reminded himself that he knew better. He just liked to curse. As he made his way to the pub with Matt, they passed the bookstore and the antique store. He looked torn between the two for a moment. He could always find something he wanted in the antique store. Mattie's lil' sister worked there. Diana, he thought her name was. But, he did need a book too. Taking a swig of his flask until it was half full and refilling it with a hand gesture, he decided to visit both.

"I'm going to make a couple deliveries. Or free samples. It depends if they pay or not," he told Strike. He patted him on the shoulder and entered the bookstore first, raising an eyebrow as the redhead ran out.

"Hello fuckers. Nicky, I got a delivery for you. I could tell from a distance you haven't had your booze today, what'll it be?" he asked, holding a flask in hand, "I'll take cash. Or I'll pay Strike for you..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Springfield Character Portrait: Tessa Vane Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Mimi Jones Character Portrait: Damien Greyson
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0.00 INK

Peace. Without Aurora around, Nikita and her cannot argue and make it hard to read. It was rather annoying and amusing at the same time. But not while Damien wanted to read. He flipped the page in his book and dropped his coffee cup into the trash. He would have to remember to do something nice for his co-owner. Granted he didn't set the Star Wars poster on fire so that was pretty good. He chuckled at the thought of people assuming that they had a stars wars book for them to buy. Damien wouldn't even allow the comic to rest on the shelf in the closet. Damien turned to another page in the book. Hello fuckers.

The store owner groaned and closed his book. So much for peace and quiet. When he focused his attention on the noise in the store it was none other than Thomas along with his right hand make Strike. Damien didn't have a problem with them. Honest. They were actually alright guys once you get pass all of their flaws. Damien was trying really hard to get pass it, but then Thomas came in and destroyed the peace. "Thomas get out. This can happen anywhere, but my store." He was being completely serious. If Damien's powers permitted, he would have literally thrown Thomas out of the store. But alas. He could only move objects.

Checking the time, he smiled to himself. It was lunch and he had planned to do something for Matty. But there were two hooligans in his store and no co-owner. And leaving Nikita in the store in the store alone wasn't usual. He sighed and looked at her. "Please handle this in a way that won't get you fired. I will be back in ten minutes." Damien grabbed his phone and store keys and left. He nodded politely at Strike, since he wasn't doing anything wrong. Then he walked down the street to the cafe. He opened the door and the bell dinged. It seemed as though there was a full house. "Well well. Matty seems to be getting a lot of attention." Damien teased walked up to the front counter. He smiled at Mimi and gave a slight nod. "Hey Mimi." He would have said hi to Tessa, but she seemed busy. Turning his attention back to Mimi and Matty he continued to smile. "Can I borrow the cutie next to you?" he asked Mimi while winking at Matthew.

Diana dropped her tea in the trash can. She was done with it and was not getting rather hungry. Maybe she have taken the cupcake that the cafe owner was offering. Too late to go back now. The brunette saw the amount of people that walked into the store and wanted no part of it. Further up ahead she saw Strike and a friend of his go into her brother's store. She wasn't really wondering why, not that she cared. But no one really went into the book store until a few hours after lunch. It was weird to see people in and out. Then Diana was even more confused when her brother left the store. Now she was a bit concerned. She stood up and moved from around the counter. She stood by the window watching. What the hell is going on?

This was one of those times where Diana was happy to not have many friends. They would bother her all the time at her job and believe it or not, Diana liked to work in the antique store. The smell of the past was comforting. Don't ask why. Before anyone could realize she was even by the window, she moved back to her chair behind the counter and sat down. Baggage Claim was almost over. Then maybe she would order pizza for herself. Maybe Damien would eat it with her. Or maybe Strike. Or even Clay. Probably Clay, but then Bo would have to stay outside. He was prone to excitement and Diana would not be happy if anything broke in the store. Diana started shifting around in her chair like a madman. She was getting cramped up again. But she wasn't going for a walk. Too many people walking around.

The brunette turned off the tv and walked to the back of her store. In the back closet there were some steps that led up to the store. She was the only one who had the key. She didn't want some randoms invading what she claimed as hers. Carefully she locked the door behind her and walked onto the roof. It was nice to get fresh air and keep an eye on people that could walk into her store. She was near the front of her store and sat down. Diana's legs dangled over the store and she just watched the people, silently.

Timothy was late to rise. Really late. He doesn't remember the amount of times he slammed his hand down on the snooze button. It was like a genie with mini backfires. The first one was that he would be late to work. Next one was not having time to eat breakfast. The third one was not having time to perfect his hair. The final one was missing lunch. He woke up on the fourth backfire. He couldn't miss lunch. If he was weak then his energy wouldn't be strong enough to do tarot readings and that was his entire job. Rolling out of bed he stumbled to his bathroom and got ready for work.

His apartment was rather nice, on the top floor, and came with a mini loft. He really liked the loft. His view wasn't so great, but there was only so much he could get from this tiny town. He went into his kitchen and grabbed a couple of fruits and a pre-made salad that he bought. He put that in a backpack and stood before the mirror by the front door. He ran his fingers through his hair and then left the apartment. It was a rather nice day and it seemed that the entire town was out an about. As he walked down the street he politely waved to people and nodded. Believe it our not, Timothy was well liked. If not for his fortunes it was for his polite attitude. He passed the bookstore, the cafe, flower shop, and stopped before the psychic shop. It was right across from the antique shop. He saw Diana on the roof and smiled at her. She didn't seemed to be amused by him.

The shop owner unlocked his door and flipped the sign deeming it open. He put his backpack behind the counter and sat at the tarot card table. He put his cards on the table and sighed. It felt nice to have his cards. If something were to happen to these cards, he would die. That is why he never lets them leave his site. The minor cards weren't as much use, but the 22 major cards were his life source. No one knew that or needed to know. He played with the cards in his hands as he waited for someone to need a reading or have a talk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Damien Greyson
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0.00 INK

Matt said his farewells to Mimi and went back to his counter and wet a rag to clean up around the counter. He sighed a little wistfully and appreciated how busy the store had been so far. Business was booming. He looked up as the door jangled again and Damien came in, he grinned and leaned on the counter.
"Hey there stranger. He found himself flushing a soft red as Damien winked at him. "Can..." He coughed to clear his throat. He always got a little flustered when ever he was complimented. "Can I get you anything to drink Damien?" He considered asking him to come to the Black Bottle and decided it was a good call, he wanted his friend to be there. "Hey so Mimi invited me to the Black Bottle tonight, want to join in as well?"


Clay was back to his rounds when he noticed Diana sitting outside on the roof of her store. Looking up and sheilding his eyes from the sun he called out to her, "Hey there Diana! As the Sheriff I must warn you that's dangerous. As a man I must ask you to let me up there because I want to sit on tall things too." He grinned at her and Bo made a small ruff sound and stood on his hind legs and barked. Clay brushed a hand down his friends back and said "Bo wants to come up too!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Charlotte Weaver
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mackamp

Sweat beaded up across Charlotte's forehead, making her damp hair bounce with a little more curl. Charlotte took the steps to her loft, two at a time and gently eased the key into the keyhole, unlocking it with crafty precision. She flung her backpack on the chair, wrestled her ponytail holder; which claimed clumps of hair, ran her fingers down the side of her legs jerking off her boots; all while making her way to the shower."Awww, nothing like a tepid shower, to cool me down.What a great way to end a perfect morning!" While Lathering up, super suds slide down her body; softly Char began to hum. Soon that humming became audible and then loud enough it could be heard on the street below. She pounded on the side of the shower like it was a drum and danced around, rocking out in the shower was one of her guilty pleasures. Drying off; she dressed in a soft cream gauze blouse, suspenders,checker shorts, grabbed her purse and headed for the cafe.

Quietly humming "Blink", while strolling down the main street of Ashwald, Charlotte glimpse a girl on the edge of the roof above the antique shop. Without stopping, she shaded her eyes with her phone for a better look, when suddenly she was surprised by the shout from the Sheriff "Hey there Diana! As the Sheriff I must warn you that's dangerous. As a man I must ask you to let me up there because I want to sit on tall things too."
. Startled and now blinded by the sun; she stepped to the side to avoid the Sheriff and literally stepped on his foot, let out a little yelp and dropped her purse spilling the contains all over the sidewalk. Before she could bend over, his big hairy dog was there, licking her and nosing all the items. " OH I AM SO SORRY SHERIFF! Waving her hand at the dog" Shoo dog!! Shoo! A little embarrass she quickly picked up the condom and slide it in her pocket, while gathering her stuff as quickly as she could. With everything in tack; she stood up, looked directly into the Sheriff's eyes, melted a bit, and made an effort to conceal a blush.I hope those aren't your Fred Astaire shoes, and you still have a little dance left in you....again I am really sorry. With a flirtatious wink; Charlotte headed again towards the cafe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Vane Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Damien Greyson Character Portrait: Timothy Kai
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0.00 INK

Damien followed Matthew to a table and politely denied needed anything to drink. He had coffee before he got here thanks to his co-owner. Then his best friend asked him if he wanted to go to the black bottle with him and the rest of the crew. "Yeah that's no problem." Tessa quickly ran by and kissed Matty goodbye. Damien waved and his attention went back to his friend. He reached out and grabbed his friends hands. This was going to be much harder than he thought. Usually Damien was the smooth one, but he might fumble this up.

"I was actually coming to ask you something." He said. Now Damien wished he had flowers. "Well there is the Holiday BBQ and I was really wondering if you would want to go with me?" Damien thought about the question a little in his head. Alright maybe he should clarify by what he meant. "As my date." Damien added.

Diana heard Clay call up to her and she looked down at him. If he wanted to come up than he could. She wasn't going to keep him down there. Especially now that she had someone to eat pizza with. "Go to the back and up the steps. I will unlock the rooftop door." With that she disappeared, but could still here the encounter of Clay and some other person. Diana unlocked the rooftop door and then pulled out her phone. She started to order a large pepperoni pizza. No soda. She doesn't really like the caffeine. Hanging up the phone she went back to sit at the edge of the roof, waiting for Clay to come up. When he finally did, she looked at him. "I ordered pizza."

Timothy shuffled his tarot card more time than he could care to count. After a while, his hunger was getting the better of him. He grabbed his salad from the bag and started to eat. It wasn't all that great and he definitely was going to need to go grocery shopping. But it would have to do for now. He finished his food and tossed the container in the trash. He was going to grab the apple from his bag, but the bell above the door rang. "Hey, Tim, You here?" Sounded like Tessa. He revealed himself and smiled. "Hello beautiful. How can I help you today?"

The tarot reader went back to his card table and gestured for Tessa to sit down. This may or may not be his read of the day. But he didn't need the cards to tell him that something was up with Tessa. "Is everything alright?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Reed Gallagher Character Portrait: Damien Greyson Character Portrait: Charlotte Weaver
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mackamp
The door chime rung as Charlotte entered the cafe. It was empty except for Matt and the owner of the bookstore sitting in the corner. "What is his name? NO I dont think so....think Char, I know it starts with a D...."then she noticed the D-man had his hand over Matt's. "Now I would have never guessed that." Charlotte walked to the counter and looked at the menu. "I don't know why I look at this menu I order the same thing every time." She closed the menu and causally waited; strumming her fingers, playing with her phone, and after more than an average amount of waiting she got on her tiptoes and looked back into the kitchen. " Mmmm." She could hear her belly rumble. She looked at Matt who only had eyes for D-man and looked like they were in an intense moment. Who was she to interfere with that? She changed her plan and moved to the prepared food area, grabbed a salad and an organic juice. "Hey Matt, here is a $10" He nodded at her, as she stepped out the door.

Walking back to her place, she heard laughter above her and saw Clay and the redhead eating pizza. "Note to self, don't flirt with a man that is taken.....sigh." As she rounded the corner she saw the Apothecary shop, that reminded her, she needed to go back there later and pick up some goods and of course chat with Red. Sometimes she really missed that guy.

Finally at home, she piled up on the couch, with her salad, while her cat begged at her feet. He was a remarkably beautiful animal, entirely white, with one blue eye and one amber. Hobart, this was the cat’s name, was the only pet Charlotte had ever known. Her mother use to tell the story that when he was three years old that he accidentally ate an enchantment of youth. It was truly an experiment that didn't ever work for humans but did on him. Now Hobart was 21 years old and looked like he was three.


"Come on Hobart let's go to the "charming room" and work on that enchantment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Greyson Character Portrait: Clay McCoy Character Portrait: Matthew Robinett Character Portrait: Mimi Jones Character Portrait: Damien Greyson Character Portrait: Charlotte Weaver
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0.00 INK

Matt was feeling flustered once again. He sat down with Damien and noticed his friend was looking just as nervous as he. He had never known Damien to be a nervous man. He felt his hands being held by Damien and looked down at their interlaced fingers with a clueless expression. Matt was used to their flirting and teasing but Damien had never reached out and held his hand like this. It was different than how a friend might do it. His cheeks were bright red, he listened quietly as Damien went about asking him on a date to the BBQ in the coming weeks.
"You want to go?" Matt looked at him with wide bright eyes and he was about to speak again when Charlotte entered the cafe and grabbed a few premade foods much to his releif and left money on the counter. He swallowed, suddenly his throat was feeling quite different and he had to cough before he wished Charlotte a good day, when she left he turned his attention back to Damien. "Sure... I'd love to be your date Damien." He grinned then and squeezed Damien's hands. "I think that sounds like a lot of fun."


Clay climbed onto the Roof with Bo and the settled on the edge of the building. Clay let his feet dangle and he looked on over at Diana and grinned as she told him that she had ordered pizza. "You are a woman after my heart. Clay was a flirt with everyone. He loved women and that fact would always remain true. Women came in all sorts of interesting shapes and sizes and there was always someone new to interest him. Some might call him fickle, while Clay considered himself a cultured connoisseur. "The shop must be quiet today... He gazed down at the quiet streets below them and felt Bo wander around behind him and lean up against him and settle down for a nap. Grinning his patted his friends rump and leaned back against him as well.

He suddenly felt the small buzz of his phone in his pocket and he pulled it out and saw a message from Mimi.
[To: Clay]
[Hey, I'm heading to the Bottle tonight if you wanna come, we're meeting at 9. Hope to see you there, ya lesbian.]

Grinning he quickly replied:
[To:Sidechick1 AKA Mimi]
[I will be there you goof. I want a dance.]

Closing his phone he realized he did make plans with Nikita but perhaps he could swing seeing both women. He glanced over at Diana and nudged her. "So what's new and exciting beautiful?"