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"Right, so, ehm... Don't really know what I'm doing here..."

0 · 527 views · located in Roman Lands

a character in “This Roman Life We Live”, as played by The(Doctor)Horrible


Rorius (who prefers to go by Rory) is 5' 11" and has a regular build. His hair is a light brown, short and straight, shaggy with a careless styling which lies spiked somewhat over his browline and out of the way of his intense green eyes. He has a gentle face with solemn brows and a half smile often orienting itself softly at one corner of his mouth. His common attire is that of a soldier, bronze chestplate, medium brown doublet, red longsleeve undershirt, and large bronze gauntlets which reach his elbows. The slitted bottom of his jerkin protrudes from under his chestplate to cover darker brown bottoms to the knee. The trousers continue down to his tan hide shoes, interrupted only by more metal armor extending from his ankle to his knee. Around his waist is a tool belt with a scabbard for his worn gladius, holster of worked leather and a metal cap, and a smaller hold for a large dagger. Both have bronze hilts with leather grips, simple, but very effective. His most noted article of clothing is a radiant red cloak which cascades down to his calves and moves with him when he shifts. Occasionally he wears a traditional crested helmet, but only when necessary.


Rory is good natured, kind, selfless and loyal. He's quiet most of the time unless there's silence to be filled or something to be said. He has a subtle sense of humour which is often missed, to his silent dismay, but he holds very few grudges. He desperately wants to help people in any way he can, to defend the weak and make the lives of others better.


(Noted above in Description. Also has a few medicinal supplies which are always on hand, even when not in armor.)


A mystery.

So begins...

Rorius's Story


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Rorius walked along the path briskly, shoes brushing the elaborate roadwork of the Roman empire. He had always admired the roads, so complex and well done. Made travel much easier than over countryside, especially with the weight he was carrying. The last of his legion... He had walked a long way. Feet sore, every muscle begging for a break, the soldier decided now was a good time for a break. Settling down at the side of the roadway, Rory (as he liked to be called) dropped his weighty pack on the grass and knelt next to it before sitting and fishing out some meager food, a crusty loaf made for travel. It was a good thing he was near a city, he was about to run out of supplies. The roads were beginning to become wider and intersected more frequently, ergo more traffic, ergo city. Only made sense.

After sitting awhile and eating the bread, stretching stiff muscles and closing his eyes a moment, Rory stood stiffly and retrieved his pack. He stepped back onto the road and continued on his way, hoping he could reach wherever he was headed before nightfall.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Nikolas Chrysanthos Character Portrait: Lucius Patavinus Coisis
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Finally, after another couple hours, Rory reached the city that he had known would eventually be at the end of the road he followed. He chuckled at the old saying about all roads leading to Rome. Apparently it was true, at least about the empire itself. All the roads eventually led to the city itself if followed long enough, but Rory had no desire to be caught in the hustle and bustle of the empire. He just wanted to settle down and forget war. He had seen so much and had barely escaped with his life when his legion had been mowed down. Might as well let them believe he was dead, there were enough bodies that they wouldn't be tallied and if word never reached back they would assume no survivors. He had no one to miss him back home. Well, technically he didn't even have a home. Never had.

It was no matter, he had infinite possibilities ahead of him, no boundaries outside his morals. He had helped people before and still would, but now he could also help himself. He had little knowledge on the working of the world, having had no one to help him in his early years before the military, but it couldn't be too hard... could it?

Rory strode through the gate of the city and was taken aback by the commotion. Market day? It was more like a war where money was the weapon of choice. People yelled and shouted, fought over merchandice with forced polite smiles and metaphorical claws extended. He couldn't help but huff out a short laugh and smile nervously. Good Gods, what had he been thinking?

There was no turning back now. He needed food and medical attention in a bad way. As was earlier mentioned, he had barely escaped with his life and hadn't had time to do more than basic first aide at the battle site before he ran and traveled for weeks. He had always had a way with healing so he had done better than most would have, but there was little to be done about cracked ribs with what could be found on the road. Now he had a market, perhaps someone could point him to a doctor? Fixing a small smile on his face, Rory timidly began to approach people that weren't busy battling with words or coins, pack and helmet held close to him for fear of them getting knocked away. No one seemed to want to answer him. Pity. He moved further through the jostling crowd, unsure as to where he was headed exactly. To be frank, he wasn't even sure where he was now. As soon as he found someone to help he'd be sure to ask.

In the distance over the heads of women and men in varying flashes of color and precious metals were a few elevated people who didn't look very happy at all. Most were dirty and/or scarred, but a few could be seen weaving around between the humans of different origin, some even dissappearing into the crowd with them... What was happening? He had never seen this before...

Curiosity drove him closer to the platform until he stood at the edge looking up at the people in horror. They were bound and stood lined up like livestock. What was happening here? It made no sense... He watched in confusion as a blonde man was drawn away by another man, slightly more intimidating. Just as he had seen others do. With a small wince, Rory drew himself up onto the platform with a sharp twinge from his ribs and approached the two. "Uh, excuse me," the man called, "What is all this? Do you know where I am, perchance? I've just arrived." He was painfully aware of the fact that he wore armor of the Roman army, but he hoped it would cause no problem.


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Instead of arguing, Vita rolled her head, popping her neck, and turned to Valerius as Arcadius was handed off to the man. Valerius locked gazes with her, and she sighed, turning back to Arcadius. Just as she had done before with Nikolas, she strode over to Arcadius and fingered the golden coins, before slipping four of them into his palm. She went on her toes and murmured in his ear, too low for anyone else to hear.

“If you ever need anything, find some way to either reached Praetor Imbrex's home, or find a slave that can fetch me. My name is Vita,” she said, the same exact words as before. She stepped back and turned away, motioning for Valerius to leave with her, and had taken only three steps before she was stopped by the voice of a man. She turned slightly, her brows drawing together as she spotted the Roman soldier.

“You are in Rome. You should know that, from what I can see of your current attire,” she said, speaking slowly, uncertainly. She crossed her arms and studied the young man, her confusion evident. “Are you alright sir?” she asked, turning her head to the side ever-so-slightly. After studying him for a moment longer, she moved up to stand before him, staring hard into his eyes. “Are you injured in any way, shape, or form? Perhaps you have a concussion or amnesia if you do not remember your own city,” she murmured thoughtfully. She turned away, looking over her shoulder. “Come along. I do believe that you are somehow injured and for me to leave an injured person, let alone a Roman soldier, out wandering about without any clue as to who he is, is almost unspeakable,” she said, looking appalled by even the thought.

Valerius pulled up in her family’s open carriage and one of the footmen helped her into the carriage, leaving the door open for him to follow suit. She leaned over and looked at the soldier. “Are you coming?” she asked with a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Nikolas Chrysanthos Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex Character Portrait: Lucius Patavinus Coisis
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#, as written by Nima
Coisis offered Nikolas a sweet smile. "Then we will get along very well," he replied calmly. The commotion of the market began to irritate him now, and he wanted nothing more than to return to the quieter ward where his bathhouse was located. Enthralled with his new purchase, he began receding from the platform, nearly running into Rory.

"Uh, excuse me," the man called, "What is all this? Do you know where I am, perchance? I've just arrived."

Meeting the man's address, he wheeled around, embracing Nikolas and putting a strong arm around a new investment he wasn't about to lose. Keeping a firm grasp on the twine that bound the young man's wrists together, he gave Rory a quick scan, making a note of his roman garb. His expression brightened into a smile, and yet naturally as a foreigner those people left him only in unease.
"Salve, welcome to Ostia Atica. These are the slaves for sale, comprised of captures of war, the indebted, and so on..." Coisis' eyes found themselves once more upon the man, a wince coming to the surface of his expression as he eyed the man's wounds. "Um," his voice trailed off.

Paranoia was met with overwhelming sympathy. "Are you... alright? You look hurt," he began to ask with a raised brow, when he came to realize the fair-haired maiden turned also to the man's voice, her brows knit. He eased his grip on the young man. He eyed the two as she encouraged the man to come along. He shrugged. "Apparently we are known for our hospitality," he commented casually, his charm shown through his easy smile.


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Rory turned his attention to the young woman with an awkward yet polite bow. He watched her go with evident surprise that she had ascertained the fact that he was injured, but he didn't remember any head trauma. Granted if he'd had head trauma he probably wouldn't remember, everything was so chaotic before he left the field. Perhaps he had gotten knocked out... That would make sense as to why he didn't really remember much, he may have brain damage. It made more and more sense with each new step of thought. With a curt nod at her question, dragging him from his revieries, Rory walked briskly across the stage and ducked into the carriage, pack in his lap and helmet on that.

He then realized he had just gotten into a carriage with an obviously wealthy woman without even exchanging names. "Uh," he stammered, "R-Rory, er, Rorius, but I go by Rory, if, if that's alright... Sorry..." He was in Rome, had a probable concussion, broken ribs, and was well on his way to nowhere he knew with no working knowledge of the world. One thought stood above all others, though. "I-I hate to ask, but have you got any food?"


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Vita had been studying the man when he introduced himself and asked for food. "I am Vita Imbrex, daughter of Praetor Imbrex," she said, holding out a dainty hand to shake his own. She turned to Valerius, who sat to her right and had his eyes locked on Rorius, and nudged his shoulder. He flickered a glance at her then looked back at Rorius.

"Come now, Valerius, do not be so rude as to stare at him as if he were some unknown creature. Give the man some of your bread, cheese, and wine that you brought along," she told him, nudging his shoulder again. He cast a slightly annoyed look in her direction before reaching into the sack beside him, removed some wrapped up cheese and bread and a sheepskin with wine in it. He passed it over to the man and Vita offered Rorius a smile. "As soon as we reach my home I will send Valerius here to fetch our doctor to inspect you for any wounds.

"My home is a bit far from here, it is just outside of the city and in the country, so why don't you tell me what you do remember? Your age, what fleet you were from, anything that you can remember of yourself that will lead us to where you came from. Obviously you are a Roman soldier and I'm sure that we could inquire about you to several different generals and see what they can discover, but it would be far easier if we knew more about you. So as I asked of you before, what is it that you remember? Be careful when you try to remember. It is well-known that someone who suffers head trauma and developes amnesia welcomes severe head pains when trying to remember one's past," she warned him, leaning closer across the carriage, her curiousity evident. Seeming to forget all she had learned about being a lady, she rest her elbows on her knees and her chin on her finger tips, her eyes sparkling with interest.


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Rory listened intently and nodded at the guard who handed him food, trying to stifle a small wince at a bump in the road which jostled his ribs. He much preferred walking, smoother ride with injuries, granted his muscles greatly enjoyed the break. He stared into the distance while absentmindedly tearing off small pieces of bread and popping them into his mouth. Gods, it was so much better than the loaves made for travel. He even had real cheese to go with it, not to mention wine. He wanted to hold off on the liquid, though, he needed water first. "I know about the effects of head trauma... just don't really know why," he responded. The soldier (er, ex soldier, he supposed) began to fish through his scattered memories. Instantly a jolt of pain shot through his skull. Rory merely winced and put a hand to his temple lightly. On second thought, wine could be a good thing. He popped out the stopper and took a mouthful. It was good. Very good. Gods, he had missed good food. A week with travel loaves and water and now he had real bread and wine. Bonam fortunam, to be sure.

Still, he needed to remember what he could. "I, ah, I remember fighting... I don't remember where or against who, but I was the last man standing. I--... I woke up..." Rory clutched his temple a bit more desperately and took another swallow of wine. "I was the only one alive. There was... There was fire and... and bodies... I was bleeding from several places, broken ribs, gash at the back of the head, I grabbed what I could... and ran... Ngh, Gods," he swore. His pride was just as injured as his body. He had acted the coward. It wasn't for lack of trying, he had checked for survivors, but there were none. He had failed his legion... But how had he even gotten there? He remembered little past waking up, hardly anything, really. The first legitimate memory he had was when he had been in the villas off the road administering first aide to himself.


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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When he winced at the pain that was obvious in his features, Vita lifted her hand as if to help him, before she allowed it to drop back to her lap. Her worry was evident but she forced it down and let him continue. Obviously she wasn't the only one interested. Valerius's expression had changed once the man began to speak, and even the footmen were leaning closer to listen to his tale. "I prefer Rorius, if I do say so myself," she smiled. As he swore, Vita reached out to him again and took his free hand in between both of hers, her eyes moving to capture his.

"It's okay, you can stop now," she said quietly. "Don't push it or you might hurt yourself even further. I say we wait until you are inspected by the doctor," she said with a soft smile. She patted his hand, acting far older than she actually was, and leaned back in the carriage after lowering his hand to his lap.


"Valerius, help Rorius to the family library. Dimitri, tell the cook to prepare a late lunch for our visitor. Zubi, fetch the doctor," Vita ordered as she was helped down from the carriage in the villa just in front of the large, almost mansion-like fortress that sat about one mile outside of the city. She waited until Valerius had helped Rorius down, then led the way inside.

"Valerius, I am going to speak with my father. I shall return shortly. Make sure that Sir Rorius is cared for and fed," she ordered the man, who nodded and motioned for Rorius to follow him into the library.

Vita continued past the library and made her way through the house, finally reaching her destination; her father's study. She hesitated before gently rapping on the door. When she was called in by the Praetor, she bowed her head and entered, bowing before her father.

"Father, while I was at the market place, I stumbled upon a young soldier by the name of Rorius. I do think that he hurt his head quite badly in battle and that amnesia has caused a cloud to form around his brain, encompassing his memory and shielding it from anyone's view, even his own. He does not remember much, and I have ordered for the doctor to be called to inspect him for any head injuries. I have come here to inquire ... To inquire on if he can be offered hospitality inside our home until further notice, which is when he has recovered or is able to return to his home," she said in a few long breaths. When she concluded her small speech, she was breathless and her cheeks were tinged a light pink with hope that the man would not be left out in the cold.

The Praetor leaned forward during his daughter's small speech, his chin resting on his hands in much the same manner as his daughter had earlier, only without realizing so. When she finished, he studied her features for several long moments, before leaning back in his chair and heaving a sigh. "Very well. If this young man so wishes to stay here, he may. But make sure that there is a guard on him at all times so as to ensure the safety of the people here, and to be sure of him not being a common thief," he said sternly.

Vita's lips slowly drew back in a smile and she threw her arms around her father, kissed him quickly on the cheek, and hurried to the door. "You will not regret this, father!" she called happily, before rushing from the room.

When she reached the library, the doctor was just leaving. He gave her a look that was easily identified as contempt for not just her but all women, then he snorted and continued out of the house. Hurt twinged through her, but she brushed it away and plastered a smile once more on her face as she pushed through the door to the library, where Rorius and Valerius waited. "Well? What did the doctor have to say?"

((OOC: I leave it up to you on the matter of his injuries and what the doctor did to help him, and/or what the doctor said))


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Rorius watched her as she came in, eyes slightly fuzzy. He had finished talking to the doctor and his head ached. More wine had solved that problem. Generally he didn't drink at all, but this was a special circumstance. It was very troubling to not know what was happening nor what had happened. Sure, he was a soldier, but he hated killing or cruelty of any sort. Why? Why was this happening? Rory shook his head and started on his second vase of wine. He just wanted to finish the job, finish forgetting.

"Said I had two broken ribs," he said easily, "Nothing I didn't already know. Concussion, again, more of the same. He said I'd probably not be able to remember for a while, but that's still nothing I don't know." He huffed out a bitter breath at the ground of the library. "I--... I think I need some time, ma'am," he said softly. "Thank you for your hospitality..." Gods... Why was this happening to him, he wanted nothing else than to have a normal life, nothing to burden him anymore. That was never going to happen.


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Vita smiled and made her way over to where Rorius sat, lowering herself daintily into the chair beside him. She motioned for Valerius to leave and wait outside the door, which caused her to receive a hesitant nod in return, then she turned and lifted a cloth. She poured some cool water on it then wiped at Rory's forehead. "You are quite welcome," she smiled. She dabbed at his forehead then lowered the cloth and folded it, easily dropping it onto the table beside her. "As for the fact that it may take you a while to recover and also regain your memories, I have a proposition for you, if you would be willing to hear my out of it."

"I have already spoken with my father - Praetor Imbrex - and he approves of my idea. Why not stay here with my family? As you no doubt saw before, we have a large estate and many servants, guards, and gladiators, so it would not be a lonely nor an unsafe environment. You would also have access to our doctor and your basic necessities, along with my offer of the usage of our money when need be. The only condition is that you work with me on a daily basis to regain your memory, and that my own personal guard, Valerius, remain at your side for the duration of your stay, or at least until further notice, when my father trusts you. He is half-convinced that you are lying to rob us of our money," she laughed out, gently removing the wine from his grasp. "I do say that is enough of that. Come along; the cook has finished a meal for you, and after that, a maid will show you to your room, where you may shower and rest," she said, rising and making her way for the door, seeming to have forgotten to ask if he wanted to stay in her home. As if it had only just dawned on her, she whisked back around and held out her hands as if to stop him. "I seemed to have forgotten to ask, but would you like to stay here?"


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Rory laughed bitterly as the wine was removed from his grasp and Praetor Imbrex's views were expressed. "I apologize for that," he chuckled softly. "But I can get a job, I can... I could..." With a frustrated sigh the soldier--well, more of a veteran, now--rested his head in his hands and fought over his own mind.

"Ma'am, thank you for your hospitality, but I would hate to make enemies with anyone so early after arrival... It seems your father wouldn't be too happy with my staying here... Granted... I don't really know where to begin, don't know how the world works..." Another frustrated sigh as he fought for ideas, anything. He needed a compromise, but could think of nothing. This was his one option, but he didn't want to impose. He rubbed at his face a moment longer before turning tired eyes to the woman by the door. "Is it alright if I talk to him? Work out some sort of compromise? Maybe... I could work my way through... I--I have a way with medicines," he offered, extending a hand and standing slowly. "I could... run errands, or..." He was lost for words, all of this was so much to deal with after a week on the road and nothing before that.


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Vita raised a brow at his insistence on not accepting her help. She crossed her arms and gave him a ‘Yes, sure, a-huh, whatever you say’ smirk. She looked completely and utterly amused by his stammering and his obvious discomfort. She approached him and lightly patted his head, as if he were a child, giving him a knowing smile. “Honestly, people these days really need to learn to accept help when it is offered to them. Besides, my father wasn’t going to just allow you to stay here for free. He was going to assign you as a helper guard to Valerius. All you would really have to do is follow Valerius and me around, basically him just following me, and make sure nobody kills me. You would not believe how many death threats I receive due to my father’s standing in the government,” she said with a sigh.

Whisking around, she tossed and look over her shoulder at him. “Come along now. I am to leave and attend a performance at the amphitheater. Therefore, you are to accompany me,” she said, smiling at him. “Trust me, it will be fun. I doubt you remember any previous performances you have been to, due to your amnesia,” she added, nodding firmly as if to agree with that fact. “Valerius,” she called as she opened the door. “Have the carriage pulled to the front of the building. Despite the occurences of today, I am still attending the performance I mentioned to you earlier.” Valerius nodded and turned in the direction of the front of the large home, disappearing around a corner. Vita turned back to Rorius. “Stay here and I will return shortly with your meal. You can eat on the way to the performance,” she told him.

She whirled around and left the room, walking quickly down the hall. She took two lefts then a right and finally skipped into the kitchen. “Good evening, Diamira,” she sang to the cook as she plucked up the picnic basket from the counter. “I will see you later on tonight,” she said with smile, leaving the kitchen and starting back in the direction of the library she had left Rory in. She peaked through the door as she reached it, holding up the basket. “I brought your food,” she informed him, starting down the hall in the other direction. “Come along, now; we would be wise to meet Valerius at the door and not cause him to wait longer then needed be.”


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Rorius stammered a bit more in protest at the speed of which things were occurring and the insistance of Vita. Soon after she was out of sight, however, he made up his mind and caught up with the woman, basket grasped firmly in his left hand. Bodyguard... Well, helper to a bodyguard. Bodyguard's bodyguard? It didn't make much sense to him, but he understood the principle. Keep this woman and the other man safe and basically do whatever he was told to avoid conflict... Should be easy enough. He had no other options other than testing his luck on his own which really wasn't the best idea.

With a nervous laugh and grin down at Vita, Rory passed the basket to his other hand. "Tha-Thank you," he insisted. His voice couldn't be mistaken as anything but genuine. He couldn't express it well enough to satisfy his own chaotic mind, but it was a start. "So, um, this performance... what is it, exactly? You're right in the fact that I can't remember any performances... don't really know what they are." His armor clinked a bit as he passed the basket back to his left hand and rubbed at his neck with his right. He noticed that he had left his helmet and pack back in the library, but he should be fine. His herbs and his gladius, regular armor, and awareness were still with him.


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Vita made her way down the stairs and to the front door, then out into the villa where Valerius stood beside the open carriage. She flipped out her fan and waved it at her face as the heat began to make her face turn a light pink color. She offered Rorius a smile as Valerius assisted her into the carriage then followed after, leaving the small door open for Rorius to climb up. “Basically it is just people that stand on a stage and act out some sort of scene from a play. It can be quite entertaining,” she said with a smile at him. The carriage slowly began to move and they traveled in the direction of town. “You will enjoy it greatly. Guards are allowed in for free to protect their assignments, so it’s a free performance,” she added.


Valerius hopped from the carriage and helped Vita down, then started towards the amphitheater. Vita moved ahead of him and handed her ticket and flashed the two guard passes to the ticket taker, then moved up and inside the large, ancient building. She was escorted by a young slave to her balcony, where she moved inside and set her purse down. “I must visit the ladies room and will return shortly,” she said, turning and leaving the balcony. Valerius nodded and placed her coin bag in his lap to prevent it from being stolen, even though they were in a private balcony room. Vita made her way down the hallway and turned a corner, pausing only to fix her shoe.

A hand flashed out from the shadows behind her, grabbing her by the throat and shoving her into the wall, while his other hand pressed firmly over her lips. She gasped and lifted her hands to her neck, wrapping around her attacker’s wrists and attempting to pull them from her throat. Hot breath brushed across her cheek as her assailant leaned in close, his lips almost touching her ear. “You had better watch out, little girl. Give your father a message. Tell him either he pays us the money he stole, or he pays us with his daughter’s life,” he chuckled darkly. “Actually, maybe I won’t even kill you yet. You have a nice body; maybe I’ll just change my plans and take you home with me. What would you think of that?” he chuckled, tightening his grip on her throat. She made a strangled sound in argument, struggling against his grip.


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Rory finished off the last of the meal as the carriage arrived. He was amazed at the sheer number of people flooding into the place, it was like a small chaotic army had decided to go to the theatre but dressed in a dazzling array of colors and ornamentations. Fascinating. He smiled and watched with unconcealed curiosity as they made their way to the booth through the sea of talking and bodies. The privacy was much better, he tended to prefer watching from afar... for some reason being close to a mass of people tended to remind him of his first memories, war and fire, but he wouldn't worry Vita or Valerius with that. He could manage well enough. It was his mind, after all.

He absorbed everything he could about how to act in public from the Praetor's daughter and her guard. They seemed so unimpressed by all this like it was just commonplace to have this kaleidoscope of people in one place to do one thing. Was it commonplace? Probably, no one else seemed to have any sort of problem with the massive crowd. With a small chuckle at his own naitivity he was dragged from his revieries by Vita's announcement. Valerius, his example, only nodded and scooped up her coin purse. Rorius decided not to take offense, he was a newcomer who had been granted benefits he would have never dreamed, it was only the logical thing to do... but something was nagging at the back of his mind. "Ehm, she did say 'everywhere,' yeah? When she was telling me what to do she said we followed her everywhere, now I'm not saying I'm going in after or anything but there are a lot of people here, she could use an escort." It went from a question to a statement. With a small nod, he shoved his way out of the booth and asked a passerby where the women's loo was. He recieved an odd look, but an answer came with it. Rory smiled at the elderly lady and bowed slightly, as he had seen Valerius do once. Seemed to work, the woman grinned softly and went on her way.

Rory shoved through the knots of people until the crowd filtered off. Something continued to nag at the back of his skull, but even he knew that he shouldn't draw his gladius yet. He just listened and continued to the woman's loo, every sense on alert. His green eyes took in everythins as he listened for the slightest offset over the sound of his own breathing and the far off crowd. Nothing special, just instinct.

But it paid off. He was alerted by a small strangled sound and a soft voice. Attack. He didn't know who the victim or the attacker was, but he had a duty to help. Twisting on a dime, Rory found the pair on his left. The aggressor's back blocked his view of the victim, as he was much taller and broader. The veteran ran over, clapped a hand on both of the man's shoulders, and threw his full weight back, pulling the man down with his own weight. As he landed on his back, he planted a foot in the small of his back and shoved with his full power, launching the man barely over his own head and sending him to the other side of the corridor. While the attack was still fresh Rorius snapped to his feet with the clatter of his armor and drew his gladius. It hissed against the sheath as a deadly suggestion to stay still. The tip of the blade lay against the attacker's throat, reflections dancing off the blade onto the wall. "Take your time, sir, but I'd suggest staying down." A small smile touched Rory's lips. He had no idea he could do that.

He remembered the victim then. He turned while still keeping the man in his vision and faced the woman now on her own. Vita?! Rorius's eyes widened nearly imperceptibly. "Vita, are you alright? Are you hurt?" he asked, unable to keep an edge of urgency from his voice. Oh gods, he had failed to keep her safe, she had been attacked while he was watching the crowd and being a naive imbecile...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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The man had been so close, so close , to closing his slobbery, disgusting, alcohol-smelling mouth over her own, when he was suddenly torn away from her. She collapsed to the ground, sucking in large gulps of breaths. She clutched at her throat and leaned against the wall, attempting to get her breath and color in her face back. Her face had started to turn blue from the pressure the man’s fingers had put on her throat, cutting off her air pipe, and she slowly began to regain her breath. Her entire body was trembling and waves of nausea flowed through her stomach and her head began to throb.

When the pounding in her head began to dull and the swishing in her ears faded enough for her to hear again, Rorius’s voice invaded her mind. It took her several more moments to recover enough to respond, and she remained on her knees. Slowly, after a few more minutes, she pushed herself up, rubbing at her throat.

“I’m okay,” she rasped, her voice scratchy, her throat aching in protest. “I’m okay,” she managed one more time. Before she knew it, tears were welling up in her eyes and quickly escaping her lids. A sob escaped her lips and she burst into tears, hiding her face in her hands, and she stood before him, crying, but not seeming to care in the least. “I thought he was going to kill me … Or even worse … I was so scared, Rorious,” she sobbed out, her tears soaking through her gloves and to her hands. “I was so scared that he was going to rape and kill me. I thought I would never see my father again. I have never been so scared before in my life!” she cried, and on impulse, threw her arms around him. “Thank you, thank you so, so much for saving me. I don’t know how I could ever repay you,” she whispered, another soft sob slipping from her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Rory froze at the unexpected touch, completely unsure of how he should react. There was still a man at swordpoint, his charge was breaking down, and he hadn't the slightest clue what to do. "Ah... Ah, Vita," he stammered almost guiltily, "I-I've got a man at the end of my sword... and... honestly I don't know where to go from here..." He waited a moment before taking his unoccupied arm and wrapping it around her shoulders slowly. He felt... dunno, like she was safer the closer she was to him. It put his mind a bit more at rest to know exactly where she was.

"Vita..." His voice was much softer, "I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner, but everything's going to be alright now. You're safe, and he's down... And... And I'm here, Vita..." Bonam fortunam, if he could call it that much. Complete luck that he had managed to find her in time. "Take all the time you need. I'm not going anywhere and neither is this bastard."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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More tears clouded her vision and she rubbed at her eyes. Something seemed to be breaking inside of her. Something that had been building up in all her years of her sheltered, protected life. She pushed it down. She could have an emotional breakdown later, at home, in her room, alone. At this very moment, she had other things to attend to. Like the man that had almost raped and killed her.

She didn't move out of Rorius's hold, but instead lifted her fingers to her lips and whistled a long, shrill sound. Seconds later, Valerius came charging around the corner, his eyes wild and his sword drawn. People cried out in alarm and dodged out of his way. A woman screamed and took off for the stairs, to no doubt fetch the guards after seeing a man running through the halls with a sword out. When he slid to a stop beside them, he took one look at the three of them, quickly assessed the situation, then moved over to the man and yanked him up by the nape of his shirt.

That was the last Vita would seem of the man.

Once Valerius had dragged the man away and given her her coin pouch, she relaxed. She held her pouch to her chest and stared at the wall, her eyes brimming with tears. "He ... Tried to rape me ..." she whispered, using one hand to rub at her tender, bruising throat. "I don't know how I will ever repay you, Rorius," she whispered, wiping at her eyes and taking a hold on his arm. "Is it alright if we see the show and return home immediately afterwards?" she asked, obviously still upset but attempting to forget about what had just happened, if only for the time being.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Rorius watched the events conspiring with a sort of detatchment. Watched Valerius barreling through the crowd. Watched the woman scream and run. Watched the man be dragged away... He saw the utter hatred in the bodyguard's eyes and couldn't help but to wonder what was going through his mind. Rory didn't neccessarily hate the man... but...

Valerius was more experienced. He was the one in charge. Rorius was simply the lucky one, the paranoid one. He clutched Vita closer and nodded. "You don't owe me anything, Vita. You've already given me so much, probably saved my life, I wouldn't have been able to survive in this wierd town..." he glanced at the prying eyes of the crowd accumulating with distaste. This was nothing to be seen. On a quick decision, Rory whipped off his bright red cloak and draped it over his charge's shoulders should she wish to hide. "We don't even have to stay if you don't wish to, it's completely up to you, my job is to follow you, correct?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Vita shook her head, offering him a slightly-wavy smile as she pulled the cloak closer around her. She shook her head again. "No ... I know how much you wanted to go to the performance ... Besides, I don't really feel up to explaining to my father what happened, at least not yet," she murmured, turning slightly. She stared at his chest for a moment, then wiped at her watery eyes. "Why would people do this to me? I've done nothing to them, nothing to hurt them in any way, shape, or form. What did I do that could make them hate me so, Rorius? Why would they target me?" she asked quietly, her voice full of emotion. She turned away but let his arm stay around her, her back to him. "I wish ... I wish that my father wasn't a Praetor," she whispered.