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Vita Anastasius Imbrex

"I do so love my beautiful music." ~Vita, Daughter of Praetor Imbrex

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a character in “This Roman Life We Live”, originally authored by Kura Ravengade, as played by RolePlayGateway


Full name: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
Age: 19
Birth month and day: March 1st
Race: Roman-Thracian (Her mother was from Thrace and her father from Rome)
General appearance: Image
Social Class: Daughter of Praetor Imbrex (Only child, eldest/only daughter)
Occupation: N/A
Personality and character traits: Although raised as a rich child, she was never like the other spoiled children. She never took what was given to her for granted. Once she was old enough, she began to work for what her parents gave her, and nothing she was given wasn’t earned. Although her parents were against it, she began to make frequent trips to the poor district of Rome to care for the people there, and would often take in children –against her parent’s wishes – until they were well enough to take care of themselves. Her family owns many slaves, but whenever she sees her father being harsh with one, she immediately steps in and solves it rationally and calmly. She’s extremely loving and cares about anyone and anything and is always looking for the good in people, but she isn’t a pushover and isn’t unable to take care of herself. She’s stubborn and often thought to be a wild-fire by her family and doesn’t deal with anyone trying to push her around. She lays down the law when needed and is often found helping her father with situations that he doesn’t know how to solve.
Skills and special knowledge: She’s a really good thinker. She was taught for several years by private instructors on many different aristocratic areas. Though born in an extremely sexist time period, her family always had high ambitions for her, seeing as she was the only and eldest child of Acestes Imbrex, and was taught in many different fields, including: Sciences, Mathematics, Histories, Accounting, and various languages. She was also taught the proper etiquette of a lady, how to run a household, and in several musical areas, including the violin and piano, which are her too favorite.
Hopes and ambitions: She hopes to further the role of women in Rome and become a successful accountant, slowly making her way up the ladder of success until she reaches even her father’s status. Her back up plan, seeing as her real wish is so unrealistic, is to become a teacher of rich families children or to assist the poor district of Rome.

So begins...

Vita Anastasius Imbrex's Story


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Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius) Character Portrait: Nikolas Chrysanthos Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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"Father, if you wouldn't mind, I would love to visit the market. There is word traveling around Rome that a ship of slaves is to be docking and I would enjoy seeing what they have to offer."

Vita pressed her hands together before her, her blue eyes fluttering slightly with the look that won her everything from her father. He couldn't possibly resist her big blue eyes, or the fact that she was his only daughter and child. She watched as he leaned back in his chair and studied her for several moments. After a few minutes had passed, he sighed and rubbed his temples.

"As you wish, Vita. But try not to spend too much money, my dear," he groaned a little, closing his eyes. Vita smiled and clapped her hands a little, giving her father a joyful look.

"Oh thank you father!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck and landing a kiss on his weathered cheek. He turned his face and gave his daughter a stern look, his expression showing there was no way she would get out of whatever it was that he was going to say.

"You must take one of the guards with you, and by the Gods, do not leave his sight this time," he ordered. "If you do, you will not be allowed off of the premises for one month." With that stern warning, he turned back to the papers he had previously been looking through and put her out of his mind for the time being.

Vita bowed to her father and backed from the room, just as a few of his friends - who were also Praetors - were escorted to the study by one of their many maids. Vita bowed to the Praetors, who in turn bowed to her, and she straightened only when she was outside of the room.

She made her way to her bedroom and quickly pulled her baby blue cloak around her shoulders, leaving the hood down, and tied it around her neck. It fell to the bottom of her skirts and floated a bit when she moved to grab her purse. She called for one of their guards and smiled up at him, her smile widening when she saw the hesitant look on his face, seeing as he knew exactly what his Boss's daughter was like.

"We will be traveling to the marketplace to see the slaves that are being brought into it. Ready the carriage so that if I do indeed buy any, we can bring him or her home immediately," she ordered. With a curt nod, he left, and she followed slowly after him, reaching the front of the large estate's home just as the carriage was being rolled up. She allowed the guard the help her into it, and sat down to enjoy the sun on her peach skin. The guard climbed up after her, and then they were off.


"Oh! Look at that one, Valerius!" Vita exclaimed, pointing at a young slave with blond hair. He had a small build but he had to be worth something none-the-less.

She quickened her steps and paused next to a young girl, glancing at her, and then at the man beside her. They were both obviously interested in him, but as was she, and she was never one to back down from anything, let alone the prospect of buying a slave. Even if she didn't think of them like that.

She stepped forward and caught the jaw of the blond man, studying his features. She turned his head from side to side, looked at his teeth, then touched his hair. If she did buy him, he had to be perfect or else her father would pitch a fit. She had heard him answering the young girl on what he could do, and she figured she could put him to use in her house.

Grabbing one of his arms, she held it up, despite the ties that bound him. "Flex," she ordered. She studied the muscles that were there then lowered that arm, grabbed the other, then lowered it. She tugged up his shirt to look for any scarring that was hidden, then dropped the shirt. She stepped back and tapped her chin with her nail, before pulling out her money pouch and drawing it open. She removed four aureus and held them up between four fingers. "Four aureus for him," she offered, the golden coins glinting in the sunlight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius) Character Portrait: Nikolas Chrysanthos Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex Character Portrait: Lucius Patavinus Coisis
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Nikolas made no move to struggle or squirm against the female as he was looked over. His teeth were in fine shape, his body unscathed. His handlers had done well to keep him in peek condition, beautiful as the flower he was named for, or so they would say.

When he was let go, the fear that had been kept at a reasonable shade in his eyes seemed to spark. Now there were two of them interested in him. Two women making such a fuss! Looking to Arcadius, he gave him a look that pleaded for help.

The Tall one grinned, the gold seeming to glint in his eyes as the young lady brought out four of the golden coins, blatantly ignoring the first girls babblings.

“And you, kind sir?” He asked, turning to Lucious, waiting to see just how high he could turn this profit. It was amazing how much attention their blonde was getting; if they had seen this, they wouldn't have put the other two up for sale later instead of now. But, with Nikolas being so popular, it kept the shorter one busy with trying to sell the others.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius) Character Portrait: Nikolas Chrysanthos Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex Character Portrait: Lucius Patavinus Coisis
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#, as written by Nima
“I um,” He gently licked his pinked lips, trying to find his voice again. “I-I'm no good at fighting ma'am, but I do know my way around a home...”

Coisis blinked as the boy looked toward him. His eyes slid over to the Handler. "Yes, despite his frailty, he seems quite--suitable--" Coisis' comment was rather vigorous, in an attempt to float atop the waves of the crowd's bantering. He approached ever so slightly. This might be more of a difficulty than he had wanted. Coisis glanced at the woman as she glared impatiently at the Handler, drawing out an aureus in her palm.

Suddenly, from the clamor of the crowd came yet another woman, bringing Coisis to another sigh. She seemed much more direct than he, going up to him and inspecting him for herself. Damn them. What do all these women want with a frail boy? Coisis kept a serene look as his eyes lurked through various slaves. He began thinking to himself.

He quietly approached Nikolas for himself, his eyes falling languidly into a comfortable smile. His fingers swept across Nikolas' skin delicately, as if he were handling delicate cloth. He had to arrive in good condition, after all. Coisis too began inspecting muscles and ligaments he had memorized from massaging at the baths, looking for injury or tautness. Coisis was delighted by how deliciously Nikolas gave in to his touch. I'm sure they would enjoy that he snickered.

"Charming. Are you flexible?" he whispered as his fingers ran smoothly through Nikolas' golden locks, looking for lice and fleas, of course. He conveyed his comments quietly, only being meant for Nikolas' ears. He took a moment to pause, gazing into Nikolas' dichromatic eyes. Yes, he is a very distinct individual. he thought to himself. Frowning in sympathy, he gave one last comment: "You survived the journey quite well." He pulled away.

"Forgive me, my lady. I will offer five. He would do a good service to his fellow citizens," Coisis' serenity cracked into a wicked grin as he couldn't help but chuckle slightly. He hated to be abrasive, until he thought of the prospects.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius) Character Portrait: Nikolas Chrysanthos Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex Character Portrait: Lucius Patavinus Coisis
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"Seems your very popular, boy. I only brought a handful of the coins though, and I do intend to buy other things. Though, I was always one for the challenge....... I offer six, for him." She smiled, but made no move to touch the man. The others had done that enough, and they seemed pleased. She looked over the man in question quickly, then looked over to the other buyers "Though, I would like to offer a choice. If he," She pointed to Nikolas quickly "Would rather go to another" She swept her hand around to the other prospected buyers "Then I shall withdraw my offer. The money may be something you handlers only care for, but I do think a choice is necessary" She said, pulling out the coins from the fold one by one, counting them in a stack on top of her hand. She hadn't really thought of how many coins she had grabbed before, but apparently it was a large handful, as the fold in her clothing was still littered with coins.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius) Character Portrait: Nikolas Chrysanthos Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex Character Portrait: Lucius Patavinus Coisis
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The taller handler grinned in anticipation. Looking between the offered gold coins, he looked to Nikolas. The boy had been one of his better behaved males, and deserved a choice. Or so he thought. Pulling his comrade to the side, the two chattered for a while.

“She says he can choose.”

“Well, didn't he have issues or someving?”

“You're right...”

“We can't give an issued slave to young lady, that would be bad for reputation.”

“Good point, my friend.”

“I can show them the others?”

“Do what you will.” The taller one shooed off the smaller male and returned with a soft grin. “Nikolas,” he smiled, looking over to the blonde. “Whom would you like to go with?”

Nikolas stumbled, caught quite off guard by the offered choice.

“W-Well,” He started, searching his mind for the right words to say. “I-I think I would be more comfortable going with S-Sir.” He said, his voice trembling for the fear of a strike from either of the girls. “I-I don't do well with girls... “

The handler nodded as if giving the final decision and grabbed the male by the binds before leading him to Coisis and holding out his hand, waiting for the payment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius) Character Portrait: Nikolas Chrysanthos Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Vita watched the exchange without stepping between the bidding. She toyed with the coins in her hand, eyeing the boy with her glimmering blue eyes, her expression thoughtful. When he spoke of going with the man, she seemed surprised, but then she shook her head a little and smiled. She stepped forward and took the slave's hand in hers, seeming to ignore all proper ways to address and treat a slave, and instead opened his hand and pressed the four golden coins into his palm. She offered him an understand smile and went on her toes, her lips near his ear.

"If you ever need anything, find some way to either reached Praetor Imbrex's home, or find a slave that can fetch me. My name is Vita," she whispered, too low for anyone but them to hear. She went back down and stepped back, motioning with her hand for the man to pay for the boy, then turned away, her cape floating in the breeze.

"Come Valerius, let us see what other slaves there are," she said, nodding at him. They traveled along the line of slaves, then back up, repeating this several times, before she finally stopped before a young man with dark hair and a well-built body, who stood directly beside the blond man from before. She repeated the same motions as she had with the blond man to look over this one, then stepped back and studied him.

"What is your name, where did you come from, what rank were you as a gladiator before, how old are you, and what can you do?" she asked, her eyes looking him up and down at this point. She once more reached into her pouch and removed three aureus, fingering them just as she had done before.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Arcadius looked at her for a moment, then spoke, "I am Arcadius of the Achaean Greeks. Since my birth I have been raised to wield the spear, to live honorably, and to die with even greater honor. I have been brought here as a prisoner of war. I was no gladiator, nor do I have a desire to become one. Nor do I have the desire to kneel before the Romans to scrape and mop their floors. I refuse to lower myself before another man. So then, I might as well just die here." He replied bitterly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius) Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Aurelia said her goodbyes to the man and his new slave, before she began walking though the stalls again. She noted the woman from earlier and aproache to make conversaition, as she ha nothing better to do. She heard the last of his conversation '...mop their floors. I refuse to lower myself before another man. So then, I might as well just die here' she smiled and turned to the lady "Well, he sure is feisty" she commented lightly before turning to the man "I would keep your trap shut. This lady here, myself, and a few others might be nice to you, but there are others who will buy you simply because of that, and use you for many horrible things." She shuttered in mock-horror. "Your friend chose his fate, I offered the choice, but his handlers had to ultimately let him make the choice. Yours," she pointed to the handlers- the same as the other mans "might not allow that choice if you are not nice. I respect that you wish to be freed, and I wish that fate for you as well. But I cannot do anything about it now." She looked over the man quickly, appraising him "another bidding war, miss? My-" she stopped and considered the word "father in the law's eyes, for now, could use someone like him... Until he bought his way free, that is" she tacked on to the end, as she knew the man was listening.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius) Character Portrait: Nikolas Chrysanthos Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex Character Portrait: Lucius Patavinus Coisis
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#, as written by Nima
“I-I think I would be more comfortable going with S-Sir.” He said, his voice trembling for the fear of a strike from either of the girls. “I-I don't do well with girls... “

His heart leapt a little. What? Yes, yes... come... you will make me a rich man. Coisis thought, keeping his pleasantries from turning sour even in victory, bowing to the ladies in competition, flourishing a draping of his cloth. Delicately interwoven with thin golden thread to make a subtle brocade, it showed the kind of distinction he had become somewhat known for. "Thank you, and best of luck to you both," he added sweetly. He watched the brunette take her leave, trying his best not to look a little smug. His eyes caressed every nook and cranny of Nikolas' form. The fair-haired maiden came up to the man, gently taking his hand. He could not hear what she had to say. He was rather surprised at her change in demeanor compared to her previous inspection. Coisis deftly perceived the glint of coinage exchanged between the Nikolas and one of the girl's retainers. All four coins...?

She went back down and stepped back, motioning with her hand for the man to pay for the boy, then turned away, her cape floating in the breeze.

His thoughtful gaze, as he found the whole scene quite moving to him, was broken only when the Handler came up to him with Nikolas. "Ah, yes," Coisis' eyes came sharply into focus once more as he pressed the coins, now heated warm by his palms, into that of the Handler's. He then took the rope and gave it a strong tug, pulling Nikolas up against him, so much so that the subtle incense fragrance that had once suffused his clothing could easily be wafted. "Good choice, love, my rules are actually quite simple:" Coisis took Nikolas' chin his his hand, his smoldering eyes staring into Nikolas', as if searching for his soul. "Do as I say and everything will be alright," the gravity of his voice was shattered by a boyish chortle, amused by his own words. His northern accent rolled off of his tongue more naturally when speaking to Nikolas, as if indicating that he was indeed a foreigner, separating himself from those who had originally captured them.

Suddenly, his attention was brought over to the other lad, Arcadius, as the women had eventually moved on to place their bids on him.

"... I refuse to lower myself before another man. So then, I might as well just die here." He replied bitterly.

Coisis, greedily grasping the twine that bounded his new prize, nearly burst into laughter at Arcadius' words. Quickly regaining his composure, he nodded. "What courage. He would make a good gladiator, he isn't dissuaded by as unlikely odds as these!" He gave an encouraging smile to the bartering competition between the fair-haired maiden and the brunette whose previous prizes he had basically confiscated.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Nikolas Chrysanthos Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex Character Portrait: Lucius Patavinus Coisis
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The handler took no more notice of the blonde beauty. He was gone and no longer the problem of either of the two.

Nikolas gasped softly as he was pulled toward his new owner, blushing lightly his hetero-chromatic eyes locked with Coisis's.

"Good choice, love, my rules are actually quite simple:" Coisis took Nikolas' chin his his hand, his smoldering eyes staring into Nikolas', as if searching for his soul. "Do as I say and everything will be alright,"

Called it, Nikolas thought a little bitterly, but gave the male a shy smile.

"Yes sir," He replied, gently hanging his head in a soft bow before his masters attention was turned to the girls. Looking up to Arcadius, he gave him an apologetic look, but smiled.

"Good luck," He mouthed quickly before turning his attention to the gold coins in his hand, running over what the blonde has whispered to him. Shaking his head, he quickly dismissed them. Those can be run over later, right now his attention need to be on his master.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius) Character Portrait: Nikolas Chrysanthos Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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As he spoke, Vita raised a brow, her amusement evident. She feigned insult, putting her hand over her heart and making a fake, hurt expression. She sniffled a little. "That hurts, that hurts right here," she sniffed out, sticking out her lower lip. She held the look for a moment then allowed her lips to pull back in a smile. She lost a bit of her smile as the girl from before approached, crossing her arms and looking at her with a slightly annoyed look. With a sigh, she uncrossed her arms and forced her irritated look to disappear, replacing it with a slightly-tight smile.

When the man from before approached, she forced herself to keep her composure in check so as not to let her annoyance and anger get the best of her. She gave them both a small smile, her eyebrow twitching a little, Valerius making his way up behind her once more, forever her shadow. “I do not really wish to barter against anyone else, but I do want to buy a slave today, and seeing as you already bought the blond one, the only other worthwhile choice would be this young man,” she said dryly. Without hesitating, she flipped out four more coins to add to her former three, making it a solid seven aureus. “Seven for the young man here,” she told his handler, who immediately rushed up at the prospect of a sale.

“M’lady, perhaps it isn’t the brightest idea to spend your money on a slave. Yes, we do need more guards, but why spend seven aureus on one man when there are others that are more easily attainable?” Valerius asked, his expression baffled.

“Because, my dear Valerius, I want this one. It is that simple,” she said with a smile at him. She patted his armored chest lightly, then turned back to the handler. “Seven aureus for Arcadius,” she said, holding them up. A light dawned in her eyes and she cast a look at the young girl, then at Arcadius, before lowering her coins. “Unless, of course, he wants to make a choice, just as his friend did; I will not hold a grudge against him if he chooses so and decides on another. I will merely say the same thing to him as I did to the blond man here,” she said, looking over at Nikolas, then back at Arcadius. She stepped back a little. “Alright, I suppose that I shall let Arcadius make his own choice. That is, if it is alright with you two,” she raised a brow in their directions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius) Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Arcadius's eyes lit up when he heard from Aurelia that he could win his own freedom. He looked at the two ladies who were bidding for him with a softer gaze. "Please forgive me for my insolence. My Greek blood makes me temperamental and stubborn sometimes. I cannot help it. If, I can attain freedom someday, I will gladly provide whatever services you ask of me. Preferably that of a warrior. Though I may be young, I can wield a blade quite well as a fisherman can with his fishing rod. You mentioned that I have a slight choice in my fate? I would very much prefer a domina who can train and encourage me to fight. And fight well I will."

(OOC: Sorry Vita, but I need Arcadius to be in Publius's house according to the story I was planning.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcadius Character Portrait: Aurelia A. (Aurelius) Character Portrait: Nikolas Chrysanthos Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex Character Portrait: Lucius Patavinus Coisis
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"Well, I think that is a noble wish, to be set free, and you seem strong enough..... I offer up eight aureus- that is, if you wish to come with me. I am one to let you choose yourself, and I do think you would make a fine gladiator" Aurelia smiled before she continued "You would be trained well, and you would win, I think" Aurelia's eyes shimmered with glee for a moment- mostly at the thought of the house winning again, before she downcast her eye She turned to the girl then, looking at her annoyance at her "Sorry..." She smiled as she turned to look at the slave again, pulling out two more golden coins to add to the stack of six in her hand already. "I think you would be able to buy back your freedom before you parish" She said quickly, looking into the young slave's eyes. Freedom was something they all wanted, and it always made them more.... willing- to be bought. Though it wasn't a lie, many slaves tried to buy back freedom and accomplished it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Instead of arguing, Vita rolled her head, popping her neck, and turned to Valerius as Arcadius was handed off to the man. Valerius locked gazes with her, and she sighed, turning back to Arcadius. Just as she had done before with Nikolas, she strode over to Arcadius and fingered the golden coins, before slipping four of them into his palm. She went on her toes and murmured in his ear, too low for anyone else to hear.

“If you ever need anything, find some way to either reached Praetor Imbrex's home, or find a slave that can fetch me. My name is Vita,” she said, the same exact words as before. She stepped back and turned away, motioning for Valerius to leave with her, and had taken only three steps before she was stopped by the voice of a man. She turned slightly, her brows drawing together as she spotted the Roman soldier.

“You are in Rome. You should know that, from what I can see of your current attire,” she said, speaking slowly, uncertainly. She crossed her arms and studied the young man, her confusion evident. “Are you alright sir?” she asked, turning her head to the side ever-so-slightly. After studying him for a moment longer, she moved up to stand before him, staring hard into his eyes. “Are you injured in any way, shape, or form? Perhaps you have a concussion or amnesia if you do not remember your own city,” she murmured thoughtfully. She turned away, looking over her shoulder. “Come along. I do believe that you are somehow injured and for me to leave an injured person, let alone a Roman soldier, out wandering about without any clue as to who he is, is almost unspeakable,” she said, looking appalled by even the thought.

Valerius pulled up in her family’s open carriage and one of the footmen helped her into the carriage, leaving the door open for him to follow suit. She leaned over and looked at the soldier. “Are you coming?” she asked with a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Nikolas Chrysanthos Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex Character Portrait: Lucius Patavinus Coisis
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#, as written by Nima
Coisis offered Nikolas a sweet smile. "Then we will get along very well," he replied calmly. The commotion of the market began to irritate him now, and he wanted nothing more than to return to the quieter ward where his bathhouse was located. Enthralled with his new purchase, he began receding from the platform, nearly running into Rory.

"Uh, excuse me," the man called, "What is all this? Do you know where I am, perchance? I've just arrived."

Meeting the man's address, he wheeled around, embracing Nikolas and putting a strong arm around a new investment he wasn't about to lose. Keeping a firm grasp on the twine that bound the young man's wrists together, he gave Rory a quick scan, making a note of his roman garb. His expression brightened into a smile, and yet naturally as a foreigner those people left him only in unease.
"Salve, welcome to Ostia Atica. These are the slaves for sale, comprised of captures of war, the indebted, and so on..." Coisis' eyes found themselves once more upon the man, a wince coming to the surface of his expression as he eyed the man's wounds. "Um," his voice trailed off.

Paranoia was met with overwhelming sympathy. "Are you... alright? You look hurt," he began to ask with a raised brow, when he came to realize the fair-haired maiden turned also to the man's voice, her brows knit. He eased his grip on the young man. He eyed the two as she encouraged the man to come along. He shrugged. "Apparently we are known for our hospitality," he commented casually, his charm shown through his easy smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Rory turned his attention to the young woman with an awkward yet polite bow. He watched her go with evident surprise that she had ascertained the fact that he was injured, but he didn't remember any head trauma. Granted if he'd had head trauma he probably wouldn't remember, everything was so chaotic before he left the field. Perhaps he had gotten knocked out... That would make sense as to why he didn't really remember much, he may have brain damage. It made more and more sense with each new step of thought. With a curt nod at her question, dragging him from his revieries, Rory walked briskly across the stage and ducked into the carriage, pack in his lap and helmet on that.

He then realized he had just gotten into a carriage with an obviously wealthy woman without even exchanging names. "Uh," he stammered, "R-Rory, er, Rorius, but I go by Rory, if, if that's alright... Sorry..." He was in Rome, had a probable concussion, broken ribs, and was well on his way to nowhere he knew with no working knowledge of the world. One thought stood above all others, though. "I-I hate to ask, but have you got any food?"


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Vita had been studying the man when he introduced himself and asked for food. "I am Vita Imbrex, daughter of Praetor Imbrex," she said, holding out a dainty hand to shake his own. She turned to Valerius, who sat to her right and had his eyes locked on Rorius, and nudged his shoulder. He flickered a glance at her then looked back at Rorius.

"Come now, Valerius, do not be so rude as to stare at him as if he were some unknown creature. Give the man some of your bread, cheese, and wine that you brought along," she told him, nudging his shoulder again. He cast a slightly annoyed look in her direction before reaching into the sack beside him, removed some wrapped up cheese and bread and a sheepskin with wine in it. He passed it over to the man and Vita offered Rorius a smile. "As soon as we reach my home I will send Valerius here to fetch our doctor to inspect you for any wounds.

"My home is a bit far from here, it is just outside of the city and in the country, so why don't you tell me what you do remember? Your age, what fleet you were from, anything that you can remember of yourself that will lead us to where you came from. Obviously you are a Roman soldier and I'm sure that we could inquire about you to several different generals and see what they can discover, but it would be far easier if we knew more about you. So as I asked of you before, what is it that you remember? Be careful when you try to remember. It is well-known that someone who suffers head trauma and developes amnesia welcomes severe head pains when trying to remember one's past," she warned him, leaning closer across the carriage, her curiousity evident. Seeming to forget all she had learned about being a lady, she rest her elbows on her knees and her chin on her finger tips, her eyes sparkling with interest.


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Rory listened intently and nodded at the guard who handed him food, trying to stifle a small wince at a bump in the road which jostled his ribs. He much preferred walking, smoother ride with injuries, granted his muscles greatly enjoyed the break. He stared into the distance while absentmindedly tearing off small pieces of bread and popping them into his mouth. Gods, it was so much better than the loaves made for travel. He even had real cheese to go with it, not to mention wine. He wanted to hold off on the liquid, though, he needed water first. "I know about the effects of head trauma... just don't really know why," he responded. The soldier (er, ex soldier, he supposed) began to fish through his scattered memories. Instantly a jolt of pain shot through his skull. Rory merely winced and put a hand to his temple lightly. On second thought, wine could be a good thing. He popped out the stopper and took a mouthful. It was good. Very good. Gods, he had missed good food. A week with travel loaves and water and now he had real bread and wine. Bonam fortunam, to be sure.

Still, he needed to remember what he could. "I, ah, I remember fighting... I don't remember where or against who, but I was the last man standing. I--... I woke up..." Rory clutched his temple a bit more desperately and took another swallow of wine. "I was the only one alive. There was... There was fire and... and bodies... I was bleeding from several places, broken ribs, gash at the back of the head, I grabbed what I could... and ran... Ngh, Gods," he swore. His pride was just as injured as his body. He had acted the coward. It wasn't for lack of trying, he had checked for survivors, but there were none. He had failed his legion... But how had he even gotten there? He remembered little past waking up, hardly anything, really. The first legitimate memory he had was when he had been in the villas off the road administering first aide to himself.


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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When he winced at the pain that was obvious in his features, Vita lifted her hand as if to help him, before she allowed it to drop back to her lap. Her worry was evident but she forced it down and let him continue. Obviously she wasn't the only one interested. Valerius's expression had changed once the man began to speak, and even the footmen were leaning closer to listen to his tale. "I prefer Rorius, if I do say so myself," she smiled. As he swore, Vita reached out to him again and took his free hand in between both of hers, her eyes moving to capture his.

"It's okay, you can stop now," she said quietly. "Don't push it or you might hurt yourself even further. I say we wait until you are inspected by the doctor," she said with a soft smile. She patted his hand, acting far older than she actually was, and leaned back in the carriage after lowering his hand to his lap.


"Valerius, help Rorius to the family library. Dimitri, tell the cook to prepare a late lunch for our visitor. Zubi, fetch the doctor," Vita ordered as she was helped down from the carriage in the villa just in front of the large, almost mansion-like fortress that sat about one mile outside of the city. She waited until Valerius had helped Rorius down, then led the way inside.

"Valerius, I am going to speak with my father. I shall return shortly. Make sure that Sir Rorius is cared for and fed," she ordered the man, who nodded and motioned for Rorius to follow him into the library.

Vita continued past the library and made her way through the house, finally reaching her destination; her father's study. She hesitated before gently rapping on the door. When she was called in by the Praetor, she bowed her head and entered, bowing before her father.

"Father, while I was at the market place, I stumbled upon a young soldier by the name of Rorius. I do think that he hurt his head quite badly in battle and that amnesia has caused a cloud to form around his brain, encompassing his memory and shielding it from anyone's view, even his own. He does not remember much, and I have ordered for the doctor to be called to inspect him for any head injuries. I have come here to inquire ... To inquire on if he can be offered hospitality inside our home until further notice, which is when he has recovered or is able to return to his home," she said in a few long breaths. When she concluded her small speech, she was breathless and her cheeks were tinged a light pink with hope that the man would not be left out in the cold.

The Praetor leaned forward during his daughter's small speech, his chin resting on his hands in much the same manner as his daughter had earlier, only without realizing so. When she finished, he studied her features for several long moments, before leaning back in his chair and heaving a sigh. "Very well. If this young man so wishes to stay here, he may. But make sure that there is a guard on him at all times so as to ensure the safety of the people here, and to be sure of him not being a common thief," he said sternly.

Vita's lips slowly drew back in a smile and she threw her arms around her father, kissed him quickly on the cheek, and hurried to the door. "You will not regret this, father!" she called happily, before rushing from the room.

When she reached the library, the doctor was just leaving. He gave her a look that was easily identified as contempt for not just her but all women, then he snorted and continued out of the house. Hurt twinged through her, but she brushed it away and plastered a smile once more on her face as she pushed through the door to the library, where Rorius and Valerius waited. "Well? What did the doctor have to say?"

((OOC: I leave it up to you on the matter of his injuries and what the doctor did to help him, and/or what the doctor said))


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Character Portrait: Rorius Character Portrait: Vita Anastasius Imbrex
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Rorius watched her as she came in, eyes slightly fuzzy. He had finished talking to the doctor and his head ached. More wine had solved that problem. Generally he didn't drink at all, but this was a special circumstance. It was very troubling to not know what was happening nor what had happened. Sure, he was a soldier, but he hated killing or cruelty of any sort. Why? Why was this happening? Rory shook his head and started on his second vase of wine. He just wanted to finish the job, finish forgetting.

"Said I had two broken ribs," he said easily, "Nothing I didn't already know. Concussion, again, more of the same. He said I'd probably not be able to remember for a while, but that's still nothing I don't know." He huffed out a bitter breath at the ground of the library. "I--... I think I need some time, ma'am," he said softly. "Thank you for your hospitality..." Gods... Why was this happening to him, he wanted nothing else than to have a normal life, nothing to burden him anymore. That was never going to happen.