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Through Sweat and Snow

Through Sweat and Snow


Life as the peasantry of the Middle Ages, each with their own guild and specialty. Despite poverty, plague, and raids from neighboring towns, will you press on?

1,191 readers have visited Through Sweat and Snow since ColorMeCrimson created it.


The Castle Tannin


Where are we?

The city Tannin, which houses the castle of the same name, lies in the north-eastern region of the Holy Roman Empire. As seen in the map above in orange, the Holy Roman Empire (which has since fallen) was comprised of what is modern day Germany, Italy, Austria, Belgium, France, Poland, Switzerland, Netherlands, and many others in the European continent.

Temperatures in this area range from mild summers to harsher winters, with lots of rain in both seasons. The weather is often unforgiving, particularly to crops grown in this terrain. Although the area is mostly a temperate forest, the ground becomes easily frozen and hard, meaning it can be nearly impossible to till or for crops to take root once the planting season has passed. This season is the small, two week window in between the winter and summer in which the temperatures are not cold enough for the soil to be inhabitable, but not hot enough for young crops to wither if they do not already have a hold. This lends itself to a scarcity of many crops, leaving animals (either hunted or locally cultivated) to be the main source of nourishment in this town. Heavily wooded on the outskirts, the town has a healthy supply of deer and wild boar that inhabit within close proximity.

The town itself is of sustainable size, larger than the average village but not quite large enough to be considered a city or a major hub. Population typically ranges between eight hundred and a thousand (depending on the latest plague/raid or baby boom), lying right on the smaller end of typical towns. That being said, almost a third of those live within the castle walls as the reigning nobility family or their many advisors, caretakers, and military men.

ImageThe buildings of Tennin, much like any other town in this era, are made of wood and built closely together, only the more wealthy here can afford stone. There are four distinct sections, the furthest back being the Castle, which is off limits to those without purpose; it is within its own walls and is the location designated as the safe zone in case of a raid from a neighboring town. In the middle are two sections side by side, the residential and the commercial. In the residential, the houses are separated by wealth level (although the only truly wealthy are the nobility in the Castle) and are built directly next to each other with only a dirt road to separate the rows. The commercial section is the location for the markets, shops, and service areas. It is set up like a bizarre with dirt alleyways between every booth and building to allow for carts. The fourth and furthest out section is the space reserved for pasture and farm land, and is as large as both the commercial and residential space. This area is owned by the nobility but is rented out to the local farmers for a fixed percentage of what is cultivated on it each harvest season.

When are we?

It is circa 1250, during a high point for the Holy Roman Empire. As of now, the barbarian tribes to the north have been quieted by the recent strength that has been displayed through regime change, not that it affects the local level very much. The modern label refers to this time period as: The Middle Ages.

For those who are not as familiar with the Middle Ages as others, here is a bit of a cheat sheet so you won’t have to Google much:

Conveniences during this time period are very limited. Bathing only took place every few days from water placed in large bins, toilet based needs were done in chamber pots that would be emptied out of windows onto the street to be washed away with the rains, and sleeping was done on the floor for the majority of peasants. It was not uncommon for some farm animals to sleep indoors with the family to provide shelter and warmth, particularly during the winter months. Only nobility had money for coal or wood, but wood was available if you had time to fetch it. That being said, most peasant homes were not equipped with proper ventilation for an indoor fire.

ImageMeat is typically more expensive than most families to afford on more than a once weekly basis, and animal products were not brought up to current health codes. Plus tooth decay was a serious problem due to lack of cleaning, so the more elderly the person, the less teeth they had. There was no real way to purify water at this time, and because fecal matter and other runoff was a common theme among water supplies, the water was usually completely unfit to drink. Milk is only available during summer months and is mainly used for butter and cheese instead of consumption. Wine is the most common beverage among adults, and a small nonalcoholic version of ale was the commonality for children.

ImageClothes are usually made of wool, and shawls over the heads of women are a common practice. Money (from least worth to most) is pennies, shillings, and pounds. The most precious of metals made the pounds; the most common is silver but sometimes gold was used as well. A penny would pay for a days groceries, a shilling a days wages for a knight, and a pound (the equivalent of 20 shillings) would buy something large like a cart. Carts pulled by donkeys were the most common means of transportation and delivery, for something larger or heavier, an ox or two would be used.

Medicine was a mixture of herbs and superstitious rituals that differed from town to town. Plagues were common from lack of hygiene and the close proximity of all the people. How someone healed from a particular injury was commonly used as basis for whether or not someone was guilty of a crime, called The Ordeal. Injuries would be inflicted on purpose when accused of a crime, if they healed well, they were innocent, if not, they were not. Because whether or not something was healing well was very subjective, the decision was usually based off of public opinion of the person. The overseeing nobility dealt with these matters.

Who are we?

Image We are the peasantry of the town of Tennin, each a part of a different guild. A guild is an organization that comprises all those who specialize in a certain craft or trade.

The nobility of the region: House Tobran of Tennin
Lord Edmund Tobran – House Leader and NPC
Lady Gloriana Tobran – Wife of Edmund and NPC
Lord Charles Tobran (Coming of Age)– Eldest son of Edmund and Gloriana and NPC
Lord Thomas Tobran (Not Yet of Age) – Second son of Edmund and Gloriana and NPC
Lady Muriel Tobran (Not of Age) – Youngest child and only daughter of Edmund and Gloriana and NPC

Playable character guilds: (NOTE: There are more options than the amount of characters I am willing to accept. I will be accepting five people other than myself; I just wanted to give you several options. I will take my pick of whichever is left after the others are selected because Im just nice like that.) (Also, Id like to keep the genders level, meaning a comparable number of females and males. Since I have two characters, one is male and the other is female. Since I am accepting five more characters, the genders should be comparable. Not 4:1 and certainly not 5:0. 6:-1 is right out, so don't do that either.)

Character Spots I will Accept: 5
Characters I Personally Have (Which Will Be In Addition to the Accepted Spots): 2
Characters Reserved: 1
Characters Taken: 1
Characters Available: 3

Baker’s Apprentice
: Can be either male or female, the baker’s guild consists of those whom craft baked goods for sale. The most common item baked is bread, or something very much akin to bread like rolls. Meat or fruit pies can also be made, but these are typically luxury items most peasants cannot afford day to day. Most bread is hard, but is the staple for the common diet.

Image [url=]
(Hans Hoffmann)[/url]

Blacksmith’s Apprentice
: Usually male, the blacksmith guild encompasses those whom craft metal tools, weapons, and armor. Metal work is done by taking already formed metal and heating it in a kiln, making more malleable, or by melting down metal ore into a mold. The metal is then crafted by anvil and hammer into the shape, consistency, and form needed. This particular blacksmith supplies the nobilities’ militia with its’ armor and weaponry and is its’ largest customer, however the most common item requested by the peasantry are horseshoes.


Butcher’s Apprentice
: Usually male, the butcher guild encompasses those whom slaughter and prepare animals for sale and consumption. Along with having their own quantities of meat for sale, they also take animals from hunters, butcher them, and then give them back for a small fee. The most common items for sale are wild boar, sheep, and deer as provided by hunters and farmers.


Candlemaker's Apprentice
:Can be either male or female, the candlemaker guild encompasses those whom craft and sell candles. Using wax from bees usually cultivated themselves, candlemakers make candles, the only source of light other than the sun available to people whom cannot afford or maintain fireplaces, which is the majority of the peasantry. However, candles are just as popular with the nobility.


Carpenter’s Apprentice
: Usually male, the carpentry guild encompasses those whom craft and repair homes, wagons, and other large items made from wood. Wagons and carts are the most commonly requested items from merchants, but the peasantry typically require house repair.


Cooper’s Apprentice
: Can be either male or female, the cooper guild encompasses those whom craft and maintain barrels. These barrels typically go to the distillers, their largest customer, to contain wine, ale, and other beverages.


Distiller’s Apprentice
: Can be either male or female, the distiller guild crafts and sells wine, ale, beer, and other alcoholic beverages. Wine is the most commonly requested item by the peasantry, but fine ales are very common with the nobility.


Doctor’s Apprentice
: Can be either male or female, the doctor’s guild encompasses those whom heal ailments and craft remedies. Using a combination of herbs, instruction, and ritual, healers are far from modern medical practices. The most complex procedures include stiches, amputations, cauterizing, and setting broken bones. Usually tinctures and potions are crafted for less physical ailments, such as flus and headaches. These are crafted from what herbs and plants can be found locally or imported in from merchants.


Farmhand/Hunter’s Apprentice
: Can be either male or female, the farmer/hunter guild encompasses those whom cultivate, forage, or hunt food for consumption and sale. The local crops include turnips, onions, potatoes, cabbage, and leeks. Domesticated animals include sheep and cows, they are used for wool and milk instead of meat. Hunted animals include wild boar, deer, and wild turkey. While the plants and milk products are sold directly, the meat is typically sold to the butcher and the wool is sold to the weavers.


: Usually male, the squire is the equivalent of a knight's apprentice. The knight's guild encompasses those whom are part of the knighthood which protect and serve local lords. Their primary itinerary is the protection and defense of the noble family and the town in which the family resides. The role of the squire is to serve and learn from the knight, taking care of his horse, replacing and carrying weapons and armor, and doing whatever other bidding the knight desires.


Tailor’s Apprentice
: Usually female, the tailor guild encompasses those whom craft and repair clothing and shoes. Using cloth from weavers, it is sewn into usable clothing.


Weaver’s Apprentice
: Usually female, the weaver guild encompasses those whom weave wool and other materials into cloth. Wool purchased by the farmers is worn down into thread to be used on a loom, which crafts it into cloth to be sold to the tailors. The dying of cloth is also done here; wool is the most common material.

Character Creation

Age: Please note that old age is considered 40-50 if you are lucky. Age 15 is considered adult, and you should be a master of a trade by age 30. Characters should be in their 20s for realism in apprenticeship.

Names: Please pick something appropriate for the era and location, you may Google this if you like. I will not accept characters with names like Brittney, Sui Fong, or Laquesha. Note that travel is very unlikely and dangerous, and it is highly doubtful someone from China made it to the Empire, let alone be integrated well into a town where most people have not even left the town.

Pictures: Realistic pictures are encouraged, but anime will be accepted as well. Drawn or Paint created pictures will not be accepted. If I see Face Claims from people like Carly Rae Jeppson, Taylor Swift, any God awful person from Twilight, Zac Efron, or the like I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR CHARACTER. THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE. You have been warned. Also, I would very much appreciate pictures that look era appropriate instead of some glittery, clean blonde in capris pants.

Super Powers and Special Abilities: You have none. The end.

Literacy: I understand a few spelling errors every now and again, such as typing really fast and ending up writing ‘th edog’ instead of ‘the dog’, but posts should be spell checked or edited before posting. Posts should be an average of 500 words or greater, but exceptions can be made on writer’s block days. If I can manage it, so can you. If you need help developing it to that level, I am always available for assistance via PM. Likewise, character sheets should be at a comparable level. I don’t expect 500 words per section, but it should be at least good two paragraphs for personality, description, and life thus far.

Personality Traits: Please please please, give your character flaws. They are not perfect; they will not get along with everyone. Also, do not stereotype. I understand some consistency, but I want a little more depth than the bubbly girl whom likes and gets along with everyone and the brooding, cold guy with a rough past. Really guys, just don’t.

Relationships With the Other Characters: It’s a small town; you’re bound to know someone else, especially if your guild does business with the guild of another character. You don’t have to know everyone, let alone close with him or her, but I’d like you to know at least one other character. If you do not know a character, say that, don’t just leave them out. For those you know, please state relation to them (barely acquaintances/friends/ect), your opinion of them, and how long you’ve known them. Please be open-minded and adaptive to others whom say they know you. :D

Having More Than One Character/A Guild or Position Not on the List?: PM me with possible suggestions, Im not entirely closed minded. If you are trying to play the nobility, though, Ill expect a very convincing argument. I personally will be having two characters, twins, and will consider other claims for having more than one character, but it will be by request only and they should be somewhat related for more ease of management.

Reservations/Claims for Characters: I understand you don’t want to be making a character only to realize someone was faster and you missed out. DO NOT FEAR. Reservations will last 24 hours and can be by PM or OOC, extensions available at the conclusion of this period upon request by PM to show continued interest. I will update taken and reserved characters every couple of hours so everyone is up to date.

Character Skeleton:
(Figured out the code box!!! :D)
(Please remove parenthesis sections in character sheets, those are just for notes.)

Code: Select all

[b]Marital Status:[/b]

(Another Picture if You Wish)
[b]Distinctive Markings/Scars:[/b]

[b]Guild Name:[/b]
[b]Name of Master:[/b]
[b]Years Working as Apprentice:[/b] (Make this appropriate to your character's age.)
[b]Skill Level:[/b] (How well do you do/How close are you to becoming a master?)

[center][size=150][b]-About Me-[/b][/size][/center]
[b]Family/Whom You Reside With:[/b] (Please include names, ages, and relations for all.)
[b]History:[/b] (Because I don’t particularly care for these myself, you may simply give a small summary of your life here and a ‘sample post’ focusing on an event in your past in lieu of a long, detailed history if you wish. Really this is mainly to test your literacy. However long, detailed histories are welcome, too! This section, whichever option chosen, must meet the post average requirement of 500 words. NO EXCEPTIONS.)

(Please refresh this section when a new character is added, even if it is just to say you don’t know them, just to be fair to everyone. :])

(Please don’t get crazy with this.)

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View All » Add Character » 3 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Reynard Eldred
Character Portrait: Hans Hoffmann


Character Portrait: Hans Hoffmann
Hans Hoffmann

Master Smith in the making.

Character Portrait: Reynard Eldred
Reynard Eldred

I'm your average baker, just with a bit of a cough.


Character Portrait: Reynard Eldred
Reynard Eldred

I'm your average baker, just with a bit of a cough.

Character Portrait: Hans Hoffmann
Hans Hoffmann

Master Smith in the making.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Hans Hoffmann
Hans Hoffmann

Master Smith in the making.

Character Portrait: Reynard Eldred
Reynard Eldred

I'm your average baker, just with a bit of a cough.

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Re: Through Sweat and Snow

Leaving and won't be back until Monday, will attend to this then! Sorry guys!!

Re: Through Sweat and Snow

Looks good, Jedi. Its been added up. :D

Re: Through Sweat and Snow

My character is about %90 complete. ETA for Character submission is one hour.

Edit: Character submitted. Please let me know if there are any changes I need to make or anything I should expound on.

Re: Through Sweat and Snow

Reservations that were not renewed have now expired. :)

Re: Through Sweat and Snow

Character posted. The pictures' are being jerks again. I'll try adding a picture again later.

Re: Through Sweat and Snow

Good to see you made it, Velvet! :) Tailors reservation is in.

Weaver and Doctor reservations are in as well. Light, a PM has been sent to you about your character.

Colonel, an OOC thread for sources and information on character vocations will be up shortly. :) Not a problem. I did try (key word there, try) to put a small synopsis under each guild, but it was minimal at best. A little more information will probably serve us well!

Edit: Also, I fixed the character sheet so now its in a code box. Mad skills, yo.

Re: Through Sweat and Snow

Can I reserve the Tailor's Apprentice please :)

Re: Through Sweat and Snow

I like the idea even if its more complicated then i am used to but one thing causes me pause;

it seems to me that in order to Role Play here one must know at least the basics about the occupation he is going to role play, where may i find sources by which i may learn at least such basics?

I shall make my own search however if you have any such sources it shall help me greatly and i am of the opinion that it would be most helpful for this Role Play if we had links for such sources on an OOC thread of this RP.
If I find any such sources i will send their links to you and you may then post them here for the benefit of the RP :)

For now I shall reserve a place, I am unsure what character I want to make however.

Thank you for making such a detailed role play.

Re: Through Sweat and Snow

Weaver’s Apprentice, please!

Re: Through Sweat and Snow

Can I have the doctors apprentice? (she will be female)

Re: Through Sweat and Snow

Yay Strange! :D Im glad you could find it with my lack of a link and such. Baker is fine, I think you'd make a lovely baker. XD

Jedi, PM replied to. :)
Im so punctual.
Oh yeah.

Re: Through Sweat and Snow

Turns out I could keep my eyelids open long enough to browse this lovely little RP you've made. Would you be willing to except a reservation for a baker? I shall have a character submitted bright and early tomorrow.

Through Sweat and Snow

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Through Sweat and Snow"

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