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Town of Curses

Town of Curses


A cursed Town. Death. Ruins. No way in or out. One way to break the curse. Who's brave enough for the journey?

2,225 readers have visited Town of Curses since eiraktten created it.



Town History

For centuries a war of good and evil has taken place in the small town of Starlit Cove. This very town hasn't been on the map since the day it was created. Magical beings discovered the area and closed it off to humans all over the world in order to have a place of their own. At least until the most recent couple hundred years when humans were able to break through the magical barrier and began to wander around the town. Many of them eventually making the place their permanent home. Humans began to populate Starlit Cove, eventually claiming the town as theirs.

As years rolled by, magical beings were eventually pushed out of their own town by the human population. Of course the new civilians of Starlit Cove had no idea what they were getting themselves into once they called the small town their home. The magical folk grew enraged and thought it best to curse the town. Each and every civilian was given a different curse, ones that would drive each individual mad and eventually kill them off in the end.

Ever since the day the curse was brought to the town, the death toll steadily began to rise. Currently no one over the age of twenty six is living in town. No one is able to come or go from the town because the magical race restrengthened the barrier and practically made the town invisible to anyone on the outside of it.

With the civilians cut off from the rest of the world, their town slowly began to crumble to ruins. There is only one area in town which is still taken care of and that is the main square where restaurants, grocery stores, etc. still thrive from the few still living.

The only way the town's curse can be broken is if the rings of The Sisters are found and dropped into the deepest well hidden within the forest surrounding their town. The Sisters are the most powerful witches in the world and their rings were passed down from generation to generation until one day their bloodline dropped from the world, leaving the rings behind them. These very rings are rumored to be hidden within Starlit Cove somewhere for anyone to find. These rings are said to be hidden deep within the woods where any dangers could come along, many resulting in death. The questions are, is there anyone in town brave enough to go out searching for these legendary items in order to save their town from complete destruction and death; are these rumors even true?

Name: Penny Hart

Age: 21

Curse: Lucid Nightmares/Hears Voices of the Dead

Face Claim: Emma Watson

Dialogue Color: #6600CC

Taken by XViolet7


Name: Nathan Gould

Age: 20

Curse: Telepathy

Face Claim: Nico Tortorella

Dialogue Color: #796E80

Taken by iCat


Name: Daveigh Hornnell

Age: 22

Curse: Touch of Death

Face Claim: Natalie Dormer

Dialogue Color: #FF6721

Taken by eirakitten

Name: Andrew Watson

Age: 24

Curse: Doing Exactly As Told

Face Claim: Drew van Acker

Dialogue Color: #9E023D

Taken by eirakitten


Reservations: In order to reserve your character, please post in the forums.
Character Sheets: You will have 24 hours to send in a work in progress and 48 hours to send in a completed sheet. A total of three days should be enough time to finish your sheet. If more time is needed, please let me know. Also, feel free to use whichever sheet you would like to, as long as the asked for information is on it.
Detail: Please add as much detail as you can to your biography and personality. Dig deep into your characters, make them jump out of the screen at me. Give them flaws, give them shape, after all they're human.
Face Claims: Face claim changes are welcome to be made. Just keep in mind the age, and that I'm allowed to deny the face change.
Posts: When posting your replies, please be sure to add in detail. If you can't write at least a paragraph consisting of eight or more well thought out sentences then this surely is not the roleplay for you.
Abandoning: If you are going to abandon the roleplay before it starts or when it starts, please do not make a reservation. I want writers who are willing to do what they can to make this a great story.
Any ideas to spice up the story? Please post them in the forums. You are more than welcome to add in some twists and turns. After all, that's what makes for a great story!

Code: Select all

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Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daveigh Hornnell Character Portrait: Penny Hart Character Portrait: Andrew Watson Character Portrait: Nathan Gould
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #FF6721
Thought Color: #21B9FF
Curse: Touch of Death
Outfit: x Gloves: x

Daveigh spent all day gathering everything she would need for her journey through the woods circling Starlit Cove in search of the rings. Whether anyone else showed up or not, she was still going to search and try her hardest to put an end to this curse. All it was doing was driving everyone in town mad to the point of their death. That was something she wasn't looking forward to herself and eventually her own curse would drive her mad. She just knew it deep inside. Any time she touched someone they would drop dead. How long could she be able to go through life without coming into direct contact with another person? However long she had, she wasn't ready to test it.

Currently the blonde stood at the edge of the woods where it met the Welcome to Starlit Cove sign on the edge of town. She stood there waiting for others to show up. She was there for a good five solid minutes before she noticed a male's figure slowly inching towards her, he had his own bag so she hoped that he was going to join her on this journey. Just as luck would have it, he finally came to a stop in front of her and looked down at her with a welcoming smile. Daveigh had a feeling this male was a bit uncomfortable to be around her but she honestly had no clue why, other than the fact that they were in the middle of nowhere and there would be no one to be seen or heard for a good ten miles in either direction.

Daveigh returned the smile before speaking up, "I'm Daveigh," she introduced, keeping her hands tucked to her sides, being sure not to make any movement towards the male in fear that she may end up touching him and killing him on impact. That would definitely be an interesting story to tell anyone else who would be wanting to join her.

Dialogue Color: #9E023D
Thought Color: #029E63
Curse: Doing Exactly As Told
Outfit: x

Andrew felt as though he had been walking for hours when he finally spotted a blonde just a few yards in the distance. He had a feeling this woman was the same Daveigh Hornnell who sent the emails to everyone in town. He grew a bit nervous the closer and closer he got to the woman, mainly because he wasn't sure of what she would say to him. Last thing he needed to deal with was having a demand, be it serious or playful and he'd have to do exactly as he was told, no matter what the situation was. That would definitely be an interesting way to meet someone.

Once Andrew approached the female, the two stood there for a couple moments in silence before she pierced the silence with her voice, "I'm Daveigh," she heard him introduce. At that moment his obvious thoughts were correct, he drew his hand out towards the female in order to shake her hand as he stated his own name, "Andrew." The male stood there with his hand towards her for a couple seconds and all Daveigh seemed to do was just stare down at his hand as if questioning why he was making that gesture towards her. Finally he pulled his hand back to himself and slid it into his pocket without a word. The situation was a bit confusing, but he wasn't going to question it. "Do you think anyone else will show up?" he questioned, trying to push away the awkward silence between the two of them.

Daveigh responded with a shrug of her shoulders as she spoke, "To be completely honest with you. I don't know. Let's give them a few minutes and if they don't then we'll head on ourselves," she responded before the conversation between the two of them fell to nothing more than silence...again.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daveigh Hornnell Character Portrait: Andrew Watson Character Portrait: Nathan Gould
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0.00 INK


xxxxlocation: woodsxxxoutfit:here



xxxx"it's like there's fire in my skin
xxxxand i'm drowning from within.
xxxxi can't take another breath
xxxxplease tell me i am not undone."

I must be out of my mind, Nathan thought to himself as he trudged along the road. Any time a car as much as drove past, he caught the whispers of the passenger's minds. And he was willingly going to deal with other people. For more than just a few minutes. He'd left the house three times since the curse had been put into place. Dealing with people was what was ultimately going to destroy him- and yet, here he was, going to deal with a bunch of total strangers. He knew that it was for the greater good and all that, but he was seriously starting to question his sanity.

He could hear the minds of the pair from a few hundred metres away. It started low at first, little more than mumbles- but the closer he got, the louder it got. Thank god there were only two people there, though. Any more and he would have started to struggle with the sheer volume of it. They weren't talking, either, which helped. Wow, perhaps dealing with these people would be easier than he had originally thought. As long as the group didn't get any bigger, and they stayed silent. Trying to keep up with conversations while also having to listen to their thoughts got confusing. He'd had a few close calls back when he'd still been trying to deal with people, which only added to his reasons for becoming a hermit. He'd considered becoming a monk in some rural area until he'd discovered that he couldn't leave town. So the hermit life was his life now.

"Hey. Is this the expedition meeting point?" He asked jokingly. "I'm Nathan, Nathan Gould," he added. Should he offer his hand to shake? He decided against it- he was getting something about physical contact from one of them, and it wasn't particularly positive. So he shoved his hands deeper into the pockets of his jacket instead.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daveigh Hornnell Character Portrait: Penny Hart Character Portrait: Andrew Watson Character Portrait: Nathan Gould
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0.00 INK

Location: Woods
Curse: Lucid Nightmares/Hears Voices of the Dead
That branch looks sharp.
Look a vine! Try hanging it from it to see what happens.
That dress makes you look fat.
You should kill that women who cursed at you today when you got her order wrong.
Are you going crazy yet.

"Shut up" Penny mumbled at the voices.
You could kill yourself, that will shut us up.
Penny groaned in annoyance. She wasn't going mad just yet, at this point she was just irritated at their comments. The last couple weeks had been the most difficult by far. Since her curses began Penny felt herself going mad. They constantly threatened and whispered cruel nonsense. She got nightmares every night, it would appear that those in her dreams matched the voices inside her head. For a while she tried to make sense of them but as the nights went on it became more difficult to escape the horrors. The last few nights the sleep paralysis had begun to linger for hours instead of minutes. She couldn’t wake, she couldn’t run, her mind was taking over. Thus Penny had become exhausted as she began to avoid sleep at all costs.

She was particularly tired today, she spent the night twisting and turning, dreaming of death and killing imaginary enemies. The lucid dreams got more and more real as the nights progressed. Last night was by far the most horrific. She was shaken but today was a good day, today she would begin the journey to end the curses.

She wandered to the edge of town, knowing too well its location, she had woken there numerous times in the last few nights. As she approached the sign she could see a few individuals standing by. She recognized them, she didn’t know their names but she had seen their faces once or twice at the café. Penny walked over with a skip here or there, the smile shining brightly on her face.

Wipe that smile you look like an idiot.
Kill them.

Penny gave her head a nod in effort to silence the voices and glanced at each of the strangers faces. With a wave and in a bubbly manner she introduced herself “Hi, I’m Penny, you must be my quest mates, sorry if I’m late, had a bit of a rough night”
You sound foolish, you should smash your head into the sign

Followed by a wince at the whisper, Penny said ”I didn’t see anyone else on my way here. We can wait a little longer but any ideas where we should begin our search?


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daveigh Hornnell Character Portrait: Penny Hart Character Portrait: Andrew Watson Character Portrait: Nathan Gould
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #FF6721
Thought Color: #21B9FF
Curse: Touch of Death
Outfit: x Gloves: x

As Daveigh stood there with her new acquaintance in awkward silence, she began to rock back and forth on her heels until she was able to make out another person out in the distance. She was glad that another person was interested in getting rid of this curse, to be honest she was surprised there weren't many others willing to do all they could to get back to their normal lives. As the male began to get closer, she was able to make out more of his features, finding that he was also quite attractive, just as the male standing to her left was as well.

"Hey. Is this the expedition meeting point?" She heard the male question with a bit of a chuckle. To which Daveigh nodded her head with a brief smile before he continued."I'm Nathan, Nathan Gould," he added. Just as Nathan introduced himself another person followed up behind him, this time a female. This made Daveigh feel a bit more comfortable because she wouldn't be surrounded by nothing but testosterone for only God knows how long. She wasn't sure how long this journey would take and she made sure to let the others know in the email and also gave them permission to leave the journey whenever they wanted to. “Hi, I’m Penny, you must be my quest mates, sorry if I’m late, had a bit of a rough night.”

Followed by a wince Daveigh arched her left eyebrow at in curosity to, Penny added, ”I didn’t see anyone else on my way here. We can wait a little longer but any ideas where we should begin our search?" Daveigh gave a slight nod of her head at the female's question before speaking. "I'm Daveigh, nice to meet you Nathan and Penny," she greeted as she glanced at the two of them, keeping both her hands to her side. Last thing she needed was to touch one of them, it'd be best to keep her hands as close to her frame as she possibly could. "I don't think anyone else is coming. So I guess we should get going. As for starting the journey, I believe we should find the river and follow it. I've read up on the sisters and its been said that they have spent a lot of time there," she explained before taking the first steps into the woods, moving branches out of the way as she began to go deeper from the edge of the woods.

Dialogue Color: #9E023D
Thought Color: #029E63
Curse: Doing Exactly As Told
Outfit: x

Andrew introduced himself to Penny and Nathan once Daveigh finished speaking to the three of them. Honestly he thought there would at least be a couple more people, but after standing there for a half hour waiting on Nathan and Penny to show up, he had a feeling that Daveigh was right. Besides, if anyone else wanted to look for the rings, they could come together and start looking themselves as well.

Andrew followed along behind the blonde woman, being sure not to get too close to her because he had a feeling she valued her space. This he could understand because he did as well but he had a feeling there was more to it than just wanting the space. He sighed as he ducked under a couple branches before finally being able to stand upright as they made it to more of a clearing into the woods. "So how far back is this river?" he questioned, breaking the silence. The male glanced around, finding that they were now engulfed in trees, bushes, and brush. Most likely had millions of bugs crawling around them as well.

However long it would take them to find these rings if they were real, he would be willing to stay the entire journey. Andrew was never one to give up on things he started. Even if he kept looking for the rest of his life, at least he wouldn't have died without trying to find a way to break the curse.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penny Hart Character Portrait: Nathan Gould
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0.00 INK


xxxxlocation: woodsxxxoutfit:here



xxxx"it's like there's fire in my skin
xxxxand i'm drowning from within.
xxxxi can't take another breath
xxxxplease tell me i am not undone."

Just as Nathan was starting to adjust to the volume of the group, a newcomer arrived. And suddenly, the volume doubled- no, trebled. It was suddenly as though he was in a crowd. He stared at the newcomer, horrified. The voices were terrifying. She'd caused them. It was her fault.

The sheer volume and amount of the voices kept his feet rooted to the spot. "What did you do? What did you do to create all these... these voices? Are you some kind of demon?" He demanded, taking a step towards her. He'd missed her name in the chaos, he'd missed everything everyone had said. "Spit it out! Are you here to torment me? Did somebody tell you about my particular curse? Are you trying to take this down one person at a time?" He continued, fury rising in him. Part of him knew that it was irrational- but it was just so loud, it was impossible to believe it was anything else but a taunt to him.

He looked around to notice that the other two were gone. His eyes narrowed. "Are you trying to isolate me? Are all these... these voices some kind of trick? Some kind of task, to see if I'm worthy for this mission? Why are you only targeting me? Is it because nobody will miss me? Are you planning on sabotaging the others as well? People will notice. Because I'll be damned if I go down without making a fuss." It didn't cross his mind that it mightn't necessarily be the girl's fault. It felt so... so personal. Voices that attacked him, told him to kill or hurt himself. It was exactly something that whatever had cast the curse would do. After all, they were probably having fun driving everyone in town insane. It would only make sense that they would try and sabotage the quest.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daveigh Hornnell Character Portrait: Penny Hart Character Portrait: Andrew Watson Character Portrait: Nathan Gould
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0.00 INK

Location: Woods
Curse: Lucid Nightmares/Hears Voices of the Dead
Penny curtsied awkwardly as Daveigh and Andrew introduced themselves. She was ready to follow them when she noticed Nathan whom after everyone had finished speaking burst into an unstoppable rage. Taken aback, Penny stumbled a few steps, almost tripping over a small branch. She glanced at the ground for a brief moment to regain her balance, she was ready to calm him down but the more he frenzied the less she felt in control.

Her head began to spin, she felt dizzy and at this point, she couldn't understand what he was saying. His fury and ranting only encouraged the voices, making them roar into chaos.

Oh look how pissed he is!!
Kill him P! Then kill yourself.
Stab him.
Stab, stab, stab.
Don’t stab him! His face is pretty! Stab yourself though.
Your outfit is ugly today.
Remember that beer commercial with the cheezy song? Let me sing it to you until your head explodes...

It was all so loud, her vision became blurry, she felt as though she was about to faint. Her surroundings were fading, Nathan’s face was becoming pixelated, the noise was a riot of confusion and anger. A senseless clutter of disarray, her ears began to ring, she couldn’t hear anything anymore, just a constant sea of voices all in unison.

Die. Die. Die.

...if I go down without making a fuss
Penny's face had gone from pale and innocent to red and demonic.

Ooh I told you she was going to blow Jace.
One more notch and she just might take her own life.
Nonono take his, ours is too valuable.

Penny glared at the ground taking uncontrolled breaths trying to calm down. Her temper had been difficult to control lately due to her increasing lack of sleep and constant noise. Her hands were shaking, she felt tense, she wanted to punch him, shake him.

Kill him?

Then for a millisecond, more than Penny could ever ask for, it went quiet. She tuned it all out, she took a deep breath, calm, and glanced up at Nathan unsure what to say, unsure what all the chaos was about.

In case you missed it...he can hear us.

Penny’s eyebrow furrowed in confusion ”You hear them too? I didn’t know anyone else shared my curse."

Curse???? WWWWWWOOWWWWWWW we're a gift...bitch.

Penny groaned at the comment and sighed "I'm not trying to fool or threaten you, it's not my doing. It's why I'm here. I'm just trying to get rid of this"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daveigh Hornnell Character Portrait: Penny Hart Character Portrait: Andrew Watson Character Portrait: Nathan Gould
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #FF6721
Thought Color: #21B9FF
Curse: Touch of Death
Outfit: x Gloves: x
Dialogue Color: #9E023D
Thought Color: #029E63
Curse: Doing Exactly As Told
Outfit: x

Daveigh continued through the woods with Andrew, answering each and every question that came from his lips before she noticed the others weren't with them. The blonde came to a sudden stop, causing the male to come to a stop as well. He glanced at her with a curious look before stating, "Are you alright?" At this point he had noticed the other two weren't walking along behind him. Neither of them thought about seeing if they were following behind because they automatically assumed they would be.

Right before Daveigh was able to even muster so much as a single word, the two of them began to hear Nathan yelling. In Andrew's opinion it had to be at Penny. This he just couldn't seem to understand because she seemed to be such a sweet girl. He couldn't seem to come up with any reason why Nathan would suddenly be yelling at her. Of course this was only based on a solid few seconds after meeting her, but in any case, he was still curious. When he took a glance over at Daveigh, the look on her face signaled that she was as well.

Andrew took the lead in maneuvering through the woods back towards the meeting place, finding Penny and Nathan standing there. Daveigh nor Andrew were able to make out any specific words that were being traded between the two of them before they parted from the woods. ”You hear them too? I didn’t know anyone else shared my curse." Penny groaned and let out a sigh, "I'm not trying to fool or threaten you, it's not my doing. It's why I'm here. I'm just trying to get rid of this."

Andrew and Daveigh stood there for a brief moment staring at the two of them trying to figure out what was exactly going on. But all they seemed to hear was nothing but silence once Penny finished speaking and she seemed to be staring down at the ground in anger. "What's going on?" Daveigh questioned as she stepped up to Penny. She began to reach her right hand out to rest on Penny's shoulder before freezing half way and brought her hand back to her side. Probably not the best idea, she thought before speaking in a bit more of a comforting tone, something she became unused to throughout the years. "Come on, let's get going. On the way you can walk with me, tell me what's going on, or just keep silent, whatever makes you feel better. The guys can follow along behind us," she stated, hoping having the company of another female would help Penny calm her nerves a bit. Daveigh wasn't exactly sure what was going on between them, and honestly she wasn't all that interested but maybe it was something that she needed to know about.

Meanwhile, Andrew stood there watching as the two females spoke to each other, every once in a while take a glance over towards Nathan. He seemed to be upset as well though there seemed to be a bit more wrong with him than just being upset. Andrew couldn't pin point it because Nathan seemed to be hard to read, but he wasn't going to stick his head in where it didn't belong. Andrew also didn't feel like being Nathan's next target, so instead he kept to himself and tried not to say anything unless he had no other choice. Daveigh on the otherhand seemed to be more gutsy than he had been. She came right out and asked what was going on. She didn't seem to fear being the next target of either one of them and to be quite frank, he was shocked when he noticed how well she seemed to be dealing with Penny. After the brief moments he spent with Daveigh, he never thought she would be the gentle, kind sort of person.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daveigh Hornnell Character Portrait: Penny Hart Character Portrait: Andrew Watson Character Portrait: Nathan Gould
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0.00 INK


xxxxlocation: woodsxxxoutfit:here



xxxx"it's like there's fire in my skin
xxxxand i'm drowning from within.
xxxxi can't take another breath
xxxxplease tell me i am not undone."

Her outburst shocked Nathan into a moment of complete clarity. He stared at her for a few seconds. All of you? But he was the only one yelling, wasn't he? Could... could she hear them too? Her reaction only added to that. The way the voices were acting didn't seem to be directed towards him anymore. They were orientated around her reactions.

And then the others reappeared and he took a couple of steps back from the noise. The blonde- Daveigh, wasn't it?- approached Penny to calm her down. Again, he picked up on touch aversion, coming this time from Daveigh. That explained some of her reactions, then. The boy, whose name he had missed, hovered nearby, not saying or doing anything. Nathan ran a hand through his hair, forcing himself to take a deep breath.

"My curse is telepathy," he explained, rubbing his hands on his jeans. "I can hear... everything. And I can't turn it off and there was... all these voices. It was so loud..." No matter what he said, it didn't seem to justify his actions. Perhaps he was closer to his insanity than he'd thought. Figuring that he wasn't going to be able to explain himself, he just trudged after the girls, keeping his hands shoved firmly in his pockets. He couldn't blame them if they didn't want him around anymore. Nobody really wanted anyone who could hear every single one of their thoughts, especially if they were going to fly off the handle at the slightest provocation.

He'd known that leaving the house had been a bad idea. This was a job for somebody else, not him. He was too unstable, too easily overwhelmed. He'd probably end up snapping or hurting somebody. He should just go home now before anyone missed him. They'd be better off without him anyway.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daveigh Hornnell Character Portrait: Penny Hart Character Portrait: Andrew Watson Character Portrait: Nathan Gould
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0.00 INK

Location: Woods
Curse: Lucid Nightmares/Hears Voices of the Dead
Penny took a deep breath, clenching her fists and closing her eyes for a brief moment. Her head was spinning, the strangers surrounding her so curiously did not help ease the tension. She could hear Daveigh speaking but unfortunately she couldn't make out most of what she was saying, at the very least she seemed sincere. She could sense their prying eyes, Penny felt rather uncomfortable but she knew this quest wouldn't be easy...even if it meant struggling with her companions.

When Nathan spoke of his curse she pitied him. The poor fool was probably excited to escape the town's concert of endless thoughts, at least they were probably kinder and less threatening than these bastards.

Well this is fun...lets go jump off a cliff!

Penny gave her head a nod and rolled her eyes at the comment before glancing up at the three strangers and giving them a calm warm smile. "Well" she said to Nathan "I apologize but I cannot tune them out or get rid of them-

Damn straight hoe

"The dead have much to say apparently. Which is why I'd like to silence them, forever."

You know P, we give you awesome company, you don't have to be such a bitch about it.
Yea, you don't have to be so rude
Gosh all we do is talk to you
Not like we tell you to kill yourself...or your companions
Yea...we would never persuade you to do that

"Lucky for me, I'm strong enough to ignore them and not be manipulated. Now...shall we? she asked turning her attention to Daviegh "If I'm not mistaken, you invited me to walk with you? I'd love to if that's the case, lead the way."

Did that Andrew guy say we're going to the river?
The river!! Lets go drown!!
Lead, did you say let her lead? So you can follow close behind right?
Yea don't give them the advantage, they may try and murder you
Yea you don't know these people...
IDEA! Kill them first, then lets go home
Or wait until you get to the river then kill them
Kill them.....kkkkkkiiiiilllllll

Penny glanced down at her hands and gave her knuckles a crack as she waited a little impatiently for Daveigh to begin the journey.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daveigh Hornnell Character Portrait: Penny Hart Character Portrait: Andrew Watson Character Portrait: Nathan Gould
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #FF6721
Thought Color: #21B9FF
Curse: Touch of Death
Outfit: x Gloves: x
Dialogue Color: #9E023D
Thought Color: #029E63
Curse: Doing Exactly As Told
Outfit: x

As Daveigh stood there listening to the words coming from Nathan's lips, she couldn't help but to feel bad for him. She knew it had to be tough being able to hear the thoughts from everyone. As for Penny, she believed her's was a bit more dreadful. Sure the thoughts of the living could be hell, but hearing the dead, if that were given to the wrong person it wouldn't take them very long to go insane. Although Penny seemed to be a bit fragile at their first initial meeting, just by spending these past few minutes with her made her come off as the complete opposite. In Daveigh's opinion, Penny was strong, she had to be. Even though her curse was pretty bad as well, she still pitied the man. Daveigh let out a sigh just before Penny began to answer Daveigh. "If I'm not mistaken, you invited me to walk with you? I'd love to if that's the case, lead the way."

Daveigh nodded her head, "Sure, let's get going," she stated as she stepped into the woods with Penny immediately behind her. First things first, they had to head out to the river, which was nothing more than two miles into the woods. "When was the first time you heard the dead?" she questioned, growing curious about her curse. Daveigh knew that nobody knew what her's was and honestly she hoped that she would never have to explain it to any of them. But if the subject came up, there would be no way to get away from it. She would have to tell them that she has the touch of death. If she were to touch anyone, they would die.

Andrew followed behind the girls with Nathan. Andrew didn't exactly hate the male, but given the circumstances he understood why he felt a little unsettle around him. In spite of all that, he needed to keep his cool, at least be open minded about the male before making immediate judgement. With a sigh, Andrew slid his hands into his jean pockets and spoke to Nathan, "I'm sorry to hear about the curse you ended up with," he stated before going silent for a couple brief seconds and added, "I have to do exactly as I'm told. So please be sure that if you ever tell me to do something, that you're careful with the way you word it or things could initially go wrong," he stated into the silence between the two of them.

Andrew wasn't much of a talker either, but he couldn't stand being in the silence with other people around. Just made him feel awkward and that was definitely not a feeling Andrew enjoyed. He just hoped they would be able to get to the river before the sun completely set because he wanted to make sure this journey was over as soon as possible.

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Daveigh Hornnell
Character Portrait: Penny Hart
Character Portrait: Andrew Watson


Character Portrait: Andrew Watson
Andrew Watson

"Figured I'd hurt people less by running around the block."

Character Portrait: Penny Hart
Penny Hart

"Defeat karma with a smile"

Character Portrait: Daveigh Hornnell
Daveigh Hornnell

"And the reality is, I don't give a shit."


Character Portrait: Daveigh Hornnell
Daveigh Hornnell

"And the reality is, I don't give a shit."

Character Portrait: Penny Hart
Penny Hart

"Defeat karma with a smile"

Character Portrait: Andrew Watson
Andrew Watson

"Figured I'd hurt people less by running around the block."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Daveigh Hornnell
Daveigh Hornnell

"And the reality is, I don't give a shit."

Character Portrait: Penny Hart
Penny Hart

"Defeat karma with a smile"

Character Portrait: Andrew Watson
Andrew Watson

"Figured I'd hurt people less by running around the block."

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Re: Town of Curses

I'll be posting tonight! Sorry, been crazy busy.

Re: Town of Curses

I feel like I take forever to reply, so you're probably thinking "she's not that eager to post" but in reality the moment I actually submit a post I'm like...

*refreshes page 30 times in two minutes*
Me: They'll post in the next ten seconds for sure
*refreshes 30 more times*
Me: Shit, should probably get back to work...but just to be sure
*refreshes 50 more time*


The struggle is real.

Re: Town of Curses

Haha. This is going to be interesting. xD I'll get a post up some time tomorrow.

Re: Town of Curses

@Violet- oh my god, I know. There's going to be a look of horror as she turns up and he's going to nope out of it. Somebody's going to have to convince him to stay xD

Re: Town of Curses

Penny is done! Post will be up in 30 minutes :)

EDIT: iCat, Nathan is going to have a hell of a time with Penny. I was chuckling to myself through your whole post because of his relief towards the silence.

Re: Town of Curses

I'm almost done Penny! Just need to edit her personality and review her history. I'll be able to complete everything and get the first post up after work, sooooo like 7-8 MST

PS. Super excited to start this :D

Re: Town of Curses

Seeing as how there is one last character open, I'll make a character for him then get this roleplay up and running! Can't wait!

Re: Town of Curses

Okay, great! I'll get my character finished hopefully tonight.

Re: Town of Curses

My second draft for Penny is done. I just need to edit her information one last time since my writing is very rough. I may have time this weekend but it's unlikely, I'll keep you posted!

Re: Town of Curses

The curse is a recent thing. Took over the town just a couple weeks prior.

Re: Town of Curses

Nathan is all done except for his history, which I need to check a few things for. How long ago did the curse take effect? Is it a recent thing? Or would the characters have been a few years old when it took effect

Re: Town of Curses

Hey! I'll be submitting my WIP tonight however I won't be able to complete it until Monday, I unexpectedly have to go out of town this weekend so I'm leaving early tomorrow morning.

Re: Town of Curses

Hey! Could I reserve FC: Nico Tortorella? This looks awesome!

Re: Town of Curses

Awesome! I should have my character sheet done by tomorrow :)

Re: Town of Curses

@ThatStupidPunk: There is no limitation on the curses or forcing them to go mad. It all just depends on how well the character is able to handle said curse.

@Violet: Sure, I'll update the page when I have the time to. c:

Re: Town of Curses

Hey eiraktten! Your RP looks awesome.

May I reserve the Demi Lovato FC and change the FC to Emma Watson?


Re: Town of Curses

This seems interesting and I am definitely interested in joining but I'm just a bit curious on the curses. IS their a limitation on what they could do? And do they have to be centered around causing them to eventually go mad?

Town of Curses

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Town of Curses"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.