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Vladimir Ivanvich

"I LIKE WRESTLING ... and ponies"

0 · 487 views · located in Toxic Angels High School

a character in “Toxic Angels”, as played by TrueNarnian


Name: Vladimir Ivanvich

Gender: Male

Age: 16 (Looks 28)

Race: Mutant

Mutation: Has twice the strength of someone of the same body size and training. Can also build muscle at alarming rates in times of need.

Home: Mern


- Wrestling
- Cooking for Others
- Friendly People
- Training
- Cute Animals
- Playing Cards
- Ponies


- Being asked his age
- Steroids
- Jerks
- China Plates
- Purification Cult
- The Strong Picking on the Weak

Personality: Vladimir has a warm personality. While he may look menacing he is a good friend once you get to know him. Vladimir is an exceptionally loyal friend and expects the same from others.

Bio: Vladimir was born to a pair of Russian Mutants. He and his parents lived on the outskirts at his father's toy-shop, there he lived a happy childhood until his sixth birthday. After recent riots his parents were murdered by a gang that was affiliated with the purification cult. Luckily for him he was with his god father El Lunchador; Masked wrestler and Chef. El Lunchador took him in and trained him to be the next El Lunchador a title that had been passed down for generations. Vladimir trained rigorously in the wilds wrestling large mutant animals. Due to the constant radiation Vladimir aged at a faster pace making him look older than he really is. Vladimir currently lives with El Lunchador at his diner and works as his sous chef.

- He is 7'1
- He can lift 300 pounds with a single arm
- He makes an amazing Black Forest Cake

Gallery: ... 5gutgx.png ... EF_003.jpg

So begins...

Vladimir Ivanvich's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Tyrem Giltterdust
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Vladimir stared at the brick facade of the building that is known as "Toxic High". He pulled out his pocket watch from the depths of his sweatpants. "Shoot, I'm late!" Vladimir rushed to the entrance of the building and as carefully as he could opened the main entrance so that he would not deform the handles. As soon as he was inside Vladimir quickly brushed off the flour that was still on him in order to make himself look presentable, taking a big breath Vladimir walked down the now empty hallways. As he walked he peered into the many classrooms that lined the halls in search of his fellow classmates.

Just then a short grey-haired lady speed walked up to him. "Oh there you are, I've been looking all over the building for you." Vladimir turned his head to look behind to check if someone was behind him. Realizing that he was the only person in the halls besides the short lady he turned back to face her and asked "Why Me?". "Because you're the gym teacher silly, at least that's who I think you are," Vladimir looked at her with utter shock, did she really think that he was that old? "Now then, you need to get your butt over to the gym. The students are waiting for the assembly to start and that incompetent Chemistry teacher can't get their attention. As the biggest staff member on site it is your duty to get the students' attention." Vladimir laughed nervously "You see I'm not the gym teacher I am actually a student." The lady's face froze in a state of shock at the news . "Now isn't that just dandy. Here I was thinking that I found the solution to my current problem." Her eyes quickly analyzed Vladimir "You know what? I think I have found my solution, YOU." "Wait, I don't even know what you want me to do." Vladimir pleaded "All I need you to do is make sure that the majority of the people have their eyes on you and then hand the microphone to the nearest faculty member so they can officially start the assembly. It's that easy." "If you say so." "Well I do say so now let's get going."

Vladimir held the microphone tenderly as he prepared to step out onto the stage. The short lady gave him a thumbs-up of encouragement as he looked back. Parting the curtain back as he stepped out into the open. Before him on either side was seemingly a sea of fellow students. While the vast majority seemed human with a few exceptions such as the antlered girl in the back row and the alien looking fellow next to her. Vladimir reminded himself that not all mutations were as obvious as the ones he saw back at El Lunchador's diner. He tapped the microphone three times as to test if it worked and simultaneously get the attention of the student body. After the loud murmur subsided Vladimir cleared his throat. "Good morning, I am Vladimir and I too am a fellow student but because they could not get your attention they sent me." Seeing that there was a mic-stand Vladimir put the microphone in and jogged off the stage to the closest bleacher.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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Lumi blinked as a man came up on stage and announced that he'd like everyone to take a seat and that he was also a student. Lumi was kinda shocked sense he looked older but decided not to think much of it. "Guys we sho-" She was cut off by Luna having to chase after Rei. Lumi watched her friend run after the pooch with a smile until she saw someone's leg shoot out. "LUNA!" Too late Luna was on the floor. Lumi quickly ran over and picked her friend up which was hard with how small she was. "Luna are you alright?" She gently touched her scratched head and frowned. "Ok lets sit down." Flashing a glare at the man who tripped her Lumi's skin went dark red as she helped Luna sit and pulled out a band-aid from her pocket gently placing it on her friend forehead. "Your lucky I run around with band-aids Luna... But I kinda have too." Lumi smiled and showed off her burnt and scratched fingers from her many clumsy moment's in the kitchen. Lumi turned to the man Rei had run up too the same man who'd been on the stage. She blinked and waved kindly before going back to making sure Luna was alright.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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Vladimir crouched down so he could look at the eye level of the girl who had just injured herself "Are you okay, do you need anything?" Vladimir extended his arm "Allow me to formally introduce myself, I am Vladimir Ivanvich, Chef and Fighter extraordinaire and like yourself I am a mutant." He turned to her friend who had turned a different hue when she came to her friend's rescue. "We should probably get the antlered girl out of here just to make sure she's okay."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Aaron Knight
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Lumi smiled at Vladimir. "I would think so but with the amount of times the teachers have tried to get our attention they might go insane if we left now..." She giggled a little when Luna laughed and she wiped away the last of her tears. The assembly had started and the teacher began to drone on about the schools creation and purpose so Lumi turned to whispering. "My name is Lumi Noi mr.Vladimir I'm a cook too but not extraordinary... But pretty good." Lumi motioned to Luna. "This is Luna thank you for showing worry for her... Weve had a rough day."

Finally Lumi motioned to Ellen. "This is Ellen the first kind human I have met today... Oh that reminds me Miss Ellen if you'd like il give you a little DNA sample also... But be warned it has a tendency to sometimes change colors after it's left my body.... Kinda embarrassing." Lumi's skin changed to pink showing her shyness as she smiled at Luna once more to show her things would be alright.

She was kinda happy that the pompous baboon as Ellen had called him was gone but she felt bad for him. Most of the time humans had no idea why they were being mean to humans it was instinct for them a form of defense... It took someone very brave to realize that mutants despite appearances were not too much different then humans they all had a heart they all could bleed and feel that made them in Lumi's mind the same... But when someone came along like that... She wondered if she was wrong?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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"Well it is a pleasure to meet all of you, but you don't have to address me with any Mr.'s or anything like that. It's just Vladimir." Vladimir glanced back to where he was sitting to make sure his bag was still there. "Wait right here I have something that can cheer you guys up." Vladimir quickly ran back to his seat and grabbed his tote bag. Vladimir pulled out a small container. "I believe this is why your little dog ran up to me" said Vladimir as he opened it revealing four cherry danishes "Here, take them I won't take no for an answer. I'll admit my soup still needs work, but to be honest dessert is my specialty. How 'bout you Lumi, you specialize in any field of cooking?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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Ellen nodded towards Lumi. "Sure, whenever you have the time to give me a sample, I'll be more then grateful." Besides, the change in coloration is quite fascinating, I wonder if it can restore pigmentation... Elle didn't actually mind hanging out with the mutants. No matter how sickly she looked or how much of a science freak she was, they accepted her for who she was. Probably because they are used to being outcasts themselves. She felt the most bad for Luna, whose antlers probably attract the most attention to "mutant-haters." To tell the truth, there was only a handful of people in this school that actually didn't find mutants, even fewer who actually care.

A kind, cheerful-looking man by the name of Vladimir approached them and after an exchange of names and conversation, Elle heard he was a cook, as well as a professional fighter. He looked to be the part. He then offered some sort of cherry danish.
"Here, take them I won't take no for an answer. I'll admit my soup still needs work, but to be honest dessert is my specialty." Ellen had to admit they did look and smell delicious. Even though she had a big breakfast she didn't mind munching on one of the delicious looking danishes. She saw that two of them had only one cherry on top, one of them had two cherries, and one of them had three. She instantly went for the one with the two cherries. I always eat even food. She didn't know why she did it, it was just one of her quirks.
She took a tiny bite of her danish and gasped "These are really good, Sir- I mean Vladimir." She smiled a bit. "It's not too sweet not too bitter, and the pastry overall is nice and light. I also taste a drop of vanilla on the outer crust, giving a faint but overall nice flavor." Elle took another bite. "And I could easily tell these cherries are fresh too, not the ones people sometimes get from cans." She kept happily munching on the pastry.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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Luna looked at the pastery in confusion, she had never heard, seen or tasted a danish. She saw Elle take one and she seems to be enjoying it and the man's bright cheery smile comforts Luna and she doesnt want to let him down so she to takes one.

"what's a cherry? it looks like some sort of berry actually there a wild berries in the wilds that look like these, there called Charc Berries their a black with a reddish sheen and they grow from blue vines. They are really good actually there my favorite berry" Luna smiles and grabs the 'cherry' and pops it in her mouth where it explodes into tastes of bitterness then fade into sweet.

"Charc berries arent as bitter as these and they kinda have a vanilla taste to them to i LOVE charc berries" Luna then bite into the pastery and she loved it, tasted delicious. She scruffed the whole thing in one more bite and licked her licks then smiled brightly at the man "These are delicious! you are an....whats a better word for amazing? i know you are a Super-cali-fragilistic-expi-ali-docious chef! did i say that right?" Luna grabbed another and gave it to Lumi "here try some they are REALLY good"
Luna loved sweet things, they were her weakness because she have only had sweet things about twice in her life.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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Lumi gently took the danish Luna offered her and smiled. "I burn desserts... But I'm pretty good at main courses that's what I do at the restaurant where I work." She smiled and gently took a bite of the danish. "I-its absolutely delicious very light." She smiled and took another bite and smiled feeling very happy with the tasty dessert in her mouth.

((OOC: sorry kinda sick so my posting is messy... ))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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Vladimir chuckled lightly at the girls' comments "It's good to know that people enjoy my cooking." "I burn desserts... But I'm pretty good at main courses that's what I do at the restaurant where I work." Vladimir's Eyes widened in surprise and joy "You work in a restaurant? So do I, I work El Lunchador's Diner. It's the vine covered concrete diner that's in front of a garden with a box-car in a tree. It's about a half mile away. What about you?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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Luna eye's drooped as the teacher's droned on about how the future is today or something like that. Her eyes closed then quickly opened as she almost fell off her hand she was leaning on.
'a cant take much more of this' she growled to herself then looked around the gym. There looked to be a locked door at the very back of the gym, just behind them and a idea popped into Luna's head.
'if we cant take the front door why not that one?' she thought evilly the crouched down and went under Lumi's legs, crawling towards the door in the floor. No students or teachers noticed her and she was happy. She got to the door and pulled lightly to test that it was locked and it was but with a hard yank she could hear the lock brake and she opened the door quietly. With her advance wolf eyes Luna could see a ladder going down into the basement, it smelt dark and a cold chill blew from it but it was freedom.
She looked up at Vladimir, Elle and Lumi. The door and passage way down was twice luna's size so it should fit Vlad to. Luna grinned and crawled over to the group, Rey right behind her.
"Guys come with me, i am getting out of the hell hole coming? I want to see where you guys work and this assembly wont be over for a few hours come on please!!" Luna whispered, giving them her best puppy eyed look.

"There a door in the floor leading into the basement we can get out threw there" She whispered and pointed to the door just behind them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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Lumi smiled at Vlad. "I work in Mern... Small family restaurant but nice you will have to come over and Il cook for you... That is if I can make enough to fill up someone like you." She giggled a little and silence set in. Lumi was about to fall asleep when Luna caught her attention. She blinked and looked at Luna. "What if we get in trouble Luna?" Lumi felt nervous and pressured. "Where would we even go..." Lumi thought about it and took a deep breath before slipping down to Luna. "If we get lost I will be of no help but ok..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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Ellen's eyes went from Lumi to Luna. What the teacher was saying did seem partly interesting, but Luna heeded no interest. The teacher's speech was long, very few teens around her seemed to endure the speech. Why isn't anyone paying attention? This speech is rather interesting. In fact, why can't everyone's attention spans be a bit longer? It's irritating me how some people are just falling asleep.

Elle continued to listen to the teacher's speech.
"The future is today, young ones. There will come times where difficulties will pursue you. But know this, the school is always on your side, no matter who are what you are."
Ellen's eyes squinted with interest. Seems to be an indirect warning about something yet to come. The teacher has now fully caught Elle's interest. I see something hidden in the teacher's eyes, I can't put my finger on what it is precisely.
"I beckon to say that equability among students is highly recommended, even encouraged. I hope everyone will recognize their rights as a students in this school, and I hope balance will remain no matter what comes our way." The teacher paced back in forth while talking in an uneasy way.
What is this teacher really trying to say? There is a hidden meaning I know it... Elle's thoughts were interrupted by Luna's voice.
"Guys come with me, i am getting out of the hell hole coming? I want to see where you guys work and this assembly wont be over for a few hours come on please!!"
Ellen's eyes narrowed. "As much of a pleasure it would be, isn't the fact we could get in trouble a concern?" Elle's logical mind started to roll. "If we are discovered we might get serious detention for missing out this seemingly important assembly."
School was important to Ellen, she had never gotten detention in her life and didn't want to risk getting it now. Going to a college was important to her. But on the other hand, she didn't want to lose what little acquaintances she had.

And as much as she didn't want to admit it, she had never been to Mern. The only places she ever been was this school and the city she lived at.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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The speaker droned on in a monotonous voice that Vladimir really wasn't used to. He scanned the stage checking to see if any of the teachers that he met were on the stage. That short lady would be much more interesting. So would the history teacher, at least I think so. He looked at his companions, Lumi was slowly nodding off, Ellen seemed somewhat engrossed,and Luna, Vladimir looked around ... where was Luna? "Guys come with me, i am getting out of the hell hole coming? I want to see where you guys work and this assembly wont be over for a few hours come on please!!" well if no one on stage would notice if I left and there is a couple hours left ... Vladimir shrugged his shoulders "Well I have nothing better to so I guess I'll go."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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"Awesome we are all in them yay! and Elle if you really want to know whats going on Rey is staying here he can just fill me in later and i can tell you and Vlad if you get down on your hands and knees no one will see you" Luna whispered as she crawled to the door. There was enough light from the gym so she could see the bottom as she jumped the 9 feet down, there was a ladder but she didnt need it. She landed softly on the bottom and looked around using her wolf eyes.
It was dark and dirty but she could see another exit about 20 feet away. She ran over and looked up to see a man hole.
'i saw one of those outside this must lead to the court yard' Luna thought then ran back to the other hole were her new found friends were.
She waved them down, mouthing it was safe and to keep quiet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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Ellen's body reacted quicker then her mind for now she was on the ground crawling, before she had a chance to refuse Why am I doing this? I had never missed a useless day of school, whether I'd like to or not. She whispered to Lumi who was crawling right next to her. "If we get in trouble, Luna got me in to this." While crawling, Ellen would occasionally take a peek to see if any of the teachers were paying attention. Elle guessed that because of the dozen teens that surrounded them, they were not easily picked out.

Glancing back at Luna, she saw that she was covered in a bunch of muck from the way she went. What if there was a bunch of parasites down there? Ellen shivered at the thought. Nevertheless, Luna motioned them to follow. Ellen continued trying to find her way through the crowd, but she occasionally bumped into a teen here and there. Great, I don't want to give away what we are doing. But instead of the students reporting Ellen, most of them would just have humor in their eyes. Ellen was the smart, sophisticated, goody-good one...and here she was crawling on the ground trying to play hooky. The embarrassment of some teens chuckling caused her to blush heavily. Well, there goes what little reputation I had. Another thought ran through her mind. I think I left Edmund behind, he's probably still listening to the speech. I never go anywhere without him, I hope he can forgive me. It caused a slightly uneasy feeling in her stomach. She was going somewhere she had never gone, and Edmund wasn't with her. It's too late to stop now.

When she finally reached to where Luna was, she turned to face her. "That...that was embarrassing." A heavy blush crawled up her neck to all over her face. It was a sharp contrast to her none blushing, pale skin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx Character Portrait: Edmund Corric
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((Ooops double posted -_- ))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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"i'm sorry Elle you could have said something and could have just stayed its just i'm part wolf and we don't like to sit in one spot for every about i introduce you to my pack? i can maybe even get some DNA samples you for to say i'm sorry" Luna felt bad she had dragged her new friends along without them wanting to come.

"and i wouldn't worry about you red haired friend i have Rey keeping an eye on him and i left a note in Rey's mouth to give to him after the ceremony he can find you after" Luna smiled hopefully reassuring her friend.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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"i'm sorry Elle you could have said something and could have just stayed its just i'm part wolf and we don't like to sit in one spot for every about i introduce you to my pack? i can maybe even get some DNA samples you for to say i'm sorry" Luna felt bad she had dragged her new friends along without them wanting to come.

"and i wouldn't worry about you red haired friend i have Rey keeping an eye on him and i left a note in Rey's mouth to give to him after the ceremony he can find you after" Luna smiled hopefully reassuring her friend.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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"i'm sorry Elle you could have said something and could have just stayed its just i'm part wolf and we don't like to sit in one spot for every about i introduce you to my pack? i can maybe even get some DNA samples you for to say i'm sorry" Luna felt bad she had dragged her new friends along without them wanting to come.

"and i wouldn't worry about you red haired friend i have Rey keeping an eye on him and i left a note in Rey's mouth to give to him after the ceremony he can find you after" Luna smiled hopefully reassuring her friend.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lumi Noi Character Portrait: Vladimir Ivanvich Character Portrait: Ellen "Ell" Martin Character Portrait: Luna Nyx
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"i'm sorry Elle you could have said something and could have just stayed its just i'm part wolf and we don't like to sit in one spot for every about i introduce you to my pack? i can maybe even get some DNA samples you for to say i'm sorry" Luna felt bad she had dragged her new friends along without them wanting to come.

"and i wouldn't worry about you red haired friend i have Rey keeping an eye on him and i left a note in Rey's mouth to give to him after the ceremony he can find you after" Luna smiled hopefully reassuring her friend.