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Veritas Isle

Keavaris Village


a part of Veritas Isle, by Fauna.

Keavaris Village is made up of one family and is mostly farm land

Sambea holds sovereignty over Keavaris Village, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The Keavaris Village is made up of one single family. It is also private property and no one else lives on it.


Filarion Keavaris

Penelo Keavaris

Nasir Keavaris

Ameria Keavaris

Haera Keavaris

Elwin Keavaris

Roshia Keavaris

Beluar Keavaris

Lorelei Keavaris

Agis Keavaris


Image -Farmland
Image -Livestock
Image -Home (the dot next to them are the workshops)

In the center for front are the parents house with three youngest ones. From right to left the house belong to: Nasir, Ameria, Haera, Elwin, and Roshia. The village provides fresh milk, eggs, meats, wood and metal work, herbal medicines and teas, and clothing.
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Keavaris Village

Keavaris Village is made up of one family and is mostly farm land


Keavaris Village is a part of Papoa Lake.

7 Characters Here

Tilly Elson [230]
Fabian Keavaris [191] I am FAB!
Penelo Keavaris [142] A mother's job is never done!
Agis Keavaris [45] Do I have to?
Filarion Keavaris [41] Family is what strives me to go on.
Asham Garr [30] It is my duty to protect her.
Ameria Keavaris [25] I can feel the trees, I can hear the wind, and you...I can do both.(DEAD)

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7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Keavaris Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Beluar Keavaris Character Portrait: Penelo Keavaris Character Portrait: Agis Keavaris Character Portrait: Filarion Keavaris
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#, as written by Sambea

Elwin looked up at Atlas when he spoke, "No offense taken. She was actually... friendlier than she has ever been with people, especially with people around me." He laughed. "But she is hiding something, I can feel it. That is probably why she got rid of us so fast." They walked towards the front of the village where his parent's house was. It was quiet except for the two talking and the sounds of wildlife. The lights were on when they arrived, which was a good thing for them. He was happy that Atlas hadn't come for no reason, though he had a basket of fresh eggs to take home.

Elwin knocked on the door. He could hear Agis screaming someone was here and Beluar telling him to use his quiet voice and that they were right there. A familiar laugh weaved in among the chaos, his mother's. His father was the one to answer the door, "Oh Elwin, what a nice surprise and you brought a friend, come in." He stepped aside and let the two in. Agis creeped up to see what was going on, but his younger sister and brother weren't bothered once they saw who was here.

His mother came up, "Oh dear, who is this lovely man? Hi I am Penelo. This here is my husband, Filarion and those three over there is Beluar, Lorelei, and Agis." She pointed to everyone, including herself.

Elwin stood there a little awkward, "This is Atlas, he owns a really nice cafe in the city and was wondering if he could talk business with father."

His father looked the man over, "Of course, let's sit at the table and discuss." He said before walking to the table and sitting. Elwin following and sitting himself.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Keavaris Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Beluar Keavaris Character Portrait: Penelo Keavaris Character Portrait: Agis Keavaris Character Portrait: Filarion Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
Atlas felt nervous upon reaching Elwin's parents home. He could hear children inside a woman laughing and managed to calm his nerves. The woman of the home, who Atlas had guessed was Elwins mother, introduced everyone. Then Elwin introduced Atlas. "I's a pleasure to meet you all, pardon me for the sudden intrusion." He said, he saw a young boy peering at him and gave him a smile and a small wave. Atlas followed Elwin to the table and took a seat. "Elwin tells me that you grow fresh produce and raise livestock, I was wondering if could strike up a deal? Currently I get my produce from a source off of Veritas Isle, and by the time it gets here I have to throw out what is broken, bruised up, or no longer fresh, so basically by the time it gets to me half of what ive paid for is pretty much garbage. But now that i know that your family is here I hoping that I could buy the produce needed for the cafe from you. I'll haul it to the cafe myself of course and on top of the payment received for the produce I would like to throw in a discount for anything in the cafe, for the entire family." Atlas explained. He seriously hoped they could settle on an agreement, as he always strives to only use the freshest and most local ingredients he could, and now he would finally have the chance to.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Filarion Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Elwin watched as Atlas talked, he was a businessman after all. His father was resting his elbows on the table and his chin on his fist. He could tell that his father was listening contently, a serious look on his face. He finally nodded when Atlas was done. "Sounds like a deal, though I see you have some of our eggs. Why don't you come by once you have tried them and bring a list of the things you need." Elwin said nothing the whole time, he just watched contently as they talked. He had seen his father do deals so many times in his life that when it was his turn to make a living he could make deals in his sleep.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Filarion Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
"I will definitely do that sir, I should return within a day or two to provide a list of needed ingredients and we can talk about arrangements for pick up and price then once you have an idea of what I would be needing to purchase in bulk." Atlas said with a smile and a nod. "I'm sure the eggs are wonderful though, the look perfect." Atlas saw the young boy looking at them from the corner of his eye. "Perhaps I will bring cake the next time I visit, put these eggs to good use!" He said and then thought about what kind of cake to make. "I dont suppose you all have a favorite kind of cake, do you?" He asked.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Filarion Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Elwin listened to the conversation, watching Agis watch them. "Sounds good, if you will excuse me it is time for bed, for me at least. Oh and any cake is good cake." His father laughed before bowing slightly and leaving the room. Agis came in then, "I like chocolate, but Beluar likes lemon. Everyone else just likes cake. He was smiling big now. Elwin rolled his eyes, smiling. Atlas had just became best friends with his little brother. He fitting in with them already.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Filarion Keavaris
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#, as written by Rari
"It was a pleasure to meet you sir, i look forward to doing business with you" He said with a small bow before Filarion disappeared into the other room. Atlas chuckled at the young man who then spoke up about the cake. "Oh you like chocolate, do you?..Me too! And when youre a baker, like me you get to eat all the chocolate you can stomach!" He laughed a little. " How about this, when I come back, I'll bring everyone their own mini cake, that way everyone gets something they like. I'll make yours extra chocolatey" He said the the small boy, watching his eyes get huge. Atlas adored children, though he didnt spend much time around them as he had none of his own and his sister didnt plan on having children. Children always seemed amazed by the most simple things, a quality adults seemed to lack. Atlas was truly envious of that quality.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Agis Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Elwin stood up, "It is getting late, actually," he looked out the window and it was dark. "It is dark..." He looked back at Atlas with a sorry expression. If he walked Atlas back he would have to come back home alone, but if Atlas stayed he would have to walk back to his shop while it was still dark. He got up, pushing his chair in, and ruffling his brother's hair. "You need to go to bed. I will see you soon."

Agis huffed and waved goodbye. "It was nice meeting you, Mr. Atlas. Can't wait to have your yummy cake. He laughed at Elwin's face before running off to bed. Elwin opened the door for Atlas, which he noticed he has been doing a lot of that tonight. He let Atlas walk out before closing the door and following him.

"It is pretty late... you can stay at my place. I have a guest bedroom so you don't have to sleep on my couch and I will totally walk you to work. I could even help, if you let." He talked nervously.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
"It was nice meeting you too, Agis, I'll be back soon with cake!" He said to the small child.

Atlas yawned and walked with Elwin, rubbing his eye a little. "That would be great actually, i gotta be up at around four am to get things ready at the shop...So I will take you up on that offer" He said while still rubbing one of his eyes. "I'll make you breakfast as payback, how about that?" He said with a small smile. Atlas looked up at the sky for a moment "Wow...The stars are beautiful out here, youre so lucky you get to see them this way all the time." He said, his face lit up with wonder like a child's would be. Atlas stretched his arms a little when he walked. "Its so peaceful here i could fall asleep standing up if i wasnt careful" He said with a soft tone.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Elwin watched him with amusement, laughing softly at his innocence. He looked up, appreciating the stars too."You know, I haven't looked at them in a very long time. I guess you get used to these things when you have lived here all you life. Though, I am glad I got to look at them now." Elwin smiled, trying hard not to glance at him. Turning on his heels he looked over his shoulder. "My house is this way, next to Roshia's." He played with his braid, "I have a fully cleaned guest bedroom, so please excuse the cloth and sewing stuff around the house." He got to his house and opened his door, lighting up the lamp next to the door before dashing to the lamp on the other side of the room and lighting it also.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
"Oh I dont mind a little mess, my place is ten times worse some days. My cat likes to make a mess of things while im away. Cant imagine what hes doing to the place right now. " Atlas chuckled as he walked in. "Besides, a home should look lived in" He said as he watched Elwin dash to the other side of the room to light a lamp. "Well today was an interesting day wasnt it?" He said. "Truthfully im typically quite an introvert, so i dont get to meet new people to often. Besides customers of course" Atlas said with a sigh. "But im glad you stopped in today" He smiled. "Well I guess I should be heading to bed then, which was is the guest room?" He asked, yawning once more.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nasir Keavaris Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Penelo Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Elwin blushed and showed him to the room which was on the other side of the house, away from his own. "You have a cat? That's cute. I haven't really had pets, mostly because I am not good with them" He opened the door to a clean guest bedroom. "Here you go. I... I am glad I got to meet you. You are the nicest guy I have met. I will be gone for a few, I have to go next door. If you need anything... just holler out the door." He laughed softly. He said his good night and walked out, heading towards Roshia's.

The light was still on at Roshia's. He looked in her windows and saw no one so he took the time to go in. He heard laughter coming from her room, he recognized her's but couldn't figure out the other's till they started talking. Elwin stood there for a moment before rushing through the door. Roshia and Nasir were in bed, talking like they were husband and wife. "What the hell is going on?!" Elwin was screaming, though he didn't mean to.

Roshia hurried out the bed, they both were dressed. "It isn't what it looks like..."

"I told you this what going to happen. This is..." He was freaking out. Nasir got up and walked over.

"Let's calm down and just talk about this." He said trying to calm everyone down.

"Calm down? both did..." Elwin was looking back and forth from her to Nasir.

Roshia was beginning to cry. "Get out out, Elwin. NOW!" She yelled, but left instead.

Nasir stayed inside as Elwin followed. "This is disgusting. You have to stop this. You can come back. I was trying to save you from this. I saw the signs... I brought Atlas here for you. I can still save you!"


Roshia turned toward him, "Saving?! The only person who ever needed saving was you. Leave me alone...NOW." She turned back to leave when Elwin grabbed her arm to stay. She turned around swinging her fist and hitting Elwin straight in the mouth. He flew back, falling on his butt. "You are so damn unappreciative. Did I ONCE say that you liking guys was DISGUSTING? No, I accepted you with no questions asked. I fought countless people for you! I stood up to father who I adore! Yet you come in MY HOUSE and JUDGE ME."

Elwin was crying now, holding his bloody mouth. She bent down to his eye level, "You are no longer my brother. I want nothing to do with you."

"" He mumbled through tears and pain. Their mother came rushing out. Elwin and Roshia were both crying now.

"What is going on. Elwin why are you bleeding? Roshia what is going on?"

Roshia looked at her mother, anger reading all over her face, "I lost my twin tonight. He is dead." Was all she said before she ran off. Elwin cried out for her.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Elwin told his mother not to worry about it and he will work it out. He couldn't stop crying, but tried to be quiet about it as he quietly closer his front door and into his room. He walked back and forth in his room trying to figure out he could work this out. Roshia never hit him before... and he could feel the split. He couldn't feel that connection with her anymore. He really was dead to her. "Roshia...please..." He begged the empty room.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
Atlas was just almost asleep when he heard Elwin come back in the door. He could hear him pacing in his room, a couple floor boards creaking as he did. He seemed distressed. Atlas got up from his slumber, not bothering with putting his shirt back on, and walked out of the room. He paused for a moment and then knocked on Elwins door. He could here him speaking but couldnt make out what he was saying. "Elwin?...You okay in there?" He asked as he stood outside the door. "Did something happen?" He questioned, then waited quietly for an answer.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Elwin heard the knock and tried to dry his eyes and look at least a bit better. He cleaned up his lip and slowly opened the door slowly. "J-Just a sibling fight is all." He managed to say while fighting back tears. He glanced down at the shirtless chest before going back to looking up at him. "Sorry if I woke you." He whispered.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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#, as written by Rari
Atlas looked down at Elwin. His eyes widening. "A sibling fight huh? Your lips all cut up...Come here for a minute..." Atlas grabbed onto Elwins hand and took him into the kitchen, he found a clean dish cloth and soaked it in water and had Elwin sit down. He gently cleaned his wound until it stopped bleeding. "Must have been quite the fight...You dont have to tell me about it if you dont want to, But if you need to, I'm here, I wont judge you..." He said softly while inspecting Elwins lip and face for any other cuts or bruises.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Elwin's emotions were everywhere. He followed Atlas into his kitchen and sat when he had him sit. It was usually Roshia who would clean his wounds, never paying attention to her own. He teared up, not from the pain, but the thought of his sister shunning him. He tried to search for the words. Elwin wanted to tell Atlas, but where would he even start? "I really fucked up. Roshia cut the twin connection." He laughed sadly. "You wouldn't understand it unless you were a twin. It is like...something inside you withers away. It dies." He tried hard not to cry, laughing instead. "I brought you her for her... I wanted you two to get together. I didn't want her to go down the road she did... and instead of trying to understand her I became the people she would beat up for being judgemental towards me." He looked away, whispering in defeat, "I lost her for good."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
Atlas listened as he spoke. "I dont think i can ever really understand that, but, I had to cut ties with my own sister before i moved here. She doesnt approve of my lifestyle. And i know it hurts, probably not as much as it hurts you, but it did hurt." He said softly. "I cant do much but say to give her some time, apologize if possible, and try to rebuild if shes willing. And If shes not, well then theres nothing you or I can do, thats on her" He said. Atlas couldnt help but laugh a little at the notion of he and Roshia getting together. "You brought me home to woo your sister?" He asked. "I didnt come to woo your sister, I came because youre interesting and I like your company. I couldnt have woo'd Roshia, id be too interested in what YOU were doing." He said with a chuckle. "But in all seriousness, just give it some time, It was a heated argument, people say things they dont mean when theyre hurt and angry..Just...Give it a few days and talk to her then, but dont expect a complete turn around right away ok?" He said with a soft tone once again.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Elwin nodded, it was all he could do. He was in a way speechless, because in the end his sister was right. Maybe if he had left her alone, he would still have his twin, and his face wouldn't hurt so much. His pale face blushed, he wasn't expecting Atlas to think he was interesting. He knew he had to give her space and time, but he felt empty. "Thanks, Atlas. Roshia always approved of everything I did...well she did. You have to understand, she isn't at fault here. I am sorry your sister could never come to understand that you were more important than what she thought you should be doing. Maybe you are right...give her time to cool off and apologize. Though I honestly don't think she can forgive me on what I did. She always stood in front of me when people threw stones and I end up stabbing her in the back." Tears were coming back. "I think we both should get some rest, yeah. Thank you for helping me and have a good night, Atlas. And for god's sake, put on a shirt before you catch a cold." He joked, softly smiling as he looked over his shoulder before disappearing into his room.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
Atlas looked down at his bare chest and smirked before standing up and walking to the guest room. "Got it, Come out naked next time, will do." He said loud enough for Elwin to hear him. He closed the door and walked over to the bed and layed on his back. He covered himself up with the blanket and thought about the day they had. He nuzzled into his pillow and eventually drifted off to sleep.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Elwin started getting dressed for bed when he heard Atlas' footsteps. "Got it, Come out naked next time, will do." said Atlas loud enough for him. Elwin held his shirt to his chest and looked at the door mouthing "Oh my god" before laughing and getting into be. He laid there thinking about everything. Though his heart raced it also ached.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
Atlas got up at around three thirty in the morning and crept out into the kitchen, wearing nothing but his pants and an apron. He raided the fridge and found eggs, bread, and some bacon. He got to cooking, being as quiet as possible. He toasted up the bread until it was beautifully golden and set it aside, then he poached the eggs and made a hollandaise sauce to go over the eggs, he also crisped up some of the bacon as well. He cleaned the used bowls up and found some plates. He first put the toast on the plate then carefully put the poached eggs with the runny yolk on top of that and put a layer of sauce on top and plated the bacon next to it. He finished it off by sprinking a pinch of powdered hot pepper offer the sauce. He set the plates at the table and knocked on Elwins door. "Time for breakfast~" He said in a sing song tone.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Elwin smelt the food before he heard the knock on the door. He rolled over before slowly getting up. He opened the door slowly, "How are you so alive at such an hour?" He tried to say before covering his mouth to yawn. His hair was out of its braid and hung over both shoulders. It waved at the bottom before curling at the ends some. He walked into the kitchen and turned around, "You know you didn't have to do this, right? My sis-"He stopped himself when he realized that he wouldn't be going back to his sister's for breakfast anymore and on que his lip started to hurt... or rather he just noticed. "Sorry, thank you for making breakfast. It smells amazing."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roshia Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Roshia woke up in her bed, alone. She had sent Nasir home after telling him that what they did couldn't happen again. Nasir tried to talk her out of it, but she suggest that he look towards Ofelia's direction when it came to relationships, that she saw the way she looked at him. He left upset, but she knew it was for the best. She didn't want to do that to him. She loved him. "What the fuck are you going to do now, Roshia? You are going to get the fuck up and do what the fuck needs to be done... not like you have to cook for anyone anymore." She got up and went make a short breakfast before eating and dressing. She got Cossie and made her way towards the woods. She needed to hunt and collect items for the summer tourist.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
"Uh-uh, we have no time for being down today, we have cake to bake, and if you bake a cake when youre down its gonna be a sad cake. We dont like sad deflated cakes do we?" Atlas said, as he grabbed Elwins hand and pulled him over to the table and sat him down "Eat up. Youre comin with me today, you can see the world I live in, since you showed me a little of yours" He said as he sat down and took a bite of his breakfast. He glanced at Elwin for a moment as he ate rather energetically. "You can meet my cat, she loves everyone, so im sure she will like you too" He said with a bit of enthusiasm.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea

Elwin smiled and ate breakfast. It was delicious, like everything Atlas made.
He is so energetic. It is so cute, but kind of reminds me of my kindergarten teacher. Hell he was cute too. No shame in that. He looked up at Atlas, food in cheek and nodded before swallowing. "I would love your recipe on how to be so energetic in the morning. And your cat sounds like a sweetheart. I wouldn't mind, though I did get hissed at by one cat in my lifetime." He laughed. "Oh and I will warn you now... I have no idea how to bake."
