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Andrew Harolds

"Will I like it? Who knows. But I sure will deal with it."

0 · 435 views · located in New York

a character in “Victims of the Bond”, originally authored by Durandal, as played by RolePlayGateway



Name: Andrew Harolds
Nickname: Drew, Gideon
Age: 19
God: Athena

Inspiring Words- Andrew can use this power to inspire anyone to do almost anything. The only limitation to this power is that the person who is having the effect imparted upon them must also desire the goal to which the inspiration leads. Part of this aura increases his own strength and speed.
Crafts and Battle- As the Chosen of Athena, Andrew had gained two of the most prominent features of the Goddess: the ability to quickly master any sort of physical crafting and expert knowledge over strategic warfare.
Justice- One of Athena's aspects is justice, and this has carried on to Andrew as well. He is able to deal a powerful magical blow against one he believes is guilty of something.
Andrew is not very good socially. Despite his ability to inspire people with ease, he is usually quiet around others, speaking only when it is important. In addition, while his powers are versatile, they are only useful under certain situations. These powers also drain him physically if used.
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Andrew is certainly not a very large or imposing man. Standing at an average 5'9", he weighs 160 lbs total. Despite this, he has a slim, well-built physique, displaying his strength in a subtle manner. Darkly tanned, his dark hair falls to his shoulders, framing his face. He has brown eyes, and also sports a beard, albeit a small one. Not too picky about clothing, he wears whatever is necessary for the day. Normally, however, one can find him in a black t-shirt with brown shorts.

  • Working out
  • Playing thinking games such as chess and Go.
  • Reading about history or military strategy
  • Video games
  • Drawing and modeling
  • Violent people
  • Being forced to do things
  • Coercion
  • Cruelty
  • Failing something he could have accomplished
  • Death
  • Having to kill someone he knows personally
  • Spiders, mainly large ones

Andrew is a very calm and respectful person. He was taught by his parents to always be considerate of others, even when they treated you badly. This has carried itself with him throughout life, for he will always be courteous to everyone. There are exceptions to this, however, when such an action would result in something bad for him. Carrying himself with an air of confidence, he will persevere in anything he undertakes and try to convince others to do so as well.
He is also quite calm. It is very hard to unbalance Andrew, and most attempts usually fail. When he is put off his guard, however, he can become angry or confused quickly, hampering his ability to work. Usually reserved, he will wait for others to approach him rather than do so himself unless the need is dire or he feels that something should be said or done.

History: Early in life, Andrew was generally ignored by his parents and siblings because of how quiet he was. Whenever he would try to say something, he would usually be ignored. He was found by Athena on the day he was attacked by a group of children in 3rd grade. Assaulting him, he was helpless to defend himself against their attacks. Despite this, he attempted to overcome them through whatever skill he had. On his way home, he found another classmate that had been attacked by the same group of children. Convincing him that it was going to be ok, he walked home with the other kid. When he turned to leave for his own house, he met Athena. She granted him her blessing, explaining what would happen with the Bond. Accepting this as a means to protect himself and those around him, he was able to get the bullies to respect him, stopping their attacks. Throughout middle and high school, he displayed a deep interest in art, warfare, and law, studying these things in his spare time. Recently graduated, that has not stopped him from learning. Though few in friends, he has the respect of many.

Family: Born to a family of seven, Andrew was the youngest child. He had two brothers and two sisters, all of whom have left the country. His mother, Anna Jenson, currently lives in Ohio while his father, Christopher Harolds, is deployed overseas as an aid worker.

So begins...

Andrew Harolds's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Andrew Harolds
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A wind rushed through the olive groves. Dew glimmered faintly on the branches, radiating the light of the early morning sun. A few droplets trembled as the wind passed by, descending to the Earth as they were forced off their homes by the breeze. One of these drops landed in Andrew's eyes, causing a stinging sensation. "Damn," he muttered. Just his luck for a tiny drop to find its way into his eye. Rubbing slightly to ease the pain, he squinted towards the horizon. It felt as if he was waiting for something, he just couldn't say what. Plucking at his long, black coat, the wind was no more as existent as the rest of the dream.

"We meet again, Andrew."

Turning, his eyes came to rest on a tall, proud figure. Not proud in a way that exuded arrogance, dominating the situation whether one liked that or not; it was a quiet confidence, a woman sure of her position yet open to the ideas of others.

Bowing, he murmured, "A pleasure to meet you again, Athena. It is time, isn't it?" The breeze picked up a bit, causing his coat to shake even more violently. Athena's robe was not disturbed by the wind, lying inert. Did she control part of his dream?

Smiling warmly, her gray eyes twinkled with a hidden joy, yet underscored by a measuring gaze, judging his worth. Somehow it made her seem all the more comforting. "It is, my Chosen. I would ask you if you remember, but I'm quite certain you do."

A faint smile graced his lips. To him, Athena was a second mother in many respects. She had visited him often, teaching him about the world, about knowledge, about the Greek gods, and how to harness himself. "Where is this meeting?"

"Straight to the point," she chuckled. Taking off the helm she wore, blonde hair pulled up into an intricate pattern was revealed. "Tonight, you must arrive at a cafe on the corner of 22nd and Main Street. Arrive there when you can. Anything else?"

Tilting his head as he briefly thought. "Not for now. Thank you, Athena. I shall make you proud."

"You already have." With that, her form dissolved into golden particles, floating off into the wind. A few brushed his cheek, imparting a feeling of rest. Proceeding to lie under the boughs of the nearest olive tree, a massive being easily hundreds of years old, he closed his eyes, thoughts drifting off. Something popped in, and he thought about grasping it and analyzing, but the grass was just so peaceful...

Eyes snapped open and looked at the clock by his side. A recollection of an earlier time when wind-up clocks graced every house, small bells shrilly calling the inhabitants to rise, the bronzed object showed a time of 7:30. Later than he usually woke, but time had no meaning in dreams. Rising, he put on a white shirt and gym shorts. Despite the importance of the day and possible preparation, he was not one to miss completing his morning exercise.

The chill wind, much sharper than the one he had experienced in the dream, cut through the clothing, stripping away the warmth radiating off of the body. Andrew did not notice. His mind was ensorcelled by the coming Bonding. What would it be like? Who would he be bonded to, and what would their personality be? Thoughts rushed through his head, along with countless scenarios, all different.

Time flew by as he went through his day mechanically. Usually he payed attention to what he was doing, correcting any errors in the conduct of the activity. While he had not truly forgotten about the Bonding, he had pushed it to the side. While certainly a matter if importance, he did not want to consider being permanently connected to another person no matter how kind. It was simply something he didn't want to do.

As five o' clock approached, he returned to his flat, unlocking the door. Walking through the sparsely furnished apartment, Andrew looked into the small closet adjoining his bedroom. Nothing too formal, for that would imply he was above the rest. Certainly not something that he wanted to come off as. Meanwhile, too casual an attire imparted the idea that he was irresponsible or simply did not care about what others thought. Then again, maybe he was thinking over this too much.

Throwing a dark jacket over his shoulder, he selected a pair of brown pants of fine quality yet not so fine that one would mark them out. Throwing on a dull red t-shirt, he slipped his arms through the jacket sleeves. Opening a drawer hidden under a pile of books, he pulled out a small gleaming piece of metal. A hunting knife, passed down though his family for generations. Slipping it into his jacket, he also extracted a throwing knife. Considering taking more, he decided against it. He should be able to handle any problem with the two knives. With this, he should be able to handle any trouble that arose at the cafe. It was 5:15. Stepping out and locking the door, he meandered towards the location. "6:45," his watch showed when he looked at it. He was there. Staring at the nondescript location, he though about the strangeness of such a small place for an auspicious event such as this. Deciding it was something for later consideration, he stepped into the cafe.

"Good luck," a familiar voice whispered in his ear. Smiling, he looked around the almost-deserted building. It seemed he wasn't the first person there. A girl sat at the counter, wearing a long, purple gown. Red hair flowed over her shoulders, natural it seemed. Next to her was another man, taller than him and well built. He must know her.

Deciding to let them speak to each other, he walked over to one of the booths in the corner where he could watch everyone that walked in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Andrew Harolds
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#, as written by CutUp

Chris laid, spread out on a bed in some rundown motel. The sheets half covered him, he had drool dripping down from the corner of his mouth, and onto the pillow he was laying on. He was out like a light. Zeus appeared over him, and shook his head at the sight of his chosen. Zeus peeked over at the alarm clock on the nightstand next to the bed, it was 4:30 pm, nearing the time of the bonding ceremony. Zeus flicked his wrist, and small bolt of lightning shot out of the god's hand, knocking Chis off the bed, and onto the floor.

"What?! I'm up!" Chris said as he regained his bearings. Chris looked up at Zeus, and ran his fingers through his short, blonde hair. "Sup?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. Zeus rolled his eyes. "It's time." He stated in a stern, commanding voice. "For.....tea?" Chris sarcastically replied as he got up. "Ah, that wit of yours. Adorable. No, the Bonding ceremony is today." Zeus answered with a slight chuckle. "I live to please Zeusy. Or be pleased, depending on my mood." Chris searched through his cloths to find the least dirty pair of jeans.

"So, where's this thing going down at?" Chris asked as he pulled up a pair of pants. "Coffee shop, corner of 22nd, and Main." Chris gave him a confused look. "A coffee shop? Really? Out of all the places you could have chosen you picked a coffee shop? Come on man! Where's your sense of showmanship? You couldn't have sprung for....I don't know, some kind of Indiana Jones-type temple under a old library or something?" Chris then began searching for a shirt now. "A pizza party at Chucke Cheese sounds more magical than that. At least there they have ski-ball." He found a black tee shirt, and a red button down shirt. He threw on the tee shirt first, and then the button down shirt. He rolled up the top shirt's sleeves up right at his elbows, showing off his tattoo. He made sure his necklace was easily shown as well. "Dually noted. Be there at 6:30." Zeus ordered, and then disappeared. "So, no cuddling then? I feel so cheap." Chris smirked as he started packing up all his things.

Once everything was packed he started to leave his room. But needed a quick pick-me-up. He held out his hand towards the lamp that sat on the nightstand. The electricity flowed out the lamp, and into his hand as he absorbed the energy. It took a good minute before he completely drained it. "Ah, kicks Red Bull's ass any day." Chris then took his single suitcase on out the door. He took his bag to his car, a 1970 red Ford Mustang, that he affectionately named Denise. He tossed it in Denise's truck, and turned his room keys into the front desk.

Not too long after that he arrived at the coffee shop. Chris entered the coffee shop, and was pointed in the general area where everyone was sitting. "Sup mofos? I'm Chris. The pleasure's all yours." He said, not really directing his greeting to anyone. He sat down at a chair at a empty table. He leaned back in the chair, and propped his feet up on the table.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Andrew Harolds
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#, as written by CutUp

Chris laid, spread out on a bed in some rundown motel. The sheets half covered him, he had drool dripping down from the corner of his mouth, and onto the pillow he was laying on. He was out like a light. Zeus appeared over him, and shook his head at the sight of his chosen. Zeus peeked over at the alarm clock on the nightstand next to the bed, it was 4:30 pm, nearing the time of the bonding ceremony. Zeus flicked his wrist, and small bolt of lightning shot out of the god's hand, knocking Chis off the bed, and onto the floor.

"What?! I'm up!" Chris said as he regained his bearings. Chris looked up at Zeus, and ran his fingers through his short, blonde hair. "Sup?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. Zeus rolled his eyes. "It's time." He stated in a stern, commanding voice. "For.....tea?" Chris sarcastically replied as he got up. "Ah, that wit of yours. Adorable. No, the Bonding ceremony is today." Zeus answered with a slight chuckle. "I live to please Zeusy. Or be pleased, depending on my mood." Chris searched through his cloths to find the least dirty pair of jeans.

"So, where's this thing going down at?" Chris asked as he pulled up a pair of pants. "Coffee shop, corner of 22nd, and Main." Chris gave him a confused look. "A coffee shop? Really? Out of all the places you could have chosen you picked a coffee shop? Come on man! Where's your sense of showmanship? You couldn't have sprung for....I don't know, some kind of Indiana Jones-type temple under a old library or something?" Chris then began searching for a shirt now. "A pizza party at Chucke Cheese sounds more magical than that. At least there they have ski-ball." He found a black tee shirt, and a red button down shirt. He threw on the tee shirt first, and then the button down shirt. He rolled up the top shirt's sleeves up right at his elbows, showing off his tattoo. He made sure his necklace was easily shown as well. "Dually noted. Be there at 6:30." Zeus ordered, and then disappeared. "So, no cuddling then? I feel so cheap." Chris smirked as he started packing up all his things.

Once everything was packed he started to leave his room. But needed a quick pick-me-up. He held out his hand towards the lamp that sat on the nightstand. The electricity flowed out the lamp, and into his hand as he absorbed the energy. It took a good minute before he completely drained it. "Ah, kicks Red Bull's ass any day." Chris then took his single suitcase on out the door. He took his bag to his car, a 1970 red Ford Mustang, that he affectionately named Denise. He tossed it in Denise's truck, and turned his room keys into the front desk.

Not too long after that he arrived at the coffee shop. Chris entered the coffee shop, and was pointed in the general area where everyone was sitting. "Sup mofos? I'm Chris. The pleasure's all yours." He said, not really directing his greeting to anyone. He sat down at a chair at a empty table. He leaned back in the chair, and propped his feet up on the table.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lennon Price Character Portrait: Andrew Harolds
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A sharp pain in her head woke Lennon up from a deep sleep. She knew what that usually meant, and bolted upright in her bed. Looked around her bedroom, but saw no sign of it. Strange. The only time she had pain like that was when it visited. Confused and blurry-eyed, she looked over at her clock saw that it was only 4:00 a.m. She sighed in irritation and tried to go back to sleep. She had barely closed her eyes when felt the foot of her bed get weighted down. She opened her eyes again.

Sitting in front of her was a massive, three-headed Hellhound. It's teeth were so long and sharp that they stuck out it's mouth like giant needles, and it's eyes were red like blood and completely soulless. This thing could tear a person apart in three seconds or steal their soul to drag them down to Hades for eternal torment.

One of the heads reached down and started licking it's junk.

A disembodied voice started shouting from the Hellhound. ”Stop that! You're dog from Hell, how are going to instill fear in others if you're doing that!”

One of the other heads fell asleep.

The voice growled in anger, and Lennon laughed. She reached over and started scratching the head that wasn't busy. ”It's just a puppy. It'll be tearing throats out and making people piss their pants when it's trained. Anyways, is there something you wanted, Hades?”

”That's Lord of the Underworld to you. Show some respect.”

“Ok, Dipshit.”

A pause. “Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you now.”

“Because you'd lose your investment. And, admit it, you love my backbone, it makes me interesting.”

A sigh. ”The point of my visit is to inform you about the upcoming Bonding ceremony. It's tonight. A coffee shop on 22nd Main Street.”

Lennon's jaw actually dropped. She could feel the satisfaction emanating from the god over her discomfort. She struggled for an excuse not to go, and could only come up with, ”But I have to go to work to today!”

Hades chuckled sinisterly. ”Look, princess, you're going even if I have to come up there and drag you there by your hair myself.”

“You mean get off your ass? Miracle!”

There was silence for a time, then his voice came back deep and menacing. ”If you don't get bonded like you promised me years ago, I will have no use for you. And you know what I do to people I have no use for.”

She did know, and for the first time she was afraid. Not that she would admit it. She pursed her lips. ”Fine, I'll go. But I want some spending money.” Hades was also the God of Fortune. But he also seemed to be a tight wad, as Lennon rarely ever reaped the benefits of it. Once and a while she could convince him to give her a couple of extra bucks, but it was rare.

He growled, but said, ”Deal.” The Hellhound suddenly hopped down from the bed and jumped through the open window. The last thing she heard before it disappeared from sight was, ”22nd Main Street. Be there. Or I'm coming for you.”

Later that day, Lennon stood in front of the coffee shop in full 'Lennon Gear', including heavily applied black make-up that contrasted with her pale-as-death skin, and red extensions in her hair. She hoped looking like this would scare off her fellow Bondmate. Then she wouldn't have to be Bonded, and Hades would let her be. Everyone wins.

She stepped inside and saw that several people had already arrived. She walked over to the counter where the barista was at, and saw two others. She nodded a greeting at them but didn't say anything. To the barista, she said, ”I want a regular medium coffee. Black. And a piece of apple pie.”

In an effort not to look short, she leaned against the end of the counter, and started fiddling with the fifty she found in her pocket earlier that day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley Character Portrait: Lennon Price
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Lewis Hartley

Lewis rolled to his back slowly opening his eyes to an almost pitch black apartment. He threw his leg over the side of his bed, reached out and pulled the blinds open immediately filling the room with sunlight. He lived in a decent looking studio apartment in an otherwise abandoned looking building, just one of its many charms which also include the fact that the entrance to his place is in an alleyway that looks like the perfect place to get stabbed in the kidney. Nonetheless it was quite homey for him. He hated having to much room to do nothing with and with this he had just enough room for himself and Roger.

”Mornin’ Roge.” he groaned getting up from a dreamless sleep. With a long stretch he made his way to the bathroom for a quick shower, there was no plans for the day but he didn’t feel like spending another day indoors making it a total of three days of no communication to the outside world and yet another uneventful evening. So if he was going anywhere it wasn’t about to be in three day old stink. Once he finished he pulled on some jeans, a gray flannel shirt and his favorite pair of worn black sneakers. Grabbing a chocolate pop tart from the fridge along with a mix of Roger’s food that was already prepared he stepped back into the main room and over to Roger’s terrarium. ”What’s up buddy.” he smirked putting some of the greens into his food bowl and also grabbing some of the neighboring crickets.

With Roger settled Lewis made his way to the door, grabbing his sweater as he stepped into the elevator. Pulling the cage down and clicking the only other button he ever used he started to descend. He patted his pockets finding a box of Marlboro with only one cigarette left. Liting it he crumpled the box and let it fall to the corner of the elevator. There was no reason for him to smoke except that he found the taste of them intriguing and it was a benefit that, like most things of its nature, had no affect on him. He could smoke a hundred in a day and do a triathlon as he lit the hundredth and one.

Shutting his eyes he leaned back for only a second before that familiar voice rang in his ears. “Hello dear.” her sultry voice wrapping around his head.

”Aphrodite.” He smiled, biting the tip of cigarette. ”To what do I owe the pleasure?” With the sound of light shuffling he could tell she was moving closer, only being confirmed by her fingers tightly pulling the cigarette out of his mouth. Irritably opening his eyes he made note of her shockingly emerald eyes and long flowing hair while wearing a tight black dress with bright red lipstick with shoes to match. "On the prowl?"

“The ceremony is tonight.” She went on completely ignoring his jest.


“Yes. The Bonding Ceremony.”

”Right. The Ceremony. Great.” He had completely forgot about it, but why would he want to remember? He was less than thrilled that he would have to participate in this, it was completely out of his element.

“Please darling, don’t act stupid.”

”Fine. Where is it?”

“Here.” Holding out her hand was a small piece of paper. “It’s all there. No later than seven my dear.” With that the elevator gave off a small ding which drew Lewis’s attention for only a split second and when he looked back to where she had been standing she was gone.

He threw the gate to the elevator up and made his way down the hall making sure to tightly lock up the door when he was outside. With a quick right he hopped onto his motorcycle, 1980 Honda CB750, with a few improvements, that he acquired when he left home. Unraveling the piece of paper he read in delicate handwriting: 22ND AND MAIN STREET. Pocketing the note he was off and managed to get there a little before seven. A coffee shop? he asked himself getting off his bike and placing his helmet on his handlebars. Once inside he was directed to everyone else. There was already several people that had showed up and without seeing a real reason to have any introductions he sat in a seat to the wall waiting for this whole show to start.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley Character Portrait: Lennon Price
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Kat Jones

Kat perked up as the door opened, Anthony in the entry-way.

”Yea! On ....time?” She giggled at him. Artemis probably told him to get here early. If anyone knew of his lazy nature it would have to be Artemis.

“I was a little early as per usual,” She explained as she returned his hug. He was warm and cuddly, kinda like a big animal. You know... because he kinda was one. Whatever. Kat shook the strange thought process out of her head.

"And now, how are you? It's been a week, I think....or...two naps? What measurement of time are we going by?" Anthony rambled on in his normal energetic speech pattern. Kat snickered at him, shaking her head lightly.

“What time are YOU going by is the better question,” she countered. “It has been a while. I've had a rough week of homework and playing too much Diablo III, you know. The usual.” She felt out of place. She was just a silly little gamer girl, all glamed up because her god was about to bind her to someone for eternity. How much stranger could her life get?

“What do you think of the dress?” Kat asked as she twirled. The door opened again, interrupting their conversation. A nice looking man walked through the door, glancing at her and Anthony. His long brown hair was wavy, hitting the base of his neck. He looked...collected. She watched as he ingnored them and went to sit on his own. Kat, being who she was did not attempt to approach him.

'He must be another Chosen,' the thought. He looked kinda familiar although she couldn't decide from where.

“Are you nervous? I,” She tried to return to her conversation with Anthony, but the reality of it all was setting in now. She felt a tightness in her chest. The door opened again to reveal a rather intimidating fellow. Tall and beefy, he looked like he had just walked out of a fight. Another Chosen?

The door almost immediately opened again. She knew this person. His perfect blonde hair, and muscly build. She had heard more than a few girls swoon over him. What was his name again? Jake...or...Dave...something with a C?

"Sup mofos? I'm Chris. The pleasure's all yours." Chris. Kat snorted as he entered the room. She turned to Anthony,

“Can you believe this guy?” she whispered. He was so cocky. It was charming, she supposed. She couldn't even fathom what it took to have that kind of oozing confidence.

Next a rather dark looking girl came in and ordered something at the bar. What was it with all these Chosen? Did none of them want to socialize? She wasn't, but she has social anxiety so she had a pretty valid excuse. Kinda.

The last to enter was a very attractive male. He had an aura around him, like he could make people do what he wanted with a bat of his very long attractive eyelashes. Kat sighed. Even for a Chosen she seemed very lackluster compared to the others.

“excuse me, miss?” One of the servers tapped her on the shoulder.

“Uhh...hello,” Kat said hesitantly.

“We were supposed to hand these out, but I have my hands full in the back, do you mind?” The server didn't wait for Kat to respond and handed her a basket. Kat really didn't feel like handing anything out. She looked down and groaned.

Name tags, the gods had sent them name tags. How more cliché did they have to make this? Was it supposed to be some sort of Godling mixer? She noticed they didn't actually have their names on them, but their gods. Kat took the one with Dionysus's name and clipped it to her gown.

“Here you go, enjoy” Kat said sarcastically as she gave Anthony the Artemis tag. She went to each person in the order they had come in.

She approached the brunette sitting by himself. He seemed nice enough. She took a deep breath.

“Hello,” She said awkwardly. “I suppose I am supposed to hand these out...or something?” it came out more as a question than a statement.

“I'm Kat, Chosen of Dionysus. And you are?” She asked, flipping through the tags. When he answered she handed him the appropriate tag. She flashed what she hopped was a charming smile and then moved on to the brute who had entered second.

She followed the same motion, making rounds, handing everyone the corresponding tags and introducing herself. She felt like having a panic attack when it was done.

She sat back down next to Anthony.

“We are still missing five. Apollo, Hephaestus, Poseidon, Hermes, and Hera.” hopefully they would arrive soon. Poor Kat couldn't take much more of this very gloomy party.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley Character Portrait: Lennon Price
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Andrew watched as others began entering the coffee shop. First entered a man, quite massive. Standing close to seven feet tall, he was broad, extremely muscled. Scars crisscrossed his body, testaments to various "battles" he had been in. By no means was he a child. In fact, he appeared to be older than anyone else here, including him. Though, appearances did not always match reality. Over the scars lay a plethora of tattoos. If he was correct, some of theses indicated membership to one of the city gangs. Certainly something to remember. Chosen of Ares, perhaps? Nothing else would match the man.

Another guy strode in- Chris he said- with a red shirt, blond hair, and dream-catcher necklace swinging around his neck. An interesting choice of attire for someone like him. Especially considering his introduction. He was either quite cocky or attempting to hide some sort of insecurity. Most likely the former, considering the way he sat at the table, feet nonchalantly placed on the top. Now which god had chosen him?

Following Chris was a girl dressed in what would be considered goth or emo attire: all-black makeup, black t-shirt with a stylized cross design, black pants with a skeletal hand-print, and white shoes. Quite an eccentric choice for a meeting such as this. Maybe she normally dressed like that. Or maybe she was attempting to make a statement, though what it could be he could not guess. Scare away her Bonded, maybe? And it may have been stereotypical, but Andrew assumed she was the Chosen of Hades from the attire provided.

Another man stepped in, seemingly older just as the first person to come in after him had been. Now this was certainly an enigma. Standing fairly tall, the man was well-built, though not towering as the first person. Other than that, he was nondescript enough, wearing a simple shirt and jeans. Now who could he be? Something to figure out for later, perhaps.

A server walked up to the girl who had been here before him, handing her a basket of some sorts. Perplexed, he realized that it was simply a receptacle for name tags. It seemed she was the Chosen of Dionysus. And her companion was the Chosen of Artemis. A unique match up. As she approached him, he smiled softly. She was quite shy, much like him.

“Hello. I suppose I am supposed to hand these out...or something? I'm Kat, Chosen of Dionysus. And you are?” she asked.

"Andrew. Andrew Harolds. Chosen of Athena. A pleasure to meet you. Forgive me for not greeting you earlier, but I didn't want to disturb your conversation with your friend. An interesting day, isn't it? Well, good luck. I think we'll will need it," he replied, accepting the name tag and bowing slightly in return. Sitting back down, he waited as she handed out the rest of the name tags. They were still missing five people, it seemed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley Character Portrait: Lennon Price
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Anthony snickered as Kat laughed at his silliness; he always enjoyed making her laugh, making anyone laugh, really, and he took what he could get while joking around. As she returned his hug he smiled; even better! A laugh and a hug! If he kept this up, he might get another hug, or maybe even a peck on the cheek! Nah, he wouldn't go for that.... too lazy to try.

"Oh, me? I'm going by the standard Nap time I developed before we met." Anthony joked around, chuckling again. The people he lived with in the apartment hardly knew he existed, so he didn't have to pay for anything but his own food, which wasn't hard to do, because he managed to scrounge a living some how. He probably had Artemis to thank for it, but....unless the Goddess asked for a thank you, he wasn't planning on giving one.

As Kat twirled, asking him of her dress, he let out an appreciative, playful whistle. "Very nice." he said, his tone sincere. "A pity you don't wear it all that often though; it looks good on you." He commented. Anthony opened his mouth again to speak, but as the other Chosen started walking in, he stared at them calmly.

At Kat's next question, he nodded. "Yea...I'm nervous. I mean, after all, what if I get paired up with someone who doesn't let me be lazy? What fun would that be?" He chuckled, his humor hiding how nervous he actually was. Soon the door opened and as it did a spark of flame went off around his nose, and he had a small look of disgust on his face. The door opened again and Chris so....politely introduced himself, and Anthony scoffed again.

"Arrogance, pure, unadulterated arrogance, and rage." He whispered back to Kat, explaining what he smelt off of those two chosen. Now that he remembered, he never did truly explain his powers to Kat; was either asleep or too busy having a fun time with her to care. He knew of her powers, but....his own powers were a bit of a mystery, as far as he knew, to her.

"Oh, thanks!" Anthony said in an equally joking and sarcastic tone as Kat handed him the Artemis name-tag, and he yet again chuckled before returning to being rather even-tempered and quite still, as if he were a big cat stalking it's prey. Or, in this case, waiting for someone to even try and hurt Kat; he knew the reputation of Ares' Chosen, and he did not like it at all. He didn't like the look of him, he didn't like the smell of him, he just flat out didn't like him.

Aphrodite's Chosen was...different. And Zeus's Chosen was.....ugh. He reeked of the idiocy and confidence that a lot of pretty-boys had. The Mary-Sue of the group, if you will, is what Anthony thought of Zeus's Chosen, and no body likes a Mary Sue except the Mary Sue them-self.

Anthony stretched out with a loud yawn, his inhuman set of canine teeth-top and bottom-exposing themselves again; they were at least an inch and a half long on top, and an inch long on bottom, and looked sharp enough to cut through bone like butter. Surely Kat was used to seeing them; she has known Anthony for little over two years now. At the back of his mind, the Chosen of Artemis wondered how the other Chosen would react to seeing his teeth, if they were in visual range to see them, that is.

Not to mention his feline-yellow eyes that looked as though they could stare into your soul and judge you upon it....but those were a little harder to see in the moderate light of the coffee shop.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley Character Portrait: Lennon Price
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An interesting lot to be sure O God of War but these people really are not my type. Jamie thought with a resigned air as he watched the others file in to where the Gods they had willing indebted themselves had gathered them. A less inauspicious place the scarred and tattoed biker could not think of.

Their fate would forever be changed after this night. Yet the Gods did not see fit to make their last night of freedom something to remember. If the chosen of Ares had not long practice in weathering the storm he might have been angered by such things. Ares had given him nothing more then the will and strength to fight the winds of fate however and promised a price would be paid.

Give me some credit skreb. Ya think these losers are your bonded. All will be revealed in good time.

Go fuck yourself Ares was all Jamie retorted with as he fished a quarter out of his pocket and amused himself for a moment by flipping it through his fingers. Scanning the rest of those indebted to the Gods the vice president of the Southside Demons decided that they were all insane , himself included. After all who choses to be bonded for all time at the age of five.

Those whose lives are otherwise destined to be miserable and wasted. Look at yourself, ya would have been destroyed by that orphanage. Instead I gave you a warrior's fate, don't tell me ya haven't enjoyed the perks.

Not denying it but you promised the freedom never to be beholden to any but myself. To lead a life free as only a warrior can be.

And who says ya will be bound hand and foot to your bonded.

" The other Gods I suppose.." Jamie replied verbally, his voice a harsh sounding thing, a drawn sword that promised nothing good. His rapport with the God he had sworn the oath was interrupted by one of the women of earlier, something about her seemed off. Then he realised she was like a bird in borrowed finery. In her hands was a basket with name tags.

"You're shitting me name tags..." The leather clad biker muttered as he dug through the things looking for his own name." Bloody fucking hell.." This muttered as he lifted the tag written not with his name bur that of Ares.

Feeling like the biggest bloody fool in history he pinned the thing to his chest. His patron revealed for all to see. The haters and supporters could judge him for the dogma he followed. And some here seemed to be doing just that.

" Well this is a right cock up ain't it my fellow chosen. " Jamie spoke to no one in particular.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley Character Portrait: Lennon Price
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Lennon watched the red-head pass out the name-tags, rolling her eyes at all the hokie stops the gods were pulling. She felt like she was at an AA meeting. What was next, them standing in a circle and introducing themselves? If that happened, she leaving. Hades' threat be damned.

She looked around at the other Chosen that had arrived, and made instant judgments on them. Which may be wrong, but come one, who doesn't do it? Most of them were either shy or anti-social as they came in and didn't say anything. Of course, neither did she, but that's because of her somewhat snobbish tendencies.

One of the guys had long long hair and a beard, and reminded her of Jesus. She wondered if he was a hippie, because she thought he looked like one. But as long as he didn't try to talk to her about peace and love or try to sell her pot, she was OK with him. Well, she might not mind the pot. She had spending money, after all.

Then there was the tall guy covered in scars and tattoos. He looked like a gang member, and she wondered if he ever dated her cousin. He was J.J.'s type one-hundred percent. Although dated was generous term, she didn't think it was nice to call her cousin just a piece of ass.

There was a blonde guy that Lennon did not like at all. He seemed really arrogant and self-centered. She wondered if he secretly hoped he was his own Bonded. Then he would be devoted to himself, do things for himself, and be in love with himself. Although, now that she thought about, that didn't seem so bad.

There was one guy in a plaid shirt who looked pretty laid back. He was the only one Lennon had seen so far that she could maybe tolerate being Bonded to since he looked like he would probably leave her alone. She could only hope.

The last guy looked like he was about to fall asleep right where he sat. Lennon envied that. She had spent many a night trying to fall asleep, but her mind is constantly in motion, so most of the time her motor is running on no sleep. She thought his yellow, feline eyes were creepy, and made a mental note to never look him in the eyes.

The only other that had arrived as of yet was the red-head passing out name-tags. The girls was so tall she found herself self-conscious. Next to her, she looked like a little kid. Lennon also noticed that she seemed really nervous. That made sense, but she was the only one actually showing it. At least that's honest.

Said girl approached her. It looked like she was next for a name-tag. Fabulous. “I'm Kat, Chosen of Dionysus. And you are?”

”Hades,” she responded, and took the name-tag. She didn't pin it on herself, though, just held on to it. ”So, this isn't awkward at all, is it?” she said, gesturing around the room.

She noticed that several people hadn't arrived yet. If their gods were anything like Hades and they didn't show up, she figured that they must be braver than she.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley Character Portrait: Lennon Price
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#, as written by CutUp

Chris' eyes studied the other chosen. He could tell that they weren't impressed by his entrance, not that he cared, he doesn't have anything to prove to them. And if they don't like him, then screw 'em. He watched as a red headed girl started going around and passing out name tags. "Come on Zeusy, what did we just talk about. Showmanship man! Showmanship!" he muttered to himself. He let out a pretty big yawn, things were starting to a bit boring.

The ginger then came over to him. She introduced herself as Kat, the chosen of Dionysus. Before he replied to her he took a second to think of which one was Dionysus. "Well I'm Christopher Flynn, I go by Chris. But you can call me anytime Kitten." Chris said with a sly grin. He rummaged through the name tags until he found Zeus'. "Yep, I'm the almighty himself first draft pick." He said with a smile. "But your guy, Dionysus sounds like a blast. God of parties right? Zeusy not that much fun, with his Gandalf hair style. You'd figure a guy that's been depicted as such a man-whore would be some fun. But it makes ya wonder how much of the myths are true huh?"

Chris then looked over at her companion, Artemis' chosen, with his cat like eyes, and big teeth. Seriously, why does a guy need that big of teeth. "So, your buds with Sabretooth over there? Is he not hunting Wolverine anymore or something?" He asked with a bit of a chuckle. He then took his feet off the table, and leaned forward in his chair.

"So, did Dionysus give you any deeds on what's going to happen? Zeusy never tells me anything." Chris asked, that's probably his most serious sentence he's said all day. "He's a dick like that." Chris smirked.

"Sorry if I come off a little.......strong. I'm just a little excited. I can't wait to get this over with." He said with a reassuring smile. "I've waited a long time for this. I'm glad to finally......." Chris started to say that he was glad to finally pay the debt he owed Zeus for getting him out of his situation, but he stopped, and he got visibly uncomfortable. "Meet all the fine goddesses such as yourself." He gave her a wink, hoping she didn't notice his hesitation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley Character Portrait: Lennon Price
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Lewis Hartley

Lewis sat back in his chair, arms lazy resting on the table gently tapping with his fingers, eyes bouncing from person to person. He found his hyper observation an annoying trick but a useful trait, he couldn’t help but turn it on, finding key facts. The redhead passing out the badges; shy, probably the nicest one here so far. Her friend sitting over at their table who couldn’t stop yawning was obviously extremely lazy, or he could just not have slept but Lewis was rarely wrong about these things. With a tight squint Lewis noticed the man’s teeth, large canines and fangs. Perhaps they were caps?

Next to Lewis was another man unusually calm but maybe that was simply in his nature. Then there was the man covered in tattoos and scars. A fighter if the scars on his knuckles had anything to say about him and from the tattoos; a member of the Southside Demons.

He couldn’t get much from the girl at the bar except for the cold that seemed to ooze out of her. He doubted it was actually her feeling but more so something associated with an entirely different thing. Then the blonde, the complete opposite of the girl at the bar. A loudmouth and from the way he kept going on and on, finally stopping at the start of something personal showed he was impulsive. Lewis gave a smirk at the thought of those two being paired up but then they do say opposites attract.

"I'm Kat, Chosen of Dionysus. And you are?” Lewis almost didn’t hear the girl introduce herself as she approached him with the basket. Name tags? Looking into the basket he seen that it was not his name but the names of the gods. Really? He pushed through the few remaining name tags and pulled out Aphrodite’s, pinning it to his left. ”Lewis. Aphrodite’s chosen.” he finally answered leaning back into his chair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley Character Portrait: Lennon Price
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#, as written by Belynta
The German Shepherd sat on his haunches, tongue lolling out and eyes bright, his ears were pricked as though waiting for something which in this case he was. He whined and to anyone who did not know the dog it sounded like he was in pain. The young woman sitting nearby, head bent over her sketchpad, ignored him concentrating instead on the pad in front of her. The dog whined again and after another minute she sighed and put the sketchpad aside.

"Fine you win Jake." She said with a sigh and a small smile

Jake, the German Shepherd, bounded to his feet and began wagging his tail furiously and all but bouncing on the spot. She picked up the rather worn and damaged looking tennis ball beside her and threw it as far as she could. Jake was off like a shot chasing after the ball which she had intentionally thrown pretty far. She grinned as she watched her dog pursue his prize with single minded determination. She stretched her arms above her head working out the kinks in her shoulders from sitting hunched over for so long, she had been sketching most of the day but had been so absorbed in it that she hadn't realised how late it had gotten.

That's very good Meredith

Meredith jumped in shock and was sure that her heart had actually stopped for a minute, once she had recovered she sighed loudly and turned to glare at the large wolf that now stood behind her.

"Will you stop doing that Apollo!"

But you make it so much fun Meredith.Even though Meredith heard the voice in her head she swore the wolf in front of her would laugh if it could. Why Apollo persisted in appearing as an animal to her when he didn't have to appear at all still confused Meredith, but then he was a god and she guessed he needed something other than scaring her to keep him amused.

"What do you want Apollo? And it better not be another dig about my wardrobe!"

Apollo was known as one of the most handsome gods and Meredith had learned that he liked to dress well and expected the same of his chosen. But he had not yet managed to get her to dress how he wanted but that still did not stop him from trying on an annoyingly regular basis. She happened to like the way she dressed and wasn't about to change for anyone but there was also a part of her that enjoyed thwarting the god.
Actually it is not, I have come to tell you it is time. The ceremony is tonight. You need to be leaving for this address as soon as possible. Do not let me down Meredith.

Before she could protest the wolf had vanished and Jake was running back towards her with the ball. "Bloody hell apollo, you can't just drop something like that on me and then leave!"
Unsurprisingly there was no reply and she cursed loudly before grabbing her stuff and Jake's lead and heading back to the small apartment she shared with her brother. Thankfully he wasn't in and so she was able to change and leave again wiithout having to explain anything. Her brother knew of her deal with Apollo but wasn't particularly happy about it and she didn't really want to have to argue with him.

A short time later she stood outside a coffee shop feeling distinctly underwhelmed at the choice of venue for what was supposedly an incredibly important ceremony. She hesitated outside trying to convince herself that it actually wouldn't be that bad, that things would somehow magically turn out perfectly and she wouldn't end up bonded with someone who hated her. She wondered if she could get away with walking away and not actually going inside but she pushed that thought away, Apollo might appear gentle and kind but he did not like to be disobeyed. She had learned that lesson a long time ago.

With a final sigh she ensured her clothes were ok and straightened her long red t shirt over her black skinny jeans and pulled her leather jacket closer together before pushing open the door. She was clearly one of the last to arrive as there was a few people already sitting in there and all looked awkward and uncomfortable about being there. A red haired girl was handing out what appeared to tags.

"Hey there." She said. "so this is the lets get bonded, whether we want to or not, party. I see I haven't missed much."

She plucked her name tag out of the ones remaining as the red head passed and with a grimace pinned it to her jacket.
"So yeah, I'm Apollo's chosen or whatever you'd prefer to call it."

She looked around for somewhere to sit and decided on a seat on the other side of the table to where a guy with lots of scars sat. He was huge and looked pretty pissed at being there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley Character Portrait: Lennon Price
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Kat Jones

As she handed the first his name tag, he answered her.

“Andrew. Andrew Harolds. Chosen of Athena. A pleasure to meet you. Forgive me for not greeting you earlier, but I didn't want to disturb your conversation with your friend. An interesting day, isn't it? Well, good luck. I think we'll will need it," Her nervous nature kept her from responding so she just smiled in return. He seemed friendly enough, very nice and well mannered. It eased her nervousness. She moved next to the brutish looking guy, she winced at his less than gentle demeanor, but gave him a small smile despite it.

As she approached the muscly blonde she felt a tightness in her chest. He was one of those 'cool kids.' Someone who would berate her for spending her time playing Mario Kart for hours on end. He seemed nice enough, if a little abrasive but it didn't ease the anxiety creeping up within her.

“Hi!” She said a little too enthusiastically. “I'm Kat, Chosen of Dionysus.”

”Well I'm Christopher Flynn, I go by Chris. But you can call me anytime Kitten." he responded. Kat tried not to look too horrified at being flirted with and instead slowly turned a color that matched her hair.

“Uhh.....” She stammered as he flipped through the basket. Zeus. He picked Zeus. Of course he did. He seemed to watch where her eyes fell.

"Yep, I'm the almighty himself first draft pick." He said with a smile. "But your guy, Dionysus sounds like a blast. God of parties right? Zeusy not that much fun, with his Gandalf hair style. You'd figure a guy that's been depicted as such a man-whore would be some fun. But it makes ya wonder how much of the myths are true huh?" She didn't have the heart to tell Chris that Dionysus didn't pick her for her party-hard lifestyle, but instead of her unstable mental state. He glanced over at Anthony.

"So, your buds with Sabretooth over there? Is he not hunting Wolverine anymore or something?" Kat snorted at the glorious marvel reference but then looked a little concerned. She didn't like it when people picked on Anthony for his animistic appearance.

“Well he's not a member of the X-Men I assure you,” She answered.

"So, did Dionysus give you any deeds on what's going to happen? Zeusy never tells me anything. He's a dick like that." His smile was nice and warm and Kat ended up smiling too.

“No, unfortunately I think they like keeping us in the dark.” She answered. “I'm sure we will all know soon enough.” She went to walk away, when Chris continued to talk.

"Sorry if I come off a little.......strong. I'm just a little excited. I can't wait to get this over with. I've waited a long time for this. I'm glad to all the fine goddesses such as yourself." Kat felt the emotions in him swirl, she wasn't trying to read him but he was very expressive. Even someone who wasn't an empath could tell he was on the verge of saying something way more serious. He tried to cover it all with a wink. A very handsome wink. Kat wasn't used to being flirted with. She wasn't used to being winked at. She turned bright red again.

“Well...uh...thank you? I think we are all ready for this to be over.” She then hurried off before the beautiful blonde man could make go any further up the red color scale.

The next girl didn't actually tell her what her name was. Only introduced herself as Hades. It must be really hard to have him as your god. She wondered what kind of terrifying powers came with that. What did she get in exchange for this bond?

“So, this isn't awkward at all, is it?” The girl asked.

“Yeah it is,” Kat sighed, glad someone shared her view on the situation. The girl didn't seem the like the talkative type so Kat didn't linger long.

“Hopefully it will all be over soon,” Kat answered as she left.

She tried to keep her cool as she walked up to the last man. What was it with all these stupidly attractive people here? She felt like garbage compared to them. Especially this guy. She was suddenly very grateful that Dionysus had dressed her. At least her dress was pretty.

'You are being an idiot.' She chided herself, took a deep breath and approached him.

“I'm Kat, Chosen of Dionysus.”

”Lewis. Aphrodite’s chosen.” He answered shortly, taking his tag.

“It's nice to meet you,” She answered. She kept her encounter brief with him and hurried to sit down next to Anthony. She was counting the name tags when another girl walked through the door.

She was dressed in red and black, her dark hair falling loosely about her. She seemed pleasant and warm and just as uncomfortable as the rest of them.

"Hey there." She said. "so this is the lets get bonded, whether we want to or not, party. I see I haven't missed much."

“Yeah,” Kat answered. "We are still waiting on a few people. I'm Kat, Chosen of Dionysus.”

"So yeah, I'm Apollo's chosen or whatever you'd prefer to call it." the dark haired girl replied as she took her name tag. She then took a seat next to Ares' Chosen.

'Brave girl,' Kat muttered.

“The dining room is ready for you guys,” The receptionist called to Kat.

“Excuse me?”

“The dining room? Is ready for you?” The girl seemed weirded out that Kat didn't know about it. Kat followed the girl into a double doored room. As the doors opened a large table with 12 seats sat before her. It was covered in all sorts of foods. There was a basket in the center of the table. Filled with red ribbons.

Red Ribbons. That was a Chinese legend though, not Greek. Kat sighed. This whole day had been one stressful event. She took the closest seat.

“Go ahead and eat,” The receptionist offered. “I'll lead the stragglers in with their name tags as they arrive.”

Kat nodded, but didn't rush for a plate. Her stomach was suddenly in knots.

“I guess this gives us a chance to get to know each other?” Kat said aloud to no one in particular. She knew better, most of the people here were pretty standoffish.

“The ribbons, it's a legend you know.” She started rambling, nervous. “It is said in Chinese lore that when you are born an, invisible red thread attaches you to your soul mate.” Kat suddenly felt stupid but couldn't quit talking.

“Uh.. but how can a ribbon be invisible and red at the same time? It doesn't make sense,” She laughed very awkwardly and then grabbed some of the fruit from one of the plates to give her mouth something to do other than humiliate herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley Character Portrait: Lennon Price
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This was perhaps the most trying experience of Jamie's life. Sitting in the middle of a coffee shop waiting for the love of his life to show up as it were wasn't exactly his idea of a thrilling time.

I mean would've killed it you to spring for maybe a strip club or some place they serve booze at least. The Vice President of the Southside Demons MC thought with an annoyed sigh that his brothers in arms could tell you boded ill.

Don't blame me skerb I wanted dancing girls and rivers of intoxications. They others voted me down bunch of fucking prudes I tell Hades case the zombie is just cheap.

By Hades balls I'd have paid for a decent party myself if money was the issue.

And I would've paid for a damn party myself if the other useless gods and goddesses would've agreed.

Deciding that line of thought would profit him nothing Jamie abandoned it and ordered himself a triple expresso knowing it might be a long night. Slowly sipping it he watched the other chosen go about their social interactions. Normally one for being in the thick of such things the Berserker wanted nothing to due with this group. Because in and amongst them was the one with whom he would be bonded. A concept the scarred and tattooed fighter also wanted nothing do with.

He loved the freedom of his current life. Jamie loved the open road as he rode beside his fellow Southside Demons. A bond mate seemed the complete opposite of the freedom of a steel horse and a loaded gun. But a promise was a promise even when made under the duress of orphanage life.

Lost in thought it was no wonder he almost missed the subtle difference of a woman sitting across from him. Almost that was. He turned his head briefly to look at her and decided he didn't mind some eye candy. Though she was tiny compared to him, then again so was everyone really.

" Name's Jamie, chosen of Ares in case the sign wasn't enough. " Jamie spoke up to his fellow chosen sitting across from him. His left hand indicating the ridiculous name tag pinned to his leather jacket. The crest embroidered on the leather vest atop the jacket wriggled as he stretched his shoulders. " I'd offer to buy ya drink but the Gods must think us kids who don't drink. They only serve coffee here, how about a latte instead? "


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley Character Portrait: Meredith Mackenzie
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#, as written by CutUp

Chris couldn't help but find Kat's awkwardness a little charming. It's kind of adorable. He watched as another chosen entered a little bit late, she was Apollo's if he read the name tag right. She was pretty hot. He saw that the dining room was open, and evidently they were going to be continuing the ceremony in there. Well at least it's a change of scenery, even if it's merely a room. Chris leaped up out of his chair and followed shortly behind Kat. 'Well, this is at least somewhat better Zeusy.' He thought to himself as he looked the room over.

He noticed the red ribbons in the bowl in the middle of the room. "Weird." He commented about them. He listened as Kat talked about the legend in Chinese myths about these ribbons. "Maybe the ribbons are suppose to represent blood? Like a blood bond." He chimed in. "You know, like what kids do when they cut their hands and mix their blood together. It was pretty common back in the day in Southeastern Europe. Such as Greece. I think the Greeks called it Adelphopoiesis. It's the same principle as the Chinese ribbon thing, but more of a choice." He explained. "Although I think they did it when Christianity rolled in. So I might be reading too deep into it."

Chris was surely an odd fellow indeed. One minute he's this overconfident loud mouth, the next he's this nerdy kind of guy, and then he's an almost insightful guy, and back again. He's a puzzle to be sure. "Or they could just want to be all fancy like. It's something to wonder at least." He sat down at the table next to Kat's, and started digging into his food like a rabid animal. Again he's a puzzle. "Mmmm, not half bad." He inaudibly said with a mouth full of food.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley Character Portrait: Meredith Mackenzie
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Anthony blinked as he heard Chris and Kat talking about him, er, at least, Chris, talking about him as if he were from Marvel. For now, he just smiled; that was a new one, one he'd let slide for a little while before it got old and annoying. He merely yawned again, his teeth yet again showing before standing up as Kat returned to him.

"Well then, after you." He said to Kat, gesturing as if he were a gentlemen; bowing slightly and gesturing with his hands towards the doors that were opened. Of course, he didn't really let her pass him, and walked beside her, not exactly enjoying the fact that Zeus's chosen was right behind them, or the fact that he was hitting on her,'s Zeus....what else is there to explain?

Anthony's eyes widened as he saw all the food. "I see steak." he commented, sitting next to Kat but making sure he had some steak on his plate. Eagerly he cut it up and practically shoveled it into his mouth, proving that his canines were not for show, but were his legitimate teeth. The teeth cut through the meat with ease and allowed Anthony to shovel more meat into his face than normal people would even try doing.

However he was very clean in doing so, making sure that not one drop of succulent juice from the meat, or whatever else he piled onto his plate, never left his mouth or the plate unless he wanted it to. He was also quite quiet while eating, but then, he was usually quiet; being lazy had it's perks. You could move quietly, you could breath quietly, and most importantly: you could listen to everything around you.

This meant that Anthony was usually always aware of who or what was around him before most people did, and gave him what he counted as an edge over the other Chosen here. He looked at the Chosen of Apollo as she entered and nodded in greeting; his Goddess being Artemis, and Artemis and Apollo being siblings, he felt a some-what sisterly feeling towards Apollo's Chosen even though they had never met in person.

"So, Kat....what'cha think of this food? Good am I right?" He asked to help break the silence, his feline eyes glancing over everyone in the room once or twice more so he could get a good look at everyone before those yellow orbs fell upon Kat, a soft playfulness to them that Kat could most likely easily pick up on, thus probably cheering her up-or help break the awkwardness of the situation, whatever worked for Kat.

For such an assuming guy, he held himself with a type of confidence that said "Don't try anything stupid; I'm not what I seem." without the need for him to say it himself or have to stare at people with those predatory feline eyes of his. He also had an air of lazy playfulness to him that was typical of cats, not humans. Strange, he was a bit of a puzzle himself, but not as big a puzzle, it seems as Chris, who was like a nerd, geek, and jock all wrapped up in one.

"Of course, there could be more steak....there can always be more steak." Anthony laughed softly as he plopped another hunk of meat on his plate; this one being the third 12 oz. steak cooked to perfection. Before he took the first bite, he looked back to Kat. "You want some? Come on, you can't tell me you don't want some steak, this stuff is good and I feel bad hogging it all like this." he said, patting her back gently with his hand.

As for the other Chosen, every now and again Anthony would again glance over them, their name-tags, then back to them before looking away to move to the next one, or back to his plate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley Character Portrait: Lennon Price
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Lennon Price

Lennon followed the other Chosen into the dining room. She walked through the double doors and saw a table for twelve covered in food with a basket of ribbons at the center. She sat down, leaving a chair between her and the cat-looking guy. ”Fancy,” she said, looking around the room.

The barista showed up with her coffee. ”Do you want you pie now, or with dessert?” he asked.

”Ummm....” she said, thinking. But before she could answer, her vision became blurry and the room started to spin. She knew what this meant.

The dining room around her was replaced with the outside of the coffee shop. It was dark outside, as dark as it could be in New York City, and the smell of smog and different kinds of food filled her nose. The gentle breeze of the nighttime air made her shiver. The barista came out of the shop in uniform but wearing a sweater. He checked his watch, then stood on the sidewalk, watching the traffic. He looked left, then right and saw an opening. His eyes on a white car to the right of him, he started crossing the street. When he got about halfway across, a bus to the left of him hit him at full speed.

”Miss?” she heard someone saying, which jerked her out of her vision. She looked up at the barista who was still waiting for an answer.

”Ummm, you know? Cancel the pie, I'll just stick with the coffee.” The barista walked away and she looked down at the steak on her plate and felt a little queasy. She looked over at the cat-guy and saw him digging into his steak with gusto. She picked up her plate and scooted over to the chair beside him.

”Hey, you want mine? I've suddenly lost my appetite.” She saw him glance over at Kat at a few times, who was listening to the obnoxious blonde guy, and she rolled her eyes. She leaned in closer and whispered to him, ”Oh my Hades, you couldn't be more obvious if you clubbed her over the head and dragged her back to your cave. You know, Bonding ceremony or no, you should tell her how you feel. Life's too short.” She thought back to her vision. ”I mean, you could get hit by a bus or something. And anyways, you'd probably be a much better boyfriend than that,” she said, pointing to the blonde guy.

Still talking to the cat-guy, but saying it loud enough for the blonde guy to hear, she said, ”I haven't been so disgusted by someone eating since my cousin discovered pot brownies.” She looked at the blonde guy after she said this, leaving little room to doubt who she was talking about.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley Character Portrait: Lennon Price
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0.00 INK

Simply observing, Andrew almost missed the receptionist coming out to tell Kat something. Wondering what it could have possibly been, his curiosity was satisfied as soon as he hears mention of food. Now that it was mentioned, he remembered that nothing had passed his mouth since a meager bagel that morning. Strange that he had not noticed. Was the anxiety getting to him? He was not one prone to feeling nervous, but this was something unknown, repercussions that he could not expect. Humans feared what they did not know. Looking at the man seated near him, Andrew sat that he was the Chosen of Aphrodite. An interesting choice for a female god, but then again, he was the Chosen of Athena.

Chuckling softly, he stood up and stretched a bit. Had he forgotten to do that after exercising? Maybe, but it didn't matter now. Turning to Aphrodite's Chosen, he said, "The name's Andrew. Shall we go meet the others? No sense in waiting." After waiting for his response, Andrew proceeded into the dining room.

Arrayed before him was a veritable feast. Foods of all kinds was arrayed along the table, delicate smells wafting across the room, supplanted by the heavier scents of more heavily spiced foods. Stomach grumbling slightly, he sat down at a seat across from Kat and this Chris fellow. Listening as they talked about the center-piece ribbons and bonding ceremonies from different parts of the world, he considered that. Chinese, huh? Was there some underlying meaning to the ribbons, or had the Greek gods simply chosen it for decorative purposes? The blond bonding was something he had heard before, but still interesting to hear some possible lore.

Cutting into his food, he began eating quickly yet neatly. No waste motions, more time to do other things. After filling himself up a bit. Turning back towards the others seated, he thought about what to say. Athena, goddess of courage and inspiration. Yet none of that came back to him. Social skills were definitely lacking. Andrew didn't get out much.

Breathing in, he exhaled quietly in preparation, preparing his inspiration aura so that it would flow through his words. "Whatever the bond is and however it works, it is something that we chose to accept. While we may not have fully understood at that point, we know more now, however much good that does us," he spoke to the table. "But while we may be forced to accept this by the gods, we are still masters of our own destiny. They may be the ones deciding the Bonding, but we decide what to do with it. Good luck to you all. To our futures." With that, he took up his drink and saluted before swallowing it as quickly as possible. That had been an effort, and a taxing one at that. He didn't like speeches.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chris Flynn Character Portrait: Katherine Amelia Jones Character Portrait: Jaime Character Portrait: Anthony Jeremy White Character Portrait: Lewis Hartley Character Portrait: Lennon Price
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Lewis Hartley

With the door to the main room now open Lewis hardly noticed, his attention drawn to a corner of the room and a deep daydream setting on. He was never one for being a people person, he could thank his lack of emotions for that, so this whole seemed more like a punishment then a special ceremony.
"The name's Andrew. Shall we go meet the others? No sense in waiting."
Blinking to the man he stood up “Lewis and I can agree with that.” he smirked.

Picking himself up he took his sweater off and walked in, taking the first seat he seen which happened to be right across from. There was a large spread of mixed foods and drinks with a large, ornate bowl of red ribbons in the center. He faded in and out of the others talking about them and put together that they had something to do with the bonding ritual or nothing at all to do with it. Grabbing an apple off one of the plates with his knife he leaned back and started cutting slivers off and eating them. “You eat as though you haven’t in awhile.” An apple snapping with his word. “Same to you.” he pointed to Kat’s friend who was talking to, or talked to by Lennon.

"Whatever the bond is and however it works, it is something that we chose to accept. While we may not have fully understood at that point, we know more now, however much good that does us,but while we may be forced to accept this by the gods, we are still masters of our own destiny. They may be the ones deciding the Bonding, but we decide what to do with it. Good luck to you all. To our futures."

Andrew did make a good point on this being mostly optional. If all he had to do was get bonded and then cast that person to the side this wouldn’t be as bad as he expected. With that thought in mind he grabbed his glass and took a sip.