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Jackson Park

0 · 626 views · located in Oakhedge

a character in “villains”, as played by SleepingInTheGardens



jackson park

full name: Jackson Nicholas Park
nicknames: Jax or Jackie
age: twenty-three
sexuality: bisexual (not quite closeted, but his father still knows nothing about it)
occupation: full-time student, part-time bookkeeper
hex: 1A1AFF
"I need you to hold all of the sadness I cannot live with inside of me."
I'm In Here - Sia


Several years may have passed, but not a lot has changed about Jackson's appearance. The most notable difference would be his once short, neatly kept locks have now grown into a silky, wavy mess. He may have also grown a few inches since graduation, now standing at a solid five feet, eleven inches instead of his five foot, nine high school self. Aside from these two aspects, Jax still remains the same lanky kid he used to be. He still preserves the smooth baby face he was so known for, and his smile has the same if not slightly more shine.

His fashion sense, however, has changed a bit if only for the better. Being in London for several years has influenced his clothing choices in a positive light. Instead of his neatly kept trousers and collar shirts, his closet is now made up of ripped jeans, long and short sleeve t-shirts and boots with a winter section filled with trench coats, scarves and the occasional beanie. More than to be fashionable, his dress code evolutioned in order to adjust to the cold climate and frequent thunderstorms.

"Sometimes when I close my eyes, I pretend I'm alright, but it's never enough."
Echo - Jason Walker


Perhaps the one thing that has changed the most during Jackson's time away has been his attitude. Towards himself, towards others and towards life in general. Anyone that knew Jax in high school would sweat upon their own grave that he would never open his mouth to say anything even remotely bad about anyone, even if said someone clearly deserved it. Simply put, he was a pushover. Being the youngest within his siblings greatly influenced that. He had to live up to his parents' expectations all the while having to live in his older siblings' shadows. Nothing he did ever seemed to be good enough for them, which made Jackson's confidence drop to non-existent. He was easily manipulated, and rarely ever spoke up to defend himself. But that Jackson is long gone, and never plans on coming back.

After the series of incidents that happened during his last years of high school, Jackson realized that if he didn't stand up for himself no one else would either. And so he began to do just that. He came to learn that the more he looked after himself instead of others, the more doors that opened for him. His confidence has risen greatly, though he's still feeling some of his old insecurities. The major difference now is, he refuses to let his weaknesses show. She refuses to be another person's emotional punching bag, and he refuses to let others decide what he should and shouldn't do. He's much more bright and cheerful, with a pleasant amount of charm. In place of his quiet, studious self is now a curious chatterbox. He's made it a point to speak what's on his mind, even if it's sometimes something that people don't want to hear. However, with all that has changed, one thing still remains. His heart of gold. Whether in the United States, England or anywhere else in the world, Jackson's kind heart and compassionate soul will forever be his trademark.


✓reading (especially mystery novels) ✓warm coffee ✓Autumn (his favorite season) ✓London life ✓Chocolate anything ✓The Beatles ✓Sleep ✓Little kids

✘his old self ✘his family (not always but most of the time) ✘bullies/liars ✘pumpkin spice ✘parties ✘romance movies (because things like that would never happen in real life)

"I'm holding on. Why is everything so heavy?"
Heavy - Linkin Park ft. Kiiara


Having been born into a fairly wealthy, successful family had most think Jackson had it easy, but that couldn't be further from the truth. He was born as the last of four siblings, a fact that no one in the household ever let him forget. As the youngest, rather than being babied, he was often the rest of the family's emotional punching bag. When they had no one to blame, they blamed him. When there was no one to lash out of, he was the one dealing with the insults. It started out as an occasional thing, but soon became a habit everyone seemed to have picked up on. Quiet little Jackson never back talked, never protested even if the treatments were unfair, he simply took the hits. Though he was never attacked physically, the emotional abuse was more than enough.

As he transitioned into high school, Jackson began to withdraw more and more into himself. The bright and cheerful child that he used to be was rapidly disappearing. His warm smile began to show less and less. He began to focus less on himself and more on his studies, hoping that making the honor roll would somehow impress his parents. Hoping that being in the top 1% of his class would get them to ease up on him, and give him the love and approval he so desperately needed. At first it appeared to be working. His parents and siblings alike stopped verbally abusing him less and less, however as time went on he was now becoming invisible in his own home. Nothing he ever did was good enough for them. Now, instead of their punching bag, it was as if he didn't even exist. From the outside, to everyone that saw them. the Park family was perfect in all the ways a family could be. But had they asked Jackson, it would have been an entirely different story.

As this went on, Jax began to tutor, hoping that doing extra school activities would keep his mind of off everything else. One of the students assigned to him was a member of the football team. Tall, handsome, popular, your typical jock. But what started out as tutoring turned into casual flirting, This then turned into confessions, and finally, Jax let himself be persuaded into sleeping with this guy, something that he would soon regret. It was his first time sleeping with anyone, and though he didn't regret the act too terribly, he did regret who he'd done it with. Immediately after, this boy whom Jax thought he'd come to know, became something entirely different. He threatened Jackson in various ways, making it clear that he would make his life a living hell if he so much as thought about mentioning what had happened between them to anyone. Confused and heartbroken, Jax cried for weeks, but he kept his word and never spoke about it. This took a toll on him. His grades were beginning to drop, he was sleeping less and less and crying more and more. On one particularly hard day at school, one of the days when he just could not keep his eyes open due to exhaustion, he went home on the excuse of being sick.

He arrived at his place thinking it would be empty, however what he found was far from it. The moment he stepped inside, he could hear faint chattering coming from a room. He followed the voices, recognizing one of them as his mother's, all the while making sure not to get caught. When he finally reached the room, he found his mother and a very familiar looking man whom Jax recognized as his father's business partner, locking tongues. He didn't hear much of the conversation, but from what he could catch, he gathered that this wasn't a one time thing. This had been happening for a long time now, and would continue to happen if no one caught onto them. In the midst of his emotions, Jackson hadn't realized he'd gasped outloud. This led to the duo quickly figuring out his presence, which then led to more threats from them both. Jackson's mind was too tired to keep up with all that was being said, but among everything, the main threat was to out his secret the infamous jock had made him swear he'd keep. Living under threats had now become 90% of Jackson's life. So he did the only thing he could do. He fixed his grades, applied to different universities as far away from that town as he could manage, and once the opportunity to leave was offered he took it without a second thought and so much as a single glance back.

So begins...

Jackson Park's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Nas Amasio-Hansen Character Portrait: Jared Garcia Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Sutton Deveroux
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#0081a7 - outfit
xxxi spent all my years believing in you
xxxbut just can't get any relief, lord
xxxsomebody, somebody,
xxxcan anybody find me somebody to love?

Harry tugged on the bottom of his blazer, staring at his outfit. As tempted as he'd been to go for something a little more... bold, he'd strayed on the side of more conservative. He told himself that if he'd gone too bold, nobody would recognise him. And that little bit of pride said that he wanted people to recognise him, wanted them to see how much he'd changed. But he would be lying if he said that there wasn't that element of fear as well, fear of how he would be received.

Trinity Davenport was hosting some sort of party, a get together of old schoolmates. As if things had never really changed. He felt like there wasn't much of a point in pretending that nothing had. Hell, his outfit, complete with eyeliner, was a constant reminder of exactly how much had. Rumours about Matthew Brokenborough had started flying. Harry had always had his suspicions that Matthew hadn't been an angel, but nothing concrete. Harry's own suspicions hadn't yet been confirmed, but part of him was glad for that. For Shay's sake.

He sighed, grabbing a scarf and slinging it around his neck for a final touch, before picking up his phone and texting Shay.

To: shay <3
you still picking me up like old times?

It felt so surreal to be back in Oakhedge. Everything still felt exactly the same, even though it had been four years. The strangest part of it all was not going home. He was staying in a hotel the other side of town from his parents. If they were even still living here. Part of him wanted to go back in all his dramatic, glam rock style just to rub it in, just to horrify them by seeing what he'd become. If they'd even care. Honestly, he felt like they'd just been glad to get him out from under their feet. Had they relished the control? Did they miss it at all? Or were they just glad that it wasn't them having to deal with him any more? Would they actually see the man who used to be their son, and decide to be happy that he was living his truth, who he really was? This was the constant battle. The anger that made him hope they were angry too, that all they'd ever wanted was a puppet to manipulate. And then the longing that they were just happy for him, that they hadn't really meant it. Most of the time, the anger won, but there was still just that little bit of longing there. But for tonight, he decided to ignore it. The anger made him bold, confident. And that was what he wanted.


outfit - #e3ce00 - makeup
xxxyou know that truth hurts
xxxbut secrets kill
xxxcan't help thinking that i love it still
xxxstill here, there must be something real.

Already dressed, Trinity was sweeping around the house making sure everything was ready. This had to be just right. It had to be perfect. Everyone was already stressed and confused and emotional. The news about Matthew had rattled Rin enough. The fact that he'd cheated on every girlfriend he'd ever had and had apparently sold Ritalin to freshmen while in Harvard had just made her wonder how many of her other friends had similar secrets. She'd invited as many people as she knew from their old school and told them to bring their friends. Her family were out of town and had let her use the whole house for this party.

She knew that she was overdressed. But right now, she just needed to feel powerful. Being back in this house, sleeping in her old bedroom... It was bringing back memories she would have rather not remembered. It was making her feel like that weak, terrified teenage girl again. It wasn't something that an expensive dress and heels would fix. But it was helping at least.

"Marie! Etes-nous pret?" She demanded. "Oui, mademoiselle." was the answer, but it did nothing to relax her. She poured herself a glass of champagne and paced the hall, waiting for the doorbell to ring. She wondered if this had been a mistake, if she should have just gone out to a bar instead. There was so much that could go wrong here. Would she put people off with the scale of the whole event? Had they just been expecting... red cups, cheap beer, and shitty music? Would the champagne, the food, the multiple rooms set up as dancefloors, each with a different style of music, put them off? Or would she just impress them?

She sipped her champagne as she carefully sat down on the stairs, picking at a jewel on her dress. She didn't even know if any of her own high school friends were coming. And they hadn't even been that close. This was all just another big show, and she didn't know who she was throwing it for. She resisted the temptation to run her hands through her immaculately curled hair, instead staring at the door, waiting for it for the doorbell to ring, for somebody to just... talk to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Sutton Deveroux Character Portrait: Rin Davenport
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0.00 INK

Outfit: XXX
Location: Davenport Residence
Dialogue Color: #FC3E4D
Thought Color: #FC973E
Being back in town, Sutton definitely didn't enjoy very much. The last thing she wanted to do was be seen back in Oakhedge. She had an entirely new life that didn't involve anything from her hometown and she wanted to keep it that way. Sutton knew that somehow her parents were going to find out she was back and they would never miss out on an opportunity to put Sutton down for her life choices or embarrass her in front of her friends and anyone else who could've possibly been around at that point. It was already bad enough Sutton always seemed to do a terrific job at embarrassing herself as it was, last thing she needed was her parents' help in the matter.

The only reason Sutton was even slightly excited to be back in Oakhedge was so that she would be able to see Jackson again. Over the years, Jackson had been the only one out of the group of friends she had kept in contact with from her high school years. Even though they had still talked, she hadn't seen him in person since her sudden departure. The blonde smiled down at her phone as she began to send a message to Jackson.

To: Jax
Hey Jax. Just letting you know I'm back in town and reluctantly deciding to attend Rin's party. Hope to see you there! c:

Sutton sent the message and slid the phone back into her purse before climbing into her vehicle and headed to Rin's place. Sutton couldn't believe she thought it would be a good idea to attend this party she was throwing, mainly because every interaction they have with each other is anything other than pleasant. The last time she spoke with Rin, she wasn't okay with the reason she denied her request to join the company she was working for. Now Sutton stood at the girl's doorstep, practically setting herself up for nothing more than drama.

I guess it's time to unleash myself to the belly of the beast, Sutton thought to herself as she let out a sigh. She tucked her blonde strands behind her ear and reached up to ring the doorbell of the Davenport residence. Even when Sutton was in high school she was never caught dead at one of Rin's parties. Sutton couldn't believe she was attending one now. She stood there, preparing herself for anything that could fly her way upon the door opening and hoped beyond hope that someone else would've been at this party before her because she definitely wasn't wanting to be the first one to show up. That would mean Sutton would be left alone with Rin for an unpredictable amount of time. This was certainly not okay with her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeke Mason Moore Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Sutton Deveroux
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0.00 INK

jackson park

Location: hotel room
Dialogue: #1A1AFF
Oakhedge...oh, how Jackson had sworn he would never come back here again. He'd made a promise to himself to leave this all behind. Everything and everyone that once made him feel worthless. The last time he was here he was several inches shorter, with glasses and a bowl cut, hiding behind every textbook he could find. And he was miserable. This town held every bad memory and every insecure, terrified and terrorized part of him he never wanted to remember. When he learned about Mathew's death, the thought of coming for his funeral was something that never even remotely crossed Jax's mind. For whom and for what? Wasting his time and money to return to a town that oppressed him for a guy who's group of friends made it a point to make his life a living nightmare? The fact that Mathew died didn't make him any less of an asshole, and Jackson isn't willing to pretend that he wasn't. Not to mention, he'd run the risk of running into his parents, if they even lived here still. And Mathew's best buddy, Adrian. The name alone made Jackson's skin crawl.

And yet, if Jax said someone had forced him to come back, he'd be lying. He had his reasons for coming back despite every part of himself screaming that he shouldn't have. All of these reasons included people very dear to him. The moment he found out Zeke's uncle had also passed away, Jackson knew he would have to suck it up, put his big boy pants on, and come back if only to be there for his best friend even if Zeke never asked for it. His stubborn ass never would, but Jax knew he couldn't be left alone at a time like this. And then there were people like Sutton, Parker, and Nas. People that reminded Jackson that there was still a lot of good left in the world. If anything was keeping him here, aside from Zeke's situation, it was them. Jackson had to find them again. Find them and thank them for everything they'd done for him, even if they hadn't realized they did anything.

However, as he stood in front of the mirror, examining his party attire, a major part of him wanted to call the whole thing off. He could just search for them elsewhere, there was no need to sacrifice his sanity so early on in the trip. Zeke would understand, right? Running a hand through his wavy, dark locks, Jackson let out a cinematic sigh and let his body fall back onto the plush hotel bed. There wasn't much time left until the party was meant to start. Jackson just hoped he could catch Zeke before he left his house.

To: Izzy
MSG: So...I think I'm going to skip out on this whole party thing. Have fun without me, I'm sure you'll figure it out :D

Did Jackon feel guilty after hitting send? Maybe a little. But his best friend had always been much better at the party scenes than he was. Someone like Zeke didn't need him around, much less at a party. If he had to be honest, he was lucky to have him in his life at all. With another sigh, he set his phone down, only for it to ding again. It wasn't Zeke's response, as he imagined it to be, but rather someone he hadn't expected to message him today. Jax stared at Sutton's message for a moment, gently biting his lower lip. Should he tell her he wasn't going? Or should he just suck it up and go? Now the guilt in the pit of his stomach doubled, so before he could change his mind, he quickly types out a response.

To: Soo
MSG:I didn't think you'd go. But I guess if you're going to be there, I have no choice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeke Mason Moore Character Portrait: Jackson Park
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0.00 INK

I can never ever hate, don't know about them,
Got my haters asking, "God please, why him?"
Put in too much work to worry about them.

Outfit: Click here
Car: Mustang GT 5.0
Location: Uncle Andrew Home x Hotel
Dialogue: #9316BC
Thoughts: italic


Standing on the porch of his childhood home, Zeke wasn't sure what he was going to do now. Uncle Andrew was gone, and it made him feel as if another hole had been shot into his heart, the very same heart that kept bleeding for two whole years now. The terror seemed to get only worse, and this poor boy didn't know what he would end up doing - would he be drowning into the pool of desperation or would he survive, just barely breathing in this bitter demolition that kept happening inside of his mind. Zeke knew for sure that he wasn't going to get any sleep for couple of months coming - hell, he wasn't able to sleep after that disaster anyhow. They kept telling him to take the medications, but he knew that it was a thin line to walk on - afraid to fall into the frantic, infinite circle of addictions, Zeke wasn't going to fall back. He couldn't, simply because of having made that ridiculous promise to Jax.

Sure, they all had secrets, some more than others and he knew that all of them were keen of keeping them. None the less, the tall boy kept his breath for a minute or two, he finally let the air fill his lungs again. It burnt... It burnt like living fire. Just like the fire he had felt when... No! He wasn't going to think about this. Not there, not in this city. No one was going to find it out. Not even Jax. "Get a grip, bruh," Zeke scolded himself in his mind. After he had abandoned swimming, diving and water all together, he still kept his breath while standing on land. It was as if a remainder, that maybe... maybe there was a chance to become cured of this demon inside of his heart and pick up his dream once more, but this 'maybe' seemed only to be a hallucination. Crouching over to the row of dried plants in several pots, he stuck fingers into one of them and found what he was looking for - the key in small, plastic bag! "Ahhaa! Gotcha'!"

It didn't take him long to get into the house, and as he did, Zeke noticed how everything had been covered with white cloth and he just smirked at this sight. Uncle Andrew had been dead only about a week or less, and they had already given up on this place and forgotten about him, although the funeral had not been held as of yet. After his father had called him, and announced Andy's death, Zeke had bluntly threatened his own father not to sell the house, but give it to him. It was small place, but cozy enough for the two guys in the past. It was perhaps the only place he had ever called 'home'.

He didn't know of why he was going to take part of this damned party, but he was still curious. One of his former classmates had died. His uncle had died. What was really going on? Walking into the kitchen, he lit a cigarette and just stared into the spacious backyard, letting his gaze slide over all those artistic sculptures in there, made out of trash, clay and metal. Andy had been a true artist, Zeke had always valued his talent, and his uncle had pushed him into swimming among many other things. A good, kind man who was complete opposite to his older brother, Zeke's father. "Ah, whatever. It's better if I got ready for this damn event," Zeke mumbled sharply, annoyed by the whole situation. From one slump back into the original one, he wasn't happy, but he was more curious than anything. He was going to find out what had happened to uncle Andy in one way or the other, that was something he had promised to himself. Getting changed into rather dandy outfit, he looked different and more fashionable than he had ever shown himself to all these people, rebellious even.

As he had gotten into his nice mustang, that had been waiting for him in the garage, and driven over to the hotel, where he knew Jax was staying at, he got the message at the right moment. Parking in front, music blasting from open windows, he had forgotten that he was listening to his own song, that Zeke had recorded couple of nights before taking the flight back to this dreadful town. He wasn't singing, he was rapping - something he had been experimenting with and well... something that Jax didn't know of yet.

To: Jaxy
"Yo! Get yo pretty ass down here, I am waiting!

This was sure going to be interesting, and he was half-excited to see how everyone reacted at his arrival.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeke Mason Moore Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Sutton Deveroux
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0.00 INK

jackson park

Location: hotel room
Dialogue: #1A1AFF

As he stared at the white hotel room ceiling, Jackson contemplated all the options for his next move. Options one through three all involved some half-assed excuse about why he couldn't make it to the party followed by a last minute flight change and a one-way ticket back to London. Option four was a bit more complicated, but it also involved his ditching the party in some unnoticed fashion. He used to be rather skilled at being invisible, surely he could do it again. He was rather pleased with all of them, as none of the options required him to actually stay or participate in this gathering. If he was slick enough, he could steal Zeke's car keys and take Sutton out for a drink. She didn't need to say anything for Jax to know she wanted to be there about as much as he did.

In the midst of his scheming, a subtle thumping of car speakers made their way into Jackson's hotel room. For a moment, he simply ignored it, thinking nothing of it aside from the occasional flashy hotel guest. However, moments after, his phone buzzed right beside his ear and Jax immediately connected the sound to the message and a name. Seriously Zeke?. Surely enough, there was a message demanding his presence downstairs. After taking in a large amount of oxygen, the boy pushed himself up off the comfort of the mattress and slipped on his shoes. There were so many reasons why he shouldn't even go. Aside from the fact, Jax had never liked parties, this place would be full of two types of people. Those he didn't know or barely knew, and those that used him as both an emotional and physical punching bag during his entire high school career and made him a social outcast. Neither of those options sounded very inviting. And yet, a small part of him wanted to go, if only to show up in Zeke's expensive car and make the loudest entrance possible. To show off his new look, his new hair, his new attitude, his perfected social skills, and newly acquired beer pong tricks. To confidently shove it in their faces that Jackson Park is taking no one's bullshit.

With a sudden impulse, Jax grabbed his phone and wallet, complete with hotel room key, and took the elevator to the lobby. The moment he stepped outside and spotted the flashy Mustang, he knew this was it. "You couldn't have picked something less...I don't know...loud?" he teased, a smirk gracing his lips as he made himself comfortable in the passenger seat. "Listen, I need you to drive me to the airport asap! I just got word that my cat is very ill. I need to be there for my fur baby." Jax spoke with genuine urgency in hopes that Zeke wouldn't realize that he didn't even have a cat to begin with. He brought his right thumb to his lips, nervously biting its tip, as the car took off and away from the safety of the Ramada. Whatever happened to come next, Jackson was almost certain he was not prepared for it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jared Garcia Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Sutton Deveroux Character Portrait: Rin Davenport
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0.00 INK

Outfit: XXX
Location: Davenport Residence
Dialogue Color: #FC3E4D
Thought Color: #FC973E
Moments after Sutton's arrival, she heard a bike roaring behind her. With a bit of curiosity she took a peek behind her, only to find Jared. She returned her gaze back to the front door. Sutton never really knew Jared all that well so she had no reason to like him or hate him, she just never really knew him. Sometimes that worried her more than having people around who knew who she was.

A few footsteps were heard close behind her as she heard him make his way up the stairs before he paused beside her. Sutton glanced over at him, only to be met with a half smile. The female gave him a soft smile in return just as she heard her phone going off. It was a message from Jackson. She smirked at the message and shook her head before she started her response.

To: Jax
I'm surprised I'm going as well. I'm actually already here. I guess I'll see you when you get here then.

Sutton sent the message and slid her phone back into her small handbag that hung across her chest. When the door finally opened, her attention went straight towards a face she had been dreading to see the entire time she was back in Oakhedge. Though it was her own fault for even accepting the invite to her party to begin with, but Sutton just needed to get out of that musky old hotel room and try to have some sort of fun. Sutton was taken by even more surprise when she heard Rin's voice. She seemed happy to see her...Had the alcohol already kicked in? Sutton swallowed her thoughts and gave a fake smile as she stepped into the home.

Rin's offer for drinks immediately made her feel that was exactly what she was going to need to get through the night. Sutton walked over to the drink table and poured herself a glass of wine before taking a couple sips from it. Her attention was brought back to Rin as she spoke up again. "So what are you guys up to these days?" At that question, Sutton looked over at Rin and returned her attention back at the glass in her hand. There was no way she was going to answer Rin's question. The woman already knew where Sutton worked, she didn't need to give her any more information about her life. At least not directly from her own lips.

Thankfully the silence was cleared when Jared decided to answer her question, "Well, since you asked, I've been up to much better things after leaving this place." Jared responded bluntly then clasped his glass in between his hands. "What about you, Rin?"

Upon hearing Jared's answer to his question, she gave a slight nod, agreeing with his words. Sutton had been doing a lot better since she left Oakhedge. But there is a fear inside of her she won't even admit to herself. She is scared that being back here will reopen old wounds, turn her into the person she worked so hard to stay away from. That was definitely not the road she wanted to go back down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nas Amasio-Hansen Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Rin Davenport
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0.00 INK

I can never ever hate, don't know about them,
Got my haters asking, "God please, why him?"
Put in too much work to worry about them.

Outfit: Click here
Car: Mustang GT 5.0
Location: Hotel -> Devenpourt Home
Dialogue: #9316BC
Thoughts: italic


Sure, he had missed Mathew' funeral and he really didn't particularly care either as they had never been close. These two used to butt heads constantly, perhaps more intensely than it had been with Nas, while with Nas it had always been playful on Zeke's part. They just happened to be so similar... Aside all of that, Zeke had been planning to go to the cemetery and meet the dude eye on eye... or whatever there was left of him behind. The monster was dead and this was the only respect he would offer - one should respect the dead, right? Sure... he wasn't thrilled by this idea, and although he was often stubborn, Zeke wasn't a real bastard, at least not deep within. Deep within which was covered by all the bling and flashiness that he engulfed himself into for the past years.

Rin had been probably one of the few at the becoming party, who had frequented the circles he had back at school, so she was going to be the most familiar aside Jax. That woman was probably the same as ever - proud and snarky, but it didn't matter. He had returned for his own goals and if playing private investigator was one of them, then he was going to go for it. Nothing was going to stop him from going after the truth that was most likely hidden behind Uncle Andy's sudden death. Nothing.

Waiting for his bestie, Zeke' fingers were playing on the wheel of the car along with the beat echoing out from his vehicle and gaining quite curious stares. He didn't care. He wasn't doing this to gain attention, but he did enjoy pissing people off with his presence. Having picked it up after all that had gone down, he did everything to get out of this noose around his throat. Leaning back, he practically grinned to himself, as he saw Jackson coming down and sat into the car beside him. "Nope," he simply stated and offered a playful wink at his friend, taking off from the spot with a loud and low roar of the car, heading towards Davenport Residence. "But you never know, I can still surprise you," he added, then partially ignored what Jax had just told him.

He didn't want to admit to it, but he had to say it: "Look, dude," the bad boy started, "I wanna say that I am super thankful for you coming in. Even if it just for my sake and... maybe, if you can bring your invisible pet over or... just....," he paused, feeling like his usual self was out of it and rambling, "...stay, okay. I need you." Biting down on his lower lip, Zeke felt like he was heating up. Why was he so nervous to ask of this favor from his best friend? They were family... hopefully. Finding a spare pair of keys to his house, Zeke tossed them over to that handsome fellow beside him and simply said, nearing to their location: "Here. Stop wasting your money and come stay with me. I have one more extra room now." Another request, hoping that he wasn't going over the board. The kind of effect Jax had on him was strange, specially seeing each other in person after such a long time. The usual, overflowing confidence that Zeke generally had was now replaced with soft, purring lion cub.

He noticed the crowd that had already arrived at the location, and he didn't care to turn the music down, but actually turned it up a notch - popular, underground hip-hop blasting out, nor did he care if the recognized him at this day of age. He had matured, yet he had become something else - perhaps better version of himself, perhaps the illusion of what he wished to be. He apologized to Jax: "You are free to punish me later. Sorry." Zeke's demeanor changed quite a bit, but he knew that Jackson would understand in the end. Circling around, he was able to find empty spot near to the household with ease, and went for it, stopping. He knew he had attention seeking entrance and he felt satisfied enough.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeke Mason Moore Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Sutton Deveroux Character Portrait: Rin Davenport
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0.00 INK

jackson park

Location: hotel room
Dialogue: #1A1AFF

Despite Jackson’s best efforts to be upset with Zeke, he never could. Whether it was now or several occasions before this, he somehow always managed to charm his way out of things and though Jax should have been irritated by it, he simply admired him for that skill. Though, in all honesty, Jackson had never been one to get angry or hold grudges, no matter what monstrosity was done to him. And believe me, there were several. Zeke using flashy cars and unnecessarily loud music were barely something for Jax to bat an eyelash at, and considering the current events, the guy was convinced it was simply his friend’s way of coping with it all. While Jackson had become the kind of person that blurted out every little emotion that came to mind, Zeke was quite the opposite. And perhaps that’s what caught him off guard the most.

”just…stay, okay. I need you” Jackson’s dark eyes settled on Zeke’s face, the request setting in as he attempted to catch the keys being thrown in his direction. In all their years of friendship, he’d never seen the guy be this…sincere. Both with Jackson and with himself. Admitting that he needed help and company wasn’t something Zeke did often, or ever for that matter, leaving Jax at a loss for words. After the initial shock settled and gave way to relief, Jackson’s lips curled into somewhat of a satisfied smile, one hand slipping the keys into his jacket pocket. ”Thought you’d never ask.” he teased, having never expected anything remotely close to this. In fact, a lot of things that happened after Jackson decided to leave Oakhedge had been unexpected, one of them being his and Zeke’s friendship. A flashy troublemaker and an honor roll’s wallflower didn’t exactly scream “the perfect match”.

Several turns and underground hip-hop songs later, the two made it to the Davenport estate, officially marking Jackson’s first time being here. He and Rin weren’t exactly friends during high school, in fact, Jackson wasn’t even sure she knew of his existence. Glamorous and powerful Trinity Davenport had no time for people like him, and he’d never had the courage to talk to her. Maybe this was the perfect opportunity to change that. ”Actually, I really needed a flashy entrance.” Jackson stated as the car came to a complete stop. It was the small push he needed to keep him here, if only for a little longer than he originally planned. By the time they made it to the front door, the place was already filling up. Some people he recognized, others he’d never seen before. His first mission, however, was to find Sutton. The moment they walked inside, his eyes searched the crowd for a small, blonde cutie, finding several familiar faces amid his quest. One of them being Rin herself. Deciding to make his search a bit easier, Jax pulled out his phone, sending Sutton a quick message.

To: Soo
MSG: I'm here, and I reuqest a very long and well overdue hug. Where r u?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Rin Davenport
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0.00 INK

I can never ever hate, don't know about them,
Got my haters asking, "God please, why him?"
Put in too much work to worry about them.

Outfit: Click here
Car: Mustang GT 5.0
Location: Davenport Home
Dialogue: #9316BC
Thoughts: italic


"Your wish is my command," Zeke laughed over Jax' comment on the flashy entrance they just pulled. Before he let his friend separate from him, he just simply stated: "If you are in trouble, find me. And as for our promise," he had gotten closer to Jax, having almost no distance between them, "I will be sober for you." He turned around, and nodded to someone he noticed and recognized, but that was all the care he had for his former friend.

So, this was it. The party, which Zeke wasn't too fond of at that moment. Sure, he had been to a lot different ones, and this kind was no stranger to the Moore' offspring. His family bathed in money, and although uncle Andy was always seemingly a lot more poor, Zeke knew that the man had money... not that he really cared, since his deals in drug industry brought him just enough and although his mother kind of hated the kid, she still spilled quite the big allowance on him. Stopping the car, he stepped out and noticed people staring down at him - some surprised, some not quite recognizing that face of his. Instead of the pretense bad boy, there was no a real one. Wearing the designer outfit, he absolutely shone out of everyone and it made him smirk to himself.

Trailing after Jackson like a lost puppy, Zeke found himself staring Jax' back. That kid had grown up quite a lot, and he had witnessed it all as the time had passed. Although there had been a distance between them, he still had felt closer than ever. All these long calls during nights, when Zeke wasn't able to sleep. All those long calls during rehab. All those long calls just for being there for him. Was Zeke really this blessed to have Jax in his life? Izzy felt like Jax had become his guardian angel, like his...

His attention was caught by small group of people that he used to hang out frequently in the past, and he lost his friend' into the crowd that had taken over the manor. Turning to them, he greeted them with not much of enthusiasm, but instead it was something cold, remaining in the lines of politeness. His former companions were surprised by his actions, but Zeke didn't give a damn, really. Waving at them, he turned to walk away and noticed Rin right in front of him. Giving a simple nod, he finally spoke. His voice was lower than during the high school, it had rather cool and sexy, charming tone to it: "By the look on your face, I can assume that you really didn't think through while planning all this, did you?" Standing beside her, he looked over the people around them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Sutton Deveroux
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0.00 INK

Outfit: XXX
Location: Davenport Residence
Dialogue Color: #FC3E4D
Thought Color: #FC973E
Sutton just did what she was always best at, just standing there with a drink in her hand. The home slowly began to get more and more crowded, this began to make her feel a bit nervous about the situation she just found herself in. Any time she was in a crowd this big, her mania always seemed to take control and there was nothing she was ever able to do about it.

A few people who picked on her back in school approached her and it just seemed like nothing ever changed. They began calling her names, pushing her into the wall she was standing by, and for a couple minutes they just weren't able to let up. Sutton hoped that Jax would be there soon. This was the last thing she needed. After all these years of changing herself and regaining control of her mania, she was slowly starting to lose all control.

Finally she heard her phone go off, which pulled her back into the present. She pushed herself through the crowd and away from the guys who were messing with her and went straight for the bathroom. Sutton closed the door and locked it behind her before pulling her phone out and setting her wine glass down on the bathroom sink counter. A flush of relief went through her when she noticed Jax had finally arrived.

To: Jax
"I'm in the bathroom. Please hurry I think I'm going to lose it!"

Sutton sent the message and immediately finished off the glass of wine before leaning against the counter, feeling her body beginning to slowly tremble. This was the beginning of it all. Jax was always the only one who was ever able to calm her down. If he wasn't able to help her this time, she had no idea how she was going to be able to make it through the rest of the night. She felt that she had pulled herself out of her old ways, but returning to Oakhedge seemed to just pull her back into her past. Sutton never believed this was going to be how her first night back would turn out. She hoped beyond hope that there would be a better alternative than what she was thinking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeke Mason Moore Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Sutton Deveroux
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0.00 INK

jackson park

Location: hotel room
Dialogue: #1A1AFF

Jackson clearly remembered Zeke's promise from just a few days ago about staying sober, but he knew for a fact that it would be hard for the male to keep that promise in that state he was in. For that reason alone, Jackson decided he wouldn't be holding it against him. He'd made a joke about taking his car and driving him home should he get absolutely shitfaced, knowing full well that Zeke most likely would not like the idea of Jax driving his very expensive vehicle. Even if Jax was a much better driver than he.

The two moved further into the party as Jax studied his surroundings. Somehow, this was not what he'd imagined a Davenport party to be like. Granted, everyone present was much older now and matured. Well, the latter was debatable. Still, everyone was much less drunk than expected. The male couldn't decide if this was a good thing or not. On one hand, relatively sober partygoers meant fewer chances of random fights breaking out or of Jackson accidentally walking in on more than one hook-up. On the other hand, sober ex-classmates meant he'd be more easily recognized and a big part of him didn't feel prepared for that to happen. That's not to mention the undeniable tension that had now taken over the entire estate. Everyone was on edge, just waiting for something terrible to happen and Jackson wanted no part of it.

He twirled on his heels to face Zeke, some statement about wanting to leave the party early on the tip of his tongue, but the guy was nowhere to be seen. He'd been lost in the crowd, and Jackson in all his thoughts hadn't even noticed. He sighed, running a hand through his unstyled hair, and headed towards the bar area while avidly avoiding everyone and anyone that he remotely recognized. It'd be a couple martinis in that he'd be able to properly face them. So he picked up a glass, reminding himself that between he and Zeke, he'd have to be the sober one at the end of the night, and distanced himself from the bar.

His next mission had been to find Sutton. He'd been prepared to start asking around until she was located. Luckily, that wasn't necessary. The device in his back pocket buzzed a couple of times before Jackson could pull it out and read his friend's name on the lock screen. He quickly read through the message first but gave it a slower second read to make sure he had understood correctly. Shoving the device back into its holding place, he ventured towards the back halls. Having never been in this house, he had to check several doors before finding the actual bathroom, or what he thought was the bathroom due to the fact that it was closed.

"Soo?" he knocked once and then knocked again on the chance that the first knock had been too low. "Sutton, you in there?" He pulled out his phone, readying to call her on the likely chance he'd gotten the wrong door and it wasn't her that was hiding behind it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Sutton Deveroux
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0.00 INK

Outfit: XXX
Location: Davenport Residence Bathroom
Dialogue Color: #FC3E4D
Thought Color: #FC973E
Sutton stood there, leaning against the bathroom counter for what felt like an eternity trying to steady her breathing and keep from going 'Manic Sutton', which everyone seemed to call her back in the day. She slowly began to breath in through her nose and out her mouth, but no matter how many times she did that, she was having a much harder time trying to calm herself than she thought.

Suddenly she heard a knock on the bathroom door, hoping it was Jax, she reached for the doorknob and opened it. When she spotted the guy she had been waiting to see, she was overwhelmed with happiness but she wasn't necessarily able to show it because her mania was beginning to get too strong to show any other sort of emotions. "Thank God!" she stated as she reached for his hand and pulled him inside before closing the door behind them. "I'm going to go insane! I don't know what to do!" she started, as if a waterfall of words was flowing out of her mouth.

Sutton's heart was beginning to race faster with each passing second. She had to let some of her anger out, but she had to do it the way a normal person would. Sutton didn't want to return to the person she used to be last time she was in Oakhedge. The only reason she even decided to come to this party was to show everyone the new person she had become, to show them she finally learned to control herself. And maybe, just maybe, she would've been able to rekindle a few friendships along the way. But in the given state of things right now, she absolutely doubted that would ever be able to happen.

The small blonde began pacing back and forth across the bathroom floor, her body beginning to tremble with each step. "These guys who used to mess with me back in school cornered me and started treating me the way they did back in school. I feel like everything is about to return to the way things were before I left. I just....I can't do this again!" she continued, as if she were speaking without allowing herself any time to breathe in between. Tears began to flow down her face. If Jax wasn't going to be able to help calm her down this time, like he had been able to do in the past. She had no idea if anyone would be able to. She definitely knew she wasn't going to be able to do this on her own.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeke Mason Moore Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Rin Davenport
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0.00 INK

I can never ever hate, don't know about them,
Got my haters asking, "God please, why him?"
Put in too much work to worry about them.

Outfit: Click here
Car: Mustang GT 5.0
Location: Devenpourt Home
Dialogue: #9316BC
Thoughts: italic


He wasn't sure he was up to the bar to even be there, after all Zeke kind of ditched most of them and Jackson had been probably the only link to the rest of their former classmates and schoolmates. Jackson was truly the only person he actually gave damn about at that point, the only person to see through certain moods and acting patterns of this boy who once had big future ahead of himself.

Zeke had been thinking of indulging himself into the alcohol that was present, sure he could go into his most secret stash, hidden away at Andy's, but promise was a promise and thus, he wasn't going to get on that path again. Of course, there were many temptations in this house, presented for him on this golden plate, but Zeke was going to take the opposite course, unlike what people had been expecting of him. At this point, his pretense self had become a game of sorts, and the main player to trick had become himself.

The young Moore just ignored her remark about Matthew, he knew better not to touch the subject. There were a lot of rumors circling around and Zeke himself just happened to maybe know if some of those were true, but submitting into those he would danger his own secrets to be spilled. He wasn't going to risk on that. "I guess I was trying to find out who I am," he replied to her, grinning and flashing those healthy row of teeth. Zeke had been ready to be bombarded by all sorts of questions, some as directly as Rin in front of him. "Let's be honest. People here don't give a darn thing what one does. All they are trying to dig up is some hidden skeletons." Zeke looked around them, then turned at Rin and asked a question in return: "How about you? Are you one of the diggers or hiders?"

His addictions, his trauma, his preference to gender, his everything - it had to be kept a secret. Frankly, Zeke had even prepared himself in case someone asked anything about his and Jax' relationship. After all they were rather.... unpredictable pair of friends.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Sutton Deveroux
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0.00 INK

jackson park

Location: hotel room
Dialogue: #1A1AFF

Jackson stood outside the bathroom waiting for a response. The noise of the party made it almost impossible to hear if anything was coming from inside what he assumed to be the bathroom. He waited for a beat before lifting his fist to knock again but was stopped mid-air. The door was opened and a small blonde whom he recognized as Sutton came into view.

”Oh thank god!” he wasn’t given a chance to get a word in edgewise but was instead pulled inside the now confirmed to be bathroom, and the door shut behind him. Sutton was in a panic, it was apparent from just a few seconds of watching her and the single text she'd sent him earlier. It was like high school all over again. She began to pace back and forth, frantically detailing the events that had led to her current state, her body visibly shaking from the nerves. It was becoming more and more apparent that Jackson's hopes and expectations of people changing their ways with age had been too high. He'd suspected it the moment he walked in, but standing there, listening to the way these so-called grown adults had treated her really drove the point home.

The scene felt all too familiar. Suddenly, Jackson was back in their former high school hiding inside one of the empty classrooms as he tried his best to search for the right words that could possibly help soothe Sutton's panic. The boy never thought of himself as being any help. He'd always wondered why she kept coming back to him when he'd felt just as weak as she apparently did. But perhaps that's what kept them close. they shared a common enemy, a similar pain. The only difference now is that unlike before, he could actually protect her.

"Hey...hey hey. Hold on-" his voice remained low and calm, just as it had in the past. Only this time he didn't have the need to pretend that he wasn't just as scared as she was. For once, he truly felt like he could be useful. "Soo, listen-" he moved in front of her, gently cupping her small face in his hands and remained silent until her eyes finally met his. This would mark the first time he saw her in person since she left Oakhedge. He'd always respected her wishes to stay hidden, thankful that she at least wanted to keep in contact. The voice calls and video chats had been enough for him, as long as he knew she was doing alright. Perhaps coming back here had been a bad idea for the both of them, but getting to finally see her in person again was one of the very few good things to come out of this whole mess.

He watched her for a moment, only now realizing she seemed a lot smaller than he remembered. He could feel her body trembling under his touch and had almost forgotten how much it troubled him to see her like this. At this point, he would willingly do whatever it took to help her calm down, even if that spent spending the rest of the party locked up in this bathroom. "That's not going to happen, alright?" he let his hands drop from her face to gently take hold of her hands. If he said he wasn't feeling a rush of nerves himself, he'd be lying, but his friend needed him and perhaps the old Jackson would have hidden but the Jackson now was ready to knock down any else that dared to mess with her. "Those assholes may not have changed, but you have. You're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for." And definitely a lot stronger than he ever had been.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeke Mason Moore Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Nas Amasio-Hansen Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Rin Davenport
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0.00 INK

I can never ever hate, don't know about them,
Got my haters asking, "God please, why him?"
Put in too much work to worry about them.

Outfit: Click here
Car: Mustang GT 5.0
Location: Devenpourt Home
Dialogue: #9316BC
Thoughts: italic


"Yeah?" the tall man inquired at Rin's question, "Sounds like you could become my ally while staying around. There is something I wanted to ask from you, though..." Yet, both of them were interrupted by two figures from the past.

His face remained the same, and although Zeke had been craving some alcohol recently, he had a big issue - a dilemma - to drink or not, but the moment he suddenly saw Harry and Shailene in front of him, all the emotions he once had in the past flushed over him, and he just felt the need to drown all over again. If he was going to cause some problems later that evening and night, he would gladly take that role of an asshole upon himself. It wasn't far to reach, anyhow. Seeing Harry made him think of Toby all over again, and it made Zeke feel sick... had he really fallen in love with Toby back at college only because that one reminded him of Harry so much? Zeke didn't know, but all he knew was that he was alive and he was unable to save Toby from drowning.

A sudden skin ship from Shailene, but it had escaped as fast as it had appeared; Zeke was just nodding to the two, eyeing Harry with slight curiosity. "Yo," was the only greeting that came from him, from Zeke who was leaning against the bookshelf with a cool, smug aura coming from the Moore heir. But after the words from Rin about Matthew, Zeke drew his dark eyes at Shailene, a rush of sudden emotion of wanting to escape this place flowing over him. He could've easily just do that, but Jax was here and he... wasn't going to leave without at least seeing Nas face to face once.

"I've already got my own," Zeke finally spoke and reached into his fashionable coat' inner pocket and pulled out silver flask, and offering a smug grin, which was more on the side of being playful rather than cocky, "Blue Label at your service," he added, offering a sexy raise of his left eyebrow. Opening the flash, he took a big swing of it, letting tis expensive taste set on his tongue, then burning up all his insides for a moment. It was a bad thing for him to drink, having been sober with difficulty for couple of months then. "Ah, fuck it... Jax can drive later, or I'll just take a cab," he thought to himself, "besides I doubt anyone else but him knows about my demons."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Sutton Deveroux
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0.00 INK

Outfit: XXX
Location: Davenport Residence Bathroom
Dialogue Color: #FC3E4D
Thought Color: #FC973E
"Hey...hey hey. Hold on-" Hearing the sound of his voice immediately brought her back to her teenage years. This was all too familiar. After a while Sutton happened to lose count of how many times she called on Jax because she needed help, but every time he was always there. "Soo, listen-" Sutton was broken from her pacing when Jax stood in front of her and held her face within his hands. Her eyes met his and it wasn't until that moment she realized she was crying.

"That's not going to happen, alright?" Sutton nodded her head at his words, just as he removed his hands from her face and took her hands. She held onto his hands if it were her only way to hold onto reality. Sutton clearly had no way how he was able to do it, but every time she heard Jax's soothing voice trying to comfort her, he was doing just that little by little. Sutton just wished she would've been able to prove herself to everyone here. She was a lot stronger now than she ever was and yet she allowed some idiots to get to her. "Those assholes may not have changed, but you have. You're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for."

The petite blonde gave a warm smile, "Thanks Jax," she stated. As each second passed, she slowly felt her body beginning to re-stabilize itself. All the shaking and trembles seemed to dissipate after a couple minutes and she was finally able to think clearly. She wrapped her arms around Jax in a big hug, finally able to remember this was the first time she saw him face to face since she left all those years ago. "Sorry, not much of a reunion here was it?" she stated with a slight chuckle and retreated her arms to herself. "I think we should get back out there before people start trying to get into the bathroom."

The last thing she needed were rumors going around about her one on one times with Jax in the bathroom. He was like a brother to her but that wouldn't seem to matter to those who would spread those rumors. Sutton knew first hand what rumors could do to a person and she definitely never wanted to travel down that path again.

With a deep breath, she reached for the door knob of the bathroom and opened it up. At that moment all the sounds from the party brought her back to reality. Sutton knew she would have to embark on other moments such as the one she had downstairs earlier, but she told herself she wasn't going to let her panic the way she had. Though she also knew that was easier said than done. She just hoped she would be able to control herself from a sudden manic outbreak. The last time she had one of those, it didn't exactly end very well.

Her boyfriend at the time ended up in the hospital because she thought it would be a great idea to throw knives and even a television at the fool. Of course the television wasn't enormous or anything because he was light enough for Sutton to pick up, but it definitely did some damage. But all this happened just because she found out he had been cheating on her throughout the entire relationship. If something like that could cause her to almost kill someone, then she had no idea what else could trigger her into another act such as that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeke Mason Moore Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Nas Amasio-Hansen Character Portrait: Jared Garcia Character Portrait: Jackson Park
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0.00 INK

Character Portrait: Hale Soygazi Hale Soygazi says,
 “ hi ”