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Shailene Ekwensi-Hart

"Let me tell you about a girl that I used to be."

0 · 703 views · located in Oakhedge

a character in “villains”, as played by chanelindistress


shailene ekwensi-hart

full name: shailene hadiyah ekwensi-hart
nicknames: shay, vi or violet as her instagram name is violetdelights<3
age: 21
sexuality: heterosexual
occupation: still a college student, studying in a five year computer science program, also is an instagram model
hex: #C8A2C8
we all get lost sometimes and we forget who we are
never be the same - jessica mauboy



The deep purple hue that has now found residence in her once jet-black locks are the most striking feature of hers; a Shailene of before would have never considered such a radical and eye-catching color. Long and down her back when in waves or straightened, her hair holds far more coils and curls in its more natural state, typically knotted at the top of her head during her lazier days or when she wants to give heat-styling a rest.

Standing at just above average height at her five feet and six inch stature, Shailene is slim and fit with soft curves accentuating her frame. She wouldn't fall under the banana body type as that would be too simple, too straight and thin for her curvature, but she does fall under the spoon shape, hips widening out just slightly past her bust line and her waist perpetually tiny. Her deep, wise-beyond-her-years brown eyes, high cheekbones, only slightly flared nose, and pleasingly plump lips make up what her family members and friends jokingly refer to as a "baby face."

During her high school days, she preferred make-up and to this day, adores it still, but is prone now to a more natural appearance. Whether that's because she is no longer hiding anything remains unsaid, but her dark complexion is smooth and blemish-free save for a few old and faded scars on her arms and on her right hip from when her ex-boyfriend lost his temper. She also has a host of tattoos: a snake and flower on her right calf, a heart with three dots on her left index finger, a lotus with geometric circles and lines on her right wrist, and a minimalist barbed wire around her right ring finger. Both of her ears are pierced.

and if I could I'd just forget about you
wish i never - joelle


Experiencing what Shailene has can leave a shell of the former self, the person cocooning themselves in guarded self-preservation and distrust because they refuse to be in the same kind of situation ever again. And Shailene refuses to be like that again - that much is for certain. However, instead of shrinking more into herself as she had once feared she would do, being free of her ex-boyfriend only made her shed her mental hiding place, made her free to just be. And while it might initially feel more comfortable to slip into old habits amongst old friends and ghosts from her past out of habit, not because she wants to, it doesn't take long for Shailene to show that she is not the girl that she used to be.

To be fair, a large part of her person isn't necessarily different, not if you knew at her well back then. No longer subjugated and fearful of a less than savory reaction when no one else was present to note the bruises, she displays a keen sense of dry, unencumbered wit in her sarcasm and an infectious vivacity. She has a habit of babbling without censoring herself, and usually does so using innuendos with sexual connotation. This happens when she is nervous or in the presence of those she finds attractive. Her trademark babbling often results in her feeling embarrassed, so she tries to backtrack and explain herself, which only contributes to her rambling. In all honesty, though, it's not always that she is sorry, but a survival tactic she hasn't particularly let go of just yet. So many times in the past she was able to save herself from a hand to the face or even a choke-hold because she apologized, having cursed her own lack of a verbal filter so much that it's instinctual to apologize because she doesn't always possess tact.

Despite her tendency to babble, she isn't afraid to give voice to her opinions, and she always stands her ground - unwavering - when she knows she's in the right. Shailene uses humor in any type of situation, especially darker ones where her comical yet positive outlook on life usually relieves the tension. Aside from her brilliant computer skills and talents, Shailene's most prominent attributes are her capacity for compassion, kindness, and trust, the latter of which she is still trying to develop in the face of what she's gone through. Perhaps a flaw would then be her displays of indulgence, as that was part of what played into her past with abuse. She still flinches when someone comes up behind her and she's typically the one to set the pace of her relationships, usually the one in control and who doles out the level of affection she's willing to partake in because she still can't fully relax. But it is evident that she's a touch more manipulative to some extent, quick to play the stupid little girl she once called herself instead of calling someone out on the lies she was perceptive enough to pick up on. She is braver now, eager to stand up for herself when she's feeling slighted but also still wary enough to play the fence until she feels like she can defend herself properly. It's confusing and she's managed to push a good number of prospective love interests and friends away with that tactic, but at this point, Shailene's admitted to not being the sweet, innocent girl everyone else seems to think she is with her easy smiles and rambling.

At the same time, she can be stubborn and holds grudges, unable to fully say she has forgiven her abuser or anyone she knows did a terrible wrong. She isn't the type to hold onto her anger because someone scuffed her shoe in the hallway on her way to third period, but it is one of those things where it is notable that on her journey, Shailene hasn't learned true forgiveness. To forgive her ex would mean to forgive herself and though she appears confident now, and does seem to have more love for herself now, there are still remnants of her self-hatred heavily imbued in the deepest parts of her person. Moreover, despite her now sunny sincerity and seeming openness and honesty, Shailene still does hold people to a certain distance the closer they get to her, not wanting them to see the darker parts of her person. The part that finds pleasure in something like her ex-boyfriend dying or even the fact that she is willing to do absolutely anything to keep herself and her family safe, no matter if it happens to threaten her own moral code. The part of her that still wants to believe in happily-ever-afters and good intentions, but is bitter and insecure enough to think that perhaps she was never meant for it. She's decided that she has spent too long of her life afraid and in pain; she's not letting anyone else go through that if she can help it. She thinks that she's stood aside and let herself be a witness to tragedy for a little too long.


IHOP ✓ graphic design and coding ✓ 90s R&B ✓ pineapples ✓ romance ✓ tumblr ✓ social media ✓ house plants ✓ korean corn dogs, and korean food in general ✓ county fairs ✓ tattoos ✓ road trips ✓ mint chocolate chip ice cream ✓ laughing ✓ beaches ✓ mcdonald's chicken nuggets


turkey bacon ✘ abuse of any kind ✘ broccoli ✘ thinking of who she used to be ✘ mystery, as a genre and in general ✘ licorice ✘ grape soda ✘ internet explorer ✘ people using her computer without her permission ✘ unnecessary violence
the way you controlled my mind, had me wishing I would die
myself - layton greene



In all honesty, if you had asked a very young Shailene, she and her parents had never been poor. Perhaps they couldn't go on a trip every year and she had less opportunities during the summer than some of her peers, but she was never poor. She always had a roof over her head, she always had her own room (which her dad even painted himself and added the Barbie border a five year old her nearly passed out over), there was always food to eat, there was always clothes on her back, and the one thing she was assured of was that she was loved. Even if she was disappointed because she wanted a slightly expensive toy and couldn't get it, if her mom could provide it later, she would and if not, there was always ice cream and her dad making her dance with him in the living room to his music to distract her. Overall, especially because of the surprises her parents were able to provide growing up to make up for what they felt like they failed in providing, Shailene could say she had a pretty good childhood.

Middle and high school came, and Shailene had contended to the idea that she wouldn't be popular. She was of a darker complexion than the majority of her peers, her hair - to some of them - wasn't considered curly but a thick mass of a spectacle, and she was a nerd. A cute one, to some, if you were being nice. And she was nice, after all. But she was content with where she stood; she was not bullied even with the occasional slur or comment about how much she thrived in science. However, she turned fourteen and her parents had her come sit with them to explain that her mom had been laid off as a legal secretary. It hadn't devastated Shailene, but she understood how badly it had devastated her mom. It meant that her father's income as a plumber was the only thing they had to fall back on, and so Shailene spent her time babysitting for the Brokenborough family.

They were one of the wealthier families Oakhedge, one of the founding families of their small town, and were partners of a very successful firm in the nearby city. And yes, the second eldest son, Matthew, was absolutely cute to Shailene, but she had never considered herself his type. He was into the Lily Pulitzer-clad, Coach-toting leggy supermodels of their class; he was most definitely not into not-having-any-problem-shopping-at-Sears-or-other-discount-stores Shailene. Even if on occasion he flirted with her when he noted her with his baby sisters, or watched her a little longer than necessary in the halls. Shailene hadn't thought much of it; it just happened to sate her girlish ego that a boy looked at her like she was something he was attracted to, even if just for a second. It all changed when her mom was hired at Brokenborough LLP and they were invited to a dinner with the family; Matthew's mom, Sharon, thought it would be just "darling" to have them over to celebrate Diane's hire.

To say Shailene was shocked that Matthew wanted her is an understatement. His random come-on came so far out of left field that she damn near spat out her sparkling juice on him when they had gone for a walk outside. She apologized profusely, but at the time, he had told her that her inability to hide what she was feeling was enduring. And she was charmed, even as self-consciousness forced her to mind her mouth and manners for the rest of the night. She didn't realize he was serious about wanting to take her out until they had gotten to school and he walked her all the way from her locker to her second class, arm around her shoulders and her bag slung in his other arm. She hadn't even had the time to reject the date plans he'd casually made, she'd been so flabbergasted. One thing led to another and before long, Little Miss Nobody was a somebody alright - Matthew Brokenborough's somebody, that is.

To everyone else - and even to Shailene, in the beginning - she was living the teenage dream. She was on the arm of a brilliant heartthrob who happened to be captain of the lacrosse team, she was now eating lunch and hanging out after school with the popular crowd, attended a host of parties she once never would've considered going to, and she and Matthew were even set to be considered a power couple one day. She figured herself in love with him; he had been her first everything. But by the time he had beaten her so bad that she hadn't gone home that night, but stayed at his family's house - hidden away under blankets and tears - she honestly didn't know what kept her in the relationship other than fear and a stupid girl's stupid dream that she could be something precious to a boy way out of her league. The only time she had ever said anything to one had been the day she sat down with Sharon; he'd only hit her twice and she didn't know what she expected from Sharon, but it wasn't the threat veiled in sickeningly sweet sonnets as Sharon told her that she'd fire her mom and ruin her for any prospective jobs should Shailene mention anything to anyone, including her own parents. So, feeling like she deserved the abuse in some way for wanting things outside of her means - like she had no choice but to endure for the sake of not seeing her mother depressed again and her father stressed with the pressure of their family's need - she did just that. She endured.

College was the true freedom she needed, though Shailene received her first dose of it senior year on the night of their prom. Matthew had slept with some random classmate whose name she remembers like her own and despite the hurt everyone else assumed she would be feeling, all Shailene felt was elation. She had a public excuse to end the relationship, even if Matthew was certain that they weren't over. They were, though, at least in Shailene's mind because she did not attend Harvard with him like he had planned for them. Instead, she attended Spelman College and worked her ass off to secure enough scholarships to attend. It wasn't officially over between them, not really. Not with Matthew calling and demanding her to take the trips she never took to see him. It wasn't until sophomore year when he had surprised her on campus with flowers and huge balloons at her dorm room, a deceptively apologetic glint in his steel-cut eyes that they officially broke up. He had met her dismissive desires with a surge of violence, ready to knock her and her bedroom door down when she tried closing it on him but luckily, there were enough girls (and some of their boyfriends) around to get him escorted off campus. She was assured that his threats of being nothing without him and that she had to go home eventually would come to nothing, but it didn't stop the ghost of the backhand he had gifted her nor her fear of dark corners, and sleeping with her door unlocked from then on. College still was everything that Shailene needed to come out of the shell she had hid in, having grown more and more unwilling to stand aside and let assholes and be assholes and herself fearful of them. She still is; sometimes she has to stop herself from panicking in the middle of the night or flinching when someone goes in for a hug she didn't initiate. But she's growing and she's proud of how far far she's come, even if it means she's developed a fear of returning to Oakhedge, even just to visit her own parents.

So begins...

Shailene Ekwensi-Hart's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Nas Amasio-Hansen Character Portrait: Jared Garcia Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Sutton Deveroux
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#0081a7 - outfit
xxxi spent all my years believing in you
xxxbut just can't get any relief, lord
xxxsomebody, somebody,
xxxcan anybody find me somebody to love?

Harry tugged on the bottom of his blazer, staring at his outfit. As tempted as he'd been to go for something a little more... bold, he'd strayed on the side of more conservative. He told himself that if he'd gone too bold, nobody would recognise him. And that little bit of pride said that he wanted people to recognise him, wanted them to see how much he'd changed. But he would be lying if he said that there wasn't that element of fear as well, fear of how he would be received.

Trinity Davenport was hosting some sort of party, a get together of old schoolmates. As if things had never really changed. He felt like there wasn't much of a point in pretending that nothing had. Hell, his outfit, complete with eyeliner, was a constant reminder of exactly how much had. Rumours about Matthew Brokenborough had started flying. Harry had always had his suspicions that Matthew hadn't been an angel, but nothing concrete. Harry's own suspicions hadn't yet been confirmed, but part of him was glad for that. For Shay's sake.

He sighed, grabbing a scarf and slinging it around his neck for a final touch, before picking up his phone and texting Shay.

To: shay <3
you still picking me up like old times?

It felt so surreal to be back in Oakhedge. Everything still felt exactly the same, even though it had been four years. The strangest part of it all was not going home. He was staying in a hotel the other side of town from his parents. If they were even still living here. Part of him wanted to go back in all his dramatic, glam rock style just to rub it in, just to horrify them by seeing what he'd become. If they'd even care. Honestly, he felt like they'd just been glad to get him out from under their feet. Had they relished the control? Did they miss it at all? Or were they just glad that it wasn't them having to deal with him any more? Would they actually see the man who used to be their son, and decide to be happy that he was living his truth, who he really was? This was the constant battle. The anger that made him hope they were angry too, that all they'd ever wanted was a puppet to manipulate. And then the longing that they were just happy for him, that they hadn't really meant it. Most of the time, the anger won, but there was still just that little bit of longing there. But for tonight, he decided to ignore it. The anger made him bold, confident. And that was what he wanted.


outfit - #e3ce00 - makeup
xxxyou know that truth hurts
xxxbut secrets kill
xxxcan't help thinking that i love it still
xxxstill here, there must be something real.

Already dressed, Trinity was sweeping around the house making sure everything was ready. This had to be just right. It had to be perfect. Everyone was already stressed and confused and emotional. The news about Matthew had rattled Rin enough. The fact that he'd cheated on every girlfriend he'd ever had and had apparently sold Ritalin to freshmen while in Harvard had just made her wonder how many of her other friends had similar secrets. She'd invited as many people as she knew from their old school and told them to bring their friends. Her family were out of town and had let her use the whole house for this party.

She knew that she was overdressed. But right now, she just needed to feel powerful. Being back in this house, sleeping in her old bedroom... It was bringing back memories she would have rather not remembered. It was making her feel like that weak, terrified teenage girl again. It wasn't something that an expensive dress and heels would fix. But it was helping at least.

"Marie! Etes-nous pret?" She demanded. "Oui, mademoiselle." was the answer, but it did nothing to relax her. She poured herself a glass of champagne and paced the hall, waiting for the doorbell to ring. She wondered if this had been a mistake, if she should have just gone out to a bar instead. There was so much that could go wrong here. Would she put people off with the scale of the whole event? Had they just been expecting... red cups, cheap beer, and shitty music? Would the champagne, the food, the multiple rooms set up as dancefloors, each with a different style of music, put them off? Or would she just impress them?

She sipped her champagne as she carefully sat down on the stairs, picking at a jewel on her dress. She didn't even know if any of her own high school friends were coming. And they hadn't even been that close. This was all just another big show, and she didn't know who she was throwing it for. She resisted the temptation to run her hands through her immaculately curled hair, instead staring at the door, waiting for it for the doorbell to ring, for somebody to just... talk to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Nas Amasio-Hansen
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0.00 INK

_____ T H EXS U R V I V O R_____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: Family Home
Dialogue Color âœĻ #C8A2C8
Thought Color ✧ #785278

Shailene stared at the woman in the mirror, eyed black lace that delicately pushed her breasts up into a tasteful decolletage that still, somehow, left her feeling like it wasn't enough - not bare enough, not...right enough. The Matthew in her head told her she was being a skanky bitch. Shailene couldn't help but agree.

Shailene wondered what it said about her that she couldn't conjure up any guilt for that. Wondered what it meant that she couldn't piece together any real feeling upon the discovery of her ex-boyfriend's death, that for once - for the first time in so long - his voice in her head was the only remnant of his existence in this world. She didn't know how she felt about that. She didn't know how she felt about not knowing how she felt about it all. She mostly felt like she was going to enjoy the wine Rin Davenport was more than likely to provide at this party. It was a Rin Davenport affair; there was always wine at a Rin Davenport affair, even when there shouldn't have been.

Still though, there was a part of her that bemoaned her lack of tact - the understated class Matthew had both literally and figuratively beat into her body, the one she had to relearn was unnecessary in the pursuit of her own peace of mind, no matter the ghost imprints of his fists on her flesh and in her heart. It wasn't a strong enough voice, however, to deter her from her fashion choices for the evening, Shailene decided, idly running a hand through her currently pin-straight purple hair. She'd run a flat-iron over it before her flight.

"Oh - that's...that's nice," her mother's voice decidedly opined from Shailene's childhood bedroom door. Shailene caught the older woman's eye from the corner of her mirror, caught the tail-end of her disdain just as the older version of herself (or so she'd been told) tried smothering it with a quick smile. Shailene rolled her eyes before turning sideways to somewhat face her mother. "See, you say it like that and I'm half convinced to stay home." Shailene failed to mention that in truth, as opposed to pretending as though she grieved Matthew's loss like everyone else, she wanted to stay home in the first place. Diane immediately expressed her displeasure at that statement. "No, no no, I'm not saying - it's fine. It's..."

In the time that she hurried to backtrack on what Shailene knew was none other than reluctant acceptance of her current attire, Diane had made it across the room and into her daughter's space, hands rising to cup her face. "You look gorgeous, baby. I just wish..." Diane sighed, thumb brushing against the soft skin high on Shailene's cheek and Shailene wondered if she knew that her sleep had been disturbed since returning to her childhood home, that she'd been unable to drift back into peaceful slumber because something inside her felt wrong. "I know things ended bad for you and Matthew. It's a shame you two couldn't reconcile before he died - if not for both of your sakes, then for your own." Shailene didn't tell her that she didn't want to reconcile with him, that she wanted nothing to do with him if it didn't include screaming. Screaming and hitting because she deserved to hit back, hit back as hard and as many times as she so pleased because. She. Fucking. Deserved. It.

She didn't have the time to say it anyway. Her phone vibrated on her bed - a reprieve Harry probably would never know he had just provided - and Shailene fought down the urge to smile. "That would be Harry," she exclaimed and didn't bother to hide her enthusiasm at being able to avoid where the conversation was going. Diane hadn't been in love with Matthew, but from her distorted view, he had been a good guy. She wouldn't understand this gaping hole in Shailene's soul, this loss of something she was sure had to have been lost for a long time but she had remained ignorant to its loss until she had gotten the call. Either way, Shailene had avoided the Matthew topic for the last three years and refused to pick it up now. She hurried to her bed where her phone and clutch lay, scooped them up so that she could text a response to Harry, and then turned back towards her mom. "I gotta go. I'll text you when I get there and when I'm on my way back, ok?"

To: Harry
leaving now <3 <3 <3 <3

Diane stared at her for a beat too long and Shailene felt naked in a way she should have felt when she first looked into the mirror. Then Diane's lips stretched into a soft smile that made something in Shailene ache and said, "Sure thing, tell Harry I said hi and that I still want him over for dinner while y'all both are in town." Shailene nodded once and still felt her mother's gaze on her even as she turned her back to her and headed out the door. She heard herself call out a parting exclamation to her father but kept moving, kept walking until she was in her car and driving away from that gaze, from the questions her mother's mouth had yet to form.

She didn't know if she'd ever be ready to answer those questions.

_____ T H EXP R O T E C T O R_____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: Oakhedge Diner
Dialogue Color âœĻ #307D7E
Thought Color ✧ ##183E3F

It wasn't Nas' idea to attend the party.

In fact, had someone decided to leave it up to him, he would have spent the evening messing with Mrs. Clark - the kind African-American woman who still had yet to retire as a waitress at the diner even though she'd been working there when he had been a teenager - and hanging out with his brothers. The diner had been one of those ideal places late at night when he should have been home, but couldn't be. Mrs. Clark - Eva, she had always told him to call her, though his manners disallowed him to do so unless he was too worn out to continue them - had always given him a short stack of chocolate chip pancakes that he never had the heart to turn down, a glass of ice cold milk, and told him stories. He knew about how her mother's mother lived through the latter part of what historians called slavery in America, the Jim Crow era (which was still slavery, but "white people like to make themselves feel better by giving it another title, don't tell 'em I said that," she'd told him with a conspiratorial wink), and even the riots and change that did come from MLK's death. She told him how her grandparents moved their family up north, and how her mother met her father. Told him how she had rejected her husband until she just couldn't anymore, knew that though she acted like the man was the most annoying creature on the face of the planet, he was her creature and that she loved him like the sun loved to set - an act that just was supposed to be, an option because there was no other conceivable option but this inevitability.

However, though he could have spent the rest of the evening with her and his little brothers and told stories of his time away - amended stories that he knew she would see through better than most people because she had that way about her of seeing past his bullshit and deep into parts of him he thought were heavily guarded - Anjelo reminded him that he was supposed to go. The worst part was that his baby brother, now a senior in high school, knew what he was doing when he said it - knew that stating that very fact in front of Mrs. Clark would result in the expectant gaze she fixed upon him. "Now, honey..." She trailed off and Nas winced because he could feel the mothering before it began, and the burning ache that ensued wasn't going to be doused by the remaining quaff of Coca Cola, though he tossed it back like the shot he was going to need later anyway. "I know, I know - I'm going," he assured them all and kicked Tamiano's shin when his other brother, the one after him, snorted. Sighing reluctantly, Nas rose and dug out his wallet so that he could toss down the twenty dollar bill and the ten dollar bill, which would cover their meal and give Mrs. Clark the tip she always tried to refuse. "Since some people keep tryin' to get rid of me." He shot the older woman a teasing grin. She answered with swatting him with her dish towel, and Nas barked out a laugh.

Shoving his stool back into place, Nas eyed his brothers and he hoped they saw the plea in his eyes for help. "You two need a ride home?" Obviously, because Tamiano was a descended from the devil himself and hated Nas even after all he had ever done for the ungrateful brat, Tammy smirked before replying, "Oh, nah...we're just gonna spend time with our good friend Eva go right ahead and have fun drinking your Schnopps and sangrias while the rest of us poor saps drink diner coffee and hot cocoa." Nas almost punched him and Tammy knew it too, a subtle flinch he tried covering up when Nas took a step towards him, the threat in his honey-dipped eyes. "I hate you - both of you!" He swore and ignored Anjelo's indignant squawk of "I didn't even do anything!" as he headed out the door. Out in the slight chill of the evening, Nas ran a hand over his face.

How anyone was capable of realistically conveying sympathy for the death of a classmate he was sure not everyone actually liked was beyond him, and was going to be the work of a good man. A better man...a man who clearly was not going to be him, he decided in the steps it took to get to his truck. Nas going for the sake of free, expensive booze and he didn't care what it said about him - that he should have felt bad for the dead and the loss some people were surely feeling. Matthew Brokenborough, especially from what he'd heard about the guy's time at Harvard, had not been a good man when alive. Nas didn't understand why anyone was willing to pretend that that was who he was in death. Nas sure wasn't going to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart
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_____ T H EXS U R V I V O R_____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: Family Home
Dialogue Color âœĻ #C8A2C8
Thought Color ✧ #785278

Growing up, Shailene and Harry had lived about fifteen minutes apart, which was the excuse she used to give when she dropped him off at home back then. He was on the way to her house, she'd say, and Matthew would have done it, but he was watching his little sister while his parents went out for a night on the town. A complete lie after awhile, but back then, Shay had watched them eat it up, smile congenially, though their initial displeasure seemed evident in the way they kindly saw her off. Now, though, she was driving to the other side of town - a thirty minute endeavor that enabled her to shake off the prickly sensation that came with her mother's perceptive eyes. Distantly, bitter, she wondered, Ok, but where was this motherly concern when I started wearing long-sleeved shirts 'cause you couldn't see that your boss' son hit me? Did you give a fuck then? But it was always easy to drown out those negative thoughts and feelings with music, and driving with the windows down?

Driving with the windows, however, made Deanna pass the cemetery. Her mind desired not to delve into such thoughts any longer - they were going to a party, damn it, don't be that girl, you idiot - but her heart remembered the closed polished casket Matthew's body had lain in, the gold-rimmed picture frame that sat at its side depicting a smiling him, the one his mother was more at ease with. Not the one Shailene was familiar with. Frank Ocean crooned on her stereo system, but Shailene's thin smile dimmed. It had taken everything in her not to wear red, not to kick the stand that held his picture up, not to just scream and scream and scream because how did he deserve this? How did he deserve to be immortalized in someone else's undying, blind love for him? How did he get tears from strangers and friends and family members alike, when her tears had been shed alone, cold and shrouded by darkness from covers that weren't her own, and in a room not her own because she'd been too ashamed to go home to show her parents what he'd done? How did he deserve anything but the darkest pits of hell and contempt and judgement because those were the only things he deserved - because he'd told her that judgement and contempt were what she'd deserved?

Shailene had been went into the wellness center at Spelman roughly about three times. Each time resulted in her being told that she didn't process anger very well. She probably wasn't even processing grief very well, either. She hasn't gone back since.

Soon enough - thankfully, soon enough - she was pulling into the parking lot of Harry's hotel, one of the nicer ones. There was a Motel 6 that Shay will forever hate from the one time her aunt had stayed in it, and there had been a bedbug infestation. But this one was nicer and though she saw its name now, she was sure she'd forget it - as per the usual - in about five minutes. She drove the car into the parking space just outside the room on the bottom floor Harry had said he was staying in, and honked the horn. Which had been pointless because a second later, she pulled out her phone to text him anyway.

To: Harry
im here


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Jared Garcia Character Portrait: Sutton Deveroux Character Portrait: Rin Davenport
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0.00 INK

#0081a7 - outfit
xxxi spent all my years believing in you
xxxbut just can't get any relief, lord
xxxsomebody, somebody,
xxxcan anybody find me somebody to love?

As he waited for Shay to come pick him up, Harry played around with his camera, headphones in, trying to distract himself. Saying he was looking forward to seeing Shay again just might have been the understatement of the year, but he'd had a moment where he felt like he was a teenager again. Waiting for Shailene to pick him up and praying that his parents didn't find out about the lies she'd spun with that angelic smile. His parents hadn't liked Shailene at first- but she'd been dating Matthew, and they hugely approved of him. Any connection to that name, that power, they wanted. They hadn't needed to know that Harry and Matthew were barely even friends.

As he flicked through the pictures, he landed on one self-portrait that sent a shiver down his spine and made bile rise in his throat. Despite the eyeliner, despite the outfit, he could see his father in that photo. He swallowed and deleted the photo without a second thought, suppressing the temptation to change his outfit into something so much bigger, something his father would never be seen dead in. It was only now that he was out the far side, now that he was actually happy, that he could appreciate how truly miserable he'd been all the way back when. The time spent with his friends- his real ones, not just the ones his parents approved of- were just bright spots in a dark night.

He vaguely heard the horn outside, but it was the text that made him realise who it was. He grinned, quickly patting his pockets to check he had everything, and ran outside to Shay's car. This was perhaps the only thing he had missed about home, these drives where they could talk about anything and everything. He climbed into the car, still grinning. "Hey! Oh my god, you look great!" He gushed. "So, you need to update me on everything that's been going on in your life. It's been way too long." It hadn't been, not really- they'd seen each other at the funeral. Even if Harry hadn't been that close to Matthew, he had still felt a weird obligation to go. But he and Shay hadn't been able to talk, not properly, not like they used to.


outfit - #e3ce00 - makeup
xxxyou know that truth hurts
xxxbut secrets kill
xxxcan't help thinking that i love it still
xxxstill here, there must be something real.


The doorbell rang, startling Rin out of her reverie. She carefully got to her feet and brushed her dress down with her free hand. As she got to the door, there was a sudden surge of fear, a fear that it mightn't be one of her schoolmates at all, but someone come for her, for revenge. The doorbell rang a second time, and she swallowed that fear, fixed a perfect smile on her face, and opened the door.

Anyone else's smile might have slipped upon seeing who stood there, but not Rin's. Neither Jared or Sutton were her biggest fan, and the feeling was mutual. She just didn't understand them, not really. Rin's boss had asked her to get in contact with Sutton about offering her a job. Apparently Sutton was good, really good. So Rin had called her. And for some reason, Sutton had just turned her down. Not even pretending to think about it. Sure, company loyalty was important, but ambition was moreso. Rin had passed on Sutton's refusal to her boss, and her name hadn't even come up since. But here she was now.

"Sutton! Jared! It's so wonderful to see you both, how have you been?" She asked, her beaming smile still in place. "Please, grab yourselves a drink, there should be food ready once we get a few more people. Three may be a crowd but it's not exactly a party, is it?" She added with a laugh, sipping her own champagne. She'd made sure to get a wide variety of drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. She couldn't remember what everyone liked, but did know at least that champagne wasn't everyone's taste. Even one as expensive and as light and crisp as this.

Having Jared here was doing nothing to ease her worry. She didn't know the exact details, but he'd been involved with something her family had also been involved in, and not in a good way. She didn't particularly have any real desire to hold much of a conversation with him, but she also knew she didn't have a choice. "So, what are you guys up to these days?" She asked, sipping delicately on her champagne.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Nas Amasio-Hansen
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0.00 INK

_____ T H EXS U R V I V O R_____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: Hotel > En route
Dialogue Color âœĻ #C8A2C8
Thought Color ✧ #785278

Immediately upon seeing Harry emerge from his room, a grin split across Shailene's face and her eyes lightened up, the ghosts of her melancholy thoughts leaving her the closer her old friend came. She giggled at his compliment before immediately remarking, "And you better come out here lookin' like a sexier, younger version of Jared Leto!" She had noticed Harry's style of dress at the funeral; it was just as subdued as it was now, but for Shailene, it was an entirely new look altogether. Not something she was familiar with when it came to the boy - no, man - in question. Harry's fashion had been dated and not for his age, if she was being honest, but Shailene had never commented much on it save for the few times his eyes had strayed too long on a clothing item at the mall she knew he didn't own. "No, seriously! This is a look and now we have no choice but to take a selfie!

Barely even a breath later and Shailene was pressing into Harry's side, angling her phone just right after pressing the front lights of her car so that the camera caught onto their faces better. Flash still on, she only gave Harry a quick, teasing chastisement, "C'mon - don't fight this. As long as you're in town and you're with me, I'm flooding my profile with your cute ass and seeing how many DMs I get 'cause someone's choosin'. This is just a reunion pic." She held the screen and a barrage of pictures were taken, though Shailene knew only about three or four would be posted. Before college, she would have never imagined being active on Instagram - let alone being a model on the social media site and getting free samples from various brands so long as she shouted them out. Matthew would have never allowed it; there would've been too many gazes - male ones, in particular - on her. However, somewhere between the impulsive need to change something about herself physically - the purple hair - and the desire for it to be seen - even though she made damn sure to block him on everything - and she was randomly creating an account. One picture turned into another, and once the followers came, the game had changed.

Still in a giggly disposition, Shailene countered, "Too long? Says the guy who totally left a bitch high and dry before prom! Dude, you need to get me updated! When did we decide to give Pete from Fall Out Boy a run for his money?" She winked conspiratorially as she added, "Though you aren't even on the same level with baby boy 'cause you. Look. Amazing." The words all came out in a rush, but the exclamation was genuine when Shailene gestured at Harry's...well, everything. The boy she remembered and the man who sat in her car shared a remarkable set of similarities, but his overall aura - his energy - was different than before. Lighter. And it made something in Shailene ache for the familiarity, but elated at the possibilities as she began to pull out of the haphazard parking spot.

_____ T H EXP R O T E C T O R_____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: En route > Davenport Residence
Dialogue Color âœĻ #307D7E
Thought Color ✧ #183E3F

The thing of it was that while the nostalgia that came from seeing some of his favorite childhood spots hit as he drove, it also filled Nas with a discomfort that made him shift in his seat from time to time. Rin Davenport lived on the other side of town, away from him and his family's much smaller home. The diner, though, was in the middle, and so it only granted him a ten minute drive. Ten minutes that seemed to pass him by quicker than he anticipated because before long, he was cruising down a very familiar street with a very familiar, large home that damn near took up half of her side of the block.

Back in the day, Nas had not attended too many of Rin Davenport's parties. It hadn't been his scene, not unless he was really itching for cash and selling in the darkest corner of her home was the only option. He preferred the other house parties with red plastic cups and cheap beer, with beer pong and sweat and grinding with T-Pain busting everyone's eardrums out until a neighbor called the cops about the noise level. He had always been more comfortable there. Here, especially now, Nas wasn't comfortable. He was back to those younger days when it was clear that the only shopping he could do was with coupons, and that was if he found the right ones and didn't just need to get the cheapest option, while peers like Rin and Matthew didn't have to blink at price tags. He had never been bitter at their luck, however, not when Matthew's privilege clearly made him a dick just like the rest of his band of followers. Rin hadn't been like that, not really. Nas hadn't known her much back then, but he had had no reason to dislike her. He didn't have a reason to like her, either.

And yet here I am, he thought wryly, finding a parking spot on the next block. There were cars parked along Rin's block and he saw scattered groups and couples emerging from vehicles, a few of them lingering at their cars to catch up with old friends and others approaching the Davenport residence. Works for me, he decided. It meant that he could take his time, or at least try to take his time in his walk to the house. If he managed to just follow the crowd, when the doors were opened, he could just slip in without any awkward interactions. He could potentially just be another face in a faceless sea of classmates everyone was going to forget about the second they go their separate ways once more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Jared Garcia Character Portrait: Sutton Deveroux Character Portrait: Rin Davenport
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0.00 INK

#0081a7 - outfit
xxxi spent all my years believing in you
xxxbut just can't get any relief, lord
xxxsomebody, somebody,
xxxcan anybody find me somebody to love?

Even if Harry spent most of his time playing with cameras, taking more than the odd self-portrait, something in him still hesitated at Shailene's demand for a selfie. If it was just something that would be between the two of them, maybe framed somewhere, he wouldn't have. But he hadn't been living under a rock- he'd seen Shailene's instagram take off, and he knew exactly how big she was. A lot of people would more than likely see this. The desire to slink back into the shadows felt familiar- and that was what made him lean in for the photo, starting with a deliberately overdramatic expression and then breaking into a laugh. And embracing it felt kinda good.

The reminder that he'd just... left made him feel a little guilty. But things had moved so quickly, and he'd just been so glad to get out of there. It wasn't like he'd ghosted anyone, but he'd been deliberately vague about why he was leaving. But Shay's compliment snapped him out of it, making him grin a little bashfully. "Thank Freddie Mercury, honey. My aunt Maria got me started onto Queen, and now I'm an eighties junkie. Honestly, the androgyny of that era? Iconic. The drama? There's nothing like it these days. This," he said, gesturing to the eyeliner smudged around his eyes, "all started when Maria was throwing a costume party. I was completely stuck for ideas, so we went generic glam rock. Makeup, backcombed hair, eyeliner, blush, eyeshadow, leather, I was looking like I had just walked off Top of the Pops and I loved it. The blush and backcombing did not stay, but the leather jackets and eyeliner sure as hell did. Maria's been great, she's just... supported it without a second thought. I think I could walk downstairs wearing a pair of heels at this point and she'd just make sure I had blister plasters before going out."

It was still so foreign to him, having someone who helped shape and mould him, but without controlling, and with complete unconditional support. He could go back to the oversized jumpers, the plain shirts, the shapeless t-shirts tomorrow, and she wouldn't bat an eyelid. She might check in with him to make sure he was okay, but if that was what he wanted, it was what she wanted.

"However, I don't have the vocal range required to actually do the whole glam rock thing, so I'm studying to become a social worker and playing around with my camera the whole time," he added with a grin and a shrug. "So, are you going to tell me how you're doing now?"


outfit - #e3ce00 - makeup
xxxyou know that truth hurts
xxxbut secrets kill
xxxcan't help thinking that i love it still
xxxstill here, there must be something real.

Rin was having to resist the temptation to scowl at Jared, his behaviour reeking of cockiness, and his reply just adding to that. Instead she just smiled and shrugged. "I'm actually working with Sophia McLemore, the editor of Belle magazine. It's amazing, I've been to some huge events, met some amazing people," she said with an elegant smile, deciding that mentioning the facts she'd been to fashion weeks all over the world and had even modeled for Dior in Paris was unnecessary. Upon the doorbell ringing again, she elegantly excused herself from the situation.

The distraction of people coming in gave her an excuse to avoid going back to talk to either Jared or Sutton. Instead, she could effortlessly circulate, chatting to those she knew and welcoming those she was less familiar with. Her glass eventually emptied itself, and she made her way back to the bar to refill her glass. She knew by the lingering stares that followed her around the room that most people weren't even really here to reunite or catch up. They were here to finally get a look in on the infamous Davenport house, see how they really lived. She was just another part of the glamour, another part of the furniture they wanted to sneak a look at. She played along, smiling and laughing and playing the part of the perfect host. There was one or two people she knew from her old friend group, the rich kids who always seemed to float over everyone else. But it was only now that Rin realised she knew nothing about them and that they knew nothing about her.

It was stupid, and she was starting to realise that Matthew was not the type of person that she should miss. But he'd always been so good about making you feel like he was your best friend, like he was so glad to see you. He was good at lying, it seemed. The steady influx of people at least gave her a distraction as she greeted them, stepping outside into the fresh air for a few minutes. It was there she heard the thumping bass from a short distance away and raised an eyebrow, inquisitive as to see who exactly it was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeke Mason Moore Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Nas Amasio-Hansen Character Portrait: Jared Garcia Character Portrait: Rin Davenport
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0.00 INK

_____ T H EXS U R V I V O R_____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: En route
Dialogue Color âœĻ #C8A2C8
Thought Color ✧ #785278

There were still so many questions lingering on the edges of Shailene's mind - where were his parents? did he still talk to them? has he seen them since coming home? why did you leave me? - but the degree of warmth in his explanation stopped her mouth, made her smile even as she drove and listened. Even the way Harry expressed himself through speech was different; not different to the extent that she felt like she was interacting with a completely brand new person, but there was an openness about it she couldn't recall seeing too often when they were younger.

Chuckling at his redirection, Shailene drummed her fingertips on the top of the steering wheel, making a turn past the library that would lead along a long road with nothing but greenery and cable poles with strings high up in the air to connect them. "What's there to say? After graduation, I left, decided that my favorite color oughta be in my hair on a really, really drunken whim that just so happened to go right, and decided to give into the societal vanity derived from social media and even started capitalizing off of it to help pay for school," she explained, though she followed her last point with a playful wink. "Where I still am, by the way. Five year computer science program that's kicking my ass. Don't ask me what comes next 'cause I honestly have not thought that far ahead." She didn't include Matthew, figured it all went without saying. She wasn't shedding no tears at his grave; there was no small memorial in her room or heart anywhere.

Besides, despite how dismissive or overwhelmed by her program she sounded, Shailene loved it. She had always been fascinated with computers, with how they worked and how they could be torn apart and put back together again, how they can be remade. IT work seemed imminent in her future, but she was also pretty sure she could find work anywhere, so she wasn't particularly set on anything just yet. It felt good to study something she genuinely loved in an environment that genuinely loved her and which she can love without hesitation. She wasn't sure what she was going to do when graduation came. "Still, though," she exclaimed, wrapping slender fingers around the steering wheel and flashing Harry a smile. "It's so crazy to see everyone come out after all this time. Can you believe how long it's been since the last time any of us have been to a Rin Davenport party? I remember feeling like shit when I saw those invites go out only to never get one in eighth grade.

_____ T H EXP R O T E C T O R_____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: Davenport Residence
Dialogue Color âœĻ #307D7E
Thought Color ✧ #183E3F

In another life, had it been anyone else, Nas would have stopped to appreciate the music. It was more of his style than any of the dubstep foolishness topped with a dollop of that pop craze that made him need five different joints before he could take them, the norm for the parties his former classmates attended. Sure, they might have added a few of the mainstream hip hop tracks, to which he had to admit taking the time to enjoy from time to time, but underground hip hop was actually a bit more of Nas' taste. Yet and still, despite his initial nodding along to the music whose volume had randomly increased just as Nas was crossing the lush lawn, the stop he made to investigate only resulted in a disbelieving, "Son of a bitch..." And Nas continuing on his pursuit of the interior of Rin Davenport's home and the bar that would hopefully supply him with a glass of a really, really strong whiskey.

If he were being honest, Nas knew there was no real reason for the animosity found in his former relationship with Zeke Moore, whom with narrowed eyes he had been able to recognize outside from the small distance between them. At least, there was no real reason other than being two surprisingly similar people, almost too similar. To the point that all they could do in that scenario was clash. They were older now, he supposed. Perhaps it would be different. Nas had to snort derisively at that. Yeah, right, he thought. The only way that would happen was if Zeke didn't actively seek out attention and considering the blast of music that was unnecessary, but definitely announced his arrival, that was asking for the impossible. So, with hands shoved into his pockets, Nas navigated through the foyer, noting Rin as she interacted with guests but doing well to not bring any of her attention to himself. It was probably good manners to greet the host, but they had never been close. Never interacted much save for passing tests back down their row so that everyone received one, or a passing apology when one brushed against the other in a crowded hallway.

One face did, however, give him pause. Out of muscle memory, he had been on his way to where Rin usually had the bar and the drink set-up, exchanging quick pleasantries with a few people he might have called something akin to friends when his eyes fell on a familiar set of shoulders and dark eyes...except he was different. Not too different that Nas didn't recognize him, but enough for something in him to feel as thrown as he sounded as he inquired, "Yoooo...Jared, is that you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeke Mason Moore Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Rin Davenport
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0.00 INK

#0081a7 - outfit
xxxi spent all my years believing in you
xxxbut just can't get any relief, lord
xxxsomebody, somebody,
xxxcan anybody find me somebody to love?
There was still a question lingering on Harry's mind, even as Shailene spoke. He'd gathered that her and Matthew weren't together when he died, and they hadn't been for a while before that. Harry couldn't say he was surprised. He'd been one of the few people to see the tension underneath the surface, to see that it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. But he still wanted to ask. What happened? He'd heard the rumours, how much had she known? And was she okay? She sure as hell seemed it, but she'd seemed happy all the way back then too.

The change of topic as they moved on to the infamous Rin Davenport party was appreciated. He rolled his eyes. "Oh my god, I know. People looked at me like I was insane when I said I wasn't going in our sophomore year. Nobody said no to one of those golden invitations. And then you brought me along anyway," he said. He'd gotten away with it by downplaying what kind of party it really was and by saying he was going with Matthew. Shailene had actually told most of them, his parents had just believed him. He'd lived on his nerves all evening, but had still managed to enjoy himself somehow. He still hadn't seen anything quite like it since. She knew how to throw a party, and a classy party as well.

As they approached the house, Harry pointed out a parking spot for Shay, his heart starting to pound at the thought of the party, partially due to anxiety, but also to excitement. He wanted people to see who he had become, to see how he had grown. But would they like him? Would they even care? Would they remember him? That one part of his brain that wanted to seek out comfort told him go back, retreat to safety, hide where it was comfortable. But the bold, angry part of his brain was what made him climb out of the car and hold out his arm for Shay to take. "Shall we?" he said with a grin.


outfit - #e3ce00 - makeup
xxxyou know that truth hurts
xxxbut secrets kill
xxxcan't help thinking that i love it still
xxxstill here, there must be something real.
Things weren't going well, and beneath the surface, that was driving her crazy. Everybody seemed to be holding their breath, waiting for something to happen, watching each other, watching her. Honestly, all they needed was a thunderstorm, an overdramatic detective, and a dead-

She caught herself mid thought, realising that it... well, wasn't exactly in good taste. Especially after it had been revealed that Matthew had been murdered. She had questioned the wisdom of her decision, throwing this party. It had seemed like a great idea at the time, a chance to let everybody let off steam. But as she poured herself another glass of champagne, it seemed like nobody actually wanted to let off steam, they just wanted to... sit and stare at each other, by the looks of things.

The voice seemed to come from nowhere, and she spun around to see who it was. She wasn't sure who she was expecting to see, but it sure as hell wasn't Zeke Moore. As far as Rin had been concerned, he'd just disappeared off the map altogether. So promising, and then just... nothing. She would have been lying if she said she wasn't curious to see what had happened to him. And now, here he was, standing in front of her.

"Seems I forgot we're not in high school any more and people have coping strategies that aren't just getting drunk," She remarked wryly. "Or else we're all just so damn suspicious of each other after all that shit that came out about Matthew," she added, rolling her eyes. Then she sighed, glancing around and leaning against the bookcase beside her. "So. How are you? Where've you been? You dropped off everyone's radar without warning," she remarked with a teasing grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeke Mason Moore Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Rin Davenport
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0.00 INK

_____ T H EXS U R V I V O R_____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: Davenport Residence
Dialogue Color âœĻ #C8A2C8
Thought Color ✧ #785278

"Well, you know what they say," Shailene sang merrily, "misery loves company." It hadn't been the most miserable situation to have been in; for Shailene to be as "skinny" as her grandmother accused her of having been in high school, Shailene had scarfed down a number of hors d'oeuvres during the event in question, an attempt to keep her brain-to-mouth-filter from acting up. Contrary to Harry's own belief that she "dragged him there anyway," Shay called the night a success in that Harry even showed up and she'd only had one mishap with Matthew, and that was because she'd spent the majority of the night under another boy's (Harry) arm. Shailene had figured the bruising of her wrists a win in comparison to the could-have-beens.

Shay followed his parking directions, recognizing who should or would be present based on the cars she remembered them driving in high school or at least their parents' vehicles. As much as a lot of her former classmates liked boasting about their wealth and all that jazz back in the day, an older Shay was more inclined to see them for what they are and not the envy-inspiring brats who made her roll her eyes behind mangas she covered with textbooks, and about whom she gagged behind their heads as they turned to get lauded for what they considered humor, i.e. picking on a classmate they considered lesser than them. It was those thoughts that made her smile now, a little giddy at the prospect of being among such a group again. Before, when she had graduated, Shailene had yearned to escape. She wanted to leave behind the pitying stares because Matthew cheated on her, leave the ghosts of his abuse in the dark corners, leave behind herself - and now she was back, and still a bit of herself. Still a touch of that girl from before, but better now - stronger. And it was that desire for them to see it, when she had once wanted to hide away and never return, that had her returning Harry's grin with an exuberant, "We shall!"

Taking his arm, Shailene closed her door and locked the vehicle, dropping her keys into her clutch as they walked towards the house. "Ooooh, remember that one time everyone talked about Donovan cuz he barfed all over the Davenport's mustang junior year. I'm pretty sure everyone was ready to shit their pants every day of that week that she was pissed with him," Shailene recalled, noting the lack of said classic car. She never did find out what happened to it then, opting not to bring it up whenever she had been in Rin's presence for fear of...honestly, Shailene didn't know what the hell she had really feared about Rin Davenport when they were younger. If it had been fear at all. She just knew that Rin had inspired this feeling of...of inferiority, and perhaps that was why Shailene both admired and cowered before the girl. She had never been able to tell if Rin liked her much, as she herself never had any real issues with the other girl, but amidst it all, Shailene had respected her. Wished she could stand as tall and as strong as Rin appeared, especially when she couldn't. She didn't think she feared the girl - err, woman - now, but perhaps the fates decided to test that theory because amidst all the familiar faces Shailene spotted upon entering the house with Harry, the one she recognized by name was Rin. "Oh shit, it's Rin," she hissed under her breath to Harry, tugging him closer imperceptibly. "I feel like I'm ten again and waiting for her to go off because Sammy Chastain scuffed her Salvatore Ferragamos."

A middle school Shailene would have scurried off behind a corner somewhere until Rin passed her by; high school Shay would have smiled too hard and ducked behind Matthew, even if it was the least safest place in the world. Adult Shailene felt the residual panic knot in her belly, even as she took those careful strides into Rin...and Zeke's spaces. And if she happened to be dragging - and yes, Harry could actually accuse her of dragging him this time - Harry along, then so be it. Misery really does love company...and what kind of guests didn't greet their hostess? "Rin!" Shailene exclaimed and was surprised her damn self when her smile was genuine, not frozen. As she reached the duo, Shailene released Harry and embraced Rin in a side-hug she immediately winced over, pulling back to ramble, "Oh crap - I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hugged you - not that I'm sorry about hugging you because I'm a hugger now, but I'm all about consent and I didn't get that from you, which is my fault and shit - I'm doing the thing....Zeke!" Wincing again, this time because of the flurry of words that had escaped her mouth, Shailene stamped down on the age-old reflex to shrink away by turning her smile to Zeke, whom she also extended a quick hug to on a reflex that insisted that she not not embrace him too. "It's been a minute, how are you guys? You remember Harry, right?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeke Mason Moore Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Rin Davenport
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0.00 INK

outfit - #e3ce00 - makeup
xxxyou know that truth hurts
xxxbut secrets kill
xxxcan't help thinking that i love it still
xxxstill here, there must be something real.
It felt like Zeke was avoiding the question a little, something that frustrated Rin at the back of her mind. Then again, it had been years since they'd spoken. He couldn't be sure she was the same person, in the same way she knew he couldn't possibly be the same person. Maybe opening up their hearts to people that could very well be perfect strangers now wasn't the best idea. At his question, Rin just raised an eyebrow and smirked, shrugging a little. "Who says I can't be both?" She asked. Two could play at the game of mystery. She had enough skeletons to hide; between what her family did for a living and why she'd been whisked away so suddenly. She'd never fit in at the Swiss school- a little too rough around the edges, a little too many shadows behind the eyes. But she'd fooled everybody, and that was all they wanted to see.

She was momentarily distracted by the entrance of a pair of newcomers. Her eyes instinctively narrowed and her smile dropped a little as she didn't recognise them. Party crashers would not be well received. Unknown to most, she had security hidden around the grounds and the house, ready to intervene at a moment's notice. Only the truly brave or the truly idiotic would try and gatecrash a Davenport party. And then, as Shailene called her name, Rin realised exactly who they were, and her smile returned, surprisingly genuine. She was surprised when Shailene hugged her, but not in a bad way. The other girl had always been somewhat meek, hiding behind Matthew and constantly afraid of stepping a toe out of line. Rin saw a glimpse of that as Shailene gushed an apology for the hug, but there was no way in hell this was the Shailene that Rin had known in school. It was only as Shailene introduced him that Rin even recognised Harry Stone.

"It's great to see you, Shailene, Harry. I hardly even recognised the two of you at first! And don't worry about the hugging, I would have given my consent anyway," she said, raising an eyebrow a little teasingly. "I've been... good. Busy. But I'm sure nobody here wants to hear about the ins and outs of the fashion industry, how are you doing? Shailene, I was... so sorry to hear about Matthew, about... everything." She didn't want to gush or be invasive. She'd heard the stories about the cheating, just like everybody else. She didn't know about how it ended and frankly she didn't want to know, but she didn't want to waltz around the elephant in the room either.


#0081a7 - outfit
xxxi spent all my years believing in you
xxxbut just can't get any relief, lord
xxxsomebody, somebody,
xxxcan anybody find me somebody to love?
There was something about approaching the Davenport house that still gave Harry the chills. He could remember the exact incident that Shailene described. There had been a tangible tension among their class the whole week as they watched Rin with baited breath. Rumours flew about what her family had done to Donovan as a punishment. Apparently "send him the bill" hadn't been quite dramatic enough. Perhaps understandably so, however, as Rin herself had seemed notably on edge. Well, as on edge as the resident ice queen ever seemed. But the invitations had still gone out to the next party. Donovan, however, had been denied one, a grudge that Rin had never dropped. He wondered if he'd even been invited to this one.

Harry hadn't even noticed Rin until Shailene whispered about feeling ten again. Rin had hardly changed. As always, she seemed a tad overdressed, and as always, she pulled it off flawlessly. She was talking to Zeke, who had... changed a lot. Just as much as Harry, it seemed. Harry would have preferred to at least have a drink in his hand before talking to either of them, but instead, Shailene was dragging him over to them. He fixed a smile on his face as they reached them and Shailene embraced Rin. Even as Rin shrugged it off, Harry decided against trying the same thing, instead just nodding at both her and Zeke as Shailene mentioned him. Rin was as gracious as always, it seemed.

The comment about Matthew put Harry a little on edge. Him and Rin had been friends as far as he knew, and he wasn't entirely sure what to expect next. He knew for sure he didn't want to deal with that drama without some alcohol. He cleared his throat. "It's great to see you too, Rin, looking beautiful as always. I'm going to get a drink, can I get anyone anything?" He asked, noting Rin still had a glass mostly full of champagne in her hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeke Mason Moore Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Nas Amasio-Hansen Character Portrait: Jackson Park Character Portrait: Rin Davenport
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0.00 INK

I can never ever hate, don't know about them,
Got my haters asking, "God please, why him?"
Put in too much work to worry about them.

Outfit: Click here
Car: Mustang GT 5.0
Location: Devenpourt Home
Dialogue: #9316BC
Thoughts: italic


"Yeah?" the tall man inquired at Rin's question, "Sounds like you could become my ally while staying around. There is something I wanted to ask from you, though..." Yet, both of them were interrupted by two figures from the past.

His face remained the same, and although Zeke had been craving some alcohol recently, he had a big issue - a dilemma - to drink or not, but the moment he suddenly saw Harry and Shailene in front of him, all the emotions he once had in the past flushed over him, and he just felt the need to drown all over again. If he was going to cause some problems later that evening and night, he would gladly take that role of an asshole upon himself. It wasn't far to reach, anyhow. Seeing Harry made him think of Toby all over again, and it made Zeke feel sick... had he really fallen in love with Toby back at college only because that one reminded him of Harry so much? Zeke didn't know, but all he knew was that he was alive and he was unable to save Toby from drowning.

A sudden skin ship from Shailene, but it had escaped as fast as it had appeared; Zeke was just nodding to the two, eyeing Harry with slight curiosity. "Yo," was the only greeting that came from him, from Zeke who was leaning against the bookshelf with a cool, smug aura coming from the Moore heir. But after the words from Rin about Matthew, Zeke drew his dark eyes at Shailene, a rush of sudden emotion of wanting to escape this place flowing over him. He could've easily just do that, but Jax was here and he... wasn't going to leave without at least seeing Nas face to face once.

"I've already got my own," Zeke finally spoke and reached into his fashionable coat' inner pocket and pulled out silver flask, and offering a smug grin, which was more on the side of being playful rather than cocky, "Blue Label at your service," he added, offering a sexy raise of his left eyebrow. Opening the flash, he took a big swing of it, letting tis expensive taste set on his tongue, then burning up all his insides for a moment. It was a bad thing for him to drink, having been sober with difficulty for couple of months then. "Ah, fuck it... Jax can drive later, or I'll just take a cab," he thought to himself, "besides I doubt anyone else but him knows about my demons."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeke Mason Moore Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Rin Davenport
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0.00 INK

_____ T H EXS U R V I V O R_____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: Davenport Residence
Dialogue Color âœĻ #C8A2C8
Thought Color ✧ #785278

Overeager, her brain accused her, even as her smile widened at Rin's reply, You're still too fucking overeager. It didn't matter. It didn't matter anymore because although those jitters still existed, Shailene was not ten years old again and Rin Davenport was not some untouchable scion placed in their midst to remind them all of their inferiority. And Shay would continue to tell herself that for as long as she remained in this small town with its small people and the memories of a small, stupid girl she once remembered seeing in the mirror.

It seemed an even greater test then when Rin brought up Matthew, as she was wont to do. As she had the right to do, especially considering he had literally just died. Still, it reminded her of high school and people questioning her about his whereabouts because she'd always been his favorite accessory, hanging from his pocket and too rough hands like the broken ragdoll Shailene had been sure Rin - and everyone else - had managed to see her as. They had just been polite enough to never say it to her face. Her smile dimmed, though not for the reason Rin might think. "I wasn't," she heard her own voice state, distant and emotionless. Too honest, her mind screamed. Shailene blinked, shaking away at an unseen force. "I-I-I-I-I mean...I didn't - I'm numb, I think," she better supplied and hurriedly added to Harry at his escape for drinks, "Wine, please. Red, if any." Turning back to Rin and to Zeke, the latter of which pulled out a flask Shailene tried to not actively salivate over, she continued to explain, "I didn't know how to feel wh-when I got the call and I don't...I don't think I know how to now." Too much. Shailene cursed her brain and mouth once more, at their reluctance to be silent when even gently pressed. She shrugged for good measure then, trying not to let the rest spill - the vitriol, the rage, the...tears? Did she want to cry? "I guess I just thought I'd get the chance - " To hit back, to rant and rage, to scream, to curse " - I never got to say goodbye."

She hoped she had sounded sad enough, like the ex-girlfriend and once upon a time future possible wife of a dead classmate the preacher had stated was gone too soon. She hoped she added the right amount of tremor and though the stutter was actually genuine in an effort to conceal the most honest thing she'd said in the beginning, she hoped that her eyes reflected regret, grief. It was easier, however, when she brought a small smile back to her lips. Genuine. "Still, though, this is a party and I know it's been a somber few days, but this just won't do, don't you two think?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeke Mason Moore Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Rin Davenport
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0.00 INK

outfit - #e3ce00 - makeup
xxxyou know that truth hurts
xxxbut secrets kill
xxxcan't help thinking that i love it still
xxxstill here, there must be something real.
"No thank you, Harry," she said in response to him asking if they wanted any drinks, holding up her mostly full glass as an answer. Her eyebrow arched as Zeke pulled a flask from his pocket, declaring it to be blue label. A sharp but playful retort was on her tongue, but she held it back; a good decision as she saw Shay's reaction to the question. It seemed genuine enough, but Rin felt like there was something else there. Something she didn't dwell too hard on. It wasn't her place to pry. She felt like Shailene would afford her the same courtesy.

"I completely agree. However, despite my best efforts and the sheer amount of top quality alcohol on offer, people just don't seem to be in to it," she remarked, glancing around. God, her parties used to be legendary, and she'd be damned if this one went down as a failure. Had even more rumours about her family, hell, Rin herself gotten out? Had any of them even been true? She shrugged it away as Harry reappeared with a glass of red wine for Shay and a glass of what looked like Coke, presumably with something else. She held up her glass to them.

"Here's to fresh starts. Leaving the past behind and all that jazz," she declared. "Now, what do they say? The best leader leads by example? Well, then, gentlemen and lady, I think that's exactly what we need to do." She drained her glass and started for the nearest dance floor, hoping they would follow. She could feel the eyes following her, and that gave her a steely determination. She was Trinity Davenport, and she would give them something to talk about if it killed her. But this party would not be deemed a failure. Whatever else happened, it would not be a failure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeke Mason Moore Character Portrait: Harry Stone Character Portrait: Shailene Ekwensi-Hart Character Portrait: Nas Amasio-Hansen Character Portrait: Jared Garcia Character Portrait: Jackson Park
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0.00 INK

Character Portrait: Hale Soygazi Hale Soygazi says,
 “ hi ”