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War of the five elements

War of the five elements


This is the story of war and death, of friendship and love, of betrayals and trust...this is the story of...5 elements OPEN See details inside_

3,419 readers have visited War of the five elements since blackwolf created it.





Millions of years ago, the Earth was created by five Gods; each god had a special element: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth. They created plants, animals and humans. Then, they created a large kingdom where they‘re its rulers: the kings and queens. For thousands of years, people lived in peace and harmony. Even so, no happiness lasted forever. Evil always appeared when people expected it the least.

One day, the Fire God decided they should split into five different kingdoms and each of the gods could rule in one kingdom on their own. The other gods, however, disagreed with the Fire God. Angry with the other gods for not doing what he asked them to, the Fire God began to create havoc and chaos across the kingdom. Hundreds people died. Thousands people were injuries…and yet the Fire God didn’t stop. The other Gods all came into a painful decision: they must banish the Fire God – the one they called brother, for the humans’ sake. And together, with their power combined, they successfully banished the Fire God from the kingdom. However, the Fire God was still their brother and therefore, they couldn’t kill him or seal him away.

The Fire God turned his head and looked at his brothers and sisters with a hatred-filled eyes and he spoke, his voice was dripping with malice “I swear, brothers, sisters…I will come back and take back what is rightfully mine…and you will all in your knees…begging for my forgiveness…just wait…I will be back”

What the other Gods didn’t know was… their brother - the Fire God was being corrupted by the dark force – The Shadow. Now, let’s go back to the beginning…when the gods were born. At that time, the universe was nothing but an endless darkness. It had no form, no life, nothing. It merely existed. It consumed everything. Then, there were five little lights, each was special in their own way, began to make their ways into the darkness. The lights grew bigger and bigger, until one day, the gods were born from the lights; their lights were too bright. They defeated the darkness and made it go away without even knowing. Now, you must be asking yourself, what happened to the darkness?

It was confused…very, very confused. It was banished from its own land without a reason. It was confused for thousands of years. And then, the confusion slowly turned into anger…and then hatred. The darkness began to twist and twist until in its place, born a new being: The Shadow. The Shadow hated the Gods. It hated them with all of its black heart. And it began to plan. It planned a great plan in order to bring down all the Gods and force them to give back his land but for the plan to success, it needed to corrupt a god. But which one? Metal? Wood? Water? Earth? Fire? And the Shadow smiled cruelly. It would corrupt the Fire, whose power was unpredictable, strong, passionate yet destructive. It came to the Fire God and began its plan. For years, it was just the best friend of the God, gave him good advices, showing him this thing and that thing.

The Shadow laughed in the dark. Its plan officially began the moment the Fire God declared he could trust it. It gave the god hints, it gave the god poisons, it gave the god false information. The god trusted his best friend, began to doubt the other gods…and then, the Fire God told the other Gods to split the kingdom into five parts. It laughed like a madman.

However, the Shadow didn’t expect the Fire God to be banished. Not at all. In fact, it thought the god was going to get what he wanted. But the Shadow wasn’t afraid. It left with the god and together, they built an army – a dark army with the Shadow standing behind the Fire God, controlled everything. And true to the Fire God’s words, they came back to take over the kingdom. The gods began to fight. They fought for days, weeks, months, years. They didn’t care for anything as they fought restlessly with each other. Finally, they were all exhausted, even the Shadow. Their spirits were fragile and the god’s spirits began to crack under the pressure…but the winner hadn’t been decided yet. With a smart move, the Shadow whispered in the Fire God’s ear: The Shadow and the Fire God were going to be re-born and when they did, they would take over the world. The Fire God nodded tiredly and with a wave of his hand, both the Shadow’s and the Fire God’s spirits dissolved into nothingness. The other gods saw their move and without another word, the Gods all decided: they would also be reborn in order to stop the Fire God and the Shadow once and for all. Their spirits disappeared…along with their weapons…only to be re-born thousands of years later.


Thousands of years later, the gods was re-born into normal people. The wheels of fate began to move. They lived among us, unknown to us and to themselves, until their past-life memories returned to them…The war would, once again, begin. Which side would win this time? Would the Gods win and rescue their brother? Or would the Shadow and the corrupted Fire God win? Drowning the world into chaos and darkness forever?


After you’ve finished reading the main plot, I’ll begin to explain the characters for you so you can understand.

6 Main characters:( Age: 16 - 18)

Metal: he’s the brain of the group. He always wears a cold and uncaring mask. He speaks the truth. He points out which course of actions is the most logical one. He’s the guilder.

Wood: She loves the nature. She’s bursting with energy. She’s trusting, warm and sociable. She’s the inspirer of the group.

Water: She’s Wood’s best friend. She’s gentle and caring. She’s quiet and shy. Her eyes’re always filled with kindness. She’s the big sister of the group, always cares for everyone’s safety before her own.

Fire: He’s hot-headed and arrogant. He believes he’ll have everything he desires, no matter how small or big the thing is. He’s spoiled rotten. He’s a troublemaker.

Earth: He’s the leader of the group. He’s the one whose actions speak for his heart. He’s honest and brave. He’s the glue that sticks everyone together. He’s loyal to his friends and family and will do everything to keep them safe.

Shadow: He’s dark. He’s twisted. He’s cold. He’s cruel. He’s manipulative. He’ll do everything to get what he wants. The Shadow is selfish and always lurks in the dark, ready to strike like a viper in the grass, ready to attack when the time comes.

Note 1: In all of 6 main characters, Shadow is the only one that has the full memory of his past life. The others, however, only have small pieces of the time when they were gods. Even so, none of them has mastered their powers.

Note 2: All the gods (including the shadow) will have a special weapon that helps them concentrate their power and makes them stronger...I will create a NPC to guild you with this

Other characters:


The spirits: They’re the gods’ familiars and friends. They survive the last war and ‘re looking for the gods in order to help them to prepare for the new war.

Advantages of playing the spirits: They have full memories of what’d happened and therefore, they’re the ones who will give the gods advices how to improve their powers, how to find their weapons. Since they’ve lived from thousands of years ago, they have nearly limitless knowledge.

Disadvantages: The spirits CAN’T take part in any fights. They have to let the gods fight for themselves. They can only give advices but NOT taking part in the fights, minor ones or major ones.


The generals: They come from the dark army the Fire God and the Shadow created. Some of them survive the war and are looking for their masters, the others are re-born and their fates are to be awakened by the Shadow or the Fire God in order to fight for the dark army once again.

Advantages: The generals can be anything. They can be good guys that are somehow being forced into doing the dark’s biddings or they can simply blood-thirsty creatures that wish for destruction and chaos. They can be vampires, werewolves, dark spirits, magical animals or humans.

Disadvantages: The generals are the creatures of the dark and they CANNOT betray the Fire God or the Shadow in any ways or forms. They can, however, see the Shadow’s true face and try to help the Fire God. Their magic has limits and since they use dark magic, there will be consequences, whether the consequences were dangerous or not are up to you. They often fight best in the dark and worst in the light.


The spies: they’re the spies of the light or the dark. They’re sent into the other side in order to collect information and plans. They’re the information experts.

Advantages: The spies can come from the dark or the light. They’re hidden from the others; no-one knows their real identities or the reasons why they become spies. Maybe they just want to help the dark or the light, maybe they just love dangerous actions, or they can just simply want to be the ones who will have the most benefits when the war’s over. Their power are often based on the ones that can help them to collect information like blending in with the surroundings, earning people’s trust, etc…

Disadvantages: They are the information experts and they’re NOT fighters. In fact, they’re terrible at fighting things. They’re mostly the brains and not the muscles. People who know they’re spies often distrust them even from their own side because seriously, they can be double-agents for all we know.


Humans: They’re your normal humans with no power, no magic or anything else. However, they’re special in their own ways. Somehow, they’re stuck in the war. They may just be someone who comes across the gods and accidently sees what happens. They might be the gods or the spies or the generals’ human parents and are told the real stories by their children. Maybe they’re just good best friends and are told about the war that’s going to happen by their friends who are directly involve in the mess. They’re the only humans in the world know what will happen. They might try to help or might not.

Advantages: Well…to tell you the truth, there’re not many advantages when it comes to humans. If you just want to relax and have fun, not worry too much about spoiling the plot, you can be humans, since they have the least impacts on the plot. They can just be the gods’ or spies’ or the generals’ lovers, family, best friends…etc

Disadvantages: well, first of all, they’re humans so they have no power. They CAN’T take part in any fights. They’re just the extra part of the stories so they’re often ignored and they have no real impacts on the plot.


1/ Wood: Angel Marsh - RiotTerritory
2/ Fire: Yusuke Kurai - Blackwolf
3/ Water: Patricia Swanson - Zodia195
4/ Dark general 1: Chrome Lavii - Bani
5/ Shadow: Karasu Zankokuna - Feral Gale
6/ Dark general 2: Yuri Fenêtre - Arthurna
7/ Metal: Shane Winters - Zen_ink
8/ Earth: Billiaon Roentel - Setsugie
9/ The spirit of Earth: The spirit of leaves - Maka Taowa - QueenJen
10/ (NPC) The Book of knowledge - Blackwolf
11/ The spirit of water: Spirit of Waves - Cora Rivers - Zodia195
12/ The spirit of Fire: The 'little' light - Hikari Hotondo - Blackwolf
13/ The spirit of Wood: The tree spirit - Anaida Sashewna - Bani
14/ The Spirit of Metal: The spirit of Mercury - Zon - zen_ink
15/ Dark General 3: Thorn Macbeth - silvermist
16/ The spirit of Wood: The spirit of birds - Robin Woods -RiotTerritory
17/ Spy 1: Jenny/Jeremy Ravino - Silvermist
18/ Spy 2: Kyokudo Teisatsu - feral gale

PLOT for each type of characters: (Please read this carefully because each type of characters has a different one…)

Shadow: Finding the Fire God, manipulating him into doing bad things and awaking the generals

Fire: regaining his power and taking over the world

Metal,Wood, Water, Earth: Training their power and finding their god’s weapons that ‘re scattered all over the world to regain their full strength and finding the real truth behind the reason why the Fire God suddenly turned evil millions of years ago.

Spirits: Finding the gods and helping them with their training, power and finding the weapons with them.

Generals: Serving the dark army and stopping the gods-in-training from finding their weapons

Spies: collecting information and plans from the side they’re spying and report them back so the side they’re spying for knows the plans.

Humans: have no real plot actually…if they have, that will just be helping the gods as much as they can.

Character sheet:

Code: Select all

[b][u]Name:[/u][/b] (full name or at least a name and a family name)



[b][u]Position:[/b][/u] (Which god, generals, spies, spirits, humans?)

[b][u]Race:[/b][/u] (humans? gods? vampires? werewolf? spirits? magical creatures?)



[b][u]Eyes color(s):[/b][/u]

[b][u]Hair color(s):[/b][/u]

[b][u]Description:[/b][/u] (anything I forget? tattoos? prefer clothing? piercings?)

[b][u]Personalities:[/b][/u] ( you should write this as two seperate paragraphs. I know that each person has good traits and bad traits and I want you to think carefully about your character's good traits and bad traits and write two seperate don't need to write a lot, just the basic so we can get to know your character better)

[b][u]Special abilities[/b][/u] (delete this if you're humans...This is the character's have to write the character's power and drawbacks so your character won't become a god-like Mary-sue or gary-stu...Please note that for generals who use dark magic, the consequence will be serious like losing bits of souls or shorten life span...)

[b][u]Life Skills:[/u][/b] (what is your character good at? climbing? singing? dancing? running?)

[b][u]Weapon(s):[/u][/b] (your magical weapon that helps you to concentrate your power...delete if you're humans...and remember, if you can only have one magical weapon but you can have multiple non-magical weapons if you like ) [url= the weapon's image's url] the name of the weapon[/url]

[b][u]History:[/b][/u] (this is the part where you'll build your character's as descriptive as you have to write your character's history in the PRESENT time not in their past lives...)

[center][size=150]PICTURE OF MY CHARACTER[/size][/center]

(Please note that I will NOT accept REAL HUMAN's pictures...Thank you)
[center][img](the picture's url)[/img][/center]

Toggle Rules

There are three sets of rules:

The first set of rules is for the RESERVED:

1/ the reserved form:
Race (human, vampire, spirit, werewolf, god, magical creature):
Position (spirit, general, spy, human, if you reserve for a god then which one?):
Reserved time (how much time do you need to submit your character sheet? Please note that you choose the amount of time so please keep your promise):

This is an example of the reserved form:
Race: god
Position: Fire
Reserved time: 12 hours

2/ when you reserve a character, I will put you in the reserved list and the amount of time you choose. For example:
Reserved list:
-Fire: blackwolf - 12 hours
If you don’t keep your promise, I will delete your name. Reserved characters are written in bold letters.

The second set of rules is for the OOC:

1/ No creating any OOC dramas

2/ respecting other players

3/ If you have questions, please post it on the OOC. Depends on what kinds of questions, I may answer on the OOC forum or by private messages.

4/ we’re not perfect. Therefore, we may have conflicts or disagreements, please solve the problem in peace. If you don’t think you can solve the problem peacefully, please pm me and I will try to convey the message to the one you need to tell without saying your names.

5/ don’t be offended if the characters are rude to your characters, they are not real people.

The third set of rules is for the players:

1/ NO god-mooding…I know that if you choose to be a god, technically, you are a god but still… the gods haven’t mastered their power yet so I will repeat my message once again. NO GOD-MOODING.

2/ No Mary-sues or Gary-stus…no-one likes them and they spoil the fun.

3/ While I do not ask you to write a three-page essay, please no one liner and write at least 3 sentences.

4/ I know no-one is perfect and therefore, you will most likely make some mistakes here and there but try to make as little mistakes as you can. Please don’t write ‘lyk thix’.

5/ in your character sheet, please write: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth so I know you’ve read this.

6/ when you characters prepare to fight with each other, please discuss beforehand so you can decide who’ll win the fight.

7/ You can play multiple characters if you want.

8/ Cursing is allowed as long as you keep it moderate.

9/ Romance is encouraged including hentai, shounen-ai, shoujo-ai as long as you keep it NC-15 (means that you stop at make-out session and timeskip sex scene)

10/ As a GM, I have every right to reject every character that I deem unfit for the role.

Browse All » 3 Settings to roleplay in


au by blackwolf



School by RolePlayGateway

where the gods and godnesses and even some generals study

The Devil's liar

The Devil's liar by RolePlayGateway

- The Dark Side's secret liar -

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


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Thorn smiled, overjoyed, at the sprite falling asleep at her fingertips. She wouldn't kill the dear- that would be lame, end her fun, and Thorn was relatively sure that some sprites got re-incarnated anyway, so what was the point? Thorn smiled manically, trying not to laugh because she didn't need anyone to notice her- not just yet. Thorn picked up the girl- she was light, that was good- in both arms, and winked at Kurasu
'See you soon love, Meet you in the highest tower' She wasn't sure if he could hear her, but he knew she liked high places, He would find her. Besides, The giant clock tower near the school was the only place she could get to without getting lost.

because she could actually see it. She opened the door (after stepping over a couple of misplaced sheep) And tried to sneak out. she accidentally slammed the door behind her.
Nice job looser.
I know, I know, go to hell!
You're kinda useless
ALL that you are good for is making poison, you brat!
As this was going on, of course, Thorn was already dashing to the clocktower, fast as she could given her laiden state.
The girl stirred a tad in her slumber.
"hush sweetheart, I wont hurt you." And she wouldn't. not physically. Thorn smiled and opened the door to the clocktower, ascending slowly. she was tired. She spotted an elevator and thanked the stars.
"Going up?" she said, walking in and pressing the button for the top floor.

As the elevator dinged at the top, she put the Spirit down on the floor. "sleep, doll." She smiled sweetly.

Thorn walked back to the elevator, and pulled out a dagger. She Jammed it into the controls and juggled it around. It was Metal, and coursing with electricity. She thanked her father mentally for the rubber hilt.
Next one up here has to walk. She smiled, contented.


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The 'little light'

Hikari looked at the his master - the Fire God with a pained look on his face. He really...really wanted to fight but he knew that he couldn't take part in a God's fight...he was bounded by the spirits' laws. Cursing silently for his own uselessness, the spirit yelled loudly "...please, Master...Fight it...whatever he's doing to's not REAL!!!" He was met with ignorance and the spirit yelled again "...Magical Book...I know you're watching this...please help us!" He watched helplessly as the Gods and Goddesses were attacked by the Dark Generals.

Turning his head to one side, he prepared to ask the other spirits for advices when his eyes caught sight of a Dark General kidnapping Anaeda. Cursing silently and turning his head, Hikari was torn between helping his God and helping his fellow spirit. Finally, realizing that he wouldn't be able to offer the Gods any help anyway. He turned into a dragonfly and followed the Dark General silently while thinking 'please forgive me, Master Fire...I promise I will help you...I promise'


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#, as written by Bani
Chrome Lavii

Well, well, wasn't this getting interesting?
He saw the Shadow's bodyguard - Thorn - sneak away with the green-haired spirit, and a little later, another sleepy looking spirit - probably of that Fire God, judging by the way he threw torn looks at Fire before deciding to go after Thorn - follow them.

Should I go or not...
The Chain Girl probably couldn't take all of them, and Shadow .. had his hands full. Literally.
Besides, it wasn't as if Thorn needed help with two little Spirits - one of whom was sound asleep.
And Gods and Goddesses made better prey at any rate, Chrome thought, his grin widening to manic proportions as the kanji in his eyes rapidly flashed, ready to go into his desired Realm.

Not that he would use it without very good reason. If he died here, he couldn't destroy these hypocrites standing before him, could he now?


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The Shadow

Shadow raised an eyebrow as his lovely darling - Thorn kidnapped the spirit. He didn't care about what she would do to a spirit. It made no difference to him anyway. She could torture the spirit to insanity for all he cared. Spirits were not good testing subjects...the Gods were...He smirked and looked at the idiots in front of him again. He laughed as he narrowedly avoid being bit by a wolf. What did those fools think he was? A helpless girl?

'See you soon love, Meet you in the highest tower' He gave a short nod and sent a smile toward his female guard 'Have fun, dear...I'll meet you there' He gave her a mental message and focused on the Gods again.

Laughing malicously, the Shadow asked "...did you use all your tricks 'cause I congratulate you on nearly making me break a sweat...hehehehe"


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Thorn Sat down next to the spirit and looked around the room. There were no windows,and without the elevator, no way out but the stairs.
The stairs... They're a hazard if she wakes up.
Gonna bind her, or block the steps?
I don't know.....
C'mon hon, tie her up
"Jeezus, fine!" she muttered aloud.
Thorn walked to The slumbering spirit, and laid a hand on her stomach. From the pulse, the poison would likely wear off within the hour. "yeah, good idea."
She found a rope- one connected to the ceiling, coiled down at the floor, likely used to controll who knew what- and cut it off above her own waist. she had a sizeable length of rope, and a girl to tie up. "Bored now" she said with a curling grin.

She didn't want to tie her up entirely, and wished to let her speak, so Thorn Tied the girls arms around the back of a wooden chair, sat her in it, and bound her feet as well. "Someone must have lived here once" she mused aloud. "It's furnished and covered in cobwebs" She didn't like cobwebs. Cobwebs meant things hadn't moved, that nothing had changed. Things had to move for chaos, be in constant disarray. Constantly changing disarray at that. Thorn grimaced and threw an empty chair down the stairs. "That made me feel better."

Thorn moved back to the chair where she had bound the spirit, leaning over her, not realizing her necklace dangling in the girls face. When she did notice, it was too late. she had gotten a dose of smelling salts. she'd wake in short order.


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The God of Earth

"No!" Billiaon said and reached out to Yusuke and the Shadow the chains then appeared swirling around them, Billiaon got pushed back as he touched them his hand was bleeding immensely from the cuts the chain caused. "Damn it!" Billiaon cursed, then the rooms light died down and a small rumbling could be heard as the earth started to shake.

(~In his Inner World~)
Billiaon opened his eyes seeing a wasteland with billions of swords scattered around, with giant gears clanking at the horizon, fiery ashes that do not emit heat could be seen rising from the ground. "What is this?!" Billiaon said, "Infinite Blade Works." a voice echoed; Billiaon looking around then saw a dark figure in shrouds in front him, "Shadow!" he screamed, "No. I am The God of Earth. Before I perished and reincarnated thyself I sealed part of my power withing this world." the figure said and took a few steps forward. He took of hfis shrouds reviling a older version of Billiaon wearing his battle armor "I been waiting for you." he said with a small smile. "You-You'" Billiaon said, the God nodded and said "Know lets see if thy are able to inherit thy own power." he said as a full blade appeared in the gods hand. "Wait we don't have time Fire...Yusukes in danger! I should help him not fight you, "Do not worry young one I am using what power I have left to stop time while you in her. Know young one lets see if your worthy of thy power!!" the god said and dashed forward and swung his blade at Billiaon.
(I am going to skip the epic fight scene and leave it for later. xD)

Billiaon huffed, standing in front of the god, they both had blood, cuts and bruises all over their bodys, "Its seems thy are worthy of thy power." the god said and look at Billiaon. "-Huff-huff- I told you, I'll do anything for my brothers -huff, puff- and sisters!" Billiaon said as the weapon he has shatters, "Yes, and know you shall inherit thy power and tittle as the God of Earth. I bestow thy power to thee use it wisely Billiaon." the god said and his appearance change to an exact copy of Billiaon, then shattered in a dust like form and took hold and combined with Billioan. "I only have a little power left, you can use thy ability's but they have their cost. I can only maintain your body for about 5 minutes any more than that and thy soul will start to shatter and wither away keep that in mind young one." the gods voice echoed within Billiaons mind.

(-Out of Inner World-)

Billiaon opened his eyes as he looked at the Shadow and Yusuke, with light blue eyes, the rumbling stopped and the water around Billiaon reseeded, as he said "I will not let you take, those who are precious to me again." he said as pieces of his armor appeared on his body....


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The Fire God

The wheels of fate have begun to move...

And you're too weak to stop it...

Fate wins this time...

Yusuke's eyes snapped open and he looked around. Fire surrounded him as he began to laugh like a madman. Looking at Karasu, Yusuke smirked "...ah...I must thank you for releasing my chains...It has been a long time since I had the chance to go out..." He looked at the Gods and Goddesses for a long moment before smirking deviously “…Hello, brothers, sisters…long time no see…how are you today?...” He pointed at himself and tapped his cheek “…hmm…I suppose you still haven’t remembered everything…yet…” He smirked “…don’t worry…Yusuke-kun still hasn’t remembered everything, either…but I did…” He gave them a mock bow and continued “…let me introduce myself…I’m Black Fire…Yusuke’s better self…I was born from all of his…negative emotions…” He shrugged his shoulder and raised his hand, fire began to cover his right hand. He cocked his head to one side, the smirk still hadn’t left his face “…what’s wrong? Why don’t you say something?...I didn't shock you that much, did I?...”


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General -Yuri Fenêtre -The Carnage Puppet

“How’s your feeling today, Miss Yuri?”


“Is it because of the dream?”

“I guess…I’m just tired.
I should go on without feeling anything.”

“I doubt you could. After all, your feeling IS the only thing which keeps you moving right now.”

She made her chains slowed down. The chains were rattling sluggishly on mid air. Ginger-head aura had completely changed. It was dark, black, a deep darkness where it would pull everything in. She looked toward Ginger-head and scratched her head, wondering whether her job finished or not while listening to Ginger-head talk. She was tired and want to rest.


“Huh?” Suddenly she felt horrendous pain inside her head. It was thumping madly, tried to break out. Blue flower petals were dancing madly around her.

Even in the midst of flowing time, she felt lethargic, spinning around and around. She couldn’t even see the heart that was leaving her.

There’s a price for a freedom.

Her red eyes began glowing.

“I guess… I'm exhausted.”


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The Shadow

Karasu returned Yusuke's smirk with an identical one "...ah, Yusuke-kun...don't thank's all because of your effort...I'm just someone who gave you the key but you're the one who opened the door..." He turned his head and looked at the Gods and Goddesses and smiled sweetly " that we all have enough members...let's the family reunion begins, shall we?..." He gave Chrome a smile and said "...Chrome-kun...please invite us to your personal dimension...after all, we can't let the Gods and Goddesses feel unwelcome, right?..." He looked at Yuri and nodded his head "...well can rest, Yuri-chan..."


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Jenny had opened the door to the tech-lab, and sat down at the computer. She was trying to hack the school's network to get on a gaming site- well, not really. If another kid asked, that was what she would have told them, and if an adult asked, a nice lie would have slipped off her tongue "Oh, I was trying to fix a network problem, I noticed that something was wrong and didn't want to bother the faculty." It sounds like a poorly constructed fib, but the teachers trusted her undoubtedly. She was a sweetheart in class and always did her homework. Well, she always made it seem like she did her homework. She could lie like a fox and make sheeny-eyes like a deer. But she loved her classmates.

If one of them was being bullied, it was her prerogative to bring the perpetrator to a quiet spiraling doom. Clearing their locker, or failing them in a few classes by messing with their grades on the network. While she was sitting here at the computer now, she was hacking onto the student database, to change the grades of one Kelly Wimyana. She had been making the life of Micheal Norman hell for a few weeks now, starting at the last school dance (at which Jenny had DJ'd) when Kelly broke off her date with Micheal on stage. Jenny was about to click on Kelly's name when she found something of much greater interest to her. Shane Winters, just below Kelly's name on the roster.
How could I possibly have not noticed this ..... She looked at his picture for a few minutes.
Shane Winters was far more than Shane Winters. He was worlds more than Shane Winters. He was the god of metal. She could see it behind his cold metallic eyes of silver. She knew those eyes better than anyone.

Rather, he could see it behind the cold metallic eyes, and he knew those eyes better than anyone. Jenny had inadvertently changed forms while she was ruminating on the situation. She was now he, Jenny was now Jeremy. S/he could change back in a flash, But Jeremy didn't care. No one was there to notice, and the only real problem was that Jenny was enrolled in the school, not Jeremy. But every student knew Jeremy as just another classmate- they never noticed him in the halls. Of course, in class he was always Jenny- well, she was always Jenny. Gender wasn't that important. It would be easy to change back, but why? The only thing that mattered now was finding metal.
Jeremy Quickly changed Kelly's grade and then for revenges sake brought one of Shane's A's down to a C. He'd have no idea.....
Jeremy walked to the door but Jenny walked out, coincidentally changing forms as he/she touched the doorknob. Slamming the door behind her, she looked around. Then laughed at herself. how would she find him now?


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"Yusuke's better self? Don't make me laugh. Born from his negative emotions? That means your not Yusuke, your not my brother!" Billiaon said. Personal Dimension? What does that mean? Billioan thought, he glared at the Shadow, as Billiaon's armor was completed, "Shadow, I have one question...Why? Why are you doing this, what did we ever do to you?!" Biliaon said as a single tear escaped his eyes. The water that was force to reseed was released and came back, Billiaon then sighed.

The setting changes from au to The Devil's liar

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Kyokudo Teisatsu

Kyo yawned and ran a hand through his hair, making the already-messy hair even messier. He had stayed here for who-know-how-long and honestly, he was bored out of his mind. He didn't dare to leave the palace, in case the Shadow, the Fire God and his army came back but just waiting here for thousands of years honestly made him wish he hadn't choosen such a difficult job. Being a spy was no walking-on-the-rose and Kyo knew that. He just...couldn't let the corruption continue. He had seen it all...How the Shadow corrupted everyone. From the Fire God to his Generals. It made Kyo angry...very angry but there was nothing he could do to stop it. He had tried...but it was no-use. The Dark temptation was too much and in the end, everyone gave in.

He looked at the skeletons around him with a sad look on his face. These were the ones that had died in the war. They might be re-born but seeing their corpses didn't make things easier for Kyo. He remembered their voices, their faces even their hobbies and mates. He remembered them all. He remembered a loyal Chrome...who followed the Fire God to the end and finally, had been corrupted into a sadistic being. He remembered the shy Yuri, the cute girl that had the smile that could shine the whole world and the corrupted Yuri...who couldn't think anything but revenge for what the Gods had done to her. He remembered the Fire God...the being that he respected so very much. The Fire God used to be the most passionate one. The one that loved enough to create fire. The being that had been corrupted so much that his Fire could only be used for the dark purposes now...Kyo sighed heavily. He remembered Thorn, he remembered the Shadow...'How I wish things were what they used to be...' Kyo thought sadly. He looked at the blue sky and mumbled "...hmm...the time is near..." He asked again, this time sounded a little angry "...Fate...why did you do this to us? Why?...Does history have to repeat itself?"

The Shadow

Karasu laughed bitterly at the God's question and said " didn't do anything to me? What a laugh!..." He turned angry and spoke, his voice filled with hatred " mean you didn't remember anything? the things you did to me?..." He snorted and said "...if you don't remember then I guess a few hits will jolt your memory, huh?" He said coldly and simply "...attack..."

The setting changes from The Devil's liar to au


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General -Yuri Fenêtre -The Carnage Puppet

She heard that alright. Charcoal-face He had said that she could rest. But still…even though she was exhausted to the point of passing out, she would fight. Because fighting was the only thing which kept her moving or more precisely her hatred did.

So, she stayed. She stayed and would see the ‘performance’ until the very end.

“I thank you for giving me a chance to rest. But I will stay.” She had said it with her usual monotone voice. Her glowing eyes began dimmed until it was back to its previous state, empty-looking crimson eyes.

Her gaze moved to the blond guy who had talked to Charcoal-face. The guy was wearing some sort of armor which looked familiar to her. She tilted her head to the left a little. How could she don’t realize a guy who resembled a pansy-ass-knight? His power was too concentrated to be missed too.

“…if you don’t remember then I guess a few hits will jolt your memory, huh?” She heard Kurasu…Kora…Kare..what was his human name again? Charcoal-face said it, loud and clear. Yuri took a deep breath. Her chains rattled and gained its speed, rotating freely. The glowing blue petals began dancing around her again, like early spring. But it didn’t bring happiness, it never was. The only thing her petals carried was insufferable hatred.


Then she released her chains.

Until my soul scattered and my body rot…I would continue to fight.

(note: Kurasu is how Japanese people pronounce 'Class', Kora can be translate as Damnit or something in Japanese, Kare is a food from India?)


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The Water Goddess and the Spirit of Waves

Everything seemed to happen too fast for Cora. When Fire woke up all corrupted, it did not sit well with her. She did not want history to repeat itself.

"Come on guys, you can do it." she called out to them.

The spirit was especially worried for her mistress, who was done for the count after that attack. Indeed, the chains that separated Patricia from Shadow and Yusuke did knock her out. It didn't help that she used a lot of energy. However, she wasn't unconscious. She was trying to wake up, but something prevented her from doing so. In fact, it felt like someone was trying to pull her deep into herself. She soon found herself standing near cliff overlooking a turbulent sea.

"Can you feel it?" asked a voice.

Patricia turned to see a beautiful woman with blue and green hair with silver eyes. She just gapped.

"Huh?" she asked.

The lady smiled.

"Can you feel the energy of the water?"

Patricia nodded before asking, "Who are you?"

"I am you Patricia. I am the Goddess of Water."

"Me? I can't be . . a goddess. I mean, I do feel that I am different from most, but . . ."

"Why are you denying what you feel to be true?"

"Because this kind of stuff doesn't happen in real life."

The lady laughed.

"Awww, the modern world, how very narrow-minded humans have become. Patricia forget what everyone else perceives, what do you feel?"

Patricia thinks before saying instinctively, "I believe anything is possible and that others need my help."

"Well said. I do believe you are worthy and will be able to avoid the mistakes I have made. He needs you and the others. Are you ready to remember?"

"No I am not." Patricia said honestly.

"Correct answer. No one is ever truly ready for anything. However I do have faith that you will be able to bear the burden of which you must carry in order to overcome the shadow. Take my hand and we'll see if you can overcome it." the goddess offered.

Patricia hesitated before taking it.


Patricia gasped and tried to find her bearings. The emotional roller coaster she went through was nothing she ever experienced before. She looked at the goddess and saw sadness reflected there, but there was also hope.

"My child, you have passed this test, but there is more to come. Wake up!"

With that Patricia opened her eyes just as Shadow ordered an attack. Immediately she stood up just in time for chains to appear. This time she instinctively placed a hand on the wall, causing more water to spurt out of the water sprays on the ceiling to create a wall of protection to prevent the chains from attack her and the others. They died down after that first attack and she looked at Shadow.

"You know Kurasu, I pity you. All this fighting is only going to cause pain for both sides. What is your true goal? Do you think fighting will solve all your problems." she said before looking at Yusuke.

"Yusuke, if you're still there, try to remember, we're family. Please don't do this. I love you, please wake up!" she pleaded.


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The Fire God

Yusuke laughed deviously and said "...Aww...little cute!...but sorry...your boyfriend is not available right again later, okay?..." He winked but frowned slightly as Yuri began to attack them. It was not like he was afraid of them or anything but he was still a little exhausted from earlier, when he tried to take over Yusuke's body and beside, he looked around, mentally counted his enemies. '...hmm...Earth, Metal, Wood, Water and I haven't counted those spirits yet...hmm...not good...and I still need to wake up the rest of my army and then find my weapon...' He shook his head and raised his hand to stop Yuri "Enough...general Yuri...Let's's enough for today..." He gave Karasu a glance and a small nod, silently sent him a mental thought 'We will attack them next time...Let's go back to our castle...'


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General -Yuri Fenêtre -The Carnage Puppet

She had prepared to attack the Canned-knight when Ginger told her to stop. Her chains stopped halfway from attacking, she sighed. It was her only opportunity to defeat the gods and goddesses while they’re weaponless. But it looked like Ginger had another plan in mind.

“Fine then.”

The countless chains were dragged back from whatever-it-came-from along with its previous ‘victim’. The hallway which full of corpses now empty from any of it, only the blood remains.

“Sigillum.” She whispered softly and her sigil glowed for a while. Once its glow dimmed her eyes color were the shades of yellow again. She had ripped the end of her dress a little to make a makeshift eye-patch, to cover her sigil.

“But you owe me…a lot.”


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The Wood Goddess and Spirit of Birds

Angel was scared yet comforted by the animals that stood around Yusuke and Karasu. A wolf jumped at the boy, but was knocked back by chains that had begun to appear. Angel, herself, was about to jump into the fight until she noticed how afraid and unprepared she was. She jumped back to stand by Patricia.

"I'm still confused, Patricia. And I'm honestly scared and I have no clue what's going on and I don't know how those animals got in here..." she trailed off, realizing that she was babbling and looked up at Patricia. "You seem to have some sort of clue what is going on."

Robin ran to stand by her mistress and realized that she was talking to the Water goddess. She tugged on Angel's arm softly. "Angel, I think that the goddess is busy." She then turned to the Patricia and whispered to her over Angel's shoulder. "She seems to be remembering more slowly than the rest of you."

That was when Angel snapped. She turned to Robin in anger, but her eyes looked as if she was about to cry. "Look, I don't know who you are, I just called animals into my school, my best friend is about to pass out and she also makes the sprinklers go on. What the heck am I supposed to believe here?" Angry tears had started to silently slide down her face and she wiped them away. "I don't know what to do."


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The God of Earth

What exactly did we do to the Shadow... Billiaon thought, then chains where released, but water blocked them it was Patricia the Water Goddess, she had protected us. The shadow and Black fire where about to leave, Like hell I'll let you leave Billiaon thought but then a wave of exhaustion and pain took over Billiaon, his armor cracked as he panted, "I think I'm at my limit." I whispered. I looked over to the others "Uhg." I said and held my head and the armor dissipated into a crystal like dust, "Is everyone...okay?" I said knowing what they would answer.


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The Spirit of Leaves

Maka stood to the side near the other Spirits as everything happened, unable to fight for... reasons. She winced as the Chain general made to attack the Earth God, but was refrained by The Water Goddess sheilding them all with a waterfall of sorts. It died down after the general stopped attacking, and the dark forms began to retreat.
Maka rushed to the Earth God as his armor dissolved, falling away like the pixie dust her being was partly created of.
Is everyone...okay?" he was asking. Maka shushed him.
"Everyone's fine.." Maka glanced around, seeing everyone looking as well as they could after such a scene. She quickly thought back to all the conversations she had over heard, but could muster up a name for the Earth God. Maka mentally groaned, knowing that would make things that much more awkward.

"Master, If I remember you well enough, you want to go after those dark ones, fight, try and make things right, help everyone do everything.. But you can't, alright?" Maka attempted to guide him to a chair, still surveying the scene, trying to find out what felt so amiss- other then the obvious, of course. It was something deeper, but she couldn't figure out what.
"You discovered a key part of your powers today," Maka explained simply. "Usually, when you battle, you don that armor. I think your remembering at a steady pace, faster then you should be, and that's okay regarding recent events, but I don't want you to be alarmed at anything."
She flipped her hair over her shoulder and looked over to see the Wood Goddess crying. Maka sighed, Oh Dear, what a mess we really are in. I'm thinking The Gods and Goddess should talk things out, and I need to speak with the other Spirits... *sigh*


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#, as written by Bani
Chrome Lavii

Chrome had taken his leave right after the spirit was kidnapped, losing interest as soon as the brat told them to rest. On the way out of the corridor, he met a person he vaguely remembered as his Maths teacher, who gaped at his appearance, making Chrome realise blood had splattered onto his clothes and face.

He wouldn't have had to resort to drastic measures if the man had not screamed his name, commanding him to stop.
"I would never have expected you of all people to be in a fight! Follow me to the Principal's office at once!"
Chrome was not in a good mood, and it was the teacher's own fault for aggravating him further. Chrome had no wish of being dragged to the Principal and be expelled, not when things were just beginning to get somewhat interesting. Besides, the other General and the brat whose commands he could not seem to completely disobey had already committed a small scale massacre, and this teacher was wailing at him about a fight? Idiot ...

So Chrome did the only thing he could, swinging his trident at the clueless teacher , making sure to kill him at one go. He was pissed and random-Maths-teacher was annoying, and he needed to vent his frustration, but he still didn't want to be tied up with one lousy mortal. He had better things to do with his time. Like figuring out what the Hell just happened back in the corridor, and why he couldn't ditch the brat's commands.

He wandered out on the roof again, choosing a vantage point from where everything going in the corridor was visible, but he was not.

Anaeda Sashewna

Anaeda blinked groggily, trying to open her eyes. She still felt tired, but for some reason she was suddenly much, much less tired than before.

Maybe because I have had some sleep .. I fell asleep ... ? Where's the Goddess ...?
Looking around, she couldn't see any of them. She appeared to be in a room, and ...


Senses going into panic mode, she jerked her body around as much as possible, trying to find a way to get her hands out of the ropes, failing to notice the other girl sitting calmly.


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(OOC: Sorry I had 10 exam the past weeks i hate meh school but im dones know)
The God of Earth

Billiaon looked up seeing a somewhat familiar face, "Master, If I remember you well enough, you want to go after those dark ones, fight, try and make things right, help everyone do everything.. But you can't, alright?" she said, It was true also he wanted to help make everything okay again, but he couldn't, "O...kay. You look familiar..." Billiaon said as she finished talking, "what should...we do?... know?" Billiaon said with a pant, the other gods are also looking quite exhausted and the spirits are... well you know... Well I just wait around as I moved into a sitting stance, trying to get his stamina back...


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General -Yuri Fenêtre -The Carnage Puppet

“Happy birthday, Miss Yuri. Times sure goes fast, without realizing it, you’re already twelve.”


“Did you know? Right before your mother giving birth to you she did some strange thing.”


“She said ‘I caught the LIGHT’ with unnatural grin on her expression.”


“Creepy, isn’t it? A few servants even believe you’re not a human. But the oblique, the point where illusion and reality slant and overlap”


“Ridiculous indeed. To me….your presence more like…”


“A Will o’ Wisp”

Yuri blinked. She was outside the school. She didn’t remember when she went outside or how she managed to move her legs despite the fatigue she felt but somehow she didn’t care. Looking around she saw the pineapple head guy killed somebody, with a trident, and then just left the body. She stared at the corpse. Her chains shot up from the corpse and dragged it to the darkness, only the blood remained.

A pain bloomed on in her sigil and she fell to her knee. Her short breath was uncontrollable but she refused to yield, even thought the conscious started to waning.

Until my soul scattered and my body rot…I would continue to fight.

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au by blackwolf



School by RolePlayGateway

where the gods and godnesses and even some generals study

The Devil's liar

The Devil's liar by RolePlayGateway

- The Dark Side's secret liar -

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Character Portrait: Patricia Swanson
0 sightings Patricia Swanson played by Zodia195
The Water Goddess
Character Portrait: Cora Rivers
0 sightings Cora Rivers played by Zodia195
Spirit of Waves

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View All » Add Character » 18 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Yusuke Kurai
Character Portrait: Chrome Lavii
Character Portrait: Karasu Zankokuna
Character Portrait: The book of knowledge
Character Portrait: Yuri Fenêtre
Character Portrait: Shane Winters
Character Portrait: Billiaon Roentel
Character Portrait: Hikari Hotondo
Character Portrait: Anaida Sashewna
Character Portrait: Zon
Character Portrait: Thorn
Character Portrait: Jenny/Jeremy Ravino
Character Portrait: Kyokudo Teisatsu


Character Portrait: Kyokudo Teisatsu
Kyokudo Teisatsu

- Nah...I know nothing about it -

Character Portrait: Jenny/Jeremy Ravino
Jenny/Jeremy Ravino

is this important?

Character Portrait: Thorn

"~bored now~"

Character Portrait: Zon

Spirit of Mercury

Character Portrait: Anaida Sashewna
Anaida Sashewna

Tree Spirit

Character Portrait: Hikari Hotondo
Hikari Hotondo

- The spirit of Fire - "I am as my name says...I'm the 'little light' of the Fire God..."

Character Portrait: Billiaon Roentel
Billiaon Roentel

The God of Earth- I will find the others~

Character Portrait: Shane Winters
Shane Winters

The God of Metal

Character Portrait: Yuri Fenêtre
Yuri Fenêtre

-The General- "Don't worry, your death shall be quick and painless."

Character Portrait: The book of knowledge
The book of knowledge

NPC - the Book of knowledge -


Character Portrait: Zon

Spirit of Mercury

Character Portrait: Anaida Sashewna
Anaida Sashewna

Tree Spirit

Character Portrait: Hikari Hotondo
Hikari Hotondo

- The spirit of Fire - "I am as my name says...I'm the 'little light' of the Fire God..."

Character Portrait: Chrome Lavii
Chrome Lavii

Someday, I'll Tear Your Mask Off..Don't Blame Me If You Never Had A Face Underneath It.

Character Portrait: Thorn

"~bored now~"

Character Portrait: Yusuke Kurai
Yusuke Kurai

- The Fire God - "Give me that!"

Character Portrait: Billiaon Roentel
Billiaon Roentel

The God of Earth- I will find the others~

Character Portrait: Yuri Fenêtre
Yuri Fenêtre

-The General- "Don't worry, your death shall be quick and painless."

Character Portrait: Karasu Zankokuna
Karasu Zankokuna

"Ohayo...may I be your friend?" - The Shadow -

Character Portrait: The book of knowledge
The book of knowledge

NPC - the Book of knowledge -

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jenny/Jeremy Ravino
Jenny/Jeremy Ravino

is this important?

Character Portrait: The book of knowledge
The book of knowledge

NPC - the Book of knowledge -

Character Portrait: Zon

Spirit of Mercury

Character Portrait: Shane Winters
Shane Winters

The God of Metal

Character Portrait: Karasu Zankokuna
Karasu Zankokuna

"Ohayo...may I be your friend?" - The Shadow -

Character Portrait: Thorn

"~bored now~"

Character Portrait: Kyokudo Teisatsu
Kyokudo Teisatsu

- Nah...I know nothing about it -

Character Portrait: Yuri Fenêtre
Yuri Fenêtre

-The General- "Don't worry, your death shall be quick and painless."

Character Portrait: Hikari Hotondo
Hikari Hotondo

- The spirit of Fire - "I am as my name says...I'm the 'little light' of the Fire God..."

Character Portrait: Billiaon Roentel
Billiaon Roentel

The God of Earth- I will find the others~

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au by blackwolf



School by RolePlayGateway

where the gods and godnesses and even some generals study

The Devil's liar

The Devil's liar by RolePlayGateway

- The Dark Side's secret liar -

The Devil's liar

au The Devil's liar Owner: RolePlayGateway

- The Dark Side's secret liar -


School Owner: RolePlayGateway

where the gods and godnesses and even some generals study

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Most recent OOC posts in War of the five elements

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

well im still here if you need me to post just say so please i dont want this to die D:

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

Yup, me too...I hate a (I'm sorry) half assed job. I always want to finish a job to the end
(bad habit of mine)

edit: huh? what am I babbling about? I'm sorry everyone, the lack of sleep finally hit me

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

Aww :( So am I.
Hope this isn't dead ... a lot of the RPs I was in seem to have died after winter break ...T^T

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

not me...I'm still alive over here and waiting for somebody to make post ((´I `*))♪

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements


It seems everyone's been eaten. :(

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

I'm all better now^^ -pokes RP- but the RP seems to have gotten slower. Ah well, I guess schools opened and stuff.

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

Oh well if you couldn't post!

Just concentrate on getting better :)

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

Thanks everyone^^
Sorry I could not post. My family was all "Stop doing stupid things and talk to us dammit", so I couldn't make a proper post here, and I don't like doing things in a half-assed way .. ^^''"

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

to bani
Agree with silvermist and Zodia195...get well soon. (?)

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

I will post right away and It's Karasu...not Kurasu...^^

EDIT: Get well soon, Bani dear...^^

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

I agree with Silvermist, get better! Your health is the most important thing right now.

I finally posted and it's a doosey. Hope that makes up for my lack of posting.

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

Bani= i suddenly do not care about your posting.

I hope that.... you-
recover from surgery in good health/make a recovery from whatever/ get through therapy/ give birth safely/ dont have a heart attack/ have an improved condition in good time.



on a side note, Anaeda got a dose of smelling salts, so she can wake up if you want.....

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

I probably will be a bit irregular for this week since I'm in the Hospital and they don't allow cellphones so I have to rely on my sis bringing mine with her when she comes to visit. Sorry otl.

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

it's alright...just try to post it as soon as you can

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

Hey sorry I haven't posted in a few days, but busy with college (and that blackout didn't help). My own rpg takes top priority so I post there first. Right now I am dog tired, but I will post by tomorrow if and when I get the chance.

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

okay, some of you may not get thorns ~"bored now"~

im gonna have her say it a lot.
it a reference to Buffy the vampire slayer.
watch it.

aside from that,You should watch a clip of willow saying that, which I will post… when im not in the middle of my spanish class 5 minute break.

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

Don't worry...he won't lose his humor XD...

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

I vote the last one

and its kinda... i think shes a girl that can be a guy/ guy that can be a girl, but she has no control over that one transformation.

Re: [OOC] War of the five elements

Wha ガ━━Σ(゚Д゚|||)━━ン!! what? The joke book got a face? Seriously? (massive lmao)

btw...I vote numbah 2 for the book's human form |(or should I call him Bok?)

edit :Please don't make the book lost his 'humor' tendency after he get the human form.