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Wasteland America

Wasteland America


In the year 2010 The American Military and Washington Fat-cats stop all culture development. 2080 Nuclear War begins ending the world as we know it. 2280 It's survival of the fittest in the post nuclear wasteland.

2,453 readers have visited Wasteland America since RydeDawg created it.


It’s been 200 years since the bombs dropped in World War 3 2080. The Countries fighting were America, England, Germany, Italy, Korea, China, Japan, Russia, Iran, Pakistan, Israel. The World is a radiated Wasteland and people fight for survival for basic essentials like Water, Food, Ammo, and living space. World War 3 lasted 30 years!

World War Cold
In 2010 “World War Cold” began when Obama decided not to stop aiding Israel against the attacks from Iran and Pakistan that were developing. War did break out between The Four Nations in the year 2011, but was over quickly when Iran was about to launch a nuke and America launched first. This surprised World Governments even angering nations like Russia, Korea, China, and Pakistan. When that war was over The World went back into a State of Cold War. Because of this American Military forced all culture developments to halt to force a spread of American propaganda to get ready for a World War. In this period trading, world politics, and relationships between nations started becoming thin. In a strange twist of Fate the Nazi party in Germany came back in control soon becoming America’s enemy again.

World War 3
World War 3 began when Nazi Germany and Russia started invading other nations in Europe taking control in the year 2050. America’s didn’t get involved until Nazi Germany invaded England. When America got involved the other nations did as well seeing this as a perfect chance to attack America together. The Early years of World War 3 were fought with robots in place of soldiers. As the war continued the nations couldn’t support the income to create more robots, soon using soldiers.

Invasion Omega
The remaining Axis nations not fighting in Europe which were Korea, China, Iran, Pakistan all sent in troops invading the entire west coast of America. In invasion Omega the combined power of the axis nations pushed American military back as far as Utah. Allied Nations of Japan, Israel, and what troops Italy could support were able to aid America and helped repel the invasion back to California. With America and the other Allies unable to free California at the time it was able to stay under control for 15 years.

Nuclear Foreshadowing
In a failed rescue attempt to free California, Korea threatens the Allied nations with a nuclear strike if any future attempts were made.

Prep Time
After the threats all the nations could tell how this long war was going to end, with the destruction of each other thru atomic means. The Nations each had there own way of making sure some would survive. The Common way of doing this and the cheapest was creating underground base vaults built to survive the any nuclear strikes. Of course some nations did build other means.

Operation “Gold Rush”
For over 15 years the Axis nations were able to hold America’s west coast. In Operation “Gold Rush” the Allies, using drilling technology for building the underground vault bases, invaded California thru San Diego. The Allies were able to use this underground pathway to help support troops and provide resources. Five years later The Allies were able to remove the Axis completely from the West coast and there was no nuclear strikes from the axis, yet.

The 10 years of Hell
The remaining 10 years of war was the worst that the world would know. With two new invasions on American soil during the time. The China taking over Japan. Nazi Germany taking over most of Europe, and Israel nuking Iran. The history Archives have lost most data on this 10 year period of meaningless war time.

The Battle of Armageddon
This was the Final Battle of World War 3 it was the shortest but most devastating. The War lasted only minutes as nations launched all there nuclear weapons on each other. This war created the Wastelands of the World. Leaving only those that were able to seek the right shelter from dyeing or worse. The World As we knew it ended in 2080. No one knows who launched the first missile.


In moments, the nuclear bombs of the War changed the face of the earth. Millions of people died in the initial blast, but many more died shortly after. Buildings, roads, monuments and all man-made structures were destroyed or damaged. Plant and animal life died in great numbers as well, and many surviving species were mutated by the resultant radiation. Many mutated animals are extremely deadly. To add to many of the problems survivors face, almost all water is irradiated. The surface of the Earth and its atmosphere were likewise scarred and changed by the catastrophe.

There are many types of Mutations that have changed people.

Zombies- There are animated corpses that roam the wasteland of America. The Radiation that created them prevent them from decaying so some are known to be 200 years old. Zombies here don't create more zombies thru bites or normal means. In order to be a zombie one must be created thru massive means of Radiation and a strange genetic code which allows there bodies to transform into these creatures. (non-playable race)

Mutated Animals- The animals have been mutated making some creatures like Dogs and rats as big as bears. Lizards have become almost dinosaur like but come both big and small. Birds are all but extent. Some Worms are mutated into horrible creatures!
Dogs- Most Dogs have remained unaltered by the new world, but there are some now just as big as bears.
Rats-Rats survived had have grown. Most are just as big as modern Dogs but there are some that have grown just as big as bears.
Lizards- Not many but one of the most feared of the Wasteland creatures. They have been known to be Raptors, T-Rexs, and Three Horns
Birds- Birds as we know them are all but extent but have become something new.
Worms- While most worms are now as big as snakes there are worms out in the wastelands that are the most feared creatures.
Big Boys- These were once earthworms that have grown to sizes unknown. Big Boys have been known to jump out of the ground and destroy entire colonies. Big Boys are black eyeless creatures with a large mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. (Non-playable races)

Military Mutants-Are not mutants that were created during World War 3 but were experimental super-soilders. But those that survived the bombs and radiation have mutated into large thick skinned mutants. These mutants are rare to encounter and can either be hostile or friendly towards the survivors. Depending on what nation they were part of before the bombs dropped. They are normally stronger then humans and have a resistance to Radiation. These creatures can be killed there just harder to kill then normal humans. Most Military mutants are not as smart as humans but some have been known to be, some have also been able to find per-war weapons and tech. (playable Race)

Bird-men- Birds have evolved rapidly into humanoid creatures thanks to the radiation and mutations. They are almost identical to humans in every-way expect there hair is bit more feathery and colorful. Some have been known to have wings. Those with wings are called Angels. They are just as smart and strong as humans are and just as killable. The bird-men's tech is not on par with some of the humans since they are a new race but have created civilized colonies quickly up in the mountains of America using per-war tech they have found. Bird-men are discriminated by most humans for what they are. (playable Race)

Humans- Humans have learned to survive in this new hostile world. Some have created colonies using tech from the old world or tech they took with them when there underground vault bases opened, or just by creating new colonies thru means of raiding and finding useable building supplies. They are the most common creatures of the wasteland despite the War and the Bombs but thats how humanity is were just a bunch or roaches. There are colonies of Humans that are using advanced weapons and tech thanks to the shadow governments vaults being able to protect the scientists and weapons crafters of the old world. (playable race)


Weapons of the Wasteland
There are many types of weapons used in the wasteland.

Ballistic weapons like rifles, pistols, revolvers, mini-guns, and etc used during the per-war world and the past. These weapons are easy to come by as most were saved because the underground vault bases and people able to make more copies. Thru some ammo is hard to come by as there is no factories that mass produce weapons and ammo. So to get more ammo your gonna have to pay a guy that knows how to make the kind you need and then wait a while for your order.

Energy Weapons created during World War 3 are very rare to come by. Most were destroyed by the bombs since they are more fragile then there ballistic brothers. Energy weapons like plasma and laser blasters do have some perks that make them better then there bullet eating brothers. Energy weapons can be more powerful then bullets able to take a T-rex or even a Big Boy down in a few shots. There ammo supply may be rare but are like batteries that can last days even months with continued use. Energy weapons again though are harder to come by and if it breaks there is almost no chance of getting a new one since no one knows how to fix or make energy weapons anymore.

Launchers- missile launchers are here in the wasteland the most common being RPGs. But some have been found in some underground vault bases. The most powerful launcher in the wasteland is one that is able to shoot atomic based missiles, but of course these are rare to find.

Melee weapons- The most common of weapons in wasteland! It's easy to make or find swords, clubs, and other weapons of this sort.

Fists- Sometimes when push comes to shove and all you got on you are your two arms then a good boxing match just might save your life.


Fractions of Humanity

The Survivors- Those in humanity whose primary mission is just to survive the wastelands. comprised of those that have came out of their vaults, or were born in the wasteland.

ASG- The American Shadow Government. This is a group of scientists, soldiers, and civilians that use the old tech of the past and can make more of it. Those in the ASG can be both hostile or friendly to the survivors depending on which branch of the ASG they are with. Both Branches fight agianst the Nazis' but the different branches fight with each other as well. Branch one: Lincoln Liberators are those that wish to protect survivors of the Wasteland. Branch two: FDR Survivors are hostile with the survivors and others in the wasteland since they view other humans tainted. (no one can play in the ASG unless they have my permission, but as the rp advances in story soon the ASG will be open for others)

Nazis- Nazi factions have been found in the American Wasteland they are just as advanced as the ASG. They are comprised of scientists, soldiers, and civilians that went into a suspended animation in there vaults after the bombs dropped. More on who these people as players uncover the secrets of the Wasteland. Always hostile towards the survivors and members of the ASG. (no one can rp in the Nazis unless they have my permission, but as the rp advances in the story soon the Nazis will be open for others)

Old Japan- These are colonies of Japanese, and other races, that live in the styles of the ways of Old Japan. they try to resemble the culture, fashion, and even weapons of the way of the old world. These were created by Japanese Vaults in America that opened up and those inside wanted to shape the world in the way they thought best. How they interact with the Survivors is entirely up to how they wish to interact with them.

Allied UVBs- These UVBs are all over the wasteland and are the UVBs for the troops, scientists, and civilians that were members of the Allied nations that aidded America back in World War 3.


Story on the Underground Vault Bases

Before the Bombs dropped millions of People, that could afford living space in a UVB, hid away to protect themselves. Most of the Vaults though were not able to withstand the devastation afterwards or even the bombs themselves. Leaving those UVBs filled with mutants or just killing the people inside. The UVBs are filled with old tech of the past but wether it works or not is another story completely.

Those UVBs that did survive have opened up differently and some haven't opened yet. Not every human that lives to be in the wastelands is from the UVBs in-fact a large number of humans were able to survive without the use of American issued UVBs, but a large amount of those humans died in the fallout afterwards or mutated into other things. Alot of UVBs that have been opened still house those that lived in them and houses survivors that have been able to find them since some are almost as big as cities.


Character Street


Apparent Age:
Appearance: (pic acceptable sometimes preferred)
Other features:

Unique Traits:
Theme Song:
Crush: (undefined at first, if at all)

Hunting Weapons:
Other Items:


Occupation: (Also add if they are a Survivor, ASG, NAZI, Old Japan, or UVB civilian)
Race: (Human, Military Mutants, Bird-men)


States with the majority of life
Oklahoma, California, Utah, Nevada, Texas, Ohio, Virginia, Alaska, and Hawaii.

Most of the story will Take place in the Mid-west to South namely the Oklahoma wasteland, so make sure your guy isn't off in Hawaii at the time. Don't worry the story will involve traveling so we will get to some of these states as the story progresses.

Oklahoma Wasteland- The State is divided by two powerful and opposing groups known as the Norman and Stillwater Raiders. Norman Raiders are a large organized and educated colony of raiders using the ruins of Oklahoma University in Norman, Oklahoma as a base of operations. The Stillwater Raiders were once part of the Norman Raiders but a disagreement on who should lead caused a faction. The Outcasted Raiders found StillWater, Oklahoma home of the ruins of Oklahoma State University and quickly grew in power. As of recently there has been a seemingly endless drought all over the State keeping people from finding water; causing more misery for the survivors.

Places in the Oklahoma Wasteland
Tulsa City Ruins- 200 years ago Tulsa, Oklahoma was growing into a large and busy city even getting on the top list of major American cities. Downtown is almost impossible to travel as a nuke hit the center leaving nothing more then a large radiated pit filled with building ruins. The City of Tulsa though still has some standing structures like one old Mall, a bookstore, a number of small restaurants, and etc. The Norman and Stillwater Raider fight for control for not just the city but the entire Tulsa County.

Riverwalk- A Standing Outlet Mall outside Tulsa city that was built overlooking Oklahoma's Red River. The Place is Controlled by the Norman Raiders and is a hotspot for Mercs, bounty hunters, assassins, organized Raiders, and other scum looking for work and needed supplies.

The Red River- A dried up river way with a few puddles of radiated water. The Drought has dried the river out almost completely making it a perfect route for caravans, scavengers, and others to travel. Called the Red River by the old world because of river bed being made of Oklahoma's famous Red Dirt. There was a saying in the Old World Oklahoma, You have a better chance of breaking your legs then drowning if you jumped into the river. Guess it was dried up back then too.


Story Summery so far
Norman and Stillwater Raiders have been raiding Jack Parker's colony from his UVB. He is now traveling towards Riverwalk in hopes of finding someone or some people that will help his colony with an upcoming raid that will soon take place. And maybe even finding a way to stop both the Norman and Stillwater raiders from even plaguing Oklahoma.

Toggle Rules

1. Keep OOC in it's own forum that way people don't get confused from OOC posts and IC posts.
2. No fighting on the boards unless you are Roleplay fighting then well who doesn't do that.
3. Romance is aloud just don't go over board there's nothing wrong with it I mean I think it's a great part of role-playing but try to keep it PG-13. Anything over should be implied, or time skipped over.
4. No God Modding you know what I mean no taking over peoples characters and killing characters with out permission from the owner.
5. As many characters as you want just try not to mess up when roleplaying with too many. Also make sure to keep up with your characters.
6. Cussing is fine just don't you it to cuss someone out in the OOC post.
7. Don't want to follow these simple rules then don't join and if you do join and you don't follow the rules I will kick you out of the roleplay.
8. Best rule of them all just have fun that's I great rule don't you think.
(took the rules from the Roleplay named Heroes: Heroes vs Villains.)
9. I'm going to give you two days to post after that we skip your turn. I would prefer that it wouldn't take that long to post but i'm being patient enough to give you two days.

Browse All » 2 Settings to roleplay in

Future Wasteland

Future Wasteland by RydeDawg

The Wasteland of America. Filled with mutated freaks, unlivable environments, and factions of people all trying to survive.

Wasteland Oklahoma

Wasteland Oklahoma by RolePlayGateway

Wasteland Oklahoma where the story begins. The Survivors of this wasteland are cut into two opposing forces, need more water, have three major UVBs, and fight against mutated animals.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

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The setting changes from Future Wasteland to Wasteland Oklahoma

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The blazing sun beat down on Jack Parker as he went on with his journey towards the Tulsa city ruins. He ignored the heat for now since he was use to it, at the moment he was more concerned with keeping Oklahoma's red dirt and fallout out of his face. The recent wind storm was blowing everything in the dried up river bank, he was traveling in, making him wear a pair of old world aviators and bandana over his face. One of Oklahoma's major problem was the current drought leaving many without water, because of this his UVB colony was Raided twice this month by both the Norman and Stillwater raiders. Things got really bad when the two factions met on the same day to raid the UVB for more of it's water supply, they started fighting and it killed a few people in his colony. So now Jack was on his way to the remains of an outlet mall that resided by the river. The place was a hotspot for mercenaries, assassins, slavers, and organized raiders, a place were people could buy needed supplies. The place was controlled by the Norman Raiders and had one condition for those that wanted access; they had to wear red and white clothes. The same colors of their flag they took from the college they use as a base. Jack walked thru the river bed and stopped when he saw the Norman Raiders "RiverWalk." He lifted the bandana and spat a large glob of red dirt filled saliva.
"-cough- damn wasteland dirt! -cough-" He licked his teeth, feeling the grit, and spat again. He took his backpack off and started shifting thru the bag until he pulled out an old world Oklahoma University shirt that's been in his family for years. He put the shirt on and continued his way towards the RiverWalk outlet mall to find someone that could help.

The setting changes from Wasteland Oklahoma to Future Wasteland

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The heat was unbearable in the wastelands that covered the ball of dust that was know as "Earth". It was usally hot since the nuclear bombs dropped on the planet but at some times it was worse, just like now. And some lone soul was walking in the barren lands, under the unforgiving sun, a feminine silhouette with long, curly brown hair. It was Jenna Sullivan, battle-hardened mercenary, trying to make a living in a society that tried to put itself together with great difficulty. The time when humanity could simply wake up one morning, go to work and enjoy a beer with friends after a hard day was over. When humans woke up, it was in a dead world, filled with strange, mutated creatures, radiations and sand. Each day was a fight for survival, even in the most well-organized town, life being made awfully difficult by drought, raiders, famine and diseases. Ressources were hard to come by and most people had to imprvise things, using low-quality materials to put together useful things. This is all Jenna knew since she was born: hunger, pain and misery. She had to learn survival from the start, teached by her father, who had good knowledge of survival in the wastes. Jen couldn't count the number of zombies, giants rats and raiders who could have ended her father's life and he pulled through. And all this experience was transfered to Jenna Sullivan, who overcame so many hardships, thanks to her father's knowledge and years of learning by herself.

Jenna wiped sweat front her face with a a small, dirty towel. The sun was hitting harder than ever and Jenna was about to run out of water. Her canteen was less than half full. She had left a small town to get some work, even though raiders were still a problem, she couldn't find any interesting job. People were either untrusting or the jobs always lacked any excitment. She was offered a job as a small militia, but she refused, not interested in standing still all day, just to make sure everything was alright. She preferred to brave danger and use her skills, feeling like she actually accomplished something. She wouldn't have any satisfaction in the militia, for sure. After hours of walking, she finally spotted a "civilised" area, it was an old mall, now inhabitated by survivors. It had white and red flags and Jenna noticed everyone had red and white clothes, probably a raider settlement.

-About time, damn desert ...

The woman marched on, getting ready to draw her gun, a Desert Eagle .44. It was the only friend she could trust in the wasteland, the gun had spit many bullets to end a dangerous creature's life to protect its owner and it was Jenna's favored weapon. Ammos were a bit on the expensive side but it packed enough of a punch to justify the price. The woman arrived in front of the mall, some armed raiders were on watch duty. One of them stopped Jen from entering.

-You got the red, but you lack the white, girl. Gotta wear red and white if you wanna go in.

Jenna had a confused look on her face. So, there was a rule for those who wanted to enter. the woman had a red top but no white clothes.

-Y'got the red but I don't see any white, if your panties are white, you can take off your pants.

The guards chuckled after this unclassy way to address a woman. Jenna felt like punching the guy's teeth out but putting herself in trouble wasn't wise.

-Big mouth, to compensate for something else, maybe?

She took a white cloth from her stuff, which she normally used to protect herself from the dust. She attached it to her arm and shown it to the men.

-There ya go, white. Now you can shut up and let me take some rest?

-Yeah, go in. Don't cause any trouble, we ain't playing around.

Jen nodded and entered the mall. Some small shops were set in, untrustworthy people selling suspicious items. Most sold weapons and supplies but some of them also dealed in drugs and alcohol. Jenna decided to get some supplies, such as dried meat and water.

-What the hell??! A hundred caps to fill my canteen? It usually costs me only twenty!

-Times are rough, sweetheart, there's a drought going on, y'know, everyone wants water but we can't just give it to any new face in the place.

Jenna cursed, the drught wasn't helping at all and she didn't have any kind of work for a while. She would barely have anything to spare once she paid the price for the water.

-Dammit, this is just plain thievery! Alright, there ya go.

The merchant filled Jenna's cantee with some clean water. The woman decided she would have to be extra careful, the drought forced people to avoid unnecessary generosity and what little money she had vanished because of this. She clipped her canteen to her belt, she needed to rest for a bit. She walked around, there was probably a bar or something.

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Small amounts of dust and dirt floated up into the air as a black tail wagged back and forth across the ground. Rusty was panting heavily in the extreme heat, and his tongue was almost licking up the dried weeds on the ground. His owner Chuck wasn't doing much better, sitting on a small rock and leaning forward, breathing heavily, his neck absorbing the heat of the sun. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead and leaned back to lick up the last drops of water from his canteen. Drinking it empty and putting the cap back he opened his bag and threw it in, exasperated.

"Drought's gonna be the death of us, Rus," Chuck said roughly in a clearly southern accent. He put his hands on his knees and stood, struggling for a moment before getting steady. "Come on boy, gotta be a settlement 'round here somewhere," he said as he gave Rusty's head a quick pat before limping forward in a general direction. That feller back there said there was a Raider place 'round here somewhere he thought as he walked, trying to focus on something other than the heat. Even the permanent pain in his leg was more comfortable than the sun's nasty rays.

Walking for sometime next to his trusty companion, they finally saw the building in the distance. He sighed in relief and almost gave a smile, but didn't and instead limped a little faster. Rusty had no problem keeping pace, and as with most dogs he seemed to have an endless reservoir of energy. "Crazy dog..." he muttered, shaking his head a little and fixing his glasses so they wouldn't fall off his nose. That had happened once before since the bombs went off, and it took all Chuck had to get another pair of them.

Finally, long after another sunburn set into Chuck's face and neck, he arrived at the entrance, complete with multiple armed guards. As he walked closer he scratched his back, quickly giving the guards a glance at his Springfield. Obviously he couldn't take them all out with it, but a threat against one's own life went far. "Sorry pops, you gotta gots red and white clothes to come in," the young guard said, smiling viciously. Chuck stopped himself before yelling at the young little smart-ass but didn't, instead saying "I got white, no red. Sorry."

He made to move in but one of them put an arm out to stop him. "White AND red, pops," the same kid said again, his eyes starting to narrow. Chuck shook his head and made hand motions as he shouted "You deaf? I just said I don't have any red!" The guard smiled and made a waving gesture, "Then git out, and we won't be forced to put any holes in you, got it?"

Chuck ground his teeth and slipped off his bag, throwing it hard on the ground. The sudden movement made the guards cautious and they lifted their weapons, but Chuck only brought out a bright red berry he had found on a lucky day, one of his last ones. Taking a bite out of half of it then rubbing the rest and the juices over his shirt. "There!" he shouted, grabbing his bag and shoving himself past the kid, Rusty following him religiously. "Don't start no trouble, pops!" the guard shouted to him as he walked into the building.

Making a rather rude hand gesture Chuck walked on, finally discovering how tired and thirsty he was. He went to a bench and sat down, sighing in relief as he closed his eyes for a moment. "You bark if anyone comes Rust," Chuck said, and so Rusty laid down at the man's feet and kept an eye open while resting.

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Two guards stood outside the complex just staring out at the everything-that-was-nothing in a very contemplative manner. One of them leaned over to the other.

"Say Jake. What do you suppose this place looked like before the bang?"

"Not sure Drake" Said the other in reply. "Some says it used to be green. Like green plants 'n things." The first just laughed "Imagine that. Green ground and plants."

The second suddenly stood at attention, a grim look on his face. The first was startled for a moment but assumed a similar pose, both aiming their rifles at a figure dressed in. . . a black trench coat? Drake sighed in exasperation lowering his gun.

"C'mon Jake it's just another refugee." To which Jake merely snorted giving a meaningful glance at Drake. "Wearing a black trench coat in the middle of a drought? No, either that man is insane with heatstroke or he's got somethin' to hide" They looked back towards the place they had seen the odd figure only to find themselves staring out at the everything-that-was-nothing. Both became uneasy and hefted their guns.

"Come on out!" Drake yelled "We ain't gonna hurt ya unless you cause trouble!" There was no answer from the half ruined buildings and structures. The two guards cocked their guns and began to survey the area with a degree of nervousness.

"Where is the crazy sneaky bastard." Jake muttered under his breath. A nearby crashing sound sent both of the guards whirling. A nearby building wall had inexplicably collapsed. They both walked over to investigate. While meanwhile a black-coated creature walked right past them and towards the mall and into the mall. A gas mask covered his face. An old black German WW2 helmet topped his head. His goggles swirled with an odd green smoke. His hands gloved with black leather and his coat moving as he put one heavy-booted foot in front of the other. He stood a little bit taller than most and generally just stood out if anyone cared to notice. A very imposing person. Almost something out of a nightmare. A rattling cough came from the person and a spray of green mist came from two exhale ports on his mask.

He seemed to be walking intently towards the mercenary den.

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The ground appeared to be raised slightly, as though by rocks, or a clump of sand. Yet, to the close observer, the "sand" was not sand at all, but someone many considered lower than the Big Boys that inhabitated the barren ground once referred to as America. Mitch painstakingly stood, making a show that he was not only malnourished, but dehydrated as well. He was neither, but he made a very convincing display of it. Using the butt of his rifle as a sort of crutch, he approached the fortified mall that was currently occupied by the Norman Raiders with an exaggerated limp. 'This situation has got to change; a dress code to enter a mere shadow of what society once apparently was? I predict changes. Major changes, assisted by none other than yours truly.' He thought, slowly closing the distance between himself and the building in question. Mitch wore only one red-esque piece of clothing, and that was his rifle sling. All the rest of his clothes were the same dingy brown color, matching the dusty, useless ground encompassing the land. Mitch thought of himself as an exaggerated actor, portraying a weak and helpless persona to draw people close enough for him to get under their skin and use them as weapons against one another.
"Hey, you there! There's a requirement to get in here! You gotta have red and white on ya somewhere, or ya can bake out in this sun and let the rats pick what's left of your flesh off that scrawny little body of yours!" One of the guards shouted as he approached, an obvious sick glee in his blatant abuse of power. "I'm afraid I lack white, kind sir. However, my rifle strap is a red, and my blade has a white bone handle." Mitch replied feebly as he approached the offending man. 'Such pigs, believeing that what little power they hold over the admission to this shit-hole allows them to order the likes of me around. Me! Mitch Deprecor, the one who returns filthy pigs to the sties the belong to!' Mitch spat in his mind, a brief flash of agitation appearing on his features, before he regained control and the look of helplessness returned. "I'm afraid that ain't good enough, beggar. If you wants in, ya gotta have red and white cloth. Unless this magic blade of yours shoots magical white cloth outta nowhere, I ain't lettin' ya past." The guard yelled back, clearly revelling in this abuse of power.
"Would you mind coming here and helping a poor old beggar check his pockets and person for a scrap of white cloth?" Mitch replied, a well falsified look of genuine sorrow appearing on the surface. In truth, Mitch was already plotting his next move; either this guard would accept a bribe, accept a false idea concerning his patrolling partner, or unwillingly accept to be part of his backup plan. As the man approached, Mitch sunk to the ground, hastening the guard's approach. "You scumbag, get up an' show me the white cloth you're so convinced ya got." The guard spat angrily, hauling Mitch back to his feet. When he "regained" his balance, Mitch reached into his pocket and produced a number of small, valuable looking trinkets. The guard merely cocked an eyebrow at him, and stepped back, crossing his arms across his chest. "Ya really think I'm gonna betray my allegiance for a pocketful of cheap shit?" He snarled, knocking the trinkets out of Mitch's hand. As he did so, Mitch cut a small knick into the man's Ulnar artery, allowing a small amount of blood to spill before he seized the man's hand in a vicelike grip, his features sharpening to reveal his true, sadistic nature. "Now, kind sir, we can do this the hard way, where what little white you have on will be forever stained red with your own blood, or you can convince your little parter over there to come here calmly, and let this whole incident blow over for some cold, hard caps. Which sounds good to you, death or treason? I've always been a treason man m'self, but I don't speak for you." Mitch hissed into his ear, his dry, cracked lips curling back to revel his dagger-esque teeth.
Blubbering, the man signaled for his partner to approach, indicating that signalling for help would only result in his death. The partner approached, weapon pointed at Mitch's head. "Now, son, we can let this all blow over,and you continue on your way, or I can kill you for even remotely threatening my friend here." The partner said coldly. "Oooh, a feisty one, are we? Are you forgetting who's holding this artery closed? A good twenty minutes, with what little medical knowledge we both know you have, and this man's a goner. Whose fault would it be, hm? Certainly not mine; I give you two options: shoot me, and your partner dies, or let me live in exchange for the caps I know you want so badly, and a piece of white cloth cut from your clothes, and I show you how to keep your friend here alive until you can get him to whatever little pisshole you're trying so hard to pass off as an infirmary. Which one will it be?" Mitch replied, his tone dark and sarcastic, with teeth bared in all their pointed glory. 'They always go for option two. Everyone has a price, and in a drought, people's prices come cheap.' Mitch thought, as the man chose the option Mitch predicted.
After an exchange of caps, cloth, medical expertise, and mutual threats, Mitch walked calmly and quickly into the mall, no longer having to put on the act of helpless, malnourished beggar. Mitch behaved in a variety of sociopathic ways, but the dual-edged sword scenario was never one of his favorites. Normally, he would try to get the guard to help him, but it was imperative to get into this building by any means possible. Mitch sensed something big was underway, something that would have a big payoff for him. Chuckling lightly, Mitch strolled by a man sleeping on a bench with a non-mutated dog at his feet on his way to the nearest "meatshield recruiter", or Merc station. Mitch made a stupid face at the dog as he passed, sticking his tounge out and thumbing his nose with fingers splayed. 'This just keeps getting better and better.' He thought with a chuckle, still in awe over how his plan worked exactly in his favor.

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Jack got to the mall and climbed the wall of the river bank, and a guard rushing over to help when he saw Jack wearing a real Oklahoma University fan shirt from the Old World.

“Hot Damn boy you got yourself a real OU T-shirt I don’t see those unless I'm in Norman.” The Guard said smiling as he looked Jack up and down.

Jack grunted as he popped his back and nodded. “Yeah I suppose It’s a real rarity.” He said taking off his sun glasses and bandana. “I’m good to go in?”

The Guard nodded and patted Jack on the back “Yeah your good, I can allow you in. Oh, and hey if you want, go talk to Coach Myers at the Kaffe he’s looking for willing recruits.”

Jack gave the Guard a shifty look and nodded “Yeah, I’ll make sure to do that sometime.”

Jack put his things into his backpack and went his way into the main walkway of Riverwalk. Looking around he saw nothing but some of the worst Oklahoma had to offer. Shops selling drugs and Booze, Merchants paddling dirty water and passing it off as clean, low life mercs, assassins, and liars all around. Not everyone here was like that but he could tell that the slimy were not in few numbers.

Jack sighed and wiped his brow of the sweat that was about to fall into his eyes, he was not going to have his eyes stinging again. Looking around he saw a man sitting down with his dog and noticed how tired and hot he was. Jack walked over to the man and sat down next to him.

“Hey, you all right old top? Your not looking to good?”

The recruitment center would be an old cafe at the outlet that was still standing and still had many of the drink mixes and supplies that were easily replaced by found working models. The Cafe would still have it’s original name hanging above the door: “Kaffe Bona”

Most of the Mercenaries, assassins, and bounty hunters sat outside the Cafe on old lawn chairs and tables. The Reason was this was where the Riverwalk couch stayed most of the time and when he was inside no one, but people he has picked get to come in. It wasn’t all bad as the Mercenaries and the others waited to be noticed by the Coach so they might get a job. Merchants from the other stores would send their workers to sell goods to these people. Goods like Water, Cigars, Ammo, Weapons, Food, and information were sold by merchants that were asking a heavy price. Goods like Drugs, Booze, melee weapons, and ruined Old World junk was sold at lower prices.

At the moment Coach Myers was in the Cafe protected by his bodyguards.

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There was quite a lot of people in the mercenary den, strange people. At least, strange for anyone who never left their little village. There was a guy resting with his dog. He was surely a fool, ressources were rare enough for everyone, why would someone waste them for an animal? Anyone else would probably have killed the dog one day or another to at least have something to chew on. Jenna decided to take a seat near the cafe, there were other tough people around, probably all mercenaries and raiders, looking for work, just like Sullivan. They all roamed through the desert, looking for that one place where, surely, their skills would be needed. Lots of men, only a few women. A tough girl here and there, but men were in a majority. Sullivan took a seat, resting he sore feet. The walk had been long and tiring. She hoped that the journey wasn't useless, she needed some work. Money was getting scarce and with the water getting pricey, life was becoming hell, even for a tough, capable mercenary.

Jen took a look at the people around. Besides the guy with the dog, there was an old man and a tall guy, wearing an old helmet, a gasmask and a trenchcoat. Through the glasses of his mask, his eyes looked green and swirling, as if made from smoke. Probably some special glasses made to look weird, fashion was pretty out-of-this-world, these days. Jenna never bothered about her look, except for the skull on her shoulder. She would simply bathe and brush her hair, her line of work didn't really leave place for make-up and beautiful clothes. Not that in this dead world, there was still place for that kind of luxury. Everything was ugly and dirty and there was no place for dresses, beautiful hair and nice make-up. Jen kept looking at the people. there was one guy who was in company of some other tough men, the way they were neatly positioned gave them away as being bodyguards. The man looked quite important. Maybe the leader of the place? He probably needed some strong people to gather ressources in dangerous areas of to simply eliminate members of another raider gang. Jen caught the attention of another person not far from her.

-Hey, d'you know who that guy is? Looks pretty important.

The man answered.

-Guess you're new here, sweetheart, that's Coach Myers. He's always lookin' for good recruits for jobs here and there. Better hope he notices ya, though you have some interesting attritubes you could use.

The mercenary chuckled, while Jenna frowned.


Jen decided to try her luck and stood from her place, advancing toward Myers and his guards. They watch Sullivan with a sever look on their face, meaning they watched her every movement and if she tried anything, she'd be quickly riddled with bullet holes.

-Hey, coach. Heard you were recruiting. I'm Jenna Sullivan, I'm interested in work.

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As Mitch walked by and did a weird face to Rusty, the black lab growled slightly and kept both eyes glued to him as he continued walking along. Only when the man continued walking and showed no signs of turning around did the dog calm down again, about to close it's eyes before a different man approached. Rusty started to growl as he came closer, and when he got within a few feet Rusty barked loudly twice and stood up, teeth barred and eyes flashing.

Chuck awoke from his short nap with a start, his glasses almost falling off his nose as he reached his hand to his belt where he kept his hunting knife in a sheath. He gripped the handle but didn't take the knife out because, since the boy was sitting next to him and hasn't already tried to kill him while he was vulnerable, he wasn't in any immediate danger. “Hey, you all right old top? Your not looking to good?” the kid said as he sat down on the bench next to him.

"I'm just fine son, just restin' up a bit s'all," Chuck replied evenly, his hand still hovering over his knife. The kid didn't look too shabby, but Chuck wasn't going to be fooled. In a world like this, it's better to be paranoid than overly-friendly, a thing the kid next to him should know by now. Since the kid hadn't attacked Chuck yet, or vice versa. Rusty calmed down a bit, sitting down at his master's feet and started panting because of the heat.

Taking off his cap with his free hand and wiping the sweat off his brow before putting it back on, he eyed the boy before asking "So, you know where I can get a bit'a water?"

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The trench-coated man strode into the "Kaffe Bona" and stood in the doorway for a bit. His eyes were obscured behind whatever odd lens there was on the mask and it seemed as though the swirling smoke within them glowed as if with a quiet bio luminescence or when a cat has light shined in its eyes. Since they were obscured it was difficult to tell exactly where this tall dark figure was looking but he turned his head slightly this way and that way. He eventually stopped standing in the doorway and walked with heavy, resounding footsteps towards a table in the corner.

By now several people had caught sight of him and things became a little bit quieter in Kaffe Bona but conversations kicked up again rather quickly. The man did not order a drink nor did he seem to make any indication of trying to relax, he sat as though he was waiting for something large and hostile were about to lunge at him if he dropped his guard. He gave a rattling cough, as though he had no breath yet coughed anyways, and a spray of green-tinted mist shot from the exhale valves on his mask.

He gazed intently towards the man that was protected by bodyguards. In the survey of the room, the man had gleaned that there were about five other bodyguards stationed at various tables. The way they sat and kept looking towards the female that had approached the heavily guarded man. The man tuned his hearing and heard the names "Jenna Sullivan" and "Coach Meyers." It was likely that the female was Jenna and this "Coach Meyers" was the heavily guarded man. Although the green-eyed gazer in the corner didn't judge everything at a first glance. A smart and productive leader would have a decoy in his place. For now he focused most of his attention towards the Jenna Sullivan and the Coach Meyers.

A rather shady merchant strode over to the coated man and sat down across from him. "Hey buddy! What's your problem, eh? Can't handle the heat? I bet you're damn thirsty!"

The coated man glanced towards the merchant and after a pause gave a grating cough and then turned back towards where the plot was being constructed with Jenna and Meyers.

"With a cough like that you MUST be thirsty. Hows about I sell you something to quench that thirst of yours, eh?" He reached into a bag at his side and removed a kettle of sorts. He twisted the top of it and then poured some clear-ish substance into a glass he had taken from the same bag.

"That my friend is good, quality, non-irradiated water for ya. And it's yours if you give me one of them gloves your wearing." Said the merchant with a friendly smirk. His eye twitched a little bit when he stated the nature of the water. The coated man just ignored the merchant who frowned.

"What. Cat got your tongue? You don't want some water? Look hows about I give you a free sip, eh?" The green-eyed man just kept on ignoring him. The merchant rolled his eyes and stood up.

"Here, how's about I help persuade you? Let's take off that mask of yours first so you can get a sip." As he reached towards the mask the coated mans hand shot towards the merchants wrist. Catching it in a firm grip and twisting it. With a startled yelp of dismay the merchant turned around from his arm twisting. The coated man just pushed the merchant away with his other hand. The man tripped on a chair and fell onto his face. He got up and whirled, anger filling his eyes and his voice.

"You ungrateful bastard!" He yelled charging towards the black coated man who still sat in the corner. The masked man grabbed the glass of dirty water and when the merchant was close enough he threw the liquid into his face. Blinded and blundering the merchant just kept charging forward and over the masked figures outstretched leg. His face collided with the wall and he slumped to the ground, seemingly unconscious. The masked man just scooted back to his place at the table and coughed once after stashing the cup in his cavernous coat. The merchant did not stir at all.

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Mitch smirked, trying to find an empty seat not surrounded by filthy looking mercs, or annoying merchants. Doing so was nearly impossible, as he bitterly thought, settling into a seat with only two silent mercs nearby. One of them looked casually in his direction, and quickly turned back, some unknown cause making him unusually jumpy. A merchant, however, set Mitch as his next mark. "Sir, could I interest you in a smoke, some booze, water, ammo, anything?" He called out to him, weaving towards him with an open tray of cigars. One merc, at a different table in his path, decided it would be funny to trip the poor man, and stuck his foot out, catching the seller mid-stride and sending him crashing to the floor. One of the cigars rolled to Mitch, who picked it up nonchalantly and stuck it in his mouth. "How much, kind merchant? Or can I assume it's on the house, treat of my good friends over there?" He called to the man as he stood. "Give me back my product, beggar. How could I sell that to anyone with as little money as you obviously possess?" The merchant shot back, reaching for the cigar in Mitch's jaws. Mitch's hand shot up, and grabbed his by the wrist, bending it back just enough to hurt the man. "I said, how much, sir?" Mitch replied, manic glee showing in his eyes as the merchant struggled for breath in his pain. Some nearby mercs beggan laughing, and this only spurred Mitch to cause further agony in the poor soul. "It's *gasp* free, sir. My treat," The poor merchant replied, his face contorting in agony. "Now could you please release my arm?" Mitch grinned, showing his pointed teeth to the poor man. "Certainly!" He replied brightly, quicking snapping the arm in his grasp. the man screamed in pain, and ran from the cafe, clutching his broken wrist and screaming, much to the applause of some of the patrons. "Now, anyone got a light?" Mitch said aloud, raising the cigar from his mouth high above his head. The merc closest to him held an ember from his pack to the cigar, and Jeph lowered it, taking puffs to ensure it stays lit. "Ah, nothing like ill-gotten goods to really brighten one's day, am I right?" He said aloud again, getting some chuckles, but everyone returned to their business, the normal buzz of conversation returning. 'Cause chaos and pain, check.' He thought, settling back in his chair. Mitch was never one to let free things go to waste, and quickly placed the man's tray of goods on his lap, searching through it to find anything of value. After much deliberation, he decided to keep the entire tray, and be done with it.

After a few minutes, he noticed a woman stand an introduce herself to a group of tough looking thugs. He only caught a snippet, and that was enough for him to glean that the thugs in question protected a man, a very important man. 'Well, I hope she fails, so I can see what NOT to do. If they were eager to hire, this cafe would most likely be less full than it is now.' Mithc thought again, relaxing and steeping his hands, intending to enjoy the proceedings. Something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention, however, and that somethign was a strange looking man in a trenchcoat. "Crazy soul, he must be dehydrated, or mad with the heat. I hope I never reach that point." He muttered quietly to himself, settling back into watching the poor woman introduce herself. He barely recognized movement from the old man and his dog, along with a newcomer, brushing it off as unimportant. What mattered to him now was the issue of obtaining a quick job to get caps he could use to bribe guards and buy goods. This figure whom everyone regarded with interest appeared to be the way to do it, and that's what held Mitch's attention.

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Jack Parker nodded as he took his backpack off and put it on his lap. He unzipped the main pocket shuffling around the bag then took out a water bottle filled with clean water. Jack looked around and put the water on the bench and pushed it towards Chuck, trying to keep it hidden the best he could.

"Look don't ask where I got it, but if you want just follow me around I can take you to a place that has more." Jack said. Jack didn't usually do this sort of thing for people out in the wasteland. He's given them water before but he never once offered to take someone to his UVB Colony. Chuck was old though and didn't look like he could cause to much trouble, and maybe he just might be the type of person that could keep quite about things. If he wasn't though Jack had no problem killing just to keep his colony safe. The other reason was if figured if he was going to hire some help he might at least have an ally with him just in case.

Jack stood up off the bench and looked towards Kaffe Bona and noticed the large crowd of people. He looked at Chuck "I think i'll go check out something over there." he said. As Jack walked towards the Cafe and looked inside he noticed all the different thugs The sharp toothed man that broke the arm of a merchant, A strange man wearing clothes that he's seen pictures of in the few working computers in his UVB, and a woman walking straight up to Coach Meyers the man he knew he had to keep away from or risk getting caught. Jack found a seat at a table and sunk in his chair as he looked around the cafe trying to keep a low profile for now.


Blue tinted cigar smoke was blown towards Jenna's face as Coach Meyers exhaled and pulled the cigar from his mouth. His old business suit wrinkled as the old man shifted in his seat some. The Guards, wearing old football pads as armor, standing close to him held tight to the assault rifles as they tried to stare Jenna down. Coach Meyers chuckled some and leaned forward.

"So, Jenna, you want work do ya?" he asked smiling. "Well, I admit you have more balls then most of these men in here do. Coming up to me when I didn't even ask you to even give me a look." Coach Meyers put the cigar back into his mouth and puffed on it some and blew smoke at Jenna again.

"You must think your some kind of Badass Mercenary or assassin or whatever you call yourself, don't ya? Well, Honey i'm looking for strong well bodied men for an assault on a UVB thats about a days travel from here not some hooker to draw the men out of the damn ground safe." The guards beside coach Meyers laughed at Jenna after what the coach said. Coach Meyers tapped on his cigar making some ashes fall into an ashtray, that sat on his table.

"But if you want money I'll give you a chance at something. Some of my scouts have given reports that someone left the UVB and was headed here. Now, if you find this son of a bitch and bring him to me alive so I can question him then I might let you join the raiding party to attack the UVB." he said smoking his cigar "Shouldn't be too had to find a man for you, and besides UVBers are usually cleaner then most." he said.

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Meyers, as Jenna discovered, was a slimeball. He had the habit of puffing smoke toward people's face, trying to be intimidating. But the woman wouldn't let the man make her feel small in her shoes. If she was to get work, she would have to be convincing and showing any kind of fear in front of that man wasn't going to help. She stayed serious, showing no sign of being impressed the least by Meyers' guards. The situation could get dangerous but she avoided thinking about that. Jenna frowned at the word "hooker". As if she was the kind to sell her body just to get supplies. She was more than that. She was strong, she was a survivor. It was not her body that kept her pockets full, it was her trusty desert eagle. The woman glared at the laughing guards, before responding.

-I'm worth four of the clowns who call themselves your bodyguards. I can assure you I'll do more than draw guys out. My gun ain't just for show.

She rested a hand on the Desert Eagle .44 holstered to her waist. Meyers talked about a little job for Sullivan, about finding a man from the UVB who was coming to the mall. He didn't give any clue on this person, Meyers probably didn't know anything useful. Jen nodded.

-Keep my place warm in the raiding party, then. I'll be back.

Jenna turned around. Depending on how much time had passed since the scouts saw the UVBer, he could already be here. Meyers said people from the UVB were usually cleaner, since they lived a bit more comfortably than the raiders and survivors that roamed the wasteland. The tough woman didn't see anyone standing out from the crowd, there were mostly raiders and mercenaries, all clad in used clothes, covered in dust. Jenna walked around the mall, looking for anyone who could be for the UVB. If that person was on the way there, he would arrive soon, no doubt.

*I hope this jerk is a man of his word.*

Jen kept looking around, no one was standing out from the other people. But after a moment, she realized something. there was a big guy wearing a trenchcoat, a really unusual thing to wear in the heat. What if he was the UVB guy? It didn't seem likely because of the way he was dressed but she didn't have any lead other than this man. She turned around and walked toward the cafe again, hoping the man was still there. She entered the cafe and looked around, searching for the man with the mask, he had to be there. She was lucky, the guy hadn't moved from his place at all. She went toward the big figure, stopping in front of him. Being surrounded by mercenaries and raiders, he surely wouldn't do anything stupid but to be safe, Jenna rested her hand on her hip, not far from her Desert Eagle's handle.

-Are you from the UVB?, she asked, simply.Someone from the UVB was supposed to come here, I have to meet him.

The woman of course decided not to say any specific reason. She decided it would be better to imply she was supposed to meet someone from the UVB there, to better deceive him, if by any chance, it was that big guy. She would capture him easily this way and finally get some work from Meyers.

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Chuck hesitated as the guy slid a bottle of water across the bench. Then he took his hand off the grip of his knife and grabbed the bottle, putting the bottle up to his face and inspecting the water. He had noticed the kid trying to be sneaky about it, but what difference did it make? Glancing around him quickly, Chuck could bet that more than half of the 'mercenaries' in this whole layout were just kids that found a gun buried in the ground. Looking back to the water and guessing that it didn't look like poisoned water, he twisted off the cap and took a swig, draining almost half of the bottle in one sip. Then he cupped his hand and poured some water into it and did a short, quick, quiet whistle. Rusty lumbered over and quickly lapped some of the water up, his tail wagging back and forth.

After Rusty had gotten his quick fill of water and seemed a lot happier, Chuck put the cap back on the now mostly-empty water bottle and put it in his bag, closing it tightly after he was done. Pickpocketing was an abundance in the Wastelands now, and Chuck didn't plan on becoming a victim. As the kid said that if Chuck would follow him he would get some more water. The kid didn't look too bad, anyways, and getting some more water, especially free water, was always a good thing.

"Alright, sonny-jim, I'll tag along," Chuck said as the kid stood and walked over to the cafe that was filled up with 'rough' looking people. He put his hands on his knees and grunted as he stood up, stumbling forward for a second and straightening his back as he stretched. "Come on, Rus," the old man said as he walked towards the cafe, the black lab keeping pace with him effortlessly.

Sitting down at the same table the boy he was following sat, he glanced around the room, seeing that most people were young kids with football pads on that were acting tough. There was also a leader-like man sitting down talking to a woman who had just walked away. One man had a trench coat on, and Chuck couldn't imagine sitting in the heat that there was and wearing a long coat like that. Must be insane... the old man thought but shrugged it off. If he had learned one thing in the Wastelands, it had been to mind your own business. And the intimidating, probably insane man was none of his business.

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The insane-looking man wearing the rather heat-absorbent clothing was still just sitting at his table. The merchant was still on the ground, blood pooling around his face. He hadn't gotten up for quite some time now. That was likely because he was dead from his nose bone being pushed up into his brain.

The mask was looking towards Mitch, silently applauding him for taking out the merchant in a glorious display of power, while at the same time trying to glean all he could from the simple appearance of Mitch. A fighter, hostile, a bully if anything he had done to the merchant was anything to go by. Mitch would make a valuable ally for certain but he could also be a great threat, but what helpful thing didn't come without risk now and days? He looked towards one of the newcomers. He looked kind, wearing an OU t-shirt, well muscled, carried a backpack, and the way he looked about the room he seemed to be looking for someone to employ. The one that went by the name of Jenna was heading towards the door, likely on the mission that the Meyers coach had prescribed to her. Another interesting member trotted in with a Labrador. And an un-mutated one at that. The man in the trench coat began to get edgy, scooting away from the dog even though it was a good distance away from him. The breathing from behind the mask became a step louder and more raspy and slightly more rapid as if a precursor to extreme fear.

But the man looked away from the dog and looked towards the dead merchant and then back to staring at Mitch. He pondered the infinite possibilities that now abounded before him. It was likely that he would either end up in the raiding party on the UVB or with the group trying to defend the UVB. He also entertained the idea of just fighting both sides and then reaping the rewards afterwords. He coughed twice, violently, green mist spraying from his mask with each cough. Then he went back to just looking for interesting things to look at. He avoided looking towards the dog.

His sudden fear spike dropped a good deal when the Jenna female walked up to the table. The man in the coat tilted his head back to look up at her, though it was hard to tell exactly where he looked due to the fact his eyes were obscured by the green smoke swirling in his mask.

The woman spoke. "Are you from the UVB?" She spoke with a certain authority, one of someone who doesn't take crap and is solid in her views and more than willing to defend them. Her general demeanor and the desert eagle upon which her hand rested also suggested she believed in Al Capone's old philosophy: "You can get more with a kind word and a gun than with just a kind word."

She spoke again "Someone from the UVB was supposed to come here, I have to meet him." To which the masked person only stared at her. He didn't speak but in the silence of the corner she would hear his breathing, very heavy and raspy as though someone had actually rubbed sandpaper on the insides of his throat. He coughed once and the obligatory mist came from his mask. A moment later the air had a hint of chlorine. The awkward silence was broken only by the trench coated mans heavy breathing and coughing.

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Mitch, upon seeing the woman stride away from the 'leader' with an air of purpose, quickly cemented an idea. 'If all it took was her going up to him, wouldn't it be easier to follow her approach?' He mused, stroking his chin as he puffed his cigar. 'No; that idea strikes me as one that would only work once, and she used that already.' He continued, shifting his weight as he struggled to come up with an idea. 'Well, I could merely stand and attack another merchant. No, that's already been done,' He began to stand as he thought of this, grabbing the cigars from the tray and placing them in his pockets. 'And done by a devilishly handsome man with pointed teeth at that. No, I can't be mad at such a fellow. Well, I should go with what I do best; personal attacks on weak-minded imbeciles.' He chuckled, and began walking towards a group of "Mercenaries", in truth more greenhorn thugs with guns than actual soldiers-for-hire. He slid into an empty seat, and propped his feet up on the table they had their drinks resting upon. The thugs in question began to rise, reaching for their guns and muttering vague threats. "Fellows, relax. I mean you no harm whatsoever," He said with a chuckle, moving his goggles over his eyes. "I merely wish to tell you one thing I have learned, at no cost." The leader, if one could call him that, adopted a gruff, comically threatening voice, and growled in Mitch's direction. "Well, what is it, or should I just gut ya and leave yer corpse fer the rats outside, boy?" Mitch chuckled, and leaned in close, resting his hands on his ankles. If anything, he was flexible, and flexibility let him sneak into hiding places usually inaccessible. "My friends, the gentlemen over yonder," He intoned, gesturing to another group, obviously rivals and just as green, some distance away. "Doubt your ability as warriors,and believe that you have no place here as they do." The leader crossed his arms and leaned back, raising a skeptical eye. "What makes ya think I should think they think we ain't no good at fightin', boy?" He growled, the thugs nearest him reaching again for their weapons. "Well, my obviously skilled friend, look at them. They have contempt for you, they positively reek of presumed superiority. I propose you go over there and prove to them that they have the lesser rank. In doing so, that fellow in charge over there," He replied, gesturing to Coach. "Might take notice and hire you on the spot." The gullible greenhorns, obviously impressed, and believing him a scout for Coach Meyers, exchanged glances, and rose, making a bee-line for the other mob and pissing off quite a few other groups along the way. Mitch, obviously pleased with himself, merely leaned back and took an exceptionally long draw on his cigar. "A job well done. I believe this may have been one of the easier marks I've ever had." He said aloud, to noone in particular

Mitch leaned over to the nearest mercenary, an obviously grizzled individual. "They only fought because I wnated them to." The man raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Why'd they do that, did they really know all you wanted them to do is fight?" The man replied, looking at Mitch. Mitch chuckled, and pointed at the two groups. "I merely laid the seed that one group believed the other one inferior. It only got them to fight because, being as green as they are, they feel it necessary to prove they belong." Mitch replied with a chuckle. The mercenary, obviously impressed, grinned slightly and moved back to his seat. Mitch, deciding that now was as good a time as any to try to get the Coach's attention, rose and strode to the man and his group of armed thugs. "Hello, good sir; don't misread my intentions, but, unlike those men over there, or that woman whom you conversed with earlier," Mitch stated, taking a drag and blowing the smoke in the face of the nearest armed thug,"I have proof my strategy actually works. Behold, the groups fighting behind me. I merely planted the idea that another group believed my test group inferior, and, as the example shows, my work speaks for itself." Mitch said with a flourish, moving one arm like a showman to indicate the row occuring behind where he spoke. 'This better work, damn it. I hedged too much on this already.' He thought, cursing his plan in his head already. He never fully trusted any of his ideas, and this was one of the ones he trusted less than most.

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Coach Meyers leaned to the right looking towards the others in the cafe. Well, Mitch certainly got the group to fight, but he also got more people fighting until it would soon become a full scale bar fight. Coach Meyers looked back at Mitch glaring, and grabbed his cigar quickly almost throwing it out of his hands.

"You idiot you got the whole bar filled with armed men to start fighting!" even though coach Meyers was pissed he was still impressed by the act. Meyers grabbed Mitch's arm pulling him in close, while his body guards all formed a wall in-front of the two fighting off the rowdy Mercs that came to close. Thankfully this was more like an average bar fight and no one was shooting at each other.

"This stuff might work on these apes that fill my cafe, but i'm not quite sure UVBers are going to fall for things like that there smarter." He said. A few guards were pushed back and others got pulled deeper into the fight but the line of body guards would keep forming back. "But you are smart i'll give you that, you just might serve a purpose. If you can get into the UVB from the inside and weaken them from the inside out that would make things easier on my raiders. When things are ready you'll report back to me and let me know it's clear to attack." Coach Meyers said smiling.


Jack watched as the Cafe soon broke into a large fight with almost everyone getting into it. Jack would grab Chuck by the arm and leaned into his ear.

"We need to get out of here before things get to crazy." he said. After he said that a Merc grabbed Jack by his backpack and spun him around. The Merc smiled and punched Jack in the jaw pretty powerfully and not holding back. Jack's head rolled with the punch but he never flinched and the Jack glared at the merc, without a mark to be seen on his face. Jack gave the Merc a quick blow to the gut, but held his strength back, and the man fell to the ground crying in pain.

Jack watched the man fall over then looked back at Chuck to see if he was doing ok. The moment he turned A very large man put Jack into a chock hold from behind and lifted him into the air. Jack struggled for air as his legs kicked in-front of him. The Large man having a hard time holding the smaller Jack in his chock hold.
"Damn Kids tuff!" He growled.

Soon one of the Guards was getting tired of all the non-sense going on and grabbed his rifle and shot into the air. All the fighter froze in positions looking towards the Shot wide eyed. All expect the Large man with Jack what was determined to chock him out if it was the last thing he did. Jack stretched his arm out and elbowed The Brute in the gut making him drop Jack. Landing on his Feet Jack picked the man up easily and threw him out the cafe window. The man laying outside the cafe knocked out. Everyone in the Cafe looked at Jack.

"Damn that kid just threw that big guy out the window!" A merc said. His buddy slapping him upside the head "Thanks captain obvious!" he said rolling his eyes.


Coach Meyers himself witnessed the event when he looked up to see the patrons calm down. He stood up from his chair and pointed his cigar at Jack. "Thats the UVBer look how much cleaner he is compared to us! Get him you morons!" Meyers Yelled.


Jack looked at chuck "Wait for me somewhere outside i'll find you soon!" he yelled as he ran out the Cafe doors hitting two Mercs on his way and sending them flying off into a wall.

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The cafe was getting chaotic, with a fight being started and all. But Jenna kept focusing on the masked man, who didn,t respond to her question, unless grunting and coughing could be considered an answer. The woman had an annoyed expression on her face, the guy was probably a mute, and that would complicate things a little bit.

-If you can't talk, just nod if you're the person from the UVB. I need to know.

While Jen was interrogating the big man with the trenchcoat, the place was getting noisier, fights started, glasses were broken and tables fell down. Now people didn't need a reason to hit someone anymore, those who weren't involved at first decided to enjoy the chaos and just fight with the first person they found, just for the fun of hitting someone. The cafe looked like a saloon from old western movies that sometimes were found in destroyed buildings. When two or more people started to fight over private business, other would start brawling also, probably just to relief themselves of their aggressivity, a common thing in this dead world. Jenna heard someone yelling, she turned to her right and a guy flew on the floor toward her, his head stopped just between her feet.

-Dammit! ... Nice ass, baby!

The guy laughed. Jenna simply stomped his stomach to shut him up. Soon, the sound of a weapon firing was heard and the brawl stopped. Meyers pointed his cigar toward a guy, drawing everyone's attention. The coach yelled that the man was the UVBer, Jenna's target.

-That's him? Damn!

The man decided to fled, knocking out two mercenaries. Jenna went after him, unholstering he gun. He might be a fast runner, but Jenna hadn't survived in the wastes if she wasn't capable of running fast and for long. She kept running after the UVBer, if she was to stop him, she would have to hit him in the leg. She tried to keep up until there was no danger of hitting someone else. After a while, she stopped running, held her Desert Eagle with two hands and aimed. She pointed the gun at the fleeing UVBer' leg, taking the recoil in account. She pulled the trigger and a loud noise echoed in the mal. the bullet flew from the weapon, aiming to injure the fleeing man and stop him in his track.

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Chuck leaned in his chair and took a deep breath. Most human interaction I've had in months... he thought, disliking yet enjoying it at the same time. Nothing much was happening in the cafe, just a woman talking to the crazed man in the trench coat. I doubt that's a good idea missus, Chuck thought and smiled, knowing what could happen if the man truly was insane. But he didn't get to think about it too much, thankfully, as two groups of mercenaries started arguing.

Chuck listened to the kid and nodded without saying anything, standing up and pushing his chair backwards. He saw the kid he was with kick some random merc's ass with a punch to the gut. The old man grunted his approval, but didn't see what happened after that because some unfortunate teenager with football pads got shoved into Chuck's back. The unknown teen turned around, fearing the worst, but only saw an old man with a hunch. He smiled as he said "Sorry, there's no retirement home around here. Maybe if you go south for a couple of -," but never got to finish. Chuck did a quick jab to the kid's face, then grabbed his knife with the expertise of someone who had done it many times before.

He put it to the random's throat and pushed slightly, drawing a little blood. Here, Rusty growled loudly and barred his teeth, sending a small squeak from the kid. Unmoving, the he started breathing heavily, his eyes widened in fear. "Learn some respect, ungrateful punk," Chuck spat, shoving the kid away from him and the knife into someone much bigger. Then one of the guards let loose a shot from his rifle, and everyone froze, and Chuck saw that the kid he was with was locked in a choke hold. Well that aint good, Chuck thought, but just as the thought surfaced, he broke free of the hold, yelled at Chuck to get out and then ran as some guy shouted to track him down.

"Well that don't make it obvious we know each other or nothin'," Chuck grumbled, getting out of the cafe as the crowd of people rushed in the direction the kid was taking. Thankfully no one paid much attention to him, and so he and Rusty followed the crowd at a slightly slower pace. There was one mercenary ahead of the rest, the woman he had seen in the cafe earlier, just pulled to a stop as she pulled out a Desert Eagle pistol. It was obviously clear what she was trying to do, so Chuck cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted, "Dive sonny, dive!"

Whether the kid followed his advice or not, and whether he was now lying down bleeding out, Chuck quickly unstrapped his Springfield and brought it to his shoulder, aiming at the woman who had fired at him. She was still yards away, but Chuck had made longer shots. Much, much longer shots. "Don't try it again missy," Chuck warned. One mercenary strode towards Chuck and reached out to grab him, but Rusty jumped and bit the man's hand hard. The mercenary shouted and fell back a couple spaces, shaking his now bleeding hand. Rusty barked a few times loudly and made sure that no one got near Chuck, at least without him knowing it.

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The trench coated man was interrupted in his engaging conversation with Jenna anyways when a brawler ran towards him, not the coated persons look. The masked man turned his head and waited for the brawler to come at him before pulling back suddenly and grabbing the mans wrist. His other arm came across and bashed the brawler in the face and then pulled back and came forward again towards the brawlers elbow. A wet snap and cry of pain ensued and a second chop later the man was gasping for air from the blow dealt to his windpipe.

The coated man jumped up when the gunshot went off. He coughed briefly and when the Coach pointed out the UVBer he pondered what he should do and who he should side with. Siding with the Coach would get him a bit of money for. . . huh, dirty water and other things he could get on his own via force. However siding with the UVB person could reap the benefits of better equipment, good living, medical supplies, and the other benefits of a underground vault base.

With this in mind he violently shoved Jenna into the wall when the gun came off her hip and then directly afterwords punched her in the stomach. The next events would happen if the coated mans initial attacks succeeded. He would uppercut Jenna in the face if she had doubled over from the gut punch and then swept his booted leg under hers to trip her. With any luck by now she had dropped her pistol or he had dazed her enough to disarm her of the weapon which, if he attained the object, would flick the switch to drop the clip from the gun. He caught the clip, stashed it in his coat and dropped the rather heavy handgun onto Jenna's already aching stomach.

With an air of purpose he strode towards the door quickly. Reaching into his coat and removing two three-foot long rebar poles and twisting to face the group of rowdy mercs. He stood with his feet only slightly spread apart, and the rebar poles held at length to either side of his body. His eyes obscured by the colored gas flowing within the lenses of his mask. It was as though he dared anyone to come and try and get through the door to apprehend the UVB-er.

He coughed once.

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(If Ceoltior's attack on Jenna is carried though)
Jack ran off noticing the large trench coated man blocking the doorway for him. Jack slowed down in his run as he looked back wondering why someone he didn't know was helping him. Maybe they were like him and had a moral compass. Thoughts like these rushed through Jack's head almost bring a smile to his face. When a few guards that were outside tried getting close without shooting him Jack would knock them out as he ran past them. Soon Jack ran into different shop in the mall and changing his clothes.

The Merchant would walk to Jack glaring at him. "Excuse me you have a way to pay for that?"

Jack looked at the man reaching into his pocket "Yeah I might have something here." when he took his hand out of his pocket he held it in a fist like he was holding something. He reached over to Merchant as if he was going to drop money into his hands, but instead when the merchant got close Jack uppercutted the man in the jaw knocking him out. Jack grabbed the fainting body and dragged it behind a counter "Sorry man but I can't get caught." he said. He walked out of the shop and would wait while until thing calmed down before he would return for his friends.

(If Jenna is able to get passed Ceol and her post is not effected by that event by Ceoltior)

Chuck cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted, "Dive sonny, dive!" Jack reacted quickly after hearing Chuck and did exactly that. Jack dived to the ground as fast as he could having the bullet wiz just above his head. Jack looked back at Chuck and smiled giving him a thumbs up. He decided though to say nothing after that incase he should bring all the guards and mercs attention is put on Chuck too. Jack stood up pulling out his .44 revolver and pointed it at Jenna as he slowly backed away from her. "Look I'm not in the business of shooting a girl for any reason so put your gun away and let me walk away." Jack said.

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(I decided Jenna would take some of the hits, still slowing her down, and I actually prefer Jack's second action, I'll go with that, if no one mind. :) )


Jenna pulled the trigger on the handgun, she wasn't going to miss this shot. That weapon had been her companion for a long time and she knew how to use it effectively. But just as her finger was going to pull the trigger, Jenna felt an heavy mass push her brutally toward the wall, making her miss. The bullet flew, missing by an inch, doing, at the worst, a scratch on the UVBer's leg. Jen stopped herself from hitting her head aginst the wall by puching her forearm against it and quickly turned toward her assaillant, a big fist hit her in the guts, making her lose her breath. It was the big guy with the trenchcoat, obviously protecting the target, either to bring him to Meyers himself or simply trying to save him for an obscure reason. The woman saw the big man's other fist going toward her face, she quickly dodged it, her hand on her aching stomach. Her gun was knocked out of her hand, she stumbled and fell on the ground when the enemy's foot swept her off her feet. The man then ran toward the fleeing target, leaving the mercenary on the ground, mad.

-Damn you!

The woman grabbed her Desert Eagle and took out her combat knife, holding them together, the blade pointing down, ready for close-quarter fighting, if it became necessary. When she took her gun, she felt something was wrong, but decided to ignore this and pursue the UVB man, who was followed by the big trenchcoat guy. They stopped behind a door, where they waited with their weapons drawn. The vault man pointed a gun at Jenna, a revolver, while the woman pointed her Desert Eagle at the vault dweller, holding her knife firmly.

-I'm doing my job, vault-dweller. I'm trying to survive, just like everyone else.

She stayed silent for a moment, staring at the man, keeping her weapon pointed at him. She gritted her teeth, frowning. Something was wrong ... very wrong .... the handgun was light, too light. the masked man obviously emptied the weapon while the mercenary woman was laying on the ground, surprised by the leg sweep. She was now pointing an empty gun at someone who obviously had a loaded weapon pointed at her. She could see the bullets in the barrel's slots, a little metallic shine inside them.


She turned briefly her attention on the big man, before taking it back to the vault dweller. She did nothing but keep her weapon pointed at Jack for a while. She suddenly took cover beside the doorway, her back pressed against the wall. She quickly grabbed a clip from a pocket and shoved it in the handle, then cocking the gun. She partially quit her cover briefly to fire a few shots at the big man, who would surely be the most dangerous of the two. Strangely, at least to other people's eyes, she wasn't aiming to kill, even though Meyers probably wouldn't care about the masked brute, she fired two shots, aiming for a shoulder and a leg. She went behind her cover again to avoir the revolver's shots.

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The large masked man hopped towards the other side of the door once Jenna had taken cover. He took cover in a similar fashion accept opposite to Jenna. Given her focus on her weapon and line of sight currently she would not see him as he ducked away. A series of small clicks and locking noises ensued on the other side of the wall and when Jenna dropped her cover to point her gun at the masked man that was no longer there he dropped his own cover. Swinging one of the rebar poles up towards the bottom of the gun and the other one down on Jenna's outstretched arm (or arms if she's holding the gun with two hands, which makes sense). This action was meant to disarm her by knocking the gun up out of her hands and give her a dead arm (or arms) for the next second so that the trench coated person could bring the poles of solid iron back and perform a double strike towards her stomach and diaphragm. Had this strike succeeded and logically put Jenna into a doubling-over state, the green-eyed freak would grab her head and bring it crashing down into his kneecap to either stun her or knock her unconscious. If she was only stunned he reached out to spin her and hook his arm around her neck in a choke hold which would make her unconscious in about four to six seconds at which point he just dropped her unceremoniously on the ground and then spun to challenge any other attackers.

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Mitch observed the resultant chaos with a bemused air, before leaning in close to Coach Meyers. Baring his pointed teeth, he hissed. "If you think this is my best work, sir, you insult me. These bufoons fell for one of the most pitiful ploys I've ever used; do you take me for some sort of common sociopath? What I do is an art, my friend, and this was mere scribbles compared to what I have planned. Now, if you don't mind, I must be off." Mitch rose after this, took an overly-dramatic bow, and set off in the opposite direction of the scuffle behind him. A merchant, thinking Mitch had been rejected by the Coach, waltzed up to him, with honeyed words betraying his intentions. "Tough break, eh? I got the stuff you need; one sip o' this brew, and you won't remember this at all." The merchant sidled into Mitch's path, proferring a bottle of strongly alcoholic hooch. Mitch, rather than breaking the man's arm, or doing other such evil things, merely reached into his pack, pulling out a random number of caps. Giving these to the merchant, who could not believe his luck over that of his unfortunate comrade, Mitch snatched the bottle, and took out the white cloth, wrapping it around the neck. "Sir? Sir, I can open that bottle for you, if you'd like." The merchant said, scuttling after him. "I won't be needing this now, my friend. I'm saving it for later." Mitch replied, waving the man off with a flick of his wrist. The merchant merely stopped in his tracks, shocked by Mitch's implied success with the Coach. Mitch continued on his path, making a map in his head as to where he assumed the UVB to be. 'Not necessarily the correct path, but hey, I'm lucky sometimes.' Mitch thought, ruminating on how he planned to weaken the colony from the inside. 'Well, I haven't done a murder plot in a while. I do believe I'll do one of those.' He thought further.

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Jack watched Jenna keeping his gun aimed at her the entire time but didn't want to shoot her. He sighed as she looked over to the Big man quickly then back at him. As soon as she ran behind cover Jack himself ran into a little shop he was standing close to take cover. He looked around the shop trying to find something at all that could help him. He then saw a toy grenade, made to look real, in a box of junk that was in the merchant's shop. He picked the fake grenade up and got to the edge of the door to peer over. Only to find Argus beating on her. Jack ran out towards them knowing that Argus must be trying to protect him, but kept his gun aimed at him to be safe.

"Wait just hold on a second!" He yelled as he ran at argus and pistol whipped his knee to knock it away and keep it from hitting Jenna. He would keep the grenade in his hands looking at argus as he slowly walked behind Jenna so when she got up he would have them both in his sights with his revolver drawn. As Jenna would recover from Argus's attack he aim his revolver at her.

" Hold your hands out! Close your eyes and hold your hands out towards me." He said keeping his revolver aimed at her head and holding the grenade in the other hand.

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Future Wasteland

Future Wasteland by RydeDawg

The Wasteland of America. Filled with mutated freaks, unlivable environments, and factions of people all trying to survive.

Wasteland Oklahoma

Wasteland Oklahoma by RolePlayGateway

Wasteland Oklahoma where the story begins. The Survivors of this wasteland are cut into two opposing forces, need more water, have three major UVBs, and fight against mutated animals.

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jenna Sullivan
Character Portrait: Chuck Mitchell
Character Portrait: Argus
Character Portrait: Mitch Deprecor


Character Portrait: Mitch Deprecor
Mitch Deprecor

A very unctious, wily individual.

Character Portrait: Argus

Defective superhuman.

Character Portrait: Chuck Mitchell
Chuck Mitchell

Wise-Man Survivor of the Wasteland

Character Portrait: Jenna Sullivan
Jenna Sullivan

Wasteland survivor


Character Portrait: Mitch Deprecor
Mitch Deprecor

A very unctious, wily individual.

Character Portrait: Jenna Sullivan
Jenna Sullivan

Wasteland survivor

Character Portrait: Argus

Defective superhuman.

Character Portrait: Chuck Mitchell
Chuck Mitchell

Wise-Man Survivor of the Wasteland

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jenna Sullivan
Jenna Sullivan

Wasteland survivor

Character Portrait: Mitch Deprecor
Mitch Deprecor

A very unctious, wily individual.

Character Portrait: Argus

Defective superhuman.

Character Portrait: Chuck Mitchell
Chuck Mitchell

Wise-Man Survivor of the Wasteland

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Future Wasteland

Future Wasteland by RydeDawg

The Wasteland of America. Filled with mutated freaks, unlivable environments, and factions of people all trying to survive.

Wasteland Oklahoma

Wasteland Oklahoma by RolePlayGateway

Wasteland Oklahoma where the story begins. The Survivors of this wasteland are cut into two opposing forces, need more water, have three major UVBs, and fight against mutated animals.

Future Wasteland

The Wasteland of America. Filled with mutated freaks, unlivable environments, and factions of people all trying to survive.

Wasteland Oklahoma

Wasteland Oklahoma where the story begins. The Survivors of this wasteland are cut into two opposing forces, need more water, have three major UVBs, and fight against mutated animals.

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