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Francesca Cavalcanti

A lively club/party promoter searching for the special something, or someone, missing in her life.

0 · 2,222 views · located in New York

a character in “Welcome to Adulthood”, as played by ~Lonesome Butterfly~






✫ Full Name ✫
Francesca Cavalcanti
(She'll quickly correct anyone who calls her Fran. =P)

✫ Gender ✫

✫ Race ✫
1/2 Brazilian 1/2 Italian

✫ Sexual Orientation ✫

✫ Age/Stage of Adulthood ✫
25/Been Around the Block.

✫ Occupation ✫
A Club/Party promoter. If she isn't admist the biggest parties in town, she surely knows where they're going down.

✫ Relationship Status ✫
Single and Looking


✫ Likes/Hobbies ✫

Body Art
City Nightlife
The Ocean
Food Galore
Dancing/Singing on Stage


✫ Dislikes ✫

Ignorant people
Law Enforcement
People who ask for Handouts
Pushy people
Nosy people
Bratty Kids


✫ Weight/Body-Type ✫

✫ Height ✫

✫ Eyes ✫
Sky Blue

✫ Hair ✫
Brown, and reaches to the middle of her back when out straight.

✫ Body Art ✫
Crossed industrial, small spike plug, and six lobe piercings in both ears.
She also has Vertical and Horizontal belly button piercings, a tongue piercing, and identical ankle tattoos on both ankles of an ankle bracelet.


✫ Personality ✫

- An Incredibly personable chatty cathy.

- Loud and Flamboyant, Francesca isn't afraid to put herself out there in a bright and bold manner.

- Slightly reckless and acts/speaks without thinking at times.

- Francesca feels as if people only want to see the happy, boisterous, party-girl image, and therefore she has a hard time showing her true feelings to people, and if she's upset or down she's quick to put on a fake smile as to not "disappoint" those around her.


✫ Bio ✫

Francesca's Brazilian mother and Italian father raised her in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil amidst luxury. Her father had made millions playing the markets by the time she was born, and her mother was the daughter of a wealthy oil tycoon, so to say Francesca wanted for nothing would be putting it mildly. At age 14 Francesca moved to the states with her parents to attend a prestigious performing arts high school, and by the time she graduated at age 18 she had performed in many big shows in the region and learned to speak English pretty fluently, although with a heavy Brazilian accent. Soon after graduation she was introduced to the party scene within the city and was hooked hard. However her love of the stage kept her performing into her early 20s and away from the hard party drugs her friends dabbled in. The lure of partying, hobnobbing with local/national big wigs, as well as always being in the know, finally won out over performing though, and for the last couple of years she has made a living almost exclusively out of promoting different clubs and events. However the days of living in her parents massive place came to an end several months ago when they suddenly decided to move back home to Brazil, and even though she had her trust fund to fall back on it was a major adjustment for Francesca to suddenly be on her own, paying for her own place, transportation, and etc. with her own funds instead of her parents credit card.

As of recent Francesca has grown bored with her day to day routine, and subsequently has begun to drink more. Part of her longs to perform on stage again, but she also feels as if something is missing in her life outside of that....or perhaps, someone.


✫ Strengths ✫

- Fluent in English, Spanish, Portugese, and Italian.
- Well Connected withing the city and back home in Brazil.
- Tai Chi & Yoga
- Photographic Memory
- Ballet/Dance


✫ Weaknesses ✫

- Trypophobic
- Insects (minus Butterflies, Lady Bugs, and a few others)
- Her Mouth
- The lack of an "off" switch at times

So begins...

Francesca Cavalcanti's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Seth Lucas Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson
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Come Join Us
This evening to the ball of the century. When you joined us here at Connection to Life our mission was to get you closer to the other tedents. So come out and meet and dance with the other people that live here. Who also call this place home.
When: May 5th
Where: In the Grand Ballroom
Why: To connect
Who: Guests in the hotel
RSVP? Not necessary
Please come out. We'd love you to connect with the others here.

Connection for Life


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Seth Lucas Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson
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Hayley Montgomery

Hayley had woken up at three in the morning because Beth was crying. She walked over to Beth's room and coddled her for a minute and she fell back asleep. Hayley walked back to her bedroom and was laying awake for a minute. Her life was difficult yes and had many bumps but oddly she loved it and has been very fortunate. She still wishes she had a way to contact Beth's father Jaydon Anderson her first and only love. She gave up on herself once she had Beth. That cutie has given many memories that were beyond beautiful she loved Beth with all her heart and Hayley doesn't care at all that she doesn't have life perfect like she wanted.

She eventually fell back asleep but at six in the morning Beth wanted to get up so she got up and put Beth in her play pen. She walked to the door, opened it and picked up the paper and saw a note. She read it while closing the door and picked up her cell phone, and dialed the front desk. "Hello connection to life front desk how may I help you?" "Hi I am a tenant and got your note on the event happening tonight. I wanted to know if you can bring young kids, like a three year old?" It was quiet for a minute and then she heard someone breathe. "Yes I just spoke to the manager he said you can. She smiled at Beth. "Thanks so much!"

She picked Beth up and brought her to Beth's high chair. "Did you want a waffle?" She smiled and saw the smile beaming on Beth's "Plwease mommy." She walked to the kitchen and made her a waffle and one for herself bringing it to the table. "Here you go sweetie." Hayley fed Beth until they were both finished and smiled. "Let's get dressed." She brought Beth to her room and changed her into a little checkered print skirt and a cute t-shirt. She then changed herself into a yellow skirt and a white blouse.

She then walked with Beth to the resteraunt that Hayley waitressed at. The resteraunt was across the street from her apartment. The owner's wife they live in the house beside the diner. The wife's owner has three kids and they watch Beth for Hayley all the time she works. It works great. She dropped off Beth and Hayley then began her job once she changed into her outfit.

She worked hard all day and was quite happy to know the day had ended and she could go home, cook dinner, and then get ready Beth and herself for this party. She picked Beth up and walked home. When they got home she put Beth into her play pen and Hayley walked towards the kitchen. She was exhausted maybe she should not go in the end. But it could be fun and she wanted to do it. So she looked through the fridge to see what she could make for dinner. She decided to make pasta. She had some pork so she fried that up and cooked some pasta noodles and put it together and put it on a plate for her and Beth. She fed the BBQ Pulled Pork Pasta to herself and Beth.

WHen they were finished they changed into their outfits for the dance. It was going to be late so luckily when the resteraunt owners wife watched her they let her nap long. She walked to Beth's room with her and changed her into her black and red little dress. She then put her into the playpen and turned on Scooby Doo. She had watched so much Barney, Caillou and Scooby Doo in her motherhood then even from when she was younger. She then got dressed herself into floral dress.

She put Beth into the stroller. She then walked to the elevator and went downstairs to the ballroom and noticed a few people had shown up she was a tad early but it wouldn't hurt. They expected at the entrance to see the key to your apartment. And they hold onto it till the end of the party or when you choose to leave. She walked over and sat down. Pushing Beth back and forth to keep her from fussing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson Character Portrait: Fletcher Martin
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Through the fog of exhaustion Francesca wasn't sure if there was knocking at her door or if she was just imagining things, however when the person on the opposite side of the door rang the bell she'd slowly but surely roll off her couch - convinced she wasn't imagining things.
"Coming!" Francesca called out, as she ran her fingers through her hair and began to straighten out her sleep shirt a few feet from the front entrance. After several seconds she'd finally open the door, but before she could say anything her friend of sorts would invite himself in. "Oh my God, you're still in that thing at this hour?" Darian would ask chidingly as he pulled at her shirt - only to get his hand slapped. "Stop it, before I chop that hand of yours off!"
The 6'4 blue eyed dreamboat, as he often called himself, wasn't really a close friend of Francesca's, but the two frequently conspired together to bring different groups to the same events. "Oooo, that accent is even thicker when you're mad - nice! Now get that behind of yours dressed so we can get down to business, we have people to impress darling!"
"Okay, wait, did i forget something?
A puzzled expression would form on Francesca s face as she ran her fingers through her hair again and made her way over towards the refrigerator, where she'd pull out a bottle of Sam Adams' Utopia.
"Fran, dear, Cara freaking Delevingne is in town for the next week...she loves the club scene and we could totally get her to come with us to -" After leaning back on the counter and taking a sip of her Utopia Francesca would quickly interrupt Darian's speech. "First off, hun, it's Francesca not Fran and you know this. Second, Cara Delevingne might be a blast to hang with but I don't have the time or motivation to kiss her peoples asses just to gain access to her....I have plans."

As Francesca steadily downed half her drink Darian would try with all his might to convince her to tag along, and while Cara Delevingne was a tempting reason to break her plans to attend her buildings get together she'd hold to her guns and decline Darian's invitation to go with him.
"Sorry, you're convincing but it's not changing my mind. I'm seemingly social with everyone but the people I live around, is that not odd? I should try and form some kind of relationship with people here, so if you don't mind I think I'm going to get ready now, ciao."


After taking a much needed bath and finishing the rest of her drink Francesca would begin to go through her closet, not noticing she was already a few minutes late. Her fingers first touched a sky blue backless dress she had bought while in France a few months back. She'd ooo and awe over it for a moment as she remembered just how eye grabbing it was, but she also figured it was a bit too provocative for a first impression amongst her neighbors and therefore she'd continue walking around her closet until settling on a silver Givenchy gown, that had a titillating sheer-skirt that gave the appearance of a short dress, and also had an embroidered hem that matched the silver dress design. It was sexy but a bit toned down in comparison to the blue dress she first considered.
Francesca was in no mood to deal with her incredibly thick hair and would quickly settle on a dense high ponytail, held in place by a brown braided scrunchie that matched her own hair tone. By the time she had her things consolidated into a small silver purse and had slipped on a pair of black four inch heels, making her a noticeable 6'2, she was passed the fashionably late mark and was just plain late.

"Oh no, look at the time! Roxie, here girl, come eat so mommy can leave."
Francesca's 90lb two year old rottweiler/sheperard mix came running out of her bedroom and into the kitchen. Most girls she knew had small dogs they could fit in their purses, but Francesca was always a lover of big dogs and Roxie was her favorite playmate.


By the time she left her penthouse, ran down the steps, and jogged through the lobby Francesca was slightly out of it, and would catch her breath before showing her key to the individual at the entrance of the ball. When they went to grab it however she'd pull back and smile warmly. "No no, it's alright, I'll hold onto this baby....thank you."

As she entered the event room she was a bit taken a back by the architecture, it was indeed more than she had expected and she couldn't help but stare around a bit aimlessly until she spotted the small bar and made her way towards it. Once there she'd speak without thinking and ask for a Utopia, which earned her a look of befuddlement from the man behind the counter "Oh i'm sorry, what a silly thing to ask for at a casual get together. How about a bottle of Heineken?"

Once she had her beer in hand Francesca would stroll about the room, instinctively shimmying to the song that just started playing, since it's beat put her in mind of a salsa tune. Sure enough as she made her way around the room she'd come across an older man likely in his 70s doing the mambo step. With a grin on her face Francesca would walk over and join the man, who was more than willing to dance with her. Without notice the older man would grab her free hand and begin to spin her, and as the song came to an end he'd manage to hold on quite securely as he dipped her.
With a massive smile painted on her face Francesca would clap her free hand against her wrist. "Bravo, Bravo! You're very good!"
The two would only talk briefly before the mans daughter came and pulled him away, giving Francesca a good excuse to go see what food was laid out. Shrimp was always a favorite of hers, so as soon as she spotted the shrimp croquettes she put several on a napkin.
"You do know you're only suppose to take a few of those right?" an older woman said to her in a rather snotty tone, as the woman's much younger partner stared at her. Francesca simply smirked, before grabbing another one and placing it on her napkin. "Oh no, I never got that memo, better grab some before I eat them all, no?"
After giving the woman a sarcastic wink Francesca would turn around and walk towards a small table a few yards from a small group of people forming around a baby stroller, she'd place her beer down and begin to snack on her croquettes.
"Oh my goodness, these are absolutely delicious... she whispered to herself, only to have a woman she assumed was the kitchen cook due to her chef's jacket overhear her and come over to ask how she was enjoying the food.
"Oh these shrimp croquettes are absolutely amazing, I'd eat the whole plate if i could." The woman was a bit confused and repeated the dish back to her as if to make sure she heard Francesca right before smiling. "Oh um, well we're glad you're enjoying the food Mrs...."
"Cavalcanti, Francesca Cavalcanti."
"Oh Cavalcanti, I know that name!"

The two would commence in small talk about Francesca's family as she slowly but surely devoured every single croquette on her napkin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson Character Portrait: Gabriel Barron Character Portrait: Carrie Harmon
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#, as written by Bodoe


"Well I mean I know some of them. They work at the same bar I work at. Also Jane's brother is a bartender there so I know him. Other than Jane and Jaydon though, I just haven't really spoken to any of them. I guess tonight is my chance you know?" Said Carrie as she finished doing her hair, she reached into the jewelry box and grabbed a pair of Jane's earrings. "Well are you enjoying your new place?" asked Alex, Carries sister, through the Skype call on Carries laptop, which was sitting on the bathroom counter facing Carrie. She fixed a few strands of hair and smoothed her dress. "I mean its nice living on my own. AND I showed you my bedroom, thanks to Jane and I living as roommates, we were able to afford a nice room with awesome bedrooms...there." said Carrie looking in the mirror, finally finished getting ready. She looked at her sister through the camera. "How do I look?" Carrie asked in an enthusiastic flirtatious way. Her sister laughed. "You look great sis." said Alex, looking up from her homework. "Well good. Oh I almost forgot! Shots!" Carrie rushed into her room with her laptop and placed it on the bed. "Jane already left to the party and she doesn't really even drink anyways. So you can sit there and keep me occupied while I pre-game a little." she said as she reached under her bed and grabbed her bottle of Absolut Ruby Red Vodka. She took a swig and scrunched her face. "Ugh. Burns." Her sister laughed as she finished her studies and closed her book. There were a few moments of silence as Carrie looked down at the letters on the bottle while her sister browsed through her phone. She looked up at Alex "So any boys?" Carrie asked with an inquisitive look. Alex looked up from her phone, smiled, and rolled her eyes. "Well there might be a guy.. but I don't know, I need to talk to you about it in person." Alex said blushing. Carrie gasped and nearly screamed in joy. "Next weekend! Ill take you shopping. I should be getting paid soon. We can make it a girls weekend!" Her sister laughed and nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan." Carrie took one more swig, making another face, and put the cap on the bottle. "Well I should get going. Got to socialize." Carrie said rolling her eyes. "Okay. Talk to you tomorrow?" Alex asked. "Of course!" Carrie said. "Hey." she said to her sister before ending the call. "Keep studying. Im proud of you." Alex smiled. "Love you." her sister said before ending the call. Carrie closed the laptop and made her way to the party.


Carrie walked into the room and looked around. It was beautiful. She took a deep breath. She could already feel the vodka start to hit her. She was a lightweight. She spotted Jane, walked over, and plopped down next to her. She locked her arm with Jane's and laid her head on her shoulder. "You know. I am really really glad you're my friend. In fact. You are one of the greatest friends because I borrowed your earrings and I can trust, sincerely trust trust you'll forgive me and understand that I am a girl who still needs to buy a nice pair of earrings." said Carrie, not obnoxiously drunk, but obviously a little tipsy. She could hear Jane laugh. "Now if you'll excuse me. I am going to go grab a glass of wine and maybe find a nice girl or boy to flirt with." she said in a loud whisper to Jane. "Oh cute baby!" she said as she walked away to get a glass of wine. "Oh hey Jaydon!" Carrie exclaimed, giving him a quick hug before he walked back to his sister with drinks in his hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson Character Portrait: Gabriel Barron Character Portrait: Fletcher Martin
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Hayley Montgomery


Hayley was wound up in looking at the beauty of the room. It was so pretty and everything decorated nicely. She noticed quite a few people had came. Even she wouldn't forget a face. She was a mother and not an old one. But she looked to see momentarily that Jane was there. It was maybe just her mind playing tricks on her but she knew it was her. She heard it in her voice. Would she be lucky that only Jane was there? She was cooing at the baby and oh how she would love to smile and say hi but she was so nervous of doing so that she just wanted to sit there.

She turned and saw someone come over. "Hello I'm Hayley." She smiled as he looked down at her sweetheart Beth. "Her name's Beth." She smiled and looked towards the snacks and drinks. Everyone around here just a few stood out like the man dressed in a very well done suit.A female very pretty dressed up. Someone sitting beside Jane, and a guy that looked good also standing beside the man dressed in a very fancy suit. Must be pretty fancy. When her eyes laid upon someone she knew from her life before.

She was shocked and I think Ben may have noticed it on her she was a tad out of it. She was shocked her mind must have been playing tricks on her eyes. It was Jayden . The man she loved and somewhere deep down still did. But she hid her feelings because it was quite painful to think about it.


He sat beside his sister only a table away. It was him she knew it now more then ever she didn't know if she had the nerve to say hello but the night would be ruined if she didn't say hello at least for a moment. When something happened beyond her ears. She listened as he spoke about his sister talking. And as he said cute baby. "Excuse me for a minute Ben please." She got up and pushed Beth back and forth and finally got the guts to move over and sit beside him. She looked at him and smiled. But still had that shocked expression on her face.

"Jaydon is that really you?" She smiled and couldn't hold it in if it was him. But deep down she knew it was him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Seth Lucas Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson
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#, as written by TushoKa



Ben was alone once again after the girl and her child went off to see someone else. Unable to help himself he caught a part of their conversation. Wow, a bit more drama than expected on a night like this. The gentlemen he talked to earlier had asked one of the girls to dance. Quite daring Ben thought, but then again not everyone had two left feet like he did. Time to check on some of the food he had brought in. Approaching the table he saw an elderly man come of the dance floor with, what Ben hoped was, his daughter. The man took one of the wasabi meatballs in a casual manner. Ben looked on as the man's face turned red, or even a darker shade of purple as the wasabi did its work.

Ben walked over and padded the man on the back a bit. "I do believe there is a note that says the meatballs are a bit hot, maybe you should try one of the pizza's. Or perhaps a glass of milk to get rid of that spicy feeling? Ben himself took one of the meatballs as well, he didn't scare away from a bit of spicy food. Especially since he had a nice beer to go with it. The man walked to the bar with his daughter once again behind him. Someone is not enjoying the party very much...

He saw of all his dishes the croquettes were by far the most popular, half the plate was gone in just a few minutes. Looking around he saw one girl with a bunch of them on her napkin talking to, what Ben could only imagine was, the head chef of tonight. She will probably have some questions... Ben walked over to the two ladies. "Chef? I would just like to thank you, your food is absolutely amazing. Those meatballs..., very original. Most people don't use wasabi like that. The lady looked confused. "Meatballs with wasabi you say? Indeed a rare combination. I'm glad you like it, thank you for the compliments. Would you excuse me for a moment? I just want to check on my staff in the kitchen." A simple 'not at all' sent the chef on her way. Ben laughed as he thought of the awkward conversation that would be going on in the kitchen in a few moments.

He redirected his focus to the beautiful girl the chef had left behind. He took her hand and introduced himself. "Hi, my name is Ben, I'm from 105. Are you enjoying your evening so far? He waited for her reply while staring into her bright blue eyes.


There was nothing like a rainy day in Manhattan. People bustling by with their collar high and their umbrella's chased away by the wind. Seth walked among them, no jacket and sleeves rolled up. The suits around him ignored him mostly, the odd one would glance his way and shake their head. Some probably thinking he was a homeless guy looking for some change. Not many people with a camera like mine though... He had been around the same block of buildings for about 4 hours snapping pictures wherever he could. He got some great ones too, better luck than the previous 3 days at least.

He was nearing the end of the day. He had been out here way longer than he had planned on. Thinking about it he actually had function to attend to in about 30 minutes. Thankfully it wouldn't take him long to get home, not with the metro anyway. He walked slowly, stopping every so many minutes when he saw something worth immortalizing. The Sun coming down made for some pretty nice colours on the buildings around him. The light pink glow on the brown marble just made it sparkle in a way that was breathtaking to see. Sure, he was a photographer for magazines and news papers, but there was nothing like shooting pictures of the big city. He felt more at home here than he ever had in the small town where he grew up.

As he walked down the stairs and into the waiting metro he thought about what he had to wear for tonight's party. His shirt was soaking wet, so it wasn't like he could just jump in like that. He would have to take a quick shower as well. If I don't hurry I'll miss the party completely... Not something he was eager to do. Of course it was different from his normal evenings of going to clubs and bars, but there might be some nice girls around. And maybe from a different calibre than the ones he normally met. Sure the models he usually met were nice, but it wasn't like you could take 'm to dinner. For them that meant a cigarette and a glass of water, not the romance you would like.

He half walked, half ran into the building. He twisted the key open apartment number 185. It was a reasonably sized apartment, especially since he lived their all by himself. There was a second room, but he used it as his dark room. With the money from his father plus his own income he could easily afford it. And somehow things were just easier without a second person in the place. Stepping out of the shower he walked over to his cupboard with the fancier clothes. He took out an Armani suit that he had bought last year. It had always been a request from his father that they had their 'shared glasses of whisky' while wearing suits. According to Seth it was always a meeting fro false pretences, just a way for his father to say that he was still in contact with his bastard son. In Seth's eyes it could have been much worse, sure he didn't love his father, but he didn't particularly hate him either. Albeit only with money, both Seth and his mother had always been supported. And the fact that none of them really spoke to the press was better for all of them.

Looking in the mirror he had to admit that he looked quite spiffy in the suit. The light grey matched nicely with the black shirt he wore underneath. He decided to skip the tie rack as he didn't want to come across as a total douche. He could not help himself and decided to take one of the other camera's from his collection. It was quite a bit smaller, but still more advanced than your regular kind. Maybe he could make some nice group pictures tonight. When he was younger he had collected group pictures from all the places he went to. Nearly every bar and every restaurant had been represented with one of his group pictures and he saved them all, maybe to make another book with after this one was finished. Although going to every bar and restaurant was worth like 30 years of work in this city, he seemed to be on the right way. He tried something new almost every night, even though like everyone he had his favourites.

He handed his key to the gentleman at the door and took in the room and the people in it. Busy would be an overstatement, but there was a decent amount of people around. Some had familiar faces like the old hag at the refreshment table, but some he had never seen before. He would make some pictures first, before he would sit down and meet others. Most obvious to spot was the young couple on the dance floor, Seth wondered how long they'd been together. He looked like one of those businessman Seth would see around Wall Street. She, for lack of a better term, looked gorgeous. Her dress was awesome, she definitely lit up the room. They were standing close together and Seth doubted if they even noticed the picture he just took of them.

Turning around he saw another set standing together. They did not look as comfortable as the dance floor couple. Actually the girl seemed familiar, probably seen in the hallway a some time or another. At least they now had a nice picture to commemorate the moment. He walked over to a couple with a small girl. The little girl set on her fathers lap. "Anyone ready for a picture?" Without waiting for an answer he clicked a couple of times before he went on. He saw a young guy and girl sitting together as well, apparently talking food. The girl was definitely worth capturing on camera, better looking than some of the models he knew. Turning his attention to the door he saw another girl just joined the party. She was wearing a red dress and didn't seem to know anyone either. He stepped over and for once did not click his camera first. "Hi, I'm Seth. Do you live here as well?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti
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Francesca's conversation with the Chef was going nowhere fast, so it was a much welcomed surprise to have their small talk interrupted by an attractive young man.
"Chef? I would just like to thank you, your food is absolutely amazing. Those meatballs..., very original. Most people don't use wasabi like that"
Instead of looking thrilled for receiving yet another compliment on her cuisine the cook once again appeared to be confused, and would quickly excuse herself - leaving Francesca to wonder what the woman's issue was with receiving compliments, however her attention would soon shift to the man in front of her as he grabbed her hand and introduced himself.
"Hi, my name is Ben, I'm from 105. Are you enjoying your evening so far?"

Francesca was usually the one butting into conversations and introducing herself, so it was nice to be approached for once, especially by a guy who was rather easy on the eyes.

"Hello Ben I'm Francesca, it's nice to meet you. And yes, I've enjoyed myself so far....but I must admit, this is a bit mellow for me, I usually go to things that are a little more lively and 'out there' if you know what I mean." Francesca would chuckle softly under her breath at her own comment before leaning over and picking up her bottle of beer.

"So, how long have you lived in this place? And are you a New Yorker by birth or a transplant like me?"

Francesca would finish off what little was left of her beer as she waited for a response - unconsciously moving to the upbeat dance track that had suddenly came out of the room's speakers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Seth Lucas Character Portrait: Stacy Cobb
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#, as written by TushoKa

The girl in the red dress smiled at him when she answered. "Hi,Seth I'm Stacy yes I live here in room 123, where do you live?" Her eyes seemed to drift off while she probably scanned the room for a familiar face. "I'm up in 185, have been for over 2 years now."

While he said it he realized it for the first time. He actually couldn't believe it had been that long. He loved New York, and it felt like he had only discovered 10% of it. If that had already taken him 2 years how much longer would it take before he had seen all..." Strange actually I have never seen you here before. Coincidence or are you fairly new?" He couldn't believe she had been here long. He would definitely have noticed someone like her. Unless of course he had seen her with a man, he didn't really remember girls of which he knew they were not available. Too much drama if something would happen.

"By the way are you here with someone? I wouldn't want to keep you if someone is waiting for you." He felt like he was asking more questions than an 8-year-old schoolgirl.Maybe it would be best to just shut up for a moment.



He didn't really know if his 'out there' would be the same as her 'out there'. He considered himself quite a simple guy who enjoyed a party at its time. The way he mostly got out was with his band, usually performing at one of the bars or pubs around. They only did about 5 clubs in the past three years. "I could use a bit more lively than this, where do you usually go out?" He hoped that whatever she would say, he would be able to buy her a beer there. Looking at her dress he had to say she certainly looked like a million dollars.

He was happy to see that the girl he was talking too didn't shy away from a conversation. With her exotic look and accent the name Francesca suited her. "I'm a transplant too, although it seems to me I'm from a bit closer than you are." He doubted she would know his home town, he doubted any person in NYC did to be honest. He thought of his grandmother and sister before he continued. "I was brought up in Rockwater Springs. I've only been in New York for 5 years. How long have you been here?" He thought he was probably the latest entry to the building, but at least he had been in the city for some time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti
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A small laugh would escape past Francesca's lips at the mention of Ben being from a place a "bit" closer than her own hometown.
"I was brought up in Rockwater Springs. I've only been in New York for 5 years. How long have you been here?"

"Well I'm originally from Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, however I've been in the city for nearly a decade. But you're right, even though I have never heard of Rockwater Springs, I'm positive it's closer to New York City than Rio."
The buzzing of her phone, for what felt like the millionth time, would suddenly catch her attention and cause her to sigh a bit before she decided to dig through her purse.
"Sorry, excuse me a minute."

Francesca would turn away only slightly as she stared at her phone, spotting an alert for 16 missed texts from Darian. After clicking on the pop-up alert she'd quickly scroll through the older messages - in which he continued to try and goad her into clubbing - until she reached the newest message;

"Just in case you develop some sense and wanna show your ass up, we're at that new place - Insomniacs."

The annoyed look on her face would suddenly vanish as she read Darian's latest message.
"Oh no fair, you guys went there!?" she'd softly mutter to herself, before having a light-bulb moment. Sure, her buildings attempt at a gathering was nice and heartfelt but Francesca would be lying to herself if she said she was truly having a fun time here, so why not make a change of scenery after all, especially since she did manage to accomplish one of her main goals in coming - meeting someone new.
"Hey, how does an EDM club with a killer bar sound right about now?" Before Ben could respond Francesca would elaborate further, afraid the abbreviation got lost in her accent.
"EDM as in Electo Dance Music, you know? There's this really amazing place downtown that I've been invited to and, well, I think we could have a bit more fun there. I'd probably have to change though...."
A warm smile would appear on Francesca's face as she stuffed her phone back into her purse without breaking eye contact with Ben.
"So what do you say, I promise you'll love the place and I'll only make you wait in the lobby for ten minutes or so while I change out of this dress, deal?"

It's part of her job to encourage people to come dance the night away at some overpriced club with obnoxious, or just plain silly, entry requirements, but this was different, Francesca found herself wanting him to say yes because he wanted to, not just so she could make some quota. So as she hid her eagerness behind a smile, Francesca would hold her hand out - hoping he'd shake on it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Seth Lucas Character Portrait: Stacy Cobb
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#, as written by TushoKa

Seth listened to Stacy's answers and was shocked to hear she had a daughter. She seemed a bit young to have a child already. He tried to hide his surprise, but involuntarily his eye-size probably grew a bit. Seth thought to himself he might had seen her before tonight. Usually he did not let his eyes linger on women if there were children involved. After all, it is not easy to bring your kid with to a dance club. The idea of him ever having children had always seemed ridiculous to him, the little monsters took out too much time and energy. They are especially annoying when they are involved in one of his photo shoots.

"maybe after this dance tomorrow you would like to meet my daughter?" Her face betrayed the meaning behind her casually asked question. Her eyes showed there was only one correct answer to the question, which made Seth think this was more a test than asking him on a date. He didn't liked to be pressured, but he did like the way she looked. A bad combination that made him use some of his fathers dirty tricks, lies and empty promises. "Unfortunately I'm busy with work most of the day tomorrow, but the day after I would love to meet her. Maybe we can go to the park or something?"

It slipped out before he knew it. The after taste of the sentence was disgusting, he was becoming the person he had sworn never to become. He felt he needed a distraction and he took Stacy's hand. "Now the evening is still young, would you honour me with a dance?" he spoke with that mischievous, charming smile on his face.



Her laugh was almost as sexy as her voice. He didn't think he'd ever met anyone else from Rio before, probably not even from Brazil."Well, if all the women from Rio are as charming as you, maybe I should consider moving a bit further away from Rockwater Springs than I already have."
Since she lived in New York for about twice as long, she probably had a lot more contacts than he did. Living proof of that came into immediate effect when her phone vibrated around in her bag. At least, I hope it's a phone.

The annoyed look on her face made Ben feel pretty good. Whoever the messages were from she clearly enjoyed the conversation more than the messages. At least until she tapped her finger on the screen to the latest message. Her eyes widened as she read it and her sigh shifted her annoyance from her phone to her current location. Ben suddenly prepared for a hurried goodbye and him left on his own at the party. Thinking of the strike out already she flashed her pretty whites at him and spoke. "Hey, how does an EDM club with a killer bar sound right about now?"
Ben thought, it sounds confusing as fuck, but killer bar sounds good. But before te words came from his lips she clarified her abbreviation. "EDM as in Electro Dance Music, you know? There's this really amazing place downtown that I've been invited to and, well, I think we could have a bit more fun there. I'd probably have to change though...."

Ben didn't know if she meant to change into something more or less awesome, but whatever it was he was down for it. "I can't say I'm overly familiar with that kind of music, but I think it's time to change that. Although I would have to change as well, I'll be honest, monkey suit isn't really my thing."
He could smack himself for already looking forward to wearing more comfortable clothes. A jeans and shirt would probably do. Ben hoped the smile on her face hid more than just excitement over going to this club. He gently shook her held out hand. "See you in the lobby in 10."

He walked over to the doorman with whom he had left his keys. He looked back at the people still in the room, it had become a lot more quiet in a short time. His apartment was not far away from the lobby and he unbuttoned his shirt and opened his front door simultaneously. Walking into his room he opened the cupboard door to look for a shirt. He took out a few shirts, but put them back disappointed. Maybe I should be getting an iron... Finally he found a shirt that had less creases than Madonna's face before Photoshop and he put it on. It was a simple black T-shirt, but it looked quite nice on his blue jeans. With his last savings, these places are usually quite pricey, he left the apartment once again and arrived back in the lobby with minutes to spare. He popped a mint in his mouth and waited patiently for Francesca to meet him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti
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Francesca's smile would grow after Ben agreed to meet her in the lobby in ten minutes.
"See you soon then!" she'd say, before making her way over towards the table in the middle of the room, where she'd grab a few more croquettes before heading upstairs.


Back in her room an excited Roxie was running around the bed chasing a rubber ball as Francesca quickly decided what to wear. Unlike earlier she was actually paying attention to the time and was trying not to be late, so after only a minute or two she'd settle on a a bright and fresh flower-power inspired mini dress, with matching multicolored jewelry,and white low-top converses covered up by neon striped leg warmers.

"Not bad for a hasty decision, huh girl?"
Roxie wagged her tail as Francesca stared at herself for a moment in a full length mirror. She had gotten undressed and then dressed again in record speed, but by the time she topped off Roxie's food bowl and called down to the building's car service 12 minutes had passed. So after a quick glance up towards the clock Francesca would quickly throw her purse diagonally over her body and jog towards the the door. "Mommy will back soon, you be good and don't get into anything okay?"

As she ran out of her front door Francesca was lucky enough to catch the unusually crowded elevator going down. While it slowly made it's way to the lobby she'd again look herself over via the mirror inside the elevator - running her fingers through her ponytail and tugging at her dress until the doors finally slid open. She would wait until everyone filed out and made their way towards the event room before walking out into the lobby herself, and she'd only have to look around for a few seconds before spotting Ben.

"Hey you, sorry for keeping you look nice." Francesca smiled before reaching into her purse and pulling out a pair of lime green glow-in-the-dark glasses. "But you could use a little more color for where we're going so here, you can have these."
She'd chuckle a bit as she leaned over and placed the glasses atop Ben's head.

"Excuse me, Ms. Cavalcanti? A man who appeared to be in his mid to late 60's called out to her from behind the main desk, and she'd wave him over. "Hello, I'll be your driver for the night. When you're ready you can find me outside in the DeVille."
The short older man would nod politely towards the two of them before making his way out the building's front doors.

"Well I guess it's time to go, come on!"
Francesca would lean over the main desk and grab a few pieces of taffy from a bowl before jogging towards the front doors, beckoning Ben to follow her. When she reached the car door she'd open it and quickly look back.
"Damn, it's colder out here than I thought, I probably should have brought a jacket, eh?"
Despite her desire to go back up to her room for a hoodie she didn't want to delay them any longer, so instead she'd ask the driver to turn the heat on after she slid into the back seat and crossed one leg over the other - waiting for Ben to climb in behind her.

Once the two were inside the vehicle they'd be on their way, having a ten minute or so drive ahead of them.

"I hope you don't mind the glasses, I think they look cute on you though! Plus they glow in the dark so they'll look pretty awesome inside the club!"
Francesca would laugh softly before turning towards him in her seat. "So tell me something interesting about yourself, like what do you do for a living when you're not charming women at parties?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Seth Lucas Character Portrait: Stacy Cobb
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#, as written by TushoKa

When Seth saw the smile appear on Stacy's face he felt even more guilty about his lie than before. Was he really about to abuse this innocent person for his own amusement? When she asked him about the zoo he could do nothing but nod. Haven't been there in months... The last time had been for a fashion shoot for some perfume brand. He still had a bag of the stuff upstairs. "Sure, I love the zoo." He thought now of how he actually did not have any intention going with her. With a bit of luck of luck she would like the dance, be tempted enough to go up with him tonight and be easily avoidable for the next few months.

As Stacy slid her hand in his they walked to the dance floor. Seth looked at one of the employees of the apartment building and asked him to come over. [color=700000]"Good evening, could you please keep this for me?"[/color] He handed the man the camera he had brought down. It would only slow him down on the dance floor. He did not want to boast about his dancing skills, but his mom had given him the dance gene. She had even been a dance teacher for about 5 years and that's where he was supposed to meet her after school.

He looked over at the girl whose hand he was holding. She really did look good in that dress. "That dress looks amazing on you, I have to be honest." He noticed most people were no longer dancing and the two of them were just about alone. Stacy seemed to look for a nice slow song, but instead the next song starting was an upbeat tempo Latin song, the kind nobody could resist dancing to. He spun Stacy around once before putting one hand on her waist and with the other hand he tightly grabbed hers. [color=700000]"Are you ready?"[/color] he asked her with a wink. Without waiting for an answer he started leading her over the floor. With his precise and decisive movements the only thing Stacy had to do was relax, something that not everyone could do so easily.



Ben caught himself staring at the elevators. Each time one opened he looked as hopeful as a puppy looking out to see the boss come home. The doorman looked at Ben when he saw he was slapping himself in the face a few times. He had to act cool, or at least a bit cooler than he did right now. Sure she was beautiful, but he was acting like he never had met a girl before. And if he wanted to stand any chance he had to keep it together. After all, he didn't look too impressive on paper, being a high school drop out and all.

With the next elevator arriving in the lobby he looked just as exited as he did the first time. Oh Ben, grow up... It seemed to be another disappointing elevator ride. As many people as cam out of it, no Francesca. Just as he wanted to pop another mint into his mouth he saw that he spoke too soon. She came out looking like something Ben so far only saw in movies. He had never thought of leg warmers as a welcome accessoires for girls, but he had clearly been wrong about that.
"Hey you, sorry for keeping you look nice."

Okay, nice is something... he thought. He saw Francesca diving into her purse and pulling out green shades. They looked hideous, but at this moment he was so gullible he would have worn his shorts on the outside if she asked him to. "But you could use a little more color for where we're going so here, you can have these."
As she put them on Ben's head it seemed like she liked them, so he kept them up.

It appeared that she had arranged for a taxi since a driver came up to them to inform them he was ready. When they came outside he was looking for the taxi that would bring them to the club. He saw a few of them standing a couple of meters away. They couldn't really park close since there was a limo blocking the entrance. Ben was surprised to see his companion for the night step towards the limo and opening the door. "Damn, it's colder out here than I thought, I probably should have brought a jacket, eh?" She crawled into the car and Ben slid in behind her. He felt the warm air streaming from one of the vents telling him the driver gave in to Francesca's request.

"I hope you don't mind the glasses, I think they look cute on you though! Plus they glow in the dark so they'll look pretty awesome inside the club!" Her excitement was jumping of on him. He hadn't been to one of these parties in a while. He wonder what his band mates would say if he would tell them about this next practice. The shades did not feel to bad. And riding a limo was something he'd literally never done before, unless you count the funeral of his grandfather.
"So tell me something interesting about yourself, like what do you do for a living when you're not charming women at parties?" He laughed at her question since it could not be further from the truth.

"Are you suggesting I wouldn't be able to make a living charming women at parties?" He said with a wink. Probably she would not even be able to see the wink due to his newly acquired eye-wear. "Well, of course at night I'm a superhero roaming the streets fighting against the rich to feed the poor." He spoke in a serious tone. "To hide my true identity, Neighbourhood Sunshine, I have taken a job at a restaurant. I'm a Sous-Chef at 'La Grande Canard'." The car was only moving slowly. The NYC traffic was famous for being a raging bitch. "Hey, I just thought, people might recognize me tonight. My superhero outfit kind of involves a lime green mask, and these shades might look like it. No problem at all, but then at least you know in case people start freaking out about me." He felt like he was talking non stop, like a school girl overdosed on gummi bears. "So, what about you? You surely look you could do this for a living?" He waited for her answer while he felt the car was moving again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Seth Lucas Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson
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Everyone has got to love bowling. So the lobby was turned to a bowling lane for tonights event. Burgers, hotdogs will be served with pop and beer. Everyone welcome young and old for the tendents. At Connection to Life we want everyone connected and getting well along.
Date: June Sixth
Time: 6:00 PM
Where: The Grand Room (Turned into bowling Lane now)
RSVP? No need just try to show up at 6 precise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti
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Ben was the epitome of personable, and as he filled Francesca in on himself she couldn't help but chuckle at his charming humor.
"So, what about you? You surely look you could do this for a living?"

"It's funny you say that, I definitely don't live as much of an adventurous life as you do - being a superhero and all who runs around the boroughs on New York giving to the poor. But you're actually right, I do do this for a living." Francesca would briefly look over her shoulder and through the window, realizing that when they eventually pulled up to the club the curb would be on Ben's side of the car vs. hers. "I use to be a dancer who dreamed of Broadway, but after living in this city for a few years I found my way into being a club promoter. It's a fun gig and I definitely have met some interesting people, but I do miss the stage."
Francesca purposely left out any mention of her family and their wealth. It was nice for a change that her surname seemingly met nothing to a guy, and that Ben was actually seeing her for her instead of who her family is.


"Oh look, we're here!"
As the car pulled over to the curb it was nearly side swiped by another vehicle vying for the open spot. The bright rainbow lights that lit up the "Insomniacs" sign over the club entrance created an interesting mosaic of colors over the long line of hopeful people waiting to see if they'd get in. The sight of the long line made Francesca pull out her phone and text Darian;
"You put my name on the list at Insomniacs, right?"
However after 30 seconds of sitting there staring at her phone she'd grow impatient and open her car door.
"Meet you on the other side?" Francesca joked, before stepping out into the street and quickly making her way around the car and onto the curb. She'd wait for wait for Ben to open his door before heading over to the entrance.
"He had to of put my name on the list, right? I mean why else would he tell me where to go??" Francesca thought to herself as she came to a stop and smiled towards the bouncer who didn't even bother to look up from his tablet.
"Hello, my name is-"
Before she could finish her sentence the bouncer sporting a lime green mohawk would tell her to go to the back of the line without even looking up at her.
"Um, but my name should be on the list, can you at least look? Francesca-" Again she was cut off before should could complete her sentence. "Sure it is honey."
Fed up with mans attitude Francesca would jab her finger into tablet's screen, forcing him to look up from it. "Cavalcanti. Francesca Cavalcanti is my name, and you should probably look for it on your list before I turn into this places worst PR nightmare."
Her tone was strong and the annoyance in her voice was clear, yet she had managed to keep her voice low enough so that only the people directly around them could hear her.
The name Cavalcanti seemed to catch another Bouncer's attention and he'd yank the tablet from a now taken aback man with the mohawk.
"Ms. Cavalcanti!" said the other man, who was much friendlier. "You look lovely, please, go inside."

Fancesca's face lit up as the rope was unhooked and they were allowed to go inside - all without having to wait for her name to be found on the list after all.
Once inside the lights from the stage and the long neon bar hit them hard, but it was still more than dark enough for her glow-in-the-dark dress to light up.

"This place is amazing!" Francesca would let out excitedly as she turned around to face Ben while throwing her hands up in the air. The music playing was rather loud, so she'd lean in closely to make sure Ben heard the next thing she said. "Come on, I have a friend in VIP, it should be a lot less crowded up there! Oh, and your "mask" is glowing by the way - hope no one recognizes you."
A shit-eating grin would pop up on her face before she walked over towards the man standing at the bottom of the staircase leading to the VIP section. Unlike her encounter outside she easily got clearance to go upstairs off face recognition alone and would beckon Ben to follow her.

The second floor was far less crowded than the main floor, with private booths and a separate smaller bar.
Within seconds of arriving on the second floor Francesca could hear Darian's obnoxious laughter over the muted music from the dance floor. Instinctively she began to make her way towards him and the others in his party, however after only a few steps she'd stop and turn around. "Maybe we should check out the bar, seems a lot less crowded than the one downstairs. Maybe you can tell me some stories of your superhero adventures?"
Francesca would wink at Ben and pat him on the shoulder before heading towards the smaller bar, where she'd take a seat on the stool furthest away from booths and directly beside a wall.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti
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#, as written by TushoKa



Ben was enjoying the car ride. He found it surprisingly easy to talk to Francesca as if he had known her for years. He could definitely see the dancer in her, skilled long legs, a great body and a passionate character. "If you really do miss the stage, than why don't you keep on shooting for Broadway? It seems to me you're the kind of person who can do anything you set your mind to."

It wasn't long before they arrived at their destination. Out the window Ben could see the line of people. It was so long you might think free I-phones were being handed out, not quite like the pubs Ben usually visited. He hadn't been here before, but the festival of neon signs made him curious to see the inside. He didn't really understand what she was waiting for, but she seemed to wait for her phone to buzz before stepping out the car. No such luck however, and she got fed up after half a minute. She got out of the car herself and met him back when he stepped out himself. He could punch himself, of course he should have walked around the car to open the door for her. That's probably what she was waiting for. Oh Ben, you just had to leave your brain at home, huh?

To his surprise she stepped right up to the bouncer, who seemed to give her a hard time. That could be expected, he thought. Nobody is going let us skip a line like this, and probably 50% of the people had told the bouncer their name was on the list. The rude behaviour of the bouncer made her nostrils flare up a bit. She had a good point though as the other bouncer let them go right through. Ben made a mental note of her controlled annoyance. No swearing, no raised voice, just a clear picture of what she wants and the ability to make people interested in what she had to say. Ben had a slight smile on his face which went well with his new-found headgear.

As they walked inside Ben grabbed the attention of the bouncer who had wanted them to join the line. He spoke in a soft voice "You better not be expecting a tip when we come out, mate."
Without looking back at the man he followed Francesca inside. Almost instantly he forgot all about the troubles at the door. The music was nice and made him want to dance and the club itself had very nice lights and decorations. As Francesca turned around to him, he felt her breath on his neck when she told him they were going up to VIP. He thought about saying something about his mask when she did, but he thought the noise would take the joke out of it. Instead he followed her to the staircase. It wasn't hard to keep an eye on her, with her glow in the dark dress.

Ben wondered if it was only her job that made her look so at home in the VIP section. It looked to him like she had been in VIP's for all of her life, but than it was not his place to ask or question it. The music was much less loud up here and aside from the two of them there were only people in the private booths and of course the bartender. "Maybe we should check out the bar, seems a lot less crowded than the one downstairs. Maybe you can tell me some stories of your superhero adventures?" She walked ahead of him to the bar and set down on one of the stools. Ben leaned into the bar and ordered. "Could I have two Heinies, please?" When he saw the man grabbing two glasses, Ben stopped him. "Unless you got it on tap, I think we rather go for bottles." A few seconds later the dark green bottles were uncapped on the bar and Ben grabbed both. One of them he handed to Francesca. And he held up his bottle in order to clink hers. "To meeting awesome people." He waited for her to clink in before continuing.

"You asked more about my adventures? Well, I have many superpowers, but my main one is confusion. So yesterday, for example, I saw this guy stealing a handbag and I followed him into a dead-end-alley. The guy took out a knife, but than I used my powers of confusion. I shouted: GRILLED CHEESE IS NOT A WINDOW WIPER!" In between Ben took a few sips from his beer, before he continued. "Of course, this is only a light confusion bubbling up. I need to put it into overdrive, so I grab an empty McDonald cup near my feet. Instead of throwing that on him, I try to throw it on the roof of the apartment building we're standing next to. Than I started laughing like a maniac and shout again: THAT IS NOT A PEAR SHAPED PHOTO FRAME AT ALL! Long story short, keep these actions up for 5 minutes and he'll give you the handbag in exchange for safe passage out of the alley." With a smile he took another sip from his beer. "I hope you're not too impressed to keep hanging out with me, I'm kind of enjoying my night."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Seth Lucas Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson Character Portrait: Stacy Cobb
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Madison pulled up into the apartment parking lot with a sigh. She really didn't seem to understand why her parents got her this apartment and wanted her out so quickly. But she just shrugged it off and turned off the ignition before climbing out of the vehicle. The brunette glanced into the backseat, finding boxes among boxes of stuff to carry up those stairs. She lifted her hair into her hands and pulled it up into a messy bun before opening the back door to her vehicle. She reached for the first box and closed her car door with her hip and began to walk up to the sidewalk, then through the door, past the front desk, and up the stairs to the door of her apartment.

At that moment she had just noticed that there was an elevator she could have used and she shook her head a bit agitated. At least she knows for next time. The female set the box down on the ground and rummaged through her purse for the key to her apartment, finally finding it in the bottom of her purse. "I really need to put this on my key ring," she mumbled to herself as she slid the key into the hole and unlocked the door, giving it a slight push to open it up. She then bent her knees and lifted the box in her arms before stepping into the apartment. She smiled when she noticed there was already some furniture in the apartment, that her parents most likely had bought for her and put there. She set the box down on the couch and placed her purse down on the coffee table before stepping back out the door to grab another box.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti
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Francesca watched closely as Ben ordered their drinks. Not only did he remember the beer she was drinking from the ball but he also happened to remember how she took her beer - straight from the bottle, instead of a glass.
After the bartender handed them their drinks Francesca would softly mutter "Thank You" before clinking bottles with Ben.

"You asked more about my adventures? Well-"
Ben quickly began telling quite the story, and as she listened on Francesca couldn't help but giggle at his charming humor, which came off incredibly natural.
She nearly choked on her drink at the mention of a "pear shaped photo frame" as her giggle completely morphed into a full on laugh.

"I hope you're not too impressed to keep hanging out with me, I'm kind of enjoying my night."

"No worries, I am definitely enjoying my night as well. You're quite the character you know."
The smiling Francesca would turn in her stool so that she was now facing Ben, her knees almost touching the side of his leg. "It's a good thing no one else heard you in that alleyway though, they might have thought you were actually crazy and called the men in white coats on you!"
As she took another sip of her dwindling beer Francesca would spot the bar tender with a small bottle of Crystal Head Vodka, giving her an idea.

"I just thought of something fun..." she'd say to Ben, before waving the bartender over.
"Can I get one of those Crystal Head Vodkas and a bottle of water please?"
The bartender would nod his head and slide Francesca a 20oz water before turning around to get the bottle of Vodka. As she waited for him to find the bottle of vodka she'd grab four nearby shot glasses and line them up.
As soon as the bartender placed the bottle of vodka down Francesca would turn back towards the bar. "Okay, so this is a little game I learned back in school - a favorite of mine. So there are four glasses here, to begin with three will be filled with water...." she'd stop for a moment to fill three glasses with water and then continue her instructions as she filled up the remaining glass with vodka. ....and one will be filled with Vodka. Whoever goes first closes their eyes and shuffles the glasses around before picking one. If they pick one with water they fill it back up with water, shuffle the glasses again, and it'll be the next persons turn. If they pick Vodka though they'll take one of the water glasses then replace it with vodka, and the other person gets to ask them a question about anything, and no matter what they have to answer it. After they answer it there will be two glasses of water and one glass of vodka. Rinse and repeat! We play until the last Vodka glass is chosen. I'll go first!"

With a smile on her face Francesca would close her eyes and slowly but surely shuffle the four glasses around before choosing one. There was 75% chance Francesca would escape getting the glass of Vodka, but as luck would have it she didn't.
"Whew, that was most definitely Vodka." she'd joke as she placed the empty shot glass down and then turned in her stool - leaning back against the wall as she crossed her legs. "Ask away, I'm game!."

As she waited for Ben to think up a question she'd drink one of the shot glasses filled with water before filling it up with Vodka and sliding it back in line with the two other glasses of water.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Seth Lucas Character Portrait: Stacy Cobb Character Portrait: Madison Jameson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TushoKa

The dance was fun. He spun her around a few times and let the tempo of their dancing run quite high. The smile on her face told him that she was enjoying it too. He was very thankful to his mother that she taught him how to dance. Not many girls expected it and it was a perfect way to sweep them of their feet. The song was about 4 minutes long and they were about the last people on the dance floor. They were at least the only ones that lasted the entire song. After the song finished he stepped back a bit and bowed in front of Stacy, thanking her for the dance.

He escorted her off of the dance floor. While he did he also lifted a hand up to the DJ thanking him for the perfect song. Somehow the DJ gave him a naughty looking smile as if he knew the dark intentions Seth had planned for the night. Maybe it is easier to spot a bastard when you see one than I thought it was. "Thank you very much for the dance, you're quick on your feet." He flashed his whitest smile and walked to the man he gave his camera to. Everything was going according to plan. "Shall we go upstairs?"

Together they walked to her apartment. They talked a bit on the way up to Room 123, about nothing in particular. Doubt crept into his mind, while he started feeling worse by the minute. It would not be right to take advantage of her, especially not by lying and cheating his way into her apartment. He was an ass, he knew that, but he had to prove that he was not his father. When they arrived at her door he spoke. "Well, at least I'll sleep easy knowing you returned home safely. We'll talk later about the zoo, the day after tomorrow. It was very nice to meet you, I'm glad I came to the event tonight." He kissed her on the cheek before he turned and walked back to the elevators. Just before stepping into the elevator he turned towards her and waived one last time.

When the doors to the elevator closed he pushed the button to go up to one of the highest floors to his own apartment. [i]My goodness Seth, when did you turn into this...
He had the feeling that the years alone in New York were a big part of the cause. He hadn't seen his mother in quite some time. He never wanted to go back to the small town, while his mom hated coming to New York. The last 10 times they spoke it had been via Skype.

He turned the keys in the lock to his apartment. The windows and curtains were still open and the view was quite amazing from this high. He threw his jacket over one of the chairs in his apartment and walked to his bed room. Undressing further he stepped under the shower before he turned to bed. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep.

-Time Skip-

The next morning Seth woke up still feeling exhausted. The nice cup of coffee he took next made him feel a lot better. Looking into his schedule he saw that he had a shoot a bit later in the afternoon. He decided to get ready early. Maybe he would be able to get out and shoot some pics for his book before he had to go back to his assigned duties. But first of all he had to stop at the reception. Looking at the room the maid clearly hadn't been there the previous day. He wasn't mad or upset, but he did want to make sure someone would stop by today.

He went down with the elevator when he was ready. He had two camera's on him, while he actually only needed one. The weather was uncertain today, and the one was better in the sun, while the other performed better when it was raining. Arranging things at the reception he stepped outside. Still deciding what to do he waited outside and lit a cigarette. He saw an unfamiliar car standing in front of the entrance. Not half a minute later he saw a girl stepping out of the building, walking up to the car. She looks good, he thought Especially with her hair like that. He stumped out his cigarette and walked up to her. "Hi, I'm Seth, I live here. Do you need some help with those boxes?"



Ben was surprising himself. It wasn't that he was bad with girls, but he really enjoyed his night and it seemed Francesca was too. He had to appreciate the fact that most girls would not have been laughing at his story, most of them would probably have run off.

"No worries, I am definitely enjoying my night as well. You're quite the character you know. It's a good thing no one else heard you in that alleyway though, they might have thought you were actually crazy and called the men in white coats on you!"
Her legs were almost touching his as they were now sitting closer than before. "Oh the man in white coats, they are my arch enemies. They had me once for 5 days, but I escaped and killed 2 of them doing so. I fought my way out with the most dangerous piece of cutlery imaginable, ... a plastic dessert spoon" He was constantly thinking if his stories were not going too far, but she seemed to be okay with them. Maybe better to shut up for a moment though... He took another sip from his beer, when he saw Francesca's face light up.

As soon as she started to explain the game, Ben got excited for it. "Learned in school? Maybe I should have stayed in school longer after all?" It was a good game, he was looking forward to it. He knew the only ways to tell if it is vodka or water without smelling or tasting is to either freeze it or light it on fire. Neither would be an option this evening. He watched as Francesca gracefully started off their game. She was unlucky on her first try. Her eyes betrayed that she hit the Vodka instantly. "Whew, that was most definitely Vodka. Ask away, I'm game!"

While she filled another glass with Vodka he thought about what to ask. He didn't know if the question should be risky, innocent or shouldn't make any sense. He had to admit that nonsensical questions were his speciality, but he thought he stumbled out more than enough nonsense for the evening. Eventually he decided to go risky, at least risky on a first meeting. "Okay, first question. What is your favorite sleepwear? And be descriptive."

While he gave Francesca some time to think about the questions he already closed his eyes. He started shuffling the 4 glasses. He now had a 50% chance of choosing a glass of Vodka. In order to pick a glass he decided to fall back on his schooling. He picked glass C, just like he had done on every multiple choice test he ever did. He smiled at Francesca while he brought the shot glass to his lips. He drained the glass in one shot and slammed the glass on the bar. He looked in her eyes while she was doubting what the result was. "Sorry to disappoint, but this was clearly water." He filled the glass again with water and finished his bottle of beer. "The board is all yours, milady."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti
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0.00 INK


As she gently twisted back in forth on the bar stool to the muffled beat of the bass, Francesca waited. She had no clue what to expect from Ben, his question could be completely silly or it could possibly be something serious.

"Okay, first question. What is your favorite sleepwear? And be descriptive."

Francesca's eyebrows popped up and her eyes widen a bit at the mention of sleepwear, and after Ben added in the "be descriptive" at the end of his question she couldn't help but giggle while sitting up and leaning in towards Ben.
"Hmm, what if I said nothing?"
She'd let her comment percolate in the air for a few seconds before gently smacking him on the knee. "I'm only kidding...unless the power goes out and it's incredibly hot outside."

After a quick wink Francesca leaned back and rubbed her hands together as she took a moment to think about the question before answering.
"Well I love lace, and I absolutely adore silk-satin. So anything from Victoria Secret that's made with Silk or Silk-Satin, and has some lace on there, I'm in love."
The bartender suddenly came over and asked if the two of them needed anything, and Francesca would turn and respond with a kind "No, thank you" before gazing back towards Ben.
"Now in terms of a description, I hate to disappoint you but women don't go to sleep in teddy's or bra and thong sets every night - as much as you men might like us to. Typically I sleep in red silk-satin pj shorts with a tank, or a sleeveless sleep shirt....and nothing else."
A cheeky grin was plastered on Francesca's face as she switched which leg crossed over the other and pointed towards the remaining glasses. "Your turn, and I so hope it's Vodka"

Watching closely as Benjamin shuffled than chose between the shot glasses Francesca jokingly crossed her fingers as he downed his drink.
"Sorry to disappoint, but this was clearly water"'
A sigh would escape Francesca's lips as she shook her head in disbelief.
"The board is all yours, milady"

Instead of closing her eyes this time Francesca simply looked far enough over her shoulder to insure she couldn't see anything as she shuffled the glasses.

"Come on water!" she teased, before picking up a class and quickly downing it.
"Damn." she muttered, before clearing her throat and dropping the glass back on the bar.

"Okay, apparently this is the 'Ask Francesca whatever you'd like as you get her tipsy' game, because once again - I got Vodka."

Before Ben could ask his second question Francesca would wave the bartender over and kindly ask him to dump the shot glasses out. Once he returned the four empty glasses she would take two away and only fill one with vodka and only one with water.

"Okay only two next time, lets see how lucky you really are! But first, ask away....I'm ready."
Francesca loosely crossed her arms over her chest in anticipation for Ben's 2nd question, all while smiling - something she noticed she had been doing quite a lot of throughout the evening.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti
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0.00 INK

#, as written by TushoKa



He knew that a question like this was maybe pushing the boundaries a bit, especially since they only met a few hours ago. He didn't know what to expect from her. Would she dodge the question? Would she slap him in he face? Or would she become red in the face of shyness or embarrassment? Ben started regretting asking just that question. Why the hell didn't I just ask her favourite movie or something? Whatever was gonna come, he was prepared for the worst because of his own stupid mistake.

Her reaction was surprising. "Hmm, what if I said nothing?"
Wow, that was certainly not what I expected. He got the feeling all the blood in his body was directed at his cheeks. Okay, my cheeks plus one other certain body part... Before Ben could reply Francesca smacked him on the knee and continued. "I'm only kidding...unless the power goes out and it's incredibly hot outside."
With that it seemed Ben started breathing again, which somehow had stopped after her first reaction. I could actually use a shot of Vodka right about now.

"Well I love lace, and I absolutely adore silk-satin. So anything from Victoria Secret that's made with Silk or Silk-Satin, and has some lace on there, I'm in love. Now in terms of a description, I hate to disappoint you but women don't go to sleep in teddy's or bra and thong sets every night - as much as you men might like us to. Typically I sleep in red silk-satin pj shorts with a tank, or a sleeveless sleep shirt....and nothing else."
Her second reaction was possibly way more sexy than the first suggestion. To be honest, anything Ben could imagine her in would be pretty awesome. His question actually turned out better than he could have hoped.

After acknowledging that he had been the lucky drinker he saw a glimpse of disappointment in her eyes. Did she already know what she wanted to ask? As he saw Francesca shuffling the last glasses he wished her a quick "Good luck."
Apparently neither his good luck wishes nor her crossed fingers helped, as she again chose the wrong glass. He felt a bit sorry that she was having all he bad luck in this game. Maybe he shouldn't go so hard on her this time. Francesca took two of the glasses away and gave him a 50% chance for his next shot, before he could even ask his question. "Okay only two next time, lets see how lucky you really are! But first, ask away....I'm ready."

"Okay, so maybe a bit more innocent... Name the one dish that you had once in your life, and always wanted again, but could never find." This question could never be too raunchy, it seemed appropriate enough and on top of that it was about one of the things he loves most, food.

Waiting for her answer he looked at the two remaining shots in front of him. He shuffled them with his eyes closed, but even before he opened them he already had a strong feeling the water was on the right side. He didn't know for a fact, but he ha a very strong feeling. He still felt bad that he had won the first two rounds. So he went with his instinct and chose the right glass. In one smooth movement he put the glass to his lips and swallowed the liquid in one quick second. He knew he was right when he felt the slight burning in the back of his throat. "You got me this time. Good Vodka by the way..., and you've been lucky enough to already have two of these. All of a sudden I have a feeling you were winning this game all this time."

He looked forward to his question. He was at a point in life where he was not so terribly ashamed any more that he didn't even finish high school. And as honest as she had been so far, he would do his best to answer her question as thoroughly as he could.

After her question he changed the rules of the game. He gave the shot glass filled with water back to the bartender while leaving the Vodka shot. "Okay, next game. I'll tell you 2 true and 1 false statement. If you can identify the false one, I drink. If you pick one of the true statements, you drink. We keep going until the false statement is identified." He nodded at her to make sure she understood the rules. "Okay, I'll start. Statement 1: I have 1 younger sister. Statement 2: I learned to play guitar from my father. Statement 3: my band chose the name 'the Indoor Kites' over my idea, 'the Electric Rubber Bands'." He was curious to see what her first guess would be.