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Jaydon Anderson

"I've done things I'm not proud of, but that doesn't mean you can use those against me."

0 · 1,599 views · located in New York

a character in “Welcome to Adulthood”, as played by StrawberryGashes99



"People make stupid choices. I know that better than anyone."


Jaydon Anderson

Jay| Jay-jay




|Stage of Adulthood|


|Face Claim|
Mark Sallings



Dark brown, shaved on the sides.


|Height and Weight|
6'2/ 180lb

|In Depth|
He resembles his father in the face, with strong cheekbones and jawline, and also with the dark brown hair. He has the same eyes as his father and sister. He has one of his ear's pierced and a Tattoo on his shoulder. He's a muscular man with strong bones. He's also tanned skin, with the occasional mole here and there.


In the past he would act very similar to his twin sister, who was extremely silly and immature. However he matured as he got older and developed a love for music, girls and beer. He's commonly seen watching football or reading. He makes a lot of stupid choices, and when he does he thinks people will use that against him. He hates when people hold things against him. When he gets angry he will lash out and sometimes get violent. When he want's something bad enough he will fight for it. He's very physical with his emotions, and needs contact rather than verbal.


❤ Football
❤ Girls
❤ Beer
❤ Reading
❤ Snow
❤ Food

✘ Thunder
✘ Cleaning
✘ Messing up
✘ People who piss him off.



Jaydon grew up the older of two twins in a family of four. His twin sister, Jane, and him were extremely close growing up. He often protected her from bullies and people he didn't like. They were always getting into trouble together in elementary school.

In middle school him and Jane drifted to different social circles, him joining the circle of jocks. He played football. Later near the beginning of highshool he developed a crush on a girl he always saw walking in the halls, named Hayley Montgomery. They met and fell in love. This should be the ending of a perfect love story, but unfornunantly it wasn't.

Jaydon began feeling the need for her, to want her more that anything else in the world. It was like a drug. She gave into him, and they made love, fulfilling his sexual needs.

Never in his wildest dreams did he think she would get pregnant. The news bore down on him like the weight of the world. He knew he had to be there for her, but as fate would have it yet another tragedy struck. On the day she was confirmed pregnant, his sister got into a life threatening car wreck due to her drunk boyfriend. Jaydon had to choose, his sister or the love of his life. He made the mistake of choosing his sister, and left Hayley to run to the hospital.

Things were rusty between Jaydon and Jane, but Jaydon was always there for her so he couldn't stay mad at her. Later he moved into the same apartment as Jane, where he found Hayley and his daughter lived. They got together once again, and once again she became pregnant. Now he knows he needs to stay with his family, but he needs to win the heart of Hayley once again.


So begins...

Jaydon Anderson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Seth Lucas Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson
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Come Join Us
This evening to the ball of the century. When you joined us here at Connection to Life our mission was to get you closer to the other tedents. So come out and meet and dance with the other people that live here. Who also call this place home.
When: May 5th
Where: In the Grand Ballroom
Why: To connect
Who: Guests in the hotel
RSVP? Not necessary
Please come out. We'd love you to connect with the others here.

Connection for Life


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Seth Lucas Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson
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Hayley Montgomery

Hayley had woken up at three in the morning because Beth was crying. She walked over to Beth's room and coddled her for a minute and she fell back asleep. Hayley walked back to her bedroom and was laying awake for a minute. Her life was difficult yes and had many bumps but oddly she loved it and has been very fortunate. She still wishes she had a way to contact Beth's father Jaydon Anderson her first and only love. She gave up on herself once she had Beth. That cutie has given many memories that were beyond beautiful she loved Beth with all her heart and Hayley doesn't care at all that she doesn't have life perfect like she wanted.

She eventually fell back asleep but at six in the morning Beth wanted to get up so she got up and put Beth in her play pen. She walked to the door, opened it and picked up the paper and saw a note. She read it while closing the door and picked up her cell phone, and dialed the front desk. "Hello connection to life front desk how may I help you?" "Hi I am a tenant and got your note on the event happening tonight. I wanted to know if you can bring young kids, like a three year old?" It was quiet for a minute and then she heard someone breathe. "Yes I just spoke to the manager he said you can. She smiled at Beth. "Thanks so much!"

She picked Beth up and brought her to Beth's high chair. "Did you want a waffle?" She smiled and saw the smile beaming on Beth's "Plwease mommy." She walked to the kitchen and made her a waffle and one for herself bringing it to the table. "Here you go sweetie." Hayley fed Beth until they were both finished and smiled. "Let's get dressed." She brought Beth to her room and changed her into a little checkered print skirt and a cute t-shirt. She then changed herself into a yellow skirt and a white blouse.

She then walked with Beth to the resteraunt that Hayley waitressed at. The resteraunt was across the street from her apartment. The owner's wife they live in the house beside the diner. The wife's owner has three kids and they watch Beth for Hayley all the time she works. It works great. She dropped off Beth and Hayley then began her job once she changed into her outfit.

She worked hard all day and was quite happy to know the day had ended and she could go home, cook dinner, and then get ready Beth and herself for this party. She picked Beth up and walked home. When they got home she put Beth into her play pen and Hayley walked towards the kitchen. She was exhausted maybe she should not go in the end. But it could be fun and she wanted to do it. So she looked through the fridge to see what she could make for dinner. She decided to make pasta. She had some pork so she fried that up and cooked some pasta noodles and put it together and put it on a plate for her and Beth. She fed the BBQ Pulled Pork Pasta to herself and Beth.

WHen they were finished they changed into their outfits for the dance. It was going to be late so luckily when the resteraunt owners wife watched her they let her nap long. She walked to Beth's room with her and changed her into her black and red little dress. She then put her into the playpen and turned on Scooby Doo. She had watched so much Barney, Caillou and Scooby Doo in her motherhood then even from when she was younger. She then got dressed herself into floral dress.

She put Beth into the stroller. She then walked to the elevator and went downstairs to the ballroom and noticed a few people had shown up she was a tad early but it wouldn't hurt. They expected at the entrance to see the key to your apartment. And they hold onto it till the end of the party or when you choose to leave. She walked over and sat down. Pushing Beth back and forth to keep her from fussing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson
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"I still don't understand why you want me to go to this stupid ball"

Jaydon sighed, crossing his arms and, though he would deny it, pouted. His twin sister, and best friend, had bust into his apartment early this morning and dragged him out of his nice warm bed, demanding he take a shower and get dressed in the clothes she layed out. After having to put up with her antics for twenty years, he had just learned to go with it. The 'clothes' she had decided to lay out for him was a nice black suit without a tie. When she finally explained why she was doing all this, Jaydon discovered she was going to drag him to a ball the apartment was hosting. Honestly, he did not want to go, but if he tried to escape, his twin would come down on him harder than the rage of hell.

The perky blond in question was walking a few paces in front of him, looking absolutely stunning. Her hair was curled and bounced on her shoulder as she stepped though the hall. She chose a dress that to Big-Brother Jaydon was far too short, but still looked beautiful on her slender frame.

"Because, dear brother of mine, you need to socialize more." she smiled a large toothy smile that looked really childish on a twenty year old woman.

Jaydon sighed, rubbing a hand across his forhead. "I really hate you right now..."

"I think I can live with that."

They arrived a little earlier than most people, only a few people there, silently socializing with each other. Jane gasped in amazement at the decorations, while Jaydon just gazed around admiring. They both had to admit that they were incredible. The apartment building really outdid itself with preparation. It looked like a castle, and that they both agreed on.

Jane nudged Jaydon slightly on the rib. "Oh, brother dear. Would you mind so terrible to get me a class of wine?"

Jaydon raised an eyebrow. "You don't even like wine."

Jane sent him a glare that told him not to argue. Jaydon understood, and fled from her side to the refreshment table where all the wine and drinks were being kept. Jane smiled. It was true, she hated wine, but to her there was some unwritten rule that at these type of parties one must drink at least one glass of wine.

As she waited for his return, she sat down a few meters away from another woman. Jane couldn't see her face, but she noticed she was pushing a stroller back and forth. Jane scooted a bit closer, looking in the stroller. She smiled at the little girl.

"Aw, hi cutie." she cooed. The baby was extremely cute, but there was something about her that looked really familiar to Jane.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson Character Portrait: Gabriel Barron
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What was he even doing there? As Gabriel surveyed the ballroom, he sniffed in disapproval. The floor gleamed with cheap wax and the drapes were only suitable for a funeral home. The food was sub-par and the wine was new. There wasn't even decent Scotch or a bartender. He had served himself a glass of red wine, but having arrived too early, had no one to look indignant at. He could have gone to a party. A friend of his was having a rooftop gallery opening. There was a pool and champagne and women with legs that went on forever. Maybe this whole "living like the little people" thing had gone too far.

But if he really thought about, and he had nothing but time, he'd wind up just as uncomfortable there too. His friends were talk of some big coup at work or new gossip about some socialite and he would smile despite the angry knot at the pit of his stomach. No, he was doing this for a reason. He was looking for meaning. He hoped his roommate would hurry it up. He needed a translator. Gabriel couldn't tell if anyone was serious or not. The other day he had overheard a woman complaining about her dishwasher bring broken and having to wash dishes by hand. Who the hell would wash a dish by hand? It was madness. There was people for that. Or a roommate. And people fixed dishwashers for a living. But according to his roommate, Fletcher, it was a real thing. Why was this so hard?

And to make matters worse, a stroller had arrived. There was probably a baby in it. Babies terrified him. They were loud and smelly like tiny drunk people. They're fingers were always looking for some unsuspecting nose to stick themselves into. And it didn't matter how cute they looked. And this was looked like a little doll. Eventually it would come and attack Gabriel with slobber and noise. He made his mind up right there that he'd leave early. He was not putting up with a baby. Where the hell was it's nanny?

He looked to the other two attendants and assumed they were together. Maybe if he had someone to talk to or even to look at for an hour, it would make this night more tolerable. Gabriel kept checking his watch, drinking steadily from his glass in hopes it would blur the night into oblivion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson Character Portrait: Gabriel Barron Character Portrait: Hayley Montgomery
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#, as written by TushoKa



Ben woke up around 8 AM which was way too early for him. Somehow he smelt the scent of filter coffee which made sure he sat in bed with his eyes wide open. He heard the closing of the front door, indicating that his room mate had left the building. He stepped out of his bed and walked to his closet. He grabbed an easy T-shirt, put it on, and walked over to the kitchen. As he expected there was still some coffee in the pot, which was a nice habit his room mate got into. Ben poured himself a mug, ignored the milk and sugar and took it with him to the living room. The post was lying on the table already and he went through it to see if there was anything for him. Not very probable since he only just moved in, but checking doesn't hurt.

His eye fell on a leaflet from the building for a function later that night. That's pretty cool... According to his schedule he was working from 11 to 7 PM, so he wouldn't be the first, but neither would he be late. As a nice introduction he thought he would bring some food with, he had wanted to that in any case, so the ingredients were all at home. He finished his coffee and got back to the kitchen. While making an omelet for breakfast he also prepared the little snacks he could bring tonight. In his cupcake oven rack he made little pizza's with a block of mozzarella, a cherry tomato each and some herbs. He also made some mini-sized meatballs with wasabi mayonnaise inside and some shrimp croquettes, deep fried shrimp ragout. The meatballs were completely finished, but the other two dishes could be heated by the oven for about 20 minutes.

Noticing he had quite some time left he thought of going to work early. Maybe he could prepare some more for the lunch in his restaurant. Nowadays he was considered the highest authority in the kitchen during lunch time and the second highest when the Chef came in for dinner. He quickly showered and left the apartment. At the door he greeted the doorman telling him that he should come to the party as well. Being in the service industry Ben felt a bit weird when people were serving him in a way. A short 10 minute walk took him to his beloved work. The Chef left him a note with some special requests, nothing out of the ordinary. He quickly got to work and soon his mind was fully engaged and he was not able to think of the party.


About 10 minutes before his shift ended the Chef told him he could go. The busy period was over and there was not much to do but cleaning. He half walked half ran home to be in time. The moment he arrived he turned on the oven and put in the croquettes and the mini-pizza's. He then took a shower and looked in his cupboard for something appropriate. If it's in a ballroom, they probably expect a shirt instead of a T-shirt. He simply didn't own any jackets or ties, so that wasn't really an option. While putting on some aftershave without actually shaving he heard the loud PING of the oven and went to take his food out. Especially the pizza's smelled very nice. He took 2 large plates out of one of the cupboards and decorated them with his food.

With some trouble he walked out of his apartment with the three plates in his hand. When he arrived at the entrance of the ballroom he pointed at his pocket to tell the person taking keys where his were. He had let the half of his keys hang out so they were easily taken out. Afterwards he walked over to the table with food and placed his own next to the rest. He didn't mean to brag, but his food looked ten times better than whatever was there before. With the wasabi meatballs he put down a card advising they were a bit spicy. Finally satisfied with how it looked he turned around and walked over to the bar to get himself a drink. He saw most people with wine from the refreshment table, but he felt more like a beer. He asked the barkeep for a Budd and of course they had it.

Having a nice cold one in his hand he started inspecting the room a bit to see if there was anyone he knew. No one looked familiar at first sight. Seeing all these nicely dressed people he once again wondered how he was able to pay the same rent these people were. Maybe it helped that he had one of the first apartments, which were apparently smaller than the higher numbers. One rather gentleman looking person was standing at the bar checking his watch. [i]Well, I have to start somewhere...[.i] He walked up to him and stuck his hand in the air as a clumsy form of greeting him. "Hi, I'm Ben, 105, or at least part 105. Nice to meet you. It was quite a nice idea of the building to organize something like this, don't you think?" Without really waiting for an answer he kept on scanning the room. Some people were making their way to the food table. He wondered what they would think.

From the corner of his eye he saw a girl with a stroller. Children usually enjoyed his company, basically he had never stopped being a child himself. He turned once again to the gentleman next to him. "Sorry man, I see a stroller. Let's make an appearance." Again not waiting for a response he walked over to the stroller, now surrounded by 2 ladies. "Good evening, my name is Ben, from 105." He bent down over the stroller. "And who is this little princess?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson Character Portrait: Fletcher Martin
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Through the fog of exhaustion Francesca wasn't sure if there was knocking at her door or if she was just imagining things, however when the person on the opposite side of the door rang the bell she'd slowly but surely roll off her couch - convinced she wasn't imagining things.
"Coming!" Francesca called out, as she ran her fingers through her hair and began to straighten out her sleep shirt a few feet from the front entrance. After several seconds she'd finally open the door, but before she could say anything her friend of sorts would invite himself in. "Oh my God, you're still in that thing at this hour?" Darian would ask chidingly as he pulled at her shirt - only to get his hand slapped. "Stop it, before I chop that hand of yours off!"
The 6'4 blue eyed dreamboat, as he often called himself, wasn't really a close friend of Francesca's, but the two frequently conspired together to bring different groups to the same events. "Oooo, that accent is even thicker when you're mad - nice! Now get that behind of yours dressed so we can get down to business, we have people to impress darling!"
"Okay, wait, did i forget something?
A puzzled expression would form on Francesca s face as she ran her fingers through her hair again and made her way over towards the refrigerator, where she'd pull out a bottle of Sam Adams' Utopia.
"Fran, dear, Cara freaking Delevingne is in town for the next week...she loves the club scene and we could totally get her to come with us to -" After leaning back on the counter and taking a sip of her Utopia Francesca would quickly interrupt Darian's speech. "First off, hun, it's Francesca not Fran and you know this. Second, Cara Delevingne might be a blast to hang with but I don't have the time or motivation to kiss her peoples asses just to gain access to her....I have plans."

As Francesca steadily downed half her drink Darian would try with all his might to convince her to tag along, and while Cara Delevingne was a tempting reason to break her plans to attend her buildings get together she'd hold to her guns and decline Darian's invitation to go with him.
"Sorry, you're convincing but it's not changing my mind. I'm seemingly social with everyone but the people I live around, is that not odd? I should try and form some kind of relationship with people here, so if you don't mind I think I'm going to get ready now, ciao."


After taking a much needed bath and finishing the rest of her drink Francesca would begin to go through her closet, not noticing she was already a few minutes late. Her fingers first touched a sky blue backless dress she had bought while in France a few months back. She'd ooo and awe over it for a moment as she remembered just how eye grabbing it was, but she also figured it was a bit too provocative for a first impression amongst her neighbors and therefore she'd continue walking around her closet until settling on a silver Givenchy gown, that had a titillating sheer-skirt that gave the appearance of a short dress, and also had an embroidered hem that matched the silver dress design. It was sexy but a bit toned down in comparison to the blue dress she first considered.
Francesca was in no mood to deal with her incredibly thick hair and would quickly settle on a dense high ponytail, held in place by a brown braided scrunchie that matched her own hair tone. By the time she had her things consolidated into a small silver purse and had slipped on a pair of black four inch heels, making her a noticeable 6'2, she was passed the fashionably late mark and was just plain late.

"Oh no, look at the time! Roxie, here girl, come eat so mommy can leave."
Francesca's 90lb two year old rottweiler/sheperard mix came running out of her bedroom and into the kitchen. Most girls she knew had small dogs they could fit in their purses, but Francesca was always a lover of big dogs and Roxie was her favorite playmate.


By the time she left her penthouse, ran down the steps, and jogged through the lobby Francesca was slightly out of it, and would catch her breath before showing her key to the individual at the entrance of the ball. When they went to grab it however she'd pull back and smile warmly. "No no, it's alright, I'll hold onto this baby....thank you."

As she entered the event room she was a bit taken a back by the architecture, it was indeed more than she had expected and she couldn't help but stare around a bit aimlessly until she spotted the small bar and made her way towards it. Once there she'd speak without thinking and ask for a Utopia, which earned her a look of befuddlement from the man behind the counter "Oh i'm sorry, what a silly thing to ask for at a casual get together. How about a bottle of Heineken?"

Once she had her beer in hand Francesca would stroll about the room, instinctively shimmying to the song that just started playing, since it's beat put her in mind of a salsa tune. Sure enough as she made her way around the room she'd come across an older man likely in his 70s doing the mambo step. With a grin on her face Francesca would walk over and join the man, who was more than willing to dance with her. Without notice the older man would grab her free hand and begin to spin her, and as the song came to an end he'd manage to hold on quite securely as he dipped her.
With a massive smile painted on her face Francesca would clap her free hand against her wrist. "Bravo, Bravo! You're very good!"
The two would only talk briefly before the mans daughter came and pulled him away, giving Francesca a good excuse to go see what food was laid out. Shrimp was always a favorite of hers, so as soon as she spotted the shrimp croquettes she put several on a napkin.
"You do know you're only suppose to take a few of those right?" an older woman said to her in a rather snotty tone, as the woman's much younger partner stared at her. Francesca simply smirked, before grabbing another one and placing it on her napkin. "Oh no, I never got that memo, better grab some before I eat them all, no?"
After giving the woman a sarcastic wink Francesca would turn around and walk towards a small table a few yards from a small group of people forming around a baby stroller, she'd place her beer down and begin to snack on her croquettes.
"Oh my goodness, these are absolutely delicious... she whispered to herself, only to have a woman she assumed was the kitchen cook due to her chef's jacket overhear her and come over to ask how she was enjoying the food.
"Oh these shrimp croquettes are absolutely amazing, I'd eat the whole plate if i could." The woman was a bit confused and repeated the dish back to her as if to make sure she heard Francesca right before smiling. "Oh um, well we're glad you're enjoying the food Mrs...."
"Cavalcanti, Francesca Cavalcanti."
"Oh Cavalcanti, I know that name!"

The two would commence in small talk about Francesca's family as she slowly but surely devoured every single croquette on her napkin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson Character Portrait: Gabriel Barron Character Portrait: Carrie Harmon
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#, as written by Bodoe


"Well I mean I know some of them. They work at the same bar I work at. Also Jane's brother is a bartender there so I know him. Other than Jane and Jaydon though, I just haven't really spoken to any of them. I guess tonight is my chance you know?" Said Carrie as she finished doing her hair, she reached into the jewelry box and grabbed a pair of Jane's earrings. "Well are you enjoying your new place?" asked Alex, Carries sister, through the Skype call on Carries laptop, which was sitting on the bathroom counter facing Carrie. She fixed a few strands of hair and smoothed her dress. "I mean its nice living on my own. AND I showed you my bedroom, thanks to Jane and I living as roommates, we were able to afford a nice room with awesome bedrooms...there." said Carrie looking in the mirror, finally finished getting ready. She looked at her sister through the camera. "How do I look?" Carrie asked in an enthusiastic flirtatious way. Her sister laughed. "You look great sis." said Alex, looking up from her homework. "Well good. Oh I almost forgot! Shots!" Carrie rushed into her room with her laptop and placed it on the bed. "Jane already left to the party and she doesn't really even drink anyways. So you can sit there and keep me occupied while I pre-game a little." she said as she reached under her bed and grabbed her bottle of Absolut Ruby Red Vodka. She took a swig and scrunched her face. "Ugh. Burns." Her sister laughed as she finished her studies and closed her book. There were a few moments of silence as Carrie looked down at the letters on the bottle while her sister browsed through her phone. She looked up at Alex "So any boys?" Carrie asked with an inquisitive look. Alex looked up from her phone, smiled, and rolled her eyes. "Well there might be a guy.. but I don't know, I need to talk to you about it in person." Alex said blushing. Carrie gasped and nearly screamed in joy. "Next weekend! Ill take you shopping. I should be getting paid soon. We can make it a girls weekend!" Her sister laughed and nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan." Carrie took one more swig, making another face, and put the cap on the bottle. "Well I should get going. Got to socialize." Carrie said rolling her eyes. "Okay. Talk to you tomorrow?" Alex asked. "Of course!" Carrie said. "Hey." she said to her sister before ending the call. "Keep studying. Im proud of you." Alex smiled. "Love you." her sister said before ending the call. Carrie closed the laptop and made her way to the party.


Carrie walked into the room and looked around. It was beautiful. She took a deep breath. She could already feel the vodka start to hit her. She was a lightweight. She spotted Jane, walked over, and plopped down next to her. She locked her arm with Jane's and laid her head on her shoulder. "You know. I am really really glad you're my friend. In fact. You are one of the greatest friends because I borrowed your earrings and I can trust, sincerely trust trust you'll forgive me and understand that I am a girl who still needs to buy a nice pair of earrings." said Carrie, not obnoxiously drunk, but obviously a little tipsy. She could hear Jane laugh. "Now if you'll excuse me. I am going to go grab a glass of wine and maybe find a nice girl or boy to flirt with." she said in a loud whisper to Jane. "Oh cute baby!" she said as she walked away to get a glass of wine. "Oh hey Jaydon!" Carrie exclaimed, giving him a quick hug before he walked back to his sister with drinks in his hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson Character Portrait: Carrie Harmon
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Before she could coo at the baby any more, her best friend and roommate locked arms with her, causing Jane to jump slightly from her seat in shock but them calmed down once she was who it was. Carrie layed her head on her shoulder and started to ramble on about how she was such a good friend because of a pair of earrings. Jane couldn't helps but laugh at her. She was obviously a bit tipsy. Jane could already see herself nursing Carrie in the morning as she suffered from a hangover. Though Jane didn't mind. Carrie would do the same for her...she hoped.

Jane ask started laughing as Carrie hugged Jaydon. Her twin brother wasn't really used to girls. Not since Haley he hadn't really dated much. Jane briefly wondered how Hayley was doing. She hadn't seen her in a while, since high school. Jane couldn't help but feel guilty. It was because of her that Jaydon hadn't stayed with Hayley. She glanced at her twin, who was just recovering from the hug. Jane knew he wondered about Hayley everyday. Though he'd never admit it.

Carrie came back with a drink in her hand. Jane sighed but still had a smile on her face as she rarely never did. "I though you were going to go flirt with someone, or something."

Jane turned her head back to the woman who was obviously the mother of the baby. She looked young. What shocked her even more that, after Jaydon sat her drink down next to her without her even noticing, he set down next to her. Jane raised an eyebrow at him, and he shrugged. Weird.

So she just went back to focusing on Carrie, and wondering if maybe she should go chat with a guy to. She hadn't the slightest idea how to flirt, but that's what Carrie was for.


Jaydon gasped as soon as his sisters roommate hugged him. He wasn't used to this. He though about pushing her away, but he didn't want to upset Jane. She was the most important person in his life. Ever since he left her. No. No, Jaydon couldn't think about that. He didn't want to get bummed out.

Jane was too busy laughing at an obviously tipsy Carrie to notice the drink that was now set in her hand. He then turned to sit down next to some woman pushing a baby stroller. He wasn't really looking at her, though he was bored and wanted to talk to someone.

"Cute baby" he said, which he figured ever parent loved to hear. He gazed in the stroller, and couldn't help but smile. She was adorable. Jaydon felt something tug at his heart, but ignored it. It was just a little toddler. Why would he feel a connection to her at just one glance? "Sorry if my sis is being a bit loud. She's often like that. I know that better than anyone. we're twins.". He was rambling. He did that when he felt awkward about something. Jaydon felt himself blush, and looked away from her, or rather the little girl who he was watching, so neither would see his obvious blush.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson Character Portrait: Gabriel Barron Character Portrait: Fletcher Martin
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Hayley Montgomery


Hayley was wound up in looking at the beauty of the room. It was so pretty and everything decorated nicely. She noticed quite a few people had came. Even she wouldn't forget a face. She was a mother and not an old one. But she looked to see momentarily that Jane was there. It was maybe just her mind playing tricks on her but she knew it was her. She heard it in her voice. Would she be lucky that only Jane was there? She was cooing at the baby and oh how she would love to smile and say hi but she was so nervous of doing so that she just wanted to sit there.

She turned and saw someone come over. "Hello I'm Hayley." She smiled as he looked down at her sweetheart Beth. "Her name's Beth." She smiled and looked towards the snacks and drinks. Everyone around here just a few stood out like the man dressed in a very well done suit.A female very pretty dressed up. Someone sitting beside Jane, and a guy that looked good also standing beside the man dressed in a very fancy suit. Must be pretty fancy. When her eyes laid upon someone she knew from her life before.

She was shocked and I think Ben may have noticed it on her she was a tad out of it. She was shocked her mind must have been playing tricks on her eyes. It was Jayden . The man she loved and somewhere deep down still did. But she hid her feelings because it was quite painful to think about it.


He sat beside his sister only a table away. It was him she knew it now more then ever she didn't know if she had the nerve to say hello but the night would be ruined if she didn't say hello at least for a moment. When something happened beyond her ears. She listened as he spoke about his sister talking. And as he said cute baby. "Excuse me for a minute Ben please." She got up and pushed Beth back and forth and finally got the guts to move over and sit beside him. She looked at him and smiled. But still had that shocked expression on her face.

"Jaydon is that really you?" She smiled and couldn't hold it in if it was him. But deep down she knew it was him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson
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The woman who mothered the baby suddenly went silent, and Jaydon worried that he had upset her. But then she spoke up, in a voice he knew all to well but deep in his mind pushed that though away as a reflex. He had been doing that for four years now, pushing away all thoughts of people he didn't need to remember. Need to remember, not want to remember.

"Um..." he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Have we met somewhere befo-" he stopped mid sentence, turning around to face the woman in front of him. Her face, he knew it better than anyone else in the world. He didn't believe it himself.

His eyes averted to Jane, who due to a twin telepathy thing nether of them understood, peaked behind the woman's shoulder just to see why Jaydon was so shell-shocked, and nearly spit out her wine. His eyes then traveled to the stroller. If she was the person who he though she was, then that would mean one thing. That child sitting in that stroller...

...Was his.

"H-Hayley?As soon as the word was out of his lungs, he felt a huge pang in his chest that he'd only feel when he was next to her. The girl that he left for the stupid mistake of his sister (who suddenly looked offended, he had to remind himself to be careful with what he thought when she was around) and became the biggest mistake he ever made. Leaving her was something he would never do if he got a second chance. Maybe this was fate that brought her to him, giving him a second chance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson Character Portrait: Hayley Montgomery
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Hayley Montgomery

She had to remember how he hurt her. He left her to be with his sister. She tried to hold on the pain, to make her not want to fall into his arms again. She had turned to shield herself. She felt like she could cry. Why was this so difficult? It was his kid he had a right to know his kid. This lovely beautiful kid that they had. She was so beautiful and sometimes she would notice small things the most definetly were his characteristics. She loved it about Beth it was a mash of two lovely people to make this adorable sweet little girl. To be honest, to herself she would do it all over again and again even if it came to this. Being estranged from her parents, from her life before she would do it all over again in a second.

Her life was perfect and to have them step back into place seeing Jaydon made her question things. Many things. She wondered if he would try to get custody of Beth or man she worried about so many things that she was lost in thought that she barely heard him say her name. She wondered if he regretted leaving her to be with his sister. His sister was a lovely lady but... she wished he choose her. "Yes its me." She could barely say the word with those thoughts on her mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson Character Portrait: Gabriel Barron Character Portrait: Carrie Harmon Character Portrait: Fletcher Martin
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Jaydon sucked in a breath, hopping she didn't notice his sudden paleness as he felt all the blood rush from his face. It was her. She was here. Here with him. She was literally in reaching distance from him after all these years. Nearly four years ago, on that day she told him that it was he who had gotten her pregnant. She had just found out, and Jaydon didn't know how far along she had been in the pregnancy, though he guessed pretty early since she still had her gorgeous figure. Now the kid...his kid...would be about three years old.

He suddenly felt dizzy. That means the baby he was looking at earlier was his daughter. He cursed at himself in his head, wanting to throw himself in from of a speeding semi-truck. What a horrible father! Many of nights he had layed awake, wondering where they were, if they were alright. Had Hayley kept the baby. Was his child a boy or a girl? Every time he would watch TV, whenever he saw a News story about a missing baby, he'd wonder if it was his. Every time he'd see a baby on TV, on magazines and in movies, he'd wonder if it were his.

He couldn't help himself. His legs shakily carried him over to the stroller, gazing in, not peaking but really looking. She looked just like Hayley. Beautiful. He wanted to reach a hand in, wondering if she would grab his finger, smile at him and he'd smile back. Then he'd pick her up, bounce her around and laugh loudly as she squealed with enjoyment. He'd rock her to bed, read her a story and kiss her goodnight. He'd wait with open arms as she ran into them, hugging him tightly and it would be the perfect moment in the world. He'd hold her while she cried, kiss her when she hurts, play with her when she was bored and protect her like a father should. He'd be the perfect father, just like he'd always pictured he'd be.

But he wasn't. Instead he just stood there, a hand hovering over the little girls head as it hesitated to pet her gently. He was no where near the perfect father.

"And this..." he was nearly in tears as he choked out his words. "This...She is...mine...w-what's her name?"


Hayley! The Hayley. The one her brother got prego in high school. The one Jane knew Jaydon loved. The one's who's wedding with her brother she had planned out down to the last detail in a notebook which still lay under her bed. Jane nearly choked on her glass of wine, half from surprise, half from the bitter taste. Her eyes were wide at her brother, trying to yell at him though her eye's 'Don't mess this up, idiot!'

Jane turned back to Carrie, who suddenly started rambling on about her sister coming to visit. Jane didn't mind, she wanted to meet the girl anyway. Before she could answer. Carrie suddenly jumped up, squealing about dancing and looking for two guys to dance with. She dragged Jane to the bar, where two stood. Carrie claimed the one with brown eyes, but the one Jane's eyes landed on was the one with the blue one's.

Jane blushed, clenching tighter to Carrie for reassurance. He was cute. Really cute. Jane started to notice things wrong with her appearance. Her hair curled messily on the bottom, her dress puffed up slightly and not that she though about it, was actually pretty short. She blushed brighter. Why didn't she listen to Jaydon!?

Standing their silent must have looked odd. She took a deep breath, flattened out her dress and pressed her heels together.

"I-I-I'm Jane! Um, Hi..." God, she was such a nerd.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson
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Hayley Montgomery

She looked at him feeling her heart racing. Somewhere she loved him still. But she wondered if he ever worried about her? If he wanted to know his child? Why hadn't he contacted her? It felt like ages since she had seen him. She wanted to kiss him like she did in high school. Hold his hands like they did sometimes while going to the movies. She wanted to just be with him.

She snapped herself out of it. She couldn't fall back into her old ways she was a mother and needed to take care of Beth he seemed quite pale and she wondered if he was okay. He had finally spoken and she smiled once she fully heard his sentence. She sighed and decided to speak. "She is yours. Her name is Beth Anderson. Do you want to hold her?"

Hayley moved the stroller closer and picked Beth up. She loved Beth with all her heart. In a way she owed him a lot. If it weren't for him and their love she wouldn't have been able to have Beth in her arms. She sat her on her lap. "I just want you to know, I have told her many times about you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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"Beth..." he repeated. It was perfect. She was perfect. Amazing in every way. Jaydon looked at her, never actually taking his eyes off her. He felt something deep in his heart. A pulling sensation, like it was drawing him to her. Jaydon knew this feeling. He loved her. He loved Beth, despite just meeting her. He knew he loved this little girl. "Please..." he suddenly blurted out, trailing off a bit. "I mean, I would love to hold her."

He didn't wait for Hayley to give her to him. He gently picked her up, being more careful with his little girl than anything he'd ever dealt with in his life. The feeling of her tiny amount of weight on his lap was incredible. He used his hand to brush back her thin blond hair out of her eyes so he could see her face better. This proved his theory, she looked exactly like Hayley.

"You gave her my last name." he said, rubbing the back of Beth's neck in a comforting way the way his mother used to do to him. "Hayley, listen...I..."

He what? He was sorry he left her. He wanted to be with her, to help raise child together. To live with her, see her every morning, kiss her good night every evening, tuck her in and fall asleep next to her. All this was true. But how would he tell her. He didn't have the voice to say all that. Not at all. He only had the emotional energy to say, at the most, three words.

Three words, huh?

"That's enough" he though.

"I Lo-I missed you...

Damn, why was he such a coward?!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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Hayley Montgomery

Hayley knew that as her father she needed to share Beth but after three years doing alone its hard. She watched as he slowly picked her up and she saw how he was gently placing her on his lap. All that of her telling herself she deep down loved him. What could she say it was still on the brink here. But there was nothing she could do. It was there and she didn't have the guts to say it.

She did love him, but he left her for his sister. She was about to give birth and he left for his sister. It still somehow was a bit of a pain. But as a mother she wanted the best and everything she could for Beth and that included her father. Because everyone has the right to know their father. "Of course she has your name. Your her dad."

It was the truth. Deep down she named Beth her last name after Jaydon because she never wanted to forget him even if maybe he had forgotten her. She sat and watched him. She watched as he began to speak. He began with "I Lo-" What did he loathe her? For not contacting him or trying to find him? Or did he meant "I love you." She loved him but he could feel different. He missed her was all he finished with. "I missed you too Jaydon." And thats all she could say?

What was wrong with her? She looked at Beth she seemed so happy and content. She looked at Beth and smiled. "Remember I told you about daddy. Well this is him sweetheart." She always told Beth about her lovely daddy. His sweet arms and the way he was gentle a-. No! She wasn't going to sweetly fall back in love with him when he may not feel the same way. "So you live here which apartment?" Now she seemed like a stalker. This was getting harder and harder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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Jaydon didn't answer her immediately, instead opting to give Beth a small little bounce of his knee, urging to hear her laugh. He bet it sounded amazing. Her smile had already melted his heart. After Hayley got pregnant, and he had fled he didn't think he'd ever be a dad. He couldn't bear the though of having a child with another woman when he knew his child was with the woman he ever really loved.

"Yeah, I moved in here about a year ago with Jane." Opps. He didn't mean to mention his sister. That was probably a sensitive subject. "I live in room 182. Nice place, saved up a lot for in. Pretty cool view to. He was rambling again. Whatever once of coolness he had maintained in her mind was probably gone after seeing him all nervous and stuttering like this. "I assume you and Beth recently moved in. Um...Y-you two should come visit sometime." He looked down at the happy toddler in his lap. "I-I would enjoy the opportunity her- see you both again."

It was true, he didn't was to be separated from her again. Nether of them. He prayed Hayley would allow him to see Beth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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Hayley Montgomery

Hayley looked at him. He spoke while he bounced her maybe he was trying to get her to laugh she decided to give a tip. "If you tickle her she has a cute laugh." She leaned closer to Beth and tickled her gently on the sides and you head her laugh a bit and then Hayley stopped. "I don't want to get her upset she will have a fit in a minute if you tickle her too long." He spoke about the apartment he has and it sounded nice to her.

He was having fun it seemed like. He has spoken about Jane and seemed to stop. She was disappointed that he would think her to be mad about it still. She continued to listen to him speak. He spoke about coming over and she knew that he wanted to see his daughter and he had a right too so it is good that he is here to be able to do so. "I think that would be great you should come over sometime to ours. No we didn't move in we have been here since I gave birth to Beth." She looked at him and smiled.

"I would love us to forget the past and maybe move forward, let us be able to work on us and our family. And I am not mad at you. Okay maybe just a tad bit but I could never hate you for it. Because your sister is important I get that." She waited for him to reply to that and wondered if maybe he would be mad at her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson Character Portrait: Fletcher Martin
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As soon as Hayley utter the words that he had longed to hear for the last four years, his breath caught in his throat and he couldn't bear to speak for several long seconds, in fear that what she had said was just an illusion, a dream, or even a nightmare. It was the giggling of Beth that broke his out of the daze he was in to realize that this was real. This was real. This was real...

"Your not mad?" Was that really all he could say? All he could muster up in the millions of things he'd wished to say to her since high school. In the sea of conversations he'd imagine they'd have if (Not if, when) they met again. Your not mad? Pathetic Jaydon! No, that is not a he co say. Say something else, anything else to let her know how much you longed to hear those words come out of her mouth!

"Hayley, I am so sorry for what I did! It was horrible for me to leave, and right when your about to give birth too! I am so sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am, and how grateful I am to hear you say that!"

There. He did it. All in one breath, and all in under 5 seconds his apology was out. But he wasn't done. He still had one more person to apologize to.

"Beth, I'm sorry to you too. I nearly let you grow up without a father. No one should grow up like that. But don't worry. I'm right here now. Daddy is right here now, and he loves you. He loves you so much..."


Jane watched as Carrie sauntered off with Gabriel, leaving her alone with Fletcher. She tensed up for a minute, then eyes averting from the two on the dance floor back to the man in front of her, she sighed deeply and crossed her arms over the front of her dress.

"There was four, and then there were two." She closed her eyes, brushing a piece of hair out of her eyes and pursed her shinny glossed lips, slightly surprised her lip-gloss had lasted this long. "Soooo...awkward silence and stuff...this never happens on Tumblr."

Nerdy humor. She often used it when she had no idea what to say. If something didn't happen soon, she'd probably start belting out quotes from Harry Potter and then sing parody's of Let It Go. She really could act like a child sometimes. All the time, actually. No wonder she never really had a successful relationship. She'd been to stupid to meet the right guy, and always go hurt in the end. In more ways than one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson
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Hayley Montgomery

He had spoken about her being mad. "Of course not your sister is important. I was just mad and the pain man it hurt but I just afterwards felt so bad. Just horriable." She looked at him and glanced for more then what seemed like a long time. He seemed deep in thought something she quite often but it was always being broken by some noise of some sort by Beth. "I hope the name wasn't a bad choice?"

She looked at him when he spoke she was in complete awe. He was apoligizing and it was so sweet she wanted to cry. It made her feel so happy and special. But why did she feel this way? She looked at him. She felt the same way, the same way she did when they were in highschool. -You will not go back to your old ways Hayley.-" She thought to herself. She felt magnificent though.

"Its the years she will forget. If you are there in the years she can remember thats the main thing. Think of it this way you missed all the diapers almost." She let a small giggle come out of her mouth and she smiled at him. "So how's your sister. Did you ever really tell anyone you were going to be a dad?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayley Michelle Montgomery Character Portrait: Benjamin Masters Character Portrait: Francesca Cavalcanti Character Portrait: Seth Lucas Character Portrait: Jaydon Anderson Character Portrait: Jane Anderson
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#, as written by TushoKa



Ben was alone once again after the girl and her child went off to see someone else. Unable to help himself he caught a part of their conversation. Wow, a bit more drama than expected on a night like this. The gentlemen he talked to earlier had asked one of the girls to dance. Quite daring Ben thought, but then again not everyone had two left feet like he did. Time to check on some of the food he had brought in. Approaching the table he saw an elderly man come of the dance floor with, what Ben hoped was, his daughter. The man took one of the wasabi meatballs in a casual manner. Ben looked on as the man's face turned red, or even a darker shade of purple as the wasabi did its work.

Ben walked over and padded the man on the back a bit. "I do believe there is a note that says the meatballs are a bit hot, maybe you should try one of the pizza's. Or perhaps a glass of milk to get rid of that spicy feeling? Ben himself took one of the meatballs as well, he didn't scare away from a bit of spicy food. Especially since he had a nice beer to go with it. The man walked to the bar with his daughter once again behind him. Someone is not enjoying the party very much...

He saw of all his dishes the croquettes were by far the most popular, half the plate was gone in just a few minutes. Looking around he saw one girl with a bunch of them on her napkin talking to, what Ben could only imagine was, the head chef of tonight. She will probably have some questions... Ben walked over to the two ladies. "Chef? I would just like to thank you, your food is absolutely amazing. Those meatballs..., very original. Most people don't use wasabi like that. The lady looked confused. "Meatballs with wasabi you say? Indeed a rare combination. I'm glad you like it, thank you for the compliments. Would you excuse me for a moment? I just want to check on my staff in the kitchen." A simple 'not at all' sent the chef on her way. Ben laughed as he thought of the awkward conversation that would be going on in the kitchen in a few moments.

He redirected his focus to the beautiful girl the chef had left behind. He took her hand and introduced himself. "Hi, my name is Ben, I'm from 105. Are you enjoying your evening so far? He waited for her reply while staring into her bright blue eyes.


There was nothing like a rainy day in Manhattan. People bustling by with their collar high and their umbrella's chased away by the wind. Seth walked among them, no jacket and sleeves rolled up. The suits around him ignored him mostly, the odd one would glance his way and shake their head. Some probably thinking he was a homeless guy looking for some change. Not many people with a camera like mine though... He had been around the same block of buildings for about 4 hours snapping pictures wherever he could. He got some great ones too, better luck than the previous 3 days at least.

He was nearing the end of the day. He had been out here way longer than he had planned on. Thinking about it he actually had function to attend to in about 30 minutes. Thankfully it wouldn't take him long to get home, not with the metro anyway. He walked slowly, stopping every so many minutes when he saw something worth immortalizing. The Sun coming down made for some pretty nice colours on the buildings around him. The light pink glow on the brown marble just made it sparkle in a way that was breathtaking to see. Sure, he was a photographer for magazines and news papers, but there was nothing like shooting pictures of the big city. He felt more at home here than he ever had in the small town where he grew up.

As he walked down the stairs and into the waiting metro he thought about what he had to wear for tonight's party. His shirt was soaking wet, so it wasn't like he could just jump in like that. He would have to take a quick shower as well. If I don't hurry I'll miss the party completely... Not something he was eager to do. Of course it was different from his normal evenings of going to clubs and bars, but there might be some nice girls around. And maybe from a different calibre than the ones he normally met. Sure the models he usually met were nice, but it wasn't like you could take 'm to dinner. For them that meant a cigarette and a glass of water, not the romance you would like.

He half walked, half ran into the building. He twisted the key open apartment number 185. It was a reasonably sized apartment, especially since he lived their all by himself. There was a second room, but he used it as his dark room. With the money from his father plus his own income he could easily afford it. And somehow things were just easier without a second person in the place. Stepping out of the shower he walked over to his cupboard with the fancier clothes. He took out an Armani suit that he had bought last year. It had always been a request from his father that they had their 'shared glasses of whisky' while wearing suits. According to Seth it was always a meeting fro false pretences, just a way for his father to say that he was still in contact with his bastard son. In Seth's eyes it could have been much worse, sure he didn't love his father, but he didn't particularly hate him either. Albeit only with money, both Seth and his mother had always been supported. And the fact that none of them really spoke to the press was better for all of them.

Looking in the mirror he had to admit that he looked quite spiffy in the suit. The light grey matched nicely with the black shirt he wore underneath. He decided to skip the tie rack as he didn't want to come across as a total douche. He could not help himself and decided to take one of the other camera's from his collection. It was quite a bit smaller, but still more advanced than your regular kind. Maybe he could make some nice group pictures tonight. When he was younger he had collected group pictures from all the places he went to. Nearly every bar and every restaurant had been represented with one of his group pictures and he saved them all, maybe to make another book with after this one was finished. Although going to every bar and restaurant was worth like 30 years of work in this city, he seemed to be on the right way. He tried something new almost every night, even though like everyone he had his favourites.

He handed his key to the gentleman at the door and took in the room and the people in it. Busy would be an overstatement, but there was a decent amount of people around. Some had familiar faces like the old hag at the refreshment table, but some he had never seen before. He would make some pictures first, before he would sit down and meet others. Most obvious to spot was the young couple on the dance floor, Seth wondered how long they'd been together. He looked like one of those businessman Seth would see around Wall Street. She, for lack of a better term, looked gorgeous. Her dress was awesome, she definitely lit up the room. They were standing close together and Seth doubted if they even noticed the picture he just took of them.

Turning around he saw another set standing together. They did not look as comfortable as the dance floor couple. Actually the girl seemed familiar, probably seen in the hallway a some time or another. At least they now had a nice picture to commemorate the moment. He walked over to a couple with a small girl. The little girl set on her fathers lap. "Anyone ready for a picture?" Without waiting for an answer he clicked a couple of times before he went on. He saw a young guy and girl sitting together as well, apparently talking food. The girl was definitely worth capturing on camera, better looking than some of the models he knew. Turning his attention to the door he saw another girl just joined the party. She was wearing a red dress and didn't seem to know anyone either. He stepped over and for once did not click his camera first. "Hi, I'm Seth. Do you live here as well?"