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Welcome to Fulton University! {Reboot}

Welcome to Fulton University! {Reboot}


When you go to Fulton, you aren't anyone until you pledge a house. And with people leaving and new people coming, what will this year bring for their rush week?

8,284 readers have visited Welcome to Fulton University! {Reboot} since chanelindistress created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Just wanted to give a special thank you to BleedingLover for allowing me to re-upload her roleplay. I thought it was a splendid idea and I am very much grateful for her giving me that permission. With that being said, DO NOT copy anything on this page without giving the proper respect to their creators, particularly the plot since this is hers. Any gifs or images present do not belong to me, they belong to their rightful owners. Please respect that and don't go around laying claim to anything you know for a fact isn't yours.


We all have heard about college life. Your parents have probably drilled it into your heads since the second you came out of the womb. You might have only just grasped the concept of actually going to college. After all, it's not particularly easy to get in, especially four-year accredited institutions with a long legacy of success and greatness. Yet and still, most stories of college are filled with mishaps, adventures, fun, fleeting and sometimes lasting romances, and one hell of an experience. Not many can say that they want to miss these golden years. You're being enriched and challenged in such a way that high school could only dream of doing, you're meeting a plethora of diverse individuals with varying backgrounds, and sometimes, you're literally in a place you have never been to before. College, despite the bumps in the road and the drama that can unfold, is one experience not one person should miss out on and if there is one school that everyone has talked about at least once, it is Fulton University.

No, this is not Harvard. No, it's not Stanford, Brown, Yale, or any of those highly-talked about schools you've heard about because everyone else has deemed them the only schools you need to be applying to if you want to make it in this world. In fact, if we're being completely honest, it actually is one of the top schools you should be researching and perhaps even better than those aforementioned institutions. To be quite frank, Fulton University, based in none other than Miami, Florida, is one of the best schools in the country, having just placed as #12 on the Forbes Top Twenty Institutions in the United States. And for what reason, you might ask? For one, the student body is known for its diversity. Where schools like Yale and Harvard might seem wary in accepting non-white students and have only just really pressed the matter of accepting said students in favor of bringing in more attention and money, Fulton's students have come from a plethora of ethnic backgrounds since day one. There is rarely any one student that looks exactly the same. They're also known for fostering some of the brightest minds, sending out a range of athletically-gifted individuals due to increased funding to their athletics department, and even have a list of known celebrities and artists due to actually building on a visual and performing arts program that is literally coveted in comparison to other universities. But, one of the main focal points and the biggest reason why the large institution is well known is because of its Greek life.

Oh, you have not known Greek life until you have attended Fulton University or even done something as simple as attended Homecoming festivities. In fact, if you actually visit the school on the founding days of each organization, you are literally in for the best day and night of your life, guaranteed. Fulton University is known for having the best Greek system in the country. Part of this stems from the fact that, come on now, it's Greek life. Greek life means partying, partying means fun, and everyone wants their college years to be the most fun moments of their lives. The bigger detail is that not only do you land jobs almost immediately after graduation and mostly sustain some of the strongest interpersonal relationships you ever will, but even as a student, you gain internships and opportunities kids like yourself can only dream of. To say you were part of the Greek System at Fulton University is truly an amazing experience. Even with the drama lurking behind the happy smiles and familial bonds. Especially with the drama.

The Houses
As a student at Fulton University, you have so many choices to make and if there is one choice that the current Greek members will always push you to make, it is in joining one of their fraternities or sororities. When you graduate, you can be inducted into several (depending on your GPA and your involvements on campus) honor societies and organizations, but there is none like a Greek family. You can have honor cords that will tie you to academic excellence for the rest of your career, whether occupational or academic; you take on the mantle as a member of the Alphas or the Sigmas as a family member for a lifetime. You even get the chance to live in a house away from the other students with your brothers and sisters, further cultivating a familial familiarity that one would be remiss to miss out on.

The houses designated for each Greek organization, especially now after the two years of renovations for all of them, really reveal a lot about them just from one glance. For one, they all are rather large, though some are bigger than others due to, well, who has been more popular and which organization's founders are richer. The houses also can signify the relationships between them considering the Betas have probably been egged several times by the Sigmas, even though they claim faithfully that they have no idea how that happened. That being said, it's important to note that while most of the members have met one another before pledging, they don't typically fraternize with those outside of their own organization. The Presidents (mostly Alphas and Betas) definitely do not encourage this and are somewhat strict about hanging out with other members. Not that a good number of sorors and frats aren't privy to ignoring that fuckery in favor of talking to their freshman year roommate or appointed best friend. However, romantic linkage between members that normally wouldn't be associated with one another? Trust that your fellow members (mostly Alphas and Betas) might actually have a problem with that. In fact, romantic entanglements, even casual flings, have been known to start wars between the Greek houses. I mean, you might need to ask who the former president of the Sigmas was messing around with that cost them a year of having no pledges. Trust - there are some things that are a big no no and your brother and sisters will definitely not hesitate in letting you know what they are. Keep this in mind once the relationship thread is posted.

NOTE. As some of you have participated in this RP once or twice before, this is not specifically focused on Rush Week nor does it include freshmen. During both times that I revived this RP, I noticed that while there was attention on the freshmen and Rush Week as that was how I formulated it, the most attention and the most entertaining aspect of those experiences were with the relationships established between the upperclassmen. Which is why this RP focuses on the drama, daily experiences, and college experiences of those students who have already been at Fulton and who have already been involved with the Greek life for at least a year. There is no real direction in this as this is character-driven with the inclusion of knowing what the typical relationships between the houses are, so I'm open to ideas and am in the process of piecing together plot ideas or at least meeting points to have all of the characters in the same spaces.


The girls of Alpha Theta Pi are the top girls at Fulton. I mean, look at them! They are absolutely gorgeous, charismatic, deceptive, and positively reek a sophisticated air that every freshman girl wishes she could emulate. At the same time, they are typically the most conniving, manipulative and backstabbing bitches that ever were. They are your mean girls (at least, most of them anyway) and you might have fooled yourself into thinking that you left chicks like them behind in your hometown, but these are the girls that basically, in a sense, rule the institution. After all, some of them come from families whose networths are more than the amount of money students have to cough up for the school for the four years that most stay. Guys flock to Alphas, but only the best of the best catch their attention and capture their hearts...unless, of course, you're just that good. There is always one or two followers flocking behind an Alpha, doing her bidding. Well, when she's not making a pledgling do it. Being an Alpha Theta Pi means being high maintenance in most cases, and the girls try to impress everyone. Their house is immaculate and always classically chic. It's very rare that you see a single detail out of place and each bedroom has at least one walk-in-closet. Not to mention, they have a freaking spa in their basement - a spa!! Their colors are bubble gum pink and green apple.


President| Name | Senior| Major (and [optional]Minor)| Big Sister to __________ | FC: Holland Roden | OPEN

Name | Senior| Major (and [optional]Minor)| Big Sister to _________ | FC: Gabrielle Epstein| OPEN

Name | Junior | Major (and [optional]Minor)| Big Sister to ________ | FC: Cindy Kimberly | OPEN

Name | Sophomore | Major (and [optional]Minor)| Little Sister to _________| FC: Arden Cho| OPEN

Charlotte Arnault| Sophomore | Biology on Pre-Med Track w/ Business Minor | Little Sister to _________| FC: Mathilda Bernmark | TAKEN

Adeline Arnault | Sophomore | Marketing | Little Sister to _________ | FC: Taylor Marie Hill | TAKEN


If the Alpha girls are on top of the ladder, then the Betas are right by their sides and it's not hard to see why. Their house is the most massive out of all the Greek life homes. The guys of Beta Gamma Omega can be described as cocky, charming, and entitled. They're known for their money, charm, and looks. And if you happen to also classify them as the jocks from high school who never really did anything or had any actual change from when they were the assholes who shoved nerds into their lockers simply for being in their way for two seconds, well, let's just say that you wouldn't be really wrong. The Betas would just like to say that they have more class than that. They definitely carry themselves with not only confidence, but with the air that they are better than most. In some cases, that actually might be true, though acknowledging that means inflating egos. The Beta Gamma Omegas were the first Greek life organization established on campus, so the arrogance has dated back since nearly a decade after the founding of the institution. Most of the Betas are legacies and there are few that are accepted that aren't. Girls all over campus tend to fall at their feet and they love the attention. They are the brother house to the Alphas and the two are rarely seen at any event without at least one or the other. Their colors are crimson and silver.


President| Hudson Allen| Senior| International Business| Big Brother to_________| FC: Ed Westwick | TAKEN

Name | Senior| Major (and [optional]Minor) | Big Brother to_________| FC: Marlon Teixeira | OPEN

Name | Junior | Major (and [optional]Minor) | Big Brother to_________| FC: Bi Rain | OPEN

Name| Sophomore | Major (and [optional]Minor) | Little Brother to_________| FC: RJ King | OPEN

Name| Sophomore | Major (and [optional]Minor) | Little Brother to_________| FC: Reece King | OPEN

Name| Sophomore | Major (and [optional]Minor) | Little Brother to_________| FC: Francisco Lachowski | OPEN


Most of the Thetas are known as the shy, sweet, caring, studious girls on campus. Of course, that doesn't mean all the Thetas fit the mold of the typical Theta Chi sweetheart. In fact, some are more spontaneous than the others and some are go-getters rocking their sisters' colors with more sass than you would ever have imagined. The big difference between these girls and the other sorors is that their course work comes before all else. After all, when your founder is in fact a member of the infamous Rockefeller family and was one of the few females to be able to compete with the top males of her graduating class, there are some expectations that you have to live up to. You may catch them at a party every once in a while, but they are by no means extremely wild nor would they do anything to embarrass themselves or their sisters. They are ultimately known for their smarts and shockingly, their cleverness whenever needed. Being known as the nerds, the Thetas can be picked on by the other sororities like the Alphas, but being a member has its perks. For one, their house has the largest and most comfortable library on campus aside from the institution's own and their computer lab is literally like a dream. They are the closest sorority on the campus though, they stick up for each other like no other, and their sisterhoods last a lifetime. Their colors are powder-blue and cream.


President| Amaris Hamilton | Senior| Political Science & Gender Studies w/ Minor in International Studies & French | Big Sister to _______ | FC: Jordyn Woods | TAKEN
Name| Senior| Major (and [optional]Minor) | Big Sister to_________| FC: Aja Naomi King | OPEN

Name | Junior | Major (and [optional]Minor)| Big Sister to _______| FC: Chloe Norgaard | OPEN

Name | Sophomore | Major (and [optional]Minor)| Little Sister to_________| FC: Chloe Bennett | OPEN

Name | Sophomore | Major (and [optional]Minor) | Little Sister to _________ | FC: Lauren Jauregui | OPEN

Name | Sophomore | Major (and [optional]Minor)| Little Sister to _______ | FC: Neelam Gill | OPEN


Kappas are the ultimate nice guys on campus known for their smarts, charm, and demeanor. Kappa Alpha is known for having the highest GPA within the fraternities and across campus. Naturally so, considering the founder of the organization is the current president of the institution and was the valedictorian of his graduating class. A legacy like that is hard to trump, even for the guys of Beta Gamma Omega. Not to mention Bill Gates hosts an annual dinner with the boys and a select number of guests, resulting in them being able to be found on various internet sources as a fraternity to watch out for. Which, naturally, probably pisses the Betas off. Of course they've been deemed nerds along side their sister house, Theta Chi. Their fraternity house, much like the Theta Chi house, is high-tech since renovation had occurred in the fall of last year and is run on sustainable energy. They tend to get ridiculed and left out, but they make the best of it. After all, not everyone hides behind their books or just comes up with ridiculously intelligent theories. In fact, you might find a good number of these guys branching out at different parties, whether on campus or not. They get along fabulously with one another however and love the Greek life. Their colors are navy blue and red.


President| Name| Senior| Major (and [optional]Minor)| Big Brother to_________| FC: Tyler Blackburn | OPEN

Name| Senior| Major (and [optional]Minor)| Big Brother to_________| FC: Alfred Enoch | OPEN

Name| Junior | Biomedical Engineering | Big Brother to_________| FC: Conrad Ricamora | TAKEN

Name| Sophomore | Major (and [optional]Minor)| Little Brother to_________| FC: Tyler Posey | OPEN

Name| Sophomore | Major (and [optional]Minor)| Little Brother to_________| FC: Grant Austin | OPEN

Name| Sophomore | Major (and [optional]Minor)| Little Brother to_________| FC: Keith Powersi | OPEN


Ah, the Zetas! You can't even get through the first week without hearing about the Zetas. Zeta Nu Deltas are known for their party lifestyles. They tend not to care about what people think of them and throw outrageous parties. More than that, second to the Alphas (who are known to despise them for this little tidbit) the Zeta girls are some of the hottest girls in the entire institution. Hell, if you ask some of them, they ARE the hottest and it's not always just about looks. Perhaps it's the sultry way a Zeta honey's hips sway as she moves to the heavy bass of the music, the way her fingers slide through her luscious hair, the curve of her lips, the twinkle in her eye. Either way you put it, these girls are alluring, mostly spontaneous and can either be the chillest girl you've ever met, or the most dangerous thing to your libido. Not like you'll complain either way. These girls are known for their risky behavior, carefree attitudes, and nightly partying. Leave it to them to have the house with two strip poles, a very spacious first floor that has been used several times over as the dance floor for some pretty awesome house parties, and a wine cellar with an attached bar since their renovation this summer. Being a Zeta means you have exclusive access to parties where a good number of known names might stop at, the best memories, and a promise of never having a dull moment. Their colors are sapphire blue and canary yellow.


President| Name | Senior| Major (and [optional]Minor) | Big Sister to _______| FC: Asami Zdrenka | OPEN

Name | Senior| Major (and [optional]Minor) | Big Sister to_________| FC: Jade Thirlwall | OPEN

Name | Junior | Major (and [optional]Minor)| Big Sister to _________| FC: Nam Ji-hyun | OPEN

Name| Sophomore | Major (and [optional]Minor)| Little Sister to_________| FC: Kelsey Calemine | OPEN

Michaela Vaughn | Sophomore | Broadcast Communications w/ Political Science Minor | Little Sister to_________| FC: Kiana Lede | TAKEN

Jazmyn Clarke | Sophomore | Nursing | Little Sister to_________| FC: Justine Skye | TAKEN


The boys of Sigma Chi Delta are known as the bad boys, the ones that all girls love to hate and a lot of other guys tend to hate on. They're the guys that every girl thinks she can change. They are ultimately known for their mischief, parties, and drama they cause within the Greek System. They're the guys your mama warned you about way too many times and are the ultimate heart-breakers on campus. The tend to break rules, have fun, and generally do what they want. If there is any Greek organization who could possibly be on probation, it's the Sigmas. They just also know how to get out of trouble. However, don't get them twisted. They, just like their sisters - the Zetas - are college students. So, the idea that they are unintelligent beings is so far from the truth that it's rather ridiculous and insulting, just like the Betas meant it to be. Just like their sisters too, their house is typically found on the outskirts of the university, mostly because of the booming music, but always because that's the way they like it, and their house has the BEST man cave on campus. Their video game collection is something to rave about and there's at least five of them who are probably the best mixologists at the bar. Their colors are black and medallion yellow.


President| Name | Senior| Major (and [optional]Minor) | Big Brother to __________ | FC: Andre Hamman | OPEN

Name | Junior| Major (and [optional]Minor) | Big Brother to_________| FC: Dudley O'Shaughnessy | OPEN

Name| Junior | Major (and [optional]Minor) | FC: Jack Falahee | OPEN

Name | Junior | Major (and [optional]Minor) | FC: Michael Trevino | OPEN

Name| Sophomore | Major (and [optional]Minor)| Little Brother to_________| FC: Avan Jogia | OPEN

Name | Sophomore | Major (and [optional]Minor) | Little Brother to __________| FC: Lucky Blue Smith | OPEN

1. This is not a first come, first serve roleplay. You don't like it, I'm sorry, but it's not changing. Hate to seem brusque or mean, but I'm not explaining myself. You see a character whose status does not say TAKEN, you can compete for them. I'm looking for quality, keep that in mind.
2. Reserve as many characters as you can play successfully. Don't push yourself. At the same time, there will be NO reserving of two females unless there is a male character sandwiches between them. There is no getting around that. You can reserve two males, but I am trying to keep this ratio even.
2. Post on the OOC to reserve. Do NOT private message reservations, please. You will be ignored. The only reason you need to PM me is if you want to discuss character relations, there is a problem, you're considering a face claim change, or are trying to explain something personal. After your reservation is made, you have ONE WEEK. That's more than enough time. It may change depending on how quickly characters start coming in.
3. Since I brought up face claims know that these are different from the ones I originally had. At least, some of them are. Mostly for diversity purposes. With that being said, I am WARY about changing them. I like them and understand that if I do permit a face claim change, you CANNOT exchange a POC for a white face claim. I'm not having it, end of story.
4. A character sheet will be provided, but I love when people get creative. I'm not creative, NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST. So all that lovely coding you people do, DO IT. I live for that shit and I have the utmost respect for it. So, if you can do it, please do it. Let me live through your awesome in my imagination. HOWEVER, do not take your being able to modify the character sheet as you see fit as a means to not provide me quality. IF I SAY I WANT THREE OR MORE PARAGRAPHS, IT IS NOT NEGOTIABLE.
5. As for post length, no one liners. You must post at least 300 words. I'm not trying to be a grammar Nazi, but this is a literate roleplay. I expect everyone to have the basic grasp of writing.
6. Note that the first tag of this RP is ADULT. Meaning, adult situations. Note also that sex is included and partying usually consists of drugs and alcohol. With that being said, this roleplay will consist of adult situations. Not saying that we're delving into Fifty Shades of Grey out here, but we're also not appealing to Little Einsteins either. So, know that there are adult situations and know yourself. If you're not comfortable with sex, drinking, violence and possibly drugs, this is not for you. I'm sorry.
7. I want to see interaction with EVERYONE. Just because your characters don't get along doesn't mean you have an excuse to not talk to someone. Make drama. I don't care if Sally fucked Tim when Tim was dating Allison and Allison is George's baby mama, if it shall be, let it be. I live off of fictive drama. The more the merrier.
8. With number 7 said, make drama IN character not OUT OF character. If you have a problem let me know. Guys, I don't need to see your beef in the OOC. That's too much. I'm a college student. That's unnecessary stress. Don't stress me out. Just PM me if shit hits the fan and if you feel like I can't handle it, then go to a moderator.
9.I know a few people who join and then disappear, and I do have the right to decline a reservation but, I will do it in PM. As much as I have probably been brusque in these rules, I'm not rude. I'm also not dealing with people who have dissed me once or twice before in an RP, or have made my experience stressful. I'm just keeping it real with you. I try not abandon people as well, but I'm not dealing with it.
10.I am the GM. My decisions are final, unless I find a flaw in my own reasoning because I can admit, I'm not always right. At the end of the day however, what I say goes. Get it, got it, good. Then we don't have a problem! :D I am open to outside opinions, yes, but do not try to overstep me.
11. HAVE FUN!!! This RP is in all good fun! :D I just have a thing for mutual respect
12. I know most people space the passwords out and all that good stuff, but I don't feel like re-numbering things and honestly, if you've gotten down to here, I honestly trust that you want to be involved. The first password is your favorite ice cream. I'm nosy, so let me know. The second, is your character's dialogue color. You can find things like that here and here.

Code: Select all
[center][size=150][i]Quote or Saying[/i][/size][/center]
Name: This is pretty self-explanatory, full name, maiden name.

Nicknames: Again, self-explanatory. If they have nicknames explain the meaning behind them (unless its an abbreviation).

Age: 17-23 (Know what your year your character is in and how that fits. If anyone is older or younger, I need an actual reason why and not just because you wanted to. Like, if they graduated early, great. But be realistic - not everyone graduates early.

Gender: Again, self-explanatory.

Birth Date: Self-explanatory

Sign: Just something fun.

Sexuality: Again, self-explanatory.

Ethnicity: Self-explanatory. Please note that ethnicity and nationality are different.

Major: Self-explanatory, unless the character is a freshman and they are undecided. If undecided, then put that.

Minor: If possible

Occupation: Just because some college kids literally are in school and working at the same time. Some because they have to help off-set school costs like books and whatever else their scholarship does not cover. Also, others just work because they live off campus and/or need the extra cash.
Childhood/Family Life: Who they grew up with, family life in general? Does your character know who their parents are, are they the biological parents, what were their expectations for your character? Any particularly memories, traumatic or life changing? Did your character grow up in a specific type of culture or belief system that shapes who they are now? Any lingering health problems or hereditary family illnesses? This should be a minimum of three paragraphs. Note: a paragraph consists of seven to ten sentences.


Quirks//Habits//Oddities: At least four of these. Everyone has them.

Good personality traits:
At least four.  If you need ideas here is a [url=]link[/url]

Bad personality traits:
At least four.  Here is a [url=]link[/url] for ideas.

I am very particular about this and I mean it when I say that this needs to be about three or more paragraphs (paragraphs consisting of seven to ten sentences each). Not only does it show a level of commitment to the character, but an in-depth understanding before we even begin discussing relationships and posting. What makes you who you are? What makes you tick? Are you flirty? Are you demure? If your completely stuck try a [url=]personality generator[/url]

Greatest joys in life:
What makes your character happy? Is it food? Family? Friends? Money? At least four.

Greatest fears:
What terrifies your character? It can range from mental to physical

Life philosophy:
A quote that personifies all your characters beliefs.
✘ [/right]
[center][img]fontmeme%COLLEGE CAREER[/img][/center]
Thoughts on Greek Life: Just a few sentences on how your character feels about being a part of the Greek system, their feelings on the house they're in, and their overall opinion of the other frats/sororities. For freshman that are rushing, still put thoughts about Greek life, maybe what's influencing them to rush and what they think thus far of each Greek. Granted, they should have only heard whispers or rumors about each, and maybe interacted with one or two at some random point in time.

Plans for after college: What does your character plan to do with their lives after graduation? What are their goals and aspirations? Why did they choose their major?
[center][img]fontmeme%PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION[/img][/center]
Build: Includes height, weight and general build.

Hair Colour: Remember to find a face claim who has gifs (or images) with the same hair colour.

Eye Colour: Gif-wise I don’t care about eye colour because you can barely see it, personal preference.

Distinguishing Marks: Such as piercings, tattoos, or just markings

Style: What is your characters style. I appreciate Links but please include a description as well.

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 19 authors


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Tamara Ortega Character Portrait: Jack Decker Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Park Min Ah
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Klayley
"Come on, Ortega. Your basketball skills might not be well reflected in your height, but I know you've got a little bit of Michael Jordan somewhere in there," the Sigma President said taunting the petite girl who's response came in the form of a cheeky smile. "Shut up, Decker." Tamara said feeling slightly peeved at the fact that Jack was really forcing her to have to win her own prizes. They had played serval games since arriving at the carnival, and so far Tamara had lost at each and everyone which wasn't bothering her as much as the fact that Jack was being a douche and unlike other guys refused just to let her reap his winnings. Opting to get himself a Pixy Stix rather than getting her a teddy bear or some other stuff animal like she had grown accustomed to the Betas doing for her. She was stressed out due to the mess that had unfolded inside Jade's room earlier, slightly tipsy and feeling like a complete failure due to her sucking at every game that Jack took her to. Part of her just wanted to pay one of the game operators for one of the prizes but, that wouldn't do for her pride. She had to win at something and in spite of Jack's ridiculing she had actually found a game that she knew she could win which had her beaming with excitement on the inside although her face concealed it.

While Jack briefly engaged with her brothers who were passing by Tamara unlaced her suede Aquazzura sandals. "Just score three of 'em and get one of these to match me. You're probably the type who'd choose one of the nasty flavors, like the purple or the orange though, right?" With a lighthearted giggle Tamara stepped out of her sandals going from a height of 5'8 back down to her true height of 5 feet four inches. "Ew, I hate both those flavors. I'm a red girl all day every day. Thank you very much," Tamara said as she with a smile as approached the man holding the basketball. "Now you just continuing sucking on your stick and let me worry about this right here. Okay, cus' I got this." While she couldn't win in an actual game of one-on-one basketball, she had no issue making a basket when her feet were planted on the ground, and it was just her and the basket.

Making and hitting all five shots back-to-back Tamara bounced with glee when she had successfully made the fifth and final shot. Clapping with excitement as she bounced the man running the basketball game had a smile of amusement on his face as he asked, "Giant cherry Pixy Stix for you then?" Calming down a bit Tamara shook her head, "Nah, I think am hyped up enough as it is. No need to make it even worst by pouring a giant stick full of sugar down my throat." This got a laugh out of a man who then motioned to the wall of prizes, "Alrightly then, what will it be?" Musing over it for a moment as she looked at all the potential prizes a genuine smile spread across her face as she selected her prize, "That one." Was all she had to say and the man got her down a giant 28" rainbow teddy bear that Tamara happily accepted, "Gracias."

"Told you I had this," she said with a cocky smirk as she turned her attention back to Jack. Jack had turned out to be just what she needed to get her mind off of all the drama going on between her soror sisters, and this love triangle turned square that Andre had created. He was apparently still in love with Naomi, and yet ready to start something "serious" with Xanthe and having secret smooch sessions with Katherine. It was a complete and utter mess, and while things hadn't gone the way she had anticipated them to go, she had been glad that Jade had decided to spill every ounce of tea she had had. Everything was out in the open now. There were no more secrets. If she were lucky, her sisters would be remedying the situation between them and making the smart decision to cut Andre's fuckboy wannabe Casanova ass out of their lives and focusing on their sisterhood, of course; however, that wasn't happening at the moment.

She had seen Naomi when she had first arrived earlier with Chantal and in favor of not fucking up her mood with pettiness she had stayed with Jack. In truth, she wasn't entirely sure how her Alpha sister felt towards her at the moment. There was no doubt that Naomi was clearly pissed with Kat and Tamara could only assume that Andre was far from a favorite person at the moment. However, what Naomi felt towards Jade, Zan and herself was a mystery to Tamara. She could see Naomi either being angry with her for quite literally dragging her into the shitstorm that left them both blindsided and stunned, or perhaps she was glad that she now knew everything. Whatever the case, when Naomi had stormed out of the Jade's room earlier Tamara hadn't followed behind her choosing to give her bestie time to simmer down. Her baggage was still currently residing in Naya's room which she would have to collect sooner or later but giving the sound of breaking glass she had heard earlier Tamara had felt it hadn't really been the time at that particular moment.

She hadn't seen Jade or Katherine yet, but she had seen Xanthe running around with some girls who names she couldn't place to their faces. Giving everything that Xanthe had uncovered today Tamara was just happy that the young Alpha appeared to be having fun and she wasn't going to stand in the way of that. After finding out that your suppose-to-be best friend was hooking up with the guy that you were evidently sprung over was something that wasn't an easy bump to get over and Tamara couldn't blame Zan for distancing herself from her sisters. She was actually handling things far better than Tamara would have figured she would be.

"So, where to next?" Tamara asked her mood visibly lifted as she suddenly felt her galaxy vibrate in her pocket. Working her way around her giant newly won teddy she fished it out of her pocket and read the text sent to her by her Little. She didn't write anything back as she just smiled and put her phone back in her pocket. With all the drama that had come to light, earlier Tamara had completely forgotten about Mina. From Jade's room, she had gone to her own to dress, do her hair and makeup and from there she had gone to the Sigma house and linked up with Jack, who she had been with since. She knew she would have to fill Mina in on everything later, but that later would come sometime tomorrow. As of right now, she was filled with excitement and ready to play more games. Or eat something. Or anything else for that matter.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Haezia Jimenez Character Portrait: Alicia Lee-Abner Character Portrait: Seb Abner
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β‰ͺβ‰ͺ SEB ABNER
Haezia was seldom late to things.

Odd, perhaps, considering her sorority's rep for being so dreadfully irresponsible, but truth be told Haezia was typically rather punctual. She was on time to all her lectures, and her papers were always ready for the due date. In fact, she was usually very organised in comparison to any university student, let alone a Zeta.

And yet, when she arrived at the carnival, it was already in full swing. Pink plumes of cotton candy bloomed from white sticks, and left and right, loud chatter and giggles of delight set a scene of euphoric enjoyment. She loved them; carnivals. For whatever reason, bright colors and ferris wheels brought out a childish cheer in her, and she smiled brightly as she wandered about the various stands, resisting the urge to try and top every high score in sight.

Looking to her phone, she smiled, replying to the texts in the hopes of finding a couple of beloved amigos to hang out with.

TO// Lory
Puh-lease. Like I would miss the chance to beat your ass at bumper cars. ;)

She began to text a reply to Lex when a head of familiar, chocolate locks caught her attention. Smirk sliding onto her face, Haezia strode over to the girl. Slipping beside her, Haezia nimbly pinched a chocolate button from the Theta's ice cream, popping into her mouth with a mischievous smile. "Long time no see."
"So? Any frats catch your eye?" Alicia smiled cheerfully over the pink cloud of sugar, pinching away fragments with slender fingers, and popping the frays into her mouth with zest. She was particularly energetic today, even by her standards, the merry atmosphere crossed with the typical excitement brought on by a new environment had send her from Little Miss Sunshine status to Little Miss Supernova.

Seb, on the other hand, was far more subdued. His typical, relaxed self, seemingly unperturbed by the frantic buzz going on around them. He shrugged as he stole a piece of her cotton candy. "Not sure, yet. Kappa Alpha looks alri-" "Wow. What a thrillseeker." Seb rolled his eyes, continuing pointedly. "And Sigma whatever looks like fun, but dad keeps saying that I should try out for the Betas... I don't know. What about you?"

Alicia frowned, clearly torn. "Ugh. I don't know, either! Dad's totally team Alpha, obviously, but the Thetas seem really nice, and the Zetas-" Seb let out a bark of laughter, "Al, two drinks and you are gone. I don't really think you're Zeta material." Alicia scowled, "Excuse me, but it's not all about drinking. I could win them over with my charisma and wit." "Yeah, good luck with that." Alicia shoved him in light-hearted annoyance. "Don't need luck." She aired in joking arrogance, before noting her empty candy floss stick. "I'm going to go get another one of these- meet me by the bumper cars later, 'kay?" She disappeared into the crowd before Seb had a chance to respond, and he sighed in exasperation.

With a new stick of candyfloss in hand, Alicia took a seat on a bench, smiling at the color swirling about her as she looked thoughtfully over the three sorority fliers. "This is going to be harder than I thought..." She mumbled.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Hudson Allen
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#, as written by M95
The annual carnival was an event that most students looked forward to, and Hudson was no exception. It was one of the few days that he would willingly opt for a night playing silly carnival games for cheap stuffed animals, candy, and goldfish, and riding on loud and colorful rides that were more thrilling for children than adults, over a night at a country club or upscale bar. The carnival had a reputation of breaking down barriers between students and groups that wouldn't normally associate with one another, and even Hudson, who benefited greatly from the normal social order, could appreciate being able to break out of that for a night. It wasn't exactly what he was doing, since upon arriving to the carnival with his Beta brothers, he had spent the majority of the evening with his arm wrapped around an Alpha junior, Grace. She was a nice girl, and someone who was a lot more fun than Hudson gave her credit for, since he continually teased her for being more Theta than Alpha. Even with her quiet demeanor, she didn't hesitate to confide in Hudson about what she knew of the drama that had went on in her house, earlier. She admitted that she didn't know all of the details, but like most houses, things got around quickly between the house's members, so Grace was privy to more information than Hudson would have expected her to be. She knew that Andre had been messing around with Katherine, Naomi was angry with Katherine, and according to her, Andre wanted some sort of serious relationship with Xanthe. That was news to him, and once he departed from Grace, he sent Andre a text message. It was sent partly with the intentions of figuring out if Grace's claim was true or not, and also because he hadn't seen his Beta brother all night, and knew that with how things left off, that wasn't good.

To: Andre
You alive?

In addition to everything else that Grace had said, she mentioned that Katherine wasn't coming out to the carnival tonight, and that caught Hudson's attention. He wasn't particularly close with Naomi's Little, but he did find Katherine to be attractive and endearing. She was a cute Alpha, one who he would have wanted on his arm, had she been a year or two older and not Naomi's Little. However, that didn't stop Hudson from appreciating her company when the two stumbled upon each other... like they had over the summer, in New York. Maybe that night was part of the reason for why he felt compelled to leave the carnival, and drive back to the Alpha house when the carnival had only barely just begun to get populated and fun. The sun wasn't even down, and here he was, feeling a tiny bit guilty for something that he didn't even do. And really, he didn't think that he had done something wrong. Maybe he should have told Naomi earlier about Andre and Katherine, but Naomi was the one who had hurt his boy. He didn't owe her any sort of information, especially when he genuinely felt like the hookups between Kat and Andre were harmless. It was Andre letting loose and having fun, and Katherine being just as game. To Hudson, at least, it hadn't seemed like Andre had chosen Katherine for any reason other than sheer attraction and convenience. He wasn't getting with her to irk Naomi, but then again, it was very apparent now, that it was reasonable that people would feel that way. The thought of that made Hudson scoff. Andre isn't smart enough to be that calculated. These girls need to relax.

Maybe it was unnecessary and even weird for Hudson to go over to the Alpha house to talk to Katherine, but he felt compelled to do so. If it wasn't out of guilt for his own involvement, than it was just because he wanted to feel like the "good guy" for trying to make things better. And if he couldn't make things better, then he would still be pleased with spending a little bit of time with a cute Alpha before returning to the carnival. He doubted that many, if any, girls were at the house aside from Katherine, so after ringing the front bell, he decided to send her a text as well.

To: Katherine
Hey Kitty. Come answer the door. Want to talk to you.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham Character Portrait: Andre Rocha
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[ Location: Fulton University Annual Carnival ღ Outfit: Click Here ღ Mood: Testy ]

"Chanti, I'm huuuuuuuuuuuuuuungry," Naomi whined, tugging at their looped arms as she peered around for another concession stand. Naomi wasn't particularly starving, which was probably the only real time she was actual in a rush to eat. She could honestly go a couple of hours without feeling like her stomach was prepared to cave in on itself, which probably wasn't a good sign and probably should be confronted by a therapist. But when she did eat - when she actually allowed herself to accept that okay, she definitely had one hell of an appetite - she always wanted more. And right about then, she was perfectly fine with a funnel cake topped with powdered sugar and chocolate syrup and a large lemonade. She could even do for a deep-fried oreo with chocolate syrup - okay, maybe anything with chocolate syrup or chocolate-y goodness involved. And she definitely wasn't sharing, so Chantal was just going to have to get one for herself. That Naomi was definitely still going to pick off because just because Naomi wasn't sharing - hey, she was the slender one and needed more food anyway! - didn't mean that Chantal could not - she was a part of the nicer sorority, after all. "'Sides, you gotta put food in your stomach to counter all the alcohol you ingested, which is a complete and utter horrible thing for you to do when you knew damn well we were coming to a carnival and no type of pre-game was actually needed for a child's playground, but I digress. And I need food so J can stop saying I'm gonna die, which I'm not cuz I'm obvi too sexy to be put down in a casket yet, so come ooooooooooooonnnn." She was talking fast, a feat she knew her friends could get irritated with, but it was better than being ready to kill people, yes?

Which...apparently, God...or whichever deity that decided to be in charge for the evening, wanted her to do because as soon as she stole her gaze away from Chantal, Naomi's eyes locked on Andre...who happened to be heading in their direction. Like, they were literally going to crash into one another if Naomi scooted to the left just a bit. And if she happened to be petty enough to do so, like actually releasing Chantal so that she could be directly in front of Andre when he finally came up close, well...come on, was anyone really surprised? She should have went on like he didn't exist, went about like he didn't even matter. Like she had been seemingly doing - hopefully convincing everyone who didn't know her well - since their break-up. Of course, that required for her to be a bigger person and well, no one should suspect any type of bigger person anything from a confrontational, impulsive and vindictive bitch. "Oh look, Chanti! The Betas let their mutt out!" She exclaimed in faux excitement before grinning coldly at Andre's face. "Oops, my bad. I must have mistaken you for Beta, but I forget that he's better trained." She really had to ignore that voice in her head that told her she needed to stop, that she would have never talked to Andre like this. Even when she was trying not to be upset about his flirtation and friendship with Xanthe. But then again, she wasn't always feeling her nicest during those moments either. "If you're looking for the STD screening, you might wanna catch that late bus to the other side of town. I'm sure you're real familiar with that territory, aren't ya, Valentine?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Andre Rocha
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Andres "Valentine" Rocha / senior nursing major
outfit / Beta House / high and pissed off
To: Hudson
yeah, Midol really helped with the cramps.

Andre was going to find a girl and go show her why they call him Valentine, but he's stopped short by none other than Naomi fucking Ellison. Andre just stares at her, all the while calling him a dog, and insinuating he slept with a girl with STDs. He could have just kept walking, that would have really made her mad, but he had a few choice words to say and he was sure as hel going to say them.

"Big fucking talk coming from a girl that's slept with half the Beta house." Andre starts, his voice like venom. All the malice that he's kept buried, trying to vie for Naomi's forgiveness and love, it all comes out now. He doesn't bother giving Chantal the time of day, considering she did the same to him after his breakup with Naomi. "Oh yeah, I'm the dog. I'm just a slut, right? Just a dirty manwhore, right? That's what all the Alphas call me behind my back. I bet you even Xanthe does too." That last part was the hurt from earlier today coming out of him, but he doesn't let it break his stride. If he stops now, he's never going to say how he really feels.

No more tears. No more silent stares. You're too fucking prideful to admit that you're jealous, so I'll admit it for you. You're jealous that I actually like someone again. You're jealous that I found someone that might actually make me happy because you're the only one that can do that. I'm tired of all this fucking bullshit! Tell me you don't love me anymore, and I'll get out of your fucking life, that's what you want, right Naomi?"

By now, a few other people have noticed the drunk/high frat boy shouting, and some of them even start staring. He doesn't care, let them stare. Let them know that Naomi Malone Ellison is a bitch.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tamara Ortega Character Portrait: Jack Decker
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Jack didn't hide how impressed he was when Tamara managed to score five out of five shots. Games like these always seemed to be rigged somehow to make it harder than a normal shootout would be, and he had been surprised that he had even been able to make all five. He clapped his hands as she accepted a rainbow teddy bear from the carnival worker, and then turned back to him, asking what they were going to do next. "Wow, I'll admit that that was pretty sick. I didn't think you had that in you, shortie," he teased. With her heeled sandals on, she wasn't exactly short, though still shorter than him, but a few minutes back, when those sandals came off, the height change had made him laugh to himself. "But I'm not surprised that you chose that dumb bear over a Pixy Stix. Probably didn't wanna reveal that you only like the nasty flavors, but whatever, it's cool," he teased, nudging her slightly as they headed away from the basketball booth to make room for the next players. He didn't have any suggestions for where they should go next, because really, he knew that wherever they went, they were going to have fun. It was shocking, sometimes, to think that Tamara was an Alpha. She definitely had a lot of Alpha in her, and some of it always shined through, no matter what they were doing, but she was a lot more chill than the rap that the Alpha girls typically got. She was easy to hang out with, and for Jack, that was probably the most important thing he took into consideration when associating with people. Net worth, family name and legacies didn't impress him nearly as much as someone's genuine character did, and in that department, Tamara did just as well as the superficial ones.

I don't care," he then responded with a shrug, to her question. "You surprised me on that last one, so your pick on what we do next, but I'm hungry as hell, so next food stand we see, I'm getting something," he insisted casually. He had turned to look at her, and his eyes had lingered on her pretty face-- and that gigantic stuffed animal-- for a second to long, and he nearly knocked over a freshman girl who was passing in front of him. With a mumbled apology, and a grin, partly out of embarrassment, he turned back to Tamara, but this time, while also paying attention to his surroundings. "That bear is a safety hazard," he said playfully, using it as a coverup for his complete lack of slickness. "It's too bright. Fucked up my eyes and almost had me knocking over some poor little freshman." He shook his head before reaching over to take the stuffed animal from here. "Here, let me be a gentleman and do the public a service, and hold it. You know more people are looking at you than me anyway," he grinned. Flirting with Tamara was always meant to be playful, but at the same time, it wasn't, because with them, playful turned real, really quick. What Jack liked, though, was that "real" for them, wasn't anything deep. If he was going to get deep with anyone, Tamara probably would be a good pick, but Jack wasn't into real relationships. Besides, he knew that Tamara wasn't looking for anything out of a Sigma other than a good time, too.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Hudson Allen
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#, as written by M95
Image Image
Hudson's Outfit||||Katherine's Outfit

Katherine wished that she was one of those people who could do school work with the television or music playing in the background, but she definitely wasn't. She needed her environment to be completely silent, and even then, she found herself getting sidetracked quiet easily. Today, the silence in her bedroom played to her advantage because she could clearly hear the doorbell ring downstairs, despite not seeing Hudson's text, since her phone was left on silent on her dresser. Thinking that it was one of her sorority sisters that accidentally left their key home, she groaned, yet tossed her laptop to the foot of her bed and pulled herself out from underneath her thick blankets. "I'm coming!" she shouted, somewhat obnoxiously, to make up for how slow she felt she was moving downstairs and towards the door. She had been hoping that the other girls would be out for longer than just a couple of hours, because though silence and solitude was usually eerie feeling to her, today, it was welcomed. The last thing she really wanted was to have to talk about what went on that afternoon again, and she was seriously praying that it wasn't Jade, Naomi, Tamara or Xanthe on the other side of the door. When she opened it up and found Hudson, of all people, standing there, she was definitely surprised, and with good reason. What was he doing here, and why, when there was a fun carnival going on at that moment? Katherine immediately assumed that he was looking for Naomi, probably to discuss something about their Alpha/Beta event. "Naomi's not here, she's at the carnival with everyone else," she explained, lingering in the space between the door frame and the partly-open door.

Hudson's signature smirk appeared on his face when as desired, Katherine opened the front door for him. He was slightly confused when she seemed to have ignored his message about wanting to talk to her, but quickly realized that she probably just had not received it. "I'm not looking to talk to Naya. I'm looking to talk to her Little," Hudson stated, crossing his arms over his chest as his eyes searched Katherine's face for... something. He wasn't sure what he was looking for. She didn't look incredibly distressed per her facial expression, but she knew that a girl who was usually a social butterfly, now in pajamas, on a night where everyone was out, was just another translation of some sort of distress. "So, are you going to invite me in, or are you going to force me to continue to stand out here in the humidity?"

Katherine wasn't sure how to respond to Hudson claiming that he was here to talk to her. She and Hudson were friends. She thought it was safe to use the "friend" label, because if they were at a party or event with their houses, they could definitely hold a conversation together. However, they weren't friends in the sense that they texted each other with no direct purpose, or that they hung out in a one on one setting. Today wasn't a typical day though, so Katherine would have been foolish to suspect that this didn't have something to do with the little love triangle situation between Andre and the Alphas. Unsure of how to respond, and despite feeling uneasy about letting Hudson in at all, Katherine pushed the door open further, now, signaling for Hudson to come in. She still had nothing to say, so after Hudson stepped in, she shut the door behind him, but remained silent.

"I'm not used to my Kitty being so quiet," Hudson commented, attempting to lighten the mood as again, his eyes searched her face for some sort of sign of normalcy. Damn, Valentine. Not even a day into Rush week and you're already destroying our sister house, Hudson thought, with an internal shake of his head. When Katherine remained quiet still, he continued. "But I heard that your friends found out about you and Rocha's tongue action, and I wanted to make sure that you were all right." To an extent, he did care about Katherine, and all of the Alpha girls, and their feelings, so he wasn't lying, but he was also there to gauge how much damage Andre had done. Despite this being Andre's problem, and Hudson wanting to leave it at that, as the Beta president, that just wasn't an option, and especially not so during rush week. Andre's problems were Hudson's problems, whether he liked it or not. That went as a standard just because they were both Betas, but also because behind his playful asshole-ish demeanor with Andre, they were best friends. Xanthe and Naomi were a whole different ballpark, but if Hudson could fix the Katherine side of this problem, that had to do some sort of good, he thought.

Ugh... This was exactly what Katherine didn't want to have to talk about. Right now, returning to her school work actually seemed like a better option, over having this conversation. In 100% honesty, Katherine had absolutely no feelings attached to Andre. Ending their hookup relationship had lifted a weight off of her chest, because even though he was incredibly attractive, their was just too much baggage there, and he had been right that it had been eating her away. What had Katherine feeling horrible today was knowing that Naomi was mad about her, and then her questionable-reasoning behind feeling like Xanthe did her wrong, too. Those weren't things that she thought concerned Hudson, though. Not just because they weren't relevant to him, but she felt like Alpha drama needed to stay between the Alphas. It was a surprising take, considering that Katherine was the first person to share secrets, but she wasn't just going to spill her feelings to Hudson automatically. "Yeah, I'm fine," she insisted, adding in a quick nod for reassurance. "I just didn't feel like being around people tonight, and I have a lot of work to catch up on, so it worked out." That was her polite way of telling Hudson that he was included in the "people" she didn't want to be around, but she should have known that it wasn't going to be that easy to get him to leave.

"Come on, Kitty. Don't disrespect my intelligence like that. A girl gets her relationship with her Big's ex exposed, without her knowledge or consent, and she's 'fine'? I don't buy it." They hadn't gotten very far into the house by that point, so Hudson rested against the wall in the foyer, as he gave her an knowing look. He could tell that she was trying to brush him off, and he knew that she had no reason to vent to him, but if he had left the carnival for this, he wanted to make sure that there was actually some sort of positive outcome out of it. "I'm gonna order us a pizza, and you're going to tell me what's really up. Sound good?" he proposed, but before she could answer, his phone was already being brought up to his ear as he waited for the pizzeria on the other line to answer. If it hadn't been clear before, Hudson wasn't going to take no, or more specifically, "I'm fine", as a suitable answer.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham Character Portrait: Andre Rocha
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0.00 INK

[ Location: Fulton University Annual Carnival ღ Outfit: Click Here ღ Mood: Pissed ]

"Two," she snapped as soon as he insinuated that she slept with half of the Beta house. As much as Naomi did like sex and did sex really well when she needed to get the stress out of her system, she had steered clear of the Beta house as much as she could have. Most of her conquests after Andre had actually been socialites but of course, his blind ass was too busy plowing through their classmates to tell the difference. "I slept with two fucking guys from the Beta house, which is a lot less than you can say about every other dorm on campus, thank you very much." Besides, who the fuck told him he had the right to be upset with her? Naomi wasn't the one who had hurt Xanthe. That was all on Andre. How the fuck did he expect to still get the girl if he was going to try to shove his tongue down her best friend's throat? More importantly, how the fuck was Naomi not supposed to be the angry one when he had hurt one of her Alpha babies and decided to fuck with her own Little? As if that wouldn't look like a personal affront to Naomi's person. It was one thing for Naomi to be okay with him hating her for breaking up with him the way she had. That was fine. There was nothing like million dollar vodka, a bunch of work and another warm body to lessen the sting. But this - he had no right to actually be upset that she was upset. This was his own damn fault, the fucker.

"And are you fucking high right now, Valentine? Like, seriously?" She demanded incredulously, taking a step back at the sign of slightly bloodshot eyes. Or he had been crying...she tried to ignore that thought because that required her to care. Required her to acknowledge the guilt she was really good at suppressing when she wanted to and great, okay so she was still feeling it. Though, she wasn't feeling it enough to correct him on Xanthe's feelings of the matter. Not that Naomi had spoken to her, but still. Xanthe had never said a word against Andre's person. She hardly thought the girl would say anything now, but then again, Naya hadn't spoken to her to get the full extent of her pain over the situation. It also wasn't helping that they were gaining an audience. Naomi herself could put on a show when she wanted to; could convince the masses of whatever she wanted to convince them. But Andre high, if he was? Not a good idea. Not in any way. It didn't matter that neither of them were with their houses and there were enough non-students around to not feel like this would get around. But could. It would and Naomi had half the mind to feel like dragging him away. She almost did and then...well, then he kept talking and she could feel something plummet in her stomach.

"Oh, because that's magically gonna fix everything, huh? What's it gonna do? Make you feel less guilty? Like the fucking ass that you are? As if, somehow, you didn't fuck up and now all of your shit is out in the open because that's how messy you actually are?" Naomi could hear own voice rising with every question she spat at him, feel her heart hammer out a staccato rhythm against her rib cage because ummm...she barely could utter those words convincingly to the two people who knew her best. How the fuck was she going to say that to Andre's face? What was worse was that she wanted to. She wanted to convincingly say that the only thing she felt for him was disgust and disappointment. Disgust that he could honestly think he still had a damn chance with her when he already fucked up with both Xanthe and Katherine when at least one of them was supposed to be off limits. Disappointment that he had turned out this bad - that they could be this bad. So what's it gonna be? Her mind quipped, as if taunting her and Naomi felt herself flush, both with the unexpected wave of whatever this emotion was that made her eyes sting far more than they should in the warm evening and the shame that came with knowing that part of this situation hadn't had to turn out like this. Naomi couldn't say it and she could feel her pulse quickening. Chantal could follow if she wanted, but one thing was clear:

She had to leave. Now.

"You know what, Valentine? Fuck this and fuck you!" She growled testily and shoved at his shoulder to get past him. The crowd immediately parted out of fear of her barely restrained rage. She was just on the edge of the crowd when she yelled over her shoulder, "And why don't you sober the fuck up!? It's pathetic!" Yeah, she needed to leave...before she ended up saying something she was actually going to regret.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway
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Jade was very competitive, so it went without saying that events where competition could be involved, were fun for her. The carnival was one of those events, because along with the fun rides, sugary food, and lively atmosphere that it offered, it also offered tons of carnival game booths, where Jade could put her skills to use. And regardless of whatever the game was, she was adamant that she had the skills to win it. Normally, she would have dragged along some of her Alpha girls until they got sick of her insisting they continue to play at the same booth until she actually won with the score she wanted, but after today's affairs, she wanted to distance herself as much as possible. It wasn't in her character to just flee when she knew that her babies were hurting, but this was also a problem that was bigger than Jade was used to. If she had had some sort of warning, she convinced herself that she would have been able to handle it better, but what Xanthe had told her had been beyond shocking. Jade was close to everyone involved in the situation, so just finding out about it now had really thrown her off, and she was disappointed with herself, now, more than anyone, for not seeing it sooner.

She knew that her priority (when she decided to return to reality) had to be making sure that Xanthe, Naomi and Katherine were okay, with Xanthe probably being the most important of the three. Jade reasoned that majorly, by the fact that Xanthe was her Little. She was the one who needed to take Xanthe's side, and though she was accustomed to dishing out "tough love", it wouldn't have been like Jade to do that, but also not be there as a shoulder to cry on. Naomi came in second, because while Jade knew that Naya was as strong as they came, their president had feelings too, and Jade felt like she was one of the few people who could force them out of Naomi. Like they had witnessed earlier, it wasn't good for Naomi, or anyone to keep their emotions tucked so deeply inside, because they always had a way of showing themselves, such as they had at the event earlier, when Naya snapped on Xanthe. And then there was Katherine... the one who was probably the most emotionally fragile, yet also very much in the wrong. She probably needed some comfort too, but Naomi would be there for that when this all passed, and maybe it would be good for Katherine to have some time, on her own, to realize that she actually needed to accept accountability for this. However, while her girls had to come first, Jade was also very curious about how she would act around Andre, when that time came. The two of them were very good friends, but since they were on such a relaxed level in their friendship, they rarely delved into drama that occurred between their houses. They would play soccer together, maybe grab a bite to eat or go for a run together, but they didn't pry into each other's personal business. Andre had crossed a line here, and despite how their friendship existed, she did feel like he had done her wrong, by not telling her what was going on. At the same time... did she even want to go there with him? A part of her didn't want to know any more about this situation than she already did, because she really did like the friendship she had with Andre. He brought out the "real" Jade, that she felt like she had left behind in high school, and maybe it was selfish, but she couldn't bring herself to abandoning herself just because of her sisters' problems.

With that in mind, Jade grabbed Robert's hand, and stopped him abruptly in his tracks as the two were walking towards their next carnival booth destination. The junior Beta looked at her in confusion, and she forced her face to relax into a smile. She had spotted Andre, in the crowd, heading in the same direction that they intended to go. Had she known that Naya was over there too, and that all hell was about to break loose, she definitely would have continued that way with Robert, to do what she could to stop the mayhem, but she wasn't a psychic. She didn't know that Naomi and Andre were about to cause a huge scene, and Jade just wanted to continue to have a peaceful night, so with a small laugh she insisted, "Let's get food before the next game. I'm starving!"[/color] as she pulled him in the opposite direction. Although she had been doing her best to just "do her" tonight, as they headed towards the concession trucks, she couldn't resist sending out a text to her girls, though she purposely sent them separately, because she wasn't sure if a group chat would be appropriate tonight. Additionally, she sent out a text to Lory, whose text made her roll her eyes, but smile nonetheless.

To: Xanthe
Everything okay? I hope you haven't been drinking too much! You're with Cam, right? If you haven't eaten yet, come find me by the food trucks.

To: Naomi
Everything okay? If you haven't eaten yet, come find me by the food trucks.

To: Lorraine
Not "hiding" but not looking for you either ;) too many people here for me to run into you


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Andre Rocha
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Andres "Valentine" Rocha / senior nursing major
outfit / Beta House / high and pissed off
The nerve. The fucking nerve of fucking Naomi. Her first little ploy was cute, trying to get him to feel bad about hooking up with random girls on campus. But, every time she called him Valentine, it was a sharp pain in his chest. But she would know. She didn't deserve to know how much pain she still caused him. And when she asks him if he's high, he just laughs, right in her face.

"like, seriously, Naomi? Yeah, I'm fucking high right now, you got a problem? Oh wait, I forgot, you don't give a fuck about me." Andre shoots back at her, letting the drugs and alcohol influence his thoughts.

Naomi thought that she could hurt him. But right now, he doesn't give a rat's ass anything of the things she's said. He knows they'll run through his head later, killing him, but the only thing running through his head right now is molly. But the one thing that was pissing him off, she was reminding of all he fucked up today; like he didn't know. She was doing it to spite him, he knew it.

"Yes, I fucking get it! I ruined shit with Xanthe and that's my problem. But hey, that shit with Kat, it's takes two to tango baby!" Andre grins, the shit-eating grin he reserves for people who really piss him off. And he can see in her eyes when Naomi goes into escape mode. He saw it when they broke up, he saw it when she left the date that was supposed to fix them, and he could see it now. She was always a coward, too afraid of commitment and an honest relationship.

"Good to hear it! Fuck you too! I don't fucking love you anymore. If you're not gonna say it, I will. and I fucking mean it." Andre practically growls at Naomi, walking in the other direction and trying not to stomp like a child. Andre was glad he kept his facade well, because as much as he hated her, he loved her still the same. But if he couldn't get over her, he would force himself to. She knew what he was really like, and yet, only saw the bad in him. It might be her own anger talking, but he didn't care. He wouldn't let himself fight with her anymore, because that would mean he actually cared.

Andre does what he should have done when he saw Naomi at the carnival: he leaves. His downstairs mind says find a girl and get his mind off of all this drama, but he doesn't listen. The whole reason this shit happened was because Andre made out with the wrong girl. He didn't really see what was wrong, they didn't have sex, they didn't have romantic feelings for each other, and they were drunk both times. He was sure Xanthe and Naomi have done the same. There was no fucking triangle or square or whatever the hell they called it, because he doesn't love Kat.

She's a good friend, and one hell of a kisser, but he didn't want much other than that. Andre makes his way to the Beta house, and ends up at the steps through all of his thinking. He sits on the porch and pops another pill, relaxing into one of the Beta's porch chairs.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Haezia Jimenez Character Portrait: Jessica Chae Character Portrait: Park Min Ah
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J E S S I C AxxC H A E
In collaboration with Emmie_Hoeller
P A R KxxM I NxxA H


Outfit: Carnival
As Jessica stood there right in the middle of the Sigma's little house party she realized that she really didn't feel like partying tonight, as surprising as that sounds. She just wanted to have some good clean fun at the carnival and eat all the sweets she could without getting a stomachache of course. The little red cup in her hand rose to her lips as she sipped at the wine that was in it. The only reason she was here was because she didn't want her best friend to go by herself but now she was getting bored. As soon as she sighed though, Elliot, a fellow sigma and one of Jessica's hookups showed up in front of her with his usual toothy childish smile.

Every time she saw this guy Jessica wanted to run and hide for the soul reason that once he spotted her he wouldn't stop trying to talk to her no matter how many hints was thrown at him. And boy could he talk, he reminded her of her brother in that factor where once you get him started or entertain him he won't stop until you yell at him or in her brothers case throw a pillow at his face. After five failed attempts of trying to get away from him she finally managed to slip away when he was distracted by a passing Alpha.

Jess headed outside and sat down on the Sigma's steps. She gave another sigh, ran her fingers through her hair and looked up at the sky raising the red cup to her lips. A good fifteen minutes went by with her sitting there like that before her phone vibrated, snapping her out of her little trance. Upon seeing Mina's name pop up on her screen once again made her heart slightly jump. She read the message and for the longest she was stuck wondering what she was going to say next. With a small pout on her lips that only lasted a few seconds Jess sent her reply to Mina before opening the one from Lory and smiling again. Boy was she making her hungry now.

Depends on . . . ?

I'll be there soon, I hope.
Save me some x_x

Setting down her phone on the step below from where she sat Jessica continued to drink from her cup finishing it after a couple of more gulps as her eyes traveled back up to the sky, bored.

Meanwhile, Mina was carefully watching Jessica's entire reaction, the girl wasn't close enough to be easily seen but she was close enough to see Jess's adorable pout shortly before she sent her reply. She quickly read her response and inevitably smiles as she reads the text through her brightly lit phone screen. The girl takes a moment before she started walking towards Jess and did't say a single word until she was close enough to join her, sitting rather closely.

"Depends on-..." Mina repeats Jessica's text message with the exact same voice she had read it "...-how much you actually missed me while I was away." The words escape her rather playfully and without a doubt rather flirtatious.

Being caught off guard Jessica turned to face the person who sat next to her with slightly wide eyes. Upon hearing that sweet voice that she missed so much her arms instantly wrapped around Mina in a tight hug. "Very, very much." she whispered into her neck playfully but also truly happy to have her back. Jess pulled away with the cutest smile on her face as she took in the beauty in front of her. "Damn," Jess commented dumbfounded, not realizing what she just said.

Needless to say, the girl had been caught off guard by Jess's tight embrace. A slight flush almost forming on her light-skinned cheeks as soon as her soft endearing words reached her ears but thankfully she was able to quickly gain composure before the girl pressed against her noticed. It was at times like this when she wondered if Jess knew what effect she had on her. A grin formed upon her lips as soon as Jess reacted to how she looked and couldn't help but to let grin. She stood up shortly after and slowly took a 360 spin so that Jess could truly admire her outfit.

"Do you like it?"

Jessica visibly gulped with that same stupid smile on her face as she nodded, not knowing what else to say but hell yeah. Instead what came out her mouth was different, "Stunning," she said truthfully before standing up and taking a good look at her again, breaking out of her little trance. "The dress . . ." Jess paused, going around Mina one time admiring all the details from both the dress and the one in it. "it's freaking amazing, did you make it?"

To say she was happy would be an understatement, Mina was almost glowing from how delighted she was that Jess liked her dress. Truthfully, she had secretly hoped she would, but to find out she had succeeded was another thing entirely. "You look beautiful too you know." Mina said before she took pause and smiled again, this time inspired by her creation. "But yeah, I made it a few weeks ago, it took me days to make it. I couldn't quite figure out how I wanted to drape it and what fabric I should use. Chiffon is a really difficult fabric to work with but I am really glad I used it, it makes it flow really well." She said knowing she could talk for hours to no end when it came to her most dedicated form of art but she didn't mean to bore Jess with her chatter and currently wanted nothing else but for the two to go to the carnival. "I'm so happy you like it." She offered her a big smile.

"But for now, I believe I owe you some cotton candy."

Eyes traced her whole outline before a small hand reached out and touched the fabric while ears listened intently to what Mina was saying. Although the compliment Mina gave Jess made her smirk a little Jessica was genuinely interested in the woman's talk and how she made the dress. They honestly needed to have a little fashion conversation one of these days.

"You're right, I almost forgot about that." a soft laugh escaping her lips as she grabbed her phone. "Just let me send a quick text to someone."

Hey I'm heading to the carnival with a friend, I'll meet you there okay?

"There," Jess smiled before putting her phone in her pocket and linking their arms. "Now you may treat me to that cotton candy."

"Let's go then" Mina said with a kind smile, always enjoying having Jess next to her. The two didn't have to walk that long of a distance before they had reached Mina's car. "May I present to you, Benzie." Mina said shortly as if she were referring to an old friend and by using her free arm to dramatize and showcase her personified vehicle much like they do on TV car giveaways. She swiftly borrowed her arm back if only to open the passenger's car door before she offered another kind smile to Jess. A decent imitation of a British accent. "After you m'lady."

The laugh that escaped her lips when Mina showed off her car was short but sweet. "Oh wow, this is pretty cool." Jessica smiled as she got into the car, "Why thank you very much."

The first thing she did once she was seated was buckle herself in before her eyes began traveling the car, taking in all of it's expensive details and seats. "Dang, really cool." she said under her breathe as her fingers ran over the very nice looking radio. Mina joins her in the drivers seat shortly after.

"Oh! You should totally put some music on, just turn your bluetooth on and Benzs will take care of everything." She suggested curiously, even if they had very similar taste when it came to TV shows, she didn't know what kind of music Jessica listened to. The young girl hoped Jessica would play some music but before she waited for her reply she turned the engine up and began driving to the carnival with a sense of excitement.

Perking up eagerly Jess quickly pulled out her phone and turned on her Bluetooth. She also spent about a minute or two looking for the perfect song she wanted to hear before deciding to just play her YouTube playlist.

The first song to come on was Hold my hand by Lee Hi and as soon as the song started Jessica began singing along to it with a goofy smile on her face. Music always made her feel happy and whenever she was able to play her own she just felt pure happiness. "Let me hold your hand again and again and again ~" she sung out, lowering her window making sure others heard her because that's how happy she was feeling right now.

Mina couldn't have been happier by Jessica's choice of music. Lee Hi happened to be none other than one of her favorite singers. She stole quick glances of the girl next to her, really taking in her entire image on every red light and refusing to lose a second of it. It was almost impossible for her to contain her own happiness after seeing the fresh air coming from the window playing with Jess's hair and the dusk lighting showing her glowing in happiness. Jessica's singing was a much welcomed surprise, her voice making sure to make Mina's heart skip a beat or two.

"I want you to love me again... again...again." Mina occasionally joined in during the chorus casually leaning her left hand outside the window and her right hand steady on the steering wheel, a wide beaming smile planted on her face that she couldn't quite shake off. She could almost recognize every song that Jessica played from her phone, and she couldn't have been prouder of herself. Admittedly, she almost didn't want for it to end and purposely took a small detour from the carnival, a secret between her and Benz no doubt seeing how much Jessica was enjoying herself. Before too long though, the two girls had arrived to the carnival.

"We're here"

Jessica just about sang her whole playlist on the ride over like a child on a road trip. She took some glances towards Mina when singing only to see her with the biggest smile on her face which evidently only made Jess smile more and her heart flutter a bit. This added with the wind going through her hair gave her a sense of blissful freedom. There was even a point in time where she stuck her hand out the window and let her hand go with the wind in a wave motion.

Upon arriving Jess, like a child quickly unbuckled herself and jumped out the car. She stretched a bit before walking over to Mina who had already gotten out. "So," she paused re-tucking the front of her shirt just to make sure it was okay."what do you want to do first?"

A rush of excitement inevitably overcame Mina as soon as her eyes were taking in all the the large attractions from a distance, from the puke-inducing 'The Rotor', the thrilling Scrambler, the bone crushing bumper cars, the charming ferris wheel, to what she could see from the corner of her eye- based on the eerie looking unwelcoming clown carefully placed near the entrance- the haunted mansion. For some reason, the young woman had always been fond of theme parks, she even dared to say she loved it more so than she did eating the food provided within. There was just something about the rush and the exhilarating adrenaline that made her feel truly alive. One can already imagine her excitement after being asked what she'd like to do first.

"How about going to the haunted mansion?" Mina suggested with a playful and daring smile, a raised eyebrow if and her smile turning into a grin. She slowly shifted her body to face Jess before she playfully continues "I can even hold your hand if you get scared."

Her eyes landed on the haunted mansion that Mina had mentioned and instantly a nervous feeling at the pit of her stomach emerged. Seeing the clown at the entrance sent a shiver up her spine, no not down but up which Jess always said was worse than a shiver going down. She sheepishly smiled at Mina rubbing the back of her ear nervously for a second. "Pshh," Jessica turned towards the mansion with a new found confidence as she held her head high and tried swallowing that uneasy feeling she felt.

Jess marched forward towards the mansion and when she approached the clown she kept her eyes forward feeling a nervous sweat at the top of her brow before looking back at Mina, finally cracking. "Alright, I admit," she paused taking a glance at the clown before looking back at Mina. "it might get a little scooby doo and shaggy up in there, more scooby," she pointed at herself before pointing at Mina. "than shaggy."

It was impossible for the young girl not to let out a chuckle at Jessica's nervous reaction and her adorable Scooby Doo references, secretly loving every second of it. Jessica's scared reaction made the girl all that much more curious as to how she'd react once they were inside, but at the same time didn't want to force Jess into doing something she wasn't comfortable with. The two were already near the very front of the line and were just seconds away from entering the mansion. "Well how about this?" Mina says excitedly while clapping her hands as if she has figured out a master plan. "We'll eat some cotton candy right after and you'll get to decide what we do for the rest of the day." She says with a smile, confidently leaning against the creepy over sized clown's face as if she has given an offer she can't quite refuse.

Pondering the offer for a second Jess perked up when she made up her mind and smiled towards Mina. "Deal.", the word came out her mouth in a cheerful delight before linking arms with Mina and pulling her inside, eager to get this over with because, hello, cotton candy but at the same time she didn't want time to go by fast. Jess wanted to enjoy her time with Mina. Wait, Jess paused for a second in her head, her legs still moving. Her heart fluttered again when she replayed the thought in her head. I want to spend more time with her . . .

Realizing what she said a small and shy smile crept on her lips, unnoticed as they entered the mansion.

There are not enough words to express the rush of excitement that the two girls felt as they made their way through the almost pitch black long corridors. For the most part, the lighting only allowed them to see things that were merely at arms reach. But even with the poor lighting, it wasn't too difficult to notice that the halls were almost eerily long and rather small. In fact Mina wasn't quite too sure if the halls were getting smaller and smaller the more they walked or if it was her irrational fear clouding over her judgement. Truth be told, she had been so caught up being with Jess, heat in the moment type of thing, that she had completely forgotten that despite loving haunted houses they were prone to trigger her claustrophobia. She wondered if Jess noticed her nervousness and felt a bit embarrassed after she had talked such big game just a few moments before.

Mina was sure to hold tight into Jessica's hand, occasionally squeezing it from time to time and Jess making sure to squeeze just as hard in return. In the same way, she was sure to always take one step ahead, almost as if helping Jess take cover with her slender figure, making sure to make her feel at least a bit safe. After they would walk a certain distance, the actors in their shocking appearances would pop out of the hidden passages and scare the living crap out of the two. Jessica would be sure to let out short breathed squeaks while Mina let out some animal-like noises herself. The duo were created by zombies, Chucky, a maniac surgeon with a bloody scalpel in hand, and last but not least a woman that looked like every girl from a Japanese horror classic film, skinny, snow-like skin, black hair in front of her hair covering her entire face.

The girls never took too long inside a corridor before they entered horrendous settings that were sure to send a child down the girl's spines. Some of the first rooms and by far one of the most memorable was a large sized room filled with body bags wrapped with translucent plastic that they had to move with their own hands to make it through the next room. The bodies hanged motionless, the interior of the plastic stained with blood was being held together by large pieces of heavy duty tape. Next on the list was the creepy nursery filled with broken toys, a baby's shrieking emanating from inside a bloody crib, and a rocking chair that moved by itself. And finally after visiting various other horror thrilling rooms they entered the main bedroom. A small woman lied down weeping uncontrollably on the king sized bed that only began acting in a craze imitating a possession as soon as the two girls entered her territory.

It seemed as if it had taken an eternity, the mansion had absolutely proven to be quite a maze and a rather impressive one at that but they had finally managed to make it outside of the manor. There was no a slightest doubt in her mind that the people in charged had seriously stepped up their game since last year's carnival. Somehow, she could not help but to burst into an uncontrollable laughter as a serious side effect of all the convoluted emotions that she had just experienced. Remembering her own reactions combined with Jess's was almost too much. It took her longer than a minute to be able to collect herself before she launched into Jessica and gave her an immense hug.

"Thank you" Mina said with a cheesy smile and with utmost sincerity before she planted a kiss on Jessica's cheek. It was difficult for her to remember the last time she had laughed as hard as she just had. She held on tightly, wrapping her arms around Jessica, the adrenaline still pumping through her veins before she offered Jess a bright smile.

"I'd say we deserve to eat some cotton candy right about now"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Annabelle Chen Character Portrait: Haezia Jimenez
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Lex had just restarted her search for her friends when her phone buzzed. She somehow managed to extract it from her handbag without spilling her ice cream or getting it on her top, which she considered an achievement. A text from Annabelle awaited her.

To: Annabelle
I'm near the popcorn stand. Also, you're probably the only 100% sober person here, just saying. Should I come find you or will you find me?

She'd only just sent the text when a hand reached over and stole a precious chocolate button from her ice cream. She whirled around, an angry retort on her tongue. However, on seeing who stood there, she just grinned, all anger dissipating.

"If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were avoiding me. Afraid that I'd steal all of your pledges?" She asked teasingly, resting an elbow on the girl's shoulder. Haezia was gorgeous, there was no denying that. And, had things gone differently, Lex totally would have gone there. But they were friends above anything else, and Lex was perfectly happy keeping it that way. Especially with her other... arrangements.

"So, are you going to disappear on me again, or are we actually going to hang out?" She asked, pouting a little. "Because everyone else appeared to disappear on me, so you're stuck with me, whether you like it or not," she said, throwing her arm around Haezia. In the midst of all the happy chatter, she was aware of someone- or several someones- yelling at each other. While it did sound and look out of place, she also wasn't surprised. Some people were just more volatile when drunk. And, judging by the amount of people that had been at the Sigma pregame, a vast majority of people at the carnival had to be even just a little bit drunk.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tamara Ortega Character Portrait: Jack Decker
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#, as written by Klayley

"Wow, I'll admit that that was pretty sick. I didn't think you had that in you, shortie," an unconscious eye roll was the respond given to Jack as Tamara hugged her giant teddy bear against her chest. She was an inch short of being considered average in height and yet that never stopped the plethora of short jokes that were chucked her way on almost a daily basis. If Tamara had been the type of person who was actually bothered by her small stature, she would have probably been self-conscious about it by this point but lucky enough for her she wasn't. She liked being on the smaller sided of things. It just made guys like Jack even taller by comparison and Tamara had a feel thing for tall men.

"But I'm not surprised that you chose that dumb bear over a Pixy Stix. Probably didn't wanna reveal that you only like the nasty flavors, but whatever, it's cool," he teased, nudging her slightly as the two turned and wandered away from the hoop game β€” Tamara making sure to grabbed her sandals as they went. "First, of all, Mr. President," taking a dramatic paused Tamara continued stating, "Skittles the Bear is not stupid! He is gorgeous and the first and . . . I think . . . only thing I have ever won on my own. So, you will show him some much-deserved respect!" Tamara lectured being very proud and somewhat protective over her won prized. "Secondly, I already told you what my favorite flavor was and if you don't believe me . . . well . . . not my problem." Looking at all the booths that they passed Tamara opened her mouth to say one final thing which was, "And lastly, getting back to my first question, where are we going?"

"I don't care," came his response accompanied with a shrug to her question. "You surprised me on that last one, so your pick on what we do next, but I'm hungry as hell, so next food stand we see, I'm getting something," he insisted to which Tamara gave a non-verbal nod in agreement to. She hadn't eaten since she and her Little had had their sushi brunch way earlier in the day and she could really go for some food right about now. As Jack's eyes were busy focusing on her, Tamara was oblivious to the Sigma's unwavering stare as her mind was preoccupied with the thought of tasty carnival food. It wasn't until Jack had nearly taken down some meek looking freshman girl that happened to be passing by that Tamara herself came back to the present.

Muffling the laughter that was stirring inside her as Jack uttered an apology to the poor girl Tamara didn't attempt to mask her smile as the two started walking again. "That bear is a safety hazard," he said playfully, to which Tamara responded, "You really need to leave my bear alone Decker! I've had it for all of five minutes, and suddenly everything in the world is it's fault!" Smirking as Jack continued his verbal assault on her bear, Tamara said nothing as she entertained his attempt to blame her teddy for his clumsiness."It's too bright. Fucked up my eyes and almost had me knocking over some poor little freshman." With a shake of his head, Jack held out his hand for the giant bear that was admittedly a little hard for the petite girl to navigate with. "Here, let me be a gentleman and do the public a service, and hold it. You know more people are looking at you than me anyway," he grinned.

"Well, that's a given," Tamara said releasing her bear over to Jack. "Just treat him nicely, okay. Mr. Skittles here is my newly appointed bed buddy. He'll be the only thing keeping me warm a night when you're too busy smashing one of the many thots from your sister house to do so yourself." Tamara now doing a little of her own teasing added as she located where they would be stopping by to eat. "I don't know about you, but pizza is looking pretty good to me right about now," Tamara said pointing at the pizza stand that they were coming up on. While Tamara hated Domino's pizza, she loved pizza from just about anywhere else. And once they were on the line, Tamara took that opportunity to finally put her sandals back on. After walking across the carnival grounds barefoot the beautiful pink and green design that she herself had painted on her toes in the spirit of Rush Week now looked a hot mess although Tamara didn't mind. She would just take a bath later, take the polish out and do a new design probably sometime tomorrow depending on how the day unfolded.

Although it was still slightly humid out the slight breeze in the air was only growing colder the later it got. Goosebumps had already formed on the skin of her arms and while she didn't vocalize it out loud she was mentally cursing herself for not bringing out a jacket or at least a sweater with her. While it was pretty much summertime year round out in Florida the nights did get a bit nippy and by the time the carnival shut down at midnight there would be a lot more than a light breeze blowing. Although Tamara figured she more than likely wouldn't be sticking around until midnight β€” a girl still needed her beauty sleep and this past weekend had her missing her bed. When they got to the front of the line Tamara ordered two slices of regular cheese pizza without a drink as for one she wasn't trying to make herself any colder than she already was, and two the only bathrooms she recalled seeing where porter potties which she would rather piss herself than use. Standards.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Jack Decker Character Portrait: Haezia Jimenez Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Jessica Chae
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Location: Beta House || Mood: Generous || Outfit: Carnival Worthy

The Gravitron definitely took her mind off the unwanted red head. It was exhilarating and though she would love to ride it again with her friend Ruby, she made a promise to catch up with the future Naomi right afterwards. They parted ways and the blonde started walking in some unknown direction. She had received messages from Zia, Jack, Jess, and Jade. Jack was hanging out with some Alpha. That was a definite no go. Jess claimed that she was going to try and catch up with her, but Lorraine didn’t even bother dragging the poor girl away from whatever fun she was having. They would catch up some other time. And Jade, of course, wasn’t looking for her. Too many people to even pretend to be nice. Zia was a definite choice. But Lory was not in the mood for bumper cars. And quite frankly she was not in the mood the Carnival. It was just about time to ditch and hit up the alcohol back at the Zeta house. As she made her way through the bodies of people she sent out a couple of message.

I would love to entertain that idea, but I’m just about done with this carnival

No thanks. Enjoy the Alpha

It’s all good. I’m headed to the Zeta house. I’ve had enough of the carnival lights

That’s what makes looking for me fun. But no need to worry, I’m headed to the Zeta house. You can join me if you would like ;)

She walked by where a bunch of people were gossiping. All she caught were Naomi and Andre. There must have been some serious showdown for people to talking about it like they were. As much as the blonde attempted to avoid gossip, anything negative involved Naomi was always worth listening too. No one was gossiping loud enough to get many details. But the redhead, Katherine, and love were all thrown out there. And to think that Lorraine was going to get herself caught up in that. Well she still planned on it just not in the way that she had originally thought.

Lorraine thought about texting Andre and letting her know of her intention to walk over and be a friend, but instead she was just going to show up. As she left the carnival, she could not help but to get another wonderful bag of cotton candy. The fluffy goodness just needed to be enjoyed once again. Her walk towards the Beta house. She was taking her time getting there for two reasons. One. She did not feel like sharing her cotton candy. Two. She wasn’t exactly sure how upset Andre was about the argument and she wasn’t in the mood to deal with someone with a major attitude. Especially when she was going out of her way to be nice. She came up on the house as she finished the last of her cotton candy. The blonde was not expecting Andre to be on the front porch, but that made trying to see him much easier. ”Hey Valentine.” She called out, walking up the front steps. ”You look both intoxicated and in desperate need of some cheering up.” She said, leaning against the banister. She would leave if he wanted too, but she hoping that he wouldn’t send her away.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Andre Rocha
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[ Location: Fulton University Annual Carnival ღ Outfit: Click Here ღ Mood: Hurt ]

Naomi had to steel her face as she and Andre went their separate ways. It had to be. She couldn't afford for it not to be and she was good at that. She didn't even flinch at his final shout nor cower at the obvious stares sent her way since everyone expected that she would rush to have the last word. Which, under most circumstances, she would. If she didn't walk away from the situation fast enough to disallow the other person to be able to say anything that she could hear, it was an irrefutable fact that she had had the last word. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. So, instead of humoring the fact that Andre was further embarrassing himself and definitely not her as well considering she had ended the conversation the second she had said she was done with the conversation, she had frozen for just a half of a second, some part of her considering whether or not Chantal was actually still with her, before continuing along her path. Which wasn't really a path; it was just a means of escape. And her face was cool and impassive, unwavering in its ability to appear as if not one lick of his words had grazed her person.

It didn't make shit hurt any less.

Her chest had tightened and felt weighed down considerably since the second she and Andre had been face to face, but she could feel something inside her chest constrict painfully when Andre said that he didn't love her anymore. She had been prepared for that, for the words to one day leave his mouth. Had anticipated them even. God, she had even thought herself ready to applaud him for getting to that point because that had been her goal, right? To get him to one day say that he didn't love her anymore because for her, Andre's words and actions had to fall in line together. Him screwing his way through anything with a skirt meant nothing if she didn't get to hear him say that he was over her. So, she should have been inwardly celebrating. Proud, even...of herself or him, she couldn't say. But she should have been something else....something other than the numbness that made it just a bit harder to breathe. Or was she just being dramatic? Naomi couldn't really tell. All she knew was that she needed a distraction and something told her that getting on a roller-coaster so soon after her breath had nearly been caught somewhere between her lungs and her heart was not a good idea unless she was actually trying to die. And sure, she could be self-destructive when she wanted to, but Naomi's arrogance reminded her that she had too much intelligence to die so soon. But fuck it all, if it didn't hurt...

The backs of Naomi's eyes burned with the attempt to keep the unnecessary tears back - she had asked for this, damnit! There was no point in being a little bitch about it! So, she paused at another shooting game while a bunch of slightly younger people - freshmen, maybe - and pulled out her phone. Her phone was still vibrating, which was stupidly weird since the only notification she currently had was from Jade having texted her a minute ago. Her phone had a minimum of vibrating twice in two different intervals before flat-out pausing because she'd check it eventually. It took a second longer to realize that her hands were actually shaking and okay, maybe her breathing wasn't exactly normal, but she needed to calm the fuck down before her body officially shut down from a lack of sleep and too much drama. Or was it a heart attack? Naya couldn't be too sure, to be quite honest. And there it goes with the babbling, even in her own fucking head, and being rather dramatic...which was a surprisingly decent way to calm down since her mind then wasn't officially on the fact that she was probably a terrible person for riling Andre up, and for probably not being nicer to Kat earlier, and the fact that Andre obviously did not love her anymore because she gave him every reason not to...

To: Jade

It didn't occur to her to be surprised that she managed to text that out with obviously still shaking fingers - and okay, body, chill already - but Naomi's legs were also on auto pilot as they remembered the way back to the food trucks for her since Naomi's mind felt empty. Or was that just her in general? She couldn't tell the difference and wow, for once her mind was empty! Maybe there was a God...who probably fucking hated her if he could make her mind empty the moment when she wasn't asking him to - and oh, look at that! Nope, no emptying of this mind, not at all. Perfectly live and active, thank you very much. Unnecessarily so, but small blessings were a thing, she figured. By the time she managed to locate Jade, the other Alpha was in the line and close to the front, and although a few people tossed her a glare for obviously cutting the line to be with her friend, Naomi didn't spare them another glance as she nodded to Robert before turning to Jade. "Hey, Mama J." At least, her voice didn't sound like it was going to break at any second. Again with the small blessings, look at God!


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tamara Ortega Character Portrait: Jack Decker
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Jack was definitely up for pizza too, so he eagerly followed Tamara over to the pizza stand. If there was one thing that he could eat, day or night, regardless of how soon his last meal had been, it was pizza. He ordered three slices: two cheese and one pepperoni, as well as a soda, and by the time he and Tamara had found an empty picnic table in the eating area that had been set up in between that stand and the food trucks, one of his cheese slices had already disappeared. Once they were seated, he carefully (and it was done so carefully, on purpose), set Tamara's bear down on the table, and started on another slice. "So you mentioned that you were..." In the moment, he couldn't remember what country that Tamara said she had been in over the weekend. He knew that it was an Asian one, but the specific location, be couldn't recall. Rather than seem like a politically incorrect ass and just call all of it China, he watched his words a little bit more closely, as he continued, "travelling this weekend, right? Where'd you end up going, again?" Jack had been raised in a very average community, filled with your "typical" Americans. He was a part of the middle class and honestly, he liked it that way. His childhood had been simple, his parents were good and modest people, and things were plain, but in a way that left him content. He wasn't someone like Tamara, who seemed to be jet setting across the globe every other weekend, and though he thought that was cool for her to do, he wasn't necessarily jealous. They were two people who lived very different lives and came from different walks of life, but during times like these, they were equals. Or, at least, Jack didn't think of her as being better than him, just because her parents had money. He had a lot of respect for whoever it was, in her family tree, who began their legacy, but anyone could be born into money. That was a "luck of the draw" kind of thing, and to Jack, it took your own accomplishments to earn respect like that. Luckily for Tamara, she was very likable on a personal level, so she had won him over in that aspect anyway.

He took a bite out of the gooey, greasy slice of pepperoni pizza he had ordered, and obnoxiously moaned in delight as he pulled at the slice a bit harder, to break off the string of cheese that had been anchoring his bite down to the slice. It wasn't as amazing as some of the real Italian places in Miami, but right now, this tasted like the best thing that Jack had ever eaten. To him, greasy and cheesy was just about all he needed, and mixed with the cold soda he had ordered, he felt like he was in heaven. Sitting across from a girl who was beautiful enough to seem angelic helped with that fantasy, too. "Good call on this pizza," he nodded, in between another bite, glancing at his phone as he spoke, and reading Lorraine's text. He wasn't surprised that she declined his invite to hang out, since she knew he was with Tamara, and it was actually the response he was expecting. It didn't warrant a response, though, so he turned his gaze back to Tamara, and added, "I've got to admit: I'm surprised that you've stuck around this long today. The rest of the prom queens aren't sending out a search team looking for you as we speak, are they?" Once the rush week events started tomorrow, with the Alpha and Beta party, Jack guessed that the houses would become more and more segregated, so he wasn't complaining about getting to spend some time with his favorite Alpha before that happened. He was just surprised that Tamara hadn't bailed on him yet, in favor of her girl friends.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Andre Rocha
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Andres "Valentine" Rocha / senior nursing major
outfit / Beta House / high and pissed off
The pain builds in his chest.

He could only hope that it would go away as soon as his feelings for Naomi did. What used to be a harsh, sharp feeling at the thought of her, the way she loved- loves?- him, has emptied. It's a strange, numb feeling; maybe more because of the drugs.

He must have been thinking for quite some time, because he doesn't even notice Lorraine walk up until he hears her speaking to him. He lazily turns his head to look at her. The nickname, his nickname that his brothers so proudly bestowed on him, seemed ill-fitting now. He didn't want to be Valentine right now. "Can we quit with the Valentine shit for now? Just Andre, please," Andre mutters, pulling himself up to properly sit in the chair and inviting Lorraine to come sit beside him, "and I am very much intoxicated, thank you very much." Probably more intoxicated than a healthy amount, but Andre's never been into drugs, so it's hard for him to gauge too much or too little, especially in his emotional state.

"I know we're not exactly friends, more party buddies, but I consider you a real person- shit, not that. You know what I mean? Like, you're gonna give it to me how it is. That's why I like you Zetas." Andre rambles on, standing up and motioning Lorraine to follow him into the Beta house. He promised her a beer after the carnival, and although the carnival is still in its prime time, he doesn't believe that either of them will be returning to the carnival.

Andre grabs two beers from the fridge, popping off the caps, and handing one to Lorraine and inviting her out onto the back porch. "You probably don't care, but I told Naomi that I didn't love her anymore. I'm sure everyone's heard by now." He informs Lorraine nonchalantly. She was around when Naomi and Andre were together, at least Andre thought so. And she was the one that Andre would look for at parties, though she definitely didn't know that.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Andre Rocha
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Location: Beta House || Mood: Generous || Outfit: Carnival Worthy

Among being highly intoxicated, he was clearly angry. He didn’t even want to hear the word Valentine. Whatever happened between Naomi and Andre must have been awful. Lorraine suspected the name had to do with something else entirely different, but having that fight with Naomi didn’t help. If he was like this then she could only imagine what the Alpha President was going through. Not that Lory cared. In fact, anything that bothers the Alpha is a plus in her book, but she kept that to herself. ”Heard you loud and clear. Just Andre.” She said, before moving to sit in the empty chair next to him. He had confirmed his intoxication, but did not seem to regret it. The Zeta leaned back into her chair and crossed her arms, giving her undivided attention to Andre. He truly looked like he needed someone to talk to.

Andre started to ramble. Referring to Lorraine as a β€˜real person’ and then correcting himself to say that she would β€˜give it to him it like it is’. ”That's why I like you Zetas.” If only she could say the same about the Beta’s. They were up on the same level as the Alphas, except the blonde could say the word Beta without getting a sour taste in her mouth. Andre got up and gestured for Lorraine to follow. She might be getting that beer now. ”Well honesty is the best policy.” She is hiding something pretty big herself. Mostly for Jade’s sake, but somewhat for her own selfish needs. Lorraine could care less who knew, but if it got around to Naomi it would most likely result in a fight in which would mean losing some of the best sex she has ever had. Lorraine was no in the mood to deal with that. Hence the secret. But outside of that, she tells the truth at all times. It's even more so when intoxicated. Andre handed over a beer and she took a sip as she followed him to the back. It was weird for her to be in the Beta house when there wasn’t a party that she was trying to crash.

"You probably don't care, but I told Naomi that I didn't love her anymore. I'm sure everyone's heard by now." The blonde nodded. ”You’re right I don’t care. But the lack of care is not toward you. It’s towards Madam President.” She stated taking another sip of the beer. ”You’re also right about another thing. Everyone knows. That’s how I even knew you needed a friend.” The blonde added smirking slightly. Rumor spread fast when it came to these two.

Everyone and anyone that has ever been friends with anyone in a sorority or fraternity knew about Naomi and Andre. They were the ultimate power couple. Everyone wanted to be like them. They were what everyone referred to as β€˜relationship goals’. Even for a little bit Miss Callaway was jealous, but that didn’t last very long. So when they broke up it was a big deal and became the talk among the college. Though no one talked about it anymore the fact that they blew up at each other in the middle of the carnival just brought up the memories of their intense relationship and devastating split. ”Did it make you feel better that you threw that in her face?” She asked, sipping her beer. ”Better question. Did you even mean it?”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison
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As they slowly but surely advanced in the queue, Robert got a text from a fellow Beta, claiming that he needed to find him since something had gone awry with one of their brothers. Jade didn't question who it was, or what was going on, and since she had purposely taken Robert in the opposite direction of Andre, she had no idea that he and Naomi had just gotten into a public screaming match. Though Jade insisted that he leave then, to go figure out what was wrong with his Beta brother, Robert refused to leave before one of Jade's friends showed up. She honestly wouldn't have minded waiting alone. She wasn't so caught up into her image, or anything, where she would be so insecure about standing alone on a food line, but it was sweet of him regardless, and when Naomi appeared at her side, she waved Robert off without gratefully. "Hey, girl," Jade said, her smile widening at the sight of Naomi. The two hadn't had time to chat privately, since the revelation earlier, and Jade felt at least a little bit bad about that, since she had been putting it off, even if Naya was doing the same. The whole ordeal had thrown her for such a loop, and had been so much to process, that it seemed like they all needed time to figure out what the situation actually entailed. If she was going to speak to anyone about it though, she was glad Naomi was the first person. That didn't stop her from checking her phone once more, to see if Xanthe had answered her, but still, she was glad Naomi was here.

It would have been silly for Jade to have not looked too deeply into Naomi's body language and her general demeanor at the moment, since, although she was ignorant to what had occurred minutes before, she expected Naya to seem off, to some degree, just because of what had went on early. While Jade was very good at reading people, she wasn't magical though, and if anyone could put up a facade when the time called for it, it was Naomi. She couldn't tell that something as horrible as what she and Andre had just went through had happened, but just looking at Naomi, she could tell that she was definitely stressed about something. "Are you good, Naya? Your vibes feel..." She couldn't place a specific word to what she felt coming off of the other Alpha, but it wasn't great. "...Tense," she eventually finished with, and just as she did, it became their turn to order. Jade ordered chicken tenders and fries, and a soda for herself, and then looked towards Naomi."You're eating something. What do you want?" It felt unnatural to jump between a serious topic to carnival food, but Jade also considered that maybe the way that she was reading Naomi to be "off", might have also been influenced by her being worried that the girl had drank too much alcohol tonight, or not enough water, or hadn't eaten enough. Maybe Naya was stressed about school work, or what had went on earlier, and was angry at Katherine, and maybe Xanthe too, and conflicted about Andre... and the worries there, stressed Jade out far more than they should have. By now, though she would still deny it outwardly, she had come to terms with the fact that she was unnecessarily concerned with her friends' well being. It was beyond hard for her not to be, though, and times like this, when things when south so quickly, in their own house nonetheless, reminded her that it was necessary for someone to be over concerned.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Parker Sullivan Character Portrait: Hudson Allen
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#, as written by M95
Image Image
Hudson's Outfit||||Katherine's Outfit
About thirty minutes passed since Hudson arrived at the Alpha house, and since he had left the carnival well before Andre and Naomi's paths had made an unfortunate intersection, he was helpless when a fellow Beta, Luke texted him, informing him of the blowout that had just occurred. What made it all worse, was that when Hudson checked his Snapchat, he found that Parker had posted a public story featuring a segment of the fight, with the caption "and they say we lack class? LOL" obnoxiously included in it. That in itself made Hudson feel inclined to text Parker and demand the video be taken down, but Hudson knew that that would be futile, because from what he had heard, and seen, the damage had been done. Enough people had been there to see Andre and Naomi go at it, and according to Luke, Andre was either wasted, or on something stronger than alcohol. Remembering Andre's request for Hudson to get something from Parker for him earlier, he was sure that it was the last one, or more likely, a mix between the two. Emotions and alcohol were never a good combination, and emotions, alcohol, and drugs, was a recipe for disaster. Hudson knew that as president of the Beta house, he had an obligation to fix this. The last thing that their house needed, during rush week, nonetheless, was Andre giving their house a bad reputation. He didn't care about Naomi doing that to their own house, but Hudson was not about to allow Sigmas to jeer at his house. That wasn't going to fly, when there were impressionable, and recruitable freshman around to see it.

Right now though, there was nothing that he could do. As he had seen, the damage was done, and him rushing back to the carnival to put Andre in his place wasn't going to do any good. Rocha was far too emotional today for Hudson's liking, and though he was his brother in more senses than most of the other Betas were to Hudson, at the moment, Hudson was actually enjoying Katherine's company. Sometime during his thirty minutes at the Alpha house, he had managed to break down a few of her walls... or at least get her to drop her attitude. By the time that the pizza arrived, they were ten minutes into She's the Man, a movie that Katherine insisted on watching, and if Hudson was being honest, he didn't mind either, and had a tray of Ghiradelli triple fudge brownies in the oven. Hudson used the excuse of the ringing doorbell as a good chance to get up to answer it, but also finally shoot off a text to Andre, which read, "Are you fucking kidding me with that show you put on? Drop that nursing major and start trying out for plays on Broadway, man! You're really got the fucking dramatics down pat. You couldn't save that shit for private, or maybe when there weren't 100 freshman in the area, trying to figure out which house to join?". On a whim, he also decided to message Xanthe, and said, "Come back to the Alpha house when the fun's over at the carnival, Little Red. The king of the Betas is gonna mend your friendship with Kitty."

Katherine also used the few minutes that Hudson left the couch to pick up her phone. Hanging out with Hudson had seemed bizarre at first, and for the first ten minutes that he was in the house, she did her best to get him to leave. He was persistent though, and when he claimed that he wasn't going to leave until every last Alpha was back in the house, she gave up trying to get him to leave. It became clear, some way through the preparation of the brownie mix, that Hudson was here to see what her reaction to the situation involving her, Andre, Xanthe, and Naomi was. She continued to insist that she was fine, but some way through, broke and did admit that all she was really concerned about was making sure that Naomi didn't hate her. She admitted that she didn't think it was right for Xanthe to tell everyone about her and Andre. She reasoned that Hudson himself had known about it all along, and kept his mouth shut, so didn't that make him a more loyal friend to her, than even Xanthe was? Hudson had seemed to take this point appreciatively, but must have put his ego on silent mode for the moment, because he had countered that with questioning Katherine on whether she had been blind to Xanthe's crush on Andre, when everyone else knew about it. It was a good point, and Katherine knew that it was wrong to have done it when she knew Xanthe liked Andre, but she insisted that it had been made clear many times that Xanthe and Andre weren't compatible because they wanted different things, so it wasn't like she was actually keeping something real from happening. No matter how logical his comments were, Katherine wasn't ready to take responsibility for that, and she was happy that he agreed to a movie while the brownies baked, because then she could just zone out of her moral conflicts, and focus on the movie.

When he got up to get the pizza from the delivery man, she put the movie on pause, and sent out a couple of texts. She had really told herself that she wasn't going to bother Naomi, especially since she was ignorant to the fight that had occurred at the carnival, and believed that Naomi was having a fun night and she shouldn't disrupt that, but her guilt was eating away at her. She was so tempted to text Xanthe too, and tell her how fucked up she thought it was for her to go to the other girls before coming to her, but Hudson's commentary rang in her head and kept her from doing so. Once the texts were gone, she pulled the blanket she had over her up tighter against her body, and then, upon realizing that she needed something to drink with the pizza Hudson would bring in, craned her neck back a bit, and yelled, "Get me a water while you're up?!", hoping her voice was loud enough to travel to the foyer.

To: Jade
I think the brownie mix in the pantry was yours but i'm baking them rn so I'll buy you a new one tomorrow! <3

To: Naomi
I know you hate me and want me to leave you alone and I understand so I won't even spam text you like I want to but I'm so sorry Naya and ily and I really don't want you to hate me!

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View All » Add Character » 39 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison
Character Portrait: Jade Brooks
Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros
Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway
Character Portrait: Hudson Allen
Character Portrait: Jack Decker
Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
Character Portrait: Kara Hatake
Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham
Character Portrait: Parker Sullivan
Character Portrait: Tamara Ortega
Character Portrait: Camille Roux


Character Portrait: Camille Roux
Camille Roux

"the worst is when people ask you to say something in your accent."

Character Portrait: Tamara Ortega
Tamara Ortega

"Sometimes you just have to throw on a crown and remind them who they're dealing with."

Character Portrait: Parker Sullivan
Parker Sullivan

"Nothing gets me higher than turning good girls bad."

Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham
Chantal Cunningham

"You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down."

Character Portrait: Jack Decker
Jack Decker

"Don't take yourself so seriously."

Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway
Lorraine Callaway

"I need a break...anyone up for crashing an Alpha party?"

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros
Xanthe Lampros

I'm not playing hard to get, I am hard to get


Character Portrait: Tamara Ortega
Tamara Ortega

"Sometimes you just have to throw on a crown and remind them who they're dealing with."

Character Portrait: Camille Roux
Camille Roux

"the worst is when people ask you to say something in your accent."

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison
Naomi Malone-Ellison

"I'm not saying everything has to be perfect...ok, so maybe I am."

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros
Xanthe Lampros

I'm not playing hard to get, I am hard to get

Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham
Chantal Cunningham

"You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down."

Character Portrait: Parker Sullivan
Parker Sullivan

"Nothing gets me higher than turning good girls bad."

Character Portrait: Jack Decker
Jack Decker

"Don't take yourself so seriously."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison
Naomi Malone-Ellison

"I'm not saying everything has to be perfect...ok, so maybe I am."

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros
Xanthe Lampros

I'm not playing hard to get, I am hard to get

Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham
Chantal Cunningham

"You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down."

Character Portrait: Parker Sullivan
Parker Sullivan

"Nothing gets me higher than turning good girls bad."

Character Portrait: Jack Decker
Jack Decker

"Don't take yourself so seriously."

Character Portrait: Tamara Ortega
Tamara Ortega

"Sometimes you just have to throw on a crown and remind them who they're dealing with."

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