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Jade Brooks

0 · 2,530 views · located in Miami, Florida

a character in “Welcome to Fulton University! {Reboot}”, as played by StarStruck



"Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them."


Jade Scarlett Brooks




Birth Date:
May 16th


Bisexual - It's not a secret, yet not something that she shouts from the rooftops, either. Aside from a select few people, most assume her to be heterosexual.

Irish & Mexican

Biology on a Pre-Med track




Childhood/Family Life:
Jade grew up in a suburb of Rhode Island with her parents, Alicia and Donovan Brooks, and her two older sisters, Elia and April. They were a family that fell into the middle class, living comfortable on Alicia's nursing salary, combined with Donovan's electrician salary, but not to an extent where they were living lavishly. The bills were paid with room for some extras, like a car for Jade when she passed her driver's test, and a yearly vacation, and since that was pretty aligned with the other people's lifestyles in their community, it was enough to make Jade happy. Growing up, she was pretty close to a tomboy. A lot of it had to do with how her parents had been wishing for a boy when they began their final pregnancy, and since they didn't get that, her father decided that Jade would be the closest thing to a son that he would have. It wasn't like she was masculinized or anything, but unlike her sisters, the first extracurricular activities that she was put into were sports, like soccer and basketball, over dance and gymnastics classes. Since she did so well in these sports, she never felt like she was missing out, and growing up with more guy friends than girl friends actually made her feel more comfortable with herself from a young age.

When her teenage years hit, she did a pretty good job at ignoring peer pressure, and the cattiness of her female peers, and continued to maintain her independent mindset. She focused on academics, her soccer career, and her good friends, and that was it. She definitely never fell into the popular clique, but she also wasn't grouped into the "loser" category, and honestly, she was quite content with falling somewhere in between. For her, all that meant was that she got to have real friendships with people, and wasn't constantly being pressured into being someone that she wasn't.

Jade chose Fulton University as her top choice for college because her eldest sister, Elia, had graduated from the school six years prior to Jade's freshman year of college, and only had amazing things to say about the school. She credits the education she received there to allowing her so many amazing opportunities in the world of journalism, including her rise to contributing editor at Vogue. Elia had also been an Alpha Theta Pi, and was the person who nearly forced Jade to rush, as well. Rumor has it (and it's not hard to believe, considering how Un-Alpha Jade was to begin with), that Elia pulled strings to get Alpha's then-president an important internship at Vogue, in order to get Jade into Alpha Theta Pi. Luckily, for everyone involved, it only took a few months for Jade to actually embrace much of the Alpha's lifestyle and values.


Image Image
She's constantly chewing gum in her classes. She does laundry on a daily basis, even if she only has one thing to wash, but in all other aspects of her life, she tends to be pretty messy and unorganized. She goes for a three mile run every day. Even after a night of drinking hard liquor, Jade rarely ever ends up with hangovers.

Good personality traits:
Loyal, Intelligent, Active, Caring

Bad personality traits:
Reserved, Emotionless/Hard to read, Blunt, Strong-headed

There's a big contrast in how people see Jade on a surface level, and how she is with certain people who she is close with. A lot of people label her as being cold and emotionless, and to an extent, it's not a lie. She doesn't pretend to be amused or interested in people, so if you're the kind of person who expects everyone to laugh at your jokes or pretend to care about the boring story you're telling, she probably isn't someone that you'll mesh with very well. She's honest, to a point that crosses over into being blunt, but she's not cruel unless she thinks that the person deserves it. She rarely offers harsh, unsolicited advice and she knows her place. Her intentions are rarely to make innocent people feel bad about themselves, but if someone pushes her, she also won't filter herself. One thing that she really does well at not doing, however, is gossiping. At least in the sense that she doesn't make up lies about people. If something is factual, and might just be something that the person preferred to remain private... well... then, that seems like fair game, if it's not someone who she owes her loyalty to. And when it comes to loyalty, Jade is good with that. The people who run in her inner circle are her best friends and she truly would do anything for a lot of them. Those are the people who see her softer side, the one that's nearly maternal. She tends to care too much about these people, and sometimes even refuses to acknowledge their flaws, just because she thinks that they're so perfect and special.

Most people that she knows now, in college, don't know it, but Jade definitely has a tomboy side that she never grew out of. This stems beyond just being athletic, because that isn't something that she tries to hide. She's physically fit and loves staying active, because not only is it good for her body, but for her mentally, too. She enjoys being busy and doesn't like lounging around and being lazy, even on the weekends or when she has no real commitments to attend to. She's very hands on with things, doesn't mind getting down and dirty, and actually prefers a more laid back style to the prim, proper and pretty one that the Alphas are known for. What's involved in that, though, is that Jade is very good at pretending. It's strange for her to realize, since growing up she was always an open book, and very comfortable with who she was. She's still comfortable with herself now... but at the same time, she feels like she needs to keep herself refined. She doesn't think she's giving everyone a watered down version of herself, but just that she's grown into this more watered down version of her old self. She's still the same fun loving girl that she was before, but now that side remains only for her friends' eyes. To everyone else, she prefers to remain closed off, and she's not completely sure why. A good guess would be that it's because she doesn't want to completely fall prey to being someone that she's not, and pretending to be someone just to be accepted by people who she doesn't even like, but she also knows that she wouldn't fit her sorority-and friends'-expectations, if she was that same rough and tough girl that she was, growing up.

Greatest joys in life:
Jade is really close with her dad, so her relationship with him is something that she really appreciates. She loves exercising and feeling "alive". Earning her own achievements is another thing that she prides herself in doing.

Greatest fears:
She has an incredible fear of drowning, by being trapped in a boat or other object. She can swim and doesn't mind being in the water in that sense, but driving over bridges always freaks her out, as do boats in general. The root of the fear is dying without having any control over it.

Life philosophy:
"Love yourself so much that when someone treats you wrong, you recognize it."


❤ Brownies
❤ Science courses
❤ The beach
❤ Dogs
❤ Sour candies
❤ Soccer
❤ Competition
❤ Warm weather
✘ People who are overly sensitive/emotional
✘ Boats
✘ Brutally cold weather
✘ Bullies
✘ Dark or white chocolate
✘ Being dependent on anyone
✘ Unnecessary physical contact
✘ Romance movies



Thoughts on Greek Life:
Originally, Jade only decided to go Greek after hearing that being a member of the Greek society helped with networking for jobs and entrance into graduate school programs. It seemed like an extracurricular activity that would have more benefits than just social ones, and honestly, she never saw herself rushing Alpha Theta Pi. When she got the pledge offer, it was one that she just couldn't refuse though, and since then, Jade has grown to love her sisters.

Plans for after college:
After college, Jade plans on going on to medical school. She doesn't have her heart set on any specific school yet, but has a list of potential options. Really, though, she knows that she would be happy just to get accepted anywhere. Following all of the requirements associated with medical school and residencies, her ultimate goal is to become a licensed pediatric oncologist. She spent a lot of time in high school volunteering at a local Ronald McDonald house, where she frequently witnessed the struggles that children battling cancer faced, which is what led her in that direction. In addition to that, she always did well in her science classes and though her first career choice had been a nurse, her mother, who is a registered nurse, has encouraged her to pursue the ultimate medical field job, since she knows that Jade is intelligent enough to get there.


5'5, 125 lbs

Hair Colour:

Eye Colour:

Distinguishing Marks:
Her ears are pierced and she wants a tattoo on her ankle, but doesn't have one yet.

Her style used to be a lot more tomboyish than it is today. Part of the change came just from starting college, and deciding to be more concerned about her appearance, and a lot of it came after being initiated in as an Alpha, too. She doesn't mind dressing up for public events and parties, and makes an effort for her classes too, but she's most comfortable lounging after in sweats and a t-shirt.

So begins...

Jade Brooks's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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Tuesday, October 4 || 12: 30 PM || Location: South Campus Lawn || Weather: Sunny, partly cloudy with winds coming from the south

It was something about the day that had a certain kind of buzz trickling into each and every vein of each and every student on the campus of the magnanimous Fulton University. Seniors and professors alike would tell you that it was perhaps the excitement of the upcoming Homecoming Week, which would mark the return of esteemed alumnae whose legacies were still felt in the halls they once occupied. Older staff members might say it was the stifling heat of the near oppressive Miami sun, its beams bearing down on each and every individual as they made their way across campus, some wearing less stifling clothes than others. The promise of water rides and cool refreshments for later in the afternoon practically drying tongues with anticipation for the Annual Fulton Carnival. However, as newer and the band of less sentimental students would tell you, was the thrill of the unknown...of the spine-tingling allure of Rush Week. While the Student Organization Fair was exciting in and of itself, there was still something devastatingly seductive about seeing the booths for the competing Greek houses, all of their members decked out in their Greek colors. The synergy of their competitive spirits was electric in the air and there was no telling what could happen before the rest of the day's celebrations...

[ Location: South Campus Lawn Gate Entrance Outfit: Click Here Mood: Enthused ]

To be quite fair, it was not like Naomi had left the girls, Xanthe in particular, unprepared. For one, she had specified that she needed to finalize the plans for the foam party, which meant overseeing the yacht docking, making sure that catering was still on, and the other small details she needed to iron out while simultaneously making sure that they had enough snacks and such for those who visited the Alpha Theta Pi. They had been decorating since Sunday and Naomi had had the small menu - yes, she was doing extra and no, she did not give a damn - for snacks planned out back on Saturday. Xanthe didn't have those things planned out. Naomi just wanted to see how she would handle dealing with having to keep track of which of the Alpha ladies could leave duty at what time, greeting and informing prospective members while getting contact information from the ones that really stood out, and keeping up when food started to run out. She had left an hour ago and she had been getting one of the seniors to keep her updated on the sophomore's progress.

With her plans having been laid down in full last night, Naomi had been with the first wave of Alpha Theta Pi members setting the booth up and getting the food to the Lawn where all of the organizations, non-Greek affiliated included, were setting up. Like Naomi, some of the other girls who had helped earlier, especially seniors who needed all the credits they could get to graduate on time, had to leave. But she made it a point that everyone, much like every other Greek organization, had to wear the house colors. While she had made it clear that the girls could wear either pink or green, Naomi had done well with incorporating both colors into her ensemble. Her apple-green dress wasn't one of her most expensive items, not that she normally checked which brands she wore, but her elegance and refinery still stone through with the garment was accompanied by Lily Pulitzer sandals, Hellmuth bracelet from Portero, and Samira pearl-drop earrings. Naomi ran a hand through her hair idly as she closed the driver's side door of her Bugatti Chiron. Just as she made sure it was locked, she noted a few guys from the football team, shirtless, and painted in Fulton's school colors and had to laugh. "This is about to be interesting," she mused to herself quietly and stepped onto the sidewalk and headed to the gate to blend in with the throng of students coming and going.

After checking with the yacht her father had made sure to dock in Miami, Naomi did herself - and Jade - a favor by actually getting food without being prompted. She had drank a small mug of coffee when she first woke up, but stopped at Pasión del Cielo - a place she had found with Chantal - for the largest vanilla latte they had and an empanada. Nibbling on the flaky treat, she got the idea to text Jade a picture of her good deed for the day while simultaneously checking up on her favorite people. She didn't have to rush back to the Alpha booth anyway, after all.

To: Jade
See!? Eating w/out prompting lol! Aren't u proud of me?

To: Zan
Everything good?

To: Kat, Tamara
You guys behaving lol??

To: Chanti
Plz tell me I'm not da only 1 who could sleep 4 another 10 yrs


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Kienen Fox
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0.00 INK

"Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she'll conquer the world."
Outfit || Location: South Campus Lawn|| Song: Sally- Bibi Bourelly


"Yeah there really is not better sorority to join," Xanthe explained tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. The group of freshman around her all nodded and soaked up all of her words. "I'm sure you have heard all those rumors that we're like rude and all that but none of it is true" She smiled at her fellow Alpha's who were all flitting around the booth making sure it looked great and talking to a few of the freshman who were approaching it. She spotted a girl in the crowd and immediately recognized her. She had partied with her after a film festival in the Cannes.

As the girls cleared out she approached her, "Hey Hun', I didn't know that you decided to come here." Amanda Delorenzo smiled in return and flipped her glossy blonde hair over her shoulder, "Yeah it was like a last minute decision."
Zan laughed lightly, "Well you know that you belong with the Alpha's of course you'll have to be accepted" Amanda winked at her like it was some sort of inside joke and nodded. After a bit more talking she had Amanda leave her information and she walked back over to where some of the girls were talking and setting up.

She noticed one of the Alpha's, Tatiana, snacking on food and she pursed her lips in disapproval. Tatiana had gained twenty pounds over the summer and rather than lose the weight or replace her wardrobe she chose to walk around in ill fitting clothes or in leggings and tank tops. Right now she was wearing black leggings and a tight green tank that wasn't flattering her at all. "Hi Honey, maybe you shouldn't eat any more snacks. How about some fit tea instead? It'll fill you up and you'll lose those extra pesky pounds." She smiled at her warmly before walking away. She didn't think it was a rude thing to say honestly because if she gained a lot of weight she would want them to say something to her. I mean she definitely gained weight when she and Casper broke up. Hell, all she did for like two whole weeks was watch Roman Holiday and eat Ben & Jerry's. Then, like the confident woman she was she lost all the weight, gained a perfect butt, and came back hotter than ever. She pulled out her phone to respond to a text she got from Naomi and send a few of her own.

To: Naomi
Yeah everything is great. Just found a prospect.

To: Kat, Jade
Um project Tatiana starting any time soon? No shade.

To: Andre
Hey make sure you stop by and say hi today.

To: Kienen
Naomi left me in charge with the booth, wish me luck


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Hudson Allen
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0.00 INK

Andres "Valentine" Rocha / senior nursing major
outfit / South Campus Lawn / confident and flirty

"Sim mãe , eu te amo, adeus." Yes mom, I love you, goodbye.

"Oh meu deus, essa mulher pode falar." oh my god, that woman can talk. Andre mutters to himself, buttoning up his scarlet shirt until only the top three buttons are left undone. Hudson had left him in charge of watching the younger brothers while he was in his business class, and Andre... overslept. The call from his mother had woken him up, and she insisted on hearing his plans for the day, and staying on the phone with him until he was at the annual Fulton Carnival. This is Andre's favorite time of year, what with the blazing Miami heat perfecting for surfing and banging bikini babes, and getting pledges for the famous Beta Gamma Omega.

Ah, Beta, his home. Nothing is better than throwing back a beer at the Beta house, especially when it's just him and his brothers. Soon, there would be a bunch of pledges ready for an errand or a chance to prove their loyalty to the best house on campus. Some would drop, as they always do, but the ones that make it through are worthy of the Beta brotherhood. Andre thinks that they've been softer since his pledge years, but with the recent scandals with hazing and chapters being shut down, they have to watch out. Man, the stories he had from his pledge years, he still tells them. Especially the ones about Hudson, pledging with that boy was certainly an experience. This year, being his final year, he would use the pledges exactly how he wanted to. Senior privileges and seniority are cherished principles in Beta house.

Andre still managed to make it to the Beta booth before any of the potential pledges stopped by, but the booth was already set up and he was essentially there now to stand and look pretty. Oh, and make freshmen boys want to be him.

12:41 PM
your wish is my command, princess

Hudson shows up with a plethora of to-go boxes from spot Beta's frequent, Red's. It's just like Hudson to bring steak dinners to a summer carnival, but anything that can make Beta look better, Andre can't oppose. Plus, the way the eyes of the potential pledges gathered around the booth popped made Andre feel powerful. "Come across any good recruits yet, Valentine? I trust your word over most." Hudson comes over to him, and Andre smirks at his nickname.

"Awe, you're making me blush." Andre teases the other boy, folding his arms across his chest. The carnival has been going good, and the Beta list of invites for the foam party tonight has been decreasing enough for Hudson to be satisfied. "We'll meet quota, as long as these potential pledges live up to expectations. But hey, if you see Haezia, tell her there's a girl in my bed at home that'd be perfect for Zeta."

It isn't surprising that the Alpha Theta Pi booth is right across from Beta, making it easy for the best girls and the best boys to check out the best organizations, and each other. Andre wants to walk over and talk with Xanthe, and now that Hudson's made it to the Beta booth, he can sneak over. he walks around the carnival so he can sneak up on Xanthe, positioning himself so that he'll end up walking behind her. Just as Xanthe is finishing talking to a pledge, he slaps her on the ass then wraps his arm around her shoulders. "Lookin' all pretty for me, Zanny?" Andre whispers in her ear, taking a look around the Alpha booth. No Naomi yet. But he does see Jade, and winks at her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Jack Decker Character Portrait: Jessica Chae
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0.00 INK

Location: South Campus Lawn || Mood: Energized and Excited || Outfit: ΖΝΔ

Lorraine was bursting with excitement. Not because this was her fourth coffee of the day, but because of everything going on. Right now the Student Organization Fair was growing strong. Everyone was setup with tables and trying to convince the innocent Freshman that their group was the best. Though the non Greek Organizations were here, it felt more like a battle between the Greek Organizations. All of their tables were in one general area of the lawn. Each group was trying to steal away prospective pledges from the other organizations. That was what Lorraine was finding exciting. She was going to have the opportunity to talk about how amazing the Zeta’s were for when these same freshman participate in Rush Week. That week was what every fraternity and sorority alike were truly looking forward too. Adding new members to their organizations kept the legacy going. Finishing her coffee, Lory tossed the empty cup into the nearby trash can.

The blonde was just a tad bit late for the fair. It started when she was making outfit decisions. She had sacrificed her shorts and crop top for a dress. But her shoe choice really took up the most time. She kept staring at her converse knowing that the canary yellow color would compliment the sapphire blue dress and would also represent her Zeta’s. But she also had yellow heels that would work wonderfully with the dress. Lorraine had nothing against heels, but she had a strong preference for dressing casual. After twenty minutes of switching between shoes, she decided to go with the converse. She had gotten dressed fairly early, so Lorraine had decided that coffee and flashcards was the best way to kill time. By her third coffee, she had realized that she was going to be late to the fair. Grabbing an extra cup for the road, she finally made her way towards the fair.

When she arrived, she took her time looking at all the tables set up. She sees all these organizations every year. Sometimes there is a new organization set up and other times there is one or two missing. She had always wondered what happened to that organization. Her curiosity for them ended there of course. Everyone looked as energized as Lorraine felt. But she had no time to stop at their table and deal with them. She had her own table to get too. She put a bit more hustle into her step, maneuvering in between the freshman. Lory finally made it to her table and smiled at everyone talking to probable recruits. Pulling out her phone, she decided to send a couple of text messages to people who she believed deserved a hello from Miss Lorraine before getting to work.

if i have 4 cups of coffee in a row and then have another, does that count as an addiction?

R u lighting up before the carnival, cuz I would love to join u

How’s my fave alpha?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

Outfit: Shoes | Dress
One of Kat's talents was talking, so events like this, where all that was really expected of her was to mingle, were the ones that she enjoyed most. Most of the freshman passed by made her inwardly cringe, and she was internally point out all of their flaws, or, if an Alpha she was close to was seated next to her, she would whisper them to the girl. One girl passed by with hair that clearly needed some sort of humidity treatment. Another was wearing shorts that were so tight, and in such an unflattering way, that she looked like she belonged on a corner as a prostitute. There was a girl who needed to be introduced to Proactiv, and another who Katherine surmised had to be amazing in bed, because she was so ugly compared to the boy that she was clinging to in a girlfriend-boyfriend manner. All of the things that she picked out about the girls who approached their booth were things that were shallow to notice and become fixated on, but those tended to be the things that mattered most to Katherine. Appearances said a lot about a person, and in Kat's mind, first impressions were important. She seemed to justify the pettiness by reminding herself that she had been a freshman just last year, but she didn't act nearly as embarrassingly as she thought many of these girls were. She had spent a good deal of time getting ready, like always, and certainly was not wearing a t-shirt with "HOLLISTER" boldly printed on it, like the girl who was currently standing in front of her. It took a lot for her not to just roll her eyes at half of the girl's questions, especially since Naomi wasn't around, but she did her best to be pleasant until the girl seemed satisfied and moved on to another booth.

Tired of sitting in an area that seemed to be getting the most traffic, and sensing her patience and attention span dwindling, Katherine got up. She had missed Xanthe leaving by a few seconds, but read her text instantly, as she made her way over to Jade. She hadn't been looking at her phone for a few minutes, so she was only getting Naomi's now, and though she was tempted to comment on how she had been the perfect Alpha all morning, she got straight to the point with her text. She knew that Naomi had to leave for class, which was understandable. Katherine was technically supposed to be at a class right now too, but... well, this had seemed more important. It was a bad mindset to have, especially considering that the Greek societies had a minimum GPA requirement to be involved... and it was one that for her past two semesters, she had just barely reached, but Katherine just didn't care. It wasn't good, and she knew it, but for her academics didn't really matter. They never had. It went beyond her just thinking - and knowing - that her father had enough money to support her for twenty lifetimes. She wasn't intelligent when it came to school, so classes like calculus, the one that she was missing now, not only didn't excite her, but gave her a lot of anxiety too. She hated the feeling that she got when she was sitting in a classroom filled with students who all, at least somewhat, knew what was going on, and she had absolutely no idea. Even when she tried to pay attention and study, it just didn't click with her, so she would become frustrated and give up. It wasn't like she was lying when she justified skipping the class today to herself, by saying that she had a stomachache, because just the thought of sitting through that class over being out here with her girls did give her a stomachache.

To: Naya
I'm getting bored! Where are you?! You're gone, Zan is gone...... :( everyone LEFT me

To: Xanthe
Hoes before bros, Zan!!!!!!!! And Jade will probably go Mom mode if we gossip about Tatiana in the group chat but OMG yes I'm in... Like literally something needs to be done or she needs to be done because she looks like trash

Kat's text was dramatic, and typical of her to accidentally implicate Xanthe for leaving the booth, even though it probably wasn't even a big deal. Her text to Xanthe was more playful, but only because she noticed her then, across the way in the Beta booth. As she sat down in the empty chair beside Jade, her dramatic side kicked in again as she sighed. "Your Little is basically about to get pregnant across the lawn, Jade. Aren't your maternal instincts going to kick in to prevent this teen pregnancy?" Really, Katherine was being playful in the comment, but it was typical of her to want something to be done, only now that she was bored and would actually want Xanthe back by her side to socialize with. "And Naya is really going to hear it from me, because I'm so bored without her here. I really think that she needs to get held back or something, because it's not fair that Zanny is going to get to still have you next year, but I won't have Naomi."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Andre Rocha
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0.00 INK

Jade was still just a junior, but as a biology major with a psychology minor, her course load this semester was already weighing on her pretty heavily. On top of her school work, she was already beginning to prepare for the MCAT exam and was trying to get together a list of potential medical schools to apply to in the spring. Her sorority had grown so important to her, that it even surprised herself, but in no way could Jade ever put being an Alpha over being a student. That was why she had only just barely made it to their booth on the south lawn by 12:30, an hour and a half after the event had started, and why she knew that she could only stay for a few minutes. After leaving her Development Biology class, she raced back to the Alpha house where she switched her shorts and tank top for a more Alpha-friendly outfit, considering of a pink dress and simple white sandals. Naomi knew that Jade wasn't going to be at the table for the beginning of the event, and just in general, Jade wasn't feverishly concerned about Naomi being disappointed in her lack of presence. For one, they were good friends, and secondly, she was aware that Naomi wasn't going to even be there herself. Jade had no real reason to be in such a rush, but she was, and once she got to the table, she did her best to make sure that everything was in order. Which is what, and unsurprisingly at that. No one would expect for a single thing to be misplaced or forgotten when Naomi was in charge, even if she was only there in spirit for the moment. Regardless, Jade was still able to find something to busy herself with, and spent a good ten minutes talking to a group of girls about the Alpha house, and then the Theta house, when she figured out that they were probably better suited there. While she adored the Alpha house, she knew better than anyone that some people just didn't fit. A lot of the time, she felt like she was one of those people, and she felt like she was doing a good service by promoting other houses to potentially save these girls from spending four years feeling out of place, or trying to be someone that they weren't.

Jade had finished what she was doing around the same time that Xanthe left with Andre, and she had looked up at just the right time to catch his wink, which she responded to with a grin. She was happy to see him, but not so happy to see Xanthe wandering off with him. She loved Andre as a friend, and in her head, that was okay, because she wasn't some pretty little girl like Xanthe, who lived off of romance. When she was with Andre, at least, she thought of herself as her old self - the girl who was too concerned with sports and getting her hands dirty to ever be considered "pretty" by the boys that she hung out with, and that was fine by her because she didn't want to be pretty. And she didn't want to be pretty now, in Andre's eyes, either. So sure, she loved Andre as a friend and trusted him, but she also knew that beyond his personality with her, out playing soccer, was the player version of Andre, and since Xanthe was the picture perfect girl who would fit the mold of the girls he chased, it made her wary. Xanthe and Andre could both insist as much as they wanted that they were just friends, but Jade didn't believe it. Andre was too much of a player and Xanthe wanted that fairy tale ending too badly. There was that over-caring side to her that wanted to get up and go third wheel, but the sane part of her told her that she just had to let them be "friends", though not without sending a response to Xanthe's text first. While she was at it, she answered Naomi's and Lorraine's as well.

To: Xanthe
Be good!

To: Naomi
Barely happy with how late you've been up all week! Sleep deprivation is link to heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and strokes, Mimi!!! AKA sleep is important and you not sleeping gives me high blood pressure!!!

To: Lorraine
Your fave Alpha can't be your fave Alpha atm! Busy trying to persuade kiddies that Zetas are horrible

The text to Lorraine was definitely sent when she was sure that there was no one close enough to read it. For starters, the Alphas were definitely supposed to think, to some extent, that they were above the Zetas. That alone would probably make her friends-with-benefits relationship with Lorraine frowned upon. To top it off, Naomi hated the girl and Jade was well aware of that, which made the whole thing so tricky. It didn't help that Lorraine was pretty bold and brazen and always seemed to like to live on the edge and come close to exposing it, so much that she had Jade's heart racing, but had never actually done so. In a way, it turned her on, but during moments like this, when she couldn't focus on that, she knew that she had to pretend she had no interest in Lorry, or texting her.

Luckily, all of the texts were sent and her phone was set down again by the time that Katherine came over. Almost instantly, she started with her dramatics that never failed in bringing a smile to Jade's face. Katherine was absolutely a spoiled brat who lived in some fantasy world where everything revolved around her, but at the same time, she was endearing and funny and sweet and so genuine that none of the bad things even mattered. "Stop it," she chided playfully, placing one of her hands on Katherine's. "My Little is as smart as they come and she knows that I will personally murder her if she ever gets herself knocked up. Hell, I'd kill Andre too."

Katherine's comment about Naomi leaving at the end of the year was a reminder that she didn't need, but it was probably going to be just as sad for Kat to lose her big. However, it was definitely best that Jade hadn't ended up as Katherine's Big. It was quite the contrast to how she seemed to the majority of people, but with people she cared for, Jade was quite loving. So much so, that when it came to Katherine, she would probably be too tolerant of her sometimes impulsively ignorant comments or her tendency to push her responsibilities out of the way in favor of fun. It wasn't like she treated Katherine like a child who needed babysitting, and she would push that Katherine try to do better in her classes, but if she made up some pretend symptom for an illness she was faking, Jade would probably give in easily, despite being on a pre-med track and likely knowing better than anyone that Kat was faking. She wanted everyone to be happy and healthy and comfortable, but giving in to Kat too much would probably on egg on her irresponsibility. Naomi was actually the best match that Kat could have gotten, when it came down to it, because Naomi was fun and compassionate too, but she was wildly intelligent and knew when to get serious, as well. Without having to act as her Big, it was easier for Jade to be sympathetic to Katherine anyway, so it worked out and she appreciated the relationship she had with Katherine. While everyone knew that Jade's "mama-bear" instincts were only meant with good intentions, she knew good and well that all of the Alphas had their shit together, but with Katherine, she felt like her watchful eye was more necessary, and feeling useful was something that she always appreciated. "You're going to have your own Little to worry about by next year, so you'll be fine. Naomi's going to visit anyway, but speaking of the queen herself, where is she?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Hudson Allen
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0.00 INK

"Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she'll conquer the world."
Outfit || Location: South Campus Lawn| Hex Code: #a2798f |Song: Sally


As they approached the Beta and Alpha tables something in Andre's demeanor changed. She glanced over to see what caused it and saw Naomi hanging out the Beta table. She knew that Andre and Naomi did a pretty good job of avoiding each other. She also knew that Andre might go on a girl binge after seeing Naomi and that hurt a little. But she loved the both of them so she knew it was her duty as his best friend and as her sister to stand by them.

She squeezed the hand that was still holding her own, and smiled up at him,"I know this is tough honey but it's going to be okay." She led him back over to the Betas table, careful to keep a smile on her face as she approached them. Keep your head, heels, and expectations high, that's what her nanny Lacey used to say. She kept that in mind as they approached the Alpha table. She wasn't nervous for herself really, it was mainly him. Yeah they were holding hands but she also had a bad habit of climbing into people's laps when she was tipsy. Not just males like Hudson, Kienen, and Andre, but females as well like Naomi, Kat, and Jade. But honestly she just was a toucher and she's also done that sober.

She approached Naomi first, letting go of Andre and going for a hug, before kissing Hudson and Kienen on the cheek, "I would love to chat but I've strayed from the Alpha booth long enough." She said with a wink. She pointed to Kienen and Andre, "I demand to be won a stuffed animal at the carnival tonight!" She added playfully before sauntering off to the Alpha table.

When she came back to the table she approached Kat from behind and pulled her into a hug, "I'm back" She said in a sing song voice. She let go and moved so she was leaning on the table in front of Kat and Jade. She smiled at the girls and tossed her hair over her shoulder. It was getting hot and soon she was going to need a hair tie to get all of that hair off of her. She recently cut her hair to her chest but originally it was hanging down her back. She thought that cutting it would help with the heat but it was still thick as ever and even more annoying because it kept slipping back onto her shoulder. "So what are we gonna do about Tatiana. I swear I'm not trying to be mean but... c'mon she wore leggings to this. The other day she went to brunch in sweats like we went to Denny's or something. We are Alpha's, I don't mean to be mean but you can't do that. " She huffed, getting herself a bit worked up, "If she can't lose the weight she needs to buy new clothes."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Hudson Allen
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0.00 INK

[ Location: South Campus Lawn Outfit: Click Here Mood: Meddlesome ]

As soon as Hudson finished his drink of water, Naomi had to prepare herself. Obviously, because she could tell by the mischeivous glint in his eyes that Hudson was gunning for her and it made Naomi fold her arms over her chest. She leaned her weight on her left leg, her left hip jutting out slightly as she took what Hudson had to dish out...which was, well it was a cute little dig. They were being tame apparently. Real cute, Allen, she thought but did not vocalize, head nodding absently as the Betas let out their respective "ooooohs" at their president's insult. But of course, she didn't have to wait long for him to make more to say because in typical Hudson fashion - and paying homage to the moniker she initially regarded him with - he continued.

This time, his commentary made her eyebrow raise in slightly contempt, a nervousness settling in the pit of her stomach. Andre was close enough, too close. Xanthe had came over and hugged her, which Naomi only returned half-heartedly in her disbelief at Hudson mentioning the one thing she had not even talked with the girls about. Especially when Andre was so near. It was never her intention for him to find out what happened between herself and him. The him in question received a small glare at that point, though Naomi made sure to return her gaze to Hudson soon after. Last she had checked, she had been pretty adamant with the other Beta that she didn't want their little mistakes to get out. But she should have known better - she did know better. Hudson, just like herself, was privy to information others would not know about until the situation had already blown over. She was foolish. As usual. The truth of the matter, however, was that Naomi was not about to cow. Even if her cheeks still felt heated with the shame of her past entanglements and the boys were a bit riled up by Hudson's nosy knowings, Naomi wasn't one to just back down to him and after a beat, a smirk formed on her face. She slid out from underneath Tristan's arm, who backed up knowingly, so that she could step further in Hudson's face. "For one, baby, if I would have left the boat selection to the Allens, I actually wouldn't be surprised that you would manage to find decent accommodations for our event. Mediocre, at best, much like your Dad's net worth," she heard Tristan and a few of the guys hiss out a collective "Shit!" that gave her enough pause to smile before continuing, "but I'm sure it would've sufficed just enough to prove why the Betas have always and will always come second place to the incomparable legacy of the Alphas. And the Ellisons, but...that's just me digging salt in the wound, right? Then again, knowing the many skanks you've dipped, flipped and tricked to stay relevant, I wouldn't be surprised if you did make the time to know all about boat selections. You Allens know all about compensating, don't you?" In that last leg of her first insult, Naomi had taken a small moment to eye Hudson surreptitiously, teasing, and with the faintest hint of trying to size him up as if she had not already done so before. Naomi allowed herself to giggle then and winked at the Betas who felt just a tad insulted, though they knew she was only being playful. Besides, she felt entitled to get back at Hudson for that small dig and the boys were more amused by the show than anything else. Not many people could say they could get one on Hudson Allen, shade extraordinaire.

Naomi hummed thoughtfully, taking just a second to level Kienen with a cold stare before grinning. "I'll leave you gentleman to your meat since that's about the only thing I think we all know you can handle best," she began, a note of sincere belief in her own statement in her voice, and Tristan was the first to indignantly cry "Hey, now!" which made her laugh softly. "But please, do come by the Alpha tent soon, Allen. I'd offer you some Nobu, but I'm pretty sure neither of us want a repeat of that crab infestation you had going for you some time ago?" She turned her eyes coldly upon Kienen, "Or was it you, Fox?" There was a notable difference in her tonality when addressing her drunken blunder: her voice was nothing short of steel and she didn't bother trying to hide her contempt. However, as quickly as the wind could sweep through, Naomi clunked herself on the head softly, taking on somber and apologetic tone. "My bad. It always escapes me which one of you has caught another STD. See ya, babes!" Just a bit satisfied, Naomi turned only to meet Andre's gaze.

Her breath stuttered in her chest because obviously, Naomi was seventeen again and Andre's eyes made her stomach flutter like it did on their very first date. But you ruined that, didn't you, some bitter part of her snapped and Naomi was a bit grateful that she was distracted enough by Hudson and the others to not have seen the display of affection Xanthe probably showered Andre with before walking away. It would have been too much - it would have hurt too much. So, she did exactly what she did when she had decided to break up with him - the guilt and hurt in her eyes hardened until he was nothing more than another Beta to her and all she uttered for him was a brief "Hey, Valentine" before stalking across the way to the Alpha tent.

By the time Naomi made it back to the girls, her favorite three were all together and it brought a much more relaxed smile from her, even her shoulders released the tension she had felt mounting within her being in Andre's presence. It was ridiculous that one person could still have that much power - that he held so much power and didn't even know it - and it made it harder for her to breathe. Her anxiety was rising and the coffee still in her hand was cold now, so she set it on one of their tables. "Hey, babies!" She greeted, quick to embrace Katherine fiercely and give as convincing of a smile to Jade as she could since she was the only one between the other two to be able to read her lies. And she should have been better at being nice to Xanthe since the poor girl did nothing wrong, but Naomi's hackles were still risen, Andre's face was still fresh on her mind, and Hudson calling her out was still ringing in her ears. "And if you're going to another lovers' stroll, perhaps after your responsibilities for the day are over, ok babe?" It was unfair and not right, and Naomi was going to feel horrible later but her smugness overpowered any guilt she could have possibly felt for unnecessarily snapping at Zan. Naomi didn't wait for a response and she knew she was being catty, but she couldn't help herself at the moment. She needed control and the best way to do that was distract herself with the freshman that came over. "Welcome to the Alpha Theta Pi tent. I'm Naya..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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Outfit: Shoes | Dress
"Didn't she have class or something? I don't know but she better get back here soon." Katherine was on the verge of returning to Jade's reference to Andre, when Xanthe walked over. She was going to casually ask Jade what her thoughts on Xanthe and Andre were, and for a more detailed account on what had happened with Naomi and Andre. She needed reassurance that there was nothing romantic lingering there in either of those cases, to reassure herself that she wasn't a horrible person for having made out with Andre a couple of times. She needed the reassurance mostly because from her own accord, there was something still lingering with both of her friends, and she was a horrible friend. It wasn't like Katherine to keep secrets, especially not ones about hookups since she very rarely interacted with anyone in a sexual manner, but that in itself had made her more nervous about the whole thing. She had hooked up with Andre once over the summer, and that night, she could still brush off as being a drunken mistake. She had consumed enough alcohol that she was able to be convinced into doing cocaine... so she could brush off kissing Andre as being a consequence of the alcohol, too. However, she couldn't exactly use that excuse again, to justify their more recent make out session, or how she engaged almost as much as he did, in the secret flirting. It was so bad, and the worst part about it, was that Katherine wasn't even sure what she felt for Andre. She considered that maybe if she was head over heels in love with him, this would be understandable. She could claim that she couldn't help herself. But with the way that Katherine was, and how years of body image issues had limited her from ever even considering developing any sort of relationship with guys, she wasn't even sure if she was really that attracted to Andre. Sure, she could recognize that he was very attractive and that she was definitely having fun when her face was pressed against his, but was it a thrill that was exclusive to him? Did she need to have fun with a guy who already had romantic ties to two of her closest friends, plus a friendship with Jade. Being involved in this at all was bad news, and Katherine was well aware of it, but she wished that she could feign ignorance on the entire matter. Xanthe's presence quickly eliminated the chance of Kat bringing it up, and Naomi showing up only a beat later sealed the deal.

Although Katherine knew that when Xanthe was shallow, she was doing it more-so out of being blunt and maybe even actually concerned, than being purely petty and shallow like Katherine was, she still enjoyed having someone to gossip with. A smile found its way to Kat's lips as she offered a nod of agreement, and normally she would have been very quick with some snide, follow-up remark to agree with Xanthe, but comments about weight threw her off, mostly because it led to her being very worried that Xanthe probably had these same conversations with other girls, about her. It was foolish and even Kat knew that, but it didn't stop the anxiety from coming back every now and again. "I think she was blaming gaining so much on her thyroid being messed up, or something, but I heard that her dad was indicted on embezzlement charges or something, and like, her whole family's falling apart at the seams." There was barely an ounce of sorrow in Kat's reasoning, and any that was originally there was removed once she followed up with, "But I totally agree. I mean, we could be nice and take her shopping or something."

Katherine noticed nothing off about Naomi's greeting, until she made the remark to Xanthe about leaving to go on a "lovers' stroll". It made her wince internally, only because it was surprisingly, yet nonchalantly, sharp and unexpected, and rather than say anything immediately, her eyes quickly fell upon Xanthe to read her reaction. Partly, she wanted to see if Xanthe would be as caught off guard as she was, but she also wanted to see how she reacted to the "lovers'" part of Naomi's comment, if at all, because it would give her at least a semblance of peace if she responded with disgust at the thought of it. When the fear of Xanthe responding positively to that part of the comment set in with Kat, though, she opted against sitting there and got to her feet. "My package from Sephora that I've been waiting for, for like forever, finally got here this morning, and it has all of those Caudalie face masks that I was telling you guys about the other day, so I kind of want to go back to the house now and try one, because I feel like my pores are like, literally on the verge of a mental breakdown." She opted against waiting for Jade of Zan's response, and instead, found her way towards the front of the booth where Naomi stood. When she was no longer in the middle of a sentence, Katherine squeezed her arm and put on her best smile. "Okay, so I love you, and you're totally so pretty right now, and I want to hang out with you all day, but I can feel my pores turning into craters right now, and I have a Caudalie mask calling my name. Am I free to go?" she requested, with dramatically playful batting of her eyes being added in for the extra effect.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

Xanthe's return brought a smile to Jade's face, but it faded just a bit when she brought up the topic of her group text from minutes before: Tatiana. Sure, Jade had noticed that the younger Alpha may have gained a few pounds over the summer as well, and she certainly wasn't dressing to Alpha perfection, but Jade wasn't the type of person who would ever want to address that with another girl. If anything, she would want it to be done in a very indirect way, such as inviting the girl to come on her daily jog with her or something. She knew that Xanthe's intentions were pure because she truly believed that her little was far from a bitch, but at the same time, not everyone understood that Xanthe's criticism was almost always meant to be constructive. Tatiana had to be aware that she had gained some pounds, and therefore, wasn't trying to squeeze into those pretty dresses and blouses she had sported the year before. She had to be insecure about it, and Jade didn't want her to feel worse, but at the same time, Xanthe was right - she was an Alpha, and she had a house to represent, especially at an event like this. If Jade could have gotten away with wearing a pair of leggings or workout shorts and a t-shirt, god knows that that was what she would be wearing at that very moment, but she was aware of what was expected of her as an Alpha. So, while Jade didn't think that Xanthe or Katherine needed to be the ones to say something, she agreed that someone needed to do something.

"You two, be nice. Unless you want to just casually take her out on a friends' shopping trip, don't you say anything. Both of you can be a little... harsh, and if that's true, Kat, then the last thing she needs is anyone telling her that she looks like garbage." She brushed a strand of misplaced brown hair behind her ear, her eyes flickering past Xanthe as she watched Naomi approach from across the lawn. "I'll tell Naya to talk to her later, but you two don't say anything. I don't need her accusing you guys of being mean girls." It was interesting how concerned Xanthe was for the Alpha name. It was definitely a good thing, in terms of her leadership ability, and the pride she took in the representation of the Alphas was admirable, but Jade still felt like this was something that Naya, or at least an upperclassman Alpha, needed to take care of. Otherwise, she really felt like Tatiana could be offended. She knew that she would have been, at least, had she been in that position.

Naomi had reached them then, offering Jade a smile that was quickly returned, though she was surprised with how quickly their president left, and more-so, with the biting comment that she left Xanthe with. Really, it wasn't too mean, but it was just not something that Jade expected Naomi to say, and that along, given the topic, made it clear that Naomi was bothered, not so much with Xanthe leaving the booth, but with leaving with Andre. It made her frown, partly because she knew she had to talk to Naomi later about it, but also because she knew Zan had been completely innocent in whatever she had been doing with Andre. Jade, along with a few other senior, junior and sophomore girls had been manning the table completely fine, so Zan's disappearance had largely gone unnoticed. Nothing was crashing and burning, no responsibilities had been neglected. "She's just stressed out, don't take that to heart," Jade reasoned to Zan almost immediately once Naomi and Katherine had left the table. "She's been up late all week." Since Jade had been unable to prevent the comment from Naya, she felt like it was necessary for her, for some reason, to come up with a bunch of excuses for why Zanny had no reason to take it personally. "But what has been going on with you and Andre? I'll ask him myself and he'll tell me," she teased, trying to lighten the mood now. "So no beating around the bush!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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0.00 INK

"Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she'll conquer the world."
Outfit || Location: South Campus Lawn|| Hex Code: #a2798f ||
Song: Sally-Bibi Bourelly || Mood: Uncertain


Zan took a bit of a step back from Naomi when she lashed out at her. She bit her lip to hold back the retort that was already forming on her tongue and simply nodded as Naomi walked away. She figured Naomi was just stressed out but at the same time she had received Naomi's blessing when she confessed that she had feelings for Andre and that she might pursue him this year. She was finally starting to have hope in Andre. After months of watching girl after girl after girl hop in and out of his bed she just... she felt like she needed to tell him how she felt and if he decided that he had no feelings for her than he could say so and they could go back to being best friends but if not... who knew?

When Kat walked away she opened her mouth in protest. "God, her too? " She huffed out in frustration, "I walked away for like fifteen minutes, twenty tops, and I was nearby."

Even though Jade tried to make her feel better it wasn't really helping. She knew that Naomi was stressed out, she really understood that, but why did she have to take it out on her? And then Kat just left her too. What was even Kat's deal she just left so abruptly? Zan bit her lip, she tried to think of what she could have done to make Kat disappear too but she couldn't think of anything. I mean not anything she did on purpose but Zan had a habit of being blunt and saying things without thinking, so who knows? She might have pissed her off by saying something.

She was in her own world when she heard Jade mention Andre. She knew that Jade was just trying to lighten the mood but it was a question that she should answer. I mean she told Jade everything so why should she stop now? She tucked some stray hairs behind her ears and sighed audibly, "I mean I don't know. You know we're best friends right? I mean he's been there for me through so much" She paused and glanced over to the Beta tent, only to see he was gone. "Things kind of... changed when me and Cas broke up. It first started with him flirting with me to cheer me up and stuff but then I developed feelings for him. " She looked Jade in the eye and smiled sheepishly, "Real feelings Jade. I know I always think I have real feelings but this isn't one of my stupid crushes. I really care about him. I'm thinking of telling him at the foam party"

She glanced down and felt her stomach tighten, "Something has felt.. off lately though. I thought it was because he still loves Naomi and trust me I know he does but it's like he's keeping something from me. I don't know what it could be though because we face times almost every day this summer. Even if it was for five or ten minutes, he would have told me. " She shrugged and smiled brightly, it was a fake smile and she knew Jade could tell but she smiled anyways, "Doesn't matter I'm probably crazy. Just ignore me, I might not even tell him."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Jack Decker Character Portrait: Haezia Jimenez Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky
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0.00 INK

Location: South Campus Lawn || Mood: Energized and Excited || Outfit: ΖΝΔ

Lorraine smiled brightly at the two freshman standing before her. They were so curious about Zeta Nu Delta. Between the two of them, they were asking a lot questions. They ranged from GPA requirements to parties. The blonde giggled at the two girls. They were just like her when she wanted to join a sorority. ”Like every sorority we have a GPA requirement, but it is manageable. And our dress code isn’t as formal as the others..” She said, gesturing to the Alpha’s and Beta’s table in particular. ”We have access to the greatest parties and the best alcohol. And being a Zeta means you are automatically in good graces with the Sigma. Now if you are down to have a amazing time in college while getting your education, Zeta Nu Delta is for you. You want to learn how to be fake to everyone around you, Alpha’s are for you.” The girls giggled at Lory’s explanation. They seemed extremely interested. So like a good ‘V.P.’ she took their information. She waved goodbye as the freshman went to check out the other booths. Lory kept an eye on all the other members just to make sure everything was running smoothly. But a dumb redhead came into her line of sight. And this particular redhead was an Alpha who was hooked onto Andre. Poor Andre. Stuck with a Naomi copy. Xanthe gave her a rather rude look and Lorraine returned it with a smug smile. The blonde was not going to entertain her. Not right now.

While she had some time, Lorraine decided to text Jade back. She had to make it quick since Casper was waltzing right over to her table.

Don’t act like u don’t want 2 be my fave Alpha all the time. And don’t feed Freshman lies about Zeta’s. Besides I wanted 2 see u before the carnival

With that she set her phone down."Val," Lorraine smiled up at Jack’s Little. "don't you look ravishing in that skimpy dress of yours." The blonde giggled. ”You haven’t seen skimpy” She teased. Lorraine most definitely enjoyed the game that they played. Constant flirting and no sex. It was more fun for Lory since she felt like he was trying to get into her pants. ”Just wait until change.” Lory winked.

Another one of her favorite Sigma brothers heading her way. She smiled widely. It was Cas’ big. "Just saw your text. Me and the boys are calling it quits early today with this fair, but we're gonna start getting ready for the carnival in a little. We've got a shit load of liquor and bud, so you and any of your other Zeta girls are welcome, Lorraine knew what that meant. There was going to be a pre-party before the carnival. How could she say no to that? ”I will be there. I just need to close up shop and wear something way more revealing.” She joked. ”Now shoo. You are attracting Freshman with your nice body. Makes it hard to pack up.”

The blonde gestured him and Cas away. She waited patiently before telling the Zeta’s to start packing up. The fair was dulling down. Most of the action happening closer to twelve. It was getting closer to two and Lory was ready to shut down this table. They had quite a lot of sign ups. Haezia would be proud. Speaking of the president, she sent her a quick message.

Everything is going well @ the fair. Gonna close up soon.

It gave her another idea. Pulling out her phone, she sent another message to Jade.

Runaway from the Alphas 4 moment. Usual place? 5 mins?

Everything was packed up rather smoothly. The only thing that was staying behind, was the table. Lorraine adjusted her dress before waltzing right by the Alpha tent. Not because she had too, but she was returning the pleasantries. Lory smirked at Xanthe before moving on. She was headed to the Zeta house, not only to change but to hopefully get a daily dose of her favorite Alpha.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks
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It was hard for Jade not to want to roll her eyes, just a little bit, when Xanthe began to explain herself. Jade definitely had a maternal instinct in her, and she did care enough to a point where she wanted to know what this was all about, but it didn't stop her from finding some things to be... unrelatable. Like Xanthe claiming that she had been through "so much" which Andre right by her side. She was well aware of the breakup drama with Casper, and she wasn't discrediting Xanthe's feelings. It was just that with Jade, a lot of the things that her fellow Alphas deemed as being big deals, didn't really seem so major to her. She grew up with sisters, so she should have been used to the dramatic personalities, but she still sometimes wanted to break out of her Alpha mode and give some of these girls a good shake, while reminding them that there were bigger problems in the world. However, she wasn't going to do that. Partly because she reminded herself that Alpha Jade still somehow had to become the real Jade, and because this was Zanny she was talking to, and even if she thought she was being dramatic, she wasn't going to say so. Xanthe was her Little, and that alone meant that she held a certain piece of Jade's heart.

Jade had been close with Andre for the past two years, since she pledged Alpha, so it wasn't like she was unfamiliar with the man that Xanthe was drooling over. She knew Andre in a different way, though, clearly, because what she had with him was something that would never turn romantic. They were friends, and though she thought that she knew him well enough to ask him anything, she had never really brought up his friendship with Xanthe. With Zan being such a romantic, and Andre being... well, not, their friendship had actually always made her feel a little bit uneasy because she always wondered whether Andre being uninterested in Xanthe romantically would lead to drama that would lead to her having to pick one or the other. She would choose Xanthe, that was unquestionable, simply because the girl was her Little, but that didn't change the fact that it would be really hard, considering that Andre was the one connection that she had, at school, that brought out the "real" Jade. So, while Jade was normally superb with advice, this situation was one where she felt like she had to be more careful, and unlike her, less involved.

She frowned some, almost sympathetically, as she squeezed Zan's hand. "No, you're not crazy," she said, while shaking her head. "I think that you should tell him, if you actually want something to transpire there. But you know that I know Andre too, Zan, so this isn't me trying to crush your hopes and dreams, but... I don't know. Don't be crushed if he's not looking for whatever you're looking for. Andre is a good guy but his track record isn't that great in terms of the whole, 'showing up at your door with flowers and chocolates and asking you to be his girlfriend' kind of thing." She bit her lip, pausing for a moment, before continuing. "I just don't want you to get hurt." Which also meant, she noted internally, that she needed to speak to Naomi about this before the foam party. She didn't want Xanthe getting hurt by Andre, but judging by Naya's biting remark, she also had someone else to worry about in that department.

Her phone had buzzed while Xanthe had been speaking, a few moments before, but Jade only looked down to read the message now. She pulled her phone closer to her, upon seeing Lorraine's name, and biting back any hint of a smile, sent her a reply. Though she knew that she really would be screwed if she was spotted in the Zeta house, especially during the day time, when alcohol couldn't be used as an excuse, she knew that if Lorraine said no, she would probably end up going now anyway.

To: Lorraine
Naomi will murder me in cold blood! You know that! Can't I come over after the carnival?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Camille Roux Character Portrait: Kienen Fox Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky
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Location: Zeta House; Her Room || Mood: Impatient || Outfit: ΖΝΔ

Lorriane continued heading to the Zeta. She was really hoping all of the Zeta’s headed straight to the Sigma house. That would give her some privacy with the Alpha. Just to be sure that the girls headed to the Sigma house. She sent out a mass text letting them know about the party before the carnival.

;Zeta Sisters
Pre-Game @ Sigma’s!

The blonde made her way to the Zeta house. Pictures all over the walls to show exactly what the Zeta’s were about. She loved the formal ones just as much as she loved the playful slutty ones. The house was relatively clean, considering the amount of pre-gaming they do. How they all end up sober enough to clean up everything afterwards it beyond Lory. She does not really remember cleaning up after parties, unless she is close to sober. But Lorraine is never close to sober. At least not on purpose. She continued walking down corridor of the Zeta house. She wanted to change out of this semi formal dress. It was not her style. She wanted to show off more. Getting to her room, she shut the door behind.

The walls were an eggshell white. She hung up pictures and different items up all over the walls. The biggest picture in the room was over her dresser. It was of her and all the Zetas from last year. She was going to update it as soon as they had new recruits. She still had the pictures from her freshman year. They were in a scrapbook that she was going to cherish for forever. Her bed, located near the window, was not made up as usual. Clothing were thrown about in different places. It wasn’t so bad. The floors were still visible. She removed the blue dress and tossed it to the side and slid out of the converse. Lorraine stood before her closet trying to figure out what to wear. That was when her phone buzzed. First message came from Ruby.

Lory loved that girl. The moment she joined the Zeta’s she had been there to help her out. She was almost an Alpha, but she made the right decision. Even to make her feel like she belonged, Lory started calling her Ruby. It sounded cool and kind of worked since her last name was Roux, which sounded like Rose. The name had stuck and now everyone in the sorority calls Miss Camilla, Ruby. Though Lory thinks it means more coming from her. But she kept that information to herself. She took the time to respond to her message.

Don’t worry about him too much. And of course! I’m gonna meet you at the Sigma house!

With that message done and over with, Lory checked Jade’s and rolled her eyes. The blonde could careless about Naomi and how she feels. If she could rub this in the stuck up princess’ face without getting in trouble, she would. But right now it is a secret. To everyone. And that was okay since she got to tease Jade all the time. It was fun. Well it was for Lorraine.

No I want u now. 2 mins.

To sweeten the deal on this text message, she decided to send a picture to Jade of herself in her lovely undergarments.


With that message sent, she decided just to lay on her bed. She would deal with clothes once she figured out whether or not Jade was going to come and satisfy her. So while she was waiting, she decided why not flirt it up with some people. Get her in the mood.

Sorry 4 leaving u. But I had 2 get all skimpy 4 u.

U never came over and told me how beautiful I was. Too busy fighting away Freshman girls?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway
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Jade was acting out of character for the moment, but she would blame Lorraine for it. She was unusually okay with just letting Xanthe walk off, despite knowing that she was upset, after she discretely opened the two text messages that Lory sent her. In her defense, the second one made it hard to resist, so much so, that Jade decided that she would leave to go meet the Zeta. She knew that it was wrong, just as an Alpha, but then as a friend to Naya, especially after Katherine and Xanthe left, but then again, there were a substantial number of Alphas still present. Unlike Zan, Jade couldn't bring herself to just slip away from the booth and text Naya for why she left. Not only did she not want to be rude, when she was the one who was so adamant about how Naya had put too much work into this event, but also because she didn't think Naomi would be pleased with a Big and Little set both disappearing in that manner, with just a text to explain their absence. And though she knew Naomi and Xan were close too, she suspected that she would end up being the one to hear about it, since she was the "Big" in the relationship.

Once Xanthe was gone, Jade found her way to Naomi, who was being the picture-perfect President, as per usual. "Hey Naya," she smiled, again, acting unusually selfish by not taking this moment to comment on the incident with Zan earlier, or how bothered Naya had seemed. "I have to drop off some notes to one of the girls in my Developmental Bio class who was sick today. Mind if I leave now, or will you need me?" It wasn't like she didn't feel bad for acting like everything was okay when it wasn't, but... right now, Jade just really needed a release, and Lorraine always ended up being the perfect answer to that.

Naomi had slid her phone back into its hiding place after a minute to wrap up a brief informational session with a possible pledge when she felt another presence at her side. Her head lolled to the side, almost lazily but definitely leisurely, to meet Jade's eyes before looking away, the same coldness she had showed towards Xanthe earlier returning now that she had read the redhead's text. "You're dismissed," she stated impassively picking up a few pamphlets. "We'll be cleaning up here soon anyway. I'm bored and I want more coffee."

If Jade was going to leave this organization fair early, there were a lot of things that she should have prioritized above it, over Lorraine. She hadn't eaten since eight in the morning, so lunch was seeming pretty appealing right now. She needed to go back to the house and get changed and ready for the carnival. She had a research paper for her immunology course due Friday. Essentially, she had a lot of understandable reasons to leave the carnival, and yet here she was, defying her own morals, and leaving to go mess around with Lory. A Zeta. Thinking about it made her head hurt, but it didn't stop her from giving Naomi a grateful smile, despite knowing good and well that she should have stayed, especially sensing the tension in Naomi's response, and then continuing towards the Zeta house. As she walked, she responded to Lory's text with a playful one of her own.

To: Lorraine
If I make it there in 2 minutes, I expect a reward ;)

Jade was athletic, so if anyone could have made it there in two minutes, it would have been her, but she wasn't going to attempt to run in heels, she it probably took her closer to five to get to the Zeta house. With a quick glance around to asses her surroundings, she decided that there was no one around, and slipped through the back door. It was a move she had made too many times for it to feel awkward, yet it always left her feeling nervous and somewhat dangerous, as she found herself inside the Zeta house. Lorraine's bedroom was only feet from the back door entrance which was nice, and by now, Jade was accustomed with just giving a quick "coast is clear" look, before barging into Lory's room, without bothering to knock. She couldn't risk even a few seconds of being in the hallway, where another Zeta could find her, and as soon as she was in Lorraine's room, she locked the door behind her. "I purposely took longer than two minutes, to give you time to lose the lingerie," she said as her way of greeting Lory, a smirk forming on her lips as she admired the real-life version of the texted image that Jade had sent her. She would pretend to complain about her still being clothed, but she couldn't dismiss the fact that Lory was definitely a sight to be seen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lex Pearson
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[ Location: South Campus Lawn Outfit: Click Here Mood: Frustrated ]

Naomi didn't look in Jade's direction until the brunette was gone and her frown deepened. Not because she actually cared that three of her girls were leaving since she had already dismissed those who actually needed to go to class, but because...well, it didn't really matter. None of it really mattered and the fact that her mood had been this affected and all she said to Andre was "hello" was disgusting and pathetic. Nothing really new, though, some part of her brain taunted her and Naomi mentally rolled her eyes at her pity party. She was president of the illustrious Alpha Theta Pi and she was actually fucking moping about what exactly? A broken heart? She could be doing so many other things instead of being that with her best friends...someone else...

At the thought of doing someone, Naomi quickly retrieved her phone again to text Lex. Considering she still saw the Thetas at their table, she surmised that the junior hadn't left yet and while some part of her knew that she would only be using her right now, another and more prominent part of her brain questioned why not? They had slept together several times before and it wasn't like she didn't like Lex, which was an entirely different headache that she couldn't face and she would rather screw the girl's brains out. Or make really distractingly make out...followed by alcohol...lots and lots of alcohol...maybe she didn't even need to go to the stupid ass carnival. It had too many memories of her first time hanging out with Andre and Tamara and Chantal and just - no.

To: Lex
What I gotta do 2 convince u 2 b reckless w/ me?

"Start packing," she finally ordered the other Alphas and the girls who weren't distracted by speaking looked up, surprised by the command. When she took on the mantle of president during her junior year, Naomi had left a permanent mark on the girls that alerted them to the fact that she saw things to the end. It was her thing. It came from a desire to never leave a project unfinished and not being satisfied until she at least had the final product in her possession. But this was also a testament to her emotional status, which not all of the girls would be privy to. If she was her usual bubbly self, Naomi was someone to tip-toe around if you wanted to maintain your position and honestly, life. If she wasn't being that, it was even more imperative to not piss her off. And right now, there was a delicate thread that her voice alerted them to and everyone seemed on edge, so Naomi smiled. And if she found some sick fascination in having that kind of power over people, then sue her. She'd still be rich, to be honest. "Relax, I'm just dismissing you to go ahead and start cleaning up and go about your business. I want some down time before the carnival, you guys do too, and we did good for the day ladies. Not like we never have before because ummm, we're great," a few of the girls giggled at the return of her babbling and Naomi forced her smile to grow, "but alas, we've done what we can. We were here bright and early and there is a beautiful bottle of Domaine de la Romanée Conti Echézeaux that is calling my name and that none of you are even getting a whiff of. Now, chop chop!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Andre Rocha Character Portrait: Hudson Allen
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"Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she'll conquer the world."
Outfit || Location: South Campus Lawn|| Hex Code: #a2798f ||
Song: Cake-Melanie Martinez || Mood: Angry


Zan, after having a good cry, had gotten herself together. The first thing she did was pick up the broken frames and scoop them into a dustpan to be disposed of when she got back. She walked over to the mirror and and gazed at herself. She looked... sad and it kind of annoyed her. It wasn't the first time a man had let her down and it wouldn't be the last but it would be the last time she gave a guy that everybody told her was no good a chance.

She got her supplies to make her a sexy storm of anger and hurt and got to work. First she blew out her hair and curled the ends so it framed her face nicely. She skipped all the makeup and instead went for mascara and cherry lip balm. She slipped on some sexy expensive lingerie and pulled on a strapless blue top with white jeans that hugged her shapely behind more than some of her slinky dresses. On her feet she slipped on black heels and she wore a choker around her neck that was tied into a bow at the front. She sent a text out as she got her things together.

To: Naomi, Jade
We need to talk NOW

To: Hudson
I know you know. Who else does?

She slipped out of the door only to be met by Andre at the door. Part of her wanted to scream at him and hit him and part of her wanted to sob and have him hold her until the pain was gone but, besides the flash of hurt that appeared in her chocolate eyes when he called her stunning, she hid it well. All her life she had been the pretty one. The girl you want to keep on your arm. She wanted him to be different so bad.

She heard him talking but it was like she was drowning and everything was muffled. He took her hand and she let him and it felt so good then that she almost felt like she could ignore the fact that he was in love with Naomi; the fact that he hooked up with her best friend; the fact that everybody would know; the fact that he would never love her like he loved naomi; the fact that she would be humiliated, again.

"You mean a lot to me, Zan, in more ways than one. I want..." Her eyes flashed to his face, searching for something, anything to say that he was going to tell her the truth. But it wasn't there. " prove to you that I can be loyal, so we can start something here, something real. I'm going to stop sleeping with other girls, and I'm only focusing on you, Xanthe. I want to make this work, I want to make us work."

Her breath caught in her throat and she felt like somebody had physically hit her, it hurt so bad. She smiled sadly, She leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips, call it a parting gift. "I waited so long to hear that." She said before sliding her hand out of his, "But did you decide this after you hooked up with Kat or after you lied to me all summer?" She stood up and slid her purse of her arm , "Or maybe you decided this when you saw Naomi and realized you still loved her. So what am I your second pick? You can't have the queen so why not take the princess? That's what you love to call me right?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Andre Rocha
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0.00 INK

Outfit: Shoes | Dress
Katherine didn't object to Andre's assumption that she was uncomfortable with their hookups and that they should stop. As the conversation had progressed, she had actually only grown more uncomfortable with the idea that he was sitting here, sharing his feelings with her. It was about her best friend, so it was understandable in that respect, but it became clearer now, that Kat appreciated Andre when they were drunk. When none of this feeling and emotions stuff started coming up, because not only was it something she didn't want to delve into with Andre, but with anyone, in general. Katherine wasn't ready to emotionally open herself up to anyone in that manner, and she felt uncomfortable with someone doing it to her, too. "Okay, well... good luck then," Katherine offered, and though it sounded unsure, she meant it genuinely. She took a few steps towards the stairs leading off of the porch before turning to him with a lighter smile. "Just know that if you screw this up, you're going to have the entire Alpha house ready to kill you," she teased, though it wasn't completely a joke. If Andre did manage to hurt Xanthe, especially knowing how into him she really was, he wouldn't get away with it. That was a fact, more than it was a joke.

As she walked back towards the Alpha house, she decided that it was easier to feel less guilty about everything, now. She had only made out with Andre on two occasions. On one, she had been close to blackout drunk, and on the other, she had been far less drunk, but still drunk. It didn't mean that it wasn't wrong, especially since she could still be flirty with Andre on completely sober ground, but now it was probably done for good, and she was fine with that. That was why no-strings-attached hookups were good and fine with her. She didn't need any emotional investment, especially if she wasn't even ready to take it very far physically. When she got into the Alpha house, she first stopped in her bedroom, where she changed out of her dress and into a sports bra and leggings. It wasn't a look that she would leave the house in, but she needed to be comfortable as she got ready for the comfortable, and once she had her face mask on, she knew it was much easier to relax in that attire, over a dress. She didn't notice that across the door, Xanthe's door was shut and she was in there, or else Katherine definitely would have went over to socialize, despite looking part-alien with the green face mask sealing away her skin. She didn't notice, however, and instead, opted to just relax in bed. She had some time before she needed to actually get dressed and ready for the carnival, and she wanted to treat her face for at least twenty minutes, anyway. As she pulled up Netflix on her computer, she sent out a couple of text messages to relieve her boredom.

To: Naomi

To: Naomi
Ily you're not mad at me for leaving early right?

To: Xanthe
Want me to tell Tatiana we'll take her to the mall tomorrow before the foam party? Do you have class?

To: Jade
Can you help me with my homework before the carnival Image?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway
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0.00 INK

Location: Zeta House - Lorraine’s Room || Mood: Satisfied || Outfit: Naked

The hookup was supposed to be a quick one. They both still have places to be and people expecting them to be there. But as usual, they took their time. They had to cherish the time they had together since they could not openly be this way. The blonde did not mind taking her time with Jade. It was always worth it in the end. Taking the risk was always rewarding. Lory felt like Jade did not understand that sometimes, so the blonde would always have to initiate the risky meetups. In the back of her mind, she felt as though Jade had some regret. But that has yet to be expressed out loud so Lorraine tried not to worry about it. Walking on the dark side was healthier and more fun. It must suck having a stick up your ass all the time. Acting so pretentious and like you are better than everyone. Lory didn’t understand how you could be interested in something like that. But even though she preached her case to Jade, she continually expresses how much she loves the Alphas. The blonde adjusted herself in the bed so that she could give Jade some room, but keep her within arm distance. And then she just admired Jade’s after-sex glow.

No matter how many times the two have done this, it was still strange to Lory that she was sneaking around with Jade. Everyone has known Lorraine for holding nothing but hatred for the Alphas. And anyone that was anyone knew that Naomi and Lorraine don’t even glance in each other’s direction. And yet here she is. In bed with her right hand. But there were no regrets. Because once they get behind closed doors their sororities didn’t matter. Jade didn’t act preppy and stuck up. And Lorraine held her sarcastic tongue about the Alpha’s. It was a mutual respect for each other and the sororities they were in. That was why Lory enjoyed sneaking away. There was a moment for them to breath and relax. So getting Jade away from the Alpha’s was something she started to crave. It was unhealthy that she could not get away from the brunette. But she was not making any efforts to break away.

After devouring Jade with her eyes, she smiled softly at the girl. Lory leaned in and pecked her lips before rolling over to grab her phone. It was not that she did not want to spend time with her, but she needed to make sure that no one was looking for her. If they were, then Jade would have to leave. Luckily there were no messages, no phone calls, no snapchats, no anything. She was in the clear for right now. Which meant more time basking in relaxation. She could not spend too much time here though. There was a lot of pre-gaming the blonde had to do with the Sigma’s. If she showed up too late they would think something weird was happening. And she did not need anyone snooping around.

Lorraine put her phone down and then rolled back over to give her undivided attention to Jade. ”How much longer do I have with you?” she asked, draping an arm over the brunettes waist. ”I don’t think I am ready to head back into reality and pretend like I hate you.” She told her, subconsciously drawing circles on her waist. ”Tell me sweetheart. How’s life? I feel like it been forever since we have been like this.” The blonde was not trying to act like a couple, but she was trying to treat Jade like the friend she felt like she was. That involves being interested in the other person’s life. Lory was in no rush, so Jade could take her time with whatever it is she wants to say.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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She didn't answer Lorraine's question about how much longer they had together, because while she knew the answer was "not much longer" she didn't want that to be true. If there was one thing that was very true about the Zeta reputation, it was that they knew what they were doing in bed. Back in the Alpha house, they would attribute that to the fact that the Zeta girls were constantly moving from one guy's bed to the next, so them having experience should have been a given. However, here in Lorraine's bed, Jade couldn't even think to be that petty. She was feeling too grateful for how good Lory was and how nice and peaceful it was here, in her bed, and too relieved from any of the stress that had been bothering her lately. Of course, the moment that she rolled over for just long enough to check her phone, the stress came flooding back, because she read Xanthe's message about needing to talk to her and Naomi, and it seemed urgent. There was another message, one from Katherine, about wanting help with homework, but that one was too mundane to result in any extreme feelings. She rolled over, onto her stomach, and propped herself up with her elbows as she quickly sent a text back to the group chat.

To: Naomi, Xanthe
I'm omw back to the house as we speak

She wanted to send one privately to Xanthe, too, and tell her that if it was something that just she could handle, to follow up with Naomi and tell her that she didn't need her help, since Jade didn't want Naomi being bothered with anything unnecessary. However, she also knew that Zan wouldn't have requested to talk to Naya too, unless she actually needed both girls' attention and opinions, so she withheld the text, and instead, slipped out from underneath Lorraine's comforter. "I'm sorry, Lory, but I have to run. The girls... need me back, and you know that me being here this long already is asking for trouble." She smiled down at Lorraine apologetically as she scrambled for her clothes, which were now scattered around the floor of Lorraine's room. "But don't worry, you don't need to pretend like you hate me. Be true to the world, and show how much you love and honor the Alpha house. I'll keep on pretending that I hate you, but you acting like we're better than you won't be anything unusual," she insisted teasingly, her smirk growing more playful as she glanced back at Lory's face. With her dress zipped up, and her sandals slid onto her feet, Jade was ready to go, but she didn't leave without offering Lorraine a parting kiss, and one more apologetic smile, before saying, "I'll see you at the carnival." The urgency of Xanthe's text didn't even allow her to feel the need to send Lorraine out of the bedroom to do a "coast is clear" check, before Jade cracked it open, peeked out, and then scurried towards and out the back door.

Her heart didn't stop racing until she was a good distance from the Zeta house, to a point where there was no way of telling that that was the specific location she had come from. She got lucky, she warned herself, since as she headed towards the Alpha house, she passed more and more Zetas who were on their way back to their own house. If she had stayed, even just a few more minutes, it would have been that much harder to leave undetected. Luckily, the Alpha house wasn't far away, and that was especially true considering that the Tory Burch sandals her sister had sent her, insisting she wear with today's dress, were digging into the side of her feet in a way that promised a huge blister if they didn't come off in the next two minutes.

As she approached the back of the house, she answered Katherine's text, and another text to Xanthe and Naomi, as well.

To: Katherine
If it's homework that's due tomorrow, you're not going to the carnival until it's finished. Start doing it now, I'll get ready for the carnival quick and then come help you.

To: Naomi, Xanthe
Home, I'll be in my room if you girls need me?

Jade headed in through the back door and quickly made her way upstairs to her bedroom. It was one of the smaller rooms in the house, but that was by choice. As an upperclassman now, she could have taken one of the larger rooms, but the smaller rooms allowed for her portion of the housing fees to be smaller, and that was all she really cared about. Her bedroom offered her as much room as she needed, anyway, and when it came to her closet, it was probably actually more room than she needed. As she looked through her clothes rapidly, she knew that she wanted to wear something casual. However, her version of casual differed from the Alpha's version of casual, so she had to make a compromise, and chose an outfit that nearly completely consisted of hand-me-down items from her sister. While they were hand-me-downs, with the way that her sister shopped, most of those "hand-me-downs" had only been worn once, by the older girl, and a lot of them, not even at all, and only called hand-me-downs because she wanted an excuse to buy Jade clothes, to make her a proper Alpha, without seeming like that was directly what the clothes had been purchased for. She spent only two or three minutes brushing her hair out, again, and retouching her makeup slightly, since really, Jade didn't care about how perfect she looked that badly. The Miami heat meant that makeup and hair needed a slight touch up, but she wasn't going to worry about it, too much.