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Lex Pearson

"If you think good thoughts, then they will shine out of your face like sunbeams, and you will always look lovely."

0 · 1,993 views · located in Miami, Florida

a character in “Welcome to Fulton University! {Reboot}”, originally authored by partially-stars, as played by RolePlayGateway



"If you think good thoughts, then they will shine out of your face like sunbeams, and you will always look lovely."
{The Best Thing (That Never Happened) | We Are The In Crowd}

Alexandra Elizabeth Pearson "Yeah, I know, it's a mouthful."
Lex, Lexa, Alex
Human Rights
Theta Chi


"There is a reason the worst storms are named after women."
{ The Fire | Tonight Alive}

Lex is somehow both intimidating and non-threatening, depending on how she wants to come across. At 5'6", neither impression is affected by her height. Day-to-day, she's rather unthreatening. Her dark brown hair is either pulled into a ponytail or hidden under a beanie, and she has to wear glasses in most of her lectures. Her style can only be described as hipster- she lives in checked shirts, skinny jeans, combat boots, and beanies. While this doesn't disguise her curvy build, it also doesn't flaunt it. She does wear makeup day-to-day, but it's usually subtle and unremarkable. Most make the mistake of overlooking her- until they hear of her results or dare to get into a debate with her.

However, when Lex wants to look intimidating, she can. She has yet to find a pair of heels she can't walk in, and isn't afraid to reach for them. Rather than disguise her femininity, she plays it up. She flaunts her figure, she curls her hair, and she breaks out her red lipstick. She dresses of success- if she wants to win a guy, it's close-fitting dresses. If she wants to win a debate, it's a tailored suit. She knows all of her physical strengths and isn't afraid to flaunt them.

Thoughts On Greek Life:
When Lex entered Fulton, she was a loud-mouthed teenager with a superiority complex. She'd originally sneered at sororities. However, on joining Theta Chi, that quickly changed. She learned the value of girls supporting girls, and now she's closer with some of her sorority sisters than her actual biological sister. She'd recommend it in a heartbeat to any freshman. She adores the events, the community aspect, and the people she shares her sisterhood with.

It's not hard to guess Lex's ambitions by looking at her major and minor. She wants to be a human rights lawyer. She specifically wants to help girls in developing countries and defend their right to education. She'd be willing to dedicate her life to that cause.

" You think people won’t notice you? You should shine brighter. You should get more special."
{ I Am The Fire | Halestorm}


She feels naked unless she's wearing mascara and lipstick, even on her low-maintenance days. She always taps her pen or pencil against her lips when she's thinking. She almost always has a bottle of water and gum on her person. She always, always wears matching socks.

Good Personality Traits:
Loyal || Supportive || Hardworking || Loving || Determined

Bad personality traits:
Stubborn || Hot-headed || Vicious || Manipulative || Confrontational

At first, one would not guess Theta to be Lex's sorority. Lex isn't shy in the slightest- in fact, she feels most confident when speaking in front of a crowd. She's certainly not afraid to speak her mind. She doesn't shy away from confrontation or trouble. If anything, she embraces it with open arms. She was captain of the debating team in both her junior and senior years of high school, and with good reason. She's intelligent, well-spoken, and well able to formulate an opinion. She doesn't believe in making herself smaller to fit the mold or to make other people happy. If she doesn't know you, but you stand in the way of her success, then she'll tear you down to get what she wants. If she knows you and doesn't like you, hiding is probably the best option. If she likes you... Well, you're safe, but that's not to say she won't figure out how to get her way. She's manipulative, willing to bend people to her will. Her temper is hot, and she'll only play clean if you do. She'll do something just because someone told her she couldn't, purely just to spite them.

However, there's no denying that she does show some of the key traits of a Theta, and outside of a debate or any situation that could be considered competitive, she's one of the sweetest people you could hope to meet. She doesn't believe in tearing other girls down out of jealousy or anything similar, and much prefers to help out her fellow sisters. If Lex is your friend, then you've got a friend for life- or at least until you seriously mess up. With her brains, she could coast along without too much work- but that's not her way. She works hard, but she plays hard as well. She's incredible fun to have on a night out, but knows exactly when to stop. She's always willing to help out someone in need, whether it's with a ride somewhere or help with assignments. She's passionate, and when she gets excited about something, it's verging on infectious. When she loves, she loves deeply. When she's your friend, she's one of the best friends you could hope for. She's the type of person to take random selfies and photos with her best friends, just so she has mementos of her college years and of her college friends.

Greatest joys in life:
  • Winning a debate
  • Frappés
  • Red lipstick
  • Killer heels
  • Succeeding
  • Proving people wrong

Greatest fears:
More than anything, Lex fears being mundane. She fears being stuck in some office somewhere, unable to help anyone or do anything she loves.
Deep water also frightens her, even though she can swim.

Life philosophy:
"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -Christopher Reeve


"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world."
{ Chandelier | Sia}


Lex has heard story after story about how her friends' parents were high school sweethearts, prom king and queen, and then got married as soon as they graduated college. She, however, much prefers the story of how her parents met. They were opposite sides from the country, yet happened to go to the same college. They shared no classes. Their first interaction was when Victoria Sawyer, Lex's mom, had to drag two guys off of Thomas Pearson and then patch him up after a protest had turned nasty. Being a pre-med student, Thomas had talked her through the whole thing, while Victoria, a business student, had to confront her dislike of needles and blood. That conversation was the beginnings of a lifelong friendship that just so happened to develop into a romantic relationship.

Both Thomas and Victoria were activists, and while they stopped attending protests when they graduated and became successful adults, both still stuck to the causes they were passionate about. Both donated to a number of charities once they were earning enough to do so without endangering their own needs, and both fundraised for the same charities at a number of points in their respective careers.

Lex's older sister, Maggie, was born when Thomas was 31 and Victoria 29. They instantly fell in love with her, and instead of hiring nannies or other people to look after her, they both rearranged their schedules to allow one or the other of them to look after her. The same happened when Lex was born. Letting other people look after their kids was never an option for the Pearsons.

With two activists as parents, it was no surprise that Lex developed an interest in human rights. Maggie took after her father and went on to become a doctor, but Lex knew that she didn't want to be a doctor. Maggie was so good with people- she was kind, gentle, and patient, if a little bit of a pushover. Lex, while sharing some of her sister's good traits, was the opposite. A master at debating, somebody jokingly suggested law to her. However, that was an idea that took root in her mind. By her sophomore year, her mind was made up.

With a leading surgeon as a father and a highly successful businesswoman as a mother, money was never an issue for Lex. However, she still received a number of scholarship offers, and considered a great many of them. However, she eventually decided on Fulton, one of the few colleges that hadn't actually offered her an academic scholarship. The school's facilities were too great to ignore, and the name itself would get her places. The fact that she could minor in human rights just sealed the deal.

The only reason she considered rushing for Theta at first was to get access to their library. She had no huge interest in Greek life- however, on meeting and hanging out with the Theta girls, she realised that it wasn't what she'd been lead to expect. The girls were so wonderful and friendly, and she instantly wanted to surround herself with those kinds of girls. So she rushed for Theta and hasn't looked back since.

Image"Don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man."
{ Hurricane | Halsey}

Face Claim:
Kat Dennings
Dialogue Colour:

So begins...

Lex Pearson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault
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Tuesday, October 4 || 12: 30 PM || Location: South Campus Lawn || Weather: Sunny, partly cloudy with winds coming from the south

It was something about the day that had a certain kind of buzz trickling into each and every vein of each and every student on the campus of the magnanimous Fulton University. Seniors and professors alike would tell you that it was perhaps the excitement of the upcoming Homecoming Week, which would mark the return of esteemed alumnae whose legacies were still felt in the halls they once occupied. Older staff members might say it was the stifling heat of the near oppressive Miami sun, its beams bearing down on each and every individual as they made their way across campus, some wearing less stifling clothes than others. The promise of water rides and cool refreshments for later in the afternoon practically drying tongues with anticipation for the Annual Fulton Carnival. However, as newer and the band of less sentimental students would tell you, was the thrill of the unknown...of the spine-tingling allure of Rush Week. While the Student Organization Fair was exciting in and of itself, there was still something devastatingly seductive about seeing the booths for the competing Greek houses, all of their members decked out in their Greek colors. The synergy of their competitive spirits was electric in the air and there was no telling what could happen before the rest of the day's celebrations...

[ Location: South Campus Lawn Gate Entrance Outfit: Click Here Mood: Enthused ]

To be quite fair, it was not like Naomi had left the girls, Xanthe in particular, unprepared. For one, she had specified that she needed to finalize the plans for the foam party, which meant overseeing the yacht docking, making sure that catering was still on, and the other small details she needed to iron out while simultaneously making sure that they had enough snacks and such for those who visited the Alpha Theta Pi. They had been decorating since Sunday and Naomi had had the small menu - yes, she was doing extra and no, she did not give a damn - for snacks planned out back on Saturday. Xanthe didn't have those things planned out. Naomi just wanted to see how she would handle dealing with having to keep track of which of the Alpha ladies could leave duty at what time, greeting and informing prospective members while getting contact information from the ones that really stood out, and keeping up when food started to run out. She had left an hour ago and she had been getting one of the seniors to keep her updated on the sophomore's progress.

With her plans having been laid down in full last night, Naomi had been with the first wave of Alpha Theta Pi members setting the booth up and getting the food to the Lawn where all of the organizations, non-Greek affiliated included, were setting up. Like Naomi, some of the other girls who had helped earlier, especially seniors who needed all the credits they could get to graduate on time, had to leave. But she made it a point that everyone, much like every other Greek organization, had to wear the house colors. While she had made it clear that the girls could wear either pink or green, Naomi had done well with incorporating both colors into her ensemble. Her apple-green dress wasn't one of her most expensive items, not that she normally checked which brands she wore, but her elegance and refinery still stone through with the garment was accompanied by Lily Pulitzer sandals, Hellmuth bracelet from Portero, and Samira pearl-drop earrings. Naomi ran a hand through her hair idly as she closed the driver's side door of her Bugatti Chiron. Just as she made sure it was locked, she noted a few guys from the football team, shirtless, and painted in Fulton's school colors and had to laugh. "This is about to be interesting," she mused to herself quietly and stepped onto the sidewalk and headed to the gate to blend in with the throng of students coming and going.

After checking with the yacht her father had made sure to dock in Miami, Naomi did herself - and Jade - a favor by actually getting food without being prompted. She had drank a small mug of coffee when she first woke up, but stopped at Pasión del Cielo - a place she had found with Chantal - for the largest vanilla latte they had and an empanada. Nibbling on the flaky treat, she got the idea to text Jade a picture of her good deed for the day while simultaneously checking up on her favorite people. She didn't have to rush back to the Alpha booth anyway, after all.

To: Jade
See!? Eating w/out prompting lol! Aren't u proud of me?

To: Zan
Everything good?

To: Kat, Tamara
You guys behaving lol??

To: Chanti
Plz tell me I'm not da only 1 who could sleep 4 another 10 yrs


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Kara Hatake Character Portrait: Jessica Chae
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0.00 INK


Lex had been far, far too tempted to just rock up to the stall in a t-shirt and shorts. However, on remembering that they had both Alpha and Zeta to contend with, she had reluctantly put back the high-waisted shorts, and had instead pulled on a powder blue dress, cream peeptoes that added at least four inches to her height, and a cream belt to show off her waist. And, of course, to represent her sorority. She'd even put effort into her makeup. She had, however, also gotten a vanilla bean frappe on her way in, which had boosted her mood.

And now, as she looked around at the other sororities and fraternities, she was glad that she'd put the effort in. Some of the Beta boys were in suits, so, really, she'd gotten away lightly. But Theta's style had never been flashy. The very fact that both of their house colours were pastel spoke volumes. Lex's style, however, had never been subtle. Throwing her empty Starbucks cup into a nearby bin, she scooped up a handful of pamphlets and made her way into the crowd.

As soon as she stepped out into the crowds, she spotted her first set of targets. A group of girls who looked barely old enough to be there, already clutching a number of pamphlets, and looking terrified. Lex strode towards them with a beaming smile on her face. At first, their expressions turned to a universal look of terror, followed by forced smiles.

"Hey! God, these crowds are intimidating, aren't they?" Lex remarked, glancing around and raising an eyebrow. The girls murmured various agreements. "Anyway, my name's Lex, and I'm with Theta Chi! If you need somewhere to escape the madness, come find me. I'll bring you guys for coffee or ice cream or something. And don't worry, I won't track you down if you don't rush for us. I can remember my Rush Week and how terrifying it was, and I know that I would have loved someone to take me somewhere away from here. Everyone in the sororities is lovely once you get to know them. But if you're looking for the best library, Theta's your best bet. We don't party hard, but Scrabble nights can get ambitious," Lex joked, and the girls laughed. "Anyway, I better go find some more victims, but if you have any questions, come find me, okay? We can talk somewhere quiet if it all gets a little much. Enjoy the carnival tonight!" Lex said, handing them all a pamphlet, and heading back to the table.

She retrieved her handbag from her bag and sent a few quick texts.

To: Jess
you better not steal any pledges from us

To: Kara
come say hi at the stall! let me officially persuade you to join us :D


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Pritika Chaudhary
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0.00 INK


Priya's day had not started out well at all. First off, she was out of tea, her staple drink. Even her emergency supplies were gone! After that, she was late to her Rush Week stall after spending too long picking her outfit -- a powder blue skirt, with a cream blouse and tights. She had a variety of bracelets on, as well as black boots. At least it looked good. Before heading out, she took out her phone and texted the others.

To: All Theta Chi Members
guys im out of tea plz help!! if i drop dead in the middle of the day u know y

On her way to the stall, Priya spied a Starbucks.'Well... Since I'm already late, I might as well get some tea...' She thought, her tea cravings overwhelming her. She went inside and bought mint tea. Being from Starbucks, it wasn't great, but it was enough to last her a little while. Not very long, but enough. Enough to stop her from passing out from withdrawals. Pritika pondered if her tea addiction was getting a little out of hand. 'Yes, I should definitely try and get some control over this. Perhaps running out of my stockpile was a good thing.' She ran a hand through her hair, taking a sip and speedwalking to her stall. After all, making it seem like she was in a rush wouldn't leave a great impression on the freshmen.

Once she arrived, Priya found that Theta Chi really did have some competition. Being only a sophomore herself, she wasn't entirely sure what the other sororities and fraternities entailed, although the rumours about them had certainly gotten around. The majority of the freshmen seemed to be flocking to themselves and Delta -- relatively few were hanging around the Alpha stalls. Priya sighed and glanced around the stall, her eyes landing on her Big, Lex. "Lex! Hey, sorry I'm late! What did I miss? Do you mind catching me up?" She called out, jogging up to her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham Character Portrait: Pritika Chaudhary
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0.00 INK


⌠ Location : South Campus Lawn | Outfit : Click here | Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #BDA0CB | Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #B0C4DE

        Chantal unlike most of the other Thetas was away from the table. She was great at talking to people when it came to talking about her pride and joy, Theta Chi. She was so busy talking to a group of people that she didn't even have a moment to look at her phone. "Hey, guys! So, you're interested in Theta Chi?" She smiled towards the group of four girl who came up to her once seeing her letters on her necklace, presidential pin, and purse. What can she say? She loved her house. Not to mention it was easy to see what house she belonged to from her outfit and the mixture of powder blues and cream throughout her outfit. From her powder blue romper, cream corset belt and wedges, and matte white nails. When they all agreed that they were interested. Chantal smiled and handed them the pamphlets she had made for the fair. They their colors, powder blue and cream and were covered with photos from last year from bid day to big and little reveal and her personal favorite, their formal. It was the night she was voted President for the incoming year. After working so hard over the past four years, she finally going to get the chance to show Fulton what Theta was made of! "Well that's awesome! My name's Chantal and I'm president of the house. Let me just give a quick rundown of Theta Chi. You may have heard rumors about Greek life from friends or from movies, right?" She raised an eyebrow before the girls nodded. The blonde named Katie was saying how she was nervous how it might be like in the movie when it's all about drama.

        "I totally get it. I was nervous when I was rushing too and while I can't talk about all the houses. I can promise you that Theta's not like that. We're about friendship not gossip, fun not drama, and we have one of the best sisterhoods on campus and the friends you make in that house. You'll keep forever." She smiled when she noticed that two of the girls, Katie and Serena smiled as they continued to listen to her and look at the pictures of the girls. Serena looked up at Chantal with her green eyes as she told her that that sounded perfect. Chantal smiled before nodding. "It is pretty perfect. Well, I'll let you guys go and explore the other houses but, I really hope to see you guys during rushing." She smiled as she waved. She began to walk back towards the Theta Chi tent with their large wooden letters leaning against their table. Before getting to their table Chantal looked at her phone to see a text from Naomi. She chuckled as she was thinking the same thing earlier this morning when she was getting things ready for their Theta/Kappa party.

        To: Nomi
        Tell me about it! Hey if you have time before the carnival and wanna hang let me know. I still need help picking out what to wear. <3

        She sent the message before walking towards the tent and behind the table to see Lex and Pritika. She smiled towards them once another group of girls walked away from their table once they were finished talking to one of the sophomores, Melanie. "Hey, beautifuls. How's the table going? Think you'd snagged some good girls this year?" She didn't see that Pritika just arrived at the table and honestly it was probably for the best. Chantal didn't really like when people were late and she didn't want to have to talk to the girls about it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham Character Portrait: Jack Decker Character Portrait: Annabelle Chen Character Portrait: Parker Sullivan Character Portrait: Pritika Chaudhary
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0.00 INK


Annabelle looked out the window, wondering why so many people were outside and why the house was so quiet this early. Her mind took in the banners and the stalls and realised that it was Rush Week all over again. She remembered her own; finding her way through the crowds and knowing absolutely no one there. God, that had been scary. Still, she had found her way to Theta Chi and that was always a good think as far as Annabelle was concerned. Slowly, Annabelle made her way to her wardrobe. She vaguely remembered agreeing to help out on the stall. So no jeans.

Annabelle dug through her wardrobe, searching for the elusive blue dress her mom bought her in the summer. 'Well, now that you're Theta, you've got to look the part'. That apparently meant wearing dresses. What the hell, it was just one week that she had to act like a girl then she could go back to living in jeans and sweatpants. Annabelle pulled the dress and a pair of flats from the bottom of her wardrobe and quickly dressed.

Annabelle grabbed her purse and ran out the door. She had no idea what time it was, but she was guessing afternoon from the people milling about. "Make sure to stop by Theta Chi's stall, guys. Coolest people you are ever likely to meet." Annabelle said to a passing group of students as she hurried across the grass. She stopped by the table for a moment to get her breath back and gather her wits. She spotted Lex in the crowd, chatting with a group of girls. Chantal was out there too. Annabelle grabbed a pile of leaflets from the table, handing out leaflets to interested parties. A group of girls were lingering by the table. "Hey girls, you interested in Theta Chi?" One of them, a small dark haired girl with a round face nodded. "Nervous? Don't worry, everyone is when they first start college. Hell, I was a nervous wreck during my rush week, but the girls in Theta are honestly some of the nicest girls you will ever meet. We're sisters in every way but blood," she said, handing leaflets to the girls, "And, we don't expect you to be perfect, we just want you to be you. I hope I'll see you girls during rush week, don't be strangers." The girls said their thank yous and headed off, soon being lost to the crowd. God, had she looked that young during her rush week? That unsure? Annabelle heard Chantal's voice behind her, asking Melanie how things were going. Annabelle slowly shifted into the crowd, knowing how much Chantal hated tardiness, searching for Lex. She found her with Pritika, who seemed to have just arrived. "Were we like this during our Rush Week, Lex? Because if I was, at least tell me I didn't look twelve."


Blake stood in the sun, quietly cursing the sun. It was October, for crying out loud, it should be getting cold. The rest of the country was getting cold. But not Florida. No, never Florida. Still, he thought, looking over the female population of the campus, the hot weather wasn't all bad. Skirts and shorts were out in force and Blake was never going to complain about that. Why in the fuck were the Betas wearing suits? Blake shook his head. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans, and that was bad enough in this heat.

"We are the ultimate college experience, guys," he was telling a group of freshmen. "The biggest parties, the best frat house, no other house even comes close to our den, trust me, I looked. The wildest parties you've seen on TV? That's just an average party for us Sigmas. Unlike the other frat houses, we know how to have a good time. You want girls? You wanna party and get so wasted you forget where you are? Join Sigma. You wanna stand in a three piece suit in this heat, join Beta. But trust me, go Sigma for the best college experience. You're paying to be here, why not enjoy yourself?" He handed them the last of the leaflets in his hand.

Blake looked back over to the table and saw Jack talking to the rest of the guys. Blake jogged back to the table. "And I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to call it a day with this event. All of our flyers are basically gone, so kudos to you, Parker, for printing that shit out for me last night at three in the morning. But yeah, let's clean this shit up and get out of here. Azzi, you picked up the liquor last night, right? And Parker, you've got bud? I'll see if any of the Zetas wanna come over before the carnival." Blake already knew that Lorraine would be up for whatever Jack was planning, and she would bring at least a handful of girls with her. She could always be counted on for a good time. He probably knew that better than he should.

"Alright guys, only a few of us need to be here to clean up. Me and you three," he said, pointing to a group of guys whose names were escaping him at that moment in time. Shit, he needed to get on top of that. "We'll clean up and we'll see you guys in like, ten, fifteen minutes max. You guys cool with that?" He asked the guys he had singled out.. They nodded, and a few quiets sures met his ears. "Sweet, I'll see you guys inside."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Annabelle Chen Character Portrait: Kara Hatake Character Portrait: Pritika Chaudhary Character Portrait: Casper Siyansky
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0.00 INK

Location: South Campus Lawn | Mood: Happy and Energetic | Outfit: Here | Dialogue: #4E8975

Kara had been at the South Campus Lawn for a little while now. She had promised her mother she would take a look at each of the sororities booths before deciding where she would pledge. So at the moment she was at the Alpha’s booth trying to stay as unnoticed as possible. She truly wasn’t all that interested in this sorority and a few disapproving looks from a few of the girls running the booth confirmed why. She almost was tempted to try and join just to tick some of these girls off. She didn’t want to have to deal with that for the rest of her time at college though. So she just gave them a winning smile as she felt her phone vibrate.

The text she saw made her smile for real this time. So far she was falling in love with the Theta’s and a lot of it had to do with Lex and Annabelle. At the moment she’d gotten a text from Lex and quickly typed a reply.

To Lex:
be there in a sec seeing what alphas have to offer aka stealing free food ;)

She hit send as she nonchalantly made her way over to the small snacks they were offering and grabbed a few. She noticed the girls were still watching her and she smiled deviously. [color=4e8975]”Thanks! Looking forward to possibly pledging to you guys.”[/color] Then with that she turned and left the Alpha table. She wasn’t about to write all of the Alpha’s off as she had heard from some classmates that a few of the girls were actually pretty cool, but she had yet to meet any of those ones.

On her way to Theta’s booth she passed a familiar face, Casper was talking to a woman at the Zeta booth. She would have stopped to say hi, but didn’t feel like interrupting their conversation. She had a feeling they’d run into each other again at some point here and she could say hey then. Something about him intrigued her and she wasn’t sure what it was. It surprised her a little too because typically guys like him she found to be annoying assholes which she was positive he could be an ass, but she was still drawn to him for some reason.

She brushed the thought off as she finally made it to the Theta’s booth. She stood around searching for the familiar face when she finally spotted her. Smiling she made her way over to the woman and noticed Annabelle was there with her as well along with a few unfamiliar faces. ”So some of the Alpha girls may have made your job easier in convincing me to join you guys. Are all of them Bitch Queens or did I just get a bad bunch?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lex Pearson
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[ Location: South Campus Lawn Outfit: Click Here Mood: Frustrated ]

Naomi didn't look in Jade's direction until the brunette was gone and her frown deepened. Not because she actually cared that three of her girls were leaving since she had already dismissed those who actually needed to go to class, but because...well, it didn't really matter. None of it really mattered and the fact that her mood had been this affected and all she said to Andre was "hello" was disgusting and pathetic. Nothing really new, though, some part of her brain taunted her and Naomi mentally rolled her eyes at her pity party. She was president of the illustrious Alpha Theta Pi and she was actually fucking moping about what exactly? A broken heart? She could be doing so many other things instead of being that with her best friends...someone else...

At the thought of doing someone, Naomi quickly retrieved her phone again to text Lex. Considering she still saw the Thetas at their table, she surmised that the junior hadn't left yet and while some part of her knew that she would only be using her right now, another and more prominent part of her brain questioned why not? They had slept together several times before and it wasn't like she didn't like Lex, which was an entirely different headache that she couldn't face and she would rather screw the girl's brains out. Or make really distractingly make out...followed by alcohol...lots and lots of alcohol...maybe she didn't even need to go to the stupid ass carnival. It had too many memories of her first time hanging out with Andre and Tamara and Chantal and just - no.

To: Lex
What I gotta do 2 convince u 2 b reckless w/ me?

"Start packing," she finally ordered the other Alphas and the girls who weren't distracted by speaking looked up, surprised by the command. When she took on the mantle of president during her junior year, Naomi had left a permanent mark on the girls that alerted them to the fact that she saw things to the end. It was her thing. It came from a desire to never leave a project unfinished and not being satisfied until she at least had the final product in her possession. But this was also a testament to her emotional status, which not all of the girls would be privy to. If she was her usual bubbly self, Naomi was someone to tip-toe around if you wanted to maintain your position and honestly, life. If she wasn't being that, it was even more imperative to not piss her off. And right now, there was a delicate thread that her voice alerted them to and everyone seemed on edge, so Naomi smiled. And if she found some sick fascination in having that kind of power over people, then sue her. She'd still be rich, to be honest. "Relax, I'm just dismissing you to go ahead and start cleaning up and go about your business. I want some down time before the carnival, you guys do too, and we did good for the day ladies. Not like we never have before because ummm, we're great," a few of the girls giggled at the return of her babbling and Naomi forced her smile to grow, "but alas, we've done what we can. We were here bright and early and there is a beautiful bottle of Domaine de la Romanée Conti Echézeaux that is calling my name and that none of you are even getting a whiff of. Now, chop chop!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham Character Portrait: Annabelle Chen Character Portrait: Kara Hatake Character Portrait: Pritika Chaudhary
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Lex had started talking to another bunch of freshman when her phone buzzed for the first time. She ignored it, continuing her conversation about the library and about how, yes, it really did had been named one of the best research libraries in the country. She handed them a bunch of pamphlets, said her goodbyes, and headed back to the table just as Priya arrived.

"Ehh, not much. Alphas are dramatic, Betas are obnoxious- the usual. There seems to be a decent bit of interest. We just need to make sure we don't end up in the shadow of the others," she replied, checking her phone and grinning at the text she'd missed. "Jesus, Priya, that addiction's getting out of hand. We'll have to stage an intervention before long," she said, grinning and jokingly shaking her head.

At their president's arrival, Lex nodded. "Yeah, everyone I've been talking to has seen genuinely interested in Theta. I got a good few pamphlets handed out, and a few people have been back a few times to ask more questions and so on. They seem like a nice bunch. One or two seemed like potential Alpha candidates, though," she called, before Annabelle appeared from nowhere and startled her a little.

"Girl, I was one of the most obnoxious freshmen known to humanity. But yeah, we didn't look twelve, that much I do know," she replied, scanning the crowd. On seeing familiar coloured hair, she waved a little, hoping Kara would spot her. She did, and made a beeline for Lex. Things had been quiet ever since she'd arrived, and then everyone seemed to want to talk to her at the same time. Not that she minded, but holding five different conversations at once was difficult. She excused herself, before picking up some more pamphlets, shoving her phone in between them, and edging her way out to Kara.

"Some of them are alright. You've just got to find them at the right time of day and hope that they haven't fought with their boyfriend in the past two weeks," Lex joked in response to Kara's question. "But, I have to admit, they throw a decent party. But if you looking for non-bitchiness, then," she spread her arms dramatically. [color=9696FA]"You know where to come. Just, you know, don't get in any debates with half the sorority. But you know that by now,"[/color] she added, still grinning. Her phone buzzed, and she glanced at the screen. Naomi. Lex didn't even have to read the text to guess what it was, or even what it was looking for, but she still grinned up at Kara apologetically. "Sorry, gotta answer this," she said, quickly unlocking her phone.

She bit her lip as she read it, trying to keep her face as blank as possible. God, their relationship was so messed up. But at the offer, Lex couldn't bring herself to refuse. Everything was so complicated. Keeping things normal seemed like the best way to stopping them from getting worse.

To: Naomi
Buy me coffee at some point and I'm yours. Give me a time and a place and I'll make sure I'm there.

She grinned up at Kaa again, once again her usual smile on. "Sorry, had to be dealt with," she explained, glancing around and raising an eyebrow. Everyone else seemed to be packing up and leaving, so she cast a glance back at her own table. She was willing to bet that the others were going to start preparing for the party. And she kinda wanted to leave as well, but didn't want to abandon her sisters either.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham Character Portrait: Annabelle Chen Character Portrait: Pritika Chaudhary
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⌠ Location : South Campus Lawn | Outfit : Click here | Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #BDA0CB | Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #B0C4DE

        Chantal listened to Lex with a growing smile on her face. She loved hearing that people were interested in their house. But she did chuckle when Lex talked about two possible Alpha candidates. The president scoffed with a smirk. "Oh please. Knowing Nomi, she probably sniffed 'em out the second they walked away from our table." Chantal was joking, of course. She adored Naomi but she did make her fair share amount of jokes at the house just like she did with Theta except she didn't let her sisters continuously tear down Naomi's house and girls. (No shade though) Chantal looked at her phone to answer the message from the Alpha President.

        To: Nomi
        Well something happened to you.... But, lucky for you I'm amazing and I have wine for days and a bottle of Grey Goose with our names on it. It'll be a throwback to freshmen year babe!

        When Annabelle showed up to the table, Chantal laughed at her question about the two being so nervous when they were rushing and if they all looked like children. When Lex said they didn't look twelve Chantal had to go for it. The sarcastic comment was too easy. "Yea, Lex. A pain in the ass then, a pain in the ass now and you two were a little underdeveloped when you guys were their age." One of the sophomores who was starting to set up, Poppy started to laugh before covering her mouth to stop her from snorting. A student from England who still wasn't used to be around so many snarky and sarcastic girls. "Talli, c'mon that was cruel." Chantal opened her mouth in defense. "Oh, c'mon! They know I'm kiddin'. 'Side look at their beautiful bodies and faces to match if I may say so myself." Poppy just chuckled as she packed up a box of now empty cupcake trays and serving trays. "Here let me help. The sooner was all get this stuff packed up the sooner we can get outta here." Chantal began removing to table covers and put them in their large trash bag they had under to table. Looking at their table the only things they needed to do was toss their garbage, take the sign down, and return their paisley printed letters back to where they belong, the chapter room in the Theta Chi house. Chantal reached for the sign seeing that she was the taller of all of her sisters and reached for one of her letters. "Pops, if you could toss that trash. That would be awesome. I'll take one of the letters back if one of you get the Chi. But, other than that what do you guys have planned until the carnival?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham Character Portrait: Annabelle Chen Character Portrait: Camille Roux Character Portrait: Parker Sullivan Character Portrait: Kara Hatake
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"Girl, I was one of the most obnoxious freshmen known to humanity. But yeah, we didn't look twelve, that much I do know." Lex answered.

Annabelle said a quick 'hi' to Kara when she came over. At the moment, Kara was sticking pretty close to Lex. That was normal, Annabelle figured. She knew that she'd been the same when she first joined Theta; following the girl that had been the first to speak to her for the first few weeks until she found her feet. It was kind of sweet really. Still, Kara was pretty cool. She'd fit right in with Theta, Annabelle could feel it.

"Yea, Lex. A pain in the ass then, a pain in the ass now and you two were a little underdeveloped when you guys were their age."

Annabelle looked down at her chest. It wasn't huge but it was definitely there. "Rude." She said in mock-outrage. Poppy laughed loudly, her laugh descending into a snort. Poppy managed to get herself together enough to gently admonish Chantal.

"Oh, c'mon! They know I'm kiddin'. 'Side look at their beautiful bodies and faces to match if I may say so myself."

Annabelle twirled on the spot. She curtsied awkwardly. If she were being realistic, her dress was completely the wrong shape to be curtsying in, but it was Rush Week and no one seemed to care about much. "You're too kind, Madam President."

"Pops, if you could toss that trash. That would be awesome. I'll take one of the letters back if one of you get the Chi. But, other than that what do you guys have planned until the carnival?"

Annabelle grabbed a box and climbed on top of it, careful to make sure her dress wasn't riding up too much. She unpinned and carefully folded the Theta symbol before jumping down. She tucked the letter under her arm as she looked over the field at the remaining members of the various houses. She saw Parker heading in and felt her cheeks warm. She was pretty certain that he hadn't seen her, but he was cute. Annabelle turned her attention back to Chantal."My plan is to put something on that covers my legs. Beyond that, I haven't got a clue. Unless you need me for something?"


Blake gathered the banners, crumpling the paper under his arm. He looked over the field to check how Jack was getting on with the Zetas. Not that they would take much persuading. As he did, he saw Camille coming towards him. "Closing up shop? Well, I guess it's in my nature to be fashionably late." She twirled as she spoke.

Blake took a moment to admire how her dress hugged her curves. "Well, someone's looking good today. Special ocassion? Someone special?" he asked, a smirk tugging at his lips. He knew that there wasn't any prospect of a guy with Camille. Like him, she wasn't one for relationships. They had their arrangement, which Blake was more than happy with.

"There's no coincidence Zeta and Sigma are shutting down at the same time. There's a party, am I invited?"

Before Blake could answer, Parker came over. He complimented Cam before turning to Blake. "Hancock, I'm taking these back to the house. If you guys end up needing more help, just call me and I'll head back over. Otherwise, I'm gonna help prep for this pregame."

"I think we'll be good. Have fun without me for a while." Blake dumped the banners in the bins. "Of course you're invited. I'm pretty sure attendence is compulsory for Sigma's and Zeta's. Even if it wasn't, I'm sure Jack wouldn't mind you being there." Blake looked about and realised that the guys were pretty much finished clearing up the Sigma stall. " Looks like we're pretty much done here. I'll see you later, yeah?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xanthe Lampros Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham Character Portrait: Hudson Allen
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In collaboration with iCat


Naomi was panting when she officially pulled away from Lex, the need for air much more intense and harder to ignore than it had been some minutes before. Not that it mattered much because Naya could seriously dive back in and who the hell would blame her? Lex's mouth was sticky sweet and warm, the rich bitterness from the coffee Naomi managed to fetch still on the girl's tongue. Naomi hadn't hesitated in parting from her sisters with orders barked out to each individual before going about her own way. First, it was back to her car for the bag of clothes she had brought out of her sorority house in case she ended up - like she still planned to do - getting ready with Chantal. Then, to get the coffee for her very secret person and then here, where the only thing separating herself and Lex were the clothes Naomi really just wanted off, but that was just her being needy and impatient at the moment.

Breath still coming out quicker than normal due to their intense make-out, Naomi sat up from the girl lying in the bed, knees on either side of the Theta as she straddled her. A grin curved her lips lazily as she noted the disheveled hair fanning out on one of the pillows. She took in slightly darkened eyes that stared back at her, hot lust melting through the icy blue she was used to. She could see a small patch of pale skin from Lex's neck blooming a bruise and the self-satisfaction that thrummed through her riveted Naomi to her core, even as she faintly remembered that she wasn't supposed to leave any marks. "Told you I'd make it worth your while," she smugly exclaimed, running a hand through her own tousled hair while the other hand reached over to grab her incessantly vibrating phone.

Lex grinned up at Naomi, still panting a little. "Don't recall saying it wouldn't be," she replied. She knew that she should probably check her own phone- but honestly, she was enjoying her view. These moments were rare enough, so it was generally worth enjoying them while they lasted. It was only then that she became aware of the faint aching in her neck, and her hand immediately went to it. "Oh my god, you bitch," she said, genuinely shocked for a minute. But as she stared up at Naya, she was completely unable to stop herself from grinning again. "I am actually going to kill you one of these days, I swear to god," she sighed, running both hands down her face, but still grinning as she pulled them away. Naomi managed a distracted, but very pleased with herself smile, over her phone. She knew she would need to meet with Chantal soon; neither she or her fellow president liked being kept waiting for too long. But Hudson's text, followed by Xanthe's, were enough to keep her from giving all of her fucks to the wind in favor of being further distracted by the brunette underneath her. Or, at least she thought they were enough of a distraction until Lex's indignant cry.

"Hmmmm," Naya hummed thoughtfully, typing out a quick response to Hudson and point blankly ignoring Xanthe's demand for attention in favor of setting her phone aside. "But are you really complaining right now?" She held herself up, just for a moment, so that Lex could sit up more, and then comfortably settled on the girl's lap. She couldn't help the softer smile, the one that made her entire body relax, that formed on her face when Lex played with a curl that stubbornly refused to stay straightened. "You know, I really should get my revenge," the Theta commented idly. Naya's smile just made Lex's own smile widen. She knew that she was probably needed somewhere else, that she should probably be someone else- but damn, she knew that she didn't want to go. She knew in her heart of hearts that this wouldn't end well, that it was a messy situation- but she'd never liked anything to be simple, had she?

To: Hudson
keep me posted, if u can

Naomi knew that, for one, she shouldn't be here. The only Beta she had allowed herself to lay hands on was Kienen and that had been a bad idea, but this wasn't any better. This was more complicated, more trouble for herself and just plain more - a lot more than the travesty of her and other people. But two, she and Lex shouldn't be this damn comfortable and here they were. "Revenge away," she purred, her smile growing into a Cheshire grin and eyes glinting with a hint of a challenge. "But fair warning, I'm a really competitive bitch and this here...this is you declaring war and I don't care how distracting your hands are...I don't play fair." Lucky for her, Lex didn't always play fair either when they were like this and there was always a tried and true method in shutting Naomi's babbling. "You know me so well," Lex replied. "I never could resist a challenge," she added, before leaning in and kissing Naya again, pressing herself against the other girl. Her hands moved to Naya's hips, pulling her closer. Kissing Naya was like a drug - one that gave the best highs, that was stupidly addictive, that you didn't realize you were craving until you gave in. The withdrawals probably wouldn't be fun - but it was hard to focus on that right now. All she could think about was how she wished that time wasn't their limiting factor, how she wished she could just stop time right there and then and just stay in the moment of peace and happiness for hours.

Naomi giggled out a breathless moan against Lex's lips when the brunette surged up to kiss her, arms twining around the other's neck and fingers digging into soft dark brown strands to press her head forward, giving Naomi just the right leverage - and Lex aided in shifting Naomi's body even closer - to dominate the kiss, at least for now. Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly given how well one knew her, she didn't always demand control in this aspect of her relationships. Much more fun this way. Plus, she liked challenging Lex in this arena, like when she would tug the other girl's luscious lower lip with her teeth slowly. Always a great response to that. So great of a response - thrilling too - that any of her wrong-no-stop faithfully turned into yes-God-more. Naya's immediate response to the kiss was enough to take some of her breath away, It was a stimulant like no other, making Lex almost hyper-aware of the energy in her nerves and of exactly how alive she was. Her body and mind were perfectly in sync, crying out for more, more, more. Naya's teeth on Lex's lower lip only increased the sensation, and Lex moaned a little as she did so. She broke away as Naya's phone vibrated, but moved to the other girl's neck, her lips skimming the gorgeous bronzed skin there. "Someone's in demand," she murmured playfully. "Then again, I expected nothing less from Madam President," she added, before kissing her neck properly. Naomi's rolled her eyes, breathing out a sigh - partly out of pleasure, but definitely out of frustration, as she retrieved her phone again, this time to see a message from Jade. She giggled out another sigh at the sucking pressure Lex applied to her skin.

"For a second there, I almost thought that sounded like respect, Pearson," she replied playfully, allowing herself to smirk as she rolled off of the brunette. As much as she would have rather continued what she was doing, she knew Chantal would kill her if she was dissed just for Naomi to have a little fun with one of her own. What she definitely knew was that she was not dealing with Xanthe and whatever the girl wanted from her. Not without alcohol in her system. Which was the reason why she messaged the two Alphas and then Chantal. "As much as I would rather be doing this because this is soooooo much more fun, not to mention pleasurable for the both of us, I apparently have to be a good friend," she stated and slid off of the bed. She wasn't leaving the Theta house, so she didn't bother to slide her sandals back on. Instead, she picked them and her bag up, glancing over her shoulder at Lex with a teasing glint in her eyes. "I would say try not to miss me too much, but we both know that would be just a bit too difficult for you." She should have left it at that because, umm wrong move Naomi, but she couldn't feel too bad when she ended up leaning over to peck Lex on the lips one more time before securing all of her things and slipping out the girl's door, texting her people as she went downstairs. More people would have required tact and while what she had with Lex was supposed to be a secret, Naomi also didn't feel the need to sneak. She was usually here for Chantal anyway, and she was headed to the house's living room where she usually met the other president.

To: Zan, Jade
Not coming. Find me @ the carnival

To: Chanti
U should get me from ur living room b4 ur sisters have a heart attack


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham Character Portrait: Annabelle Chen Character Portrait: Kara Hatake
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Lex resisted the temptation to groan as Naya rolled off of her, signalling the end of their time together. However, her comment brought a grin and a snarky reply to Lex's lips. The kiss stunned her out of the reply, but didn't erase the grin. As the door closed, she flopped back onto the bed, running her hands down her face. For a few seconds, she just lay there, thinking about the past half hour or so. Part of her wished that they could just ditch the secrecy and stop having to hide. But another part of her knew that a big part of the fun and the attraction was the risk. They were both thrill-seekers and a little bit reckless. Would their relationship last if other people knew? Lex didn't want to admit it, but probably not.

She rolled across her bed to retrieve her phone, which had been much quieter than Naya's. There was maybe one or two texts, asking about her plans for the carnival. She replied to the necessary ones as quickly as she could, before getting to her feet and staring at her cupboard. The carnival seemed just a little bit boring now, like a chore she just had to do. But it was go or just mope around her room by herself, which seemed even less appealing. So, going out it was.

She quickly changed into a pair of black high-waisted jeans and a white crop top, throwing a checked shirt on over the top for good measure. The bruise on her neck only seemed to be getting more obvious, and she swore to herself- but still found herself grinning a little. God, how old was she, fourteen? You honestly wouldn't know by her behaviour. She needed to pull herself together before seeing any of the other girls. She picked up her phone, already practicing her poker face.

To: Chantal, Annabelle, Kara
so are we meeting at the carnival or before? think i missed that part of the planning D:

She took off her makeup entirely, before tying her hair up to inspect the damage. Even with heavy-duty concealer, she was going to have to keep her hair down in case it somehow wore off. She sighed heavily, getting to work. Things had been easier before, but she wasn't going to give it up. Not for the world.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham Character Portrait: Annabelle Chen
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⌠ Location : South Campus Lawn | Outfit : Click here | Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #BDA0CB | Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #B0C4DE

        As she started walking she turned back to Annabelle as she asked of the president needed anything. The senior shook her head and she fixed the position of the letter underneath her arm. "Nope. Just asking, making sure none of you are gonna go too crazy before the carnival. I'll be in my room if any of you guys wanna hang out before." She winked towards the group before making her way off of the lawn and towards their house. It may not have been as big as a few of the more expensive houses on campus but it was still the largest house Chantal had ever seen. She walked up the white glistening stairs to the two large powder blue front doors before setting down the letter to enter the pass code to unlock the front doors. When she heard it click she pushed the door open with her free hand before making her way to chapter room to set the letter against the wall before feeling her phone vibrate.She didn't even realize she had two different messages from Naomi and one from Lex. She groaned as she kicked off her shoes before unlocking her rose gold IPhone 6S to read the messages from the Alpha president first. She saw the first one and then the second showing that Naomi had already left before the two could meet up. Chantal could only groan once more. Great, just great.

        To: Nomi
        Ugh, fine. But you can't keep avoiding me. lol. Text me when you're at the carnival. <3

        btw what are you wearing?! IDK what to wear!

        She switched to the message from Lex to reply, walking of the spiral staircase as she looked her phone. Her room, the presidential room was on the top floor along with just one other room for whoever really could afford it. Hell the only reason she could afford to live in the overly spacious room was because of a scholarship she earned through the sorority's headquarters because of her grades.

        To: Lex
        We can! I'll be in my room getting ready if you wanna join and help me choose what to wear.

        She turned off her phone and tossed it on her bed once unlocking her door and entering the bright room. She left the door cracked as she set her things down while laying her shoes back in their place in her shoe shelf in the half empty walk in closet. She had a lot of clothes but not enough to full up the huge closet. She began looking through closet for an outfit but stopped in order to turn on her music which was hooked up to a system that could blast music throughout her entire room. She returned to the closet to begin looking towards her 'casual' section of her closet that consisted mostly of jeans and nice, one color tops. She began looking through a few different ideas, still having no clue what to wear. She was used to her friends saying she played it safe but she promised a few of them that she would take a few chances this year. To try something new 'for a change' as they put it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Jack Decker Character Portrait: Annabelle Chen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by M95
Parker spent a little while helping set up for the pregame. It didn't entail much, since the Sigmas were pretty simple, and knew that all that they needed to have a good time was a copious amount of alcohol, some snacks, music and people. However, when all of the beer pong tables were set up, the kegs ready, coolers filled with beer cans and bottles, and a table covered in an array of liquor selections, the boys realized that they were running really low on mixers. Though a lot of the guys suggested that they were better off that way, since "only pussies can't drink their liquor straight", Parker knew that that wasn't going to work out. Maybe if this was Saturday night, and they were just throwing one of their usual parties, but they had a school function to attend. This was just the pregame. They needed a good buzz, but they didn't need to reach a blackout drunk level, so after all of the boys chipped in, Parker offered to be the one to run across campus to the convenience store to pick up some bottles of soda. While he was there, he bumped into a friend who wasn't a part of the Greek system. Regardless, Parker invited him to the Sigma house for their pregame, and knowing that the Sigma boys weren't against extra faces, if it meant more fun, he put on a friendly face and invited, essentially everyone else who was on line with them. He wasn't sure if any of them would actually show up, but since most of them looked younger - maybe freshman or sophomores - he figured that extending the invite would at least ensure that the Sigmas lived up to their friendly, always trying to have fun, reputation.

Once he was back at the Sigma house, he sent out a few more texts to see if anyone else non-Sigma wanted to come over. Part of it was done out of sheer friendliness, and part of it was done because Parker was bored and wanted some fun interaction tonight. Even though the carnival started at three, since it went on until midnight, it wasn't likely that the Sigmas were going to leave their house for at least another couple hours, so he had time to make a few moves, depending on who showed up.

To: Lex
The boys and I are hosting a pregame tonight. If you're interested, stop by. Bring your girls ;)

To: Annabelle
Hey, this might be a really random text, so sorry about that in advance, but this is Parker Sullivan. I'm friends with Lex, in your house, and she gave me your number a while back. Just wanted to see what you were up to tonight :). If you're not busy, stop by the Sigma house with your friends. We're pregaming for the carnival. Anyone's welcome.

To: Kat
Come over, Katherine :). I haven't seen you in a while.

To: Jade
I'm sure you Alphas are too busy for us common folk, but stop by the Sigma house if whatever pregaming plans you have fall through. Promise we have lots of vodka!

To: Jack
Anything else you need me to do? Music sounds good, glad we invested in those new speakers

In true Sigma fashion, the pregame appeared to have only just started, but was already lively. Whoever was DJing was doing a good job with the play list, he already spotted a few girls who deserved more than the flirtatious "hellos" he offered them, and mixed drinks were almost immediately concocted once he set the sodas down on the drink table. Though he was ready for a drink himself, Parker took ten minutes to run upstairs to his bedroom to change into a more casual outfit, spritz on some cologne, fix his hair, and then come back downstairs. As he was returning to the front of the house, he spotted (and heard) Lory making her grand entrance, and that immediately elicited a smile from him. "Ah, my favorite blonde," he grinned with a smile. "We're pregaming out back tonight. They've got the music, the beer pong tables, and the alcohol out there... so I'm sure you'd rather be out there than on that couch. And if those aren't enough reasons for you to get up, I'm pretty sure Siyansky fucked the life out of a girl on that couch a few nights ago, so if you sit there for much longer, you might need to go back to your house and take a shower," he concluded, adding in a wink for good measure. "I just got back to the house. Had to run out to get mixers, so who's here? All of your Zeta sisters better already be out back!" he questioned, playfully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Jack Decker Character Portrait: Annabelle Chen Character Portrait: Kara Hatake
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Location: South Campus Lawn | Mood: Happy and Energetic | Outfit: Party | Dialogue: #4E8975

Kara smiled at Annabelle as she walked up, greeting her as well. Annabelle and her were in a few classes together so she was able to see her more often and decided she enjoyed her company. She could see them easily becoming friends good friends which only convinced her more to join Theta.

She turned her attention back to Lex as she answered her question. "Good to know. I mean it's hard to believe someone could always be bitchy. I'll look forward to meeting the Alphas that aren't that way all the time." She responded with a smile. Just then she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"There you are Kara! I've been looking all over for you since you texted me that you were here. Come on it looks like all the booths want to shut down. Let's go get ready for the carnival!" A little redheaded freshmen by the name of Becky said as she began to drag Kara away. She was one of the few friends she had that came to Fulton with her after high school. Kara loved the girl dearly, however sometimes she could be a little pushy. Kara brushed her off real quick insisting on saying bye to the Theta girls.

"Hey see you guys later. Let's hang at the carnival for sure. Text me." She smiled before being dragged away to get ready with Becky. As they made their way back to their dorms Becky informed Kara of a pregame Sigma party she had been invited to and was practically begging Kara to go with her. She laughed at the girls pleading, but agreed never wanting to turn down a good party.

As the two girls were getting ready she got a text from Lex asking if they were going to do any pregame before the carnival.

To Lex:
I would so love to, but a friend of mine is dragging me to the Sigma house for a pregame thing. It sounds pretty open though you should totally come over too.

She hit send before searching for an outfit. She wanted something impressive and fun, she needed to make a good first impression. She tried on several different things, all of which she liked one element of and not another. Finally she decided on an outfit and was ready to go.

Not much later Kara, Becky, and a few other freshmen girls were at the Sigma house. Most of the girls were nervously standing around, unsure of what to do exactly. It was their first college party. Kara wasn't even entirely sure what to do either and was relieved when one of the Sigma guys came up to greet them. He held out a drink and glanced at the other girls who were nervously looking to one another on whether they should take it or not. They took to long so she grabbed it and took a drink of it. The liquid quickly warmed her insides and she gave the guys a friendly and slightly flirtatious smile. "Thanks! It seems like it's all of our first official college party and none of us are sure what to do exactly." She said as she glanced around at the other girls who were all giggling.

That's when a woman joined them, a pretty blonde who seemed like she knew how to party. "Oh yes he's quite the charmer. I'm pretty sure he has all our innocent little hearts pounding in our chests." She laughed as she offered the girl a friendly smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham Character Portrait: Parker Sullivan Character Portrait: Kara Hatake
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Lex had just decided to go with shorts over jeans when Chantal's reply came. She waited until she actually had her shorts on before texting back.

To: El Presidente
Gimme a minute to find my shoes and I'll be up :D

As she kicked some shoes out of the way, searching for her trusty red Chucks, she glanced in the mirror to double-check the bruise was covered from all angles. She knew that she would probably just draw more attention to it by being self-conscious about it- but she also didn't want to have to deal with the awkward questions if it was seen. They were keeping this quiet for a reason.

She didn't bother tying her laces, just shoved her feet into her shoes, grabbed her phone and purse, and headed up to Chantal's room. The president, unsurprisingly, had the nicest room. Lex's wasn't bad, but it still didn't really compare. She knocked on the other girl's door. "This is your five second notice to put a shirt on," she yelled. As she was counting her five mississippis, her phone buzzed with a text from Parker.

[color=#966fa]To: Parker
Give me a bit, I'll be over. I'll try and drag some people along with me as well. Don't drink all the good stuff before I get there :P[/color]

She then opened the door to Chantal's room, heading straight for the bed and throwing herself on it. "We got an invite to the Sigma pregame. I don't know about you, but I'm going." A text from Kara, saying that she was already at the Sigma house, only confirmed that.

To: Kara
I'll be there before long, don't miss me too much ;)

"Oh, to business!" she moved to the edge of the bed, setting up a little. "Outfit. What are you going for? Casual? Sexy? Casual sexy?" She asked. She was at least ninety percent sure the caffeine rush had only been amplified by how she'd spent her time after drinking it, but everyone was used to her caffeine rushes by now. Besides, they'd seen her drunk. She was way worse when drunk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham Character Portrait: Jack Decker
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⌠ Location : Theta Chi House | Outfit : Click here | Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #BDA0CB | Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #B0C4DE

        As she waited for anyone to reply to her messages to them. The president set the bottle of Grey goose, that she kept in her own refrigerator along with her wine in order to make sure none of her sisters who were under 21 were able to get a hold of it, on her desk to get ready with whoever decided to hang out before they made their way to the carnival. She had picked out four different outfits and laid them neatly on her bed before hearing her phone go off several times in a short amount of time. The president set the large bottle of liquor down for a second before she had the chance to open in to look at who text her. She saw three different names; Naomi, Lex, and of course one of the biggest pains in her ass and Sigma Chi Delta president himself, Jack fucking Decker. She sighed sharply wondering what he was up to now but before that decided to look at and reply to the messages from two of her closest friends first.

        To: Nomi
        Thanks, babe!

        To: Lex
        I knew you were my favorite for a reason! ;)

        She sent the message and went on to Jack to read the two her had sent her. Reading the first one all she did was scoff and roll her eyes. "Oh please." She hated when people called her house losers and acted like all they did was study and stay in their cute 'little' library. Was the house smart? Of course, they were the smartest house on campus and topped the list for highest overall GPA of all Greek fraternities and sororities ten years running and you better believe Chantal was going to keep that tradition going throughout her president reign. She prided herself on it but that didn't mean that's all they did. They could go out and have fun and be sluts just like all the other houses if they wanted to but they knew how to control themselves. As she continued reading she gasped softly saying that she would 'lose' if she didn't go to the pregame at his house within ten minutes. She had nothing to prove to him. But, someone does not tell Chantal Cunningham that she's a loser. She responded to the 'hilarious' texts with a smirk on her face.

        To: President Jack
        1) I hate Harry Potter and 2) I have not a damn thing to prove to you. But, since you seem to want to see me oh so badly, maybe I'll stop by with my girls.

        Chantal was sarcastic by nature and that always showed even through her messages to people esp. to people who were as stated before; one of the biggest pains in her ass. But, she would be lying if she had said she didn't enjoy messing with Jack. He wasn't that bad to be around when he was sober and not a complete ass. Which was rare but, it made it bearable to have him trying to make her 'actually have fun her senior year'. And hell, even Chantal had to swallow her pride and say that he was very, very attractive and while Chantal rarely went for people like him. He was nice to look at even if she won't admit it to him under any circumstances. After realizing she was suckered in going to the Sigma house because of her pride she turned towards the still open bottle and crack it open pouring some into her small glass and throwing it back. She shook her head at how strong it was before pouring another one right when she head Lex at her door. When she came in, Chantal smirked. "Lex, sweetie. I know you want to see me without a shirt on one day but, sadly today is not that day." She pouting sarcastically before her close friend started talking about the pregame at Sigma once jumping on her bed and knocking a few of her clothes on the nice, spotless light cream colored carpet. Well at least she had someone to go with. She rolled her eyes with her smirk still on as she drank the shot before moving over to the bed to pick up a pain of her jeans and a black floral kimono of hers. She just tossed them on the bed as she spoke about the text she had gotten from Jack. "Yea, I'm going. Jack told me to go to prove I wasn't a loser. So, I'm going just to make him eat it."[/b] Chantal held one of her black crop tops up to her body as Lex changed the subject to what look she was 'going for'. She took a deep breath as she looked at the outfits with the crop top still in hand.

        "I honestly don't even know. I don't do causal will but I don't do sexy well at all either," That was a lie. She didn't think she was sexy but if you got the girl in a pair of shorts to show off those dark brown long legs of hers, or a nice crop top to show off her toned stomach, and a pair of heels to enhance her already tall height (that she loves). You could mistake her appearance as one of an Alphas. "I just want to look hot, you know? It my senior year and yea people know I'm attractive but I kind of want to show it off more like Naomi or one of her sisters but in a classy way." She looked back towards the four outfits she had out: One consisting of a black romper with sunflowers all over paired with a jean jacket and flats. Another being a black crop top with her black kimono that was covered with red and pick flowers along with a pair of her dark wash skinny jeans and black wedges that were a gift from her godmother. The third which was a pair of acid wash shorts and a flowy light blue top, and nude flats. And the last which was a light denim shirt with a pair of rose gold pants, and gold sandals. She looked at them before looking towards Lex with an exaggerated expression on her face since the vodka she has had begin to calm the stick in the mud, as she always called, down. "What you think? Out of these outfits which one would make you want to sleep with me." Yup. The vodka was definitely calming her down and taking affect.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Jack Decker Character Portrait: Haezia Jimenez Character Portrait: Jessica Chae Character Portrait: Park Min Ah
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0.00 INK

Location: South Campus LawnZeta House
Outfit: ZetaCarnival
Mood: Cheerful, Playful

Location: South Campus LawnZeta House
Outfit: Carnival
Mood: Mischievous

Freshmen. More like freshmeat. They buzzed about the different stalls, a nervous excitement fizzing about them, as fiercely obvious as the bright blue and yellow banner that swayed above her head, its letters glittering in yellow delight: Zeta Nu Delta. To anyone naive to the goings on of Fulton Academy, the three words meant nothing. Just a trio of Greek letters. But everyone who did was well aware of the connotations. Zeta Nu Delta; the party sorority, the fun house, home to the wildest girls on campus.

True enough.

Haezia smiled brightly as the freshman grazed the stall, glancing curiously over the festive balloons and display boards. "A wine cellar?" A mousy-haired girl frowned perplexedly through her glasses. "Of course. Where else are we supposed to keep the bodies?" The girl blinked in surprise, and Haezia smiled reassuringly. "Kidding."

"Don't worry girls," Jessica chimed in stepping up next to Hae with a smile. "I won't let our president over here taint our wine." she spoke throwing a playful glance towards Haezia.

Turning her attention to the steadily growing swarm of freshman before her, she smiled brightly. "Hiya, my name is Haezia Jimenez and I am the president of Zeta Nu Delta. As you probably know, us Zetas have a little bit of a reputation." A faint murmuring, and a string of nods assured Haezia that she was correct in her assumption. "Well, truth be told. The rumors aren't exactly... off the mark. Zeta Nu Delta is notorious for having the best parties, and I'm not just talking about on campus," She offered a wicked smirk to which Jessica joined her in before picking up where her friend left off. "But of course to be a Zeta means more than raves and thrills. For Zetas, sisterhood is forever. Sure, we get to drink, a lot, but we also get to hold each other's hair back when we have to undrink some stuff." A couple of laughs. Good. Jessica herself couldn't hold back a soft chuckle that escaped her lips when she finished. Haezia happily picked back up again, "Honestly, there is nothing like keeping a girl from dip-dying her new extensions in vomit to build a relationship." She laughed, briefly remembering her first Zeta party, and the blinding headache the day after.

Haezia and Jessica had to repeat the speech several times that day; taking out bits, adding others, getting some laughs, getting some frowns. But the two had a good feeling about this year, and the growing list of potential Zetas. Popping a chocolate into her mouth, Haezia shifted over to Jess with a smile, offering a chocolate from the garnished tray. Jess, always being the hungry soul she is took one in each hand. "Don't mind if I do." she smiled before popping one into her mouth and letting it melt on her tongue. Now she was never a chocolate fan but dark chocolate was different. It was bitter and sweet but not too sweet. In other words it had a weird hold on her and she didn't mind that it did.

Glancing at the now non-existent stack of fliers, Haezia smirked. "So, what say we pack up and, you know, go do some legitimately fun stuff?"

Jessica's eyes lit up with excitement as she quickly turned her head to look at her best friend. At this moment she kind of looked like a chipmunk since she had just popped the last chocolate in her mouth and it was poking against her cheek. A bright smile joined her excitement on lightly tinted lips. "Hell yeah! We have a carnival to get ready for." she exclaimed in between chews, her hand slightly over her mouth covering it as she ate.

After a quick little shower just to refresh herself Jessica exited the bathroom wearing her favorite black laced underwear with phone in hand. She gave a quick glance over towards Haezia who laid on her bed then smirked. "Well don't you look all ready to go." she commented as her fingers texted out messages to her friends.

To: Val
Damn, 4 in a row?
I think that counts you as both an addict and chain-drinker.
Sorry for the hella late reply, I was giving speeches almost all day and I guess I didn't noticed my phone vibrating.

To: Lexi
Uhmmm, I think it's a little too late.
They loved me out there. <3
You going to the carnival right?

Upon finishing the last text another one suddenly popped up on her screen making her phone vibrate in her hands. An instant smile suddenly appeared on her lips as she saw who it was from. It was a smile she couldn't help but to show as she made her way over to her closet. Her favorite Alpha had texted her and now that she was back she couldn't wait to see her.

To: Mina
Welcome back!! :D
I recorded the latest episode so whenever you want to watch it just let me know and I'll get the popcorn!
Gonna buy me some cotton candy at the carnival tonight?
I'll love you forever if you do. :3

Now that the very last message was sent Jessica set her phone down on her dresser and began looking through her closet. "So miss sexy pants," she paused pulling out a shirt and looking at it before hanging it back up. "anyone you're looking forward to seeing at the carnival?"

Haezia smirked, looking over the underwear clad Zeta with pointed approval before responding. It took her a brief second of consideration, and Lex's face floated in her mind for a flickering moment before she shrugged nonchalantly, heaping on the vanity as she rolled over on the bed. "Of course not. It's me that everyone else looks forward to seeing."

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she rolled back onto her belly to answer it. Noting the sender with a smile, she read the text with growing interest.

FROM; Jack
Bentley's a shitty beer pong partner compared to you... hurry the fuck up and get over here! Can't let my legendary name be tarnished just because you decided to be late

Sliding her blue-and-yellow-painted thumbs over the screen, she sent a quick text back before turning her attention back to Jess.

TO; Jack
Beauty takes time. We can't ALL be as naturally gorgeous as you <3 Don't worry, I'll be there soon ;)

"Jack's having a party to warm us up for the carnival. Better get dressed." Haezia looked Jess up and down, shrugging with a smile, "Then again, what you're wearing looks fine."

Jessica could only roll her eyes and smile at Haezia's comment as she pulled out another shirt, looked it over then hung it back up with lips pointed out in disapproval. "I shouldn't keep them waiting then should I? Considering that I hold you captive here." she smiled, finally pulling out a tan paisley laced blouse with a pair of denim shorts and her white chuck taylor's. It was a cute and comfortable combination that she approved of, plus she had brought this shirt a week back and wanted to finally wear it.

Upon hearing about Jack's little pre party Jessica was already slipping on her shorts. "Alright, alright hold your horses chica, give me a sec." tip toeing over to her dresser Jess pulled out a nice and simple white belt. She stopped for a second after Hae said that she should go in what she already had on and looked at herself. "You may be on to something there but I might steal all your thunder if I do." she laughed while looping the belt.

After pulling on her shirt, tucking in a bit in the front Jessica pulled on her chuck taylors over her white ankle socks then quickly applied just a tad bit of concealer, mascara, light eyeliner and just a little bit of her red lipstick, enough to color her lips but not over do it then just a quick once over with her vanilla chapstick for moisturizer. Jessica did a quick spin before stopping, facing Hae once more. "Looks good?" she questioned, turning back around and tiptoeing towards her dresser putting on the moonstone necklace her mother gave her along with a simple tan leather bracelet and cute bunny earrings.

"Alright." she stated, pulling out the two sticks from her hair and letting it fall down past her shoulders facing her friend once more. "Let's get the hell out of here."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Chantal Cunningham Character Portrait: Jessica Chae
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Lex raised an eyebrow in response to Chantal's comment about how she wanted to dress. "Babe, you can pull off sexy just as good as anyone from Alpha, and don't you dare try and argue that. You're gorgeous," she insisted, getting to her feet. She turned around to assess the outfits, laughing a little at Chantal's question.

"First things first, how drunk am I? Because there comes a point when I couldn't care less about what you're wearing, I just want it off of you," she remarked jokingly. Thankfully, she'd only reached that point of drunkenness once or twice, and both times, somebody had dragged her home before she could do anything she'd regret. The few drunken encounters she'd had had all been when her inhibitions had been lowered, but she'd always been aware of what she was doing.

"Hmm. Crop top, jeans, and kimono. But if you're wearing heels then I need to change my shoes, otherwise I will literally not be able to see your face," she teased, spotting the vodka. "Didn't your mom tell you it's nice to share? And I mean, at the pregame, we're gonna have to be dealing with literally everyone we hate. So, c'mon, share. I'll need to be at least a little tipsy before I get there," she added.

Her phone buzzed with a text, and she glanced down at it as she sat back down on the bed. The text from Jess made her grin, and she typed out a quick reply.

To: Jess
Sure they did. Absolutely, you going Sigma pre-game?

"Do you want me to get out while you change, or do you trust my sober ass enough not to make any moves? I won't mind being kicked out, I've got to go put on some heels anyway," she asked, glancing up at Chantal. Being able to joke about that kind of stuff was partially why she loved the older girl so much- well, that and the fact that she was generally a wonderful person.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jade Brooks Character Portrait: Naomi Malone-Ellison Character Portrait: Lorraine Callaway Character Portrait: Lex Pearson Character Portrait: Katherine Arnault Character Portrait: Tamara Ortega
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Tuesday, October 4 || 6: 55 PM || Location: Fulton University Annual Carvinal || Weather: Sunset, still humid with light breezes

There was something about carnivals that brought out one's inner child. The whimsical surge of energy combined with various food stands packed with every sugary, fatty and downright delicious delicacy coating the sticky sweet air everyone breathed. Screams from passengers aboard rides echoed all around, little beeping noises from won games filled people's ears. The playful ambiance of such events welcomed couples holding hands, students and even families, all searching for a little bit of fun after a long day. Carnivals were places to have fun, to relive just a small piece of one's childhood. It was also a place where anything could go and perhaps, where certain rules no longer apply...

[ Location: Fulton University Annual Carnival Outfit: Click Here Mood: Competitive ]

"Oh come on, Cunningham!" Naomi goaded, bending over to retrieve the white ball she missed in picking up from beside her Aquazurra sandal-clad feett. Once it was in her head, she quickly went back to the skeeball war she and Chantal had been in engaged in, playfully glancing over at the other woman before grinning. "Don't tell me that's the best you got." She laughed along with the overseer as they continued their rapid fire competition. The two had decided that the person would win the best three out of five. So far, they were neck and neck, which was as annoying as it was thrilling. It was a decent distraction, particularly after the day she had been having.

The truth was that, despite the fact that she was having fun with one of her best friends and even managed to get something on her stomach to give herself the much needed edge to get through the day without either passing out or killing someone, she wasn't actually calm. No, that was the point of finding games where she could expel as much energy and tension without actually finding Andre and punching him in his throat. Especially after his text. Naomi bristled at the thought and threw a ball just a little too hard, and it bounced off of the rim of the highest points she could have scored, which further made her upset. Who said she could tell him what to do anymore? Was he actually serious? How about the person who still could barely stand being in her presence for more than five seconds without storming off at some point? How about the person who text her continuously once they broke up because he wasn't ready to let go? How about - ?

Naomi scored two balls in the second highest point-giving hole and beamed. Andre pissed her off and she had really, really forced herself not to just dump all her things, find her way to wherever he was, and curse his ass to the fathomless pits of hell. She was impulsive enough to do it and literally hopped off her bed earlier with the desire to go after him. It wasn't until she had gotten another text from Chantal that she plopped down on the plush bed, took some breaths and then drank some water to clear her head. But that had not been enough to center her. Hell, playing carnival games with her bestie wasn't enough. It was just...satisfactory least until she felt less inclined to cut her ex. It came to a point that the game was over and, unsurprisingly considering her train of thoughts, Chantal won and Naomi playfully rolled her eyes as the Theta president picked out her prize. It was perfectly fine with Naomi. She had a pair of goofy sunglasses and a teddy bear to Chantal's first stuffed animal. They were bound to match up in terms of how many prizes they would win anyway.

"Look at you keeping up with me!" She cried dramatically and picked up her Angry Bird toy, and hugging it with one arm while her glasses fell on the top of her head. "Where to next? Or are you still feeling a little lush?"