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Piper Hansen

"decir queso, dites le fromage, say cheese"

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a character in “When The Lights Go Out Tonight”, as played by DyLAn:D



"I think its a pretty damn cool name"
Piper Hansen
"I hate nickname's, whats wrong with just calling me Piper its not hard"
Piper, Pip, Pippy (She hates this one)
"Hmm i wonder lets ask my boobs"
"What do you think"
Birth Date:
"Whoop no matter where i go there will be a party on my birthday"
January 1st 1994
"God i'm getting old"
"I likes boys enough said"

"I aint short but i aint tall neither, i'm perfect"

People say she is full of natural beauty being naturally blonde which forms into gorgeous curls and waves. Her hair reaches down to the middle of her back but she usually has in put up in a messy bun or braided to keep it out of her way. Being the tom-boy she is Piper will rarely do her hair, she usually just brushes it and leaves it not caring what it does.

Her eye's are a piercing gray with bits of dark blue and green. Piper find's that her eyes are her best feature for they are unquie and some times when she's in the sun to long they will appear silver. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul and Piper believes it because she may not say how she feels all the time but you can know how she's feeling through her eyes.

Her skin is blemish free and slightly tanned from the time she is outdoor's. She has a small scar on her right ankle from a tree climbing accident when she was six years old. Though they are hard to see Piper has faint freckles on her nose and cheeks.

Piper's build is lean yet curvy with a good sized bust and noticeable curvy. She worked hard for her body with all the farm work and running around she does. She is very comfortable in her body and she always seems to walk with a graceful step. Her usually attire consists of light jean short shorts, a tank top and a baggy button up shirt.

Piper is a very cheerful person, always smiling and always happy. She can have her serious moments but they are only for important events. Piper is a really tom-boy being raised by her father from the very beginning, she likes dirt not make-up, guns instead of shoes, etc. Sure she's had her girl moments like crushing on a boy but other then that its all "YEE HA"S" and "Shoot it's". She a very supportive person and likes to stick up for the 'little guy'. She can also be very protective when it comes to her friends and family. She hates bullies and if someone pisses her off they better run cause this girl knows how to fight, thank her daddy for that. Piper is a very natural person always finding peace in nature, she usually takes her camera out into the bush and takes snap shots whenever she's upset.

Hobbies:Taking pictures, fixing up her truck, hunting, target practice with her bow or gun, horseback riding, tinkering with her camera, cooking, playing piano, singing, playing guitar
Role: Camera Woman
Piper believes the camera is her calling for it has always been easy for her to get a amazing picture out of the simplest of things. She has perfect timing always getting the picture she wants. Using a video camera is no difference, she always seems to be able to capture the perfect picture.

Family: Daniel Hansen(Dad), Liam Hansen(Brother), Tyler Hansen(Little Brother), Catherine Hansen(Mother, Deceased)
Known Languages:French, English, Spanish, German, Native Australian

Piper was born in Australia, her accent gives that away. She moved when she was 10 years old after her mother died of cancer. Piper, her older brother Liam, her dad and her little brother Tyler packed up their things and traveled for a while going to France, Italy, Germany,London, Scotland then they finally found a large farm that they decided to call home.

When Piper went to middle school she was always teased and made fun of because of her accent, everyone calling her a book worm or a nerd. Her brother was in high school so he couldnt defend her and she was bullied until High school. Over the summer the little scaredy cat book worm became this confident beautiful woman everyone wanted to befriend. But Piper focused more on her studies and it payed off for she got the highest marks in her graduating class and a scholarship but she declined the scholarship cause she didnt need at and she gave it to one of her friend whom she knew was having a hard time in the money department. Piper has never been poor, before her mother died she was one of the top lawyer's in Sydney and her father owns a successful farming business that is still thriving. She went to college right away after high school.

Piper is a skilled hunter, knowing how to use a gun and bow. She can strip a deer of its hid in 2 minutes flat and has incredible aim. She is all farm girl and thats the way she likes it.

Piper's truck: 2010 Chevy Silverado Lifted & customized
Favorite Song she likes to sing: Glowing-Nikki Williams
Samples of Photography she's done: Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3, Sample 4


So begins...

Piper Hansen's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Hansen Character Portrait: Dorian Neal Character Portrait: Juliet James
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#, as written by DyLAn:D
Piper had filled her truck to the brim with everything she needed and now was just waiting for everyone, snapping picture's here and there. She grinned widely as Juliet entered the room, hey classic greeting making Piper giggle. Juliet and Piper might be completely different in things but as people say opposite's attract and her and Juliet were really good friend's.
"Hey JJ, got your van loaded and ready to go?" Piper asked and twirled around to face Juliet.
"Strike a pose gorgeous" Piper giggled and quickly shot a picture of Juliet.
Piper heard Dorian's comment on night vision goggles and turned toward's him.
"I think i have about.....six pair's if we need them, we use them when we go hunting at night, by which i might as is ten times better then day hunting" Piper smiled then squeaked happily.
She had been looking forward to this for forever it left like, she loved scary movie's and shooting one herself makes it even better.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Hansen Character Portrait: Decan Cary Character Portrait: Seth Franner Character Portrait: Dorian Neal Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Juliet James
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Devan sighed as she woke up. It was filming day, and she didn't know how to feel about that. She got up and got dressed in a skin tight black tee-shit, a grey leather jacket, black ripped skinny jeans and her platform boots that make her at least an inch or two taller. She straightened her hair then grabbed her backpack that had all her papers in it. She wasn't the most organized writer in the world, but at least she had everything in the same place. She grabbed her skateboard and headed out of the apartment.

Living close to the school had it's advantages like no need to get a car and go out onto a slow busy street. So she couldn't afford to get herself a car and her mother and Michel refused to get her a car, claiming she didn't need one when everything was right there. But a car would've helped. But she learned to successfully ride a skateboard in platform boots, so that was a plus.

She skated down the road, happy that it wasn't as busy as it usually would be. When she came up to the school, she jumped off her board and kicked it up, grabbing it with her hand and headed up the steps. She grabbed a pack of M&M's out of her bag and popped some in her mouth as she opened the door to the school. She put her skateboard back down and rode it down the hallways.

I wonder how I'm gonna' get to the house... Devan thought as she came closer to the theater. I'll just ride with Juliet or one of the guys. She continued thinking as she pushed the doors to the stage of the theater open and pushed herself through the door on her board, popping M&M's in her mouth as she rolled to the middle of the stage. She looked up to see her, so called, friends staring at her and she, while popping more M&M's in her mouth, said "Hey guys, how's it goin'?" She would defiantly take it upon herself to say she's probably the oddest out of them all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Hansen Character Portrait: Decan Cary Character Portrait: Seth Franner Character Portrait: Dorian Neal Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Juliet James
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Emelie rose from her bed, rubbing away the crust from around her eyes. She laughed, with her sleepy mind all over the place, Thank goodness tomorrow is the day for the meet up. Laying back down to get a few more minutes in, she noticed her calendar with todays's date circles in a dark red marker. Jumping from her bed, she ripped the calendar from the wall and stared at the day. "OH NONONONO!" Pulling off her pajamas, he opened her closet and dug out anything that looked appropriate.

After a few minutes of getting dressed and stuffing her bag with clothes, she was ready to leave. Walking to the small bookcase on her way out, she pulled out a small pile of books and found room in her bag to fit them in. "Finally." Taking her phone out of her pocket, she checks the time with frustration, realizing she's almost an hour late. She wasn't the type to keep people waiting, so this made her feel horrible. Walking outside, she made her way to the bike rack and pulled her's off.

She tied down her bag and stuffed her messy bun into a flower printed helmet. Only being a few miles away, the route was quite simple and didn't take her much time to get there. Eventually making it the grounds, she rode her bike up to the school's rack and locked it in. After spending around another five minutes just to get her bag off, she was certain to get a scolding from one of her friends. Taking a deep breathe, she walked in and made her way to their studio.

Creaking the door open, she peered in and saw everyone was in. She had a chance, everyone had their attention on something else so she planned to just sneak in like she was there the whole time. Opening the door a few inches wider, she tip-toed her way in and kept a close eye on everyone else. Then she got stuck, her bag was to big for the opening she made for herself, any further and it would creak. Taking another breathe, she tugged on her bag but tripped on a cord that was by the door way.

Making even more noise then the door, she looked up at the group and just smiled, "Hello everyone." giving one of her famous smiles.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Hansen Character Portrait: Decan Cary Character Portrait: Seth Franner Character Portrait: Dorian Neal Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Juliet James
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Juliet grinned and greeted Dorian with a kiss on the cheek as she crossed the room. She liked him a lot, though sometimes it bothered her how much he was stuck in his laptop. Then again, she was sure she looked the same way he did when someone sat make-up in front of her.

She stayed behind him for a moment, one hand on the back of his chair as she leaned over to see what he was working on, her long hair creating a blonde curtain between the two and everyone else. She was looking at a 3D model of The Slaughter House. She had to admit that was pretty bad ass.

“Night vision goggles?” she asked as she stood up. “Like GhostBusters?”

Before anyone had the chance to answer, Seth had appeared and put in his two-cents about it. She narrowed her eyes slightly, and popped her hand on her hip. Normally she would have snapped at him for interrupting her, but she was too damn excited to be too mean.

Not like he noticed her attitude anyway. Like Dorian he was very plugged into his own job. He did spare her a smile though, so she let the interruption go and went to dig out the stuff she'd shown up for.

Hey bitches, so sorry that I'm not sorry that I'm late!"

She grinned and looked over her shoulder in time to see Grant join the group. She liked him a lot too, they entered rooms the same way. Actually, she pretty much liked any guy that had a motorcycle. She rolled her eyes though as night vision goggles were still the subject at hand. Men.

She was moving a box to another table when she realized she had missed Piper's question, but as she looked at the girl who had her camera raised, Juliet quickly struck a pose. Perhaps not the most appropriate one in a room full of mostly men, but they were used to her antics by now.

She looked up when someone else made a loud entrance, and wasn't at all surprised to see Devan there. If anyone was just as weird as Juliet—maybe a little more—it was Devan Cary. They were opposite in their weirdness though. Like black and white. Just like their hair.

Juliet hopped her way onto the stage, careful with her high-heeled boots, and stuck her hand down Devan's m&m bag to steel chocolatey goodness for herself. She popped it in her mouth happily before leaning back against the wall on her elbows.

She rolled her eyes the moment Emelie tripped her way inside. Classic. Seth helped her up, then brought everyone back to the subject at hand. When he offered rides, she decided to speak up. “I got enough seats left to take four people with me, or I can fill up the back row with luggage if I need to.”

Juliet had the van so they could pack equipment anyway, but if she didn't need to give anyone a lift that opened up more storage space. She hopped down off the stage and stole another one of Devan's m&m's when she passed to grab the make-up and costume bags she'd come back to get.

She rolled her eyes as she heard Grant's opinion, but she was smiling too. “We should probably get going and at least get a look over before dark. The land owner said he wasn't sure if the electricity still worked.” That was mostly for a percussion for them. If someone ended up hurt because they didn't see the stairs or a broken piece of wood they'd be screwed. "Then we can stick around when the sun goes down." She was all for spending the night in a haunted house, even.

Juliet's hometown was only two hours away from The Slaughter House so she'd had many tabs on it growing up, and had been the one to first suggest filming there. Of course everyone happily agreed. So she'd called just to get a few things cleared up before they arrived. Including checking on food and water. Which the landlord knew nothing about, go figure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Hansen Character Portrait: Decan Cary Character Portrait: Seth Franner Character Portrait: Dorian Neal Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Juliet James
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Devan clapped her hands once after everyone pretty much got who's riding with whom. "I righty then." She said, mostly to herself. She raised and eyebrow as Grant commented on going after dark, mocking the idea of ghost and how creepy it would be. She wasn't against the idea, but she wasn't exactly for it either. Devan didn't believe in the existence of ghosts, spirits, or anything else that had to do with the afterlife. That also means she didn't believe in heaven or hell either. Hell, she didn't even believe in Limbo if we were to go that far. She believed that when you die, you die. No ghost exist in the world of Devan. Even if she likes to be creepy by writing stuff about murderous ghost and sketching her own little drawings of bloody ghost holding the head of another dead ghost. And, believe me, Devan did that once and it was pretty creepy.

She shook her head at Grants little mocking. "There's no such thing as ghooosts." She said, mocking his little mock-creepiness voice in a more down-toned manner than he had. She reached poured a few M&M's into her hand that were then popped into her mouth. Just as she was about to pour a more out, Juliet reached her hand into the bag and took some. A small smile traced on Devan's lips as she watched the Juliet take them. "Sure, you can have some." She said with a raised eyebrow as she watched the girl walk away. They were certainly different. Black and white, one may say.

Devan watched Juliet as she spoke, a blank look on her face like always when she stares at people. She couldn't help herself but like the girl. Once Juliet finished speaking, and the words finally registered in Devan's ears after a short moment, Devan spoke up. "I agree with Juliet. We should get going. We don't want the house too be overrun by the ghooosts, now do we, Grant?" Devan said the last part, mocking the way Grant had said ghosts again and shooting him a look with a small smirk on her face. She turned around and grabbed her backpack that was full of papers and now had her skateboard buckled to the front of it. She put the backpack on her back, hence the name, and shoved the bag of M&M's in her pocket for later then started walking toward the doors. "Let's hit the road, people." She added, throwing her hand swiftly up into the air and circling with her pointer finger, signaling them to come on so they could get going.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Hansen Character Portrait: Decan Cary Character Portrait: Seth Franner Character Portrait: Dorian Neal Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Juliet James
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Grant turned his head as he heard Devan mocking his mocking. "Hey, whether you think there's ghosts or not, being in that place at night is gonna be bitchin'. Just think about all the murders and shit that happened in that place. It's freaky as balls." He went back to quietly smoking and rolling the thought about paranormal activity in his mind. He felt pretty on the fence about the whole thing. He's agnostic, so the whole idea of an afterlife doesn't seem to implausible. However, his logical side kept kicking in and telling him that something as ridiculous as ghosts couldn't be real, it was just impossible. In a way, he hoped that they did find ghosts in the house. Grant isn't easily scared, and found the idea more thrilling than creepy. Not to mention, if they did find spirits, it would settle his internal debate. Overall, he felt more excited about looking around the house than he did actually getting to act in the film.

"We should probably get going and at least get a look over before dark. The land owner said he wasn't sure if the electricity still worked." He heard Juliet at say, followed by more teasing from Devan. Eager to get going, he hopped up from his seat.

"Righteous, let's go. Oh, and Devan, we're making a horror movie, don't we want the house to be filled with ghosties, ghoulies, and long legged beasties?" Grant followed up with a similar smirk. When he spoke, hints of an east coast dialect could be heard, which was strange, considering he told people he was from Reno, and most of his friends knew he originally lived in California.

"Let's hit the road, people." Said Devan. Grant called after her in a sarcastic tone, "Hey, come on, what'd the road ever do to you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Hansen Character Portrait: Decan Cary Character Portrait: Seth Franner Character Portrait: Dorian Neal Character Portrait: Grant McGrath Character Portrait: Juliet James
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Devan rolled her eyes at Grants remark that made him sound like a complete surfer. Devan was completely annoyed by the guy, though she's annoyed by most guys. But he was just so annoying to her. "Just because we're making a horror movie doesn't mean ghost have to even be involved. As long as it scars people or shows signs of terror, then it's classified as a horror. Though, to me, a horror is something were everyone dies at the end in a big gory mess." Devan said in a rather serious voice, the last part mostly to herself just to make a point. Though her and Grant were around the same age, him being only a few months older than her, Devan still looked at him like he was a kid. Which, in Devan's mind at least, he still acted like a teenager, always making some dumb joke or saying something that Devan finds dumb. Devan even likes Seth over him, and Seth's only nineteen, not that age mattered. She'd expect Seth to act like that, him just being out of high school still and everything, but no.

Devan rolled her eyes after hearing Grant call after her sarcastically. "Ha-ha, very funny, really, that was genius." She called back using her infamous sarcastic voice - the same sarcastic voice that had gotten her the title of bitch on multiple occasions where she'd simply reply with a kind smile and a thank you - and she walked out the door.