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Caleb D. Blackheart

"I'm no Savior... I just know what's right... and I will fight with my life..."

0 · 319 views · located in Apocolyptic Earth

a character in “Wretched and Divine”, as played by Nami L'Chi


Caleb Daniel Blackheart
( Corrupter )
"I will fight with my life, to show you what's right. I'm no Savior, but I'm going to show you tonight, the Devil's gonna come Alive."


Male Wretched



|Weapon of choice|
It's a claw dagger, that he uses to act quickly and precisely. When making attacks.

|Physical Description|
Caleb is only 5'9 and weighs 145lbs. He's got sleeves of tattoos all on his arms. He wears 'war' paint to show what side he is on, the rebels.


Caleb used to be an informer for the government when he was on the run. for the first 2 years. Eventually after learning of the governments secrets, he decided to turn into a double agent, and gave the government false information, while he gave his group the truth on what was going behind the scenes of the government.



Caleb is gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive, Artistic and creative, he lives in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. Caleb places great importance on having things orderly and systematic in his outer world On the other hand, Caleb operates within himself on an intuitive basis which is entirely spontaneous. He knows things intuitively, without being able to pinpoint why, and without detailed knowledge of the subject at hand. Consequently,he puts a tremendous amount of faith into his instincts and intuitions. Caleb has uncanny insight into people and situations. He gets "feelings" about things and intuitively understands them. Consequently, Caleb is protective of his inner self, sharing only what he chooses to share when he wants to share it. He is deep, complex individuals, who is quite private and typically difficult to understand. He holds back part of himself, and can be secretive.

But Caleb is as genuinely warm as he is complex. Caleb holds a special place in the heart of people who they are close to. Caleb is concerned for people's feelings, and tries to be gentle to avoid hurting anyone. Caleb has such strong intuitive capabilities, he trusts his own instincts above all else. Which makes Caleb stubborn. Caleb is a natural nurturer; patient, devoted and protective.

|I like...|
∞ Music
∞ Smoking
∞ Singing
∞ Guitar

|But I don't like...|
† Politics
† Posers
† Drugs
† Government


Caleb was a successful child, on a government test in kindergarten, which secretly was a test to round up test subjects. Seeing how he scored a top result, he was kidnapped and made into a test subject. There they mutated his DNA to create special human beings. People who could harm/cure other people. Seeing what was going on, after 16 years of torture and abuse, he rounded up a few friends of his that he had made in the institution and fled. Half of his friends were murdered in the escape attempt, but six survived. Unfortunately only 4 stuck together, and now they search for the last two, along with the government.

This might sound easy but the government had issued a bounty on their heads, so he's learned how to hide and blend in with the shadows. So to him its a race against time to see who gets to the last two powers, and if they can defeat the government, giving the humans a chance to live and prosper once more.

Ares Blackheart: "I love him as he is my brother...but I do not have to agree with him on where he stands. He might have forgotten what he looks like...but I know... he does not look like the face of a monster."

He can make things grow, and provide food for others. Anything he can imagine, he can grow, automatically the food he creates becomes ripe and fresh. This was his power to cure hunger. Unfortunately the food doesn't last long, and he can't grow lots of fruits. He's learned how to grow tobacco for his smoking habit.
His defensive power is fire. Depending on his mood is depending on the colours of the flames. Though he can direct and use fire to his will, his weakness of course is water. Throwing water on him drains his energy and makes it hard for him to use his powers.

So begins...

Caleb D. Blackheart's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlyn Katherine Kennedy Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart Character Portrait: Vix Character Portrait: Huey St. Portus
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"Radio static:
F.E.A.R official:"We Expect a battle for humanity is about to begin, Within each uprising, a vague sense of safety will ignite you in an unseen Shadow without a slither of a doubt, towards those who protect and defend You. Let the thoughts slip away, and remain calm. Stay close to F.E.A.R. Only we can protect."

Caleb sighed as he kicked at the radio. FEAR realized how powerful they were. He looked at his group of misfits. They all seemed exhausted, tired, and maybe hungry. All he could grow were fruits and vegetables... nothing more. They still needed meat. FEAR would not have the upper hand in this. No... they will find the last two powers... they had to. Maybe FEAR thought they were close to finding them? That's not possible..he'd given them false information... he made sure of it, he had lied to his brother, looking in his blue eyes, the same eyes that were used to look around the room. That was one thing they shared now... nothing more.

"Listen up, guys. FEAR thinks they can get to us. They know we're listening...they know we're stronger...well... for now we are." He'd shake his head and sit down on the moth eaten sofa in their warehouse. Ares would be by later... they had agreed to meet up. Maybe tonight... I can get him to leave F.E.A.R and Join us... he must see this is madness! He thought silently to himself as he consciously played around with his lip ring. "Now... tell me... what do we know... about these last two powers?" He'd ask wondering if their friends had given them any more information.

He was determined to find them. He craved to defeat FEAR. The world needed new order...and no mater what they were called, Savior, Devil, Divine, Rebels...He would restore this world. Stay close to FEAR? FEAR can protect? He'd snort to himself as his thoughts turned on FEAR and the fate of humanity. FEAR would destroy whoever had hope. There was no hope in FEAR.

He'd look down on his arm and see a scar from their last encounter with FEAR. He almost lost his group, he'd risked their lives, FEAR had been two steps ahead of everyone...because of they'd stay at least five steps behind. He'd bounce his leg as he thought of his meeting tonight with his brother. The tavern... he knew Ares would be in disguise...he always was, Caleb would disguise himself as well... in case his loving brother planned on an ambush. It was risky meeting him so close to the Rebels base, but he had to do something. He needed FEAR off their asses.

"Guys... I'm glad we've made it this far...our morale and our faith in each other has prevailed..."

He'd stand up and walk over to the radio transmission system. Clearing his throat he'd make his own speech, stopping the music dead in its tracks.

"The battle for humanity has already begun, FEAR says they'll protect, but what have they shown? Nothing. Feel safe in your homes, we do not wish to harm you. Families will be safe with us, the Rebels. We know what is going on with FEAR...fake words get you nowhere. Stay calm, only the Rebels can save you. Stay Close...only we will protect."

He'd sit back and smirk. He knew that FEAR wouldn't make another transmission... that would mean they were intimidated by Caleb and his friends...that would mean they acknowledge that the Rebels have stirred up some faith and feelings.. that would cause panic.
Stay Close... only we will protect..
Caleb thought as he closed his eyes a satisfied smile on his face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart Character Portrait: Huey St. Portus
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With a level of skill imparted only unto avid readers, Huey expertly closed his book with one hand, using his thumb to keep his place. He brought the meager tome to his forehead. The cool textured cover against his skin came as a welcomed relief, but it didn't last long. He had a headache, and trying to read tiny 10-point font under the harsh dreary glare of fluorescent warehouse lights was simply not going to happen. Not today.

He suppressed a groan. He was hungry, and that last encounter with FEAR had him running low on energy—but he wasn't about to become a burden. He'd eat whenever he'd get the chance and that was that. The rest would just have to be dealt with.

He opened his book again, suddenly determined to finish this last chapter at least. Anything to take his mind off food. He grinned inwardly. I've dealt with hunger before. Hunger much worse than this. He got through the first paragraph before his mind started to wander. Memories of days long past began to claw their way back to the forefront of his consciousness, like wolves sensing weakness. Anytime he was hungry, his mind always went back to those days. The fear. Being suspended in the glass tube. Shipped around like livestock.

Huey closed his eyes, willing the thoughts to cease.

Of course they didn't.

... The black room—

"Listen up, guys..." Huey's head snapped to attention as Caleb spoke, and was eternally thankful for the interruption. Anything to take his mind off...

He scratched at his hair, shaking his head a bit, trying to focus on the matter at hand. He watched as Caleb plopped down on the dusty old couch in the middle of the room. Huey was currently a dozen or so meters away, sitting pretty high atop some freight crates that'd been stacked like stairs. "Now... what do we know... about these last two powers?" Caleb had directed the question to the room at large. Huey wasn't sure about the others, but he knew nothing.

So he said nothing, looking back down at his book.

He flipped it over, checking out the cover. It was an old copy of "Summer Knight" by Jim Butcher, one of his favorite series. It was about a wizard that kicked supernatural ass. No matter the odds, no matter how beaten and bruised and bloody, the wizard would always come out on top. Huey sighed. What would the wizard hero do at a time like this? He pondered, rolling onto his back. Surely he wouldn't complain about his ailments to his comrades... He couldn't stop a smile from touching his lips. ... or maybe he would. He placed his forearm over his face in an attempt to block out the warehouse lights. It wasn't really working.

He sighed. His headache was getting worse.

Dog-earing his paperback in case it were to fall, Huey placed the book over his eyes to more efficiently block out the light. It worked quite well, as always. The unforgiving metal freight crates weren't all that comfortable, sure, but they'd do for a makeshift bed. He placed his hands behind his head. A makeshift pillow.

If he couldn't eat, he needed a little nap, and he didn't feel like getting up and moving some place more comfortable.

And, just like that, he drifted into the sweet rejuvenating embrace of dreams and darkness.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ares Blackheart Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart
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"I see the moon and the moon sees me
Down through the leaves of the old oak tree.
Please let the light that shines on me
Shine on the one I love."

The little girl sang, her clear voice echoed in the empty room as her piercing blue eyes stared at the opposite wall - a boring white wall with only a photo frame hanging loosely. She was a pretty girl, no older than six, the kind of kid that you just wanted to pinch cheeks and touch and hug. She had long curly blonde hair that reached the middle of her back. Her cheeks were puffy and her lips curled upward in a cute smile. She had a melodic voice, clear and beautiful. She was wearing a simple white dress and clutching a teddy bear on her other hand. Her short legs swung back and forth on the edge of the bed as she stopped her song suddenly.

The little girl jumped down and took baby steps toward a nearby table. Picking up another frame, her finger traced the lines of the people in the picture mournfully "...Stupid brother... I don't want you to leave at all" She pouted, poking a male figure in the photo and put down the frame again. "...Stupid Caleb, stupid rebels, stupid, stupid, stupid!" She stormed her feet on the floor and then walked to her bed and rolled on it. "...I want you here! Stupid brother! Why did you have to leave?!" She took a deep breath and calmed down. Glancing at the frame again, the little girl muttered "...I'm Ares Blackheart! I can do it. Don't worry, big brother...I will definitely destroy that little rebel group of yours so you won't have to be an agent anymore!"

The little girl, now identified as Ares, closed her eyes and took another deep, steady breath "Here we go" She mumbled and sat up, frowning. She sat there, silently for a whole minute until she choked and let out a bloodcurdling scream. She began to twist and turn, blood poured out of her mouth because she had accidentally bitten her tongue. Her bed sheet was soaked with sweats. Slowly, the girl's hair darkened until it had turned black. Her limbs lengthened. Her skin became tanned. Her hair shortened and after thirty minutes, the process stopped.

Now, laying on the bed, still panting, was a man in his early thirties. Ares looked at his hands and panted. He reached for a tissue nearby and then a mirror. Frowning, Ares pushed himself up 'I'll have a meeting with brother soon' He sent the photo another look and sighed heavily 'Please be safe, brother... I love you too much...' The radio started and Ares listened to it attentively

Radio static:
F.E.A.R official:"We Expect a battle for humanity is about to begin, Within each uprising, a vague sense of safety will ignite you in an unseen Shadow without a slither of a doubt, towards those who protect and defend You. Let the thoughts slip away, and remain calm. Stay close to F.E.A.R. Only we can protect."

Ares repeated the word, a determined look crossed his face "Only we can protect" He whispered, his voice was still rough from all the screaming. "I will protect everyone, believe it" Ares gave the picture a tired grin and continued softly "...I'm getting closer to you, brother. Just wait for me, I'll save you! I definitely will"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart Character Portrait: Vix Character Portrait: Huey St. Portus
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Vix felt like absolute dog____. She was tired, no exhausted and her movements were lazy and clumsy. She stayed alert though, icy eyes wondered and her round ears took everything in and this was partly why the radio frustrated her. She listened to it and then scowled. They were foolish and manipulative. Telling everyone they can protect, It's a lie!

She was sat crossed legged on the floor head bowed only enough to make her heat act as long, thick shimmering barrier. She had a hand knotted in the ends and appeared to be thinking deeply about something.

As Caleb spoke she raised her head up to listen revealing black kohl eyes and tight lips. He was asking for information but what she knew, he knew. Vix was always straight to Caleb whenever she learn something and she'd tell him everything.

In the back of her mind an image started to grew. Her eyes went to the size of basketballs in shock...not now! She thought angrily. She tried to ignore it but the image came into focus sending her head into painful migraines in an instant. Vix swore a little and held her head muttering trying to force the image away and focus on the current situation but she couldn't...precognition is one strong bi____.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ares Blackheart Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart Character Portrait: Vix Character Portrait: Huey St. Portus
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Caleb heard Vix's little mutterings and looked over narrowing his eyes. Standing up he'd casually walk over to her, not liking the silence in the room. Seems no one knew anything different. He'd bend down and with a grimace. "We'll have to talk..." Shaking his head, the morale of the group didn't even seem happy.

Finding his old beat up guitar, he'd sit and strum a bit, tuning it up before he started strumming once more. Clearing his throat, he'd start singing as he strummed some familliar chords.

The gates of heaven were locked shut
The pits of hell – they were all filled up
And I fear
I don't belong here, yeah

They might call me a sinner
A walking flame from the fire that burns
You don't belong here, yeah

The church of fear
The church of failure
The church of fools
So call me a nothing
Call me a something
Treat me cruel

Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh oh
We don't belong here, we don't belong
Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh oh
We don't belong here
It's the anthem of the underground
So get back up when they push you down
We're singing
Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh oh
We don't belong here, we don't belong

(We don't belong, we don't belong, we don't belong)

Can you hear the march of the rejects
Line up the parade of the defects?
Can I hear we don't belong here?

So rise from the darkness
Eyes of the dismissed
Hearts of the used
Show me your worst
Show me you're cursed
Tell me the truth

Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh oh
We don't belong here, we don't belong
Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh oh
We don't belong here
It's the anthem of the underground
So get back up when they push you down
We're singing
Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh oh
We don't belong here, we don't belong

(Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh oh)
The gates of heaven were locked shut
The pits of hell – they were all filled up
And I fear
I don't belong here
(Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh oh)

Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh oh
We don't belong here, we don't belong
Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh oh
We don't belong here
It's the anthem of the underground
So get back up when they push you down
We're singing
Whoa oh oh, whoa oh oh oh
We don't belong here, we don't belong

We don't belong
We don't belong
I don't belong

Smiling he'd look at everyone finishing the last chords placing the guitar on the side of the couch. Surveying the warehouse he figured it was a good a spot as any for them to remain hidden and settle down. Standing up, he'd go and check himself in the shattered mirror they used. He needed to start getting ready to meet Ares.

His younger brother... how he missed him. His eyes softened as he looked at his reflection. The same blue eyes graced Ares's face. How could he not be reminded of his brother every time he looked in the mirror, or walked by a window? His heart broke every time they met, and departed still on different sides. I hope when we fight FEAR he will not suffer for their actions. He thought gravely to himself, thinking of the worst should Ares fall in battle. Giving himself one last look he'd head to the door before looking at Vix. "We'll talk later.. for now.. you're in charge until I get back." With those parting words he'd walk out heading to the tavern where him and Ares are supposed to meet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlyn Katherine Kennedy Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart Character Portrait: Vix Character Portrait: Huey St. Portus
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#, as written by Deguu
Ashlyn sat still, sat against a wall, completely still. Her legs were drawn up to her chest, and her head rested on her knees. It seemed that the misery she felt was perpetual, and she had had it for countless years. The people around her were unhappy, and she could feel it as a consistent pressure inside her head. She smiled wryly as she found the perfect comparison. It was quite like the time she had had a lesson with her tutor, who had to bring his son along too. And the kid had spent the entire lesson clicking his pen. This headache was like that, only sadder.

She wasn't too aware of external things. She heard the various speeches from the radio, and from Caleb -tired, determined, sad- who was who was determined to try raise the spirits of the group. He was a good man. One of the best. And Ashlyn wanted to force herself to her feet and stand beside him and help raise group morality. She wanted to. But the weight of the depression around her rested heavily on her shoulders.

She felt the emotions of Huey resonating nearby. He was tired. He had a headache. He was exhausted. And he was starving, though wouldn't admit it. Ashlyn felt her own hunger with a sort of numbness. The emotions of other people were strong in her mind, numbing her to physical discomforts. Vix was just as tired and hungry as the others, though she felt a slight indignation from her. And pain. Vix was seeing something, and Caleb knew that too. Caleb felt doubly unhappy. He felt responsible for the groups melancholic atmosphere.

Finally, Ashlyn looked up. It felt weird to look with her eyes, rather than feel the things around her with her powers, but she looked to Caleb. Standing, she forced herself to push away at her Power, grimacing at the familiar jarring that she experienced whenever she tried not to feel the emotions of those around her. But, nevertheless, the emotions of the others moved from being like someone screaming in her ear, to gentle whisperings. Ashlyn sighed with relief.

She stretched, lifting her arms above her head, and groaning softly as her muscles moved against each other. She then walked to Caleb, who had just found his guitar. She found herself smiling. He often did this when the group was down. She was a little unsteady as she moved because of the sensation of being sat for too long and the exhaustion borne out of hunger. She grimaced and ignored it, coming to sit beside Caleb.

Ashlyn looked up at him, and found herself smiling as she recognized the song, and sang with him. Her voice was fair, and light, as she sung the harmonies, losing herself for a few precious moments in the music.

As the song ended, Ashlyn looked up at Caleb. He appeared intimately sad as he stood to prepare himself and she sighed and took up a place at the end of the couch, and curled up. Ashlyn wanted to speak to them and offer reassurance, but couldn't find her voice, so she just lay there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart Character Portrait: Vix Character Portrait: Huey St. Portus
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Vix watched Caleb on the guitar mainly because it was the only thing giving off an.happiness or hope. She looked at her comrades and forced a smile. As she spied a flame in the back of her mind. The flame grew and Vix's fists.and jaws clenched tightly. So she gave in. She watched the image as it burnt a scar on her mind trying to recognise the building burning. She opened her eyes but it had taken her mind and sight for now. The migrainebecame sharper so feeling for her pocket she tried to find a pencil. She found that and dragging it across her skin tried to recreate the scene on her hand because sometimes it will release some of the pain.

She looked at the others and checked briefly that everything was ok and then resolved to standing up and softly staring into the glass of a dusty mirror. The glass was cold and she could feel it radiating off the mirror and it shocked her a little so she took a step back and laced her hands together and then lacking them in a different way for the sake of it.

A piercing pain stole her brain for a second and she swore again for the second time today and just whispered the image under her breath to herself almost silently.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlyn Katherine Kennedy Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart Character Portrait: Vix Character Portrait: Huey St. Portus
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Huey awoke to a gentle breeze across his face. It wasn't until he opened his eyes that he realized he was on his side, and it wasn't until he smacked his lips a few times that he realized he'd been drooling. He sat upright, bunching up his hoodie sleeve and wiping the spittle from the side of his face.

As far as naps go, that was a damn good one. He would've stayed asleep longer, but his stomach would have none of it.

Wiping the sleep from his eyes, he surveyed the room. Someone had shut most of the lights off, allowing a gentle glowing twilight to filter in through the large glass panels that made up the ceiling. Some corners of the warehouse were too dark for him to see into—either that, or his sleep-addled eyes hadn't adjusted to the ambiance yet.

The others were probably around. Somewhere.

Stretching like a cat, Huey hopped down from his perch, expending a minimal amount of energy in order to land silently and confidently on the uneven ground. Though his stomach gurgled, his headache had died down. That was good. Next to his feet was his book, sprawled unceremoniously on top of a sandbag. Huey bent to pick it up, shaking his head slightly, dusting the cover off.

Poor book. Must've fallen when I turned in my sleep...

Pocketing the paperback, Huey noticed for the first time that Caleb wasn't on the couch. For a moment he panicked, thinking the others had gone somewhere without him, but he quickly calmed himself after he heard movement somewhere else in the warehouse. It was probably one of the others—though if it wasn't, whoever the intruder was had picked the wrong group of teens to screw with.

Huey snickered at the idea of some unsuspecting thief getting shown what for. It was the first time he'd laughed all week. A harsh growl from his stomach cut the humor short, however.

"Yeah yeah, I know," he muttered to himself. It was still too dark for him to see who else was in the warehouse and his eyes were talking a while to adjust. He had other things in mind though.

He'd planned on asking Caleb if he could grow some food—something, anything, but he wasn't on the couch. His jacket was gone too. Probably went to get some air, Huey guessed. So time for plan B. Plan B was simple: go outside and grab something from some local joint—fast food, if he was lucky. The cheaper, the better. Fortunately, he still had a few crumpled bills on him from earlier. Reaching into his pocket, the bills in question were still kinda wet.

Don't ask how he acquired them.

Giving the room one final sweep, Huey noticed Ashlyn on far end of the couch. Seems his eyes were finally getting used to the crepuscular atmosphere. He couldn't tell if she was awake or asleep, or if she was looking at him or not. If she was asleep, he didn't want to wake her. Vix couldn't be that far away either, and was probably the source of the noise he had heard.

A gurgle from his stomach put him back to purpose. "Okay okay, I'm going!" He whispered, moving towards the exit.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlyn Katherine Kennedy Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart Character Portrait: Vix Character Portrait: Huey St. Portus
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His stomach gurgled. "Uh..." Huey chewed on his lower lip, trying to make a decision.

"Kid. Are you gonna to order or not? I ain't got all day for this crap," the cashier said, obviously annoyed. He seemed like he'd had a rough day.

Huey could relate.

"My bad," he muttered. "Uh... Hrrn... Yeah... Yeah. Just give me one of everything, please."

The cashier froze, giving Huey a look that said are you high?!

Huey gave his most disarming smile. "Yes. I can pay for it." He dug around in his pocket, unfurling one of the drier of the wads in his pocket, straightening the green paper between his fingers. He held it up to the cashier. It was a hundred dollar bill. "Here, see."

The cashier grunted, snatching the bill from his hand and holding it up to the light. He grunted again, taking out some sort of marker and drawing on the paper before holding it up to the light again. Huey cocked his head to the side in amusement, a wry smile touching his lips. The bill wasn't fake.

"Woah," the cashier muttered. "Um, coming right up, I guess. You'll be order number 322." There was no one in line behind him, so Huey remained at the counter. The cashier gave him another look, although this one a bit softer. "Have a seat kid, this might take a few minutes. I'll call you when it's ready." Huey nodded, taking the cue and moving away from the counter. The rest of the place was empty, save for an Asian couple in the far back. Huey sat close to the window, dropping his hood and electing to stare at random cars as they passed by.

He wondered about those people and their "normal" lives. The spouses rushing home from work. The families going out to eat. The parents taking their children someplace special.

Friends. Family. Parents.

Parents, huh. Huey shook his head in an attempt to clear his mind. He'd encountered wangsty characters in stories he'd read before and immediately disliked them. He was determined not to become one. He didn't need anyone's pity. He had superpowers for god's sake. And of course he had a family: his fellow rebels—plus, if anyone was like a parent to him, it was definitely...

At that, Huey smiled to himself. Enough of the internal pep-talk.

The sun was going down and the sky looked beautiful. It was as if the gods had spilled their brightest hues onto the very clouds themselves. Huey wrung his hands, thinking about his comrades. What if they were panicking because he left without saying anything? What if Caleb had returned and whisked everyone away on an important mission without him? What if they needed him... like, right now?

Caleb. He probably wouldn't have condoned Huey leaving the warehouse—hood or no hood. "Too risky," he'd say. Hmm. What if they caught him on camera leaving the warehouse? Huey shook his head. No way. They're not that good. Huey's thoughts returned to Caleb. He hadn't seen their leader anywhere while he was walking to this place. What if he was in trouble? What if he got picked up by FEAR...?

Huey sunk down in the soft cushions, looking away from the window and back towards the pallid luminescence radiating from the fast food menu hanging from the wall up by the counter, banishing his thoughts. His stomach growled at him, to which he responded with a few pats to the belly. Food is coming... and worrying about random "what if's" is the path of the fool. But it didn't really count as random, did it? FEAR was after them. The entire freaking government was after them!

The thought of the government and their nigh-omnipresence prompted Huey to put his hood back up. He didn't want to be caught on some random street camera.

It took several more minutes before Huey's order was completed. "Order 322?" The cashier's voice rang out, but Huey had begun to doze off and didn't hear him. "Order 322?! Hey! You! Kid!" At that, Huey opened his eyes. "Your order's ready, though I'm not sure how you're going to carry all this..."

Huey stood. Bags and bags of food spanned the entire counter. He had to resist tearing into one of the bags as he walked up to the cashier and received his change. He couldn't resist salivating, through.

"Yeah, you enjoy that," the cashier joked, eyeing the bounty. "You sure you can carry it all?"

"I'll be fine, thanks," Huey responded, looping as many bags around his arms as possible. By the end, he'd managed to wrangle them all. Then, to the astonishment of the cashier, Huey hoisted the bags effortlessly, as if they were full of air instead of food. He nodded his thanks for a final time before opening the door with his back and walking out of the establishment, leaving the cashier scratching his head.

Huey made it back to the warehouse without so much as a police car passing him by. Upon entering the place, he strode victoriously over to the couch, laying his bounty of bags out across the floor. The others could partake in this grand prize—he had no problem with that. They were probably hungry too.

After greeting Ashlyn, every other thought left his mind but one: eat his stomach commanded. He snagged a random bag, kicked back on the couch, and proceeded to commit what he could only guess were war crimes against food-kind.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlyn Katherine Kennedy Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart Character Portrait: Vix Character Portrait: Huey St. Portus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Deguu
As she lay there, Ashlyn had undoubtedly slipped into the deepest sleep she had had in weeks. She had nightmares often, and this unexpected nap was no exception. In her dreams, F.E.A.R. had finally caught up to them. In her dreams, F.E.A.R. were trying to find out how they had their powers, and she and her friends had been split up. But they were close. In her dreams, Ashlyn could feel their emotions raging. There was pain. Hunger. Loneliness. Humiliation. Regret. Anger. Hatred. But...mostly fear. In her dreams, this ironic realization made Ashlyn smile wryly. F.E.A.R. creates...fear. It was a petty humor, but in her sleep, she had lost all hope.

Worse than her friends being caught, was the plague spreading over humanity that Ashlyn was forced to experience as her own. She had no sight, no sense, other than the wracking pain that was the curse and the blessing of her power.

Ashlyn was woken in her sleep by the smell of food. Hot food. Sitting up, she rubbed her teary eyes and looked around. The first thing she saw, was in pact a person. Huey. And her jaw dropped when she saw what he had brought with him. Real hot food. It was only then that Ashlyn felt the gnawing hunger that she had been numb to. She laughed, and due to the extreme emotions that her powers made her prone to, went to Huey before the food. She threw her arms around him, and hugged him for the briefest moment, kissed his cheek, and then chose a random bag.

"My god, Huey..." She said as she tore into a bag. Normally, she'd feel bad for just taking a bag, but she had sensed his willingness to share. "Caleb is going to kill you..." She ripped into the packaging of the burger that the bag had revealed. She took a large bite, and melted back into the sofa, clutching the hot food tight. She continued just before taking into another bite "Or he might kiss you" She grinned at him as she quickly devoured the burger. It had been so long since she had enjoyed a substantial meal, and made a mental note to make it up to him as soon as the chance arose.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlyn Katherine Kennedy Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart Character Portrait: Vix Character Portrait: Huey St. Portus
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0.00 INK

After the fourth bag, Huey seemed to wake up. The world seemed to come into focus. He could see through the ambient murk and make out details of the warehouse pretty clearly. He could hear the faint back and forth of motorists in the distance. He could feel the grease on his fingers. Smell the intoxicating aroma coming off the remaining bags. Taste came back, and he became aware of what he was actually eating instead of just wolfing it down.

Whatever it was, it tasted good.

His cognitive faculties kicked back into high gear as well—as if they'd been paused by his intemperate and voracious hunger. He remembered walking in and Ashlyn hugging him. He remembered that quite fondly, actually—a smile tugging at his lips. He turned towards her and gave a quick sheepish wave with his free hand—his way of saying good evening with a full mouth—before resuming his meal.

Manners, manners.

Then he finally got around to processing what she'd said. "Caleb is going to kill you..." Huey grinned. While Caleb usually brought back some of the good stuff after going out, Huey just couldn't resist the urge. Not with foodstuffs so close and legal tender in the pocket... albeit acquired somewhat mendaciously. Hmm. Caleb wouldn't really be vexed at his leaving the warehouse, right... right? Then again, the guy could lay down a serious scolding when he got into the mood.

He looked over at Vix, wondering if she wanted some of what remained of this bounty before it was sacrificed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlyn Katherine Kennedy Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart Character Portrait: Vix Character Portrait: Huey St. Portus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Deguu
Ashlyn finished her burger quickly, and then moved onto a slice of pizza. God, she loved pizza. It melted in her mouth, and she couldn't help but smile as her childhood favorite alleviated the last of her bad mood. She sat beside Huey and continued her meal, waving back when her mouth was just as full as his. As Vix came over too she swallowed and greeted her with a contented "Hey, Vix" and a wave. Caleb would be so mad at Huey and she paused. She knew that he had gone out, so dragged a couple of bags out of the way of their furious onslaught.

Ashlyn gestured to the bags she had rescued, and justified it by saying "For Caleb". She then leaned back against the sofa with a sigh and finished another slice of pizza. And as her body became satisfied, her powers attempted to take control again, and she felt Huey's satisfaction as her own, and also Vix's disapproval and frustration.

Setting aside the pizza box with a small smile, she pushed away the pressure of powers, grimaced against the familiar jarring that it caused her and spoke curiously to Vix. "How you doing, hon? You alright?" She offered her a sympathetic smile, knowing the irritation that she was feeling.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlyn Katherine Kennedy Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart Character Portrait: Vix Character Portrait: Huey St. Portus
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0.00 INK


"Hey Ashlyn." Vix replied trying to sound chirpier then she felt. She gave Huey her best effort of a wave in greeting and shuffled her weight a bit in her seat before listening to any conversation that came with little focus.

When Ashlyn reserved Caleb some food Vix nodded in agreement knowing Caleb was just as hungry as the rest of them and he'd be even angrier about them going out if he didn't get any food. "Good idea. He'll appreciate that." She agreed with a cringe which was a hint to the image starting to take more of a toll on her.

"How you doing, hon? You alright?"

Vix looked up at Ashlyn and gave some what of a nod and offered her best forced smile but anyone with a brain would see straight through it.

"Just my ____ of a power screwing with my mind as normal." She replied with a slight sour tint to her voice and maybe a few more 'naughty' words then appropriate but they should be used to Vix's potty mouth by now and if they weren't it wasn't going anywhere so they should try to get used to it quickly. Noticing she'd been a little dramatic and was taking her pain out on the wrong people chewed the inside of her cheek and gave a genuine apology which was rare for Vix as she was a person of no regrets.

"Sorry Ash...It's know what it is." She sighed hoping Ashlyn wasn't going to turn against her for the harshness of her previous comment because Vix couldn't take another drama on top of the vision scarring her mind.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ares Blackheart Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart
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0.00 INK

Ares didn't like the tavern very much. It was a dark and shabby place, not too bad for doing business but the atmosphere here meant that Ares could take the form of his more elegant selves. He couldn't possibly take the form of a child, something that Ares found he was very fond of lately. He couldn't take the form of a businessman because no sane people would go into a place like this. He couldn't even take the form of a pretty girl because people would pay attention to him in this kind of place!

Grumbling darkly, Ares slammed a meaty hand on the wooden table, earning a nervous look from the waiter. He was in a form of a large, meaty and impossibly ugly man. Thick lips and a scar ran down his face, across the half-lidded eyes hidden by long bangs. His hair was black, similar to that of his brother and he was wearing normal clothes. It made Ares feel uncomfortable, to be in the skin of such ugly creature but he had no choice. For F.E.A.R., he would do almost anything. Snatching the drink on the table, Ares downed it all in one large gulp. The alcohol was tasteless in his opinions, useless and didn't even serve any purpose but for the sake of keeping up his disguise, Ares had to drink it.

As the waiter nervously put another shot on the table for him, Ares flashed him a toothy smile, his yellow teeth were ugly and he looked like he hadn't brushed his teeth for a year. 'For the sake of F.E.A.R.,' Ares reminded himself again and again. Oh, look who had just come. It was his brother! Ares' half-lidded eyes lit up as the sight of his twin and he let himself smile, a genuine smile, not the smile that he often used when he dealt with his enemies. Bowing his head, Ares chuckled. Let's see how long his brother could catch up this time. It had turned into a game for him after a while. He would disguise himself as someone else, a complete stranger and Caleb would have to try and find him in the crowd of people. His brother had gotten better lately and so, Ares had improved his disguises.

The whispers started as soon as his brother stepped into the tavern and Ares let loose another chuckle. People were so absentminded... They always forgot that around them, Ares could be listening and slit their throats while they were asleep. Mentally shrugged, Ares continued to sip his drink, an uncaring look on his face 'No matter, they are just curious... Humans are curious creatures.' He was content to let his brother search for him for a while and when it was evident that Caleb couldn't find him, Ares grinned. He had won this game.

He stood up and stretched his legs, the muscles were tensed because he had sat for so long but it could be fixed easily. Walked over to where Caleb was, Ares said gruffly "Hey you, are you Caleb? A man wants to meet you" He pointed a meaty finger across the table where a hooded figure sat silently. Today he was even shorter than Caleb. His piercing blue eyes flashed momentarily and he turned away to walk back to his seat. Let's see how long Caleb could catch up that the man who he had just talked to was his brother and not the hooded man. It was always interesting watching Caleb reacted, Ares mused. Maybe because that was how his face was supposed to look when he reacted to that emotion. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Ares sat down again and sipped his drink quietly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ares Blackheart Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart
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0.00 INK

Caleb was just about to give up waiting on his brother, when a fat disgusting ugly man came up to him. A brow rose when the man asked for his name. A smirk came across his face, "Thank you." He'd say before walking away, he took note of the blue eyes, the same eyes that were on his face.

He'd give his brother a few minutes before he walked over and sat down. "Very nice disguise Ares." He'd whisper under his breath, his eyes glittering as he spoke to the fat man. "I don't remember seeing this one before... it's a very new one." He'd continue under his breath. He took a bite of his steak, feeling slightly guilty that he was eating something like this while his friends were starving.

"It's been too long brother." He said drowning the steak in the whiskey. A sad smile came on his face. "I've missed you." The tone was sincere as he spoke, the only thing he could do was gaze into Ares's eyes, those were the only thing of his brothers that was truly there. "How have you been?" A brow rose as he asked this question, he didn't seem to even mind the stares everyone was giving him.

Come back with me... become a part of the Rebels... Everyone will accept you if I do... His thoughts kept on in that one saying, but the words wouldn't come to his lips. He looked down wishing this was just a brotherly meeting with his brother... he hated talking business.
Why must F.E.A.R do this to me... why put me through this? Why put him through this? His thoughts were plan across his face. That was one thing about Caleb Blackheart, he was easy to read.

"I love you Ares."

Those were the only other words that he could muster up to even say to his twin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ares Blackheart Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart
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0.00 INK

Ares watched Caleb smirked from the corner of his eyes and he sipped his drink silently. His brother had caught up, it seemed. That wasn't such a bad attempt since this form was quite new even to Ares. Caleb could use a little more practice though. When his older brother sat down in front of him, Ares dropped all the pretenses and looked up with a warm smile. The smile made the scar of his face stretched and he looked like he had just grimaced instead of smiling. No problem, his brother could read him just fine.

"Very nice disguise Ares." Caleb whispered and Ares beamed like a small child. "Thanks, brother. I don't like this one much though... too inelegant for my taste" Ares grumbled, poking his own food irritably. He toyed with his own food for a while, just generally enjoyed his brother's presence. "I don't remember seeing this one before... it's a very new one." Ares looked at his brother and shrugged. "Yeah, it's a new one... I just created it yesterday..." He gave Caleb an equivalence of a pout and continued to poke his food like a grumpy five-year-old. "I'll discard this one as soon as I've finished the business..." He spoke casually, finally decided to eat his food. It wasn't good at all, the food his favorite restaurant served was 100 times better than this. 'It's your favorite restaurant... of course, it's better' Ares' mind said and he just shrugged again.

"It's been too long brother." Caleb was right, it had been too long. A sad smile appeared on his brother's face, the kind of sadness that made Ares want to punch something and make it go away. His brother shouldn't be so sad. "I've missed you." His brother said and Ares placed a hand on his brother's. Maybe the gesture would earn some odd looks from the people in the Tavern but Ares could careless about them. His brother was hurting and he needed to be comforted. If the people in the this place thought he was in a relationship with some ugly man then let them be. He didn't give a damn. "Don't be so sad, brother... You could... you could always contact my via my personal phone, you know"

"How have you been?" His brother asked gently and looked into his eyes. Ares found himself unable to look away from such a gaze and he bit his lips "...Well, the same as normal, you know..." He lowered his voice so it was just barely above a whisper. Ares looked down in shame and guilt "I've just done a Red mission a week ago..." 'Red mission' was the code between Ares and Caleb for the kind of mission that required the massacre of a large group of people, usually another group of rebels. The younger of the two couldn't even look into his brother's eyes as he continued to whisper "10 this time... a few of them are still young"

His eyes suddenly hardened and he said with conviction "It's alright, brother... You don't have to worry about me, I can get over it fast enough... It's all for F.E.A.R, right?" Ares downed another shot. "Anyway, enough about me... what about you, brother? How have you been? Have anyone given you a hard time? Just tell me and I'll send a squad there to eliminate them, no trace, either" Suddenly remembered that his brother was a very kind person, Ares just shot him an embarrassed smile and scratched his head "Oops?" He said guiltily and chuckled, relaxed when he was around his brother. It was good just talking like this but Ares knew it wouldn't last. Not while there were still rebels out there. 'Don't worry, brother. I will get rid of them for you and you can come back with me like old time' Ares thought with another small smile. 'Soon, I will crush them like ants and I will take you back to F.E.A.R, where you truly belong'

"I love you Ares."

The statement left Ares frozen in shock. Slowly, he recovered. "I love you, too, brother... More than you can ever imagine... I wish the situation hasn't been like this. You have sacrificed so much for F.E.A.R, I'm sorry...I shouldn't have let you do this"Ares said, leaning down to kiss his brother's hands. It was a brotherly gesture from Ares' part but apparently, the people in the tavern didn't know any better. They sneered in disgust but as usual, Ares just ignored them. "Okay, pleasantries aside... Let's get to business, brother. Afterward, we can catch up later." Ares said seriously, his eyes became icy and hard. "...Do you want to hear my report first or do you want to tell me your info first?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ares Blackheart Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart
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0.00 INK

Caleb wanted to sit there and cry. His brother had been brainwashed into thinking F.E.A.R was the answer. "Everyone's fine.. the only ones bothering us are you guys.." He'd narrow his eyes at his twin, as he spoke of F.E.A.R with disgust. "Let me hear your report first brother, the time for pleasure is long gone." Looking down he'd sigh. "You know I cannot contact your personal phone....It would put everyone in danger....the people I am with will be in danger. I cannot allow that." He cared about everyone in his little group. He wasn't going to get them killed like they almost were the other night.

Licking his lips he sat there and waited for his brothers report, allowing the brotherly affection to be shown, glaring at everyone in the pub. His brother, not theirs. "Keep looking..." He'd say coldly, before everyone looked away, pretending to be interested in something else. A smirk came across his face. "They might have better looks, if you weren’t so hideous Ares." A small laugh escaped his lips, and Caleb for once in weeks, looked truly happy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashlyn Katherine Kennedy Character Portrait: Caleb D. Blackheart Character Portrait: Vix Character Portrait: Huey St. Portus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Deguu
The lights flicking off effectively cut off the conversation she was having with Vix, and her smile froze on her lips when the lights flicked on one more time, illuminating one final image of delayed reaction and the fade of contentment from her friends eased faces. The lights flicked off, plunging them into darkness, and in that moment, Ashlyn stood, a half formed cuss word escaping her lips. There was then a lingering moment, and Ashlyn felt her fear create a small spark of light, the flame flickering uncertainly in the palm of her untrained hand, and the door exploded, sending Huey flying. And abruptly the press of soldiers against her mind made her gasp. FEAR. The organizations desire for their eradication was blatant on each mind that she felt as she stepped between them and Huey as he crashed to the ground behind her.

She glanced at him and Vix, refusing to let fear take over. Her previous nightmares tried to surge to the fore of her thoughts, but with an effort of will she choked them down and drew her little knife with her spare hand. In her other, her left hand, Ashlyn tried to make the little spark of light more substantial, focusing and withdrawing as she mentally coaxed the fire into some sort of projectile. Her training in this was informal, little more than instinct, and it wasn't until her nightmares pressed against her inner eye with a renewed vengeance that her anger and fear and natural defensiveness surged forth, and the flicker of heat in her hand swelled abruptly. She felt a thrill of victory. She had done it!

The soldiers moved forward.

Ignoring them, reclaiming her state of concentration, Ashlyn hurled the fire at them. Her aim was a guess as the fire arced from her hand to the middle of the group, striking home with the power of her anger. Like a cornered tiger that turns to her last defense, her flames exploded, and felled several of the soldiers, and broke the morale of a few of them as the stench of burning human filled the air. Even Ashlyn almost gagged. Nevertheless, she drew to herself another flame. It came easier, but it stuttered uncertainly, and even as she threw it at the FEAR soldiers, she knew it would do minimal damage.

They drew ever closer, and Ashlyn took Vix's shoulder as she dragged her, none too gently, to regroup with Huey. She shouted to them over the noise of the soldiers and the pounding in her ears "We need to get out of here!"

And where the hell was Caleb?