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"Mutation is not kind."

0 · 1,039 views · located in Xavier's School for Gifted Young People

a character in “Xmen: Rise of the Shadows”, as played by claw



Name: Balaur Draak

Nicknames: Dragoon, Scales.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Devon, England

Powers: Flight, fire-breathing, diamond hard scales

Backstory: Born on the rolling hills of Dartmoor national park in Devon, Balaur- son of a first generation Lithuanian single father- was home raised, with the open fields serving as a massive garden for the young boy to grow up in, his home schooling also effectively cut him off from the rest of society, which thankfully managed to hide his extreme mutation, which unlike most Mutants went so far as to change his species from Homo Sapiens to Homo Draco. As the years went by his mutations increased in their depth resulting in a full transformation, though in doing so his immune system was vastly reduced in effectiveness, as well as turning him into a cold-blooded reptile.

Not long after his 17th birthday his mutations were discovered by a group of locals, mostly superstitious. Upon seeing the flying creature they immediately took matters into their own hands and with weapons in hand followed Balaur to his home, which they proceeded to burn, with Balaurs father still inside. The young boy watched helplessly from afar before fleeing when the crowed began to notice him, he fly without aim or direction and eventually washed up upon the shores of America, half dead yet still so full of life.

So begins...

Dragoon's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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Morgan jumped back inside and the portals dissipated. Seeing the massive amount of mutants was a surprise to him, but he'd soon get used to it. He first looked off over to see where Cyrus and James were, sprinting around the halls and warping in a hallway they were in. He noticed that they were using the MRE the wrong way. Morgan grabbed one of the MRE's that were in the bolted box and slip out one of the grayish-green packages, pulling the tab on the side as the packet of Ham and Eggs steadily started to warm up. He said, "Sorry it isn't the best meal." ending his conversation with a sigh. He got himself back up ,warped through the portals again and listened to the conversations back and forth.

He got into the middle of the conversations and signed, "I'm glad to see that everyone's here. I know new faces aren't the best thing to see... especially what we're in right now." He stared at everyone and their appearance, smiling a bit at the team that I had. I then signed next, "I am Morgan. You can call me Flicker. And this... is the Third Generation of 'Xavier's School for Gifted Young People.'" I leaned over to a desk that was near the back of the room and then signed again, "If anyone has any questions, let me know. Find a bed and make yourself comfortable."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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"Mor-Flicker, what do you mean by 'Gifted Young People'? I was not told by Miss Abbott (the professor of the orphanage) that I was going to a school. Plus, I don't remember walking here" Rebecca turned to Flicker, confused.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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Flicker tilted his head thinking about what to sign at first and then let out the hand movements, "Well, we're all young people here with exceptional skills. That has enough reason to call the school that. Plus, this isn't really a school... more of a refuge. But we teach each other here everyday." Flicker took a break to think in his mind of this Abbot, but came out with the signs, "As for Miss Abbott... I don't know her. You might have come here by chance." Flicker furrowed his brow and scratched his chin, wondering if she could have just been dropped off by someone. I'm sorry about your burnt hands. Katalin, do we have any medicine for burns?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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Rebecca looked around the school, walking around, until she found a picture. Then she gasped in shock.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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Rebecca said "No, it can't be". "It can't be" she repeated, picking up the picture. She fumbled in the pocket of her jacket and pulled out a photo of her parents. It was all she had left of them. She looked at both pictures, her eyes widening. They were identical pictures of her parents. Her parents, Bobby and Kitty Pryde. "Why is this here? How did you know about me? About my parents?" she turned to Flicker.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Katalin Volkov
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Elaine felt awkward and stepped close to the man doing signs with his hands, who she interpreted as the leader, without crossing his personal space while talking softly "I'm sorry, I didn't get that...I don't understand sign language," She looked at the others as she continued talking while her hands moved awkwardly without any goal or purpose; "Can anyone translate?" She wasn't used to being around other mutants and even though this place felt kinda safe, she wasn't sure if she belonged there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Felilla

Katalin kept Job close to her. She supposed it was a habit. Not a bad one yet, but it would be when he was older. He looked up at her, "We can trust these people. Right, sis?"

She nodded and smiled as Morgan started signing to the other people. "Well, we're all young people here with exceptional skills. That has enough reason to call the school that. Plus, this isn't really a school... more of a refuge. But we teach each other here everyday. As for Miss Abbott... I don't know her. You might have come here by chance. I'm sorry about your burnt hands. Katalin, do we have any medicine for burns?"

Katalin blinked before walking to the girl in question, who was rambling on about something in a picture. She pried one of the girl's hands of the frame, "If we don't tend to them now, they'll blister," she told the girl, placing a hand over hers. The blue eyes girl took a deep breath and when she reopened her eyes, the glowed gold. Her hands moved slowly over Rebecca's, the skin mending itself. "There, all better."

"I'm sorry, I didn't get that...I don't understand sign language. Can anyone translate?"

Job translated Morgan's words to everyone that didn't understand him as he stroked Appleseed's fur, "In case you can't tell, my sister and I are also people with extraordinary abilities."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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Rachelle smiled slightly as she began to look around the place. School for the gifted. How fitting. She began to float around the group of people before smiling. "So Morgan, tell me what kind of fun things you have here?" She said before floating on her back. "Oh yeah. And the names Rachelle. Or Galaxy Child. Whichever floats your boat." She said while smiling. "So are we gonna like... Be a super secret society or something?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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Elaine gave the dragon a skeptical glare and shivered in cold so she took off her soaking wet jacket while listening intently to Job. Her keen eyes and distinct brows frowned as she tried to cope with all the new information. At the flying girl she couldn't keep back a smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Cyrus
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Listening to the words of Rachelle, Flicker simply signed, "Well, Galaxy Child, I'm not sure what activities we have here. We could go outside and train to stretch out our powers. I need to make sure that all of you can cut it. Not only is this a school, but this is headquarters for the X-men... well what's left of them." He stared over down the hall as he heard Cyrus groaning about the conditions that the bunker was in. "I wish I had enough time to fix this place." Flicker signed in frustration, getting back to the paperwork on his desk. They were mainly accounts of newspaper articles, major gang locations and mission logs.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Cyrus
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"Thanks" Rebecca looked at the girl then at the picture. She turned over the picture. On the back it read Kitty and Bobby Pryde. "Kitty and Bobby Pryde. Kitty and Bobby Pryde" she mumbled walking into their old room. She closed the door behind her and looked around. She set the pictures down on the nightstand and walked over to another picture. It had her parents and a baby girl. She turned it over and read outloud, "Kitty and Bobby Pryde with their baby girl, Rebecca. That must be me"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Katalin Volkov
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Elaine took a deep breath and shifted awkwardly while gazing around at the people around her. She pouted at not having any new clothes to change into. The mute seemed busy and Rebecca seemed busy with a search. The flying girl entertained her and she wanted to get to know her more under other circumstances, as well as the siblings. Right now there was a scaly mutant causing her to keep distance, she spoke carefully "So how are you? Were you training outside? Are you an x-man?" gazing around she asked again just as carefully "Are any of you x-men? I'm not," she laughed awkwardly. "I'm just Elaine...From America."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Katalin Volkov
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Flicker looked up at Rachelle and then signed, smiling "Yeah. I'm sure we can. I'd love to-" He cut off his signing, hearing Elaine in a panic. Flicker rose his brow and he got up from the table, slipping out another portal next to the hallway like before and staring over at the door. He was still thinking about the white eyes that were shown instead of Elaine's soft brown ones. He opened it all the way this time, tilting his head at the lady as he signed, "Mutant or Human?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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0.00 INK

Rebecca sat down on the bed. The X-men, she heard someone say. The X-men were mutants. Her parents had been ShadowCat and Iceman. So that means I'm not normal..., Rebecca thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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0.00 INK

"Flicker!" Rebecca walked out of the room.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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By now Elaine had been exposed to too much pressure and not only did her sight go, she could no longer hear or taste. With her numb body she made to sit down on the floor and she could more strongly feel the cold concrete and the surroundings of the people around her. She felt more like a floating molecule than a humanoid. She saw Rebecca's confuse and distress while calling out for Morgan and her own growling belly were like an earthquake to her inner ears. Her white eyes stared at Rebecca.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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Rebecca waited then looked at Elaine. "What happened to you?" She asked, walking over to her and looking at her eyes. "Elaine, tell me what happened to you." when she didn't answer Rebecca said "Elaine, can you hear me? Can you see or hear me at all?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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"Mutant or human"

Neema thought about the question. There were really others like her? She was pretty sure humans didn't have the ability to create portals as this man had. She wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. She was too excited to sign back to the man. A lone, rejoicing tear slipped from her eye and a small smile, the first in a long time, formed on her face. "Mutant." she replied. "Is this place safe?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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0.00 INK

Morgan turned his head at the commotion and then held his finger up at the woman outside, as to tell her one moment and smiling nervously. He slammed the door and ran over to the scene, dismantling the portal next to the hallway. He looked over to Elaine and stared trying to figure out what he could possibly do. Due to the lack of communication that Elaine gave to us, she seemed to have lost her senses. Morgan picked her up gently and took her to lie down on a bed.

She signed at everyone in the room and stated, "She overloaded herself somehow... I think she needs to rest. Until then no one make contact with her, please?" I waited for everyone's response and then headed back to the door opening it and signing, "Sorry, come on in, make yourself at home."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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"Hey, Morgan, how do I figure out what my mutant powers are?" Rebecca asked him, walking over to him. She was still worried about Elaine and still confused about her being not a human.