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"Mutation is not kind."

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a character in “Xmen: Rise of the Shadows”, as played by claw



Name: Balaur Draak

Nicknames: Dragoon, Scales.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Devon, England

Powers: Flight, fire-breathing, diamond hard scales

Backstory: Born on the rolling hills of Dartmoor national park in Devon, Balaur- son of a first generation Lithuanian single father- was home raised, with the open fields serving as a massive garden for the young boy to grow up in, his home schooling also effectively cut him off from the rest of society, which thankfully managed to hide his extreme mutation, which unlike most Mutants went so far as to change his species from Homo Sapiens to Homo Draco. As the years went by his mutations increased in their depth resulting in a full transformation, though in doing so his immune system was vastly reduced in effectiveness, as well as turning him into a cold-blooded reptile.

Not long after his 17th birthday his mutations were discovered by a group of locals, mostly superstitious. Upon seeing the flying creature they immediately took matters into their own hands and with weapons in hand followed Balaur to his home, which they proceeded to burn, with Balaurs father still inside. The young boy watched helplessly from afar before fleeing when the crowed began to notice him, he fly without aim or direction and eventually washed up upon the shores of America, half dead yet still so full of life.

So begins...

Dragoon's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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Elaine grabbed Rebecca's arm in blindness and tried to talk, but her throat was clenched. As Morgan closed in she hummed displeased "Mm," and strived to talk. When being carried however she stuttered "Girl needs help," and she moved her hand in the newly arrived mutant's direction. She was pleased that Flicker once again went over to the new girl and she relaxed on the bed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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Rachelle gasped as she floated towards where everyone was. She held her head and yelled slighlty. "Ah!" She said while seeing the other girl. She then paniced slightly while seeing the other going through a struggle of some sort. "Oh no! This parties getting mad nuts guys!" She said before laughing nervously. "So uh.... No ones ever like... Died here right?.... Right?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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While it was rather bad timing that an unconscious woman was bought over right after she asked whether or not this was a safe place, Neema was in no place to pick and chose where she took refuge. Besides, the residents seemed nice enough and they were all mutants from what she was able to gather thus far. She couldn't turn this down. She nodded to signing man. "Thank you." To interact with another human was now quite alien to her after so much time on her own. She wasn't even sure she knew how to talk to another person. She shouldered her bag and followed the man inside, already feeling safer and more at peace as she entered the bunker.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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Elaine closed her eyes and smiled at the flying girl. A relieved sigh left her lips when Neema was at ease. She sat up dizzily in the bed and held a hand onto her roaring belly. She moaned and looked around instinctively for food with weary eyes. "Excuse me, do you have any potato chips?" she didn't dare ask for more than the slightest. "Water," she sighed and her mind twirled.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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Rebecca sat down in front of a mirror on the wall. She was thinking of her parents, and how much she wanted to be like them. She concentrated hard on the thought of being her mother. She closed her eyes. Then she opened them and looked in the mirror. She looked exactly like her mother now. Then she concentrated on her father and looked at the mirror. Then sitting in her spot was her father in the mirror. "I'm a shapeshifter" Rebecca whispered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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Neema unshouldered her bag and let it slide onto the floor. "Chips...chips.." she repeated to herself. She opened the bag and started to maneuver around. The was decorated with My Little Pony stickers. Half of it was just flashlights and batteries. The rest, your average, run of the mill "Mutant on the run supplies," she handed the girl a bottle water and a small bag of chips. "So what is this place?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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"This is a boarding school for mutants" Rebecca said, walking over to the new girl. "I'm Rebecca. Rebecca Pryde, daughter of Kitty and Bobby Pryde, also known as ShadowCat and Iceman"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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Elaine's sight was still blurry, and when being handed the chips and the water she softly said "Thank you," and started on the bottle after a fumbling fail at the bag. The bag fell to the floor while the girl drank non stop, filing herself with the old, but clean water. She blinked repeatedly to gain her sight back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Cyrus
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Leading the signing girl inside, Morgan smiled exceptionally largely to see that another person knew how to sign as well as he did. He walked over to see the rest of the people in the room and signed to Rachelle, "No... well... Not yet..". He paused and then continued on signing, "I'm Flicker. I'll let you guys get acquainted I'm just going to..." He stuttered in the bit of his signing, looking around the room for Cyrus and that... other mutant. "Where could they have gone?" He threw a portal out down the hallway where he last saw them and placed another beside him. He sprinted through the sparking portal and appeared on the other end of the hallway, seeing the two, Cyrus moving mechanical arachnids around the halls.

Morgan tapped on the wall beside him to get their attention and then signed to Cyrus, "What are you doing?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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0.00 INK

Neema picked up the back and handed to the girl as she nodded to Rebecca. "I am Neema Okonkwo. And you say this is a school?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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"It is a place that takes in mutants. Anyone can live here. People my age, 17, or younger, can be homeschooled here. Watch this" Rebecca nodded and smiled, shapeshifting to a replica of Neema. "Cool huh?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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0.00 INK

Neema jumped when the girl shaped shifted. It wasn't the fact that she had been able to do it that shocked her, but what she saw when she looked at herself. Dark bags hung under tired eyes. Eyes that didn't belong to the person she was two years ago. She managed a small smile for the girl. "Yes, very impressive."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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Elaine sighed contently after emptying the bottle and she immediately started opening the bag of chips after repeating softly "Thank you." She blinked and slowly her eyes revealed to her that Neema wasn't quite pleased at her replica. She tilted her head and her soar voice spoke to Neema; "Hey..." her brown eyes projecting empathy and she intended on giving her a warm smile. Her appearance a little distant after the turmoil.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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Neema blinked and turned to Elaine and pretended to assume she was thanking her. "What...oh, you're welcome. Don't mention it." Time for a subject change.

"So what happened with you out there?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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Elaine kept eating the chips dizzily on the bed. Her gaze blunt in front of her. Her mind trailing back to the mysterious scaly boy with wings. But things were calm and somehow under control.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by claw
For the most part, the reptilian mutant had kept himself to himself, keeping to the back of the group and not mentioning a single word, not that he couldn't but rather out of a mixture of indifference, suspicion and confusion- mostly as to why nobody was freaking out about his abnormal appearance. Eventually he shook his head and muttered to himself. "Keista", referring to the whole situation in general.

Deciding he would take a look around this underground bunker he headed swiftly out of the door, too swiftly in fact as his tail swung around behind him and struck against the door frame with a smack, other than wincing slightly he ignored it as he stalked off. He did not go far down the tunnel passageway when he took a long, deep breath in and stopped dead in his tracks. The air in here was cold, very very cold, though for a mammal it may seem just a bit chilly for him it had a massive reaction. Falling to one knee he clutched at his heart as the piecing cold slowed his heart, the world began to swirl around him and colours melded around him, he slumped up against the wall for support but found his legs were already crumpled out from underneath him. He shakily tried to fold his wings around him protectively, raising his hands to his mouth in a cup, trying in vain to light a spark inside himself, to save him from the deadly chill in the air around him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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0.00 INK

Listening intently, crouching on the ground like a frog, James gave a constant reply to each word. "No no no no no no no no no." He held his head in his hands, scratching violently at his face as he did so. "Pain. Hunger. Pain pain pain. Mother. Mother. Hurts. No. I-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I don't. No. Solder. Kill. Eat. Hungry Hungry." He continued his muttering, blood slowly seeped from his face into his hands as he continued scratching. He seemed to regret lashing out at his friend, but quickly raised his bloody face looking towards the group.

"Hungry." The single word caused him to jump into action, running on all fours across the corridor and towards the girls. He sat there again, like a frog, muttering some more words as he looked over them. "Eenie meenie miney YOU" He jumped up towards one of the girls [First one to post next will be who he attacks], spinning at great speeds in the air as he swung a kick.
If he were to hit, he would quickly fall to the ground to his hands in order to push himself to do a flip onto his feet.
If he were to miss, he would simply spin into a wall only to quickly turn and attempt to tackle his target down, biting down on whatever first part of flesh he could get in the attempt to bite a chunk of flesh off.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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Elaine straightened up her back still sitting on the bed and dropped the potato chip as her body had entirely different focus. She placed her hands to the sides to keep balance and her eyes went blank. Like a blind bat she sensed the air and muttered "He's cold," before she quickly faced the leaping man. She lifted the potato chip bag between her and the attacker. She could feel his speed and power, so she let the man grab the bag and let herself fall to the side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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James fell to the ground, confused with what he was holding, some random bag... "Hungry~" He muttered through gritted teeth, smiling a little as his blood dripped down his scratched face. His prey was right there, falling to the side in the attempt to dodge. But this time would fail. "FOOD!" James shouted as he pounced yet again, his mouth wide open as he attempted to jump on top of the woman in order to bite a chunk out of her body.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov
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"Not food!" Elaine shouted as she could all too well feel the man's hunger and desperation, but didn't want to get eaten. Her body had limited energy to move and hoped someone would remove this baboon from her and give him that darned meat he sought so badly. She couldn't see him and she was too exhausted to fight this immense power charging at her.
