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James Goldsworth

0 · 499 views · located in Xavier's School for Gifted Young People

a character in “Xmen: Rise of the Shadows”, originally authored by Weilacca, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: James Goldsworth

Call Card: Vibe.

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Place of Birth:

Powers Vibration Generation.
Basically the generation of vibrations, within a certain range of about 5 meters from the front of the body. The vibrations can range from breaking glasses to generation small scale earthquakes. Along with changing intensities, ending up to be strong enough to rip apart the molecular structure of an item. Effectively 'Disintegrating' it.

James was born into a poor family in London. Not even in the good part of London either. It was some kind of genetic mutation which had allowed James to wield this power of Vibrations, using them to protect himself from bullies in school or from the thugs who wanted his wallet. It wasn't long until the government had caught on to his powers and dragged him away from his normal life to force him into testing, releasing his true powers.

It wasn't long until James' rather intelligent brain worked out the government's true goal; to use him as a weapon. And so, worrying over being sent into war and being forced to kill people, James studied his power whenever possible. Learning about the range he holds and the intensity it can show, it wasn't long until he managed to rip his way out of the testing facility to escape off into the sunset.
His recent years had been spent in solitude, allowing psychosis to slowly develop as he began to turn to the side of a murderer. Killing people, to eat, to sleep, to survive. It would be anyone and anywhere, he would still escape from the police's intervention.

After his actions had brought too much attention, James was taken away by John Forwick. A member of the Xmen who dragged James into the bunker with the rest of the "rejected" people.

So begins...

James Goldsworth's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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Cyrus' attention was taken just then at the sudden pull of energy. There was technology down there technology that did not belong in the old bunker. Cyrus' eyes narrowed but his present priority was James, and getting him to a comfortable place. With much effort and difficulty he dragged James into one of the bunk rooms, he left the door open so that when James woke up he didn't feel completely trapped in there, he also laid the lamb on the desk so that James could eat it when he awoke. Cyrus then sat down on the bed opposite James and pulled from his heavy coat pocket a spider bot much larger then the last he planted in the electrical panels. It's body more accurately resembled a tarantula's anatomy with chrome body plates and bright blue markings that glowed and winked out like a heart beat. He pressed his finger to the blue circle on it's abdomen and it came to life, its legs unfolding and twitching causing its joints to click and whir. The spider looked up at Cyrus expectantly with four glowing blue eyes. "Find whatever it is and scan it. I want to know what Morgan is hiding in here....This is a refuge....we have a right to know."

He set the spider down and immediately it scuttled along the floor, then the wall in order to slip in through an damaged air vent and disappear from sight. From there it followed the sounds of movement, speech, and the trace energy left from the moment Cerebro turned on. Cyrus leaned back in the bunk and closed his eyes, watching through his spider's neon blue vision.

It didn't take long before it found where Cerebro was hidden. It stopped, lurking in a vent just over where Rebecca and Morgan conversed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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Rebecca sighed and stood up from the chair, the things she had seen, they were horrible. She heard a small creaking she looked up at the air vent, and saw nothing. She looked away.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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It wasn't long until James' eyes snapped open with a single word leaving his mouth; "Hungry." Without saying anything else, his attention was grabbed by the appetising smell of the lamb on the desk. His companion also seemed to be lying in the other bed, there was no memory of what happened before he somehow fell asleep, leaving his face full of confusion. However, his face quickly raised to a satisfied and happy look as he quickly grabbed the lamb in his mouth and jumped to the floor. Crouching down as he held the meat in his fingertips, digging in to the feast.

His current stance seemed to resemble prehistoric man, the way he holds the meat close as he eat along with the way he was crouching. His face was still bleeding due to the painful scratches he forgot about making, but it didn't faze the hungry cannibalistic mutant. The blood was more like an extra taste on his meat as it dripped down, making James a little more happy. However, there was still one problem... "Thirsty thirsty thirsty." He spoke after each chomp, after that he continued eating, muttering indistinguishable words which pointed a lot to his past. Too bad he spoke too fast and crazy for the words to be known.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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Rebecca opened a comic book and started to read. It was about Deadpool. Cool.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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Neema raised an eyebrow at the screen and went to take a closer look. "A mission? What's going on over there that's important enough for us to-

She stopped in midsentence when she heard a creaking in the vents. She'd apparently not been the only one. Rebecca had heard it too.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Drake Wilson
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A loud knock sounded on the door.

Rebecca got up and walked over to open it, the comic book in hand. She opened the door and stared at the man standing there. He was wearing the Deadpool suit, along with the weapons attached to it. "M'lady, let Mister Deadpool in" he said, letting himself in. Rebecca stared after him in awe.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Drake Wilson
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"All! Most! Got it!" She yelled out as the rusted door began to fall to the ground with a loud thud. She smiled and nodded before escorting herself into the dusty facility. She coughed slightly while looking around. Broken machinery everywhere. Was this some sort of underground research facility? She looked at the remains of the desk next to a collection of files. "Well hello there~." She whispered slightly before beginning to venture into the piles of information.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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Cyrus's spider waited until the room with Cerebro was empty then it scanned with a series of bright blue scanning lasers. It scuttled up to the chair and approached the helmet. A panel rose slightly from the spider's back and several thin wiry tentacles attached itself to the helmet connecting it to it's wiring. The spider downloaded as much information about it's programming as it could and uploaded a trojan loaded with Cyrus' own software it would be the so called seeds Cyrus would use in order to gain control of Cerebro himself. It would take a long time however as the programming was advanced and meant to be used by a certain power. A hacking job for only a genius.

Movement in the room caused Cyrus to pull out of his spider, leaving it unguarded in it's business. He looked over at his mad friend. "You've scratched your face up completely. You ought to let me look at that later, I'm sure there's a first aid kit somewhere."

Cyrus dug through his bag and offered James the extra water bottle he'd kept for the hike up there. He'd bought it for James back at the village but he hadn't really asked for a drink at all. "Here.....wash that down with some of this when you're through."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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0.00 INK

James had finished his feast, burping loudly with a full stomach. He heard words of his companion as he licked his fingers of the still dripping blood and the remains of the lamb, causing his head to snap over at Cyrus. "Aid? Aid aid aid..." He looked down and back at his cyborg friend with a smile, as if accepting the help. "Aid?"

That was when his sight was filled with the bottle of water held out at him, knowing what it contains, James quickly snatched the water and tapped it several times trying to work out how to open it. It didn't take long until his thirst became impatient, allowing james to bite hard into the side of the bottle, breaking it open along with the plastic cuttin his lip and gum. Without cleaning his face, James simply poured the water into his mouth, making a mess as he did so, soaking himself with blooded water until it was empty.

The bottle was cast away with a quick throw, allowing James to keep at his crouching position as he played with his wet clothing out of boredom. "Soldier. Kill. Eat." He spoke, drawing on the dusted ground detailed picture of the mute along with several different ways to hunt and kill him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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0.00 INK

Location: The Bunker
Cyrus chuckled, "Yes aid, madman. You can be quite amusing and terrifying at the same time. Not sure if I like it or find it disturbing....I guess both."

Cyrus raised his eyebrows as James struggled shortly with the water-bottle before tearing it open with his teeth. At that Cyrus grimaced. "I spent money on that you know! Next time I'm getting you a damned dog bowl." He crossed his arms and was about to check back in on his spider when he noticed what James was drawing in the dust.

"You will not kill him, Madman. Save your hatred for the humans. It's them we need to eliminate."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Drake Wilson
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0.00 INK

(OOC: Ok for setting clarification in case there are confusions anywhere. The setting is in a bunker. That IS the school. The original has been destroyed. The bunker IS the safe haven that MOST of the RP is based in for now.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Dragoon Character Portrait: Elaine. A.k.a. Elaine Woods. Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Job Volkov Character Portrait: Drake Wilson
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0.00 INK

Location: Rebecca is in the Cold Corridor, Deadpool is in the Kitchen
Time: Afternoon

Rebecca said "Come on, Dragoon. Your going to be fine. Just fine. Here" She took off her jacket and put it on him, still shining the flashlight on him. She turned the lights and heater on. Maybe that would help. She hoped so. "Dragoon, open your eyes. Spread your wings" She coaxed.

Drake sat down at the small table in the kitchen. He had just finished off the beer. Now he was lazy. Then he got an idea. "Ha! I'm glad I was in Boyscouts!" he smirked, pulling out a knife. He bent over the table and carved in the sentence "Deadpool was not here" in all caps in the middle of the table. "I hope they know I was not here" He said, standing up. He sat down on the floor. He had bashed the beer bottles on the floor. He started to put them back together.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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The Bunker

James chuckled along with his friend, unsure as to why they were laughing. But he then flinched at Cyrus' quick mood change, feeling saddened and scared at his words. "Bowl. Thirsty." He muttered as he removed his drawings.
That's right, the soldier gave him a place to live which is warm and safe, along with those bread biscuit things. "Human. Kill. Eat. Survive."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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0.00 INK

Cyrus' expression softened. "'s fine.....the bottle was a cheap knockoff anyways." He sighed and rested his head back on the pillow. "Yes the humans. They're the one that drove us into hiding and hurt you. I wouldn't be surprised if they where the ones who broke your mind as well. Poor sod."

Cyrus then threw his legs off the side of the bed and sat up. "My father sent me here to do something....only one way to figure out what that is. Why don't we greet the others. See exactly what we're expected to do down here in this old rat trap."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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0.00 INK

James flinched again when Cyrus threw his legs over, expecting to be hit for some bizarre reason. "Something? Go. Do. Others. Eat. Rats." James repeated as he pushed his legs, moving his body into a highly slouched standing position. His arms hanging loosely and his legs slightly bent.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo Character Portrait: Simon Henry Shaw
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0.00 INK

Location: heading to lobby

Cyrus stretched leisurely as he strode easily through the bunker as if it where his own home. It nearly was. Cyrus had tapped into about 50% of the electrical grid and 90% of the security systems. He could see the brightly colored blue of his influence washed over ever his mind's visual interpretation of every electrical signal that drifted through that base. He could see everything. Any cell phones that may send a text or call, any music being played on a radio. Thin little strands of information he could peek through, talk to and alter with his mind's own data stream. He was the ultimate computer virus. Intelligent, persistent, and impossible to detect by average means. There was no outward signals from the base which made his job easy. Since the base's intent was to be hidden nothing was actually connected to the outer network, not by internet or cell towers. The place was also way out in the country side, in a dead zone. It did however have an internal network for security and other means and this is where Cyrus made himself comfortable. Cyrus tested his control by subtle means as he and James strode to find Flicker and the others. Hidden camera's swiveled to face him and lights dimmed and flickered once as he passed. He watched the others through the security and took liberty to study how their powers work. Dragoon intrigued him, as did Deadpool. Cyrus sighed.

Meanwhile Cyrus' spider was still exploring the base, mostly biding it's time until it could return to it's master.

Cyrus entered the lobby. Upon spotting Morgan he grinned and approached him "So, Portal-man, I don't think I actually told you our names. This, my mad friend here is James and I am Cyrus, builder of intricate mechanical things. I've begun to upgrade the security system here already if you don't mind. I feel a base is useless without top notch security and a complete sense of safety. We'd be amiss if the humans marched on us again." Cyrus chuckled and leaned on Morgan's desk his blue eye sparkling. "So, what are our duties here? Are we training for....something? Or making a life for ourselves here. We can't be planning to hide away forever. I can tell you with dignity I'm not raising any children in this bunker and I can bet many here will agree with me. Life in a cramped bunker is not the freedom we deserve."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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0.00 INK

Location: Deadpool is going to the training room, Rebecca is in Cerebro
Time: Afternoon in the rp

Drake put on his mask. Then he grabbed his swords and handguns. He walked into the lobby, saw the sign that said "Training room" and walked to the training room. Once he got in there he looked around and pressed the button that said "Start Simulation". " 'Start Simulation', huh? Piece of cake" Deadpool said as he saw the first goon. He flipped his gun into his hand and shot the goon in the head, dead center. He shot the other three goons, until he saw one that was huge. "You think your a big one, huh punk? Look, Tumbo, lets see how big you are when I cut you up like a watermelon" Deadpool said and leaped at him, using both swords to slice off his head...

"That's so cool! I wonder what if..." Rebecca shook her head. Could it find my parents? Maybe? She didn't have the time to question it. She typed in "Kitty and Bobby Pryde". The map beeped and said "Error. Kitty and Bobby Pryde could not be found". Rebecca looked at it in dismay. "At least it didn't say they were dead" She muttered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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0.00 INK

James fell back down to a crouch as the others spoke, his eyes darting back and forth to each individual as his head twitched every now and then. Whatever the group were talking about, it wasn't making any sense, in fact it seemed a bit boring. There are much more easier ways to gain a human's trust, or maybe simply force it.

And so, after some muttering under his breath with his head looking side to side after each sentence as if he were talking to himself, James spoke up; "Kill. Eat. Humans. Force. Fear. Love. Hate. Survive survive survive.... Hungry..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Drake Wilson Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth
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0.00 INK

Location: Cerebro
Time: Nighttime

Deadpool tried and tried to open the door, without success. He ran down the hallway, flailing his arms and saying "Someone got stuck in Cerebro! I can't get the door to open!" He looked at the one with one eye expectantly. Please help, please help...I know who's in there...I need help to get her out....please.

Rebecca put her hands on Cerebro, grimacing. She shut her eyes closed. The lights in the bunker were flickering off and on.
She set her head down. Her head was starting to hurt.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rebecca Pryde Character Portrait: Flicker Character Portrait: Rachelle Noir Character Portrait: Cyrus Character Portrait: James Goldsworth Character Portrait: Neema Okonkwo
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0.00 INK

I nodded at Galaxy Child's statement and stated, "I know it will take some time. But we will get to the point that the X-men 30 years ago. I just know that will." He stared back at the monitor that came up from the desk again and started to plot a few points on his agenda. He looked back up and signed, "But, until then, we need to prep ourselves. Focus up on our powers." He got back to the papers on his desk and looked up some official documents on his mother, tossing them in a drawer and then closing it. He remembered his studying and then suggested, "There's a large storage area that doesn't have anything in it at the moment. Maybe we can train there?"