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Yamaku Academy: School for the Disabled.

Yamaku Academy: School for the Disabled.


You've just been sent to Yamaku Academy, A school for the physically disabled. There will be conflict, feels and, most importantly, love.

4,104 readers have visited Yamaku Academy: School for the Disabled. since SylphofSpace created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Yamaku Academy


A boarding school whose goal is to give the physically disabled and scarred the best education they can receive. Each has their own story. Were they born that way? Were they in some accident. Though they may not look the same as most, are they really much different than others? They may not be able to see or speak or hear, but they still think and feel and live and love. They come in all ways. From the confident to the shy to those who are just odd in the things they do. In the end, they are normal people living a normal life. These things are a part of them. Though some may only be getting used to it, they will accept it as who they are. All do eventually.


You are a student in Yamaku Academy, a boarding school for the physically disabled and scarred. While almost the entire plot is up to you guys, there is one thing I'm going to greatly encourage. Love. To overcome your disabilities and fall in love, it's a beautiful thing.


Yamaku Academy has three main buildings. The Main building, which contains classrooms, the library and other school-related things. The Medical building, where the doctors and therapeutic facilities reside, (for example: the pool.) and the dorms, which are separated into girls and boys.

In the main building, classrooms look normal and surprisingly bland. If not for the more noticeable kids, you'd think it was a normal school classroom. The Nurse's office is the same. Dorms are, unless modified, completely impersonal and ordinary, like the rest of the indoor facilities.

Outside the buildings, the campus is covered in lush plantlife, looking more like a park then a garden. Around the back of the school is the track and sports fields.

The library is humongous, with 1/4 of it's massive collection in braille for the blind.

If you venture through the gate off school grounds, a sloping hill leads down to a quiet town. The towns inhabitants are used to the student's disabilities and, most of the time, pay them no heed.

More About the Dorms.

The Dorms are three stories high. On the first floor lies the common-room, equipped with a T.V and DVD player.
Each hallway contains four dorm rooms, two on either side. The side pairs are connected by a single bathroom containing a shower, sink and toilet. For example: If 1 and 2 are of the left side of the hallway, they share a bathroom while 3 and 4 share their own.

Your dormmate will be chosen if they complement you well, for example, a girl with no legs and a girl with no arms are dormmates or a girl with horrible scars that is very self-conscious about them will be paired with a blind girl, or if you specifically request someone and they are willing to move. Once you get a room, you cannot change it until you graduate unless the previous happens.


Character Skeleton

Name: (Kind of self-explanatory)
Birthday: (When did you grace the earth with your presence?)
Height: (Are you a little person, amazonian or just plain normal?)
Weight: (How horizontally challenged are you?)
Hair color: (Sexy blonde or fiery red, the choice is yours.)
Eye color: (What color are those big, globes of jelly?)
Disability: (Why your in the school in the first place. Please don't randomly pick something like Osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease) without researching it first. Also note Yamaku only takes the PHYSICALLY disabled. Mental disabilities are not their jurisdiction )
Appearance: (What do you look like?)
History: (How did you get your disability? What was your life like before coming to Yamaku? If you wish to leave it for a surprise or sudden plot twist, please PM me it.}

Toggle Rules

- This is a literate RP; please use proper grammar and spelling. Mistakes are understandable - I make them myself - but do try to write with as much accuracy as possible. 500 words per post is the absolute minimum.
- You will be judged on your character profile so please do your best. Be creative, detailed and well-written.
- Please post in the OOC as often as you can.
- Be active. If you will be unable to post for a long time, do notify us.
- No Godmodding.
- The rules of roleplaygateway apply, as per usual.
- Be polite, friendly and considerate at all times. That way, everyone can be happy.
- The word of a GM is final but please understand that we aren't dictators and we will always do our best to work with you.
- If you have any questions or needs for help, do feel free to speak with us.
- No auto-attacking. If your character throws a punch at someone, for example, you must wait for the other player to respond.
- Most importantly: have fun!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 13 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Tores Character Portrait: Yumiko Hikarinaki
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Alex was wondering who his hall mate would be, but it wasn't the time to worry about that. "Why not have a small board and marker..? It would waste less paper, right?" She was still smiling when she said this, so he guessed she blew off what happened earlier. (It probably would, but I am stubborn and I want to use notebook paper instead.) He wrote this down smiling, since he couldn't really laugh. "As a fellow artist, I'd know." She pulled a notebook of her own out, so Alex guessed that this was some of her drawings. He flipped through it, seeing some drawings that were quite advanced and some drawings that seemed a bit messy. He thought that perhaps the hand she lost was the one that she drew with originally. The danger of not being able to draw was one of the reasons that Alex tried to use both hands, instead of being limited to one hand. If he lost his hands, then it would be pretty hard for him to communicate and he really wouldn't want to do anything.

He was confused as to what the growling was, but he then noticed that it was the girl's stomach. He saw her reaching into her bag and pulling out a lunch. "My grandma prepared a big lunch for me, but I can't really eat everything she gives me. I can share.. if you want some." She was unwrapping the lunchbox and he saw what appeared to be a delicious lunch under the lid. He wondered if her grandma could cook as well as he could, but he guessed she probably cooked better due to age. (I would like some, but wouldn't that be quite rude of me?) He hated being rude, but he also hated being hungry. His rich upbringing made him want to be as formal as he could when in formal parties set up by his parents, since he would be representing his family's etiquette and his family loved being seen as formal and good samaritans. He decided to try and act as comfortable around the girl as he could, since he would be losing any chances of making friends if he kept up trying to use formalities.

"Let's go find somewhere to eat this." She said, once again with a smile. He could've just left the girl on the floor and walked past her, but he didn't and he did not regret the decision to help her. (I'll follow behind you, so lead the way.) He didn't really know were to go, so he would let the girl take lead. They stopped in front of an empty classroom, then he walked in and the girl rolled forward. He sat in a desk adjacent to the one the girl was sitting in.

"Do you use chopsticks?" This was quite an easy question for him to answer, since his father was American and his mother was from Japan. He knew how to sign Asian sign language and American sign language, and he knew the many mannerisms of the Japanese. (I can use either a fork and spoon or chopsticks, since I was occasionally invited to foreign formal gatherings by other rich families .) He didn't know that being rich was a big deal, since he didn't think the girl would care about his upbringing. He wasn't snobby about the fact that he was rich, so he wasn't thought of as rich or snobby. However, anyone that went to his family's mansion would know he was rich, but he may or may not show his friends his family's mansion. Him going to back to the place where the people he cared about murdered, would bring out some suppressed emotions and he didn't want to go home until he knew he could face going home without crying. A funeral was never held for the maid he loved, but he was determined to make a funeral happen. He didn't care if his parents didn't approve of it, since he was a big source of monetary income for his family and they couldn't afford to lose him. The sunlight was shining through the window and he was enjoying having the light shine on his face, since it was warm and comforting.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Kristin Fray Character Portrait: Razeluxe Kagoshima Character Portrait: Amaya Kago
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(Cold Iron and Shadow of the Truth on endless repeat both do wonders for scenes like this. Actually, this was sort of like one of those stories where it shows humans as incomprehensible beings, usually through the eyes of animals or some such. Only this time, it's Azalea as something akin to Cthulhu, through the eyes of a traumatized, cripplingly shy hikkikomori.)

Amaya flinched as a voice rang clearly out from behind her, a hand falling gently upon her shoulder and sending shivers up her spine. Immediately, she stiffened, then quickly shied away from the boy's touch, only to stumble yet again and nearly fall flat on her face. Catching herself on the wall, she gazed downward at the floor, too nervous to look up at the individual she didn't need to perceive to know was right next to her. In an instant, all of the fears that had slowly built up over the course of a very stressful day began to surface in her mind, freezing her in place despite the boy's completely innocent, even polite words. Actually, if anything, the fact that he was concerned about her only made it even worse. Now she was too scared to even try to run away - or at least, hobble off very quickly - for fear of what he might think of her. Since he had already touched her shoulder, she couldn't just pretend to be deaf and use that as an excuse. He knew that she had noticed him, and if she tried to leave without speaking, then he would just be angry. Amaya didn't want people to be angry at her. If they hated her, then things would only become worse. She already felt like an elephant in the room, like she didn't belong here. She didn't need to be noticed and reviled on top of that feeling of abnormality.

So, she had no choice. She had to say something, it would be rude not to. But... what? How was she supposed to react to this? The expedient solution would be to assure that she was alright, but to her growing fear, she found that she couldn't even bring herself to look up at him, and when she opened her mouth, no words would come out. The only reason this boy had even noticed her was because she had become an issue, a problem he wanted to fix quickly so he could go back to his usual life. She was just a nuisance, and if she looked at him and saw that painted in his eyes, she knew exactly what it would mean: that she really didn't belong here, that she was just as much of an issue to these students as she was to the people at her last school. She was frozen, her one functional eye staring fearfully down at the tiles beneath her feet, her mouth opening slowly, then closing much faster as she realized that she couldn't get any words to form on her tongue. Seconds ticked by, and for several moments she was completely silent, motionless save for a slight nod of her head as she realized that she couldn't delay her reply any longer, even if that meant she couldn't speak in words. Weakly, she tried to force the desired speech out, but it was as though she was being crushed beneath the weight of an ocean, her throat flooded with an unwanted pressure that drowned out every sound she might make. At last, faint as a whisper, she managed one word, then two more a little louder, before she simply shut up, too humiliated by the situation to continue.

"A-alright..." She murmured. "I-I'm a-a-alright."

This was the most she could muster, and with these words, her rigid form seemed to somehow crumple, her head hanging lower than before and her shoulders slumping with the weight of her own perceived inadequacies. For a moment, all was silent, and Amaya prayed that the boy had simply accepted her response and moved on. But, no such luck. To Amaya's horror, in the next instant, something occurred that, in her state of mind, she could never hope to understand nor to endure. Embarrassment led to confusion, and confusion led to panic, until at last she could take no more.

Like a bolt from the blue, she appeared. A tall girl with unusually colored pink hair, the mysterious individual went from a metaphorical black cloud on the horizon to an absolutely terrifying, incomprehensible whirlwind of absolute chaos within about three seconds. The blur of motion as she streaked past was enough to get Amaya to raise her face on instinct, her eye reflexively tracking the girl as she collided with the nameless boy she'd been trying to escape from, almost as though she'd been fired from a cannon. Squealing something Amaya didn't understand, she knocked the boy to the ground, leaped on top of him, and-

Amaya blushed furiously, and swiftly averted her gaze out of shame as the girl, seemingly unaware of time or place, gave the unkempt boy what looked to be a very violent mockery of a passionate, intimate kiss. The young introvert, being innocent in regards to such manners, couldn't help but be confused and ashamed at accidentally beholding something that should have been private. But... why was the girl doing something like that in the middle of an occupied hallway? Wasn't she, Amaya, just getting in the way of their evidently very close relationship? She should just go. Neither was paying her any attention, which was just fine with her. Since she would just be a nuisance if she stayed any longer, she would just-

Her attempt to escape was halted abruptly as another shameless squeal rang out from behind her. It took her a moment of absolute disbelief to realize that the person the unbelievable, baffling individual who had just appeared was referring to was actually her, and before she could even process this information, she was violently, forcibly grabbed and pulled off her feet. Instinctively, she shut her eye tight and covered her face, cowering to make herself as small a target as possible for the attack she was sure was coming. What was even going on here? Had she done something wrong? She hadn't meant to bother anyone, she just wanted to be alone!

She opened her eye slowly when the blow she'd dreaded never came. Her head was instead forced sharply downward, coming into contact with something soft that she didn't immediately recognize. A voice began to babble obliviously from above her, saying things she didn't fully grasp as her vision was blocked out completely by a warm, bouncy something. Was this... The introvert gasped and flushed a deep shade of red. The girl, at least a head taller than her and much more voluptuous in build, was, for whatever reason, giving her a hug far too intimate for her liking, in the meantime burying the victim's head within the unspeakable, unfathomable assailant's cleavage. Amaya went rigid, unable to even squirm or try to fight against the vise like grip that rendered her completely immobile in a vicious mockery of an embrace. Her mind tried to process the overwhelming information with which it was being filled, only for logic to draw a complete blank and turn swiftly to incomprehensible, total fear. All of this was happening far too fast, she didn't understand, what was this and how was she supposed to react, who was this person, why was she doing this, what did she want...?!?!

As suddenly as it had taken hold of her, the inescapable grip that had bound her was released. Her balance, entirely stolen from her, failed completely as her rigid body refused to even respond to her attempts to right herself. She staggered weakly backward on enervated legs, slumping against the wall. Her bangs had been drawn back by the violent assault on her personal space, but as it was now, she was so completely frozen by fear and confusion that she hardly even registered the fact that every last one of the web of twisted red lines all around her covered, sightless eye was now visible to both of the people in front of her. The only motion in her entire body was a very slight twitching of each and every part of her, from her legs all the way up to the lone brown eye in which unknowing, blank terror showed above all else, as flicked first to her would-be helper, then to her attacker, then back to the boy, then back again to the girl as she rambled on, speaking entirely too fast to be understood. Vaguely, a feeling of embarrassment reached her, as though from a distance, as some part of her comprehended the crude joke that had just been delivered, but this emotion never even managed to redden her countenance, which instead cycled in the opposite direction, going through several pale shades before settling on a complete blanch of fright. Her tormentor either didn't notice or didn't care, however, instead shouting three words, the meaning of which didn't fully occur to Amaya until the madwoman had already snatched her by the hand and hauled her back to a standing position. A wave of pain surged through her feeble limb as the girl's hands dug into her slender wrists like the iron grip of death itself, nearly ripping the captured arm from its socket as she dragged Amaya forward. Her hand twitched involuntarily and uncontrollably, and her cane clattered uselessly to the floor behind her, the pain of being so suddenly and violently caught up causing her fingers to go limp, surrendering the item she never even would have gotten the chance to use, anyway. The half-blind introvert gave a quiet gasp of pain, forgetting her fear of her assailant as she realized exactly where she was being taken - although not why - opening her mouth to plead for her captor to release her, only to be cut brutally short as the girl struck up an impossible pace, sending Amaya collapsing forward as her bad leg gave way beneath her. Unable to support her own weight, she tumbled towards the ground, striking her knees painfully against the hard tile floor, only to be violently wrenched upward again by her arm just long enough to perhaps take one step before the entire process repeated itself. Amaya gave a quiet cry of pain as she was roughly towed behind her demented captor, sending her bouncing repeatedly across the floor towards a place she knew she couldn't possibly stand.

Why? Why was all of this happening? She hadn't done anything wrong. She hadn't bothered anyone. She just wanted to be alone. Was that wrong? She couldn't cope with people. She couldn't understand people. She couldn't understand anything that was happening to her. As blind fear overwhelmed her entire mind, she began to twitch and squirm, trying in vain to pull her arm back from the girl who held it inexorably, trying to stand up, only to be brought crashing down again as her leg refused to support her. She was panicking now, so terrified of the room just ahead of them that she actually managed to speak, although her words either weren't noticed or were completely disregarded. She was helpless, at the whims of her cruel tormentor, who seemed hell bent on bringing about the fate she had whimsically decided upon for Amaya. The terrified girl, without a hope of understanding her captor, was only growing more frightened by the second. The pink-haired girl seemed to her more like some sort of unintelligible cosmic entity, a demonic being whose motives could not be grasped and whose actions could not be understood. But she knew one thing, and one thing about her attacker: no matter what, this person wanted to make her suffer. She would be dragged before the crowds she feared above everything else, and hurt in whatever way this person wanted.

"No," She sobbed quietly. Perhaps had she been in a more coherent state of mind, she wouldn't have bothered, remembering that pleas for mercy only make bullies - that was, at any rate, the only item in her experiences that she could compare her attacker to - want to hurt their victim more. But as it was, she was speaking more to herself, or to some indistinct, nameless entity which she envisioned as holding her captive, than she was to any of the people who were actually around her. It was useless, all useless. Her opinion was worthless. She knew that. Normal people could do as they liked with her. What she said or did didn't matter. She was just a doll, a lifeless being that couldn't possibly understand the actions of the people around her. It had always been this way. Why was she so scared now?

The door was growing closer.

She could hear voices behind it.

There were people. Lots of people.

"No," Amaya pleaded again.

She tried to escape. It was useless.

She couldn't move her arm.

Her knees struck the floor again.

She bounced to her feet, vaguely aware of a searing pain in her lower body.

She fell down again. She didn't manage to pull herself back up this time.

The ground was cold and hard.

With every step, she bounced across it, literally dragged now on both her upper and lower body.

"Please..." She cried. Useless.

The door was right in front of them now.

It was ever so slightly open.

She could see all the people inside.

Too many. Far, far too many.

The floor was beginning to be dyed in a color it hadn't been before.

Was she crying? Useless.

She squirmed again. Useless.

She couldn't escape.

She was sobbing, now, losing all dignity and coherence of thought as she pleaded with single words to be let go. Useless.

"No...!" "I can't...!" "P-please!" "S-stop!" "I d-don't want...-!" Useless. The girl was ignoring her.

The door gave a crash as it opened.

Amaya yanked violently with her arm, and found it suddenly released.

She crashed to the ground, slumping on all fours, her terrified eye met by the piercing gaze of countless others.

People turned and stared.

Amaya froze like a deer in the headlights, her final pleas choking in her throat as absolute fear consumed her entire being.

The girl said something, but Amaya couldn't hear her.

The people were looking, looking straight at her, cutting her to pieces with their eyes.

There was silence, then, laughter. They were laughing at her.

No. No. Can't, can't, can't, can't do this, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!


She had to run. She had to get away.

How? She couldn't even walk.

Then crawl.

Flee, just flee, flee from this and don't look back.

Run, run away, she had to run until she was all alone.

Her room. She wanted her room. Which way was it to her room?

She had to get back, had to lock the door and shut herself away from the world.

She had to escape from everything, from the outside, from the people who were staring at her.

She couldn't cope with this, couldn't cope with anything. These people, they hated her, she was a freak, she was nothing.




Amaya screamed. She didn't care anymore. There was silence save for the sound of her voice, silence which was broken by the scrambling of all four of her limbs as desperately, aimlessly, she skidded across the floor, hurling herself with all her might past her captor and out the door. A painful impact shook her as she slammed face-first into the floor in the hallway outside, but she didn't notice, couldn't notice anything. Away. She had to get away. She had to run, just run, run to her room and hide away forever. Alone, alone, alone, she just wanted to be alone! This school, these people, this entire world, she didn't care, just wanted to disappear from its face so she'd never have to be stared at, to be tormented again. But right now, that girl must have been right behind her. She had to escape, before she was caught again. She had to run, run, run run away! She was crawling now, dragging herself forward with both hands and then supporting herself on her good knee. When it came time to move her bad leg, she would just throw herself forward with everything she could muster, get up, and keep on scrambling frantically away. Her head was ringing now, searing agony beginning to force its way through the curtain of fear that shrouded her entire mind. She was growing dizzy, her legs ached, and a blank, sheer wall was rising up to meet her. She couldn't move, couldn't escape. They must have been right behind her now. How foolish, expecting she could get away? She, who couldn't even walk on her own two feet? A wave of despairing, pure terror filled her, and she crumpled like a puppet with its strings cut, collapsing against the wall only a few meters from the door of the room where, without a doubt, the people must have been staring, wondering what sort of freak had ever-so-briefly appeared in their midst.

Curling upon herself, Amaya cried silently, uncontrollable, wracking fits of trembling the only movement of her body as she lay against the wall, her head pressed against it and hung low as though she was trying to simply disappear into it. She gazed blankly at the floor below, her eye wide and unfocused, her face as pale as that of a corpse. One by one, her thoughts and feelings began to fade, until all that was left in her mind was fear. Fear of the people staring at her, fear of the girl who had tormented her so, fear of the ground she lay huddled upon, fear of the school, fear of the city, fear of the country, fear of the whole world. Her awareness faded completely, until all that was left was the certainty of her fears, fully expecting that when she should come to herself again, she'd doubtless be beaten down or otherwise harmed, until at last she might be left by herself and allowed to fade from the world. Then she wouldn't be a problem anymore. The only time she could exist without being a problem... was when nobody cared enough to realize she existed. When she couldn't be seen, couldn't be heard, couldn't even be known... Then, and only then, could she ever truly escape from her fears, even if it was only for a short time. But, as it was now, she was in exactly the opposite state. Her body was awake, but her mind was elsewhere, stolen away by that blind, all-consuming fear. She was just a doll, unable to even move save for the fitful crying that controlled her. But, in a way, that was the same, wasn't it? If she wasn't even aware of the world any longer, then, in a way, it meant she was finally alone, didn't it? And this comfort, small though it might have been, was enough to allow her to cope, even if it was only for a little while.

(Considering she's basically shell-shocked at this point, she's not going to be reacting to basically anything. You could probably hit her in the face and she wouldn't even blink. So, yeah, just for reference in any future posts.)


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Tores Character Portrait: Yumiko Hikarinaki
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She looked up, seeing the look on his face as he flipped through her drawings. "I know.. not the best, but.. I've been practicing." She said, opening her lunch again and pulling out some napkins, then looking at him.

She read his next note, looking back up at him. She passed him a pair, biting on the end of her own and slipping the cover off, them splitting them with her hand and her teeth. She was skilled with using her teeth to aide her, especially when it came to buttoning her clothes or retying her ribbons.

"Huh..? Oh, you come from a rich family? I don't... I guess it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to get in, otherwise I'd be limbless." She said, grinning a little, though.. her humor was out of place at the moment. She felt her face redden, looking down slightly. Her family was worried about how kids would treat her if she went on to her desired high school chioce, so they offered her the choice of going to Yamaku. Being a gray, empty shell of herself, she just nodded nad went on her way.

"I... don't mean to talk so much, I just talk whenever I, eh.. When I get a bit nervous." She said, shutting herself up as she dexterously slipped her chopsticks into her portion of the food, putting some on a napkin for herself and sliding the box torward him.

In the lunch box was a hefty heaping of rice and homemade curry with chopped vegetables, and a small side of teriyaki noodles. Another compartment held some apple and peach slices, the tangy taste of the peach and the crisp, sweet taste of the apple a delicious combination. She reached down, pulling out a thermal bag holding her drinks.

"Regular or chocolate?" She asked, pulling out two boxes that looked quite similar to a juicebox, setting them down beside their lunch. "And don't worry about feeling selfish. I was born with a small stomach and big lungs, so I breathe twice as much as I should eat." She said, blushing more. She guessed she could be a good singer, afterall... she had a compelling voice, and large lungs could be a sign she could hold a note for more than fifteen seconds.

"I'm... babbling again, aren't I..?" She asked softly, looking down out of her complex, intricate shyness that seemed to be a rollercoaster that afternoon. She had been that way since she was a child, her mother babying her and her father... her father was never really there, either. He worked when she went to school, and was asleep by the time she got home. Her grandmother wanted to help take care of her, and look where it got her. In a wheelchair, sharing her lunch with her new mute acquaintance at a school for disabled children.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Tores Character Portrait: Yumiko Hikarinaki
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I know… not the best, but.. I've been practicing." She pulled out napkins, then looked at him. (I don't really have any authority to judge art, since I only draw sad things. But from what I see, you're a good artist. ) This wasn't simple flattery, instead it was what he thought and he knew that she could get better if she practiced more. He wondered why people always though that they weren't good at anything, yet they seemed to be advanced in doing things. His brother knew what he was good at and Alex's brother always tried to get better at things he was not so good at.

He took the pair handed to him and he removed the cover from the chopsticks, since it would be hard to use them with the cover on. He split them and held them with ease, since he was used to eating with chopstick. He stiffened his back and prepared to eat without being too formal, but he was too used to being forced to use etiquette in ever conceivable situation that would require it. He didn't really want to stand up, since his legs were hurting a bit from carrying the girl earlier.

[b"Huh..? Oh, you come from a rich family? I don't… I guess it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to get in, otherwise I'd be limbless."[/b] She was grinning a little, but Alex was a bit startled by the 'strange' joke. He wouldn't judge though, since he might have found the joke funny under other circumstances. (Being rich isn't as fun as people make it out to be. My parents only care about money and they didn't even care about the fact that my brother was murder, since not even one tear was shed by them. They didn't care that the girl who I loved was killed in front of me, yet they still pretended they did so they could get more money out of my intelligence.) A tear fell onto the paper that he was writing on, but he quickly stopped himself from crying and put on a fake smile. Being rich was not very pleasant for him, but for others it might have been more enjoyable.

I… don't mean to talk so much, I just talk whenever I, eh.. When I get a bit nerve." She slipped chopsticks into her portion of the food, putting some on a napkin for herself and sliding the box towards Alex. (I would do the same if I could talk, so I don't have any place to judge. Also, I don't know if I can eat very much.) He looked at the contents of the box with surprise, since it held quite a bit of food in it.

Regular or chocolate?" She asked while holding two boxes. (I don't really mind, so I'll just take the one you do not wish to drink.) Alex didn't really care about what he got, since it would be quite rude for him to eat like a pig and he wasn't a fast eater or a glutton. "And don't worry about feeling selfish. I was born with a small stomach and big lungs, so I breathe twice as much as I should eat." She was blushing, but he wouldn't point this out due to possibly furthering her embarrassment. (I have a weak body and I don't use very much energy, so I do not have to eat as much as other people have to.) He wished to forget about the tear he shed earlier, and he wished the girl didn't notice that it pained him to talk about his family. He also hoped the girl wouldn't ask anything about his brother or the person he loved, since his brother and the person he loved were killed on the day before his birthday.

"I'm… babbling again, aren't I..?" She asked this question softly, but Alex still heard it. (A bit, but I do not mind.) He was used to never being heard, since people usually came to him and told him their problems. They came to him and let their sadness fall onto Alex, since to them he seemed to only be good for listening and the people who poured out their emotions would never listen to him. He hoped this girl wouldn't be like that, since it was quite annoying to never be heard. He thought about how his life would be different if the thugs never went to his house and robbed him, perhaps he wouldn't be mute and he would probably be able to go to normal schools. But he wouldn't know that his parents never cared a bout him and he would be living a mediocre life, since his parents would only pretend to love him. He wondered if that life would be favorable, since he would not have to worry about anything and he would be unaware of the type of monsters people can be. He wondered if he would want to change anything, if he was given the chance to change anything in his past. He decided to stop thinking about depressing things and instead eat.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Tores Character Portrait: Yumiko Hikarinaki
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Yumiko looked up as he scribbled each time she spoke, and as he wrote down every reply to her words. She smiled when he praised a her a little, continuing to eat her food slowly. She picked up one of the drinks and poked a straw into it, sipping slowly before looking up, spotting his tear roll down his face and drip onto his notes. Silently, she leaned over, cleaning his cheek off with another napkin.

"Alex... if you could speak, what would you do first?" She asked softly, having stopped eating as she felt an awkward tension rising between them. "Yell, scream, cry..?" She named off, putting her drink down. "I would laugh first."

"It's okay, we can save the rest for dinner." She sad softly, offering a kind smile to the boy. Talking about losing loved ones seemed to pull him into the dumps, so she was trying her best to make him fully smile.

She reached into her bag once more, flipping around in there before pulling out a new booklet. She set it down, opening up to a new page. Yumiko ripped a page out, biting an edge and tearing it very slowly so she would have a straight line. From there, she started folding.

Over, then under, and flipped over... She repeated this until she had a small, lopsided origami flower, a childish smile on the quiet girl's face. "You shouldn't worry about anything... Someone has to care for you, right? Then I'll be the first." She said, nodding to him with a gentle smile.

She finished up her portion of their lunch, taking the napkin and throwing it into a bin nearby. She looked back at him to see if he was done or not, starting to pack up her things. "You can keep the chopsticks if you want. I don't kind sharing with a friend." She said, resting hand in her lap and giving him that same, sweet smile.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Walker shrugged his duffel bag off of his shoulder as he walked onto the school grounds, dropping it next to the single suitcase he'd brought with him. His dad, however, had thought he needed more, and so was walking along with three suitcases stacked on one another. Walker spoke in English to his dad, laughing as he did so.
"Dad, I'll be fine with just the clothes I've packed! Honest!" Walker's dad, who we shall call by his stage name, Darian Westwind, smiled back, speaking with a gruff tone, as if most of his life had been spent as the star of a western(Which he had been, until he had left show business and taken up his current trade of being a helicopter pilot for some bigwig in Tokyo.).
"Nonsense, you'll need your morning suit, a formal dinner suit, swim trunks, suitjamas, because you need to be classy at all hours of the day, casual clothes, work clothes..."
"And I thank you for that, dad, but I think my most important clothes are going to be the school duds. I'll only be wearing the suits for outside of school, and I think the trenchcoat might be more suited to this area's weather." Darian smiled even wider, clapping his son on the back.
"Then you have something for any occasion! Problem solved! I also left you a little something in one of the suitcases, just in case! Now, you go get to your class, I'll go run these things to your room! Study hard, got it?" Walker responded with a quick, joking salute.
"Sir, yes, sir!" he said with a militant tone, then ran off after giving a quick hug to his dad. Ten minutes later, he was lost beyond all recognition.
"Aaaand now I can't remember where 3-1 is... Or was it 3-3? Dammit!" by now, he was speaking Japanese, so every curse word he said was VERY comprehensible.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Tores Character Portrait: Yumiko Hikarinaki
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"Alex… if you could speak, what would you do first?" She asked softly and stopped eating, since it was getting a bit awkward. Yell, scream, cry..?" She said this while putting her drink down. "I would laugh first." She gave her own response to her question, so Alex decided to respond as well. (I think I would probably cry first, but enough about this depressing stuff.) He seriously didn't want to speak about this stuff anymore. He regretted ever mentioning his family and he wished that he could've instead continued their conversation from earlier, but it was too late to not talk about his family.

It's okay, we can save the rest for later." She sad softly, still smiling. Alex was glad, since he had lost his appetite and he couldn't eat or risk choking. He wanted to smile, but he only smile a fake smile and the girl would probably be able to tell that he wasn't truly happy. He put on a fake smile, so she would stop pressing him. (Heh, sorry for making this awkward.) He had a shaky hand and he appeared to still be holding back a lot of emotions, even when he knew that doing so was dangerous for his mental state. He remembered his brother's kindness and smiled truly, since his brother would be mad at him for being sad over his death.

He watched as she ripped out a piece of paper from a booklet and slowly folding it, but he had no idea what she was doing and a bit of confusion set onto his features. He was baffled as to what she was doing, since he hasn't seen people fold paper before. He saw an origami flower, but he had no idea people could make such beautiful things with only paper. He stared at it with a curiosity in his eyes and he wanted to know how she did it, but she spoke to him before he could write the question down. You shouldn't worry about anything… Someone has to care for you, right? Then I'll be the first." He smiled, since he knew she wouldn't be the first or second person to care about him. (My brother and the person I loved cared about me, so you wouldn't be the first or second.) A smile crept up on his face and he was feeling a bit childish, but he didn't care if anyone thought that he was a childish person. He wondered why she nodded, since he thought you only nodded when you were confirming a question directed towards you.

He watched her throw a napkin into a nearby bin. (Thank you for the food.) He finished slowly, but he finished eating. "You can keep the chopsticks if you want. I don't mind sharing with a friend." She said that while resting her hand in her lap and smiling still, so he couldn't help but be happy. (Thanks, but why do I need chopsticks?) He had no idea what to use chopsticks for, but he would still be grateful.

(Do you know where to sign up for the student council? I think I would be of most use there. If not, then I will just stay here and lay down on a desk. If you wish to get a hold of me then call me on my phone.) He wanted to ask a simple question, so he could change the subject the two were talking about. He was exhausted and he didn't have enough strength left to continue talking about the subject of his family. This school was leaving it's mark on him and he would have to get used to his new lifestyle, if he was going to survive here without turning out more depressed than he was before. He did however give the girl his phonenumber, since it would be easier to communicate if she had his number. He didn't buy a phone, instead he made his own and upgraded it himself.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Tores Character Portrait: Yumiko Hikarinaki
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Yumiko looked at his notes, packing her bag up and zipping it. "I don't know... We're both new, remember?" She reminded, smiling. She wrote her number down, looking over. "Oh.. I guess I'll be going now... I'm going to check out ore of the school... Then the dorms." She said, waving to him. "I guess I'll see y-you around." She murmured, wheeling herself out the door and down the hall, turning down towards the ramp and easing herself into the next corridor.

She continued on through, finally finding the girls dormitories. She eased herself up the ramp and entered, looking at ther schedule. since it would have been a huge hassle to pack her back and forth everyday, her mother decided it would do best for her to live on campus. She wheeled to her assigned room, room 229. Taking the key from her bag, she unlocked the door, opening it and wheeling inside.

The room was bleak, the walls a faint beige and the bed made in almost matching linens. She saw some of her clothes unpacked in the open closet, the rack set low just for her. She reaced up, picking up the uniform that was placed here for her. She gripped the opening to the closet and slowly stood up, unfastening the zipper of her skirt and slipping it off, then putting the green one on slowly. Yumiko changed into her shirt as well, looking down at the ribbon. She took one end into her mouth, looping it around her neck with her hand, then tugging it tight so it was a neatly lopsided bow around her neck.

Placing herself back into her wheelchair, she struggled in putting her shoe on, sighing as she saw its twin left behind. "Sorry..." She murmured to it, smiling as she put it back into the closet. Yumiko then edged herself to her bed, lying down and closing her eyes. It would be easy to live here, right..? She sighed and pulled her phone charger out, plugging her phone in and adding Alex's number to her contact. At least she made a friend... With another sigh, the lilac-haired girl turned off the light, deciding to take a mid-afternoon nap to calm her nerves and rest her body from over-exerting herself--and nearly running over another student. She should have asked if he needed a nurse, but he didn't seem all that social after talking about his past.

Now all she wondered about was who the girl was that he loved, and if he could ever open up his heart again like he did for his deceased family.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jolnas Ritter Character Portrait: Kora Neverwinter
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"I was born near Oslo. Cue jokes about being a viking. " Kora chuckled.
"I guess I'm a bit of a mutt mind you, even if my family has always been very funny about marriage and all that nonsense." she explained.

"I've lived over here since I was about nine or ten, but I know english. My mother is canadian so I was sort of expected to know it. Not that it made a lot of difference. We don't talk very much. Talking would imply some sort of human emotion as supposed to the reptile instincts that my mom possesses..." she muttered, before drawing to a halt, resting her hands on the wheels of the chair.

Kora's relationship with her mother Karina had never been a good one. For the most part the barely talked. She lived elsewhere anyway. They'd never really wanted to bring up the divorce, as some sort of method of saving face, she supposed. Her father never wanted to give the impression that the family was not entirely flawless, to the point of outright deception it appeared.

"You don't happen to know where to go from here do you?" she asked, looking back at her newfound friend. She'd been aware of not rushing ahead too much, guessing it probably wasn't easy to keep up when you couldn't see someone.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jolnas Ritter Character Portrait: Kora Neverwinter
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Jolnas reached for a wall, scanning around, in an effort to find something that would answer Kora's question. "There should be a fire escape map, with some braille on it." He was speaking in english now, his accent still permeating through every word. The smooth wall hiding his saving grace.

"If only I could find it though, I could tell us where we needed to go and we could be on our merry way. He moved his cane to attach it to a magnet on his back, the magnet being held in place by a strap he wore under his uniform. He opted to use both of his hands instead, waving around as the faint hiss of his palms slid across drywall. He moved over to strike his hand against a metal plaque. Re-positioning himself to read the plaque better, he ran his fingers along the cold metal. In braille, he translated to English. "Fire escape routes," He traced his fingers to finally find the infirmary, stopping, then swiping them across, the feel of bumps in a set track so familiar. He had mastered braille when he was Thirteen. It had been two years prior that he had learned it however, the first word he had learnt being turtle. The word stuck with him, up unto the point that the doctor suggested Meditation and a physical activity.His father had replied with boxing, but his mother objected, stating that there was no way that he could protect himself by putting himself in harms way. Then his father had suggested Kung Fu. His mother was only a small bit more lenient to this idea, and wasn't very happy when her blind son took his first lesson. Both of his parents were surprised to hear their son explaining how he had held his own against a fully capable child. "They breathe really heavily, and there movements are loud as well."

He remembered being asked about what forms he would try to attempt. His reply to this was, "Turtle, there is no way I'm gonna fall if the goal is to take hits." Through the times of when he had to protect himself, he was always in stance, his feet rooted to the floor, his arms up, his back hunched over, hiding behind his arms, away from all pain. He would usually take a punch to his stomach, but the cry of surprise as the assailant pulled back their fist because of how hard his abs were (he would always keep his abs tightened when fighting), was hint enough of there position, and he soon dealt with them.

"Hey Kora, could you come up here? I need to know where we are. I found out where we need to go though." He inserted his hand into his pocket, and removed his can from it's resting place. He was glad to have somebody that could see around. "I think I'd literally be lost without you Kora. I have to admit, we might make a good team." He turned around, trying to remember where she was relative to him.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Satomi Honoka Character Portrait: Zeal Yamaka Character Portrait: Hana Fujio
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Zeal smiled at Hana’s embarrassment as she assaulted him with questions. She was cute, like, really cute. Even just her giggles caused the young boy to break out in a fit of blushing. Her hair moved when he talked, a curtain of ebony in the wind. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I never even told you my name, I'm Fugio Hana.” The girl said cheerfully. Zeal made a mental note of it in his brain so he never forgot. “Well, I’m Zeal Yamaka. It’s a pleasure to meet you Hana.” He quipped, giving her a little nod before he remembered she couldn't see it.

“What do you think about this place?” Zeal pondered this question for at least a minute before answering, pressing his shoulder to hers so she didn’t think he had left. Yamaku wasn’t a bad place. Take away the Tunnel Snakes, which Azalea promptly got rid of, and your left with a beautiful campus with friendly teachers, a huge library and crappy food. “It’s…peaceful,” he finally said. “Like your own zen garden, waiting to be molded. It’s only when the snakes start to get in that the purity of the sand is ruined.” He grimaced as the picture of Sage popped into his mind, forcing it from his conscious.

“Is this your first year too?" Zeal shook his head before, once again, remembering Hana couldn’t see. He cleared his throat nervously. He wasn’t used to people actually taking interest in him. “Uhh, no. No, I’ve been here for three years if you count this one.” A sudden idea popped into his head. It was crazy, moronic and even pushing his own boundaries, not to mention hers. “Hey…would you like a tour…of the school? I could show you where the music room is, the library and maybe even help you get unpacked.”

He delivered a swift mental kick to his stomach. ‘Help her get unpacked? What the hell were you thinking? She’s going to think you’re some kind of rapist and never talk to you again. Shit, this was not a good idea. Not at all.’ If Zeal could move his arm, he would have slapped himself out cold, that way he wouldn’t have to listen to Hana’s rejection. His eyes cast upwards, pleading to Satomi for some help recovering the situation but she was nowhere to be seen.

While Zeal fought with himself, Nana, being the ingenious dog that she is, decided it was the perfect time to attack the black haired boy with a barrage of licks. He yelped in surprise as the large yellow beast toppled him over beside Hana, covering every inch of his face with sticky slobber. “H-Hey! Cut it out!” Zeal laughed, completely forgetting his mental feud with his own stupidity, and rubbed the dog lovingly with his cheek. He had always wanted a dog but he didn’t have the money to feed one on campus. The licks softened from something that could be considered softcore porn to comforting kisses. It was like Nana knew Zeal’s worries.

“I, uh, I guess Nana agrees.” He said happily.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeal Yamaka Character Portrait: Hana Fujio
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“It’s…peaceful,” he finally said. “Like your own zen garden, waiting to be molded. It’s only when the snakes start to get in that the purity of the sand is ruined.” Hana smiled.

"Zen garden. Hmm, that's a pleasant way of thinking of it." She mused, tugging at a lock of her hair. She liked the idea of a peaceful place. But Zeal had been right, snakes had a habit of slithering into the most peaceful of places. She half smiled again.

"But people hold snakes as pets, right? Maybe even the worst of the snakes here can be tamed too." She giggled. "Stranger things have happened, right?" Hana said optimistically. She had always been one to look for a silver lining, even now, even when she couldn't even see storm clouds. In a way, it was better. It was easier for Hana to see the wonders of the world when she was blind to them. She had an ingenuity more powerful than a child's eyes. She really couldn't see any of the wrong in the world.

“Uhh, no. No, I’ve been here for three years if you count this one.” Hana's eyes widened.

"Three years. Wow. So this place is sort of like a home for you?" She flushed. "I mean, not like a home as in a retirement home or anything like that. I meant, do you feel at home here?" She hung her head at her ineptitude at communication. She might have been better off mute...

“Hey…would you like a tour…of the school? I could show you where the music room is, the library and maybe even help you get unpacked.”

Hana turned a shade of red that the side of a barn would be jealous of. Her heart started thumping loudly, deafening in her ears as she struggled to form a response. It wasn't that she was afraid; she wasn't quite used to boys taking interest in her. She had always been homeschooled, so she was a little new at the whole social scene.

"I- um..."

Nana chose that exact moment to make a move on unsuspecting Zeal. The boy laughed as she gave him a through licking, and Hana could feel the slight movement of the air that meant Nana was wagging her tail. She giggled, then started to laugh- really laugh- for the first time since her father's death. It was nice; she had forgotten what it was like to be truly happy.

“I, uh, I guess Nana agrees.” He said happily. Hana smiled warmly.

"We'll, since Nana hasn't eaten you yet, I think a tour would be a great idea. And a little help unpacking would be greatly appreciated." Her eyes widened in remembrance. "Oh, your hand! It isn't hurting, is it?" She bit her lip, feeling torn.

"I don't want to make you lead me around if you're hurt..." She couldn't help thinking that the injury was her fault. She didn't want to further inconvenience Zeal, as nice as he'd been.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeal Yamaka Character Portrait: Hana Fujio
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A huge smile filled the boy’s cheeks when Hana laughed. It was one of the most beautiful sounds his ears had ever had the honor to be graced with hearing, a symphony of joy and peace. Nana’s tail began to thump beside his leg, signalling she was just as happy as her master.

"Well, since Nana hasn't eaten you yet, I think a tour would be a great idea. And a little help unpacking would be greatly appreciated." Hana said cheerfully. With a sigh of relief, Zeal relaxed his body as the previous thoughts disappeared into the back of his mind, waiting to surface again at the smallest sign of self-doubt. His companion’s eyes widened so naturally, he would never have thought she was blind.

"Oh, your hand! It isn't hurting, is it?" She asked worriedly, biting her lip. Zeal’s gaze drifted back to his currently useless limb. At the moment it didn’t hurt because of the drugs the nurse had so kindly administered but later on it was going to hit like a steam train. He tried not to think about it. “I’m fine, I can’t even feel it.” It wasn’t a lie and besides, Zeal wanted to make Hana worry as much as he wanted a large scorpion to crawl up his butt.

"I don't want to make you lead me around if you're hurt..." Zeal shook his head. “Hey, I’m fine. Besides, I was the one who offered. If anything, you’re leading me.” It didn’t really make sense but it was the only thing he could think of. “Just let me get the nurse to put this in a sling.” At the sound of her name, the nurse was already over with a roll of gauze and a bottle of pills. With utmost ease, she moved his arm into position and quickly made a sling. She leaned in, hopefully out of earshot of her blind patient. “Look, I know you want to help her. You’re a good kid Zeal. Just make sure to take three of these when those painkillers wear off. Trust me, you’ll need them.”

Zeal nodded and went back to Hana, standing awkwardly beside her. Normally he’d have just touched her shoulder to get her attention but, at the moment, he was unable to do that. Instead, he gave a little cough to emit his presence. “If you’re alright to walk we can go whenever you like.” He shot a quick glance at the nurse, gaining a nod of approval. Nana barked happily and bounded beside him, nudging Hana’s hand with her cold nose. She seemed to relax at this contact, a new sense of security filling her big, brown eyes.

In his head, Zeal was already planning out their route. First, they’d go to the music room. The black-haired boy grimaced a little at the thought of Wolfgang. He always went out of his way to pick on Zeal. ‘Hopefully, he won’t be there.’ Then they’d visit the library and say hi to Yuuko. Finally, they’d walk to the dorms where he would help her unpack. A sudden realization hit him like a blow to the gut.

How was he going to help her without his hand? ‘This is going to be harder than I thought.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeal Yamaka Character Portrait: Hana Fujio
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Hana hopped out of bed, smiling and taking her eager service dog's leash. She was ready to acclimate herself with the school, but more so she was simply excited to have the company of Zeal. He had a way about him that was shy and zealous at the same time; it was a lot like Hana herself.

"I'm ready. Can we see the music room first?" She asked. Hana was always ready to hear new music, learn note tunes and tricks. She devoured any music she came by, and as a result had a varied taste in music; Classical, eighties, western, old and new rock, anything that made her feel the music. Music to her was all about perspective. The way the music made her individually feel, and the way others interpreted it, was key, especially when she was writing a new composition. It was the easiest way for her to portray her feelings without tripping over her words or blushing.

"Do you like music?" Hana asked, bouncing slightly on her heels in suppressed excitement. She hoped that he did; Hana found that you could tell a lot about a person through the music they most cherished, but not always. One of her favorite pastimes was finding music for others that suited them and their preferences, but also giving them something new.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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0.00 INK

Walker pushed open a door he had found while looking for his classroom, and found himself on the roof of the school. He took a deep breath of air, and looked out over the school grounds. He saw a few kids who were playing hooky goof off in the field, and also saw his dad duck into a car and drive off, apparently having unloaded all of his stuff that he'd be wearing for the next year or so... Walker shook his head at the thought. It was one of those things that just surfaced on the waters of the mind, floating there like oil, hard to notice, but all too difficult to get out. He reflected on that for a moment, just staring into nothingness for a bit, and then went back inside, now dead set on finding someone do direct him to classes 3-1 and 3-3. He figured if he was wrong the first time, then he'd be right the second.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zeal Yamaka Character Portrait: Hana Fujio Character Portrait: Yumiko Hikarinaki
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0.00 INK

After resting for a short time and building up some energy and strength, Yumko sat up and stretched. Her doctor told her it was important to stretch her limbs as much as possible, so that she wouldn't become stiff in her chair from sitting all day. She stood slowly, twisting on the ball of her foot and plopping directly into her chair. She sighed, taking her ribbons from her bag and tying her twintails back up, though it was difficult since her mother wasn't there to help her.

Finally having them up and tied neatly, she wheeled out of her room, not bothering to lock it. She would only lock it if she were inside, and there really wasn't anything inside worth stealing. She kept all of her valuable things at her mother's house. Wheeling herself out of the dorms, she decided on checking out the rest of the school, having only been able to see a small section of it in a blur, and some of it with Alex's help.

Yumiko wheeled her chair into the main building, listening to the gentle chatter of passing students, the clacking of canes and crutches on the tiles, and the sound of... wait, was that a dog? She looked up curiously, strolling towards the sound and peeking into the ward to see a girl with beautiful long brown hair, a dog on a leash that was around her wrist, and a darkhaired boy with one arm in a sling. Yumiko noticed the dog was an aide, understanding the need for her.

"Do you like music?"

Yumiko heard the blind girl ask him, noticing they were a bit unaware of her presence. 'Better leave now before I come off as intrusive,' She thought, slowly backing away and heading down towards the library. She pushed herself in, looking around and picking up a book. It was one of her favorites from her childhood, a smile gleaming on her face as she picked it up, then rolling over to a group of beanbags and practically jumping on to one. Maybe she should have thought that over now as her chair rolled away from the propulsion.

"Oops.." She muttered, sighing as she sat up and began reading. Someone would hopefully push it back in her direction. If not, she could always askthe librarian.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Kristin Fray Character Portrait: Razeluxe Kagoshima Character Portrait: Amaya Kago
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0.00 INK


The yell, or maybe it was a death cry, had startled Razeluxe so much, he nearly jumped out of his skin. The quiet, sweet-looking young girl whom he hadn’t even gotten a word from earlier had just boomed with such fierceness that he was almost forced to glance around and see if someone had just shot her or something to that degree. But no, instead, she tripped trying to run, to escape from them and even after she was down on her knees, she kept on going as if it were a surefire way to die had she not. The brunette was stunned seeing this and could only observe as she left the visual range of the room.

Everyone, including himself was staring at the door in pure confusion and shock. A few stood up to possibly follow her and watch, almost like hawks, but that only sparked something uncharacteristically characteristic in Razeluxe. “SIT DOWN.” He demanded with a commanding tone the kids chose to obey out of fear and more confusion. The glare he shot them, and something about the air about him explained to people that he would definitely not react well to being disobeyed, and though he was not a teacher, he seemed to be one of few students in the room with all of his limbs. And the only one brave enough to shout right now.

Right now, he wasn’t entirely sure if chasing after her was a good idea (or if he’d even need to, since she didn’t seem all that mobile), but the look of fear in her soft eyes was so prominent, so disturbing that he could simply let her go without some form of assurance? Maybe an apology? Whatever it was he was going to do, it was going to be something he thought of then and there, when he confronted her.

He then disappeared out the door, away from the odd glances and looks he was getting from the students in the classroom. It didn’t take long to find her, considering she was just outside the door, in a state reminiscent of a shell-shocked rookie from the army. Seeing someone in this state put him a great disease, but Razeluxe ‘soldiered’ on and slowly approached her, not wanting to startle her any more than she already was. This would turn out to be pointless, since his very presence almost went unnoticed. But even though he picked up on this, he still cautiously approached her, and very slowly, he kneeled down near her, the most ‘motherly’ of looks he could physically project on his face. “…Um…. Hello…?” he began, obviously not too good at doing something that he wish he was good at. “I’m sorry about Azalea… she is kinda spontaneous and hyperactive. I don’t know if I’m going to get used to her either, so don’t feel bad or anything, okay?”

…..this isn’t working.

The young man didn’t want to give up though, not while he was still there with her . “Err… my name is Razeluxe, I think I might have told you before though….”

Wow, repeating myself? That’s so nice, Raze.

“I can tell Azalea to calm down for you….?”



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Character Portrait: Aedan Connors Character Portrait: Wolfgang Fujimoto
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This years first Concert by Fault Unknown

Held in the auditorium

Next Thursday


Seats are limited

Ask about the drawing for a backstage pass!!!!

Adean looked at the poster with as much malice as he could muster, staring back at Wolfgangs perfect face. He had lost track of Azalea and the Brunette who had graced his world for the short time, but with Wolfgang hounding him about practice and rarely being let out of his room by Maurice, friends were a thing that were becoming a rare luxury.

Brushing a hand through his hair, his attention turned back toward his phone and the pile of loose fliers. He still had many more to hang up by the time practice started....

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View All » Add Character » 20 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Amaya Kago
Character Portrait: Alexander Tores
Character Portrait: Aedan Connors
Character Portrait: Zeal Yamaka
Character Portrait: Razeluxe Kagoshima
Character Portrait: Peachy Ro
Character Portrait: Hana Fujio
Character Portrait: Kora Neverwinter
Character Portrait: Satomi Honoka
Character Portrait: Wolfgang Fujimoto
Character Portrait: Yumiko Hikarinaki
Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
Character Portrait: Luke Aisoku


Character Portrait: Luke Aisoku
Luke Aisoku


Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
Walker McMullin

Now, is it wrong for me to say I keep an eye out?

Character Portrait: Yumiko Hikarinaki
Yumiko Hikarinaki

"I'm sorry... I didn't see you there."

Character Portrait: Wolfgang Fujimoto
Wolfgang Fujimoto

"Outta my way, freak."

Character Portrait: Satomi Honoka
Satomi Honoka

*Looks at you blankly for a moment before smiling* "My lip reading isn't that great right now...but hello anyway."

Character Portrait: Kora Neverwinter
Kora Neverwinter

"Life is a competition. And I intend to win."

Character Portrait: Hana Fujio
Hana Fujio

"Music is all the vision I need."

Character Portrait: Peachy Ro
Peachy Ro

"Hey cheer up! Thing's will turn around~"

Character Portrait: Razeluxe Kagoshima
Razeluxe Kagoshima

"What happens to your heart if it's already broken?"

Character Portrait: Zeal Yamaka
Zeal Yamaka

"Ahh dammit, why is drawing with my other hand so hard?"


Character Portrait: Yumiko Hikarinaki
Yumiko Hikarinaki

"I'm sorry... I didn't see you there."

Character Portrait: Aedan Connors
Aedan Connors

Would you like to hear a few cords, sir?

Character Portrait: Razeluxe Kagoshima
Razeluxe Kagoshima

"What happens to your heart if it's already broken?"

Character Portrait: Kora Neverwinter
Kora Neverwinter

"Life is a competition. And I intend to win."

Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
Walker McMullin

Now, is it wrong for me to say I keep an eye out?

Character Portrait: Amaya Kago
Amaya Kago


Character Portrait: Wolfgang Fujimoto
Wolfgang Fujimoto

"Outta my way, freak."

Character Portrait: Zeal Yamaka
Zeal Yamaka

"Ahh dammit, why is drawing with my other hand so hard?"

Character Portrait: Peachy Ro
Peachy Ro

"Hey cheer up! Thing's will turn around~"

Character Portrait: Satomi Honoka
Satomi Honoka

*Looks at you blankly for a moment before smiling* "My lip reading isn't that great right now...but hello anyway."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
Walker McMullin

Now, is it wrong for me to say I keep an eye out?

Character Portrait: Razeluxe Kagoshima
Razeluxe Kagoshima

"What happens to your heart if it's already broken?"

Character Portrait: Wolfgang Fujimoto
Wolfgang Fujimoto

"Outta my way, freak."

Character Portrait: Luke Aisoku
Luke Aisoku


Character Portrait: Yumiko Hikarinaki
Yumiko Hikarinaki

"I'm sorry... I didn't see you there."

Character Portrait: Kora Neverwinter
Kora Neverwinter

"Life is a competition. And I intend to win."

Character Portrait: Amaya Kago
Amaya Kago


Character Portrait: Hana Fujio
Hana Fujio

"Music is all the vision I need."

Character Portrait: Zeal Yamaka
Zeal Yamaka

"Ahh dammit, why is drawing with my other hand so hard?"

Character Portrait: Satomi Honoka
Satomi Honoka

*Looks at you blankly for a moment before smiling* "My lip reading isn't that great right now...but hello anyway."

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