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You Are Hearby Invited...

The Baron's Manor


a part of You Are Hearby Invited..., by Specmarine.


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The Baron's Manor is a part of You Are Hearby Invited....

6 Characters Here

Betan Allwingson [32] A knight that is skilled with a sword and flame.
Aeron Tanner [32] Aeron Tanner; skilled sneakthief and shadow-friend. Contracts considered, upfront payment required.
Bastion Trent [32] How curious, can it be recreated in a controlled setting?
Aaron Hartocoh [18] Caution isn't a weakness
The Baron [5] "Welcome all to my party! Let the entertainment Begin!"

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5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Betan Allwingson Character Portrait: Aeron Tanner Character Portrait: Bastion Trent Character Portrait: Aaron Hartocoh Character Portrait: Skolr Iron-Heart
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  1. That was by me, but for some reason it did it under a different name

    by AphoticDreams

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Betan dismissed the cream. He desided from there just to call the man 'weeds'. "Your actions caused no one damage. Though, You do not understand the nature of the vines. Toxicodendron Vernix and Metopium Toxiferum are both featured in this little shramble of foliage you created, they may not do much, but in large groups such as this can cause serious skin irritation, and the sap, theoretically, can blind if it gets in your eyes and isn't removed immediatly. But, I do agree with you, outside, to the far left, just past the ajar window, is a hedge maze, that seems to lead somewhere."

The ticking of his heart was annoying, only he could hear it though, unless someone was to come close in silence. He put his hands behind his head, and walked over to where 'weeds' was. "Are you coming or not?" He barked sofltly.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Betan Allwingson Character Portrait: Aeron Tanner Character Portrait: Bastion Trent Character Portrait: Aaron Hartocoh Character Portrait: Skolr Iron-Heart
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Aeron watches all of this chaos continue to unfold, and checks a sigh. They seemed intent on moving- on exploring even before they'd come to any sort of agreement or understanding of who each of them might have been... After all, was it likely that they were just randomly selected by a well Blooded Gentleman with a fetish for kidnapping strangers from a variety of backgrounds?

Even as she thinks it, Aeron realises that with all the strange behaviour she'd observed in and around the houses of the obscenely wealthy, that it was entirely possible that that was exactly the kind of oddity they were dealing with- and the realisation makes her groan silently. Street life may have its dangers and perversions, but at least they tended to come at a person straight on. It was unusual for things to sidle up as one creature, only to flip its nature into something else. For the wealthy, though, it seemed that all that they did was lie... even in their normal conversations, even to their kin, and their friends...


Quietly Aeron stands, reaching out to snag a few extra pieces of food into her various pouches before looking between these knights and mages. Well... whatever was coming, at least she was surrounded by targets who were likely to be much more interesting than she was. And that was something.

"If you're all hells bent on going somewhere- seems like the best idea is to go together." Thin shoulders rise and fall, a motion which causes the grey cape to flap slightly around her calves. "And it seems like the role of the Nameless Pauper is to follow. So lead on."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Betan Allwingson Character Portrait: Aeron Tanner Character Portrait: Bastion Trent Character Portrait: Aaron Hartocoh Character Portrait: The Baron
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Aaron starts to eye the blonde boy as he dismisses the cream he tossed at him. A slight arrogance in his motion as he spoke about the type of shrubbery Aaron had threatened him with. Damn Brat. Is he serious? Aaron rolled his eyes as the blond kid made his way passed him. As he shifted his way towards Aaron, he was pleased to hear that the boy agreed with his previous statement. " But, I do agree with you, outside, to the far left, just past the ajar window, is a hedge maze, that seems to lead somewhere." Aaron listened, bout to follow behind him until he noticed shifting behind him.

His eyes followed the girl that was sitting down earlier. The color seemed to return to her already pale face. It was subtle, but she seemed to be doing better. Aaron stared as she messed with the food in front of her. Being careful of any glass or branch debris. As she stood up, Aaron noted how thin the girl was. Her robe looked heavily over sized, but as she moved it didn't seem to bug her any. As soon as the girl finished picking up extra food, she moved her self towards the doorway as well. As she made her way over, shortly stopping in front of Aaron, she spoke "If you're all hell bent on going somewhere- seems like the best idea is to go together." Aaron noticed the way her robbed moved as she talked. Her body language expressed a reserved tone. The girl spoke up again, making Aaron leave his thoughts. "And it seems like the role of the Nameless Pauper is to follow. So lead on." Aaron nodded in agreement.

Aaron began to shift to exit the room, stopping midway as we almost ran into the blond boy. He didn't seem to bothered as he didn't even bother to move. Instead, giving Aaron an impatient look, he spoke up [/b]"Are you coming or not?"[/b] Aaron looked back at the boy with furrowed brows. Instead of speaking out loud, it was in Aaron's best interest to keep quiet and nod. Aaron made his way outside, breathing the air for the first time since he was brought here. Based on the sun's location, it appeared to be mid morning. Perhaps 11 am. The temperature felt nice against Aaron's skin as he continued to walk. The cool breeze combined with the sun's rays really made for a beautiful day. It almost made Aaron forget where he was. Still, Aaron couldn't shake off the presence of darkness. Even with such a gorgeous day. Shaking his head, he looked back up to see that the group was at the entrance of the maze. Looking up at it, the walls went up a considerable length. "So, what's our plan? Do we want to talk one through?" Aaron spoke out not really asking any one person in particular. He just hope that what ever this was or whatever brought him here, wouldn't lead to his death.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Betan Allwingson Character Portrait: Aeron Tanner Character Portrait: Bastion Trent Character Portrait: Aaron Hartocoh
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Betan lit a small flame on the tip of his index finger. He brought it up to a branch silently, the fire spread a little, but nothing came of it. A hedging rose was the only fire resistant plant he could think of. The horrendous smell of blood seeped from the maze like the smell of fresh flowers. A neigh come from back where they had came from and Betan's white horse, covered in its own armor, came galloping towards him. Betan stopped it and calmed it down, "Now, how did you get in?" He asked silently, petting the mane. The horse's armor had been damaged a little from when he last saw it. It was clear the horse had been forced through involuntarily. The horse wasn't that big, quite a bit smaller and thinnerthan an average horse. The horse had been specially bred for missions that included cliffs and the need of space. The horse had a brown diamond on it snout, and the eastern coat of arms on its armor. Betan climbed on this ease, and there was clearly room at most, two other people. The horse wasn't called a hunting horse for nothing, its hoves were almost soundless and could fit in rather narrow space with ease. "This makes our lives easier, " Betan spoke, his horse ready as if nothing had happened. "It seems as if the Baron wanted to give us some transportation. If we follow a right, it may be logical, as the baron would have assumed we would, in a sixty six percent chance we would take it. But we can also, make our own path."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Betan Allwingson Character Portrait: Aeron Tanner Character Portrait: Bastion Trent Character Portrait: Aaron Hartocoh Character Portrait: Skolr Iron-Heart
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Bastion had finished his second short book as the group began to leave the room. He debated quickly whether or not he should follow. The choice was simple stay in the room or go out to the hedge maze with the others,

In the rooms favor there still was a great amount of food to eat, however he was feeling quite full and his pockets were brimming with treats for later. He supposed he could always come back for more. Hedge maze:1 Room:0.

While Bastion often didn't enjoy the company of others he doubted that he would want to stay in a room by himself, that said, he wasn't exactly by himself. His eyes slid over to Sklor Iron-Heart, the barbarian hadn't spoken much which to Bastion's surprise was more unnerving than his primal roaring earlier. He mind flashed back to the stories his brother would tell him about mountain men taking him away if he didn't eat his vegetables. Bastion hated vegetables, but hated the idea of being dragged away by ruffians even more. At least the girl "She called herself Nameless?" he remembered the snippet briefly "What a curious name, I wonder if it's regional..." he pondered. At least she was quiet and the man who had been hiding under the table seemed vaguely sensible from what Bastion had bothered to listen to. He could just ignore the pampered armor man, he generally didn't have time for most people- least of all power hungry boys with swords. Hedge maze:2 Room: 0

He spent the next 10 minutes going through the various pro and cons in his head ending up at his last point. Why bother moving at all? Wasted energy was bothersome. He had books (room had been awarded a point for same) but would soon run out of the, (hedge maze gained another digit) and nothing drastically bad had happened except he was here against his will (that point was a tie.) The room gained another point for Bastion's laziness and he ended up with a grand total of Hedge Maze: 23 Room:21.

Clicking his tongue in irritation, he got up from his chair- stuffing the unread books in his pockets and headed outside.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Betan Allwingson Character Portrait: Aeron Tanner Character Portrait: Bastion Trent Character Portrait: Aaron Hartocoh Character Portrait: Skolr Iron-Heart
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With the group deciding to head into the Baron's gardens outside they would already note the frekish nature that surrounded them. The plants as Betan discovered seemed rather flame resistant, in fact the vines would slowly try and grab him themselves, but they were very slow and could barley reach out to him so they simply returned to their place on the walls. Possibly stirring in anger. The smell of blood was much more profound outside, and the buzzing was much louder than before. Like swarms on bugs had concentrated on a single mass and refused to leave it alone.

The Hedge like maze was fairy tall, even with his horse Betan would need to stand on his valiant steed to make it more than halfway past the hedge. It seemed that whoever designed the garden made it so that there would no easy way to find the exit. But there was signs of something in the garden, something that seemed not normal. A massive cocoon like nest lay ahead in their path. It seemed to have been cut apart, long ago perhaps. There seemed to be nothing left of the inhabitants but it may have been safely said that they were eaten up by other scavengers of the world. The nest was of course of a fork in the maze. One heading left, one heading right. Rumors always dictated that if you stayed on the right hand side of a maze you would find the exit...However, on the left hand side there was an iron gate on the left hand side, it was unlocked...however they could hear a unknown noise coming from within...Something was there no doubt about it...And there was buzzing...lots of buzzing coming from it. The group could possibly investigate the noise, but the right side seemed to lead farther into the maze, possibly to the end of this maze. Whatever has brought them here, it seemed to be counting on them to finish walking through the maze.

What was worse was that there were signs of old skid marks under the gate...almost as if someone or something had to drag something from it...but there...there was a glint of gold hidden under the dirt...It seemed that this place contained treasure...But the smell of blood and the buzzing noise made one wary of...curious discover...

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Betan Allwingson Character Portrait: Aeron Tanner Character Portrait: Bastion Trent Character Portrait: Aaron Hartocoh Character Portrait: The Baron
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As the blond boy spoke, Aaron couldn't help but take in all his surroundings. It was apparent that this hedge maze was older. Not necessarily dead, but the plant life gave it a rustic look. As if it was a chaotic version of what a normal hedge maze. Aaron noticed the other member of the group approach them. The children book collector. Aaron was pleased that he had a change of heart, or at least it would seem, as he didn't look too interested in joining them earlier. Perhaps he's a careful thinker. Weighing his options. Perhaps he's smarter than he lets on. I should probably still keep my eye out for him. There's still no telling what he's capable of. Aaron thought as he redirected his attention back to the blond boy.

Aaron was able to catch the very last few bits of his speech. Noting that the guy in charge would most likely want us to head to the right. So traveling to the left would either throw off the guy's plan, or it would lead the group right where he wanted them to be. Either way, both options seemed sketchy. Aaron walked up closer to get a feel for the place. He could tell the plant life around him were trying to grab at him, but they seemed rather calm too. As if they were either struggling or holding back. Noticing the giant cocoon shell was jarring to say the least."Aye, check this thing out. What do you suppose came out of that?" Aaron asked as he took careful steps towards it. Whatever the thing was, it was big. Looking closer though, it didn't look like it was a recent event. Almost as if the creature had been forced out? Aaron couldn't quite tell from the ripples in the opening. But they didn't look natural. Almost as if it was cut. Aaron knows this based on his travels. He had an idea of what a normal opening of a cocoon shell looked like. "When I was under the table back in the house, I remember one of you saying that this game has happened before. What if this is the remnants of the old game?" Aaron trailed off not necessarily asking any one in specific. More of a general question. There more Aaron thought about the possibility of this being part of the previous game, if you can call it that, gave him chills.

Snapping himself out of thought, Aaron noticed something else. Looking back at the fork where the trails split, he could hear something. Buzzing? He thought as he stared a bit longer trying to make what that noise was. "Hey guys, any of you hear that buzzing?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Betan Allwingson Character Portrait: Aeron Tanner Character Portrait: Bastion Trent Character Portrait: Aaron Hartocoh
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"Hmm, I can only think of insects that use cacoons... " Betan replied dully, stabbing a random hedge to see what it would do, the hedges just seemed to fix themselves. He was growing agitated, the buzzing definitely wasn't him, or any one else as it showed to grow stronger in the maze. Betan jumped from his horse and with his gloved hand reached to the shell. He opened it up a little, sticky insides, "Definitely fresh, though, this cut would have been made with either a training or long sword." He said bluntly.

He stood up again and took his gloves of, resting them in one of the hidden pockets of his heater shield. He then climbed back onto his horse and tried looking again from the hight he was at. He was curious if he could climb the hedge, however forns pricked at him and the branches themselves tried to grab at him. He sighed slumping forward on his horse, the buzz was beginning to grind his nerves thin. He grabbed his scarf from his heater shield and wrapped it around, covering his neck, mouth and nose. "This cut is too fresh to have been made twenty years ago, however, if someone was trained enough in sword arts, it would be exceptionally easy to make a cut that forces the creature out and keeps the insides fresh for over a year."

Now the buzzing had gotten straight through to his central nervous system and was sending unwanted shivers up his spine. He was actually grateful when weeds mentioned the buzzing, "The buzzing? I've been hearing it since I stepped foot on this property." He replied, vpice muffled by the scarf, however you still could tell the venom in his voice. The knight petted his steed's mane and nuzzled his face into it softly, not wanting the horse to freak out.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Betan Allwingson Character Portrait: Aeron Tanner Character Portrait: Bastion Trent Character Portrait: Aaron Hartocoh
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Aeron followed the rest, hanging back that a lot of the bickering and posturing could happen away from her, without being so far behind that she could be snatched away again by those things without someone being close enough to come to her aid. She was frustrated, not stupid. It's this position at the back of the pack that allows Aeron to fall back into something like her normal patterns: freed from the need to play nice, she moves on silent feet, her eyes flitting back and forth across every aspect of the house, the grounds, the distant landscape, and the maze as they move towards it.

Perhaps it is this quiet watchfulness, or the inner calm that came from slipping one of her slender knives into her hand that allows her to see what the others seem to have missed. Of course- given the particular colour of the item in question, and it's nature when she darts up to it and sinks to sit on her heels over the coin, its possible that it was her thieving instincts that had drawn her here. Aeron keeps part of her attention focused on their voices as she brings her knife round to poke the coin gently, first one way, then the other, examining both sides as she weighs her options.

A fool would simply snatch it up, and say nothing of the treasure to her companions... perhaps that was why she'd been chosen. A little thief to fall prey to her own greed... But Aeron is no fool, and she twists her cloak twice around her hand before reaching out to pull the coin into her protected palm, her eyes watching for any sign of magical trigger or enchantment as she does so. After all- those creatures had been borne of some magic; they'd be idiots to believe that their captor wasn't skilled in some of those arcane arts... but then, from what she'd seen they certainly weren't unskilled. Moving quietly, Aeron sidles her way through her companions until she finds her way to Aaron's side, and clears her throat. "This was half burried over there," she gestures as she says it "it looked more like it was dropped than it was placed though. Figured, given all this... maybe there's some magic on it." Her lips twist into a half smile. "And if not- then there's gold coin hereabouts- and thats always good to know."