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You Know You Love Me. XXX.

Langdon's Correctional Education Facility


a part of You Know You Love Me. XXX., by RoseAmedori.


RoseAmedori holds sovereignty over Langdon's Correctional Education Facility, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Langdon's Correctional Education Facility is a part of You Know You Love Me. XXX..

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Greyson Alexander Reid [60] "When my mom suggested Langdon, I jumped at the opportunity. I'll admit, it's not ideal...but it's safer for me here."
Lissa Marshall [60] "Nobody except the faculty at my old school know the full story...And I'd like to keep it that way."
Aislin Sinclair [59] "People think I'm crazy. I'm not. They're just scared of what they don't understand."
Zachary James Milburn [59] "If I'm as nuts as they say I am...why aren't I locked up in some padded cell on a deserted island with all the rest of the crazies?"
Emma Nichole Scott [45] "I came here quietly. I didn't see the point in fighting to get out. I mean, hell...I'm out of control anyway...this school isn't going to change that."
Jay Springs [32] Oh hey, Samson, why have you got a cucumber?
Logan Ritter [30] "Look at this face. Could I really nearly kill a man....Oh? Well I suppose looks can be deceiving..."
Conall Harrison [20] Stay on my good side. Trust me, you don't want to be on the shit list.
Jamie Daily [19] "Perhaps it's best you walk away while you still can."
Lewis Deacon [18] "These were the people I loved, I wasn't just gonna stand back and let this asshole run his mouth off."

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Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid Character Portrait: Jay Springs
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Greyson watched Conall leaving, chewing the inside of his cheek.
"...You could've gone, y'know..." He said quietly, looking back at Lissa and giving her a small smile. "Honestly...I mean, you can still go, if that's what you want..."

Zac crossed his arms after he'd been given back his knife and watched while Aislin put on her little show, his expression smug and amused.
"...You done?" He asked after a few moments of the both of them standing there in silence, then gave a small laugh and began to walk towards the doors leading to the school hallways. He knew she'd probably forget about whatever she was supposedly mad about and follow him, and even if she didn't, he could just leave Langdon, get his shit done, and then go home. The school hours meant nothing to him; he always came and went at whatever time he pleased. Something to do with the fact that he was as dangerous as he was, he suspected. Or how dangerous they thought he was. Whichever way you put it, Zac didn't really long as he got to leave early.

"...You think so?" Emma grinned and looked up at Jay through her eyelashes, fluttering them slightly as she did so. When she saw the faint blush he currently possessed her mood picked up even more, and her posture increased in pride as she sat up completely straight and looked directly at him. "Well...if it were a mixture of both, that would mean you wanted me to follow you, but you think I'm wierd and want me to" She teased and began to stand up. He wouldn't want her to leave...she knew that...she just wanted to hear him say it.

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid Character Portrait: Lewis Deacon Character Portrait: Logan Ritter Character Portrait: Jay Springs Character Portrait: Conall Harrison
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ā€œI knowā€¦ā€ Lissa answered quietly with a severely weakened smile. ā€œBut itā€˜s not really my scene eitherā€¦ā€ And itā€™s not like theyā€™d really care either way if I was there or notā€¦ she justified to herself in her mind. If they did, Conall would have at least stuck around to hear her answer, wouldn't he? But he didn't, so that automatically screamed disinterest to her. She knew that wasn't true, thoughā€¦Or at least she thought so. Conall was her friend, he protected her and stood up for her if she ever needed it, but she had to admit to herself, she wasn't all that interesting. She didn't even know how she ended up with this many friends. Maybe they just felt sorry for herā€¦
With that thought, she looked up at Greyson. Was this the case with him? She really hoped notā€¦She liked to think that there was something else behind their friendship other than pity, something that he saw in her more than anyone else didā€¦But if she couldn't even pinpoint what that exact thing was herself, how could he?
She shifted her gaze once more to the scenery surrounding them, and the more she looked at it, the more she felt okay with turning down Conallā€™s offer. Yes, it was all beautiful to look at: the heaven-bound skyscrapers dotted around like watchful guardians looking over their small city, the artistically designed buildings that were slaved over for months and months by ambitious architects; just wanting to leave their everlasting mark on the world, the colourful murals spray-painted on brick that were so often classed as ā€˜criminal activityā€™ but really were just another form of art to give this town its characterā€¦But that all just masked the darkness and the true nature of that urban jungle below them. A lyric from a song Lewis had shown her a little while back popped into her head: You thought these streets were paved in gold, but theyā€™re dirty and darkā€¦She didn't remember much else about the song. It was an angry mix of heavy drums, synths, guitars and screaming, and she doubted sheā€™d finding herself listening to it again, but she felt those lyrics described their city pretty well.

Aislin looked over her shoulder at Zac, her black-framed eyes narrowing and her gaze hardening. She didn't expect any less from her friend, honestly, and it was rare she ever took him seriously. When he turned and began to walk away, she quickly spun and followed him into the school.
ā€œYou were just going to leave me?ā€ she whined, her expressions becoming noticeably more animated, as they always did when that feeling of irritation crept up on her.

Letting his breath out in an aggravated huff, Lewis looked away from Jay and Emma to look at Conall. He wasn't going to go over there and interrupt, and it didn't seem to him like they were going to be finishing up any time soon, and with Conallā€™s now obvious impatience, it looked like Jay would have to miss out on their little outing. His irritation grew at Conallā€™s report about Lissa. She probably wouldn't be joining them eitherā€¦He could be wrong, but Greyson wasn't the type to hang around their group of his own free will and he knew Lissa would pick him over them any day. That stung a little, he had to confess. He liked Lissa, not as in like like, but he was definitely fond of her, and heā€™d like it if just once sheā€™d choose to be around them without her Grey shadow.
But he digressed, and gave his full attention to his friend who was now stood beside him.
ā€œYeah, sureā€¦ā€ he answered with a little more sharpness than he intended, but he knew Conall wouldn't take his tone personally. They understood each otherā€™s frustration, seeing as that part of their mind worked in a similar, if not the same way. Still, when he next spoke, he made an effort to keep his voice more neutral. ā€œSo is it just us andā€¦?ā€ he jerked his head in Loganā€™s direction slightly.

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Character Portrait: Lewis Deacon Character Portrait: Logan Ritter Character Portrait: Conall Harrison
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Well damn. It really did seem like it was going to be a very small group heading into town. Frowning, Conall glanced around trying to find anyone else that they could invite. He was well aware of the fact that Lewis didn't much like Logan. He only seemed to put up with him for his sake, which Conall respected. Even then, he didn't want to grate on his friend's nerves with the other company he liked to keep.

"Let me see," he ran a hand through his hair not really seeing anyone present that wouldn't clash too much with the group except for the girl off by herself. "There is the chick over there." He pointed to her then shrugged his shoulders. "It would keep you from having to deal with Logan so much." It was more of an after thought, but still a valid point.

I really wish he would stop ragging on Logan so much. Its not like he has done anything or acted on the impulses. He had better the fucking hell not. The last thought gave him pause before he shook his head. "Look either yay or nay. But if you want her to go, you can go and ask her. Hell, I don't even remember her name. I think it starts with a K or something like that." Either way, its not a loss on my part.

Everyone seemed to be off by themselves in groups even the younger kids and Conall realized just how much they put themselves in their predicaments. Weren't they supposed to be getting better here? Not worse? Its what he had been told. "Or maybe we should call it off. Hell, we could go alone if you wanted." As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he had a feeling which choice Lewis was going to pick and he wished he hadn't said them. The whole point was to get the male to not be so abrasive with other people who might not get into a fight with him.

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Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Jay Springs
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Jay smiled and nodded. "Yes, I do think so." He smiled and watched her get up to leave. He watched her get up and panicked. "No don't leave!" He whisper yelled and grabbed her hand, but immediately let go the moment he realized what he had done. "Sorry." He apologized.

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(Dayum Sorry guys)

Logan arched an eyebrow. "Yes, because I can not hear a word you are saying." He said looking at them with a smirk. "If my presence in this little venture is unwarranted then I will make my take my leave." He said and noticed the lovely lady Conall pointed to. "However, Contray to popular belief. I need not occupy my every waking moment in the pursuit of women. I actually have other things I am good at and capable of." He said keeping cool. He was being to be annoyed by the idea that that was all he ever thought about. Granted it was a good precentage but he was male. A young male. It came with the territory.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Emma Nichole Scott Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid Character Portrait: Jay Springs
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"Alright..." Greyson replied quietly, giving Lissa a small smile and casting his gaze back to the clouds above them. He really hoped she genuinely meant what she'd told him, and that she wasn't simply trying to cover up the fact she wasn't going because of something to do with him. He didn't want to feel like he was bringing her down...granted, he was a bit of a wallflower, but that didn't mean she had to be one, too.

When he heard footsteps behind him, Zac's grin widened slightly, and only increased as such when he heard Aislin's voice again.
"...Woah...let's not get too clingy here, Bella..." He shoved his hands into his pockets and began to twist the knife around again, feeling a strange kind of satisfaction at the idea of having that kind of control over his friend at certain times. Mainly because it amused him to great lengths...they were close, but they still worked hard to make one another's lives hell for the majority of the time. That was just their little game.

Emma blinked, her smile disappearing for a moment at the tone in Jay's voice as he reached for her and grabbed her hand. Although she knew he wouldn't want her leaving, his reaction was a little unexpected...
Deciding in her head that it was more sweet than anything else, she sat back in her seat with the same smile showing across her face, brightened slightly by the hint of pride she was feeling.
"'s fine...I know I'm hot..." She grinned, winking at him and crossing her legs again, leaning back in her chair. "People just can't get enough of me..."

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aislin Sinclair Character Portrait: Zachary James Milburn Character Portrait: Lissa Marshall Character Portrait: Kiera Craton Character Portrait: Greyson Alexander Reid Character Portrait: Lewis Deacon Character Portrait: Logan Ritter Character Portrait: Conall Harrison
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Lissa returned Greysonā€™s small smile as best as she could, but truth be told, the effects of the earlier events of the day which had impacted her mood so greatly had started to fade, leaving only the everyday weight of everything left and forcing her mood to spike down dramatically to its usual low levels. She was aware that Greyson was used to it by now; the little dark places she often found herself in, but even so, she tried so hard to force that tiny little smile for him. She didnā€™t want him to think she wasnā€™t happy in his presence, and while it was true she wasnā€™t exactly happy, she would be so much worse-off if he wasnā€™t there. She hoped he knew that.
When she looked up at the clouds above, that smile she forced - as hard as she tried - dimmed to but a ghost. The clouds were grey, thick: the kind that threatened rain. It seemed like the weather was worsening along with her emotionsā€¦
With an involuntary little shiver, Lissa redirected her eyes down the roof, pulling her knees up to her chest and huddling up tightly to try to ward off that sudden chill she felt. The smile was now all but gone from her lips.

With narrowed eyes, Aislin gave Zac a not-too-light smack across his shoulder.
ā€œCall me Bella again and itā€˜s your face,ā€ she almost-snarled at her friend as she walked beside him. It was a fairly empty threat. She knew he knew the constant reference to the tweenage vampire ā€˜phenomenonā€™ irked her a great deal and, be it anyone else, theyā€™d probably be decked square in the face. But seeing as it was Zac, sheā€™d just settle for finding something to return the teasing with. Her only issue with that, though, was that he had so many things to hold over her and the only material she had to work with was Emma-related, which would lose its impact eventually. She had to discover something else she could use against himā€¦

Lewis looked at the girl sat on her own, and his lips twisted into an unsure frown. He wasnā€™t dead-set against her tagging along, but was there any purpose to it? Really? They didnā€™t know her, she didnā€™t know them, and she didnā€™t come off as the type to enjoy being in some strangersā€™ company for an afternoon. The whole experience would just be awkward and unpleasant for everyone involved. He wasnā€™t that bothered by Logan coming either, and after he turned his head to listen to his little contribution, he looked back at Conall for his final suggestion. He thought it over in his head for a moment. Going alone was definitely the most appealing option of them all, but still he let out a quiet huff and shrugged his shoulders.
ā€œWhatever, man. Iā€˜m easy.ā€ He didnā€™t know if his indecisiveness would come off as irritating to his friend, but he knew which option he wouldā€™ve chosen, and he also knew that Conall wanted him to open up to the idea of other people, and had for quite a bit. He didnā€™t get the point of it at all; he was happy in his little bubble, but Conall was his best friend, so giving it a little shot couldnā€™t hurt, right?