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A small ragtag group find themselves being the only remaining residents in their hometown. Together they must piece together what happened to the others. Only thing is, nothing is what it seems...

2,202 readers have visited Stockbridge since Saracen_Rue created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

ever wonder what happens when netflixe's 'the society', lime town, gravity falls, scooby doo, and general mystery stories come together?


Stockbridge, Massachusetts, 1987 2021
Established 1739, Population 1,947 18 (TBD)

Stockbridge Massachusetts, a small, western based town along the coastal state. While it can be mostly entirely overlooked by just about anyone, it is known mainly by its locals. It is notably known for being home of the Norman Rockwell Museum, and the Naumkeag estate, which houses an 1886 mansion and its surrounding gardens. Chesterwood was the home of the Lincoln Memorial sculptor Daniel Chester French, and has a rotating outdoor sculpture exhibitions. Native plants are displayed at the Berkshire Botanical Garden. Which tends to be a local hot-spot for for those who have a taste for the finer things, as older townsfolk say.

From an outsider looking in, it is not much to look at, and many couldn't be more accurate. Outside of a few staple places within this small town, not much happens here. Especially as the years have gone on. It's a quieter, laid back town with the local youth tending to cause mischief and mayhem wherever they go, namely due to such a low presence of law enforcement. Not much happens in this town anyway.

However, this picturesque village is over two hours away from the nearest big city by car. Nearly all the businesses are locally owned by families within Stockbridge; with very few chain stores around, giving it the all too well known charming small town feel. At least it's what the tourists would say...If there were any.

As quiet and peaceful as this town may be, putting the usual shenanigans of local youth, there has been an underlying secret for years, and it has been going unnoticed under the residents noses for the past two decades. No one can deny that this town is a bit odd, even the locals know it. Such a small town, with an even smaller populace. Practically in the middle of nowhere. So far away form any other city, no major roads or highways, except for the one highway that cuts through the town on the outskirts. For as long as anyone can remember, there have never really been tourists, at least not what people would consider to be the normal ones.

People would occasionally stop by this small town, typically claiming they had been lost, or managed to find this town by complete accident. But with so little of ways to mistakenly wind up here, it is undeniably odd to say the very least. But, even weirder still, no one has ever questioned it. At least until this past year. More tourists have been showing up, claiming the same thing. However, there has been one uneniable feature about these people who pass through this otherwise ghost town, they all seem to be seen staring from afar, or watch the townspeople before engaging them or being engaged in conversation.

That lasted for months, until one night two weeks ago. In the middle of the dead of night, it happened. No one exactly how or even why, but seemingly every adult and long withstanding resident of Stockbridge, vanished. None of the remaining townsfolk had heard or saw a thing, nor had they been awoken in the night to a disturbance. Everything the previous night had been routine and normal. But then, morning came, and those who remained in this town, immediately became aware of the lack of people.

Loved ones. Friends. Girlfriends and Boyfriends. Parents, Grandparents, and family. All seemingly vanished in the dead of night, and no one knows why or how. No one can explain it. Why did they just randomly leave without a word? And how did so many people, all manage to slip away in the middle of the night and no one had managed to see a thing? Those are only some of the questions the remaining residents have, but as time has gone on, they've only gotten more questions than answers.

Strange sounds and sightings have been noted by those remaining within Stockbridge. Reports of people seeing something or someone, before it suddenly is gone in the blink of an eye. One moment it's there, and another it's gone. Various reports of a jet-black dog, whistles from alleyways, and even figures outside of windows at night or walking into alleyways before dissapearing. Those remaining, want answers and they will do whatever they can to find them. Even if the truth is much more grizzly, and unexplainable than they'd ever imagine. Can this ragtag group of survivors manage to find out what happened to the others, or will they find themselves getting over their heads before they know the truth...?



Rowan Woods - 24 - She/Her - Homosexual - The Theorist - #5ABBE6 - Mackenzie Davis - Saracen_Rue
Coming from very humble beginnings, Rowan has always been the oddball as far as anyone can remember. Whether it was being the smart kid in class who always knew the answers and was the nerd that everyone asked to do their home-work for them. Usually in favor of money. But, normally she'd do it for free, especially if it means that the local bullies would have left her alone. Well, that was years ago and, well, not much has exactly changed if one were to be honest. Rowan is still just as awkward in nearly every aspect, seeing as she never exactly grew out of her nerd status, as others would say. Everything from her attire and use of glasses, to her current interests. Even before That Night, Rowan always had an interest in the odd and supernatural. Things that couldn't be explained, and those interests have only been amplified since 98% of the town dissapeared. She's been spending her time at the library and even museum, trying to find whatever answers she can...


Bea Clarke - 21 - She/Her - Asexual, Panromantic - The Investigator - #7c8688 - Natalia Dyer - partially-stars
When you're the daughter of the town's sheriff, growing up isn't exactly easy. It seemed like she and her father were constantly at odds, always arguing over the latest phone call from the principal. The other kids didn't trust her, so she stopped trying. She was the kid who would mouth off at the jocks when they were being assholes to other kids, who would argue back in class if a teacher was being unfair. When she graduated, this persona was hard to shake. College wasn't an option for her; her parents weren't rich enough, and while her grades were good, she wasn't scholarship material. So she got a job in a local bookstore. But it wasn't enough for her. She wanted more. She had just been accepted to the local police academy when it happened.


Veronica Finley - 23 - She/Her - Homosexual - The Observer - #820928 - Jemima West - phoenixheart
Veronica is, in a word, spikey. The Finley household wasn't exactly a quiet one. The youngest of six, Veronica grew up used to fighting for everything and fighting everyone. Being the smallest, and not an idiot, Roni knew she couldn't fight by the same rules her older siblings did, so she would withdraw and watch. Whenever something went missing in the house, Roni usually knew who was behind it. Sometimes her observations settled things down, or they were like a spark to a powder keg. She liked it when it was a powder keg. After high school, Roni went to college but had to suspend her studies after a year when her mom fell sick. She was working at the bar before everything went weird.


Logan Park - 23 - They/She - Pansexual - The Outcast - #A02B75 - Tati Gabrielle - Limeaid
Spending your whole life in a small town can be very suffocating and when you're of the few black, genderfluid, and outwardly queer people it can be deadly. Logan has been branded as the town weirdo for as long as they can remember and they wear it with pride. Always being one to stand up for what she believes in, and not step down without a fight. This set Logan as someone who was not the easiest to be friends with, as they were quick to call anyone out. Finding themselves getting in hot water with the Sheriff's department, and most authority figures around Stockbridge. Logan wants more than anything to get out, but coming from a single dad, with not much to his name it's a lot harder in practice. So during school, Logan started working at the local arcade, and once graduated picked up some hours at the bookstore as well. Hoping that soon they could get out, but then it happened.


Maximus Sawyer - 25 - He/Him - Bisexual - The Daredevil - #FCCE03 - Jack O'Connell - therealmcdreamy
Maximus Sawyer (well, just Sawyer to everyone) has certainly always been a bit of a wild card. Since he was a child, he’s never been one to deny a dare no matter what it was. Sawyer has just never seemed the type to be afraid of anything or doing things in his own unique way. His father being the town Judge and his older brother a lawyer, high expectations were placed high for Sawyer to be exactly like them. He had to be a varsity athlete, join the Marines, and then go to law school. Instead he joined the Air Force Pararescue. He came back home right after to move out of his father’s and into a trailer on the outskirts of town. He had been working as a local fireman when it happened.


Emilia Wells - 24 - She/Her - Bisexual - The Rebel - #8085B9 - Victoria Pedretti - Caille
Emmeline is the product of a drug addict who can't get her shit together and a nonexistant father. Growing up school was a rough time, she knew just how mean kids could be, so she knew she had to be tougher. Em was a bright and witty student but that's all she was and not many people knew it. Instead of spending time crafting brilliant essays for herself she instead wrote A-worthy papers and sold them off for money. Em was resourceful but intimidating. Most people didn't bother to fuck with her. But due to her lack of money and having to pay the bills for a trailer her mother left her in, she did not go to college upon graduation. So instead Emmeline signed up for the Marines after high school and knew if she made it through she could get schooling paid for her. She took some time off after completing her mandatory service and has just been looking into social work programs.


Connor Bailey - 22 - He/Him - Heterosexual - The Newbie - #235372 - Rudy Pankow - Limeaid
One of the newer Stockbridge resident's, Conner and his family recently moved into the smaller town to open up their dentist office. Conner is more or less your average small town guy, He's outgoing, effortlessly charming in a disarming way, a little pretentious, and cocky. Still figuring out who he truly is and who want's the people of Stockbridge to see him as. A love of indie films, photography, and acoustics music. Conner has an unwavering belief that he's a complex being, and one of the most interesting people in a room. In reality he's about as deep as puddle. Conner was working at the 7-11 on the outskirts of town with his new girlfriend, the day almost everyone vanished.


Ollie Hwan - 20 - He/Him - Questioning - The Nerd - #004b49 - Park Min-Hyuk - partially-stars
Ollie's parents tried everything they could to give themselves and their family the best opportunities possible, to make up for the opportunities their parents couldn't give them. However, when you have a kid who's technically a genius with a penchant for mischief, a scary talent with anything that runs on code, and a seemingly endless reserve of energy... well, suddenly those priorities change to something more like "keep your kid out of jail". Ollie's parents did succeed in that, at least. But beneath the cheery, sunny, hyperactive Ollie most people know sits a number of dark secrets; ones he's afraid will be forcibly dragged to the surface with everyone else gone...


Lincoln Parish - 21 - He/Him - Homosexual - The Musician - #0E5D82 - Charlie Gillespie - Saphire
In a small town there's always the wild preacher's kid. Fortunately, Lincoln Parrish is one of the five kids in the Parrish family and the one in the dead center. Growing up in the worship team at the church, the male had a true love for musical performance. Sneaking out in high school with his friends to listen to music in the woods, he decided he wanted to do music for the remainder of his life and not the kind his parents approved. Which resulted in countless arguments before they suddenly disappeared...just like his band. He may not be the brightest, but by the time everyone disappeared he had received a letter from a record company, who had been interested in working with him.


Deirdre Worthington - 23 - They/Them - Bisexual - The Freelancer - #9D948D - Kaya Scodelario - Saracen_Rue
Deirdre had always been a bit odd throughout her school years, but not for what others may think. While their personality was always a bit unlike others, that tended to leave people with more questions than answers. There was one thing people couldn't deny. Deirdre was a fighter and always fought for the underdogs. Whether it was their friends or even their own hide. More often than not it would leave Deirdre waiting in the principle's office and their mother on the phone. And it often stayed that way until Deirdre was around seventeen. One night they seemingly got up, packed their things and left in the middle of the night. No one had heard word from them for years, until two years ago. An older, seemingly more jaded version of Deirdre had come back to town. Whatever and wherever they had gone had left Deirdre different, more grown-up and guarded than usual. But, since coming back to Stockbridge, Deirdre had picked up work at the local mechanic's shop while staying in one of the backroom's to help keep rent costs low. They had been at the bar the night everything changed and everyone disapeared...


Kayla Mendoza - 21 - She/Her - Heterosexual - The HBIC - #82aeb3 - Chamila Mendes - Caille
Micaela Mendoza was your typical head cheerleader who thought she ran the school. She was used to being pursued by boys who wanted her attention and used to girls asking her for advice in regards to hair and makeup. Most times she has sarcastic comments and jabs at people. She felt this pressure to be a bitch to people and couldn't help herself. Then there was the side of her that went to church. Her parents were heavily invested in Christianity, so that had meant bible school, Sunday Masses, etc. Here Micaela was more herself, she was helpful, kind, and only slightly sarcastic. After graduating high school Kayla did not pursue college, it was in the plans but she wanted to work more before she went, and then that turned to her doing voluntourism with the church up until she got pregnant. Currently, she is about seven months pregnant and since the disappearance of all the people in town, she has been incredibly on edge.


Benjamin Daniels - 24 - He/Him - Heterosexual - The Misfit - #298f5e - Cole Sprouse - xXxCryptic-AngelxXx
Being in Stockbridge was like being in one of those movies about small towns where everyone knew everyone. That included their secrets. Ben's father was a fourth-generation Stockbridger who decided it was time to leave his small town in search of his "destiny". He moved to California, met Ben's mother, started his career in the film industry, and had Ben. Things were going well until he was caught in a scandal that lost him his career. While trying to weather that storm, Ben's mother's condition was considered terminal. After she passed, Ben's father decided the best thing to do was to move them back to Stockbridge. Ben, a city boy, was now the new kid, but not quite. They knew his father and his family and the secrets about their family that he didn't. He struggles to fit in to this community of people who knew each other--and his family--practically since birth. He thought of leaving, but he couldn't leave his father behind. When everyone went missing he found himself with warring feelings. On the one hand, he loved and worried for his father who was now missing, but it also meant there was nothing tying him to this small town any longer... or was there?


Violetta Hardcastle - 23 - She/Her - Pansexual - The Journalist - #c27ba0 - Lucy Hale - xXxCryptic-AngelxXx
One of Violetta's first memories was getting to use her grandfather's camera while on a trip to the city zoo. Her grandfather said she had an expert eye even for one so young. He was one of Stockbridge Time's reporters, but he also wrote pieces for big magazines and newspapers. He was the one that inspired and promoted her interest in journalism and photography and she worked hard to make him proud. Currently an intern at the local newspaper, her dream is to one day leave her small town and explore the world as her grandfather had in his youth as an investigative journalist. Just before everyone disappeared, she was offered a chance to write a story for the city's paper. She had just returned from her trip when she realized something was wrong with her town. Her grandfather was missing... and so was everyone else. She vowed to get to the bottom of it to get her grandfather back... and to potentially write the story of her life that would land her in some big publications.


Junpei Kubo - 23 - He/They - Pansexual - The Pretty Bou - #3D1763 - Nakayama Satsuki - AbsoluteWhisper
Born to two first generation Japanese immigrants, one a teacher, and one an engineer, Jun’s life was moderately normal. His family never struggled monetarily, and until he reached his teen years, he was just seen as the somewhat shy, awkward, stand-offish kid in most of his classes. But he kept a secret close to his heart. All of his classmates, his parents, his siblings, they knew him as he had been born: female. He did his best to hide this part of himself for as long as he could, but he told his older brothers, and eventually his parents found out. Since then, his relationship with his parents became strained. He started presenting masculinely in school, and the bullying followed suit. His parents withdrew all emotional and physical support, and Jun was almost completely isolated by the time he graduated. Then, he disappeared. He went off to college across the country, and stopped initiating contact with the majority of his family and old classmates. One year after graduating with his degree, his father fell ill. With his two brothers unable to relocate and help take care of him, the responsibility fell on Jun, much to his father’s chagrin. Now back in Stockbridge, Jun is miserable. And then, everyone disappeared...


Tobias Green - 26 - He/Him - Pansexual - The Mechanic - #763320 - Brock O'Hurn - phoenixheart
Ever since graduating high school, Tobias, known by everyone as Toby (unless you're his mother and he's in trouble) has been working for his dad as a car mechanic. Toby is an absolute giant of a man and is aware of how intimidating he can be, especially in a small town where he sticks out like a sore thumb. He did sorta ok in school, his grades weren't anything spectacular, but he didn't flunk the entire thing either. Maybe it helped that he knew he had a job lined up for him the second he graduated. He was a little rebellious as a kid, staying out later than he should, back chatting the wrong people, sneaking alcohol from the cabinet, but nothing major. When he started high school, he'd spend the summer helping his dad out, taking on more responsibility as he got older and knew what he was doing. He might not have been the most academically gifted kid, but he could fix and restore cars like a duck takes to water. It might not be the most exciting life, but he was happy. And then everyone vanished.


Theodora Pawlak-Iraklidis - 25 - She/Her - Homosexual - The Jock - #F09444 - Rhea Ripley - AbsoluteWhisper
The summer before highschool, Theo grew almost six inches. She’d always been a big girl, and her interest in sports only grew with her. Upon finding out that her high school didn’t have enough people for a female football team, Theo asked to join the boy’s team. At first, she was denied entry by the coach, but after proving herself by having each and every current member of the football team fail to knock her down, he couldn’t say no. It wasn’t just football, she participated in a different sport every season, and did excellent in all of them. Her grades, however, struggled no matter how hard she tried, and she ended up being held back her freshman year. And given the fact that she was just going to work on her family’s farm after graduating, her grades didn’t matter much to her. Despite her intimidating size, spend a few minutes with Theo and you’ll find out she’s essentially harmless. Sweet, soft, and energetic are the first words that come to mind after interacting with her. But with her parents, along with most of the other people in town, being nowhere to be found, she had no idea what to do with herself.


Ren Han - 27 - She/Her - Bisexual - The Mystery - #681c2b - Amber Lou - therealmcdreamy
Ren had only been in town for a week before the disappearances occurred. To everyone else, she’s just a mystery much like what happened in town. Why is she here? Where did she come from? In truth, Ren has been moving from place to place ever since an incident occurred when she was just a small child. So far everyone has assumed she’s either a boy based on appearances or deaf on account of her mostly choosing to communicate via sign language for now. Other than that she had also just started as a DJ for the only club in town before everything happened.


Name - Age - Pronouns - Sexuality - Role - Hex - Face Claim - GrimmBones66(?)
Short character description here please.


- Game Modding: Very basic rule, keep power playing and god modding to an absolute minimum, and by that, I mean not at all. No one likes it when their character is taken control of by someone else. So please, refrain from this at all costs, unless specifically given permission by the other writer(s). Even then, would prefer not to. If you want quick responses in a scenerio, collab posts with other writers are a perfect opportunity for just that!

- Posting: This will be a slow based RP, so no rush at all! But, please make sure to post more than one sentence as a response. Preferably at the bare minimum is roughly 500+ words. Which equals up to about two or three paragraphs. Helps give enough material to work with! And if you need help, just ask. It's what I'm here for as GM.

- Mature Content: Seeing as to what the subject matter will be, as well as age range, these characters will be dealing with mature themes. Such as violence, death, drugs, sex, and many other things. So keep that in mind while considering joining. While obviously things will be relatively tame to abide by site rules, the over all acknowledgement of heavy and serious topics will be explored throughout. Therefore, characters must be, at the very absolute least, twenty (20) years of age, and their FC must be of said age as well. Meaning no FC's that are actually minors. Just because they may pass as being older, doesn't make it any less creepy feeling to have an underage FC (an actual person) put in adult themes. Let's just not do that, okay?

- OOC Drama: Last rule and honestly my least favorite. Please keep any and all OOC drama out of the RP and even overall. If you have a problem with another writer (myself included), do not make it a big ordeal or cause drama. Be an adult and act like one. Take it off site as well as DM's. We can handle things in a mature way without making the over all energy shift and become awkward. I'd honestly prefer to keep a line between things revolving around the RP itself, and OOC things. Makes sense, yeah? We're here to have fun and write together. Not cause out of story drama which can ruin a mood real fast. So, let's just avoid it as much as possible. Please and thank you. <3

Sheet credit goes to Phosphene

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[center][size=85][b]cs:[/b] phosphene - [b]fc:[/b] Here - [b]hex code:[/b] 00000[/size][/center]

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

13 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodora Pawlak-Iraklidis Character Portrait: Rowan Woods Character Portrait: Deirdre Worthington Character Portrait: Bea Clarke Character Portrait: Maximus Sawyer Character Portrait: Junpei Kubo Character Portrait: Ollie Hwan Character Portrait: Tobias Green Character Portrait: Kayla Mendoza Character Portrait: Ben Daniels Character Portrait: Veronica Finley Character Portrait: Emilia Wells

...and 1 others.

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Deirdre Worthington
The Freelancer | Attire | #9D948D
Rowan Woods
The Theorist | Attire | #5ABBE6

Two weeks. It had been two weeks since everything seemed to not only go to hell in a handbasket, but nearly everyone in the small town of Stockbridge had all but disapeared without a trace. Leaving only a handful of survivors in the form of a ragtag group of long time friends, and strangers. No one knew what happened, how could they, they were all asleep as everything seemed to go routinely like they always did. But when they awoke, the few remaining individuals found themselves to be the only ones left. And since then, things had somehow only gotten worse. As if everyone else in your hometown disapearing in the dead of night wasn't bad enough.

Even more random and strange happenings started around town, which seemed to only add to the already horror movie esque feeling everyone found themself in. Strange voices and sounds were heard down alleyways or streets when one wasn't looking, only to look and just barely catch sight of something before it was gone. Shadows appearing and disapearing in the blink of an eye. As abnormal and questionable it all was on its own, the added notion of everyone else being gone hadn't help any stress that found itself forming over the weeks that followed.

None of this made sense, and why should it have? How could hundreds, no nearly two thousand people, cease to exist without anyone noticing at all? There just wasn't any reasonable or logical reason or explanation. Which is what led to where the remaining group find themselves today. Within the past two weeks sine they found themselves the only survivors, so to speak, everyone had been doing their part in trying to find out something, anything at all at this point to help point them in the right direction. Leaving town wasn't an option, they all learned that the hard way. Sawyer having been the first one to volunteer himself to walk through the eery mist that seemed to hang around the outskirts of town. Only to find himself walking back where he started. Appearing to be in some endless loop. No matter what way Sawyer or any of the others tested it out, they would always return back from where they came. No one was getting out that way. Any connection or communication to the outside world of Stockbridge wasn't possible. Whatever unsteady connection they already had with the internet was gone. Any calls or messages sent either weren't able to be sent, or went unanswered. Nevermind getting any signal.

However though, after some rooting around, Bea and others had managed to find some walkie talkies in the Sherrif's office, and well, no one would be missing them. And even if anyone managed to show up, they doubted they'd be in trouble for using some manner of communicating with each other at least. Thank god that at least worked. Outside of that, the group had also managed to find another odd thing, the power, water, heat, and electricity seemed to remain. Meaning they hadn't a reason to worry about going cold or not having constant light or heat sources. However odd that also seemed. But nothing ever made sense in this town, even before everything went to hell.

Since then though, the group had also made secured locations throughout town. Starting with the local diner being made their daily meeting spot, where they would all show up at a designated time to report whatever findings they had that day. Usually there wasn't much to report on. Other than the same old answers half the time. The library had also been more or less Rowan's second home, considering how much time she spent there every day, trying to read as many books as she could, or search for any information that was potentially helpful to them. Often times being escorted to and from the library by Theo, as she often requested. Which, Rowan had finally relented, allowing her friend to help walk her to and from the old building in question. Which is where Rowan found herself now. Stacks of opened books all around her as she was busily scanning over yet another page. Eyebrows furrowed neatly together as she took in as much information as she could.

Only almost jumping out of her skin when she heard a sudden sound, before taking a steady, deep breath as she realized it was only the alarm on her phone going off. Alerting her that it was time to pack up, and head over to the diner. They'd be having another meeting today, even though Rowan knew it would just end with her rambling to the others, who were always disinterested as always with whatever she found. Slipping a few books into the leather backpack, Rowan tossed over her shoulder, and with one more look around the room, she grabbed her phone and exited the library. Quickening her pace as she made it down the side-walk. A cold gust of wind caused a shiver down her spine. As if the cold and dreary weather wasn't helping the already ghost town feeling Stockbridge had now, as if it didn't always have that feeling.

Rowan knew that the others would arrive shortly after she got to the diner, seeing as she was usually always one of the first ones to get there. Seeing as how she was often too eager as the others said. Truth be told she was, even if what she had to share wasn't much of anything knew. Hopefully the others had something better to share than she had. Rowan dug her hand into the pocket of her jacket, slipping out a set of keys as she enclosed the building up ahead. Skip's Diner, the old building said in bright neon colors. Rowan gave a soft sigh, pushed the key in and turned it as she stepped into the small building. Her eyes darting around, she never liked being alone in the establishment. It just never felt right to her, and she didn't know why.

Setting down her backpack on one of the booth's tables, Rowan flipped the light-switch, and the dull white flurecant lights above flickered for a moment, before stabilizing. She slipped into the booth, taking the spot alongside the window, as she took out her phone. Quickly sending a text to Bea, weirdly enough they could communicate with each other still, but everyone else was impossible to ever get a response from. Just as Rowan had sent the text asking where Bea was, a bang sounded on the glass window right next to her head. Causing her to jump once again. A loud and all too familiar chuckle sounded, as a figure slipped in through the main door, "Well you're here early." Rowan heard her friend chime. Rowan's eyes darted over to the darker haired individual, "I suppose so. But...Good afternoon to you too, Dre." she greeted softly. Deirdre gave a small smile and nod, sliding into the spot across the booth from Rowan, Afternoon, Ro. Guessing your trip to the ol' library was a bust?" they questioned, leaning back in the booth. Rowan simply responded with a small shrug of her shoulders. Unsure whether to burst any hopes anyone had just yet, or wait until they were all together again once more. For now she'd wait, at least at that point she could disapoint them all at once. That thought was for sure a comforting out...

16 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodora Pawlak-Iraklidis Character Portrait: Rowan Woods Character Portrait: Deirdre Worthington Character Portrait: Bea Clarke Character Portrait: Logan Park Character Portrait: Conner Bailey Character Portrait: Maximus Sawyer Character Portrait: Junpei Kubo Character Portrait: Ollie Hwan Character Portrait: Tobias Green Character Portrait: Kayla Mendoza Character Portrait: Ben Daniels

...and 4 others.

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Letta Hardcastle.
The Journalist | outfit. | #c27ba0.

Two weeks later and Letta still couldn't believe that her family was still missing. The anxiety surrounding her grandfather had hit quickly, but she was beginning to miss even her grandparents, as overbearing as they could be. When she first found them gone, she had taken their expensive car out for a spin, she ate whatever she wanted, slept in often, and wore whatever she wanted. But a few days into things, it got old quickly and she began to worry.

What helped to keep her from spiraling, were her friends and her writing. She was determined to figure out what happened to not only her family but her town as well. She wasn't the only one missing loved ones. Ben was missing his father, Bea was missing hers, and on and on. An evergrowing list of the missing.

That wasn't the only concerning thing about what was going on in Stockbridge. Those who were left, the survivors, reported seeing strange things around town. Things they couldn't explain. Their power would work, but they couldn't get any signals from outside of town. No radio. No tv. No cell signals. No internet. They were completely alone.

Letta stood in her room, shoving the things she needed into her satchel: her notebooks, her pens, a flashlight, and a few small "essentials" like chapstick, a small water bottle, and a granola bar. Tonight was another meeting of the survivors. Mostly to theorize just what might've happened to get them all into this mess, and how exactly they were going to get out of it. She looked forward to working with Rowan. She was an incredibly smart girl who always seemed to see things in ways the rest of the town didn't.

Before heading out of her bedroom, she grabbed her Canon Rebel DSLR camera, made her the cap was on tightly, before tossing the strap over her head and bounding down the stairs, shutting the door tightly behind her. She might be the only one living there, but if strange things were afoot in her town, she would like to know if they were cavorting in her bedroom. Plus, she made it clear that her home was open to those who needed it. The only way they were going to get through this thing is together.

She exited her home through the garage after checking every door leading to the outside was locked. She grabbed her rollerskates and shoved her socked feet into them, and rolled out, her boots held tight in one hand and her garage remote in the other. Just like that, she was off down her driveway and headed towards the diner.

She had stopped driving within the first week once they realized they couldn't reach the outside, or leave. If they weren't going to get any more gas, there was no point in wasting it when it could be used for other things in case of emergencies. Besides, this was a small enough town to get around in any way. Why not get some exercise in?

The air was chilly as she pushed her way through the empty streets. The sight still gave her the heebs. She was so used to the bustling of small-town life. Waving to the old man who owned the barbershop as he swept the hair from his floors. Or the produce woman who used to give her a free apple as she passed (if she was on foot or wearing skates). Both of them hadn't been seen since everyone else disappeared. The whole town was reduced to next to no one. She rubbed her arms, though she was warm enough under her jacket that she knew it wasn't from the cold. She could've sworn she was being watched.

Once the diner came into view, she sped towards it, hoping to chase whatever, or whoever was watching her. Or at the very least get enough distance that the feeling would leave her mind.

The ghosts of this town were going to get to her one day.

She reached for the door, pulling it open, swinging herself inside where she used her momentum to roll to a nearby table. Rowan and Dierdre were already there. The sight of the dark-haired, brooding... of Dierdre made her swallow the lump that formed in her throat. She quickly turned her attention to Rowan, giving her a peck on the cheek. "Hey, babe, sorry I'm late." She sat on the edge of the nearest vinyl seat and swapped her skates for her boots. Although I guess I'm early since it's just the three of us." She gave a nod to Deirdre by way of greeting.

She pulled out her phone and sent a request for an ETA to the rest of the group.

Ben Daniels.
The Misfit | outfits. | #298f5e.
Ben sat on his front porch, a lit cigarette between his fingers. He took a drag, holding it, and blowing out the smoke in a chemical cloud. He knew he needed to get going or he'd be late for the "meeting". Normally, he would assume that no one would even notice he was missing. But since he began working with Bea, Letta, and Rowan and investigating the town, recording his podcast episodes, if not for any other reason than to just document the goings-on of Stockbridge... he felt seen. He didn't realize how chafing that would feel until he was constantly being looked at and talked to. It had been a long time since he had that kind of attention on him and it was definitely an adjustment.

He took another drag, allowing himself a moment of stillness, to savor the silence. Their small rickety house just outside the neighborhood was usually quiet, especially since it was just he and his father, but there was just something about the stillness around him that he wanted to savor for another moment. It was also a moment of calm before he would be around Bea Clarke again.

She wasn't chaos by any means. She just... caused his body a little chaos. His heart races when he sees her. He talks a little too fast sometimes. His mind moving a mile a minute. He wants to impress her. He wants to be himself. He wants to make her laugh. He doesn't think he's very funny. He blew out another puff of smoke and ran a hand through his dark hair with a sigh. He needed to shake the feelings. Bea was too good for the likes of him. A Misfit. The boy without a mom and an unstable father, raised in the party scene and moved to small town, Massachusetts. He traded board shorts and cargo pants for jeans and leather jackets. Though, strangely enough... if he allowed himself to think about it, he actually prefers this life.

Camping under the stars with friends. Seeing Bea smile. Kayla's hugs and guidance. They liked Ben for who he was and not the money in his pocket or his father's career. Just... Ben.

He took one last drag as the lit end neared the butt of the cigarette before he flicked it into a muddy section of his front yard where it would be doused by the moisture. Last thing they needed was a forest fire when there weren't any firemen around. He released the smoke into the air, watching it dissipate before as it rose into the night sky. Time to go. He thought. He grabbed his flashlight, his phone, a walkie, and his old skateboard, and made his way into town.

He thought about taking it bike to the diner, but he tried to use it only for emergencies. Gas was all around him but he didn't feel like siphoning it until he had to. For now, he would just ride. He arrived at the diner just in time to see Letta Hardcastle barreling towards the door and swinging her way inside. Almost like she was running from something. Ben squinted into the night, only really seeing shadows. He prayed none of those shadows moved any more than a shadow should. He tried not to let it cause him any unease. Before he walked inside, he pulled out his phone, typed a quick text to Bea before heading in.

@ Skip's. cu soon. b safe

13 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodora Pawlak-Iraklidis Character Portrait: Rowan Woods Character Portrait: Deirdre Worthington Character Portrait: Bea Clarke Character Portrait: Maximus Sawyer Character Portrait: Junpei Kubo Character Portrait: Ollie Hwan Character Portrait: Tobias Green Character Portrait: Kayla Mendoza Character Portrait: Ben Daniels Character Portrait: Veronica Finley Character Portrait: Emilia Wells

...and 1 others.

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outfit - #7c8688
In all her years of living in Stockbridge, Bea had never known the town to be as quiet. Even at the dead of night, there was always something or someone around. But now, it was far too quiet. Far, far too quiet. Ever since the moment she'd woken up to a too-quiet town, she'd been waiting for something to happen. Her parents were gone. Everyone was gone. Until the texts had started coming through from the selected handful who were still there. She could have cried a little in relief when Rowan had texted her, soon followed by Deirdre, Toby, and Theo. And, of course, Ben. The whole situation was hard and terrifying, but at least she had all of them by her side to make it a little easier. She got lucky, with some of her favourite people in the world left by her side.

She'd taken to carrying her father's shotgun with her every time she left the house. She didn't know why, but it at least made her feel a little bit closer to him. He'd know exactly what to do in this circumstance. Bea tried to make sure that every decision that she made would make her father proud. She'd commandeered the Sheriff's Office, and people at least seemed to be respecting that. She'd gotten everyone sorted with walkie-talkies to allow them to communicate if their phones went down. She'd also stockpiled what she could of medical supplies, and kept them there, somewhere they could be at least controlled somewhat. She hadn't been so lucky with getting her hands on anything other than basic meds; it seemed that they had been one of the first things to disappear. Bea had all but taken over the role of Sheriff, it seemed, as protector of the people; although not in the ways she would have expected.

She swore softly to herself as she glanced down at her phone and realised the time. She was due to be at the diner soon, and she was still at the sheriff's station. She slung the shotgun across her back and began the trek across town. It was a pleasant trek, but not enough to relax her. It was only when her phone buzzed with a very specific text that she relaxed even the slightest little bit. There was a text from Letta, asking where everyone was. But what made her smile was the text from Ben, specifically to her, saying that he was already at Skip's. She fired back a quick response.

To: Ben
omw, be there in five :)

She hadn't known Ben for long, but in the time they had known each other, he'd already become one of a handful of people who could make her truly smile without even really having to try. He could always make her laugh without even really having to try. Nothing felt right in their current predicament, but when he was nearby, things felt... a little more right. She was truly glad that he hadn't disappeared as well.

She reached the diner and pushed the door open, waving to everyone who was already inside. "Hello, everyone," she called, sliding into a seat across from Rowan.

16 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theodora Pawlak-Iraklidis Character Portrait: Rowan Woods Character Portrait: Deirdre Worthington Character Portrait: Bea Clarke Character Portrait: Logan Park Character Portrait: Conner Bailey Character Portrait: Maximus Sawyer Character Portrait: Junpei Kubo Character Portrait: Ollie Hwan Character Portrait: Tobias Green Character Portrait: Kayla Mendoza Character Portrait: Ben Daniels

...and 4 others.

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View All » Add Character » 16 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Rowan Woods
Character Portrait: Bea Clarke
Character Portrait: Veronica Finley
Character Portrait: Maximus Sawyer
Character Portrait: Logan Park
Character Portrait: Ollie Hwan
Character Portrait: Conner Bailey
Character Portrait: Lincoln Parrish
Character Portrait: Emilia Wells
Character Portrait: Deirdre Worthington
Character Portrait: Ben Daniels
Character Portrait: Kayla Mendoza
Character Portrait: Letta Hardcastle
Character Portrait: Junpei Kubo
Character Portrait: Tobias Green
Character Portrait: Theodora Pawlak-Iraklidis


Character Portrait: Tobias Green
Tobias Green

The Mechanic

Character Portrait: Junpei Kubo
Junpei Kubo

The Pretty Boy

Character Portrait: Letta Hardcastle
Letta Hardcastle

The Journalist

Character Portrait: Kayla Mendoza
Kayla Mendoza


Character Portrait: Ben Daniels
Ben Daniels

The Misfit

Character Portrait: Deirdre Worthington
Deirdre Worthington

The Freelancer

Character Portrait: Emilia Wells
Emilia Wells

The Rebel

Character Portrait: Lincoln Parrish
Lincoln Parrish

The Musician

Character Portrait: Conner Bailey
Conner Bailey

The New Kid


Character Portrait: Conner Bailey
Conner Bailey

The New Kid

Character Portrait: Maximus Sawyer
Maximus Sawyer

The Daredevil

Character Portrait: Deirdre Worthington
Deirdre Worthington

The Freelancer

Character Portrait: Kayla Mendoza
Kayla Mendoza


Character Portrait: Rowan Woods
Rowan Woods

The Theorist

Character Portrait: Lincoln Parrish
Lincoln Parrish

The Musician

Character Portrait: Logan Park
Logan Park

The Outcast

Character Portrait: Tobias Green
Tobias Green

The Mechanic

Character Portrait: Veronica Finley
Veronica Finley

The Observer

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Conner Bailey
Conner Bailey

The New Kid

Character Portrait: Junpei Kubo
Junpei Kubo

The Pretty Boy

Character Portrait: Lincoln Parrish
Lincoln Parrish

The Musician

Character Portrait: Veronica Finley
Veronica Finley

The Observer

Character Portrait: Emilia Wells
Emilia Wells

The Rebel

Character Portrait: Rowan Woods
Rowan Woods

The Theorist

Character Portrait: Tobias Green
Tobias Green

The Mechanic

Character Portrait: Bea Clarke
Bea Clarke

The Investigator

Character Portrait: Letta Hardcastle
Letta Hardcastle

The Journalist

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