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Colosseum: A Fantasy Tale

Colosseum: A Fantasy Tale


A corrupt king rules a kingdom with an iron fist. He holds an annual tournament where people and slaves battle each other for a chance at a reward. freedom, wealth..maybe even a chance to overthrow the king.

6,468 readers have visited Colosseum: A Fantasy Tale since Gorman Conall created it.



The continent of Russataia is under the rule of a corrupt king that governs with an iron fist, most of his nation lives in poverty as he forcefully takes nearly anything they earn, others he captures and enslaves to work in his mines. The nation is cut off from most other civilization. It sits in the middle of an ocean with other continents miles upon miles away. None leave the continent after entering, not alive anyway as the king guards his borders and slays any who try to leave, very few are permitted in and once in they may never leave.

In the capital of Arcadium is where his palace resides as well as his famous Coliseum. Every year the king holds the great Russataian games where warriors from all over Russataia come to fight for wealth and glory!. Not all the participants battle for such boastful causes. The king enslaves many and forces them to battle for freedom. Others fight to free imprisoned loved ones, others for enough coin to survive. Some noble ones fight in place for the weak. However winning does not always guarantee any of that, for the king is corrupt.

Most of the continent is quite warm though the area surrounding Mt.Orion is cold and snowy


The king rules the kingdom with an iron fists, he takes what he wants from his people and gives nothing back. His guards actively take prisoners to work in his mines or to be arena slaves. Even the pettiest of crimes is punishable by death or torture and often ends in the arena, although some corrupt people get by with bribes. In addition to what some consider normal crimes you can be arrested for a great many things. Magic may only be used inside ones own home or designated areas which are generally training grounds or open areas though some magic is forbidden period. Disobeying the guards for any reason as well as taking part in any money making activity without giving an amount to the government set by the king. People secretly would love to see the king overthrown but they do not nearly possess the man power to do so. Talks against the government may result in public execution.


Magic exists though its not all that common in Russataia because of the restrictions the king imposes. Most people are born with the ability to use magic, but must study or train themselves to do so. It takes a lot of inner energy to use such power so all but the most powerful of mages generally only learn one school of magic. The major schools are as follow, other magic exists but is lesser known and less common.

School of Elements such as, fire, water, earth, wind, ice, electricity. etc.

School of Conjuration such as, Teleportation, object summoning. spirit summoning. etc

School of Alteration such as, Enhance strength, enhance speed, unlocking locks etc.

School of Transformation such as, Morphing objects, morphing self,

School of Divine such as, Healing, force fields,

School of Necromancy is outlawed in Russataia. but includes resurrecting the dead or calling forth demons.

Those are the major schools but many other types of magic exist, some legal others not.


The technology is what you would expect, all middle ages except for coal operated machinery. Some have been successful in inventing newer technology, but anything new is subject to inspection and confiscation of the government and possession of unknown weaponry is illegal.

Humans make up the majority with elves and dwarves close to second the cultures of the three however are roughly the same, humans are the only ones native to Russataia but the king has lived ages longer then any normal human and some are on their third generation, the true elven and dwarven culture may differ greatly but on Russataia they all cling to a single one. Other races live on Russataia as well but are much much less common. However animal, beast and monsters all inhabit Russiataia. Dragons and such exist but are very very rare. The king captures some creatures for use in the arena.

Colosseum games!

Multiple trees
The games take place through multiple tree's with a champion at the top of each of them, combatants can be switched through trees as events take place however the goal is to battle to the top and defeat that trees champion. Once that is done the winner receives prize money and a much bigger chance. The champion of each tree will battle it out for the chance to battle the grand champion if they should so choose. The winner of that fight, be it Genox or a newcomer will receive prize money, and something much more valuable. A single wish granted by King Egan himself. Wish for fortune, women, freedom. Almost anything is within the kings power to grant. A loss in the tournament does not necessary mean you are out of the running, certain events or fights may give a combatant a second chance.

Match Rules
Generally it is a no holds bar, normal matches are not to the death but death can obviously happen. The fight go's on until the other is unable to keep fighting or a judge stops the match and declares a winner. The arena is also normally outfitted with obstacles or traps.

Match Types

Normal: A single gladiator pitted against another in one on one combat.

Team: Two gladiators per team pitted agains't one another in two vs two combat.

Beast: A gladiator or two pitted against a beast or monster in a battle to the death.

Gauntlet: A gladiator or two pitted agains't a wave of lesser combatants. Usually criminals or untrained slaves.

Flag: Two teams of two battle it for a flag placed in the arena, the objective is to get the flag to your teams goal.

Death match: Any match can be declared a death match, if a death match is declared the combatants battle to the death. All matches vs a champion is a death match.

Arena Match Dice System

As we decided early in the RP that we were going to use a dice system for arena match's that I was in the process of creating. The dice system is ready to go and here is how it works. Please note that the following only applies to fights that take place INSIDE of the arena.

1: When a player is battling an NPC the fight progress's as it normally would. Gorman Conall controls the NPC.

2: When a player is battling another player in a non death match the outcome is decided by a dice roll thrown by the Gorman Conall and PMed to each of the combatants. The fight will progress normally so long as it ends with the dice roll outcome.

3: A player vs player death match will not take place without preplanning. If at anytime it does, the dice will not be used for it.

4: The dice used will be a 20 sided dice but may change depending on the map conditions. Advantages and disadvantages will be gained prior to battle. The chance rate is at default 50/50 or 10 to 10. However certain conditions change it. Perhaps one combatant enters the arena with an injury. The chances may change to 11 to 9 or further depending on the severity of the injury. More conditions do apply and will be explained prior to each match by Gorman Conall in the OOC

Rules and guidelines for joining

1: Be active, please if at all possible do not join unless you intend to stay with it. I like to see my RPs all the way through.

2: No god modding of any kind

3: Please try to write well, if you are not the best at spelling like me, use a spell check.

4: Be unique, if someone before you joined and has a certain power, don't make a character with the same power.

5: The RP will always be open and people will be able to join in progress, however you must have some understanding of what has happened. You should try to read the whole thing, but I will post summary's in the information station.

6: Time zones, I am in the EST timezone, its fine if you have a different timezone as long as its relatively close to the ones in the United States.

I myself will have control of the king and I may make some other characters. You may be whatever you want, a warrior, mage, someone who serves the king or even a peasant. Post a bio and I will have a look.

I put a lot of work in this, so if you are interested please join up.

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 7 Settings to roleplay in

Russataia, a fantasy kingdom

Russataia, a fantasy kingdom by Gorman Conall

The nation of Russataia


Arcadium by RolePlayGateway

The Capital of Russataia


MoonVale by RolePlayGateway

The magi city.


Zarwood by RolePlayGateway

A town on the outskirts of a great forest


Uldin by RolePlayGateway

The slave mining camp


Inchigo by RolePlayGateway

The port city


Zephyerline. by RolePlayGateway

The industrial city

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 15 authors

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#, as written by ReaperZ
Aylward watched as Genox stepped forward joined them in the alley. "You give yourself too much credit, Genox. I'm not foolish enough to believe that you would not know who I am. Or do you? I am no fool either, Egan was never truly the "king", all this time, was he? He was merely a puppet, and you the puppet master. If you wish to continue this reign of terror..." Aylward leapt up into the air, the wind pushing him up onto the roof of the nearest building. "Then you'd better make sure you don't go anywhere my arrows can reach you. Consider this a promise rather than a threat." Aylward turned and left with those words. His plans to talk to the Montale girl had been foiled by Genox's appearance, but there was always time to approach her later.

Aylward returned to his tavern, and sat near the window pondering the exchange between him and Genox. His plan would unfold soon enough, and he had made sure every last detail was taken care of, yet somehow a nagging feeling told him there were things he didn't yet see, and they could cost him his life, and the lives of all those who were in the rebellion. How ready was Aylward to take Genox on and come out victorious? Even Aylward himself could not answer the question.


Lucas snuck back into town and returned to his home in the slums. He laid on his bed, but could not sleep. The events of the past few days weighed heavily on his mind and he still remembered the question the Black Phoenix had asked him. Was he ready to pay the price for the power of his clan's guardian spirit? He glanced at his blade that stood leaning against the wall. It had now turned black, with the Phoenix's spirit residing the blade. Yet the added power to his blade was trivial compared to the true power that he would gain if he was willing to accept the Black Phoenix's deal. When would that moment come when he was forced to accept it, or had enough courage to do so? When he faced Genox?

The thought of Genox brought another disturbing query to his mind. If Genox was the true king all this time, who had brought about his existence? There was no one who could attain immortality without some sort of freak accident like Lucas had gone through or a powerful form of magic only the most powerful of beings could employ. There was certainly more to Genox's plans than to merely continue the reign of terror and keep his power rooted in Russataia. More was at stake, was any of them ready to face the fight that lay ahead?

If there is being who can stop this evil... Please come to our aid if you can hear this. Lucas called out silently in his mind, certain it remained just as a thought.

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Xilas awoke the morning after his first battle, fresh and ready to go. He gathered his things, bought a few days worth of food from the innkeeper, and waited until Dustin arrived at the tavern. When he did, they left the tavern together, ready for the journey to Moonvale. On the way out of Arcadium, they checked with the battle coordinator to see when the next battle was; they had about three weeks to spend in Moonvale for training, and then could return after their next fight for another two, giving them a total of five weeks they could spend improving their abilities.

The journey to Moonvale took all-in-all about two days on foot, occasionally hitching rides on the occasional friendly supply wagon. The duo spent their nights around a campfire, alongside the road. When they arrived at Moonvale, Xilas was stunned. The famous magi city was surrounded by huge brick walls, with a massive castle-like entrance gate. Traffic around the gate was heavy, a constant flood of people coming and going. The two got past the entrance without incident, and found an inn to set up residence at fairly quickly. They decided to go their own separate ways, searching for trainers in their individual schools of magic and meeting back at the inn nightly.

Xilas began his search at the Arcane University. The University was a city within a city, walled off from the rest. The entrance was a wrought-iron gate, inscribed with the phrase "Magic is Knowledge, Knowledge is Freedom". The buildings of the University were splendidly enormous constructions, towering far above the landscape. Each building represented the school of magic taught there: the school of fire had the look of a shimmering candle, the building of water like a rolling ocean wave, the building of electricity like a lightning bolt etc. Xilas looked and found the light magic building, shaped like a holy torch. He entered and found the coordinator, who sat in a large room in the front of the building, behind a desk, busily writing away with a quill drenched with ink. She looked up at Xilas as he entered, and asked him:

"Can I help you, young man?"
"Um, can you tell me where I could find a tutor in self-healing magic? I have some proficiency in it already, and am currently between matches for the Arcadium tournament, so I would like to spend the next few weeks improving."
The coordinator eyed him, up and down, as if analyzing his motives. She seemed displeased when he mentioned he was a combatant, but she gave him directions to a room on the third floor, where a healing tutor could be found. He made his way there, and opened the door on a room lined with books. It was a small, cramped room, no bigger than a small room in an inn. Sitting behind a desk opposite the door was an old man wearing the bright white robes of a master mage. His face was very masculine: defined chin, sharp, dark eyes, with dark hair that showed a surprisingly small amount of gray for as old as the man seemed. Xilas noticed something vaguely familiar in the man's face as he watched him scribble on a piece of parchment for a few seconds after he had walked in, but he couldn't pinpoint it. The man put down the quill, and looked up.

"Yes, how can I help y-"... the man cut off, mid-sentence, seeming shocked at who had entered the room. Xilas didn't know why, but the man looked like he had seen a ghost, his skin quickly growing pale. The man talked again after a short silence.
"It.. it can't be. I never thought I'd see you here in Moonvale, Xilas. I... I suppose I should welcome you... son."

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"Katrina Yuned, Brina Callon prepare for battle!"

Alexander looked over at Martin, who was seated next to him. "It'll be your turn after this one," He said, with a slightly disapproving look on his face.

"I know, I know," Martin mumbled as he ran a hand through his brown hair. If his hair had been black and cut slightly shorter, the younger Dreynon would've looked like an exact copy of the older brother, except for the eye color. He was dressed in a suit of brown and black leather armor, flexible enough to move his body easily. He also had a belt around his waist with a dagger and a sword similar to the one Alex carried.

Taking a look over at the royal box, he noticed Gabriella had still not come. Guess she faked an illness to avoid coming today, Alex thought with a little smile. He couldn't blame her, he really didn't want to be here either. Turning his gaze back to the arena, he tried to focus more on the coming match and less on his brother's fight.

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Gabriella was still confused about her meeting with the elf, but she put it behind her and made her way to the arena. Before she stepped on to the field she made sure that her mask was on tight and her hair was pitch black. As she heard the words, Katrina Yuned, Brina Callon prepare for battle!, her stomach turned. It wasnt that she was scared she would loose the battle, she had never been the center of so many people in a disguise. She walked out in her red leather armor and lifted her hands up in the air, the crown cheered loudly.

Her opponent appeared atop one of the large boulders in a puff of black smoke. She stood arms crossed with her hair in a tight bun, a smile crossed over her face as she saw that Gabriella was not carrying any weapons. Gabby grinned back at her knowing that most people would underestimate an opponent with out a weapon, but she had no need for one.

Brina eyed Gabriella for a few moments before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke, suddenly the similar clouds appeared around Gabriella sporadically in no specific pattern. Finally a final cloud of smoke appeared directly behind Gabriella and this time Brina was inside it and quickly lunged aiming her katana for the mage's back. As the smoke clouds started appearing Gabby quickly put a two inch wall of ice completely around herself, and turned in time to watch as Brina's katana got stuck in the ice wall. She then let all the wall melt except for where the sword was stuck. Gabriella stepped back and used the melted water to send a large wave at Brina.

The wall of water violently slammed Brina in to the sandy floor of the arena. As she began to stand back up she vanished once more reappearing on a large boulder in front of Gabriella. Suddenly a second Brina appeared on a boulder to Gabriella's right and a third one to her left. Of course only one was the real Brina but Gabriella didn't know which one. All three jumped down from the rocks and charged Gabriella. One aimed a high kick to her face, another a low sweep to her legs and the third a straight kick to her chest.

Gabby quickly formed a ice shield on her arm and ducked down low. The one that had kicked at her face went completely over top of her and the one that was aimed at her chest was deflected by the shield. Gabriella then sent a ice bolt at the leg that was attempting to sweep out her own legs but when it hit the fighter disappeared. Gabriella stood up and was face to face with the remaining two, she kept the shield on her arm and sent an ice bolt at each of them.

One of the ice bolts seemingly connected with Brina, but it was one of the illusions. As the ice bolt zoomed towards the real one she did a back flip kicking the ice bolt upwards. As she landed on her feet she caught the ice bolt in her hands and twirled it between her fingers for a moment before crushing it in her palm. Smoke enveloped Brina and she disappeared. There was no sign of her for a solid three minutes and the announcer had actually stood up to declare Gabriella the winner. However in that final moment she appeared directly behind Gabriella and grabbed her from behind holding a dagger to her throat and prepared to cut it open.

Brina smiled thinking that the victory was hers, but the smile soon turned in to a look of fear as her whole body became frozen in place. Because Brina had been so close, Gabby had been able to encase her body completely in ice. She easily slipped out of Brina's now frozen grasp, and took a bow as the crowd cheered on and she was announced as the winner. She lightly touched her face to make sure the mask was still there, and once she was assured that it was she defrosted Brina and made her out of the arena quickly.

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It took awhile but the preparations for the water field had been set in motion and the announcer stood and called out two more names. "Martin Dreynon, Cameron Dirgil. The time for battle is upon you!" the announcer called out.

At that moment Genox's head jerked. This should prove interesting." he said to himself as he once again set about walking the streets. His next visit was to the bard, to discuss the details of his offer.

Joseph sat in the arena lobby awaiting his match, he hadn't bother to watch the ones before his. They made him sick and nervous and right now he needed total focus. Especially since he was unlucky enough to be placed in the normal sand field again. Again he wouldn't have a lot of raw materials to work his magic on.

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For once, this fight perked Alex's interest a bit. It wasn't as common to see women fighting in the arena, and these two were definitely skilled, especially the mage. He was also curious as to why the mage was wearing a mask. Was she a well known criminal in disguise? Though he hadn't heard of the name Katrina Yuned, it could have eluded him. Seeing the end of the match though, he mentally eliminated the criminal element. It could also be a pretty well known person, possibly with a false name, He thought to himself while going through several people in his head, but not able to match the profile to this fighter. Or it could simply be a stunt for the crowd.

While he was debating this and whether to look into it, rather than attend the matches, he heard the announcer's voice call out.

"Martin Dreynon, Cameron Dirgil. The time for battle is upon you!"

Martin stood up and left the balcony to enter into the stands. Alex watched as he left, and could tell the younger brother looked rather nervous. Alex couldn't help feeling nervous either. This was his brother's first actual fight, and a lot of the participants were ruthless and blood thirsty. But seeing his opponent stand and walk through the crowd, his blood ran cold. A necromancer...


Since the gates were already submerged beneath the mass of water the gladiators actually had to enter through the stands. Cameron slowly and gracefully walked through the stairs beside the stands ignoring the cheering crowd. When he reached the edge he leapt down about ten feet, gracefully landing on one of the metal platforms directly below himself.

He tapped the bottom of the staff on the platform and the eyes of the skull lit up bright green. Some of the crowd actually gasped. After all under King Egan necromancy was outlawed, but Genox quickly lifted that restriction upon taking over the throne.

Martin waited a few moments as the necromancer made his way down before continuing down the steps on the other side of the arena. Waiting until he was at a safe height, he took a few running steps before propelling himself into the air and executing a flip before landing on the platform below on one leg and knee.

Pushing himself up he grinned at his opponent before unsheathing his sword. Eying his opponent he frowned slightly at the staff. A necromancer huh? I'm going to have to end this quickly. Stretching his neck from one side of the other, he watched his opponent carefully. Although he gave off the appearance that he wasn't ready, especially with his slight slouching look, he was quite ready for the necromancer.

The necromancer remained motionless for a moment and then took a few steps and walked directly on top of the water, he just stood there floating like a feather. A few in the crowd actually booed knowing that the necromancer now had a distinct advantage over the other warrior.

After a few more steps on the cold blue liquid he shook his staff and green balls began to emit from the skulls eyes and slowly form around Cameron, once around eight or nine had accumulated they shot at blinding speeds one after another straight for Martin.

Seeing the green balls flying towards him, Martin jumped backwards through the air, the first going dangerously close to him. Landing on his hands on the edge of the platform he swung himself down into the water, grimacing slightly at the iciness of the water as the rest of the energy balls went sailing over him. Pushing himself back up out of the water, he landed on his feet, his clothes now dripping with water. He shook his head slightly, his hair getting tangled a bit. Holding his sword out in front of him, he ran across the platform before jumping to another closer to the necromancer, all the while trying to formulate a plan.

"At least give me a challenge boy" Cameron hissed in a very supernatural voice. Many people in the crowd clapped their hands over their heads as his voice alone stung their ears. He reached out with his free hand and began to mumble incoherent words that pained the hearing of any who heard it. With each word he mumbled he attempted to drain the very essence of life out of Martin Dreynon.

Martin winced at the tone of the necromancer's voice, but continued towards the necromancer. Seeing the robed man raise his hand, he began sprinting in a zigzag fashion with various speeds, hoping to throw off what ever incantation his opponent might be trying.

Switching his sword to his other hand, Martin pulled out a dagger from his belt and skidded to a stop, his arm quickly retracting as if to throw the dagger. Instead, he disappeared from the spot he'd been standing in, appearing on a platform behind the necromancer, and flung his arm forward. He watched intently as the dagger sailed through the air, the intended target being the necromancer's heart.

The warrior seemed unremarkable, that's what the necromancer thought. But he quickly regretted underestimating him as the dagger sailed through his back and the tip of the blade appeared through his chest. He fell forward in to the water and sank beneath it. The crowd cheered as it had appeared that Martin had won. However things are not always as they appear to be on the surface. And not a single drop of blood appeared floating in the water.

Suddenly green tentacle like beams shot out of the water with a large splash. One wrapped tightly around each of Martin's arms and legs as well as his waist and throat. Underneath the water the beams were attached to the necromancer's staff and he was standing at the bottom of pool attempting to pull and drag Martin down with him.

The grin on Martin's face from his seemingly apparent win turned to shock as he was suddenly bound by the beams. To make it worse, the beams around his throat and waist were tight, forcing the air out of him. Gasping for breath, he twisted his wrist to bring the sword to the beam, before realizing it would do little good. Looking over at the next platform as his body gave way, he focused on the spot before disappearing and appearing on the metal. He fell to the ground due to being more intent on escaping than making sure he had a good orientation. Rubbing his neck, he stood up and looked down at the water.

"Are you going to stand down there all day, or are you going to come up here and fight me?" Martin yelled, with a slight taunting tone to it.

Cameron would have chuckled had he not been underwater but instead he slammed his staff in to the concrete which began to split in a zig zag pattern all across the arena. The water began to drain soaking in to the sand through the fissures and the metal platforms quickly became towers that started to crash to the ground including the one that Martin was on.

Through the fissures completely fleshless hands appeared frantically grasping on to the edges. Soon enough a dozen skeletons had crawled out from beneath the arena, reassembled from the bones of fallen gladiators. Each and every skeleton prepared to attack Martin though they had no weapons to speak of. However the Necromancer himself had fallen to one knee, his power was quickly thinning out.

Martin staggered as the ground shook, and the metal platform suddenly gave way. He could now see where the necromancer had been hiding, but he had to focus on making it down safely. The tower quickly made it to the ground and Martin jumped, short of either being thrown badly or falling with the tower, turning it into something of a roll as he hit the ground. Getting up, his hand instinctively went to his shoulder which had gotten injured in the impact.

Looking over at the necromancer, he prepared to attack, when he saw the skeletons standing up. Spinning around to see he was surrounded, he turned back to the necromancer to see his opponent was finally weakened. Tearing across the field, he put his shoulder down to slam into one of the skeletons, it's fragile frame knocked to the ground. Coming up close to the necromancer, he raised his sword in the air and jumped, bringing it down towards the robed man. Not waiting to see if it hit, he appeared behind the man, having changed his orientation by teleporting, he swung his blade at the man's head.

The blade sailed right through the necromancer's neck and his head came clean off, his body went limp and the summoned skeletons stumbled and began to crack and shatter into pieces.

Martin stepped back a bit as blood spewed from the man's lifeless body, looking somewhat disgusted as some made it onto his clothes. Martin looked up towards the stands as the deafening roar of the crowd followed, he raised his arms and yelled a victory cry as the crowd cheered. Turning back to the man, he took back the dagger before walking out of the arena.

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The announcer stood and declared Martin the winner but as the crowd did not cheer. The necromancers decapitated body was floating in midair and soon exploded in a flash of green light, when the blinding light had ceased a large green misty like skull shot from where the body was and whirled around the arena flying mere inches from the crowds faces. It shot upward in to the sky before coming back down with a loud roar that like the words of the necromancer stung the ears of those nearby by. It shot through one of the arenas set of steel doors blasting them apart like paper.

It whizzed down a few streets sending citizens fleeing to their homes until it hit one particular street that Genox was standing at the edge at. The green skull fly straight at him and Genox turned around to meet it. The skull connected with his chest disappearing in cloud of green smoke, the impact had knocked Genox on to his back. The champion stood up and brushed the dust from himself. "Suppose I overdid it that time.." he mumbled. "Interesting, the young one is every bit as skilled as his brother" he mumbled again.

Once the crowd calmed down and the arenas finished repairing the next two names were called out. "Joseph Moldentay, Diego Gashton. You're moment has come!"

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#, as written by Glor
Endymion had retired to his inn, awaiting the word form the castle to come. His nights were spent playing at the bistro. He did not have to infuse his music with magic. The crowds came just to see "The Bard" play. His reputation a grown in leaps and bounds as he knew it would. He had entertained offers from far and near, from rich families and guilds. He had turned them all down. The women that practically threw them selves at him however...he was enjoying this aspect of fame.

It had been awhile since Genox had made his "offer". Endy wondered when he was too hear from the King.

'Not that I am in a rush' he though, smiling while he tried to disengage himself from the brunette laying on his arm.

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After the match Gabriella quickly made her way back to her house and quickly climbed up to her room where she got changed into a nice white dress and making sure that her hair was the right color. She was exhausted from the fight but Joseph's fight was coming up soon and she needed to be there. Once she informed her maids that she was feeling better she hurried back to the arena. When she was there she got there Martin had just defeated the necromancer and they were getting ready for the next battle. She made her way to her family's booth and sat next to her father. He smiled when he saw her, "I'm glad your feeling better, your just in time to watch your betrothed fight."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." She smiled back but she was far more scared for Joseph then she had been during her own fight. Toya had a partner but Joseph was by himself and she did not have any clue about how powerful he was or how is odd magic worked. She sent out a silent prayer to the gods when she heard his name called.

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Joseph stepped on to the field for the first time since his preliminary match, back then there was no crowd but now every seat in the building was taking by a person thirsty to see blood be spilled. He looked up and seen Gabriella watching him from the royal balcony, curiously Genox however was not present. The other gate opened and Diego stepped on to the field. He was an orc all right and he filled every last checkpoint of the stereotype. Big, muscled, green, carrying a large weapon, and a bad haircut. The orc stood staring at Joseph before running his hand through his Mohawk and laughing as he held the battle axe over his shoulder.

Joseph looked down at the ground. Sand, freaking Sand! he thought to himself knowing how useless it was. He readied his staff and waited for the orc to make the first move. He didn't wait long as the berzeker charged him swinging the axe downward at his head. Joseph Blocked the strike with the staff and then deflected a side swipe from his opponent. The orc was overly aggressive and sent flurry after flurry of swipes and slash's at him that Joseph continued to block and deflect on the defensive. Finally seeing an opportunity he ducked one of the strikes and planted the end off his staff in the orcs stomach causing him to stumble backwards and give himself some breathing room.

Before the orc could retaliate Joseph snapped his fingers and a wall of glass shot up from the sand in front of him. The orc who was already running ran in to glass and briefly smacked up agains't it like a bird to a window. It was quite the comical scene and most of the crowd laughed and chuckled. The orc? he was not amused, with a roar he smashed the glass in to pieces and charged once more. Joseph stepped to the side and the orc tripped over his own feet and fell to the ground. Laughter again erupted through out the crowd and even Joseph cracked a smile.

The orc got up and roared in a furious fervor. His eyes turned red as if they filled with blood and the crowd went silent, it was the sign of a Berzeker's rage . The mean green machine threw down his axe and simply charged barehanded. Smacking away Josephs staff as he picked him up by the throat. His feet dangled furiously as the Orc tried to squeeze the life from his wind pipe. "Can..cant we talk this out?" Joseph gasped to which the orc replied by squeezing tighter.

Joseph waved his hand and two glass shards rose from the ground behind the orc and rose up through his vest picking him up off the ground. He dropped Joseph as he tried to free himself but the shards rose higher. Joseph took off running toward the arena wall while the orc slipped out of his vest and landed face down in the sand. Upon reaching the wall Joseph pressed his hand to it and suddenly the concrete began to leave the wall and form around Joseph. It formed a square backpack and coiled all around to his arm forming what appeared to be a cannon. Glass rose up from the sand and connected to the backpack creating a glass pipe leading from the sandy ground to the backpack.

As the orc charged again Joseph aimed his stone cannon arm at the orc and suddenly Sand began to flow through the pipe to the backpack. Sand shot out of the cannon in a blazing fast stream in to the orc. The sheer force of it brought him to a stop as he tried to force his way through it. Soon the orc could not be seen inside of the sand stream and when it ceased the orc was completely buried underneath thousands of pounds of sand.

Snapping his fingers some of the sand parted revealing the orcs face so he could breath, but the sand was being held together by Josephs magic so the orc could not move. "YOU BASTAAAARRRRDDDD ILLL KIIIIIILLLLL YOOOUUUU" The orc roared as Joseph was declared the winner. Before he could get the pack off however it exploded it to a cloud of sand, when the dust settled Joseph was found laying on his back, his skin barely recognizable between the sand stuck to his face. He walked off the arena hoping to find a place to wash himself as the crowd was laughing once more, this time at him instead of the orc.

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#, as written by ReaperZ
Lucas was watching the last match in Aylward's stead. Since Genox already knew who Aylward was, he did not want to risk causing any bloodshed by appearing at the arena. Lucas chuckled as Joseph put on a rather comical fight and made short work of the orc, and for once not killing his opponent. His abilities, however, intrigued Lucas. Perhaps the man would be able to assess Genox's abilities and tell them more. After all, they were at a disadvantage not knowing the true extent of Genox's powers, and his weaknesses. On the other hand, Genox seemed to know all about each one of them who were rebelling against him and what the former king stood for.

Leaving the stands, Lucas snuck around to the gate of the arena, where Joseph was making his exit. The man was covered in sand, and looking for place to wash it off. Lucas walked up to him casually and pointing to the area where the animals used in the games were kept, called out to Joseph. "Joseph, was it? There's a small well in the cage area where the beasts are kept that they use to draw water for the animals to drink. And when you're done washing up, perhaps you could help me with something as well?"

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"Yeah, of course thanks" Joseph replied and went to clean himself. He splashed the water over his face but the sand was stuck on pretty well, he nearly rubbed his face raw to get it all off. After dusting his cloths off he stared in to his reflection in the water. All things considered he had done pretty well, he moved his hand through the water as Gabriella crossed his mind. He wondered what she thought of him not that she had seen him in action. Snapping back to reality he remembered the stranger wanted to speak to him. He returned to gate and approached the man. "What can I do for you?" He said politely.

Meanwhile Genox had finally sought out the bard at a nearby inn. "Have you pondered my offer well?" He asked the bard.

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#, as written by ReaperZ
"I saw you in battle and thought perhaps you might be able to answer some questions." Lucas replied simply. "Regarding Genox. You can probably tell he's no normal man, and I want to know if you could determine what kind of magic he has or how he is able to sustain his immortality."

He laid the words simple and bare before Joseph, but his hand was ready to reach for his sword should Joseph even attempt to attack him.


Aylward was waiting outside the arena, at the gates where the Montales would exit from. He was wearing a simple disguise. Anyone looking closely would realise who he was, but he was blending in with the crowd, and so far three patrols had already missed his presence. How long would his luck hold out? The last match should have ended by now, and the Montales would undoubted be making their exit soon.

Just then, a couple of guards pointed at Aylward, whispering to each other and casting glances at him. Aylward noticed this and immediately left for an alley. The guards followed without raising an alarm. Big mistake on their part. "Freeze! And don't you try reaching for your bow, elf." One of the guards yelled. Turning around, Aylward saw that one had a crossbow leveled at him while the other was approaching with his sword drawn. The alley was small, and the crossbow would be useless once the other guard was in the line of fire. Aylward merely waited for him to get close enough.

"Alright, you're under arrest, rebel. Come wit-"

The guard's words were cut short as Aylward swung his palm out and placing it on the guard's breastplate, fire a strong bolt of wind which blasted through the man's armor and left a huge hole in his chest, where his heart would be. The guard's body flew through the air and hit the other guard with the crossbow. While the guard was still on the floor, Aylward propelled himself on to the roof of the building, where he wielded his bow and nocked an arrow. As the remaining guard pushed his dead comrade's body off of him, Aylward let it fly straight as his face. The guard had no time to react as it sailed through his eye. The alley was covered in blood of the dead guards, and Aylward left hurriedly. Once the other patrols found the bodies, the area would come under lock down as the guards searched for him.

Aylward decided against returning to the inn, suspecting that Genox had already found out where he took refuge. Fortunately, he had already made preparations for such an occasion. Jumping back down to the street level, he headed for the city's subterranean sewers and making his way through the complex system of tunnels, reached a small tunnel he had dug out. He went down the tunnel and appeared into a spacious cavern where a simple cot and other daily necessities laid spread out on small makeshift shelves. Placing his hand on a rune on the wall, the entrance of the tunnel sealed magically shut, appearing to be a wall of rock to outsiders, and prevented anyone from simply falling through.

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As soon as the last match ended, Alex and his family left the balcony, meeting Martin on the way back from getting cleaned up.

"Go on ahead without me, I'll be home soon," Alex said to the rest of his family. His father looked at him before replying with a nod. Alex watched as his family made their way out before he walked down the halls, making his way through the people gathering outside. Stopping outside the entrance to the royal box, he briefly checked over his appearance before looking towards it.

"Hope I didn't miss them," He mumbled quietly to himself, thinking of Gabriella. Peering around, he tried to see if he could spot Genox in the crowd. He hadn't seen him on the royal balcony before, and he didn't want to run into him coming back.

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"Just rumors" Joseph began. "I'm not from Russataia so I probably know less of him then you do, I had an..interesting confrontation with him once, I managed to escape but I haven't seen him since." Joseph continued to dust his pants off a bit. "Suppose if I'm lucky...or unlucky rather that I may meet him again, in the arena.." He laughed nervously.

Joseph leaned up against the wall beside him a bit. "Maybe if I could study him a bit more I could figure out who or what he is, my knowledge of magic far surpasses my ability to use it." Joseph pulled the goggles off his head and began to wipe them clean with his shirt. "Why do you ask?"

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Josephs match had been amuseing and very interesting, she could still not figure out what kind of magic he had been using. Gabriella was very happy at the outcome and walked out of her families booth with almost a little skip in her step. She had done great in her match, Alex's little brother had won and so had Joseph. She had snuck out of the booth while her family was distracted with socializing, when she almost ran into Alex himself.

She smiled at him, "We have to stop running into each other like this."

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"Definitely, I wouldn't want to knock you down like I almost did the other night," He said, a smile on his face. She's beautiful when she smiles, went through his mind, his thoughts drifting slightly.

"I see your fiance has joined the games. I haven't seen any magic like his before," Alex commented, and inwardly wondered whether this man Joseph might be able to defeat Genox. "I wonder if he'd be able to.." He hesitated, looking at Gabriella wondering whether to bring it up. "I'm surprised he joined the games, since he was engaged to you already," He said, interrupting the previous thought.

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#, as written by Arige
Lairn finished watching the match’s then he had his wounds stitched and cleaned. Lairn walked back to the inn where he found Arige still in the spell that gave him control over him. Arige released control back to Lairn. As Lairn came back to his senses he was nearly overwhelmed by the pain that had been caused to his body he fell to the bed and blacked out. Arige stood up and reclaimed his sword from Lairn’s belt.
“You have done well,” Arige said as he walked out the door to the first floor of the inn.
The time is almost here,’ Arige thought to himself.

(The second day of the tournament)

Arige walked the streets until night had fallen. There was almost no light tonight because the clouds were blocking out the moon and half of the candle lights had been blow out by the wind. This night was going to be a slaughter. Arige continued to walk down the street until he found an inn called the Almond Tree and walked inside. There were two guards and one officer sitting in one of the corners drinking ale, four men sitting at the bar, one man sitting at a table eating what looked like venison, one innkeeper serving drinks to the four men sitting at the bar. There may have been more people up stairs sleeping but Arige did not know for sure. Arige turned around facing the door.

“Ruza’dehta tpira,” He whispered placing a curse on the door that would cause anyone that touched it to die by every bone in their body breaking slowly. Arige walked up to the three guards and unsheathed his sword. The three guards quickly jumped up and unsheathing their swords at the same time.

“KILL THIS FOOL!” One of the guards yelled. Arige smirked. “Ruza’bihnt!” All two of the guards fell to the ground dead, the one in the middle tried to swing his sword at Arige only to find out that Arige’s sword was pinning him to the wall. The man that had been eating had just made it to the door. As he touched the door the room filled with the sound of screams and hundreds of bones breaking at once. Two of the men that had been sitting at the bar drew their swords and began to charge at Arige. At the same time the two other men turned and ran up the stairs to the rooms and the innkeeper was right behind them. Arige turned and looked directly at the two men that was charging at them and raised his arm towards them.

“Ruza’puzat!” Both men were thrown in the air along with all the tables and stools that were in front and behind them. The two men struck the wall behind the bar. They survived the impact but were impaled to the wall by some of the tables and stools that were pushed with them. Arige pulled his sword from the guard and ran up the stairs. There were two doors on both sides if the second floor and a small table with a flower vase on it at the end of the hall. Arige walked to the first door to the right and held his arm up to it. “Ruza’puzat,” The door flew open with the sound of cracking wood. The room was a small room about ten feet by nine feet and had a small bed at the end of it. But there was no one in it. Arige walked to the first door on the left and opened it the same way he opened the one on the right. This room looked the same as the last one except for the little boy and his mother. The mother must have heard Arige break down the other door because she was standing in front of her son with a dagger ready to defend her son. Arige smiled walked back down to the first floor of the inn. He drained the two men that were hanging from the wall and walked outside. When he walked outside he stood in front of the Inn.

“Phyi’brumia blesssit!” The entire first floor of the inn burst into flames quickly engulfing the whole building and setting the buildings around it ablaze. Screams and smoke quickly filled the night.

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#, as written by Valor
After their battle, Avis had carried Toya back to the Montale estate, letting the maids fuss over himself and his brother and deal with their injuries. Most were worried for Toya's state, seeing as he was pretty much ready to pass out, but after Avis explained what he'd done - then they knew that they just had to let him rest. Toya slept for the rest of the day, while Avis had his shoulder seen to, the puncture from the rusty dagger having been patched up as best as possible. They had some ailment that reduced the pain from it, which definitely helped.
He was thinking about returning to the training room, but was advised not to, the others having wanted him to rest like his brother.

The next day, they did not see Gabriella at all either. The maids said that she was ill, and shouldn't be disturbed, so the boys continued with their training now that they both felt alot better. They even missed her appearing to go to the games. Either way, they continued to work hard, working on more ways of fighting an enemy as a team, rather than divide and conquer - the tactic that seemed to have worked so well in the previous match. Both brothers knew that it was definitely going to be harder the further into the games they got. But after that first match, the brothers seemed to have found a new confidence - that they might actually be able to make it to the end of the tournament, even if it was still early days at the moment.
Toya was going to need alot more work with his electricity though if they were going to get any further. He wasn't going to be able to use that kind of wave of energy in the middle of a match and keep fighting strong without more training with Gabriella.

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#, as written by ReaperZ
"Need you ask? Because I hope to end his existence one day and truly free our people." Lucas replied. "My immortality came by chance and fate, and I find it hard to believe a human could find or control strong enough magic to grant immortality to Genox. There's something else at work in this country... And the more we know about it, the better."

A shuffling of feet could be heard as slaves entered to clear up the area and handle the dead bodies. Lucas knew he could not be found here. "I'll have to take my leave, but do consider what I've said. You will find me in the slums should you ever need to find me, though I suggest discretion when you do." He flattened himself against to listen for sounds of other people outside the room they were in. He could hear none. "Farewell, Joseph, and good luck with your research."

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#, as written by Glor
Endymion got up and swayed to the door, responding to the gentle knocking. The gentle knocking sounded like kettle drums. It had been a long night. The blonde in the bed didn't even stir.

Endy opened the door, expecting breakfast. The inn keeper was standing there nervously.

"My pardons Master Ba..." he looked at Endy's privates and quickly looked away. Endymion looked down too, realizing he was naked, and smiled.

"Yes, Joshua, what is it?" the bard said groggily. "Bring breakfast up as usual..and extra caffe."

"Um yes sir, um I , um well sir I will but, ah, um, sir, The King is down stairs and wants you right away."

Endymion came quickly awake. "Downstairs? Shiet" He hurredly got dressed and made his way shakily down the stairs.

"He can't send a messenger?" thought Endy...

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Gabriella smiled sweetly she wished she could tell Alex the truth, that Josephs engagement had just been a huge fraud just so the she could have more time as a free woman. Alas she could not tell anyone because the amount of trouble he would get into with her father would be worse then fighting in the arena. "He had signed up for the games before we were engaged and it would be most dishonorable to draw out of a fight, not to mention illegal." She chuckled. "If every fight goes like today's then I don't think it will be an issue."

She wondered if he had watched her fight earlier and it took every bone in her body to not brag about. "What were your thoughts on the other fights, your brother did quite well versus that necromancer, and I heard about another fight between a mage and a ninja. I would have loved to see it, but I was feeling ill from yesterdays fighting and was not able to get of bed, until just before Josephs fight."

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Alex laughed a little. "And here I thought you might've been faking it. I did that a few times during the years." He wondered absentmindedly if she had faked being ill, but shown up for her fiance's fight or whether she really had been ill.

"I have to admit, the mage vs ninja was one of the more interesting fights I've seen this year," He said. "It's not as common to see women fighting in the arena, and not as highly skilled either. Especially the masked one.." He trailed off, wondering who it could possibly be underneath the mask, and whether he could find out.

"At least you weren't present for my brother's fight, what happened at the end might have scared anyone off," He commented, the look on his face not an entirely pleasant one as he recalled the event. "He still has a long way to go."

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Russataia, a fantasy kingdom

Russataia, a fantasy kingdom by Gorman Conall

The nation of Russataia


Arcadium by RolePlayGateway

The Capital of Russataia


MoonVale by RolePlayGateway

The magi city.


Zarwood by RolePlayGateway

A town on the outskirts of a great forest


Uldin by RolePlayGateway

The slave mining camp


Inchigo by RolePlayGateway

The port city


Zephyerline. by RolePlayGateway

The industrial city

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View All » Add Character » 28 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: King Egan Hartile. *The Black Tiger*
Character Portrait: Gabriella Montale
Character Portrait: Genox Vandilson
Character Portrait: Joseph Moldentay
Character Portrait: Toya and Avis Grace
Character Portrait: Dustin
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait: Endymion Krewe
Character Portrait: Milo Black
Character Portrait: Arige Darkwater
Character Portrait: Aylward Kelindal
Character Portrait: Lucas Alosia
Character Portrait: Xilas Mordred
Character Portrait: Alexander Dreynon
Character Portrait: Gavin Arulieus
Character Portrait: Doris Decrae Delix


Character Portrait: Gavin Arulieus
Gavin Arulieus

Being from the Ancient blood, his revenge was long over-due. His power in need of satisfaction by price of death and blood!

Character Portrait: Alexander Dreynon
Alexander Dreynon

Alex is a master swordsman and skilled in fire magic and secretly plans to end the king's reign.

Character Portrait: Xilas Mordred
Xilas Mordred

Farmboy warrior

Character Portrait: Lucas Alosia
Lucas Alosia


Character Portrait: Aylward Kelindal
Aylward Kelindal

Elven Rebel Archer

Character Portrait: Arige Darkwater
Arige Darkwater

He is a very powerful man who has turned to the ways of dark magic.

Character Portrait:


Character Portrait:

Character Portrait: Arige Darkwater
Arige Darkwater

He is a very powerful man who has turned to the ways of dark magic.

Character Portrait: King Egan Hartile. *The Black Tiger*
King Egan Hartile. *The Black Tiger*

A corrupt weretiger king that rules over Russataia

Character Portrait: Toya and Avis Grace
Toya and Avis Grace

Neko twins just trying to get by in life.

Character Portrait: Lucas Alosia
Lucas Alosia


Character Portrait: Aylward Kelindal
Aylward Kelindal

Elven Rebel Archer

Character Portrait: Gabriella Montale
Gabriella Montale

A powerful ice mage bound by the rules of society and family.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Dustin

Excellent swordsman and a freelance resistance member...

Character Portrait: King Egan Hartile. *The Black Tiger*
King Egan Hartile. *The Black Tiger*

A corrupt weretiger king that rules over Russataia

Character Portrait: Xilas Mordred
Xilas Mordred

Farmboy warrior

Character Portrait:

Character Portrait: Genox Vandilson
Genox Vandilson

The reigning arena champion for the last 20 years. Seemingly immortal

Character Portrait: Toya and Avis Grace
Toya and Avis Grace

Neko twins just trying to get by in life.

Character Portrait: Joseph Moldentay
Joseph Moldentay

A magical engineer from a foreign a land

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Russataia, a fantasy kingdom

Russataia, a fantasy kingdom by Gorman Conall

The nation of Russataia


Arcadium by RolePlayGateway

The Capital of Russataia


MoonVale by RolePlayGateway

The magi city.


Zarwood by RolePlayGateway

A town on the outskirts of a great forest


Uldin by RolePlayGateway

The slave mining camp


Inchigo by RolePlayGateway

The port city


Zephyerline. by RolePlayGateway

The industrial city


A town on the outskirts of a great forest

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